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Can We Consider the 1951 Caviaga (Northern Italy) Earthquakes as Noninduced Events?

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E Can We Consider the 1951 Caviaga (Northern Italy) Earthquakes as Noninduced Events? by M. Caciagli, R. Camassi, S. Danesi, S. Pondrelli, and S. Salimbeni Online Material: Table of MercalliCancaniSieberg (MCS) intensities, onset times and associated phases, complete param- eter sets for each 1951 location and computation of the iso- static stress variation due to unloading in the upper crust. INTRODUCTION On the night of 1516 May 1951, two moderate earthquakes with estimated magnitudes of M w 5.4 and 4.5 occurred in northern Italy, about 40 km southeast of Milan, close to the small town of Caviaga. They were recorded by several observa- tories worldwide, as reported by the International Seismological Summary (ISS) On-Line Bulletin (ISS, 1951; International Seismological Centre [ISC], 2011). Despite the moderate mag- nitudes, these two events caught the attention of seismologists and have been studied in detail, in particular by Caloi et al. (1956), because they were close to Caviaga in an area that was assumed to be aseismic. Moreover, their shallow hypocenters (5 km in Caloi et al., 1956) indicated a possible anthropo- genic source, related to wells for gas withdrawal (Fig. 1; see Data and Resources). In the absence of any further discussion or revision of the original study by Caloi et al. (1956), the Caviaga earthquakes have been included in several compilations of induced seismicity, and they have been generally accepted as cases of anthropogenic events (Grasso, 1992; Maury et al., 1992; Guha, 2000; Suckale, 2009; Klose, 2013; MINE Junior Research Group, 2014). In particular, the two events are currently included in the catalog of anthropogenic events that was compiled by Klose (2013), because they formally match all of the required criteria to be classified as induced or triggered events. These criteria are (1) a description of the candidate earthquake in a scientific peer-reviewed article, in conference proceedings, or as an abstract; (2) characterization in terms of time of nucleation, dominant focal mechanism, and geographic location, with un- certainty of depth and maximum observed seismic magnitude; (3) characterization of the human activity in terms of start-end time of operations, geographic location, depth in the earth crust, and mass changes in proximity to wells. The first cri- terion was satisfied by the report by Maury et al. (1992), in which the Caviaga events were mentioned: In Italy, the pro- duction of gas from the Caviaga field caused an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 in 1951. Caloi et al. (1956) assumed, and Caloi was able to confirm in 1970 (Caloi, 1970), that the gas pro- duction was the main cause of the earthquake.For the two additional criteria, Caloi et al. (1956) studied the first motions of the mainshock at 21 seismological stations, indicating that the earthquake was ...a violent outward thrust, in a solid angle with an axis strongly inclined towards NW.Supported by the shallow hypocentral location that they reported as 5 km in depth, as well as proximity of the events to wells, Caloi et al. (1956) suggested a correlation between the two seismic events and the gas extraction activities. Should this speculation be true, the first of these two events (estimated origin time 15 May 1951, 22:54 Greenwich mean time [GMT]) would be the strongest induced event that has ever occurred in Italy, the strongest in Europe related to extraction fields, and one of the major induced events anywhere in Europe (MINE project, see Data and Resources). After 60 years, it is possible to revisit this interpretation using improved computational techniques, the available high- resolution data, enriched historical catalogs and a deeper under- standing of the regional seismotectonic and crustal structure. The focus of this study is the relocation of these two events with the use of modern hypocentral location methods and the analysis of the historical seismicity of the area. A com- plete seismic source parameterization is out of the scope of this preliminary study. In the following, we describe the regional geological setting and the gas reservoir characterization, intro- duce the context of historical seismicity, provide a description of the mainshock relocation, discuss the uncertainties of the hypocentral parameters, and estimate the variation of the stress field due to extraction activities. We consider this revision nec- essary to be able to discuss the possibility that these two events were not induced by human activity, as well as to improve the quality of the dataset for decision makers involved in risk evaluation. GEOLOGICAL AND TECTONIC SETTING The area where the Caviaga earthquakes occurred is interesting from a tectonic point of view. It is located in the central to western part of the Po Plain and lies exactly where the buried front of the northern Apennines (in particular, the Emilia thrusts and folds) meets the most external southern Alpine front (Fig. 1). Both of these fronts are considered to be tectonically doi: 10.1785/0220150001 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 5 September/October 2015 1 SRL Early Edition


Can We Consider the 1951 Caviaga (NorthernItaly) Earthquakes as Noninduced Events?by M. Caciagli, R. Camassi, S. Danesi, S. Pondrelli, and S. Salimbeni

Online Material: Table of Mercalli–Cancani–Sieberg (MCS)intensities, onset times and associated phases, complete param-eter sets for each 1951 location and computation of the iso-static stress variation due to unloading in the upper crust.


On the night of 15–16 May 1951, two moderate earthquakeswith estimated magnitudes of Mw 5.4 and 4.5 occurred innorthern Italy, about 40 km southeast of Milan, close to thesmall town of Caviaga. They were recorded by several observa-tories worldwide, as reported by the International SeismologicalSummary (ISS) On-Line Bulletin (ISS, 1951; InternationalSeismological Centre [ISC], 2011). Despite the moderate mag-nitudes, these two events caught the attention of seismologistsand have been studied in detail, in particular by Caloi et al.(1956), because they were close to Caviaga in an area that wasassumed to be aseismic. Moreover, their shallow hypocenters(∼5 km in Caloi et al., 1956) indicated a possible anthropo-genic source, related to wells for gas withdrawal (Fig. 1; seeData and Resources).

In the absence of any further discussion or revision of theoriginal study by Caloi et al. (1956), the Caviaga earthquakeshave been included in several compilations of induced seismicity,and they have been generally accepted as cases of anthropogenicevents (Grasso, 1992; Maury et al., 1992; Guha, 2000; Suckale,2009; Klose, 2013; MINE Junior Research Group, 2014).

In particular, the two events are currently included in thecatalog of anthropogenic events that was compiled by Klose(2013), because they formally match all of the required criteriato be classified as induced or triggered events. These criteria are(1) a description of the candidate earthquake in a scientificpeer-reviewed article, in conference proceedings, or as anabstract; (2) characterization in terms of time of nucleation,dominant focal mechanism, and geographic location, with un-certainty of depth and maximum observed seismic magnitude;(3) characterization of the human activity in terms of start-endtime of operations, geographic location, depth in the earthcrust, and mass changes in proximity to wells. The first cri-terion was satisfied by the report by Maury et al. (1992), inwhich the Caviaga events were mentioned: “In Italy, the pro-duction of gas from the Caviaga field caused an earthquake ofmagnitude 5.5 in 1951. Caloi et al. (1956) assumed, and Caloi

was able to confirm in 1970 (Caloi, 1970), that the gas pro-duction was the main cause of the earthquake.” For the twoadditional criteria, Caloi et al. (1956) studied the first motionsof the mainshock at 21 seismological stations, indicating thatthe earthquake was “...a violent outward thrust, in a solid anglewith an axis strongly inclined towards NW.” Supported by theshallow hypocentral location that they reported as 5 km indepth, as well as proximity of the events to wells, Caloi et al.(1956) suggested a correlation between the two seismic eventsand the gas extraction activities. Should this speculation betrue, the first of these two events (estimated origin time15 May 1951, 22:54 Greenwich mean time [GMT]) would bethe strongest induced event that has ever occurred in Italy, thestrongest in Europe related to extraction fields, and one of themajor induced events anywhere in Europe (MINE project, seeData and Resources).

After 60 years, it is possible to revisit this interpretationusing improved computational techniques, the available high-resolution data, enriched historical catalogs and a deeper under-standing of the regional seismotectonic and crustal structure.

The focus of this study is the relocation of these twoevents with the use of modern hypocentral location methodsand the analysis of the historical seismicity of the area. A com-plete seismic source parameterization is out of the scope of thispreliminary study. In the following, we describe the regionalgeological setting and the gas reservoir characterization, intro-duce the context of historical seismicity, provide a descriptionof the mainshock relocation, discuss the uncertainties of thehypocentral parameters, and estimate the variation of the stressfield due to extraction activities. We consider this revision nec-essary to be able to discuss the possibility that these two eventswere not induced by human activity, as well as to improvethe quality of the dataset for decision makers involved in riskevaluation.


The area where the Caviaga earthquakes occurred is interestingfrom a tectonic point of view. It is located in the central towestern part of the Po Plain and lies exactly where the buriedfront of the northern Apennines (in particular, the Emiliathrusts and folds) meets the most external southern Alpine front(Fig. 1). Both of these fronts are considered to be tectonically

doi: 10.1785/0220150001 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 5 September/October 2015 1

SRL Early Edition

active and competing, with the Alpine part showing weaker ac-tivity (Bresciani and Perotti, 2014; Vannoli et al., 2014).

Shortening of the western side of the southern Alps in thisarea began in the early Oligocene to Messinian, whereas theApennines shortening began in the middle–late Miocene toPleistocene. At present, the tectonic evolution of the Adriaforeland is controlled by both the diachronous chain segmentactivities and the coeval competition.

Geological sections that cross the Apennines–Alps meet-ing point exactly east and west of Caviaga indeed show theApennines fold-and-thrust structures overlapping the already de-formed Alpine monocline (Fig. 1, section 2; Pieri and Groppi,1981; Cassano et al., 1986). Other similar images for the Adria

foreland have been drawn by Fantoni and Franciosi (2010) andBoccaletti et al. (2011), and these have always been based ondrillings and seismic data collected over more than 50 yearsof hydrocarbon exploration. The present-day deformation givenby Global Positioning System measurements shows a shorteningof 0:5–1:0 mm=yr toward the north, due to the clockwise ro-tation of the Adria plate with respect to Eurasia, around a polelocated in northwestern Italy at latitude 45.2° N and longitude8.0° E (Serpelloni et al., 2005).

Recent seismic activity is more frequent on the Apenninesside. However, on the Alpine side, a few events with magni-tudes up to 4 and deep hypocentral depth have been registeredand located just north of the location of the Caviaga earth-

▴ Figure 1. (top) Maps of the area of interest, showing the tectonic setting and seismicity between 1981 and 2012 (Italian SeismologicalInstrumental and Parametric Data-Base Working Group, see Data and Resources; Catalogue of Italian Seismicity, Castello et al., 2006).Symbols in color indicate earthquakes (circles for Mw > 2:0 and squares for Mw >4:5). Symbols are scaled with magnitude and colorsaccord to depth scale. Focal mechanisms are for seismicity with Mw > 4:5 from 1977 to present (Pondrelli et al., 2006). Top left inset: Theblack box is the study area and the red dashed line marks the boundary of the Adria plate. The (red) tectonic structures and (light greenlines) geological sections are extracted from Pieri and Groppi (1981) and Cassano et al. (1986). Top right map: Blue stars indicate theoriginal locations of the events of 15 May (15-Caloi) and 16 May (16-Caloi) according to Caloi et al. (1956) and the epicenter of the 15 Mayevent according to the International Seismological Summary On-Line Bulletin; white open squares indicate macroseismic epicenters fromhistorical seismicity (Rovida et al., 2011); yellow circles show the distribution of Caviaga and Ripalta gas wells active at 1951 (ItalianMinistry of Economic Development [UNMIG], Min. Ind. Comm. Artig.). (bottom) Two geological sections extracted from Pieri and Groppi(1981) and Cassano et al. (1986): TF, Thrust fault; Q, Quaternary; UPl, Upper Pliocene; LPl, Lower Pliocene; UM, Upper Miocene; MM, MiddleMiocene; LM, Lower Miocene; PG, Paleocene; Mz, Mesozoic; MB, Magnetic Basement.

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quakes (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Prevailing thrust or strike-slipsources characterize the northernmost segment of the Apen-nines belt (Fig. 1).


As of May 1951, two gas production licenses were active in theepicentral area: the Caviaga and the Ripalta licenses (Fig. 1;Italian Ministry of Economic Development [UNMIG], seeData and Resources).

The natural gas field of Caviaga, about 40 km southeast ofMilan, was discovered in 1944 and immediately showed enor-mous potentiality (Dami, 1952). At present it is still in produc-tion, even if in depletion phase. As of 2014, a total of 12.2 billioncubic meters (at standard temperature of 15°C and pressure of101.325 Pa, defined as a standard cubic meter [Smc]) of naturalgas, has been produced (UNMIG, see Data and Resources).

The reservoir is located on top of an east–west-orientedanticline, at a depth between 1300 and 1700 m below theground level, into the lower Pliocene formation (LPl sensuCas-

Table 1Locations of the Events Recorded in the Last 30 Years with Hypocentral Depth > 10 km and within a Distance of 20 km around


Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Origin Time (GMT, hh:mm:ss.sss) Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) Depth (km) Magnitude*2013/08/09 22:47:47.540 45.369 9.41 34.4 ML 2.22011/09/10 23:14:49.890 45.481 9.372 47.0 ML 2.42011/09/06 21:46:54.760 45.409 9.392 35.6 ML 2.32010/07/30 19:05:41.880 45.445 9.392 33.5 ML 2.32007/09/17 18:43:47.710 45.411 9.378 34.8 ML 2.82004/12/03 14:28:26.100 45.34 9.425 14.2 ML 1.92002/07/14 22:23:10.780 45.389 9.509 15.5 md 2.81999/12/26 00:54:04.180 45.481 9.453 15.8 ML 2.31994/02/14 03:52:27.540 45.485 9.513 23.5 md 2.01993/02/09 18:49:43.540 45.363 9.303 21.1 ML 2.01991/07/29 18:37:22.230 45.422 9.381 13.8 ML 3.21986/09/27 08:58:49.120 45.156 9.388 14.4 md 2.41986/07/17 09:44:41.000 45.323 9.633 19.7 md 2.6

See also Figure 1 and ISIDe Working Group, 2010.*ML, Richter or local magnitude; md, distance magnitude.

▴ Figure 2. The distribution of the macroseismic effects (on the Mercalli–Cancani–Sieberg scale) for the (left) 1951 and (right) 1786earthquakes (Camassi, 2014; Ⓔ Tables S1 and S2). F, Felt; D, damage to a single building. (Insets) Study area location.

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sano et al., 1986; Fig. 1); named “Strati di Caviaga” (AGIPMineraria, 1959a), it is characterized by prevalent sand bedswith thin intercalations of clayey facies. The reservoir is con-fined in a structural trap defined by a 179–430-m-thick clayey–marly facies association on the top (middle Pliocene age) andby a folded and mineralized strata of the basal Pliocene on thebottom, with a maximum thickness of 210 m. The contactwith the underlying Miocene marly–sandly formation (UpperMiocene [UM] sensu Cassano et al., 1986; Fig. 1) is transgres-sive type.

The gas extracted from the Caviaga field is defined as wetgas and mainly comprises methane (97.7%, with an absoluteweight of 0.7) and other heavy hydrocarbon gases industriallyprocessed to obtain natural gasoline with a relative density (at15°C) of 0.8 (AGIP Mineraria, 1959a). The gas dehydrationwas done through a solid-absorption plant (AGIP Mineraria,1959a).

By the end of 1951, 701 million Smc of methane, 1824cubic meters (mc) of natural gasoline, and 1676 mc of waterhad been extracted from 21 productive wells of a total of 32drilled (AGIP Mineraria, 1959a; UNMIG, see Data and Re-sources). The Caviaga license included two well fields in 1951:the Caviaga and the Cornegliano well fields, a few kilometerswestward from Caviaga. The Cornegliano well field went intoproduction in 1952 (UNMIG, see Data and Resources).

The Ripalta gas field was located about 10 km northeast ofCaviaga. Discovered in 1949, extraction continued from 1950to 1994, with a total gas production lower than 3.6 billion Smc(UNMIG, see Data and Resources). At the Ripalta field, thereservoir is located on top of an east–west-oriented anticline, ata depth between 1415 and 1590 m below the ground level, intothe basal part of LPl formation (Fig. 1). The reservoir rock isknown as “Strati di Ripalta” (AGIP Mineraria, 1959b) and ischaracterized by prevalent sand beds with thin intercalations ofclayey facies.

The reservoir is confined in a structural trap defined by a523–653 m thick clayey–marly facies association on the top(lower–middle Pliocene age) and byTortonian–lowerMiocenemarly formation (UM and Middle Miocene [MM] sensu Cas-sano et al., 1986; Fig. 1) at the bottom, at least 800 m thick.

The contact between the Pliocene sandly formation andthe underneath Miocene marly formation is transgressive(AGIPMineraria, 1959b). The gas extracted was a wet gas with99% methane, and the residual heavy hydrocarbon gases wereindustrially processed to obtain natural gasoline.

At the end of 1951, 312 million Smc of methane, about 38mc of natural gasoline, and 47 mc of water were extracted from

13 productive wells (AGIP Mineraria, 1959b) out of a total of23 drilled (UNMIG, see Data and Resources).

None of the wells sited in the Caviaga and Ripalta gasfields had ever been involved in fluid or water injection as of1951 (UNMIG, see Data and Resources).


The region where the 15–16May 1951 earthquakes occurred ischaracterized by infrequent seismicity. The map of historicalseismicity (Fig. 1, right panel; Rovida et al., 2011) shows thatthe 1951 events are not the only earthquakes to occur in thisregion. At least one other event of the same strength (Mw ≥5:0)occurred in 1786.

These 1951 earthquakes have been studied by several au-thors. The basic data currently included in the Italian Macro-seismic Database (Locati et al., 2011; see Data and Resources)were provided by a technical report (Storia Geofisica Ambiente[SGA], 2002) that was based on the parameterization of ob-servations collected by the study of Caloi et al. (1956) and onan analysis of some journalistic correspondence. The informa-tion yielded by this technical report was reviewed for thepresent study, along with some journalistic correspondenceand a register of macroseismic records that were received bythe Central Office for Meteorology and Geodynamics. Theupdated distribution of the effects (Camassi, 2014; Fig. 2andⒺ Table S1, available in the electronic supplement to thisarticle) shows a very large felt area that suggests a deep hypo-center, as for other well-known historical events in the Po Val-ley (1796, 1909, and 1983; Vannoli et al., 2014). The newmacroseismic location of this epicenter is 1.5 km south of thatgiven by the Italian Parametric Catalog (Rovida et al., 2011), afew kilometers southeast of Caviaga, with estimated Mw 5.25(Table 2 and Fig. 3).

The information that was available to Caloi et al. (1956)for the seismic history of Italy was limited to the seismologicalcompilation of Baratta (1901), on which much of the infor-mation about the seismicity of the Italian territory was baseduntil the 1980s. Caloi et al. (1956) refers in particular to thesection “Topographic Distribution of Italian Earthquakes,”which states (Baratta, 1901) “in the northern Italy seismicitymap... Lodi and Lodigiano are not listed in any seismic area... .”Baratta (1901) devoted a careful paragraph to the Lodi area,which in addition to casting doubt on the reality of an allegedearthquake that occurred in the year 290, only reported felteffects from distant earthquakes.

Table 2New Macroseismic Parameters of the 1951 and 1786 Earthquakes

Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Time (GMT, hh:mm) Np Imax (°) Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Mw* dMw*1951/05/15 22:54 174 6–7 45.234 9.603 5.25 0.071786/04/07 00:25 10 7–8 45.266 9.550 5.33 0.27

*Mw, macroseismic moment magnitude; dMw, its uncertainty; Np, number of points; Imax, maximum intensity.

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Although this area certainly has seen only low-to-moder-ate seismicity, it has been affected in the past by earthquakesthat were located close to the 1951 earthquake. An importanthistorical event was that of 7 April 1786 (Mw 5.5; Rovida et al.,2011), which was studied by Guidoboni et al. (2007) and waslocated very close to the area hit by the 1951 earthquakes. Theupdate proposed by the present study (Fig. 2 andⒺ Table S2)locates this 1786 event a few kilometers southwest—so is veryclose to the locality of Caviaga—with an estimated Mw 5.33(Table 2 and Fig. 3). This 1786 event, due to the wide felt area,also appears to have been a deep earthquake.

Another case that deserves to be considered in the re-construction of the seismic history of this area is the earth-quake of 13 January 1918. This was apparently a minor earth-quake, and its parameters remain very uncertain. Its location iscurrently indicated 50 km far from the present area of interest(Mw 4.8; Rovida et al., 2011; Fig. 1). In the parametric catalogby Postpischl (1985), this event was localized to a few kilo-meters from Caviaga, and it is interesting to note that in thecollection of the Italian magnitude values compiled byMargot-tini et al. (1993), this earthquake was listed with an instrumen-tal magnitude M s 4.94, with the same location proposed byPostpischl (1985). Despite the difficulty of locating potentiallydeep earthquakes on the basis of macroseismic intensities, wehypothesize that a revision of the macroseismic dataset willalso locate this earthquake in the vicinity of the area of Caviaga(Fig. 3).

Careful consideration of historical and early instrumentalseismicity thus leads to the conclusion that the area affected bythe earthquakes of 1951 cannot be considered as aseismic.


The study of Caloi et al. (1956) presented several points thatare open to discussion. First, the collection of seismographicdata was very careful, but early analysis could not account forsynchronization problems with the internal clocks of the sta-tions. Second, in agreement with the general knowledge of theperiod, Caloi et al. (1956) considered an oversimplified velocitymodel of the Po Plain; Caloi et al. (1956) defined in their finalsummary “ … a stratification of sediments more or less com-mon to all Europe overlaying the Earth’s crust which… consistshence of three superimposed layers.” Third, as describedpreviously, the historical seismicity of the area was nearly un-known, to the point that Caloi et al. (1956) stated that “… thezone concerned is notoriously aseismic.” In their final sum-mary, Caloi et al. (1956) also declared that the most criticalpoint of their study was the determination of the hypocentraldepth. Of note, this is one of the most error-prone parameterseven in modern seismology.

During the process of relocation of events that occurredtens of years ago, any source of error must be considered withparticular attention. Uncertainties in earthquake location aregenerally ruled by two factors: measurement errors in the seis-mic arrival times and modeling errors of the calculated traveltimes. For events that occurred in the early instrumental period(e.g., before the 1970s), the first class of error is definitely sig-nificant. In particular, when original seismograms are not avail-able, measurement errors can be difficult to remove or reduce,and these come from a number of sources, which can includethe signal-to-noise ratio, misidentification of seismic phases,poor-quality synchronization, and unknown systematic delaysin the internal clock of a station; indeed, they can even arisefrom banal circumstances, such as misprints in a transcriptionof daily bulletins. For these reasons, estimated Gaussian errorsof the order of seconds are reasonable and acceptable in thestudy of such past events (Villaseñor and Engdahl, 2007; San-dron et al., 2014; Bondár et al., 2015). Modeling errors of cal-culated travel times are dominated by the quality of the seismicvelocity (or slowness) model that is used to calculate the raypaths and, of course, the theoretical travel times. The a priorivelocity structure significantly controls the determination ofthe hypocenter (and, in particular, the depth) mainly forregional and local events, because the seismic-wave propagationis more affected by small-scale heterogeneities in the crust andupper mantle.

DatasetThe main source of arrival-time data for the 1951 Caviaga earth-quakes is the monthly bulletin for May 1951 that was publishedby the ISS (1951) and ISC (2011). For the event of 15 May1951, this bulletin included records from 79 observatoriesworldwide and, for the 16 May aftershock, records from 45observatories worldwide.

With the aim to integrate and/or to check the availabledataset, we collected coeval seismic station bulletins from dif-ferent Euro-Mediterranean observatories. This was made pos-

9.4° 9.6° 9.8°













0 10km


▴ Figure 3. Locations of the epicenters (stars) from the presentstudy for the events of 15 and 16 May 1951. Locations 15A and 16Awere computed with HYPOSAT, and locations 15B and 16B werecomputed with HYPOINVERSE 2000, version hyp1.4. White squaresindicate historical data, with present-study macroseismic epicen-ters used for the 1786 and 1951 events. The location for 1918 isfrom Postpischl (1985). Symbols are scaled to the macroseismicmagnitude. White circles are active wells before 1951.

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sible thanks to the online bulletin databases that were con-structed in the framework of the EUROSEISMOS project(Ferrari and Pino, 2003) and the International SeismologicalCentre-Global Earthquake (ISC-GEM) model (Storchak et al.,2013), both of which are available through the Istituto Nazio-nale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-SISMOS website (see Dataand Resources; Michelini et al., 2005).

Because the accuracy behind the timing reported in bul-letins cannot be determined easily, the reliability of any stationtiming was checked using a comparison of the observed phaseswith the theoretical arrival times. We computed four differentsets of expected arrival times using the ak135 velocity model(Kennett et al., 1995) and assuming fixed epicentral coordi-nates, which were deduced from the macroseismic epicenter (Ro-vida et al., 2011) and different hypocentral depths (5, 40, 50,60 km). The theoretical travel times are compatible with obser-vations for a hypocentral depth of 50 km. The observed arrivaltimes were generally consistent with each other. In a few cases,these direct calculations allowed the correction of some macro-scopic inconsistencies in the dataset of the phases, such as largeclock bias, misidentification of the seismic phases, or typing mis-takes. Indeed, when the time difference between the theoreticaland observed arrival times at a station was constant, it is reason-able to infer that the gap was due to incorrect synchronization ofthe station clock. For the mainshock of 15 May 1951, this wasthe case for the seismic stations of L’vov (LVV, Poland) and Salò(SAL, Italy), for which we introduced a station delay time of13.5 and 10 s, respectively (Ⓔ Table S3). In addition, the com-parison with the theoretical arrival times allowed a completeredefinition of the phases associated with the onset data, accord-ing to the modern International Association of Seismology andPhysics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) codification (Kennettand Engdahl, 1991; Storchak et al., 2003).

The availability of original seismic station bulletins madeit also possible to recover data that was affected by misprints.As an example, the ISS Bulletin reports an S–P difference of12 s at the Durham station (DUR, United Kingdom) for theevent of 15 May 1951, which is not compatible with an epi-central distance of about 1320 km. Consultation of the originalBulletin from the British Observatory of Durham Universityhighlighted a simple misprint in the manual process of rewrit-

ing of the observed arrival times, which reported the P-phasearrival at minute 59 instead of 57.

Finally, we collected a total of 12 original seismogramsfrom the seismic stations of Bologna (BOL, Italy), Firenze(FIR, Italy), Messina (MES, Italy), Prato (PRT, Italy), and Ti-misoara (TIM, Romania), and we reanalyzed the picking of thephases. For the PRTand BOL stations, the new Sn picking wasused.Ⓔ These original arrival times from the ISS Bulletin andthe corrections are listed in Tables S3 and S4 for the 15 Mayand the 16 May events, respectively. The station codes and co-ordinates were extracted from the International Registry ofSeismograph Stations (ISC, 2011).

Data Processing and ResultsSeismic event location is a nonlinear problem, and many algo-rithms and location programs have been developed over time tosolve this. A hypocentral location and its uncertainties are onlytrue in the framework of the applied criteria of the computa-tion and according to Schweitzer (2001), “…all estimated un-certainties must be considered in relation to other hypocentersolutions using the same model.” On the basis of this consid-eration, we located the two seismic events of 15 and 16 May1951, using two programs: HYPOINVERSE-2000 in its lastversion of hyp1.40 (Klein, 2014) and HYPOSAT (Schweit-zer, 2001).

As for previous theoretical direct calculations, our referencemodel was the ak135 velocity model (Kennett et al., 1995). Weused the HYPOINVERSE-2000 location algorithm with a viewto modern standards of minimization of computational residuals,and, therefore we used arrival-time data from 13 stations withina distance of about 400 km (13 P phases and 5 S phases; seeⒺTable S3). For the mainshock that occurred on 15 May 1951, at22:54 GMT, we obtained a hypocentral solution at a depth of32:42� 4:53 km, about 15 km northeast of Caviaga, withroot mean square �rms� � 0:86 s (Fig. 3 and Table 3). Themean residual time (i.e., difference between observed and calcu-lated arrival times) is 0.5 s for the P phases and 0.9 s for the Sphases. For the aftershock of 16 May 1951, at 02:27 GMT, theepicenter solution is located about 6 km northeast of the firstevent, with a hypocentral depth of 13:71� 4:18 km, and meanrms � 0:70 s (Fig. 3 and Table 3).

Table 3Hypocentral Parameters for the 15 and 16 May 1951, Seismic Events Obtained in the Present Study Using the HYPOSAT and

HYPOINVERSE-2000 Version hyp1.40 Location Codes

15 May 1951 16 May 1951

Parameter HYPOSAT HYPOINVERSE HYPOSAT HYPOINVERSEOrigin time (GMT) (hh:mm:ss.ss) 22:54:29.92 ± 0.36 22:54:29.75 ± 0.39 02:27:00.73 ± 0.46 02:27:00.82 ± 0.48Latitude (° N) 45.387 ± 0.028 45.419 45.320 ± 0.031 45.462Longitude (° E) 9.475 ± 0.036 9.575 9.498 ± 0.052 9.613Depth Z (km) 34.66 ± 4.91 32.42 ± 4.53 20.34 ± 3.42 13.71 ± 4.18Root mean square (s) 1.13 0.86 1.02 0.70

Ⓔ The complete parameter set for each location is reported in Table S5.

6 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 5 September/October 2015

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It is worth noting that the rms travel-time residual pro-vides a measure of the fit between the observed and theoreticaltravel times, and therefore a small rms indicates a good fit withthe data. However, the mere computational best fit strictly de-pends on the parameterization of the inverse problem, so wecan expect a better fit with the data when considering a limiteddataset. This mathematical trade-off usually reflects good con-sistency in the definition of the inversion in terms of the num-ber of unknown parameters and observations. Nevertheless, thereliability of a seismic location as a physical problem cannotignore other factors, such as azimuthal coverage, distances ofthe stations, velocity structure parameterization, and abun-dance of observations. This is the reason why we decided to testthe obtained hypocentral solutions using another software, HY-POSAT (Schweitzer, 2001), which provides the opportunity toinclude not only the absolute onset data in the inversion, butalso all of the travel-time differences between the phases ob-served at the same station. This possibility is particularly impor-tant for historical datasets that sometimes have errors in theabsolute onset timing. Indeed, all travel-time differences are de-pendent on the epicentral distance and not on the source timenor on systematic timing errors. For reflected phases, the travel-time difference for a direct phase is strongly influenced by thesource depth. We used the CRUST5.1 crustal model (Mooneyet al., 1998) for the estimation of the station corrections withrespect to the crustal structure below the station.

For the 15 May 1951, seismic event, we used 71 onsets(out of the 133 available) from 58 worldwide seismic stationsand 21 travel-time differences (Ⓔ Table S3). The hypocentraldepth is estimated at 34:66� 4:91 km (Table 3). The meanresidual is 0.9 s for the onset phases and 1.9 s for the travel-timedifferences. The rms obtained is 1.1 s.

For the 16 May event, we used 38 onsets (out of the 76available) from 29 worldwide seismic stations, and 12 travel-timedifferences (Ⓔ Table S4). The hypocentral depth is estimated at20:34� 3:42 km (Table 3). The mean residual is 0.9 s for theonset phases and 1.0 s for the travel-time differences. The rmsobtained for this location is 1.0 s.

With reference to the EPcrust model (Molinari and Mor-elli, 2011), the mainshock on 15 May is located in the lowercrust, and the aftershock on 16 May is located in the upper crustor at the upper–lower crust boundary depending on the locationcode (HYPOINVERSE or HYPOSAT, respectively).

As a double check, we calculated the event locations andrelative rms values, keeping fixed depths (Fig. 4). For the firstevent, the rms value obtained with a fixed depth of 5 km, that isthe value of the hypocentral depth attributed by Caloi et al.(1956) to the event, is about twice the rms obtained for a lo-cation depth fixed to 32 km, that is the closer value to the oneobtained in this work (Table 3). For the 16 May aftershock, weobtained a similar trend, shifted to smaller values (Fig. 4).


We know that human activities can induce or trigger seismicity(Grasso, 1992; Suckale, 2009; and references herein; National

Research Council, 2013). This is one of the most outstandingpresent-day points of discussion, considering the dramaticincreases in seismicity rates in areas characterized by strongsubsoil use, with the occurrence of severalMw ∼ 5 events (Na-tional Resources Council, 2013; McGarr, 2014) in areas wherehistorical and earlier instrumental seismicity rates were low.However, we also believe that there is the need for good,and sometimes revised, data to infer reliable conclusions aboutearly events identified as induced. With this aim, we investi-gated the Caviaga earthquakes, with an initial focus on theparameters that can help determine whether these events wererelated to human activities.

One of the arguments of Caloi et al. (1956) to support thehypothesis of an induced or triggered earthquake is that these1951 earthquakes occurred in an area thought to be aseismic.However, the revision of the historical seismicity around theCaviaga area, indeed in a context of very incomplete knowl-edge, shows that at least one seismic event with similar mag-nitude occurred on 7 April 1786, with an inferred location veryclose to the 1951 macroseismic epicenters (Fig. 3). In addition,if solutions proposed by Postpischl (1985) and Margottini et al.(1993) are accepted, the 13 January 1918, earthquake was alsolocated close to Caviaga. Overall, the tectonic setting, thepresent-day deformation, and the seismicity are typical of a re-gion of low-to-moderate seismicity (Fig. 1).

The information collected here was not available at thetime of Caloi et al. (1956). Indeed, modern enriched historicalcatalogs and deeper understanding of the regional seismotec-tonics invalidate one of the basic assumptions made by Caloiet al. (1956, p. 93), “… however, the studied area, at least inhistorical times, has always been considered aseismic.”

Our hypocentral relocation goes one step further, withnew observational data and two different methods used to in-vestigate both of 15 and 16 May events. Our results indicate

▴ Figure 4. The variation of the root mean square (rms) travel-time residual as a function of hypocentral depth, obtained byfixed-depth inversions with the software HYPOINVERSE. Dia-monds indicate results for fixed-depth location inversions forevent 15B (Fig. 3). Reversed triangles give rms values as a functionof depth for event 16B (Fig. 3).

Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 5 September/October 2015 7

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hypocentral depths greater than 5 km (Table 3). As discussedpreviously, precision in hypocentral location cannot be assuredby a simple estimate of the rms misfit. The number of onsets andtravel-time differences used and the azimuthal coverage providedduring the computation are all parameters that must be takeninto account. For these reasons, we consider the results obtainedwith HYPOSAT (Schweitzer, 2001) as the preferred solutions,despite the mathematically higher rms estimates.

All of our solutions indicate deep sources, in the range of32–35� 5 km for the 15 May 1951 event and 14–20� 4 kmfor the 16 May event, depending on the computational method(Table 3). The rms values of locations computed with HYPO-INVERSE-2000 are approximately half of the rms computedwith a fixed hypocentral depth of 5 km (Fig. 4), the value in-ferred by Caloi et al. (1956).

The conclusion that the 1951 Caviaga seismic events haddeep hypocenters is also supported by the widespread distribu-tion of macroseismic effects (Fig. 2; Vannoli et al., 2014) andthe observations of related elastic waves at teleseismic distances(i.e., the farthest recording station is Palomar, California, at anazimuthal distance of 87.8°; Ⓔ Tables S3 and S4).

At least 13 events have occurred since 1986 at depthgreater than 10 km within a distance of 20 km around Lodi(Table 1), a further element indicating that deep natural seis-micity is not infrequent in this area.

Although shallow depth suggests that earthquakes are in-duced, one must also consider the possibility of deeper activatedevents, in particular whether the stress perturbation related togas production could propagate to such large depths and even-tually trigger a pre-existing natural stress on a fault at its criticalfailure threshold. For instance, significant sequences of events(Mw >5:5) at midcrustal depth were observed between 1976and 1994 in Uzbekistan, in proximity and beneath the Gazli gasreservoirs, and in France between 1974 and 1997 close to theLacq field region (Grasso, 1992; Bardainne et al., 2008; Suckale,2009; and references therein).

One source of stress change is the isostatic imbalance due tothe removal of mass. We can calculate the distribution of stresschange resulting from unloading by considering the cumulativevolume V of gas extracted as of 1951 (V ∼ 700 Mm3,ρ � 0:701 kg=m3; Dami, 1952; AGIP Mineraria, 1959a).The total volume of water and gasoline extracted is low. Thesedata refer to the end of the year 1951, hence they are reported inexcess. Note that 700 Mm3 is less than 5% of the total fieldproduction from 1944 to 2014 (see Data and Resources).

Following the classical approach suggested by Boussinesq(1885; Fung, 1965), the unloading corresponds to a stresschange of ∼1:7 Pa at 35 km depth and distance of about 20 km(Ⓔ see electronic supplement). The same estimation repeatedfor the volume of gas extracted at the Ripalta gas field gives astress variation of ∼0:75 Pa at 35 km depth and distance of20 km. Even considering a cumulative effect of changes of stressdue to the exploitation of the two gas fields, we obtain a valuewell below the threshold of 10 kPa that is generally invoked forseismicity triggering (Stein and Lisowski, 1983; Reasenberg and

Simpson, 1992; Hardebeck et al., 1998; Vidale et al., 1998;Stein, 1999).

Other sources of stress perturbation include variations inpore pressure and of poroelastic stress. A direct numericalmodel for the calculation of the stress disturbance related toporoelastic effects and their propagation through the wholecrust is out of the scope of this work. Nevertheless, it is possibleto note that (1) because the exploitation until 1951 corre-sponded to about 5% of the total production, it did not involvesubstantial changes in terms of volume and internal pressure ofthe two gas reservoirs; (2) several highly impermeable layers inthe stratigraphic sequence define the structural traps where thereservoirs are confined; and (3) the volume of crust under con-sideration is characterized by extreme heterogeneities, impor-tant vertical and horizontal discontinuities, and the contactbetween the Adria and Eurasia plates (Fig. 1).

Given the relative proximity of the earthquake to gas wells,it is not possible to reach a definitive conclusion about thesource mechanism for these events. However, on the basis ofthese considerations, the hypothesis of hydraulic continuity(eventually responsible for the poroelastic effects’ propagationof 35 km into the crustal layers) is not considered feasible.


The Caviaga earthquakes have been listed in the main catalogsof induced and triggered events relying on the location given byCaloi et al. (1956) and their speculations based on the knowl-edge of the time concerning the macroseismic history and tec-tonics of the area. This new analysis effectively invalidatesearlier results that were used to identify the earthquake as in-duced. In particular, this work focuses on (1) the relocation ofboth the events of 15 and 16May 1951, pointing to deep (mid-crustal) sources; (2) the investigation on the historical seismic-ity of the area and the identification of past events through thestudy of their macroseismic effects; (3) the observation of re-cent recorded seismicity, indicating that deep natural seismicityis not infrequent in the area under investigation; (4) the neo-tectonics controlling the active contact between the Apenninesand the Italian Alps; and (5) the evaluation of stress perturba-tion induced by gas production, a value that results well belowthe threshold generally invoked for seismicity triggering.

Our detailed results thus call into question the evidencethat previous studies cited to conclude that the Caviaga eventswere induced, suggesting instead that they were natural tec-tonic events.


All the websites listed below were last accessed on March 2015.Multiple catalogs and databases were used: Catalogo della

Sismicità Italiana (CSI, Catalogue of Italian Seismicity; http://csi.rm.ingv.it/), the 2011 Catalogo Parametrico dei TerremotiItaliani (CPT11, Parametric Catalog of Italian Earthquakes;http://emidius.mi.ingv.it/CPTI11/), the Database MacrosismicoItaliano (DBMI, Italian Macroseismic Database; http://

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emidius.mi.ingv.it/DBMI11), Catalogue of Strong Earthquakesin Italy (461 B.C.–1997) and the Mediterranean Area (760B.C.–1500) (http://storing.ingv.it/cfti4med/), Italian CentroidMoment Tensors Dataset (http://www.bo.ingv.it/RCMT/Italydataset.html), and the Italian Seismological Instrumentaland Parametric Data-Base (ISIDE; http://iside.rm.ingv.it). Thefull information about location and characterization of wellsfor exploration and gas withdrawal is available on the websiteof the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Directorate-General for mineral and energy resources: A list of explorationpermits in force is available at http://unmig.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/unmig/pozzi/pozzi.asp. Official information on the CaviagaGas Production License may be accessed at http://unmig.mise.gov.it/unmig/titoli/dettaglio.asp?cod=890, and official in-formation on the Ripalta Gas Production License may be ac-cessed at http://unmig.mise.gov.it/unmig/titoli/dettaglio.asp?cod=2896. Production details on the Caviaga Gas Fields are avail-able at http://unmig.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/unmig/produzione/pluriennale/dettaglio.asp?cod=890&min=G, and those for the Ri-palta Gas Fields are available at http://unmig.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/unmig/produzione/pluriennale/dettaglio.asp?cod=10086&min=G. Italian Ministry of Economic Development (UNMIG),Min. Ind. Comm. Artig. (1997) http://unmig.mise.gov.it/deposito/titoli/decreti/890_19971020.pdf. Information aboutEuropean anthropogenic induced events is extracted from “Mapand catalogue of anthropogenic Induced seismicity in Europe”(MINing Environments: Continuous monitoring and simulta-neous inversion, MINE Project), available at http://mine.zmaw.de/Induced-Seismicity-Catalogue.2279.0.html. Seismic station bul-letins are available through the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica eVulcanologia-SISMOS website https://sismos.ingv.it.


We are sincerely grateful to the two referees, Susan Hough andChristian D. Klose, and to the Editor for their appropriate andconstructive comments and suggestions, which have signifi-cantly improved both the content and the clarity of the manu-script. Seismograms from seismic station of Timisoara (TIM)were obtained thanks to the collaboration of our Romaniancolleague Eugen Oros. Most of the maps were drawn usingGeneric Mapping Tools (Wessel and Smith, 1991).


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M. CaciagliR. CamassiS. Danesi

S. PondrelliS. Salimbeni

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)Sezione di Bologna

Via D. Creti 1240128 Bologna, [email protected]

Published Online 12 August 2015

10 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 5 September/October 2015

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