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Cellular Inactivation and Chromosomal Aberrations: Initial Damage

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Cellular Inactivation and Chromosomal Aberrations: Initial Damage Arnaud Boissière,¹ Anne Eschenbrenner,¹ François Gobert,¹ Marie-Anne Hervé du Penhoat,¹ François Abel,¹ Michele Lamoureux,¹ Luis Martins,² Marie-Françoise Politis,¹ Michèle Ricoul,² Alain Touati,¹ Evelyne Sage,³ Laure Sabatier,² & Annie Chetioui¹ ¹Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universités Paris 6 et Paris 7, Paris, France; ²Laboratoire de Radiobiologie et Oncologie, Fontenay aux Roses, France; ³Laboratoire de Génotoxicité et Modulation de l’Expression Génique, Institut Curie Recherche, Orsay, France Address all correspondence to Annie Chetioui, Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universites Paris 6 et 7, CNRS UMR 75-88, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France; [email protected] It has been proposed that unrepaired or misrepaired complex lesions of DNA are responsible for cell inactivation and chromosomal aberrations. e detailed features of the critical damage and the nature of initiating physical events are actively investigated. Here the role of inner-shell (core) ionizations in DNA atoms is studied. Ultrasoft X-rays from LURE synchrotron radiation have been used to mimic core events induced by ionizing radiations. For biological matter, inner- shell photoionization is indeed the main interaction channel of these radiations. Moreover, by tuning the X-ray energy below and above the carbon K-threshold, it is possible to achieve a two-fold increase in the number of core-ionizations in DNA for a same dose. Cell survival and chromosome aberrations have thus been studied at three iso-attenuated energies: 250, 350, and 810 eV. Relative biological efficiencies (RBEs) for cell inactivation and chromosome aberrations were found to be strongly correlated with the yields of core events in DNA. KEY WORDS: ionizing radiation, core ionizations, chromosomal aberrations, cell inactivation, ultrasoft X-rays, DNA, initial events Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology, 23(1)81–89 (2004) Document ID JEP2301-081–090(409) 81 0731-8898/03/$5.00 © 2004 by Begell House, Inc.

Cellular Inactivation and Chromosomal Aberrations: Initial Damage

Arnaud Boissière,¹ Anne Eschenbrenner,¹ François Gobert,¹ Marie-Anne Hervé du Penhoat,¹ François Abel,¹ Michele Lamoureux,¹

Luis Martins,² Marie-Françoise Politis,¹ Michèle Ricoul,² Alain Touati,¹ Evelyne Sage,³ Laure Sabatier,² & Annie Chetioui¹

¹Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universités Paris 6 et Paris 7, Paris, France; ²Laboratoire de Radiobiologie et Oncologie, Fontenay aux Roses, France; ³Laboratoire de Génotoxicité et

Modulation de l’Expression Génique, Institut Curie Recherche, Orsay, France

Address all correspondence to Annie Chetioui, Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universites Paris 6 et

7, CNRS UMR 75-88, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France; [email protected]

It has been proposed that unrepaired or misrepaired complex lesions of DNA are responsible for cell inactivation and chromosomal aberrations. Th e detailed features of the critical damage and the nature of initiating physical events are actively investigated. Here the role of inner-shell (core) ionizations in DNA atoms is studied. Ultrasoft X-rays from LURE synchrotron radiation have been used to mimic core events induced by ionizing radiations. For biological matter, inner-shell photoionization is indeed the main interaction channel of these radiations. Moreover, by tuning the X-ray energy below and above the carbon K-threshold, it is possible to achieve a two-fold increase in the number of core-ionizations in DNA for a same dose. Cell survival and chromosome aberrations have thus been studied at three iso-attenuated energies: 250, 350, and 810 eV. Relative biological effi ciencies (RBEs) for cell inactivation and chromosome aberrations were found to be strongly correlated with the yields of core events in DNA.

KEY WORDS: ionizing radiation, core ionizations, chromosomal aberrations, cell inactivation, ultrasoft X-rays, DNA, initial events

Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology, 23(1)81–89 (2004)

Document ID JEP2301-081–090(409) 810731-8898/03/$5.00 © 2004 by Begell House, Inc.

82 JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1



Th ere are various indications that complex lesions

of DNA—especially complex double-strand breaks

(DSBs)—could be involved in the induction of cell

inactivation and chromosomal aberration (CA) by

ionizing radiations. For many cell lines, for instance,

the surviving fraction after a 2-Gy dose was found

to be strongly correlated with the fraction of unre-

joined DSBs measured 24 hours after irradiation.¹

DSBs are also involved in the formation of CA, as

exemplifi ed by experiments in which an onset of

these lesions was found accompanied by a correlated

induction of CA,²⁴ presumably via DSB misrejoin-

ing. However, it is sometimes conjectured that only

a minority of DSBs, called reactive, participate in

misrejoining.⁵⁷ It has been suggested that reactive

DSBs might be particularly complex DSBs or DSBs

formed in clusters.⁸

Because of the strong energy deposition achieved

locally by core ionizations, it is likely that these

events, when produced on the DNA, may lead to

complex lesions. It is the purpose of this article to

review recent results on their role and effi ciency in

the production of lethal lesions and chromosomal


Background: Core Ionizations of DNA Atoms

Outer-shell and inner-shell ionizations induced

by charged particles diff er widely in the energies

involved and in the associated deposition patterns

(Fıg. 1). Outer-shell ionizations, quite predominant,

Outer-shell ionization

secondary electron ( ~25 eV)

incident particleL


Auger electron (300–500 eV)

incident particleK


Inner-shell ionization

secondary electron (~500 eV)

FIGURE 1. Scheme of outer-shell and inner-shell ionizations by charged particles. Energies indicated for secondary

electrons are typical mean energies for particles considered in radiobiological studies.


JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1 83

chiefl y lead to the ejection of low-energy electrons.

Th eir mean kinetic energies are on the order of a

few tens of electron volts (eV), depending upon the

velocity of the incident particle.⁹¹⁰ On the contrary,

inner-shell ionizations have a low probability of oc-

currence (~ some ‰) but release two highly ionizing

electrons—secondary and Auger—with mean ener-

gies in the range of some hundreds eV. In addition,

multiple ionizations (more than two ionizations in

a fraction of cases) are induced in situ by single or

double Auger relaxation.¹¹

When created on the DNA, core events presum-

ably may lead to highly complex lesions, especially

when the two emitted electrons overlap the DNA

(Fıg. 2). Early experiments indeed demonstrated the

lethal and mutagenic eff ectiveness of core ionizations







FIGURE 2. Proposed scheme for the induction of complex DNA double-strand breaks by core-ionization of DNA


84 JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1



LET (keV/µm)






10 100 1000 10000








ss s




2 )









m2 )










Ar U


10 100 1000 10000








FIGURE 3. Correlation between cross-sections for cell inactivation by heavy ions15 and for the production of effi cient

core ionizations in DNA atoms.14


JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1 85

in the phosphorus (P) atoms of DNA.¹²¹³ However,

because of the low presence of these atoms in DNA

and their small ionization cross-sections by charged

particles compared to those of other DNA constitu-

ent atoms, P core ionizations are expected to have an

overall small contribution to radiation eff ects. On the

other hand, because of their much larger frequency,

inner-shell ionizations in carbon (C)-, nitrogen (N)-,

and oxygen (O)- atoms of the DNA might have a

major biological role. Th is was particularly suggested

by the correlation observed for heavy ions between

cell inactivation cross- sections and C, N, O inner-

shell ionization cross-sections (Fıg. 3).¹⁴

Materials and Methods

Simulation of Core Events Using

Ultrasoft X-Rays

Th e eff ect of core ionizations cannot be selectively

investigated using usually charged particles—fast

electrons (either as direct particles or secondary to

γ-rays), and/or ions—because those produce core

events with a very low probability. On the contrary,

for most ultrasoft X-rays, the inner-shell ioniza-

tion is the dominant channel of interaction with

biological matter (Table 1). Moreover, by adjusting

the X-ray energy above an atomic K threshold, it is

possible to set the energy of the photoelectron and

to mimic, up to a certain extent, the core events

created by electrons or ions. Fınally, by selecting a

given K-threshold among those of the C, N, and

O, one may target preferentially a specifi c atomic

species (Fıg. 4). Th is may allow the preferential ex-

citation of a given cell compartment. For instance,

because of the DNA richness in carbon atoms, by

using X-rays above the C K-threshold (290 eV) and

below the O K-threshold (540 eV), it is possible to

preferentially excite the DNA. For a same dose/cell,

the number of core events on DNA is thus about

two times larger for X-ray energies between 290

and 540 eV than for energies just below 290 eV or

just above 540 eV.

Table 1. Fractions and Schemes of Various Photoionization Channels of Ultrasoft X-Rays Interacting with

Partially Hydrated DNA* *12 water molecules per nucleotide

250 eV 380 eV 760 eV



H, C, N,O, Na, P

230 eV

H, C, N,O, Na, P

740 eV

H, C, N,O, Na, P

360 eV

6%70% 26%

O220 eV

500 eV

C90 eV

260 eV

P110 eV

115 eV


P (240 eV ; 115 eV) 13% C (470 eV ; 260 eV) 14%

N (370 eV; 360 eV ) 9%

P (620 eV ; 115 eV) 3%



86 JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1


Experimental Setup and Physical Methods for

Biological Studies at Synchrotron Radiation


Experimental Device

Experiments designed to mimic core events require

the use of tuneable monochromatic X-rays, which

can be obtained only at synchrotron radiation facili-

ties. Th e present studies have been performed in the

LURE laboratory at Orsay.

Th e experimental setup has been described else-

where.¹⁶ Because of the strong absorption of ul-

trasoft X-rays by matter, it was important to reduce

as much as possible the thickness of all materials

placed ahead of the biological samples, which have to

be kept at atmospheric pressure. In order to extract

the photon beam, a three-stage diff erential pump-

ing connects a very thin (150 nm) silicon nitride

window to the beam line (~10–⁹ Torr). Th e culture

fl asks are equipped with a very thin (~1 µm) 1 cm²

mylar basement through which cells are irradiated.

Th e Mylar thicknesses have been measured with an

accuracy of ~3% using 1 MeV α-particle energy loss

at the van de Graaff accelerator of GPS at Paris 6-7

University. Th e biological samples were positioned

on an X-Y translator in order to obtain uniform ir-

radiation of the cells by the 1 mm² beam.


Doses have been calculated from particle fl uences.

Th e X-ray intensity was monitored with a silicon

photodiode at the end of each translation cycle.

Th e diode was calibrated by comparison with

an extrapolation ionization chamber. Because of

the strong X-ray absorption inside the biological

medium, the eff ectiveness of various soft X-rays

was compared at energies for which isoattenua-

tion was achieved inside the cell—namely, 250,

350, and 810 eV (Fıg. 4). For these X-rays, a 0.15

ratio between the mean nuclear dose and the en-

trance dose was calculated, using the mean values

of cytoplasm and nucleus thicknesses measured by

confocal microscopy. Experiments were performed

for entrance dose rates ~3 Gy min–¹—i.e., mean

nuclear dose rates of ~0.5 Gy min–¹. Uncertainties

on dose delivered at a given energy are about 20%.

Uncertainties on the ratio of doses delivered at two

diff erent energies are ~22%.

Biological Methods

Cell Growth and Flattening

Studies of cell survival were performed using Chi-

nese hamster V79 cells. Th e cells were cultured in

DMEM supplied with fetal calf serum (FCS) and

antibiotics. Incubator settings were 37 °C and 5%

CO₂. Two days before exposure, cells were plated on

1 cm² Mylar glued across a square aperture cut in

one face of a 25-cm³ Costar fl ask. Cells were seeded

with a density of 5 × 10⁴ cells/cm² in DMEM/10%

FCS. Twelve hours later, the medium was removed

and DMEM/3% FCS was added to limit cell pro-

liferation and keep most of the cells in G₀ phase.

However, some cells were still dividing, as seen by

optical and confocal microscopy. Irradiations were

performed at room temperature 48 hours after seed-

ing to let cells fl atten on Mylar.

Cell Survival

After irradiation, cells were incubated for 2 hours

before replating. Th ey were trypsinized and counted,

then seeded at low density: three dilutions for each

treatment and three samples at each dilution were

made. Flasks were incubated for 10 days, then fi xed

in methanol and stained with Giemsa. Colonies with

more than 50 cells were considered survivors.

Chromosomal Aberrations

Dicentrics and centric rings were recorded in fi rst

mitosis. After irradiation, cells were harvested from

the central part of dishes. At fi rst mitosis, a 2-hour


JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1 87

treatment with colcemid was applied in order to

accumulate mitotic cells. Th e cells were trypsinized,

incubated with hypotonic 75 mM KCL at 37 °C

for 20 minutes, then fi xed with a 3:1 mixture of

methanol:acetic acid. Th e slides were stained with

3% Giemsa, and the chromosomes were studied

under light microscopy.


Cell Inactivation

In a frame of a model assigning the lethal eff ective-

ness of ultrasoft X-rays to the core ionization events

on DNA, a sharp increase in RBE for inactivation

(RBEinac) was predicted¹⁶¹⁷ for these particles from

below to above the C K-threshold (Fıg. 5). Two

campaigns of experiments indeed demonstrated

the existence of such an RBEinac enhancement.¹⁶¹⁸

Th e average value of RBEinac (350 eV)/RBEinac

(250 eV) is equal to 2.0 ± 20%.¹⁸ Also, RBEinac

(350 eV)/RBEinac(810 eV) is ~2.

Chromosomal Aberrations

Dicentric + ring chromosomal aberrations were

measured during two recent campaigns of experi-

ments at LURE. Th e relative effi ciencies (RBEaber)

of the 350 and 810 eV beams relative to the 250 eV

beam are, respectively:

RBEaber(350)/RBEaber(250) = 2.5 ± 0.5

RBEaber(810)/RBEaber(250) = 1.0 ± 0.2

Energy (eV)

200 400 600 800 1000













FIGURE 4. Ultrasoft X-ray absorption in a 1-µm slice of cell with spleen composition.

88 JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1


Discussion and Conclusions

Th e RBEinac increase above versus below the C

K-threshold seems unambiguously related to that

(2.1) of core events on DNA per dose unit in cell.¹⁸

Th e ratio RBEinac (350 eV)/RBEinac(810 eV) ~2

may probably be interpreted in the same way. It

is noteworthy that the corresponding ratio of core

events on DNA per dose unit in the cell is 3.6.¹⁸

Th is might indicate a lethal effi ciency of core events

that is higher at 810 eV than at 350 eV. In view of

the higher energy of the involved electrons (Table

1), such an eff ect could be expected. Supporting this

hypothesis, the effi ciency of a core event on DNA to

induce DNA double-strand breaks in pBs plasmids

was found about two times larger at 760 eV than

at 380 eV.¹⁸

Ratios of RBEaber are found very close to those

for RBEinac. Th is suggests that core ionizations on

DNA might be initiating events for this second

end-point as well. Because of the large energy lo-

cally deposited by these events, they might induce

complex unrejoined DSBs or clusters of DSBs prone

to misrejoining, as already conjectured for ions.⁸ An

alternative hypothesis, based on a single DSB and a

recombinational repair mechanism,¹⁹ was proposed

to explain the overall large RBEaber of ultrasoft X-

rays. Th e connection between CA and core events on

DNA presented here may suggest new approaches

to the investigation of the involved mechanisms.




Energy (eV)

100 1000 10000












FIGURE 5. Predicted enhancement of the RBE of ultrasoft X-rays from below to above the C K-threshold when the

lethal effectiveness is attributed to core events in DNA (1.2% lethal effi ciency assumed for P L- and C K-ionizations

[see Table 1]).


JEPTO 2004, Volume 23, Number 1 89


We are very grateful to A. Chatterjee for very stimu-

lating discussions. Th is work was supported by CEA

(LRC No. 6), CNES (contract No. 793/99), and

CNRS (contract PCV00-033). Th e experiments

were performed at the LURE facilities. Th e work

in L. Sabatier’s laboratory was supported by FIGH-

CT-1999-00003 (RADINSTAB).


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