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Global Change Biology (1997) 3, 279–289 CO 2 -mediated changes in aspen chemistry: effects on gypsy moth performance and susceptibility to virus RICHARD L. LINDROTH,* SHERRY ROTH,* ERIC L. KRUGER,² JOHN C. VOLIN‡ and PATRICK A. KOSS * *Department of Entomology, 237 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA, ²Department of Forestry, 1630 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA, Division of Science, 2912 College Avenue, Florida Atlantic University, Davie, FL 33314, USA Abstract We investigated the effects of long-term CO 2 enrichment on foliar chemistry of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and the consequences of chemical changes for performance of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and susceptibility of the gypsy moth to a nucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV). Foliage was collected from outdoor open-top chambers and fed to insects in a quarantine rearing facility. Under enriched CO 2 , levels of leaf nitrogen declined marginally, levels of starch and phenolic glycosides did not change, and levels of condensed tannins increased. Long-term bioassays revealed reduced growth (especially females), prolonged development and increased consumption in larvae fed high-CO 2 foliage but no significant differences in final pupal weights or female fecundity. Short-term bioassays showed weaker, and sex-specific, effects of CO 2 treatment on larval performance. Correlation analyses revealed strong, negative associations between insect performance and phenolic glycoside concentrations, independent of CO 2 treatment. Larval susceptibility to NPV did not differ between CO 2 treatments, suggesting that effects of this natural enemy on gypsy moths are buffered from CO 2 -induced changes in foliar chemistry. Our results emphasize that the impact of enriched CO 2 on plant–insect interactions will be determined not only by how concentrations of plant compounds are altered, but also by the relevance of particular compounds for insect fitness. This work also underscores the need for studies of genetic variation in plant responses to enriched CO 2 and long-term population-level responses of insects to CO 2 -induced changes in host quality. Keywords: elevated CO 2 , herbivory, Lymantria dispar , Populus tremuloides, secondary compounds, tritrophic interactions Received 9 July 1996; revision accepted 15 October 1996 Introduction Trophic interactions and cascades are increasingly recog- and ecosystem structure and function not only directly, by nized as playing pivotal roles in ecosystem dynamics. Of affecting plant productivity, but also indirectly, by altering these interactions, herbivory is of singular importance, as plant chemistry and trophic interactions. Over the last it controls the flow of energy and nutrients from plants to decade, evidence has accumulated that growth under high higher trophic levels. The process of herbivory is itself CO 2 concentrations increases the C:N balance of plant tis- strongly affected by the chemical composition of plants, sues. Levels of foliar starch and nitrogen typically increase which in turn is influenced by the availability of critical and decrease, respectively (Lincoln et al. 1993; Watt et al. resources (Bryant et al. 1983; Coley et al. 1985). One such 1995; Lindroth 1996). More recent research with woody resource is CO 2 , levels of which are increasing at a rate of plants suggests that levels of phenolics, especially tannins, 0.5% per year (Watson et al. 1990). may also increase (Roth & Lindroth 1995; Lindroth 1996). Enriched atmospheric CO 2 may thus alter carbon cycling Given that variation in concentrations of foliar constitu- ents can influence herbivore performance, CO 2 -mediated shifts in plant–insect interactions are likely to occur. A Correspondence: Richard L. Lindroth, fax 11/608-262-3322, e-mail [email protected] growing number of studies shows this to be the case. CO 2 - © 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd. 279

Global Change Biology (1997) 3, 279–289

CO2-mediated changes in aspen chemistry: effects ongypsy moth performance and susceptibility to virus

R I C H A R D L . L I N D R O T H , * S H E R R Y R O T H , * E R I C L . K R U G E R , † J O H N C . V O L I N ‡ andPA T R I C K A . K O S S *

*Department of Entomology, 237 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA,†Department of Forestry, 1630 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA, ‡Division of Science, 2912College Avenue, Florida Atlantic University, Davie, FL 33314, USA


We investigated the effects of long-term CO2 enrichment on foliar chemistry of quakingaspen (Populus tremuloides) and the consequences of chemical changes for performanceof the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and susceptibility of the gypsy moth to anucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV). Foliage was collected from outdoor open-top chambersand fed to insects in a quarantine rearing facility. Under enriched CO2, levels of leafnitrogen declined marginally, levels of starch and phenolic glycosides did not change,and levels of condensed tannins increased. Long-term bioassays revealed reduced growth(especially females), prolonged development and increased consumption in larvae fedhigh-CO2 foliage but no significant differences in final pupal weights or female fecundity.Short-term bioassays showed weaker, and sex-specific, effects of CO2 treatment on larvalperformance. Correlation analyses revealed strong, negative associations between insectperformance and phenolic glycoside concentrations, independent of CO2 treatment.Larval susceptibility to NPV did not differ between CO2 treatments, suggesting thateffects of this natural enemy on gypsy moths are buffered from CO2-induced changesin foliar chemistry. Our results emphasize that the impact of enriched CO2 on plant–insectinteractions will be determined not only by how concentrations of plant compounds arealtered, but also by the relevance of particular compounds for insect fitness. This workalso underscores the need for studies of genetic variation in plant responses to enrichedCO2 and long-term population-level responses of insects to CO2-induced changes inhost quality.

Keywords: elevated CO2, herbivory, Lymantria dispar, Populus tremuloides, secondary compounds,tritrophic interactions

Received 9 July 1996; revision accepted 15 October 1996


Trophic interactions and cascades are increasingly recog- and ecosystem structure and function not only directly, bynized as playing pivotal roles in ecosystem dynamics. Of affecting plant productivity, but also indirectly, by alteringthese interactions, herbivory is of singular importance, as plant chemistry and trophic interactions. Over the lastit controls the flow of energy and nutrients from plants to decade, evidence has accumulated that growth under highhigher trophic levels. The process of herbivory is itself CO2 concentrations increases the C:N balance of plant tis-strongly affected by the chemical composition of plants, sues. Levels of foliar starch and nitrogen typically increasewhich in turn is influenced by the availability of critical and decrease, respectively (Lincoln et al. 1993; Watt et al.resources (Bryant et al. 1983; Coley et al. 1985). One such 1995; Lindroth 1996). More recent research with woodyresource is CO2, levels of which are increasing at a rate of plants suggests that levels of phenolics, especially tannins,0.5% per year (Watson et al. 1990). may also increase (Roth & Lindroth 1995; Lindroth 1996).

Enriched atmospheric CO2 may thus alter carbon cycling Given that variation in concentrations of foliar constitu-ents can influence herbivore performance, CO2-mediatedshifts in plant–insect interactions are likely to occur. ACorrespondence: Richard L. Lindroth, fax 11/608-262-3322,

e-mail [email protected] growing number of studies shows this to be the case. CO2-

© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd. 279

280 R . L . L I N D R O T H et al.

induced shifts in foliar chemistry elicit changes in insect nitrogen but increase levels of starch, phenolic glycosidesand/or tannins, in aspen leaves.survival, feeding and growth rates, and food utilizationH2 Performance of larvae reared on high CO2 foliage willefficiencies (Lincoln et al. 1993; Roth & Lindroth 1995; Wattdecline, as indicated by prolonged development andet al. 1995; Lindroth 1996). The magnitudes of effects ondecreased growth, fecundity and food utilization effici-both plants and insects vary, however, in relation to theencies. Food consumption and nitrogen utilization effici-availability of other required resources (soil nutrients (Kin-encies will increase.ney et al. 1997), water (Roth et al. 1997)), and differ amongH3 Susceptibility to virus in larvae reared on high CO2plant and insect species (Watt et al. 1995; Lindroth 1996).foliage will decrease.To date, nearly all studies on the effects of enriched CO2

on plant chemistry and insect performance have relied onshort-term studies using potted plants (typically grown in Materials and methodsenvironmental chambers) and short-duration bioassays.Such research has been invaluable in providing insight Plant materials and treatmentsinto various patterns of responses. The need is increasing,

Quaking aspen were propagated from a half-sib seedlothowever, for studies conducted with plants grown underacquired from the NorthCentral Forest Experiment Sta-more natural conditions and utilizing bioassays of longertion, Grand Rapids, MN, USA. Seeds were germinated induration. Moreover, exceedingly few studies have consid-a glasshouse in April 1994, and in early May germinantsered how CO2-mediated changes in plant chemistry maywere transplanted to eight large (4.7 m diameter, 3.6 malter the dynamics between insects and their natural enem-height) open-top chambers located at the West-Madisonies. Research addressing these considerations is needed toExperimental Farm (University of Wisconsin, Madison,further improve our understanding of the effects of globalWI, USA.) The chambers were situated on a former alfalfaenvironmental change on ecological interactions.field; the soil at this site is a relatively fertile, typic arguidollThe purpose of this research was to investigate the effects(Hole 1976). Trees were watered daily throughout theof long-term (. 1 year) CO2 enrichment on phytochemistrystudy.of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and consequences

Chambers were covered with clear, 0.02 cm polyvinylfor performance of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) andchloride film containing UV inhibitors (Livingston Coating

susceptibility of the gypsy moth to nucleopolyhedrosisCo., Charlotte, NC, USA), and no raincap was installed.

virus (NPV). Quaking aspen is a fast-growing, early succes-On average, with respect to ambient conditions, photosyn-

sional species comprising a major forest type in the Greatthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was reduced by 12%

Lakes region of North America. The gypsy moth is aninside the chambers, whereas air temperature was

outbreak species, has recently become established in theincreased by 2.1 °C. Ambient air was pumped through

Lakes region, and utilizes aspen as a preferred host species. the chambers at a rate of 3 m3 s–1, providing about threeNPV is an important natural enemy of gypsy moths and complete air exchanges per minute. In four of the cham-can cause extensive mortality during insect population bers, atmospheric CO2 concentration was continuouslyoutbreaks. elevated by an average of 283 µmol mol–1 (s.e. 5 12 µmol

Earlier research with this experimental system showed mol–1, based on n 5 336 instantaneous samples) through-that aspen foliar chemistry, especially concentrations of out the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons (May through Sep-phenolic glycosides, strongly influences gypsy moth per- tember). Daytime CO2 concentrations in the ambient andformance (Hemming & Lindroth 1995; Lindroth & Hwang elevated CO2 chambers averaged 357 and 640 µmol mol–1,1996a; Hwang & Lindroth 1997). Aspen tannins have little respectively, during the study. CO2 was supplied fromdirect effect on gypsy moths (Hemming & Lindroth 1995) a pressurized 12-ton receiver (Liquid Carbonic CO2 Co.,but high concentrations appear to reduce gypsy moth sus- Woodridge, IL, USA).ceptibility to NPV (Lindroth & Hwang 1996a). Aspen Trees were grown under the experimental conditionschemistry can vary markedly among trees, in response for the 1994–95 field seasons. Experiments reported hereto both environmental and genetic factors (Lindroth & commenced in May 1995, following leaf flush but prior toHwang 1996a; Hwang & Lindroth 1997). Finally, short- full leaf maturation. At that time, aspen trees were 2–3 mterm (2 months) CO2 enrichment studies revealed that in height.aspen phytochemistry responds to CO2 levels, and,depending on the response of phenolic glycosides, may

Foliar chemistryalter performance of gypsy moths (Lindroth et al. 1993;Roth & Lindroth 1995; Kinney et al. 1997). Based on this Leaf samples for chemical analyses were collected midwayinformation, we developed the following hypotheses: through the fourth instar feeding bioassay and at the start

of the NPV bioassay (see below). For each sample, µ 2 gH1 Enriched atmospheric CO2 will decrease levels of

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E L E VA T E D C O 2 A N D A S P E N – G Y P S Y M O T H I N T E R A C T I O N S 281

Table 1 Nutritional indices for fourth instar performance trials*of leaves were collected from throughout the canopy of atree. Samples were stored on ice and returned to the lab,

Dur Duration of stadiumwhere they were frozen in liquid nitrogen, freeze-dried,RGR Relative growth rate 5 biomass gained/[(initial larval

ground and stored (–20 °C). We analysed the samples for biomass)(day)]constituents likely to influence insect feeding (nitrogen, RCR Relative consumption rate 5 food ingested/[(initialstarch, phenolic glycosides) and gypsy moth susceptibility larval biomass)(day)]

TC Total consumption 5 food ingestedto NPV (phenolic glycosides, condensed tannins).AD Approximate digestibility 5 [(food ingested – frass)/Foliar nitrogen was measured by Kjeldahl analysis.

food ingested] 3 100Digestions were conducted according to the method ofECD Efficiency of conversion of digested food 5 [biomassParkinson & Allen (1975), and nitrogen concentrations

gained/(food ingested-frass)] 3 100were quantified by the micro-Nesslerization technique of ECI Efficiency of conversion of ingested food 5 (biomassLang (1958). Glycine p-toluene-sulphonic acid (5.665% N) gained/food ingested) 3 100served as a nitrogen standard. For starch analyses, we used RNAR Relative nitrogen accumulation rate 5 biomass

nitrogen gained/[(initial larval biomass)(day)]the enzymatic method of Schoeneberger et al. (unpublishedRNCR Relative nitrogen consumption rate 5 biomassmethod), as described by Lindroth et al. (1993). The major

nitrogen ingested/[(initial larval biomass)(day)]secondary compounds in aspen are phenolics, includingNUE Nitrogen utilization efficiency 5 (biomass nitrogenphenolic glycosides and condensed tannins (Palo 1984;

gained/nitrogen ingested) 3 100Lindroth et al. 1987; Lindroth & Hwang 1996a). The domin-ant phenolic glycosides are salicortin and tremulacin; these *Weights expressed as mg dry weight.were quantified via high performance thin layer chromato-graphy (Lindroth et al. 1993). For condensed tannin ana-lyses, leaf tissue was first extracted in 70% acetone (with Leaf petioles were inserted into water piks, and leaves

were replaced at 1–2 day intervals. We assayed one set of10 mM ascorbic acid as antioxidant) at 4 °C. Extracts werethen subjected to the butanol-HCl procedure of Porter et al. 10 larvae for each of two trees per open-top chamber.

Larvae were maintained under the environmental condi-(1986) for quantification of condensed tannins. Condensedtannins purified from quaking aspen (technique of Hager- tions described previously, except for a 10-day period late

in the study when the temperature regime was accidentallyman & Butler 1980) served as the reference standard.reset to a constant 21 °C. Larval weights were recorded at4–5 day intervals, and pupal sex, weights and development

Insect bioassaystimes were recorded 2–3 days following pupation. Totalfrass production was measured as an index of leaf con-We obtained first instar gypsy moths (New Jersey standard

strain) from the Otis Methods Development Centre (Otis sumption. Each set of pupae was then placed into a plastic‘shoebox’ container with brown paper covering the sides.Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts, USA). We reared

larvae on artificial diet (ODell et al. 1985) for stadia 1–2, Upon eclosion, adults mated and females deposited eggmasses onto the paper. Egg masses were then dehaired,before initiation of bioassays. Because Wisconsin quarant-

ine restrictions preclude use of gypsy moth in field studies, and eggs counted and weighed.Prior to initiation of the short-term performance assays,our bioassays were performed with foliage clipped from

trees in the open-top chambers and fed to gypsy moths in newly molted third instars were reared in groups of 25 onambient or elevated CO2 foliage. Upon moulting into thea quarantine insect rearing facility. Except as noted below,

all rearing was done in a Percival environmental chamber fourth stadium, larvae were weighed and placed individu-ally into petri dishes containing excised, weighed aspenset at 25:21 °C on a 15:9 light–dark cycle.

We conducted two types of bioassays of aspen foliage. leaves. Leaves were hydrated and replaced as describedpreviously. We assayed three larvae for each of two treesOur long-term growth assay monitored larval growth and

development (third through fifth stadia), final pupal per open-top chamber. Upon moulting into the fifth sta-dium, larvae were frozen, then larvae, frass and uneatenweights and adult fecundity. Our short-term performance

assay (fourth instars) measured detailed, individual con- leaves were freeze-dried and weighed. We calculatednutritional indices based on standard formulas (Wald-sumption and growth rates, and food utilization efficienc-

ies. For both bioassays, the overall experimental design bauer 1968; Table 1), except that initial rather than averagelarval weights were used to calculate relative growth andincluded four chambers at each of two CO2 levels, two trees

(subsamples) within each chamber, and multiple insects consumption rates (Farrar et al. 1989). Initial dry weights oflarvae were determined using wet:dry weight conversions(sub-subsamples) per tree.

For the long-term growth assays, 10 newly molted third derived from a sample of 20 newly molted fourth instars.Dry weight conversions for leaves were based on wet:dryinstars were placed into a plastic rearing container and fed

a cluster of aspen leaves clipped from an experimental tree. weight ratios of leaf samples taken for chemical analyses.

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282 R . L . L I N D R O T H et al.

Nitrogen utilization parameters were calculated following Phytochemical data were analysed by t-tests (α 5

0.05). Data from each tree within a chamber wereKjeldahl nitrogen analyses (see Foliar chemistry) of leavesand caterpillars. treated as subsamples, whereas chambers were treated

as true statistical replicates.For the long-term insect growth trials, results for

NPV pathogenicity assaysdevelopment time, pupal weight and female fecunditywere analysed by t-tests (sexes separate). Data forClean NPV solution (4.98 3 108 polyhedral inclusion bod-

ies/mL in phosphate buffer) was obtained from the U.S. individual larvae (per tree) were treated as sub-subsamples, for individual trees (per chamber) asForest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

(Hamden Connecticut, USA). This stock solution was subsamples, and for individual chambers (per CO2

treatment) as true replicates. Correlation analyses werediluted with 1% aqueous Plyac® (a spreader/sticker for-mulation) to produce concentrations that would deliver conducted to identify relationships between insect

performance parameters and foliar chemical character-15,000, 30,000 and 60,000 PIB/µl; 1% aqueous Plyac®

served as a control. istics.We used analysis of variance (split-plot model) forWe conducted bioassays for each of the four concentra-

tions (control 1 3 NPV) using foliage from each of two statistical analysis of results from the fourth instarperformance assay. When overall larval growth is good,aspen trees, in each of four chambers per CO2 treatment.

(Trees used for this study were different from those used as was the case in this study, sex-related differences inperformance may occur in fourth instars. The split-plotfor the insect bioassays previously described.) For each

tree assayed, we punched µ 100 leaf disks (6.5 mm dia- model was:meter) from a cluster of leaves. From these, we placed a

Yijk 5 µ 1 Ci 1 Chj(Ci) 1 Sk 1 (CS)ik 1 εijk,single leaf disk into each well of three 24-well tissue cultureplates, and into 12 wells of a fourth plate. Leaf disks in where Yijk represents the average insect response over

CO2 level i, chamber j, and sex k.plates 1–3 were then inoculated with 15,000, 30,000 or60,000 PIB NPV in a 1 µL droplet; disks in the fourth plate Fixed effects consisted of CO2 level (Ci), sex (Sk), and

the CO2 3 sex interaction [(CS)ik]. Whole plot and subplotreceived the control solution. Single newly molted thirdinstars were added to each well. Plates were covered with a errors were represented by chambers nested within CO2

[Chj(Ci)] and εijk, respectively. F-tests were conducted fordamp paper towel (to keep leaf disks hydrated) and sealed.Larvae were allowed to feed for 24 h, by which time the CO2 effect with Chj(Ci) as the error term (F1,6),

whereas F-tests for sex and CO2 3 sex were conducted. 90% of the leaf disks were consumed. Larvae thathad consumed entire disks were then transferred with εijk as the error term (F1,6). Analysis of covariance

has been suggested to be more appropriate than use ofindividually to 30 mL plastic cups containing artificialdiet, and maintained at room temperature for 14 days. ratio variables for analysis of nutritional indices (Raub-

enheimer & Simpson 1992). We present our results in theAt that time we recorded percentage mortality for eachset of µ 12 (control) or µ 24 (NPV treatments) larvae. traditional (ratio) form because SAS does not accomodate

straightforward covariate analysis within a split-plotAll dead larvae exhibited standard symptoms of NPVpathogenicity (darkened, moist, disintegrating cuticles). model, and because the regression approach we used

previously (Roth & Lindroth 1994) was inappropriate forA portion of each leaf sample collected for NPVassays was designated for chemical analysis. We this study due to the low amount of replication within a

subplot (sex within chamber). Moreover, related researchmeasured levels of phenolic glycosides and condensedtannins as described previously (Foliar chemistry). (These (Hwang & Lindroth 1997) has shown that the ratio- and

nonratio-based forms of analysis give essentially identicalleaves were collected approximately 10 days earlierthan those collected for the gypsy moth feeding results when a narrow range of initial insect sizes is used,

and use of the traditional form afforded direct comparisonbioassays.)of results from this study with those of earlier studies.Correlation analyses of insect performance and foliar

Statisticschemistry were conducted as described previously.

Finally, results from the NPV pathogenicity assaysThe SAS statistical package was used for analysingdata (SAS Institute 1989). Due to the low level of were analysed with t-tests (α 5 0.05). For each NPV dose,

percentage mortality data for each tree (within a chamber)replication of the CO2 treatment, the probability ofType II statistical errors was high. Thus, in this paper were treated as subsamples; average responses per cham-

ber were treated as true statistical replicates. Correlationwe relax the range of P-values accepted as significant,referring to values in the range 0.050–0.100 as ‘margin- analyses were conducted to identify relationships

between larval mortality from NPV and foliar chemistry.ally significant.’

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Fig. 1 Chemical composition of foliage used for insectperformance trials; trees grown under ambient (light bars) orelevated (dark bars) CO2 conditions. Vertical lines indicate 1 SE.Con tannin, condensed tannin. Results of statistical analyses arepresented in Table 2. Fig. 2 Growth of gypsy moths reared on leaves from aspen trees

grown under ambient or elevated CO2 conditions. Data recordedfrom molt into third stadium to onset of pupation; note thatinsects fed elevated CO2 leaves required more time to beginResultspupating. Filled symbols indicate ambient CO2 foliage; opensymbols indicate elevated CO2 foliage. Arrow shows point at

Foliar chemistry which larval sexes could be determined. Vertical lines indicate6 1 SE.CO2 treatment altered concentrations of several foliar con-

stituents (Fig. 1, Table 2). The 18% decline in nitrogenconcentrations under enriched CO2 was only marginally meters were consistently and strongly associated with

foliar concentrations of phenolic glycosides, but not withsignificant. Levels of starch and of the phenolic glycosidessalicortin and tremulacin were unaffected by CO2. Con- levels of other aspen constituents. Reduced insect perform-

ance was associated with high levels of phenolic glycos-densed tannin concentrations, however, increased 3.8-foldunder high CO2. ides, as revealed by positive correlations for development

time and negative correlations for pupal weight andfecundity.

Insect bioassays

Short-term performance assay. Aspen CO2 treatment hadLong-term growth assay. For the first half of the long-termfeeding bioassay, larval weights varied little between relatively few effects on performance of fourth instars, and

these effects generally differed between males and femalesinsects fed ambient- or enriched-CO2 foliage (Fig. 2). After12 days, however, weights diverged between the two treat- (Table 5). Duration of the fourth stadium did not differ

between CO2 treatments or sexes. Enriched CO2 led to anments, with insects growing slower on high-CO2 foliage.Growth suppression due to CO2 treatment was greater for 18% increase in relative growth rates (RGRs) of females but

to a 13% decline in RGRs of males, a marginally significantfemales than for males. Development times for femalesand males reared on high-CO2 foliage were extended by CO2 3 sex interaction. Relative consumption rates (RCRs)

showed a small (14%) and marginally significant increase9 and 12%, respectively, with the result that final pupalweights did not differ significantly between insects in the under high CO2, whereas total consumption during the

stadium did not differ among insects in the two CO2 treat-two CO2 treatments (Table 3). Frass accumulation indi-cated that consumption by insects fed high-CO2 foliage ments. Approximate digestibility (ADs) of leaf tissue

declined by 23% in females fed high-CO2 foliage but bywas substantially higher than for insects fed ambient foli-age (Table 3). only 7% in males fed such foliage, a marginally significant

interaction effect. The efficiencies with which aspen tissueFemale fecundity was not affected by CO2 treatment(Table 3). Although both the average number of eggs per was converted into insect biomass (ECDs, ECIs) were not

affected by CO2 treatment. Insect nitrogen budgets, how-egg mass and average egg weight tended to decline forinsects reared on enriched-CO2 leaves, substantial within- ever, were influenced by CO2 treatment and sex. Relative

nitrogen accumulation rates (RNARs) increased 15% intreatment variation obscured possible treatment dif-ferences. females reared on high-CO2 foliage, but decreased 10% in

males reared similarly (a marginally significant CO2 3 sexCorrelation analyses reveal potential relationshipsbetween insect performance and phytochemistry, inde- interaction). RNARs are the product of relative nitrogen

consumption rates (RNCRs) and nitrogen utilization effi-pendent of CO2 treatment (Table 4). Performance para-

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284 R . L . L I N D R O T H et al.

Table 2 Summary of statistical analyses (t-tests): effects of enriched CO2 on aspen chemistry

Bioassay/statistic Nitrogen Starch Salicortin Tremulacin Condensed tannins

Feeding bioassays:t (6 d.f.) 2.15 0.06 0.09 0.36 4.27P 0.076 0.956 0.930 0.734 0.005

NPV bioassays:t (6 d.f.) 0.35 1.56 1.80P – – 0.736 0.170 0.122

Table 3 Long-term gypsy moth performance on ambient- and elevated-CO2 aspen foliage (χ 5 6 1 SE).

Development time (d)a Pupal weight (g)

Treatment Female Male Female Male Frass Fecundity Egg weightproduction (mg) Eggs/female (mg)

Ambient CO2 27.8 6 0.4 23.5 6 0.6 1.019 6 0.076 0.409 6 0.019 619 6 33 366 6 54 0.64 6 0.04Elevated CO2 30.4 6 0.4 26.2 6 0.5 0.866 6 0.057 0.344 6 0.030 854 6 80 322 6 28 0.59 6 0.03t (6 d.f.) 3.26 2.33 1.11 1.30 2.72 0.663 0.806P 0.017 0.059 0.316 0.241 0.034 0.532 0.451

aTime elapsed from second larval molt (third stadium) to pupation.

Table 4 Summary of correlation analyses: long-term performance parameters vs. total phenolic glycoside concentrations.

Development time (d)a Pupal weight (g) Fecundity

Statistic Female Male Female Male Eggs/female Egg weight

ra 0.675 0.657 –0.711 –0.435 –0.831 –0.659P 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.092 , 0.001 0.006

ar 5 correlation coefficient

ciencies (NUEs). Thus, variation in RNARs reflected a sex- meters and phenolic glycoside concentrations (Table 6).Stadium duration was positively correlated with phenolicrelated difference in RNCRs (females consumed nitrogen

more rapidly than did males) and sex- and CO2 3 sex- glycoside levels, whereas growth rates, consumption rates,feeding efficiencies (ECDs and ECIs), RNARs and NUEsrelated differences in NUEs. Nitrogen use efficiencies

increased 22% in females reared on high-CO2 foliage but were negatively correlated with phenolic glycoside levels.were not altered by CO2 treatment among males.

Correlation analyses showed that fourth instar perform-NPV pathogenicity assays

ance was associated with variation in aspen chemical con-stituents, independent of CO2 treatment (data shown only Results from our chemical analyses of leaves used in the

NPV assays show that CO2 treatment had no significantfor phenolic glycosides, Table 6). Consumption rates ofboth sexes and NUEs of females were negatively correlated effect on levels of foliar phenolic glycosides (salicortin

and tremulacin) or condensed tannins (Fig. 3, Table 2). Awith leaf nitrogen concentrations. Growth and consump-tion rates of males tended to be positively associated with potential CO2 effect for condensed tannins (77% increase

in high-CO2 plants) may have been obscured by substantialleaf starch concentrations. Consumption rates and NUEstended to be positively correlated, whereas ADs were within-treatment variation and small sample sizes.

Gypsy moth mortality from NPV increased with viralnegatively correlated, with condensed tannin concentra-tions. Overall, however, the most consistent and striking dose but was not altered by aspen CO2 treatment (Fig. 4).

Moreover, correlation analyses (results not shown)correlations existed between insect performance para-

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286 R . L . L I N D R O T H et al.

Table 6 Summary of correlation analyses: short-term performance parameters vs. total phenolic glycoside concentrations.


Female r 0.749 –0.798 –0.578 –0.448 0.262 –0.611 –0.674 –0.758 –0.336 –0.514P 0.002 , 0.001 0.030 0.108 0.388 0.027 0.008 0.002 0.240 0.060

Male r 0.806 –0.792 –0.552 0.220 0.400 –0.716 –0.717 –0.771 –0.431 –0.820P 0.002 0.002 0.062 0.492 0.198 0.009 0.009 0.003 0.162 0.001


Foliar chemistry

According to H1, we anticipated that levels of nitrogenwould decrease, while levels of starch, phenolic glycosidesand/or condensed tannins would increase, in aspen grownunder enriched atmospheric CO2. Some, but not all, of thepredictions were supported by our data. Concentrationsof nitrogen declined marginally, whereas those of starchand phenolic glycosides were unaffected and those of tan-nins nearly quadrupled. Overall levels of nitrogen werehigh, similar to those of field aspen growing on fertile soils(Lindroth et al. 1987; Hemming & Lindroth 1995). The

Fig. 3 Concentrations of phenolic glycosides and condensedmagnitude of decline in nitrogen concentrations was some-tannins (con tannin) in foliage used for NPV pathogenicitywhat less than that observed for aspen in our earlier growthassays; trees grown under ambient (light bars) or elevated (darkchamber studies using nutrient-rich soil media (Lindrothbars) CO2 conditions. Vertical lines indicate 1 SE. Results of

statistical analyses are presented in Table 2. et al. 1993; Roth & Lindroth 1995; Kinney et al. 1997). Thesmaller decline may have resulted from lower accumula-tion of starch, and hence less dilution of foliar nitrogen, inthe current study. In our earlier work, starch concentrationsranged from 2 to 18%, with concentrations increasing two-to three-fold under high CO2. Several explanations existfor the difference in starch accumulation between this andour earlier studies. First, concentrations of foliar starch inprevious work with potted aspen may have been artifi-cially high due to root restriction and reduced carbohyd-rate sink strength (Thomas & Strain 1991; Ceulemans &Mousseau 1994). Secondly, levels of starch in the currentstudy may have been low due to canopy light dynamics.In 1994 (the first year of our 2-year study), aspen seedlingswere less than 1 m in height, and foliage contained µ 6and 11% starch in ambient and elevated CO2 treatments,respectively, (Lindroth, Kruger & Volin, unpublisheddata). At the time of the current study, however, the canopy

Fig. 4 Gypsy moth mortality due to NPV when fed foliage from had closed, and many of the leaves were shaded. Indeed,aspen grown under ambient (light bars) or elevated (dark bars)

foliage collected from a separate portion of our chambersCO2 conditions. Vertical lines indicate 1 SE. t-tests revealed no

in which aspen were more widely spaced had higher con-significant CO2 effects (for the 15,000, 30,000 and 60,000 PIBcentrations of starch, which increased significantly withdoses, respectively, t 5 0.55, P 5 0.603; t 5 0.65, P 5 0.542;enriched CO2 (Roth & Lindroth, unpublished data). Addi-t 5 1.52, P 5 0.180).tionally, levels of starch in this study were at the low endof the range of values exhibited by unshaded leaves of fieldaspen (Lindroth & Hwang 1997).revealed no significant associations between mortality

rates and foliar phenolic glycoside or condensed tannin Concentrations of phenolic glycosides (salicortin andtremulacin) were unaffected by CO2 treatment. Responsesconcentrations, independent of CO2 treatment.

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of these compounds to enriched CO2 have varied in our cessing efficiencies (Lindroth et al. 1993; Roth & Lindroth1995). Those responses were attributed primarily to phen-earlier growth chamber work, with increases, no change

and marginal decreases detected in different studies (Lind- olic glycoside toxicity; increased concentrations of thecompounds in high-CO2 foliage, and/or accelerated con-roth et al. 1993; Roth & Lindroth 1995; Kinney et al. 1997).

The significant increase in condensed tannin levels, how- sumption, significantly increased toxic loads on larvae. Inthis study, however, enriched CO2 did not alter phenolicever, was consistent with most of our previous research.

Reichardt et al. (1991) suggested that concentrations of glycoside concentrations and consumption rates were onlymarginally altered, so fourth instar performance was larg-stable end-products of secondary metabolism (tannins)

may better reflect variation in resource availability than do ely unaffected.Insects may respond to dietary nitrogen limitation notconcentrations of dynamic (or intermediate) metabolites.

Our research and related studies (Kinney et al. 1997) indi- only by altering consumption rates, but by improvingnitrogen utilization (Slansky & Feeny 1977; Slansky &cate that such a pattern holds true for the response of aspen

phenolics to high CO2 concentrations. Finally, overall Wheeler 1989). Thus H2 also predicted that nitrogen util-ization efficiencies would increase for larvae fed nitrogen-levels of secondary compounds in our trees were within

the range of values found in field aspen, although that dilute, high-CO2 foliage. Interestingly, we found that NUEsincreased only for females on high-CO2 leaves. This sex-range is quite large due to substantial genetic variation

in accumulation of phenolics (Lindroth & Hwang 1996b; related difference in response may reflect the greaterdemand for nitrogen (protein) to support more rapidHwang & Lindroth 1997).growth and, ultimately, egg production in female larvae.Shifts in NUEs may be expected to be even greater in

Insect performancesituations where the CO2-mediated decline in foliar nitro-gen is larger than in this study. In related research, WilliamsH2 predicted that for insects fed high-CO2 foliage, develop-

ment rates, growth, fecundity and food processing effici- et al. (1994) reported an increase in NUEs for pine sawflyreared on high-CO2 loblolly pine needles, but few otherencies would decrease, whereas food consumption and

nitrogen use efficiencies would increase. Again, our results studies have addressed the phenomenon.Although we found no treatment-associated shifts insupported some, but not all, of the expected trends. Long-

term growth rates, especially of females, declined under phenolic glycoside concentrations, our results illustratenonetheless the importance of these compounds in inter-the high CO2 treatment. Because these insects prolonged

developmental periods by approximately three days, how- actions between aspen and gypsy moths. Levels of phen-olic glycosides varied among individual trees, and thisever, final pupal weights approached those of insects fed

ambient-CO2 foliage, and female fecundity was not signi- variation was closely matched by variation in insect per-formance. These results are consistent with correlative andficantly impaired. Measurement of frass production sug-

gested that over the long-term, consumption rates by empirical results from several other studies (Hemming& Lindroth 1995; Lindroth & Hwang 1996a; Hwang &larvae on high-CO2 aspen foliage may increase markedly.

Use of this index is complicated by the fact that digestibility Lindroth 1997). This is the first study, however, to suggestthat reductions in growth due to phenolic glycosides resultof high-CO2 leaves was lower for larvae (females) on high-

CO2 foliage, and this factor alone accounts for some of the in reduced female fecundity. In addition, our results indi-cate that phenolic glycosides reduce nitrogen utilizationincrease in frass production. Nevertheless, given that (i)

the magnitude of the difference in frass production efficiencies. The compounds are purported gut toxins (Lin-droth & Peterson 1988; Lindroth & Hwang 1996a); reducedbetween CO2 treatments was large, (ii) consumption by

females exceeded that by males, and (iii) the ratio of NUEs may reflect excessive excretory loss of nitrogen dueto degenerative midgut lesions.females to males was lower in the elevated than in the

ambient CO2 treatment, the difference in food consump- Several general conclusions can be drawn from ourinsect bioassays. First, CO2-mediated changes in planttion between insects in the two treatments was probably

real. This result is consistent with those of numerous other chemical composition are likely to have weak effects oninsects unless the compounds affected are the very onesstudies that have documented increased feeding by insects

on high-CO2 plants (reviewed by Lincoln et al. 1993; Watt primarily responsible for overall insect performance onthat plant (protein, toxins). Secondly, changes in insectet al. 1995; Lindroth 1996).

Results from the short-term fourth instar studies performance are more easily detected in long-term than inshort-term bioassays when phytochemical shifts are rela-showed, overall, weaker insect responses to CO2 treatment

than did the long-term study. Our previous research tively small. Finally, this study emphasizes again what hasbeen expressed elsewhere (Lawton 1995; Lindroth et al.showed that gypsy moth larvae reared on high-CO2 aspen

typically exhibit prolonged development and increased 1995): a need for long-term, population-level assessmentsof the effects of enriched CO2 on plant–insect interactions.consumption but reduced growth due to poor food pro-

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288 R . L . L I N D R O T H et al.

Even relatively minor effects of host quality on individual secondary end-products (condensed tannins) increase.Given that phenolic glycoside production varies amongperformance parameters such as survival, development,

growth and fecundity can, through multiplicative effects, aspen genotypes, and that different genotypes have beenused in our studies, the possibility arises that variation inhave significant impact on insect populations.response to CO2 is genetically based.

The response of herbivores to CO2-induced phytochem-NPV pathogenicity

ical changes will depend critically upon which compoundsare altered, and the relationship of those compounds toPathogenicity of NPV to gypsy moths is influenced by

larval diet, with insects feeding on high-tannin foliage herbivore performance. Phenolic glycosides dominateinteractions between aspen and gypsy moths. Becausebeing less susceptible than those feeding on low-tannin

foliage (Keating & Yendol 1987; Keating et al. 1990; Hunter levels of those compounds were not significantly alteredby CO2 treatment in this study, insect performance also& Schultz 1993; Lindroth & Hwang 1996a). According to

H3, we anticipated that CO2-mediated increases in con- was not markedly altered. Our results also suggest thatdetermination of simple C:N ratios in plant tissues is likelydensed tannin concentrations in aspen would reduce larval

mortality to NPV. Pathogenicity assays, however, showed to tell us little about how trophic interactions will be affec-ted. Similarly, the consequences of enriched CO2 for tri-that larval mortality was not significantly affected by CO2

treatment. This result could be explained by the fact that trophic interactions will be influenced by how specificchemicals influencing the interactions are affected. At thiscondensed tannin concentrations also were not signific-

antly affected by CO2 treatment in the NPV study. Never- time the data are few but suggest that such effects will beweak to nonexistent.theless, the trend toward increased tannin concentrations

under high CO2 was not mirrored by reduced NPV patho- Finally, our results highlight several avenues for researchat the population level. With respect to plants, intraspecificgenicity in insects fed high-CO2 foliage. Moreover, con-

trary to earlier research (Lindroth & Hwang 1996a), no genetic variation in chemical responses to elevated atmo-spheric CO2 should be investigated. Concentrations of sec-significant correlation existed between larval mortality

due to NPV and aspen tannin concentrations. This discrep- ondary metabolites in aspen are influenced by both geneticand environmental factors, and most likely the interplayancy remains unresolved.

Plant species containing hydrolysable tannins in addi- between them (Lindroth & Hwang 1996a). Exceedinglylittle is known, however, about how CO2 may differentiallytion to condensed tannins appear to be more inhibitive

toward NPV than those containing only condensed tannins affect the chemical composition of diverse genotypes, andthe consequences thereof for herbivores. With respect to(Keating et al. 1990). Thus, CO2-mediated changes in gypsy

moth – NPV interactions may be more pronounced for herbivores, the effects of multiple changes in individualperformance, even when minor, need to be determined atplant species such as oak and maple, in which hydrolysable

tannins as well as condensed tannins respond to CO2 the population level. Such work is essential for evaluatingthe consequences of future atmospheric composition forenrichment (Lindroth et al. 1993; Roth & Lindroth 1995;

Kinney et al. 1997). trophic interactions and related community dynamics.Little other research has addressed the effects of CO2-

mediated changes in plant chemistry on natural enemiesAcknowledgementsof insects. Roth & Lindroth (1995) reported that the gypsy

moth parasitoid, Cotesia melanoscela, was at most only We thank A. Nussbaum for assistance with the bioassays, S. Miran-weakly affected by changes in the quality of several tree puri and E. McDonald for help with chemical assays, S. Crowley

and R. Martin for assistance at the open-top chamber site, and N.species, including aspen.Lindroth for creating the figures. Research funds were providedby USDA NRI grant 93–37100–8856 and NSF grant DEB-9306981.This research contributes to the Core Research Programme of theConclusionsGlobal Change in Terrestrial Environments (GCTE) Core Project

Growth under enriched atmospheric CO2 alters the foliar of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP).chemistry of aspen. Patterns of responses are generallyconsistent between nonpotted trees in open-top chambers

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