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Categorising the risks in fisheries management

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Categorising the risks in fisheries management S. A. GRAY Rutgers University, Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program, New Brunswick, NJ, USA M. C. IVES & J. P. SCANDOL Wild Fisheries Research Program, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla Fisheries Centre Cronulla, NSW, Australia R. C. JORDAN Rutgers University, Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program, New Brunswick, NJ, USA Abstract The many risks associated with fisheries management can be attributed to the substantial uncertainties that exist within fishery systems and their numerous possible consequences for fishers and fish stocks. Com- pounding these risks are the possible disparities between different fisheries professionals on the nature and source of these risks. This paper attempts to categorise the risks as reported by fishery scientists and managers in Australia and along the US Atlantic Coast. Through the use of semi-structured interview data, this paper attempts to provide a categorisation of the risks identified by fisheries professionals; and to compare the identified risks by professional group and by country. The analysis yields three broad categories and 12 subcategories of risk found in both nations. Results indicate that: (1) fisheries management risks can be broadly categorised through interview data; (2) the frequency of identification of a particular risk category reflects the management system in which they operate; and (3) risk categorisation could be useful from a risk management perspective as risks in different categories may be evaluated and managed using different risk management approaches. KEYWORDS: Atlantic coast fisheries, Australian fisheries, political risk, risk management, semi-structured interviews, uncertainty. Introduction Research into risk in fisheries management has grown, possibly with the increasing realisation that exploita- tion of marine resources has led to lower productivity and, in some cases, stock collapses (Walters & Maguire 1996; Charles 1998; Roberts & Hawkins 1999; Hutch- ings & Reynolds 2000; Dulvy et al. 2003). Although risk within fishery systems has been widely acknowl- edged by researchers (Francis & Shotton 1997; Charles 1998; Harwood & Stokes 2003; Peterman 2004), a comprehensive understanding of the risks identified by the different professional groups involved in fisheries management is not available (Smith 1988). Methods of risk management are contingent on the types of risks being identified, which can change over temporal and spatial scales and vary between individuals and groups (Harms & Sylvia 2001; Peterman 2004; Althaus 2005; Delaney & Hastie 2007). Research has highlighted the importance of articulating definitions of potential risks within fisheries management. For example, Peterman (2004) stressed that Ôto avoid misunderstandings, fisheries scientists, managers, and stakeholders should always clearly state what they mean by the term riskÕ (p. 1332). Francis and Shotton (1997) stressed the informal, non-quantitative, undocumented and loosely linked way in which risk management is connected to risk assessment in fisheries management. They attrib- uted the lack of explicit direction for managers and scientists on how to deal with different risks to the Correspondence: Steven A. Gray, 14 College Farm Road, DEENR, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08902, USA (e-mail: [email protected]) Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2010, 17, 501–512 Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2010.00749.x 501 Fisheries Management and Ecology

Categorising the risks in fisheries management

S . A . G R A Y

Rutgers University, Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program, New Brunswick, NJ, USA

M . C . I V E S & J . P . S C A N D O L

Wild Fisheries Research Program, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla Fisheries Centre Cronulla, NSW, Australia

R . C . J O R D A N

Rutgers University, Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program, New Brunswick, NJ, USA

Abstract The many risks associated with fisheries management can be attributed to the substantial uncertaintiesthat exist within fishery systems and their numerous possible consequences for fishers and fish stocks. Com-pounding these risks are the possible disparities between different fisheries professionals on the nature and sourceof these risks. This paper attempts to categorise the risks as reported by fishery scientists and managers inAustralia and along the US Atlantic Coast. Through the use of semi-structured interview data, this paper attemptsto provide a categorisation of the risks identified by fisheries professionals; and to compare the identified risks byprofessional group and by country. The analysis yields three broad categories and 12 subcategories of risk found inboth nations. Results indicate that: (1) fisheries management risks can be broadly categorised through interviewdata; (2) the frequency of identification of a particular risk category reflects the management system in which theyoperate; and (3) risk categorisation could be useful from a risk management perspective as risks in differentcategories may be evaluated and managed using different risk management approaches.

KEYWORDS : Atlantic coast fisheries, Australian fisheries, political risk, risk management, semi-structuredinterviews, uncertainty.


Research into risk in fisheries management has grown,possibly with the increasing realisation that exploita-tion of marine resources has led to lower productivityand, in some cases, stock collapses (Walters & Maguire1996; Charles 1998; Roberts & Hawkins 1999; Hutch-ings & Reynolds 2000; Dulvy et al. 2003). Althoughrisk within fishery systems has been widely acknowl-edged by researchers (Francis & Shotton 1997; Charles1998; Harwood & Stokes 2003; Peterman 2004), acomprehensive understanding of the risks identified bythe different professional groups involved in fisheriesmanagement is not available (Smith 1988). Methods ofrisk management are contingent on the types of risks

being identified, which can change over temporal andspatial scales and vary between individuals and groups(Harms & Sylvia 2001; Peterman 2004; Althaus 2005;Delaney & Hastie 2007). Research has highlighted theimportance of articulating definitions of potential riskswithin fisheries management. For example, Peterman(2004) stressed that �to avoid misunderstandings,fisheries scientists, managers, and stakeholders shouldalways clearly state what they mean by the term risk�(p. 1332). Francis and Shotton (1997) stressed theinformal, non-quantitative, undocumented and looselylinked way in which risk management is connected torisk assessment in fisheries management. They attrib-uted the lack of explicit direction for managers andscientists on how to deal with different risks to the

Correspondence: Steven A. Gray, 14 College Farm Road, DEENR, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08902, USA (e-mail:

[email protected])

Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2010, 17, 501–512

� 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2010.00749.x 501

Fisheries Managementand Ecology

often conflicting (but rarely articulated) way in whichrisks are managed.

A number of quantitative (Walters 1986; Hilbornet al. 1993, 2001; Rosenberg & Restrepo 1994; Punt &Hilborn 1997; Punt &Walker 1998; Pearsons & Hopley1999; Touzeau et al. 2000; Puga et al. 2005; Grogeret al. 2007) and qualitative (Francis 1992; Hobday et al.2004; Fletcher 2005; Astles et al. 2006; Astles 2008) risk-based methods have been used in fisheries managementas a way to mitigate potential undesirable outcomesassociated with harvesting activities and extreme events,and as a means to prioritise research and management.Each of these methods are, at their core, an attempt toidentify and rank the risks associated with the differentuncertainties found within fisheries and articulate theconsequences of these uncertainties for the associatedhuman and environmental systems. Previous researchhas organised the various sources of uncertainty com-mon to fisheries systems, ecology and conservationbiology (Francis & Shotton 1997; Charles 1998; Reganet al. 2002; Harwood & Stokes 2003; Peterman 2004).Categorising uncertainty in thisway has provenuseful inthe development of strategies for management as it hasallowed separate fields of expertise to develop toconsider different forms of uncertainty. A similar �divideand conquer� approach may be employed to understandthe various sources of risk in fisheries management andthus provide the groundwork for the developmentof a comprehensive risk management framework forfisheries.

A key problem in any such categorisation of �risk� liesin the ambiguity associated with the differing usage ofthis term across the multiple disciplines that fisheriesprofessionals may be associated with (Adams 1995;Althaus 2005; Hokstad & Steiro 2006). Any categori-sation of risks in fisheries management must thereforetake into account the risks identified by fisheriesprofessionals that are involved with on-the-groundmanagement of marine fisheries and should examine theextent to which these identified risks vary betweenfisheries professionals. This paper investigates such �on-the-ground� categorisation of the risks in fisheries byexamining the most commonly identified risks inresponses from semi-structured interviews with fisheriesprofessionals in Australia and USA.

Fisheries management in Australia and USA

Modern industrial countries manage marine fisheriesin similar ways, usually by limiting fishing activitiesthrough a top-down approach, with overall controlgiven to a central governing institution (Acheson &Wilson 1996; McCay & Jentoft 1996). Fisheries

management in both Australia and USA is a hybridof federal and state-level management, guided bylegislation but integrating various aspects of stake-holder participation or co-management throughout theprocess. This strategy raises the possibility that riskbecomes a much broader and more complex issuegiven the diversity of the groups involved. Addition-ally, both the US and Australian systems placeemphasis on the scientific assessment of the resourceand the use of harvest regulations and limits to controlfishing pressure – both requiring extensive cooperativeinteraction between scientists and managers. Theinterpretation and role of risk within fishery manage-ment is expected to differ among management partic-ipants because the goals, priorities and values of theplayers differ (Adam et al. 2000).

Materials and methods

Aqualitative research design based on in-depthpersonalinterviews and grounded theory data analysis (Strauss&Corbin 1990) was chosen to capture the various ideas ofrisk held by fishery professionals in the two countries.Exploratory qualitative research methods like thoseused in this study are appropriate when exploringphenomena like risk (Marshall & Rossman 1998) andhave been used routinely as ameasure for complex socialissues in natural resource management such as trust(Davenport et al. 2007). Further, grounded theory is aninductive method that allows for complexity in theinterview data to be maintained while still allowing fordistinct categories to be developed.

Study participants were chosen from publicallyfunded fishery management institutions on the Atlan-tic Coast of USA (15 states from Maine to Florida,including Pennsylvania) and in all six Australianstates as well as the Northern Territory and theCommonwealth (ACT). While the sample size is notintended to be statistically representative of the entirepopulation in either country, it does represent a cross-section of fishery professionals as all state and federalinstitutions along the Atlantic coast were included inUS interviews and all state or territory and federalinstitutions were included in Australia. Intervieweesincluded 12 fisheries scientists and 10 fisheries man-agers in Australia, while the US Atlantic coastinterviews consisted of 10 fisheries scientists and eightfisheries managers (n = 40). All fisheries professionalsinterviewed were involved in the management orscientific assessment of fish stocks in state (0–3 nau-tical miles) and/or federal (3–200 nautical miles)waters. Interviews were audio-recorded using thesame list of questions as a guide to semi-structured

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conversations (see Appendix 1 for a copy of theinterview pro forma).The term fisheries scientist refers primarily to stock

assessment scientists while the term fisheries managerrefers to those professionals who play a formal role inmaking decisions (usually in terms of developingregulations) about marine fishery resources. Fisheriesprofessionals are generally expected to have a workingknowledge of both biological science and fisheriesmanagement and policy. This can make the classifica-tion of profession unclear. Past studies have indicatedthat even within designated professional groups, per-ceptions of fisheries management may vary (see Wilsonet al. 2002 and Delaney & Hastie 2007). However, forthe purposes of this study, participants were asked toidentify the risks they encountered within their currentprofessional role, which was self-identified as either afisheries scientist or a fisheries manager.

Survey instrument

A semi-structured interview tool (see Appendix 1) wasused to assess: (1) in what capacity the participant wasinvolved in fisheries management or science; (2) howthe concept of risk was used in their assessment/management work and whether they found the conceptuseful; and (3) if there was any formal process fordetermining what risk assessment technique or tech-niques are used on the fisheries they are involved with.The first two questions were designed to uncoverspecific identifications of risk within their professionalschema and the third question was designed to elicitidentification of specific risks with which they wereengaged. Only the answers to these three questionswere used for this present study. The full interviewincluded 24 questions and was used as part of aseparate project designed to develop national riskmanagement guidelines for data-poor fisheries (Scan-dol et al. 2009).This analysis focussed on: (1) categorising the risks

identified by fisheries professionals from the twointernational jurisdictions; (2) comparing risk identifi-cation between professional groups and internationaljurisdictions and; (3) examining where risks are iden-tified most often after the risks were categorised.Individual participants remained anonymous but eachindividual was identified as either a manager orscientist from either Australia or the USA.

Analytical methods

Participant responses were categorised using post-coding (Miller 1983) to identify emergent themes that

followed Strauss and Corbin�s (1990) interview datainterpretation techniques. Based on a review of fieldnotes and transcribed texts, categories of risk weredeveloped by grouping similar themes, phrases andwords into categories. These categories were groundedon the participants own words collected during inter-views. A sample of the transcribed interviews fromboth nations was then reviewed to verify the initialcategories and identify additional subcategories. Alltranscribed interviews were then scored by two differ-ent researchers using the risk categories. Any differ-ences between the two researcher�s scoring results werediscussed until agreement was reached.

Quantitative comparisons were then undertakenbetween countries and between professions to deter-mine to what extent the identification of risk variedbetween groups. Twelve separate non-exclusive cate-gories emerged through data analysis, so the highestpossible score for any contribution to a risk categorywould be 40 (since n = 40), whereas the highestpossible score for any one individual�s identificationof risk would be 12 (as 12 categories emerged). Fisher�sexact tests were used to determine whether the scoreswere significantly different between groups.

Coding example

In one of the responses to the question �How do you seethe concept of �risk� being used in your fisheriesassessment/managementwork?�onemanager answered:

�As a fisheries manager, we have to evaluatethe resources available and the benefits thatwe can obtain from those resources withoutputting that fishery at risk. By putting at risk,I am talking about sustainability of thefisheries, the industry, and how it is going toaffect the environment. To what point ishuman activity going to be putting a fisheryat risk, including the fishers, the species, andthe environment?�

This participant was coded as identifying risk inthree ways; namely species-level (IIa), ecological (IIb),and social (IIc) as the answer explicitly mentions risk inhis work associated with individual species, the envi-ronment and the fishers, respectively.


Qualitative categories of risk in fishery management

Fisheries management in Australia and the US involvesa system of scientists, managers and stakeholders


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contributing in various capacities to develop a plan ofhow harvested marine resources are to be managed. Ina complex system such as fisheries (which involvesmultiple dynamic components interacting at varioustemporal and spatial scales), the identified categories arenot exclusive because many categories are linked andinfluence each other to varying degrees. However, forthe purposes of this study, three main categories andtwelve subcategories are presented to describe the wayrisk is identified by fishery professionals The maincategories are: (I) Uncategorised Risk; (II) ManagedRisk; and (III) Institutional Risk (Table 1). An expla-nation of each of these categories and sub-categoriesfollows.

Category I. Uncategorised: risk is everywhere,informal or implicit Uncategorised risks were thosethat arose informally or were implicit in discussions ofrisk. This category reflects responses that emerged frominterviews that stated the reason that managementinstitutions exist is to manage potentially undesirableoutcomes related to fisheries. Discussing risks inuncategorised terms is reflective of general societaluncertainty of future events combined with the notionthat negative outcomes are possible when natural

resources are shared collectively and individuals donot benefit fromharvesting restraint (Hardin 1969). Thiscategory was divided into two subcategories: (a)unarticulated and (b) broadly defined, based on themanner in which participants discussed risk.


ATED WITH COMMON-POOL RESOURCES. The unarticu-lated risk subcategory includes statements that alludedto risk being discussed in informal terms (e.g. risk isimplicit) and did not involve the phrases �risk is�, �riskto�, �risk from� or �risk in� explicitly. Additionally it wasnot clearly articulated that risk was found in anyspecific step of the fisheries management process.Unarticulated risk refers to risk being inferred ininstitutional process, but never explicitly handledthrough any definable mechanism, like risk manage-ment. Unarticulated risk was identified by 22.5% (rank3) of interviewees. An unarticulated risk example was:�We beat around the bush with risk, but it is notexplicit in the way or sense that other areas might be. Itis more implicit than explicit. I don�t think we havegotten to the point where we talk about ‘‘risk’’ in termsof the outcome of the assessment.� – US Manager.



Table 1. Summary of risk categories and rank of by frequency of response. Transcribed interviews yielded three main categories of risk in

fisheries management and 12 subcategories. The risk category identified most often was the risk to the species being managed (IIa) while the

category mentioned least often was that of unarticulated risk (Ia)

Risk category and subcategory Definition

Rank by frequency

of response

I. Uncategorised risk

A. Unarticulated The risk of loss associated with common-pool resources 9

B. Broadly defined/likelihood and


The existence of perceived risk is the reason for institutional management 8

II. Managed risk

A. Species/stock-level The risk of a decline to a species/population 1

B. Ecosystem-level The risk of loss to ecosystem-function 5

C. Economic or individual The risk of loss to the economic or cultural systems (both to the individual

and community)


III. Institutional risk

A. Legislative The risk of not meeting legislative objectives or requirements as outlined

by law


B. Data collection/management The risk associated with incorrectness of data collected for assessment

(not appropriate, misguided, biased, sparse)


C. Data analysis The risk associate with correctness of scientific assessment (wrong methods,

high degree of uncertainty in the output).


D. Management objectives The risk associated with not meeting management objectives 3

E. Stakeholder influence/political


The risk associated with political influences compromising management

objectives (risk of politicising the process and clouding judgment)


F. Science/management interface The risk associated with communication or understanding scientific



G. Implementation uncertainty The risk associated with management actions not having the desired effect

(e.g. risk of lack of stakeholder compliance or incorrect policy enacted)


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risk included defining �risk� as the catalyst forfisheries management; or found everywhere through-out the system; or it was defined in terms oflikelihood and consequence (or as an outcomeprobability). This subcategory of risk is reflected byresearch that proposed that society expects science-based policies to manage environmental uncertaintiesto improve decision-making (Funtowicz & Ravetz1990). Broadly defined risk was identified by 35%(rank 8) of interviewees. An example of broadlydefined risk was: �There is always risk present, butwhether people quantify it or not is another story� –US Scientist.

Category II. Managed risk: Risk to the biologicaland social systems Managed risks were those risksfisheries management is designed to mitigate. Theserisks encompass both the biological and socialsystems. Potential loss of productivity of thesesystems is arguably the impetus for the developmentof institutional fisheries management in bothcountries as they reflect components of the systemthat are considered valuable and expected to bemaintained or sustained (Hatton et al. 2006). Theidentification of these risks is attributable to thenature of ecosystems, populations and social systemsthat fisheries encompass, and the associated lossesto human and environmental systems. Wheninterviewees mentioned this risk, many participantsdiscussed specific stock assessments, stakeholdergroups, or other case studies that pertained to aparticular fishery decision as a way to articulate risksthat they encountered.IIA. SPECIES/STOCK-LEVEL RISK – THE RISK OF POPULA-

TION DECLINE. Species/Stock-level risk was identified asthe potential harm to the sustainability of a species orstock. Since fisheries in both nations are most oftenmanaged on the basis of fish stocks, study participantsoften discussed the risks to the specific stocks they wereinvolved in managing and the uncertainty involved inthat process. All mention of potential loss to specificstocks were coded as species-level risk. Species orstock-level risk was mentioned by most (75%) (rank 1)of the study group. An example of species/stock-levelrisk is: �There is a risk of the biological impact to thefish� – US Manager.IIB. ECOSYSTEM-LEVEL RISK – THE RISK OF LOSS OF

ECOSYSTEM-FUNCTION. Ecosystem risks included poten-tial harm to the general ecosystem, including speciesnot targeted by fishers (such as by-catch), and habitatimpacts of fishing activities. This risk was mentionedby 42.5% (rank 5) of the interviewees. An example ofecosystem-level risk is: �[There exists] a risk of ecolog-

ical damage and risks to the entire ecosystem� –Australian Scientist.



MUNITY). Any mention of socioeconomics, individuallivelihood or individual risk was coded as social risk.Social risks included mention of socioeconomic dis-ruption as well as potential risks that effect loss ofeconomic viability due to either the implementationof fishing restrictions, changing economic conditionsor the decline in the abundance of stocks. Social riskwas identified by 40% (rank 6) of interviewees. Anexample of social risk is: �… the assessment of risk isthe measure of benefit of the mortality control versusthe potential impact in the fishing community that youare governing.� – US Manager.

Category III. Institutional: Risks that arise from thepractice of fisheries management Institutionalrisks are those created by the formal processes ofmanaging marine fisheries and include such issues asmaking incorrect decisions based on misinformation,poor management, and problems in implementation.Institutional risks are mitigated through variousmanagement techniques such as diversification,quality assurance procedures and the precautionaryapproach (Hilborn et al. 2001). The institutional riskcategory is divided into seven subcategories.



TRALIAN STATE OR COMMONWEALTH LAW. Legislativerisks include the identified risk of not meeting legis-lated objectives as well as the ability of fisheriesmanagers to evaluate risks against these legislatedobjectives. The latter risk is due to legislated objectivessometimes being ambiguous from problems withnormative or unscientific language and due to society�suncertain expectations (Duarte-Davidson & Pollard2006). Participants that identified legislative risks oftenreferred to specific laws (most notably the 2006 Re-Authorization of the Magnuson Stevens Act) and thechallenges that are inherent in translating writtenstatutory requirements into management. Legislativerisk was identified by 42.5% (rank 5) of interviewees.An example of legislative risk is: �With the newMagnuson [Act] we have to develop recommendationsto meet the letter of the law� –US Manager.



ASSESSMENT WORK. Data collection risks are thoseassociated with the uncertainties involved in thecollection of quantitative and qualitative data used toassess the status of the biological or social systems.


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Data collection risk is the risk of gathering incorrect,inappropriate, misguided, biased, or sparse datasetsfor risk/stock assessment work. It was identified by55% (rank 3) of interviewees.



Data analysis risk relates primarily to quantitativeassessment work and refers to the risks associated withthe methods used to analyse data, such as stockassessments. The risks include assessments that areinaccurate, imprecise or are extrapolated beyond theirutility, and thus lead to incorrect advice being given tomanagers. Risks associated with data analysis arisefrom imperfect modelling practices, ignorance of thesystem to be modelled or a lack of calibration tools.Data analysis risks were identified in 62.5% (rank 2) ofthe interviews. An example of collection and dataanalysis risk is: �We need to identify the limitations ofour stock assessments from the absence of data orparticular types or lack of data which may not berepresentative. There is a risk of over-interpreting thedata for our assessments.� – Australian Scientist.


CIATED WITH NOT MEETING MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES.Management objective risks are those associated withthe uncertainties inherent in the day-to-day manage-ment of fisheries. They differ from the legislative risksin that management objectives may be more specificthan broader legislative requirements. In some cases,management objectives may attempt to meet legislativerequirements while taking into account current insti-tutional arrangements. Not meeting managementobjectives was usually discussed in terms of notsimultaneously balancing biological and social inter-ests, such as preventing overfishing whilst maintainingfishery profits. The risks associated with not meetingmanagement objectives were identified by 55% (rank3) of the respondents. An example of managementobjective risk is: �Ultimately for fisheries the risk theyshould be concerned with is the risk of not meetingyour management objectives.� – Australian Scientist.



RENT MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES. The fifth subcategoryof institutional risk involves risks associated withpolitical influence over the decision-making process.This risk includes the mention of factors that influenceor bias management decisions in the direction of astakeholder group(s). The risk involved here is that ofdisproportional influence to favour one stakeholdergroup over another. It arises as a result of institutionaluncertainty and irreducible biological/social processuncertainty in such systems (Bammer & Smithson

2008). Political risk was identified by 47.5% (rank 4) ofthe participants. An example of political influence riskis: �Risk is basically assessed by walking this line ofpolitical pressure; on one hand you have constituentsand the other following scientific advice from stockassessments.� – US Scientist.



STANDING OF SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT. Science/manage-ment interface risk is that of inappropriatecommunication or understanding when informationis exchanged between scientists and managers. Theserisks were primarily identified as those of misinterpre-tation or misunderstanding by managers of the infor-mation provided by scientific assessments. This type ofrisk has also been characterised by the �linguisticuncertainty� outlined by Regan et al. (2002). Theseauthors attributed communication between conserva-tionists as a source of potential uncertainty due tovagueness, context specificity, under-specificity andambiguity of ecological issue under discussion. Therisks that arise from the science/management interfacewere mentioned by 35% (rank 8) of interviewees. Anexample of science/management interface risk is: �Therisk estimate is based on a single value presented tomanagers and there is a lack of desire for mostmanagers to figure the uncertainty� – US Scientist.



DESIRED EFFECT. This risk category is associated withimplementation and the risk that the managementmeasure chosen will not have the planned effect on thefishery. Participants that identified this risk discussedsuch issues as the effectiveness of tools available tomanagers, as well as fisher compliance and monitoringand the lack of retrospective methods needed toevaluate whether past decisions have satisfied theiroriginal intent. The risks associated with implementa-tion were mentioned by 37.5% (rank 7) of participants.An example of implementation risk is: �Risk is to makesure that the actions that have been selected have thedesired effect.� – US Manager.

Comparison between Australia and the US AtlanticCoast

Coded responses were also compared between Austra-lia and the US Atlantic Coast (Fig. 1.). The followingratios are listed as percentages (AU:USA) for com-parison, as participants of the two countries variedsimilarly by proportion (i.e. AU managers comprised45% of AU total, US managers comprised 44% of UStotal).

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In the three main categories of risk, the Americaninterviewees reported more uncategorised risks thanAustralian interviewees (Australian 5%:US 44%),while broad risk was identified more frequently byAustralians (45:22). The following ratios are listed aspercentages by country, which varied proportionally(Australian:US). Managed risk was identified moreoften in all categories by Australians with regard tospecies (86:61), ecosystem (68:11) and social (50:28)systems. Most institutional risks, however, were iden-tified more often by Americans including: legislative(36:50), data analysis (45:83), management objectives(45:67), political (45:50), science/management interface(18:56), and implementation uncertainty (27:50) withthe exception of data collection (68:39), which wasmentioned by Australians more often. Quantitativeanalysis indicated that Australians and Americansdiffer in the risk categories of managed (P < 0.001;Fishers Exact Test – FET) and institutional risk(P = 0.003, FET), but uncategorised risk was notdifferent (P = 0.14, FET).

Comparison between scientists and managers

Coded responses were also analysed by professionalrole in the same manner for each category and subcat-egory of risk. The following ratios are listed aspercentages by professional role in management, whichvaried proportionally (Scientist: Manager). Uncategor-ised risk scored similarly between scientists and man-agers with unarticulated (23:22) and broadly definedrisk (32:39) comparable. Managed risk was also similarfor species (73:78) and ecosystem (41:44), althoughsocial risks were recognised more often by scientists(45:33). Institutional risk diverged with fishery scientistsidentifying data analysis (73:50), management objec-tives (59:50), and science/management interface (58:17)more frequently, while managers identified data collec-tion (45:67) and implementation uncertainty (27:50)more often. Overall, scientists and managers responseswere not significantly different in their identification ofunarticulated (P = 0.081, FET), managed (P = 0.144,FET) or institutional risk (P = 0.08, FET).







(b) (c)

(a) (e) (f)

(d) (g)

(II) (III) Australian Scientist (AU S)United States Scientist (US S)

Australian Manager (AU M)United States Manager (US M)

Risk Not Identified (RNI)

Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the risks associated with fisheries management as perceived by managers and scientists in Australia and the USA.

Bar charts indicate the counts of respondents for each risk subcategory by country and professional groups including respondents that did not identify

the particular risk subcategory (RNI).


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Organising the risks

The 12 subcategories that emerged from the coding canbe organised within the 3 broad categories into aschematic diagram of the risks associated with fisheriesmanagement as perceived by managers and scientists(Fig. 1). The bar charts identify the count of theinterviews in which a subcategory was identified byeach of the country�s professional groups including acount of interviews in which respondents did notidentify the subcategory (RNI).


The most important finding from this study is thatalmost every subcategory of risk was identified by eachof the two national groups and the two professionalgroups (with the exception of Australian managerswho did not mention �unarticulated� risk and USmanagers who did not mention ecosystem risk). Thisindicates that although variation in risk identificationwas found between groups, based on the interviewdata, similar risk categories emerged. Further, theserisk categories strongly reflect typologies of uncer-tainty outlined by previous studies of risk in fisheries(Francis & Shotton 1997; Charles 1998; Regan et al.2002; Harwood & Stokes 2003; Peterman 2004).However, these identified categories and subcategoriesrefine the concept of risk to incorporate the conse-quences for economies, ecosystems and fish stocks, aswell as to reflect how fishery professionals communi-cate and discuss risk. Differences in risk identificationare most likely attributable to subtleties that exist onfiner scales of fisheries management in both countriesas there was some variation by country but not byprofession. For example, the US respondents identifiedrisk more often in uncategorised terms than didAustralians. This is possibly caused by Australia�srecent integration of qualitative risk-based frameworks(Hobday et al. 2004; Fletcher 2005; Astles et al. 2006;Astles 2008) into assessments following the require-ments of the Environment Protection and BiodiversityConservation Act (1999). This strategic assessmentprocess promoted risk management in fisheries anddefined risks (at least to some extent) in explicit terms.By contrast, American respondents mentioned institu-tional risks, such as legislative risks, more often thanAustralians. This is possibly attributable to recentdevelopments within the US system such as the 2006Re-Authorization of the Magnuson Stevens Act andthe increasingly large number of fishery managementactions that are being challenged in US federal courts(Powers 2004).

Beyond species, ecosystem-level and stock assess-ment risks; risks of not meeting management objectivesand the risks associated with political influence wereidentified with high frequency regardless of profes-sional role or nation. The risks associated with politicalpressure have many points of influence within institu-tional risk (as presented by the arrows in Fig. 1) andare difficult to isolate within one step of the manage-ment process – given the many roles of stakeholders.While participatory management is considered toincrease transparency, accountability and robustnessof management decisions by incorporating stakeholderknowledge and concerns into the process (Kaplan &McCay 2004), it has also been shown to changesupport and direction of management decisions andcontribute to unfavourable or �risky� outcomes (Dud-ley 2008). Further, political influence may have thepower to decrease the efficacy of other risk-basedmethods as the risk arising from investment in a moreparticipatory process may marginalise risk manage-ment applied in other areas – such as presentingarguments around uncertainty as a way to influencedecision-making. A common approach to dealing withuncertainty is to delay management action in the hopeof reducing uncertainty through research and deliber-ation. Delaying fisheries management decisions, how-ever, has not usually resulted in a reduction to the riskof species decline (Shepherd & Rodda 2001), and pastresearch and many policy frameworks recommend thatthe precautionary approach should be adopted attimes of high uncertainty and serious consequences(Hutchings 2000) instead of delayed action. Addition-ally postponing decisions to undertake more researchcan actually increase uncertainty by revealing morecomplexity than was previously understood, such asspatial variance in growth rates (e.g. McShane &Naylor 1995). This is not to say that a participatoryprocess does not mitigate implementation risks. Forexample, allowing high levels of uncertainty to con-tinue can result in a decline in social trust over time(Bammer & Smithson 2008). If conditions of low socialtrust prevail they can pose major challenges andadditional costs to decision-makers. More in-depthanalysis focused on refining the categories and subcat-egories identified here might give further insight intopossible risk-based methods for areas of fisheriesmanagement such as political risk where few data arebeing collected and few or no standardised proceduresexist (Underwood 1998).

The categorisation of uncertainty was an importantstep in the development of methods for the manage-ment of uncertainty in fisheries (Charles 1998). In asimilar fashion, categorisation of the risks may help

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fisheries professionals break down the risk probleminto separate manageable components. For the major-ity of the categories identified in this study, riskmanagement methods have already been developed.For instance, data collection risks are managedthrough good experimentation and project manage-ment methods, such as data validation, and throughincorporation of observation error into models (Solow1998). More complex fisheries management controlshave been suggested as a means of reducing risks tospecies and fisheries (Peterson & Smith 1982; Butter-worth & Punt 2003; Edwards et al. 2004; Stefansson &Rosenberg 2005), but such controls generally fall shortof accounting for all sources of risk as identified in thisstudy. Risk categorisation is therefore an importantfirst step in the process of developing a comprehensiverisk management system that covers each of thedifferent risks present in fisheries management (e.g.Hobday et al. 2004; Fletcher 2005; Astles 2008).Future research is needed to refine these categories;to incorporate them into theoretically based classifica-tions schemes; and to align them with appropriate riskmanagement strategies.As fisheries continue to move towards formalised

methods to address issues associated with the potentialimpacts of harvesting, it is also important to define therisks that various stakeholders bring into this debate(Francis & Shotton 1997; Harms & Sylvia 2001). Thispaper provides a categorisation of risks from theperspective of fishery professionals. It does not, how-ever, address risks identified by other groups involvedin fisheries systems such as commercial or recreationalfishers, members of the seafood industry, suppliers offishing equipment and non-governmental organisa-tions. For example, through an analysis of interviewdata with commercial fishermen, Smith (1988) con-cluded that commercial fishermen�s perceptions of riskarise primarily from non-fishermen (e.g. sports fisher-men, economists, politicians, biologists, environmen-talists, and bureaucrats). Therefore, the risks identifiedfrom commercial fishermen would be expected to beconsiderably divergent from the risks discussed in thisstudy. More research is needed to refine how othergroups involved (beyond those engaged in professionalmanagement) articulate and perceive risk in fisheries.This becomes increasingly important the more that riskbecomes the vernacular by which fisheries managementissues are discussed.Interview-based analyses, such as those presented

here, are subject to a number of possible biases (Fowler1984; Converse & Presser 1986; Sarantakos 2005; Fink2006). The questions and interview format used for thisstudy was designed to reduce biases as much as

possible. All interviews were conducted on individualsto avoid social conformity bias. Biases associated withleading questions were minimised by ensuring that thequestions were designed for a larger study and bothinterviewee and interviewer were unaware that thisinformation would be used for a categorisation of risk.However, interviewer bias could have occurred as USinterviews were conducted by different interviewersthan the Australian interviews. This bias was reducedby extensive consultation between the interviewersfrom both countries. Possibly the most importantsource of bias was in the form of personal cost bias.Although each respondent was told that the interviewswould be anonymous, their answers could have beenbiased by the respondents� awareness that they werebeing tape recorded and thus may have tailored theiranswers to reduce any possible risk to their job orprofessional standing.


The complexities found within fisheries have long beenacknowledged, but have proven difficult to consider inroutine fishery management decisions (Dudley 2008;Garcia & Charles 2008). It is therefore important forfisheries professionals to work towards a sharedunderstanding of the different conceptions of risks sothat divergent and convergent concepts can be artic-ulated to the best extent possible. Refining the iden-tification(s) of risk from the perspective of the groupsinvolved adds clarity to such an abstract concept suchas risk (Francis & Shotton 1997). The primary lessonslearned from this study are:• fisheries management risks can be broadly identifiedbased on frequency of identification through interviewdata;• risks identified by individuals are reflective of themanagement system in which they operate, but signif-icant differences were not found between professionalroles within that system; and• risk categorisation can be a valuable tool from amanagement perspective as each type of risk may beassessed and managed using different risk managementapproaches.


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Appendix 1: Semi-structured interview tool.Interview Pro Forma

The interview should take less than 80 min to com-plete.

Survey Questions

1. Do we have your permission to take notes (ordigitally record) for this meeting?

General questions about risk and stockassessment2. What has your role in fisheries been over the last

couple of years?3. How do you see the concept of �risk� being used in

your fisheries assessment/management work?


� 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Scope: Identification of species earmarked forassessment4. Is there a formal process for determining what risk

assessment technique or techniques are employedfor each species or group of species?

5. Do you identify fisheries or species as �data-poor�and what criteria do you use to make thisdetermination?

Implementation: Determination of the processes,types of data used and analyses completed forthe assessment of species6. What are the main steps involved in this assess-

ment procedure (including risk, stock or otherassessment strategies) for the (data-poor) species?

7. Which of the steps involve stakeholders?8. How would you rate your assessment process on

the following criteria?a. Efficiencyb. Repeatabilityc. Transparency

9. Does your organisation assessment process ac-count for cumulative risk, e.g. where species aretaken by a number of fisheries.

10. How is uncertainty incorporated in your risk levelcalculations?

11. How long does a standard assessment for afishery or species generally take? What is the mosttime consuming task?

12. How frequently are such assessments undertakenor updated for each species?

13. If the assessments are quantitative then:a. What software packages are used for devel-

oping quantitative assessments?b. Are standard spreadsheets, calculations, algo-

rithms or protocols used in the production ofquantitative risk assessments?

c. How are your quantitative algorithms tested(e.g. simulated data, zero catch)?

14. Are you undertaking research on new assessmentmethods? If so, please describe your research.

15. What are the strongest and weakest links in yourassessment of (data-poor) species?


16. Do you have any ideas of how to improve theexchange of information regarding the assess-ment of species such as an internet based Wiki-pedia-style forum or Fishbase?

Interpretation: – the managerial interface to theoutcome of an assessment17. Is there a formal process for how assessments are

to be interpreted by managers? Is this docu-mented? If yes, where can I obtain a copy? If not,what is the process?

18. Do you use management thresholds or triggerpoints? How were these benchmarks determined?

19. Is there a pre-agreed response to when species aredetermined to have crossed a threshold?

20. If these pre-agreed responses exist, do you haveany comments about the actual implementationof these responses?

21. What do you see as the strengths and weaknessesof your organisation�s interface between theassessment and management?

22. Are their any changes to this management/assessment interface on the horizon?

23. Is there anything more you want to add regardingall that we have just spoken about?

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