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Board of Supervisors and County of San Franci City Hall, 401 ...

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City Hall, 40 1 Van Ness Ave.

San Franc isco , Ca. 94 1 02 -453 2


Tuesday, January 5, 1 999

PMMAY2 7 1999

Legislative Chamber Second Floor SAN FRANCISCCity Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place PUBLICLBRARY

San Francisco, CA 941 02 -4689Special M eeting




Gloria L. Young, Clerk oft/re Board


Committee M embership

conomic Development . Transportation. and TechnologyCommittee 1 51 3rd TuesdaySuperv isorsYak i. Katz, Leno AM

Finance Committee Each WednesdaySuperv isorsTeng. Kaufman. Newsom PM

Health. Family, and Environment Committee 2 0 d 4ih ThursdaySuperv isorsBiennan, Katz. Ammiano AM

Housing and Neighborhood Serv icesCommittee lst 3rd ThursdaySuperv isorsMedina. Yee, Leno AM

Parksand RecreationCommitteeSuperv isorsBrown, Newsom. Bierman

RulesCommittee 2nd 4th TuesdayAMSuperv.sorsAmmiano. Yee. Brown

First-named Supcn isor isChair. Second-named Superv isor is ice-Chair. ofthc Committee.

Number 1

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999

Members Present: TornAmmiano . Sue Bierman,Amos Brown, Leslie Katz , Barbara Kaufman,

Mark Leno. Jose Medina, GavinNewsom,MabelTeng, MichaelYaki, Leland

Y . Yee .

ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCEThe Board ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco met in regular session on the above datewith President Barbara Kaufinanpresiding.

Themeeting was called to order at p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisor was noted absent:

SupervisorMedina I


SupervisorMedina was notedpresent at p .m.

SupervisorTeng, seconded bySupervisor Brown, moved to suspend Rule ofthe Ru les ofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors to grant priv ilege ofthe floor to variousguests. Themotion carried by the fo l lowingvote:

Ayes: 1 1- Ammiano , Bierman,

Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom,Teng, Yaki, Yee

Printed at AM on


Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January 5, 1 9 99

Acknow ledgement ofRenovation ofCig Hall

President Kaufman stated it was an honor to ofiic iate at thefirstmeeting in the renovated City Hall buildingand that on the occasion ofthisfirst meeting in the Legislative Chambers today, everyone including Mayor

Brown, Nancy Pelosi and Jackie Sp ier will be in a portrait similar to the one taken ofthe Board ofSupervisors back in 1 9 1 5- 1 6 and asked every in the audience to turn andface the photographer at the back ofthe chamber.

President Kaufman introducedMayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.

Mayor Brown spoke briefly ofhis involvement in the CityHallproject and acknowledged the work andguidancefrom Tony I rons, City HallRenovation Project Director. Severalmembers ofthe Board spoke oftheremarkable, loving, dedication ofeveryone who had a part in the restoration ofthismagnificent building.

The Board ofSupervisors commending Tony I ronsfor his excellentmanagement and oversight ofthe CityHallRenovationProject and commended the eflorts ofeach and every worker involved in the restoration ofCity

Mr. I rons spoke briefly and acknowledged thefollowing members ofhisstafi'

and the crew ofthe construction

CityEmp loyees: YomiAgunbiade, GordonBailey, Yolanda Carter, Wayne Chung, Mary Hanni, Frank

Hoenack, Woodrow Jones, JimKenneay, Roberto Lombardi, CarolynSnipes, StanleySo, Joel Uchi and SheriWilliams.

Huber, Hunt Nichols: Raymond Zunino, William Sexauer, DennisSexauer, TomMartin, Eric Ferguson,

Tim Sexauer, Woody Soto, Scott Owens, Eralio Aranda, Gene Vincent, Erick Hockaday, Steve Rawlings, TimSmith, Laura Sexauer, DavidKrier, Corinne White, RossMandi, DuncanSinclair, Sharon Campbell, JohnSabatino and Shawnda Bowman.

Turner Construction: Pete Borberg, Gloria Frazer, Ash Golani, Sara Martin, DennisNewman, Kevin O'Neill,Mike Owens, Azer Rogue, Tanisha Silas, Jim Townsend and Christina Wallace.

Supervisor Teng acknowledged the group ofpeop le who campaignedfor the bond issue that made thisp ossible and asked that theprivilege ofthefloor be extended to JimHass. Mr. Hasssp oke of his devotionforthe last 1 5years towards the renovation ofthe civic center area.

Presentation To Supervisor Kaufman

Mr. RonKaufman appeared and after 44years ofmarriagefelt it was appropriate to present a proclamationto his wife, President Barbara Kaufinan,from herfamily. He wasjoined by their children, Steve and Lauren.

Karen couldn't make it but sends her regards.


982 02 7 [Stop Intersections]Reso lution designating certain intersectionsas Stop intersections:

STOPSIGNS ESTABL ISHTh orntonAvenue, Reddy Street, and TopekaAvenue, northeast and southwest comers, stopping ThorntonAvenue (makes thismu ltiple intersection an all-waySTOP) (Department ofParking and Traffic)Reso lutionNo. 3 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 Printed at AM on


Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999

[Park ing Regu lations, Various Locat ions]Resolution enacting and resc inding parking regulationsat various locations:


HuronAvenue, both sides, between Lawrence and Sick lesAvenues


VanNessAvenue, west side, betweenGo ldenGateAvenue anM cAllisterStreetGoldenGateAvenue, south side, betweenVanNessAvenue and Frank l inStreetGoldenGateAvenue, south side, from Po lk Street to 1 82 feet westerly ( 1 82 -foot zone, accommodating 8parking stalls)Po lk Street, east side, from 324 feet to 492 feet north ofGrove Street ( l68-foot zone, accommodating 14angled parking stalls)DIAGONAL (45-DEGREEANGLE) PARKING RESCINDPolk Street, west side, betweenGrove and McAllisterStreets

DIAGONAL (45-DEGREEANGLE) PARKING ESTABLISHPo lk Street, east side, betweenGrove andM cAllisterStreets

TOW-AWAY , NO PARKING ANYTIME ESTABLISHOff-street metered parking lot, south and west sides, between 1 8th and Co l lingwood Streets

RESIDENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA D (2 -HOUR TIME L IM IT, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY) ESTABLI SHNeyStreet, both sides, betweenM ission and Craut Streets (unit block)RESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA D (4-HOUR TIME LIM IT, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRI DAY) ESTABL ISHVanBuren Street, both sides, between Surrey and Sussex Streets (unit block)RESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA V (2 -HOUR PARK ING TIME L IM IT, 8 AM 6 PM ,

MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY) ESTABL ISHGranadaAvenue, bo th sides, betweenOceanAvenue and Southwood Drive(300 block)M iramarAvenue, bo th sides, between Eastwood Drive andWildwoodWay (500 block)M iramarAvenue, both sides, betweenOceanAvenue and Southwood Drive(300 block)M iramarAvenue, bo th sides, between Southwood and Eastwood Drives (400 block)Plymouth Avenue, both sides, betweenOceanAvenue and San RamonWay

( 1200 block)SanRamonWay, both sides, between Southwood Drive and east terminus ( 100 block)Southwood Drive, both sides, betweenM iramarAvenue and Elrnwood Way( 1 00 block)Southwood Drive, both sides, betweenM iramarand Plymouth Avenues (unit block) (Department ofParkingand Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 4- 99


City and County ofSan Francisco 3 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999

982 02 9

982 03 9

[Traffic Regu lations, VariousStreets]Reso lution enacting and rescinding traffic regu lations on variousstreets:

BICYCLE LANES ESTABL ISH14th Street, south side (eastbound only), between Guerrero and Fo lsom StreetsGrove Street, south side (eastbound only), betweenVanNessAvenue and Hyde StreetPo lk Street, both curb lanes (northbound and southbound), betweenM cAllisterand Turk StreetsPo lk Street, west curb lane (southbound only), betweenM cAllisterandHayesStreetsTaraval Street, both curb lanes (eastbound and westbound), betweenDeweyBoulevard and Forest AvenueUl loa Street, both curb lanes (eastbound and westbound), between 16 th and Forest SideAvenues

LEFT LANEMUST TURN LEFT ESTABLISHGrove Street, eastbound, at Larkin Street

TOW-AWAY , NO STOPPING ANYTIME ESTABL I SHPo lk Street, east side, betweenMcAllister and Turk Streets

ONE-WAY STREET ESTABLISHM inna Street, westbound, between 1 lth and Lafayette Streets


Howard Street, north side, between 6th and 8th Streets

TOW-AWAY LANE MUST TURN RIGHT ESTABL I SHHoward Street, westbound, at 6th Street (Department ofParking and Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 5-99

ADOPTED[Gift Acceptance]Reso lution authorizing the ChiefofPo lice to accept, on behalfofthe San Francisco Po l iceDepartment, thegift ofSix Thousand Five Hundred Do l lars from theGuardsmenforuseby the Po liceDepartment'sWildernessProgram . (Po lice Commission)Reso lutionNo. 6 -99

ADOPTEDThe foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


98 1 93 6 [Penal ties, Late Payment ofParking Tickets] Supervisor TengOrdinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section 1 3 1 to Article 7 , adopting a penal tyschedule forthe latepayment ofparking ticketsand providing that the Board ofSupervisorsmayby reso lution declare periodsofamnesty during which late payment penaltieswou ld be forgiven upon prompt payment ofthe underlying fine.

(AddsSectionOrdinanceNo . 2 -99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 9 Yaki, Ammiano , Bierman,

Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, TengNoes: 2 Yee, Newsom

City and County ofSan Francisco Printed at AM on

98 1 96 1

9820 1 0

982 0 1 1

982 047

Meeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999

[Sa laryOrd inance Amendment, CountyAgriculture/Weights and


Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo . 243 -98 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 9 98 CountyAgriculture/Weightsand Measures, reflecting the creation of positions (Class6220 InspectorofWeightsand Measuresand Class 1424 Clerk Typist) . (Department ofHumanResources)OrdinanceNo . 3-99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Medina, Newsom,Teng,Yaki

, Yee

[Appropriation, Dept ofPubl ic Transportation]Ordinance appropriating Department ofPublic Transportation, oftheGeneral Fund Reserve tofund the cost ofthe MUNl Metro recovery contract, implement various improvements throughout theMUN Isystem, address the defic it in fare revenue and supplement the increased cost ofthe use ofMUNI Fast PassesonBART, and prov iding for the creation of1 8 positionsand thedeletion of 14 positionsfor fiscal year 1 9981 999 ; prov iding for ratification ofaction previously taken; placing up to to be placed on reserve;companionmeasure to File 982 0 1 1 . (Public TransportationCommission)

OrdinanceNo . 4-99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano ,

Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina,Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, Yee[Publ ic Employment ]Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo . 243-98 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 998 Department ofTransportation, reflecting the creation of15 positionsand the deletion of 14 positions; companionmeasure toFile 9820 10 . (Department ofHumanResources)

(Fiscal impact .)OrdinanceNo . 5-99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Medina, Newsom,Teng, Yaki, Yee

Pedesta l-M ounted Newsrack Agreement ] SupervisorsKaufman, BrownOrdinance approving the pedestal-mounted newsrack agreement byand between theCity andCounty ofSanFranc isco andAdshel Inc . which al lowsfor the provision,

instal lation andmaintenance ofpedestal mountednewsrackson public property; approving an indemnification ofthe contractorby theCityforall c laimsinitiated by a publisherho lding a permit fora newsrack box orotherpublisher concerning the newsracks, theiroperation orthe agreement with Adshel, Inc ., and authorizing theDirector oftheDepartment ofPubl ic Works

to make changes to theDepartment ofPublic WorksDirector'sorders incorporated byreference in theagreement with Adshel, Inc .

OrdinanceNo . 1 -99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 8 Brown, Katz , Kaufman,



Teng, YakiNoes: 3 Ammiano ,

Bierman, Yee

City and County o/ San Francisco 5 Printed at AM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999


9700 1 9

98 1 967

98 1 9 68

98 1 976

[Proh ibiting Sale ofI nscribing Tools] Supervisor TengOrdinance amending the PoliceCode by adding Section 42 02 prohibiting the sale ofscribing too ls, windowetchers and diamond cutters to minorsand prohibiting the display ofinscribing too ls, w indow etchers ordiamond cutters in an area accessible to the public without employee assistance.

(AddsSection4202 )

PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano

,Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Medina,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Lead-Based Paint Practices]Ordinance amending BuildingCode by amending Chapter 36 to c larify enforcement authority and theresponsibilitiesofownersand contractors concerning work that disturbs lead paint on building exteriors, andmak ingmiscel laneous c larificationsand correctionsby repealing Sections360 1 and 36 02 in theirentirety; byrepeal ing subsections and

by amending Section 3608 ; by amending subsections'3604. 1,

by renumbering subsections to

by renumbering subsections to

renumbering subsections to

and by adding subsections (Department ofBuildingInspection)

(RepealsSections 360 1 and 3602 in theirentirety by repeal ing subsectionsand amends Section 3608 , subsections


subsections to

to to 7 ,

adds subsections

PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano

,Bierman, Brown,


Leno ,Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Parking Regu lations, Portion of7th Street]Ordinance amending Trafi ic Code by adding Section regarding parking regu lationson a Portion of7 th Street . (Department ofParking and Traffic)


PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 - Ammiano, Bierman,

Brown,Kalz ,

Kaufman,Leno , Medina, Newsom,

Teng, Yaki, Yee[Underground District 342 , Octavia Street ] Supervisor M edina

Ordinance creating Underground District No . 342 onOctavia Street fromGreen to Filbert Street.

PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz,Kaufman, Leno , Medina,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999

9 8 1 9 77

98 1 978


982 024

98 1 969

[Underground District 343 , Laguna Street ] Superv isor M edina

Ordinance creating Underground District No . 343 on Laguna Street from Bush Street to Cal ifornia Street.

PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1

- Ammiano ,Bierman,

Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Underground District 337 , Amendment ] Supervisor Medina

Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo. 143 -98 to redefine Underground District No . 33 7 in the Potomac/Waller

area byadding certainproperty thereto (Div isadero Street) .

Clerical correctionmade byClerk onPage 1 , l ine 14 replace Divisidero with Div isadero

PASSED ON FI RST READ ING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,Medina,

Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

[Park ingRegu lations, Port ionsofPo lk Street ]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section regarding parking regu lationson portionsofPolk Street. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(Adds Section

PASSED ON FIRST READI NG by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kalz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[ParkingRegu lations, Port ions ofLech Walesa Street ]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section regarding park ing regu lationson port ionsofLech Walesa Street. (Department ofParking and Traffic)


PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman,

Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno,Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Liquor License, 2 20 1 I rv ing Street ]Reso lution determining that the issuance ofa Type 2 0 off-sale beerand wine alcoho l ic beverage contro ll icense to Xu Ji Lian for2 3rd Irving Supermarket, located at 22 0 1 I rving Street, wil l serve the convenience ofthe peop le oftheCityand County ofSan Francisco in accordance with Section 2 3958 4 oftheCaliforniaBusinessand ProfessionsCode; with conditions.

Reso lutionNo . 2 -99

ADOPTED by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom,Teng, Yaki, Yee

Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999


98 1 633

98 1 634

98 1 635

98 1 636

[Appeal, 2 82 6 -2 828 Octav ia St. Subdivision Map]

Hearing ofpersons interested in orobjecting to the decision ofthe Public WorksDirectordated September 14,1 998 , approv ing Tentative SubdivisionMap (subject to certain conditionsand Building InspectionCoderequirements), to legalize the preposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots inAssessor'sBlock529 , Lot 1 6 , at 2 82 6

-2 82 8 Octavia Street .

(See Files98 1634, 98 1 635,

President Kaufinan stated that the appellant requested more time in order to reach a compromise and askedthat thismatter and its related motions be continued to February 1 , 1 999 .

SupervisorNewsom, seconded bySupervisorBierman, moved that thisHearing be CONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Kat ,

Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee[Appeal, 2 82 6-2 828 Octavia St. Subdiv ision M ap]

Motion approving decision oftheDirectorofPublic Works, approving Tentative SubdivisionMap to legalizethe proposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots inAssessor'sB lock 529 , Lot 1 6 , at 2 82 6 -2 82 8Octavia Street . (Clerk ofthe Board)

(See Files 98 1 633 , 98 1 635,Consideration continued to February 1 , 1 999 .

SupervisorNewsom, seconded by SupervisorBierman, moved that th isMotion be CONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Kat , Kaufman, Leno ,Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Appeal 2 82 6-2 82 8 Octavia St. Subdiv ision M ap]

Motion disapproving decision oftheDirector ofPubl ic Works, approving Tentative Subdiv isionMap to

legalize the proposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots inAssessor'sBlock 52 9 , Lot 1 6 , at 2 8262 82 8 Octavia Street. (Clerk ofthe Board)

(See Files98 1 633 , 98 1 634,Consideration continued to February I , 1 999 .

Supervisor Newsom, seconded bySupervisor Bierman, moved that thisMotion be CONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Kat ,

Kaufman,Leno, Medina , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Findings 2 82 6-2 82 8 Octavia St. SubdivisionM ap]

Motion directing theClerk ofthe Board to prepare findings relating to Tentative SubdivisionMap to legalizethe proposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots in Assessor'sB lock 529 , Lot 1 6 , at 2 82 6-2 828Octavia Street, for consideration by theBoard at itsnext meeting. (Clerk ofthe Board)

(See Files 98 1 633 , 98 1634,

Consideration continued to February 1 , 1 999.

SupervisorNewsom, seconded by Superv isor Bierman, moved that thisMotion beCONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kat ,Kaufman, Leno , Medina,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 8 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999

PUBL I C COMM ENTAbdalla Megahed, request investigation ofoperations ofMission Rock Shelter :

Ernestine Weiss, infavor ofBroadwayparcels issue;Daniel Pieste, comments on Supervisors actions;Steve Coulier, evictions to remove housingfiom the rental market;Robert O'Malley, living wages, human rights;Male speaker. San Francisco City with a Heart;Eban, M ission Rock Shelter;M ichael Levine. CalTran, BayBridge historic preservation;Mr. Mendosa. TenderloinHousing Clinic evictions, EllisAct;

Raquel Fox, Oppose EllisAct.

FOR ADOPTIONWI THOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCEThese measures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. Any Sup ervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthe President, Supervisor Yaki assumed the chair.

Thefollowingfour matters were voted on separately.

982 1 1 9 [Appo intment ] Superv isorsBoard ofSupervisors,M edina

Reso lution affirm ing retention ofSupervisorBarbaraKaufman as amemberoftheBoard ofDirectors, GoldenGate Bridge, Highwayand TransportationDistrict .ResolutionNo . 7 -99

Supervisor Medina, seconded bySupervisorKat , moved to excuse Superviso rKaufman from voting. The motioncarried by the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0- Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kat , Kaufman, Leno , Medina,

Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

Supervisor Medina requested to be added as co—sp onsor.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 8 Ammiano , Bierman, Kat , Leno , Medina,

Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 2 Brown, TengExcused : 1 Kaufman

982 1 20 [Appointment ] SupervisorsKaufman, M edina

Reso lution affirming retention ofSupervisorMabel Teng as amemberofthe Board ofDirectors, Go ldenGateBridge, Highway and Transportation District .Reso lutionNo . 8-99

SupervisorMed ina, seconded bySuperv isorAmmiano, moved to excuse Supervisor Teng from voting. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kat ,Leno,

Medina,Newsom, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 2 Kaufman, TengSupervisor Medina requested to be added as co—sp onsorADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Kat , Leno ,

Medina, Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Kaufman

Excused : 1 Teng

t and County ojSan Francisco 9 Printed at AM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofPresident Pro Temp ore Supervisor Yaki, Supervisor Teng assumed the chair.

982 1 2 1 [Appointment ] SupervisorsKaufman, M edina

Reso lution affirm ing retention ofSupervisorM ichael Yaki as amemberoftheBoard ofDirectors, Go ldenGate Bridge, Highway and TransportationDistrict.Reso lutionNo . 9 -99

Supervisor Kat , seconded bySupervisorAmmiano, moved to excuse SupervisorYaki from voting. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano ,Bierman, Brown, Kat , Leno,

Medina, Newsom, Teng,Yee

Absent: 2 Kaufman, Yaki

SupervisorMedina requested to be added as co-sponsor.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 9 Yee, Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kat , Leno, Medina,

Newsom, TengAbsent: 1 KaufmanExcused: 1 Yaki

982 1 2 2 [Appointment ] SupervisorsKaufman, M edina

Reso lution affirming retention ofSupervisorTomAmmiano as amemberofthe Board ofDirectors, Go ldenGateBridge, Highway and TransportationDistrict .ResolutionNo . 1 0-99

SupervisorMed ina, seconded bySupervisor Brown, moved to excuse SupervisorAmmiano from voting. The

motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Kat ,Kaufman,

Leno, Medina, Newsom,Teng,

Yaki, Yee

SupervisorMedina requested to be added as co-sponsor.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Bierman, Brown,

Kat ,Kaufman, Leno,

Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused: 1 Ammiano

President Kaufman resumed the chair.

For Adoption W ithou t CommitteeReference

982 1 39 [State Legislation, AB 2 6 and SB 75] Supervisors Leno, Bierman, KatReso lution urging the California State Legislature and Govemor-elect GrayDavis to approve AssemblyBil l2 6 and Senate Bil l 75 concerning domestic partners.

SupervisorsBierman, Katz requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 2 -99

ADOPTED982 1 40 [Adopt A Street ] SupervisorsNewsom, Kat , Leno,

M edina, Yak iReso lution reso lving that each member oftheBoard ofSuperv isors shal l adopt a street aspart oftheDepartment ofPublic Works

'program to create public-private partnerships that make ourCity's

neighborhoods and commercial corridors cleanerandmore attractive.

SupervisorsLeno, Medina, Yaki requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 3-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 0 Printed at AM on

982 142

982 1 23

982 1 41

982 1 38

Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999

|Commendat ion, Genera l M o tors] Superv isorsNewsom, Med ina, Yak iReso lution commending General Motorsforappointing Cynthia M . Trudel l to head itsSaturn unit .SupervisorsMedina, Yaki requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 14-99

ADOPTED[Need le Exchange Emergency] Superv isorsBierman, Teng,

Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Kat ,

Brown, Newsom, Medina, Yee,

LenoMotion concurring in the determination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the declaration ofemergencyin connection w ith the need le exchange program.

MotionNo. M 99 - l


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kat , Kaufman Leno ,

Medina,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[White Zone, 1 2 00 California Street ] Superv isorsAmmiano, Medina

Reso lution extending the effective hours ofthe white zone in front of1200 Cal ifornia Street to 24 hours.

SupervisorAmmiano requested thismatter be severedfor thep urp ose ofreferring the item to committee.


SupervisorMedina requested to be added as co-sponsor.

REFERRED to theHousing and Neighborhood ServicesCommittee.

[Octavia Bou levard, Proposition E I mp lementation] Superv isorsKatz, Bierman,Ammiano, Leno

Reso lution urging Caltrans to work cooperativelywith the City and County ofSan Francisco in developing theOctaviaBou levard approved by voters in November 1 99 8 .

Supervisor Medina requested this item be severedfor thep urp ose ofrequesting to be excusedfrom voting.

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 -99


Superv isor Newsom, seconded bySuperv isorKat , moved to excuse SupervisorMed ina from voting on th is item.

The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown,

Kat ,Kaufman, Leno , Medina,

Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

Supervisor Leno requested to be added as co-sponsor.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Kat ,Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom,Teng, Yaki, Yee

Excused: 1 Medina

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999

I M PERATI VE AGENDAResolution(s) , ifany, to be adop ted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. BrownAct, introduced today, not on theprinted agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, theBoard mustfirstadop t the Serious I njury Finding or the Purely Commendatory Finding and the BrownAct Finding. Eachmotion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is requiredfor the resolution(s) . For suchresolutions to be considered, the Boardmustfirst adop t thefollowing two motions.

[Purely Commendatory F inding]Motion that the Boardfind that the resolution(s) being considered at this time arepurely commendatory.

Superv isorNewsom, seconded bySupervisorKat , moved adoption ofthe commendatory finding. The motioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano,Bierman, Brown, Kat , Kaufman,

Leno , Medina,Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, Yee[BrownAct Finding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there is aneed to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention oftheCity and County ofSanFrancisco after the agenda wasp osted.

SupervisorNewsom, seconded bySupervisorKat , moved adoption ofthe BrownAct finding. Themotion carriedby the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Kat , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Imperative Resolution990002 [Commendation] SupervisorsKatz, Leno, Newsom,

Yee, Yaki, Kaufman, Ammiano,Bierman, Brown, Teng

Reso lution recognizing the leadership and dedication ofJoseMedina, memberofthe San Francisco Board ofSupervisors.

Reso lutionNo. 15-99

SupervisorNewsom, seconded bySupervisorKat , moved that thisReso lution beADOPTED. The motion carriedby the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano,Bierman, Brown,

Kat , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng,Yaki, Yee

OFF-CALENDAR LEGISLATIONI ntroduced by Supervisors or M ayor



[M otor Vehiclesfor H ire] SupervisorNewsomOrdinance amending Po liceCode Sections 1 077 and 1 1 85 to make vio lation oftheChiefsrulesfor taxicabsan infraction and establishing fines.

(AmendsSections 1 077 andASSIGNED to Economic Development, Transportation, and Techno logyCommittee.

[Clean Air Taxicabs] Superv isorsNewsom, Bierman,


Ordinance amending Po liceCode byadding Section to require all taxicab co lorschemeswith 50 ormore vehic les to operate at least two percent ofthose vehiclesasultra-low-emission vehiclesas ofJanuary 1 ,2 00 1 and to Operate at least five percent ofthese vehiclesassuperu ltra-low -emission vehic lesas ofJanuary 1 ,2 004.

(AddsSectionASSIGNED to Economic Development, Transportation, and Techno logyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 2 Printed at AM on


9900 1 0

9900 1 1

9900 1 2

9900 1 3

Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999

[G ift Acceptance] Superv isor LenoReso lution authorizing the ParkingAuthority to accept a gift ofone hundred and forty thousand do l lars

from the UptownParkingCorporation, the Downtown Park ing Corporation, and the El l isandO'Farrell Parking Garage to fund agaragemarketing study and plan for theCity and County ofSan Franc isco .

ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood Serv icesCommittee.

[Grant Funds] Supervisor BiermanReso lution authorizing the Sheriff'sDepartment to applyfor, accept and expend in funds from the

State Board ofCorrectionspursuant to theMental ly I llOffenderCrimeReduction grants program (M IOCR)and approv ing themembership oftheM IOCR StrategyCommittee.

ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood Serv icesCommittee.

[Eureka Val leyRecreationCenter] Supervisor LenoReso lution urging the San Francisco Open Space and Park RenovationCitizensAdvisoryCommittee and theGeneralManagerofthe Recreation and Park Department to maintain priority one statusfor the developmentofthe Eureka Val leyRecreationCenter.


[State Legislat ion, AB 1 03 ] Superv isors Leno, BiermanReso lution urging theCal ifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavisto approveAssemblyBill 103 requiringreport ing ofHI V casesusing a unique code system.


[State Legislation, SB 48 ] Supervisors Leno, BiermanReso lution urging theCaliforniaState Legislature and GovernorDav isto approve Senate Bil l 48 rev ising theCal iforniaPubl ic RecordsAct .


[Commendat ion] Supervisors Leno, M edina, Brown,Teng, Newsom, Ammiano,

Kaufman, Yee, Bierman, Yaki,Katz

Reso lution commendingCityArchitect Tony Ironsforhisexcel lent management and oversight oftheCityHal l Renovation Project .


1 3 Printed at 1 I :47AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January 5, 1 999

9900 1 4

9900 1 6

[Commendation] Supervisors Teng, Kaufman, Yak i,Brown, Kat , Leno, Medina,

Newsom, Bierman, Ammiano, Yee

Reso lution commending the effort sofeach and every worker invo lved in the restoration ofCityHal l asaworld c lassstructure for the use and benefit ofall San Franciscans.


[New Asian Project Appeal ] Supervisor BiermanReso lution initiating appeal to the Board ofSupervisors ofPlanningCommission approval ofCertificate ofAppropriatenessforNew AsianProject, pursuant to PlanningCodeSection

ASSIGNED to Economic Development, Transportation, and Technology Committee.

[Ru lesofOrder, Committee Structure] SupervisorAmmianoMotion amending the RulesofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors in order to create anew committee structurefor the Board.

(DeletesSections through and Section renumbersSections through to throughaddsnew Sections through

ASSIGNED to Ru lesCommittee.

I ntroduced by thePresident at the Request ofDepartments



982 1 1 6

982 1 1 7

[Airport Concession Lease]Reso lution approving BoardingAreas B and C BookstoresLease betweenHost International, Inc . and the

City andCounty ofSan Francisco,acting by and through itsAirport Commission. (A irport Commission)

1 2/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

[EmergencyRepair, ClayStreet Sewer]Reso lution approving the expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to replace the structural ly inadequatesewers inClayStreet from Stockton to Powell Streetsand Joice Street from Sacramento to Clay Streets

(Public UtilitiesCommission)

(Fiscal impact .)1 2/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee.

[EmergencyRepair, Brannan Street Sewer]Reso lution approving the expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to repair the structural ly inadequatesewers inBrannan Street fromCo l linP. Kel lyJr. Street to Second Street (Public UtilitiesCommission)

1 2/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 4 Printed at I 1 :47AM on

Meeting M inutes January 5, 1 999

Mo tion that the Board adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofrespect to the memory ofthefollowing deceased:

Patrick Dowling (SupervisorKaufinan)Oscar Scaggs (SupervisorsNewsom, Katz)Gugu Dlamini (By the entire Board)Anne Gatti (By the entire Board)Nancy Pearson (Supervisor Brown

ADJOURNM ENTThere being nofurther business, theBoard of adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N B. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by theBoard ofSupervisors on themattersstated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors onMarch I , 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifytha t theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 6 Printed at PM on



CityHall, 40 1 Van /tiess Ave.

San Francisco ; Ca.9 41 02 -453 2

Friday, January 8 , 1 999


LegislativeChambers, Second FloorCityHall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 941 02

Special I naugural M eeting




Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board

BOARD COM IVI I TTEESM WEconomic Development, Transportation, and Tec hnology CommitteeSupervisors Yak i, Katz, LenoFinance CommitteeSupervisors Teng, Kaufman, NewsomHealth , Family, and Environment CommitteeSupervisors Bierman, Katz , Ammiano

Housing and Neighbo rhood ServicesCommitteeSuperv isorsMedina, Yee, LenoParks and Rec reation Committee

Supervisors Brown, Newsom, Bierman


SupervisorsAmmiano, Yee, Brown

First-named Supervisor isChair. Second-named Supervisor isVice-ChairoftheCommittee.

Vo l ume 94 Number 2


MAY2 7 1999


Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes January 8, 1 999

Members Present TornAmmiano , Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Barbara Kaufman, Jose Medina,

GavinNewsom, Mabel Teng, Michael Yaki, Leland Y . Yee .

ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEThe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco met in special session on the above datewith President Barbara Kaufmanpresiding.

Themeeting was called to order at p m. On call ofthe roll, allSupervisors were notedpresent.


TheClerk oftheBoard stated thefollowing communications have been received.

(a) FromDirector ofElections, certifying the candidatesfor the oflice ofmember oftheBoard ofSupervisorswho received a p lurality ofvo tes cast at the election held onNovember 3 , 1 998, and who ,

therefore, have beendeclared elected to that ofiice, namely:

1 09,0 1 5

(b) From the Controller, giving notice that ofiicial bondsfor all elevenmembers ofthe Board ofSup ervisorshave been dulyfiled.

Oath ofOfficeRetiring PresidentKaufinan introduced theHonorableDonna J. Hitchens, Judge, San Francisco SuperiorCourt and requested themembers named above andAssessor-RecorderDoris Ward, who was re-elected, to

stand,whereuponJudgeHitchens administered the oath ofoflice.

BriefRemarksByRetiring President Kaufman

PresidentKaufman indicated it has been a privilege to serve asPresident ofthe Board ofSupervisors and ithas been a very interesting and challenging two years.

New President I nstalled

SupervisorKaufman asked Supervisors Yee and Bierman to escort the newly elected President, SupervisorTomAmmiano, to the rostrum.

(This is the last time thePresident ofthe Board ofSupervisors is determined by the top vo te getter at amunicipal election.)

PresidentAmmiano welcomed various elected officials and thefollowing distingu ished guests:


FormerSupervisor, Assemblywoman CaroleM igden,

FormerSupervisor, BayArea Rap id Transit BoardDirector, Willie B. Kennedy.

1 7 Printed at 2 :57 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January 8, 1 999

Presentation ofM ayor

PresidentAmmiano introducedMayor WillieL. Brown, Jr.

TheMayor indicated his deligh t to be apart ofthis ceremony indicating democracyfitnctions best ifp eop leparticipate by registering, casting their ballo ts andjoining in celebrating the results. Hop efully the resp ect ofthepeop le will also be extended as appropriately earned by those ofyou who hold office asyouface the manychallenges ofthe City. None can bemet with only one department do ing it alone, it is a combination ofall.

Presentation ofPlague

PresidentAmmiano on behalfofthe entireBoardp resented a plaque to retiring President BarbaraKaufinfor herservices as Board President, January 8, 1 99 7 January 8, 1 999 .

I ntroduction ofSupervisors and M embers ofTheir Families

PresidentAmmiano introduced each Board member for briefremarks andfor introduction offamily membersin attendance.

RemarksByPresident Ammiano

PresidentAmmiano spoke on hisproposed agenda which includes creation ofa district election taskforce toreview the district electionprocess and how a President oftheBoard ofSupervisors will be chosen, restoremunicipal information services, jobsfor residents, commercial rent control, recognition ofsmall business,economic analysis ofnew mega stores, tax rebates, gasp rice issue, ATMfees, TCI , consumerp rotection,

housing, mission based budget, budget hearings in all neighborhoods, MunicipalRailway daily rep ortsand

urged his colleagues to ridep ublic transit more regularly.

Announcement ofProposed Committee Structure

PresidentAmmiano announced hisproposal to change theBoard's committee structure asfollows:Audit and Government Efi‘iciency CommitteeFinance and Labor CommitteeHousing and So cialPolicy CommitteeParksand Recreation CommitteePublic Health and Environment CommitteePublic Utilities andDeregulation CommitteeRulesCommitteeSmallBusiness, Economic Vitality and ConsumerServices CommitteeTransportation and Land Use Committee

(See February I , 1 999 MeetingM inutesformembership listing.)

Acknow led ement ofStrin uartet

PresidentAmmiano thanked thefollowing members ofthe string quartet who p erformedprior tocommencement ofthis ceremony:

Greg Hobson, viola; ClareBurke, violin; Greg Sykes, violin; CathyBarid, cello .

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 8 Printed at PM on

Aleeting M inu tes January 8 , 1 999

ADJOURNM ENTThere being nofurther business. the Board at the hour ofI 1 36 p m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N.B. The Minutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on the mattersstated,

but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematterswere taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors on March 15, 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSup ervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifythat theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheMinutes ofsaid Board on the date sta ted and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francis co 1 9 Printed at AM on

Meeting M inu tes January I I , 1 999

Members Present TomAmmiano ,Sue Bierman, Amos Brown,

Leslie Katz , Barbara Kaufman,

Mark Leno , GavinNewsom,MabelTeng, MichaelYaki, Leland Y . Yee .

Members Absent Jose Medina .

ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEG I ANCEThe Board ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco met in regular session on the above datewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisors were noted absent:

Supervisors Katz, Medina 2 .


SupervisorKatz was notedpresent at p m.

Supervisor Medina excused (See infia.)

Supervisor M edina Excused From Attendance

SupervisorYak i, seconded bySupervisor Bierman, moved to excuse SupervisorMedina from attending today'smeeting. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Brown,Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee, Ammiano , Bierman

Absent: 2 Katz , MedinaAPPROVAL OF M EET I NG M I NUTES

Superv isorKaufman, seconded bySuperv isor Teng, moved to approve theOctober 1 9 , 1 998 and October 2 6 , 1 998MeetingM inutes. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman,

Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee, Ammiano

Absent: 1 Medina

Supervisor Leno, seconded by Superv isor Brown, moved to suspend Rule ofthe Ru lesofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors to grant privilege ofthe floor to the fol lowing guests. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom,

Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Med ina

Sup ervisor Brown introduced, welcomed and presented Certificates ofHonor to 1 0 winners ofan essay contestentitled "

1 Can Be sp onsored by the San Francisco La Raza LawyersAssociation. The tenmiddle schoolstudents are: Kateria Armstrong, Enrico Ariola, Dora Hang, Erica Marches, Connie Chin, Richard Esp inosa,

Luis Jimenez , M ichael Lau, JessieLin and Melissa Sandovia.


98 1 963 [Lease Agreement, Port Richard Stein/CityParkingCompany]

Reso lution approv ing lease agreement with Richard Stein d.b.a. City Parking Company and theCity and

County ofSan Franc isco operating by and through the San Franc isco Port Commission to Operate a surfaceparking lot at Seawal l Lot 330 , Embarcadero and Bryant . (Port)Reso lutionNo . 16-99

ADOPTED2 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January I I , I 999

982 03 7

982 1 36

9700 1 9

98 1 967

[G rant State]Reso lution retroactively authorizing theDirector ofPublic Works to expend up to from the StateofCal ifornia for roadwaywork onCitystreets in accordancew ith State-Local Transportation PartnershipProgram (9th Cyc le) waiving indirect costs. (Department ofPubl ic Works)Reso lutionNo. 1 7-99

ADOPTED(Grant, Federal] SupervisorNewsomReso lution authorizing the ExecutiveDirector, Department ofParking andTraffic, to retroactively app lyfor,accept and expend up to mil lion in Federal grantsfor implementation ofthe first phase ofa state-of-theart Integrated TransportationManagement System (ITMS), foregoing reimbursement ofindirect costs.

Reso lutionNo. 1 8-99


[Prohibiting Sa le ofI nscribing Too ls] Supervisor TengOrdinance amending thePo l iceCode byadding Section 4202 prohibiting the sale ofscribing too ls, windowetchersand diamond cuttersto minorsand prohibiting the display ofinscribing too ls, window etchersordiamond cutters in an area accessible to the public without employee assistance.

(AddsSection 42 02 )OrdinanceNo . 6 -99

FINALLY PASSED[Lead-Based Paint Practices]Ordinance amendingBuilding Code by amending Chapter 36 to clarify enforcement authority and theresponsibilitiesofownersand contractors concerning work that disturbs lead paint on building exteriors, andmak ingmiscel laneous clarificationsand correctionsby repealing Sections 360 1 and 3602 in their entirety; byrepealing subsections and

by amending Section 360 8 ; byamending subsections

3609 2 1 ; by renumbering subsections to

by renumbering subsections 3603 .2 2 , to

renumbering subsections to

and by adding subsections (Department ofBuildingInspection)

(RepealsSections360 1 and 3602 in their entiretyby repealing subsectionsand amendsSection 3608 , subsections


subsections to

3603 .2 3 ,to to

addssubsectionsOrdinanceNo. 1 3 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 22 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January I I 1 9 9 9

98 l 968

98 1 976

98 1 977

98 1 978


982 024

[Parking Regu lat ions, Port ion of7 ih Street ]Ordinance amending Traffic Code byadding Section regarding parking regulationson a Port ion of7 th Street . (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(AddsSectionOrdinanceNo . 7-99

FINALLY PASSED[Underground District 342 , Octav ia Street ] Superv isorM ed ina

Ordinance creating Underground District No . 342 onOctav ia Street from Green to Filbert Street .OrdinanceNo . 8-99

FINALLY PASSED[Underground District 343 , Laguna Street ] Superv isorM edina

Ordinance creating Underground Distri ct No . 343 on Laguna Street from Bush Street to California Street .OrdinanceNo . 9—99

FINALLY PASSED[Underground District 337 , Amendment ] Superv isorM ed ina

Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo. 143-98 to redefine Underground District No. 337 in the Potomac/Waller

area byadding certain property thereto (Divisadero Street) .

Clerical correctionmade byClerk onPage 1 , line 14 replace Divisidero with Div isaderoOrdinanceNo . 1 0-99

FINALLY PASSED[Parking Regu lations, Port ions ofPo lk Street ]Ordinance amending Traffi c Code by adding Section regarding parking regu lationson portionsPolk Street . (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(AddsSectionOrdinanceNo. 1 1 -99

FINALLY PASSED[ParkingRegu lations, Port ions ofLech Walesa Street ]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section regarding parking regu lations on portionsLech Walesa Street. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(AddsSectionOrdinanceNo . 12 -99

FINALLY PASSEDThe foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0- Ammiano , Bierman,

Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

t and County ofSan Francisco 23 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January I I , 1 999


98 1 449 [Treasure I sland Development Authority] Superv isor Yak iReso lution directing the Treasure I sland Development Authority to amend itsbylawsand articlesofincorporation to expand the numberofdirectors ofthe Board ofDirectorsoftheAuthority to inc lude threeadditional ex officio members the then-sitting President ofthe Board ofSupervisors, theChairofthecommittee with jurisdiction overeconomic development and the Chairofthe committeewith jurisdiction overhousing; requiring 30

-dayspriornotice ofamendments to theAuthority's competitivebidding ru lesandprocedures; urging theAuthority to monitor and participate in negotiationswith theNavy regardingconveyance ofthe base, and directing theAuthority to establish a citizensadvisoryboard within 30 days oftheeffective date ofthisreso lution to be comprised of25 persons, 14 ofwhom shal l be appointed by theMayor

and 1 1 ofwhom shall be appointed by the Board ofSupervisors.

Supervisor Yaki requested thismatter be continued to January I 9, 1 999 .

Supervisor Yaki, seconded bySupervisor Newsom, moved that th isReso lution beCONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina


982 098 [BroadwayParcels] SupervisorsTeng BiermanReso lution approv ing in principle ( 1 ) the San Francisco Po liceDepartment'spurchase or lease ofBlock 1 65,Lot 2 1 (Broadwaybetween Sansome Street and BatteryStreet) at fairmarket value forthe construction ofapo lice station to replace the current North Beach station; (2 ) theM ayor

'sOffice ofHousing'sutilizing B lock

14 1 , Lot 1 1 (BroadwaybetweenBattery Street and Front Street) for the development ofaffordable housingconsistent with PropositionA approved by the voters inNovember, 1 996 , inc luding but not limited to theissuance ofrequestsforqualificationsand/or proposalsfora developer to purchase or lease ofthe site at lessthan fairmarket valuefor the development ofaffordable housing; and (3) the Port ofSan Francisco'sutilizingB lock 140 , Lot 8 (DavisStreet between Val lejo Street and Broadway) for commercial development consistentwith the Port'sWaterfront Plan

,inc luding but not l imited to ajurisdictional transferofsuch parcel to thePort

and thePort's issuance ofrequestsforqualificationsand/orpr0 posalsfor a developer to ground lease the Site atfairmarket value forsuch commercial development ; each subject to the receipt ofanyrequired Board ofSupervisors'approval ofsuch transactions. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 2 7-99

Supervisor Leno, seconded bySupervisorYak i, moved to excuse Superv isorKaufman from vot ing. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0~ Ammiano , Bierman,

Brown,Katz , Kaufman,

Leno ,Newsom,

Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 8 Teng, Yaki, Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Leno, NewsomNoes: 1 Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

Excused: 1 Kaufman

City and County ofSan Francisco 24 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January I I , 1 999


982 1 05

982 1 06

982 1 07

[Appea l , Condit iona l Use, 2 2 1 8-48th Avenue]Hearing ofpersons interested in orobjecting to the dec ision ofthe Planning Commissionby itsMotionNo .

14739 , dated November 1 9 , 1 99 8, approv ing Conditional UseAppl icationNo . 98 .538C, to convert a singlefamily dwel l ing to a Post-Secondary Educational Institution/School forSelf-Heal ing Serv ices, in anRH- l

(Residential , House, One-Family) and 40-X Height and Bu lk District, on property located at 22 1 8-48thAvenue, east side betweenRivera and Santiago Streets; Lot 48 in Assessor'sBlock 2302 .

(Appeal fi led categorical ly exempt from environmental review processpursuant to Title 14 oftheCal iforniaAdministrativeCode; see Files982 106 , 982 1 07 ,Thefollowing persons were sworn in and granted privilege ofthefloor:

Appellants: Hugh Cassidy, male speaker,female speaker, Karl Pierson,female speaker, Edna Fagan, male

speaker, Lillie, Rosalind Young, male speaker, male speaker,female speaker,female speaker.

Respondents: BobPassmore,representing Planning Department; Grace Tang; Mrs. Sneider; Anna

O'Connor; Joseph Ferro; Mary Collins; male speaker; Cathy Lopez; Dale Gagner; Eddie Esop ic ; RoyDuel/s;

JaneCimmaron; DebMcTernan; Ned Web; Dorothea Terrain; Anna ; Larry Schofield; GeorgeHecker;femalespeaker; Karen; I rene; M ichelle Brossner; StephanieSneider; SusieStraus; NickShank; Ester; MichaelMoflitt; MadelineHa il.

A rebuttalperiod was allowed.

The President then declared the hearing closed.


[Appea l, Cond itional Use, 2 2 1 8-48th Avenue]Motion approving decision ofthePlanning Commission by itsM otionNo . 14739 , approvingConditionalUseApp l icationNo . 8C, on property located at 2 2 1 8-48th Avenue, east side betw eenRivera and SantiagoStreets, and adopting findingspursuant to Planning Code Section (Clerk oftheBoard)

(See Files 982 0 15, 982 0 1 7 ,MotionNo . M99-2

SupervisorKa tz, seconded bySuperv isor Bierman, moved that thisM otion be APPROVED. Themotion carried bythe fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0- Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Newsom,Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

[Appeal , Conditiona l Use, 2 2 1 8-48th Avenue]Motion disapproving decision ofthePlanningCommission by itsMotionNo . 14739 , approv ing ConditionalUseAppl icationNo. 8C, on property located at 22 1 8-48th Avenue, east side betweenRivera andSantiag o Streets, and adopting findingspursuant to PlanningCode Section (Clerk ofthe Board)

(See Files982 0 1 5, 9 82 1 06Superv isorKatz, seconded bySuperv isor Teng, moved that thisM otion be TABLED. The motion carried by thefo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano ,Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Med ina

25 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inu tes January I ] , 1 999

982 1 08 [Findings 2 2 1 8-48th Avenue]Motion directing the Clerk ofthe Board to prepare findingsrelating to proposed Conditional UseApplicationNo . SC, on property located at 22 1 8-48th Avenue, east side betweenRivera and Santiago Streets, foraction by the Board at itsnext meeting. (Clerk ofthe Board)

(See Files 9 82 0 15, 982 1 06M otionNo . M99-3

APPROVED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano ,

Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom,

Teng,Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina


9900 1 5 [Ru les ofOrder, Commit tee Structure] SupervisorAmmianoMotion amending the Rules ofOrder oftheBoard ofSupervisors in order to create a new committee structurefor the Board.

(DeletesSections5. 1 through and Section renumbersSections through to throughaddsnew Sections throughM otionNo . M99 -4

APPROVED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina


BobPlanthold, disability accessp lanning on differentprojectsby the City;J. B. Saunders, homeless activist, single room occupancy unhabitable conditions;Abdalla Megahed, M ission Rock investigation requested;ReubenD. Goodman, homelessness;

Daniel Pieste, Union SquareNew Year’s Eve event, homeless issues;M ichaelBellafountaine, questionsHI Vdrug treatmentp lan;JakkeeBryson, weekly shelter hell rep ort , Ep iscapolSanctuary;David Grace, KPOO broadcast, homeless, dirty streets,fastfood establishments, YZK eflect on nuclearp owerp lant;Jefii

'ey Leibovitz, coke bottle structure development;

Rodney, profanity should be stopped, homeless issues.


9900 1 0

Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. AnySupervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

[Eureka Val leyRecreation Center] Supervisors Leno, Katz, Newsom,

Teng, AmmianoReso lution urging the San Francisco Open Space and Park RenovationCitizensAdvisoryCommittee and theGeneral Manager oftheRecreation and Park Department to maintain priority one statusfor the developmentofthe Eureka Val leyRecreationCenter.

SupervisorsKatz, Newsom, Teng, Ammiano requested to be added as co-sponsors.

ResolutionNo . 35-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 6 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January I I , I 999

I M PERATI VE AGENDAResolution(s) . ifany, to be adop ted within limits imp osed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralp h M . BrownAct, introduced today, not on theprinted agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the Board mustfirstadop t the Serious I njury Finding or the Purely CammendatOty Finding and the BrownAct Finding. Eachmotion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is requiredfor the resolution(s) . For suchresolutions to be considered, the Boardmustfirst adop t thefollowing two motions.

[Purely Commendatory Finding]'Motion that the Boardfind that the resolution(s) being considered at this time arepurely commendatory.

SupervisorKaufman, seconded by Superv isor Leno, moved adoption ofthe commendatoryfinding. The motioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

[BrownAct Finding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there is aneed to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco after the agenda wasp osted.

SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Leno, moved adoption ofthe BrownAct finding. The motion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

I mperativeResolutions



99003 7

[Commendation] Supervisor KaufmanReso lution commending theBureausofArchitecture, Engineering, Street and SewerRepairand the officesoftheDirector

,Public Affairs, Financial Management, Street use and Mapping, ConstructionManagement ofthe

Department ofPublic Workson theirhard work since 1 9 89 on the seismic retrofitting ofCityHal l .ResolutionNo . 2 2 -99

Supervisor Yak i, seconded bySuperv isorNewsom, moved that thisReso lution beADOPTED. Themotion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano,Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

[Commendation] Superv isor LenoResolution commending theClerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors, G loria Young, and herstafffor their efforts inmoving theBoard ofSupervisors to CityHal l .ResolutionNo . 2 3 -99

Supervisor Yak i, seconded bySuperv isorNewsom, moved that thisReso lution beADOPTED. Themotion carried

by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Medina

[Commendation] Superv isor LenoReso lution commendingReverend Don Fado ofthe United Methodist Church in Sacramento forhis courage inblessing a gay union.

Reso lutionNo . 24-99

SupervisorYak i, seconded bySuperv isorNewsom, moved that th isResolution beADOPTED. The motion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Kaufman, Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee , Ammiano , Bierman,

Brown, KatzAbsent: 1 Medina

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 8 Printed at PM on

Meeting M inu tes January I I I 999

OFF-CALENDAR LEG I SLAT I ONI ntrodu ced by Superv isors or M ayor

99 0045



99 0048


[Pre-tax Treatment ofBuyBacks] Superv isor Yak iOrdinance amendingAdministrativeCode Section -5 and adding Section -4 concerning pre-taxtreatment ofbuy backs.

(AmendsSection 16 2 9-5 and addsSectionASSIGNED UNDER30 DAY RULE to FinanceCommittee, expireson

[Permits for Use ofHallidiePlaza ] Superv isor BrownOrdinance amending AdministrativeCode Section to give the Recreation and Park Department orCommission authority to grant permitsforrecreational and first amendment activity in Hallidie Plaza andreserv ing to the Board ofSupervisors the authority to grant permitsforany otheractivity and to hear appealsfrom denials ofpermits by theRecreation and Park Department orCommission.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED to Parksand RecreationCommittee.

[Build ing A tta chmentsProgram] Supervisor LenoOrdinance amending HousingCode Section 604 to require that ownersofresidential buildings cert ify to theDepartment ofBuilding Inspection (DBI ) that any decks, stairs, balconiesorfire escapes that are notstructural ly integral to the building have been determined by a licensed professional engineer or otherdefinedstructural expert to meet minimum safety standards, and, providing foran initial three (3) yearperiod forcertifications to be submitted and amending Chapter 1 0 by adding Section 1OO1 (Q) to treat as substandard anyresidential building forwhich deficient orno certificationwassubmitted to DB1 .

(AddsSections604 andASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Economic Development, Transportation, and Techno logy

Committee, expireson Awaiting response from Building InspectionCommission.

[Catastrophic Sick Leave and Long-Term Disabil ity Task Force] Superv isorsAmmiano, Yaki,Bierman, Brown, Katz

Reso lution establishing aCatastrophic Sick Leave and Long-term Disability Task Force to rev iew issuesrelated to the City's catastrophic sick leave and long-term disabil ity insurance programsfor city emp loyeesandto make recommendations to theBoard ofSupervisors and setting forth themembership and dutiesofthe taskforce.

ASSIGNED to Heal th, Family, and Environment Committee.

[Federa l Fund ing Community Development ] M ayor

Reso lution approving the 1 999 CommunityDevelopment Program authorizing theMayor, onbehalfoftheCity and County ofSan Francisco , to accept and expend the City's 1 999 CommunityDevelopment B lockGrant (CDBG) entit lement from theUS . Department ofHousing and Urban Development, and programincome generated by the San Franc isco Redevelopment Agency up to which inc lude indirectcostsof 1 5; approv ing expenditure schedulesforrecipient departments and agencies and for indirectcosts, and, determining no environmental evaluation isrequired,

authorizing the receipt and deposit incontingenc ies of1999 CDEC entit lement funds in excessof

ASSIGNED to F inanceCommittee.

a t) ! and County ofSan Francisco 2 9 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January I I , 1 999







[State Funding AI DS and A I DS Related Programs and Serv ices] Superv isorsAmmiano, Katz, Leno,Newsom, Yee, Yak i, Teng, Bierman

Reso lution urging GovernorGrayDavis to maintain current levels ofstate fi nding forAI DS-HIV and AID

HlVS related services and programs.


[Regional Grant Funds] Superv isorsAmmiano, Teng,Bierman

Reso lution authorizing theDirector ofAdministrative Servicesto accept and expend from the

Transportation Fund for c lean air vehicles; and authorizing theDirector ofAdministrative Serv icesto executeagreementswith theBayAreaAirQualityManagement District whereby theCity wou ld indemnify the districtfrom c laimsresu lting from theCity'sperformance ofsaid agreements.


[Letter to SenatorDianne Feinstein] SupervisorsBrown, Teng, BiermanReso lution urging the SanFrancisco Board ofSupervisors to send a unanimous letter to United StatesSenatorDianne Feinstein urging her to support thePresident ofthe United States in afairand speedy resolution oftheUnited StatesSenate Impeachment Trial and to reach a consensus that wil l enable public officialsto resumetheirfocuson providing leadership and addressingmajor issues that deal with the improvement ofthe qualityoflife in the United States and establ ishing peace and justice abroad.


[Gender Parity in Appointments] SupervisorsKatz, Newsom, Teng,Brown, Bierman, Leno

Reso lution urging theCity and County ofSan Francisco to ensure genderparity in appointments.


[Proc lamation] Supervisor BiermanReso lution celebrating amemorial tribute and celebration ofthe life ofWil liam BoxCook and designatingJanuary 1 8, 1 999 , as

"Bil l Cook Day


[Dr. Martin LutherKing, Jr. Celebration] Superv isorsBrown, Newsom,

Teng, KatzReso lution acknowledging theNorthernCaliforniaDr. Martin LutherKing, Jr. BirthdayObservanceCommittee's thirteenth annual celebration oftheDr. Mart in LutherKing, Jr. Federal ho liday andcongratulating the committee's chair, Reverend Cecil Wil liamsforhis leadership in organizing thisevent.1 / l l/99 , REFERRED FORADOPTION WITHOUT COMM I TTEE REFERENCEAGENDAATTHENEXTBOARD MEETING.

City and County ofSan Francisco 30 Printed at PM on


99 00 24




9900 60


M eeting M inu tes January I I , I 99 9

[Honoring M ax, Serv ice Dog] Superv isor KatzReso lution recognizing the loyalty and dedication ofMax, serv ice dog for the City and County ofSanFranc isco .


[Pac ific Bel l Bal lpark ] Superv isor AmmianoHearing to considerthe schematic designsforthe Pac ific Bel l Bal lpark and the instal lation ofa "

CocaCo labott le in the children'splay area located on Third and King Streets.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Economic Development , Transportation, and Techno logyCommittee.

[9 1 1 and 3 1 1 Systems] Superv isorNewsomHearing to examine the 9 1 1 system, how it hasbeen improved and cou ld be improved furtherand to considerestabl ishment ofa 3 1 1 emergencynumber (similar to the system being tested in San Jose).

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood Serv icesCommittee.

[Children'sM emoria l F lag and Grove Project ] Supervisor Yak iHearing to consideradopting a "

Children'sMemorial F lag and Grove Project (similar to AlamedaCounty) tocommemorate the lossofSan Francisco children to v io lence.

l / l l /99 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health , Family, and Env ironment Committee.

[Regu lation ofPark ing Fees] Superv isorAmmianoHearing to considerthe regu lation ofparking feesbyCity-owned garages leased by private companies.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood Serv icesCommittee.

[Parking Privilegesfor Board Members] Superv isor BrownHearing to considerparking privilegesforBoard ofSupervisorsmembers.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee.

[OffSiteM eeting in Chinatown] Superv isorsYee, TengMotion having theMonday, February 22 , 1 999 meeting ofthe Board ofSuperv isorsheld at the JohnYehallChin Elementary Schoo l , 350 BroadwayStreet, Mu lti-purposeRoom in theChinatownNeighborhood ofSanFrancisco at p m.

ASSIGNED to Ru lesCommittee.

[Need le Exchange Emergency] SupervisorsBierman, Teng,Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Ka tz,Brown, Newsom, Medina, Yee,

LenoMotion concurring in the determination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the dec laration ofemergencyin connectionwith the needle exchange program.


3 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inu tes January I I , I999

I ntroduced by the President at theReguest ofDepartments

PROPOSED ORDI NANCES9900 1 7 [Roger Contreras v. CCSF, et al. ]

Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofRogerContreras County ofSanFrancisco by payment of (City Attorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 992

l/6/99 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Ru lesCommittee.

9900 1 8 [Yee v . CCSF]Ordinance authorizing theCity to dismisswith prejudiceCity's cross-complaint against sub-confiactorsTightAccessExcavation ("Tight D .W . Young Construction (D .W. Marineship Service and D .W.

Young Construction/Marinship Construction, joint venture (co l lectively Frank and Grossmanand Lombardi Construction from the conso lidated actionsentitled Yee v . City and County ofSan Francisco , and conso lidated actions. (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 980


PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS9900 1 9 [Park ing Regu lations, Various Locations]

Reso lution enacting and rescinding parking regu lationsat various locations:


Wil low Street, north side, from Polk Street to 1 00 feet easterly ( 1 00-foot zone)NO PARKING ANYTIME , EXCEPT VEHICLESWI TH MUN I PERM ITS ESTABL I SH (One-YearTrialPeriod)GenevaAvenue

, south side, from 55 feet to 395 feet east ofSan JoseAvenue (340-foot zone)San JoseAvenue, west side, from 80 feet to 490 feet south ofGenevaAvenue (41 0-foot zone) (Department ofPark ing and Traffic)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee.

99002 0 [Stop I ntersections]Reso lution designating certain intersections as Stop intersections:

STOPSIGNS ESTABLISHEuclid Avenue and Laurel Street, northeast and southwest comers, stopping Euc lid Avenue (makes thisan allwaySTOP) (Department ofParking and Traffic)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee.

99002 1 [Traffic Regu lations, VariousStreets]Reso lution enacting and rescinding traffic regu lations on variousstreets:

NO TURN ON RED, 7 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY ESTABL I SHGough Street, southbound, at Oak Street (Department ofParking and Traffi c)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood Serv icesCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 32 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January I I , I 999

9 9002 2 [Airport Concession Lease]Reso lution approv ing New lntemational Term inal Lease betweenCalstarRetail , Inc . a Smal l BusinessEnterprise Set-Aside, and the City and County ofSan Franc isco , acting byand through its AirportCommission. (Airport Commission)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.


BySupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to the Director, Parking and Traflic Department, with a copy to theChiefofPolice, requesting a briefanalysis, prepared in conjunction with the Police Department, ofthe costsand potential benefits ofmeasures to discourage speeding in Golden Gate Park, including traflic calmingmeasures, more clearlyposting the speed limits at the entrances to the Park and establishing a radar read-out

(visible to drivers) at theSianyan Street entrance to the Park

BySupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to theChiefofPolice, with a copy to theDirector, Parking andTraflic Department, requesting a descrip tion and the approximatefiequency ofexisting enforcement activitiesto discourage speeding in Golden GatePark

BySupervisorAmmiano, tha t letter be sent to theDirector, Parking and Traflic Department, requesting adescrip tion and the approximatefrequency ofparking enforcement activities to discourage commuterparkingin Golden Gate Park

By SupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to Director, Parking and Traflic Department advising him a

hearing on the regulation ofparkingfees by City owned garages leased byprivate companies have beencalled. File 990059 .

By Supervisors Teng, Newsom that letter be sent to Director, Mayor’

sOfi'ice ofFinance and Director, Public

Transportation Department stating thefollowing: I ) I t was the decision ofthe Finance Committee to p ut onthe board ofSupervisors reserve the entire $888 , I 82 in incentivesforMuni

's 3 0 0 2 Allen Hamilton contract;

2) I t was also the decision ofthe Finance Committee to ask that the additional bep ut on the Board

ofSupervisors reserve so tha t Muni will have to return to thefil l] Board ofSupervisorsfor the release ofthisamount upon successfitl comp letion ofthis contract; 3) This letter also confirms the intention ofthe FinanceCommittee to p ut on reserve theproposed incentiveforMuni

sBoozAllenHamilton contractfor the 1 999budget and that theproposed incentive will not be released withoutprior Board approval; and 4) That aresponse to this inquiry by February I , I 999 is requested.

DorothyM ischke (Supervisor Bierman)Mary SuePlanck (Supervisor Bierman)Bernard Cherin (By thefull Board)ArinzeAnoruo (By thefull Board)

33 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January I I , 1 99 9

ADJOURNM ENTThere being nofitrther business, the Board at the hour of5:2 0 p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N B. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on the matters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matterswere taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors onMarch 1 5, 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Franc isco,hereby certijy

that theforego ing is a true and correct copy ofthe M inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 34 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting Minu tes January I 9, I 999

Members Present TornAmmiano , Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Leslie Katz , Barbara Kaufman,

Mark Leno, Jose Medina, Gavin Newsom,Mabel Teng, MichaelYaki, Leland

Y . Yee.

ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEThe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco met in regular session on the above datewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

The meeting was called to order at p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisor was noted absent:

SupervisorKatz I .


SupervisorKaa was notedpresent at p .m.

APPROVAL OF M EETING M INUTESSupervisorYak i, seconded by Supervisor Leno, moved to approve the November 2 , 1 998 MeetingM inutes. Themotion carried by the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


The Clerk stated tha t she received a letterfiomSupervisorMedina indicating he is resigning as a member,Board ofSupervisors, efl'

ective close ofbusiness Tuesday, January I 9, 1 999.

Superv isorTeng, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved to suspend Ru le oftheRu les ofOrder ofthe BoardofSuperv isors to grant privilege ofthe floor to the fol lowing guests. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1- Ammiano, Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Med ina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Farewell to Supervisor JoseM edina

Members ofthe Board ofSupervisorsjoined thefollowing guests inmemoralizing and extending theircongratulations to SupervisorMedina on his new position asDirector ofthe California TransportationDepartment: Katha lina Valenc ia; Pat Goodman; BobPlanthold; male speaker; Jose; Calvin Louie; SarahShaker;female speaker; RaquelMedina.

I n recognition ofthe 2 0thAnniversanrofthe inauguration ofHarry Britt, Supervisor Leno introduced aresolution commending Supervisor Britt and noted he served on theBoardfor I 4years,fi'om I 9 79 to I 993,and was thefirst gayperson elected by thep ublic to serve as President ofthe Board

SupervisorBritt thanked the Boardfor the commendation and sp oke briefly.

SupervisorBrown introduced and presented Certificates ofHonor to Joe Lewis and JeromeB. Saunders, in

recognition oftheir civic and soc ial resp onsibilities.

35 Printed at I I :41 AM on

Board ofSupervisors January I 9, I 999


982 1 1 5

982 1 1 6

982 1 1 7

982 1 1 8

982 1 0 1

98 1 884

[Airport Concession Lease]Reso lution approving BoardingAreas B and C BookstoresLease betweenHost lntemational

, I nc . and the

City and County ofSan Francisco, acting by and through itsAirp ort Commission. (Airport Commission)Reso lutionNo. 30-99

ADOPTED[EmergencyRepair, ClayStreet Sewer]Reso lution approving the expenditure offundsforthe emergencywork to rep lace the structural ly inadequatesewers in ClayStreet from Stockton to Powel l Streets and Joice Street from Sacramento to ClayStreets

(Public UtilitiesCommission)

(Fiscal impact.)Reso lutionNo. 3 1 -99

ADOPTED[EmergencyRepair, Brannan Street Sewer]Reso lution approving the expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to repair the structural ly inadequatesewers in Brannan Street from Co l linP. Kel lyJr. Street to Second Street (Public UtilitiesCommission)

Reso lutionNo . 32 -99

ADOPTED[EmergencyRepair, NagleeAvenue Sewer]Reso lution approving the expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to replace the structural ly inadequatesewers inNagleeAvenue fromAlemanyBou levard to CayugaAvenue (Public UtilitiesCommission)

Reso lutionNo . 33 -99


[Sinisa Vuk ic, et al. v. CCSF, et al.]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofSinisa Vuk ic against theCity and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 9 88

PASSED, ON FI RST READING[Appointments]Resolution appointingmember to theDelinquencyPreventionCommission. (Clerk oftheBoard)

(Appointment ofValentina Sedeno to succeed YvetteGomez, Seat 13 , must be nominee ofSupervisorKaufman, unexpired portion ofterm endingDecember 3 1 ,Reso lutionNo . 25-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 36 Printed at I I :41 AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes January I 9. I 999


982 1 03

982 1 1 0

[Appo intment ]Reso lution appo intingmember to the Lead Hazard ReductionCitizensAdv isoryCommittee. (Clerk oftheBoard)

(Appo inting Theodore Strong to succeed Pete Peterson, Seat 4, must represent the building trade, unexpiredport ion offouryear term ending June 25,

ResolutionNo . 26-99


[Appointments]Resolution appointingmembers to theGoldenGateBridge, Highwayand Transportation District . (Clerk oftheBoard)

(Appo inting Stephen Leonoudakisto succeed himself, Seat 1 , must bemembersofthe public-at- large, newterm ending January 3 1 , 2 00 1 ;

John Moylan to succeed himself, Seat 2 , must bemembersofthe public-at- large, new term ending January 3 1 ,

2 00 1 ;

Robert McDonnell to succeed himself, Seat 3 , must bemembers ofthe public-at- large, new term ending

January 3 1 , 2 00 1 ;

Robert Ross to succeed himself, Seat 4, must bemembersofthe public-at-large, new term ending January 3 1 ,

2 00 1 )

Reso lutionNo . 2 8-99

ADOPTED[Appo intments]Reso lution appointingmembers to the Union SquareBusiness Improvement District Adv isory Board (ClerkoftheBoard)

(Appointing LouisMeunier, Seat 1 , must be property ownerswithin the Business Improvement District ; termto expire June 30, 2 004;M ichael Cassidy, Seat 2 , must be property ownerswithin the Business Improvement Distri ct; term to expireJune 30 , 2 004;

JordanMeisner, Seat 3 , must be property ownerswith in the Business Improvement District; term to expireJune 30 , 2 004;

Tom LaTour, Seat 4, must be property ownerswithin the Business Improvement District ; term to expire June30 , 2 004;

Jim F lood, Seat 5, must be property ownerswithin the Business Improvement District; term to expire June 30 ,2 004;

AnnPao l ini, Seat 6 , must be property ownerswithin the Business Improvement District; term to expire June30 , 2 004;

JonHandlery, Seat 7 , must be property ownerswithin theBusiness Improvement Distri ct; term to expire June30 , 2 004;

Tom Raines, Seat 8, must be business licensees located within theDistri ct, term to expire June 30 , 2 004;Don Fisher, Seat 9 , must be business licensees located within theDistrict, term to expire June 30 , 2 004;SusanGearey, Seat 1 0 , must be business licensees located w ithin theDistrict, inc luding onewho isnot aproperty ownerwithin theDistrict; term to expire June 30 , 2 004;Man J. Kim, Seat 1 1 , must be business licensees located within theDistrict, term to expire June 30 , 2 004 ;AnnieKim, Seat 1 2 , must be business licensees located with in theDistrict, term to expire June 30 , 2 004;Leigh Ann Baughman, Seat 1 3 , must be the president ofthe board ofdirectors ofthemanagement corporationoftheDistrict, term to expire June 30 ,ResolutionNo . 2 9-99


t and County ofSan Francisco 3 7 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January 1 9, I 999

990064 [Appointment ]Reso lution appointingmember to theAssessment AppealsBoard. (RulesCommittee)

(Appointing I rmaRamirez-Tom to succeed herself, Seat 9 , Regular/Board #2 , new threeyear term ending

September 7 ,Reso lutionNo . 44-99

ADOPTED990066 [Appointment ]

Reso lution appointingmember to the Lead Poisoning PreventionCitizensAdvisoryCommittee. (Rules


(AppointingMerri l l Buice to succeed CarmelaRombawa-Bay, Seat 2 1 , must have expertise in non-


c linics, unexpired fouryear term endingAugust 20 ,Reso lutionNo . 45-99

ADOPTED990067 [Appointment ]

Resolution appointingmember to thePark andOpen SpaceAdvisoryCommittee. (RulesCommittee)

(AppointingMatthew Tuchow to succeed GaetaBell, Seat 9 , must be nominee ofSupervisorLeno, new two

year term ending Ju ly 15,Reso lutionNo. 46-99

ADOPTED99006 8 [Appointment ]

Reso lution appointingmember to theMaternal Child Ado lescent Heal th Board. (Ru lesCommittee)

(Appointing IllanaHettena to succeed TraceyStout, Seat 9 , must be nominee ofSupervisorNewsom and

heal th professional , new threeyear term endingAugust 3 1 ,Reso lutionNo. 47-99

ADOPTEDThe foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


990070 [Findings 2 2 1 8—4sth Avenue]Motion adopting findings


related to the appeal ofthe PlanningCommission's approval ofConditional UseApplicationNo . 8C, for the conversion ofa single-familydwel ling to a post-secondary educationalinstitution/school forself-healing services, in an RH- l (Residential, House, One-Family) and 40-X Height andBulk District, on property located at 2 2 1 8-48th Avenue, east side, betweenRivera and Santiago Streets; Lot 48inAssessor

'sBlock 2302 . (Clerk ofthe Board)

(Companionmeasure to Files 982 1 05, 982 1 06 , 982 1 07 ,MotionNo . M99-6

APPROVED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 38 Printed at I AM on 3/S/I 999

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January I 9, I 999

98 1 449 [Treasure Island Development Authority] Superv isorYakiReso lution directing the Treasure lsland Development Authority to amend itsbylawsand art icles ofincorporat ion to expand the numberofdirectors ofthe Board ofDirectorsoftheAuthority to inc lude threeadditional ex officio members the then-sitt ing President ofthe Board ofSuperv isors, theChairofthecommittee w ith jurisdiction overeconomic development and theChairofthe committee with jurisdiction overhousing; requiring 30

-dayspriornotice ofamendments to theAuthority's competitive bidding ru lesandprocedures; urging theAuthority to monitorand partic ipate in negotiationswith theNavy regardingconveyance ofthe base, and directing theAuthority to establ ish a c itizensadvisory board within 30 daysoftheeffective date ofthisresolution to be comprised of25 persons, 14 ofwhom shal l be appointed by theMayor

and 1 1 ofwhom shal l be appointed by the Board ofSuperv isors.

Supervisor Yaki requested this item be continued to February I I 999.

Superv isorYak i, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved that thisResolution beCONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowingvote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Medina,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


982 1 30 [Government Funding] SupervisorsKatz, Leno, Newsom,

Teng, BrownOrdinance appropriating Telecommunication and Information Services, from theGeneral Funddesignated forone

-time expendituresto finance the creation oftheCity'sYear 2000 team project which servesas the centralized p lanning and assistance group ; for the general City responsibilityfor fiscal year 1 998 ;providing forquarterlyreports.

(Fiscal impact .)Supervisor Brown requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

PASSED ON FIRST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno,Medina,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

3 9 Printed at 1 I :41 AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January I 9, 1 999

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthePresident, SupervisorKatz assumed the Chair so thePresident couldp articipate in thedebatefrom thefloor on thefollowing matter.

98 1 7 78 [Registration ofLobbyists]Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode by amending Sections through 1 6 534 to: add legislativefindings; clarify definitions and add new definitions; conso lidate the definition of Lobbyist" with thethresholdsforqualifying as lobbyist and the exemptions; increase the qualification threshold for contractlobbyistsfrom permonth to perquarter; increase the qualification thresho ld forexpenditurelobbyistsfrom per quarter to perquarter; c larify and add new exemptions; clarify that once aperson qualifiesasa Lobbyist" the person issubject to the requirements and prohibitionsofthisArticle untilthe person ceasesall lobbyist activityand filesastatement oftermination; c larify the disc losure requirementsapp licable at the time ofregistration and at the time offiling quarterly activity reports; provide that alllobbyists re-registeron January 15 each year; require lobbyists to disc lose paymentsreceived fromCityofficers in exchange for campaign consulting services; limit the aggregate value ofgiftsfrom lobbyists to eachCity officer, within threemonths ofa lobbyist contact, to $50 ; and require lobbyists to notifyCity officersofthe value ofgifts conferred; and require lobbyist to attend annual workshops conducted by the EthicsCommission. (EthicsCommission)

(AmendsSections through

SupervisorAmmiano requested thismatter be continued to February I , 1 999 .

President Ammiano, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved that th isOrdinance beCONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano ,

Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,Medina, Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, YeeThe President resumed the Chair.


990009 [Grant Funds] SupervisorsBierman, BrownReso lution authorizing the SheriffsDepartment retroactively to app lyfor and accept, and to expendin funds from the StateBoard ofCorrectionspursuant to theMental ly I llOffenderCrimeReduction grantsprogram (M IOCR) and approving themembership oftheM IOCR StrategyCommittee.

SupervisorBrown requested to be added as co-sponsor.

Reso lutionNo. 34-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina,

Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee


Michael Petrelis, against death penalty;Abdalla Megahed, met with Mayor concerningMissionRock;Reuben Goodwin, homeless issues;M ichael Bellafountaine, opp osesAI DS/HI Vdrug treatment;Whirlwind Dreamer, press rep orts, civil rights issues;Elsie, opp oseRiteAid conditional use app lication.

City and County ofSan Francisco 40 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January 1 9, 1 999




The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1

- Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina,Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, Yee

[State Funding AI DS and AI DSRelated Programsand Services] SupervisorsAmmiano, Katz, Leno,Newsom, Yee, Yaki, Teng, Bierman

Reso lution urging GovernorGrayDavis to maintain current levelsofstate funding forAI DS-HIV and AID

HIVS related servicesand programs.

SupervisorMedina requested this item be severed in orderfor him to recluse himselffiom voting on this

Reso lutionNo. 37-99


SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Newsom, moved to excuseSupervisorM edina from voting on thisitem. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Supervisors Teng, Bierman requested to be added as ao-sponsors.

ADOPTED by the fol lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused: 1 Medina

[Regional Grant Funds] SupervisorsAmmiano, Teng,Bierman

Resolution authorizing theDirector ofAdministrative Services to accept and expend from the

Transportation Fund for c lean airvehic les; and authorizing theDirector ofAdministrative Services to executeagreementswith the BayAreaAirQualityManagement District whereby theCitywou ld indemnify the districtfrom c laimsresu lting from theCity'sperformance ofsaid agreements.

SupervisorMedina requested this item be severed in orderfor him to recluse himselffiom voting on thismatter.

Reso lutionNo. 38-99


SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Newsom, moved to excuse SupervisorM edina from voting. The

motion carried by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,

Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeSupervisors Teng, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

ADOPTED by the fol lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown,

Katz, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Excused: 1 Medina

[Proc lamation] Supervisor BiermanReso lution celebrating amemorial tribute and celebration ofthe life ofWil liam BoxCook and designatingJanuary 1 8, 1999 , as

"Bill Cook Day


SupervisorBierman requested this item be severedfor thep urpose ofconsidering it separately.

Reso lutionNo. 4 1 -99


ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 42 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January I 9. 1 999

IM PERATI VE AGENDAResolution(s) , ifany. to beadop ted within limits imposed by the SunshineOrdinance and the Ralph M. BrownAct, introduced today, not on the printed agenda . For such resolutions to be considered, the Board mustfirstadop t the Serious I njury Finding or the Purely Commendatory F inding and the BrownAct Finding. Eachmotion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is requiredfor the resolution(s) . For suchresolutions to be considered, the Board mustfirst adop t thefollowing two motions.

[PurelyCommendatory Finding]Motion that the Boardfind that the resolution(s) being considered at this time arep urely commenda tory.

Superv isorYak i, seconded bySuperv isor Leno, moved adoption ofthe commendatory finding. The motion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Kat , Kaufman, Leno,Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[BrownAct Finding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there isaneed to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco after the agenda wasposted.

Superv isorYak i, seconded bySupervisor Leno, moved adoption ofthe Brown Act finding. Themotion carried bythe fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1- Ammiano, Bierman, Brown,

Kat , Kaufman, Leno ,Medina

, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Imperative Resolutions990087



[Commendation] Supervisors Leno, Katz, Ammiano,Bierman, Yee, Kaufman, Teng,Brown, Med ina, Yaki, Newsom

Reso lution commendingHarryBritt on the 2 0th Anniversary ofhis inauguration to the Board ofSupervisors.

Reso lutionNo . 49-99

SupervisorYaki, seconded bySupervisorKaufman, moved that th isResolution be ADOPTED. The motion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman,Brown,

Kat , Kaufman, Leno,Medina, Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, Yee[Commendation] Supervisors Leno, Katz, Ammiano,

Bierman, Yee, Kaufman, Teng,Brown, M ed ina, Yaki, Newsom

Reso lution commending Ofi icersCota and O'Mahoneyfor theirbravery in thwarting the armed robbery in SanFrancisco on January 1 5, 1 999 .

ResolutionNo . 50-99

SupervisorYaki, seconded by Superv isor Kaufman, moved that thisResolution beADOPTED. The motion carriedby the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman,Brown, Kat , Kaufman, Leno ,

Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee[Commendation] Supervisors Leno, Ammiano,

Bierman, Brown, Ka tz, Kaufman,Med ina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Reso lution commending Scott Pierce forhisbravery in thwarting the bank robbery in San Francisco onJanuary 15, 1 999 .

Reso lutionNo . 51 -99

Superv isor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Kaufman, moved that th isReso lution beADOPTED. Themotion carriedby the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman,Brown

,Kat , Kaufman, Leno, Medina,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

43 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January 1 9, 1 999

OFF-CALENDAR LEGISLATI ONI ntroduced by Supervisors or M ayor


99009 1




[HorseDrawn Vehic le] SupervisorM ed ina

Ordinance amending Po liceCode, which created regu lations concerning horse-drawn vehicles, by amendingSection to change the exceptions to the permitting requirements ofthisartic le; by amending Section 50 1to change the definition ofqualified veterinarian and add definitionsformechanical evaluator, qualified trainerand special event; by amending Section 502 to set forth some ofthe criteria theChiefofPo licewil l consider inapproving a "

stand"; by amending Section to refer to theproper code section setting forth license andpermit fees; by amending Section 505 to al low animal contro l officers to review permits, licensesand otherinformation, to make an exception forminimum number ofdaysofoperation due to weather conditions, tochange the locations in which horse-drawn vehiclesmay load and unload passengers; by amending Section506 to al low advertising on horse-drawn vehicles; and byamending 507 to providefor animal care and controlto receive animal fitnessreports, inspect horse-drawn vehicle animalsand to approve the equipment used onthe animals, and to change the standard on the use ofwhips.

(AmendsArtic le Sections 50 1 , 502 , 505, 506 and

1/ ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and SocialPolicyCommittee, expireson[I nterdepartmenta l Jurisdictional Transfer] Supervisor BiermanOrdinance transferring jurisdiction over certain real property located at Drumm Street, betweenClayandWashington Streets, described general ly asAssessor'sB lock 202 , Lots 6 , 14 and a portion of1 5, exc luding thesubsurface thereof, and a portion ofAssessor'sBlock 2 03 , Lot 14, from theDepartment ofPublic Works to the

Recreation and Park Commission; and prov iding that no building, improvement orstructuremaybeconstructed on the surfacesofsuch parcelsand adjoiningAssessor'sBlock 2 02 , Lot 1 8 .

ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Grand JuryFees] SupervisorKaufmanOrdinance amendingAdministrativeCode by amending Chapter45 to increase the feespaid to grand jurorsand delete obso lete provisions concerning payment oftrial jurorfees.

(AmendsSections deletesSectionASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Conversion ofResidential Renta l Uses Interim Zoning Contro ls] SupervisorsBierman, KatzReso lution imposing Interim ZoningContro lsfora period ofup to 1 8 months to prohibit the conversion ofresidential rental units in buildingsofthree (3) ormore units to anon-rental usewithout obtaining conditionaluse authorization from thePlanning commission, andmak ing the determination ofconsistencywith theprioritypo liciesofPlanning Code Section (PropositionM) .

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land UseCommittee, expireson

[State Legislation, AB 55] Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz,Teng

Reso lution urging theCalifornia State Legislature and GovernorDav is to approveAssemblyBil l 55 regu latinghealth care service p lans.


City and County ofSan Francisco 44 Printed at AM on

9900 96



990 1 00

Meeting M inutes January 1 9, 1 9 99

[State Legislat ion, SB 89 ] Superv isors Leno, Bierman, Katz,Teng

Reso lution urging theCal ifornia State Legislature and GovernorDav is to approve Senate Bil l 89 relating toenv ironmental effects onminority and low-income populations.


[Sta te Legislat ion, AB 1 07 ] Superv isors Katz, Leno, Bierman,Teng

Reso lution support ingAB 1 07 which providesemployers the ability to offerheal th care coverage to domesticpartners oftheiremployeesand annuitants.


[PG& E FeasibilityStudy] SupervisorsYaki, Katz, Teng, LenoReso lution requesting that Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PO&E) conduct a feasibility study that wouldassessalternative emergency powersupplymeans to vital city serv ices

,and/orprov ide information to the

Publ ic UtilitiesCommission concerning the outage and the powerneedsofSan Francisco.


[National Plan to End Homelessness] SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman,Katz, Teng, Leno

Reso lution endorsing the development ofa comprehensive national plan to end homelessnessand urging thePresident ofthe United States, theUnited StatesCongressand o therrelevant federal agencies to develop andimplement such a plan.


[St. Luke’sHospita l Anti-Trust Lawsuit ] SupervisorAmmianoReso lution urging support ofSaint Luke'sHospital's anti-trust lawsuit against Cal iforniaPacific MedicalCenterand SutterHeal th System.


[ComprehensiveNationa l Plan] Supervisors Brown, Leno, BiermanReso lution encouraging the San Francisco Board ofSupervisors to joinMayorWil l ie L . Brown, Jr. ,

SupervisorBurke ofLosAngelesand HomelessActiv ist TomHayes in urging President Bil l Cl inton andCongress to create and fund a comprehensive national plan to end homelessnesswith a priorityon programsfor the homelesswho aremental ly ill.ll l9l99 , REFERRED FORADOPTIONWI THOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA ATTHENEXTBOARD MEETING.

Q tyand County ofSan Franc'

nco 45 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January 1 9, 1 999

990 1 0 1

990 1 02

990 1 03

990 1 04

990 1 05

990 1 06

990 1 07

[Proclamation] SupervisorsNewsom, KatzReso lution dec laringOctober 1 6 - 1 7 , 1999 to be EarthquakePreparednessWeekend and urging theOffice ofEmergencyServices, the FireDepartment'sNeighborhood EmergencyResponse Team and otherrelevant Citydepartments to host educational events in recognition ofthe 1 0 yearanniversary ofthe LornaPrieta earthquake.


[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Resolution commending Joann Anderson as employee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traf fic .REFERRED FORADOPTIONWITHOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA ATTHENEXT


[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Reso lution commendingAlvin Chan as emp loyee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traffic .REFERRED FORADOPTIONWITHOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDAATTHENEXT


[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Resolution commendingRonald Szeto as emp loyee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traffic .l/1 9/99 , REFERRED FORADOPTIONWITHOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA ATTHENEXTBOARD MEETING.

[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Resolution commending Estrella Que as employee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traffic .REFERRED FORADOPTIONWITHOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA ATTHENEXT


[Commendation] Supervisors Teng, Katz, BiermanReso lution commending I sabel Huie forher lifelong commitment and dedication to civil rights advocacy anddec laring January 2 1 , 1 999 , "I sabel HuieDay" in SanFrancisco.


[Commendation] SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman,Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno,

Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeReso lution commendingAntonio Castillo for his courage and bravery in successful lyfoiling a bank robberyattempt.


City and County ofSan Francisco 46 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January I 9, 1 99 9

990 1 08


990 1 09

[Commendation] Superv isorsKaufman, BiermanReso lution recognizing Laurence Komfield, ChiefBuilding InspectorforSan Francisco , as the BuildingOwners and ManagersAssoc iation ofSan Franc isco'sPubl ic Offic ial oftheYear for 1998 and commendinghim for hisserv ice to theCity and County ofSan Franc isco .


[Reserved Funds, Mayor's Office DCYF] Supervisor Teng

Hearing to considerrelease ofreserved funds, Mayor'sDepartment ofChildren, Youth , and their Families in

the amount of$2 mil l ion (Fiscal Year 1 998- 1 999 Budget), to establish aHigh QualityChild Care Fund(HQCCF) .

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

[CityServ ices to Presidio ] Superv isorsYee, AmmianoHearing to discuss the variousservices theCity providesorwill provide to the Presidio and the costsassoc iated with these services.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

I ntroduced by the President at theReguest ofDepartments



[Permit Regu lation ofHazardousWastes on Private PrOperty]Ordinance repealing the definition of"HazardousWaste" in Section 1 000 , and Sections 1 002 , 1 003 , 1 005,

1 007 , 1 00 8 , 1009 , 10 10 , 1 0 1 1 , 1 0 1 3 , and 1 0 1 5 ofArticle 2 0 ofthe San Francisco Public WorksCode; and

amending the San Francisco Heal th Code by reenacting the repealed provisionsas new Art ic le 22A; andamending the remaining prov isionsofArtic le 20 ofthe San Francisco Public WorksCode to reference newArtic le 22A ofthe San Francisco Heal th Code. (Department ofPublic Health)

(RepealsSection 1 000 , and Sections 1002 , 1003 , 1 005, 1007 , 1 008 , 1009 , 1 0 10 , 1 0 1 1 , 1 0 1 3 , and 1 0 1 5 ofArt ic le 2 0 ofPublic WorksCode; amends theHealth Code byreenacting the repealed provisionsas newArtic le Z2A; amends the remaining provisionsofArtic le 20 ofthe Public WorksCode to reference new Artic le22A ofthe Health Code.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Heal th, Family, and Environment Committee.

[Amendment to 1 99 7-200 1 MOU, American Physiciansand Superv isor LenoDentists, BargainingUnit 8-CC]Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNumber2 59 -97 to implement the provisionsofan arbitrator'sawardamending the provisionsoftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the Union ofAmericanPhysiciansand Dentists and theCityand County ofSan Francisco forBargaining Unit 8-CC to be effective July 1 , 1 998 .

(Department ofHuman Resources)

(Fiscal impact.)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

Cityand County ofSan Francisco 47 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January 1 9, 1 999







[Amendment to 1 997-2 00 1 MOU, American Physicians andDentists, Bargaining Unit l I -AA ]Ordinance amending OrdinanceNumber2 58-97 to imp lement the provisions ofan arbitrator'sawardamending the provisions oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the Union ofAmericanPhysiciansand Dentistsand theCity and County ofSan Francisco forBargaining Unit l l -AA to be effective Ju ly 1 ,1 998 . (Department ofHumanResources)

(Fiscal impact.)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

[Amendment to 1 998-2 00 1 MOU , Teamsters Local 856 ]Ordinance implementingAmendment No. 1 to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the TeamstersLocal 856 and theCity and County ofSan Francisco to correct a clerical errorby addingClassification 3372Animal Contro l Officerand deleting Classification 3370 Animal CareAttendant in the listing ofc lassificationshaving oneyearprobationaryperiod asset forth inArticle I I .B probationaryperiod effective July 1 , 1 998through June 30 , 2 00 1 . (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

[Amendment to 1 998-2 00 1 MOU , Deputy Sheriffs'Association]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between theSan Francisco Deputy Sheriffs'Association and theCity and County ofSan Francisco to add Appendix DLeave ofAbsences, in order to correct a clerical errorofomission. (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

[Street Vacation and Sale HesterAvenue]Ordinance ordering the summary vacation and sale ofportions ofHesterAvenue,mak ingfindingspursuant totheCalifornia Streets and HighwayCodeChapter4 Sections 8330 Et Seq . (Publ ic Streets, Highways, andService EasementsVacationLaw , Summary vacation), mak ing findingsofconformitywith theGeneralPlanand PriorityPo licies ofPlanningCode Section and requesting official actions in connection with thevacation and sale. (Real EstateDepartment)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Yerba Buena Pizza Corporation v. CCSE]Ordinance authorizing settlement ofthe litigation ofYerbaBuenaPizza Corporation v . City and County ofSan Francisco by paying the petitioner the amount of$ 1 (CityAttorney)

(SF . SuperiorCourt No . 996

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[M ichelina Pesenti, et al., v. CCSE, et al.]Ordinanceauthorizing settlement oflitigation ofM ichelinaPesenti against theCity and County ofSanFrancisco bypayment of (City Attorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No. 992

1/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 48 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January I 9, 1 999

99002 9 [Park ing Regu lations, Various Locations]Reso lution enacting and rescinding parking regu lations at various locations:


Fremont Street, west side, from Fo lsom Street to 2 1 7 feet northerly (2 1 7 -foot zone, extending to the BayBridge off


NO PARKING ANYTIME ESTABLISHFremont Street, west side, from 150 feet to 2 1 7 feet north ofFo lsom Street (67-foot

DIAGONAL (45-DEGREEANGLE) PARKING ESTABL ISHFremont Street, west side, from Folsom Street to 150 feet northerly ( I SO-foot zone, creates 1 1 new parkingmeterstal ls)Beale Street, west side, from Fo lsom Street to 1 80 feet northerly ( 1 80-foot zone, resu lting in anet increase of5additional parkingmeterstalls)ONE-HOUR PARKING TIME LIM IT, 7 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY ESTABLI SHDivision Street, north side, from loth Street to 12 1 feet westerly ( 12 1 —foot zone)PERPENDICULAR (90-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING ESTABLISH6th Street, west side, fromChannel Street to 753 feet southerly (753 -foot zone)TWO-HOUR PARKING TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 1 0 PM , EVERYDAY ESTABLI SH6th Street, west side, fromChannel Street to 2 93 feet southerly (2 93 -foot zone)RESIDENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA H (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY) ESTABL I SHCedro Avenue, both sides, betweenMercedesWayand MoncadaWay ( 1 00 block)RESIDENTIAL PERM IT PARKI NG AREA "


( I -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABL I SH348 1 -349 8 1 8th Street, both sides, between Valencia and Lexington Streets (addsspecified addressesonly)RESIDENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA ”


(2 -HOUR TIME L IM I T, 7 AM 9 PM , EVERYDAY)ESTABL I SHShraderStreet, both sides, betweenHaight andWal lerStreets (600 block)RESIDENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA "


(2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 5 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRI DAY) ESTABL I SH1 2 th Avenue, both sides, between Lawton and Moraga Streets ( 1 600 block)RESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA J (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 5 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRI DAY) RESCIND


(2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 7 AM 9 PM , EVERYDAY)ESTABLISHWallerStreet, both sides, betweenCole and ShraderStreets ( 1 600 block , change in effective daysand hoursonly)


, both sides, between Laguna andOctavia Streets (500 block)Grove Street

,both sides, between Buchanan and Laguna Streets (600 block)

Grove Street, both sides, between Laguna andOctavia Streets (500 block)Grove Street, both sides, betweenOctav ia and Gough Streets (400 block)Laguna Street, both sides, between Fu lton and Grove Streets (700 block)

ConnorofSan Francisco 50 Printed at AM on



Meeting M inu tes January I 9, I 999

Octav ia Street, both sides, betw een Fu lton and Grove Streets (600 block)RESIDENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA U ( I -HOUR T IME L IM IT, 8 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABL ISHFreelon Street, both sides, from 4th Street to the west term inus ( 100 block, signs to be instal led only onnorth side)RESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA U (2 -HOUR TIME L IM IT, 8 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRI DAY) ESTABL I SHLuceme Street, both sides, from Brannan Street to the south term inus(unit block)Moss Street, bo th sides, between Folsom and Howard Streets (unit block)TOW-AWAY , NO PARKING ANYTIME ESTABLISHKeamy Street, east side, fromWashington Street to 65 feet northerly (65-foot zone)TOW-AWAY , NO PARKING, 8 AM 7 PM , MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY RESCIND

TOW-AWAY , NO PARKING ANYTIME ESTABLISHStevenson Street, south side, from 169 feet to 2 1 1 feet west of5th Street (42 -foot zone)TWO-HOURPARKING TIME LIM IT, 7 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY RESCIND1 6 th Street, south side, between Vermont and Kansas StreetsVermont Street, east side, from 1 6th Street to 300 feet southerly (300-foot zone)UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING ESTABL ISHRitch Street, west side, from 7 1 feet to 78 feet south ofBryant Street (7-foot zone, accommodating 2 meteredmotorcycle stal ls)Ritch Street, west side, from 92 feet to 1 03 feet south ofBryant Street ( 1 I -foot zone, accommodating 3metered motorcyc le stalls) (Department ofParking and Traffic)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee.

[Traffic Regu lations, VariousStreets]Reso lution enacting and rescinding traffic regulationson variousstreets:

RIGHT TURN ONLY , EXCEPT MUNI RESCINDEuc lid Avenue, westbound, atArguel lo Boulevard


Geary Street, north side, between Frank l in and Gough Streets (Department ofParking and Traffic)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee.

[Grant Private]Reso lution authoriz ing theDepartment ofPublic Heal th , DivisionofPopu lationHeal th and Prevention,


accept and expend retroactively agrant of from theM iriam and PeterHaas Fund, to create anintegratedmodel oftargeted consu l tation by establishing an intensive consul tant training program which wil lpreparemental heal th practitioners to provide consu l tation, stafftraining, prevention and early interventionservicesand support for constituentsoflicensed, center-based early.

childhood programsserving SanFrancisco's low - income famil ies; providing forratification ofaction previously takenand waiv ing indirectcosts. (Department ofPubl ic Health )

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Heal th , Family, and Environment Committee.

51 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors January I 9, 1 999

99003 9







[Grant Private]Reso lution authorizing the Department ofPublic Health , CentralAdministration,

to accept retroactively andexpend a grant in the amount of$ 1 from the Cal iforniaHeal thcare Foundation forp lanning aninnovative Iong-terrn care service delivery system forfrail elderly and disabled adu lts in San Francisco and toenter into an agreement which doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification and false c laims c lauses;providing forratification ofaction previously taken. (Department ofPublic Health)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health, Family, and Environment Committee.

[Airport LeaseAgreement for Federa l ExpressCorporation]Reso lution approving lease agreement for cargo warehouse space in theNorth Field Cargo Facility betweenFederal ExpressCorporation and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, acting byand through itsAirportCommission. (Airport Commission)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to FinanceCommittee.

[Gift Acceptance Publ ic Library]Reso lution authorizing the San Francisco Public Library to accept and expend a gift of from the

estate ofAnneM . Burr to be used at theRichmond Branch Library. (Public Library)1/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Sale ofReal Property]

Reso lution authorizing sale ofsurplusCity-owned property( 1 00 squarefoot sewereasement) at the southeastcorner ofFifth and Bluxome Streets, portion ofAssessor'sB lock 3786 , Lot 1 7 . (Real EstateDepartment)1/ RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[CityHall Cafe’ M anagement Agreements]Reso lution authorizing and approving amanagement agreement between theCity and County ofSanFrancisco and EventsManagement Inc . dbaM cCall and Associates

,for operation ofa cafe'located in the

North Ligh t Court ofCity Hall ; and ratifying certain acts in connection with such management agreement andamanagement agreement with L and L, aPartnership for the operation ofa cafe'located on the ground floor oftheCityHal l . (Real EstateDepartment)1/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Federal Funding EmergencyShelterProgram]Reso lution approving the 1 999 EmergencyShelterGrantsProgram and Expenditure Schedu le and authorizingtheMayoron behalfoftheCityand City andCounty ofSan Francisco to applyfor, accept, and expend a

entit lement under the EmergencyShelterGrantsProgram from the US . Department ofHousing andUrbanDevelopment. (Mayor)

1/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Federal Fund ing HomeProgram]

Reso lution authorizing theMayoroftheCity andCounty ofSan Francisco to applyfor, accept and administera grant from the US . Department ofHousing and UrbanDevelopment fora total amount not to exceed

for theHOME Program authorized underTit le I I oftheNationalAffordableHousingAct of1 990 ,Public Law Number 10 1 -625, and approving theHOME Program description asdescribed in the 1 999 actionplanforSan Francisco's conso lidated plan. Indirect costsassoc iated with the acceptance ofthisgrant fundswill be paid by the Community Development Block Grant funds. (Mayor)

1/ RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 52 Printed at AM on

M eeting M inu tes January 1 9, 1 9 99

9900 80 [Mental Heal th Serv icesAgreement ]Reso lution authorizing the Department ofPubl ic Health to enter into an agreement with theCal ifornia Pac ificMedicalGroup, Inc ., dba Brown To land Medical Group, which inc ludes indemnification and bindingarbitration c lausesand doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification and false claims c lauses.

(Department ofPubl ic Health )RECEIVED ANDASSIGNED to Public Health and Env ironment Committee.

9900 8 1 [Mental Heal th Serv icesAgreement ]Reso lution authorizing the Department ofPubl ic Health to enter into an agreement with the San FranciscoHealth Authority, dba the San Francisco Health Plan, which includesbinding arbitration and payment disputesclausesand doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification and false c laims clauses. (Department ofPubl ic Health)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.


BySupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to theAirp ort Police taxi inspections division to inquire how thedivision is enforcing the new taxi vehicle standardsmandated in thePolice ChiefRules.

By SupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to theRecreation and ParksDepartment inquiring about ways inwhich the department intends to improve servicesfor the GaySoftball League, such as, chalking ofthefields,access to and condition ofbathrooms, lighting, access tofields, availability ofdepartmentpersonnel on theweekend

By SupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to the BayAreaAir QualityManagement District to determine theeflorts oftheDistrict to eliminate dioxinp ollution into the air.

By SupervisorNewsom,that letter be sent to the BayArea Water QualityControl Board to determine their

eflorts to protect the quality ofwaterfiom degradation andp lans to imp lement thephase out of dioxin

By SupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to the Oakland City Council and theMayor ofOakland indicatedtha t the San Francisco Commission on the Environment has designated dioxinp ollution as a highpriority inorder to restore regional water and air quality andprotectp ublic health and inquires what efi'ortsOakland istaking towards reducing and eliminating dioxin emissions and dioxin exp osure.

BySupervisorNewsom, tha t letter be sent to the D irector, Department ofParking and Trajic, asking whetherthe number ofdisabled parking spaces around City Hall are sufiic ient to meet code requirement; whetheradditional disabledparking spaces can be designated in light ofthefact that the Civic Center area hasbecome a major hubfor City business and whetherBoard action is necessary to make this happen.

BySupervisorNewsom, tha t CityAttorney research and, ifappropriate, draft legislation requiring theDepartment ofPublic Works to provide temp orary disabledparking spaces to rep lace those that are disp lacedin the event ofstreet closuresfor anyp urp ose.

By SupervisorAmmiano, tha t letter be sent to the D irector, Department ofPublic Transp ortation, requestingana lysis ofthe costs ofimp lementing modified holiday scheduleswith expandedMuni service and/or regularMani weekday service levels on holidays when a majority ofSan Franciscans routinely work.

By SupervisorKatz, that CityAttorney advise ifa City and County emp loyee can register his or her domesticpartner with theCounty Clerk 's Oflice without the domestic partner beingpresent.

53 Printed at AM on

Meeting M inutes January I 9, 1 999

M otion that the Board adjourn itsmeeting this da te out ofresp ect to the memory ofthefollowing deceased:

George"Jake Stask (By the entireBoard)

Steven I senberg (Supervisor Leno)ADJOURNM ENT

There being nofurther business, theBoard at thehour of p .m. adjourned

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

NB. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by theBoard ofSupervisors on thematters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematters were taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors onMarch 22 , 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certijythat theforego ing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 54 Printed at PM on



M onday,ganuary 25, 1 999


Legislative Chamber Second FloorCityHall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 941 02-4689RegularM eeting




Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board

BOARD COMM I TTEESCommittee M embersh ip

Economic Development, Transportation, and Technology Committee

Superv isors Yak i, Katz, LenoFinanceCommittee

SupervisorsTeng, Kaufman, NewsomHealth , Family, and Environment Committee

Supervisors Bierman, Katz, AmmianoHousing and Neighborhood Services Committee

Supervisors Yee, LenoParks and Recreation Committee

Supervisors Brown, Newsom, Bierman

Rules Committee

SupervisorsAmmiano , Yee, Brown

First-named Supervisor isChair. Second-named Supervisor isVice-Chairofthe Committee.

Vo l ume. 9 4 Numbe r 5


MAY2 7 1999



Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes January 25, 1 999


982 096

982 0 1 7

982 025


982 097

[Airport Concession Lease]Reso lution approvingNew lntemational Terminal LeasebetweenCalstarRetail , Inc . a Smal l BusinessEnterprise Set-Aside, and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, acting by and through itsAirportCommission. (Airp ort Commission)ResolutionNo . 62 -99


[TransferPayment from BART to MUNI ]Resolution approving an agreement between theCityand County ofSan Francisco and the BayAreaRapidTransit Distri ct authorizing payment to San Francisco Municipal Railwayfor transfer tripsprovided in fiscalyear 1 997

- 1 998 . (Public TransportationCommission)Reso lutionNo . 58-99


[Grant State]

Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Health , PopulationHealth and Prevention Division, to acceptretroactively and expend a grant in the amount of from the State Office ofFamily Planning toprovideTeenSMART outreach and counseling servicesand to enter into an agreement which includesrights indata clausesand which doesnot includepatent infringement indemnification and false c laims c lauses.

(Department ofPublic Heal th)Reso lutionNo . 54-99

ADOPTED[G ift Acceptance]Reso lution authoriz ing theDepartment ofPubl ic Health, San Francisco General Hospital and LagunaHondaHospital , to accept and expend giftsbequeathed to San Francisco GeneralHospital and LagunaHondaHospital from the estate ofJohn Fortunio . (Department ofPublic Heal th)Reso lutionNo . 55-99

ADOPTED[Grant Federal]

Resolution authoriz ing theDepartment ofPublic Health, Popu lationHealth and PreventionD ivision, to acceptretroactively and expend a grant in the amount of from the US . Department ofCommerce andTelecommunicationsand InformationAdministration to provide full imp lementation oftheReggie Project andto enter into an agreement which doesnot include patent infringement indemnification and false claimsc lauses. (Department ofPublic Health)ResolutionNo . 57-99


[Gift Acceptance, Juvenile Probation Dept]Reso lution authorizing theChiefProbationOfficerfor the Juvenile ProbationDepartment to accept andexpend a gift ofTwelve Thousand SevenHundred Eighty-FiveDollars and FiveCents from the

estate ofF lorine Friedlander, deceased. (JuvenileProbationDepartment)

ResolutionNo. 59-99


56 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes January 2 5, I 99 9

982 1 0 1 [Sinisa Vuk ic, et al. v. CCSF, et al. ]Ordinance authorizing sett lement ofl itigation ofSinisaVuk ic against theCity and County ofSan Franc isco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.E. SuperiorCourt No . 9 88

OrdinanceNo . 14-99

FINALLY PASSEDThe forego ing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Becerril, Bierman,Brown,Katz, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee, Ammiano


98 1 923

982 1 2 9

[Go ldenGate Yach t Club LeaseAmendment ]Ordinance approving the First Amendment to the lease between theCity and theGo lden Gate Yacht Club toreduce the rental rate from 1 0 percent to percent oftheClub'smonth ly grossrevenue and reducing thelease term from 40 to 30 years. (CityAttorney)The Clerk ofthe Board stated tha t communication receivedfiom the Recreation and Park Commissionindicating the Commission approved a revised FirstAmendment to the Golden Gate Yacht ClubLeaseresolving dispute regarding unpaid rent and other alleged breaches oflease. A copy ofthe amended lease is

onfile with the Clerk oftheBoard.

PASSEDON FI RST READING by thefo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Becerril, Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee ,Ammiano

[Contract Modification]Reso lution authorizing thePublic Transportation Department to enter into contract with NeoplanUSACorporationfor the purchase of1 35 standard and 1 00 articu lated c lean diesel coachesfora total contractamount not to exceed (Public Transportation Commission)Reso lutionNo . 60-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Becerril, Bierman, Brown,

Katz, Kaufman, Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee , Ammiano

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthePresident, SupervisorKatz assumed the Chair so the President couldparticipate in thedebatefrom thefloor concerning thefollowing item.

57 Printed at 3 :1 3 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes January 25, I 999

982 050

9900 1 6

98 1 973

[WarM emorialContract with Restaurant Associates] SupervisorsBierman, Yak i,KatzReso lution urging the San Francisco WarM emorial and Performing ArtsBoard ofDirectors to terminate thecontract with Restaurant Associatesforfood concession servicesat the OperaHouse, DaviesSymphonyHal land Herbst Theatre.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 56 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Leno, Newsom,

Teng, Yaki, Yee, AmmianoNoes: 1 Kaufman

[New Asian Project Appeal ] SupervisorBiermanReso lution initiating appeal to the Board ofSupervisorsofPlanning Commission approval ofCertificate ofAppropriatenessforNew AsianProject, pursuant to PlanningCode SectionNOTADOPTED by the fo llowing vote

Ayes: 3 Becerril, Bierman, Ammiano

Noes: 8 Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeThePresident resumed the Cha ir.

[Park Code] Supervisor BrownOrdinance amending Park Code to inc lude UnitedNationsPlaza and Hallidie Plaza asparksforpurposesofArticles 3 , 4 and 7 ofthePark Code and addingArt icles 88 and 8C to the Park Code granting theDirector ofPublic Works the authority to manage UnitedNationsPlaza, to perform functionsdescribed in Sections

and ofthe Park Code, to make rulesfor the use ofthe plaza and to designateadditional activities in the plaza forwhich a permit isrequired, and granting theDirectorofProperty theauthority to manageHallidie Plaza, to perform functionsdescribed in Sections and

ofthe Park Code,to make ru lesfor the use ofthe p laza and to designate additional activities in the plaza

forwhich a permit isrequired.

(AmendsSection addsSections 8B.0 1 , 8B .02 , 8B.03, 8C.0 1 , 8C.02 , SC.O3 .)

PASSED ON FI RST READING by the fo llowing voteAyes: 8 Becerril, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki

Noes: 3 Bierman, Yee, Ammiano

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthe President, SupervisorBierman assumed the Chair so the President couldparticipate inthe debatefi'om thefloor concerning thefollowing item.

Cityand County ofSan Francisco 58 Printed at PM on

98 1 938

990 1 1 8

Meeting M inu tes January 25, 1 99 9

[Permits for Use ofHallid ie Plaza ] Superv isor BrownOrdinance amending Administrative Code Section to give the Recreation and Park Department orCommissionauthority to grant permits forrecreational and first amendment activity inHallidie Plaza andreserv ing to the Board ofSuperv isorsthe authority to grant perm itsfor any otheractivity and to hearappealsfrom denials ofpermits by the Recreation and Park Department orCommission.

(Amends Section

PASSEDON FI RST READI NG by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 8 Becerril, Brown,

Katz, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, YakiNoes: 3 Bierman, Yee,


The President resumed theChair.

[Parks and Open SpaceAdv isoryCommittee] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman,

Kaufman, LenoReso lution amending Reso lutionNos. 66 7-90 and 955-93 to add theNeighborhood ParksCouncil as anorganization qualified to submit nominationsforappointment to the Park andOpenSpaceAdvisoryCommittee pursuant to CharterSectionSupervisorsKaufman, Leno requested to be added as co—sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 53 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowi ng voteAyes: 1 1 Becerril, Bierman, Brown,

Katz, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee, Ammiano

[Public Hearing]Hearing ofpersons interested in or objecting to proposed establishment ofan assessment distri ct to be knownas the Union Square Business Improvement District and levying assessments against property located in thatdistrict forfiscal years 1 999 -2 000 through 2 003-2004.

Speakers in supp ort: Linda Mjellem; Ernestine Weiss; Marsha Devone (Department ofPublic Works) ; HolgerGantz; John Holberk (Police Department) ; Tom Latore; Gretchen Dykstra; Deedee Workman; JuayFloodWilbur; Sheryl Reuben; LeighAnn Baughman; Wes Tyler; RussellKeil; Paul Z uest; KarenFlood; MaryMcCune; JackMacan; MaryHarper; JimMcParkland; Ronald Greenspring; BruceBriggs; JimMathis;RogerKaufinan; CarolynDiamond; Daniel Rodriguez; Marvin Warren.

Speakers in opposition: JudyLapell; Ron Rucker; Male Speaker; Mark Martin; M ikeMcClure; Female

Speaker, Worldw ind Dreamer; Margaret Bright; Abdalla Megahed; Edmund; J. B. Saunder.


TheClerk ofthe Board announced the results ofthe ballots cast asfollowsTotal ballotsmailed: 9 1

Total ballots returned: 391

Properties voting: 38

Votingfor: 76 . 66%

Voting aga inst: 4

Amajorityprotest does not exists.

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthe President, SupervisorKatz assumed Cha ir President couldparticipatedebatefrom thefloor concerning thefollowing item.

t W County ofSan Francisco 59 Printed at 3 :l 3 PM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inutes January 25, 1 999

982 1 35 [Union Square Business I mprovement District ] SupervisorKaufmanReso lution establishing an assessment district to be known as the Union SquareBusiness Improvement Districtand levying assessmentsagainst property located in that district for fiscal years 1999-2 000 through 2003-2 004.

SupervisorKaufmanpresented an amendment ofthe whole.

Reso lutionNo . 6 1 -99

Supervisor Kaufman, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved that thisReso lution beAM ENDED, AN

AM ENDMENT OF THEWHOLE BEARI NG SAME TI TLE. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee, Ammiano

ADOPTED AS AMENDED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 8 Becerril, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki

Noes: 3 Bierman, Yee,Ammiano

The President resumed theChair.


99006 1 [OffSiteM eeting in Ch inatown] SupervisorsYee, TengMotion having theMonday, February 22 , 1 999 meeting oftheBoard ofSupervisors held at the JohnYehallChin Elementary Schoo l , 350 BroadwayStreet, Mul ti-purposeRoom in theChinatownNeighborhood ofSanFrancisco at p.m.

Although the Board ofSupervisors voted unanimously on this item, it was discovered a fter themeeting thatthepublicationfor theRules Committee specialmeeting was notp laced in the newsp aper. On advice oftheCityAttorney, thismatter will be scheduledforpublic hearing with theBoard Sitting as a Committee oftheWhole on February I , 1 999 .

MotionNo . M99 -7

PUBL I C COM M ENTBobPlanthold, Muni contract, never consulted Muni stafi

'or disability coordinator;

J. B. Saunders, HallidiePlaza, Civic Center street dwellers;Abdalla Megahed, safety concerns atMissionRock shelter;Daniel Pieste, oppose Union Squareproposal;Reubin Goodman, conditions ofshelter and treatment by stafi?Edmond, homeless issues;

Ernestine Weiss, welcome new Supervisor;Worldwind Dreamer.



Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. Any Supervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

[State Legislation,AB 55] Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz ,Teng

Reso lution urging theCalifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavisto approveAssemblyBil l 55 regu latingheal th care serviceplans.

ResolutionNo . 63-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 60 Printed at PM on

99 0095

99009 7


990 1 0 1

990 1 03

Meeting M inu tes January 25, 1 999

[State Legislat ion, SB 89 ] Superv isors Leno, Bierman, Katz,Teng

Reso lution urging the Cal ifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavis to approve Senate Bil l 89 relating toenv ironmental effects onminority and low- income popu lations.

Reso lutionNo . 64-99

ADOPTED[State Legislat ion, AB 1 07 ] SupervisorsKatz, Leno, Bierman,

TengReso lution support ingAB 1 07 which prov idesemployers the abil ity to offerheal th care coverage to domesticpartnersoftheiremployeesand annuitants.

Reso lutionNo . 65-99

ADOPTED[PG&E Feasibil ity Study] Supervisors Yaki, Katz, Teng, LenoResolution requesting that Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) conduct a feasibil ity study that wou ldassess alternative emergency powersupplymeansto vital city services, and/orprovide information to thePublic UtilitiesCommission concerning the outage and the powerneedsofSan Francisco .

Reso lutionNo . 66-99


[Nationa l Plan to End Homelessness] SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman,Katz, Teng, Leno

Resolution endorsing the development ofa comprehensive national plan to end homelessnessand urging thePresident ofthe United States, theUnited StatesCongressand otherrelevant federal agencies to develop andimp lement such a plan.

Reso lutionNo . 7 8-99


[ComprehensiveNational Plan] SupervisorsBrown, Leno, BiermanReso lution encouraging the San Francisco Board ofSupervisors to joinMayorWil lie L . Brown, I r.


SupervisorBurke ofLosAngelesandHomelessActivist Tom Hayes inurging President BillClinton andCongress to create and fund a comprehensive national p lan to end homelessnesswith a priority on programsfor the homelesswho aremental ly ill.Reso lutionNo . 6 8-99


[Proc lamation] SupervisorsNewsom, KatzReso lution dec laring October 1 6- 17 , 1 999 to be EarthquakePreparednessWeekend and urging theOffice ofEmergencyServices, the FireDepartment'sNeighborhood EmergencyResponse Team and otherrelevant Citydepartments to host educational events in recognition ofthe 1 0 yearanniversary ofthe LornaPrieta earthquake.

Reso lutionNo. 69-99


[Commendation] Superv isorsNewsom, Bierman

Reso lution commending JoannAnderson as employee ofthe quarterfor theDepamnent ofParking and Traffic .Reso lutionNo. 70-99


[Commendat ion] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Reso lution commendingAlv inChan asemployee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traffic.Reso lutionNo. 7 1 -99


anand County ofSan Francisco 6 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January 2 5, 1 999

990 1 04

990 1 05

990 1 06

990 1 07

990 1 08

990 1 1 0


[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Reso lution commending Ronald Szeto as employee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traffic .ResolutionNo . 72 -99


[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Reso lution commending Estrel laQueasemp loyee ofthe quarterfor theDepartment ofParking and Traffic .Reso lutionNo . 73 -99

ADOPTED[Commendation] Supervisors Teng, Katz, BiermanReso lution commending Isabel Huie forher lifelong commitment and dedication to civil rightsadvocacy anddeclaring January 2 1 , 1 999 , I sabel HuieDay" in San Francisco .

Reso lutionNo . 74-9 9


[Commendation] SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman,Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno,

M edina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeResolution commendingAntonio Castillo forhis courage and bravery in successfu l lyfoiling a bank robberyattempt.Reso lutionNo . 75-99


[Commendation] SupervisorsKaufman, BiermanResolution recognizing LaurenceKomfield, ChiefBuilding InspectorforSan Francisco, as the BuildingOwners and ManagersAssociation ofSan Francisco'sPublic Official ofthe Yearfor 1 99 8 and commendinghim forhisservice to theCity and County ofSan Francisco .

ResolutionNo. 76 -99

ADOPTED[Grant Funds] Supervisors Brown, BiermanReso lution approving applicationforgrant fundsfrom theCalifornia StateDepartment ofParks andRecreation to rehabilitate the TwinPeaksTrai l .Reso lutionNo . 52 -9 9


The foregoing itemswere acted upon bythefollowing voteAyes: 7 Bierman, Brown,

Katz, Leno , Yaki, Yee, AmmianoAbsent:4 Becerril, Kaufman, Newsom, Teng

[st. Luke'sHospital Anti-Trust Lawsuit] SupervisorAmmianoReso lution urging support ofSaint Luke'sHospital'santi-trust lawsuit against California Pacific MedicalCenterand SutterHealth System.

The Clerk ofthe Board indicated this item requires a clerical correction.

Reso lutionNo . 67 -99


SupervisorYaki, seconded bySupervisorYee, moved that thisResolution beAMENDED, ANAMENDMENT OF

THEWHOLE BEARI NG SAME TITLE. Themotion carried by the following vote:Ayes: 7 Bierman, Brown,

Katz, Leno, Yaki, Yee, AmmianoAbsent: 4 Becerril, Kaufman, Newsom, Teng

City and County ofSan Francisco 62 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes January 25, 1 999

990 1 26

990 1 27

990 1 2 8

990 1 29

[Sublease ofup to 766 Housing Units on Treasure I sland ] Superv isorsMayor,Ammiano,Yee, Yaki, Bierman, Brown

Reso lution approving and authorizing the Treasure I sland Development Authority to execute a sublease,development, marketing and propertymanagement agreement with the John Stewart Companyforup to 776housing unitson Treasure and YerbaBuena I slands.

(Fiscal impact .)ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land UseCommittee, expireson

[I ndemnityand Repayment Agreements, Treasure I sland Housing] Superv isorsMayor, Ammiano,Yee, Yaki, Bierman, Brown, Leno,

Katz, NewsomReso lution approving and authorizing a repayment agreement with the Treasure Island Development Authorityand an indemnity agreement with the John Stewart Company related to Treasure Island Housing.

(Fiscal impact.)ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land UseCommittee, expireson

[Navy Lease of86 Housing Units on Treasure I sland and Related SupervisorsM ayor, Ammiano,Facil ities] Yee, Yak i, Bierman, Brown, Leno,

Katz, NewsomReso lution approving and authorizing the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute with theUnitedStatesNavyfor the first 86 ofa total of222 housing units on Treasure and YerbaBuena Islands to besubleased to memberorganizationsofthe Treasure Island HomelessDevelopment I nitiative.

(Fiscal impact.)ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land UseCommittee, expireson

[Sublease of86 Housing Units onTreasure I sland and Related SupervisorsMayor, Ammiano,Facilities to TI HDI ] Yee, Yaki, Bierman, Brown, Leno,

Katz, Newsom

Resolution approving and authorizing the Treasure I sland Development Authority to execute four (4)subleaseswith memberorganizations ofthe Treasure I sland HomelessDevelopment Initiative forthe first 86ofa total of222 housing units on Treasure and YerbaBuena I slands.

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land UseCommittee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francisco 64 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meet ing M inutes January 25, 1 999

990 1 3 0

990 1 38

990 1 39

990 140

990 1 41

990 1 42

[Revenue Sharing Agreement with T I MB I Regarding Housing Units] Superv isorsM ayor, Ammiano,

Yee, Yak i, Bierman, Brown, Leno,Katz, Newsom

Resolution approv ing and authorizing the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute a revenuesharing agreement with the Treasure I sland HomelessDevelopment Initiative regarding the temporary use of

1 1 2 housing unitson Treasure and Yerba Buena Islands in connection with the John Stewart Companysublease.

(Fiscal impact .)ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land Use Committee, expireson

[Commendation] SupervisorsNewsom, Katz, YakiReso lution commending theHidden TruthsB loody Sunday Exhibitionand the famil iesofthe BloodySundayvictimsfor theirwork to commemorateB loodySunday.


[Board Meeting Schedu le] SupervisorsTeng, KatzResolution rescheduling the Tuesday, February 1 6 , 1 999, regu larmeeting ofthe Board ofSupervisors toWednesday, February 1 7 , 1 999 ,

in honorofthe first day ofChineseNew Year, the Year oftheRabbit .REFERRED FORADOPTIONWI THOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA.


(Landmark, Washington Square] SupervisorsYee, BecerrilReso lution urging thePlanning Department, Planning Commission, ArtsCommission, Recreationand ParksCommission, and the LandmarksPreservationAdvisoryBoard to expeditiously designateWashington Square

a landmark .


[Condemning The Ta liban] Superv isorsAmmiano, Bierman,Katz, Brown, Leno, Yaki

Reso lution condemning the Taliban, the ru l ing faction oftheGovernment ofAfghanistan, for its inhumanetreatment ofgaypeop le and women.


[Commendation] Supervisors Leno, Ammiano, Katz,Kaufman, Brown, Teng, Bierman,

Yee, Yaki, Newsom, BecerrilReso lution commending the Gay and Lesbian A l l ianceAgainst Defamation (GLAAD ) for its denunciation oftheFox Files television show segment entitled "

GayUnderworld" and condemning the FoxNetwork forairingthe anti-gay show and urging them to complywith the demands ofGLAAB .


Q ty and County ofSan Francisco 65 Printed at 3:1 3 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting Minutes January 25, I 999

990 1 43 [Reward ] SupervisorsBrown, Leno, Katz,Yaki, Bierman, Newsom

Reso lution urging theMayorto establish a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction oftheassailant ofArinze Anoruo .


Requests for Hearing990 144

990 1 45

990 1 47

990 1 48

990 1 49

[Do loresPark ] SupervisorsYee, Ammiano, LenoHearing to review the strategic p lan and the planning processforM issionDo loresPark, including theproposed Do loresPark Cafe.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to ParksandRecreationCommittee.

[KensingtonWay, 1 1 8, 1 2 8 , 1 38 ] SupervisorYeeHearing to consider the p lanning and permitting processfor 1 1 8, 12 8 and 1 38 KensingtonWay, including thefollowing: lack ofcompliance with discretionaryreview directives, V ditch instal lation onCity property, treesdamaged byhill grading and appropriatenessofpermit issuance.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPolicyCommittee.

[M unicipal RailwayReports] SupervisorKatzHearing to considerMunicipal Railway (Muni) short bi-month lyreports (recoveryprogram, personnel issues,

safety issues, capital program, service p lanning and anyregu larspecial requests thatmembersofthe Boardmaymake) to the Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee. Firstmeeting onFebruary 9 , 1 999 .

[Residentia l Hotels] Supervisor LenoHearing to investigate safety conditionsand inspectionproceduresforresidential hotels in San Francisco.

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social PolicyCommittee.

[Housing TrustsStudy] SupervisorAmmianoM otion directing theBoard ofSupervisorsLegislativeAnalyst to studyhousing trusts.


[Needle Exchange Emergency] SupervisorsBierman, Teng,Ammiano, Yak i, Kaufman, Katz,

Brown,Newsom, Yee, Leno,Becerril

Motion concurring in the determination oftheMayorforthe continued need forthe declaration ofemergencyin connection with the needle exchange program.


City and County ofSan Francisco 66 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes January 25, 1 9 99

I ntroduced by the President at the Reguest ofDepartments


990 1 1 2

990 1 1 3

990 1 1 4

990 1 1 5

990 1 1 7

[Katrina Garrett, et al. v. CCSE, et. al. ]Ordinance authorizing settlement ofl itigation ofKatrinaGarrett against theCity and County ofSan Franciscobypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 992

RECEIVED ANDASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Frank M assimillo/Rosa Tarangioli v. CCSF, ci al.]Ordinance authorizing settlement oflitigation ofFrank Massimil lo andRosaTarangioli against theCityandCounty ofSan Franc isco by payment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 993

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit andGovernment EfficiencyCommittee.

[Frederick Howard/Chantia Howard, et al. v. CCSF, et al.]Ordinance authorizing settlement oflitigation ofFrederick Howard andChantiaHoward against theCityandCounty ofSan Francisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.E. SuperiorCourt No . 985

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Janice and Wayne Racek, v. CCSF, et al. ]Ordinance authorizing settlement ofl itigation ofJanice andWayne Racek against theCity and County ofSanFrancisco by payment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 996

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Appropriation, M ayor's Office-Peninsu la CorridorsJoint Powers

Board ]

Ordinance appropriating Mayor'sOffice, General Fund Reserve, to increase the appropriation

amount for thePeninsulaCorridorJoint PowersBoardAgency subsidypaymentsforfiscal year 1 998- 1 999 .


(Fiscal impact.)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[TRM Corporation v. CCSF]Ordinance authorizing theCity to release, contractors and architectson remodeling and seismic safetyimprovements project at California Palace ofthe LegionofHonor, as consideration forsettlement ofthe actionknown asTRM Corporation v. City and County ofSan Francisco. (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 978

RECE IVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit andGovernment EfiiciencyCommittee.

6 7 Printed at JflJ PM on

M eeting M inutes January 25, 1 999



990 1 1 6

[EmergencyRepair, Geneva Avenue Sewer]Reso lution approving expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to rep lace the co l lapsed 12 -inch diameterseweronGenevaAvenue betweenBrookdaleAvenue and Prague Street (Public UtilitiesCommission)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[EmergencyRepairs. Buchanan/Wash ington Streets Sewers]Reso lution approving expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to rep lace the structural ly inadequatesewersonBuchanan Street from Jackson to Washington Streets, onWashington Street fromWebster toLagunaStreets (Public Util itiesCommission)

(Fiscal impact.)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[M arine Terminal Agreement, Port M exican Line Ltd.[

Resolution authoriz ing thePort ofSan Francisco to hold harmless theMexican Limited (awhollyownedaffi liate ofTransportationMaritimaMexicana) harm lessfrom all claims arising from an agreement with theSan Francisco Port Commission foruse ofmarine terminal facilities at Pier 80 . (Port)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land Use Committee.

Reguest Granted

BySupervisorBierman, that letter be sent to the CityAttorney requesting legislation be draftedmakingpermanent the zoning controls which have temp orarilyprohibited the establishment ofnew enterprises thatsell tobacco paraphernalia.

Motion that the Board adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofrespect to thememory ofthefollowing deceased:

RabbiAlvinFine (Supervisor Bierman)Trigueiro (SupervisorKaufman)

City and County ofSan Francisco 68 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors January 25, I 9 99


There being nofirrther business, the Board at the hour of p .m. adjournedGloria L. Young, Clerk

N.B. TheMinutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on the ma tters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the ma tters were taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors onMarch 29, 1 999 .

1, Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifiz

that theforegoing is a true and correct copy ofthe M inutes ofsaid Board on the da te stated and was approvedas recited

Gloria L. Young

Clerk ofthe Board

6 9 Printed at PM on

Meeting M inu tes February I , 1 999

Members Present TomAmmiano , Sue Bierman,Alicia Becerril, Amos Brown, Leslie Katz ,

Barbara Kaufman, Mark Leno ,GavinNewsom,

MabelTeng, MichaelYaki,

Leland Y . Yee.

ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCEThe Board ofSupervisors oftheCity andCounty ofSanFrancisco met in regular session on the above datewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisors were noted absent:

Supervisors Becerril, Kaufinan 2 .


Supervisor Becerril was notedpresent at p .m.

Supervisor Kaufinan excused (See infra.)

SupervisorKaufinan was notedpresent at p m (See infia.)

SupervisorKaufman Excused From Attendance

Superv isor Bierman, seconded bySupervisorYaki, moved to excuse Superv isorKaufman from attending today'smeeting. The motion carried bythe fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano,Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz , Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 KaufmanSupervisorKaufinan arrived at p .m. after appearing onjury du ty service.

SupervisorYaki, seconded bySupervisor Teng, moved to suspend Ru le ofthe Ru les ofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors to grant privilege ofthefloor to the fol lowing guests. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano, Bierman, Becerril, Brown,Katz , Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 KaufmanSupervisor Teng said afew wordsmemorializing and thanking her senior LegislativeAssistant, TalineSanassarian, who is leaving her ofiice to work in another branch ofCity government.

Supervisor Teng congratulated her assistant, MatthewLonner, on the birth ofhis son, Elijah Benjamin on

January 2 3, 1 999 .

SupervisorNewsom introduced and welcomedMaria Martina who spoke briefly on the photographyexhibition,

"Hidden Truth, BloodySunday 1 9 72 a campaignforjustice and civil rightsfor thepeop le of

APPROVAL OF MEETING M INUTESSuperv isorNewsom, seconded bySupervisor Leno, moved to approve theNovember 23 , 1 998 MeetingM inutes.The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Becerril, Brown,Katz , Leno,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent 1 Kaufman

Q ty and Cowety afsah Frand seo 71 Printed at 2 :0 7 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February I , I 999


98 1 923 [Go ldenGate Yacht Club Lease Amendment]Ordinanceapproving the First Amendment to the lease between theCityand theGo ldenGate Yacht Club toreduce the rental rate from 1 0 percent to percent oftheClub'smonth lygrossrevenue and reducing thelease term from 40 to 30 years. (CityAttorney)

On advice ofthe CityAttorney, the title was clerically corrected to reflect the amended version ofthe leaseamendment tha t the Board ofSup ervisors approved at itsmeeting ofJanuary 25, 1 999 .

OrdinanceNo . 1 6 -99


Ordinance approving the first amendment to the lease between theCity and the GoldenGate Yacht Club toreduce the rental rate from 1 0% to of theClub

smonth lygrossrevenue for the periodMarch 1 993through January 1 999 , and reducing the lease term h'om 40 to 25years. (CityAttorney)


990008 [GiftAcceptance] Supervisor LenoReso lution authorizing theParkingAuthority to accept a gift ofone hundred and forty thousand do l lars

from the Uptown Park ing Corporation,theDowntownParking Corporation, and the Ellisand

O'FarrellParking Garage to fund a garagemarketing study and plan for theCity andCountyofSan Francisco .

Reso lutionNo . 82 -99

ADOPTEDThe foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo llowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano, Bierman,Becerril, Brown,

Katz , Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


981 449 [Treasure I sland Development Authority] Supervisor YakiResolution directing the Treasure I sland Development Authority to amend its bylaws and articlesofincorporation to expand thenumberofdirectors ofthe Board ofDirectorsoftheAuthority to include threeadditional ex officio members the then-sitting President oftheBoard ofSupervisors, theChairofthecommittee with jurisdiction overeconomic development and theChair ofthe committee with jurisdiction overhousing; requiring 30

-dayspriornotice ofamendments to theAuthority's competitive bidding ru lesandprocedures; urging theAuthority to monitorand participate in negotiationswith theNavy regardingconveyance ofthe base, and directing theAuthority to establish a citizensadvisoryboard within 30 daysoftheeffective date ofthisreso lution to be comprised of2 5 persons, 14 ofwhom shall be appointed by theMayorand 1 1 ofwhom shall be appointed by the Board ofSupervisors.

Supervisor Yakipresented an amendment ofthe whole.

ResolutionNo . 89-99

SupervisorYak i, seconded bySupervisorTeng, moved that th isReso lution beAMENDED, ANAMENDMENT OFTHE WHOLE BEARING NEW TI TLE. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman,Becerril, Brown,

Katz , Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Kaufman

City and County ofSan Francisco 72 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February I , 1 999

98 1 973

Reso lution directing the Treasure Island Development Authority to amend its bylaws and art ic les ofincorporation to expand the numberofdirectors ofthe Board ofDirectors oftheAuthority to include threeadditional ex offic io members-the then-sitt ing President ofthe Board ofSuperv isors, theChairofthecommittee with jurisdiction over land use and the Chairofthe committeew ith jurisdiction overhousing, ortheirdesignees; requiring 30 dayspriornotice ofamendments to theAuthority's competitive bidding ru lesandprocedures; urging theAuthority to monitorand participate in negotiationswith theNavy regarding

conveyance ofthe base, and directing theAuthority to establ ish a c itizensadv isory board within 30 days oftheeffectivedate ofthisresolution to be comprised of2 5 persons, 14 ofwhom shall be appointed by theMayor

and l l ofwhom shall be appo inted by the Board ofSuperv isors.

Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co—sp onsor.

ADOPTED ASAM ENDED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman,

Becerril, Brown,Katz , Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Kaufman

[Park Code] Superv isor BrownOrdinance amending Park Code to include UnitedNationsPlaza and Hallidie Plaza asparksforpurposes ofArticles3 , 4 and 7 ofthePark Code and addingArticles 88 and 8C to thePark Code granting theDirectorofPubl icWorks the authority to manage UnitedNationsPlaza, to perform functionsdescribed in Sections

and ofthePark Code, to make rulesfor the use ofthe p laza and to designateadditional activities in the plaza forwhich a permit isrequired and granting the Director ofProperty theauthority to manageHallidiePlaza, to perform functionsdescribed in Sections and

ofthePark Code, to make rulesfor the use ofthe plaza and to designate additional activities in the plazaforwhich a permit isrequired.

(AmendsSection addsSections 8C.0 1 , 8C.02 , 8C.03 .)

OrdinanceNo . 1 7-99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 7 Becerril, Brown, Katz , Leno , Newsom, Teng,

YakiNoes: 3 Ammiano , Bierman, Yee

Absent: 1 Kaufman[Permits forUse ofHallidie Plaza] SupervisorBrownOrdinance amendingAdministrativeCode Section to give the Recreation and Park Department orCommission authority to grant permits for recreational and first amendment activity inHallidiePlaza andreserving to the Board ofSupervisors the authority to grant permits forany otheractivityand to hearappealsfrom denials ofpermitsby the Recreation and Park Department orCommission.

(AmendsSectionOrdinanceNo . 1 8-99

FINALLY PASSED by the fol lowing voteAyes: 7 Becerril, Brown, Katz , Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki

Noes: 3 Bierman, Yee ,Ammiano

Absent: 1 Kaufman

t and CouMy o/ San Francisco 73 Printed at 2 :0 7 PM on

Board ofSupervisors February I , I 999

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

98 1 778

At the request ofthe President, Supervisor Katz assumed the Chair so the President couldparticipate in the

[Registration ofLobbyists]Ordinance amendingAdministrative Code by amending Sections through 1 6 534 to: add legislativefindings; c larifydefinitionsand add new definitions; conso l idate the defmition of Lobbyist" with thethresho ldsfor qualifying as lobbyist and the exemptions; increase the qualification threshold for contractlobbyistsfiom permonth to perquarter; increase the qualification thresho ld forexpenditurelobbyistsfrom perquarter to $3 ,2 00 perquarter; clarify and add new exemptions; clarify that once aperson qualifiesas a Lobbyist" the person issubject to the requirementsand prohibitionsofthisArtic le untilthe person ceasesall lobbyist activity and fi lesa statement oftermination; clarify thedisc losure requirementsapplicable at the time ofregistration and at the time offi ling quarterly activityreports; provide that alllobbyists re-registeron January 15 each year; require lobbyists to disc lose payments received fromCityofi icers in exchange for campaign consu lting services; limit the aggregate value ofgifis from lobbyists to eachCity officer, within threemonthsofa lobbyist contact, to $50 ; and require lobbyists to notifyCity officersofthe value ofgifts conferred; and require lobbyist to attend annualworkshops conducted by the EthicsCommission. (EthicsCommission)

(AmendsSections through

Supervisor Brownmoved to amendpage 5, lines 1 6 and 1 7 by rep lacing the text with thefollowing: (P) "A

person app lyingfor, opposing or otherwise taking artyposition on a gradingpermit or a permit rela ting to theconstruction, alteration, demolition ormoving ofa building or to a personfiling, opposing or o therwise takinga p osition on a parcelmap or subdivision tractmap ; provided, however, that ifaperson qualifies as a lobbyistand thatperson takes or opposes an appeal or represents a person taking or opposing an appeal, p ursuant toanyp ro cedure or authorityprovided by lawfiom an administrative determinationmade with respect to suchan app lication ormap , thatperson sha ll be required to register asprovided inSection up on taking theappeal orfiling opposition to it.

Supervisor Brown, seconded byPresident Ammiano, moved that th isOrdinance beAMENDED. The motion

carried by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Sup ervisor Yaki moved to amendpage 2 3 , lines 9 through I 6, by deleting the entire subsection (i) relating toAnnual Workshop (which amends titlepage 1 , lines 2 0 and 2 ] to read "

and require the EthicsCommission toconduc t quarterly workshops concerning the laws relating to lobbyists andpage I 3, line 25, by deletingannual workshops'9.

Supervisor Yak i, seconded bySupervisorKaufman, moved that thisOrdinance beAMENDED.Themotion carried

by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 9 Becerril, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

Noes: 2 Ammiano, Bierman

City and County ofSan Francisco Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February I . 1 999

Ordinance amending Administrative Code by amending Sections through 1 6 534 to: add legislativefindings; c larify definitionsand add new definitions; conso l idate the definition of Lobbyist" w ith thethresho ldsforqual ifying as lobbyist and the exemptions; increase the qual ification thresho ld for contractlobbyistsfrom permonth to perquarter; increase the qual ification thresho ld forexpenditurelobbyists from perquarterto perquarter; c larifyand add new exemptions; clarify that onceaperson qual ifiesas a "Lobbyist" the person is subject to the requirements and prohibitionsofthisArticle untilthe person ceasesall lobbyist activ ity and fi lesa statement oftermination; c larify the disclosure requirementsapplicable at the time ofregistration and at the time offiling quarterlyactivity reports; provide that alllobbyists re-registeron January 1 5 each year; require lobbyists to disclose paymentsreceived fromCityofficers in exchange for campaign consu lting services; limit the aggregate value ofgifisfrom lobbyists to eachCity officer, within threemonthsofa lobbyist contact, to $50 ; and require lobbyists to notifyCity officersofthe value ofgifis conferred; and require the EthicsCommission to conduct quarterlyworkshops concerningthe lawsrelating to lobbyists. (EthicsCommission)

(AmendsSections through

PASSED ON FI RST READING ASAMENDED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano

,Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

The President resumed the Chair.


98 1 492

[Zoning Map Amendment, 949 Vermont Street ]Ordinance adopting changes in property use classification as an amendment to the ZoningMap oftheCityand

County ofSan Francisco ofproperty located at 949 Vermont Street, east side between 2 I st and 22nd Streets,Lot 92 , Assessor

'sB lock 409 3 from a


(Public Use) District with an "OS


(Open Space) Height and Bulkdesignation to an "


(Residential , House, Two-Family) District with a "40-X

"Height and Bulk

designation and adopting findingspursuant to Section ofthe Planning Code. (PlanningDepartment)

(Planning CommissionReso lutionNo . 14705 adopted September 1 7 , 1 998 recommending approval ofproposed rezoning to

”RH Exempt from environmental review underGeneral Ru le exclusiondated July


PASSED, ON FIRST READ ING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, Yee

[Liquor License Transfer, 536 BroadwayStreet ]Reso lution opposing the request for the transferofa Type 20 off-sale beerand wine alcoholic beverage contro llicense forMuhammad DaherandKhaled Z oubi forNorth Beach Market, from 12 62 Stockton Street to 536BroadwayStreet, and determining that it w ill not serve the public convenience and necessity ofthe people oftheCity and County ofSan Franc isco, in accordance with Section 2 3958 4 oftheCal iforniaBusiness andProfessionsCode.

Reso lutionNo . 80 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano

, Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

G ly nn! County ofSan Fm d sco 75 Printed at 2 :0 7 PM on

M eeting M inutes February I , 1 99 9

982 099 [Liquor License, 22 5 Bush Street]Reso lution determining that the issuance ofa Type 9 beerand wine importer license, Type 1 7 beer and winewho lesaler, and Type 2 0 off-sale beerand wine al coho lic beverage contro l license to JenniferA. Bellwoar on

behalfofPrimeReserveLLC, located at 22 5 Bush Street, will serve the convenience ofthe people oftheCityand County ofSan Francisco in accordancewith Section oftheCaliforniaBusiness and Professions


Reso lutionNo. 8 1 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


98 1 633 [Appea1, 2 82 6-2 82 8 Octavia St. SubdivisionMap]

Hearing ofpersons interested in orobjecting to the decision ofthePublicWorksD irectordated September 14,1 998, approving Tentative SubdivisionMap (subject to certain conditionsand Building I nspectionCoderequirements), to legalize the proposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots in Assessor'sB lock52 9

,Lot 1 6 , at 2 82 6 -2 82 8 Octavia Street.

(See Files 9 8 1 634, 98 1 635,

TheRepresentativefiom theDepartment ofPublic Works indicated the appellant wished to withdraw the

No objection and hearing closedHEARD AT PUBLI C HEARING.

98 1 634 [Appeal, 282 6-2 82 8 Octavia St. Subd iv isionM ap]Motion approving decision oftheDirectorofPublicWorks, approving Tentative SubdivisionMap to legalizethe proposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots inAssessor'sB lock 529 , Lot 16 , at 2 82 6-2 82 8

Octavia Street. (Clerk ofthe Board)(See Files98 1 633 , 9 8 1 635,Supervisor Teng, seconded bySupervisor Brown, moved that th isMotion beTABLED. Themotion carried by thefo l lowing vo te

Ayes: 1 1- Ammiano , Bierman, Becerril, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee98 1 635 [Appeal 2 82 6-2828 Octav ia St. Subd ivisionMap]

Motion disapproving decision oftheDirectorofPublic Works, approving Tentative SubdivisionMap to

legalize the proposed subdivision creating two substandard-sized lots inAssessor'sB lock 52 9 , Lot 1 6 , at 2 82 62 82 8 Octavia Street. (Clerk oftheBoard)(SeeFiles 98 1 633 , 98 1 634,SupervisorTeng, seconded bySupervisorBrown, moved that thisM otionbeTABLED. Themotion carried by thefo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 - Ammiano ,Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

76 Printed at 2 :0 7 PM on

Board ofSupervisors February I , I 999

990 1 38

990 1 39

990 1 41

990 1 42

990 1 43

990 146

990 1 49

[Commendation] Superv isorsNewsom, Katz, Yak iReso lution commending theHidden TruthsB loodySundayExhibition and the familiesofthe Bloody Sundayvictimsfor theirwork to commemorateB loodySunday.

SupervisorsKatz, Yaki requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 87-99

ADOPTED[Board Meeting Schedule] Supervisors Teng, KatzResolution rescheduling the Tuesday, February 1 6 , 1999 , regu larmeeting oftheBoard ofSupervisors toWednesday, February 1 7 , 1 999 , in honor ofthe first day ofChineseNew Year, the Year oftheRabbit.SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co—sponsor.

ResolutionNo . 83-99

ADOPTED[Condemning The Taliban] SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman,

Katz, Brown, Leno, YakiResolution condemning the Taliban, the ruling faction oftheGovernment ofAfghanistan,

for its inhumane

treatment ofgaypeople and women.

SupervisorsKatz, Brown, Leno, Yaki requested to be added as co—sp onsors.

ResolutionNo . 88-99

ADOPTED[Commendation] SupervisorsLeno,Ammiano, Katz,

Kaufman, Brown, Teng, Bierman,Yee, Yak i,Newsom, Becerril

Resolution commending theGayand LesbianAl lianceAgainst Defamation (GLAAB) for itsdenunciation ofthe FoxFiles television show segment entit led "

GayUnderworld" and condemning the FoxNetwork forairingthe anti-gay show and urging them to complywith the demands ofGLAAB .

Reso lutionNo . 85-99

ADOPTED[Revvard] SupervisorsBrown, Leno,-Katz,

Yaki, Bierman, NewsomResolution urging theMayor to establish a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction oftheassailant ofArinzeAnoruo .

SupervisorNewsom requested to be added as co-sponsor.

ResolutionNo. 86-99

ADOPTED[Housing Trusts Study] SupervisorAmmianoMotiondirecting theBoard ofSupervisorsLegislativeAnalyst to study housing trusts.

MotionNo . M99—8


[Need le Exchange Emergency] Supervisors Bierman, Teng,Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz,

Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno,

BecerrilMotion concurring in the determination oftheMayorfor continued need for the declaration ofemergencyin connection with theneedle exchangeprogram.

Supervisor Becerril requested to be added as co-sponsor.

MotionNo . M99-9


City and County ofSan Francisco 78 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes Februaty I . 1 999

990 150

990 1 24

990 1 40

[Fina l M ap, M cAllisterMano r 1 543 M cAllister Street ]Motion approving final map ofMcAllisterManor 1 543 M cAllisterStreet, aResidential CondominiumProject, being a subdivision ofLot 2 1 , Assessor's B lock No . 1 1 80 , and adopting findingspursuant to thePlanningCode Section (Department ofPubl ic Works)

(DPWOrderNo .

MotionNo . M99- 10


[Suspend 30—DayRu le Treasure Island Leases] Superv isorsAmmiano, KatzMotion suspendingRu le oftheRulesofOrderofthe Board ofSupervisors to al low the Board ofSuperv isors to consider, without waiting 30 days afier its introduction, reso lutionsauthorizing the TreasureI sland Development Authority to execute leasesand related agreementsforhousing unitson Treasure Island.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co-sponsor.

MotionNo . M99- 12


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0

- Ammiano,Bierman,

Becerril, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno,

Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

[Appointment ] SupervisorAmmianoReso lution appo inting SueBierman, memberofthe Board ofSupervisors, as a representative to theMetropo litan TransportationCommission.

(Seat No . 1 , foranew four-year term ending February 9 , 2 003 .

At the request ofthe Clerk, thismatter was severed so tha t Supervisor Bierman can be excusedfrom voting onthis item.

Reso lutionNo. 77-99


Superv isorYaki, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved to excuse Supervisor Bierman from voting. Themotioncarried by the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 - Ammiano, Bierman, Becerril, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Teng

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 9

- Ammiano , Becerril, Brown,Katz , Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 TengExcused: 1 Bierman

[Landmark,Washington Square] SupervisorsYee, BecerrilReso lutionurging thePlanning Department

,Planning Commission, ArtsCommission, Recreation and Parks

Commission, and the LandmarksPreservationAdv isoryBoard to expeditiously designateWashingtonSquarea landmark .

Supervisor Becerril requested this item be severed so it could be considered separately.

Reso lutionNo. 84-99


79 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors February I , 1 999

990 1 51

Supervisor Becerril requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Afier a briefdiscussion, the roll was called on thepending resolution.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom,

Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Teng

[Suspend 30-DayRu le I nterim Zoning Controls, Residential Units Supervisor BiermanConversion]Motion suspending Rule oftheRulesofOrderoftheBoard ofSupervisors to al low theBoard ofSupervisors to consider, without waiting 30 daysafter its introduction, conversion ofresidential rental uses ininterim zoning contro ls.

SupervisorKaufman requested this item be severed so it could be considered separately.

MotionNo . M 99 - 1 1


SupervisorsKaufman, Newsom and Yee requested to be excusedfiom voting on this item.

Supervisor Brown, seconded bySupervisor Yaki, moved to excuse SupervisorsKaufman, Newsom and Yee from

voting. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano,

Bierman, Becerril, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 TengAPPROVED by the fo llowing vote

Ayes: 7 Ammiano , Bierman,Becerril, Brown, Katz, Leno, Yaki

Absent: 1 - TengExcused: 3 Kaufman, Newsom, Yee

OFF CALENDAR LEGI SLATIONI ntrodu ced by Supervisors orM ayor

990 1 67

990 1 68

[Zoning Liquor Establishments] Supervisor BiermanOrdinance amending Flam ing Code Section and adding Sections and to prohibit liquorestabl ishments, and to regu late existing non-conforming liquorestablishments, in theHaight StreetNeighborhood Commercial District, andmaking a determination ofconsistencywith the prioritypoliciesofFlam ing Code Section

(AmendsSection addsSections and

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land UseCommittee, expireson[Rent Ordinance] Supervisors Leno, BiermanOrdinance amending AdministrativeCode (ResidentialRent Stabilization andArbitrationOrdinance) Section37 .2 (g) to define "

housing services" to include any right to havea specific numberofoccupants in aunit andany right to sublet or assign; and amending Section 37 .9(c) to provide that so long as an original ly contractingtenant continues to reside in the unit a landlordmaynot unreasonablywithho ld permission forutilization ofanyright to have a specific numberofoccupants in aunit orto sublet, and that the landlordmaynotunilaterally rescind anysuch rights.

(Amends Sections 37 .2 (g) and

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social PolicyCommittee, expireson

80 Printed at PM on

Meeting M inutm February 1 , 1 99 9

Reso lu tions

98 1989

990 1 69

990 1 70

990 1 7 1

990 1 72

990 1 73

Dioxin Su ervisorsNewsom Leno7 9


Reso lution establ ishing dioxin as a high priority for immediate actionfor theCity andCounty ofSanFrancisco in order to restore water, airand total environment qual ity.

1 RECElVED AND ASSIGNED to Health , Family, and Environment Committee.

TRANSFERRED to Publ ic Heal th and Env ironment Committee. New committee structure.

SUBSTITUTED. BySupervisorNewsom inBoard.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Publ ic Health and Environment Committee.

[U. S. Bureau oftheCensus] Supervisors Teng, Becerril, Brown,Katz, Leno, Newsom, Yak i,


Resolution urging theMayor to form a complete count committee, provide adequate funding to supplementtheCensusBureau

's outreach efforts and request City Departments and community-based organizations to

promote part icipation in the 2 000 Census; urging theChancellorofCityCo l lege and the Superintendent oftheSan Francisco Unified Schoo l District to promote censusparticipation.

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social PolicyCommittee.

[Year 2 000 Fu l l Count Committee CensusCount ] SupervisorsAmmiano, Yee,Bierman

Resolution establ ishing a Year 2 000 CompleteCount AdvisoryCommittee to develop and coordinate a censusimplementation plan for theCity and CountyofSan Francisco and to act as l iaison to theCensusBureau toensure a comp lete count in theyear2 000 , establishing themembership and rulesforthe committee, setting adeadline for a committee recommendation on an adequate level ofCityfunding to supplement CensusBureau

'soutreach efforts

, and urging City Departments, City-funded community based organiza tions, theChance l lor ofCity co l lege and the Superintendent ofSFUnified Schoo l District to promote local censusparticipation.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPolicyCommittee.

[Projec t Labor Agreement ] Supervisor BrownResolution adopting the use ofproject laboragreementswhen contracting for the construction ofsignificantpublic works projects.

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson[Board ofSupervisorsChamberUtilization] Supervisor KatzReso lution directing theClerk ofthe Board ofSupervisorsand the CityAttorney to negotiatewith WaltDisneyPictures the utilimtion oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambers.


[Grant Funds BayArea Trail System] M ayor

Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPubl ic Works (DPW) to accept and expend agrant from theAssoc iation ofBayAreaGovernments (ABAG) for improvements to theBayTrail, approving theABAG BayTrail grant contract, authorizing theDirectorofDPW to execute theBayTrail grant contract, mak ing findingsofconformity ofthe BayTrail improvementswith theGeneral Plan, and urging all relevant City departments,agencies and commissions to move expeditiously in approving anyBayTrail improvementsrelated to thisABAG grant.fl l/99 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Parksand RecreationCommittee.

8 1 Printed at 2 :0 7 PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February I , I999

990 1 74

990 1 75

990 1 76

990 1 77

990 1 78

990 1 79

[Language and Cu l tural lySensitiveServices] Supervisors Yee, Becerril, KatzReso lution urging allCity and County ofSan Francisco departments to provide servicesandmaterials invarious languages to reflect San Francisco's language and cu ltural diversity.


[Colombian EarthquakeRelief] SupervisorsBecerril, Katz, Yaki,Leno, Bierman

Resolution expressing deepest sympathy to the people ofCo lombia and urging each CityDepartment todetermine how they can assist in the reliefefforts current lyunderway.


[State Legislation, Ch ild Care Partnership Program] Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz,Becerril, Yaki

Reso lution urging theCalifornia State Legislature to adopt child care partnership legislation to benefit lowincome familieswho are currently the last priorityforreceiving subsidized child care funds.


[Marina Parking Lot FeeCollection Pilot Program] SupervisorNewsomResolution urging Recreation and ParksDepartment and theDepartment ofParking and Traffic to worktogether to institute a pilot program ofcentralized fee co l lection boxesforweek day park ing in theM arina

parking lot; and askingRecreation and Parks to assess the appropriate numberofspacesneeded forpermitparking.


[Kiangsu Chek iangDay] Supervisors Teng, Katz, Yak i,Bierman

Reso lution commendingKiangsu Chek iangAssociation for its distinguishedwork and outstandingcontributions to the community and declaring January3 1 , 1 999 "

Kiangsu ChekiangAssociationDay in San



[GAPA Day] Supervisors Teng, Katz, Yak i,Leno, Bierman

Resolution commending theGayAsianPacific Al liance for its distingu ished work, outstanding leadership anddedication to the communityand dec laring January 30 , 1 999 as "

GayAsian Pacific AllianceDay" in SanFrancisco .


City and County ofSan Francisco 82 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting Minutes Febru ary I , 1 999

990 1 80

990 1 8 1

990 1 82

[V ietnamese New Year (TET), Year oftheCat] Superv isorsYee, Katz, BiermanReso lution holding the regularmeeting ofthe Board ofSuperv isorsonWednesday, February 1 7 , 1999 , in



[Commendation] SupervisorsYee, Ka tz, BiermanReso lution commending the Vietnamese Community CenterofSan Francisco for theirThird Annual TetFestival .


[Commendation] Supervisors Bierman, KatzReso lution commending Shen'y Barto on the occasion ofherretirement from theCity andCounty ofSanFranc isco afierover thirtyyears ofdedicated service to themental health system.


Rg uest for Hearings

990 1 83

990 1 84

990 1 85

[Ca lifornia CommunityDispu te Serv icesContract/Program] SupervisorYeeHearing to consider theCaliforniaCommunityDispute Services (CCDS) contract and program.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[M uniReform] SupervisorNewsomHearing to consideranalyzing SPUR,

RescueMuni, the new Muni Task Force and otherorganizations’proposed key structural improvements to M uni.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[HomelessServices] SupervisorsBrown, Katz , BecerrilM otion directing theBudget Analyst to prepare a report on the efficiencyand adequacy ofthe servicestheCity and County ofSan Francisco provides to the homeless.


[Board ofSupervisorsAudit ] Superv isor TengMotion urging that a comprehensivemanagement audit beperformed on theBoard ofSupervisors andClerkoftheBoard for theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco .

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit andGovernment EfficiencyCommittee.

I ntroduced by the President at theReguest ofDepartments

PROPOSED ORD INANCES990 1 34 [Simca Harris v. CCSF, et al. ]

Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofSimcaHarris against theCity and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(U S. Distri ct Court No . C97-46 14 PJH)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfiiciencyCommittee.

aty and Coumy oj'

San Franc'

neo 83 Printed at 2 :08 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February I , 1 999


990 1 35

990 1 52

990 1 55

990 1 56

[DPH StateDept ofM ental Heal th PerformanceContract, FY1 998- 1 999 ]

Reso lution authoriz ing theDepartment ofPublic Heal th ,Public Heal th Division, CommunityMental Health

Services, to enter into the fiscal year 1998- 1 999 performance contra ct with the StateDepartment ofMentalHealth, which inc ludes indemnification clausesand doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification andfalse claims clauses. (Department ofPublic Health)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.

[LakeMerced Transport Project Transfer ofLand ]Resolution authorizing transferofland (Assessor‘ sParcelNo . 7282 described asParcelNo . 1 comprising of

squarefeet and Parcel 2 comprising of square feet),to the United StatesofAmericafor inc lusionin theGo ldenGateNational RecreationArea. (Real EstateDepartment)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Purchase of555-7 th Street Building]Reso lution authorizing the exercise ofthe purchase option in the lease between theCity and County ofSanFrancisco as lessee, andBurt J. Hamrol, as lessor, for the real propertyand building located at 5557th Street (the authorizing the of ficersofthe City to enter into documents to implement saidpurchase; approving a Project Lease related to financing the acquisition ofthe property (including certainindemnities contained therein); approving a Trust Agreement between the City and a Trustee (inc ludingcertain indemnities contained therein); authorizing the selection ofa Trustee; approving the execution anddelivery ofCertificatesofParticipation to finance the acquisition ofthe property; authorizing the offerand saleofthe certificates; approving the form ofOfficialNotice ofSale,Notice ofIntention to Sel l, and OfficialStatement; approving the form ofContinuingDisclosure Certificate relating to the certificates; approving thevalidation ofthe execution and delivery ofcertificates; adopting findingspursuant to Planning Code Section

and ratifying previousactions taken in connection therewith . (M ayor)

(Fiscal impact.)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Bayshore-Hester SurplusFundsDec laration]Resolutionmaking a dec laration ofa surplus in the improvement fund for theBayshore-Hesterassessmentdistri ct and directing disbursement ofsuch surplus. (Mayor)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Local Law Enforcement Block Grant] SupervisorsTeng, Bierman,Becerril

Reso lution authoriz ing theMayoroftheCity and County ofSan Francisco to retroactively applyfor, accept, agrant in the amount of from the US . Department ofJustice to administerthe Local LawEnforcement Block Grant Program, and waiving indirect costs. (Mayor)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 84 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors February I 1 999

Requests Granted

By Supervisors Yaki, Brown, Katz, Leno that CityAttorney draft legislation which would limit the sale ofhandguns in San Francisco to oneper individualpermonth.

BySupervisor Yee, tha t CityAttorney draft legislation which would require liquor license operators who cometo theBoard ofSupervisorsfor a p ublic convenience and necessity ruling to notifyneighborhood groups in thearea aflected by the new license, transferred license or change in license conditions.

BySupervisor Yee, tha t letter be sent to each department-concerning services to the homelessand requestinginformation, via the Controller ’

s ofiice, asfollows: what services areprovided to the homelesspopulation, thecost ofthese services and the source offundingfor each ofthese services.

BySupervisor Yee, that letter be sent to theController concerning services to the homeless and requesting hereview the rep orts ea ch city department has been requested to provide to theBoard ofSupervisors through hisoflice in conjunc tion with theMayor

s Oflice onHomelessness. The Controller is requested to submit a reporton his review to the Board ofSupervisors andHarveyRosefor consideration and analysis.

By SupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to theActing Director ofPublic Transp ortation requesting adetailed analysis ofp ublic and emp loyee health and safety concerns related to the new MarinStreetMuniyard

and ap lan and timetable to mitigate anyp otential health and safety risks at the site.

BySupervisorAmmiano, that CityAttorney draft legislation in conjunction with theMayor’

sOffice ofCommuteAssistance establishing new commuter choiceprogramsfor City emp loyees, in order to takeadvantage ofnewfederal tax incentivesfor emp loyee transit benefits.

BySupervisorKatz, tha t letter be sent to Muni and other departments to exp lore thefeasibility ofsellingfastpasses at localATM machines as a precursor to selling regional transit smart cardsand rep ort back to theBoard on whether this can be done.

BySupervisor Katz, that letter be sent to Director, Department ofTelecommunication and I nformationServices (DTIS) to inquire as to the availability ofresources to dedicate oneDTISstafirmember tofurtherdevelop and imp lement Geograp hic I nformation system (GIS) app lications and “

to work with theDepartmentofPublic Works on thisprocess.

BySupervisorLeno, tha t CityAttorney determine whether theCity and County ofSan Franc isco shouldjointhe cities ofChicago, New Orleans, Bridgep ort and M iami-Dade County infilingproduct liability suits against

By SupervisorNewsom, that CityAttorney drafi ordinance which defines theformand content oftheCustomerServicePlans asmandated byProp ositionB, November 1 998.

Motion that theBoard adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofrespect to thememory ofthefollowing deceased:

ArthurMcCrystle, Jr. (SupervisorBierman)Joseph Esherick (Supervisor Bierman)FrancesJafer (SupervisorBierman)HectorCaceres (Supervisor Yee)Katherine Amadeo (SupervisorKatz)WilliamL. Maas (SupervisorBierman)JamesEdward Mays, Jr. (SupervisorsLeno, Bierman)Laramie Simpson

d ry and County ofSan Francisco 86 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 1 , i 99 9

ADJOURNM ENTThere being nofurther business, the Board at the hour of4:50 p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N.B. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on thematters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematters were taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors on Mar ch 2 9 r

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco, hereby certifir

that theforegoing is a true and correct copy ofthe Minutes ofsaid Board on the da te stated and was approvedas recited

Gloria L. Young

Clerk ofthe Board

Q ty and County ofSan Francisco 8 7 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 8, I 999

Members Present TomAmmiano , Alic ia Becerril, Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Barbara Kaufman,

Mark Leno , GavinNewsom, MabelTeng , MichaelYaki, Leland Y. Yee.

Members Absent Leslie Katz .


TheBoard ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco met in regular session on the above datewith President TomAmmianopresiding.

Themeeting was called to order at 2 :00 p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisor was noted absent

SupervisorKatz I .


SupervisorKatz was excused (See infra.)

SupervisorKatz Excused From Attendance

Superv isor Teng, seconded bySupervisorYee, moved to excuse Superv isorKatz from attend ing today'smeeting.Themotion carried by the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz


SupervisorYee, seconded bySuperv isor Leno, moved to approve theDecember 7, 1 998 M eetingM inutes. Themotion carried by the fol lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno.Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

Superv isorBierman, seconded bySupervisor Leno, moved to suspend Rule oftheRu les ofOrder oftheBoardofSupervisors to grant privilege ofthe floor to the fol lowing guest. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0- Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman.Leno , Newsom.Teng, Yaki.Yee

Absent: 1 Katz

City and County ofSan Francisco 89 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inu tes February 8, 1 999

SupervisorAmmiano introduced and welcomedDr. CarlosChip oco, SenatorfiomPeru.

Dr. Chipoco indicated he is on afactfindingmission to stun)» the role ofhow the United Statesgovernmentfitnctions and how legislators keep in contact with their constituents on issues ofhuman rights, etc.


982 005

9900 1 7

9900 1 8

[ZoningM ap Amendment, 949 Vermont Street]Ordinance adopting changes in propertyuse classification as an amendment to the ZoningMap oftheCity andCountyofSan Francisco ofproperty located at 949 Vermont Street, east sidebetween 2 lst and 22nd Streets,Lot 92 , Assessor

'sBlock 4093 from a


(Public Use) District w ith an OS"

(Open Space) Height and Bulk ’

designation to an "RH-2


(Residential, House, Two-Family) District with a 40-X"Height and Bulk

designation and adopting findingspursuant to Section ofthePlanningCode; (Flam ing Department)

(PlanningCommissionResolutionNo. 14705 adopted September 1 7 , 1 998 recommending approval ofproposed rezoning to

"RH Exempt from environmental review underGeneral Ru le exclusion dated July

OrdinanceNo . 2 0-99


[RogerContreras v. CCSF, et al.]Ordinance authorizing settlement oflitigation ofRogerContreras against theCity andCountyofSanFrancisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No. 992


[Yee v. CCSF]Ordinance authoriz ing theCity to dismisswith prejudiceCity's cross-complaint against sub-contractorsTightAccessExcavation ("Tight D .W. Young Construction (D.W. Marineship Service andD.W.


Construction/Marmship Construction, joint venture (collectively Frank and Grossmanand LombardiConstruction from the consolidated actionsentitled Yee v . City and'


San Francisco, and consolidated actions. (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourtNo. 980


City and County ofSanFrancisco 90 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eetingM inu tes February 8, 1 999

990 1 1 4

990 1 1 7





[Janice andWayneRacek, v. CCSE, et ai. ]Ordinance authorizing settlement oflitigation ofJanice andWayneRacak against theCity and County ofSan

Francisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No. 996


[TRM Corporation v. CCSE]Ordinance authorizing theCity to release, contractorsand architects on remodeling and seismic safetyimprovementsproject atCaliforniaPalace oftheLegion ofHonor, as consideration for settlement ofthe actionknown asTRM Corporation v. City andCounty ofSanFrancisco. (CityAttorney)

(S.E. SuperiorCourt No . 978


[Gift Acceptance Public Library]Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Public Library to accept and expend agift of from the

estate ofAnneM . Burr to beused at theRichmond Branch Library. (Public Library)Reso lutionNo . 96 -99


[Airport LeaseAgreement forFederal ExpressCorporation]Reso lution approving lease agreement for cargo warehouse space in theNorth Field Cargo FacilitybetweenFederal ExpressCorporation and theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco, acting by and through itsAirportCommission. (Airport Commission)ResolutionNo . 95-99


[Sale ofReal Property]Resolution authorizing sale ofsurp lusCity-owned property (1 00 square foot sewereasement) at the southeastcornerofFifth and Bluxome Streets, portion ofAssessor'sBlock 3786 , Lot 1 7 . (Real EstateDepartment)ResolutionNo . 97-99


[EmergencyRepair, Geneva Avenue Sewer]Reso lution approving expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to replace the collapsed 1 2 - inch diameterseweron GenevaAvenuebetweenBrookdaleAvenue and Prague Street (Public UtilitiesCommission)

ResolutionNo . 98-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 92 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February 8, 1 999




[EmergencyRepairs. Buchanan/Washington StreetsSewers]Reso lution approv ing expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to replace the structurally inadequatesewers onBuchanan Street from Jackson to Washington Streets, onWashington Street fromWebster toLaguna Streets (Public UtilitiesCommission)

(Fiscal impact .)ResolutionNo. 99-99


[Grant 7 Private]Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Health, Division ofPopulationHealth and Prevention, toaccept and expend retroactivelyagrant of from theM iriam and PeterHaasFund, to create anintegratedmodel oftargeted consultationby establishing an intensive consul tant training program which willpreparemental health practitioners to provide consultation, stafftraining, preventionand early interventionservicesand support for constituents oflicensed, center-based early childhood programsserving SanFrancisco's low-incomefamilies; and waiving indirect costs. (Department ofPublic Health)Reso lutionNo . 93 -99


[Grant Private]Resolution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Heal th , CentralAdministration, to accept retroactively andexpend a grant in the amount of from theCal iforniaHealthcare Foundationforp lanning aninnovative long-term care service delivery system forfrail elderly and disabled adu lts in San Francisco and toenter into an agreement which doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses;providing forratification ofaction previously taken. (Department ofPublic Heal th)Reso lutionNo . 94-99


The forego ing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0

- Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

City and County ofSan Francisco 93 Printed at PM on ma 999

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 8, 1 999



98 1 778 [Registration of-Lobbyists]Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCodeby amending Sections through 1 6 534 to : add legislativefindings; clarifydefinitionsand add new definitions; conso lidate the definition of Lobbyist" with thethresholdsforqualifying as lobbyist and the exemptions; increase the qualification threshold for contractlobbyistsfrom permonth to perquarter; increase the qualification threshold for expenditurelobbyistsfrom per quarter to perquarter; clarifyand add new exemptions; clarify that onceaperson qualifiesasa Lobbyist" the person issubject to the requirementsand prohibitionsofthisArticle untilthe person


ceasesall lobbyist activity and fi lesa statement oftermination; clarify the disclosure requirementsapp licable at the time ofregistration and at the time offiling quarterly activity reports; provide that alllobbyistsre-register on January 1 5 each year; require lobbyists to disc losepaymentsreceived from Cityofficers in exchange for campaign consu lting services; limit the aggregate value ofgiftsfrom lobbyists to eachCity officer, within threemonths ofa lobbyist contact, to $50 ; and require lobbyists to notifyCity officers ofthe value ofgifts conferred; and requiretheEthicsCommission to conduct quarterlyworkshops concerningthe lawsrelating to lobbyists. (EthicsCommission)

(AmendsSections through

OrdinanceNo. 1 9 -99

FINALLY PASSED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown.Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng:Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

City and County ofSan Francisco 94 Printed in PM on

M eeting M inu tes February 8, 1 999


990 1 74

990 1 75

990 1 76

990 1 78

Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimousvote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. AnySupervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

[Language and Cu ltural lySensitive Services]SupervisorsYee, Becerril,Katz

Reso lution urging all Cityand County ofSan Francisco departments to provide services andmaterials invarious languagesto reflect San Francisco's language and cultural diversity.

SupervisorsKatz, Becerril requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 00-99


[Co lombian EarthquakeRelief]SupervisorsBecerril,Katz, Yaki, Leno, Bierman

Resolution expressing deepest sympathy to the people ofCo lombia and urging each CityDepartment todetermine how they can assist in the reliefefforts current lyunderway.

Sup ervisorsKatz, Yaki, Leno, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

ResolutionNo . 1 0 1 -99


[State Legislation, Child CarePartnership Program]Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz, Becerril, Yaki

Reso lution urging theCaliforniaState Legislature to adopt child care partnership legislation to benefit lowincome familieswho are currently the last priorityforreceiving subsidized child care funds.

SupervisorsKatz, Becerril, Yaki requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

ResolutionNo . 1 02 -99


[Kiangsu ChekiangDay]

SupervisorsTeng,Katz, Yaki, Bierman

Resolution commendingKiangsu ChekiangAssociation for itsdistinguished work and outstandingconuibutions to the community and declaring January 3 1 , 1 999 "

Kiangsu ChekiangAssociationDay in San

Francisco .

SupervisorsKatz, Yaki, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 103 -99


Cityand County ofSan Francisco 9 6 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 8, I 999

990 1 79

990 1 80

990 1 8 1

990 1 82

990 1 89

[GAPA Day]

Superv isorsTeng, Katz, Yak i, Leno, Bierman

Resolution commending theGayAsianPacific Al liancefor itsdistinguished work , outstanding leadership anddedication to the community and declaring January 30, 1999 as “

GayAsianPacific Al liance Day" in SanFranc isco .

SupervisorsKatz, Yaki, Leno, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo. 1 04-99


[VietnameseNew Year (TET) , Year oftheCat]SupervisorsYee, Katz, Bierman

Resolution holding the regularmeeting oftheBoard ofSupervisorsonWednesday, February 1 7, 1 999 , inhonorofthe VietnameseNew Year (TET), the YearoftheCat.SupervisorsKatz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 105-99


[Commendation]Superv isorsYee, Katz, Bierman

Resolution commending theVietnameseCommunityCenterofSan Francisco for theirTh irdAnnualTetFestival .SupervisorsKatz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors.

ResolutionNo . 1 06-99


[Commendation]SupervisorsBierman, Katz

Reso lution commending SherryBarto on the occasion ofherretirement from theCity and CountyofSanFrancisco afterover thirtyyears ofdedicated service to themental heal th system.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co—sponsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 07 -99


[Final M ap, 580 Howard Street ]M otion rescindingMotionM -98- 1 52 and approving finalmap of580 Howard Street, aLive/WorkCondominium Project, being asubdivision ofLot 9 1 inAssessor'sBlock No. 372 1 , and adopting findingspursuant to thePlanningCode Section (Department ofPublic Works)

(DPWOrderNo .

MotionNo. M99- l3


9 7

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 8, 1 999

990 1 90

990 1 9 1

990 1 77

990 1 66

[Final M ap, 555Natoma Street]Motion approving final map of555Natoma Street, aLive/Work Condominium Project, being amergerandresubdivision ofLots 42 and 43 inAssessor'sBlock No . 372 6 , and adopting findingspursuant to thePlanningCode Section (Department ofPublic Works)

(DPW OrderNo .

MotionNo. M99- 14


[Final M ap, 89-9 1 -93-95—97 2 8th Street]

Motion approving finalmap of89-9 1 —93-95-97 2 8th Street, aResidential CondominiumProject, being asubdivision ofLot 32 , Assessor'sBlock No . 66 1 6 , and adopting findingspursuant to thePlanning CodeSection (Department ofPublic Works)

(DPW OrderNo .

MotionNo. M 99- 1 5


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

[M arina Parking Lot FeeCo l lection Pilot Program]SupervisorNewsom

Resolution urging Recreation and ParksDepartment and theDepartment ofParking and Traffic to worktogether to institute apilot program ofcentralized fee co l lection boxesforweek dayparking in theMarina

parking lot; and ask ingRecreation and Parks to assessthe appropriatenumberofspacesneeded forpermitparking.

SupervisorNewsom requested thismatter be severedfor thep urp ose ofreferring it to committee.


REFERRED to the Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[HomelessServices]SupervisorsBrown,Katz, Becerril

Motion directing theBudgetAnalyst to prepare a report on the efficiency and adequacy ofthe servicestheCityandCounty ofSan Francisco provides to the homeless.

SupervisorBrown requested thismatter be severedfor thep urp ose ofreferring it to committee.


City and County ofSan Fr‘ancisco 98 Printed at 2 :0 7PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 8, I 999


I ntroduced bySupervisors or M ayor

982 076

9902 1 1

9902 1 2

[Signs, Banners,Handbil lsRegu lations]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance amendingPoliceCode byrepealingArticle X, Sections 675 to 679 , inclusive, and 685 andArticleXIV

, Sections 975 to 984, inclusive; by'amendingPublic WorksCode by addingArticle Sections 6

to inclusive, to regulate the posting ofsigns on commercial and non-commercial streets; by addingArticle Sections to inclusive, regulating the distribution ofhandbillsand the disp lay ofbanners.

(RepealsPoliceCode Sections 675 to 679, 685, 975 to 984; AddsPublicWorksCode Sections to



30 DAY RULE to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee, expireson

TRANSFERRED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.


ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPolicyCommittee.

[Commission on Anima l Contro l andWelfare] .

SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman

Ordinance amending Heal th Code Section (Commission ofAnimal Control andWelfare) to designate thatonlymembersappointed by theBoard ofSupervisorsshall constitute votingmembers.

(AmendsSectionRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.


Ordinance appropriating FireDepartment, fromGeneral FundReserve to fund the increases costofproviding emergencymedical service (9 1 1 ) and for trainingFireDepart ment staffin the use ofthenewemergency communicationssystem and automated information system and providing for the creation of1 8positionsforfiscal year 1 998-1 999 .

(Fiscal impact; Companionmeasure to FileRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 00 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting Minutes February 8, 1 999

9902 1 3 [Publ ic Emp loyment ]M ayor

Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo . 243-98 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 998- 1 999) reflecting the creation of1 8 positionsat the Fire Department .

(Fiscal impact; Companionmeasure to FileRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.


9902 1 4

9902 1 5

990 2 1 6

9902 1 7

[Estate ofZygmunt Arendt ]Superv isorYee

Resolution authorizing theDepartment ofHuman Servicesto submit itsproposed plan forthe administrationoftheArendt estate, through thePublic AdminisUator, to theProbateCourt forapproval.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Lands Legacy Initiative]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Yaki, Katz, Brown

Reso lution supportingPresident Clinton's LandsLegacy Initiative and urgingCongress to pass.

RECE IVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.

[State Tobacco Sett lement]Superv isorNewsom

Reso lution supporting congressional bipartisan efforts to protect states tobacco sett lements.

RECE IVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[HepatitisC Prevention, Education, Testing]SupervisorNewsom

Resolution directing theDepartment ofPublic Health to develop a plan ofaction to expand and coordinateeffortsforHepatitisCprevention, education and testing and to provide a statusupdate to theBoard withinthreemonths.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.

1 01 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eetingM inu tes February 8, 1 999

990 1 98

9902 00

99020 1

9902 02

[WaterPump StationRelocation]Reso lution approving awaterpump station relocation agreement between theCity and CountyofSan

Francisco and theState ofCaliforniaDepartment ofTransportation, which includesan option to purchase aneasement forthenew pump station. (Public Uti litiesCommission)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.

[1 999 Schoo l Bond Sa le]Reso lution amending Resolution 149-98 that, among othermatters, authorized and directed the sale ofnot toexceed City and County ofSan Francisco GeneralObligationBonds (Educational FacilitiesBonds, 1 997 San Francisco Unified School District) Series 1 998C; by changing themaximum dollar amountauthorized and directed to be sold; and by extending the finalmaturity dateforsuch Bonds. (Mayor)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[1 999 Z oo Bond Sale]Reso lution amendingReso lution 678-98 that, among othermatters, authorized and directed the sale ofnot toexceed City andCounty ofSan Francisco General ObligationBonds ( _Z oo FacilitiesBonds,

Series 1 99SD; by changing themaximum dollaramount authorized and directed to be sold; and byextending the finalmaturitydateforsuch Bonds. (Mayor)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

(Contract, DPH UniversityofCalifornia]Resolution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Health, PopulationHealth and PreventionDivision, to enterretroactively into a subcontract in the amount of with the University ofCalifornia, theprimarycontractor, to conduct aresearch study ofinadequatefollow-up'

ofmammographyabnormalities, whichinc ludesan indemnification clause and patents and rights in data clausesand which doesnot include patentinfringement indemnification and false clairns c lauses; retroactive to Ju ly 1 , 1 99 8. (Department ofPublicHealth)

RECEIVEDAND ASSIGNED to Public Health andEnvironment Committee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 08 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 8, 1 999

9902 1 9

99022 0

9902 2 1

9902 2 2

9902 23

[CaltrainRight ofWay]

SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Katz, Leno

Reso lution urging thePeninsu laCorridorJoint PowersBoard to design any improvementsoralterationsto.

theCaltrain right-of-wayso as to retain the ability to add ormaintain express tracksnecessary to provide flexible,frequent and reliable service oflocal, express, intercity and high speed trainsand to allow for themosteconomical adoption ofextra tracks in thefuture.


[High Speed Rail Line, Connecting LosAngeles]SupervisorsBierman, Katz, Brown, Leno, Ammiano, Yak i, TengResolution supporting a high speed rail line connecting LosAngelesandDowntown San Francisco via SantaClara and San


Mateo Counties.


[LivingWage Task Force]SupervisorKaufman

Resolution amendingResolutionNumber 99 1 -9 8, establishing a LivingWage Task Force, by changing theexpiration date ofthe task force from sixmonths afier approval ofthe resolution to fourmonthsalter the dateofthe firstmeeting ofthe task force.


[State Legislation, SB 1 30 , AB 1 06 , Firearm Ch ild SafetyDevices]SupervisorsLeno, Yaki, Bierman, Becerril,Newsom, Katz , Teng

Reso lution Urging theCalifornia StateLegislature and GovernorDavisto ’

approve SenateBill 1 30 andAssemblyBill 1 06 relating to firearm child safety devices.


[Firearmsand Ammunition SalesTax Enforcement]Supervisors Leno, Yaki, Becerril,Bierman, Brown, Katz , Teng

Reso lutionurging theCalifornia StateBoard ofEqualization to intensify its efforts to enforce the collection ofState sales taxesforfirearmsand ammunition sold at theCow Palace.


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 03 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 8, 1 999

9902 24

9902 25

[Pa lace ofFineArtsRo tunda Preservation]Superv isorsNewsom, Bierman, Brown,


Katz , Teng, Becerril, Leno

Resolutionurging theRecreation and ParksDepartment to execute repairson thePalace ofFineArts rotundawith all deliberate speed; to develop a long-range conservation andmaintenance plan for thisarea and toreport back to the Board ofSuperv isors.


[Commendation]SupervisorsAmmiano, Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yak i, Yee

Reso lution commending and honoring JoseMedina forhisdistinguished service as SupervisoroftheCity andCounty ofSan Franc isco.



99022 6

99022 7

99022 8

9902 29

[CityHal l BuildingOperationsProtoco l ]Supervisor Yaki

Hearing to consider the operating protoco lswith regards to rentingCityHall forparties, receptions, etc. or to

have such guidelinesavailablefortheBoard'sreview .

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[445 Valencia Street Land Use]SupervisorAmmiano

Hearing to considerthe conditional use applicationforproperty located at 445 ValenciaStreet .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social PolicyCommittee.

[Recreation and ParksDepartment Enhancement Budget ]SupervisorNewsom

Hearing to considerhow Recreation and ParksDepartment expended the enhancement,especially

the $325Kbudgeted forrecreational programming.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[M issionPlayground Gang Vio lence]SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman

Hearing to consider the gang violence inM issionPlayground.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Parksand RecreationCommittee.

City and CountyofSan Francisco 1 04 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 8, 1 999

M otions

99023 0

9902 3 1


[OffSiteBoard M eeting, March 1 999 ]

SupervisorsAmmiano, Katz, Newsom

Motionmoving to have theM onday, March 2 9 , 1 999 meeting oftheBoard ofSupervisors convened at SouthofM arket RecreationCenter located on 270 Sixth Street, in the South ofMarket neighborhood ofSanFrancisco at p.m.


[Transit First Po licyDefinition and Application]SupervisorNewsom

Motion asking our LegislativeAnalyst to research the definition and applications to date ofSan Francisco'sTransit First Policy.


[Need le ExchangeEmergency]SupervisorsBierman, Teng,Ammiano, Yaki,Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

M otion concurring in the determination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the declaration ofemergencyin connection with theneedle exchange program.


I ntroduced by thePresident at theRequestofDepartments


990 1 88 [Coffee Shops inWest Porta l Neighborhood Commercial District]SupervisorNewsom

Ordinance amendingPlanning Code by amending Section to modify the definition of SalesandServices, OtherRetail" by allowing, as a conditional use, a limited exception to the prohibition on theuse ofcooking equipment and on-site food preparationnot connected with beveragepreparation forretail beveragestores in theWest PortalNeighborhood CommercialDistrict (NCD) . (PlanningDepartment)

(AmendsSection PlanningResolutionNo . 14774 adopted January2 8, 1 999 recommending theproposed amendment ; General RuleExclusion dated January2 1 ,

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and LandUseCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors February 8, 1 999

990 1 62

990 1 64

990 1 86

990 1 87

990 1 96

990 1 97

[EmergencyRepair,DuboceAvenue Sewer]Reso lution approving expenditure offunds for the emergencywork to rep lace the structural ly inadequateseweronDuboceAvenue fromE lginPark to Valencia Street (Public UtilitiesCommission)

RECE IVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Grant State]Resolution authoriz ing theMayor

sCriminal JusticeCouncil (MCJC) to accept and expend funds in theamount of$77 from theOffice ofCriminal JusticePlanning (OCJP); State ofCalifornia, to implement acoordinatedAnti-DrugAbuseEnforcement Program. (Mayor)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[LeaseAmendment,Airport U S . Posta l Service]Resolution approving First Amendment to lease ofAirmail Field Post Office forincrease in acreage andadjustment to rental to allow forexpansion ofthe airmail facilitybetw eenUnited StatesPostal Service and theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco, acting by and through itsAirport Commission. (Airport Commission)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Grant State]

Reso lution authorizing theRecreation and Park Department to app lyfor, accept and expend agrant for the restoration oftheConservatory ofFlowers, Go ldenGate Park ; a grant fortheconstruction ofKing Poo l ; and a grant forLakeMerced habitat restoration, all received from theSate ofCaliforniaGeneral Fund during fiscal year 1 998- 1 999 . (Recreation and ParksDepartment)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to ParksandRecreation Committee.

[Grant State]Resolution authorizing theMayor

'sCriminal JusticeCouncil to applyforup to from the State

Board ofCorrectionsunder the JuvenileCrime Enforcement AccountabilityChallengeGrant 11 (JCE&ACG)Program to implement a local action plan that addresses theneedsofyouth who are invo lved in the juvenilejustice system. (Mayor)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[1 999 CommunityCo l legeBond Sale]Resolution amendingReso lution 1 02 7-97 that, among othermatters, authorized and directed the sale ofnot toexceed City andCounty ofSan Francisco GeneralObligationBonds (Educational FacilitiesBonds, Series 1 998B ; by changing themaximum dollar amount authorized and directed to be’

sold; and

byextending the finalmaturity date forsuch Bonds. (Mayor)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance'

and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco I 0 7 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 8, 1 999


By Supervisor Yaki, that letter be sent to theCityAttorney requesting report addressing op tionsfor the Cityand County ofSan Francisco to regulate the activities ofgunshows at theCow Palace ifand when they are in

conflict with existing local legislation.

BySupervisor Yee, that CityAttorney be requested to draft legislation which would codijythe historic practiceofallowing merchants inChinatown to encroach on the sidewalks an extra twofeet ten daysprior to Chinese

By SupervisorsLeno, Bierman, tha t CityAttorney be requested to drafi legislation compelling all departmentswithin the City and County ofSanFrancisco to change their standardformswhich requiremarital status orspousal information to also include domestic partners.

BySupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to the Treasurer, with cop ies to theMunicipal Court and CityAttorney, inquiring why thefeeforpaying a moving trafiic violation by credit card is nearly $1 0, in light ofthefact thatpaying ap arking violation by credit card costs $2 . 75 and whether the contract with USAudioTechcould be re-negotiated to lower the consumerfee associated with such a transaction.

Motion that theBoard adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofresp ect to thememory ofthefollowing deceased:

King TalalAbdullah Hussein (By the entireBoard)GretchenOquist (SupervisorKaufinan)Lina Pilpel (Sup ervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Newsom)DorothyMacLaird (SupervisorKaufinan)

City and County ofSan Francisco I 09 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors February 8, 1 999


There being nofurther business, theBoard at the hour of 6 p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

NB. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on thematters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematters were taken up .

Approved by theBoard ofSupervisors onApril 5, 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSanFrancisco, hereby certifythat theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaidBoard on the date stated and was approvedas recited

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 0

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 1 7, 1 9 99

Members Present TomAmmiano ,Alicia Becerril. Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Leslie Katz ,

Barbara Kaufman, Mark Leno, GavinNewsom,Mabel Teng,

MichaelYaki,Leland Y . Yee .


The Board ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco met inspecial session on the above datewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisors were no ted absent:

Supervisors Katz, Newsom, Yee 3 .

Quorum present.

Supervisor Katz was notedpresent at p .m.

Supervisor Newsom was notedpresent at p .m.

Supervisor Yee was notedpresent at p .m.


Supervisor Leno, seconded bySupervisor Kaufman, moved to approve the December 14, 1 998 MeetingM inutes.

Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 8 Ammiano , Becerril. Bierman.Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Teng.YakiAbsent: 3 Katz , Newsom, Yee


9900 1 7 [Roger Contreras v . CCSF, et a1. ]Ordinance authoriz ing sett lement oflitigation ofRogerContrerasagainst theCity and County ofSanFranc isco by payment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 992

OrdinanceNo . 22 -99

FINALLY PASSEDCity and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, I 999

9900 1 8



990 1 1 1

990 1 1 2

[Yee v. CCSF]Ordinance authorizing theCity to dismisswith prejudice City's cross- comp laint against sub-contractorsTightAccessExcavation ("Tight D.W . Young Construction (D.W . Marineship Service and D .W.

YoungConstruction/Marinship Construction,joint venture (co l lectively Frank and Grossman

and Lombardi Construction from the consolidated actions entit led Yee v . City and County ofSan Francisco, and conso lidated actions. (CityAttorney)

(S.E. SuperiorCourt NO. 980

OrdinanceNo . 2 3-99


[Yerba Buena Pizza Corporation v. CCSF]Ordinance authorizing sett lement ofthe litigation ofYerba Buena PizzaCorporation v. City and County ofSan Francisco by paying the petitioner the amount of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 996

OrdinanceNo . 24-99


[M ichelina Pesenti, et al., v. CCSF, et al. ]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofM ichelina Pesenti against the City and County ofSanFrancisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 992

OrdinanceNo . 25-99


[Katrina Garrett, et al. v. CCSF, et. al.]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofKatrina Garrett against the City and County ofSan Franciscobypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.E. SuperiorCourt No . 992

OrdinanceNo . 2 6-99


[Frank M assimillo/Rosa Tarangioli v. CCSE, et al.]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofFrank Massimil lo and Rosa Tarangioli against theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.E. SuperiorCourt No . 993

OrdinanceNo . 2 7-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 2 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February I 7, 1 999

982 1 3 1 [Union Square Publ ic Park ing Garage 1 999 Lease]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution and delivery ofa lease ofthe Union SquarePublic ParkingGarage, a supplemental park maintenance agreement, an amendment to the lease ofthe Sutter-StocktonGarage and an amendment to a 1 993 payment agreement ; approving the issuance ofCity ofSan FranciscoUptown Parking Corporation Parking Revenue Bondsand authorizing and ratifying the execution and deliveryofdocuments reasonablynecessary for the issuance, sale and delivery ofsuch bonds; adopting findingspursuant to the California Environmental QualityAct; and adopting findingsofconsistencywith the SanFrancisco General Plan; all in connection with the financing ofimprovementsto and the expansion oftheUnion Square Publ ic Parking Garage and ofimprovements to Union SquarePark .

PASSED , ON FI RST READ ING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom, Teng, YakiAbsent: 2 Katz , Yee

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

98 1 796


At the request ofthe President, SupervisorKatz assumed the Chair so thePresident couldparticipate in thedebatefi om thefloor on thefollowing matter.

[ATM Surcharges]Superv isorsAmmiano , Bierman, M edina, Yee

Ordinance amending Po liceCode by adding Section to prohibit a financial institution from imposing asurcharge on non-account ho lderswho useATMS ofthe financial institutions that are located in San Francisco .

(AddsSectionSuperv isor Becerril, seconded bySupervisorKaufman, moved that thisOrdinance be TABLED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 8 Becerril , Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, YakiNoes: 3 Ammiano , Bierman, Yee

The President resumed the Chair.

[Amendment to 1 997-2 00 1 MOU , American Physicians and Dentists, Bargaining Unit 8-CC]Supervisor Leno

Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNumber 259-97 to implement the provisionsofan arbitrator'sawardamending the provisions ofthe Memorandum ofUnderstanding between theUnion ofAmerican Physiciansand Dentistsand theCity and County ofSan Francisco forBargaining Unit 8-CC to be effective July 1 , 1 998 .

(Department ofHuman Resources)

(Fiscal impact.)

PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom,Teng, Yaki, Yee

Absent: 1 Katz

City and County ofSan Frahcisco 1 1 4 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February I 7, 1 999




[Amendment to 1 99 7-2 00 1 MOU, American Physicians and Dent ists, Bargaining Unit l l -AA IOrdinance amendingOrdinanceNumber 258-97 to implement the prov isionsofan arbitrator'sawardamending the prov isions ofthe Memorandum ofUnderstanding between theUnion ofAmericanPhysic iansand Dent istsand theCity and County ofSan Franc isco forBargaining Unit 1 l-AA to be effective July 1 ,199 8 . (Department ofHumanResources)

(Fiscal impact .)

PASSED.ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vo teAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

[Amendment to 1 99 8-2 00 1 MOU, Teamsters Loca l 856 ]Ordinance imp lementing Amendment No . 1 to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the TeamstersLocal 856 and the City and County ofSan Francisco to correct a c lerical errorbyaddingClassification 3372Animal Contro l Officer and deletingClassification 3370 Animal CareAttendant in the listing ofc lassificationshav ing one year probationary period as set forth inArtic le ll .B probationaryperiod effective July 1 , 1 99 8through June 30 , 200 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)

PASSED, ON FI RST READ ING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng.Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

[Amendment to 1 998-2 00 1 MOU , Deputy Sheriffs'Associat ion]Ordinance implementing the provisions ofan amendment to the Memorandum ofUnderstanding between theSan Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’Association and theCityand County ofSan Francisco to addAppendix DLeave ofAbsences, in order to correct a c lerical error ofomission. (Department ofHumanResources)

PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Katz

[Federa l Funding CommunityDevelopment ]Mayor

Reso lution approv ing the 1 999 Community Development Program authorizing theMayor, onbehalfoftheCity and County ofSan Franc isco, to accept and expend theCity's 1 999 Community Development BlockGrant (CDBG) entit lement from theUS . Department ofHousing and UrbanDevelopment, and programincome generated byMayor

'sOffice ofCommunityDevelopment, Mayor

'sOffice ofHousing and the San

Francisco Redevelopment Agency up to which inc lude indirect costs of approvingexpenditure schedulesfor rec ipient departments and agenciesand for indirect costs, and, determining noenvironmental evaluation isrequired, authorizing the receipt and deposit in unreserved fund balancesof1 999CDEC entit lement funds in excessof placing on reserve.

Supervisor Brown requested to be excusedfrom voting on thismatter.

Reso lutionNo . 90-99

t and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 5 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February I 7, 1 999



990 1 55

SupervisorNewsom, seconded bySupervisorKaufman, moved to excuse Supervisor Brown from voting on thisitem. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

The roll was then called on thepending resolution.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused : 1 Brown

[Federal Funding EmergencyShel ter Program]Reso lution approving the 1 999 Emergency ShelterGrantsProgram and Expenditure Schedu le and authorizingtheMayoron behalfoftheCity and City and County ofSan Francisco to app lyfor, accept, and expend a

entit lement under theEmergency ShelterGrantsProgramfrom the US . Department ofHousing andUrban Development; p lacing on reserve. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 1 09 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Federal Funding Home Program]

Reso lution authorizing theMayoroftheCity and CountyofSan Francisco to apply for, accept and administera grant from theUS . Department ofHousing and UrbanDevelopment fora total amount not to exceed

for the HOME Program authorized underTitle 1 1 oftheNational AffordableHousingAct of1 990 ,Public Law Number 1 0 1 -62 5, and approving theHOME Program description asdescribed in the 1 999 actionplanforSan Francisco's conso lidated plan. I ndirect costs associated with the acceptance ofthisgrant fundswil l be paid by the CommunityDevelopment B lock Grant funds. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 0-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno ,

Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Bayshore-Hester Surp lusFundsDeclaration]Reso lutionmaking a dec laration ofa surplus in the improvement fund for the Bayshore-Hesterassessmentdistrict and directing disbursement ofsuch surplus. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 9-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 6 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, I 999

990025 [Liquor LicenseM odification, 1 509- 1 1 Hyde Street, ABC File 41 -29441 0 ]Approving the request ofremoving the conditions imposed on the conditional al coho lic beverage licenseforPeterDue-Tho Hoang and Eric Meuse forThe Hyde Street Seafood House Raw Bar, located at 1 509- 1 1Hyde Street, in accordance with Section 2 3 803 oftheCaliforniaBusinessand ProfessionsCode.

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 8-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

98 1 362

98 1 937

At the request ofthe President, Supervisor Yee assumed the Chair so the President couldparticipate in thedebatefrom thefloor on thefollowing matter.

[Kaiser Hospita l Pedestrian Bridge]Reso lution granting revocable permission to Kaiser FoundationHospitals, Inc . to construct a pedestrian bridgeacrossGeary Bou levard betweenBroderick and D ivisadero Streets connecting two (2 ) Kaiseroutpatient c linicbuildings at 2 2 90 GearyBou levard and a new bridge anchorage building, adjacent to the existing park inggarage, at the south side ofGearyBou levard and adopting findingspursuant to PlanningCode Section(Department ofPublic Works)

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 3-99

ADOPTED by the fol lowing voteAyes: 8 Becerril , Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, YakiNoes: 3 Ammiano , Bierman, Yee

ThePresident resumed the Chair.

[Central FreewayProject Of fice]SupervisorsAmmiano, Katz, Leno, Bierman

Reso lution establishing aCentral FreewayProject Office to oversee the imp lementation oftheOctaviaBoulevard alternative forrep lacing theCentral Freeway, setting forth the ro les and responsibilitiesofvariousCity departments and agenciesforproject coordination, administration ofproject funds, and implementation oftheCentral FreewayReplacement Act of1 998 , and establishing timelinesforproject milestones.

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 5-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Leno , Newsom, Yaki.YeeNoes: 1 KaufmanAbsent: 1 Teng

1 1 8 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February I 7. 1 9 99

9 8 1 983

990 1 1 6

[Centra l Freeway Land Transfer]Superv isors Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Bierman

Reso lution urging the State ofCal ifornia to transfer theCentral Freeway right-of-waybetween Turk andMarket Streets to theCity and County ofSan Franc isco so that the right-of-way, or proceeds from the salethereof, can be used to create a replacement system ofCity streetsand/or to construct affordable housing inaccordance with theCentral FreewayReplacement Project Act of1 998 and urging San Franc isco'sLegislativeDelegation to introduce legislation to effect such a transferas soon aspossible.

Reso lutionNo . 1 1 6 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril, Bierman. Brown, Katz .Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, YakiNoes: 1 Yee

Absent: 1 Teng

[MarineTerminalAgreement, Port Mexican LineLtd . ]

Reso lution authorizing thePort ofSan Francisco to hold harm less theMexican L imited (a who l ly ownedaffi liate ofTransportationMaritimaMexicana) harmlessfrom all c laims arising from an agreement with theSan Francisco Port Commissionforuse ofmarine terminal facil itiesat Pier 80 . (Port)Reso lutionNo . 1 1 1 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becem


l, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno . Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthe President, Supervisor Yee assumed the Chairfor a briefperiod.

President Ammiano resumed the Chairshortly thereafter.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 1 9 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inutes


Sax Kitashima, Day ofRemembrance:JulieHatta, letterfiom YWCA and GFTAfunding;Rev. Gary Barbaree, Day ofRemembrance;KarenKai, Japanese YWCA, Day ofRemembrance;Abdulla Megahed, homeless, p olice harassment;J. B. Saunders, BlackHistory Month;L. Schlogel, MunicipalRailway;Betty Walker, permanent housingforfire victims;Daniel Pieste, homeless;

Jakkee Bryson, Ep iscopal Sanctuary rep ort, welfare workfarefiaud,

DaveMcguire, emergencyfrom single room occupancyfires;Male speaker,fire victim, housing need;

Enka Esp inosa, permanent housing;James Tracy, rep lacement ofpermanent housingfor victims offires,

Male speaker, long term housing;Jesse Turner, housing;

Rboert J. Gray, hotel abusive tactics;Marisa Raymond,fire victim, retrival ofbelongings,Lisa Caramat,fire victim, permanent housing;Bill Sorro, single room occup ancyfires;ChrisDaly, SRO hotelfire disaster relief 2 1 -2 8 day limit;Nick Pagovlatos, assistance to hotelfire victims, code enforcement;Amie Fishmon, SROfire disaster resp onsep lan;Male speaker, victim ofHartland Hotelfire, code violation;Female speaker, victim ofHartland Hotelfire, code violation;Male speaker, voucher hotel;Female speaker, homeless agenda


Conferencew ith CityAttorney Litigation


[Convene in Closed Session]

February I 7, 1 999


Motion that the Board ofSupervisors convene in closed session with the CityAttorneyfor thep urp ose ofconferring with, or receiving advicefrom the CityAttorney aspermitted by Government Code regarding thefollowing litigation:[Potential Litigation]Potential litigation as plaintiffregarding themergerofTCI and AT&T, aspermitted byGovernment CodeSection (City Attorney)SupervisorKaufman, seconded by SupervisorBierman, moved that the Board convene in closed session.

No objection and motion carried.


1 2 0 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February I 7, 1 999

9902 05 [Appo intment ]Superv isorAmmiano

Reso lution appointing SupervisorLesl ieKatz asmemberofthePeninsulaCorridorStudy Joint PowersBoard.

(Vice SupervisorSue Bierman, resigned effective February 5, 1 999 , foran unexpired portion ofa two-yearterm ending June 30 ,

Reso lutionNo . 1 22 -99

Superv isorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Yee, moved to excuse Supervisor Katz from voting on thismatter.The mo tion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Yaki, YeeAbsent: 2 Newsom, Teng

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 8 Ammiano , Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno , Yaki, YeeAbsent: 2 Newsom, TengExcused: 1 Katz

For AdoptionW ithout Comm ittee ReferenceAgenda


9902 1 9

[State Legislation, AB 56 , English Language]Supervisors Becerril, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution urging AssemblywomanKerryMazzoni to ensure that AB 56 includesstrong language to offsetanynegative impacts to non-English speaking studentsbecause ofthe implementation ofProposition 2 27 .

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 2 3-99


[Caltrain Righ t ofWay]

SupervisorsAmmiano , Bierman, Katz, Leno

Reso lution urging thePeninsu laCorridorJoint PowersBoard to design any improvements oralterations to theCaltrain right-of-way so as to retain the ability to add ormaintain express tracksnecessary to prov ide flexible,frequent and reliable service oflocal , express, intercity and high speed trainsand to al low for themosteconomical adoption ofextra tracks in the future.

Supervisor Leno requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 24-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 22 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 1 7. 1 999

990 2 20

990 22 1

990 2 2 2

990 223

990 224

[H igh Speed Rail Line, Connect ing LosAngeles]Superv isors Bierman, Katz, Brown, Leno, Ammiano, Yak i, Teng

Reso lution supporting a high speed rail l ine connecting LosAngelesand Downtown San Franc isco via SantaClara and San Mateo Counties.

SupervisorsKatz, Teng requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 25-99


[Liv ingWage Task Force]Superv isor Kaufman

Reso lution amending Reso lutionNumber99 1 9 8, establishing a LivingWage Task Force, by changing theexpiration date ofthe task force from sixmonthsafterapproval ofthe reso lution to fourmonthsafter the dateofthe first meeting ofthe task force.

Reso lutionNo . 12 6 -99


[State Legislation, SB 1 30 , AB 1 06 , FirearmCh ild SafetyDevices]Supervisors Leno, Yak i, Bierman, Becerril, Newsom, Katz, Teng

Reso lution urging theCalifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavis to approve Senate Bil l 1 30 andAssemblyBil l 1 06 relating to firearm child safety devices.

SupervisorsKatz, Teng requested to be added as ao-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 2 7-99


[Firearms and Ammunition SalesTax Enforcement ]Supervisors Leno, Yaki, Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz, TengReso lution urging theCal ifornia State Board ofEqualization to intensify its efforts to enforce the co l lection ofState sales taxesforfirearmsand ammunition so ld at theCow Palace.

SupervisorsBierman, Brown, Katz, Teng requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 2 8-99


[Pa lace ofFine ArtsRotunda Preservation]Superv isorsNewsom, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Teng, Becerril, Leno

Reso lution urging theRecreation and ParksDepartment to execute repairs on the Palace ofFineArts rotundaw ith all deliberate speed; to develop a long-range conservation andmaintenance plan for this area and toreport back to the Board ofSupervisors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 29 -99


1 23 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February I 7, 1 99 9

9902 25


99023 1



[Commendation]SupervisorsAmmiano, Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Reso lution commending and honoring JoseMedina forhisdistinguished serv ice asSupervisor oftheCity andCounty ofSan Francisco .

Reso lutionNo . 1 30 -99


[Commendation]Superv isorsKatz , Bierman, Brown

Reso lution recognizing the leadership and dedication ofReverend Don Fado ofSt. Mark'sUnitedMethodist


SupervisorsBierman, Brown requested to be added as co—sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 3 1 -99


[Transit First Po licyDefinition and App lication]SupervisorNewsom

Motionasking ourLegislativeAnalyst to research the definition and app lications to date ofSan Francisco'sTransit First Po licy.

M otionNo. M99 - l 6


[Need leExchange Emergency]SupervisorsBierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yak i, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

Motion concurring in the determination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the dec laration ofemergencyin connection with the needle exchange program.

MotionNo . M99 - 1 7


[Final Map, 2068 3 rd Street ]Motion approving finalmap of2068 3rd Street, aLive/Work Condominium Project, beingLot 2 5 inAssessor

'sB lock No . 3995, and adopting findingspursuant to the Flam ingCode

(Department ofPublic Works)

(DPWOrderNo .

MotionNo . M99 - 1 8


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 24 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February I 7, I 999

[BrownAct Finding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there is aneed to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco afier the agenda wasp osted.

Superv isor Yak i, seconded bySupervisorYee, moved ADOPTION ofthe BrownAct finding. Themotion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Yaki, YeeAbsent: 2 Newsom, Teng

Imperative Resolution

9902 85 [Coram Nobis Lega l Team Day]Supervisors Yaki, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution honoring the effortsofthe JapaneseAmericanswho fought against internment campsby dec laringFebruary 2 0th Coram NobisLegal Team Day.

Reso lutionNo . 1 32 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz ,



Leno,Yaki, Yee

Absent: 2 Newsom, Teng


I ntroduced by Supervisors or M ayor

990266 [M inority/Women/Local BusinessUtilizationOrdinance IV]Supervisor Brown

Ordinance amending AdministrativeCode by amending Sections 12D .A2 and 12D .A5 to amend Board

findings to inc lude Iranian Americansand to amend the definition ofthe termsminority, minorities, orminority person to inc lude Iranian Americans.

(AmendsAdministrativeCode Sections 1 2D .A2 and 1 2D .A5.)

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Smal l Business, Economic Vitality andConsumerServicesCommittee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 2 6 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 1 7, 1 99 9

990 29 7

99 02 98


[Tobacco Parapherna lia]Superv isor Bierman

Ordinance amending Planning Code byadding Section 2 30 to prohibit enterprises that sel l tobaccoparaphernal ia, subject to spec ified exceptions, and adopting General Plan consistency findingsand findingspursuant to PlanningCode Section

(AddsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Soc ial Po l icyCommittee, expires on

Awaiting response from Planning Department .

[Card Check Ordinance]Superv isorsKatz, Bierman

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode Sections 2 3 33 , ofthe ordinance governing laborrepresentation procedures in hotel and restaurant developments in which theCity hasan ongoing proprietaryinterest (TheCard Check Ordinance) in order to clarify certain defined terms, notice requirements, contractlanguage requirements, exemptionsand app l icability ofordinance to pre-existing agreements and by addingSections and regarding effective date, applicability and severabil ity.

(AmendsSections addsSections and

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expires on

[TaxesDueDates]Supervisor Kaufman

Ordinance amendingMunicipalCode, Part 1 1 1, Artic le 1 2 -B, by amending Section 1 009 prov iding that taxesshall be due and payable on the first day ofJanuary each year, providing that taxesshal l become delinquent ifnot paid on orbefore the last day ofFebruary ofsuch year; requiring instal lment paymentsoftaxes in excessof and imposing amonth ly penal ty of5 percent on delinquent taxes, up to 2 0 percent in the aggregate.

(AmendsSection1009 .)

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson

[Taxes, Authority to Examine Records]Supervisor Kaufman

Ordinance amendingMunicipal Code, Part I I I , Artic le 6 (Revenue and Finance/BusinessRegu lations), byamending Sect ion - 1 , permitt ing theTax Co l lector to inspect, examine and copy the records oftaxpayers.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson

t and County ofSan Francisco 1 2 7 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, I 999

99030 1



[Stadium Tax]Superv isorKaufman

Ordinance amending M unicipal Code, Part I I I , Article 6 (Revenue and Finance/BusinessRegulations), byamending Section -2 , providing that all amountsofstadium operatoradmission taxesaregeneral lydue andpayable to the tax co l lectorwithin five days after the taxable event, and requiring stadium operatorsto filereturnswith in the time limits set forth in Section 304 ofArtic le 1 1 ofPart I I I ofthe San Francisco MunicipalCode.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson

[Taxes, Facil itation ofRefunds]


Ordinance amendingM unicipal Code, Part 1 11 , Artic le 6 (Revenue and Finance/BusinessRegu lations), byamending Section - 1 , permitting theTaxCo l lector to waivethe requirement that a taxpayerfile a verifiedc laim in writing stating the groundsupon which a claim forrefund isfounded where theTax Co l lectordetermines that ( 1 ) an amount oftax, interest orpenalty hasbeen overpaid, orhasbeen erroneously co l lectedby San Francisco underPart I I I oftheMunicipal Code, and (2 ) all o ther conditionsprecedent to thepaymentofthe refund have been satisfied.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson

[Taxes, Penal ty for Failure to PayTax]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance amendingM unicipal Code, Part I I I , Article 6 (Revenue and Finance/BusinessRegulations), byamending Section - 1 , imposing amonth lypenalty offive percent ofthe amount ofa delinquent tax(up to amaximum oftwenty percent and imposing an additional penalty oftwentypercent of

the portion ofany such tax that remainsunpaid afterthe 90-dayperiod commencing upon the date thetaxpayer isnotified ofsuch delinquency.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 2 8 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, 1 999

9903 1 0




[Child Care Planning and Adv isoryCouncil ]Supervisor TengOrdinance amendingAdministrativeCode Section 5.2oo(c) to give theChildCare Planning and AdvisoryCouncil additional powersand duties in conformance with State law and by amending Section 5.2oo(d) to

change the composition ofthe council to conform to State law .

(AmendsSections5.2 00(c) and

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and SocialPo licyCommittee, expires on

[Adam Co l ton]SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Katz, Leno

Reso lution condemning the assau lt and continuing homophobic harassment ofAdam Co lton and urging theNovato Schoo l Board and the administration ofSanMarinHigh Schoo l to reprimand the perpetrators ofthehatemotivated attack onAdam Colton, to provide appropriatemediate attention and counseling to AdamCo lton and to initiate efforts to educate students about homophobia and ways to prevent hatemotivatedvio lence.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[Assisting Fire Victims]SupervisorsAmmiano, Katz

Reso lution urging the appropriate departments oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco to better coordinateefforts to assist disp laced victims offire and to prioritize effective strategies to deal with the ensuing housingemergencywithin theirdepartments and to urge theDistrict Attorney investigate abusesofsingle roomoccupancy (SRO) hotelswhich denypermanent residency to disp lace victimsoffire and further to urge theCode Enforcement Task Force enforce basic Health, Housing and FireCodeswithin SRO hotels.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[Lease ofProperty, California Department ofCorrections]SupervisorAmmiano

Reso lution approving theCalifornia Department ofCorrections'(Paro le and Community ServicesDivision)intention to lease an existing building at 1 80 Redwood Street .


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 3 0 Printed at PM on

990 267


990 287

990 288

Meeting M inu tes February I 7, 1 999

[State Legislat ion, AB 2 1 7, HI V/AI DS Drugs]

Superv isors Becerril, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution urging theCal ifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavis to approveAssemblyBil l 2 1 7 makingFDA-approved HIV/AIDSdmgsavailable to part ic ipants inMedi-Calmanaged care programs.


[Ch inese/LunarNew YearHo l iday]Superv isorYee

Reso lution urging theMayor, labororganizations, and all affected part ies to proc laim the first day ofChinese/LunarNew Yearan official Cityand County ofSan Francisco ho l iday.


[State Legislat ion, SB 3 1 5, SCA 3 and SR 8 ]Superv isors Bierman, Ka tz

Reso lution supporting SenateBil l 3 15, Senate Constitutional Amendment 3 and Senate Reso lution 8 , whichcomprise a legislative package designed to evaluate and al leviate transportation needs in the State ofCalifornia.


[Federa l Legislation, S 3 14]Superv isorsKa tz, Leno

Reso lution urging the United StatesSenate to approve Senate bil l 3 14 which providesfora loan guaranteeprogram to address the Year2000 computerproblems ofsmal l business concernsand forotherpurposes.


1 3 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, 1 999


9902 90

9902 9 1

9902 92

[State Legislation, SB 23 , SB 1 5, AB 1 06 , Gun Contro l ]Superv isors Leno , Bierman, Becerril, Katz

Resolution urging theMayor to inc lude within the Mayor's legislative po licy support forSenateBil l 2 3

(Perata) banning assau lt weapons, Senate Bil l 15 (Po lanco) banning unsafe handgunsand AssemblyBil l 1 06(Scott) theAroner-Scott Child GunAccident PreventionAct of1999 ; and urging theMayorto urge the StateLegislature to enact strictergun contro l laws, including but not limited to SB 2 3 , SB 15, AB 106 and alimitation on gun purchases to one perperson permonth ; and requesting that a copy ofthisreso lution beforwarded to hisHonor, theMayor, with a request that he transmit copies to themembersofthe StateLegislature from San Francisco with a request that they take all action necessary to achieve the objectivesofthisreso lution.


[Lead Poisoning Prevention, Recreation and Park Department ]Superv isorsBierman, Katz, Becerril, Newsom

Resolution urging the Recreation and Park Department to carry out the Department ofPublic Heal th'srecommendations contained in itsannual report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe Comprehensive Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, and that it carry out thecommitmentsmade by the Department in its own "Lead Abatement Program Imp lementationPlan".


[Lead Poisoning Prevention, Unified School District]Superv isors Bierman, Becerril, Katz, Newsom

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Unified Schoo l District to carry out the Department ofPublic Heal th'srecommendations contained in its annual report to the Board ofSupervisors regarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe Comprehensive Lead Poisoning PreventionProgram, and that it carry out the lead safefacilitiesand lead danger education po licy adopted by the school district .


[Lead PoisoningPrevention, Department ofBuilding I nspection]SupervisorsBierman, Becerril, Katz, Newsom

Resolution urging the Department ofBuilding Inspection to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Heal th'srecommendations contained in itsannual report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe Comprehensive Lead Poisoning PreventionProgram, and to implement ful lyChapter36oftheBuildingCode, the exteriorpaint work practices law .


City and County ofSan Francisco I 32 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February I 7, 1 999


9902 69

9902 70

9902 75

9903 1 1

9903 1 2

[M uni Tro l leyProcedures and Safety]SupervisorAmmiano

Hearing to consider the safety precautions and proceduresonMuni tro l leys to protect drivers, passengers andpedestrians.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and LandUseCommittee.

[Auditing ServicesEnding June 30 , 1 999 -2 00 1 ]Superv isorKaufman

Hearing to considerauditing servicesforthe fiscal yearsending June 30 , 1 999 200 1 .

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[I ndependent AuditorsJune 30 , 1 998 Audit ]SupervisorKaufman

Hearing to consider the independent auditors'management lettersand commentsrelating to the June 30 , 1 998audit oftheCity.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[GangActivity]SupervisorsBrown, Bierman

Hearing to considergang activ ity in San Francisco .

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[MBE/WBE/LBE Program]Superv isorYee

Hearing to considerthe statusoftheCity'sM inority BusinessEnterprise/WomenBusinessEnterprise/Local

BusinessEnterprise program, specifical ly ifthe departmentsare on track formeeting theirgoals and the statusofthe HumanRightsCommission's implementation ofa data track ing system.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Fisca l Condition oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco]Superv isor Yee

Hearing to review and consider theContro l ler's six-month budget statusreport issued February 9 , 1 999 ; thethree-yearbudget forecast to be issued jointlyby theContro l ler, Mayorand the Budget Analyst within the nexttwo to three weeks; specific budget problem areassuch asworkers'compensation spending, overtime spendingand San Francisco GeneralHospital and LagunaHondaHospital revenuesand expenditures; any structuralproblems in thebudget , such as items that have beenbuilt into the budget that wil l cause us trouble in futureyears.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 34 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February I 7. I 999

9903 13

9903 14

9903 1 5

9903 1 6

[Water and Sewer M aintenance Program ]Superv isor Yee

Hearing to consider the Publ ic Util itiesCommission'swaterand sewermaintenance program.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Fire Victim Serv ices]Superv isorAmmiano

Hearing to consider the CityDepartments'response to assisting victimsdisplaced byfire and al leged abusesofoperators ofsingle room occupancy hotelswho deny permanent residency to v ict imsdisplaced byfire.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po l icyCommittee.

[Pacific Bell G iants Ba l l Park Env ironmenta l Impact ]SupervisorsAmmiano, Katz

Hearing to consider the public heal th and environmental impact on the San Francisco Bay of tonsofexposed dirt suspected to contain higher thannormal levelsoftoxins located on the construction site ofthePac ific Bel l Giants Bal l Park on Th ird and King Streets.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.

[Residential Hotels]Superv isorsBrown, Bierman

Hearing to considerwhat can be done to improve the safety ofresidential hotels and to accelerate the rate atwhich hotelsdamaged byfire orare otherwise in an inhabitable condition can be brought back to themarketso that more units ofaffordable housing can bemade available.


I ntroduced by the President at theReguest ofDepartments


990 1 92 [Court Employee Compensat ion]Ordinance setting schedu lesofcompensation and othereconomic benefitsfor certain classificationsofpersonsemployed by the SuperiorCourt ofCal ifornia, County ofSan Franc isco . (SuperiorCourts)SUBSTI TUTED by SuperiorCourt bearing new title.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

SUBSTITUTED. Substituted bySuperiorCourt bearing new tit le.

ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee. Scheduled for

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 35 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting Minutes February I 7, I 99 9

9902 09



99 0242


[Gertrude Stern v . CCSE, et al. ]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofGertrude Stern against theCity and County ofSan Franciscoby payment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 9 88

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Park ing Regu lations, Commercial Veh icle Loading Zones]Ordinance amending Traffic Code Sections 38 .B, and 38 .B. 1 to al low for the designation ofvariablemaximum time limitsat commercial vehicle loading zones. (Department ofPark ing and Traffic)

(AmendsTraffic Code Sections 38 .B,and

RECEIVED AND ASSI GNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Appropriation, Sheriff]Ordinance appropriating SheriffsDepartment, from theGeneral Fund Reserve and from

salary savings to fund additional staffing at CountyJail #3 , add residential substance abuse treatment beds,fund increased food service and workers'compensation costs, and providing for the creation of2 2 positionsforfiscal year 1 998- 1 999 . (Contro l ler)

(Fiscal impact; companionmeasure to FileRECEIVED AND ASSI GNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Public Employment]Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo . 243-98 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 998 reflecting the creation oftwenty-two (22 ) positions (Class 8304Deputy Sheriff) in the SheriffsOffice. (Department ofHumanResources)

(Fiscal impact; companionmeasure to File 990241RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Appropriation, District Attorney]Ordinance appropriating District Attorney, ofFederal and StatePublic Assistance to fi nd theNonCustodial Parent (NCP) Project that providesemployment and training servicesto unemployed non custodialparentswhose children are recipientsofpublic assistance, forthe creation ofone ( 1 ) position for fiscal year1 99 8- 1 999 . (Contro l ler)

(Companionmeasure to FileRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 36 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, I 999

990249 [Park ing Regu lations, Heavy Truck Load ing Zones]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section to al low the Department ofParking and Traffic toestablish heavy truck loading zones. (Department ofPark ing and Traffic)

(AddsTraffic Code SectionRECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.




99023 7

[Airport RevenueBonds]Resolution approving the issuance ofup to additional aggregate principal amount ofSanFrancisco lntemationalAirport Second SeriesRevenue Bondsfor the purpose offinancing orrefinancingcertain infrastructure improvementsat San Francisco lntemationalAirport, approving the substitution ofaLetterofCredit for the San Francisco lntemationalAirport Commercial PaperProgram, and approving theextension oftheAirport'sRefunding Bond authorization to April 30 , 2 003 . (Airport Commission)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Unlitigated Claim, Nodie L. Ligh tfoot]Reso lution approving the sett lement ofthe unl itigated c laim ofNodie L . Ligh tfoot by payment of(CityAttorney)

(ClaimNumber 99RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Po lice Sublease for HuntersPoint Naval Sh ipyard ]Reso lution authorizing theDirector ofReal Estate to enter into an amended and restated sublease on behalfofthe San Francisco Po liceDepartment with the San Francisco Redevelopment Agencyfor the continued use ofBuilding 606 at theHuntersPoint Naval Shipyard and adding thereto certain adjacent propertyforuse asahelicopter landing pad. (RealEstateDepartment)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 38 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, I 99 9

RequestsG ranted

BySupervisor Yee, that CityAttorney work with Planning Department to draft language necessary tofurtherclarifythe original intent oftheMission District Liquor Establishment Moratorium.

BySupervisor Yee. that letter be sent to the Fire Chiefrequesting a list ofresidential hotels that havesuccumbed tofires over the lastfiveyears and he review the investigations ofthe recentfires at the LelandHotel, the ThorHotel and theHotelHart/and to determine ifthesefires were intentionally set.

BySupervisorsAmmiano. Bierman,that letters ofinquiry be sent to the CityAttorney and Director, Human

RightsCommission to determine the legality ofinclusion ofthe category "weight density and"body size into

theCity and County ofSan Francisco non-discrimination clauseprovisions.

BySupervisorAmmiano,that letter ofinquiry be sent to the Director, Department ofParking and Traflic

requesting clarification and an update an enforcement ofciting vehicles doubleparked on bike lanes onValencia Street, extendingfiomDuboceAvenue to M ission Street.

By Supervisor Brown, that letter ofinquiry be sent to the ChiefofPolice to determine what guidelines thedepartment has inp lacefor the use ofdeadlyforce and what steps can be taken to ensure thep ublic 's safety.

BySupervisorKatz, that letter ofinquiry be sent to the Director, Department ofHuman Services to determinethepossibility ofrep licating the award-winning program ofNew York

'sEdwin GouldAcademy, which is a

unique educational/residentialfacilityforfosteryouth tha t integrates the academic studies and residential lifeofteens infoster care system.

By SupervisorKatz, that the CityAttorney review the Planning and Police Codes to determine ifbusinesseslicensed to sellfirearms inNeighborhood Commercial Zoning D istricts (and in other zoning districts wherenew licensesfor such business are banned) , can transfer ownership ofsuch a business, and ifso, whatpermitting conditionsmust bemet.

BySupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to thefollowing departments notifying them that a hearing hasbeen called concerning assistance to victims disp laced byfire and alleged abuses ofoperators ofsingle roomoccupancy ho tels who denypermanent residency to victims disp laced byfire and requesting thepresence ofthe directors or their representatives: Department ofPublic Health, Department ofHuman Services, SanFranc isco HousingAuthority, Mayor

'sOflice onHousing, the DistrictAttorney 'sOflice, Code Enforcement

Task Force and other appropriateCity departments.

BySupervisorAmmiano,that letter be sent to thefollowing departments notifying them that a hearing has

been called concerning thepublic health and environmental impac t on the San Francisco Bay of2 7,000 tonsofexposed dirt suspected to contain higher than normal levels oftoxins located on the construction site ofthePacific Bell GiantsBall Park on Third and King Streets and requesting thepresence ofthe directors or theirrepresentatives: Department ofPublic Health, Port Commission and other appropriateCity departments.

Reggie Williams (By the entire Board)Edwina A. Greenburg (SupervisorKaufman)Lillian l. Rosen (Supervisor Kaufman)GeorgeMouratoflVSupervisorKatz

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 3 9 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February I 7, 1 9 99


There being nofurther business, the Board at the hour of p .m. aay'


Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N.B. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on the matters stated,but not necessarily the chronolog ical sequence in which the matters were taken up .

Approved by the Baard ofSupervisors onApril 5, 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifythat theforego ing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco I 40 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 2 2 , 1 999

Members Present TomAmmiano , Alicia Becerril, Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Leslie Katz ,Barbara Kaufman, Mark Leno , GavinNewsom,

MabelTeng, MichaelYaki,Leland Y . Yee.


The Board ofSupervisors oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco met in special session on the above da tewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

Themeeting was called to order at 6 :00 p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisors were noted absent:

SupervisorsKatz, Teng 2 .


Supervisor Katz was notedpresent at p .m.

Supervisor Teng was notedpresent at p .m.


SupervisorYak i, seconded bySuperv isor Teng, moved to approve the December 2 1 , 1 99 8 MeetingM inutes. The

motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

SupervisorYee, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved to suspend Ru le oftheRu les ofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors to grant priv ilege ofthe floor to the fo l lowing guests. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano ,


BecerriI , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 41 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 2 2 , I 999

Claudia Yang, Princip al, Jean ParkerElementary School introduced teacher, Susan Wong, andfirst-graders

who performed two dances: (1)WelcomeBoard ofSupervisors to our Community; (2) Revival ofthe Twist.

Princip al, Samuel Louie, John Yehall Chin Elementary School, introduced hisstudents who performed thetraditional dragon dance using a dragonmade ofrecycled material.

Thefollowing distinguished guests spoke briefly highlighting their concernsfor the community relating tosecurity, p arking,freeway, infrastructure, p ublic transit, litter, street lighting:

Eddie Chin, member, San Francisco Board ofEducation;Fung Lee, President, Chinese SixCompanies;Jack Yee, Yee FamilyAssociation.

Acknow ledgement

Supervisor Yee thanked the Principal SamLouiefor the opp ortunity to hold the Board ofSupervisorsmeetingat the John Yehall Chin Elementary School andfor the assistance his stafifHe also recognized the two YeeFamilyAssoc iationsfor their donations offlowers.


982 1 3 1 [Union Square Public Park ing Garage 1 9 99 Lease]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution and delivery ofa lease oftheUnion Square Public ParkingGarage, a supplemental park maintenance agreement, an amendment to the lease ofthe Sutter-StocktonGarage and an amendment to a 1 993 payment agreement; approving the issuance ofCity ofSan FranciscoUptown Park ing Corporation ParkingRevenueBondsand authorizing and ratifying the execution and deliveryofdocumentsreasonably necessaryfor the issuance, sale and delivery ofsuch bonds; adopting findingspursuant to theCalifornia Environmental QualityAct; and adopting findingsofconsistencywith the SanFrancisco General Plan; all in connection with the financing ofimprovementsto and the expansion oftheUnion Square Public Parking Garage and ofimprovements to Union SquarePark .

OrdinanceNo . 34-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 42 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 999

98 1 872


98 1 986


[Appointments]Reso lution appointingmembers to the Bicyc leAdvisoryCommittee. (Ru lesCommittee)

(Appointing Suzanne Richter, to succeed Jared Braiterman, Seat 7 ;Appointing Lawrence Li, to succeedNick Carr, Seat 9 ;Appointing LarryAmdt, to succeed himself

,Seat 1 0 ;

Appointing PiRa, to succeed Robin Levitt, Seat 1 1 , all representing bicyc list-at- large, new three year termsending December 3 1 ,Reso lutionNo . 1 39 -99


[Appointments]Reso lution appointingmembers to the BicycleAdvisoryCommittee. (Ru lesCommittee)2 SeatsBeing Considered(AppointingA lex Lantsberg, Seat 3 , must represent environmental organization,

unexpired portion ofthreeyear term ending December 3 1 , 2 000 ;Appointing JohnMatthew , Seat 6 , must represent bicycle organization,

unexpired portion ofthree year termendingDecember 3 1 , 1 999 .

Reso lutionNo . 141 -99


[Domestic Vio lence Task Force]SupervisorKaufman

Reso lution rescinding Reso lutionsNo . 1 3 1 -86 and 604-88, which establ ished and extended theDomesticVio lence Task Force, thereby terminating theDomestic Vio lence Task Force; thank ing themembersoftheDomestic Vio lence Task Force for their efforts.

Reso lutionNo . 140-99


[M ental Health ServicesAgreement]Resolution retroactively authorizing fromMay 1 , 1 998, theDepartment ofPublic Health to enter into anagreement with the CaliforniaPacific Medical Group, Inc .,

dbaBrown To land Medical Group, whichinc ludes indemnification and binding arbitration clausesand doesnot inc lude patent infringementindemnification and false claims clauses. (Department ofPublic Heal th)Reso lutionNo . 142 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 44 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 2 2 , I 99 9

99008 1 [Menta l Hea l th Serv ices Agreement ]Reso lution retroactively authorizing from July I , 1 99 8, the Department ofPubl ic Health to enter into an

agreement w ith the San Franc isco Health Authority, dba the San Franc isco Health Plan, which inc ludesbinding arbitra tion and payment disputes c lausesand doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification andfalse c laims c lauses. (Department ofPubl ic Health)Reso lutionNo . 143-99


990 1 22 [DPH State Dept ofMenta l Heal th PerformanceContract, FY 1 998- 1 999 ]Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Health , Publ ic Health Div ision, CommunityMental HealthServ ices, to enter into the fiscal year 1 998- 1 999 performance contract with the StateDepartment ofMenta lHeal th , which inc ludes indemnification c lausesand doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnification andfalse c laims c lauses. (Department ofPublic Health)Reso lutionNo . 144-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril, Bierman. Brown, Katz , Kaufman Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee



990026 [Permit Regu lation ofHazardousWasteson PrivateProperty]Ordinance repeal ing the definition of"HazardousWaste" in Section 1000 , and Sections 1 002 , 1 003 , 1 005,

1007 , 1 00 8 , 1 009 , 10 10 , 10 1 l , 1 0 13 , and 10 15 ofArticle 2 0 ofthe San Francisco Public WorksCode; and

amending the San Francisco Health Code by reenacting the repealed provisions as new Artic le 2 2A; amendingthe remaining provisionsofArt icle 20 ofthe San Franc isco Publ ic WorksCode to reference new Artic le 2 2Aofthe San Francisco Heal th Code; and prov iding theDepartment ofPubl ic Health with the authority to chargefees to defray the cost ofimplementing thisartic le. (Depamnent ofPubl ic Heal th)

(RepealsSection 1000 , and Sections 1 002 , 1003 , 1 005, 1 007 , 1 008, 1009 , 1 0 10 , 1 0 1 l , 1 0 1 3 and 1 0 15 of

Art icle 2 0 ofPubl ic WorksCode; amends theHealth Code by reenacting the repealed provisionsas newArt ic le 22A; amendsthe remaining provisionsofArticle 2 0 ofthe Publ ic WorksCode to reference new Article2 2A ofthe Health Code.

PASSED.ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng , Yaki, Yee

1 45 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inu tes February 22 , I 9 99

990 1 25

990 1 2 6

990 1 27

[Navy Lease of574 Housing Units on Treasure I sland and Related Facilities]Mayor, SupervisorsAmmiano, Yee, Yaki, Bierman, Brown, Leno, Katz, Newsom

Resolution approv ing and authorizing the Treasure I sland Development Authority to execute a lease with theUnited StatesNavy for the first 574 ofa total of766 housing units on Treasure and YerbaBuena Islandsto besubleased to the John Stewart Company.

(Fiscal impact .)SupervisorsLeno, Katz, Newsom requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 145-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom,

Teng,Yaki, Yee

[Sublease ofup to 76 6 Housing Units on Treasure I sland ]M ayor, Superv isorsAmmiano, Yee, Yak i, Bierman, Brown, Leno, Katz, Newsom

Reso lution approving and authorizing Treasure I sland Development Authority to execute a sublease,development,marketing and propertymanagement agreement with the John Stewart Companyforup to 766housing units on Treasure and Yerba Buena I slands.

SupervisorsLeno, Katz, Newsom requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 146 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

[I ndemnity and Repayment Agreements, Treasure I sland Housing]M ayor, SupervisorsAmmiano, Yee, Yaki, Bierman, Brown, Leno, Katz , Newsom

Reso lution approving and authorizing a repayment agreement with the Treasure I sland Development Authorityand an indemnity agreement with the John Stewart Company related to Treasure I sland Housing.

(Fiscal impact .)SupervisorsLeno, Katz, Newsom requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

ResolutionNo . 147 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 46 Printed at 9 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 22 , I 999

990 1 52

990 1 57

[Purchase of555-7 th Street Bu ild ing]Reso lution authorizing the exercise ofthe purchase Option in the lease between theCity and County ofSanFrancisco as lessee, and Burt J. Hamrol, as lessor, for the real property and building located at 5557th Street (the authorizing the officers oftheCity to enter into documents to implement saidpurchase; approving aProject Lease related to financing the acquisition ofthe property (including certainindemnities contained therein) ; approving a Trust Agreement between theCity and a Trustee (inc ludingcertain indemnities contained therein) ; authorizing the selection ofa Trustee; approving the execution anddelivery ofCertificates ofParticipation to finance the acquisition ofthe property; authorizing the offerand saleofthe certificates; approving the form ofOffic ial Notice ofSale, Notice ofIntention to Sel l , andOfficialStatement ; approving theform ofContinuing Disc losureCertificate relating to the certificates; approving thevalidation ofthe execution and delivery ofcertificates; adopting findingspursuant to Planning Code Section

and ratifying previousactions taken in connection therewith . (Mayor)

(Fiscal impact .)Reso lutionNo . 1 51 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz ,

Kaufman,Leno , Newsom,

Teng, Yaki, Yee

[CalWORKs Ch ild CareContract M odification]SupervisorsTeng, Brown, Newsom

Reso lution authorizing an increase in enro l lment and service leveloforCalWORKsChild Care bymodifyingthe existing contract with theChildren'sCouncil ofSan Francisco in the amount of mil lion to providefor the increase in enro llment

, program costsand a number ofcapacitybuilding initiatives. (Department ofHuman Services)

(Fiscal impact .)Supervisors Teng, Brown, Newsom requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 12 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vo teAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


Cityand County ofSan Francisco 1 48 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 2 2 . 1 999


Patricia Vaughn, No. 41 bus line, no bus to Polk, Embarcadero, North Beach;Ernestine Weiss, Chinatown needs lights, better bus service, housing;

SisterMary Mae Himm, Castro street closing;Patrick Chung, garmentfactory;M ike Vandeman, endanger species;Richard Ow, supportproclaimfirst day ofChinese/LunarNew Year as City holiday; afibrdable housing,


control, substance abuse, wages;Joe Butler, landmarks;Howard wong, preservation ofcommunities;JulieChristenson, open space in neighborhood, Pioneer Park;

Larry Yee, economic issues, Central Freeway, property tax roll back, parking;Mable Seto, child care, sidewalk sales, seniors, youth;MaleSpeaker, economic issues, revitalization, overcrowded, parking, sidewalk sale, Moon and dragon boatfestival;Dennis Wong, San Francisco General and Laguna Honda Hosp itals budgets, Medi-calpatients not eligible;Alfred Lee, housing, litter, parking, market rate housing;Robert Porter, Castro Street closing on Easter Sunday;Rodney Telmadge, opp ose Castro Street closing and Broadway strip ;Arron Pascan,

Washington Square landmark, GraceMarchant Gardenpreservation;RogerSchrobal, Ellis eviction;Female speaker, revitalization, tourism, immigrant services, emp loyment, housing, communication;Female speaker, Central Freeway, economic issues, police security, parking;

TomHagan, parking, Broadwayparcel,foo t traflic , affordable housing, parking.


990 262

9902 67

Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. Arty Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.

[Lease ofProperty, Ca l ifornia Department ofCorrections]Superv isorAmmiano

Reso lution approv ing theCaliforniaDepartment ofCorrections'(Paro le and Community Serv icesDivision)intention to lease an existing building at 1 80 Redwood Street.Reso lutionNo . 152 -99


[State Legislation, AB 2 1 7 , HI V/AI DS Drugs]Supervisors Becerril, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution urging theCalifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavis to approveAssemblyBil l 2 1 7 mak ingFDA-approved H1V/A1DSdrugsavailable to part ic ipants inMedi-Calmanaged care programs.

Reso lutionNo . 1 53-99


1 49 Printed at 9 PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inutes February 2 2 , I 999

9902 87


9902 89

9902 90

[State Legislation, SB 3 1 5, SCA 3 and SR 8 ]Superv isorsBierman, Katz

Reso lution support ing Senate Bil l 3 1 5, SenateConstitutional Amendment 3 and Senate Reso lution 8 , whichcomprise a legislative package designed to evaluate and al leviate transportation needs in the State ofCalifornia.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 54-99


[Federal Legislation, S 3 1 4]SupervisorsKatz, Leno

Reso lution urging the United StatesSenate to approve Senate bil l 3 14 which providesfor a loan guaranteeprogram to address the Year 2 000 computerproblems ofsmal l business concernsand for otherpurposes.

Reso lutionNo . 1 55-99


[State Legislation, SB 2 3 , SB 1 5, AB 1 06 , Gun Contro l ]Superv isors Leno , Bierman, Becerril, Katz

Reso lution urging theMayor to inc lude within theMayor's legislative po licy support forSenate Bil l 2 3

(Perata) banning assau lt weapons, SenateBil l 1 5 (Polanco) banning unsafe handgunsandAssemblyBil l 1 06(Scott) theAroner-Scott Child GunAccident PreventionAct of1 999 ; and urging theMayor to urge the StateLegislature to enact strictergun contro l laws, including but not limited to SB 2 3 , SB 1 5, AB 1 06 and alimitation on gun purchases to one perperson permonth ; and requesting that a copy ofthisreso lution beforwarded to hisHonor, theM ayor, with a request that he transmit Copies to themembers ofthe StateLegislature from San Francisco with a request that they take all action necessary to achieve the objectivesofthisreso lution.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as ao-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 56 -99


[Lead Poisoning Prevention, Recreation and Park Department ]SupervisorsBierman, Katz, Becerril, Newsom

Reso lution urging theRecreation and Park Department to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Heal th'srecommendations contained in itsannual report to theBoard ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimp lementation ofthe Comprehensive Lead PoisoningPreventionProgram, and that it carry out thecommitmentsmade by theDepartment in itsown "Lead Abatement Program Implementation Plan"SupervisorsKatz, Becerril, Newsom requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 57 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 50 Printed at 9 PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 9 99

9902 96

9902 86

[W ild Parrots ofSan Francisco]Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Becerril

Reso lution dec laring respect forand appreciation and support ofthe presence and wel l-being ofthe w ild parrotflock ofSan Francisco .

Reso lutionNo. 1 63-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee , Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman Leno

[Chinese/Lunar New YearHoliday]SupervisorYee

Reso lution urging theMayor, labor organizations, and all affected parties to proc laim the first day ofChinese/LunarNew Year an official City and County ofSan Francisco ho liday.

SupervisorKaufinan requested thismatter be severedfor thep urp ose ofreferring it to committee because ofitsfiscal impact.SEVERED FROM FOR ADOPTIONW I THOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA.

REFERRED to the Finance and LaborCommittee.


I ntroduced by Supervisors orM ayor

99033 1 [American Arab DiscriminationCommittee, et al. v . CCSF, et al.]Superv isorKaufman

Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofAmerican-ArabAnti-DiscrirninationCommittee, et al.,against theCity and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of

(CaseNo . 93-6358-RAP.)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 52 Printed at 9 PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 999






[Underground District 345, Linco lnWay]

Superv isor Bierman

Ordinance creating Underground District No . 345 on Linco lnWayfrom Eighth Avenue to 2 6 th Avenue.

2f2 2/99 , RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Soc ial Po l icyCommittee.

[Underground District 346, Taraval Street ]Superv isor Bierman

Ordinance creating Underground District No . 346 onTaraval Street from 1 9th Avenue to LowerGreatHighway.

RECEIVEDAND ASSIGNED to Housing and Soc ial Po licyCommittee.

[RenameDepartment ofAgricu l ture,Weigh ts Measures]


Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode by adding Section establishing aDepartment ofConsumerProtection, Regu latory Compliance and Agricu ltural Standards and defining the duties ofthe Director toinclude those oftheCountyAgricu l turalCommissionerand the Sealer ofWeights andMeasures.

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Smal l Business, Economic Vitalityand ConsumerServicesCommittee, expireson

[Garment M anufacturer'sTaxCredit ]Supervisor TengOrdinance amending San Francisco Municipal Code, Part I I I , by amending Section 906D permitting garmentmanufacturers to c laim 60 percent ofthe credit prov ided by thisprovision in the taxableyear that creditablecostsand expensesare incurred and 40 percent ofthe credit in the taxable yearfo l lowing such year, andproviding a definition ofthe term "

garment manufacturer"RECEIVED AND ASSI GNED to SmallBusiness, Economic Vital ity and ConsumerServices


[Garment M anufacturers'TaxCredit ]Supervisor TengOrdinance amending San Francisco Municipal Code, Part I I I , by amending Section permitting garmentmanufacturers to c laim 60 percent ofthe credit provided by thisprov ision in the taxable year that creditablecostsand expensesare incurred and 40 percent ofthe credit in the taxable yearfo llowing such year, andproviding a definition ofthe term "

garment manufacturer"RECEIVED ANDASSIGNED to Small Business, Economic Vital ity and ConsumerServices


Cityand County ofSan Francisco 1 53 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February 2 2 , I 999



99032 7

9903 1 8

9903 1 9

[Ch ildren'sServ icesPlan, 1 999 -2 000 ]M ayor

Reso lution approv ing the Children’

sServicesPlan ( 1 999 2 000) for the San Francisco Children'sFund.

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee,expireson

[Need le Exchange]SupervisorNewsom

Reso lution directing the Department ofPublic Health to develop a p lan ofaction to expand and coordinateeffortsfor integrating need le exchange programsw ithin public hospitals, clinicsand existing HIV serviceprograms; and to prov ide a statusupdate to the Board within threemonths.

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Public Health and Environment Committee, expireson

[State Tobacco Settlement ]SupervisorsNewsom, Teng, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution supporting congressional bipartisan efforts to protect states tobacco sett lements.


[Lead Poisoning Prevention Department ofHuman Services]Superv isorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging the Department ofHuman Services to carry out the Department ofPublic Health'srecommendations contained in itsAnnual Report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimp lementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.


[Lead Po isoning Prevention DepartmentsofPub l ic Works/Real Estate]Superv isorsBie'rman, Newsom, Katz , Brown

Reso lution“

urging the DepartmentsofPublic Works and RealEstate to carryout theDepartment ofPublicHealth'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to theBoard ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 54 Printed at 9 PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 22 , 1 999


99032 5

99032 6

99033 7

[Lead Poisoning Prevention WaterDepartment]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging the San Francisco WaterDepartment to carry out the Department ofPublic Health'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimp lementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning preventionprogram .


[Lead Poisoning Prevention TaxCo l lector]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz , Brown

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Tax Co l lector to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Health'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimp lementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.


[Lead Poisoning Prevention Redevelopment Agency]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Heal th'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.


[State Legislation, AB 59 , SB 26 , SB 70 , Aging and E lderly]Superv isorsBecerril, Bierman

Reso lution urging the California State Legislature and GovernorDavis to approveAB 59 , SB 26 and SB 70 ,protecting the rights ofaging and elderly individuals.


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 56 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 2 2 . 1 999




[G rant ]Superv isors Bierman, Becerril, Katz

Reso lution authorizing the SheriffsDepartment to applyfora four-yeargrant inan amount not to exceedfrom the State Board ofCorrectionsforMental ly I llOffenderCrime Reduction (M IOCR)

Demonstration Program; and approv ing themembership oftheM IOCR StrategyCommittee.


[African American Student HonorRo l l Parade]Supervisors Brown, Newsom, Teng, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution commending the honoreesofSan Franc isco Unified Schoo l District'sSixth AnnualAfricanAmerican HonorRo l l .


[TV Warning Label]

SupervisorsKa tz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Bierman

Reso lution condemning the preposed homosexual content (HC) TV warning label cal led forby theChristianActionNetwork .


[State Legislation, AB 2 1 2 , CARESProgram ]SupervisorsKa tz, Bierman

Resolution urging the Cal iforniaAssembly to approveAB 2 12 which providesforthe establishment oftheCal iforniaCompensation and Retention Encourage Stability (CARES) program.


[Federa l Legislat ion, HR 573 , Rosa Parks]Supervisors Leno, Brown, Bierman, Becerril, Kaufman, Katz, Teng, Newsom

Reso lution urging the United StatesCongress to approveHR . 573 authorizing President Cl inton to awardRosa Parks theCongressional Medal ofHonor.


1 57 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 2 2 , I 999





[G rant, State Funds, Youth Detention Facility]SupervisorsYaki, Becerril, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution authorizing theMayor'sCriminal JusticeCouncil (MCJC) to applyforup to in State

(Chapter499 , Statutes of1 998) and Federal (Chapter2 82 , Statutesof 1 997 ) funds available through the StateBoard ofCorrectionsunder the Juvenile andAdu lt LocalDetention FacilityConstruction Grant Program to

construct a local youth detention facility to replace the existing JuvenileHal l facility.


[Aircraft Noise]SupervisorsYak i, Newsom

Reso lution establishing po licy that anynew runway reconfiguration at San Francisco lntemationalAirportshal l not resu lt in increased noise in San Francisco .


[Federa l Legislation, America'sResources 2 000 Act]SupervisorsNewsom, Yaki, Katz, Leno

Reso lution supporting legislation to use offshore oil resource funding to protect andmaintainAmerica'spubliclands, parksand waterresources.


[Grant, State Funds]Supervisors Yak i, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution authorizing theMayor'sCriminal JusticeCouncil to applyforup to from the State

Board ofcorrectionsunder the JuvenileCrime Enforcement AccountabilityChal lenge Grant I I (JCE&ACG)program to implement a local action plan that addresses the needsofyouth who are invo lved in the juvenilejustice system.


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 58 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 999





M otions



[Schoo l-Based Hea l th Services]Superv isorKatz

Hearing to considerestabl ishment ofschoo l-based heal th c linics in San Francisco high schoo ls.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.

[Women'sHeal th Services]SupervisorKatz

Hearing to considerthe availability ofwomen’

shealth services.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.

[Chinatown Quality ofLife]Supervisor TengHearing to consider the qualityoflife forChinatown residents.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[M uni Task ForceReport ]Supervisor Yaki

Hearing to consider theM uni Task Force report .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Need le Exchange Emergency]Superv isorsBierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yak i, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

Motion concurring in the determ ination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the declaration ofemergencyin connectionwith the needle exchange program.


[Board ofSuperv isorsChambersAccess]Superv isorKatz

Motion directing theClerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors to negotiate with Walt DisneyPicturesfor the termsofaccessand use ofthe Board ofSupervisorsChambersforfi lming activity, establishing a fee of$5000 perdayforuse oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambersforsuch filming activity byWalt DisneyPicturesandestablishing that such fi lming activity byWalt DisneyPicturesshal l not interfere with thebusinessoftheBoard ofSupervisors.


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 60 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes February 22 . 1 99 9

I ntroduced by the President at the Reguest ofDepartments


990 264


990 27 1


9902 73

[Weigh t Restrict ions]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Sections .99 through 2 8 . establ ishing a weightrestrict ion on various streets. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(AddsTraffic Code Sections throughRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Parking Regu lations, Port ion of6 th Avenue]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section regarding parking regulations on a portion of6thAvenue (east side of6 th Avenue, from 2 72 feet to 334 feet south ofGeary Bou levard). (Department ofParking and Traffic)


rc Code SectionRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land Use Committee.

[MOU, E lec trical Workers, Loca l 6 ]Ordinance imp lementing the prov isions ofan amendment to Artic leV .H. oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the International Brotherhood ofElectrical Workers, Local 6 , and theCity andCountyofSan Francisco foran EmployeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum of

Understanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, Stat ionary Engineers, Lo ca l 3 9 1Ordinance implementing the prov isions ofan amendment to Artic le V . I . oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the Stationary Engineers, Local 39 , and the City and County ofSan Franciscoproviding foran EmployeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingin 2 00 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, Teamsters, Local 2 1 6 ]Ordinance imp lementing the provisions ofan amendment to Artic le IV .P. oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the Building Material and Construction Teamsters, Local 2 16 and theCity and CountyofSan Francisco prov iding foran Emp loyeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum

ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHumanResources)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

t and County ofSan Franci sco 1 6 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 999

9902 74

9902 76

9902 7 7

9902 78

9902 79

9902 80

[MOU, Transport W orkersUnion, Local 250AOrdinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to Article IV oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween the Transport WorkersUnion ofAmerica, AFL-CIO and the Transport Workers ofAmerica


2 50A (741 0 Automotive ServiceWorkers), and theCity and'

County ofSan Francisco providing for anEmployeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 .

(Department ofHuman Resources)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, Transport WorkersUnion, Local 250AOrdinanceimp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to Section 19 (Drug Treatment) oftheMemorandum

ofUnderstanding between the Transport WorkersUnion ofAmerica, AFL-CIO and the Transport Workersof

America, Local 250A (9 1 63 Transit Operatorsand Related TraineeClassifications), and theCity and CountyofSan Francisco providing foran EmployeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum

ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)RECEIVED AND ASSI GNED to Finance'and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, LaborersUnion, Local 26 1 ]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Artic leN E . oftheMemorandum of

Understanding betw een the LaborersUnion,Local 26 ] and theCity and County ofSan Francisco providing

foranEmployeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 .

(Department ofHuman Resources)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, G laziers and G lassWorkers, Local 7 1 8 ]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Artic le I V.G oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the G laz iersand GlassWorkers, Local 7 1 8 , and theCityand County ofSan Franciscoproviding foranEmp loyeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingin 2 00 1 . (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, AutomotiveM echanics, Local 1 414]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Article IV .J oftheMemorandum of

Understandingbetween theAutomotiveMechanicsUnion LodgeNo . 1414, and theCity and County ofSan

Francisco providing for an EmployeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum of

Understanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHumanResources)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, Transport WorkersUnion, Local 2 50A (9 1 63 , Part-TimeOperators]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Section 1 6 (benefitsforpart-time operators) oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the Transport WorkersUnion Local 2SOA (Classification 9 1 63and Related TraineeClassifications), to provide amaximum amount of$225 permonth toward dependenthealth care coverage forpermanent part-time employeeswho regularlywork aminimum oftwenty hoursperpayro l l period and upon completion ofoneyearofcontinuousservice, and to provide that theCity wil l pick upthe employee'sshare ofcontribution to the applicable SFERSretirement p lan forpermanent part-time

employeesat a rate of: fo l lowing one day to sixmonthsofcontinuousservice; 5% fo l lowing six monthsto one year ofcontinuousservice; and fo l lowing oneyearofcontinuousservice. (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 62 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 999

99 02 6 8 [Acceptance ofGifts, DPH-Laguna Honda Hospital ]Reso lution authorizing the Department ofPublic Health, LagunaHondaHospital , to accept, sel l and expend agift ofsharesofstock in the value current ly estimated at bequeathed to LagunaHondaHospital fromthe BarbaraWylie Trust, to be expended for "

theGeneral benefit and comfort" ofresidents. Also authorizingtheDepartment ofPublic Health ,

Laguna HondaHospital, to accept and expend a gift of bequeathedto LagunaHonda Hospital from the estate ofErrneth Dirovizza for the specific use ofpatients'activ ities onho lidays". (Department ofPublic Health)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

9902 84 [Private I ndustryCouncil RefugeeCountyPlan]Resolution authorizing a release ofreservesofFederal Refugee FormulaFunds in the amount of to

the Private IndustryCouncil ofSan Francisco , and authorizing the Private IndustryCouncil ofSan Franciscoto accept and expend, retroactive to October 1 , 1998, ofadditional Refugee ForrnulaFundsand

ofTargeted AssistanceDiscretionary Funds in line with the RefugeeCountyPlan. (Private I ndustryCouncil)

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 64 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes February 2 2 , 1 9 9 9

Reguests G ranted

By SupervisorAmmiano ,that letter be sent to the BayArea Water Transit Blue Ribbon Committee requesting

information on the extent to which alternativefuelferries have been analyzedfor use on the Bay and urging

the Blue RibbonCommittee to undertake afeasibility study ofalternativefiielferries andfueling stationsforexpandedferry service on the Bay.

BySupervisor Leno, that letters ofinquiry be sent to various departments, concerning comp liance with theMayor


s Executive Order ofMarch 25, 1 998 with respect to equating domestic partners to spouses asfollows:

( I ) Department ofAgriculture, Weights and Measures: who may app lyfor booths at the FarmersMarket.(2) Department ofBuilding I nspection: continuing permit process by surviving domestic partner ofdeceasedapp licant.(3) Adult Probation: non-discrimination on the basis ofdomestic partners with respect to visitation rights inja ils and access to after careprograms.

(4) Commission onAging:foodprogramsfor the elderly and transportationprogramsfor seniors.

(5) Animal Care and ControlDepartment: who may retrieve an impounded animalfiom theAnimal Care and


(6) Planning Department: continuing thepermitprocess by the surviving domestic partner ofdeceasedapp licant; app lyingfor liquor licenses, and obtaining businesspermits.

(7) Civil Service Commission: grievance disputes.

(8) Controller: clarifica tion ofthe definition ofchildren andfamily.

(9) EthicsDepartment: conflict ofinterestforms.

( 1 0) Fire Department: who mayjoin the credit union and schedulingformarried/partnered personnel.(1 1) Department ofPublic Health: creation ofbirth certificates.

(1 2) Juvenile Probation: who may retrieve a child upon release; who is allowed/required to a ttendfamilycounseling; participation with respect to log cabin ranch.

(1 3) Ch iefMedical Examiner-Coroner: death certificates and disposition ofremains.

(1 4) Department ofParking and Traffic: retrieval ofimpounded cars; app lyingfor neighborhood parkingpermits; anyparking exemp tions which app ly to spouses.

( 1 5) Police DepartmentAcademy: domestic partner domestic violence training and anyprogramparticipation which involves spouses.

(1 6) PortAuthority:familyfares or discounts.

(1 7) Public Guardian: disp osition ofproperty, care ofinvalids and recognition in a will.(1 8) Public Defender: information disclosure (other than attorney/clientprivilege) .

(1 9) Sheriff: visitation and after careprograms.

(2 0) Department ofElections: who may retrieve an absentee ballotfor their sp ouse/domestic partner.

(2 1) Recreation and Park Department: Camp Mather,family ratesfor use offacilities.

(22) Public UtilitiesCommission: policy on use ofcabins atHetch Hetchy; who canpay water bills;familyusefees at watershedproperties.

By SupervisorNewsom, tha t letter be sent to the Director, Department ofTelecommunications and I nformationServices requesting thefollowing information: (1) the total costsfor the establishment and maintenance ofWorld Wide Websitesfor every department within the City and County ofSan Francisco ; (2) a reasonable

time linefor the execution ofwebsitesfor every department.

By SupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to the Golden GateNational RecreationArea, Attn: LeonardMcKenz ie and Tracey Fortman inquiring whether it would bepossible to remove themetal cyclonefencerunning along Marina Bo ulevard on theNorth side ofthe street nearSteiner Street and what steps would needto be taken to accomp lish this and whether the City can assist in any way.

t and County ofSan Francisco I 65 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes February 2 2 , 1 999

Motion that the Board adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofrespect to thememory ofthefollowing deceased:

Jefi?eyCohelan (SupervisorBierman)

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 66 Printed at PM on



City Hall, 40 1 Van Ness Ave.

San Franc isco , Ca. 941 02 -453 2


MAY 2 7 1999

M onday,March 1 , 1 999 PM SAN FRANCISCO

PUBLIC LlBFlARYLegislative Chamber Second Floor

CityHall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 941 02 -4689RegularM eeting



Gloria L. Young, Clerk oftheBoard


M mAUDI TAND GOVERNMENT EFFI CI ENCY COMNI I TTEE lst TuesdaySupervisorsKaufman, Newsom, Katz 1 300 PM


SupervisorsYee, Bierman,Ammiano


HOUSING AND SOCIAL POLI CY COM lVI I TTEE lst and 3rd TuesdaySupervisors Teng, Bierman, Becem


PARKSAND RECREATI ON COM IVI TTTEE 2nd TuesdaySupervisorsBrown, Newsom, Leno PM

PUBLI CHEALTH AND ENVI RONNI ENT COMNI I TTEE 2ad 4th ThursdaySupervisorsBierman, Brown, Yaki PM

PUBLI CUTI L I TI ESAND DEREGULATION COM IVI I TTEE 3rd TuesdaySuperv isorsAmmiano, Yee, Becerril 1 100 PM

RULESCOM IVI I TTEE 2nd 4th ThursdayAM

Supervisors Leno, Teng, KaufmanSMALL BUSINESS, ECONONHC VI TALI TY AND CONSUNI ER SER lst and 3rd ThursdaySupervisorsNewsom, Leno, Becerril AM

TRANSPORTATI ON AND LAND USE COM IVHTTEE 2nd and 4ih TuesdaySuperv isorsKatz, Yak i, Yee AM

First-named Superv isor isChair, Second-named Supervisor isVice-Chair, oftheCommittee.

Vo l ume 94 Em ber 1 0

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March I , 1 999

99002 6

99002 0

99002 1


[Permit Regu lation ofHazardousWastes on Private Property]Ordinance repealing the definition of"HazardousWaste" in Section 1 000 , and Sections 1002 , 1 003 , 1 005,1 007 , 1 008 , 1 009, 1 0 1 0 , 1 0 1 1 , 1 0 1 3 , and 1 0 1 5 ofArticle 2 0 ofthe San Francisco Public WorksCode; and

amending the San Francisco Health Code by reenacting the repealed provisionsas newArt ic le 22A; amendingthe remaining provisionsofArtic le 2 0 ofthe San Francisco Public WorksCode to reference new Artic le 22AoftheSan Francisco Heal th Code; and providing theDepartment ofPublic Health with the authority to chargefees to defray the cost ofimplementing thisartic le. (Department ofPublic Health)

(RepealsSection 1 000 , and Sections 1 002 , 1 003 , 1 005, 1 007 , 1 008, 1 009 , 1 0 1 0 , 1 0 1 1 , 10 1 3 , and 10 15 ofArticle 2 0 ofPublic WorksCode; amends theHeal th Code byreenacting the repealed provisionsasnewArticle 22A; amendsthe remaining provisionsofArtic le 2 0 ofthePublic WorksCode to referencenew Artic le2 2A oftheHealth Code.

OrdinanceNo . 35-99


[Stop I ntersections]Resolution designating certain intersectionsas Stop intersections:

STOPSIGNS ESTABLI SHEuclidAvenue and Laurel Street

,northeast and southwest comers, stopping Euclid Avenue (makes thisan all

waySTOP) (Department ofParking and Traf fic)Reso lutionNo . 1 70-99


[Traffic Regu lations, VariousStreets]Reso lution enacting and rescinding traffic regu lations on variousstreetsNO TURN ON RED, 7 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ESTABL I SHGough Street, southbound, at Oak Street (Department ofParking and Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 1 7 1 -99


[St0 p I ntersections]Reso lution designating certain intersections as Stop intersections

STOPSIGNS ESTABL ISH1 6th Avenue and Lawton Street, northwest corner, stopping Lawton Street (makes thisuncontro l led Tintersection a one-way STOP)2 3rd and Kansas Streets, northeast and southwest comers, stopping 2 3rd Street (makes this an all-waySTOP)AmazonAvenue and Lisbon Street, northwest and southeast co‘

mers, stopping Lisbon Street (makes this an allway STOP)Brunswick andAllison Streets, northwest and southeast comers, stoppingAl l ison Street (makes thisan all-waySTOP) (Department ofParking and Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 1 72 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco I 70 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March I I 999

990029 [ParkingRegu lat ions, Various Locations]Reso lution enacting and resc inding park ing regulations at various locations:

NOPARKING ANYTIME RESCINDFremont Street, west side, from Fo lsom Street to 2 1 7 feet northerly (2 1 7 -foot zone, extendingBridge off


NOPARKING ANYTIME ESTABLISHFremont Street, west side, from 1 50 feet to 2 1 7 feet north ofFo lsom Street (67-foot

DIAGONAL (45-DEGREEANGLE) PARKING ESTABLISHFremont Street, west side, from Folsom Street to 150 feet northerly ( 150-foot zone, creates l l new parkingmeterstalls)Beale Street, west side, from Fo lsom Street to 1 80 feet northerly ( 1 80-foot zone, resulting in anet increase of5additional parkingmeterstal ls)ONE-HOUR PARKING TIME L IM IT, 7 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY ESTABLISHDivision Street, north side, from loth Street to 1 2 1 feet westerly ( 12 1 -foot zone)PERPENDICULAR (90-DEGREEANGLE) PARKING ESTABLISH6th Street, west side, from Channel Street to 753 feet southerly (753-foot zone)TWO-HOURPARKING TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 1 0 PM , EVERYDAY ESTABL ISH6th Street, west side, from Channel Street to 2 93 feet southerly (2 93-foot zone)RESI DENTTAL PERM IT PARKING AREA H (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY) ESTABLI SHCedro Avenue, both sides, betweenMercedesWay and MoncadaWay ( 1 00 block)RESIDENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA "


( l -HOUR TIM E L IM I T, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABL ISH348 1 -3498 1 8th Street, both sides, between Valencia and Lexington Streets (adds specified addressesonly)RESIDENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA 1 (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 7 AM 9 PM , EVERYDAY)ESTABLISHShraderStreet, both sides, betweenHaight andWal lerStreets (600 block)RESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA J (2 -HOUR TI ME L IM IT, 8 AM 5PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRI DAY) ESTABL ISH1 2 th Avenue

, both sides, between Lawton and Moraga Streets ( 1 600 block)RESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA J (2 -HOUR TIME L IM IT, 8 AM 5PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY) RESCINDRESI DENTIAL PERM IT PARKING AREA J (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 7 AM 9 PM , EVERYDAY)ESTABLI SHWallerStreet, both sides, betweenCole and Shrader Streets ( 1 600 block, change in effective daysand hoursonly)RESI DENTI AL PERM IT PARKING AREA R (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABL I SHBirch Street, bo th sides, between Laguna and Octav ia Streets (500 block)Grove Street, bo th sides, betw een Buchanan and Laguna Streets (600 block)Grove Street, both sides, between Laguna and Octav ia Streets (500 block)

I 71 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March I , 1 999

99003 0

Grove Street, both sides, betweenOctavia and Gough Streets (400 block)Laguna Street, both sides, between Fu lton and Grove Streets (700 block)Octavia Street, both sides, between Fu lton and Grove Streets (600 block)RESI DENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA U ( l -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABLISHFreelon Street, both sides, from 4th Street to thewest terminus ( 1 00 block , signsto be instal led only onnorth side)RESI DENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA U (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 6 PM


THROUGH FRI DAY) ESTABLISHLuceme Street, both sides, from Brannan Street to the south terminus (unit block)M ossStreet, both sides, between Fo lsom and Howard Streets (unit block)TOW-AWAY , NO PARKING ANYTIME ESTABLISHKeamyStreet, east side, fromWashington Street to 65 feet northerly (65-foot zone)TOW-AWAY , NO PARKING, 8 AM 7 PM ,

MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY RESCINDTOW-AWAY , NO PARKINGANYTIME ESTABLI SHStevenson Street, south side, from 1 69 feet to 2 1 1 feet west of5th Street (42 -foot zone)TWO-HOURPARKING TIME LIM IT, 7 AM 6 PM ,

MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY RESCIND1 6th Street, south side, betweenVermont andKansasStreetsVermont Street, east side, from 1 6th Street to 300 feet southerly (3OO-foot zone) .

UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING ESTABLI SHRitch Street, west side, from 7 1 feet to 78 feet south ofBryant Street (7-foot zone, accommodating 2 meteredmotorcycle stal ls)Ritch Street, west side, from 92 feet to 1 03 feet south ofBryant Street ( 1 l -foot zone, accommodating 3meteredmotorcyc le stalls) (Department ofParking and Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 1 73 -99


[Traffic Regu lations, VariousStreets]Reso lution enacting and rescinding traffic regu lationson various streets

RIGHT TURN ONLY , EXCEPT MUNI RESCINDEuclid Avenue, westbound, atArguello BoulevardTOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING, 4PM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY RESCINDGeary Street, north side, between Frank lin and Gough Streets (Department ofParking and Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 1 74-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

City and County ofSan Francisco I 72 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors March I , 1 999

990 1 94

990 1 95

990 1 6 1

990 1 62

990 1 64

990 1 97

[Court Emp loyee Compensation]Ordinance imp lementing the schedu lesofcompensation and other economic benefitsfor certain c lassificationsofpersonsemp loyed by the SuperiorCourt ofCalifornia, County ofSan Francisco . (SuperiorCourts)

PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano. Becerril , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Court ReporterCompensation]Ordinance imp lementing the economic benefitsfor certain c lassificationsofpersonsemployed by the SuperiorCourt ofCalifornia

, County ofSan Francisco . (SuperiorCourts)

PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[EmergencyRepair, 4th Avenue Sewer]Reso lution approving expenditure offundsfor theemergencywork to replace the structurally inadequatesewer on4th Avenuefrom Geary Bou levard to Balboa Street (Publ ic UtilitiesCommission)

(Fiscal impact .)Reso lutionNo . 1 75-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman,

Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[EmergencyRepair, DuboceAvenue Sewer]Reso lution approving expenditure offundsfor the emergencywork to replace the structural ly inadequateseweronDuboceAvenue from Elgin Park to Valencia Street (Public UtilitiesCommission)Reso lutionNo . 1 76-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril. Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Grant State]Reso lution authorizing theMayor

'sCriminal JusticeCouncil (MCJC) to retroactively app lyforand to accept

and expend funds in the amount of from theOffice ofCriminal Justice Planning (OCJP), State ofCalifornia, to imp lement a coordinated Anti-DrugAbuse Enforcement Program. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 1 77 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[1 999 CommunityCo l lege Bond Sale]Reso lution amendingResolution 1 02 7-97 that, among othermatters, authorized and directed the sale ofnot toexceed Cityand County ofSan Francisco General Obligation Bonds (Educational FacilitiesBonds, Series 1 9988 ; by changing themaximum do llar amount authorized and directed to be so ld; andby extending the final maturitydateforsuch Bonds. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 136 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco I 74 Printed at PM on

990 200

990 20 1

Meeting M inu tes March I 1 999

[1 99 9 Schoo l Bond Sale]Reso lution amending Reso lution 149 -98 that, among othermatters, authorized and directed the sale ofnot toexceed Cityand County ofSan Franc isco GeneralObligationBonds (Educational FacilitiesBonds, 1997 San Francisco Unified SchoolDistrict) Series 1 998C; by changing themax imum do l laramountauthorized and directed to be so ld; and byextending the final maturity dateforsuch Bonds. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 1 37-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[1 999 Z oo Bond Sale]

Resolution amending Reso lution 678-98 that, among othermatters, authorized and directed the sale ofnotexceed City and County ofSan Franc isco GeneralObligationBonds (Z oo FacilitiesBonds,

Series 1 99SD; by changing themax imum dollaramount authorized and directed to be so ld; and byextending the final maturity dateforsuch Bonds. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo. 1 38-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz.Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Recommendations ofTransportation and Land UseCommittee

990 238

990 247

[Parking Regu lations, Commercial Vehic le Loading Zones]Ordinanceamending Traffic Code Sections 3S.E

,and to allow for the designation ofvariable

maximum time limits at commercial vehic le loading zones. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(AmendsTraffi c Code Sections 38 .B, and

PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz .Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Summary Vacation ofPort ions ofHickoryStreet ]Ordinance ordering the summary vacation ofthe public rights over the surface and in the air above portions ofHickoryStreet located betweenWebsterand Buchanan Streets, making findingsunderCalifornia StreetsandHighwaysCode Section 8330 through 8336 ,mak ing findingsofconformity with theGeneral Plan and prioritypo liciesofPlanning Code Section and directing official actions in connectionwith the vacation. (RealEstate Department)

(Companionmeasure to File

PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano . Becerril , Bierman, Brown.Katz , Kaufman, Leno.Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

l 75 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes M arch I , 1 999

990249 [Park ing Regu lations, Heavy Truck Loading Zones]Ordinance amending Traffic Code by adding Section to al low theDepartment ofParking and Traffic toestablish heavy truck loading zones. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(AddsTraffic Code Section

PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthePresident, Supervisor Yaki assumed the Chair so thePresident couldparticipate in thedebatefiom thefloor concerning thefollowingfour items.

SupervisorNew som Excused from Voting

982 1 32

982 1 33

Superv isor Leno, seconded bySupervisorKaufman, moved to excuse SupervisorNewsom from voting on thefol lowing four itemsrelating to transportation. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman. Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee[AC Transit Relocation]SupervisorsKatz, Ammiano, Yaki, Bierman, Brown, M edina, Leno, Yee, Becerril

Reso lution urging theCity and County ofSan Francisco, theM etropo litan Transportation Commission (MTC)and Caltrans to work cooperatively to retainACTransit busservice at the current TransbayTerminal site.

SupervisorBecerril requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 69-99

ADOPTED by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman. Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused: 1 Newsom

[DowntownCaltrain Station]SupervisorsKatz, Ammiano, Yaki, Bierman, Brown, M edina, Leno, Becerril, Teng

Reso lution declaring it to be the po licy oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco that there be an extension ofCaltrain to a downtown station, a new or rebuilt regional transit term inal be constructed at the present site ofthe TransbayTransit Term inal , and theCaltrain line be converted from diesel to electric propu lsion.

SupervisorsBecerril, Teng requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 65-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused: 1 Newsom

City and County ofSan Francisco I 76 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch I , I 999


9903 62 [Public Hearing]SupervisorsAmmiano, Leno

Hearing ofpersons interested in or objecting to theproposed resolution authorizing temporary closing ofoneblock ofCastro Street, between 1 7th and 1 8th Streets, onApril 4, 1 999 , from am. to p .m., to

commemorate the 20th EasterAnniversaryCelebration ofThe SistersofPerpetual Indulgence.

(Appeal filed February 1 8,Speakers in supp ort: SisterMaryMaeHimm,

KevinShofifRichard Labonti, Eric Keith, JimLachalsie, EdMorgan, Mitchell Thompson, Tim Hail, Dave Jones.

Speakers in opp osition: Patrick Datta, Barry Homerson, LionBamnet.HEARDATPUBLI CHEARI NG.

Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore


At the request ofthe President, Sup ervisorBrown assumed theChair so the President couldparticip ate in thedebatefi'om thefloor concerning thefollowing item.

[Street Closure Permit ]SupervisorsAmmiano, Leno, Katz

Reso lution authorizing temporary c losing ofone block ofCastro Street, between 1 7th and 1 8th Streets, onApril 4, 1 999 , from am. to p.m. , to commemorate the 2oth EasterAnniversaryCelebration ofTheSistersofPerpetual Indu lgence.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo. 1 97-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki.Yee

The President resumed the Cha ir.


City and County ofSan Francisco I 78 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inutes M arch I , I 999


Ernestine Weiss, opposeproposed butterflymuseum location;Dan Richard, BARTPresident; urge continuance ofBay Bridge toll revenuesforMuni;

Edith McMillan, p ublic participation at committee level, p ublic access north side ofGeary, 2 01h and 2 1st

Avenue. agenda p rint size, appointments based on impartiality;J.B. Saunders, racialism;Abdalla Megahed, homeless, safety atM issionRock;David Criswell, California VehicleCode 22 508, ParkingMeterZones notification to California DepartmentTransportation;Female speaker, File 902 028, permit parking,

whether survey was conducted on three streets;Female speaker, homeless hotelprogram;Norman Rolfe, supportsBayBridge toll revenuesforMuni;

Jerrod, homeless issues;

Jefifhomeless issues, police sweeps;JakkeeBryson,

homeless shelter safety, civil rights violation, Ep iscopalSanctuary report;Male speaker, housing, safety at homelessshelters.


Conference w ith CityAttorney Litigation


[Convene in Closed Session]Motion that the Board ofSupervisors convene in closed session with theCityAttorneyfor thepurpose ofconferring with, or receiving advicefiom the CityAttorney aspermitted by Government Code regarding thefollowing litigation:[Sett lement ofLit igation]Proposed sett lement regarding Jones v . San Francisco , et al. US . Disuict Court No . 9 1 -3453-WHO (ClassAction chal lenging the conditionsat Jail #3 in SanBruno), aspermitted byGovernment Code Section

SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Becerril, moved ADOPTION to convene in c losed session. The

motion carried by the fo l lowingvoteAyes: 1 1 Teng, Yaki, Yee , Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom

I 79 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes M arch I , I 999

[ElectNot to D isclose]Motion tha t theBoardfinds that it is in the best interest ofthep ublic that theBoard elect at this time not todisclose its closed session deliberations concerning the above matter.

SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Becerril , moved ADOPTION to not disclose its closed sessiondeliberations. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom,

Teng,Yaki, Yee


9903 1 8

9903 1 9

99032 0

Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. Any Supervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

[Lead Poisoning Prevention Department ofHuman Services]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging theDepartment ofHuman Services to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Health'srecommendations contained in itsAnnual Report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimp lementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.

SupervisorsNewsom, Katz, Brown requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 78-99


[Lead Poisoning Prevention Departments ofPublicWorks/Real Estate]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging theDepartments ofPublic Worksand Real Estate to carry out theDepartment ofPublicHeal th'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to theBoard ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimp lementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.

SupervisorsNewsom, Katz, Brown requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 79-99


[Lead Poisoning Prevention Department ofPublic Heal th ]Superv isorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging theDepartment ofPublic Health to carry out the recommendations contained itsAnnualReport to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effective implementation ofthe comprehensive leadpoisoning prevention program.

SupervisorsNewsom,Katz, Brown requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 80-99


City and County ofSan Francisco Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March I , I 999





[Lead Poisoning Prevention TaxCo l lector]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Tax Co l lector to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Health'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to theBoard ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.

SupervisorsNewsom, Katz, Brown requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 85-99


[Lead Poisoning Prevention Redevelopment Agency]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Katz, Brown

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to carry out theDepartment ofPublic Health'srecommendations contained itsAnnual Report to the Board ofSupervisorsregarding the effectiveimplementation ofthe comprehensive lead poisoning prevention program.

SupervisorsNewsom, Katz, Brown requested to be added as co—sponsors.

Reso lutionNo. 1 86 -99


[State Tobacco Sett lement]SupervisorsNewsom, Teng, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution supporting congressional bipartisan effortsto protect states tobacco sett lements.

Supervisors Teng, Katz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo. 1 87-99


[State Legislation, AB 59 , SB 26 , SB 70 , Aging and E lderly]SupervisorsBecerril, Bierman

Reso lution urging theCalifornia State Legislature and GovernorDavisto approveAB 59 , SB 26 and SB 70 ,protecting the rights ofaging and elderly individuals.

SupervisorBierman requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

ResolutionNo . 1 88-99


Cityand County ofSan Francisco 1 82 Printed at PM on

99 0340




99 0344

Meeting M inu tes M arch I , 1 9 99

[Grant ]SupervisorsBierman, Becerril, Katz

Reso lution authorizing theSheriffsDepartment to applyfora four-yeargrant in an amount not to exceedfrom the StateBoard ofCorrectionsforMental ly I llOffenderCrimeReduction (M IOCR)

DemonstrationProgram; and approving themembership oftheM IOCRStrategyCommittee.

At the direction oftheClerk, clerical correction onpage two, line 2 1 by changing "actiivites to


SupervisorsBecerril, Katz requested to be added as co—sponsors.

ResolutionNo. 1 33-99


[African American Student Honor Ro l l Parade]Supervisors Brown, Newsom, Teng, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution commending the honoreesofSan Francisco Unified SchoolDistrict'sSixth Annual AfricanAmericanHonorRo l l .SupervisorsNewsom, Teng, Katz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 89-99


[TV Warning Label ]SupervisorsKatz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Bierman

Reso lution condemning the proposed homosexual content (HC) TV warning label cal led forby theChristianActionNetwork .

Supervisors Teng, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 90-99


[Sta te Legislation, AB 2 1 2 , CARESProgram]Superv isorsKa tz, Bierman

Resolutionurging theCaliforniaAssembly to approveAB 2 12 which prov idesforthe establishment oftheCaliforniaCompensation and RetentionEncourage Stability (CARES) program.

SupervisorBierman requested to be added as co—sponsor.

Reso lutionNo . 19 1 -99


[Federa l Legislation, HR 573 , Rosa Parks]Superv isors Leno, Brown, Bierman, Becerri l, Kaufman, Katz, Teng, Newsom

Resolution urging the United StatesCongress to approveHR . 573 authorizing President Cl inton to awardRosa Parks theCongressional Medal ofHonor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 6 8-99


City and County ofSan Francisco I 83 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March I , I 999





[Grant, State Funds, Youth Detention Facility]SupervisorsYaki, Becerril, Katz, Bierman

Resolution authorizing theMayor’

sCriminal JusticeCouncil (MCJC) to applyforup to in State(Chapter499 , Statutes of1 998) and Federal (Chapter 2 82 , Statutesof1 997) fundsavailable through the StateBoard ofCorrectionsunder the Juvenile andAdu lt Local Detention FacilityConstructionGrant Program to

construct a localyouth detention facility to replace the existing JuvenileHall facility.

SupervisorsBecerril, Katz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo. 134-99


[Federal Legislation, America'sResources 2 000 Act]SupervisorsNewsom, Yaki, Katz, Leno

Reso lution supporting legislation to use offshore oil resource funding to protect andmaintainAmerica'spubliclands, parksand waterresources.

SupervisorLeno requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 1 93-99


[Grant, State Funds]SupervisorsYaki, Katz, Bierman

Reso lution authorizing theMayor’

sCriminal JusticeCouncil to applyforup to from the StateBoard ofcorrectionsunder the JuvenileCrime Enforcement AccountabilityChal lengeGrant 11 (JCE&ACG)program to implement a local action plan that addresses the needsofyouth who are invo lved in thejuvenilejustice system.

SupervisorsKatz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 35-99


[You th Gun LobbyDay]Supervisors Leno, Newsom, Teng, Becerril, Katz, Brown, Bierman

Reso lution supporting Youth Gun LobbyDay, April 1 2 , 1 999 and commending the San Francisco YouthCommission for its leadership and involvement in Youth Gun LobbyDaySupervisorsNewsom, Teng, Becerril, Katz, Brown, Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 1 94-99


City and County ofSan Francisco I 84 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 1 , I 999



[Aircraft Noise]SupervisorsYaki, Newsom

Reso lution establishing po licy that anynew runway reconfiguration at San Francisco lntemationalAirp ortshall not resu lt in increased noise in San Francisco .

SupervisorBecerril requested this item be severedfor thep urpose ofconsidering it sep arately.

Reso lutionNo. 1 92 -99


Sup ervisorNewsom requested to be added as co-sponsor.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Board ofSupervisorsChambersAccess]SupervisorKatz

Motion directing theClerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors to negotiate with Walt DisneyPicturesfor the terms of

accessand use oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambersforfilming activity,establishing a fee of$5000 per day

foruse oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambersforsuch filming activitybyWalt DisneyPicturesandestablishing that such filming activity byWalt DisneyPicturesshal l not interfere with thebusiness oftheBoard ofSupervisors.

Supervisor Becerril requested this item be removed so she can asked to be excusedfrom voting because ofap ossible conflict ofinterest.


SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySuperv isor Leno, moved to excuse Supervisor Becerril from voting on thismatter. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

SupervisorKatz requested this item be continued to March 8, 1 999.

Supervisor Ka tz, seconded bySupervisor Kaufman, moved that thisM otion beCONTINUED. The motion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused: 1 Becerril

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 8 6 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 1 , 1 999

990360 [BayBridge To l l Revenues for the M unicipal Railway]Superv isorsAmmiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yak i, Yee

Reso lution urging theMetropo l itan TransportationCommissionnot to approve a financing plan for the BayAreaRapid Transit Distri ct'sproposed extension to the San Franc isco lntemationalAirport and M il lbrae thatreprogramsBayBridge toll revenue that wou ld otherw ise be programmed forthe San Francisco Munic ipalRailway.

SupervisorAmmiano requested this item be severedfor thepurpose ofasking it be continued.


SupervisorAmmiano requested thismatter be continued to March 8, 1 999.

Superv isor Yak i, seconded bySuperv isorYee, moved that thisResolution beCONTINUED. Themotion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee


I ntroduced by Supervisors orM ayor


99 0404

[ZoningM ap, 2 6th Street ]Supervisor Leno

Ordinance adopting findingspursuant to theCalifornia Environmental Quality Act forthe 2 6th Streetlive/work project; amending theZoningMap oftheCity andCounty ofSan Francisco forproperty locatedwithin Lot 9 ofAssessor'sBlock 432 7A, betweenCesarChavez Street and 2 6th Street nearDeHaro Street, tochange the propertyuse c lassificationfrom an RH- l One-familyResidential Distri ct to anM - l Light IndustrialDisui ct; and adopting findingspursuant to PlanningCode Section

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Appropriation, Department ofPubl ic Hea l th ]Superv isor Bierman

Ordinance appropriating Department ofPublic Health, from theGeneral Fund Reserve forprofessional servicesandmaterialsand suppl ies to provide increasedmental heal th servicesfor fiscal year1998- 1 999 .

(Fiscal impact .)RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

1 8 7 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors




March I , 1 999

[Environmental lyPreferablePurchasingOrdinance]SupervisorKatz

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode byaddingChapter2 1 F (Sections2 1 F. 1 through 2 1F 1 1 ) to establishan environmental lypreferable purchasing (EPP) program in theDepartment Administrative Services-So lidWasteManagement Program; establishing criteria for evaluating chemically-based custodial, fleetmaintenance, orfacilitymaintenance products ("chemical products") used byCity departments; assessing theCity'suse ofchemical products; establishing apilot program to determ ine the effectivenessofusing preferredchemical products; and recommending to theBoard ofSupervisorswhether to imp lement additional legislationto require all departments to usepreferred chemical products.

(AddsChapter2 1F, Sections 2 1F. 1 thru 2 1F. 1 1 .)

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Public Health and Environment Committee, expireson

[Th ird Assessment AppealsBoard]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode SectionsZB. I through and 2B. 1 3 to create, to setqualificationsforappointment to, and to delineate dutiesofa thirdAssessment AppealsBoard to hear lengthyand comp lex appealsand to makenonsubstantive c larifying revisions.

(AmendsSections2B. 1 through 2B.7 and ZB . I 3 .)

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Ru lesCommittee, expireson

[AdministrativeCodeRevision]SupervisorsKaufman, Newsom

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode Section (corporate seal), Section - 1 (official key), Section(voting requirementsfor commissions) and Section (city officers); by repealing Section - 1

(genderneutral legislation) . Section (F lagsat half-mast on Good Friday); Sections -A and -B

(corporate seal), Section -2 (use ofofficial key), Section (propagation ofgamebirds onCity property),Sect ion (use ofCitypropertyfordecoration), Section (maintenance ofJunipero Serra birthplace),Section (term ination ofproject orprogram authorized byBoard), Section (response to Boardinquiries, Section (contracts ofonemil lion do l lars ormore), Section (credibility ofpetitions),Section ( licensingMuni transit software), and Section (spur tracks) ; by adding a new Sectionauthorizing theRiskM anager to approve ho ld harm lessagreements, and byrepealing Sections

1 2 5- 1 , 1 2 5-2 , 1 2 5-3 , 1 2 5-4, 1 2 5-5, 1 2 5-6 , -8,

- 1,

and (authorizing variousho ld harm lessagreements).

(AmendsSections - 1 , RepealsSections - 1 , -A,

-B,-2 ,

AddsSection RepealsSections 1 2 5- 1, 1 2 5-2 , 1 2 5-3 ,

1 2 5-4, 1 2 5-5, 1 2 5-6 , -8, - 1 ,


ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to RulesCommittee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 88 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch 1 , 1 999

99041 3



99 041 4

99041 5

[Civic Center FacilitiesPlan StudyUpdate]SupervisorNewsom

Resolution requesting City Planning to update itsCivic Center Facil itiesPlanGovernment Office SpaceReport and to expand it to analyze the purchase or lease ofreal estateforsomeCityoffi ceswithinunderservedneighborhoods.

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Children and Families First Commission]Supervisors Leno, Bierman

Resolution urging all San Franciscanswho might fit the qualificationsdelineated inAdministrativeCodeSection to app ly (asmember) to the San Francisco Children and FamiliesFirst Commission.


[Ca lifornia State Fair Exh ibit ]Supervisors Leno, Newsom, Bierman

Reso lution urging theCityand CountyDepartment ofAgricu l ture-Weights andMeasuresto participate in thecountiesexhibit at theCalifornia State Fair


[I mmigrant Verification]SupervisorsBecerril, Katz

Reso lution urging GovernorGrayDavis to rescind ExecutiveOrderW- 1 35-96 and to repeal orwithdrawregu lations to prevent further harm to thousandsofCalifornia residentsand urging the StateLegislature tocontinue critical services to all California residentsregardless ofimmigration status.


[HomelessOu treach, Treatment and Referral Services]SupervisorsBecerril, Katz

Resolution urging the San Francisco Department ofPublic Health to coordinate the prov ision ofoutreach,treatment, p lacement and referral servicesfor the homelessand to enhance the current level ofexistingservices.


City and County ofSan Francisco 1 90 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March I . 1 999

99041 6

99041 7

99041 8

99041 9


[Domest ic Partnership Cert ificates]Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution authorizing the issuance ofhonorary cert ificates to domestic partnerspart ic ipating in theDomesticPartnershipCeremony to be held inCityHall onMarch 2 6 , 1 999 .


[CityHal l Filming]Supervisors Yaki, Teng

Reso lution prohibiting all commercial fi lming oftheCityHall BoardChamberunlessguidelinesare created toprotect its historic featuresand architectural integrityaswell asnot impeding the businessofgovernment .


[Commendation]SupervisorsBrown, Newsom

Resolution commending JoeMosleyforhisoutstanding contributions to ILWU and the community at large.


[Commendation]Superv isorsBrown, Ka tz

Reso lution commending theNew England Journal ofMedicine forpublishing a study on the racial and genderattitudesofphysiciansasan element in the heal th ofAfricanAmericansand women and urging local healthcare providers to exercise greatersensitiv ity in treatingAfricanAmerican and women patients, in particular,and patientsofco lor, in general .


[Proc lamation]Supervisors Teng, Newsom, Kaufman

Resolution congratu lating theWest Portal Avenue Assoc iation on the occasion oftheirannual instal lationdinnerand dec laringMonday, M arch I , 1 999 , to be "West PortalAvenueAssociationDay" in San Francisco.


[ 91 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eetingM inu tes M arch I , I999

99042 1 [Proclamation]Superv isor Ammiano

Reso lution proc laimingMarch .5,'

1 999 asLaw Enforcement Emerald SocietyDay inSan Francisco.



9903 85





[I nterdepartmenta l ParksSafetyCommit tee Update]Supervisor Newsom

Hearing to consideran update on theprogressofthe InterdepartrnentalParksSafetyCommittee.

(Pursuant to Reso lutionNo . 462

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Parksand RecreationCommittee.

[Contro l ler'sAudit, Building I nspection Fund]SupervisorNewsom

Hearing to consider theContro l ler'saudit oftheDepartment ofBuilding Inspection'sBuilding Inspection Fund.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Capita l ProjectsCost Overruns]Superv isor Yee

Hearing to consider the reasonsfor cost overrunsofcapital projectsand to identify eitheradministrative orlegislative remedies to thisproblem.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Paid M aternity Leave]SupervisorAmmiano

Hearing on the fiscal impact ofoneyearpaidmaternity leave foremployeesoftheCity and County ofSanFrancisco and tax incentivesforbusiness that provide oneyearpaidmaternity leave for itsemp loyees.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Chain Store I nflux ]Superv isor Yee

Hearing to consider the influx ofchain stores into San Francisco and the resu lting fiscal and neighborhoodcharacter issuesfor the c ity aswel l as the impact on smal l business.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 92 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 1 , 1 999

990433 [LegislativeAnalyst Analysis]SupervisorKatz

Motion requesting theOffice ofthe LegislativeAnalyst to conduct an analysisofCity programsand po liciesthat impact businessattraction and retention,

inc luding, but not limited to, businessand payro l l tax obligationsand incentives.


I ntroduced by thePresident at the Request ofDepartments


9903 1 7

99037 1


9903 73

[MOU, Transport WorkersUnion, Local 2 00 ]Ordinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to Article IV oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween the TransportWorkersUnion ofAmerica, AFL-CIO and the Transport WorkersofAmerica, Local200 , and theCity and County ofSan Francisco providing foran EmployeeAssistanceProgram through theexpiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU , Local 2 1 ]Ordinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between thelntemational Federation ofProfessional and Technical Engineers, Local 2 1 , AFL-CIOand the City andCounty ofSan Francisco to addAppendix B, entitled Schedu lesofCompensation, for informational purposesand to addAppendix D, entit ledCivil Service Provisions; Glossary, pursuant to SectionVI .C ofthe

Memorandum ofUnderstanding, which providesformodificationsbymutual consent ofthe parties.

(Department ofHumanResources)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Compensation, Locals 790, 535, 250 ]Ordinance imp lementing an agreement adjusting the compensation ofcertain c lassificationspursuant to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the Serv ice Employees lntemational Union, AFL-CIO,

Locals790 ,535, 250 and theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco, to be effective Ju ly I , 1 999 . (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[MOU, Local 790 ]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Section 32 oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween the Service Employees lntemational Union, Local 790 and theCity and County ofSan Franciscoproviding foran EmployeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingin 2 000 . (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEI VEDAND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 94 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes M arch 1 , 1 999

99 0374 [MOU, Locals 250, 535, 790 |Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between theServ ice Employees lntemational Union, Locals250 , 535 and 790 and theCity and County ofSan Franc isco byincorporating Appendix A, which was previously set forth in theAirport'sDepartmental MOU between SEIULocal 790 and theCity andCounty ofSan Franc isco, and which providesfor theAirport to pay the costsofadditional laboratory tests. (Department ofHumanResources)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

9903 76 [Cable Telev ision FranchiseAmendments]Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo. 105-64,

as amended most recentlybyOrdinanceNo. 42 -97 , by amendingSection 25 regarding grantee'srebuild ofthe San Francisco Cable System, byamending definitions in Sections

and and byadding Sections3 1 (i), and (Mayor)

(Companionmeasure to FileRECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Publ ic Utilitiesand Deregu lationCommittee.



9903 65 [Contract Award Extension]Reso lution approvingContract ModificationNo . 2 and granting extension oftime for completion ofHetchHetchyContract No . HH-859 , Moccasin-Newark Transmission L ine TowerPainting, Phase I I . (Public UtilitiesCommission)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

9903 75 [Transfer ofContro l overCable Franchisee]Reso lution approving transferofcontrol overTelev ision Signal Corporation, San Francisco cable televisionfranchise grantee, from Telecommunications, Inc . to AT&TCorporation upon certain conditions. (Mayor)

(Companionmeasure to FileRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Utilitiesand Deregu lation Committee.


1 95 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 1 , 1 999


By Sup ervisorBrown, that letter be sent to theCityAttorney andLegislativeAnalyst requesting informationconcerning what legislationp resently exists to prohibitpanhandling alongfreeway exits, medians and streetcorners and, ifnone, whether it would befeasible to drafi such legislation.

By Sup ervisorBrown, tha t letter ofinquiry be sent to hisHonor, MayorBrown, to determine what servicesdepartments ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco and the non-

profits contracted toprovide services to theCity ’

s homeless community actuallyprovide; such as, 1) whatp ortion ofthe homeless community does agiven City department or non-

p rofit organization target, (2) whatpercentage ofa givenfimding dollaractually goes to providing services to the homeless as app osed to administrative costs, (3) how efi

'ective has

the given department or non-

p rofi t been in assisting its targetp ortion ofthe homeless community, 94) how has

the homeless community it services changed, (5) how has the department or non-

profi t adap ted to suchchanges, 6) what can the dep artment or service do to more effectively combat theparticular aspect ofhomelessness they address?

BySupervisorNewsom, tha t letter be sent to theD irector, Department ofBuilding I nspection, requestinginformation on thefollowing matters: (1) Report on theHousing I nspectionServicesDivision's efi’

orts sinceJanuary 1 998 to monitor and enforce health and safety violations oftheSan Francisco Housing Code,particularly thosemade in consort with the DistrictAttorney and CityAttorneypursuant to Section 2 04 oftheHousing Code; (2) Pursuant to the Controller ’

sJanuary 1 999 audit, rep ort on the adequacy oftheDivision'scurrent andp rojected staffbudgetformeeting current andp rojected inspection duties; (3) Pursuant to theController ’

s audit, rep ort on itsp roceduresfor assessingfeesforBuilding Code violations; and 4) Pursuantto Housing Code Section 9 1 2 , rep ort on its enforcement efforts to ensure that selfi closing doors are installedin hotel guest rooms citywide.

BySupervisorNewsom, that lettersbe sent to theMunicipal and Superior courts requesting information onthe number ofp ublic nuisance abatement actions since January 1 , 1 998, within which maximumpenaltieshave been imp osedfor a prop erty owner ’

s repeated violation oftheMunicipalCode ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco and the number ofpublic nuisance abatement actionssince January 1 , 1 998, within whichconfinement in the subjectp roperty has been imp osed as a condition ofprobation up on convictionformaintaining a substandard building.

By SupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to the CityAttorney requesting information on theCodeEnforcement Team ’

s efi'

orts to monitor and enforce civil violations ofthe SanFrancisco Housing Code sinceJanuary, 1 998 .

By SupervisorNewsom,that letter be sent to theDirector ofPublic Health requesting information on the

Department ’s efforts to monitor and enforce violations ofthe San Francisco Municipal Code by residentialhotel operators.

BySupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to theDistrictAttorney requesting information on the SpecialProsecutions Unit ’s eflorts to monitor and enforce criminal violations oftheSan Francisco Housing Code andallfiledp ublic nuisance abatement actions within which maximumpenalties and/or confinement in the subjectproject as a conditioncfprobation up on convictionformaintaining a substandard buildingp ursuant to theMunicipal Code has been sought since January, 1 998 .

By Supervisor Teng, that CityAttorney be requested to draft legislation on the enforcement ofthe FederalVoting RightsAct, inparticular concerning the imp lementation ofbilingual ballots.

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 96 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 1 , 1 999


There being nofurther business, the Board at the hour of 7p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N B. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSup ervisors on thematters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up .

Approved by the Board ofSupervisors onApril 1 2 , 1 999.

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifythat theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 1 98 Printed at PM on



CityHall, 40 1 VanNess Ave.

San Francisco , Ca. 94 1 02 -453 2


MAY 2 7 1999M d M h 8 , 1 999 PM“y a"

SAN FRANCISCOLegislative Chamber Second Floor PUBLIC LIBRARY

CityHall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett PlaceSan Francisco, CA 941 02 -4689

Regu larM eeting




Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board


2 04-[M M

AUD I TAND GOVERNMENT EFFI CI ENCY COM IVI I TTEE lst TuesdaySupervisorsKaufman, Newsom,

Katz PM


SupervisorsYee, Bierman, AmmianoAM

HOUSING AND SOCIAL POLI CY COMNI I TTEE lst and 3rd TuesdaySupervisorsTeng, Bierman, Becerril AM

PARKSAND RECREATI ON COM IVI I TTEE 2nd TuesdaySupervisorsBrown, Newsom, Leno PM

PUBLI C HEALTH AND ENVI RONMENT COM IVI I TTEE 2md 4th ThursdaySupervisorsBierman, Brown, Yak i PM

PUBLICUTI L I TI ESAND DEREGULATI ON COM IVI I TTEE 3rd TuesdaySupervisorsAmmiano, Yee, Becerril PM

RULESCONI NI I TTEE 2nd 4th ThursdayAM

Supervisors Leno , Teng, KaufmanSMALL BUSINESS, ECONOM I C VI TALI TY AND CONSUMER SER lst and 3rd ThursdaySupervisorsNewsom, Leno, Becerril AM


Superv isorsKat; Yaki, YeeFirst-named Supervisor isChair, Second-named Supervisor isVice-Chair, oftheCommittee.

Vo l ume 94 Number 1 1

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 8, 1 999



99033 1

9902 08

9902 68

[Gertrude Stern v. CCSF, et al.]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofGertrude Stern against theCity and County ofSan Franciscobypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 9 88


[Sett lement ofClaims, Ownership of52 9 and 525HickorySt.]Ordinance approving the sett lement ofunlitigated c laim ofJoshuaK. Clayton andDavid Stoddard Lambertsonfor the ownership ofthe propertyfronting 529 and 52 5Hickory Street, accepting-quitclaim deedsfrom thec laimants, and granting easements to the c laimants. (RealEstateDepartment)

(Companionmeasure to F ile


[American Arab Discrimination Committee, et al. v. CCSF, et al.]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofAmerican—ArabAnti-D iscriminationCommittee, et al. ,against the City and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of

(CaseNo . 93 -6358-RAP.)


[Unlitigated Claim, Nod ie L. Ligh tfoot]Reso lution approving the settlement ofthe unlitigated claim ofNodie L . Lightfoot bypaymentof(City Attorney)

(ClaimNumber 99Reso lutionNo . 2 03 -99


[Acceptance ofG ifts, DPH rLaguna Honda Hospital ]Reso lution authorizing the Department ofPublic Health ,

LagunaHonda Hospital, to accept, sel l and expend agift ofshares ofstock in the value currently estimated at bequeathed to LagunaHondaHospital fromthe BarbaraWylie Trust, to be expended for "

theGeneral benefit and comfort" ofresidents. Also authorizingtheDepartment ofPublic Health , LagunaHondaHospital, to accept and expend a gift of bequeathedto LagunaHondaHospital from the estate ofEnneth Dirovizza for the specific use ofpatients'activitiesonho lidays". (Department ofPublic Heal th)Reso lutionNo . 2 04-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 00 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 8, 1 999

990 1 36

990 1 92

990 1 93

990 1 94

990 1 95

[Appropriation, Mayor'sOffice ofCrimina l Justice]

Superv isorsAmmiano, Becerril, Brown, Teng

Ordinance appropriating from theGeneral Fund Reserve to support the lntergroup Clearinghouseorganizationwhosemission is to provide educationalmaterials, capacity-building and otherservicesfortheprevention ofhate v iolence, through theMayor

'sOffice ofCriminal Justice forfiscal year “

1998- 1 999 .

OrdinanceNo. 36—99


[Court Emp loyeeCompensation]Ordinance implementing schedu les ofcompensation and othereconomic benefits for certain classificationsofpersonsemployed by the SuperiorCourt ofCalifornia, County ofSan Francisco . (SuperiorCourts)OrdinanceNo . 37-99


[MOU, Superior Court -MEA]Ordinance imp lementing the provisionsoftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the SuperiorCourt ofCalifornia, County ofSan Francisco, and theMunicipal ExecutivesAssoc iation. (SuperiorCourts)OrdinanceNo . 38-99


[Court Emp loyeeCompensation]Ordinance implementing the schedu les ofcompensation and othereconomic benefitsfor certain c lassificationsofpersonsemp loyed by the SuperiorCourt ofCalifornia, County ofSan Francisco. (SuperiorCourts)

OrdinanceNo. 39-99


[Court ReporterCompensat ion]Ordinance implementing the economic benefits for certain classificationsofpersons employed by the SuperiorCourt ofCalifornia, County ofSan Francisco. (SuperiorCourts)OrdinanceNo . 40-99


2 0 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 8, 1 999

Recommendations oftheHousing and Social Policy Committee

990 1 56

990 1 98

9902 02

98062 7

[Local Law Enforcement Block Grant ]Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Becerril

Resolution authorizing theMayor oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco to retroactively applyfor, accept,and expend a grant in the amount of from theUS . Department ofJustice to administer the LocalLaw Enforcement B lock Grant Program, and waiving indirect costs. (Mayor)

Reso lutionNo . 2 00-99


[WaterPump Station Relocation]Reso lution approving a waterpump station relocation agreement between theCity and County ofSanFrancisco and the State ofCaliforniaDepartment ofTransportation, which inc ludesan option to purchase aneasement for thenew pump station. (Public UtilitiesCommission)Reso lutionNo . 201 -99ADOPTED

[Contract, DPH University ofCal ifornia]Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Health, Popu lationHealth and Prevention Division,

to enterretroactively into a subcontract in the amount of with the University ofCalifornia, the primary

contractor, to conduct a research study ofinadequate fo l low-up ofmammography abnormalities, whichinc ludesan indemnification clause and patentsand rights in data clausesand which doesnot inc lude patentinfringement indemnification and false c laims clauses; retroactive to Ju ly I , 1 998 . (Department ofPublicHealth)Reso lutionNo . 2 02 -99


[Appointment ]Reso lution appointingmember to theHazardousMaterialsAdvisoryCommittee. (RulesCommittee)

(AppointingA. Steve Smykowski, to succeed SusanGlendening, Seat 14,must represent environmentalorganization, unexpired portion offouryear term ending July 1 ,Reso lutionNo. 1 98-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 02 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March 8, 1 999

Severed From Consent Agenda

9902 84

City and County ofSan Francisco

[Private I ndustryCouncil RefugeeCountyPlan]Reso lution authorizing a release ofreservesofFederalRefugeeFormu laFunds in the amount of to

the Private Industry Council ofSan Francisco, and authorizing thePrivate IndustryCouncil ofSan Franciscoto accept and expend, retroactive to October 1 , 1 998, ofadditional Refugee Formula Fundsand

ofTargetedAssistanceDiscretionary Funds in line with theRefugeeCountyPlan. (Private IndustryCouncil)Sup ervisorNewsom requested this item be severed in orderforSupervisor Brown to be excusedfiom voting.

Reso lutionNo. 2 05-99


SupervisorKaufman, seconded bySupervisor Becerril, moved to excuse SupervisorBrown from voting on thisitem. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

The roll was then called on thepending resolution.

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 TengExcused: 1 Brown

2 04 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 8 , 1 999



98 1 933

98 1 934

99009 1

[Po l ice Department ExecutiveAppointments]Supervisors Leno, Bierman

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCodeSection 2A.76 to allow forappointments to non-civil serviceexempt ranks ofthePo liceDepartment to bemade from the ranksofl ieutenant and above.

(AmendsSection 2A.76 .)

PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

[Po l iceDepartment ExecutiveAppointments]Supervisors Leno, Bierman

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode Section 2A.77 to al low the ChiefofPolice to appoint exempt noncivil service executivesfrom the rank oflieutenant and above.

(AmendsSection 2A.77 .)

PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

[I nterdepartmenta l Jurisdictional Transfer]Superv isorBierman

Ordinance transferring jurisdictionover certain real property located at Drumm Street, betweenClayandWashingtonStreets, described generally asAssessor’sBlock 202 , Lots 6 , 14 and a port ion of1 5, exc luding thesubsurface thereof, and a portion ofAssessor’sBlock 2 03 , Lot 14, from theDepartment ofPubl ic Works to the

Recreation and Park Commission; and providing that no building, improvement orstructuremaybeconstructed on the surfacesofsuch parcelsand adjoiningAssessor'sBlock 202 , Lot 1 8 .

Superv isor Bierman, seconded bySuperv isorNewsom, moved that thisOrdinance beRE-REFERRED to the

Finance and LaborCommittee. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

2 05 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes

990 1 1 5

March 8, 1 999

[Appropriation, Mayor's Office-Peninsu la CorridorsJoint PowersBoard ]

Supervisor Bierman

Ordinance appropriating Mayor'sOffice, General Fund Reserve, to increase the appropriation

amount for thePeninsu laCorridorJoint PowersBoard Agency subsidy paymentsfor fiscal year 1 998- 1999 .

(Contro l ler)

(Fiscal Impact .)

PASSED, ON FIRST READ ING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz .Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Yaki.YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

Recommendations oftheHousing and Social Policy Committee



City and County ofSan Francisco

[Underground District 345, Linco lnWay]

Supervisor Bierman

Ordinance creating Underground District No . 345 on Linco ln Wayfrom Eighth Avenue to 2 6th Avenue.

PASSED, ON FI RST READ ING by the fo l lowingvoteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

[Underground District 346 , Taraval Street ]SupervisorBierman

Ordinance creating Underground Distri ct No . 346 on Taraval Street from 1 9th Avenue to LowerGreatHighway.

PASSED, ON FIRST READI NG by the follovving voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

2 06 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 8, 1 999

990 1 99


[E limination ofthe TelecommunicationsPolicyCommittee]Ordinance amendingAdministrative Codebyrepealing Sections through pertaining to theTelecommunicationsPo licyCommittee. (Clerk oftheBoard)

(RepealsSections through

PASSED, ON FIRST READINGby the fol lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown,

Katz , Kaufman Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

[OffSite Board Meeting,March 2 9 , 1 999 ]SupervisorsAmmiano, Katz, Newsom

M otionmoving to have theMonday, March 2 9 , 1 999 meeting oftheBoard ofSupervisors convened at SouthofMarket RecreationCenter located on 2 70 Sixth Street

,in the South ofMarket neighborhood ofSan

Francisco at p .m.

SupervisorsKatz, Newsom requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

M otionNo . M 99-23

APPROVED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng


990258 [Appeal, Conditional Use, 2 1 6 1 Sutter Street]Hearing ofpersons interested in or objecting to the decision ofthePlanning Commission by itsMotionNo.

14763 , dated January 14, 1 999 , approvingConditional UseApplicationNo . 98 .SO9C, authorizing theestabl ishment ofan 1 8-bed residential carefacilitywith no exterior alterations to the existing building (definedbyPlanningCode Section as

"Other Institution,

Large") forambu latorymentally disordered adu lts inanNC-2 (Smal l-ScaleNeighborhood Commercial) District within an 50-X Height and Bu lk District, onproperty located at 2 1 6 1 SutterStreet, betweenPierce and SteinerStreets; Lot 5 inAssessor'sB lock 682 .

(Appeal fi led February 12 , 1 999 ; categorical lyexempt from environmental review processpursuant to Tit le 14oftheCaliforniaAdministrativeCode; companionmeasure to Files 990259 , 9902 60 ,Thefollowingpersons were recognized: MichelleHagan, appellant; PaulHarrell, property owner.

Ms. Hagan requested this item be continued. I t wasdecided to continue the matter to March 2 2 , 1 999 .

Supervisor Brown, seconded bySuperv isor Yee, moved that thisHearing beCONTINUED. Themotion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom, Yee

Noes: 1 YakiAbsent: 1 Teng

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 08 Printed at 5:0 7PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 8 , 1 999

9902 59

9902 60

990 2 6 1

[Appea l, Condit ional Use, 2 1 6 1 Su tter Street ]Motion approv ing decision ofthePlanningCommissionby itsMotionNo. 14763 approvingConditional UseApplicationNo. 98 .809C, on property located at 2 16 ] SutterStreet betweenPierce and SteinerStreets, andadopting findingspursuant to Planning Code Section (Clerk oftheBoard)Continued to March 2 2 , 1 999.

Superv isor Brown, seconded by Superv isor Yee, moved that th isMotion beCONTINUED. The motion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yee

Noes: 1 YakiAbsent: 1 Teng

(Appeal , Conditional Use, 2 1 6 ] Su tter Street ]Motion disapprov ing decision ofthe PlanningCommission by itsMotionNo . 14763 approv ingConditionalUseAppl icationNo. 98 .809C, on property located at 2 16 ] SutterStreet between Pierce and SteinerStreets,and adopting findingspursuant to PlanningCode Section (Clerk ofthe Board)Continued to March 22 , 1 999 .

Superv isor Brown, seconded bySuperv isorYee, moved that thisM otion beCONTINUED. Themotion carried bythe fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno. Newsom, Yee

Noes: 1 YakiAbsent: 1 Teng

[Findings 2 1 6 1 SutterStreet ]Motion directing theClerk oftheBoard to prepare findingsrelating to proposed Conditional UseApplicationNo . 98 .809C, on property located at 2 1 6 1 SutterStreet betweenPierce and SteinerStreets, for action by theBoard at itsnext meeting. (Clerk oftheBoard)

Continued to March 22 , 1 999 .

Superv isor Brown, seconded by SupervisorYee, moved that thisMotion beCONTINUED. The motion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 9 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown.Katz , Kaufman.Leno ,Newsom.Yee

Noes: 1 YakiAbsent: 1 Teng


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 09 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March 8, 1 999


LoisRoberts, rats in old greyhound station area;

AndySolow, p olice staffing;JustineM Perez, supportAimHigh SummerProgram;Joe, tribute to Joe DiMaggio;Michael Levin, Opp ose commercialfilming in the Supervisors'Chambers;TimDonnelly, lost ofparking due tofilm industryfilming;Jeremy Paul, rental housing conservation,filming industry;JoeMcCune, opp ose 560 Haight Street Theater condominiumproject;JimHouillion, 560 Haight Street Theater condominiumproject;Merrill Buice, immigrant verification;JakkeeBryson, homelessshelter report;Abdalla Megahed, M issionRock shelter;Male speaker, commendsBoard ofSupervisors;NormanRolfe, supp ortsBayBridge toll revenuesforMunicipalRailway.





Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. Any Supervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

[Children and Families First Commission]Supervisors Leno, Bierman

Resolution urging all San Franciscanswho‘

might fit the qualificationsdelineated inAdministrativeCodeSection to apply (asmember) to the San Francisco Children and Families First Commission.

Reso lutionNo . 2 06 -99


[California State Fair Exhibit]SupervisorsLeno, Newsom, Bierman

Resolution urging theCity andCountyDepartment ofAgricu lture-Weights and Measures to participate in thecounties exhibit at theCalifornia State Fair.

ResolutionNo. 2 07-99


[I mmigrant Verification]SupervisorsBecerril, Katz

Reso lution urging GovernorGrayDavis to resc ind ExecutiveOrderW- 1 35-96 and to repeal orwithdrawregulations to prevent furtherharm to thousandsofCalifornia residentsand urging the State Legislature tocontinue critical servicesto all California residentsregardlessofimmigration status.

Reso lutionNo. 2 08-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 1 0 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes M arch 8, 1 999

99042 1


[Proclamation]Supervisor Ammiano

Reso lution proclaimingMarch 5, 1 999 asLaw Enforcement Emerald Society Day in San Francisco .

ResolutionNo. 2 14-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano, Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

[Board ofSupervisorsChambersAccess]SupervisorKatz

Motion directing the Clerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors to negotiate with Walt DisneyPicturesfor the termsofaccessand use oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambersfor fi lming activity, establishing afee of$5000 perdayforuse oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambersfor such fi lm ing activity byWalt DisneyPicturesandestablishing that such filming activity byWalt DisneyPicturesshal l not interferewith thebusiness oftheBoard ofSupervisors.

March I , 1 999 SupervisorBecerril was excusedfrom voting on thismatter.

SupervisorKatz requested thismatter be severed so it could be considered separately.

Motion ‘

No. M99-25


SupervisorKatz moved an amendment ofthe whole.

SupervisorKatz, seconded by SupervisorNewsom, moved that thisM otion beAMENDED,ANAMENDMENT OFTHEWHOLE BEARI NG NEW TI TLE. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 7 Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno. Newsom, YakiNoes: 2 Ammiano , Yee

Absent: 1 TengExcused: 1 Becerril

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 1 2 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 8, 1 999

Motion directing theClerk ofthe Board ofSuperv isors to negotiate w ith Walt DisneyPicturesfor the termsofaccessand use ofthe Board ofSuperv isorsChambersfor fi lming, film preparation and c lean-up activ ity("filming directing the Clerk ofthe Board to consu lt w ith theActing Directorofthe FilmCommission in ensuring that the termsofthe use agreement between theCity andWalt DisneyPicturesareconsistent with theCity'sgeneral practiceswith respect to fi lming onCity property and that such useagreement inc ludesanyadditional provisionsnecessary to ensure proper treatment and protection ofthe BoardofSupervisorsChambers, suspending Rule oftheRu lesofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors that limitsthe use ofthe LegislativeChamber to governmental purposesduring the period ofWalt DisneyPictures'filming activ ity, establishing a fee ofno less than for the first day ofWalt DisneyPictures'fi lmingactiv ity in the Board ofSuperv isorsChamberand a fee ofno less than foreach additional day ofsuchfi lming activ ity in theBoard ofSupervisorsChamber, establ ishing that such, filming activitybyWalt DisneyPicturesshallnot interfere with the businessofthe Board ofSupervisors, andmandating that Walt DisneyPictures'fi lming activity shal l be subject to the special guidelinesforuse oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambers developed by theClerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors, in consultationwith theCityArchitect, theActingDirectorofthe FilmCommission and theCityAttorney.

At the request ofSupervisorKatz, the question was divided with respect to suspending Rule ofthe-Rules

ofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors that limits the use ofthe legislative Chamber to governmentalp urposesduring theperiod ofWalt Disney Picturesfilming activity, so that thematter could be considered separately;see F ile 990440.


Motion directing theClerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors to negotiate with Walt DisneyPicturesfor the termsofaccessand use ofthe Board ofSupervisorsChambersfor filming, film preparation and clean-up activity("fi lming directing theClerk oftheBoard to consu lt with theActing Directorofthe FilmCommission in ensuring that the termsofthe use agreement between the City andWalt DisneyPicturesareconsistent with theCity'sgeneral practiceswith respect to fi lming onCity property and that such useagreement inc ludesany additional provisionsnecessary to ensure proper treatment and protection ofthe BoardofSupervisorsChambers, establishing a fee ofno less than for the first day ofWalt DisneyPictures'fi lming activity in theBoard ofSupervisorsChamberand afee ofno less than foreach :

additionaldayofsuch fi lming activity in theBoard ofSupervisorsChamber, establishing that such fi lming activitybyWaltDisneyPicturesshall not interfere with the businessofthe Board ofSupervisors, andmandating that WaltDisneyPictures'filming activity shall be subject to the special guidel inesforuse oftheBoard ofSupervisorsChambers developed by theClerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors, in consu l tationwith theCityArchitect, theActingDirectorofthe Film Commission and theCityAttorney.

The roll was then called on the mainmotion, as divided.

APPROVED ASDIV I DED by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 7 Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, YakiNoes: 2 Ammiano , Yee

Absent: 1 TengExcused: 1 Becerril

2 1 3 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes March 8 , 1 999



99041 7

[Suspend Ru le for FilmingActivity]SupervisorsKatz, Bierman

Motion suspending Ru le oftheRu lesofOrder ofthe Board ofSupervisors that limits the use oftheLegislativeChamber to governmental purposesduring the period ofWalt DisneyPictures'filming activity.

SupervisorKatz requested thismatter be continued to March 22 , 1 999 .

Superv isorKatz, seconded bySupervisor Yak i, moved that th isMotion beCONTINUED ASDIV I DED. The

motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 7 Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, YakiNoes: 2 Ammiano , Yee

Absent: 1 TengExcused: 1 Becerril

[BayBridge To l l Revenuesfor theM unicipal Railway]SupervisorsAmmiano, Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Reso lution urging theM etropo litan TransportationCommissionnot to approve a financing p lan for theBayAreaRapid Transit District'sproposed extension to the San Francisco lntemationalAirport andM il lbrae thatreprogramsBayBridge to l l revenue that wou ld otherwise be programmed forthe San Francisco MunicipalRailway.

SupervisorAmmiano requested thismatter be severedfor thep urpose ofrequesting it be referred to committee.


REFERRED to the Finance and Labor Committee.

[CityHall Filming]SupervisorsYaki, TengReso lution prohibiting all commercial filming oftheCity Hal l Board Chamberunlessguidelines are created toprotect itshistoric featuresand architectural integrity aswel l asnot impeding the businessofgovernment .SupervisorAmmiano requested thismatter be severed so it could be considered separately.


Superv isor Yaki, seconded bySupervisorKaufman, moved that thisReso lution be TABLED. Themotion carriedby the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 1 4 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 8, 1 999

[BrownAc t F inding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there is aneed to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention ofthe City and County ofSan

Francisco afier the agenda waspostedSupervisor Yaki, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved ADOPTION ofthe BrownAct finding. Themotioncarried by the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

I mperativeResolution


City and County ofSan Francisco

[Commendation]SupervisorsKatz, Leno, Ammiano, Bierman, Kaufman, Newsom

Reso lution honoring the LesbiansofAchievement, Vision and Action (LAVA) for their celebration ofLesbianswho have provided leadership and guidance to our community.

Reso lutionNo . 2 1 6 -99

Supervisor Yaki, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved that th isReso lution beADOPTED. Themotion carried

by the fo l lowingvote:Ayesz-1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Teng

2 1 6 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 8, 1 9 99


I ntroduced bySupervisors orMayor

982 076 [Signs, Banners, Handbil lsRegu lations]Superv isorKaufman

Ordinance amending Po l iceCode by repealingArtic le X, Sections 675 to 679 , inclusive, and 6 85 andArticleX IV, Sections 975 to 984, inclusive; byamending Public WorksCode by addingArt icle Sectionsto inc lusive, to regulate the posting ofsignson commercial and non- commercial streetsand toestablish a registration fee forpersonswishing to post more than 25 signs; by addingArtic le Sections

to inc lusive, regulating the distribution ofhandbil lsand the display ofbannersand to establisha registration fee forpersonswishing to distribute handbills.

(RepealsPo liceCode Sections675 to 679 , 685, 975 to 984; AddsPublic WorksCode Sections to


ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing andNeighborhood ServicesCommittee, expireson

TRANSFERRED to Housing and SocialPolicyCommittee.


ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.


ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[ParkingPriv ileges for Board Members]

Supervisor Brown

Ordinance amending Traffic Codeby addingArticle Sections to grantingmembers oftheBoard ofSupervisors certain preferential parking privileges.

(AddsArtic le Sections to

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing andNeighborhood Serv icesCommittee.

TRANSFERRED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

SUBSTITUTEDASSIGNED UNDER30 DAY RULE to Transportation and Land Use Committee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 1 7 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes March 8, 1 999





[Landlord/Tenant ShareCapital Improvement Costs]SupervisorsKatz, Ammiano, Bierman

Draft ordinance amendingAdministrative Code Section to provide that capital improvement,rehabilitation and energy conservation costs certified pursuant to landlord petition shall be shared 50% by thelandlord and 50% by the tenant(s) in benefited units.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and SocialPo licyCommittee, expireson

[Edgehil l M ountain SlopeHazard Area]SupervisorsTeng, Bierman

Ordinance amending Building Code by adding Section to require the Structural AdvisoryCommitteeto review andmake recommendations on all permit app licationswithin the Edgehil l Mountain SlopeHazardArea, which isgenerallybounded byGarcia avenue, Vasquez Avenue, KensingtonWay, and UlloaStreet andtraversed byEdgehil l Way; amending Section 1 05 to enable theDepartment ofPublic worksand interestedmembersofthe public to select amember ofthe Structural Advisory committee forperm it app lications locatedwithin the Edgehil l M ountain SlopeHazardArea; amending Section to require that the applicant forpermit app lications located within the EdgehillMountain SlopeHazard Area provide substantialdocumentation that there existssufficient infrastructure to support the proposed residential development andthat the proposed emergency accessroutesmeet standards in effect at the time ofthe app lication; amendingSection to require special inspections throughout the construction processforsites located within theEdgehillM ountain SlopeHazardArea.

(AddsSection amendsSectionsASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po l icyComm ittee, expireson

[Resource Efficient CityBuild ing]SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Leno, Katz, Newsom, Yee

Ordinance amendingAdministra tiveCode by addingChapter 82 , Sections thru establishingresource efficiency requirementsforCity-owned facilitiesand City leaseho lds.

(AddsChapter 82 , Sections thru(Companionmeasure to File

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Public Health and Environment Committee, expireson

[Resource Ef ficient Pilot Projects]SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Katz, Leno, Newsom, Yee

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode by adding Section establishing a pilot program to promoteresource efficiency in construction ofselected City-owned facilitiesandCity leaseho lds.

(AddsSection(Companionmeasure to File

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Public Health and Environment Committee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francis co 2 1 8 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors





City and County ofSan Francisco 2 2 0

March 8, 1 999

[State Legislation, SB 9 1 1 ]SupervisorBierman

Reso lution supporting SenateBil l 9 1 1 , the automated external defibrillator- inclusive good Samaritan law and

urging all San Franciscans to get invo lved in life-sav ing activ itiesby learning to recognize the signsandsymptoms ofcardiac arrest, activate the emergencymedical system and learnCPR.


[State Legislation, AB 1 32 ]SupervisorsBrown, Bierman

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Board ofSupervisors to support AssemblyBill 1 32 which exemptshairbraiderswho do not use chemicalsfrom required licensing from theCaliforniaDepartment ofConsumerAffairs.


[Federal Legislation, HR 1 4]Supervisor Leno

Reso lution supporting House Joint Reso lution 14 and urging the one-time shift ofthe federal ho lidayfromDecember 3 1 , 1 999 to January 3 , 2 000 to assist government, businessesand citizenswith reso lving anypotential Y2K computerproblemsarising from the start ofthenew mil lennium providing that the fiscal impacton theCity isnegligible.


[Federal Legislation, HR 9 1 2 ]Supervisors Leno, Katz, Ammiano, Bierman

Reso lution supporting HR 9 12 to movemarijuana from Schedu le I oftheContro l led SubstancesAct toSchedule I I oftheContro l led SubstancesAct in order to provide for the use ofmedical marijuana.


Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting Minu tes March 8 , 1 999


9 90454

99 0455


99 0457

[Human Righ ts]Superv isors Brown, Bierman

Reso lution urging the UnitedNationsHuman RightsCommission and all human rightsorganizationstoinvestigate human rightsabuses in connection with the forced detentions, deportationsand displacements ofpopu lation caused by the Eritrean and Ethiopian conflict and cal lsonEritrea and Ethiopia immediately tobring an end to the vio lence between the two countries.


[Human Righ ts]Superv isorsKatz, Leno, Newsom, Bierman, Brown

Reso lution condemning the hatemotivated murderofBil lie Jack Gaither in Alabama and urgingAlabamalawmakers to inc lude sexual orientation in theirhate-crimes lawswhich current ly onlyaddresshate crimesmotivated by race orreligion.


[CableM odem Platforms]Superv isorKa tz

Resolution urging theCityAttorney and the Department ofTelecommunicationsand Information Services totake all possible action to ensure that Congressand/or the FederalCommunicationsCommission adopt po liciesensuring non

-discriminatory access to the cablemodem p latform.


[SenateConfirmation]Supervisors Teng, Brown, Yaki, Becerril, Kaufman, Newsom, Leno, Ammiano, Ka tz, Yee, Bierman

Reso lution urging forafu l l Senate confu'mation ofBil l Lann Lee as the next Assistant AttorneyGeneral forcivil rights.


[E lectric Bikes and Scoo ters]Superv isors Yaki, Brown

Reso lution support ing the use of Z ap electric bikesand scooters in theCity ofSan Franc isco.


2 2 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes M arch 8, 1 999




99046 1


[I n Memoriam]

SupervisorsBecerril, Newsom, Bierman, Leno

Resolution honoring thememoryofthe late JusticeHarryA. Blackmun and commending him forhisyearsofservice asan attorney and judge; urging theBoard ofSupervisorsto implement and enforce the policiesBlackmun advocated for on behalfofthe vu lnerable and powerless.


[San Francisco, TheCleanest City]Superv isorsBecerril, Brown

Reso lution chal lengingOak land to be the cleanest and greenest City by theBay.



Reso lution commending San Francisco Po liceOfficerChuck Lirnbert.REFERRED FORADOPTIONWITHOUT COMM I TTEE REFERENCEAGENDA ATTHE NEXT


[Commendation]Superv isorsNewsom, Bierman

Reso lution commending El Faro Restaurant and theM issionCounsel onAlcoho l Abuse for the SpanishSpeaking forsponsoring and EdgarRenderosforwinning aCity-wide art contest to design an anti-smokingbil lboard.


[Proc lamation]Superv isorNewsom

Reso lution dec laring March 20 , 1999 asBob BaldocchiDay to commemorateMr. Baldocchi forhisexemp larycitizenship and contribution to ourCity asa lifelong resident ofSan Francisco .


City and County ofSan Francisco 22 2 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch 8, I 999



M otions

99047 1


[CityHeal th Plan]SupervisorYee

Hearing to consider theCityHealth Plan and the increased contributionsfor emp loyee and dependentcoverage.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Underground Parking Garage, Go lden Gate Park ]Superv isorAmmiano

Hearing to consider the unauthorized construction work ofan underground parking garage inGo lden GatePark .

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Parksand RecreationCommittee.

[M ission Alcoho lic Beverage Special Use Subdistrict]SupervisorAmmiano

Hearing to consider the ef ficacy and c larification oftheM issionA l coho lic Beverage Special Use Subdistrict .RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land Use Committee.

[Suspend 30 DayRu le]SupervisorKaufman

Motion suspending Ru le ofthe Ru lesofOrder oftheBoard ofSupervisors to al low the Board ofSupervisorsto'consider, without waiting 30 daysafter its introduction,

an ordinance creating a thirdAssessment AppealsBoard.


[Ru lesofOrderAmendment]SupervisorsYaki, Teng, Katz

Motion amending theRu lesofOrder ofthe Board ofSuperv isorsby adding Ru le to provide guidelinesforfi lming activity in theBoard ofSupervisorsChamber.

(AddsRuleRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Ru lesCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 2 4 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 8. I 999




[Board OffSiteMeet ing, M ay 24, 1 999 ]

Superv isor Yee

Motionmov ing to have theMonday, May 24, 1 999 meeting ofthe Board ofSupervisorsheld atA. P. Giannini

M iddle Schoo l Auditorium, 3 151 OrtegaAvenue, in theOuterSunset Neighborhood ofSan Francisco atp .m.


[Board OffSiteM eeting, September 2 7 , 1 999 ]Supervisor Yee

Motionmoving to have theMonday, September 2 7 , 1 999 meeting ofthe Board ofSupervisorsheld at GeorgeWashingtonHigh Schoo l Mu l ti-purposeRoom, 600 32ndAvenue, in theRichmondNeighborhood ofSanFrancisco at p.m.


[Need le Exchange Emergency]Superv isorsBierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz , Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

Motion concurring in the determination oftheM ayorfor the continued need for the dec laration ofemergencyin connectionwith the needle exchange program.


2 2 5 Primed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes M arch 8 , 1 999

I ntroduced by the President at theReguest ofDepartments




99043 1

[Sett lement ofLawsuit ]Ordinance authorizing sett lement ofthe litigation ofYel low CabCooperative, Inc. v . Board ofAppeals, et al.,and LuxorCabs, Inc . v . San Francisco Po liceCommission et al., by execution ofthe settlement agreement onfile herein. (CityAttorney)

(Yel low CabCorporation v . Board ofAppeals, SuperiorCourt No. 995-839 ; LuxorCabs, Inc . v . S.F. Po liceCommission, SuperiorCourt No . 995

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Landmark Designation, Fireboat House]Ordinance designating the Fireboat House, Pier 22 as Landmark No . 225 pursuant to Artic le 1 0 , Sections1 004 and ofthe Planning Code. (F lam ing Department)

(Planning Commission Reso lutionNo. 1 4775 adopted January 2 8, 1 999, approving the landmark designation;LandmarksPreservationAdvisoryCommitteeReso lutionNo. 51 0 adoptedNovember 1 8, 1 998, initiating thelandmark designation ofthe property and recommending PlanningCommission approval ; Final landmarkdesignation report dated November 1 8,

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Appropriation, Eth icsCommission]Ordinance appropriating EthicsCommission,

from theGeneral Fund Reserve to anOu-LineElectronic Filing Program through a work orderwith theDepartment ofTelecommunication Systems (DTI S)for fiscalyear 1 998- 1 999 . (Contro l ler)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.




[Airport Concession Lease]Reso lution approving the Post-SecurityMasterRetail/Duty FreeConcession Lease in the new lntemationalTerm inal betweenDPSGroup LP , and theCity and County ofSan Francisco , acting by and through itsAirport Commission. (Airport Commission)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Lease ofProperty]Reso lution authorizing the lease ofreal property at 380 1 Third Street, Suite 2 05, fortheDepartment ofHumanServices. (Real EstateDepartment)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee;

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 2 6 Printed at PM on

March 8, 1 999

Motion that theBoard adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofrespect to the memory ofthefollowing deceased:

OcieMaeRogers (Supervisor Bierman)Bertha Bleadon (SupervisorKaufinan)PercyBrown Long (SupervisorBrown)Billie Jack Gaither (By the entire Board)Joe DiMaggio (By the entireBoard)I ra Kulkin (SupervisorLeno)JimBonko (SupervisorLeno)JusticeHarryA. Blackmun (SupervisorsBecerril, Bierman,

A. Robert Baldocchi (SupervisorNewsom)

City and County ofSan Francisco 22 8 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 8. I999


There being nofurther business, theBoard at the hour of p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N.B. TheM inu tes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by theBoard ofSupervisors on the matters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematters were taken up .

App roved by the Board ofSupervisors onApril 1 9 , 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco, hereby certifythat theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approved

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 2 9 Printed at PM on

Meeting M inutes March 1 5. 1 999

Members Present TomAmmiano , Amos Brown,Mark Leno , GavinNewsom, MabelTeng, Leland

Y . Yee.

Members Absent Alicia Becerril, Sue Bierman, Leslie Katz , Barbara Kaufman, MichaelYaki.


TheBoard ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco met in regular session on the above datewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

Themeeting was called to orderat p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisors were noted absent:

Supervisors Becerril, Bierman, Katz, Kaufinan, Yaki 5.


Supervisor Becerril was excused (See infra.)

Supervisor Bierman was excused (See infra.)

Supervisor Katz was excused (See infia.)

Supervisor Kaufman was excused (See infia.)

Supervisor Yaki was excused (See infra.)

SupervisorBrown, seconded bySupervisor Yee, moved to excuse SupervisorsBecerril, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman,Yak i from attending today'smeeting. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote:Ayes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno .Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman.Katz , Kaufman, Yaki


Superv isor Leno, seconded bySupervisorTeng, moved to approve the January 8 and January 1 1 , 1 999 MeetingM inutes. Themotion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 6 Ammiano, Brown, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman,Yaki

23 1 Printed at I AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March I 5, 1 999


990 1 34

9902 09


99033 1

[Simca Harris v. CCSF, et al.]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofSimcaHarrisagainst theCity and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of (City Attorney)

(U.S. District CourtNo . C97-46 14 PJH)

OrdinanceNo . 47-99


[Gertrude Stern v . CCSE, et al.]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofGertrude Stern against theCityand County ofSan Franciscobypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 988

OrdinanceNo . 50-99


[Set t lement ofClaims, Ownership of52 9 and 525 HickorySt.]Ordinance approving the settlement ofunlitigated c laim ofJoshuaK. Clayton and David Stoddard Lambertsonforthe ownership ofthe property fronting 52 9 and 525Hickory Street, accepting quitclairn deedsfrom the

claimants, and granting easementsto the claimants. (Real EstateDepartment)

(Companionmeasure to FileOrdinanceNo . 51 -99


[American Arab DiscriminationCommittee, et al. v. CCSF, et al.]SupervisorKaufman

Ordinance authorizing settlement oflitigation ofAmerican-ArabAnti-DiscriminationCommittee, et al.,against theCity and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of

(CaseNo . 93-6358-RAP.)

OrdinanceNo . 52 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 232 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes March 1 5, 1 999

99033 3

990 1 87

990 1 3 7

990 1 99.

[Underground District 346 , Taraval Street]Superv isorBierman

Ordinance creating Underground District No. 346 onTaraval Street from 1 9th Avenue to LowerGreatHighway.

OrdinanceNo . 54-99


[Grant State]Resolution authoriz ing theRecreation and Park Department to app lyfor, accept and expend agrant for the restoration oftheConservatory ofF lowers, Go ldenGate Park ; a grant for theconstruction ofKing Pool; and a grant forLakeMerced habitat restoration, all received from the

Sate ofCaliforniaGeneral Fund during fiscal year 1 998- 1999 . (Recreation and ParksDepartment)Reso lutionNo. 223 -99


[Lead Hazard Reduction CitizensAdvisoryCommitteeMembership]

SupervisorsBierman, Newsom

Ordinance amending Health Code Section 1 608 to delete subparagraph to correct the number ofcommitteemembers; renumbering subparagraphs and to c larify the intent oftheBoard thatex officio membersare non-votingmembers ofthe committee and whose number isnot to be considered indetermining the quorum ofthe committee; and to makeminor typographical corrections.

[E limination ofthe TelecommunicationsPo licyCommittee]Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode byrepealing Sections through pertaining to theTelecommunicationsPo licyCommittee. (Clerk oftheBoard)

(RepealsSections throughOrdinanceNo . 49-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 34 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervis Meeting M inu tes M arch 1 5, 1 999

Recommendations ofthe Transportation and Land UseCommittee

982 1 41

9900 1 9

9902 64

[Wh ite Zone, 1 2 00 Ca l ifornia Street ]Superv isors Ammiano, Med ina

Reso lution extending the effective hoursofthewhite zone in front of12 00 California Street to 24 hours.

ResolutionNo . 2 1 7-99


[Parking Regu lations, Various Locations]Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulationsat various locations:


Wil low Street, north side, from Po lk Street to 1 00 feet easterly ( 1 00-foot zone)NO PARKING ANYTIME , EXCEPT VEHICLESWITHMUN I PERM ITS ESTABLISH (One-Year TrialPeriod)GenevaAvenue, south side, from 55 feet to 395 feet east ofSan JoseAvenue (340-foot zone)San JoseAvenue, west side, from 80 feet to 490 feet south ofGenevaAvenue (41 0-foot zone) (Department ofPark ing and Traffic)Reso lutionNo . 2 1 8-99


[Weigh t Restrictions]Ordinance amending Traffic Code byadding Sections through establishing aweightrestriction on variousstreets. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(Adds Traffic Code Sections through


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng.Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki

235 Printed at 1 0:1 0 AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch I 5, 1 999




990 1 86

9902 06

[Appropriation, Dept. ofPublic Works]

Ordinance appropriating and cert ifying Department ofPublic Works, fora capital improvementproject (Ashburywaterstorage tank ) to cover ten percent overage asperCharterSectionproviding forratification ofaction previously taken, for fiscal year 1 99 8- 1 999 . (Contro l ler)

PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyesz


6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki

[LeaseAmendment, Airport U.S. Postal Service]Resolution approving retroactive to Ju ly 8 , 1 998 , First Amendment to lease ofAirmail Field Post Officeforincrease in acreage and adjustment to rental to al low for expansion ofthe airmail facility between UnitedStatesPostal Service and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, acting by and through itsAirport Commission.

(Airport Commission)

Reso lutionNo . 222 -99

ADOPTED by the fol lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz ,Kaufman, Yaki

[Airport Revenue Bonds]Reso lution approving the issuance ofup to additional aggregate principal amount ofSanFrancisco lntemationalAirport Second SeriesRevenue Bondsfor the purpose offinancing orrefinancingcertain infrastructure improvementsat San Francisco lntemationalAirport, approving the substitution ofaLetterofCredit for the San Francisco lntemationalAirport Commercial PaperProgram, and approving theextension oftheAirport'sRefundingBond authorization to April 30 , 2003 . (Airport Commission)Reso lutionNo . 224-99

ADOPTED by thefo l lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano, Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz ,Kaufman, Yaki

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 3 6 Printed at I AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March I 5, I 999

990 1 65

9902 53

[Liquor License, 525 Howard Street ]Reso lution determining that the issuance ofa Type 48 on-sale general public premisesal coho lic beveragecontro l license to EddieChing Liu in exchange fora Type 47 license forERA , located at 525 Howard Street,will serve the convenience ofthe people ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco in accordancew ith Section

oftheCaliforniaBusinessand ProfessionsCode.

Reso lutionNo . 22 1 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng.YeeAbsent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki

[Liquor LicenseM odification, 1 795 GearyBou levard, ABC File 42 3 1 9741 ]Resolution denying the request ofremoving ormodifying the conditions imposed on the conditional alcoho licbeverage licensefor ThomasCampbell-Reed, dba Someplace E lse, located at 1 795GearyBou levard inaccordancewith Section 23803

,oftheBusinessand ProfessionsCode.

Reso lutionNo . 226 -99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril, Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki

Recommendation oftheTransportation and Land Use Committee

982065 [Zoning, Liquor Establishments]SupervisorYee

Ordinance amending PlanningCode Section thereof, to prohibit establishments selling al coho licbeveragesfor consumption offofthe premises, subject to specified exceptions, and establishing good neighborpo liciesforall establishmentssel ling al coho lic beverages, in theNorth ofMarket Residential Special UseDistrict

,andmaking a determination ofconsistencywith the priority po liciesofPlanning Code Section


PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki


City and County ofSan Francisco 238 Printed at AM on

Meeting M inu tes March 1 5. 1 999


J. B. Saunders, UCapp licationprocess, Paul Rosenmonth;Jakkee Bryson,

weekly shelter hell report, claimfiled, single room occupancyfires;Edith McMillan, minimum quorum, accessibility ofSupervisors on Friday, roll call, chamber;Eula Walters, oppose building on Ferry Park;Ernestine Weiss, supp ortsmaking Ferry Park a permanentpark;Lynne Elman, oppose 560 Haight Street condominuims;AI Kurz, protect native species ofland animals ofSan Francisco;SteveCurrier, gun sales and shows, Geneva Street car barnpreservation.


Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. AnySupervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.

99 0449 [Sta te Legislation, SB 9 1 1 ]Supervisor Bierman

Reso lution supporting SenateBill 9 1 1 , the automated external defibrillator-inclusive good Samaritan law and

urging all San Franc iscans to get invo lved in life-saving activitiesby learning to recognize the signsandsymptomsofcardiac arrest, activate the emergencymedical system and learnCPR.

ResolutionNo . 22 9-99


990450 [State Legislation, AB 1 32 ]SupervisorsBrown, Bierman

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Board ofSupervisors to support AssemblyBil l 1 32 which exempts hairbraiderswho do not use chemicalsfrom required l icensing from theCaliforniaDepartment ofConsumer

Reso lutionNo . 2 30-99


990451 [Federal Legislation, HR 1 4]

Supervisor Leno

Reso lution supporting House Joint Reso lution 14 and urging the one-time shifi ofthe federal ho lidayfromDecember 3 1 , 1 999 to January 3 , 2 000 to assist government, businessesand c itizensw ith reso lving anypotential Y2K computerproblemsarising from the start ofthe new mil lennium providing that the fiscal impacton theCity isnegligible.

Reso lutionNo. 2 3 1 -99


Q ty and County ofSan Francisco 23 9 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch I 5, 1 999






[Federal Legislation, HR 9 1 2 ]Supervisors Leno, Ka tz, Ammiano, Bierman

Reso lution support ing HR 9 12 to movemarijuana from Schedu le I oftheControl led SubstancesAct toSchedu le I I oftheContro l led SubstancesAct in. order to provide for the use ofmedicalmarijuana.

Reso lutionNo . 232 -99


[Human Righ ts]Superv isorsBrown, Bierman

Resolution urging the UnitedNationsHumanRightsCommission and all human rightsorganizations toinvestigate human rights abuses in connection with the forced detentions, deportationsand disp lacements ofpopulation caused by the Eritrean and Ethiopian conflict and cal lsonEritrea and Ethiopia immediately tobring an end to the vio lence between the two countries.

Reso lutionNo . 233 -99


[Human Righ ts]SupervisorsKatz, Leno, Newsom Bierman, Brown

Reso lution condemning the hatemotivatedmurderofBil lie Jack Gaither inAlabama and urgingA labamalawmakers to inc lude sexual orientation in theirhate-crimes lawswhich current ly onlyaddresshate crimesmotivated by race or religion.

SupervisorBrown requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 234-99


[SenateConfirmation]Supervisors Teng, Brown, Yaki, Becerril, Kaufman, Newsom, Leno, Ammiano, Katz, Yee, Bierman

Reso lution urging for a fu ll Senate confumation ofBil l Lann Lee asthe next Assistant AttorneyGeneral forcivil rights.

ResolutionNo . 2 35-99


[E lectric Bikesand Scooters]SupervisorsYak i, Brown

Reso lution supporting the use of Z ap electric bikesand scooters in theCity ofSan Francisco .

Supervisor Brown requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 36 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 240 Printed at AM on 4/I 2/I 999

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March I 5, 1 999




9903 90

[Proclamation]SupervisorsTeng, Brown, Becerril, Kaufman, Newsom, Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Bierman

Resolution congratulating RonaldW. Wong on the occasion ofhisappointment asChiefDeputyAppointmentsSecretary to GovernorGrayDavis and dec laring Friday, March 1 2 , 1 999 , to be "


"in San Francisco.

ResolutionNo . 242 -99


[DailyM unicipa l RailwayReports]SupervisorAmmiano

Reso lution urgingMuni to furnish daily operationsreports to the Board ofSupervisors.

Reso lutionNo. 244-99


[Need le Exchange Emergency]SupervisorsBierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

Motion concurring in the determination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the dec laration ofemergencyin connectionwith theneedle exchange program.

M otionNo . M99-26


[H .R. 573 CommendingRosa Parks]

Supervisors Leno, Brown, Bierman, Becerril, Kaufman, Katz, Teng, Newsom

Reso lution urging the United StatesCongress to approve HR . 573 authorizing President Clinton to awardRosaParksagoldmedal onbehalfofCongress in recognition forher contributions to thenation.

Reso lutionNo. 22 8-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fol lowing voteAyes: 6 Ammiano. Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril, Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki

City and County ofSan Francisco 242 Printed at AM on

99 0455

99047 1

Meeting M inutes March 1 5, 1 999

[CableM odem Platforms]Superv isorKatz

Reso lution urging theCityAttorney and theDepartment ofTelecommunicationsand Information Services totake all possible action to ensure that Congressand/or the FederalCommunicationsCommission adopt po liciesensuring non

-discriminatory access to the cablemodem platform.

SupervisorAmmiano, on behalfofSupervisorKatz, requested thismatter be severedfor thep urp ose ofreferring it to committee.


REFERRED to the Public Utilitiesand Deregu lation Committee.

[Suspend 30 DayRule]SupervisorKaufman

Motion suspending Ru le oftheRulesofOrder ofthe Board ofSuperv isors to allow theBoard ofSupervisors to consider, without waiting 30 daysafter its introduction,

an ordinance creating a thirdAssessment AppealsBoard.

Supervisor Yee requested this item be severed so it could be considered separately.


FA I LED ADOPT ION by the fo l lowing voteAyes:4 Brown, Leno , Newsom, TengNoes: 2 Ammiano , Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz ,Kaufman, Yaki

Ci ty and County ofSan Francisco 2 43 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 1 5, 1 99 9


Resolution(s) , ifany, to be adop ted within limits imp osed by theSunshineOrdinance and theRalph M BrownAct, introduced today, not on theprinted agenda . For such resolutions to be considered, the Board mustfirstadop t the Serious I njury Finding or thePurely Commendatory Finding and the BrownAct Finding. Eachmotion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is requiredfor the resolution(s) . For suchresolutions to be considered, the Boardmustfirst adop t thefollowing two motions.

[Serious I njury F inding]Motion that the Boardfind thatfor the resolution(s) being considered at this time "

the need to take action issoimperative as to threaten serious injury to thep ublic interest ifaction is deferred to a latermeeting.

SupervisorYee, seconded bySupervisor Brown, moved ADOPTION ofthe serious injuryfinding. The motioncarried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki

[BrownAct F inding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there is aneed to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention ofthe City and County'ofSanFrancisco afier the agenda wasp osted.

Supervisor Yee, seconded bySupervisor Brown, moved ADOPTION oftheBrown Act finding. Themotion carriedby the fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 6 Ammiano , Brown, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Yaki


990492 [State Legislation, AB 238 ]Supervisor Yee

Reso lution supportingAssemblyBil l 238 (Honda) concerning importing and sale oflive animal forfoodconsumption.

Reso lutionNo . 243 -99

Supervisor Yee, seconded bysupervisor Teng, moved that thisReso lution beADOPTED. Themotion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 6 Ammiano , Brown,Leno ,

Newsom,Teng, Yee

Absent: 5 Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman,Yaki

City and County ofSan Francisco 244 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors





March 1 5, 1 999

[Fair HousingRequirements for Variances, Planning Code]Superv isorsTeng, Bierman

Ordinance amending Planning Code, Artic le 3 , Section 305 to provide that, in considering applicationsforvariancesfor "

dwel lings" in which "

protected c lassmembers (each as defined inAdministrativeCodeChapter 87) are likely to reside, the ZoningAdministratorand theBoard ofAppealsshall complywith therequirements ofChapter 87 oftheAdministrativeCode.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social PolicyCommittee, expireson

[FairHousing Requirements for Board ofAppea ls, M unicipal CodePart I I I ]Supervisors Teng, Bierman

Ordinance amendingMunicipal Code, Part I I I , by amending Section 8 to provide that in considering appealsrelated to dwel lings" in which "

protected c lassmembers (each as defined inAdministrativeCodeChapter87) are likely to reside, theBoard ofAppealsshal l comp lywith the requirements ofChapter 87 oftheAdministrativeCode.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee, expireson

[Fair HousingRequirementsfor Permits, M unicipal Code Part I I I ]Supervisors Teng, Bierman

Ordinance amendingMunicipal Code, Part I I I , by amending Section 2 6 to provide that in granting, denying,revoking orrefusing to revoke any perm it related to "

dwel lings" in which "

protected classmembers (each asdefined in San Francisco Administrative CodeChapter 87 ) are likely to reside, the granting orrevoking powershal l complywith the requirements ofChapter 87 oftheAdministrativeCode.

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee, expireson

[FairHousingRequirements for Subdivision Approvals]Supervisors Teng, Bierman

Ordinance amending Subdivision Code by adding Section 1 302A to provide that all decisionsmaderegardingthe control and approval ofsubdivision developments containing "

dwel lings" in which "

protected classmembers


(each as defined in San Francisco AdministrativeCode Chapter 87) are likely to reside, theapp licableCity department orofficial shal l complywith the requirements ofChapter 87 oftheAdministrativeCode.

(AddsSection 1 302A.)

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee, expireson

City and County ofSan Francisco 246 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 1 5, 1 999


99050 1

99 0506

99050 7

[Fair Housing Requirementsfor Permits, Publ ic WorksCode]

Supervisors Teng, Bierman

Ordinance amending Publ ic WorksCode by addingArtic le Section 1 to provide that in issuing permitsfor"

dwellings" in which "

protected c lassmembers (each asdefined inAdministrativeCodeChapter 87) arelikely to reside, theDepartment ofPublic Worksshall complywith the requirementsofChapter87 oftheAdministrativeCode.

(AddsArticle 1 , Section I3/1 5199 , ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee, expireson 41 141 1 999 .

[Fair HousingRequirements for Permits, BuildingCode]Superv isors Teng, Bierman

Ordinance amending Building Code byadding Section to provide that, in issuing permitsfor"

dwel lings" in which "

protected c lassmembers (each as defined inAdministrativeCodeChapter 87) arel ikely to reside, theDepartment ofBuilding Inspection shall complywith the requirements ofChapter 87 oftheAdministrativeCode.

(Adds SectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee, expireson 41 141 1999 .

[ApprOpriation, DPH-Laguna Honda Hospita l ]Mayor

Ordinance appropriating from theGeneral Fund Reserve and from one

time reserve to offset the revenue shortfal l for the current year and fund feasibilityplanning for thereplacement ofthe LagunaHondaHospital forfiscal year 1 998- 1999 .

(Fiscal impact.)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[JurySystem, One Day orOne Trial Program]Superv isorNewsom

Reso lution urging the Judgesofthe San Francisco SuperiorCourt to adopt the OneDay orOne Trial juryselection system as quick ly as possible; the Judicial Counc il to adopt a rule ofcourt to implement Statelegislation requiring "

One Day orOne Trial" with all due haste; the San Franc isco Superior court to place onthe intemet information necessaryforpersons cal led forjury duty; and the State Legislature to budget asneeded to facilitate setting up thissystem.

31 15199 , RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 47 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March I 5, I 999




99051 0

99051 1

[Commu ter Choice Program]SupervisorsAmmiano, Newsom, Bierman

Resolution authorizing theDepartment ofAdministrative/CommuteAssistance Program to create andimplement commuter choiceprogramsenabling employers to offeremployees the option to "


commute-related transportation expensesunderSection 1 32 ofthe IntemalRevenueCode of1 986 , asamended.

31 ] 5199 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Pr0 perty Sale, Alameda CountyParcels 1 6 , 1 6A (Bernal Property) ]SupervisorAmmiano

Resolution dec laring Parcels 16 and 1 6A oftheBemalProperty to be surplus; authorizing theGeneralManagerofthePublic UtilitiesCommission to execute a purchase and sale agreement to transferParcels 1 6and 1 6A to thePleasantonUnified Schoo l Dism'

et ; and adopting findingspursuant to theCaliforniaEnvironmental QualityAct.31 1 5199 , ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Finance and LaborCommittee, expireson 4/1 41 1 999 .

[Commendation]SupervisorsBrown, Bierman

Reso lution commending ReverendPeterWil liamsfor hisyears ofservice to theNeighborhood Baptist Churchcommunity in particular and theCity and County ofSan Francisco in general.31 15199 , REFERRED FORADOPTION WITHOUT COMM ITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA ATTHENEXTBOARD MEETING.

[University ofCa lifornia Admission Po licy]SupervisorsBrown, Teng, Bierman, Leno, Katz , Becerril

Resolution encouraging the University ofCaliforniaBoard ofRegents to considerrescinding its 1 995 voteending any consideration ofrace in university admissions in light ofthe dramatic dec line in admissionsofAfricanAmerican and Latino Students.


[State Legislation, AB 1 00 1 , Fair Emp loyment and Housing Act]Superv isors Leno, Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Bierman, Becerril

Resolution urging passage ofAB 100 1 , an amendment to the FairEmployment andHousingAct to inc ludesexual orientation.


City and County ofSan Francisco 248 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 1 5, 1 999




[UNICEF Day]Supervisors Teng, Brown, Katz, Ammiano, Leno, Yee, Bierman, Newsom, Becerril

Reso lution congratulating the U .S. CommitteeforUN ICEF on the occasion Ofthe Opening OftheirNorthernCalifornia office, and declaring Friday, March 1 9 , 1 999 , to be "UN ICEFDay" in San Francisco.


[Edward Harrington Day]SupervisorsTeng, Kaufman, Brown, Yaki, Newsom, Leno, Katz, Yee, Bierman, Becerril

Reso lution commending Edward Harrington on the anniversary Ofhiseight yearsasContro l lerfortheCityand County ofSan Francisco, and dec laring Friday, March 19 , 1 999 , to be Edward HarringtonDay" inSanFrancisco .


[Bidu Sayao]

Supervisors Leno, Bierman

Reso lution honoring the life ofthe legendary soprano, Bidu Sayao.





City and County ofSan Francisco 250

[Public Access, Educationa l and Government CableChannels]SupervisorAmmiano

Hearing to considerfunding andmanagement OfPublic Access, Educational and Government (PEG) cablechannels.

3/15199 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Utilitiesand DeregulationCommittee.

[Proposed UCSF/Stanford Hospital M erger]


Hearing to consider the effectsOfproposed mergerofUCSF and StanfordHospital and its impact on hospitalstaff, qualityOfmedical services, and the community.

31 15199 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.

Printed at I I AM on 4/I 2/I 999

99051 7

99051 8

99051 9


99052 1


Meeting M inutes March 1 5, 1 9 99

[Resident ial Hotel ]Superv isor Brown

Hearing to considerpossible resources to enable ownersofresidential hotels to upgrade theirbuildingstomake them consistent with the current FireCodes, spec ifical ly the considerationOfa possible loan program.

31 1 5199 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPo l icyCommittee.

[Unreinforced M asonryBuild ing (UMB) Funds]Superv isorsNewsom, Leno, Becerril

Hearing to consider the effectivenessOfthe unreinforcedmasonrybuilding (UMB) ordinance in improving theseismic and l ife safety ofUMB buildings, part icularly residential hotelsand whether theUME program should

be revisited to further incentivize life safety improvements to residential hotelsand otherbuildings.

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPo licyCommittee.

[Affordable Housing, City-owned Property]Superv isors Teng, Ammiano

Hearing to consider the availability ofCity-owned property foruse as affordable housing, in particular, toreplace single room occupancy units.

31 1 5199 , RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[560 Haight Street Live/Work Units]SupervisorAmmiano

Hearing to investigate the proposed construction oflive/work units on 560 Haight Street and its impact onneighbors and the lowerHaight community.

31 15199 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social PolicyCommittee.

[ScannerPricingAccuracy]Superv isorsAmmiano, Newsom

Hearing to consider the issue ofelectronic scannerpricing accuracy.

3/1 5199 , RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to SmallBusiness, Economic Vitality andConsumerServicesCommittee.

[Comprehensive Lead Poisoning Prevent ion Program]Superv isorsBierman, Newsom

Hearing to considerthe plansregarding implementation oftheComprehensive Lead Poisoning PreventionProgram from the fo llowing departments:Recreation and Park Department, Department ofBuildingInspection, Publ ic Library, Department ofPubl ic Works, Department ofReal Estate, Department OfHumanServices, Department ofPubl ic Health, Mayor

'sOffices ofCommunityDevelopment and Housing,

Department ofChildren, Youth and Families, theTax Co l lector, WaterDepartment, the Unified SchoolDistrict, San Franc isco HousingAuthority and the Redevelopment Agency.

3/15199 , RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.

251 Printed at AM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inu tes M arch 1 5, 1 999

M otions

99049 1


99052 4


[Board OffSite M eeting, April 1 9 , 1 999 ]SupervisorsBrown, Teng, Newsom

Motion having theMonday, April 1 9 , 1 999 meeting ofthe Board ofSupervisors convened at the SoutheastCommunityfacility located on 1 800 OakdaleAvenue, in theBayview HuntersPoint neighborhood ofSanFrancisco at pm .

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Ru lesCommittee.

[Board onSiteM eeting, August 9 , 1 999 ]Superv isors Leno, Teng

M otion having theM onday, August 9 , 1 999 meeting oftheBoard ofSupervisorsheld at theM issionHighSchoo l , 3750 1 8th Street, Auditorium Room in theCastroNeighborhood ofSan Francisco .


[Ru les ofOrder Amendment, Joint Schoo l Board/Board ofSupervisorsCommittee]SupervisorsAmmiano, Newsom

Motion amending theRu les ofOrder oftheBoard ofSupervisorsby adding Ru le to create aCity andSchoo l District Committee ofthe Board ofSupervisorsand by amendingRu le to provide that th iscommittee shal l be comprised oftwo supervisorsand two members oftheBoard ofEducation.

(AddsRu le 5 and amendsRuleRECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Ru lesCommittee.

[Waiver 30 DayRu le Bernal PropertySale]SupervisorAmmiano

Motion suspending Rule oftheRu lesofOrder oftheBoard ofSupervisors to al low theBoard ofSupervisors to consider, without waiting 30 days after its introduction, theproposed sale ofParcels 1 6 and1 6A oftheBemal Property (A lamedaCounty).


City and County ofSan Francisco 252 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 1 5, 1 999



[Sett lement ofLawsuit ]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofVictoriaLee, aminor, by and through herGuardianAd LitemGan SueyLee against theCity and County ofSan Francisco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 993

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Set t lement Agreement ]Ordinance authorizing settlement ofc laimswith TanyaMeyersrelating to Ms. Meyers

'emp loyment with the

Public TransportationDepartment in the amount ofEighty FiveThousand Dollars (CityAttorney)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

F I LED. Resolution substituted (on the advice oftheCityAttorney an unlitigated c laim doesn't needto be an ordinance) .






[Public L ibrarySupp lementa l Appropriation State Funds]Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Public Library to accept and expend a total of from the

California State Library, Public Library FoundationProgram, augmenting the fiscal year 1 998- 1 999 budgetwith a supp lemental appropriation of$48 I ,000 . (Public Library)

(Companionmeasure to FileRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[M arineTerminal Agreement, Port M aruba

Reso lution authorizing thePort ofSan Francisco to ho ld Maruba S.C.A. harmlessfrom all c laimsarising fi'oman agreement with the San Francisco Port Commission foruse ofmarine terminal facilitiesat Pier 80 . (Port)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Grant -State]Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofHuman Services to accept and expend a grant in the amount of

from theCalifornia StateDepartment ofHeal th Servicesfora targetedMedi-Cal outreach project.(Department ofHuman Services)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Heal th and Environment Committee.

[Grant State]Resolution authorizing the Sheriff‘ sDepartment , Adult Probation, and JuvenileProbation Department oftheCity and CountyofSan Francisco to applyfor, retroactively, accept and expend in fundsfrom the

State ofCaliforniaBoard ofCorrectionsfor the Standards and Training ofLocal Correctionsand ProbationOfficersPrograms; stipulating adherence to standardsforrecruitment and training established by theBoard ofCorrections, waiving indirect costs. (Sheriff)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPo licyCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 254 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 1 5, 1 999


BySupervisor Leno. that letter be sent to the CityAttorney requesting legislation be drafted which wouldrequire vendors to issue itemized receip ts.

BySupervisor Leno, that letter ofinquiry be sent to the Director, Department ofPublic Works, to ascertain theprocedurefor installing a p laque at CityHall commemorating Supervisor HarveyMilk in the hallway near theClerk

'sOflice ofthe Board ofSupervisors.

BySupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to the PoliceChiefandDistrictAttorney requesting informationregarding the number ofcitations issued and number ofprosecutions related to pedestrian and bicycle injuriesresultingfi'ommoving vehicle violations.

BySupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to theBudgetAnalyst requesting review oftheprop osed PublicUtilitiesCommission cap ital improvementprogram management contract to determine ifcontracting outmanagementfitnctions will result in savings and/or decreased oversight ofexpenditures compared tomanaging the cap ital improvementprogram with existing and/or new Citystafif

BySupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to theCityAttorney requesting legislation be drafted which wouldprovide increased inspections by theDepartment ofAgriculture, Weights andMeasures to minimizepricingerrors by electronic scanners.

BySupervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to theSmall BusinessAdvisory Commission requesting that theCommission hold hearings on the issue ofelectronic scannerpricing accuracy. File 99052 1 .

Motion that theBoard adjourn itsmeeting this date out ofrespect to the memory ofthefollowing deceased:

Andrew Katten (SupervisorsKaufinan, Bierman)Thomas Hang Gee (Supervisor Teng)Bidu Sayao (SupervisorLeno)Jennifer Davis (By the/i1 11 Board)YehudiMenuhin (Supervisor Leno)Albert Pollack (Supervis orKaufman)Ethel Garlington (Supervisor Brown)Marvin Warren (By thefitllBoard)

255 Printed at AM on

M arch 1 5, 1 999


There being nofurther business, the Board at the hour of3 :51 p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

NB. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by theBoard ofSupervisors on the mattersstated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematters were taken up .

Approved by theBoard ofSupervisors onApril 2 6, 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifi/

that theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 56 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 22 , 1 999

Members Present TomAmmiano, Alicia Becerril, Sue Bierman,Amos Brown,

Leslie Katz ,Barbara Kaufman,

Mark Leno , GavinNewsom, MabelTeng, MichaelYaki,Leland Y. Yee.


The Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco met in regular session on the above datewith President TomAmmiano presiding.

Themeeting was called to order at 2 :00 p .m. On call ofthe roll, thefollowing Supervisorswere noted absent:

Supervisors Becerril, Brown, Katz 3 .

Supervisor Becerril was notedpresent at p .m.

Supervisor Brown was noted present at p .m.

Supervisor Katz was notedpresent at p .m.


Superv isorKaufman, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved to approve the January 1 9 , 1 999 MeetingM inutes.The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom.Teng, Yaki, Yee

Privilgge ofthe Floor

Superv isor Teng, seconded bySupervisor Bierman, moved to suspend Rule oftheRules ofOrder ofthe BoardofSuperv isors to grant privilege ofthefloor to the fo l lowing guests. The motion carried by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano . Bierman. Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Becerril

2 57 Printed at 5:0 7 PM on

Meeting Minutes

W omen'sHistogyM onth


WomanMaking History Awards Ceremony honoring various womenforlifefor thepeop le ofSanFrancisco.

Mayor'sAward: JaniceM irikitani;

PresidentAmmiano: Martina Gillis;SupervisorBrown: Raye Gilbert Richardson;SupervisorBecerril: Tracy Brown;SupervisorBierman: JaneMorrison;

SupervisorKatz: CatherineMuther;SupervisorKaufinan: I sabel Wade;SupervisorLeno: Assemblywoman CaroleM igden;SupervisorNewsom: FeysanLodde;Supervisor Teng: BeckieMasaki,

Supervisor Yaki; AmyMeyer;Supervisor Yee: Nancy Lim Yee.

TheBoard, at thehour of 4p .m. , took a briefrecess.

Reconvening oftheBoard

TheBoard, at the hour of 6 p .m.,reconvened.

M arch 22 , 1 999


Supervisor Yaki introduced and welcomed his relativesfiom I taly, Karen and Bruno Paniale.


990246 [Appropriation, Dept. ofPublic Works]

Ordinance appropriating and certifying Department ofPublic Works, for a capital improvementproject (Ashburywaterstorage tank ) to cover tenpercent overage asperCharterSectionproviding forratification ofaction previously taken, forfiscal year 1 998- 1 999 . (Contro l ler)OrdinanceNo . 56-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 258 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors


March 22 , 1 999

[Zoning, Liquor Establishments]SupervisorYee

Ordinance amending Flam ingCode Section thereof, to prohibit establishmentsselling al coho licbeveragesfor consumption offofthe premises, subject to specified exceptions, and establishing good neighborpoliciesforall establishmentssel ling alcoho lic beverages, in theNorth ofMarket Residential SpecialUseDistrict, andmak ing a determination ofconsistencywith thepriority po liciesofPlanningCode Section

990264 [Weight Restrictions]Ordinance amending Traf fic Code by adding Sections through establishing a weightrestriction on variousstreets. (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(Adds Traffic Code Sections throughOrdinanceNo . 57-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom Teng,

Yaki, Yee




City and County ofSan Francisco 2 60 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 22 , 1 999


99 0244

99028 1


[Appropriat ion, District Attorney]Ordinance appropriating District Attorney, ofFederal and StatePublic Assistance to fund theNonCustodial Parent (NCP) Project that providesemployment and training services to unemployed non custodialparents whose children are recipientsofpublic assistance, forthe creation ofone ( 1) position forfiscal year1 998- 1 999 . (Contro l ler)

(Companionmeasure to FilePASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fol lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano. Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Publ ic Emp loyment ]Ordinance amendingOrdinanceNo. 243-98 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 998 reflecting the creationoneposition (Class 8 159 FamilySupport Investigator I I I ), in theDistrict Attorney'sOffi ce. (Department ofHumanResources)

(Companionmeasure to FilePASSED, ON FIRST READ ING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano . Becerril. Bierman. Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki.Yee

[MOU, IronWorkers, Local 377Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Article 1 1 1 .E oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the lntemationalAssociation ofBridge, StructuralOrnamental, Reinforced IronWorkers, Riggers andMachineryMovers, Local 377 and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, providingadditional compensation forPort employees oftheMaintenanceDepartment inClassification 9346 FusionWelder, who are assigned to work in watch-standing, maintenance and/orrepair ofcontainer cranesforallhoursactual lyworked in cranesat the crane site, effective July 1 , 1 999 through the remaining term ofthe

Memorandum ofUnderstanding. (Department ofHuman Resources)PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fol lowing vote


Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril. Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki.Yee

[MOU, Lo ca l 2 1Ordinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween thelntemational Federation ofProfessional and Technical Engineers, Local 2 1 , AFL-CIO, and theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco to provide a internal adjustment forClass9395, Assistant RentalManagerfor

the time period beginning Ju ly 1 , 1999 . (Department ofHuman Resources)PASSED, ONFI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano. Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

t and County ofSan Francisco 2 6 1 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes M arch 2 2 , 1 999

9903 7 1


9903 74


[MOU, Local 2 1 ]

Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between thelntemational Federation ofProfessional and TechnicalEngineers, Local 2 1 , AFL-CIO and theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco to addAppendix B, entit led SchedulesofCompensation, for informational purposes,and to addAppendix D , entit ledCivil ServiceProvisions; Glossary, pursuant to SectionV I .C ofthe

Memorandum ofUnderstanding, which providesformodificationsbymutual consent ofthe parties.

(Department ofHumanResources)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano. Becerril , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Compensation, Loca ls 790, 535, 250 ]Ordinance imp lementing an agreement adjusting the compensation ofcertain c lassificationspursuant to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between the ServiceEmployees lntemational Union,

AFL-CIO,Locals 790 ,

535, 250 and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, to be effectiveJuly I , 1 999 . (Department ofHumanResources)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[MOU , Loca ls250, 535, 790 ]Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between theService Emp loyees lntemational Union, Locals250 , 535 and 790 and theCity and County ofSan Francisco byincorporatingAppendix A, which waspreviously set forth in theAirport'sDepartmental MOU between SE IU,Local 790 and theCity andCountyofSan Francisco, and which providesfor theAirport to pay the costsofadditional laboratory tests. (Department ofHumanResources)PASSED, ON FI RST READ ING by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz .Kaufman, Leno, Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

[Grant, Federal Funds, Lead Based Paint Hazard Contro l Program]SupervisorsBierman, Newsom

Reso lution authorizing theMayor (Director, Mayor'sOffice ofHousing) to accept and expend agrant from the

U .S. Department ofHousing and UrbanDevelopment for lead-based paint hazard contro l in a total amount notto exceed which include indirect costs ofSupervisorNewsom requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 245-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerri l , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng,

Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 62 Printed at 5:0 7 PM on

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inu tes M arch 22 , 1 999




(Appeal, Conditional Use, 2 1 6 1 Sutter Street ]Hearing ofpersons interested in orobjecting to the decision ofthePlanningCommissionby itsMotionNo.

14763 , dated January 14, 1 999, approvingConditionalUseApp licationNo . 98 .809C, authorizing theestablishment ofan 1 8-bed residential carefacility with no exterioralterations to the existing building (definedbyPlanningCode Section as Other Institution, Large") for ambulatorymental ly disordered adults inanNC-2 (Smal l-ScaleNeighborhoodCommercial) District within an 50-X Height and Bulk District, onproperty located at 2 16 1 SutterStreet, betweenPierceand SteinerStreets; Lot 5 inAssessor’sBlock 682 .

(Appeal fi led February 1 2 , 1 999 ; categorically exempt from environmental review processpursuant to Title 14oftheCaliforniaAdministrativeCode; companionmeasure to Files 9902 59 , 990260 ,Thefollowingpersons were sworn in and grantedprivilege ofthefloor:

Appellants: M ichelleHagan; DanielBerkeley; EdKramer; DavidRosenthal; HowardAsh; JanBalaski.

Resp ondents: Gerald Green, Director, Planning Dep artment; Paul Harrell; BobPlanthold; Mark Fleishman;

SydneyLam, Department ofPublic Health; Louise Vaughn; EarsieHarrell.

A rebuttalperiod was allowed.

ThePresident then declared the hearingclosed.


[Appeal, Conditional Use, 2 1 6 1 Sutter Street]Motion approving decision ofthe PlanningCommission by itsM otionNo. 14763 approvingConditional UseApp licationNo . 98 .809C, on property located at 2 1 6 1 SutterStreet between Pierce and SteinerStreets, andadopting findingspursuant to Planning Code Section (Clerk oftheBoard)Supervisor Yaki requested this item be continued to April 5, 1 999 .

SupervisorYaki, seconded bySupervisorBrown, moved that thisM otion beCONTINUED. Themotion carried bythe fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Kaufman

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 64 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 2 2 , 1 999

990 260

99026 1

[Appea l, Cond it ional Use, 2 1 6 1 Sutter Street ]Motion disapprov ing dec ision ofthe PlanningCommissionby itsMotionNo . 14763 approv ingConditionalUseAppl icationNo . 98 .809C, on property located at 2 16 1 SutterStreet betweenPierce and SteinerStreets,and adopting findingspursuant to PlanningCode Section (Clerk oftheBoard)

SupervisorKatz , seconded by Supervisor Bierman, moved to amend by inserting thefollowing language:approving granting a conditional usepermit subject to conditions imposed by Planning Commission andadditional conditions that "theDepartment ofHuman Services and the Department ofBuilding I nspectionshall conduct regular andperiodic inspections of2 1 6 1 SutterStreet, and shall take all actions necessary toenforce comp liance by the app licant with all City laws which app ly to the operation ofthisfacility.

Supervisor Yaki requested this item be continued, with pending amendment, toApril 5, 1 999 .

Superv isor Yak i, seconded bySupervisor Brown, moved that thisM otion beCONTINUED. The motion carried bythefol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano . Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Kaufman

[Findings 2 1 6 1 Sutter Street ]Motion directing theClerk oftheBoard to prepare findingsrelating to preposed Conditional UseApp licationNo. 98 .809C, on property located at 2 1 6 1 SutterStreet betweenPierce and SteinerStreets, foraction by theBoard at its next meeting. (Clerk oftheBoard)

Supervisor Yaki requested this item be continued to April 5, 1 999 .

Superv isorYak i, seconded by Superv isor Brown, moved that thisM otion beCONTINUED. The motion carried bythe fol lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz . Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Kaufman


Appointment ofPresident Pro Tempore

At the request ofthe President, SupervisorsKatz and Yaki assumed the Chair at difi‘

erent timesfor a briefmoment.

The President resumed theCha ir shortly thereafter.

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 65 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 22 , 1 999


Ernestine Weiss, Blocks 2 02 and 2 03jurisdictional transfer;J. B. Saunders, HumanRightsCommission rep ort on contracts;BobPlanthold, accessibility issues at CityHall cafeteria;JakkeeBryson, hearing onEp iscopal Sanctuary, MarianResidencefor Women,

Abdalla Megahed, mice, 49er stadium, homeless;

Robert O'Malley, adap t San Francisco 49ers name;PatriciaKatie, urge changing Castro Street closing date;Male speaker, outdoor resident, citationsfor sleep ing inpark;Rodney, street closure, liquor license.





Thesemeasures are introducedfor adop tion without committee reference. A unanimous vote is requiredforadop tion ofa resolution today. Any Supervisormay require any resolution to go to committee.

[Commendation]SupervisorsBrown, Bierman

Reso lution commendingReverend PeterWil liamsforhisyearsofservice to theNeighborhood Baptist Churchcommunity in particular and the Cityand County ofSan Francisco in general.SupervisorBierman requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 51 -99


[UNICEF Day]SupervisorsTeng, Brown, Katz,Ammiano, Leno, Yee, Bierman, Newsom, Becerril

Reso lution congratu lating theU .S. Committee forUNICEF on the occasion ofthe opening oftheirNorthernCalifornia office, and dec laring Friday, March 1 9 , 1 999 , to be "UNICEF Day" in San Francisco .

SupervisorsBierman, Newsom, Becerril requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 252 -99


[Edward Harrington Day]SupervisorsTeng, Kaufman, Brown, Yaki, Newsom, Leno, Katz, Yee, Bierman, Becerril

Resolution commending Edward Harrington on the anniversary ofhiseight yearsasContro l lerfor theCityandCounty ofSan Francisco , and declaring Friday, March 1 9 , 1 999 , to be Edward HarringtonDay" in SanFrancisco .

SupervisorsBierman, Becerril requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 253 -99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 66 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 22 , 1 999

99051 4

99051 6

99052 6


[State Legislation, AB 592 , JuryDutyCompensation]SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman, Leno, Katz

Reso lution support ingAB 592 , which wil l, in part, treble the daily compensation paid to jurors and requirecourts to reimbursejurorsfor child care.

Sup ervisorsBierman, Leno, Katz requested to be added as co—sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 2 59-99


[Unionized Cu linaryCatering Establishments and Workers]

SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution urgingCity departments to adopt apo licywhich utilizesunionized culinaryworkers and unionizedcatering establishments duringCity sponsored banquets, receptions, conventionsand otherspecial events.

SupervisorsBierman, Katz requested to be added as co—sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 2 60-99


[Commendation]SupervisorsAmmiano, Bierman, Kaufman

Commending Marilyn Cosentino upon herretirement forheruntiring dedication and 27 years ofpublic serviceto theCity and County ofSan Francisco .

SupervisorsBterman, Kaufinan requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Reso lutionNo . 2 6 1 -99


[Waiver 30 DayRu le Berna l PropertySale]SupervisorAmmiano

Motion suspending Ru le oftheRu lesofOrder oftheBoard ofSupervisors to al low theBoard ofSupervisors to consider, without waiting 30 daysafter its introduction, the proposed sale ofParcels 1 6 and1 6A oftheBemal Property (A lamedaCounty).MotionNo . M 99-30


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,

Leno, Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 68 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 22 , 1 999


990 51 5

[Suspend Ru le for Filming Activity]Superv isorsKa tz, Bierman

Motion suspendingRule oftheRulesofOrderoftheBoard ofSupervisors that limits the use oftheLegislativeChamberto governmental purposesduring theperiod ofWalt DisneyPictures'fi lming activity.

Supervisor Yee requested thismatter be severedfor thep urpose ofconsidering it separately.

MotionNo . M99 -2 9


Supervisor Bierman requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

APPROVED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 8 Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom.Teng, YakiNoes: 2 Ammiano , Yee

Excused : 1 Becerril

[Census 2 000 Comp leteCount Committee]Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution endorsing the censusCompleteCount Committee'swork in developing and coordinating a strategicp lan in all San Franciscans in the 2 000 census.

Supervisor Teng requested thismatter be severedfor thep urp ose ofrequesting the title be corrected on theagenda and continued to March 2 9 , 1 999 .


SupervisorsBierman, Katz requested to be added as co-sp onsors.

Supervisor Teng, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved that thisResolution beCONTINUED. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown. Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

2 6 9 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 22 , 1 999


Resolution(s) , ifany, to be adop ted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and theRalph M . BrownAct, introduced today, not on theprinted agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, theBoardmustfirstadop t the Serious I njury Finding or thePurely Commendatory Finding and theBrownAct Finding. Eachmotion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is requiredfor the resolution(s) . For suchresolutions to be considered, theBoard mustfirst adop t thefollowing two motions.

[Purely Commendatory Finding]Motion that the Boardfind that the resolution(s) being considered at this time arep urely commendatory.

Supervisor Teng, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved ADOPTION ofthe commendatory finding. Themotioncarried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano, Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 1 Yaki

[BrownAct Finding]Motion that the Boardfind by roll call vote thatfor the resolutions being considered at this time there is aneed to take immedia te action and the need to take action came to the attention ofthe City and County ofSanFrancisco after the agenda wasposted.

Supervisor Teng, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved ADOPTION oftheBrownAct finding. The motioncarried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 1 Yaki

I mperativeResolution

990536 [Commendation]SupervisorKatz

Reso lution honoring the leadership, work ethic, humanitarianism and compassion ofRebeccaBenoit.ResolutionNo . 2 62 -99

Supervisor Teng, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved that thisReso lution beADOPTED. The motion carriedby thefol lowing vote

Ayes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yee

Absent: 1 Yaki

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 70 Printed at 5:0 7 PM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 22 , 1 999





[M ission A lcoho lic Beverage Special Use Subdistrict Amendments]SupervisorYee

Ordinance amending Planning Code Section 78 1 .8(a) to clarify the purpose ofthe section, to define newestablishment, to define ceases to operate, to prohibit the transferofestablishments outside the distri ct to alocation within the district, to establishing good neighborpo liciesforall establishments sel ling alcoho licbeverages in theM issionA lcoho lic Beverage Special Use Subdistrict, andmaking a determination ofconsistencywith the priority po licies ofPlanning Code Section

(AmendsSectionASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to SmallBusiness, Economic Vitalityand ConsumerServices

Comm ittee, expireson Transmitted to Planning Commission forpublic hearing andrecommendation.

[You th ServicesContractsSensitivity Training]SupervisorsAmmiano, Leno, Katz, Bierman

Ordinance amendingAdministrativeCode byadding Chapter I ZN Sections I 2N . I through Section I ZN .4,to

require that all contractsbetween theCity and organizations that engage in youth services contain arequirement that such organization provide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendersensitivity training foranyemployee orvo lunteerwho hasdirect contact with youth orwhose work directly effectsyouth , and that anyCity emp loyee who has direct contact with youth orwhose work directly effectsyouth undergo lesbian, gay,

bisexual and transgender sensitivity training.

(AddsChapter 12N, Sections 1 2N. l through Section I ZN.4.)ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Pol icyCommittee, expireson

[Federal Legislation, S. 594; HR 1 03 7 , AmmunitionClips]Supervisors Leno, Yaki, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution urging theUnited StatesCongressto approve S. 594 and HR 1 037 banning the importation ofhighcapacityammunition clips into the United States.


[State Legislation, AB 51 8 , Need le and Syringe Exchange Projects]SupervisorsNewsom, Katz, Bierman, Leno

Reso lution supportingAB 51 8 to authorize cities and counties to develop c leanneedle and syringe exchangeprojectsand to authorize project pharmacists, physicians, and othersto fumish hypodermic needlesandsyringeswithout a prescription orpermit .


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 72 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 2 2 , 1 999

990 549






[JoseMed ina Nomination]Superv isors Teng, Leno, Becerril , Kaufman, Brown, Yaki, Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee, Bierman

Reso lutionurging theRulesCommittee oftheCal ifornia State Senate to approve the nomination ofJoseMedina asDirectoroftheCaliforniaDepartment ofTransportation.


[Sierra Nevada Forest Planning]Superv isorsNewsom, Katz

Reso lution urging the United StatesForest Service to adept a wel l considered p lan forthe elevennationalforests in the Sierra Nevada region.


[G ift Acceptance, Recreation and ParksDepartment ]Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz

Resolution accepting two gifts in the amount of each from theAmerican Guild ofMusical Artists andthe Friends ofRecreationandParks to fund public performances in the Joseph L . Alioto PerformingArtsPiazza fromMay to Octoberof1 999 .


[Street ClosurePermit, Castro Street ]SupervisorsBecerril, Brown

Resolution amending Reso lutionNo . 1 97-99 which authorized the temporary closing ofportion ofCastroStreet onApril 4, 1 999 , by changing the approved date ofc losure to Apri l 1 1 , 1 999


[San Francisco Schoo l Diversity]SupervisorsBecerril, Bierman, Ka tz

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Schoo l Board and Superintendent ofSchoo ls to maintain diversity andequal opportunity in schools.


[Pacific Bell 41 1 Rate I ncrease]Superv isor Bierman

Reso lution opposing Pacific Bell's4 1 1 rate increase.


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 73 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 2 2 , 1 999






[San Francisco Sta te University 1 00 th Anniversary]Supervisors Leno, Katz, Brown, Kaufman, Ammiano, Becerril, Bierman, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Reso lution celebrating the 100th Anniversary ofSan Francisco State Universityand recognizing itscontributions to the San Francisco BayArea.



SupervisorsTeng, Katz

Reso lution commending BeckieMasak i forheroutstanding and tirelesswork on behalfofvictimsofdomesticvio lence and declaringM onday, March 22 , 1 999 , "BeckieMasakiDay


[TakeOurDaughters to Work Day]

Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Leno, Katz

Reso lution commending the TakeOurDaughtersTo Work Day and urging allCitydepartmentstoencourage their staffto bring their daugh tersto work , to set up educational seminarsforyoung women withdepartmental staffand providemeaningful tasksforyoung womenwho come to work onApril 2 2 , 1 999 .



Supervisor Bierman

Reso lution commending John Barberfordistinguished service asDirectorofthe ParkingAuthorityoftheCityandCounty ofSan Francisco.


[National Community Development Week ]

SupervisorsBierman, Katz

Reso lution expressing appreciation and thanksduringNational CommunityDevelopmentWeek to all the

community partnersand City staffwhose hard work and devotion help insure the qualityand effectivenessofourCommunityDevelopment Block Grant program.


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 74 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting Minu tes M arch 22 , 1 999

99 0566 [Need le Exchange Emergency]supervisorsBierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

Motion concurring in the determination oftheMayorforthe continued need for the declaration ofemergencyin connection with the needle exchange program.


I ntroduced by thePresident at the Reguest ofDepartments


99052 8

99052 9

[Parking Regu lations, Portion ofTurk Street]Ordinance amending Traffic Code byadding Section regarding parking regu lationson a portion ofTurk Street (south side ofTurk from 145 feet to 435 feet east ofLaguna Street) . (Department ofParking andTraffic)

(AddsSectionRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[Park ing Regu lations, Portion of7th Street]Ordinance amending Traf fic Code byadding Section regarding parking regu lationson a portion of7th Street (east side of7th Street, fi'om 1 78 feet to 246 feet south ofBryant Street) . (Department ofParkingand Traffic)

(Adds SectionRECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.



9 9052 7

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 76

[Sett lement Agreement, Tanya Meyers]

Reso lution authorizing settlement ofc laimswith TanyaMeyersrelating to Ms. Meyers'employment with the

Public TransportationDepartment in the amount ofEighty Five Thousand Do llars (PublicTransportationCommission)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Lease and Sublease forPier 1 (Embarcadero/Washington Street) ]Resolution approving lease and sublease with AMB PropertyCorporation fortheDevelopment ofPier I(Embarcadero andWashington Streets) as amaritime office project; approving negative dec laration, and

indemnity agreement . (Port)

(Fiscal impact .)RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 2 2 , 1 999

990530 [Parking M eter Revenue Refunding Bonds]Reso lution approv ing the issuance ofPark ingMeterRevenueRefunding Bonds (not to exceedoftheParkingAuthority oftheCity andCountyofSan Franc isco ; approv ing the form of, and authorizingexecution and delivery ofa continuing disc losure certificate relating to said Bonds; approv ing the form and

c irculation ofan official statement relating to said Bonds; authorizing the payment ofcertain costsofissuancefrom the proceedsofsuch Bonds; ratifying previousactions taken in connection with the foregoingmatters;and authorizing the tak ing ofappropriate action in connection therewith . (Mayor)

RECEIVEDAND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

990 532 [Contract, DPH UniversityofCal ifornia (Berkeley)]Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Heal th, CommunityHeal th Services, CommunityMentalHeal th Services, to enter into an agreement in the amount of with the University ofCalifornia(Berkeley), the primary contractor, to provide data and consul tationfora studyofthe cultural appropriatenessofthe instrumentsand approachesbeing used by communitymental health services to measure performanceindicators, client outcomes, and satisfaction, which doesnot inc lude patent infringement indemnificationandfalse c laims c lauses; waiving indirect costs. (Department ofPublic Health)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.

2 77 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes March 22 , 1 999


By SupervisorKatz, that letter be sent to theDirector, Department ofTelecommunication and I nformationServices, requesting the department develop a Cityposition,

resp onse and strategy on cable rate increases.

BySupervisorsNewsom, Katz, that letter be sent to theD irector, Department ofPublic Health, askingfor anupdate on itsp lan to move six substance abuse treatment bedsfiom SanFrancisco GeneralHosp ital to acommunity-basedfacility and in collaboration with theSherifi”

sDepartment give substance abuse oflendersan op tion to go to treatment rather than tojail.

BySupervisorNewsom,that letter be sent to the. Director, Department ofPublic Health, asking what the

department isdoing to regulate acup uncture treatments to drug addicts inHuntersPoint through theBen/viewHuntersPoint Foundationfor Community Improvement, to ensure thatpersons treated through this citycontract are enrolled in any substance abuseprogram, as required and that theFoundation is keep ingpatient

BySupervisor Teng, that letter be sent to the Public UtilitiesCommission and the GeneralManager,

Recreation andPark Department, requesting report to theBoard ofSupervisors on the condition ofLakeMerced and the steps that are being taken to addressproblems including: low water levels, decreasedshoreline access andp oormaintenance ofgrounds, bathrooms, boating area and docks.

BySupervisor Teng, that the LegislativeAnalyst be requested to providep olicy ana lysis onmodels on liquor

license controls.

BySupervisor Teng, that letter be sent to the California Department ofAlcoholic Beverage Control clarifyingthefollowing with resp ect to the I nner Sunset LiquorLicenseMoratoriumpassed by theBoard ofSupervisorsin 1 99 7 and renewed inSep tember 1 998 : (I ) the scope and the intent ofthe I nnerSunset LiquorLicenseMoratorium was to prohibit the issuance ofnew liquor licenses in that area. Exemp tfiom themoratorium are

active licenses which arep urchasedfor use in the same location. Ifthe seller ofthe license never openedforbusiness, under themoratorium the license is not deemed active. (2) With respect to the app licationfor an OnSaleBeer and WineLicense at 82 2 I rving Street, the Board ofSupervisors concurs with the recommendationofCap tainM ichael Yalon oftheSanFrancisco PoliceDepartment that the requestfor a license be deniedbecause it doesnot involve the transfer ofan active license. (3 The Boardfurther requests that theDepartment ofAlcoholic Beverage Control deny the subject licensefor theforegoing reasons.

BySupervisor Yaki, that letter be sent to the CityAttorney requesting aformalCityAttorney op inion

addressing the legitimate uses ofthefimdspassed by the voters in the 1 998 special election in thefollowingOp tions: (1) stadium/mall; (2) stadium/no mall; (3) stadium/reduced scalemall.

By Supervisor Yaki, that letter be sent to the San Francisco FortyNiners requesting theirpresence when thehearing to consider the Forty-Niner stadiumproject is scheduled by the Transp ortation and Land UseCommittee. File 990562 .

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 78 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch 22 , 1 999


There being nofitrther business, theBoard at the hour of p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

N B. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by theBoard ofSupervisors on thematters stated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which thematterswere taken up .

App roved by the Board ofSupervisors onApril 2 6, 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk oftheBoard ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco, hereby certifythat theforego ing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on thedate stated and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 80 Printed at PM,ou



City Hall, 40 1 Van Ness Ave.

San Franc isco , Ca. 941 02 -453 2


MAY2 , 1999

SANFRANCISCOM onday,March 29 , 1 999 PM PUBLIC LIBRARYSouth ofM arket Recreation Center

2 70 Sixth Street at Folsom Street

San Francisco , CASpecial M eeting




Gloria L. Young, Clerk oftheBoard


AUD I T AND GOVERNMENT EFFI CI ENCY COMM I TTEE I st TuesdaySupervisorsKaufman, Newsom, Katz 1 100 PM


SupervisorsYee, Bierm an, AmmianoAM

HOUSING AND SOCIAL POLI CY COM IVI I TTEE lst and 3rd TuesdaySupervisors Teng, Bierman, Becerril AM

PARKSAND RECREATI ON CONI IVI I TTEE 2nd TuesdaySupervisorsBrown, Newsom, Leno PM

PUBLI CHEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT COMM I TTEE 2nd 4th ThursdaySuperv isorsBierman, Brown, Yak i PM

PUBLI C UTI L I TE SAND DEREGULATI ON COMM I TTEE 3rd TuesdaySupervisorsAmmiano , Yee, Becerri l PM

RULESCOM IVI I TTEE 2nd 4th ThursdaySupervisors Leno , Teng, Kaufman AM

SMALL BUSINESS, ECONOM I C VITAL I TY AND CONSUMER SER lst and 3rd ThursdaySuperv isorsNewsom, Leno, Becerril AM

TRANSPORTATI ON AND LAND USE COMM I TTEE 2nd and 4th TuesdaySupervisorsKatz, Yak i, Yee AM

First-named Supervisor isChair, Second-named Superv isor isVice-Chair. oftheCommittee.

Vo l ume 9 4 Number 1 4

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inu tes March 2 9, I 999


99028 1

9902 82

99037 1


[Public Emp loyment ]Ordinance amending OrdinanceNo . 243 -9 8 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 9 9 8 reflecting the creationoneposition (Class 8 1 59 FamilySupport Investigator I I I ), in theDistrict Attorney'sOffice. (Department ofHumanResources)

(Companionmeasure to FileOrdinanceNo . 59-99


[MOU, I ronWorkers, Local 3 77

Ordinance imp lementing the provisions ofan amendment to Article oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the lntemationalAssociation ofBridge, StructuralOrnamental , Reinforced IronWorkers, Riggers and MachineryM overs, Local 377 and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, providingadditional compensation forPort emp loyeesoftheMaintenanceDepartment in Classification 9346 FusionWelder, who are assigned to work in watch-standing, maintenance and/or repair ofcontainer cranesforallhoursactual lyworked in cranesat the crane site, effective Ju ly I , 1 999 through the remaining term ofthe

Memorandum ofUnderstanding. (Department ofHuman Resources)OrdinanceNo . 60-99


[MOU, Local 2 1Ordinance implementing the provisions ofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between thelntemational Federation ofProfessional and Technical Engineers, Local 2 1 , AFL-CIO, and theCity andCounty ofSan Francisco to provide a internal adjustment forClass 9395, Assistant Rental Managerfor

the time period beginning July 1 , 1 9 99 . (Department ofHumanResources)OrdinanceNo . 6 1 -99


[MOU, Local 2 1 ]

Ordinance implementing the provisions ofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between thelntemational Federation ofProfessional and Technical Engineers, Local 2 1 , AFL-CIO and theCity andCounty ofSan Franc isco to addAppendix B, entit led Schedu lesofCompensation, for informational purposes,and to add Appendix D, entit led Civil Service Provisions; G lossary, pursuant to SectionVI .C ofthe

Memorandum ofUnderstanding, which providesformodificationsbymutual consent ofthe parties.

(Department ofHumanResources)OrdinanceNo . 62 —99


[Compensation, Lo ca ls 790, 535, 250 ]Ordinance implementing an agreement adjusting the compensation ofcertain classificationspursuant to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding betw een the Service Employees lntemational Union, AFL-CIO, Locals 790 ,

535, 250 and theCity and County ofSan Francisco, to be effective Ju ly I , 1 999 . (Department ofHumanResources)OrdinanceNo . 63-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 82 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes M arch 2 9, I 9 9 9

9903 74


[MOU, Locals 250 , 535, 790 ]

Ordinance implementing the prov isionsofan amendment to theMemorandum ofUnderstanding between theServ ice Employees lntemationalUnion, Locals250 , 535 and 790 and the City and County ofSan Franc isco byincorporating Appendix A, which was prev iouslyset forth in theAirport'sDepartmental MOU betweenSEIU,Local 790 and theCity and County ofSan Franc isco , and which prov idesfor theAirport to pay the costsofadditional laboratory tests. (Department ofHuman Resources)OrdinanceNo . 64-99


|Marine Termina l Agreement, Port Maruba

Reso lution authorizing the Port ofSan Francisco to ho ld Maruba S.C.A . harm lessfrom all claimsarising fromanagreement with the San Franc isco Port Commission foruse ofmarine terminal facil itiesat Pier 80 . (Port)Reso lutionNo . 2 65-99


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Katz .Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeAbsent: 1 Brown



990241 [Appropriation, Sheriff]Ordinance appropriating Sheriff

'sDepartment, from the General Fund Reserve and from

salarysavings to fund additional staffing atCounty Jail #3 , add residential substance abuse treatment beds,fund increased food service and workers'compensation costs, and prov iding for the creation of1 9 positionsforfiscal year 1 99 8- 1 999 ; funding for these positionswas the subject ofprev iousbudgetarydenial .(Contro l ler)

(Fiscal impact ; companionmeasure to FilePASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown.Katz . Kaufman, Leno ,Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

2 83 Printed at PM on

Board ofSup ervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 2 9, I 9 99


9902 7 1

9902 72



[Public Emp loyment ]Ordinance amending OrdinanceNo . 243-98 (Annual SalaryOrdinance, 1 998 reflecting the creation ofnineteen positions (Class 8304 DeputySheriff) in the Sheriff‘sOffice. (Department ofHumanResources)

(Fiscal impact ; companionmeasure to FilePASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[MOU, E lectrical Workers, Local 6 ]

Ordinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to Article V .H. oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the International Brotherhood ofE lectrical Workers, Local 6 , and theCity andCountyofSan Francisco foran Emp loyeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum of

Understanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHumanResources)PASSED, ON FIRST READING bythe fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[MOU , StationaryEngineers, Local 39 ]

Ordinance implementing the provisionsofan amendment to Article V . 1 . oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the StationaryEngineers, Local 39 , and the City and County ofSan Franciscoproviding for an Emp loyeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingin 2 00 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[MOU, Teamsters, Local 2 1 6 ]Ordinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to Artic le I V .P. oftheMemorandum of

Understanding between the BuildingMaterial and Construction Teamsters, Local 2 1 6 and theCity and CountyofSan Francisco providing foran EmployeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum

ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHumanResources)PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the following vote:

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown.Katz , Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[MOU, Transport Workers Union, Local Z5OAOrdinance imp lementing the provisionsofan amendment to Artic le IV oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween the Transport WorkersUnion ofAmerica, AFL-CIO and the TransportWorkers ofAmerica, Local2 50A (741 0 Automotive ServiceWorkers), and theCityand County ofSan Francisco providing foranEmployeeAssistanceProgram through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 .

(Department ofHuman Resources)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 284 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 2 9, I 9 99

9903 1 7


99041 0


[MOU, Transport Workers Union, Loca l 2 00 ]Ordinance implementing the provisions ofan amendment to Artic le IV oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween the Transport WorkersUnion ofAmerica, AFL-CIO and the Transport Workers ofAmerica, Local2 00, and the City and CountyofSan Francisco providing for an Emp loyeeAssistanceProgram through theexpiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstanding in 2 00 1 . (Department ofHuman Resources)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman,

Leno , Newsom,Teng,Yaki, Yee

[MOU, Local 790 ]

Ordinance implementing the provisions ofan amendment to Section 32 oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingbetween the Service Emp loyees lntemational Union, Local 790 and theCity and County ofSan Franciscoproviding for an Emp loyeeAssistance Program through the expiration oftheMemorandum ofUnderstandingin 2000 . (Department ofHuman Resources)PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng,Yaki, Yee

[Unrepresented Emp loyeesCompensation, Fisca l Year 1 999 -2 000 ]M ayor

Ordinance fixing compensationforpersons employed by the City and County ofSan Francisco whosecompensationsare subject to the provisionsofSectionA8 .4O9 oftheCharter, in c lassesnot represented by anemployee organization, and establishing working schedu les and conditions ofemployment andmethodsofpayment, effective Ju ly 1 , 1 999 .

(Fiscal impact .)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman,Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Children'sServicesPlan, 1 999-2 000 ]M ayor

Reso lution approving theChildren'sServicesPlan ( 1 999 -2 000) for the San Francisco Children'sFund.

Reso lutionNo . 2 64-99

SupervisorYak i, seconded bySupervisorNewsom, moved to excuse Supervisor Brown, at h is request because ofaconflict ofinterest, from voting on thismatter. The mo tion carried by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown,_Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 0 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, YeeExcused: 1 Brown

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 86 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes March 2 9 , I 99 9

990 3 65

9900 72

990 2 65

99043 0

[Contract Award Extension]Reso lution approv ing Contract ModificationNo . 2 , Moccasin-Newark Transmission L ine TowerPainting,

Phase 1 1 . (Publ ic Util itiesCommission)Reso lutionNo . 26 3-99

ADOPTED by the fo l lowingvoteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Street Vacat ion and Sa le HesterAvenue]Ordinance ordering the summary vacation and sale ofportionsofHesterAvenue, mak ing findingspursuant totheCal ifornia Streets and HighwayCodeChapter4 Sections 8330 Et Seq . (Public Streets, Highways, andService EasementsVacation Law , Summary vacation), mak ing findingsofconformity w ith the General Planand Priority Po l ic iesofPlanning CodeSection and requesting official actions in connection with thevacation and sale. (Real Estate Department)PASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fol lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

|Parking Regu lations, Portion of6th Avenue]Ordinance amending Traffic Code byadding Section regarding park ing regu lationson a port ionAvenue (east side of6 th Avenue, from 272 feet to 334feet south ofGearyBoulevard) . (Department ofParking and Traffic)

(Adds Traffic Code SectionPASSED, ON FI RST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, ,


[Landmark Designation, Fireboat House]Ordinance designating the Fireboat House, Pier 22 as Landmark No . 225 pursuant to Artic le 1 0 , Sections1004 and ofthe PlanningCode. (Flam ing Department)

(PlanningCommission Reso lutionNo . 14775 adopted January 2 8 , 1999 , approv ing the landmark designation;LandmarksPreservationAdvisoryCommittee Reso lutionNo . 510 adoptedNovember 1 8 , 1 99 8 , initiating thelandmark designation ofthe property and recommending PlanningCommission approval; Final landmarkdesignation report datedNovember 1 8,PASSED, ON FIRST READING by the fo l lowing vote

Ayes: 1 1 Newsom.Teng, Yaki, Yee , Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown,Katz , Kaufman, Leno

2 8 7 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March 2 9, 1 999


99049 1 [Board OffSite M eeting, April 1 9 , 1 999 ]SupervisorsBrown, Teng, Newsom

Motionhaving the Monday, April 1 9 , 1 999 meeting ofthe Board ofSupervisors convened at the SoutheastCommunity facility located on 1 800 Oakdale Avenue, in the Bayv iew HuntersPoint neighborhood ofSanFrancisco at p.m.

SupervisorNewsom requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

MotionNo. M 99 -3 l

APPROVED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee



Gail Goedinghaus, supp ortsgood neighborp olicy;Ron Viner, SOMA ResidentsAssociation;JimMeko, SOMAResidentsAssociation;CharlesRange, safety, crime, parking, single room occupancy units;Antoinetta Stedlman,fire sprinklers needed in single room occup ancy units;Male speaker, zoning, Central Freeway;AbdallaMegahed, I slamic Temp le;RegisRosetta,


legalizing illegal units;GailSilva,film industry, rent escalation;DanGreening, urge live-workmutual coop eration;DanielBieste, police, ATMfees;Elizabeth Sullivan, aflordable housing;South ofMarket Club Zone:female speaker, male speaker, Christine, Katherine Peck, Kevin Forester, ChrisStimson, JazminGorge, Armando Vasquez;Support moratorium on live-work units: Alma Robinson, Susan Shafer, SusanKeifer, LeslieAlbrecht, JerryClark, Sue Hestor, Steve I ndis, KaiMathews, Brad Paul, Eril Quezada, JohnRogers, Gail Silva, AndrewWood, JoanHolden;Opposemoratorium on live-work units: Deborah Walker, Susan Sch indler, Alex Carlin, Dick M illet, JessicaHenderson.

A delegation ofWorld War I I veterans were recognized and, through an interpreter, expressed their supportfor the creation ofthe San Francisco Veterans Equity Center.

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 88 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch 2 9, I 999






[Sierra Nevada Forest Planning]Superv isorsNewsom, Katz

Reso lution urging the United StatesForest Service to adopt a wel l considered p lan forthe eleven nationalforests in the SierraNevada region.

SupervisorKatz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 70-99


[G ift Acceptance, Recreation and ParksDepartment ]Superv isors Leno , Bierman, Katz

Reso lution accepting two gifis in the amount of each from theAmerican Guild ofMusical Artists andthe Friends ofRecreation and Parks to fund public performances in the Joseph L . Alioto PerformingArtsPiazza from May to Octoberof 1999 .

Supervisor Katz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 7 1 -99


[San Francisco Schoo l Diversity]SupervisorsBecerril, Bierman, Katz

Reso lution urging the San Francisco Schoo l Board and Superintendent ofSchoo ls to maintain diversity and

equal opportunity in schoo ls.

SupervisorKa tz requested to be added as cb-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 72 -99


[San Francisco State University 1 00 th Anniversary]Superv isors Leno, Katz , Brown, Kaufman, Ammiano, Becerril, Bierman, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Reso lution celebrating the 1 00th Anniversary ofSan Francisco State University and recognizing itscontributions to the San Francisco BayArea.

Reso lutionNo . 2 73-99


[Commendation]Supervisors Teng, Katz

Reso lution commending BeckieMasak i forher outstanding and tirelesswork onbehalfofvictims ofdomesticvio lence and dec laringM onday, March 22

,1 999


"BeckieMasak iDay

Supervisor Katz requested to be added as co-sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 74-99


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 90 Printed at 6 PM on

99 0557

990 558


99053 5

Meeting M inu tes March 2 9, 1 999

[TakeOur Daughters to Wo rk Day]

Superv isors Teng, Bierman, Leno, Katz

Reso lution commending the TakeOurDaughtersTo Work Day and urging all Citydepartments toencourage theirstaffto bring theirdaughters to work, to set up educational seminarsforyoung women w ithdepartmental staffand prov ide meaningfu l tasksforyoungwomenwho come to work onApril 22 , 1999 .

Supervisors Leno, Katz requested to be added as co-sponsors.

Reso lutionNo . 2 75-99


[Commendat ion]Superv isor Bierman

Reso lution commending John Barberfordistinguished service asDirectorofthe ParkingAuthority oftheCityand County ofSan Franc isco .

Reso lutionNo . 2 76 -99


[Nationa l Community Development Week ]

Superv isors Bierman, Katz

Reso lution expressing appreciation and thanksduringNational Community Development Week to all the

community partners and City staffwhose hard work and devotion help insure the quality and effectivenessofourCommunity Development B lock Grant program.

SupervisorKa tz requested to be added as co—sp onsor.

Reso lutionNo . 2 77-99


[Commendation]Supervisor Brown

Reso lution commending Ronnie Davisand the San Francisco HousingAuthorityforthe successfu l comp letionofthe new HayesVal leyApamnentsSouth .

Reso lutionNo . 2 78-99


[FinalM ap, 1 02 0 M ariposa Street ]Motion approv ing final map of1 02 0 Mariposa Street, aLive/Work CondominiumProject, being a subdiv isionofLot 1 6 inAssessor

’sB lock No . 3987 , and adopting findingspursuant to thePlanningCode Section

(Department ofPublic Works)

(DPTOrderNo .

MotionNo . M 99 -32


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 9 1 Printed at PM on 4/I 4/I 999

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 2 9, I 999

99056 6



[Need le Exchange Emergency]SupervisorsBierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz , Brown, Newsom, Yee, Leno, Becerril

M otion concurring in the determ ination oftheMayorfor the continued need for the dec laration ofemergencyin connectionwith the needle exchange program,

M otionNo . M99-33


[Final Map, 300 ValleyStreet ]M otion approving final map of300 ValleyStreet, aResidential Condominium Project, being a subdivisionLot 8 inAssessor

'sB lock No . 66 1 3 , and adopting findingspursuant to Flam ing Code Section

(Department ofPubl ic Works)

(DPW OrderNo .

M otionNo. M99 -34


The foregoing itemswere acted upon by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 1 1 Ammiano , Becerril , Bierman, Brown, Katz , Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

[Street ClosurePermit, Castro Street ]SupervisorsBecerril, Brown

Reso lutionamending Reso lutionNo . 1 9 7-99 which authorized the temporary c losing ofportion ofCastroStreet onApril4, 1 999 , by changing the approved date ofc losure to April 1 1 , 1 999 .

SupervisorBierman requested thismatter be severedfor the p urp ose ofconsidering it separately.


Theprivilege ofthefloor was granted to thefollowingpersons: male speaker, male speaker, Bill Brady,

sp eaker, malespeaker, male speaker, M itchell,female speaker, Frederick Hobson, male speaker, male

speaker, DerrickDavid, Paul, Richard Ow, Robert Chan, Richard Sosa,female speaker, male speaker, malespeaker,female speaker, JoeBastion, Clemetina, Jim, Sister I gnac ious, Jasmine, male speaker, Joe Gonzalez,Sally Watts,female sp eaker, Sister Josefa,

Mr.Antela, male sp eaker, Joe Russello,female speaker, malespeaker, Lou Sp inetta, Debbie Trainer, Larry Blake, male sp eaker, Mr. Towers, Marc, Mark Slater, Joe,

female speaker,female speaker,female speaker.

NOT ADOPTED by the fo l lowing voteAyes: 2 Becerril , BrownNoes: 9 Ammiano , Bierman, Katz .Kaufman, Leno , Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 92 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inutes M arch 2 9, 1 9 99





[Bonds and I ndebtedness]Supervisor Kaufman

Ordinance amending Chapter2 ofPart I oftheMunicipal Code (AdministrativeCode), by amending Sections- 1 , and and by


repealing Sections - 1 , 2 40 , and to

update prov isionsregarding bonded and other long-term indebtedness.

(Amends Sections - 1 , and repeals Sections - 1 , and

ASSI GNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee, expireson

[Charter Amendments]

Supervisor Kaufman

Ordinance amending Chapter 2 ofPart I oftheMunicipal Code (AdministrativeCode) , by amending Sectionand amendingArtic le V oftheMunicipal ElectionsCode, by adding Section 500 , to transfer the

provisionsgoverning the publication and format ofproposed Charteramendments.

(Amends Section Artic le V oftheMunicipal ElectionsCode, addsSectionASSI GNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee, expireson

[Street Closures]Superv isorKaufman

Ordinance amending Part 1 Chapter 2 , Artic le V I I I , ofthe San Francisco Municipal Code (AdministrativeCode) by repealing Section through and amending Part I I , ChapterXI ofthe San FranciscoMunicipal Code (Traffic Code) by addingArtic le 20 , Sections 700 through 7 1 5, to transferthe provisionsgoverning the temporary use or occupancy ofpublic streets.

(RepealsAdministrativeCode Section through addsTraffic Code Article 2 0 , Sections700 through

ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee, expireson

[Master Lease ofSeneca Hotel]Supervisor Brown

Reso lution urging theDepartment ofHuman Services, through the TenderloinHousingClinic, to enter into amaster lease with the owners ofthe SenecaHotel.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 94 Printed at PM on 4/I 4/l 999

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inu tes March 2 9, I 9 9 9

990587 [Fil ipino Veterans'EquityCenter]Supervisors Teng, Yaki, Bierman

Reso lution supporting the creat ion ofthe San Franc isco VeteransEquity Center, a community-based

organization spec ifical ly tasked with coordinating efforts ofvariousagenc iesand vo lunteersupport groups toprov ide cul tural ly sensitive and l inguistical ly appropriate serv ices to Fil ipino World War I I veteransand theirfamilies inSan Franc isco.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Soc ial Po l icyCommittee.

[Edgehil l Mounta in SlopeHazard Area]Supervisors Teng, Bierman

Reso lution creating the Edgehil l Mountain Slope Hazard Area, which is general lybounded byGarciaAvenue,Vasquez Avenue, KensingtonWay and Ul loa Street and traversed by Edgehil lWay; imposing an order

prohibiting action on appl icationsforpermits orother land use entit lements, subject to specific exemptions, inthe Edgehil l Mountain SlopeHazard Areawhile the Board ofSupervisors considers adoption ofInterimZoningContro ls to protect the Edgehil l Mountain Slope Hazard Area; and mak ing a finding ofconsistencywith the priority po liciesofPlanningCode Section

(Companionmeasure to FileASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Social Po l icyCommittee, expireson

990589 [Edgehil l Mountain SlopeHazard Area]Supervisors Teng, Bierman

Reso lution creating the Edgehil l Mountain Slope Hazard Area, which isgeneral ly bounded byGarciaAvenue,Vasquez Avenue, KensingtonWayand Ul loa Street and traversed by Edgehil l Way; imposing Interim ZoningContro lsfor eighteen ( 1 8)months in theEdgehil l Mountain SlopeHazard Area to prohibit the approval ofpermits orother land use entitlements, subject to specific exemptions, for property in the Edgehil l MountainSlopeHazardArea; andmak ing a finding ofconsistencywith the priority po liciesofPlanning Code Section

(Companionmeasure to FileASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Soc ial Po l icyCommittee, expires on

99 0590 [State Legislation, SB 423 , M ed icaid Funding]SupervisorsNewsom, Bierman, Leno, Ka tz

Reso lution opposing SenateBill 423 , which wil l , in part, prohibit certain federal paymentsformethadonemaintenance programswhich do not have abstinence within sixmonthsas a primary goal .


2 95 Printed at PM on 4/I 9 99

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March 2 9, 1 99 9

99059 1





[Census I mp lementation Plan]Superv isors Teng, Katz, Bierman, Becerril , Newsom, Yaki

Reso lution urging Congress, President Bil l Clinton and the U.S. Bureau ofCensusto develop animplementation p lan forCensus2 000 that wil lensure themost accurate decennial censuspossible, inc ludingplansto measure and correct any identified undercounts ofthe general population, urging Congress toappropriate adequate funding for local governments and community-based organizations to provide outreachto the difficult-to-count popu lations in their communities, urging the Bureau ofCensus to spend a significantportion ofitsmarketing and advertising budget to target low - income communities, peop le ofcolor, limitedEnglish proficient individualsand otherdifficult-to-count popu lations.


[Nationa l M arch for Justice to Protest Police Brutality]SupervisorsBrown, Katz, Ammiano, Bierman, Newsom, Becerril

Resolution urging the Board ofSupervisorsofthe City and County ofSan Francisco to support theNationalMarch forJustice to protest po lice brutality to be held inWashington, DC . onApril 3 , 1 999 .



Supervisors Leno, Ammiano, Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee

Reso lution commending John Taylorforreceiving the JamesM adison Freedom ofInformationAward inrecognition ofhis lifelong commitment to open government .



Supervisors Leno, Katz, Newsom, Kaufman, Bierman, Teng, Brown, Yaki

Reso lution commending Rita Semel forbeing honored byAssemblywomanCaro leM igden as theCaliforniaAssembly'sWoman ofthe Yearfrom the 1 3th AssemblyDistrict .



Supervisors Leno, Katz, Newsom, Teng, Yak i

Resolution commendingKateKendel l forbeing honored bySenator JackieSpeieras theCalifornia Senator'sWoman ofthe Yearfrom the 8th SenateDistrict .


City and County ofSan Francisco 2 96 Printed at PM on

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 2 9, I 999

Requests for Hearing


99058 1

99060 1



[Sutro Tower]Supervisor Bierman

Hearing to considerthe resultsoftheDynamic AnalysisofSutro Tower conducted by theDepartment ofBuilding Inspection.

RECEI VED AND ASSIGNED to Public Health and Environment Committee.

[M obil Phone Use and Traffic Accidents]Supervisor Brown

Hearing to considerwhat stepscan be taken to address the problem ofthe increased use ofmobil phoneswhiledriving and the safety hazardssuch use presents.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Public Utilitiesand Deregu lationCommittee.

[Gasoline Prices]Supervisors Yaki, Ammiano

Hearing to considerthe recent increase in gasprices in the BayArea.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Smal l Business, Economic V itality and ConsumerServicesCommittee.

[Redevelopment Agency'sFinancial/PerformanceReports]Supervisor Yee

Hearing to considertheRedevelopment Agency's financial and performance reportsfor the quarter endingDecember 3 1 , 1 99 8 and a statusreport on prioryear appropriations.

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[LivelWork Units]Supervisor Bierman

Hearing to consider the impact ofnew live-work unitson local businesses and available business space,particu larly in the South ofMarket, North M ission, Central Waterfront, Potrero Hill and GreaterBayviewareas and to considerbringing these units into compliancewith all requirementsnow placed on o therresidential development .

RECEIVED ANDASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

City and County ofSan Francisco 2 98 Printed at PM on 4/I 999

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 2 9, 1 9 9 9

M otions

9906 03 [Legislative Ana lyst Report ]Superv isors Teng, Ammiano, Katz

Motion requesting theOffice ofthe LegislativeAnalyst to perform an analysis andmake recommendations onhow theCity's civ il service system could be revised to enable departments to prov ide permanent emp loymentopportunities forworkfareworkers.


I ntroduced by the President at theReguest ofDepartments


99 056 7

99057 1


[Brennan v. CCSF]Ordinance authorizing sett lement oflitigation ofKinseySheryl Brennan against theCity and County ofSan

Franc isco bypayment of (CityAttorney)

(S.F. SuperiorCourt No . 992

RECEIVED AND ASSI GNED to Audit and Government EfficiencyCommittee.

[Summary Street Vacation/Sale ofPortion of1 15 Lane]Ordinance ordering the summary vacation and authorizing sale ofa portion of1 15 Lane located within B lock1 95 (bounded byWashington, Keamy and Jackson Streets, and Co lumbusAvenue), for to theRoman

Catho l ic Archbishop, making findingsunderCalifornia Streets andHighwaysCode Section 8330 through8336 , mak ing findingsofconformitywith theGeneral Plan and priority po lic ies ofPlanning Code Section

and requesting official actions in connectionwith the vacation and sale. (Real Estate Department)RECEIVED ANDASSIGNED to Transportation and Land UseCommittee.

[ADA Task Force, et al. v. CCSF, et a1. ]Ordinance authoriz ing sett lement oflitigation ofADA Task Force against theCity and County ofSanFrancisco requiring City to hire consu ltants to completeCity'sAmericanswith Disabil itiesAct Transition Planand Self-evaluation. (City Attorney)

(U .S. Distri ct Court No . C-97-02438 CRE .)

RECEIVED ANDASSIGNED to Audit and Government Effic iencyCommittee.

2 99 Printed at PM on 4/l4/I 999

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March 2 9, I 999




9903 88

[Grant Federal, COPS-MORE '98 Program]Reso lution authorizing theChiefofPo lice oftheCity and County ofSanFrancisco to accept retroactively, andexpend funds in the amount ofEight Hundred Seventy-Eight Thousand NineHundred Twenty-FiveDol lars

excluding indirect costsnot al lowed under the program, fora project entit led the "Community

Oriented Po licing Services-MakingOfficerRedep loyment Effective '98 (COPS-MORE made available

from the United StatesDepartment ofJustice'sOffice ofCommunityOriented Po licing Services, and agreeingto provide a cashmatch in the amount ofTwo HundredNinety-Two ThousandNine Hundred Seventy-SixDo l lars (Po liceCommission)

(Companionmeasure to File 9903RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[Gift Acceptance Po lice Department]Reso lution authorizing theChiefofPo lice oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco to accept and expend fundsonbehalfofthe San Francisco Po liceDepartment, in the amount ofForty-Four Thousand ThreeHundredTwenty-FiveDollars asa gift from theKoret Foundation through a grant to SocialTech, Inc . to be

used asmatching fundsfor theCOPS-MORE'9 8 Federal Grant Program to purchase TRAK (Techno logy to

RecoverAbductedKids) systems. (Po liceCommission)

(Companionmeasure to File 9903RECEIVED AND ASSI GNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee.

[Po liceDepartment COPS-MORE '98 Grant Program]

Reso lution authorizing theChiefofPolice oftheCity and County ofSan Francisco to accept and expend fundsonbehalfofthe San Francisco Po liceDepartment, in the amount ofTwo Hundred Forty FourThousand FiveHundred FortyDo l lars from theCity and County ofSan Francisco Airport Commission, to be

used asmatching fundsfor the San Francisco Po liceDepartment'sAirport Bureau component oftheCOPSMORE

'98 FederalGrant Program. (PoliceCommission)

(Companionmeasure to Files 990386 , 9903RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Social Po licyCommittee. From John

Madden, ChiefAssistant Contro l ler, letterrecommending that this item be withdrawn from consideration. The

forCOPS-MORE'98 funds are from existingAirport capital budgets and do not require legislative

approval .

City and County ofSan Francisco 300 Printed at 5PM on 4/I 4/I 999

Board ofSupervisors Meeting M inutes M arch 2 9, I 9 9 9

990486 [Park ing Regu lations, Various Locations]Reso lution enacting and rescinding parking regulationsat various locations:

GREEN (SHORT-TERM PARKING) ZONE, 9 AM 6 PM , EVERYDAY ESTABL I SH1 5th Street, north side, betweenHarrison and Treat Avenue (66-foot zone, in front of# 1 200 15th Street)GREEN (SHORT-TERM PARKING) ZONE,

7 AM 7 PM , MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAYESTABL I SHOak Street, south side, from 1 9 feet to 38 feet east ofBroderick Street ( I 9-foot zone)NO PARKING ANYTIME ESTABLI SHPage Street, north side, from 1 63 feet to 2 07 feet east ofAshburyStreet (44-foot zone in front of# 1 530 PageSneet

,to accommodatemid-block crosswalk)

Page Street, south side, from 1 75 feet to 1 95 feet east ofAshburyStreet (2 0—foot zone between driveways infront of# 1 563 Page Street, to accommodatemid-block crosswalk)NOPARKING ANYTIME RESCIND

Filbert Street, south side, from Hyde Street to 1 00 feet easterly ( 1 00-foot zone)NO PARKING, 6 AM 9 AM , MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY, EXCEPT VEHI CLESWI TH VANPOOLPERM I TS; GENERAL METERED PARKING, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY , AND 7AM 6 PM , SATURDAYS ESTABL I SH1 1 th Street, east side, from 69 feet to 2 0 1 feet north ofM ission Street ( 1 32 -foot zone at meters #39 , #41 , #43 ,#45, #47 , and #49)


SATURDAY) ESTABL I SHDiamond Street, west side, from 49 feet to 100 feet north ofChenery Street (5l -foot zone)PARK ING METER AREANO. 3 (2 -HOUR PARKING TIME LIM IT, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAY THROUGHSATURDAY) ESTABL I SHGearyBou levard, south side, between Lyon Street and St. Joseph'sAvenue

PERPENDICULAR (90-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING ESTABLISHA labama Street, east side, fromM ontcalm Street to 1 00 feet southerly ( 1 00-foot zone, extendsperpendicu larpark ing to remainderofthe block)RESIDENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA G (2 -HOUR TIME LIM IT, 8 AM 6 PM ,

MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY) ESTABLISHBroderick Street, east side, between Bush and SutterStreets ( 1 600 block , even-numbered side)Scott Street, west side, betweenBush and SutterStreets ( 1 700 block, odd-numbered side)RESIDENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA "


( l -HOUR TIME L IM IT, 9 AM 6 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABLISH25th Street, north side, betweenCapp and CypressStreets (even-numbered addressesfrom #3300 through#3344)

RESI DENTIAL PERM I T PARKING AREA S (2-HOUR TIME L IM IT, 8 AM 9 PM , MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY) ESTABLI SHOctavia Street, both sides, between Fell and Oak Streets (300 block)UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING ESTABLI SH6 th Street, east side, from 9 feet to 30 feet south ofHarrison Street (2 1 -foot zone, accommodating 6

County ofSan Francisco 302 Printed at PM on 4/I 4/I 9 99

Board ofSupervisors M eeting M inu tes March 2 9, 1 99 9


99053 1


motorcyc les) (Department ofParking and Traffic)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land Use Committee.

[Traffic Regu lations, VariousStreets]Reso lution enacting and resc inding traffic regu lationson variousstreets:

CROSSWALKCLOSURES ESTABL I SH (Crosswalks to be el iminated)2oth Avenue and Linco lnWay, east crosswalk , crossing L inco lnWay

Gel lert and M iddlefield Drives, north crosswalk , crossing M iddlefield DriveLakeMerced Boulevard and South State Drive, north and south crosswalks, crossing LakeMerced Boulevard

M ID-BLOCKCROSSWALK ESTABL I SHPage Street, approximately 1 90 feet east ofAshbury Street (20-foot w ide crosswalk, in front of Page

Street)NO LEFT TURN ESTABL ISHTwinPeaksBoulevard, northbound, at Carmel Street

TOW-AWAY , NO STOPPING ANYTIME ESTABLI SHBayStreet, north side, from Fil lmore Street to 58 feet easterly (58-foot zone)Diamond Street, east side, from Chenery Street to 100 feet northerly ( 1 00-foot zone)Fel l Street, south side, from Masonic Avenue to 1 0 feet easterly ( I O-foot zone)I rv ing Street, south side, from 9th Avenue to 10 feet easterly ( I O-foot zone)Kansas Street, east side, from CesarChavez Street to 35 feet southerly (35-foot zone)RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT ESTABL I SHKansas Street, northbound, at CesarChavez Street

NO U-TURN ESTABLISHGenevaAvenue, eastbound, at San JoseAvenue


PersiaAvenue, south side, from M ission Street to 42 feet westerly (42 -foot zone)TOW-AWAY LANE MUST TURN RIGHT ESTABLI SHPersiaAvenue, eastbound, at M ission Street . (Department ofParking and Traffic)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Transportation and Land Use Committee.

[Prevail ingWage]

Reso lution fixing the highest general prevail ing rate ofwages, inc luding wagesforovertime and ho lidaywork ,forvariouscrafls and k indsoflaboras paid forsimilarwork in private emp loyment in theCity and County ofSan Francisco at the rates certified to the Board by theCivil ServiceCommission onOctober 1 9 , 1998 . (CivilServiceCommission)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and LaborCommittee.

[Grant Federal ]Reso lution authorizing theMayor

’sCriminal Just iceCounc il to retroactively accept and expend funds in the

amount of from the U .S. Department ofJustice, Office ofJustice Programs(OJP), to support theimplementation ofSan Francisco'sCommunity Court Initiative. (Mayor)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Soc ial Po l icyCommittee.

3 03 Printed at PM on 4/I 4/l 999

Board ofSup ervisors M eeting M inutes March 2 9, I 999



[Gift Acceptance, Department ofPubl ic Heal th ]Reso lution accepting a gifi from New LifeClinicsofcl inical hypnotherapy treatment servicesforsmokingcessation,

weight contro l and stressmanagement forCity employees, theiradu lt relatives and friends.

(Department ofPublic Health)RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Audit andGovernment EfficiencyCommittee.

[G rant Private, Comic Relief, I nc.]

Reso lution authorizing theDepartment ofPublic Heal th, CommunityHealth Network , to accept retroactivelyand expend a grant in the amount of fromComic Relief, Inc . for the homelessprogram; providing forratification ofaction previously taken. (Department ofPublic Heal th)

RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and SocialPo licyCommittee.

Reso lutionNo . 307 -99

By SupervisorNewsom, that letter be sent to theDirector, Department ofPublic Works to inquire oftheGraffitiRemovalD ivision,

Street Environmental Services, what can be done about the severe and ongoinggraflitiproblems, such as noted on a private building at 6th andM issionStreets.

By Sup ervisorAmmiano, that letter be sent to theCityAttorney requesting that legislation be drafied to adjustthe Rent Boardfee andprovideformore hearing oflicers.

By SupervisorKatz, that letter be sent to theDirector, Department ofPublic Works to inquire ofthe StreetConstruction Coordination Center, that itprepare a status rep ort on current andp lanned street excavationprojects in the South ofMarketArea (SOMA) using Geographic I nformation System data and that it includesinformation on what eflorts have beenmade to coordinate street excavationprojects on SOMA streets to

minimize the number and length oftheseprojects in this area.

By SupervisorsKatz, Newsom, that letter be sent to theDirector, Department ofTelecommunications andI nformationServices and the Treasurer to determine the status ofthe City e- commerce services andp ublicinformation availability; status andp rogress oftheCityAccess initiative; e- commerce services currentlyava ilable on- line; e- commerce services anticipated in the nearfixture; long- term e-commerce opp ortunities;how e- commerce service delivery has been incorp orated into the two department ’s I 999 -2 000 budgetrequests; ifcurrent resources are suflic ient to substantially increase the level and quality ofe-commerceservices; whether budget enhancements are necessary and requested; and ifthese enhancements have beengivenpriority status.

By Sup ervisor Bierman, that letter be sent to theCityAttorney requesting legislation be drafied to impose a sixmonth moratorium onPlanning Commission approval ofany new live/work units. The moratorium wouldremain in eflect until such time as the Board ofSupervisorspasses new legislation amending thePlanningCode to limit the areas where these units can and should be built and which brings these units into comp liancewith all requirements now p laced on other residential development, including inclusionary aflordable housingrequirements,full residential taxpayments to the San Francisco UnifiedSchool District and the CityCollegeofSan Francisco, and all app licable accessibility requirements.

City and County ofSan Francisco 3 04 Printed at AM on

Board ofSupervisors M arch 2 9, I 999


There being nofitrther business, theBoard at the hour of p .m. adjourned.

Gloria L. Young, Clerk

NB. TheM inutes ofthismeeting setforth all actions taken by the Board ofSupervisors on themattersstated,but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up .

Approved by theBoard ofSupervisors onMay 3 , 1 999 .

1 , Gloria L. Young, Clerk ofthe Board ofSupervisors ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco,hereby certifir

that theforegoing is a true and correct copy oftheM inutes ofsaid Board on the date stated and was approvedas recited.

Gloria L. YoungClerk ofthe Board

City and County ofSan Francisco
