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Board extends 2 union pacts

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Dreaming alpout Canton that could be Canton CterUer Volume 10 Number 55 Thursday, January 31, 1985 Canton, Michigan 52 Pages Twenty-Five Centr Township weighs choices in hiring topcop By DUKM Oats staff writer Canton could hire a specialist to cor- rect problems in the police department and then leave, Supervisor James Poole said. Hie police chief's spot be- came vacant Saturday when Jerry Cox resigned. I think what the police department needs is a fully qualified person to come in for 12 months, and clean it up," said Supervisor James Poole. And then we can get a person in who will keep it going." "When you've got things screwed up, you get someone who can straighten it out, and then you put someone in there (permanently)," he said. May opt for temporary turn-around expert The type of person needed to turn the department around would have differ- ent characteristics than the person needed to maintain the department on a long-term basis, he said. Jloderick Bartell, of Bartell and Bar- Ltd. consulting firm, will assist the Canton Township Board of Trustees in choosing the candidate for the spot. Finding someone will take 90-120 days, he said. IN THE MEANTIME, Poole appoint- ed Canton police Lt. Larry Stewart to serve as acting chief. Bartell completed a study in Decem- ber 1984 spotlighting a crisis in the po- lice department. Managerial problems were emphasized. 'The study magnified the severity of the situation and showed the misalign- ment (Cox's) mismanagement style mismatched to the organization's needs," Bartell said. 'To say it called for a resignation is heavy, because peo- ple can be developed." Although the study refrained from recommending Cox leave the office, Bartell said, the resignation will "speed up" the process of implement- ing departmental changes. "The 90 days to get a chief is small compared to how long it would have taken to realign the chief with the de- partment," Bartell said. "We didn't say he (Cox) couldn't be developed," he said. "But, the question was: How long would it have taken? "We're starting a new era and were very optimistic in thinking things will fall in place quickly," he said. CHOOSING A NEW police chief will involve advertising, screening and rat- ing questionnaires, Bartell said. Bartell's services could cost from $350 for simply assessing the final can- didate to $7,000. If Canton paid the highest rate and the candidate chosen were not successful in two years. Bar- tell would repeat the search and selec- tion process at no charge, he said. Bartell is now screening police chief candidates in Plymouth. But, he doubts candidates applying for Plymouth's spot would be the same type of person the township would want. Plymouth and Canton have night and day situations," be said. "Plymouth is looking to maintaining and belt tight- ening, and in Canton you're looking at growth " - WHILE THE TOWNSHIP searches for a new police chief. Stewart will perform his duties as lieutenant, and take on the chiefs responsibilities. "I'm elated the township board and Mr Poole have the confidence in me to make me chief, and to do my own job," Stewart said. "It shows me a lot of faith and confidence, and I feel proud." Cox was involved in many profes- sional organizations including Wayne Please turn to Page 5 Board extends 2 union pacts Insurance obstacles hurdled Greeting the groundhog Rick Fontaine dives for a line drive (see ball above glove) as a pair of outfielders stand ready to back him up. Nope, Fontaine wasn't getting a prespring-training tryout with the World Championship SILL BRESLER/aiaff pftotograpftar Detroit Tigers. But he was one of the stellar softballers braving the elements during Canton's Groundhog Softball Tournament. For more on the annual antics, turn to Page 3a. Contracts with two unions were ex- tended for two years Monday night by the Plymouth-Canton Board of Educa- tion. The board voted 7-0 to ratify two- year extensions of collective bargain- ing agreements with unions for aides and for transportation department em- ployees Both pacts are good through the 1986-87 school year. Earlier, members of the Plymouth- Canton Educational Aides Association and the Plymouth-Canton Transporta- tion Employees Associations voted to ratify the extensions. Previously the major item of disa- greement was health insurance cover- age, particularly for the aides who held out on that issue. Although both groups received a wage adjustment, the aides received health insurance improvements and some adjustments were made to the health policies of transportation em- ployees. The aides had already bargained for a 5-percent wage increase in 1985-86 but had a reopener clause to H injure health insurance. With that issue set- tled, the aides also negotiated another 5-percent hike for '86-87. The extension with transportation employees also provides for a 5-per- cent hike for '85-86 and '86-87. Roland Thomas, board president, thanked both union negotiating teams for being willing to compromise and cooperate with the board to reach the agreements. voted to accept the low bid of National Bank of Detroit on bos bids of $750,000. The low bid of NBD for the notes was at 6.1 percent which was some $1,800 less interest expense than the next clos- est bid submitted by Security Rank & Trust st 6.35 percent. The board was informed that the food service firm which runs the cafe- teria program for the district is being sold by Del Monte-Reynolds to the Marriott Hotel organization. Harvey Place, chairman of the Spe- cial Education Parent Advisory Coun- cil (SEPAC), briefed the board on the position the council is taking on pro- posed rule changes in state guidelines on special education services. A public hearing is scheduled in February by the state at the Wayne County Intermedi- ate District's auditorium. Omnicom claims it's overtaxed By Gary M. Cstes staff writer IN OTHER ACTION, the board Ethiopian plans donation plea to Rotary By Diane Qale staff writer An unusual chain of events has linked an Ethiopian woman, a Canton Town- ship resident and the Rotary Club of Plymouth On Feb 8. Marta Gabre-Tsadick the first woman to sit in the Ethiopian Senate will try to convince Rotary club members to donate money to an organization she founded. The exiled ex-foreign diplomat made the contact through Sandra Aldrich of Canton — a friend she made after escaping from the African country. Gabre-Tsadick began Project Mercy in 1976 to aid Ethiopian refugees long before the recent avalanche of media attention on the country's star- vation crisis She is the fortress behind a program to distribute atmit — an easily digest- ed porridge of oats, milk, sugar and salt for people who are on the brink of starvation and are too weak to digest grain. "Marta describes it as being for the what's inside Brevities . . . 6A Cable TV . . 3A Canton Chatter . 2B Church 6-7B Clubs in Action 4B Creative Living . . . . 1E Obituaries . . . ... 2A Opinion 12A Readers Write 8A Sports 1-5C Suburban Life 1-5B The View , . . . . . . 1B Classified Sec C-D-E WSDP . . . . . . . . 3A NEWSLINE . . . 4»-2700 SPORTSLINE 501-2312 "QRIAT RISULTS!" M Smith was happy wtth the re- sponse of the Observer & Eccentric HELP WANTED Classified ad placed ' Vary pleased with results I obtained from your ads!' Rmmmmbw... O n oall doM it ftiir 691-0900 Use your MasterCard or Visa people whose bones are being held to- gether by their skin." Aldrich said. GABRE-TSADICK"S charitable en- deavor fits in well with a program adopted by the Plymouth Rotary dubbed "Daily Bread." Club members decided to forfeit rolls served at their weekly meal, and donate the money saved to starving people. The theme behind the project is "Give THEM this day our daily bread — an altered line in the prayer "Our Father " However, the group has not decided exactly where to donate the money "We're looking to see what's feasi- ble," according to Dale Kanabe, presi- dent of the Rotary Foundation There's "a lot of controversy" about how much of the food donated to the country actually makes it to the mouths of starving Ethiopians, "and there isn't one specific group ear- marked." Kanabe said THE STATELY African woman who now lives in Indiana with her hus- band, Demeke Tekle-Wold began Project Mercy shortly after she came to the United States She was forced to flee her homeland after the death of Emperor Haile Selassie A violent power struggle began among various factions in Ethiopia and people with governmental rank were especially endangered Hundreds of lives were claimed during the civil uprising Please turn to Page 4 BILL SRESLER/stafl p M o g r W * Sandy Aldrich alts In the office of her Canton Township home where she penned her first book, 'Sheltered by the King." The suspense-pecked, true story documents an Ethiopian family's es- cape to the United Statee. Omnicom Cablevision is taking the townships of Plymouth and Canton to task on their 1983 and '84 personal property tax assessment. TTie cable company objects to being assessed for "house drops" and has tak- en its case to the Michigan Tax Tribu- nal- Prior to 1983, Omnicom wasn't as- sessed for house drops, said Rick Cole- man, Omnicom general manager House drops are that portion of cable which run from a main line to an indi- vidual subscriber's home. "We had like a $30,000 jump in the personal property taxes in one year. That's pretty substantial," Coleman said. House drops were included in the company's 1983 and '84 tax bills in Plymouth and Canton townships. "The bouse drop is an expendable portion of our plant and It's being looked on as it was a permanent part of our plant," Coleman said. "In effect, the house drop becomes part of the person's bome, it belongs to the subscriber "I don't know of any instance where we went out and tore up the cable to someone's house when they moved," he said "The converter box has nothing to do with it. The converter belongs to us — that's part of our equipment. If the sub- scriber loses the converter they pay " But the townships view the argument differently and have hired attorney Nevin Rose to represent them at the tax tribunal proceedings "They agree that the converter box is their property We are saying that that piece of cable is the personal prop- erty of the cable company," Rose said. 'The gas company or the electric company puts a line into your bouse or apartment and they declare that as personal property They don't want you to mess with it." Rose said. "The cable company, on the other hand, says it belongs to the homeowner Please turn to Page 4

Dreaming alpout Canton that could be

Canton CterUer V o l u m e 10 N u m b e r 55

T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 31, 1985 Canton, Michigan 5 2 P a g e s Twenty-Five Centr

Township weighs choices in hiring t o p c o p By DUKM Oa ts staff writer

Canton could hire a specialist to cor-rect problems in the police department and then leave, Supervisor James Poole said. Hie police chief's spot be-came vacant Saturday when Jer ry Cox resigned.

I think what the police department needs is a fully qualified person to come in for 12 months, and clean it up," said Supervisor James Poole.

And then we can get a person in who will keep it going."

"When you've got things screwed up, you get someone who can straighten it out, and then you put someone in there (permanently)," he said.

May opt for temporary turn-around expert The type of person needed to turn the

department around would have differ-ent characteristics than the person needed to maintain the department on a long-term basis, he said. J l o d e r i c k Bartell, of Bartell and Bar-

Ltd. consulting firm, will assist the Canton Township Board of Trustees in choosing the candidate for the spot. Finding someone will take 90-120 days, he said.

IN THE MEANTIME, Poole appoint-ed Canton police Lt. Larry Stewart to serve as acting chief.

Bartell completed a study in Decem-ber 1984 spotlighting a crisis in the po-lice department. Managerial problems were emphasized.

'The study magnified the severity of the situation and showed the misalign-ment — (Cox's) mismanagement style mismatched to the organization's needs," Bartell said. ' T o say it called for a resignation is heavy, because peo-ple can be developed."

Although the study refrained f rom recommending Cox leave the office, Bartell said, the resignation will

"speed up" the process of implement-ing departmental changes.

"The 90 days to get a chief is small compared to how long it would have taken to realign the chief with the de-partment," Bartell said.

"We didn't say he (Cox) couldn't be developed," he said. "But, the question was: How long would it have taken?

"We're start ing a new era and were very optimistic in thinking things will fall in place quickly," he said.

CHOOSING A NEW police chief will

involve advertising, screening and rat-ing questionnaires, Bartel l said.

Bartell's services could cost f rom $350 for simply assessing the final can-didate to $7,000. If Canton paid the highest rate and the candidate chosen were not successful in two years. Bar-tell would repeat the search and selec-tion process at no charge, he said.

Bartell is now screening police chief candidates in Plymouth. But, he doubts candidates applying for Plymouth's spot would be the same type of person the township would want.

Plymouth and Canton have night and day situations," be said. "Plymouth is looking to maintaining and belt tight-ening, and in Canton you're looking at growth " -

WHILE THE TOWNSHIP searches for a new police chief. Stewart will per form his duties as lieutenant, and take on the ch ie f s responsibilities.

"I 'm elated the township board and Mr Poole have the confidence in me to make me chief, and to do my own job," Stewart said. "It shows me a lot of faith and confidence, and I feel proud."

Cox was involved in many profes-sional organizations including Wayne

Please turn to Page 5

Board extends 2 union pacts Insurance obstacles hurdled

Greeting the groundhog Rick Fon ta ine d ives for a l ine d r i ve (see ba l l above g love) as a pair of ou t f i e l de rs s tand ready to back h i m up. Nope, Fonta ine wasn ' t ge t t i ng a p r e s p r i n g - t r a i n i n g t r you t w i t h t he W o r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p

SILL BRESLER/aiaff pftotograpftar

Det ro i t T igers. But he was one of the stel lar so f tba l le rs b rav ing t he e l e m e n t s du r ing Can ton ' s G r o u n d h o g So f tba l l Tournament . For m o r e on the annua l an t i cs , t u rn to Page 3a.

Contracts with two unions were ex-tended for two years Monday night by the Plymouth-Canton Board of Educa-tion.

The board voted 7-0 to ratify two-year extensions of collective bargain-ing agreements with unions for aides and for transportation depar tment em-ployees

Both pacts are good through the 1986-87 school year .

Earlier, members of the Plymouth-Canton Educational Aides Association and the Plymouth-Canton Transporta-tion Employees Associations voted to rat i fy the extensions.

Previously the ma jo r i tem of disa-greement was health insurance cover-age, particularly for the aides who held out on that issue.

Although both groups received a wage adjustment, the aides received health insurance improvements and some adjustments were made to the health policies of transportat ion em-ployees.

The aides had a l ready bargained for a 5-percent wage increase in 1985-86 but had a reopener clause to H injure health insurance. With that issue set-tled, the aides also negotiated another 5-percent hike for '86-87.

The extension with transportation employees also provides for a 5-per-cent hike for '85-86 and '86-87.

Roland Thomas, board president, thanked both union negotiating teams for being willing to compromise and cooperate with the board to reach the agreements.

voted to accept the low bid of National Bank of Detroit on bos bids of $750,000.

The low bid of NBD for the notes was at 6.1 percent which was some $1,800 less interest expense than the next clos-est bid submitted by Security Rank & Trus t s t 6.35 percent.

The board was informed that the food service f i rm which runs the cafe-teria program for the district is being sold by Del Monte-Reynolds to the Marr iot t Hotel organization.

Harvey Place, chairman of the Spe-cial Education Parent Advisory Coun-cil (SEPAC), briefed the board on the position the council is taking on pro-posed rule changes in state guidelines on special education services. A public hearing is scheduled in February by the s ta te at the Wayne County Intermedi-a te District 's auditorium.

Omnicom claims it's overtaxed By Gary M. Cstes staff writer

IN OTHER ACTION, the board

Ethiopian plans donation plea to Rotary By Diane Qale staff writer

An unusual chain of events has linked an Ethiopian woman, a Canton Town-ship resident and the Rotary Club of Plymouth

On Feb 8. Marta Gabre-Tsadick — the first woman to sit in the Ethiopian Senate — will try to convince Rotary club members to donate money to an organization she founded. The exiled ex-foreign diplomat made the contact through Sandra Aldrich of Canton — a

friend she made a f te r escaping from the African country.

Gabre-Tsadick began Project Mercy in 1976 to aid Ethiopian refugees — long before the recent avalanche of media attention on the country's star-vation crisis

She is the fortress behind a program to distribute atmit — an easily digest-ed porridge of oats, milk, sugar and salt for people who are on the brink of starvation and are too weak to digest grain.

"Marta describes it as being for the

what's inside Brevi t i es . . . 6A C a b l e TV . . 3A C a n t o n C h a t t e r . 2B C h u r c h 6 - 7 B C l u b s in Act ion 4B C r e a t i v e Living . . . . 1E O b i t u a r i e s . . . ... 2A O p i n i o n 12A R e a d e r s Wr i t e 8A S p o r t s 1 - 5 C S u b u r b a n Life 1 -5B The View , . . . . . . 1B Class i f i ed S e c C-D-E W S D P . . . . . . . . 3A

N E W S L I N E . . . 4 » - 2 7 0 0

S P O R T S L I N E 5 0 1 - 2 3 1 2

" Q R I A T R I S U L T S ! "

M Smith was happy wtth the re-sponse of the Observer & Eccentric HELP WANTED Classified ad placed ' Vary pleased with results I obtained from your ads!'


O n o a l l d o M i t ftiir


U s e y o u r M a s t e r C a r d or Visa

people whose bones are being held to-gether by their skin." Aldrich said.

GABRE-TSADICK"S charitable en-deavor fits in well with a program adopted by the Plymouth Rotary dubbed "Daily Bread." Club members decided to forfeit rolls served at their weekly meal, and donate the money saved to starving people.

The theme behind the project is "Give THEM this day our daily bread — an altered line in the prayer "Our Father " However, the group has not decided exactly where to donate the money

"We're looking to see what's feasi-ble," according to Dale Kanabe, presi-dent of the Rotary Foundation

There 's "a lot of controversy" about how much of the food donated to the country actually makes it to the mouths of starving Ethiopians, "and there isn't one specific group ear-marked." Kanabe said

THE STATELY African woman — who now lives in Indiana with her hus-band, Demeke Tekle-Wold — began Project Mercy shortly a f te r she came to the United States She was forced to flee her homeland af ter the death of Emperor Haile Selassie

A violent power struggle began among various factions in Ethiopia and people with governmental rank were especially endangered Hundreds of lives were claimed during the civil uprising

Please turn to Page 4

BILL SRESLER/stafl p M o g r W *

Sandy A ld r i ch alts In t he o f f i ce of her Canton T o w n s h i p home where she p e n n e d her f i rs t book , 'She l te red by t he K i n g . " The suspense -pecked , t rue s tory d o c u m e n t s an E th iop ian fam i l y ' s es-cape to t he Un i ted Statee.

Omnicom Cablevision is taking the townships of Plymouth and Canton to task on their 1983 and '84 personal property tax assessment.

TTie cable company objects to being assessed for "house drops" and has tak-en its case to the Michigan Tax Tribu-nal-

Prior to 1983, Omnicom wasn't as-sessed for house drops, said Rick Cole-man, Omnicom general manager House drops are that portion of cable which run f rom a main line to an indi-vidual subscriber's home.

"We had like a $30,000 jump in the personal property taxes in one year. That 's pretty substantial," Coleman said. House drops were included in the company's 1983 and '84 tax bills in Plymouth and Canton townships.

"The bouse drop is an expendable portion of our plant and It's being looked on as it was a permanent part of our plant," Coleman said.

"In effect, the house drop becomes part of the person's bome, it belongs to the subscriber

"I don't know of any instance where we went out and tore up the cable to someone's house when they moved," he said

"The converter box has nothing to do with it. The converter belongs to us — that's par t of our equipment. If the sub-scriber loses the converter they pay "

But the townships view the argument differently and have hired attorney Nevin Rose to represent them at the tax tribunal proceedings

"They agree that the converter box is their property We are saying that that piece of cable is the personal prop-erty of the cable company," Rose said.

'The gas company or the electric company puts a line into your bouse or apar tment and they declare that as personal property They don't want you to mess with it." Rose said.

"The cable company, on the other hand, says it belongs to the homeowner

Please turn to Page 4

• >4ct. ThurMay. January 31. 1985


Funeral services for Ms. Carman, 37. of Grant Drive. Canton, were held re-cently in St John Neumann Catholic Church in Canton with burial at St Hedwig Cemetery, Dearborn Heights Officiating was the Rev Edward J Baldwin with a r rangements made by Lambert-Vermeulen Funeral Home in Plymouth

Ms Carman, who died Jan 26 in Southfield, was born in Detroit and had moved to Canton f rom Chicago in 1975 She was a computer operator with Can-ton Township. She was a member of St. John Neumann Church, of Angel Flight ROTC. the Polish National Alliance. Girl Scouts, Channel 21 Club "Boom. Boom," and was a political advocate

Survivors include; father, Edmund Kurosky, sisters, Paula M. Donahue of Canton, P a m e l a M Leadford of Can-ton, Karen M Skorupski of Carleton. Mich and Glore J Marinko of Dear-born. and two nieces and three newphews


A memoria l service for Mrs. Lam-bert, 80, of Plymouth will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 3, in Plymouth Town Apartments with the Rev Philip Rodgers Magee officiating. Arrange-ments are being made by Schrader Fu-neral Home in Plymouth. Funeral ser-vice and burial were held J an 30 in Pelham, Mass

Mrs Lamber t , who died Jan 26 in Ann Arbor, was born in Massachusetts and lived most of her life there She moved to Plymouth in 1982 f rom Cali-fornia. She ret i red f rom the University of Massachusetts as a research labora-tory assistant in 1962

Survivors include husband, Lucien of Plymouth, daughters . Betty Baker of San Jose, and Claire McCubbrey of Ann Arbor: and four grandchildren


Funeral services for Mrs Budzynski, 70, of Plymouth Township were held recently in Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church in Plymouth with ar-rangements made by Lambert-Ver-meulen Funera l Home

Mrs Budzynski, who died Jan. 23 in St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Superior Township, was born in Illinois and had

lived in Plymouth Township for 37 years A homemaker , she was a mem-ber of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Survivors include husband Chester and several cousins

RONALD E. WHIT IN Gc Funera l services for Mr Whiting, 51,

of Canton were held recently in Lam-bert-Vermeulen Funeral Home with burial a t Riverside Cemetery, Plym-outh Oflciating was the Rev Robert Millar

Mr Whiting, who died J an 24 in St Joseph Mercy Hospital, worked in ma-ter ial control for 11 years a t the Van Born plant of Massey-Ferguson He was a m e m b e r of Plymouth Elks No 1780 for 12 years Survivors include wife, Margot, sons. Kevin and Je f f rey , brother . Vincent of Livonia; sister, Donna Clark of Sterling Heights; and one grand-daughter


Funera l services for Mr McCelland, 66. of Plymouth Township were held recent ly in Schrader Funera l Home with Gordon Petersen officiating. Me-morial contributions may be made to the Michigan Cancer Society. Arrange-ments were made by Schrader Funera l Home

Mr McClelland, who died Jan. 26 in Westland, was born in Ontario, Canada, and moved to Plymouth in 1952 f rom Canada. He was a supervisor with Con-sumers Power Co.. retiring in 1976 af-ter 24 years employment. He was a m e m b e r of the congregation of the Jehovah Witness

Survivors include; wife, Ellen; step-son, David Oman of Plymouth; step-daughter, Barbara Teulings of Cleve-land; sister . Mary McClelland of Big Rapids


Funera l services for Mrs. Bogart . 92. of P lymouth were held recently in Casterl ine Funeral Home in Northvil le with burial a t Rural Hill Cemetery in Northville- Officiating was the Rev Er i c H a m m a r

Mrs Bogart . who died J an 26 in St. Mary Hospital, Livonia, was born in Clarenceville, Mich A homemaker . she and her husband owned EMB Market in Northville for many years. She was a life m e m b e r of Northville Women's

Club, past worthy matron of Orient Chapter No 77 Order Eastern Star, and of the First United Methodist Church of Northville She and her husband had celebrated their 60th wedding anniver-sary on New Year 's Day this year The Bogarts both graduated in 1811 f rom Northville High School

Survivors include sons, Ralph of Livonia. Warren of Northville, and Lawrence of Ypsilanti; sister, Marie Seitz; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren


Funeral services for Mr Dettling, 69, of Canton were held recently in Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church in Plymouth with burial at St Hedwig Cemetery, Dearborn Heights Memori-al contributions may be made to St. Jo-seph Mercy Hospital Heart Research Fund or in the form of Mass offer ings Arrangements were made by Schrader Funeral Home.

Mr Dettling, who died Jan. 21 in Ann Arbor, was born in Suterville, Pa., and moved to Canton in 1973 from Detroit He was a retired IRS agent, having worked for the Internal Revenue Ser-vice for 30 years 1946-76 He was a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church.

Survivors include wife, Luciana, daughter, Luciana O'Keefe of Livonia; sons, Robert and James , both of Can-ton; sisters. Mary Kryzanski of Detroit and Margaret Grasela of Canton; brother, Frank of Detroit, and seven grandchildren,


A memorial service for Mrs Mu-rawski, 78. of Shadywood. Plymouth, was scheduled for 10 a.m. today in St, Kenneth Catholic Church in Plymouth with burial a t Holy Sepulchre Ceme-tery, Southfield. The Rev. William Pet-tit was to officiate. Arrangements w e r e made by Lambert-Vermeulen Funera l Home

Mrs Murawski, who died Jan . 25 in Mount Carmel Hospital in Detroit, was born in Detroit. A homemaker, she was a member of St, Kenneth Church Sur-vivors include; husband, Edmund; son, Joseph Reid of Farmington; daughter , Elinore Reid of Plymouth, sister, Olga

Kopacz of Southfield, and f ive grand-children


Funeral services for Mr Kardos, 82, of Redford Township were held re<jfnt-ly in Schrader Funeral Home with buri-al at Riverside Cemetery in Plymouth Officiating was the Rev. John Shinn

Mrs Kardos. who died J a n 26 in Redford, was born in Northvil le Town-ship. A homemaker, she was a former longtime resident of P lymouth . Survi-vors include: sons, Luther of Redford and LeRoy of Plymouth; s i s te r r Adella Schuyler, eight grandchi ldren, four great-grandchildren, and th ree great-grea t - gr andchi 1 dren


Funeral services for Mr Stevenson, 61, of Livonia were held recently in the Harry J Will Funeral Home in Livonia with burial at Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens, Novi. Officiat ing was the Rev Mark Barnes

Mr Stevenson, who died Jan. 20 at home, was born in Richmond, Ky He had moved f rom Kentucky to Plym-outh in 1937 and for the past 16 years had lived in Livonia. Employed in floor layer construction, he was a member of the Plymouth Church of the Nazarene and of Anglers Unlimited.

Survivors include: wife, Donna, sons, Mark of Brighton and Dwight of Battle Creek; daughter, Pamela Kingsbury of Plymouth, sisters, Karen Dingeldev of

Canton, Marilyn Hester of Plymouth, Dollie Gotro of Northville, and Norma Stobbe of Oldsmar . F la . brothers, Ray and Robert, both of Ann Arbor, and Dwight of Jasper , Ala ; and seven grandchildren,


Funeral services for Mrs Butschke, 96, of Detroit were held recently in Vermeulen Memorial Funeral Home in Westland with burial a t Woodmere Cemetery in Detroit. Officiating was Pastor Robert Gibson.

Mrs Butschke, who died Jan, 20 in Detroit, was a homemaker and a mem-ber of Evergreen Lutheran Church in Detroit. She is survived by several nieces and nephews

Drive cautiously on snow Slow and easy. According to Norman Darwick. ex-

ecutive director of the International .Association of Chiefs of Police, those a re two key words that give motorists extra advantage in solving winter driv-ing problems

Darwick contends that stubbornly sticking to 55 mph (or to other posted limits) regardless of conditions can lure drivers into traveling too fast on slippery pavements or when visibility is restricted during winter s torms.

From a speed of 55 mph on good, dry pavement, a car can be braked to a stop in about 150 feet

By contrast, a speed of only 20 mph on glare ice can produce braking dis-tances of about 150 feet — close to nine ca r lengths

"In other words," Sarwick points out, "for equal stopping ability, speeds on glare ice should be cut to about one-third of those considered reasonable under ideal conditions."

Skid testers also emphasize the im-portance of tempera ture changes in re-

Talented-gifted classes open Walk-in registrat ion for Schoolcraft

College s talented and gifted classes in the Adventures in Learning program will be held f rom 2-4 p.m. today in the registration center on campus at 18600 Haggerty, Livonia

Openings a re available in all classes Computer programming classes will be open to all students aged 6-15.

Other information is available f rom the college 's continuing education off-ice, 591-6400 ext. 410.

'Brain damaged' seminar set Registration is open for three School-

c ra f t College seminars collectively ti-tled "New Hope for the Brain Dam-aged." Courses a re designed to help the injured, their famil ies and profession-als who work with them,

Registration information is available f r o m the communi ty services office a t 591-6400 ext. 409 Courses, start ing dates and t imes a r e

• Adjustment for the Traumatical ly Brain Injured — six Mondays f rom 6-8

p.m. beginning Feb 4. Persons a t level VI of cognit ive functioning a r e taught to identify their own deficits and devel-op compensa tory skills. Fee is $40

• A d j u s t m e n t for F a m i l y and Fr iends of the Traumat ical ly Brain In-jured — six Mondays f rom 6-8 p.m. be-ginning F e b 4 Fee is $40

• Communi ty Reintegration of the Traumat ica l ly Brain Injured — one-day seminar March 9 for health ca re providers and professionals. F e e is $50.

F R I S H C A T C H I X P R K S S !

Flown In Directly From-New Englarvd For Weekend Sale Onlyl

What l like about your seafood market is knowing that I am aotng to b« g«ttlr>Q some-thing thai is very fresh "

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lation to the siipperiness of ice and packed snow At t empera tu res near freezing, the braking distance on glare ice may stretch out to as much as 260 feet (about 15 car lengths) f rom 20 mph.

He adds:

• Tire chains a re your best aid in stopping on ice, where they can cut braking distances by as much as 50 percent compared with regular high-way tires.

• Where studded tires are permit-ted, they help. Tires with new studs on the rear wheels reduce braking dis-tances about 19 percent on ice; with new studs on all four wheels (studded snow t ires on rear , studded regular tires on front), braking distances a re reduced 31 percent,

• Conventional snow t i res (without studs) a re of little or no help in stop-ping on ice.

When it comes to getting started and keeping going

• On ice — conventional snow t ires develop about 28 percent more traction

ability than regular tires; studded snow tires provide about three t imes and reinforced chains about seven times the traction of regular tires,

• On loosely packed snow — con-ventional snow t ires develop about half again as much pulling ability as regu-lar tires, while tire chains provide about four t imes the pull of regular tires.

Contrary to the impression of many motorists, radial tires a re not necessar-ily a substitute for snow tires for driv-ing on snow and ice. The performance of radial tires varies widely and is de-pendent on the type of tread. A snow tread will pe r fo rm as a snow tire, a regular tread will per form as a regular highway tire,

Darwick Concludes; "Even with the help of special t ract ion equipment, per-formance on snow and ice is nowhere near the normal, dry pavement per-formance.

"Reduce speeds drastically, follow other vehicles a t a f a r greater distance, and perform all maneuvers — slowing, steering or accelera t ing — with a gen-tle, delicate touch Easy does it!"


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> • « _ m m m J a n u a r y 31 . I W OAE ( C £ A

Frosty temps chill day at the ballpark

(Le f t ) Rick V ig i l o f Mr . Muf f to r c o n c e n t r a t e s as he pu l l s b e c k and tosses t h e b e l l over t he p la te . ( R i g h t ) T h i r d b e e e m e n Merk S a v i t s k i e c o m p l e t e s t h e tag, m a k e s an o u t a n d doee t h e sp l i t s e l l at t h e s a m e t i m e . (Bo t -t o m r i g h t ) J o d y B o c a s w i n g s a r o u n d t h i r d b a s e a n d hus t les to h o m e p l a te . ( B o t t o m ) Ka thy and K e v i n S h a n k i s , b u n d l e d up to f i gh t t he f r o s t y t e m p e r a t u r e s , cheer t he p laye rs .

MR Muffler won the Sixth An-nual Groundhogs Softball Tournament, sponsored by the Canton Pa rks and Rec-

reation Department J an 26 in Griff in Pa rk

Mr. Muffler, with a 7-2 victory over the Boczar team, took the champion-ship for the second year in a row

The Mr Muffler t eam got four runs in the first inning of its third game — and victory — of the day, over Boczar. Manager Rick Vigil, Mark Bneschke and Keith Starmickle were the top three hi t ters in the game.

Mr Muffler also defeated the Thun-derboys. 17-0. and the Snowballers. 8-1.

Manager Jeff Boczar 's t eam reached the f inals with wins over the Canton Jaycees , 3-2, and Michigan Bell, 17-1. In the Michigan Bell game. Chuck Janouski had two tr iples and Tim

McCurley had three hits. The Canton Township employees

team won its second game ever, with a 4-1 victory over the Sluggers. The township team is composed of f ive men and five women.

Other scores: Westside Auto 7, Super-bowl 6; Snowballers 4. Westside Auto 0; Jaycees 4. Rusty Nail 3; Michigan Bell 4. Township Employees 2; Boczar ' s 3. Jaycees 2; Boczar 's 17, Michigan Bell 1

The teams use orange sof tbal ls in the snow All games have a one-hour t ime limit.

'The tournament was a great suc-cess as fun and enthusiasm w e r e the winners of the day. Memories of orange softballs and slipping in the snow will remain with all the part ici-pants until they once again play in Can-ton's version of spring t raining," said Bob Dates, recreat ion supervisor .

Photos by Rick Smith

neighbors on cable C H A N N E L 8

T H U R S D A Y J a n . 31 5 p.m. Cinematique — Johnny Mid-

night and Fredr ico Balontoni reviews f i lms to be shown on Fami ly Home Theater

5:30 p.m. . Canton BPW Presents — "How to Introduce a Speaker" and guest speaker talks on leadership and volunteerism.

6:30 p.m. . . . Investment Times — Hosts Brian Davis & J im Lanzi report this week's financial action

7 p.m. . . . Jazz Singer & Piano P layer — Some good down home enter ta inment .

7:30 p.m. . The Oasis — Music, var ie ty and comedy. Musical guest is Argusy with "'Miss You" and "'Time For Love To End."

8 p.m. . . The Food Chain — Debi Silver-m a n with the facts about f a t as it re-la tes to nutrition

8:30 p.m. , Economic Club of Detroit — Speaker is Alvah H, Chapman, Jr . , cha i rman of Knight Ridder Newspa-pers

9:30 p.m Single Touch — J . P McCar-thy and Dana talk with Jeff Stone and Ed Beilaksi.

F R I D A Y ( F e b . I) 5 p.m Omnicom G a m e of Week —

Boys basketball prep action fea tur ing Plymouth Salem High vs. Livonia Ste-venson

6:30 p.m. Cheerleading Seminar — Cheerleading clinic for Plymouth-Can-ton Lions.

7 p.m. Plymouth-Canton Isshinryu — Traditional weapons use and various defensive moves a re shown in this week's episode

7:30 p.m. Wrestling — Wrestling with Plymouth Salem vs Walled Lake Cen-tral

9 p.m Basketball — St Florian vs Immacu la te Conception

10 p.m. Glitch — C.J McZoom and co-host ham it up for laughs on this live call-in show

S A T U R D A Y ( F e b . 2) 5 p.m Omnicom Game of the Week 6:30 p.m. Cheerleading Seminar 7 p.m Plymouth-Canton Isshinryu 7:30 p.m. Wrestling 9 p.m Basketball

C H A N N E L 15

T H U R S D A Y ( J a n 31) Noon Beat of the City 12:30 p.m. Governor & Red Cross - A

money-raising ef for t for Ethopia fol-lowed by a short news conference

1 p .m. Canton Update — J im Poole brings you up-to-date on Canton ar t ivi ties

1:30 p.m Shopper Comparision —-This week's grocery prices f rom area supermarkets .

2 p.m. . . NTV — A show by Northville High School students.

2:30 p.m. Replay of Live Call-In With Jokes-A-Plenty — Call in with your fa-vorite joke Let's keep it clean!

3:30 p.m. JA Projec t Business Eco-nomics — The big popcorn sale. Stu-dents get their chance to turn a profit.

4:30 p.m. Youth View — Singing guest is Morgan Cryar . Scenes f rom Plym-outh Ice Spectacular, and a collection of some of the show's bloopers.

5 p.m. . Cosmos Quiz 5:30 p.m, Canton Wood Carvers — A

special p rogram highlighting the wood carv ing talents of many senior citizens in Canton Township.

6 p.m. H a m t r a m c k News In Review 6:30 p.m. . . Psychic Sciences — Bob

Lewanski, author of "Heal th Force," discusses face reading.

7 p.m. American Way of Taxes — IRS wants you to know about your tax mon-ey

7:30 p.m. Cheerleading Seminar. 8 p.m. Omnicom G a m e of the Week 9:30 p.m. A Celebration of Juliet

Lowe — Local Girl Scout troops cele-brate the birthday of Julie Lowe, founder of the Girl Scouts

F R I D A Y ( F e b . 1) Noon American Way of Taxes 12:30 p.m. Money Talks — A presen-

tation f rom the Internal Revenue Ser-vice (IRS). Informat ion about your finances

1 p.m. . . Taking Care of Business — A presentation f rom the IRS

1:30 p.m Wrestling 3 p.m Summit Lighthouse — A con-

tinuing religious series 4 p.m, Lifestyles — A talk show vari-

ety program 4:30 p.m. Hank Luks vs. Crime —

Something new in c r i m e prevention each week

5 p m Wayne County A New Per-spective — Wayne County Executive William Lucas reports

5:30 p.m. TNT True Adventure Trails - Uncle Ernie brings us good news

each week 6 p.m. Yugoslavian Varie ty Hour —

Yugoslav residents in Hamtramck present this weekly show about their lifestyle

7 p.m. Sound Trax — Professional music productions by a r ea groups

8 p.m. Words of Hope — A continuing religious series

8:30 p.m. Divine Plan — A weekly Bible study program

9 p.m Health Talks Medical infor-m a t i o n y o u c a n u s e

.10 p r. T h i s Ic T ^ P I . i f p L u t h e r a n

religious p rogram series.

S A T U R D A Y ( F e b . 2) Noon Wrestling 1:30 p.m. Basketball. 2:30 p.m. Put t in ' On the Ritz — Plym-

outh BPW Presents Fashions of Today 4 p.m. Look of Love Fashions —

Plymouth Newcomers welcome you with fashions.

i p.m. Apparel Design Fashions — Presenta t ion f r o m Eastern Michigan University interior design and fashion depar tment .

5:45 p.m. . Corporate Look for Women — Know what works in the business world for fo r executives.

6:30 p.m. . . Michigan National Little Miss — 64 gir ls ages 4-7 f rom all a reas in Michigan compete for the title of • 'National Li t t le Miss,"

7:45 p.m. People Helping People — Salvation Army shares with you how they help those in need. A hear t -warm-ing story

8 p.m. . . . Stages of Life Fashions — How will you know what looks good when? Let the exper t s show you Stages of Life fashions.

9 p.m. . . , Canton Sesquicentennial Fash-ion Show

C H A N N E L 10 C A N T O N T O W N S H I P

F R I D A Y S 6 to 10:30 p.m Canton Township

Board meet ing

S A T U R D A Y S Noon to 4:30 p.m. Canton Township

Board meet ing

C H A N N E L 11 P L Y M O U T H - C A N T O N


M O N D A Y S - F R I D A Y S

WSDP / 88.1 < WSDP-FM 88 1 ts the student-operat

ed radw station at Plymouth Centenma Educational Park (CEP) )


T H U R S D A Y ( Jan . 31) 8 p.m. Escape with raido personality

Geoff rey B as he plays the best in pro-gressive contemporary music and your requests

F R I D A Y ( F e b . 1) 11 a m. P r i m e Time — a continuation

of J an 25 program 6:10 p.m Sports Update — Host Bill


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OAt: T h u r s d a y , jmnuluy 3 1 . 1935

Cantonite snared by coupon book scam By Dwnnts Cof fman stafl writer

Telephooe soliciting, or "telemarket-ing," has grown into a multimillion-dol-lar business in recent years

It's a rare Canton resident who hasn't been asked to buy storm win-dows, home modernization, newspaper subscriptions or even long distance telephone service by telephone

Though most of the companies that do business by phone are reputable, there are a few bad apples

One of these, apparently, is a compa-ny selling discount coupons fo r mer-chandise and services. The problem is, many of the coupons have expired, ac-cording to several Canton residents who got stung by the operation.

Bob Taddia of Canton recently bought one of the coupon books, called Shopping Spree."

MOST OF THE COUPONS in that book were supposed to be redeemable at companies in the Plymouth. Ann Ar-bor and Ypsilanti areas

But Taddia found that many of them had expired, or that the companies list-ed were no longer in business.

"I 'm usually hesitant to buy by phone." said Taddia. "but 1 thought I would be helping the community "

Taddia probably should have been suspicious when the coupon book seller rushed out to his home to collect 139 95

"I'm really dissatisfied," said Tad-dia, who is a mental health worker in Inkster

"I'd like to help others avoid this type of thing and not be taken," Taddia said. "He's got my money, but that's not the point."

Taddia said the coupon book seller had a temporary office on Main Street in Plymouth — very temporary

"This guy is just making a fortune taking people." he said. "He is saying he is backed, but in fac t is not (support-ed), by chambers of commerce in other communities."

The "Shopper s Spree" book resem-bles many legitimate coupon books, which offer discounts on products, ser-vices, free dinners and movie tickets when one ticket of equal value is pur-chased.

ONE OF THE'Shopper ' s Spree" coupons was supposed to give the hold-er a f ree portrai t through a Lowe. Mass.. studio. Taddia said the pur-chaser pays the processing fee but nev-er receives any photos.

"This is a boiler-room operation, es-sentially," said Detective Sgt. Norman

Donations requested

Olmstead of the Ann Arbor Police De-partment

'The (coupon book) company will call and tell the person that be has been selected to receive the coupon book, but that be must make a decision right then," be said

"Usually the offices only consist of a table, chairs and the telephone solici-tors simply read a script." Olmstead said. 'They get kids to deliver the books and collect the money

"If you receive a telephone call to buy a product, you are dealing in a high-risk area," said Olmstead "Never give up money without kfiowing more about the product. I regret that they get taken, but they have to write it off, as a lesson "

He said the fraudulent companies move f rom city to city under different names. "Don't buy anything sight un-seen You wouldn't buy a car that way." said Olmstead.

The Michigan Better Business Bu-reau is famil iar with coupon book scams.

"We have received complaints both f rom people who have been hired by these companies and who have not been paid and f rom people who have bought a coupon book for $29.95 or some other price and when they went to the merchant to redeem the coupon, he did not know what they were talking about," said Ann Slawnik, a contact person with the Better Business Bu-reau.

"We brought a case like this to the

Michigan Attorney General 's office about a year ago, but It was declared unpursuable The principal owners of the (coupon book scam) company bad left the a rea . "

SHE SAID such companies have been operating for years

"We've been hearing about them They've been prevalent for the last couple of years ."

She repeated a common warning: If something sounds too good to be true, it

#probably is.

"One of these companies offered ev-erything f r ee — pizzas, film. It offered $150 worth of Kodak film and two tick-ets for a f ree weekend at the Holiday Inn. for the price of a $21.95 coupon book," said Slawnik

That coupon book company later was found to have a disconnected phone when the BBB tried to investigate it.

Phony coupon book schemes hurt merchants as well as the buyers of the books, because they destroy credibility of legi t imate coupon books and mer-chants who agree to take part

Slawnik said merchants also get conned into buying advertising in non-existent "yellow page" books that a re represented as being similar to tele-phone company yellow pages, only less expensive for advertisers than the real Yellow Pages.

For both merchants and customers, Slawnik offers this advice: "Do some checking before you write a check."

wmz wmfi %


# a


Bob Taddia of C a n t o n ia w a r n i n g o thera not c o u p o n book pedd le r w h o aat h i m baok $39.95,

BRESLER/H«f» photograph*

to be c o n n e d by a

Continued from Page 1

Gabre-Tsadick and her family fled Addis Afcaba, taking only a picnic lunch with them They drove during the night through 150 miles of desert The escape took them to Nairobi, Kenya, and Athens where they lived on refugee as-sistance for seven months At that point the South Wayne (Indiana) Baptist Church agreed to sponsor them.

The initial seed of friendship be-tween Aldrich and Gabre-Tsadick was planted when the African woman Spoke at Livonia's Ward United Presbyterian Church.

"She's gutsy and I love her," said Al-drich, a freelance writer and public speaker

On Jan 31 Aldrich is speaking in Washington. D C , at the annual Nation-al Prayer breakfast with President Reagan, members of Congress and other diplomats expected to attend Gabre-Tsadick will join her

Religion has drawn us together," Aldrich said

T H E R E L A T I O N S H I P BLOS-SOMED from 1980 to 1982, w h i l e ^ -drich collaborated with Gabre-Tsadick on a book called, "Sheltered by the King," an intriguing account of Gabre-Tsadick and imv- family 's runaway to freedom in the United States. Aldrich, the ghost writer, related the story in first person s t y l e -

The theme in the book is: Do every-thing you possibly can, and leave the outcome to God. Gabre-Tsadick ap-plied this philosophy to her atmit pro-gram.

"She and Deme came up with the at-mit idea in spring of 1984, but when they were talking about it, they thought it would be humanly impossible, be-cause of the magnitude of it," Aldrich said. "But she (Marta) said: "We'll see what God does with it.'

"On Jan. 12, 11 tons of atmit was sent over on a DC8," Aldrich said

Cable company balking Continued from Page 1

but they say in the same breath not to tamper with it or play with it."

OMNICOM WENT to the Board of Review in both townships to appeal the assessment. Both boards turned the cable company down

"We accidentally put everything on our books, this being our first cable sys-tem," Coleman said. "When we realized putting the house drops in had never been heard of before we went to the local boards They said no.

"This has happened to other people in the state and they have appealed it." he said.

Omnicom's appeal to the tax tribunal is pending. Par t of Omnicom's case is based on a similar appeal — Continen-tal Cable vs the City of Lansing

"Continental had the same thing hap-pen and from what I understand, Conti-nental won." Coleman said.

"Continental is the same issue, but it doesn't require us to agree with it," Rose said

"The facts may be different, or it may be the same facts and we still wish to go forward. We think that deci-sion (Continental) was a bad decision."

Coleman said the question is a "sticky accounting and legal issue." He

believes house drops already are as-sessed too high.

"We pay a lot of taxes here." he said In 1983, according to Coleman. Om-

nicom paid $330,000 in local taxes and fees Of that amount, $40,000 went to Plymouth Township and $100,000 went to Canton.

The hou^e drop jump alone was $22,000 m ^ a n t o n Township," he said

Plymouth Township Supervisor Mau-rice Breen said house drops weren't in-cluded prior to 1983 because the town-ship was depending on Wayne County for assessments. Plymouth Township now does its own assessments

Other personal property Omnicom is assessed for includes main cable lines,

head end" equipment, power boosters along the lines and converter boxes

danton ©bserurr

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rownship begins process of filling police chief Job d - i . . . ~T . = U c * department in Mav 1978 aa A aer- Sfpwart vakH Ka kalUitA^ a. j < • • m. . .

Continued from Pag« 1

County Police Chiefs. S o u t h e a s t e r Michigan Police Chiefs, Michigan Asso-ciation of Police Chiefs and the Inter-national Chiefs of Police associations He held officer positions tn some of these groups. Stewart said.

Stewart, who began in the Canton po-

lice department in May 1978 as a ser geant. was promoted to lieutenant in the spring of 1979 Stewart will apply for the police chief position, he said

AT THIS point. I don't know what the qualifications will be." he said "If I do qualify, I certainly will consider ap-plying for the police c h i e f

Stewart said he believed Cox did as much as he could to develop the police department Cox's resignation was in the best interest of the department, he said

"Anything he tried to do, even If it was absolutely right, would meet re-sistance by the board, because of the u j uic uudiu, oecause 01 tne

Township's oldest schoolhouse gets lease on life from trustees By D*nnla Cof fman staff writer

A 19th Century building believed to be the oldest schoolhouse in Canton may still be around in the 21st Century, now that the Canton Township Board of Trustees has designated it a historic structure.

Hough School, located at Haggerty and Warren, dates back to the early 1800s. when it was used as a one-room schoolhouse that served the children of Canton farmers .

Eight grades were taught in the little red schoolhouse. which had one teacher and no indoor plumbing. Today, the building houses a nursery school and the exterior is nearly identical to the original.

. Until Jan. 22. however, the building had been the center of controversy. The Canton Township Historic Commission requested a historic designation for the structure.

The Plymouth-Canton Board of Edu-c a t i o n wanted the building - or at least the site - to be kept available in case the school district needed it for fu-ture expansion from increased enroll-ment.

TO GET AROUND the problem, the Canton Township Planning Department drew up a resolution that designates the school a historic structure but per-

mits the township to move the old school if the district decides to build a new school on the site. The Canton Township Board passed the resolution.

Although the building was on the school district census in 1836. historic commission members believe it dates back to 1825. The school was in the middle of a circular school district, which consisted entirely of farmland Its teacher would board with area fa rmers in order to save money.

As approved by the township board, the school board must inform the town-ship if it wishes to use the Hough School property for its own purposes and the township has one year to move the building from the site.

The township board also would have the opportunity to buy the school site, or rescind the historic-structure desig-nation.

Although the school district owns the land, its freedom to alter the building itself is severely limited under the his-toric designation.

THE SCHOOL BOARD cannot de-molish the building or alter its exterior Because the building would stand in the way of the board's a t tempt to develop the site for future school use, Plym-outh-Canton Community School Dis-trict Superintendent John Hoben indi-cated there was "possible future finan-cial hardship" created by the historic designation

Hoben previously asked the township board not to approve the designation, because be said the property could be used as the site for a new elementary school, "if the population growth does move into this quadrant."

Before the township board voted. Hoben said the provisions of the resolu-tion would be acceptable to him. He said the district was In "dire need" of a fifth elementary school to reduce bus-ing in Canton.

According to a memo from Matthew Modrack. township planner, addressed to the township board, the school board would have preferred that the historic designation not be made.

Modrack indicated that the township and the school district needed to work together on what he termed "more worthy" historic projects, such as the fate of the Cherry Hill School.

Modrack said. "The Cherry Hill School has far more character than Hough School and it will be to the town-ship's advantage to have the coopera-tion of the school district when the ulti-mate fate of the Cherry Hill School is determined.'"

However, the Historic Commission unanimously felt that Hough School was significant enough to earn the his-toric designation.

Its members intend to place a plaque on the one-room schoolhouse, marking its place in Canton history, if they can obtain the funds.


FEBRUARY BRIDAL FAIR DiSD'ays. demons t ra t i ons and i n f o rma t i on - al l for t he B r ide to Be, as she plans for her very special day. W e ' l l cover lash ion , t rave l , pho tog raphy , mus ic , home fu r -n i sh ings inv i ta t ions , cakes, f l owers , and the recept ion. A ca rna t ion wi l t be g iven to the f i rs t 100 br ides who reg is ter at t he Br ida l Booth. By r e g i s t e r i n g , you also become e l i g i b l e to w in one of a n u m b e r of door pr izes. Fr iday t h ru Sunday . February 1 - 3, t h r o u g h o u t the mal l .

BRIDAL FASHION SHOW The h igh l i gh t of our Br ida l Fair - f ea tu r i ng c lothes for the b r ida l coup le , b r ida l par ty and guests. W e ' l l show Resort wear for the Honeymoon , H o w to bu i l d a t rousseau. L i nge r i e and af ter hours c lo thes , and the Br idal Party. Sa tu rday , February 2, 2 p m , Penney Cour t .

ANTIQUE SHOW M a p l e Bunch re turns w i th a var ie ty of dealers fea tu r ing f u r n i t u r e , d ishes, p ic tures, j ewe l r y , toys and more - a l l k inds of qua l i ty ant iques for t he av id col lector or ... a t r i p down memory lane. Thursday t h r u Sunday. February 7 -10. t h roughou t the ma l l .


PUPPET SHOW Detro i t Dental Hyg ien is ts present " O p e n Sesame, " a puppe t show des igned to en te r ta in as wel l as teach ch i l d ren the impor tance of p roper denta l hyg iene. Sunday, Feb rua ry 17, 12 - 3 p m , Cent ra l Cour t .

MICROWAVE SEMINAR Our mon th l y L i festy le Seminars beg in th is year by f ea tu r i ng Lar ry Janes, popular Chef f rom Good A f te rnoon De t ro i t , who w i l l demons t ra te the art of m ic rowave cook ing There w i l l be a c o m p l i m e n t a r y Cont inenta l Breakfast se rved . The Seminar is f ree, but reservat ions are necessary, Call now and reserve a seat at 425-5001 Tuesday , February 18. 10 am - 11 am, A u d i t o r i u m in the E m p o r i u m .

ACCENT ON HOMES See a var ie ty of products and services to he lp you w i t h those home improvemen t pro jec ts Thursday t h ru Sun-day. February 21- 24. t h roughou t the ma l l .

THE MALL AT WESTLAND 3 5 0 0 0 W W a r r e n R o a d , W e s t l a n d

study," Stewart said. Canton police Lt. Alex Wilson said he

will not apply for the police fhief poti- "I have 00 intention, at this time, of soliciting that Job," he said.

- J

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piano playing. Learn the skills of music reading, piano arrarKjements chording and much, much more. 17 and over please Tauaht bv Mr' Darwin Swarczfrom Wayne State University 9 *


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A n n o u n c e m e n t s for Brevities should be sub-mitted by noon Monday for the Thursday issue and by noon Thursday for the Monday issue B r i n y in or mad announcements to the Observ-er at 4S9 S Main

• PLYMOUTH SOCCER C L U B Thursday, Jan 31 — Registration for the Plym-

outh Soccer Club will be held through Jan 31 at the Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 F a r m e r at Theo-dore Registrations will be accepted f rom 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday-Friday Boys and girls ages 5-18 are eligible to participate. League play begins in April The cost is $20 per child, and birth certifi-cates are required for all new participants. For fur-ther information, call Plymouth Parks and Recre-ation at 455-6620.

• TAG C L A S S E S SIGNUP Thursday, Jan 31 — Walk-in registration for

Schoolcraft College TAG classes in the Adventures in Learning program will be f rom 2-4 p.m in the Registration Center on campus on Haggerty Road between 6 and 7 Mile, Livonia Openings are avail-able in all the classes, and computer programming classes will be open to students age 6-15. Further information may be obtained by calling Schoolcraft at 591-6400, Ext 410

• CO-OP OPEN HOUSE Sundays, Feb. 3, 10 — Plymouth Children's Co-

operative Nursery School, located at Warren and Haggerty roads in Canton, will have its spring open house f rom 1-3 p.m. Parents and children will be able to view the facilities and talk with teachers and board members. Applications will be available for the 1985-86 term which begins in September The preschool, which serves 3- and 4-year-olds, is state certified and admits students of all races, col-or, nationalities, and ethnic origins. For further in-formation, contact the membership chairman. Amy Ciarrocchi. at 459-3235 or P a m Popejoy at 459-7160.

• MYSTERY TRIP Monday, Feb. 4 — A one-day mystery trip is

being sponsored by the city of Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department. The tour price of $28.75 includes the trip (about 190 miles round-trip) and lunch. As with all the department 's mystery trips travelers never know where they may end up so they are advised to always bring proof of U.S. citi-zenship and shopping money. It is recommended to wear casual, comfortable clothing Any interested adult may contact the recreation department at 455-6620

• NURSING SKILLS REVIEW Monday, Feb. 4 — Registered nurses and li-

censed practical nurses can review their skills in Schoolcraft College's Continuing Education course. "Physical Assessment for Nurses." Betty Andrews, assistant dean of continuing education, says the course is designed for RNs, LPNs and second-year

F o r m e r G M

w o r k e r s s t a r t

l a w s u i t f u n d

The Legal Fund to Restore Benefits Inc (LFTRB), a non-profit organization formed by former General Motors Corp. employees who have been transferred involuntarily to Electron-ic Data Systems Corp.. will hold a public meet-ing at 2:30 p.m Sunday in the Knights of Colum-bus Hall, 6177 Chicago Road. Warren.

LFTRB's goal is to solicit sufficient funds to finance legal action to restore benefits taken away in the transfer to the new GM subsidiary.

LFTRB believes that a precedent must be set for salaried workers. If not, salaried workers could find employers may unilaterally al ter em-ployment agreements.

Representatives of a law f i rm specializing in employee rights will be present to answer ques-tions and concerns. Admission is free.

LFTRB's announcement listed no officers and only a post office box address - P.O. Box 9521. Livonia 48151.

T H E A T H L E T E ' S S U I T


If y o u ' r e b r o a d s h o u l d e r e d a n d n a r r o w w a i s t e d , y o u l l look g r e a t in t h i s s p e c i a l d e s i g n with f u l l e r s l e e v e s a n d c h e s t , s m a l l e r c o a t wa i s t a n d p a n t s . S i z e s 3 8 - 5 0 - f r o m $ 1 8 5



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nursing students The class will review the respira-tory. neurological and cardiovascular systems Registration must be completed by Feb 4 Forms may be obtained by calling 591-6400, Ext. 410.

• F O O T B A L L BOOSTERS Tuesday, Feb. 5 — Plymouth-Canton Chiefs

Football Boosters Club will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 128 of Plymouth Canton High. Anyone interested in videotaping next season's football games should contact the coach or call 455-8197

• BLOODMOBILE VISIT Tuesday, Feb. 5 — The American Red Cross

Bloodmobile will be at St. John Seminary. 44011 Five Mile in Plymouth from 9 a m to 3 p.m For an appointment, call Tom Renaud at 453-6200 or 453-4266

• FOLK DANCING Wednesday. Feb. 6 - The Plymouth Northville

Canton Area Association will hold its winter meet-ing at 7 p.m. in East Middle School on Mill Street in Plymouth Folk dancing will be led by Ann Fowler A quorum of 20 percent of the area 's 111 troops is needed to elect delegates lor the council meeting An area service project and an area spring event will be discussed Every registered Scout over age 14 is a member of the area association. Enter East Middle through the south side of the building or through the main door

• PRENATAL CLASSES Thursday, Feb 7 — Prenatal classes for expect-

ant parents will run for seven weeks 7:30-9:30 p.m. on Thursdays, start ing Feb. 7. Mothers-to-be should be at least six to seven months into their pregnan-cy. The classes will include information on nutri-tion. relaxation and breathing techniques for labor and delivery, and breastfeeding as well as informa-tion on care of the baby a f te r returning home f rom the hospital.

• CHILDREN'S VALENTINES PARTY Saturday. Feb. 9 — A Children's Valentine's Par-

ty will be 10-11 a.m. for ages 3-12 at Canton Town-ship Recreation Center, Michigan Avenue jtf"Shel-don. The party, sponsored by Canton Parks and Recreation, will feature cartoons, a magic show, games, prizes and refreshments. For reservations, call 397-1000 f r o m 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• YMCA A N N U A L MEETING Monday. Feb 11 — The Plymouth Community

Family YMCA will hold its annual meeting at 7 p.m in the "Y" off ice at 248 Union, Plymouth The public is invited

• B I R D P T O Wednesday, Feb. 13 - Bird Elementary School

PTO will meet at 7 p.m in the media center of the school. After a short business meeting, the PTO will sponsor a program on R e y e s Syndrome. A ques-tion-answer- period will follow

• Y M C A C L A S S E S Monday, Feb. 25 — The following classes offered

by Plymouth Community Family YMCA will begin the week of Feb 25. To register, call 453-2904 prior to the first day of class.

• Beginning preschool group piano for ages 4-5 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on Fridays for six weeks in the Charlotte Moore Viculin Music Studio. Introduction to music with emphasis on piano. Group musical games, teach rhythms and notes Will use piano and help child discover musical aptitude.

• Preschool swimming classes at Plymouth Hil-ton Inn at various times f rom 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Monday through Friday at Plymouth Hilton Inn pool.

• Preschool tumbling class for ages 3-5 form

Schoolcraft alumni group is launched

10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays or 4 to 4 45 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays for six weeks in the gymnasium of the Plymouth Salvation Army on Main just south of Ann Arbor Road The begin ning class will teach basics of floor gymnastics, front crawl, backward roll, cartwheels, walk overs, and floor exercises

• Preschool Kreatives class for ages 3-5 from 10 a m to noon in the First United Presbyterian Church on North Terri torial Road in Plymouth Choose any number of days f rom Monday through Thursday Children will have group experience in art . crafts, music, games, and forms of creative expression Classes fiH quickly.

• ELKS TOUR TORONTO Thursday, Feb. 28 — Plymouth Active Senior

Elks, in cooperation with Berkley Tours, is sponsor-ing a trip to Toronto March 29-31 The trip includes bus transportation with snacks served en route, two full breakfasts, a complete dinner of the diner's choice, one nightclub show at Dooley's Supper Club, a three-hour city tour, a stop at the Science Center, two nights at the Plaza II Hotel. The tour departs f rom Plymouth Elks Club, 41706 Ann Arbor Road east of the railroad viaduct. A $25 deposit is re-quired by Feb. 28 Make checks payable to Berkley Tours. F^ill price is $140 based on double-occupan-cy For information, contact Lou Moreno at 721-4697 or Berkley Tours at 559-8620

• NURSING PROGRAM Friday, March 1 - The application deadline for

admission to the fall semester of t*e Schoolcraft College Licensed Pract ical Nursing program is March 1 Minimum requirements for application include completion of two semesters of high school biology and two semesters of mathematics Resi-dents and non-residents of the college district may apply Forms are available at the admissions office or by calling 591-6400, Ext. 340

Schoolcraft College is tackling its image problem head-on by start ing an alumni association, whose next meet-ing is at 7 p.m Wednesday, Jan. 30

"We welcome participation f rom other interested alumni." said Margo Worley, a 1982 SC graduate who has joined the college staff part-time to build the alumni association Worley reports to Barbara Geil. vice president for student services.

Meeting place will be the Founders' Room in the Waterman Center on cam-pus at 18600 Haggerty, Livonia.

An alumni group, long discussed by

the board of trustees, has been viewed as difficult to organize at a two-year college, given the commuter nature of the community college and the part-t ime attendance of many students.

But a major goal of President Rich-ard McDowell's administration has been increasing private support from the community and alumni. In its 20-year history, Schoolcraft never has had a general alumni association, although several special-interest groups have been organized.

This will be the alumni group's fourth meeting.


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L a w v io la tors to he lp p a y for 6 n e w pr isons By Tim Richard staff writer

Persons convicted of state crimes will help |>ay for six new state prisons, under a proposal Gov. James J Blanchard made to the Michigan Legis-lature.

We're thinking of a (10 surcharge on top of the fine someone might pay for a major offense like a drunk-driv-ing conviction." s ta te Treasurer Robert Bowman said last week in a budget briefing for reporters.

"Those fines would raise between S3 million and $8 million. That would sup-port $75 million of bonds," said Bow-man. a former Wall Street bond expert

PRISONS, EDUCATION, toxic wastes and economic development are the few areas where Blanchard's third budget foresees significant increases.

Otherwise, the $5.7-billion spending plan will be "up less than inflation," said budget director Robert Naftaly. a certified public accountant from West Bloomfield Township The rate of infla-tion is expected to be 3.5 percent

Bowman said the s ta te is eyeing a $200-million bond issue in order to build a half-dozen 550-bed prototype prisons at J35-million apiece.

Blanchard will dip into the general fund to support the remaining J125 million in bonds that isn't covered by

surcharges on court fines He was unable to lay at what

'threshold" the state would begin charging the f 10 surcharge.

BOWMAN SAID the s ta te plana to lease the Detroit House of Correction site in Plymouth Township until It can buy the land and construct a new pris-on.

The state has begun construction of a new prison, called the Scott Regional Prison, in Northville Township.

Plymouth and Northville townships a re expected to put up a ferocious po-litical and perhaps legal battle over the prospect of more state institutions on what they view as prime industrial and residential land.

Last week the townships called for legislation to cap the number of prison-ers in their area at 1,375: 550 at Scott. 500 at DeHoCo and 325 at the adjacent Phoenix Correctional Facility.

They also asked the legislature to specifically budget $15 million for the renovation of DeHoCo, as well as ask-ing that their residents be given prefer-ence in hiring for the facilities.

One major prison site will be inside Detroit city limits on property owned by Chrysler Corp , Bowman said. Other prison sites will be outstate.

THE TEXT of Blanchard's State of the State message, delivered to the Legislature last week, said he is asking

for "f ive new regional prisons and a maximum-secur i ty institution. The program will enable us to take thou-sands of dangerous criminals off the streets.

"Completion of the new prisons will require the state Building Authority to issue bonds, as well as action by the Legislature to raise the authority's bonding c a p a c i t y " Blanchard said.

"1 will also recommend new funding for corrections personnel and equip-ment for prison expansion.

"In addition, I will propose that new fees levied on those convicted of s ta te crimes be earmarked to offset the cost of constructing and operating prisons. It is crit ical that these steps be taken expeditiously in order to ensure that no criminal is released from a Michigan prison prematurely."

Budget director Naftaly said "edu-cating the communities' ' will be neces-sary to get them to accept prison sites. "Only one inmate escaped from our prisons last year. There is more f e a r than danger in prisons."

Naftaly insists prisons can help the local economy by providing jobs for corrections officers, jobs for profes-sional staff and demands for prison supplies.

THE GOVERNOR proposed com-plete repeal of the 1980 Emergency-Powers Act, which requires early re-lease of inmates when state prison overcrowding occurs. State prison ca-pacity is ra ted at about 13,000 inmates.

"Originally designed as a temporary,

stopgap measure, it has been triggered nine times in just four years and result-ed in the reduction of sentences for half of all felons released since 1981," Blanchard said. "Some felons actually served less than half the minimum sen-tence for their crimes.

"Clearly, the Emergency Powers Act had become a revolving door for crimi-nals and undermined the credibility and effectiveness of the system."

IN OTHER segments of the cr ime and justice section of his Blanchard proposed:

• A prison construction supervisor to oversee the construction and remod-eling program. The person would re-port to budget director Naftaly.

• The addition of more troopers and detectives to the State Police Depart-ment, "with part icular emphasis on combatting narcotics t raff icking, ar-

son, autho thef t and m a j o r crimes In metropolitan areas ."

• A one-third Increase in the num-ber of troopers patrolling freeways In Detroi t

He said the Depar tment of l icensing and Regulation, headed by former Oak-land politico Elizabeth Howe, will as-sist medical authori t ies in curtailing the diversion of prescription drags, such as amphetamines , for Illegal uses.


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8A<P,C) Q4tE Thursday January 31. 1®8i>

from our readers

Township b o a r d

is i n c r e d i b l e To the editor:

Since r ead ing the Observer ' s cover-age of last week 's Plymouth Township Board of Trus tees mee t ing I have tr ied to f ind some ra t iona le for wha t was said tha t night regarding the 1985 May-f lower Hot Air Balloon Fes t iva l .

It s e e m s incredible tha t the t ru s t ees would ac tua l ly adopt an a d v e r s a r i a l position to one of the P lymouth com-mun i ty ' s most successful — and prest i -gious — events .

I h a v e no intention here to deba te the i s s u e s that apparen t ly a r e in conten-t ion ; these issues m a y be of somewha t i e s s i m p o r t a n c e than a few things w h i c h seem to have been forgot ten in t h e hea t of debate .

F i r s t , P lymouth has become one of t he m o s t d e s i r a b l e a d d r e s s e s in sou theas t e rn Michigan, and that t ran-s l a t e s into posit ive value for every res-ident and business in the communi ty

Does anyone seriously think this de-s i rabi l i ty is an accident or someth ing tha t is au toma t i c ' ' At t rac t ive adminis-t r a t i v e faci l i t ies , predic table ga rbage r e m o v a l and t imely leaf pick-up a r e nice, but m a n y a r ea s with f a r lower p rope r ty va lues of fer all these things

P l y m o u t h o f f e r s something m o r e — a sense of exci tement . This largely is because P lymouth promotes i tself , pro-jec t ing an image to the world tha t s p a r k s pr ide within the communi ty and

. in te res t f r o m outside. This is why peo-p l e a r e wai t ing in line to buy homes Snd open businesses here.

E v e r y res ident and business in the P lymouth communi ty der ives benef i t eve ry day of the yea r f rom events like the Hot Air Balloon Fest ival . The idea tha t the p ro f i t s f r o m an event like this a r e only seen on cash regis ters dur ing the even t is fan tas t i ca l ly short-sighted.

P l e a s e notice that I use the t e r m s Plymouth" ' and "P lymouth communi-

ty ' ' in te rchangeab ly . This is because to m e (and to mos t of the world outside of

city and township government) P lym-outh is the communi ty — not the ci ty or the township, or any other adminis-t ra t ive ent i ty .

A key in our t remendous growth in recent y e a r s has been the ability of all pa r t s of the communi ty to work togeth-er. l a rge ly avoiding the parochial at t i -tudes in gove rnmen t and business that have hobbled most other communit ies .

This does not mean that there have not been d i f f e r ences of opinion, but we have a l w a y s ended up working together toward a c o m m o n goal: P lymouth

The tone of the township regarding the balloon fest ival , however, is dis-tinctly "We-They." indicating that parochia l i sm could be creeping into Township Hall and pi t t ing the township against the ci ty as though the overal l object ives of the two were not mutua l

No good thing comes without a price. During the even t s we all exper ience some smal l inconveniences and disrup-tion of our no rma l act ivi t ies We pay this p r ice fo r two or th ree days, and derive benef i t s all year That price tag is p re t ty nominal .

The p rospe r i t y of the Plymouth com-munity is the result of hard work over many yea r s by people who planned it, who built it. who promoted it, and who served i t in publ ic office.

Events like the Hot Air Balloon Fes-tival. the Spring Arts Fest ival . Fal l Fes t ival , and the Ice Sculpture Spec-tacular , and a l l the rest have become a vital pa r t of wha t m a k e s Plymouth the special p l ace it is.

It would be t r a g i c if myopic thinking or a township vs. city squabble were to damage one of the best of these events. We, the business people and residents of the township and city who m a k e up the P lymouth c o m m u n i t y would be the real losers.

Michael Bali P lymouth promoter

H o m e p r i c e s

a r e a r i p - o f f To the edi tor

I need a new home I c an ' t a f f o r d the p r i ces asked even though I m a k e a m o r e than average income

I h a v e writ ten to m y Congres sman ind ica t ing the situation of a m idd l e in-c o m e person not being in a r ea sonab le posi t ion to purchase a home unless he m o r t g a g e s his life and p e r h a p s his soul I too have writ ten to the P r e s i d e n t and to o ther groups including HUD. and dai ly newspapers asking t h e m to do some th ing to reduce costs of h o m e s

In e v e r y case I e i ther rece ived no re-p l y o r a canned reply which told m e wha t g r e a t things w e r e being done but in r ea l i t y it was just hot a i r

I know one of the p rob l ems is that t he consumer is not o rganized and t h e r e f o r e can be ignored. When I decid-ed to wr i t e you my f i rs t inc l inat ion was to wr i t e many le t ters with f a l s e n a m e s ju s t to get a quant i ty of ma i l to you Then pe rhaps you'd pay a t ten t ion . But m y b e t t e r judgment tel ls m e tha t sell-ing m y soul to the god of whi te lies is no b e t t e r than selling my soul to the g reedy mor tgage brokers or g reedy bui lders .

I know tha t a cons iderable a m o u n t of your i ncome is f r o m the building indus-t ry and f r o m individuals who a r e r iding and p ro f i t ing f rom the inf la t ion sp i ra l by over -pr ic ing homes You probab ly

O S A K A O R I K N T A l .



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Obs te t r i c s G y n e c o l o g y Fema le G e n e r a l P rac t i ce

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C a n t o n

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feel you owe these groups your suppo r t However, the suffer ing c o n s u m e r is a pa r t of your business and needs f a i r a t -tention.

To i l lus t ra te the p rob lem I h a v e a t -tached an a r t i c l e f r o m H o m e m a g a z i n e which shows the pe rcen tages of con-sumer dollar going to various s e g m e n t s of the industry To f u r t h e r i l l u s t r a t e the problem I submi t the fol lowing.

The a v e r a g e la rger home sel ls for about $80,000 on bui lder 's locat ion a t about 14 to 15 percent i n t e r e s t r a t e When one goes to the bui lder of such home and asks fo r a bid to build on a lot one a l r eady has purchased and even can provide some down p a y m e n t so tha t f inancing costs could be m i n i m a l , invar iably one gets a bid in excess of 180.000. This is. in c rude l anguage , a rip off.

If we used the a t t ached a r t i c le , the cos t of m a t e r i a l s and labor is 136,000 while builder overhead and p rof i t is $12,800. Because there is no land pur-chase the $17,200 should be a sav ings to the purchaser . And if the p u r c h a s e r can provide the subs tant ia l por t ion of the $36,000 as down payment the f inanc ia l costs should be min imal . Thus the ask-ing pr ice should be around $48,000. The sad t ruth is tha t the bui lder is in the dr iver ' s sea t and asks for $80,000-plus

A newspaper owner could do some-thing about this. In form r e a d e r s of the t r u e costs and bring down p r i ces to a m o r e fa i r level. Put p ressu re on politi-c ians to r educe m o r t g a g e r a t e s to t he 5 to 6 percent levels tha t we had in the l a t e 1960s.

S h e a r - D e l i g h t " i B e a u t y S a l o n •

WELLA O HEAT $ O N o WAVE £ \ 3 £

• o

Your paper could s e r v e the ma jo r i ty consumer and not t he minor i ty special interests.

As I end this l e t t e r I a m mos t cer ta in that it will be ignored but at least no person can say that I did not t ry.

G Marciakiewkn Plymouth

L e a g u e b a c k s

t a x r e n e w a l To the editor.

A special elect ion h a s been scheduled by P l y m o u t h - C a n t o n C o m m u n i t y Schools. This e lect ion will be held on Tuesday, Feb 5

The single ballot i s sue is a request for the renewal of e ight mi l l s of opera-ting tax for a period of six years .

There is no reques t fo r mi l lage be-

yond what is p resen t ly being levied in the d is t r ic t . As with any elect ion the polls will be open f r o m 7 a .m. to 8 p .m Answers to ques t ions regard ing this elect ion, the issue, el igibil i ty to vote, or where to vo te can be obtained by call-ing the P lymou th -Can ton Communi ty Board of Educa t ion off ice .

The League of Women Voters is a na-t ional non-par t i san organiza t ion tha t ac t ive ly p r o m o t e s and encourages par-t ic ipat ion in t he d e m o c r a t i c process

As an extens ion of this philosophy, the League of Women Voters of North-ville, P lymou th , Canton, Novi urges the reg is te red v o t e r s of P lymouth-Canton Communi ty Schools to exe rc i se their rights by vot ing on F e b 5, 1985. The a m o u n t of money ava i l ab l e fo r school opera t ions d e s e r v e s to be decided by the m a j o r i t y of r e s iden t s and not by ap-athy.

Billle White!) P res iden t

League of Women Voters (NPCN)


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For nearK .1 hundrt ' t i \ c a r v iht- S t a t u e nf Liberty ha> b e e n Anient a s 11*»: power fu l >ym BUL of f r e e d o m and hope "LI K1.IV t he enr ros ive act ion nf a lmost a c e n t u r y "t w e a t h e r ant! pollu-tion has e a t e n away at the iron f r a m e w o r k , e t c h e d holes in IHT-.'O;>JXT e x t e r i o r

I-t-ss than a mile awav. t n Kills Island w h e r e the a m e s t o r s of nearlv half 1 >t .ill A n i e n t .ins fir-t s t epped on to A n i e n c a n the Grea t Hall nf the Immigra t ion C e n t e r is ,1 hollow ruin Room-are vandalized, walls c rumbl ing in decav

Inspi r ing plans have been d e v e l o p e d to r e s to re the S t a t u e and to c rea te at Kills Island a living m o n u m e n t to the e t h i m divers i ty of this c o u n t r y of i m m i g r a n t s Hut unless res to ra t ion is begun now. t h e s e two national t r ea su re s could be c losed at t he v e r y t ime we 1 e l e b r a t e Iheir hur d red th ann ive r sa r i e s T h e 2 3 0 million dol lars n e e d e d to ea r rv out the work is n e e d e d now.

All of t h e nvmev musl t ome f rom pr iva te donat ions ; t he federa l government is noi ra is ing '.he funds T h e S t a t u e of Libert \ Ell is Island Centennia l C o m m i s s i o n appointed bv Pres iden t Reagan is a s k i n g e v e n Anient an to c o n t r i b u t e The ton h of l iber ty is e v e f p m e ' s to v h e n - h

Could we hold u p ' iur hearts as A m e r u avis it we allowed f h e t i m e to v 1 ime w h e n - h e t an no longe r ho ld up h e r s -

You > an k e e p the torch of l iberty b u r n i n g bright Send vour lax deduct ih le c o n t r i b u t i o n to T h e I„»d\, Box 198h.

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Sol id c o l o r p l u s h a d d s e l e g a n c e t o e v e r y d e c o r . D u r a b l e n y l o n p i l e

R e g V a l u e tQU Sq. Yd

Sa le

Sale e n d s F e b . 2, 1985 ftena Anenemg •1 m &



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E T W L M J L • • • January 31, t » f l OAE

o c M T A c h o i c e : L u c a s o r b o a r d s l a t e ? fcf ¥ I IIT1 Hirharr i By Tim R icha rd staff writer

Two rival s la tes of Wayne County de lega tes m a y show up at Tuesday s boa rd meet ing of the Sou theas te rn wuchigan Transpor ta t ion Authori ty

SEMTA at torney Walter C l e m e n t s will r ecommend seat ing the three-m e m b e r s la te selected by s u b u r b a n Wayne County commiss ioners r a t h e r than the tr io appointed by County Ex-ecu t ive William Lucas.

The law is very c l ea r . " said a SEMTA spokesman "We will cont inue to sea t those (commissioners ' ) dele-g a t e s "

C lemen t s said the s t a t e l aw se t t i ng up SEMTA is the governing law and t a k e s precedence over the Wayne County cha r t e r Lucas ' r epo r t ed ve to of the suburban commiss ioners choices has "no legal e f fec t . " he said

H E R E IS the tangled skein of e v e n t s Since the SEMTA law was a m e n d e d

in 1977. Wayne County c o m m i s s i o n e r s r ep resen t ing suburban d i s t r ic t s h a v e m a d e the out-Wayne a p p o i n t m e n t s to t he SEMTA board. (Detroi t ' s m e m b e r s a r e nominated by Mayor Co leman Young and conf i rmed by the Det ro i t council .)

On Jan 3, suburban commiss ione r s voted 9-1 to appoint Garden City May-or Vincent Fordell , County Commis -s ioner Richard Manning of R e d f o r d and Ches ter Jurewicz to the SEMTA board . The dissenting vote c a m e f r o m C o m m i s s i o n e r W. Cur t Boi le r of Browns town Township, a Lucas politi-cal al ly.

Next , Lucas said he had vetoed the i r appo in tmen t s and submi t ted his own list of SEMTA di rec tors — F r e d Todd, his f inance director . Taylor M a y o r C a m e r o n Priebe, and Rober t P a c i o c c o

Commiss ioner Mary D u m a s of Livo-nia cr ied " fou l " because Lucas ' ap-po in tmen t s w e r e shepherded th rough

the commiss ion ' s Dew admin i s t r a t ion and rules c o m m i t t e e , which held no hearings and didn' t even give the full commission biographical backgrounds on the appointees

Commissioner Manning said Lucas never i nd ica t ed - j shy he disliked the commission 's appo in tmen t s and never consulted commiss ione r s ' on thei r re-actions to his appo in tmen t s .

Thus. Manning said, it is m o r e than fr iendly d i s ag reemen t over who has appointing au thor i ty - a m a t t e r tha t could be resolved by Lucas ' appoint ing the commiss ion ' s choices, then seeking a cour t de te rmina t ion of the l a w There is also a f u n d a m e n t a l d i s a g r e e m e n t of who should be on the SEMTA board

LAST THURSDAY, the commiss ion majo r i ty ra t i f ied Lucas ' appo in tmen t s . 8-6 Six Detroit commiss ione r s were joined by Cha i rman John Her te l and Boiler to ove r r ru l e the f r a c t u r e d sub-urban group.

D u m a s a n d M a n n i n g sa id the SEMTA enabl ing act spec i f ica l ly gave the appoin tment power to suburban commissioners . They bo ted Lucas is a Detroit resident , a rgu ing it was im-proper for him to choose wha t were supposed to be suburban represen ta -tives

There a r e sound and ser ious reasons why persons r ep resen t ing the out-coun-ty ought to be appointed by the out-county," Manning said.

Clements, the SEMTA a t to rney , said Lucas is not only unable to m a k e the SEMTA appo in tment but c an ' t veto the board choices because: "If you don't have the power to appoint , you don't have the power to ve to ."

Clements quoted the SEMTA law as providing that SEMTA d i r ec to r s may-be removed " fo r cause by the appoint-ing authori ty . ' That would seem to prohibit the execu t ive ' s veto.

Manning, an a t to rney , ag reed . "He (Lucas) is saying, accord ing to my law, when I don't like them, they ' r e off . ' "

T H E WAYNE County Char te r , the only home-rule c h a r t e r a m o n g Michi-gan ' s 83 counties , g ives the execut ive power to m a k e all appo in tmen t s , sub-jec t to commiss ion ra t i f i ca t ion , "unless o therwise speci f ica l ly provided by this c h a r t e r or law."

Clements said t he s t a t e law authoriz-ing county c h a r t e r s (PA 7 of 19&0) fai led to amend the SEMTA ac t (PA 204 of 1977). T h e r e f o r e , he said, the J a n 3 a p p o i n t m e n t s by suburban com-miss ioners a r e the only valid ones.

Lucas ' s ta f f , c i t ing a corpora t ion counsel ' s opinion w a s j u s t a s empha t i c tha t the 1980 law did g ive the execut ive tha t power . His ve to m e s s a g e quoted Sec 11: "In a c h a r t e r county with a populat ion g r ea t e r t han 1.5 million, the chief execut ive o f f i c e r shal l have the

duty and responsibi l i ty to appoint , su-perv i se and a t p leasure r e m o v e heads of d e p a r t m e n t s and all boards and commiss ions . "

Lucas w a s out of his off ice Monday through Wednesday at a p lanning con-f e r e n c e and Thursday In Grand R a p i d s

DURING SEMTA "S f i rs t decade of life, its board m e m b e r s were appoin ted by the Southeas t Michigan Council of G o v e r n m e n t s (six) and the governor (three). The ac t was amended in 1977 because De t ro i t ' s Mayor Young wan ted t o n a m e D e t r o i t ' s SEMTA d i rec to r s

Dur ing l e g i s l a t i v e m a n e u v e r i n g , then-Rep T o m Brown, D-Westland, won an a m e n d m e n t giving suburban county commiss ione r s - r a the r than SEMCOG — the power to appoint out-

Wayne SEMTA m e m b e r s An unusual f e a t u r e of the Brown

a m e n d m e n t was tha t it g a v e only p a r t of the county commiss ion , r a the r than the full commiss ion , the appoin tment power But C lements said tha t while the procedure m a y be unprecedented , it didn't a p p e a r to be unconsti tut ional .

The SEMTA board has two procedur-

a l opt ions I t m a y ask a c o u r t f o r s cfe-c l a r a t o r y j u d g m e n t on who h a s appofes-t ive authori ty, or It could r e f u s e to s e a t t he Lucas g roup by not ca l l ing the i r n a m e s dur ing quorum ***><

The secood s tep would f o r c e L u c a s to sue to r e m o v e the c o m m i s s i o n e r s ' ap-poin tees and install the execu t ive ' s .

N u r s e s c a n r e v i e w s k i l l s

Regis t ra t ion dead l i ne is Feb. 4 for r e g i s t e r e d nurses and licensed p rac -tical nurses who wish to rev iew their skil ls in Phys ica l Assessment f o r N u r s e s a t S c h o o l c r a f t College

"Students will r ev i ew the resp i ra tory , neurolog-ical and ca rd iovascu la r sys t ems , " said Be t ty An-drews, ass is tant dean of c o n t i n u i n g e d u c a t i o n . F o r m s m a y be ob ta ined f r o m her off ice by ca l l ing 591-6400 ext. 410

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t bu rWy. jfwjarjr 91. 1966 OA£

Say adve r t i s i ng a n d mos t peop le t h i n k of g l a m o r o u s peop le in b ig c i t i e s t ry ing to c o n v i n c e us to buy s o m e t h i n g we d o n ' t real ly wan t . But c l a s s i f i e d adve r t i s i ng is s o m e t h i n g e lse en t i re l y .

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f m U ™ e T p ' ^ t u r e - C lass i f i ed is p e o p l e jus t l ike y o u f i l l i ng needs the m o s t e f f i c i en t , least expens ive way poss ib le : w i t h a l i t t l e ad in the back of the paper . C l a s s i f i e d is p e o p l e - t o - p e o p l e i n f o r m a t i o n . Try c l ass i f i ed ; it w i l l w o r k for you, too .

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Opinion S l j e C a n t o n © b s r r u e r

a division o ' S u b u r b a n C o m m o n i c a t t o n * C o r p .

4 8 9 S. M a i n / P l y m o u t h , M! 4 8 1 7 0

Mary b a t h Dil lon W a r d ed i to r '459 2700

Phi l ip P o w e r c h a i r m a n of the board R i c h a r d A g i n i a n president Dick l a h a m genei ai manager D a n C h o v a n a c advertising director

— Nick S h a r k a y managing editor F r a d W r i g h t circulat ion director

12A4C) C H i E Thursday , J a n u a r y 31 , 1985

Important issue on ballot Tuesday TC E S D A Y reg i s t e red v o t e r s in

Canton and P l y m o u t h will go to the polls in a spec ia l school dis-t r i c t e lect ion to dec ide whe the r

to a p p r o v e the cont inued levy of e ight mi l l s of the p rope r ty tax

The r a t e of $8 per 11,000 s t a t e equal-ized va lua t ion (SEV) has exp i r ed and needs to be r eapproved by vo te r s It would be levied fo r six y e a r s through 3990

If a p p r o v e d , school t axes would r e m a i n the s a m e in 1985 a s 1984 excep t fo r the addi t iona l 1 74 mil ls app roved by vo t e r s last O c t o b e r and excep t for any d e c r e a s e or i n c r e a s e in the individual h o m e ' s SEV.

If d e f e a t e d , the tax levy would d e c r e a s e by e ight m i l l s f r o m 37 to 29 mills. F o r the school d i s t r i c t , loss of the r e n e w a l would m e a n a 17-percent cut i r r l t s o p e r a t i n g budget — s o m e $8 mil l ion or abou t 250 t each ing posi t ions

T h a t ' s a lot to give up fo r a t a x cut" ' of modes t m e a s u r e to indiv iduals (a sav ings of only $20 a month , for ins tance , fo r the o w n e r of a S60.000 home) But is such a s m a l l "cut" worth it? - The school board points out tha t a re-

duct ion of 17 pe rcen t of e m p l o y e e s and p r o g r a m s would be d i s a s t rous fo r s t u d e n t s and the c o m m u n i t y This loss, c o m b i n e d with pas t p r o g r a m and personnel r educ -tions. would des t roy much of the p r e s e n t p r o g r a m With passage , school t r u s t e e s add. t h e r e w o u l d ' b e t i m e to plan to m a k e m a x i m u m use of the funds

So if you a r e looking of a p r o p e r t y t ax b r e a k , d e f e a t i n g the t ax r e n e w a l is r ea l ly not a wise choice Ins tead , be pa t i en t and give the g o v e r n o r and L e g i s l a t u r e the c h a n c e to work out t ax a d j u s t m e n t s at t he s t a t e l eve l . These will r esu l t e i the r in a dec l ine in your p rope r ty t a x b u r d e n via s t a t e r e b a t e or through a ro l lback of s o m e kind in the income t a x

In f a c t , if you a r e looking for p r o p e r t y t ax re l ie f , you p robab ly a l r e a d y got it While f i l l ing out your f ede ra l t ax r e t u r n s

Lucas out of closet, but the road is rocky

W A Y N E COUNTY E x e c u t i v e Wi l l iam L u c a s is out of the closet He a d m i t s pub-licly t ha t he is eyeing the g o v e r n o r ' s cha i r

Lucas , a l i felong D e m o c r a t , has no shot a t any h ighe r s t a t e o f f ice a s a D e m o c r a t and t h e r e f o r e is consider ing j u m p i n g ship to t h e R e p u b l i c a n r anks

I T S ANYBODY'S guess as to who will b e c o m e the s t a n d a r d - b e a r e r for the Rep-b u h c a n s aga ins t Gov B l a n c h a r d two y e a r s h e n c e But anyone giving it s e r i o u s thought will have to s t a r t moun t ing a c a m p a i g n soon

This ts why Lucas has e m b a r k e d on a se r i e s of v i s i t s to upper Michigan cit ies, He w a n t s to get his n a m e known through-out the s t a t e , and he wan t s to see what kind of recep t ion a black f r o m Det ro i t would ge t in the h in ter lands

Lucas , now riding a c res t because of two y e a r s of success as Wayne County ex-ecut ive . m igh t be too ambi t ious , howeve r He has any n u m b e r of p r o b l e m s including (1) r ecogn i t ion p rob lems ou t s ta te , (2) ac-c e p t a n c e a s a Republ ican by loyal pa r ty m e m b e r s who don't want a Bil l-come-la te ly j u m p i n g into their ranks , and (3) ra-cial f a c t o r s

It wouldn ' t be the f i rs t t i m e that a black has m a d e a s t a t ewide race , but t h e r e has never been a successful such r a c e

D E M O C R A T RICHARD Austin has been a p o p u l a r vote-get ter a s S e c r e t a r y cf S ta te , but he couldn' t do much in his c a m p a i g n fo r the U S Sena te eight ye a r s a g o He w a s the f ron t - runne r until a se-r ies of c h a r g e s by a minor c a n d i d a t e that he w a s involved in a p a t r o n a g e s y s t e m F r o m tha t point, his lead me l t ed , even though Aust in , in fac t , had done m u c h to c l e a n up the p a t r o n a g e s y s t e m in the sec-r e t a r y of s t a t e ' s o f f i ce

Righ t now, the re a r e no black g o v e r n o r s and no b l a c k U S Sena to r s Ex-Sen Ed-ward B r o o k e of Massachuse t t s , one of the m o s t l i be r a l s ta tes , held a s e n a t e post un-til a m i n o r scanda l involving his d i v o r c e c a u s e d M a s s a c h u s e t t s vo te r s to abandon h im

S p e c u l a t o r s h i ther to have sugges ted that L u c a s would be a l i eu tenan t g o v e r n o r c a n d i d a t e on a t icket with the R e p u b l i c a n c a n d i d a t e f o r governor , p e r h a p s a ro le that s o m e R e p u b l i c a n s think could be of va lue to a G O P t icket and a ro le tha t Dem bigwigs f e a r

Bob Wlsler

T H E R E ' S NO sugges t ion t ha t Lucas , however , is at the point in his l ife w h e r e he is going to be willing to t a k e a back sea t He is at the point w h e r e t h e r e is al-most no t o m o r r o w If t h e r e is a t i m e fo r a black c a n d i d a t e this m a y be it, he m a y be thinking

The execu t ive is 57 y e a r s old If he doesn ' t go fo r the big o f f i c e now, he will be older and p e r h a p s less d e m o n s t r a b l y success fu l He has just c o m p l e t e d a sur -prisingly success fu l two y e a r s as Wayne County execu t ive dur ing which he has been a b l e to accompl i sh a n u m b e r of re-f o r m s in a g o v e r n m e n t tha t s o m e suspect -ed was u n r e f o r m a b l e

But if his ambi t ion has h i m pining for an o f f i ce where he can do m o r e , t h e r e just a r en ' t any for a D e m o c r a t T h e r e a r e only t h r e e such pos ts in the s t a t e — governor and t w o U S Sena te s e a t s and the Demo-c r a t s have t h e m locked up fo r the t i m e being

The c o n t r a s t b e t w e e n L u c a s a n d B lancha rd has been i n t e r e s t i n g Lucas got off to an i m m e d i a t e f a s t s t a r t as county e x e c u t i v e and s eemed f r o m the f i rs t to be able to bring the g o v e r n m e n t under his control B lancha rd wobbled His appoin t -m e n t s and his he l i cop te r r ides b rought bad p ress The i ncome tax r i se he e n g i n e e r e d caused a rebel l ion tha t had m o r e par t i c i -pat ion than the Boston Tea P a r t y

AND YET, here it is, t w o y e a r s l a te r , and B lancha rd is s t ead i ly ec l ips ing Lucas lus ter B l a n c h a r d has l e a r n e d the ropes , and he has l ea rned how to a p p e a r to be — as well as be — a s t rong l eader The p r o m i n e n c e of the g o v e r n o r ' s o f f i c e en-sures tha t he, not Lucas , will get the s t a t e w i d e spot l ight now and in the f u t u r e

And. as h i s tory te l ls us t ha t any black c a n d i d a t e m u s t be c l e a r l y and d e m o n s t r -ably supe r io r to any wh i t e cand ida t e , it would seem in the long run tha t Lucas would have too tough a t i m e to be consid-e red a rea l ly s t rong c h a l l e n g e fo r the job of governor

> -'Zv' y V 'Let me put this blabbermouth away for six months.'

for the IRS, c o m p a r e y o u r p rope r ty tax deduct ion on Schedule A this y e a r with the f o r m s you f i led for 1983

Many h o m e o w n e r s will f ind they actu-ally paid less in p r o p e r t y t a x e s in 1984 than in 1983, p r i m a r i l y b e c a u s e of a de-cl ine in va lue (Dis t r ic twide the to ta l SEV decl ined f r o m 1983 to 1984 by s o m e 125 mil l ion or 2 5 percen t . )

So don' t let emot iona l r e a c t i o n s to that old nemes i s property taxes i n t e r f e r e with your m a k i n g a c o r r e c t decision Tuesday, F e b 5, on the tax r e n e w a l The reques t will not i n c r e a s e y o u r tax burden but keep it the s a m e

School e m p l o y e e s have m a d e s ac r i f i c e s by a c c e p t i n g modes t pay i n c r e a s e s in re-cent y e a r s to help m a i n t a i n a s t ab l e tax r a t e Likewise the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n has kept a t ight r e m on costs . T a x p a y e r s should r e w a r d those by app rov ing the t ax renew-al

A quick look a t the w r i t t e n p roposa l on the bal lot m a y c o n f u s e r e a d e r s into think-ing the p roposa l is a t ax i n c r e a s e But tha t is only because the p roposa l is w r i t t e n by l a w y e r s and not c o m m u n i c a t o r s . If you r ead the bal lot p roposa l s lowly, word by word, you will s ee the r e q u e s t is for a re-newal of e ight mi l l s which e x p i r e d with the 1984 tax levy,

The polls will open a t 7 a m and c lose at 8 p m ^ a t school vo t ing p r e c i n c t s Ab-sen tee ba l lo ts can be o b t a i n e d f r o m the P l y m o u t h - C a n t o n C o m m u n i t y Schools ad-m i n i s t r a t i v e o f f i ce s a t 454 S H a r v e y . P l y m o u t h , unt i l 4 p m Monday . F e b 4 The o f f i c e is open 8 a m to 5 p m Monday th rough F r i d a y

The Obse rve r endo r se s a Y E S on the m i l l a g e p roposa l and u r g e s i ts r e a d e r s to suppor t t he bal lot p roposa l a t the pol l s Tuesday . If you d i s a g r e e wi th us, still m a k e s u r e you get out and v o t e The deci-sion is i m p o r t a n t enough t ha t all of us should p a r t i c i p a t e

R e m e m b e r , every vo te c o u n t s — O b s e r v e r N e w s p a p e r s

( u ^


A looney court decision If vou were told. "You may drink

u-hatei~er yon icarit. but no one else may seil or give you a beverage," you would t h i n k t h e speaker i s

a) a l o o n e y b j a M i c h i g a n S u p r e m e C o u r t j u s -

t i ce .

T H E C O R R E C T a n s w e r is c) both of the above. Our highest s t a t e cour t , which m a d e i tself a laughing stock t w o y e a r s ago in u n s e a t i n g sis ter j u s t i c e Doro thy Coms tock Ri ley , has done it a g a i n

In a dec is ion published e a r l i e r this month , t he S u p r e m e Court uphe ld a Mid-land Dis t r i c t c o u r t o r d e r s u p p r e s s i n g of f i -cial f i les in a p a i r of c r i m i n a l s e x u a l con-duct c a s e s involv ing child v i c t i m s

It said the Midland Daily N e w s w a s f r e e to r e p o r t w h a t it knew abou t the c a s e (you m a y d r ink w h a t e v e r you want) , but it up-held the suppres s ion o r d e r d i r e c t i n g dis-t r i c t c o u r t pe r sonne l to cove r up the c a s e f i le (no one e l se m a y sell or g i v e you any beverage ) .

In so doing, t he S u p r e m e Cour t uphe ld the c o n s t i t u t i o n a l i t y of the s e c r e c y provi-sions in M i c h i g a n ' s C r i m i n a l Sexua l Con-duct Act.

T H E ACT a l l o w s a d i s t r i c t c o u r t to sup-p r e s s a c a s e a t t he p r e t r i a l level (a per iod of up to six mon ths ) by wi thhold ing the

Tim * R ichard

n a m e s of the d e f e n d a n t and v i c t i m and the de ta i l s .

Withholding the n a m e of the v i c t i m is window dress ing , t he S t a t e B a r Associa-ton ' s w a y of p a n d e r i n g to a pub l i c sensi-t ive to the f ee l i ngs of v i c t ims , b e c a u s e no pub l i she r or b r o a d c a s t e r uses t h o s e n a m e s a n y w a y . I t ' s a d e f e n s e l a w y e r ' s law.

The Mich igan law is p a r t i c u l a r l y ob-noxious b e c a u s e t h e cour t m u s t s u p p r e s s the c a s e a t t he m e r e d e m a n d of the de-f e n s e l a w y e r . T h e publ i sher or b r o a d c a s t -e r has no c h a n c e to a r g u e its c a s e .

At our s u b u r b a n n e w s p a p e r g r o u p , we h a v e s o m e e x p e r i e n c e wi th th i s l a w . pa r -t i cu la r ly in F a r m i n g t o n a n d T r o y . As a p r a c t i c a l m a t t e r , we m a y publ i sh w h a t -e v e r we c a n l e a r n f r o m non-cour t s o u r c e s or w h a t w e ob ta ined b e f o r e t h e s u p p r e s -sion o r d e r is issued But the c i t i z e n r y is den ied o f f i c i a l c o u r t i n f o r m a t i o n . T h a t ' s poor publ ic pol icy.

P A R E N T S W O R R Y w h e n e v e r a child

m o l e s t e r is on t h e prowl. T h e y w a n t to know how t h e m o l e s t e r o p e r a t e s , They m a y h e a r a d e s c r i p t i o n by word of m o u t h and w a n t t o k n o w if an a r r e s t e d pe r son m a t c h e s t ha t desc r ip t ion .

In shor t , t hey w a n t to know if t he i r k ids a r e sa fe . Too bad . Our law and S u p r e m e Cour t say t h e y c a n ' t find out fo r up to s ix months .

Now, b e f o r e a shys ter l a w y e r r ep l i e s tha t t he Mid land Daily News w a s g r a s p i n g fo r lurid d e t a i l s , it should be noted t ha t t he p a p e r a l r e a d y had the m a i n f a c t s By seeking to b r e a k the dis t r ic t c o u r t sup-press ion o r d e r , t h e paper w a s in e f f e c t t r y ing to m a k e the r eco rds a v a i l a b l e to o the r p u b l i s h e r s and b r o a d c a s t e r s

ALL O F T H I S is but ano the r e x a m p l e of the legal i n d u s t r y ' s inc reas ing p r o p e n s i t y to w a n t to c o n d u c t public bus iness beh ind c losed doors . J u d g e s and l a w y e r s will de-c ide w h a t is good f o r us to know.

The high c o u r t ' s un f rock ing of J u s t i c e Ri ley two y e a r s a g o was a spl i t dec is ion , but t he Mid land ru l i ng was u n a n i m o u s — Michael F . C a v a n a g h ' s opinion w a s con-c u r r e d in by J a m e s H Br ick ley , J a m e s Ryan , G. M e n n e n Wil l iams, P a t r i c i a A Boyle, C h a r l e s Lev in and the r e t i r i n g T h o m a s Gi les K a v a n a g h .

The M i c h i g a n S u p r e m e Court is h e r e b y found to be in c o n t e m p t of c o m m o n sense It is s e n t e n c e d t o fou r y e a r s of pub l ic de r -ision.

A chuckle for a stormy day AS YOU t r a v e l a long l i fe ' s h i g h w a y , it

is s u r p r i s i n g t o lea rn tha t you can f ind r ea son f o r a good laugh in the m o s t unu-sual p l ace s .

For i n s t a n c e , the o the r m o r n i n g when The S t r o l l e r had to b a t t l e a four - inch snowfa l l on his w a y to the n e w s p a p e r box, he neve r t h o u g h t it w a s t i m e f o r a l augh The wind w a s howling, the snow w a s fly-ing and he had to gua rd his e y e s f r o m the e l e m e n t s

In the m a i l box was the usua l supp ly of junk m a i l — m a n y ad fo l de r s and m a g a -zines begg ing fo r s o m e sor t of d o n a t i o n

The S t r o l l e r w a s just abou t to toss the bund le a w a y when he got his f i r s t laugh of the day T h e r e , mingled in wi th the o t h e r pa rce l s , w a s t h e spr ing m a g a z i n e f r o m a n u r s e r y c o m p a n y saying tha t now w a s the t i m e to p r e p a r e for the g a r d e n It a l so c a r r i e d the w a r n i n g tha t any t i m e lost would be cos t ly l a t e r on.

With the snow bea t ing in his f a ce . The S t ro l l e r jus t s tood t h e r e and l aughed when he should h a v e been upset wi th a snow filled d r i v e w a y 125 feet f r o m the s t r e e t

B I T AS H E picked up the nursery-m a g a z i n e , it took him back m o r e than 50 y e a r s a g o when he was p lann ing his f i r s t g a r d e n in w h a t then was ca l led t h e coun-tnH—~

One of the old f a r m e r s who h a p p e n e d along t h e road pointed a p a r t i c u l a r plot of g round a n d o b s e r v e d

the stroller w . w . Edgar

This is t he best g round a r o u n d h e r e to r a i s e red r a s p b e r r i e s You' l l f ind out if you t ry . ' '

With t ha t t ip. The S t ro l le r p i cked up a n u r s e r y book f r o m w e s t e r n Mich igan and w a s su rp r i s ed when he c a m e to the red r a s p b e r r y sec t ion T h e r e it w a s pointed out that the red l a t h a m v a r i e t y w a s the best of t he lot This was w h a t T h e S t ro l l e r needed to know, fo r su re

The f i r s t ad con ta ined the i n f o r m a t i o n tha t t he t w o - y e a r t r a n s p l a n t s w e r e r e a d y and could be shipped in p len ty of t ime. The p r i ce w a s nomina l , too

Looking a bit f u r t h e r , he found a n o t h e r ad tha t fo r red l a t h a m s ( t w o - y e a r t r a n s -plants) . but they w e r e 15 c e n t s a p lan t cos t l i e r How c o m e ' '

Both n u r s e r i e s were in the s a m e locali-ty The d i f f e r e n c e was tha t t he second ad w a s pr in ted in color With a s m i l e . The S t ro l le r w h i s p e r e d to h imsel f Why-should I pay fo r a color a d ? "

SO H E S E N T f o r the c h e a p e r - p r i c e d va r i e ty . T h e y c a m e on t ime , and when they g rew, t h e y b o r e f ru i t . The r a s p b e r -r ies w e r e the bes t he eve r had.

"God is a l w a y s good to a b e g i n n e r , " he laughed , e n j o y i n g the be r r i e s t h r o u g h o u t the season.

J u s t t he m e m o r y of tha t f i r s t s t a r t a s a g a r d e n e r out in " t h e c o u n t r y " w a s enough to p rov ide a good laugh, a h a l f - c e n t u r y la te r , when h e b r a v e d the snow to g e t t he pape r and t h e d a y ' s mail .

discover Michigan Wayne S t a t e Un ive r s i ty has only been a

s t a t e ins t i tu t ion s ince 1956 B e f o r e t h a t it w a s Wayne Un ive r s i t y o p e r a t e d by the Det ro i t boa rd of educa t ion

Wayne c a m e in to being in Augus t 1933 when the D e t r o i t school board uni ted sev-e ra l ins t i tu t ions of higher l e a rn ing which w e r e then u n d e r the board ' s ju r i sd ic t ion These inc luded the colleges of l ibe ra l a r t s , educa t ion , m e d i c i n e , engineer ing , p h a r -m a c y and t h e g r a d u a t e school

The co l lege of edcuat ion t r a c e s i ts his-to ry back to 1881 and the school of medi -c ine to 1868

Once con f ined to a single building, t he WSl" c a m p u s a r e a s have grown t o 180 a c r e s n e a r l y all in the cen te r of De t ro i t and its p r o g r a m s a r e conducted in 107 buildings

T h u r i f y . iWHayy 31. i»65 O&E (R^W ,

Blanchard targets Huron, Clinton f isheries i»,.w.o-iiA)*ia*

By Tim Richard staff writer

More fishing on ibe Huron. Clin tor and other southern Michigan rivers is a major goal of Gov James J. Blanch ard, along with halting any possible di-version of Great Lakes water.

Blanchard set an overall goal of im-proving fishing activity on southern Michigan rivers by 10 percent or more for the next decade, to provide an addi-tional 2.4 million angler days for Mich-igan's rivers."

His State of the State address, deliv ered to the Michigan Legislature last week, also called for development of boating access facilit ies

BESIDES THE Huron and Clinton rivers, whose headwaters are in north-ern Oakland counties, Blanchard sin-gled out the Raisin, Kalamazoo. Muskegon. Grand. Saginaw and St. Jo-seph rivers for "enhanced fishing on southern Michigan r ivers ."

With the benefit of some 92.6 mil-lion in new funds which could become

Former workers start fund The Legal Fund to Restore Benefits

Inc (LFTRB), a non-profit organization formed by former General Motors Corp. employees who have been trans-ferred involuntarily to Electronic Data Systems Corp., will hold a public meet-ing at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the Knights of Columbus Hall. 6177 Chicago Road Warren.

LFTRB's goal is to solicit sufficient funds to finance legal action to restore benefits taken away in the t ransfer to the new GM subsidiary

LFTRB believes that a precedent must be set for salaried workers. If not. salaried workers could find employers may unilaterally a l ter employment agreements,

Representatives of a law firm speci-alizing in employee rights will be pres-ent to answer questions and concerns. Admission is free.

LFTRB's announcement listed no of-ficers and only a post office box ad-dress - P.O. Box 9521, Livonia 48151

available to our state under the federal Dingell-Johnson program, we can launch imaginative efforts to expand urban and inland fishing," the governor said.

As is customary in State of the State addresses, there was only a statement of goals and few details Specific plans will come in the budget message and In detailed bills.

The Huron arises in the Proud Lake chain, where it is a designated trout s t ream, flows southwestward into Washtenaw County, then makes a 90-degree turn and flows southeastward to Lake Erie. Dams form such lakes as Kent and Belleville. In its lower reach-es, below the Flat Rock dam, it is a salmon stream.

F O R H U N T E R S , B l a n c h a r d promised to support the recommenda-tions — due next December — of a task force studying ways to enhance wildlife and fish habitat.

Without mentioning numbers, the governor said he would support ex-panding the number of conservation law officers. He noted that during the economic recession, the number of offi-

cers fell f rom 216 to 146 In a five-year period.

Because of low-cost senior citizens hunting and fishing licenses, Blanchard said, the s ta te Fish and Game Fund faces a 95 million deficit by next year He supported reimbursement of the Fish and Game Fund from the general fund.

BLANCHARD GOT high marks f rom s ta te Sen. Patr ick McCollough, D-Dear-bora, for his stand on the Great Lakes.

"The governor supported my pack-age (of bills) on a comprehensive Great Lakes water management plan," said McCollough, a third-term senator whose district includes Garden City

"My package calls for 1) a compre-hensive plan, which the courts say we must have to stop diversion, and 2) changing the membership of the Great Lakes Commission from a commercial body to a more legal and advocacy body."

Blanchard supported a one-year ban on any water diversion, said he would

appoint a Great Lakes program chief within the Department of Natural Re-sources and called for a single state-wide water management plan.

EMEAC, BASED In Birmingham, said a day before Blanchard's speech that it is "adamantly opposed to harm-ful diversions of water out of the Great Lakes."

EMEAC staff attorney Elizabeth Harris urged Blanchard to support the draf t Great Lakes Charter as "a criti-

cal step toward preventing widespread potential water conflicts within the Great Lakes basin."

Blanchard's message agreed: "Attacking the Great Lakes basin's

water quality problems will . . . re-quire a coordinated e f for t «p»nning state and provincial boundaries. A framework exists under the 1978 US.-Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, which is scheduled for re-view in the next two years."

' B r a i n d a m a g e d ' s e m i n a r s e t Registration is open for three School-

c ra f t College seminars collectively ti-tled New Hope for the Brain Dam-aged." Courses are designed to help the injured, their families and profession-als who work with them.

Registration information is available f rom the community services office a t 591-$400 ext. 409. Courses, s tar t ing dates and times are:

• Adjustment for the Traumatical ly Brain Injured — six Mondays f rom 6-8

p.m. beginning Feb. 4. Persons at level VI of cognitive functioning are taught to identify their own deficits and devel-op compensatory skills. Fee is $40.

• Adjus tment for F a m i l y and Friends of the Traumatically Brain In-jured — six Mondays f rom 6S p.m. be-ginning Feb. 4. Fee is 940.

• Community Reintegration of the Traumatically Brain Injured — oner day seminar March 9 for health care providers and professionals. Fee is 950.

Pets of week Avai lable for a d o p t -n g : S o o n e r , 1 2 -

w e e k s - o l d , m i x e d male spaniel , pa r t i a l -l y h o u s e b r o k e n . Lucy, Vh-years o ld , f e m a l e d o e m a t i c , o range and w h i t e , l i t ter t ra ined. B o t h pets are good w i t h ch i ld ren and o the r animals. For i n f o r m a -t i o n , c o n t a c t t h e M i c h i g a n H u m a n e Soc ie ty ' s K i n d n e s s Center , 37255 M a r -q u e t t e , W e s t l a n d (721-7300).

ART EM ANUELE/staff photos

± k / \ i







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d u r i n g regu la r i t o r e b o o n

"The K r e s g e Eye Ins t i tu te a t H a r p e r Hospi ta l h a s i m p o r t a n t r e s e a r c h and eye s u r g e r y d e p a r t m e n t s .

The re ' s n o be t t e r p lace for y o u r d a d to be'.'

O u r story h a s been d r a m a t i z e d here , bu t t he sor row of b l i n d n e s s by accident , b i r th , d i sease a n d ag ing is very real T h e work of t r ea tmen t a n d c u r e is a j o u r n e y of discoCerv in to d a r k n e s s ;

^ the ]oy of vision itself a m i r a c l e of infinite complexity. And h o p e spr ings f rom the research a n d clinical i nnova t i ons of a few special facilities like the Kresge Eye Inst i tute at H a r p e r Hospital

Dedica ted exclusively to t h e p r o b l e m s of vision, t h e Kresge Eye Inst i tute treats t h o u s a n d s of patients each year Its r e sea rch p r o g r a m s develop new pa th s of u n d e r s t a n d i n g . Its clinical pract ice

b r ings n e w t e c h n o l o g y to m e d i c i n e and refines p ionee r ing t r e a tmen t t echn iques for o the r s to follow This impor t an t Medica l Cen te r resource g ives p resen t h o p e to millions wi th impai red

vision t h r o u g h o u t t h e wor ld and p romises bet ter vis ion for fu tu re gene ra t ions

For an eye care b r o c h u r e or m o r e in format ion a b o u t the Kresge Eye Institute, p lease p h o n e the pa t ien t hot line n u m b e r g iven below T h e Kresge Eye Ins t i tu te a n d Harper Hospi ta l

are affiliated wi th the Schoo l of Medic ine , Wayne State Univers i ty a n d the Medical Cente r in de l ive r ing world-class qual i ty h e a l t h ca re

Harper Hospital A T T H E M E D I C A L C E N T E R


Patient eve care hot l ine n u m b e r t e l ephone 494-9082 • Physicians. please call 494-8130 for in format ion regard ing eye cart- pat ient referra ls

C 19*4

U A » » ( T Ro.R.yy,Q. 12A.F- 1<jA, Q4tk Thuraday January 31 1935

These are the HealthP/as of Michigan participating physicians in the Detroit unciAnn Arbor ureos.

Is1 'our doctor on this list?

^HfHealthPlus Suburban West .Northwest l>own Riser Communi t ies

Abbassian. A A M D Ahmad. / a h e c r G M D Ajlunt. Roger MI) All. Shaigat. M D Alonzi. Mar-. DO Apple ton) M i c h * . D M D Armstrong. Paul E D O ArnkofT Marc S M D Asbahi. Mowafak S . M D Ansum. John D MD Baynes. Robert C . D O Bechara Glaucio H IX)

Belen Steve D DO Benson Dewey E . D O Bicdcrman Michael A . DO Blum David M D Bok. Frank J DO Bovirstein. Robert | D O Biniuin Enrique M M D Brarvdes. W'arTcn D O Brooker Ronald F„ DO Bruno. John P . D O Burkow. l i s t e r . DO B o s u m k a . J a m e s W . D O Cash. Morton B M D Calalano. Joseph V . M D Charnley. Arnold D M D Chatterlcy. Daniel J D o Chhatwal Prabhjeet K M D Cicmiega Robert S . DO Clarke. Dav id J M D Cofflman. Eric N DO Conic* William R . M D ConsMlinc, Basil M D D Avanzo Joseph G . D O Duitch. Martin H M D Damiani I ^ u r e n c e B IX)

Darling. Francis D . DO Das. Dipak K M D Davidson. William. DO Davis Wiili.un S . M D D e P u t n c D.n d C . D O DeSousa . Jose I . M D DeSo. , / . , Dctr-k G M D DtDonato l Oi l

^X'ck Robert I D< I IXmisikai M G M D Dvia. Prem P M D Duggal V ma'. K M D

EMIJS Andre'* R DO Fills Melville H DO Evenngham Craig. DO I venngharr: IVmaid DO Fa ja /do Van.01.1 C' M l ) F a n n a A-gcl. M D Fassihi, M M D Fineman. M o m s . DO Fink Kenneth 1 DO

Michael L . DO .'•tank,in. John F M D Friedman. Gerald, DO Fro.»/_rn \ j s s e r M D G a d o u s k i Raymond . D O Gumena James. M D iVM-ge Rachel. M D Genpert Pamela M DO Glmvki. Leonard T , DO Goburdhun V1Ja> K M D Goerke . Pau. F D o <10Warts. Stephen B DO Gonle Henrv [X >

Guevara . Omar M D Guka'i Rajfvh ( M D Gupta Mad.in. M D Gut hi ko nda..V.-yakurrtan M D Hai Mabmood A M D

Haiahu S f a w q i J m [ j H,.n> Kail M D Hatdie Janet F DO H a n n . Moneza M D Hecker. Karl T D O Hedavat . J>„rv t t. M D He>man. Louts . M D Horse h Rish.ird, M D Hougfian. Forties R . D o Huscin Huserm M D H'. man. Samuel J . M D Ishac Fathy F M D

Jahan Se,i. M D Jain Ashok B . M D Jakacki Richard MD Jano Fand MD Joshi Dava P MD Jugan Robe-: M D O Kandah Domain F . DO Karahev A T . MD Kent Michael C DO Kcss.cr Joseph. DO Khourv Flic MD Khuran.i Kishan D M D K.a.-.I Dana MD Kim Heung K MD Kim Strong 1 MD K,ect Jose l [ M D Kleer Necio- A M D K-.ighr Richard \ IX,

Kohct K.eilh MD K "Pfir.ce R o N r - IX)

K.ivan Jeffre-. I M D •^•csge Gar> D DO Kushner Sande ' [KI

' ackev M' .mn V D O I aia M i s h a e l K M D ' -anv.rg Fugene H M D I argo D . n a l d I M D I askowsk R .har-d P 1X1 I a * s o r . [ ren^e M I ea rner James [H >

1 ee Sh.u M a r MD I cc VV.i-c- H MD


L " e . Shrirang M M D LePoudre Chris t ine DO Lessam. N D M D i e v e v Jules F M D I leberman. M o r n s . DO Liem Jai D . M D Fi»> R o h e n P M D 1 invlen M e l u n D DO Lodivh F d ~ a n ) M DO U>n«e*ski F d w a a l A IX) MacDermtd. J o h n E DO Mafee. All F , M D Mainsier. H a m s U DO Maiira. Sa lyahra ia . M D Mandell Robert M DO Mail/ . Howan:! N . M D Margolis. Han>.'<J D . DO Marvin. Robert C . M D

•< >e r. Jack J D O McCallmn. W| | | ,am P DO McIXrvin. Frank J DO McKinne) . M a \ I . DO Meeker Jack F D O Mchta V irendra S MD Mercader. Rudolfo S . MD Mever. Eugene. M D Mikkilir>enr Prasad I. M D Mikrov Z a c h a n a C DO Miller. David M. D O Miller. H R DO Mtnnick. F d » a n J R IX1 Mtrza. A M M D Mirza. S At Ida M M D Monge FI aver . M D Morrison. Daniel I . DO

Moss Victor I [X! M.-stik. Lloyd L D O M u k h a n J a n i Jaira; D MD Munaco Antfxiru C" MD Naik. Shreepad, M D Naini Ma.nsixirG VfD N'air K C M D Nair. Sreedharan M D "sakadar. Ar.1hem.1r S M D "saravimharasu B 1 M D Seal. M H M D

Schairrr. John R IX > Sch^n / L K DO ScheinfiekJ, Samuel D o Schlusvel, Hervchel L MD Schwartz Anths'ny IX1 Schwartz Ralnii. IX) Sellers. J o h n D . IX 1 Setts Bala A M D Shah. Pivush. M D Shah. P radeep R M D Shomo. Roger A , DO Siehert. Hill iam F . M D Siefci. J a m e s R DO Sikorski. Rober t > . DO Simmons. Harrv DO Singei. Manuel J DO Sinha. Kageshwari P . MD Sista. Saj K . MD SUim. Aheaham. IX I Slaim. John . D O Smyk Anthony. IX)

Soh^isco Steve J DO So lomon . M a n i n M , DO Sonbav O m e r K M D Sonenshein Henrv [X) Sosin, Allen. M D Spagnuolo. L o u i s J . DO Stem. Harvev S M D Stenz. Willa^f s . DO Stevens. Taljana. M D Sloler Richard K DO Srurla A m a d e o R . M D

Sukumaran . LXtraikannu M D Suruli Leela. M D Susser. David . DO Swtack. . Gera ld J DO Swiacki Gerak l R D o -Svnenckowski John [X) Tactac. Albert J M D Tarpiman, Harrv M D Teer. N o r m a n H DO Tenner. Cha r l e s H I * > Thomas . Paul G IX)

K'wct L y m a n M IX) Jnrvis Richanl F [X:i rnpoh Richard \ D< (

Hunte t . Ed".ar t T . b O Jamil Shahid MD Jan i cke . John L DO Jano . Farid M D Kayi Cengiz MD K o h h . Har}it, M D Kohl i . JaspaJ M D Lala. Michael K . MD L e e . Young M . MD LePounJe Christine. DC' Less ien . Bruce T. MD Makar . F a r i u k T . M D Marsha l l . Fred DO M o z e n , Herschel E MD Posada . Juan G . MD R a y m o n d . John E , DO Riishe . Gregory C DO Rosenberg . Davnl S . DO Sa iama . Dhafer S MD Schwar tenzenfeId . led, DO S e o . Young. I M D Shah ideh . Asadollah. M D

Silvermar, . Lee R IX) Sista. Sal K MD Sonenshein . Henry. DO Wedgle . Martin, D O

Pontiac North Oakland C«nimuni_ties

Acnl lc , Anthony. M D Aggarwal Indenit . MD Alter. John . IX) Baker . Michael S MD Bak>g. Jo seph A, M D B a r n e s . Bradley 7 . MD Bauer. Franz M D Bclcn. Jack t DO B e n e n s o n . Alan K . M D Berry. Andrew H . DO Biencnfekl Hatred ! . (X) B igman . Ronald I DO B m g h a m . Richard J M D B o a / John 7 MD Bock nek Marc P DO CaJl ton. Samuel IX)

Ravikant . Sarala S , M D Reddy. GopiaJ. M D R e n d z i p e n s . Nicholas, M D Ringwald . Ulnch O . M D Roland. Stanley S . DO R u b m . Micfee l . CXJ Salvia . Leonard C . DO Savin. Rober t M M D S c h o e n , Paul F . DO Seo, Young I M D S h e r m a n . Ronald J . DO Shin. E o n . M D Sikorski . Eugene L . DO Smith Michael D , M D S t e m . Milton. DO Tan. Elaine H . M D Tan. King L . M D Voelpel . Mary-Jo K DO Wfcdgle. Martin. DO W'eitz. M a t h i a s G , DO Whi te . Larry C . DO Yadao. Pet romo C , MD Yee. Char les E . M D / a z a i a n . Andrew. DO

Northeast Dclroit East Suburban Communities

AggarwaJ. Indetju. M D Andrushkiw. Roman W.. M D Att ic . Antony K . MD Bae . Kyoungsoo . MD Barker . David H MD Baut is ta , Joaqum P . M D Bishai. Yousef B M D Bothra , Raj M D Capobre s , David B. M D C e n t e n o . Jose C . MD Day. Francis , M D Depau l i s D a n o C , M D Devinrddy. Lmgareddv. M D Diem, Mart; L . DO rXulcnhofT. Peter C . DO Domza l sk i . Henry M . M D F d w m , Samuel J M D Fah im, Ramfis , B . M D Fai l lace. Deon. F . M D

When you're choosing a health plan,

youre really choosing a doctor.


. F. I X . MD


M D A . M D M D




Obeid Friar, A M D O.iven. Eugene.. D O Ondcr, Hah., M D Page. B J . D O Park . 7ac W Pa nil y. RonaJd S Parrot I C harle p-atel Sudha R Palil 1. R . M D Paul sukhamoy. MD Pearce F.dwan!J V Pcnn W,;iiam P DO Perez. Jorge O Pomodoro, Lyi Prasad Prem S Pujara C H Rabinow itz. Ben DO Rahman, / e a u r V1D Rahmanian. Mi \ Rao Jehangir N Ravi. Valiya V , . . u

Kcddy. Banda P M D Riaz Abdul. M D Richard Ronald f Richer! J<iseph J Robtuns Gerald F Roc . Gilbert M Roc RuFy t.'

Kosboll . Robe fioss Dun ( Ross S \ | | | l d m \)f Roth . Frank IXi Roth Harvev G Roihenberg. Dav ... . . Rubins.ff Ai lbam M D Rucdingcr. IX -,ald J Ruffino, G a s p e r F Ruiz LU,S (

Ruza Paul I SabharwaJ Vee Sale S H M D Salam«>n R,,.-x.n Sa.-nhour F Sands I ugene Sands I aw 'ens Saunders f . ene


. DO M D



t x .





! J . IX >


MD [X )





Isay t hing S . M D Lticker. Linda F . !X 1 Lrosev. |l„a. MD Vac h (St.- Pre hi ad S Vajdya. Ramesh K Vajshampayan. G V \ a i t i s , Otor .as , M D Variamari . -Hratch. M D Vincenii, AUhen. Viswanath. Talank Wang. Joy M D 'Wu>ne Michael S w 'ctner. Allan D ... Weingarden. Terr* I W'icklcss. Larry DO Wilhelm. Rudoi; F W inters. Frank D Wong Kong-W_. . 'A'"Ks|ard Joan [X) Wright. Howard \ ) Wu. Hsin H M D Wu, Yih-Cheng M D Ymg, Lloyd IX.j Vbon. Ir. Kw.,ng K Young. Richard D . . . . / a m p a n r Syamasunde r ;

North \V>od«ard Communities

Ahmad. A sir I M D Alter. J o h r DO Arnkoff . M.irv s Bel!" R o b e - C IX) B-'lhra Rai M D • rverup N1ch.1L . I) Av-anzo. Joseph f D e P u t a i r Davnl < Dutku Fr iednch MD Fii'ias Andnrw R FaJllck. Harry A f r . i n o i S. ipoleor . . . F ' i edman Gerald IXI Gordon Victot ( G.-enn GoWon 1 . Gunsl Fcridun MD





I X )

Ix I DO Ml

Do IXi

< ommuni iv Heal th ( an: •.<! POH C r o m m c t t . William F IK 1 Das Sum! K M D D c r F r a n k N M D Dhabuv-aJa. Tarltka ( MD IX'ylc. Michael Q b ( )

IXihamel, Peter. M D fcllenbogen R x h a r d I . IX) F n g l e m a n n Theodore-G DO F H d m a n Alan I . DO F m c i Krikor . M D Franco. Napoleon MD Fr i edmar . Stephen S IXi Fogle. Michae l J . D o G a s l m a n . Irvm J . iX )

Geis t , F d g a r J M D Ciilbert Michae l D MD G o l d . Paul M DO G ' r t i n a . Har.ba.-.., M D Gowda . L !mesh G M D H a d u c k . Walter F D O Hami l ton . Alfred S IX)

Hegvi Douglas F DO Hullert . Dav Id S MD H u r v i t z . Ronald . DO Jamil . Shahid M D Jan icke , J o h n E DO Johns, in . Robert H VtD J o h n s t o n e . J o h n 1 (X >

Juocy-s. AI A [Xl Kermis. I rving D D O K.-iauss Carrol . D O Kopin Myron VH>

Kresge. Bruce A MD Kur . t zman . Carl F . MD I ePere Ronald R DO I r . b J..fel K IX)

t evine . Stanley . DO Mcnge Micha**, S Ml) Milford C r e a g h F Df> Millrr.an I 'homas I Ml) Morgan Alan W IX < ' ' Neil I J a m e s \ M D I'a 'el B h . i p e n d r a G VfD Prada Ar tu ro MD R u m : Harvev 1 Di i


Feil la. John , M D F o r m an. Paul J . DO F r i e d m a n . Gerald, DO Ciaba. Leonard H . DO Georgandel l i s , Lucas . M D G h a n d h i , Bur ior D M D G u a n c o . E s p e r R . M D H a n s . Sach inde r S M D H a m s . Rober t D MD Harrity William A MD H e d a y a t . G M M D Hem. GerharcJt A , M D Ibrah im. Fikry F . M D J a m . J i tendcr . M D J a s z c k a k . S tanley E MD Ja szckak , 7enrsa J Javakar . Ganda/r i S Jay a*air, Saro;a S M D Jc lmek . Gary P. M D J o h n s o n Wilbur E . M D K a m i k . A s h o k S MD Kaspor . A l b e n J . MD Kim. 7ai H M D Kohli Har]it . M D KohJi, Jaspa l . M D I jxJ i sh Edward M DO Makar . Fa rouk 7 MaJach. Rose . M D Malick. G e o r g e P Mann. Arsdtrw D "•lartinez. A l fonso . M e s g a r z ^ d e h . Madjid. M D M o n s o n Rober t C MD M o n s o n Sco t ! T Murguz. Ataiay M Nayak Kr i shna K N e s t o r IXishan. M D N e w t o n K e n n e t h K N-no. Luis a . M D Pandya Hai}vailabh Pantos . N a n a B . M D Pantos . Theodo re G Pankh . 7ushar S MD Paiel G h a n s h y a m N MD Pearce E d w i n T MD Perez B o n a . C a r k i s MD




Raitan. Paavan P . M D Ramirez. S o m a A , M D Rao. Bhimsen S M D Ravi, Valtya V M D Reddy. Banda P , M D Reddy. C h a k r a d h a r C , M D Rim. Choon S . . M D Rober ts . George A M D Roy. Asok K . M D Saiama, Dhafer S., M D Salvia. Leonard C . D O Schock. Martin L . M D Schukraf t , Erns t F . M D S c h w a n z . Ralph , DO Shah. Bhanu J . M D S h a u k e y . Yehya. M D Singja. Ved P, M D Sonenshein , Henry . D O Sood . Narcndra K M D Stem. Saul C , M D Stone . Sidney L . M D Sul. Yt C . M D Sultzman, L . C . M D Tan. Ben Gee . M D Taub. StefTan, D O V'enkat. R a m a n a n S . M D Vipond, W . F . M D White. Larry C. . D O Whitman. J a m e s E . M D

West and Cenlra l IX-tnjit Communit ies

Aggarwal. Inder)it . M D Akanta ra . Elsa. M D Alcantara. Luciki . M D Andrushkiw. R o m a n W M D Asfaw. Ingida. M D Bartkowiak, J e rome E D O Belgiano. Neil J . D O Daraban George . D O Diem. Mark L . D O Fe tens . Edwin W , D O Forman. Paul J DO Greenspan . Elliot; I , DO Hcuton, Michael 7 M D Jalil. Syed M M D Jaszekak, Stanley E . M D Jaszckak Teresa J . M D Korkigian Armen A . DO K o / m a Anthony P D O Kushner. Sander . DO Laskowski Richard P, DO Obeid , Erfan A M D Pujara, C H,, M D Rtrr.. Choon S . M D Rosa no . Floro D M D Rudy William M . [X)

Salvia. Leonard C , DO Samhour i . Farouq A M D Scheinfield. Samuel . DO Singerman. Arnold, DO Sttner. Jerome 1 , D O Sul. Yi C M D Wayne Michael S , DO W'eingarden. Michael . D O Z'eglcr. John W , D O

Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Area Communities




K , h ; " H M ° h> thouwmds of Michigan well-established in pnv.,te practice. ^ d<K 'Tor> physicians. ^

And v.s.ts to your plan physician w,|] he th , as pan of.he plan

- V * - — W refers are W)U h a v e emeneencv coverage anywhere in the u„Hd " ''a" h l i n d r t d s <>f Jnjg stores.

So s ^ t i n c W , i ,o,n ,he nead, ^ y P , . h o , e ( _ d H t f ^ | h R t J s ^ ^ ^

Appieford. Michael D M D Augus tyn . Philhp F . M D Barss. William A , M D Bechara . Glaucro H. , D O Bemreuter . R a y m o n d C , M D Besset te . Paul L M D Bhatia. Sum!, M D Bogard. William J , M D B o u d e m a n . John E . M D BucaJo. Harry D . M D Byai t . J a m e s S . M D Capili . Evangelina E. . M D Clark, Peter J . M D Dtmcheff . Donald G M D E d m u n d s . William P , M D Eiger, Rodney I . M D Elliott, Lyle D M D Epstein. Jerome L . M D Fischer. C P , M D F r h e r . Robert J M D Foster, Richard J . D O Fox. Win slow G . M D G a i n son. D E . M D Grymewicz . Ellen H . M D H a n m a n . R o h e n T.. M D HeiTeman, Daniel D . M D Flenry. Gregory L . M D Henry, Robert C . M D Hoshal . Jr Verne L . M D Jordan. Frank 7 , M D Katz. David M D Mac Derm id. John i DO Mull in. V'ildan, M D Myers. J a m e s W M D Nolasco. Renato N . M D Ovacik. Mustafa E M D Pat ton. W"i||iam F. MD PurmeM Edgene B . Df ) Rothman. Diana M M D Ruedinger. Donald J M D Siddiqui. Athar. M D Strasius Stanley R M D Taylor Fulton B M D Thorrez . David C" . M D Tiziani Joseph J M D Tsai Clarence K M D Van A ppledorn. i ' . r i M D VanderYachj. Wilbur C M D Wane John G . DO Weimerr T h o m a s A M D Wiley, Rober t H D O Yoon. In Kwang, K . M D

ute i n ' • Ann -\rhor. \TT4STrkT-~Tfu-nc }•hi


Canton ©bseruer

Suburban Life El i te G r a h a m edi tor / 4 5 9 - 2 7 0 0

Thursday. January 31. 1985 CAE (C)1B



T H E FINAL WORD is in and the Penn Theater will not book "Amadeus" until a f t e r the Academy Awards presentat ions in April.

The local showing of the movie, s tarr ing Tom Hulce in the tit le role, has been ant icipated few months. Plans were under way for a gala hometown opening with a reception a f t e r the showing of the fi lm at the Penn. Plans, of course, included having Tom Hulce come home for the event.

The old never-the-twain-shall-meet syndrome stymied the a r rangements .

The a r t s council and the Symphony League, co-sponsors of the party, were depending on Joann Hulce, Tom's mother, to coordinate his appearance . With Tom in California, then Europe, then New^^ York, and then New Zealand, Jo ' s mission seemed almost impossible. Adding to the problem was the question. "When can we get 'Amadeus ' a t the Penn?"

Lauren Falcuson, owner of the Penn, had been working with the planners, t rying for a commi tment of a f i rm date.

She couldn't have it a t first , because of her $1.50 admission r a ^ . "Amadeus" was booked only in the high-priced theaters . There followed a t ime of opt imism when the distributor seemed to be mellowing because the Penn was Tom Hulce's hometown theater . Plans progressed to the point that Scott Lorenz was reserving the Mayflower Meeting House for the date, hopefully, March 15.

All that was changed when the fi lm received four Golden Globe a w a r d s and was nominated, in several categories, for Academy Awards The publicity accompanying the Oscar nominations assures "Amadeus" of top-admioSion houses until la te April — at least. Don't give up. There 's going to be a party when the film comes to town and Tom, who plays Mozart, will be here It will be worth the wait .

W H I L E TALKING to Mildred Livingston about her older son. Larry, I asked about her younger son. Dale.

Dale graduated f rom Plymouth High School in 1963. attended Kalamazoo College, and was sort of a walk-on m e m b e r of the football team. Dale was a kicker and Kalamazoo's winning season was at tr ibuted to his field goals and points a f te r touchtowns.

He went on to professional football, playing for both the Cincinnati Bengals and the Green Bay Packers .

Dale is doing just fine He's living in Green Bay where he is in the insurance business

S C H O O L C R A F T College is the local Mecca for would-be beekeepers. Roger Sutherland, who also is president of the Michigan Audubon Society, heads the beekeeper p rogram at Schoolcraft. He is assisted by local beekeepers, among them, David Nairn.

Quite a colony of bee hives has been established in the orchard on the Schoolcraft property along with a honey house, where honey is extracted

C . L . C O O K had high score a t last Thursday 's par ty bridge games at the Plymouth Cultural Center He had 7,780 points and Francis La Com be was second with 5,820 points

EV ELYN DLRFEY, the fo rmer Evelyn Wassmanand a longtime Plymouth resident, now lives in Orlando, Fla She has been working as a hostess at Arnold P a l m e r ' s Bay Hill Golf G u b for the past 3Vi years

Evelyn was named "Employee of the Year, 1984 The award was presented by Arnie (himself) at the employees ' Chr is tmas party

PATRICIA MACISAAC, teacher at the Kiddie Kampus P r e Schoolin Plymouth, has been appointed child development laboratory supervisor in Eas tern Michigan University 's Depar tment of Human. Environmental and Consumer Resources

Patr ic ia , a Plymouth resident, earned her bachelor 's degree In e lementary education f rom Springfield College in Massachuset ts and her mas te rs degree In ear ly childhood education f rom EMU in 1984

International pianist to solo with symphony Conductor Johan van der Merwe and

the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra will present Handel's famous Water Music Suite, a Spanish-style ballet by a French composer, and a much-loved pi-ano concerto at 4 p.m. Sunday in a con-cer t a t Plymouth Salem High School Auditorium.

Brahms Piano Concerto in D Minor will be the featured work with Pauline Mart in as piano soloist.

The concerto was written in 1854 as a sonata for two pianos It premiered as a piano concerto in 1859 with the composer at the piano. It wasn't until a lmost 100 years later that the Concer-to in D Minor became one of the most popular of all concertos.

Paul ine Martin has received interna-tional cri t ical acclaim as a pianist. She has appeared on numerous radio and

television broadcas ts . Her ac t ive schedule includes f requent re turn en-gagements as a recitalist , soloist with orchestras and chamber musician.

MARTIN WAS BORN in Manitoba and now lives in the Detroit area . She holds bachelor's and mas te r ' s degrees f r o m Indiana University and a doctor of musical a r t s degrees f rom the Uni-versity of Michigan.

The program will open with "Water Music" by George Freder ick Handel Handel 's love of pomp and ceremony and the regal festiveness of his music made him a favor i te of the RngHah ar-istocracy for almost half a century. The Water Music has been described as "splendidly inventive and sonorous."

The ballet music is f rom the second ac t of the opera, "Le Cid" by Ju les Massenet

EL CID WAS the name given to R o drigo de Bivar, famous 12th century Spanish knight and warr ior The setting is a spring festival in the square of Bur-gos and the Spanish music is flamboy-ant and exotic.

Tickets for the concert — $6 for adults and $3.50 for ful l - t ime college students and senior citizens — will be available a t the door. Students 12th grade and under a re admi t ted f ree .

Advance sale tickets may be pur-chased at Beitner Jewelry, Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth; Hammel l Music, Livonia; and Arnoldt Williams Music. Canton Center Road. Canton Township.

There is no charge for the babysit-ting service for pre-schoolers, provided by a Girl Scout Troop during the con-cert.

Pauline Mar t i n pianist

Rice University honors Larry Livingston Larry Livingston, 43, dean of the

Shepherd School of Music a t Rice Uni-versity, has been appointed to the E l m a Schneider Chair in Music. The appoint-ment to a permanently endowed chair, an honor usually reserved for facul ty m e m b e r s in their 60s, was awarded be-

Dr. Larry L iv ings ton

cause Livingston's "contributions to the development of the school, during the short t ime you have been here, have been notable."

In response to the announcement , he said, "I am touched and honored by this gesture which I receive not only with personal enthusiasm, but read as sym-bolic of the university 's s t a t emen t of commendation for the ent ire school of music."

His mother, Mildred Livingston of Plymouth, said her f i rs t react ion to the news f rom Houston. Texas, was, "Lar-ry would have been so proud." Her hus-band. Lawrence Livingston, was band director for the Plymouth schools for a lmost 25 years until his death in 1967.

" H E HAS WORKED very hard at Shepherd School, recrui t ing f r o m all over the country and Europe ." his mother said.

Her memory goes back to a 5-year-old climbing up on the piano bench and picking out tunes "by ear ."

"He couldn't reach the pedals and he'd sit there playing with his legs swinging." His f irst musical instruction c a m e in fourth or f if th grade when the youngsters s tar ted with a tonette. For young Larry Livingston, it was a pre-

Larry Livingston's mother recalled him as a five-year-old climbing on the piano bench and picking out tunes 'by ear.' She added, 'He couldn't reach the pedals and he'd sit there playing with his legs swinging.'

curse r for the c l a r i n e t He graduated f rom Plymouth High

School in 1960 and continued his educa-tion at the University of Michigan.

LIVINGSTON earned bachelor and mas te rs degrees a t U-M, played in the marching bandand traveled to Europe with the band.

His musical ca ree r encompasses

both wind ensemble and orchestral conducting F r o m 1965 throught 1969, he was instructor of woodwinds and as-sistant conductor of bands at Luther College, Decorah, la He was appointed director of ins t rumenta l activities a t Northern Illinois University in 1973. While there, he conducted the sympho-ny orchestra and wind ensemble, and supervised the wind band program.

He became music director of the Illi-

nois Chamber Orchestra of DeKalb at its inception in the fall of 1974.

He was vice president and music di-rector of the New England Conservato-ry of Musicbefore going to Rice Uni-versity in J anua ry 1982 as dean of Shepherd School.

He has guest conducted professional and collegiate orchestra throughout the United States. He participated as per-fo rmer and clinician in an Internation-al Jazz Fest ival in Rome in 1981

HE CONDUCTED a per formance of contemporary American and French music in the 1982 Festival de Musique in Evian, France,receiving rave re-views f r o m the French critics.

More recently, he appeared as guest conductor with the Stockholm Wind Symphony Orchestra in a pe r fo rmance of new works by American and Swed-ish composers.

Livingston has commissioned more than 40 pieces for wind ensemble and premiered works by more than a dozen composers

He has taught in California a t San Diego Sta te and University of Califor-nia a t San Diego. Larry and his wife, Karen, have two children, daughter Kasey, 12. and son Ryder. I1-*

On with the show! " F o o t l i g h t s and F o o l i s h n e e s " o p e n s a week t r o m t o m o r r o w a v a n i n g at P l y m o u t h Sa iam H igh S c h o o l A u d i t o r i u m and tha d i r e c t o r , Bob Be rk -son , is p u t t i n g t he d a n c e r s t h r o u g h their peces . R o s e m a r l e K r a m e r ( r i g h t ) r ehee reee at a m o r n -ing c h o r u s Una p r a c t i c e aeeaion. Reserved m a i n

BILL B « E S L E R / « U « p n o t o O ' « P * * '

f loor t i c k e t s at $7 and b a l c o n y and s t u d e n t t i c k -e ts at $5 are o n sala at t he May f l owe r Hote l . Cu r -t a i n - t i m e to r t he t w o p reeen ta t i ons of t ha P l ym-o u t h C o m m u n i t y A r ta C o u n c i l m u a l c a l ravua, f e a t u r i n g an a l l -s ta r l oca l csa t , w i l l ba 8 p .m. Fr i -day, Feb . 8 a n d 9.

2B<KC) U A t T h u r s d a y . J a n u a r y 3 1 , 1986

L e t ' s g e t t o g e t h e r a n d p l a n f o r t h e f u t u r e OK, Canton, can we talk'' Recently I received a letter, copies

of which also were sent to J im Poole, our supervisor and to Matt Modrack, our township planner The letter in-cluded a drawing of a "dreamscape" of a welcome corner for Canton and spoke to the future of Canton as a hometown

The question is, now that we have subdivisions, people all over the place of a variety of ages and Interests, loads of schools, a brand new police station on the way. even a downtown in the making, what type of area are we? Is this a nice place to visit Or a place you'd want to live, and grow, and even grow old in?

That's a lot to bite off in one chunk But if you think about it, somewhere, someone, should have an idea of how we are going to become the hometown we all want

What happens if all the land is devel-oped, all the streets are paved, all the homes are built? We have all the indus-try we have room for. even sewer lines Then we sit back and decide to cele-brate — maybe a picnic or take a Sun-day ride over to — well, how about the

We could always just jump in the car and — do what9 Are you beginning to see the problem"1

Who is planning the nice, pretty per-sonality part of Canton'1 We have a beautiful beginning in our Welcome sign on Sheldon and Joy roads, but did you notice all the land round it is up for sale"* Who is going to buy it? What will be put there1 After visitors see our Welcome sign, what will be the second thing they see in Canton?

That 's the question for the day. Can-ton Perhaps we had better make it the question for the month!

HOW ABOUT A citizen's forum, how about some good old brainstorming7

You don't have to join a committee; you won t need a membership, you don't even have to use your name. We just need your ideas

I'd very much like to hear f rom you For instance, have you ever pictured

a park with a founta in ' A gazebo? A community swimming pool?

Perhaps, since we are in a country setting, you may prefer a country fla-vor. Something along the lines of re-

C a n t o n chat ter

Sandy Preb l l ch 981-6354

placing the idea of a go-cart track with a riding path for horses Or an old-fash-ioned i c ec r eam parlor, a great big one, with a park adjacent to it and the wliole community expanding from th&t focal point Let your mind go

MAYBE YOU have been to Chicago and visited the amusement park shop-ping center they call Old Chicago

It's done in the Old West motif All the stores are built around an indoor amusement park providing all the rides you could dream of including the cork-screw All this is indoors, remember , making it a year-round attraction.

We already can boast proudly of a community-owned golf course, which is

self-supporting Why not follow that lead.

Canton, let's get moving After all we are a large community for a rural area We have the manpower We have the space We have the need What we lack is organization:

Now if you're thinking, Sandy, that's great, but did you forget about the Canton Beautification Commit-tee' '" No way! As a ma t t e r of fact it is members of that very committee that I have been speaking to. and they need your help.

Remember the Planning Depart-ment of Canton has the responsibility to advise the township, the planning commission and zoning board of

T h e r e ' s

n o

b u s i n e s s

l i k e s h o w

b u s i n e s s

W o m e n f r o m Can-ton a n d P lymouth , under t h e d i rec t ion of Bob Berkson , are b r u s h i n g up on their d a n c i n g s k i l l s in p r e p a r a t i o n for the ar ts c o u n c i l ' s fo l-l ies. T h e show wi l l be p r e s e n t e d 8 p.m. Fr iday and Satur-day, Feb. 8 and 9, in P l y m o u t h S a l e m High S c h o o l Aud i to-r i um.

appeais about issue* of laod use, zon-ing This is an enormous task in Itself as all decisions are based on the long-term effect on Canton. But this large scope doesn't a t tempt to dictate the esthetic detailing or motif

SO, LET'S have at it. Canton! Don't be guilty of too little, too late

Do you have any ideas for Canton? Is there something you have seen some-where. just loved it and said to your-self. "Boy, I wish we had something like that where I live?" How many op-portunities will you have in your life to be a part of the design of your own town — the real how-it-all-began part?

While you're at it, and still with no lasting commitments to committee work, perhaps some of you have had some experience, or knowledge of how to get funding to begin a project like this.

So for heaven's sake, if you have any ideas, please, please, please, let's hear them. Time is running out.

We are a relatively young communi-ty as far as development goes. As we have learned through this past year, we are rich in history and many of our founding families still live here.

However, as rich in history and trad-ition and even as unusual as we are, we could lose everything if we let our-selves become a haphazard. We don't want a hit and miss, no focal point, lack-luster town, with no personality, no public appeal, nothing.

PLEASE LET'S not have businesses popping up here and there, just because it is zoned commercial. Our township board cannot block a business just be-cause we ha v e n t decided what style we want yet.

Believe me, the business community would welcome the best c l imate we can provide to market their goods. If we can provide an area of public inter-est, a place that people want to visit just to get a peak, or enjoy the scenery, the merchants will follow and enjoy the trip.

Canton, I know you're out there. And I know many of you are making this your home I have talked to so many of you who have dreams and ideas. Please, take a minute, discuss it with your spouse, your neighbors, your chil-dren.

After all, what will happen when you

finally retire ' ' What will have been devek .

through the years for you to enjoy Sure, you can drive to a nice place— nearby, but what's wrong with th<EI nice place being YOURS?

There is a small town in Michigan— that has a police force just a fraction qZH the size of ours, yet in the middle dCT town there is a park with a petting zotjr-. Not cage a f t e r cage of penned an imal*—

As you stroll through the park, p e r - , haps just a f t e r you cross the s m a i n creek, you'll pass a small exhibit wi t f t~ some small baby animals As a matter— of fact, just a f t e r you feed bread crusto -to the 'sort-of-wild" ducks swimming— in the pond, you see the puppy exhiblEZ You'd be amazed how many people have never seen the rare, seldom-found-in-captivity puppy dog

So, how about It? Again, the question of the day (month), is "What would you like Canton to become?"

Do you have any inspirational ideas? Have you ever wished we had a . . in our community? Do you now anything about fund raising7

HOW ABOUT a name change? Let 's see. Farmington "Hi l l s . "

Grosse Pointe "Shores," or Huntington "Woods." P a m Swiderek suggests Can-ton Meadows What do you think?

Hey, d ream a little If we never try, if we never say anything, how can we ever get anything done"1

Even if you're not an artist, perhaps you could enclose a sketch of your idea. I'd love it! If you would rather tele-phone your idea, call Arlene Woods, 455-5915, or P a m Swiderek, 453-1122, of the Canton Beautification Commit-tee.

Keep you eyes on cable. These ladies and some interested residents who are, like us, not members of the commmit-tee, will appear on the "Sandy" show, 4 30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 11 and 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, to discuss this is-sue.

If you would like to join us for the taping, please give me a call. Seating is limited so call as soon as possible. The show will be taped at 3 p.m. Mondav, Feb. 4

Next week — news from the Canton Historical Society, and the school cloth-ing bank. Remember it is open and waiting to serve those in need. More about that next week. Take care.

5 *

$ Kadoura-Kisielewski

Mr and Mrs Michael Kadoura of Inkster announce the engagement of their daughter, Lori Jean, to James Ki-sielewski, son of Mr and Mrs. Casimir Kisielewski of Dearborn Heights The bride-elect, a 1981 graduate of Plym-outh-Canton High School, is a senior at Eastern Michigan University majoring in business management . Her fiance will graduate f rom Michigan State Uni-versity in June with a degree in chemi-cal engineering

They are planning an August wed-ding

N e l l e s - B e n n a r d o

Mr and Mrs David D Nelles of De-von Lane. Canton Township announce the engagement of their daughter, Mar cia Lynn, to Thomas Michael Bennar-do, son of M r and Mrs Thomas M Bennardo of Chestnut Street. Colum-bus. Ind. The bride-elect graduated f rom Plymouth Salem High School in 1981 and will graduate in May from Grace College, Winona Lake. Ind., with an associate 's degree in nursing. Her fiance graduated f rom Columbus East High School in 1978 and from Grace College in 1982 with a bachelor of ar ts degree in Biblical studies. He with receive his master of divinity degree f rom Grace Seminary in May

They plan a June wedding in Calvary Baptist Church of Canton

Thucaoay , J a n u a r y 31 , 19SS O & E

H e t n e r - C a r m o d y

Frank and Linda Hetner of Devon Lane, Canton Township announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Katherine, to Thomas William Carroo-dy. son of Thomas Neil and Elizabeth Carmody of Governor Bradford, Plym-outh Township. The bride-elect gradu-ated from Plymouth Salem High School in 1982 and her fiance in 1980. She is employed as a secretary by Corrosion Fluid Products Corp. in Farmington. Her fiance is warehouse manager for C F Sales Co. Inc.. Plymouth.

They plan to married in June

( P . c p e

BILL BRESLER.'St»M p h o t o g r a p h e r

L A S T 4 D A Y S !

Classes geared to preschoolers New Morning School in Plymouth Township is

offering preschoolers and their parents a break in the winter routine with classes beginning the week of Feb. 4.

Classes meet for six sessions and one, "Me and My Shadow," is for toddlers, ages 2 and 3. For this class, each child must bring a parent to help partic-ipate in play time, craf ts , songs and fingerplays. Class fee is $28.

"Sticky Fingers," for 3-6-year-olds, offers fun but messy projects such as finger painting, candy mak-

ing. papier mache and kite building. "Puppets and Pastry," for the same age group,

combines puppet-making with cooking projects re-lated to the same story.

A complete class schedule for preschool and school-age children may be requested by calling the school. 420-3331, between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Saturday Discovery Days, beginning March 9, in-clude painting and drawing, ages 8-11; Academic Enrichment , ages fr-9; Dinosaurs, ages 5-8; and Cooking and Crafts, ages 3-6

Noah ATtor, 4, Ka thy Kerekes and Lisa Ga-viol i , 4, are in tent on new and w o n d e r f u l c r e a t i o n s at N e w M o r n i n g Schoo l .

BILL BRESLER/«taM photographer

A R P I N ' S o f W i n d s o r

5 9 t h Annua l

Fur Sale

n e w

v o i c e s

s masons boutique (aikumi.. .aluicufk 20% 1b 50%off/

Herbert and Kathleen Twiss of Drex-el Road, Canton Township announce the birth of their son. Matthew Clifford TwisS, Dec 28 in St Joseph Mercy Hos-pital. Ann Arbor They have a daugh-ter, Lindsey. 2

Ron and Lori Kerr of Deepwood, Canton Township announce the birth of their son. Christopher Allan Kerr, Jan 4 They have an older son, Andrew, 2.

Grandparents are Rosalie Vaught of

Canton, David Vaught of Plymouth, and Mr and Mrs Richard Kerr of Dearborn

Robert and Lana Olson of Coronation Court, Canton Township announce the birth of their first child, a daughter. Theresa Lynn Olson, Jan 17 in St Jo-seph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor

Grandparents are Norris and Marge White of Canton and Robert ancTBarba-ra Olson of California

I Original Designs! Hand-Made

f a s h i o n C j Q %

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BRIGHTON MALL mc 9 3s-&t - v " ' ' • ' Phoiw 22*-6006 - V U ' ' i » l t ' ' •


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s697 Or:g\r\c Price $1160


T h i s M e d i c a l C e n t e r w a s d e s i g n e d s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r y o u .

W e p r o v i d e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e r v i c e s :

1 R o u t i n e m e d i c a l a n d p r e v e n t i v e c a r e four p a t i e n t s r e c e i v e f lu v a c c i n e w i t h o u t c h a r g e )

1 T r e a t m e n t of m e n o p a u s e a n d a s s o c i a t e d p r o b l e m s 1 T r e a t m e n t of h y p e r t e n s i o n 1 T r e a t m e n t of A r t h r i t i s 1 D e t e c t i o n a n d t r e a t m e n t of o s t e o p o r o s i s 1 C a n c e r d e t e c t i o n

• T r e a t m e n t of s e x u a l p r o b l e m s in t h e e l d e r l y

Call and ask about F r e e

T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Ail Medical Insurances Accepted

We Participate

M i c h i g a n Adu l t a n d S e n i o r M e d i c a l O n t e r

7 3 5 0 0 0 S c h o o l r r a f i Road between Farmington and Levan)

Livonia 4 2 7 - 4 6 7 6

•m* mz


First aid kit is a lifeline

You needn't be left high and dry on the highway in an emergency. A first aid or highway safety kit

j n a y be a lifeline for many motorists. The Youth Rescue Fund is selling first aid and

highway safety kits to benefit "'kids in crisis." The kits include first aid supplies and instructions, dis-tress flag and emergency flare The kits are com-pact and fit conveniently in most glove compart-ments

Tl.e kits cost {5.95 apiece and make caring gifts To order a kit and help a kid. send $5.95 (includes postage and handling) to Youth Rescue Fund-Kit. 6715 Lowell Ave , McLean, Va„ 22101

F e b r u a r y

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Accessories (excludes furs)

Since most of our merchandise is already sale priced up to 40% off. you can't afford NOT to buy1

H u r r y W h i l e S e l e c t i o n s a r e G o o d ! All sa les f inal no lay a ways

I h a d l l e y a r d e n lAlfrl AM IOWN CINtIB • I ASH AND MAI I • OMI AND MAI I . »ll t? Mill • Ml A(< nMWOO* VIII At MAtt • BBIAI/WOOf) MAIl

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Getting settled made

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W E L C O M E WAGON call As your H o s t e s s , It 's my job to he lp you

m a k e t h e m o s t of your new n e i g h b o r -h o o d Our s h o p p i n g a r e a s C o m m u n i t y o p p o r t u n i t i e s S p e c i a l a t t r a c t i o n s . Lo ts of f a c t s to s a v e you t i m e a n d m o n e y . Plus a b a s k e t of gif ts for your family. I'll b e l i s tening for your call.


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O A t T h w M a y , January 31,

N u r s e r y c o - o p

i n v i t e s p a r e n t s

t o o p e n h o u s e s

Shaw-Welch rftmaday. January 31, t9»6 Q * £ j P £ g e

Paren t s of pre-schoolers are invited to at tend a coopera t ive nursery school open bouse 1-3 p .m Sunday, Feb 3 or 10. Plymouth Nursery School, dean of area co-ops, o f fe r s conducted tours and answers to all quest ions

The school on the corner of Warren and Haggerty roads in Canton Town-ship was founded 23 years ago Over the years, hundreds of area children have been eased f r o m the total home situation to school Thei r imaginations,

tell t ime , get along with children in their own age group

THE T H R E E experienced teachers have a background in public school eductaion and yea r s of experience.

Emi ly Spar l ing is in her 13th yea r at the school. Mar lene Lloyd is in her 10th and J a c k i e Bender , her sixth,

With the help of parents, there is a 1-4 rat io of adul ts to children Pa ren t s serve on the board of directors and par-

social skills and powers of creativity Ucipate in running the school have been nourished and e n c o u r a g e d > ^ Next year ' s schedules are prepared They have learned to listen a t story and appl ica t ions for registrat ion will t ime, express themse lves a t show-and- be avai lable a t the open houses

new voices David and Arlayne Sanders of Thora-

ndge , Plymouth Township announce

the birth of their f i rs t child, a daughter.

Kathryn Louise Sanders, Dec 28 in Bon

Secours Hospital , Grosse Pointe Grandpa ren t s are Mr. and Mrs

Wayne Carson of Grosse Pointe Woods and Mr. and Mrs George Sanders of Clinton Township

Y O U ' R E O N O U R L I S T

T A L L Y H A L L O R C H A R D L A K E R O A D A T 14 M I L E

20°/o OFF A LL SHOE ORGANIZERS . . . thru February • Do-lt-Ycw'setf and Custom Closet installations

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w a i t s l o m a k e s o m e b o d y h a p p y . W h e n t h e b o x is o p e n e d u p , u p f l o a t s t h e b a l l o o n o n a 4 8 " l o n g r e d s a t i n r i b b o n I Y o u r w r i t t e n m e a -s a g e o n a n e n c l o a e d c a r d w i l l b e a t t a c h e d . W e w i l l s h i p y o u r g r e e t i n g A N Y W H E R E i n t h e U . S . A . f o r A v a i l a b l e f o r o r d e r s f o r o n l y ' 1 0 e a c h ' t i l F e b r u a r y 14. M a i l i n g o r d e r s n o l a t e r t h a n F e b . 11. P h o n e o r d e r s a c c e p t e d . U s e V i s a o r M a s -t e r C a r d .

d&id Skip 3235 South Blvd. & Squirrel Road

Auburn Heights 8 5 2 - 4 0 8 0



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FOR OFFENDING YOUR SENSITIVE SNIFFER {For Foul and Of fens ive Ac t iv i t i es in Your H o m e . )

D e s t r o y h a r m f u l b a c t e r i a o n c o n t a c t in y o u r h o m e n o w 1 It «s e f f e c t i v e a g a i n s t p o t e n t i a l l y i n f e c t i o u s m i c r o o r g a n i s m s T h e S Y L G A R D " " T r e a t m e n t c o u p l e d w i t h A u t o F l o ' s p r o d u c t t e c h -n o l o g y . will b r . n g y o u r h o m e c l o s e r t o b e i n g a h y g i e n i c a l l y f r e s h e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t l a s t s a n d l a s t s A s k f o r t h e A u t o F l o ' H y g i e n i c a l l y F r e s h ' H u m i d i f i e r w i t h t h e S Y L G A R D ^ "

t r e a t m e n t


S y l g a r d is a t r a d e m a r k o f D o w C o r n i n g C o r p o r a t i o n

a u t o f l o A Division a> Masco Corporation

SEE Y O U R L O C A L o u t o F l o D E A L E R ^ — tndy'a ttato Wlda Ht« a 63 1 9rrrmr:, Ad Poofi»e u i *«0S5 W1 M Cap* » Cju—h "960? Ptymom* «*0«5 O—tO* Ml

OwtMX. His * LOORM ">0*0 Graonnaid Ow0on\ Mi ««1?«

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MKfMga* Lata* Mtg k 14930 Da»rO« Ml 48727

Mykanan Htg * C idOf S U»m Royal Oa» Ml M 1 T I B

'22 17 Part i OUr OK t M' 4«20«


Plymouth Community Library Com-mission will meet at 7 p.m Thursday. J a n 30, in Dunning Hough Library The special l ibrary board meeUng is open to the public


Fr iends will have their monthly lob-by sale 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Feb 2 and 3, a t the gardens . 1800 Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor P lan t s for the home, baskets, decorated t rays , s ta t ionery and handmade pressed flow-er ca rds will be offered. Outdoor t ra i l s and lobby exhibit a re free; | 1 fee for the conservatory, Lobby exhibit for Feb rua ry is Poisonous P lan ts with live mate r ia l s , posters and photos of p lants which a r e dangerous if eaten or touched

Docents who have extensive t ra ining a r e a t the gardens for guided tours dur-ing the week Call the gardens. 764-1164, for reservations. The grounds a r e open f r o m 8 a.m. to sunset and inside exhibits f r o m 10 a m. to 4 30 p.m seven days a week

• PROJECT HERS Special p rogram offered by the

Women's Resource Center a t School-c r a f t College for ca reer planning and asser t iveness t raining for displaced homemakers . It is designed to m a k e entry or re-entry into the work force less t r a u m a t i c for ma tu re women Fi-nancial aid is available. Pro jec t HERS mee ts 1-3 p m Thursdays, beginning Feb 5 F o r information or regis t rat ion and f inancial assistance, call 591-6400. Ext 432

• PLYMOUTH LIONS Annual ladies' night char te r anniver-

sa ry par ty will be Thursday, Feb. 7. Club mee ts at 6:30 in the Miles Stand-ish Room of the Mayflower Hotel fo r cocktai ls with cash bar, dinner a t 7. P res iden t Don Francoeur has a r ranged musical enter ta inment ." The club will

ce lebra te 36 years of cont inuous ser-vice to the community

• NEW HORIZONS Sharing exchange group fo r Canton

mothers sponsored by the YWCA of Western Wayne County m e e t s 9 30-11:30 a m in Faith Moravian Church, 46001 Warren, west of Canton Center Cost is | 2 plus | 1 for child care . F o r information, call Mary, 455-8221

Speaker Friday, Feb 8 will be Rob-bie Wollard, social worker f r o m Can-ton, whose topic will be m a r i t a l rela-tionships and how to ma in ta in a good one.

Speaker Friday, Feb. 22 will be Dor-othy Lahmkuhl of B i rmingham. Her to-pic will be " Clut terbug Systems. ' ' how to be well organized at h o m e and at work


PMS Support Inc. presents a seminar 7-10 p.m. Monday, Feb, 11, in the Livo-nia Senior Citizens Center , F ive Mile and Farmington roads, Livonia, Speak-e r s will be Janice Barber . Dr. Edward Lichten of Southfield and nutr i t ionist J a n e t t e Karwin of Livonia. It is im-por tan t that men, husbands and boy-f r iends attend


Childbirth and Fami ly Resources is of fer ing an eight-week course for ex-pec tant parents beginning Tuesday, Feb, 12 In addition to L a m a z e tech-niques, the class includes options in childbirth, the birth process. Cesa rean delivery, breastfeeding, e a r ly parent -ing skills Class is l imited to seven cou-ples and is held in P lymouth . F o r m o r e information, call Diane Kimbal l . 459-2360.

• WISER MEETING Joe O'Brien will be guest speaker

when the support group for widowed persons meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb.

P lease turn to P a g e 5

Cynthia Marie Welch and Russ Ed-win Shaw exchanged m a r r i a g e vows Nov 17 in Fort Street Presbyter ian Church, Detroit, with the Rev Robert H Crilley officiat ing. Their parents a r e Mr and Mrs Jack Welch of BrookUne. Plymouth and Mr and Mrs Robert M Shaw of Sheridan. Westland The bride's t a f f e t a gown had appliqued lace on the bodice and sleeves, and her bou-quet was fresh yellow and silk white roses with ivy For something old, she wore her g randmothe r ' s engagement ring Maid of honor Lisa Page and bridesmaids Sheryl Maddox. Laura Mog, Judy Shaw and Cheryl Quantie wore teal green t a f f e t a gowns and car-ried butterscotch ch rysan themums and tiger lilies.

Bob Shaw was his brother ' s best man. Groomsmen were Brian Craf t , Curt Pommervi l le , Randy Shaw and David Welch Danny Welch lit the can-dles The couple t rave led to northern Michigan a f t e r a recept ion in Kar ras House, Redford. They a r e living in Kingston, N.Y., whe re the br idegroom is employed by I B M.

The bride is a 1980 gradua te of Plymouth Salem High School and a 1983 gradua te of Schoolcraf t College She is a f o r m e r Kroger employee Her husband gradua ted f r o m Westland John Glenn High School in 1979 and from the National Inst i tute of Technol-ogy in 1984.


Frazee-Ankofski Mr and Mrs. Will iam F r a z e e of Ann

Arbor Road, P lymouth announce the engagement of their daughter , Linda Carole, to J a m e s Anthony Ankofski, son of Mr and Mrs Char les Ankofski of Curtis, Livonia. The br ide-elect gradu-ated f rom Plymouth Salem High School

in 197$ and i s m a n a g e r of t h e Bakers Flack of P lymouth . He r f iance graduat-ed f r o m Livonia Stevenson High School in 1979 and earned an associate degree in applied sc ience with a cert i f icate in cul inary ar ts . He also is employed as m a n a g e r of B a k e r s Flack of Plymouth.

They plan an April wedding in St Colette Catholic Church, Livonia.

Cartridge Giveaway!

s *

Atari 2 6 0 0

i A t a r * 2 6 0 0 _ M a n 2 6 0 0 rv-»

In te l l iv is ion

'After Manufacturer's Mail-In Rebate



g 0 \ MFR.'S MAIL-IN REBATE. $ 5

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Commode e

1 3 " C O L O R MONITOR High color reso lu t ion g r a p h i c s 'or a ' C o m m o d a t e c o m p u t e r s B u : - 1 speake-

1 9 9 9 7 Commodore SINGLE FLOPPY DISK DRIVE Stores and re t r ieves d a t a for ail C o m m o d o r e c o m p u t e r s Power fu l ' 70K m e m o r y

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T h e r e ' s a TOYS * US n e a r y o u !

DEARBORN Mr*t to 0eartx>m Theatre!

LIVONIA East o» L i vo r ia w a u l

MADISON HEIGHTS South ot OMiand Mall)

ROSEVILLE Ac ro ts ' rom M» c o m O Mall'l

STERLING HEIGHTS Ne«t to La«een3e Ma Ml

SOUTHFIELD South o1 "'•<•12 Mai 1

SOUTHGATE 0' ' " • " t o o A«a

A N N A R B O R in A<*fco an<3 Mailt

MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 AM-9:30 PM; SUNDAY 11:00 AM-6-.00 PM

clubs In action C<jpt)noed from P a o e 4

12 in Room B200 of the Liberal Arts Building of Schoolcraft College Meet-ing is f ree and reservat ions a r e unnec-essa ry

• ST. K E N N E T H ' S G U I L D Women's guild will mee t a t noon

Tuesday, Feb 12 in the Par ish center, 14W1 Haggerty. P lymouth Township Bring a sandwich; desser t and coffee will be provided Chef La r ry Janes , guest speaker, will discuss "Cooking for One "

• F O O T L I G H T S A F O O L I S H -N E S S

Curta in t ime for P lymouth Communi-ty Ar t s Council follies will be 8 p.m. F r i d a y and Saturday, Feb . 8 and 9, at the Plymouth Salem High School audi-to r ium, Joy Road west of Canton Cen-ter . Tickets go on sale a t noon Wednes-day a t the Mayflower Hotel, IS for bal-cony and for students, and $7 for re-se rved seats.

• S INGLE T O U C H Single Touch, cable-TV show serving

communi ty singles, hosts a singles dance the second and four th Thursdays of each month at Mama-Mi as P a r t y Hall, 27770 Plymouth Road, three blocks west of Inkster Road, Livonia. F o r information, call 459-6900.

• ' S E E HOW THEY R U N ' Plymouth Theatre Guild will present

the three-act comedy by Phil ip King, a t 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. I; and Saturday, Feb 2 in Central Middle School Audito-rium, Main and Church, P lymouth . Ad-mission is $4 for adults and $3 for sen-i o r c i t i z ens and those under 18. Ad-vance sale of t ickets a t P lymouth Book World, Forest Street. Call 455-2632 for specia l group-rate informat ion.

• M E N S A M E E T I N G MENSA, the internat ional high I.Q.

Society, will have a potluck repas t a t 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 3, in P lymouth . Sub-ject for discussion a t 6:30 p.m. will be "Love in the Post -Feminis t E r a . " This is a non-smoking household. Potent ia l m e m b e r s welcome. Call Sheryl, 455-4929 fo r information.


Club invites new m e m b e r s and pro-spec t ive members to a tea at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5 The club consists of 130 member s who have lived in Plym-outh less than three years . If you a r e new to the community, the club would like to welcome you a t this tea. Call 453-4380 for a reservat ion.

• C L A S S E S ON B O A T I N G Boat ing skills and seamansh ip will

be taught in 12 classes beginning a t 7:30 p.m Thursday, Feb. 7 in Eas t Mid-dle School, Mill Street south of Ann Ar-bor Road Classes a r e sponsored by-Canton Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 11-11 with instructors f r o m the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Classes will cover boaters ' language, boat handling, legal requirements , aids to navigation, piloting and weather and radio tele-phone. Fee is $15 for f i r s t m e m b e r of f ami ly and $5 for each additional m e m b e r Register at f i rs t class. For m o r e information, call Shirley Kinsler, 455-2676, or Nancy Floyd, 662-4151.

• P L Y M O U T H N E W C O M E R S Plymouth Newcomers Club will

m e e t Thursday, Feb. 7, at Hillside Inn. Hospitali ty is at 11.30 a m, and lunch a t noon. Michelle Suttle and Michael McCarthy of Georgia 's Gift Gal lery in Old Village will present a p rogram on p l a t e col lect ing N e w c o m e r s and f r i ends are invited. F o r reservations, call 459-3250.

• V F W B O W L A T H O N BENEFIT Mayflower-Lt . Gamble Post Veter-

ans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary will sponsor a bowlathoo Saturday, F e b 0 at the Plaza Lanes for the benefi t of MIA POW organizations. Par t i c ipa t ing m e m b e r s are collecting pledges — usu-ally one or two cents per pin — with all proceeds going to the MIA-POW Ken-neth and Alice Fisher a r e co-chairs, 453-6144, or 455-5120 The public is in-vited to par t ic ipate , either by pledging or bowling.

• F A S C H I N G PARTY German-Amer ican Club of P lymouth

will have its annual Fasching P a r t y 8 p.m to 1 a .m. Saturday, Feb. 9, in the Plymouth Cultural Center. Dancing to Tirolers f r o m Toledo; Ge rman beer, wine and food available. Prizes award-ed for costumes. Admission is $4. For reservations, call 459-4261 or 420-0857.

• NOW S E L L S SPREE B O O K S The Northwest Wayne Chapter of the

National Organization for Women is of-fer ing 1985 S P R E E books for sale for $7 50 each. For information, call 459-4482. Books contain discount coupons for a rea res taurants , services and en-te r ta inment .

• P L Y M O U T H W O M A N ' S C L U B Woman's Club of Plymouth will m e e t

at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1, at F i r s t United Presbyter ian Church of Plym-outh, Main a t Church streets. Mrs. Car-roll Lewis, lecturer and ins t ructor of quilting at Greenfield Village, will share her expert ise on the design and c a r e of antique quilts and discuss the history of the designs For information, call 453-5925

• S T A M P C L U B West Suburban Stamp Club will mee t

at 7 30 p.m. Friday, Feb I, in the Plymouth Township Meeting Room, 42350 Ann Arbor Road. George Ball will present program. "Post off ices of the Toledo Strip."


Fr iends of the Matthaei Botanical Gardenswil l have a lobby sale 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 2 and 3, a t the gardens, 1800 Dixboro Road. Ann Arbor

• 60 -PLUS M E E T I N G All senior citizens in the P lymouth-

Canton Communi ty are invited to the monthly meet ing of the 60-Plus Club in Fel lowship Hall of First United Meth-odist Church of Plymouth, 45201 North Terr i tor ia l . Pot luck luncheon is a t noon Monday, Feb. 4. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Wil-l iam and F lorence Von Glahn will show slides of the Canadian Rockies and Cal-ifornia.

• C E S A R E A N O R I E N T A T I O N Introduction to Cesarean P r e p a r a -

tion Class for couples an t ic ipa t ing a Cesarean birth as well a s La maze-pre-pared couples will be at 7:30 p.m. Mon-day, Feb. 4, in Newburg Methodist Church, 36500 Ann Arbor Trai l , Livo-nia. There is a $1 charge a t door. F o r informat ion, call Plymouth Childbirth Educat ion Association, 459-7477.

• T E E N - A G E SUPPORT G R O U P Four-week support group for teens

13-17, whose parents are divorced or separa ted , will begin Monday, Feb . 4. Richard Kay will lead the group in SPACE offices, 7:30-9 p.m. Mondays Feb. 4, 11. 18 and March 4 For infor-mation, call Roberta F reedman , 258-6606


The Plymouth Community Chorus will o f fe r three voice scholarships in 1985. Deadline for application is March 15. Application fo rms may be obtained f rom high or middle school school of-fices or by calling 348-7131 or 455-

Valent ine Day FREE

D r a w i n g . . . W i n A M o n g o l i a n

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For Once For Ever Ever ^

o n u x r u r s international, ltd

4080 A graduat ing high school senior will receive one $500 gran t and two $250 grants will go to high or middle school students.

• C H O R U 8 C O O K B O O K Plymouth Communi ty Chorus new

cookbook, "All Our Best ," is available a t Plymouth Book World and f rom cho-rus members . P r i c e is $7.95.

• BEGINNING S T R I N G C L A S S Class taught by J an i t a Hauk mee ts

6:30-7 30 p.m. Tuesdays in Plymouth Salem High School Orchestra Room, Joy Road west of Canton Center. Class-es are sponsored by Plymouth Youth Symphony.

• ROMP M E E T I N G S Recovery of Male Potency meetings

a r e at 7:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month in Conference Room 2, An-napolis Hospital Confidentiality as-sured. To register, call 467-4570.

• P C A C A R T R E N T A L G A L L E R Y Arts Council's a r t renta l gallery on

the second floor of Dunning Hough Li-brary has reopened. It is s taf fed during l ibrary hours every Wednesday.


Flotilla 11-11 invites new member s to attend its meet ings a t 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at the Canton F i re Depa r tmen t Station, Cher-ry Hill a t Canton Center. Anyone wish-ing information about the organization may call Eugene Olson, commander , 455-6527.

• E N T E R T A I N M E N T B O O K S Members of the Tonquish Creek Fed-

eration Indian p r o g r a m s sponsored by the Plymouth Communi ty Y are selling " S P R E E " en te r t a inmen t books. Cost is $7. Call the Y off ice, 453-2904, for in-formation.

• CAVAL IER F E N C I N G C L U B Club mee ts at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays.

Call Bruce Davis, 455-6418, for details.

• P A N C A K E B R E A K F A S T S The Mayflower-Lt . Gamble Ladies

Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will serve pancake b reak fas t s the f i rs t Sunday of each month a t the Post home, 1426 S. Mill, P lymouth. Menu in-cludes pancakes, sausages, eggs, french toast, milk, orange juice and coffee. Cost is $2 for adul ts and $1 for children 5 and under. Breakfas t is served f r o m 8 a.m. to 1 p.m, Everyone is welcome. Call 459-6700 for informat ion

• TOPS M E E T I N G TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

m e e t s 7:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays in Central Middle School, Main Street a t Church, Plymouth. Ideas on weight re-duction are discussed. For information, call 453-4756 or 455-1583

• C A N T O N B P W Canton Business and Professional

Women meet the second Monday of each month at the Roman Forum Res-taurant on Ford Road, cocktails a t 6 p,m„ dinner at 6:30, and program a t 7:30. Dinner cha rge is $7.50 per person. Call Noel Bitt inger, 459-6000 or 981-1067, for informat ion.


St. John Neumann Modern Mature Adult Club (MMAC) mee ts at the church, Warren west of Sheldon, Can-ton Township, a t 7 p.m. the first Tues-day of the month. New m e m b e r s are welcome, For informat ion, call Betty Gruchala, 459-4091.


The American Hear t Association of

C earance Sale


"Th« Plymouth Children's Nursery, Inc. admits students ot any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs am! activities generally ac-corded or made available to students at the school It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin In adminis-tration to its educational poli-cies, scholarships and loan programs and other school administered programs."


1:00-3:00 P.M. co rne r of

War ren & H a g g e r t y C a n t o n

Michigan needs volunteer nurses for Its f ree blood-pressure detection clinics • between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. the f i rs t and third Mondays of each month. The clinics a r e in the Whitman Center, 32235 W. Chicago, Livonia, between Fa rming ton and M e n i m a n . Counseling on diet and medication Is provided. Volunteers a r e asked to call 425-2333 Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. For American Hear t Association information, call 557-9500.

• M O V I N G A H E A D WISER Newly widowed people mee t Thurs-

days a t Newman House, 17300 Hagger-ty, Livonia. Group is sponsored by the Women's Resource Center a t School-c r a f t College. For information, call 591-6400, Ext . 430

• CREDfTEERS Credi teers older persons' club spon-

sored by the Community Federa l Cred-it Union, mee ts Tuesdays a t the the Elks Lodge, 41700 E. Ann Arbor Road. Lunch is a t 11 a.m. with ca rds and c r a f t s a t noon. Activities include picn-ics, dinners, par t ies and trips. Member-ship is $2 a year and is open to people 55 and older who a r e member s of the credi t union. For more information, call Kay Dreyer, 453-1200.

• S W E E T A D E L I N E S Midwest Harmony Chapter of Sweet

Adelines sings at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Community Room of Kirk of Our Savior, Westland, Cherry Hill, between Wayne and Newburgh roads. Women who like to sing four-par t harmony a r e invited to at tend. For information, call B a r b a r a Williams, 721-3661

• Z E S T E R S Zesters, a club for Canton residents

55 and older, mee t s a t 1 p.m. Thurs-days in the Canton Recreat ion Center, 44237 Michigan a t Sheldon. Member-ship fees a r e $1 to join and $1 per month. The Zesters have monthly pot-lucks, bingo, movies and trips. The club is looking for pinochle players. Lunch is served a t 11:30 a.m., and reserva-tions can be m a d e 24 hours in advance For more informat ion about the club,

call the Canton senior citizen office, 397-1000, Ext . 278.

• C I V I T A N C L U B The Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club

mee t s at 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month for a dinner at Hillside Inn. Men and women are invited to learn about Civitans — a group of neighbors, business associates and f r iends — all volunteers interested in p r o g r a m s and pro jec ts based on the needs of the communi ty . Call 453-2206 for more information.

• O R A L M A J O R I T Y T O A S T M A S T E R S

The Oral Major i ty Toas tmas te r s Club of Plymouth invites visitors to see how the club enables m e m b e r s to speak up and move ahead, whatever their oc-cupations. The club mee ts at 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays a t Denny's res taurant , Ann Arbor Road a t 1-275. For information, call Phyllis K. Sullivan. 455-1635

• EP ILEPSY GROUP Epilepsy Support P rogram, a self-

help group, meets 7:30 p.m. in All Saints Lutheran Church, Newburgh a t Joy, Livonia, on the first and third Thursday of each month for two hours.

• M A Y F L O W E R - L T . G A M B L E P O S T VFW

Mayflower-Lt. Gamble Post 6695, Veterans of Foreign Wars, meets at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month a t the post home, 1426 S. Mill, Plymouth. New member s a r e welcome. For information, call the post, 459-6700

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\bur Invitation to Worship Mail Copy To: O B S E R V E R & E C C E N T R I C N E W S P A P E R S

3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o l c r a f t , L i v o n i a 4 8 1 5 0 C h u r c h P a g e 5 9 1 - 2 3 0 Q e x t e n s i o n 2 5 9 M o n d a y s 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 1 2 : 0 0 n o o n

B \ I M IS I



BETHEL BAPTIST TEMPLE 29475 W. Six Mile, Livonia

Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service Wad. Family Hour Bible Study - Aw ana Clubs H.L. Petty

Pastor Ui-MM



CHURCH 10*30 a . m . 11:00 a . m . 6:00 p . m . 7:30 p . m

NEWS R E L E A S E e b r F e b r u a r y 3

11:00 A .M. " F O R G E T T I N G G O D S B L E S S I N G S "

6:00 P.M. Gues t : Rev. P a u l F r i z z a l l Fab . 3 T e m p l e T o n e s Q u a r t e t

10 A 11.-00 O u r 11 th A n n i v e r s a r y •; r>;urL >i That .> ronv-»TTi J .Aboiif People




Holding Forth the Word of L tie

GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 44240 Michigan Ave.

Centon • 397-2900 9 <5 A M Sunday School 11 00 A M Morning Worship 6:00 P V Evening Worsrvip 7 30 P M *MnaM»F »•*** MmM) "owing to "Wo* Sac-m c»«li«rvty Tl it» H*orrvmC E m * M m

FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH (A Ministry of the Baptist G e n e r a l C o n f e r e n c e )

M E E T I N G IN THE HISTORIC P L Y M O U T H G R A N G E 273 Un ion , P l y m o u t h

9 30 A M Sunday Scheot (for ^

10:30 A . M . WORSHIP \ / V


C h i l d r e n ' s C h u r c h / '*< 3 ^.Tl

REV. PETER A. F O R E M A N , M i n i s t e r 455-1509



GRAND RIVER BAPTIST OF LIVONIA (Affiliated with American Baptist Churches, U.S.A

, k I ; 34500 Si* Mile Rd., Just West of Farmington Rd.

' \ \ 9:30 A . M . Fam i l y B i b l e S c h o o l / 10:45 A . M . W o r s h i p

6:00 P.M. E v e n i n g W o r s h i p

W e d . 7:00 P.M. M i d - W e e k P raye r

Ronald E. Gary, Pastor 261-6950


Parish 44300 Warren Road

C a n t o n 455-5910

Fr. Edward J. Baldwin Paator

M i i m Sal. 5:00 and 6'30 pm

Sun. I am, 9:30 am 11:00 am and 12:30 pm

R e d f o r d B a p t i s t C h u r c h 7 Mi le R o a d a n d G r a n d River

De t ro i t , M i c h i g a n 533-2300


6.-00 P.M. Swindo l l Fi lm Series: 1v Strengthen Your Leisure-F"ATTENTION ALL WORKAHOLICS"

Dr Wea'ey I E< Paalor


555 LILLEY RD CANTON 981-1333

Fr Ernest M Prrrcan Pastor

Masses Sat 4.30 PM Sun B 00 am

10:00 am 32:00 noon

MiDisr^' ' Muv

p ' \"OU T M MICHIGAN •3Sno>" N 'FPHiTORiAL BO 455-230C

Mi West ot Sheldon

9:40 A . M . S u n d a y S c h o o l 11:00 A . M . " W I T H O U T A C I T Y W A L L "

6:30 P.M. H y m n F e s t i v a l

Dr William Stahi. Sr. Pastor Thomas Pais. Associate Mrs. Richard Kaye, Music Erector


Mon thru Frt 6:45 A M

N O R T H W E S T B A P T I S T C H I R C H 23845 Middlebeit Rd 1'* Bloclrs S of 10 Mile


SunGay School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 OCam Ewning Service T OO p.rr.

Wednesoay Service 7-00 p.m Nursar, A

Rev Richarc L Kan, Pasta


1^'eicomei L'fn


icomei • tyou. "AN INDEPENDENT


425-6215 or 425-1116 SUNDAY SCHOOL... . ..SUN. 10:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP SUN. 1 1 0 0 A M EVENING WORSHIP.. .Si f t* . 7:00 PM. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY WED 7:00 P M

2 8 4 4 0 L Y N D O N , L I V O N I A . Ml


PHONE 255-3333

R e v . T r u m a n D o l l a r , P a s t o r



M I S S O U R I S Y N O D 1417S frmmjioo Ad . M.i.n ofSchooic.fi



FREDERIC E. REESE Director ot Parish Education Nuraery Provided

•>12 «3C


34541 Five Mile Rd • -ile W of farmmgran Re

Sunday School 9 45 a m Wo'Sh.p Service 1 V00 a m Evening Service 7 00 p.m Wednesday Night 7 0Cpm Phones 464-7990 464-6612

Pastor Archie Gittms

St. P a u l ' s L u t h e r a n Missour i Synod

*?0805 w><jai«B«Ji ai 6 M<ie Farminglon Hills • 474-0675

The Rev Ralph E Linger Pasior •Wv Ctrl £ M*hi Pttiora SATURDAY WORSHIP 6PM



Randy Zielinskt. Principal 474-2488

H O S A N N A T A B O R L U T H E R A N C H U R C H 3S0C -ve-"p-So feafO'O

937-2424 Re* Ro» PrtnKhk* Re« Koppe-

S u n d e y W o r s h i p 8:30 4 1 1 « A . M .

• M. S *:••:• B'f* ( 9:45 A.M.

VoiOJIV E -®"-i><i ' 00 p M nn%i sn S^nooi G-aoes « 9 ac&e-i Schu'fi & "opa

937 2233


Missouri Synod 46250 ANN ARBOR R0A0

PLYMOUTH Kenne th Zielke P a s t o r 453-5252 463-1099 EARLY SERVICE 8:30 A M Son Sch" 4 Bible Classes

9.45 to 10 45 A M LATE SERVICE 11 00 A. M

H \ R | > P K K S B V I f K I W ( H I KC H OJ | | \ O M \ Farmington and S(* Mile Rd ^ 2 ' l T 5 0

Worship and Sunday School 8:30. 10:00 and 11 30 a.m.

H O L Y C O M M U N I O N " C O M P A S S I O N A T F IRST S I G H T " -

Dr. Rober t O. W o o d b u r n 6:00 P.M.

O r d i n a t i o n A I n s t a l l a t i o n of E l d e r s B e n t l e y H i g h S c h o o l C h o i r


S u n d a y S e r v i c e B r o a d c a s t 9:30 a.m. , W M U Z - F M 103.5

Nurftery Provided at All Services



SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 & 11:00 A.M.

SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 & 11.-00 A.M.

Rev. V. F, Halboth. Jr., Pastor Rev Victor F Halboth. Sr . Pastor Emeritus

Nursery Provided Mr. James Mol. Parish Ass't

L U T r i[ R ANf tng i ish^vnod A [ I (


Church & School 5885 Vanoy

'Blk N ot Ford Rd., Wmtland 425-0260

Raloh Fischer, Pastor Oary D. Heedapohl

Asst. Pastor

Divine Worship 8 411 a.m Bibie Class & SS 9-.30 a.m. Monday Ewwng Samc» 730 p-iw

ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 27475 Five Mile Rd (at Inkster) 422-1470 —

9:00 A.M. Early Communion 9:30 A.M. Adul t Bible Study

11:00 A.M. "RELIGION & FOOD" Dr. W h i t l e d g e

W e d . . 9 : 3 0 A .M. & 7 : 3 0 P . M . B i b l e S t u d y

Dr. W. W h i t l e d g e Rev. K. R. T h o r e s e n R e v . S . S i m o n s


- r i., p K


Worahip 0:15 and 1ft4S a.m. 9-.3C Bibia Claaa

•- .•<*». J . J Educal>on OMica 4217J5S



vs.-'.- 0 t . , f Mil* Rr-aa West L v.O'Ha


WORSHIP Sf-'RV-CES e.30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Nursery Ava laOle

Si/Cday Schoo1 - An Ages 9 45 A M

Wea Class - All Ages 6 45 P M



C H U R C H 32430 Ann Arbor Tr. Westland • 422-5550

9 :00 a .m. Church Schoo l for All A g e s

10:00 a .m . Worsh ip 11:00 a .m. Fellowship PAAVO FRUSTI, Pastor


F IRST A P O S T O L I C L U T H E R A N C H U R C H 1632S Hal s tead Rd. at 11 Mile Farmington Hilts, Michigan

SERVICES 10-.30 A.M. Every Sunday 7:00 P.M. 1st 4 3rd Sunday ot each month Sunday School 9:15 A.M. Sept -May Bible Claaa 7:A5 p.m. Tuea. Sept. - May Song Service Last Sunday ot each month Sept.-May

• ST M I C H A E L L U T H E R A N

"90C S e>do<-Ca f c>r-

459-3333 Paator Jerry Varneil W<K»«lp t: is a n-00 AJ4 Dennis EJeaver — Intern

Sunday School 9 3 0 A M Wednesday Evening Teaching

7 00-8:00 P M

Nuraery Provided


10101 W. Ann Arbor Rd., P lymouth at G o t f r e d s o n & Ann Arbor Rd.

S u n d a y School for all a g e s 9 :45 a .m .

Worsh ip S e r v i c e s a n d Junior Church - 8 :30 & 11:00 a .m .

Rev. W i l l i a m C. M o o r e - P a s t o r N u r e e r y P r o v i d e d P h o n e 459-9550



1 8 4 1 M i d d l e b e i t f One bloc* south of Ford}

Sunday Worship 9 15 & 1100 a m

"Ixird-. Schoo arv; Nurser, ' i :00 a m Gareth D Baker, Pastor

4 2 1 - 7 6 2 0



H 5 a n d 11:00 a.m. Ksnnef t F. Grvebai, Paator



Worship 8:15 4 11-00 A.M.

Chu rch School 9:30 A M . I <2 4


Hubbard at W Chicaqo • 422-0494 Gerald R Cobieigh & David W Good, Ministers


W O R S H I P & C H U R C H S C H O O L

10:30 A.M.


1 L U T H E R A N W I S C O N S I N

W i s c o n s i n E v a n g e l i c a l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h e s


WCAR 1090 SuNOAY 10 30 A V

In Livonia - St P a u Ev Lutheran C f u r c -'78*0 Farmington Rd

°astor w r f r e d Koeipm • 2£i-9 r 5& Church Services 8:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M

In Plymouth - St Peter Ev tu thera r Church '343 Penniman Ave

p as tor Leonard Koen.nger • 453-J393 Acshis Services i 4 10 30 a rr . Sunday Schoo: 9 15 a n

In Redford Township - Lola Park Ev Lutheran Church,

14750 Kinloch Rastor Edwarc Zen - 532-8655

/•o.'sh.; Services i 30 a T. J 11 a rr • Sunday Schoci 9 45 a r


C H U R C H 8 8 2 0 W a y n e Rd

L ivon ia , Mi. 4 8 1 5 0 PASTOR ROLAND C TROIKE


8 :15 & 10:45 A M 9:30 a.m Sunday School

OFFICE: 427-2290


C H U R C H (U .S .A . )

16700 Newbury. • Lwoma

11:00 A.M.. WORSHIP &


E. Dickson Forsyth. Pastor


VILLAGE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 25350 W. Six Mile. Red fo rd (btw. Beech Daly & Telearaohl

Rev Robert M. Barcus 534-7730 Worshio 10:00 a.m. Church School 17:15 a m

" T H E C H A L L E N G I N G C H R I S T "

T h u r s d a y - W e e k d a y P r o g r a m For All T h u r s d a y Bible S t u d y 7:00 p.m.

Peop l e Growing In Faith And Love


8850 Newburgh at Joy Livonia


Merl in E Jacobs, Pastor Sunday School 9:15 a m Worship ServK* 10:30 a.m

St. Mark 's P r e s b y t e r i a n

2 6 7 0 1 JOY RO. Dearborn Hgts.

P a s t o r J o h n J e f f r e y 278 -9340 9:30 A.M,

Sunday SchooJ & Adult Bible 11:00 A.M.

WORSHIP SERVICE Dial-A-Ride 2 7 8 - 9 3 4 0

U M T t I ) M F T H C ) D I S T


A Ca"ng & Sharing Church

L I V O N I A 15431 M e m r r a n Ofl

S U N O A v W O R S H I P

11 00 A M S 6 00 PM ,

Rob Robmsor Minister



E«E#lhGS 7-9 S M

427 8 7 4 3 w' •.!»': 422 6660

Si»p Mptaid • * v Oa™«» ?0 Sar_

'-<111 O' '• Vv ( •«.>. £l>r '<3a> 9 30 a r r


IMMANUEL LUTHERAN 27035 Ann Arbor Trail

Dearborn Hgts • 278-5755

REV. ELMER BEYER Worahip 10:30 a.m.

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. ' The friendly Church

on the Trail... tor you."

S T . M A T T H E W S U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T

3090C- Six Mile Rc Se' MO ' imr i S MkJOWx*: David T St 'ong Minister

*22 6038 10 00 A W Worjh.0 Saroca '0 00 A M Church School

(3 Trs - Bth Grade: '0 00 A M J« 1 Sr Hig»i Class ' 1 15 A M Adult Study Class

Nurse*-- P'0«.gec








Mark 16:15 NURSERY CA.RF



1 0 : 0 0 A M

1 1 : 0 0 A M

6 : 3 0 P M

7 : 1 5 P M


33424 O a k l a n d Farmington, Ml 474-4880

WORSHIP 10 45 A M Church School 9:30 A M

Barrier - F r se Sect uary Nurser, Provided


REV CARL M SCHULTZ Pasior Emerflus



NATIVITY C H U R C H Henry Ru« at West Chicago

L iv on .a 421-5406


10 00 A M Dr Michael H Carman







Chr is t C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h o f C a n t o n

981-0499 M e e t i n g a t : C a n t o n H i g h S c h o o l

C a n t o n C e n t e r a t J o y W O R S H I P 10:00 A . M .

F e l l o w s h i p - Y o u t h C l u b s - C h o i r

B i b l e S t u d y

R e f o r m e d C h u r c h i n A m e r i c a


C O N G R E G A T I O N 290 Fairground at Ann Arbor Trail - Plymouth

Donald W. Lahti, Pastor 471-1316

Sunday School 9:30 A.M

Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M

Bible Class - Tues 7:30 P.M Ail scheduled services in English Finnish language service scheduled T.onthlv th i rd Sunday at 11:00 A.M


, ^ec'ord ' n . ' H i , ; , 10000 BFECM DAL * ROAD

J*,!« J.», M I N I S T E R S

A R C H I E H D O N I G A N B A R B A R A B Y E R S L E W I S 9-JO * 11:00 KM Worship Serv toM

* M • Muraery Cars 11:00 - Nursery through Junior High Church S c h o o

" P O W E R FILLER P R A Y E R " Rev. Lewis

M sir- O- Mu»


C H U R C H Ot Garden City

S443 Mernmsn Road 4 2 1 - 8 6 2 8

Dr Robert Grigersit Minister

MO A.M. Church School Nursery-Aduft

1Ch46 AJ4 Worship



45201 N. T e r r i t o r a l Rd. 453-5280

9:15 A.M. Worship & Church School (Nursery-12) 11:00 A.M. Worship 4 Church School (Nursery-6)

Mwvwtan Jorm N Grenlaii j , -SiBpiw E Wan^ai Dr Fn vcobo


|C*" si-an Crio'crii 3S4 75 Five Mile Rd

464-6722 MARK MCGILVREV M^is ter

THUCK EMMERT Youth Minister

BIBLE SCHOOL (All a-gesS 9 M a m

Mornirvg Worship 10 45 a rr Evening Worship 4 Youth Meetings

6 30 D m


476 8 » 6 0 ' ••^mglon Hilli

Weat Eleven Mile Road W*af of M.ddiatwii


Dr. Ri t ter Dr W i l l i a m A R i t te r , P a s t o r , Rev George Kil bourn H«v David R Si robe Assoc Pastor Judy May Otr of Christian Ed Mr Melv i r Rook us. Dir ot Music

C H I I K If O F T H E S A V I O R Reformed Church in Amer ica

WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 A.M. S u n d a y S c h o o l 11:00 A .M . N u r s e r y A v a i l a b l e

M 100 Five Mile Roed West of Newburgh Rev G E R A L D DYKSTRA Paator 464-1062



Now w o r s h i p i n g at 44815 C h e r r y Hill Road

C a n t o n , Ml

S u n d a y S c h o o l 9 4 5 a m M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1 1 0 0 a m

J u n i o r C h u r c h 1 1 . 3 0 a . m P r a i s e a n d W o r s h i p 6 0 0 p m

F e l l o w s h i p 7 0 0 p m W e d F a m i l y N i g h t 7 0 0 p m

C. Harold Wei m a n , P a s t o r H o m e P h o n e 4 5 3 - 7 3 6 6 C h u r c h P h o n e 9 8 1 - 5 3 5 0

M f 2 £ K J R Q U N , T E ° M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H 36500 Ann Arbor Trail 4 9 2 / 1 1 4 0

Livonia * Oideai Church Cetebratinn i^n - I - -Church School and Wor th,p 9 15 & T l 00 ^

» 3 " W H Y N O T D O U B T - . Y O U R D O U B T S T *

John 20:19-30


Minis ters

Edward C Coiey. Roy Forsyth

Thursday. January 31 .1—6 O A £ *7»

Md the cast members are... 11 m0biY 10 «ree high schools J l h v w l r l Productlor thie weekend at 8L Paul

I r ^ , b ^ ' n n v o o i a - Kethl Lawrence (let!) of I Lady wood, David Frederick of Churchill, Ken Han nan of Bentley, Kar^n Swan of Churchill, Jenny Harmon of Farmington. Sue Lar-M 1 . ^ • J ! r , v K U r t 0 1 Hutchleon of Ben ey and Kim Young of Mercy. Seated. Monty Horn (left) of Bentley, Jenny Findley of Bentley. Karen Thomp^m of Renale-

I " " 2 : I ° * v " n * Steveneon, Wendy Devlin of Stevenson, | Janote Veramay of Thurston, Lisa 8leiaJii of Eaatern Michigan, Karen Hanke of Bentley and Andy Frady of Stevenaon. Not pte-tured la Robin Montgomery of Biahop Borgew. Accompanist is David Waggoner of Wyandotte RooeevelL

Youx Invitation to Worship ASSEMBLIES OF G O D

CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 41355 Six Mile Northville • 349-9030

Larry Frlck, Sr. Pastor

Sunday School 1040 ajn. Worship Senrlcea 11r00 a.m. * 6.-00 p.m.

Wednesday Family Night 7*0 p.m. Nursery Available • Schools: Pre-»chooi - 8th

Brigbti^oor Taberpaclc 2 6 5 5 5 F r a n k l i n R d • S o u t h f i e l d M l

(1-696 & T e l e g r a p h - W e s t of H o l i d a y Inn)

A Charismatic Church where people of many denominations worship together

Sunday School 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP WORSHIP Celebration of PraJae 6:30 P.M. Wed., 7:30 P.M. Adult Youth &

Children Prayer ft Praise Nureery p r o v i d e d a t ail s e r v i c e s THOMAS E. TRASK, PASTOR

^ P l y m o u t h United Assembly of God Is On The Move!

W h f l e t j u r n e w s a n c t u a r y / w o r s h i p c e n t e r is c o n s t r u c t e d on N o r t h Terr i tor ia l R o a d in P l y m o u t h , w e w e l c o m e y o u to v is i t us in ou r i n t e r i m home;

PIONEER MIDDLE SCHOOL 4 6 0 8 1 A n n A rbo r R o a d - P l ymou th (wes t o f S h e l d o n R o a d o n e mile) "

SUNDAY SERVICES: THURSDAY - FAMILY NIGHT" 10 :00 a.m S u n d a y S c h o o l * 7 : 1 5 p.m At ou r p rev ious h o m e l l O f r a m. M o r n i n g W o r s h i p * / C h i l d r e n s C h u r c h In P lymouth , 4 2 0 2 1 6 E v e n i n g Se rv i ce * A n n A rbo r Trail. Adult Bible Study, Petra Youth Ministries, graded programs tor elementary and kindergarten children. •Fully s t a f f e d nu rse r y provided.

Jack R W i l l i a m s . P a s t o r e Ma rk Warde . Y o u t h P a s t o r e C h e r y l March , M u s i c C h u r c h Of t i ces , 4 5 3 - 4 5 3 0


SAINT ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1&360 H u b b a r d Road L ivon ia , Michigan 44154

4 2 V M 5 1 ' A ' e d n e s o a v 9 30 a m - Holy E u c h a r i s l

Saturday . PP'p t i Holy Eucriar si S u n a a y 7 4 5 a r*1 Ho ly E u c h a r i s l

9 0 0 a ir, - C h n s i i a n E d u c a t i o n tor an a g e s 10 0 0 a m - Holy E u c h a n s i

S u n d a y M o r n i n g - Nu rse ry C a r e A v a i l a b l e The Rev. K e n n e t h a Devte, The Rev. Oary R Seymour ,

Rector Aaaoctata Rector The Rev. Edward A. King, Deacon


9083 Newburgh Rd. Livonia

591-0211 522-0821

SERVICES 8:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist 9:30 A M Christian

Education 10:30 A.M Holy Eucharist

The Rev Emery Gravel!©


UNITY OF LIVONIA 2 8 6 6 0 F i v e Mi le

4 2 1 - 1 7 6 0 SUNDAY 10:00 & 11:30 A.M.

Dial-a-Thought 261-2440


A Full Gospel Church

the lord/ hou/e - ^ :!_ 36924 Ann Arbor Trail at Newburgh


Sunday ScHooi KWJO AJL Morning Worship 11 HO KJL Evsning Service 7:00 PAL Wednesday Service 7:00 PAL

Roysi Rsngsrs A IHssionsttss Come Worahip the Lord freely with ua.

Children's Ministry at Every Service

Visitors Always Welcome'


24A00 W Seven Mile inear Telegraphi

H o u e e OF SERVICE 11 00 A M '!

SUNOAY SCHOOL 1 1 : 0 0 A . M .




D r j E Karl, Pastor

422-i lFB Cowan Rd

(lust East of Wayne Rd ) West land

S u n d a y S e r v i c e 1(h00 A.M. A 6:00 P.M. W e d n e s d a y 7 0 0 P.M.

Children « Ministry at *JJ Servicea

Livonia Pentecoatal Church of Ood

11663 Areola (1 Wk. W. of Inkster off Plymouth Rd )

Sunday School 10KWA M Mornino Worship 11:00 A.M

Paator Jerry L. Ha« Sunday Evernno 800 P.M < y j w i Wedneaday Bible Study 7:30 P M




M i c h a e l A. H a l l e e n Pas to r

M a r y Miller Assoc ia te P a s t o r

3 5 4 1 5 W . 14 Mile (at Drake) Farmington Hills

6 6 1 - 9 1 9 1

AIeking Faith

A Way OfUtel


ChUd Cere




Ethereal version 'Godspell'descends from gift parachute

By M e r l e M c G e e s taff writer

IT ALL STARTED with a gift of a pa rachu te .

Upshot of it all now is t ha t the CLAS Players will p e r f o r m

"Godspe l l " in a slightly upbea t set-t ing of an a i rpor t lounge with the heaven ly n a m e of Etherea l Airlines.

The production will be p e r f o r m e d th is weekend at St. Paul P r e s b y t e r i a n Church in Livonia where CLAS P lay -e r s a r e based. Not all the m e m b e r s of the group a t tend St. Paul 's , however .

The "Godspel l" cast is a new junior division of the original CLAS P layer s , which consists of four college stu-den t s who a re paid to do r e p e r t o r y t h e a t e r . The younger group is m a d e up of 20 s tudents f r o m 10 a r e a schools who a re volunteer ing thei r t i m e

Di rec to r of both groups is P a t Hut-chison, a Livonia Fhiblic Schools mu-s ic ins t ruc to r and music d i rec to r a t St. Pau l ' s .

" IT 'S AN E X P E R I M E N T , ' said Hutchison. If it works , Hutchison is considering s t a r t ing up a ser ies of c lasses in the p e r f o r m i n g a r t s which would culminate wi th a ful l -scale pro-duction.

Some of the junior CLAS P laye r s c o m e f rom as f a r a w a y as Wyandotte, she noted. Some of t h e m a t tend high schools where t he re is no opportuni ty to par t ic ipa te in any kind of theatr i -cal production.

"This is an e x t r e m e l y ta lented bunch of ac to r s tha t I 've had the op-portuni ty to obse rve in a var ie ty of act ivi t ies ," said Hutchison.

The decision to do "Godspel l" was p romp ted by s t u d e n t s Hutchison c o m e s in contac t in her work with the FYesbyterian church s u m m e r c a m p and a d r a m a g roup cal led the Skyl-iners. It was t ha t g roup which did "Godspel l" in 1981.

The show was well rece ived by all who viewed it a t St. Paul ' s , par t icu-lar ly by teen-agers . They began badger ing Hutchison to do the show again.

The suggestion meshed with Hut-chison's plans to s t a r t the d r a m a classes. "Hie big d i f fe rence is t ha t she opened up casting oppor tuni t ies to o ther s tudents , outside of the Skyl-iners.

HER COLLEAGUE in the CLAS P laye r s productions is one of her for-m e r students, Jeff Velis, who played the role of Jesus in the '81 p r o d u c t i o n

Vellis' ro le this t ime is m o r e a long the lines of a "Broadway a n g e l " — the person who puts up his own mon-ey to'back the show.

Velis, a Livonia Bent ley High School g r adua t e and m e m b e r of St. Paul ' s , has advanced the g r o u p the money to rent the church fac i l i ty and to pay the s teep royal ty f e e involved in putt ing on the musical .

Cos tumes and set t ings w e r e less of a problem for t he group.

"We ' re just redoing se ts we had fo r our o ther shows," said Hutchison. Costumes a r e easy for this show be-cause it is so c o n t e m p o r a r y . And of course, we have a ful l -blown pa ra -chute as a backdrop." **"

Live mus ica l backg round will be provided by a t r io on d rums , gui tar and piano-synthesizer .

Hutchison a d m i t t e d she would have pre fe r red to do the p l ay dur ing the Lenten season when the A e w bly regis ters the m o s t i m p a c t " ;'***"«*

"BUT THIS WAS the bes t w e could do," she said, "when you consider tha t we'll be put t ing on " P a j a m a G a m e " at Bentley March 21-24 and a play a t Stevenson in May. This is also the t ime of the y e a r when s tudents seem to have more t ime . La te r , they get real busy.

"All this s t a r t e d when someone gave us a p a r a c h u t e fo r a prop," smiled Hutchison. " A f t e r that , things just took off . . . "

C u r t a i n t i m e for " G o d s p e l l " i s 7:30 p . m . Saturday, F e b . 2 a n d 2 p . m . Sunday, Feb. 3. St. Paul's is at 27475 Five Mile Road, west of Ink-ster Road. For ticket information, call 422-1476 or 427-5372. Tickets ivill also be available at the door.

church bulletin O BETHEL BAPTIST

Bethe l Bapt is t Temple in Livonia will c e l e b r a t e its 11th ann iversa ry Sun-day, Feb . 3. The Templetone Qua r t e t will s ing a t the 10 and 11 a .m. services . E v e r y o n e who a t tends will r ece ive an l l t h - a n n i v e r s a r y souvenir gift . The church is a t 29475 W. Six Mile. F o r m o r e informat ion , call P a s t o r H.L. P e t t y a t 525-3664 or 261-9276

Kevin Brown sings at Alpha Baptist


Beginning Sunday , Feb . 3, the C h a r l e s R. Swindo l l f i l m s e r i e s "Strengthening Your Gr ip" will be shown a t Lake Po in te Bible Chapel, <12150 Schoolcraft , P lymou th . The six f i l m s in the ser ies will be shown a t 6 p .m. Sundays th rough March 10. The f i r s t f i lm is "S t rengthen ing Your Grip: Pr ior i t i es . " Other f i l m s will cover such topics as aging, a t t i tudes , godliness, lei-sure , and authori ty .

O LIVONIA BAPTIST Livonia Bap t i s t Church will p resent

an eight-fi lm m a r r i a g e en r i chmen t se-ries s tar t ing at 6 p .m. Sunday, Feb . 3. The f i lms f ea tu r e Dr . Car l Brecheen, a m a r r i a g e counselor, and Dr. Pau l Fau lkner , a cer t i f ied m a r r i a g e and f a m i l y therapis t who supervises coun-selor t raining fo r the A m e r i c a n Associ-a t ion of Mar r i age and F a m i l y Therapy . Both are g radua tes of Southwestern Bapt i s t Seminary and have 20 yea r s of exper ience in m a r r i a g e enr i chment .

The f i rs t f i lm, " M a d e fo r Each Other , " takes Sc r ip tu ra l r e f e r e n c e s to show what makes a hea l thy m a r r i a g e .

O SACRED HEART CATHOLIC Cantor John Chontos of Sacred Hear t

Cathol ic Church in Livonia was hon-ored at a surprise t e s t imonia l dinner a t the church recent ly . Chontos has

served as cantor there fo r 25 yea r s . He is the main leader of the congrega t ion ' s a cappel la singing. He a lso works pro-fessionally with the m e n t a l l y ill. A Redford resident , he and his wife, Agnes, have three sons, L a r r y , T h o m a s and Andrew.

O ALPHA BAPTIST Kevin Brown will p resen t a p r o g r a m

of music and tes t imony a t 7 p.m. Sun-

day, Feb. 3, a t Alpha Bapt is t Church, 28051 W. Chicago. Livonia.

O DETROIT LAESTADIAN Ahti Korka la of F in land and Pau l

Nevala and Uno Make la of Minnesota will be the guest s p e a k e r s a t midwinter services a t the De t ro i t Laes tadian Con-gregation, 290 Fa i rg round , P lymouth . Services will be a t 7:30 p.m. Wednes-day and Thursday , F e b . 6 and 7.

Tempietone Quartet performing at Bethei Baptist

Our lives need more love and care He was i ra te . Very i ra te Turn ing

right on a red light, he was acce le ra -t ing rapidly. She pulled out of the shop-ping c e n t e r dr iveway T r a f f i c in the lef t l ane prevented his passing her He blew his horn, and he blew it again. He c a m e within inches of her back b u m p e r and he blew his bom again — long and loud.

I knew the woman. She is a m e m b e r of the par ish She had gone to the s tore to buy some groceries. It was her f i rs t t i m e to the s tore in almost a week She d readed driving in the winter . She would s o m e t i m e s go without food be-fo re subduing her fear and driving to the s to re On occasion she would cal l m e to pick up a few items.

I a lso knew the m a n He was not a m e m b e r of the parish, but I had worked with him in a c o m m u n i t y p ro j ec t I r e m e m b e r his speaking about his p a r e n t s living in another s t a t e

moral perspectives

Rev. Lloyd Buss

They were more and m o r e confined to thei r home because of fal l ing eyesight res t r ic t ing their dr iving. He did not know what would happen when they could no longer dr ive thei r own car .

If only the two could become ac-quainted. She is a d e a r person, kind and generous Her son and fami ly w e r e t r ans fe r r ed to ano ther s t a t e short ly af-te r her relocation in our communi ty She had to learn to d r ive a f t e r her hus-band died a few yea r s ago.

I CALLED HER that evening and in-quired a f t e r her well-being She said that everything was fine. I asked If she needed anything f rom the s tore . She said she had gone to the s to re in the a f te rnoon I asked if she had any diffi-culty driving to and f r o m the s tore . She said not.

F r o m all appearances , he is a decent fellow also His name a p p e a r s In the paper s ever so of ten as a s u p p o r t e r of some communi ty p r o j e c t He l ives in a subdivision near to the ooe w h e r e we

live. The home is wel l -cared for. I know he is concerned about his parents .

Two good people. T w o cars . Deterio-rat ing road condi t ions . T ime running short. One gets In t he w a y of another . An emotion is igni ted. A c a r is turned into a m e m a c i n g weapon .

What If it w e r e two countr ies? Two world powers . De t e r i o r a t i ng economic conditions T i m e running s h o r t One gets in the way of ano ther . An emot ion is Ignited. A coun t ry t u rns itself into a menacing weapon.

We live in our own t i m e and space. We establish a p l ace fo r ourselves. Oth-ers of ten get in our way .

Does be eve r ca l l his pa ren t s? Do they tell h im abou t impa t i en t and rude d r i v e n ? Would he e v e r consider him-self an impa t i en t and r o d e d r ive r? Pe r -haps I should h a v e ca l led him. O a r l ife together needs m o r e love and ca re , or there won' t be a n y l i fe to c a r e for .

" S i K C ) U A £ T f i u r s o a y j i r y u m r , 3 1

for your informa tlon • BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS

Free blood pressure checks are of-fered by members of the Volunteer Guild of Oakwood Hospital Canton Cen-ter 6-8 p m each Tuesday in the main lobby of the hospital at Warren and Canton Center Roads in Canton.


Isbister Elementary School at 930C Canton Center Road. Plymouth, will have its kindergarten registration from 8 a.m to 3 p.m Monday through Fri-day during February Bring your child's birth cer t i f icate for the school to see (There is no school the week of Feb 18-22).

• SNOW REMOVAL The City of Plymouth reminds resi-

dents that they must remove the snow and ice from their sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall Failure to do sc may result in the DPW cleaning the walks at a cost of J40 per hour with a one-hour minimum

• HELPING ADULTS READ Plymouth-Canton Community Edu-

cation can help adults read For more information about Adult Basic Educa Uon, cal l 4 ^ ^ 5 5 5 5 ^ 451-6660 Open enrollment Students can begin classes at any time

• CPR CLASS C PR Heart Saver classes are taught

the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in Oakwood Hospital Canton Cen-ter. Warren at Canton Center Road This course covers one-person CPR on an adult, and what to do for a person with an obstructed airway.

• CUB SCOUTS WANTED Plymouth-Canton Boy Scout Troop

1539 is seeiung new members to learn skills and enjoy camping and canoeing For information call Bill Cousins at 4 55~ 7871.

• NEW HORIZONS New Horizons, a sharing exchange

for mothers, will meet the second and

fourth Fridays of each month 9:30-11 30 a.m. at Faith Moravian Commu-nity Church. 46001 Warren west of Can-ton Center Road For information, call Mary at 455-8221.

• CRISIS COUNSELING If you want help in solving a prob-

lem. are looking for a referral, or need information about drugs or alcohol counselors at Turning Point Counseling and Crisis Intervention Center can help you Counselors are available 6:30-10 30 p.m Monday through Friday Other hours are available by appoint-ment Phone 455-4900

Turning Point is a non-profit com-munity service of Growth Works Inc which offers crisis intervention and counseling.

• BEGINNING STRING CLASS The beginning string class for stu-

dents grades 4-6 will meet 6:30 p.m.


S E N I O R V I P c u t e


Contact Your Local Branch for Details




Oik 110-535

«»ch Tuesday in the music room of Plymouth Salem High. Janita Hauk string specialist at Madonna College and Ladywood High School, will be teaching the beginner lessons for vio-lin, viola, cello and string bass. Tuition

iQo. oCgr°.Up l e s s o n s w U 1 ** 1 5 0 tor the

L m £ f L y e a r S o m e instruments be available at a moderate rental


Out-Wayne County Human Services Inc. provides to senior citizens age 60 or older or to the spouse of a persons 60 or older, a hot noon meal five days a week for a suggested donation of $l Menus include such items as roast beef, chop suey, chicken, vegetables, fruit and desserts.

Home delivered meals also are pro-vided for seniors who are homebound volunteers deliver the meals directly

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to the client Reservations for meals must be made 24 hours in advance. For further information, or if you a re inter-ested in volunteering to deliver home meals, call 422-2602. The Senior Nutri-tion Program sites in this area are.

Canton Township Recreation Center, 4423? Michigan Avenue. Canton 48188;

Tonquiah Creek Manor. 1160 Sheri-dan. Plymouth 48170,

• VETERAN B E N E F I T S Plymouth Passage-Gayde American

Legion Post 391 reminds unemployed Korean and Vietnam veterans they have until Feb 28 to apply for eligibili-ty in the federal Emergency Veteran's Job Training Act. The act provides reimbursement to employers of half the starting wages of these veterans trained in certain fields. Interested vet-

erans should call the Legion hotline at 453-9494 and leave their name, ad-dress. zip code and telephone number They should indicate whether they wish to have an application form sent to them or if they wish to be called re-garding further information. Service officers are available to help In the ap-plication process

• S P E C I A L O L Y M P I C S Special Olympics, an international

program of physical fitness, sport training and athletic competition for mentally impaired children and adults is being formed in the Plymouth-Can-ton area Anyone interested in partici pating should contact a representative of the Special Education Parent Advi-sory Committee (SEPAC) at 455-7684 or 420-0509.



' X



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Thuraday, January 31 .1685

C h r i s M c C o s k y

Frosh tossed a nasty curve ROGER TRICE and his family moved into

the Plymouth-Canton school district on Oct. 1, 1984

Trice is a ninth grader with unlimited athletic potential.

The first person Trice met and became fr iends with was Plymouth Salem basketball standout Mike White. The White's and Trice's are neighbors

White encouraged Trice to try out for the Plymouth Salem basketball team. Trice became a starter on the Salem junior varsity team and through the first five games of the season was or>e of the team's leading scorers.

Before he could play game No. 6, Roger Trice was told he could no longer play basketball for Salem because he was a student at Plymouth Canton.

Roger Trice was heartbroken. Trice came f rom the Taylor school district. At

Taylor, there is no such animal as "random selection." No such thing as "drawing a chip" to determine which high school he belonged to.

APPARENTLY, THE Plymouth-Canton administration sent the Trice family a letter explaining random selection and the process of drawing a chip. The letter, a copy of which is on file! at the school board office on Harvey Street, was dated Oct. 15, The Trice's claim they never received the letter.

Yet, the Trice's have an older daughter, a senior, who did draw a chip at the board office. She drew a red chip for Canton, but opted to finish out her prep days at Taylor Center

Trice's explanation on that: They thought the process was for students already in high school They didn't understand that it involved ninth graders as well.

And, really, who could blame someone for not fully understanding the Plymouth-Canton Centennial Educational Park system'' Who does fully understand it? It 's the only system of its kind in the state. And, in many ways, it doesn't m a k e sense.

Some 70 students were in the same boat as Roger Trice. That is. there were 70 students who, for whatever reason, did not draw a chip. The names of those 70 students were fed into a computer. The computer spit some the names out to Salem, some others to Canton

"I don't know whose fault it is," said Andy Melin who was Trice's coach on the JV and had built a close relationship with the freshman "It just bothers me that because of some communications problem the young man was not adequately informed of the system If Roger had gone to the board office and drawn a chip, at least his fa te would have been somewhat in his own hands."

AS A RESULT of the confusion, Roger Trice is a very unhappy, disillusioned young man. He was just starting to adjust to his new school and new

' schoolmates He had just begun to fit into his new environment. Then, boom, one day he's got to s t a r t all over again.

He has, as of this writing, refused to play JV ball for Canton He has instead opted to play ball a t East Middle School. There was even talk of him returning to Taylor.

"Certainly it is a great loss to the Salem athletic program Roger is a fine athlete and a fine person," Melin said. "But, more importantly, here's a young kid. 15 years old, whose first and only friends a re * Salem basketball players. Now, five games into the season, he's told he can ' t play with his friends anymore.

"Now, he doesn't want to play at all. This system, it hurts the kids most of all."

Melir took this issue to Dr Mike Homes, assistant superintendent of instruction, but got little sympathy.

"I AIRED some of my feeling, but I don't thinfr it made any impact," Melin said.

Melin, like everyone associated with the athletic programs within the Plymouth-Canton district, has strong opinions about random selection. They a re the same opinions expressed many times in this column

"I am dead set againt random selection," Melin said. "It tends to break up families and friendships and it alienates kids who have grown up together Kids that have played together all their lives suddenly find themselves at opposite schools competing against each other It's unfair to the kids.

"I don't mind saying these things because I truly believe in what I 'm saying Why is it that only the athletes have to s u f f e r ' Under this system, there is one band, one radio station, one newspaper — everything is combined except athletics The athletes are most visible, and they are hurt the most by this system

"I can't understand why the people on Harvey Street (the administrat ion) keep ignoring the feelings of the people most involved with this — the coaches It's the coaches that have to deal with the young athletes, not the people on Harvey Street It 's not easy As a coach. I cannot defend the process to a parent I will not "

MELIN "S SUGGESTED remedies to the obvious problems involved with random selection are the same as have been voiced here Combine Canton and Salem into one athletic program If that cannot be done, then at least draw boundary lines, lines that can change with changing enrollments

But, these changes will not be made while the current administration reigns Sad stories like that of Roger Trice will forever go ignored

Meanwhile, the athletic programs (and thus the overall quality of education) at the CEP will continue to decline while those at Catholic Central and Farmington Hills Mercy will continue to be enriched with Plymouth-Canton talent


The athlete's within the artist By Scott Adtor staff writer

IN THE WORLD of generaliza-tions, there are two stereotypes that would, in most minds, be at opposite ends of the spectrum.

At one end, there is the football play-er The "Athlete." All body and no brain. Someone who doesn't think only reacts. Someone who, minus the brawn, would never pass any classes and who certainly wouldn't go to college on his mind alone.

At the other end of the spectrum is the artist. An effeminate, moody soul whose physical activity is limited to lifting a wine glass and paint brush while pretentiously discussing the Old Masters.

Then there's John Tarr , an artist who is by no means effeminate and an ath-lete who isn't limited to slapping five. He has heard all the dumb jock and weird artist stereotypes and is quick to point out he is neither.

"I've tried to stay away from the leftfield image (of artists)." be says. "You know, the dressing weird and stuff. I'm just who 1 am and the other things follow,"

TARR IS A 1980 Plymouth Canton graduate who captained the varsity football and track teams. He is now a senior art major at Eastern Michigan University and assisting his old track coach Mike Spitz at Canton

Unlike the stereotypes. Tarr can draw many parallels between his a r t and his athletics.

"I've taken a lot of what I've learned in football and running and approached my art with the same tenacity and pas-sion," he said. "I find drawing as hard as any two-a-days (football practices) in August.

"It's the same with coaching. You're thinking all the time. It's a mental strain. Coaching and ar t a r e very simi-lar. You're looking for the best combi-nation. Who'll work with who, what combination is going to win, what col-ors will work with other colors."

Tarr is an admirer of Ernest Hem-ingway. a great American literary fig-ure who was also a big sports fan.

"I can associate with Hemingway,* Tarr said. "We're both real ly interested in boxing. I saw (Muhammad) Ali once and I thought it was great while all my artist friends who were there didn't care. So athletics and a r t don't coincide all the time."

MANY OF TARR"S works are on dis-play through Feb. 1 a t EMU's Inter-media Gallery in the McKenny Union. His works, most of which are mixed media (not limited to paint on canvas), were chosen for display by a panel of faculty artists.

His exhibit, "Drawings and other stuff," is only one of two displays by a single artist this year.

Tarr is thankful for his success in the path he has chosen.

"It's nice to do this stuff and have moderate success," he said, pointing to professors and friends who gave him encouragement. "I have doubts about myself and my art, but if I wasn't any good I would have quit a long time ago There are a lot of people out there who are really terrible, who get no encour-agement and continue to work at it. 1 couldn't do that.

"Like in football, I got a lot of en-couragement from the coaches. It's im-portant for me to be good. It 's import-ant for me to be on the f i rs t team."

While he enjoys the idea of selling his work, Tarr says he feels like a part of him is lost when he sells something.

"You feel like it's a photo of an old friend and you don't have another copy," he said. "But you have to be-come immune to that. You have to sell your stuff What good is it if no one ever sees it?"

TARR HAS SOLD two of his pieces f rom the exhibit, but he says he real-izes the starving artist isn't only a myth, so he is student teaching ar t at Fiegel and Isbister e lementary schools in Plymouth.

He enjoys the teaching, but some-times the large class size is frustrat ing.

"I like teaching the younger ones," Tarr said, "But there a re a lot of things you can't do with them. They can't grasp abstract tilings or many times, realism. I try to break things into their simplest form."

BILL BRESLER/« l« f f p t o t o g r a p l w

Artist John Tarr, a 1980 Canton grad, hasn't forgotten his athletic background. Communication can also be a prob-

lem with younger students, Tarr says. Like the t ime he was in a first-grade class and started writing the directions on the board before he realized the pu-pils couldn't read.

While there a re drawbacks with the youngsters. Ta r r says there are draw backs with the older students, too.

"The high school wouldn't be bad," he said. "But I 've heard some horror sto-ries about them, too, especially student apathy. I have my own ideas about In-stituting programs that will make it a cul tural and environmental thing ra ther than just something to keep them busy. Art can give them an appre-ciation of their environment."

Tarr may get the opportunity to put his ideas into action at a Pinckney ele-mentary school. He is considering an artist-in-residence position that would allow him to implement an ar t curricu-lum. Pinckney presently has no ar t pro-gram.

Canton's offense hits 99 in win Like a beautiful butterfly t ransformed from an

ugly caterpillar, the Plymouth Canton offense came to life Tuesday night against Walled Lake Western

The Chiefs basketball team exploded against Western Lakes League foe Western, winning 99-51 at Canton.

Farmington Harrison held the Chiefs to 29 points Friday, but Canton coach Dave Van Wagoner insist-ed it was his team 's defense that made the differ-ence in Tuesday's win.

"It wasn't our offense that improved but our de-fense." Van Wagoner said "We got down and played defense tonight. We played at the intensity level we need to in order to be successful."

It was the Chiefs' defense that provided steals and got the fastbreak going, Van Wagoner said.

Canton (4-7 overall, 3-7 in league play) used a 30-point second quarter to trounce the winless Warri-ors, opening up a 51-22 halft ime advantage

"We would have had 115 points if we would have hit our free throws," Van Wagoner said. The Chiefs were 21 for 45 f rom the charity stripe.

Jim Schlicker paced six Canton players in double figures with 16 points Matt Levesque dropped in 15, Dan Olszewski had 14, Kevin Hawkins had 13, Joe Bono scored 11 and Dave Knapp added 10 Hawkins also had 12 rebounds and 4 assists

"This could be a stepping stone to a s i^cessful second half of the season for us," Van Wagoner said.

Brent Stack grabbed 8 rebounds and dished off 5 assists for the Chiefs

Western was topped by Quint Scannell's 11 -^points

Canton takes on cross campus rival Salem Fri-day night at Salem.

SALEM 67, CENTRAL 55fc It wasn't easy, but Plymouth Salem came back and knocked off Walled Lake Central with an excellent second half Tuesday

"It sure wasn't easy." Salem coach Bob Brodie said of the victory "We were in trouble at the start We were down 12 (points) but we didn't try to get it back all at once We did a pretty good job in the second half and pushed the ball up the court Our fastbreak worked "

Central jumped out to a 17-10 first quar ter lead, but the Rocks closed the gap to two at intermission 31-29

Brodie attributed the strong second half to tough team defense

Salem was led by Eric Sovine's 22 points Sopho-more Mike Hale scored 13 points and held Central 's big scorer Tom Cummings, to 3 field goals in the

I F THERE IS anything that can make Tarr stop his artistic pursuits, he says it would be coaching.

"The thing I'm most proud of is coaching," he said. "It's a real import-ant thing to me. Athletics are very im-portant. Without Mike Spitz, there's a lot/>f things I wouldn't have gotten out of life."

Tarr is also concerned about the way ar t is being taught in the public schools He wonders how much communication goes on between the elementary, mid-dle and high school ar t teachers asTcT what students should know when they graduate f r o m each.

"A lot of things build upon one anoth-er," he said. "(In ar t education) things could be a lot better. You have to lay a foundation. We would get much better individuals (coming out of the schools).

"I don't set t le for mediocrity because I know there are better things out there."

•rwtaknmtoiol what # V » l — n f d Jr»

gnd Mppfosoh&d my •rtwtththmmm*


— John Tarr

Dick Scott presents Plymouth

High Schools


I 1




A P L Y M O U T H HIGH SCHOOL FLASHBACK basketbal l team beat Livonia Stevenson 66-51 in a

h f h n . m H c QnH 7 • The Rocks were led by Berberet , who scored 16 points, had 8 IS H a r t n ^ t hit f ^ i o t h 2 r e f o u l ' n 9 o u t w j , t h 2 : J 8 l e f * the game. Jeff Arno ld scored

2 ? 2 ! 2 a ? d H a , y900d chipped in 10 po in ts in the balanced Rock scor inq

K e & S in ' league p^ay'.' " , h ' W e S ' 6 r n ^ S a , e m ' S ^

a C ^ . C ) Q&& Thursday January 31, 1935

Saline wins Plymouth tourney By Chr la McCoaky staff writer

The t ag "prestigious" m a y once again p re f ix the Plymouth Volleyball Inv i ta t iona l

A f t e r a couple of down yea r s — yea r s t h a t saw top-ranked t e a m s r e fu se to c o m p e t e in the tou rnamen t because of a perce ived lack of organizat ion — S a t u r d a y ' s 10th annual P lymouth Invi-ta t iona l w a s t e r m e d a success by those who took p a r t

Twen ty - fou r t eams pa r t i c ipa ted in the t o u r n a m e n t , 16 more than last y e a r Among the compet ing schools w e r e s t a t e - r a n k e d powers Saline. Cla rks ton and Warren Cousino

"Many of the coaches c a m e up to m e a f t e r w a r d and said the t ou rnamen t was much improved , " said P lymouth Sa lem coach Be t ty Smith. "They said they en-joyed it comple te ly "

Sal ine had r a the r a good t ime, roar -ing pas t Brighton in the championsh ip m a t c h . 15-5. 15-3

T H E D E F E N D I N G Class B s ta te champions were easi ly the dominant t e a m in the tourney Saline's s t i f fes t test c a m e f r o m a weary band of P a t r i -o ts f r o m Livonia F rank l in

F r a n k l i n had blitzed through its pool with an 8-2 record, then upended Clarks ton in the qua r t e r f ina l s . 15-2, I l -l s (Frankl in advanced f r o m the two-g a m e ma tch because it tal l ied m o r e points)

"We did p re t ty well," said F rank l in coach John Mi l t r "We a r e really begin-ning to play well as a t e a m We ' re s t a r t ing to Jell."

Carolyn Smith, a power fu l hi t ter , was the Pa t s ' big gun offensively Ka ren Amell , Kris Sand berg and Lori Lotero a lso played well at the net. Amy Lote ro and se t te r Brenda Bulmanski passed ef f ic ien t ly and played solid de-fense a long the back row

With Lori Lotero out with an in jury . F rank l in took Saline to 13-13 in g a m e one of the i r semi f ina l match . But. F rank l in lost s e rve and Saline pre-

volleyball vailed The eventual champions went on to secure the match with a 15-9 win m g a m e two

Brighton got to the championsh ip ma tch by topping Warren Cousino 15-9, 3-15. 15-2

Brighton, in i ts qua r t e r f i na l ma tch , outpointed Westland John Glenn 1J-15, 15-10. Glenn, led by s t rong net p lay of L a u r a Grazul is and Carol Hall , went undefea ted through its pool.

BUT T H E surpr ise t e a m of the day had to be P lymouth Canton. Canton, which hadn ' t won a ma t ch in t w o yea r s , shed the s lump in i ts f i r s t m a t c h of t he day. The Chiefs knocked off Adrian, one of the tou rnamen t favor i t e s , 15-9, 15-6, then went on to p lace second in their pool with a 4-2 mark .

"The girls played well." said" fU»U-yea r coach Sue Riggs. "We brough*-«p-three JV p layers and their en thus iasm and desire to win rea l ly provided a spark ."

Sue Mof fa t t was the Chiefs ' p r i m a r y spark. In her f i rs t va r s i ty p e r f o r m a n c e , she excelled both at the net and in the back row. Senior Diana Knickerbocker (at the net) and Kris Ingersol l (serving) w e r e also key weapons for Canton.

Canton was eventua l ly e l iminated f r o m the t o u r n a m e n t by W a r r e n Cousi-no in the qua r t e r f i na l s . Cousino, which finished third in the tou rnamen t , knocked off the Chiefs, aga in on points, 10-15,15-13.

The host t e a m , P l y m o u t h Salem, didn' t su rv ive i ts pool winning just one of i ts 6 games .


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5 Blks W of Inkatar

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Rocks spike Falcons; Churchill trips Chiefs

RICK SMITH,'staft photographer

M a g g i e M e i s s n e r a n d t h e raa t of S a l e m t e a m h a d a r o u g h a f t e r n o o n S a t u r d a y b u t r e b o u n d e d M o n d a y t o b e a t F a r m i n g -I o n .


Thank goodness for Fa rming ton ' s volleyball t e am.

That ' s what P lymouth Sa lem coach Betty Smith must be saying a f t e r the Rocks collected their sec-ond win of the season ove r the Falcons Monday night. 15-7, 15-6.

It was a good night for the Salem se rvers as they racked up I I aces ove r the two games . Tracy Greenhalge and Denice Tacket t led the way with 3 and 2 aces, respect ively

The Rocks have had t rouble putting together s trong offensive and de fens ive pe r fo rmances on the

E M U c l i n i c s e t

Eas te rn Michigan Univers i ty will present its an-nual Golden Tr iangle Basebal l Clinic on Sunday, Feb 10 at Bowen Fie ldhouse

The fea tu red speaker at the clinic will be E M U ' s Ron Oestrike. the 1985 president of the Amer ican Baseball Coaches Association

The clinic begins at 10 a .m and concludes at 5 p.m. (lunch provided)

Pre- reg is t ra t ion , due by Thursday, Feb. 7. is 18 for coaches and $4 for s tudents . Regis t ra t ion a t the door is $10 for coaches and $10 fo r s tudents

Checks should be m a d e payable to the Huron Dugout Club and ma i l ed to Basebal l Office. Eas t -ern Michigan Universi ty, Ypeilanti , Mi 48197

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s a m e night this season, accord ing to Smith, but that wasn ' t the case Monday.

"We played very well ," Smith sa id . "It was the f i r s t t i m e we put eve ry th ing toge the r . Everyone was on top of things.

"It a lso showed the gi r ls jus t how good they can be and they ' re exci ted. I ' m rea l ly exc i ted about it. too."

The Rocks a r e now 2-3 on the season.

P L Y M O U T H CANTON lost a ha rd- fought match aga ins t Western Lakes foe Livonia Churchil l Mon-day, 15-10, 15-10.

"Our m a j o r problem is tha t we s t a r t s t rong, let up and then rally to t ry and ca tch up," said Canton coach Sue Riggs. "By then i t 's too l i t t le too la te ."

Diana Knickerbocker and Sue M o f f a t t were s t rong a t the net fo r the Chiefs, whi le Les lee Fidge p e r f o r m e d admi rab ly in the back row

RICK SMITH/slart photographer

C a n t o n f i n a l l y s h e d i ta l o s i n g a t r e a k w i n n i n g t w o m a t c h e s on Sat-u r d a y . Sue M o f f a t t ( h i t t i n g b a l l ) a n d V i c k i F e r k o p r o v i d e d m u c h of t h e a p a r k f o r t h e C h i e f a .

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S a l e m remains u n d e f e a t e d rhoraday. January 31. i»ss OAE

The Plymouth Salem g y m n a s t i c s t eam still has its per fec t record In t ac t But not all is well in the Rock c a m p

The Rocks blitzed Northvi l le Mon-day , 119 15-107.45, for t h e i r 6th s t ra ight victory of the season

So what 's the p r o b l e m ' S tagnat ion

"It seems we've hit a p la teau ." sa id Salem coach Kathi Kinsella " E v e r y -th ing is still the s a m e The rou t ines a r e get t ing a litt le c leaner and the judging is gett ing a bit s t r i c t e r

"We are going to have to s t a r t c lean-ing it up We real ly can ' t expec t a whole lot m o r e f r o m Jack ie (Huff) and Beth (Rafai l) They have been c a r r y i n g us all year The back-up people a r e going to have to work ha rde r b e f o r e we can beat Fa rming ton Harr ison,"

The cause for Kinsella 's concern is easy to spot The Rocks scored 122 55 in their f irst meet of the season They haven ' t come close to that s co re s ince In fact , they have been hover ing a t 119 for the last four m e e t s

"We're still beat ing people by big margins ." Kinsella said. "But, we'd bet-te r shake out of it. I t ' s like we 've go t ten used to winning What they don' t r ea l -ize is that , we 've been bea t ing the t e a m s with less exper ience The ha rd t e a m s a re coming up."

Against Northvil le, Huff and R a f a i l again led the way

Huff won the vault (8.25) and uneven para l le l bars (7.75). Rafa i l won the bal a n c e beam (8.25) and f loor exe rc i s e (8.45).

Rafa i l got seconds on vau l t (8.2) and ba r s (7.55), while Huff got th i rds on b e a m (7.6) and floor '8.3).

Sara Michalik scored four ths on vaul t (7.5) and b e a m (7.15) Sue Lal ly got a f i f th on ba r s (6.6) and J e n n y Breed a f i f th on floor (7.5).

The Rocks, r anked No. 3 in Obaerver-land. t ravel to F a r m i n g t o n Harr taon (7-0) on Monday. The H a w k s a r e ranked No. 2 in Observer land

PLYMOUTH CANTON sti l l hasn t registered Its f i r s t win of t he season, but the Chiefs s teadi ly improving scores have brought the s m i l e back to coach John Cunn ingham ' s f a c e .

Last Fr iday , the. Chiefs dropped a tough 116-115 5 m e e t to Northvil le Then on Monday wen t aga ins t s ta te power Ann Arbor P ioneer , losiog 138.9-120 25

"Although the kids didn ' t win, they c a m e out of both m e e t s fee l ing very good about themse lves , " Cunningham said "I was down last week. We had a short discussion and I told them that the wins and losses w e r e rea l ly irrele-vant I get depressed when they don't meet up to expec t a t i ons When they don't improve, or if they get worse, that bothers me."

Megan McGow had her best two meets of the season. Against North-ville, she won both the vau l t (8.1) and bars (8.1). And, aga ins t P ioneer , she was Canton's top s c o r e r wi th an 8.0 on vault, 8.0 on ba r s and an 8.05 on floor (all placmg sixth).

Ann Healey took second on floor (8 1) and fourth on bars (7.45) fo r the Chiefs against Northvi l le Her 8.1 on floor placed f i f th aga ins t P i o n e e r

Carol Horvath has been s teady on beam for Canton. She p laced third against Northvi l le (7 35) and sixth against P ioneer (7.45).

Apryl Mosakowski took a fourth against Northvil le on vau l t (7.0), Cheryl Batagglia took four th on f loor (7 8).

The Chiefs, 0-6, t r a v e l to North Farmington on Monday.

Harrison's depth deflates Falcons

Farming ton gymnas t Kat ie M a c i n -tosh put on her most polished p e r f o r m -ance of the season Monday night, but it couldn ' t p revent Fa rming ton Harr i sor . f r o m pulling away with a 121 95-109 vic tory

Macintosh won both the uneven p a r -allel bars (8.05) and the ba l ance b e a m (8 3) for F a r m i n g t o n The senior a lso placed second on the f loor exe r c i s e (8.35) and tied for second with Har r i -son 's Ji l l Birsa on vaul t (7.9).

"She's just a m a r v e l o u s a th l e t e . " Harr ison coach Linda Pe rk ins said of Macintosh "It was the f i rs t t i m e I h a v e been able to see her and I r ea l ly l iked her. Her bar rout ine was b e a u t i f u l "

But Perk ins ' t eam, now ranked No 2 in Observer land, had too much dep th for the Falcons. T r a c y Solomon led the way with f i r s t s on vaul t (8.3) and f loor (8.4) She a lso took second on b e a m (7-5).

Birsa. besides her second on vaul t , took third on ba r s (7.4) and th i rd on beam (7.45).

Lauri Runk and J a m i e Lyons tied fo r third on vault for Harr i son with 7.85. Jody Solomon scored a second on b a r s (7.65) amd Ju l ie Runk tied F a r m i n g -ton 's Debi DeWitt for third on the f loor (8.0).

"We're hanging in there," P e r k i n s

said 'We ' r e at a point now w h e r e even if someone has a rough t ime , the others pull up Tha t ' s where t he depth pays off."

Harrison (7-0) will f a c e No. 1 ranked North Fa rming ton tonight at North Farming ton (1-5) a r e idle next week The Falcons r e t u r n to ac t ion a week f r o m Monday at home a g a i n s t Walled Lake Central .

NORTH F A R M I N G T O N tumbled to its seventh s t ra igh t v i c t o r y in a row Monday topping Walled L a k e Central , 125 5-91.45

Eileen Mur taugh had a product ive evening winning th ree e v e n t s and plac-ing second in the four th . She won the vault (8.6), b e a m (7.9), and f loor (8.55). She placed second on ba r s (8.1).

Lucine Toroyan was the winner on bars with an 8.4. Toroyan a lso placed third on vault (7.9),

Kara Karhu was ^ l s o product ive scoring three seconds: ^ 1 on vaul t . 7.7 on beam and 8 35 on f loor .

Lisa Brundle chipped in with a fourth on vault (7.45). third on b a r s (7.9), fifth on beam (6.75) and third on f loor (8.0).

Marilyn Dunn scored a f i f th on vault (6.95), f i f th on ba r s (6.95) and a fourth on floor (7.35).

basketball standings The following are the Plym-

outh-Canion Junior Basketball Association StanOngs as 0' Jan 26

BOYS A American


Wuocats Jets Ha««.s Rooms Sinkers Cues Barnes Astros

5-2 4-3 4-3 3-4 3-4 2-5 1.6

Results vV.Gears 36 Je-s '8. Stake's 38 Astros 25 Varies 30 ROQ.ns 35 CjOs 42 -tawks 3?

K-cks Chieis Ja 22 Cetcs La>e's sacers

lets = 5'CS Se-'s Surs ~a«*s •<rgs

5-2 4-3 3-4 •-6

7-C 5-2 5-2 2-5 2-5 0-7


Spartans Woive--es Buckeyes Will Hoos.e-s Bo-lerrrk-s

5-1 6-4 6 4 4-6 4-6 1 9

Resu/is Pacers 46 CeH'es 31 Kr.icks 38 La».ers 18 C'eisJ' ,az2 24 Sours 43 Su-s 'B Bui-eis 44 Haw*s 32 P'stsms 43 K ngs 33

BOYS B American

S®suits Ao'vermes 83 iltini 63 Sca*"ars 83 Bo «>-na«e'S 68 Buckeyes 96 Moosiers 50 Soar tans 62 Wolver n©s 41 nooses 90 Bo-ie'~ia*e-s 63 Buckeyes 55 'T 63

Buns •W«s K r.gs -'•S1G-S Ceit.cs Jazz Pacers Suns

5-" 6-" 5-2 3-4 2-5 2-5 2-5 0-7

National -a«« s _a«e-s 5-" Spvj-s 6-" Son.cs 5-2 Bucks 3-4 Buie's '-6 Rockets '-6 ? 6 e r S 1 - 6

Results Pace's 53 Celtics 35. So-ics 35 B j lets 33 75e-s 3 Sockets 23 K ngs 34 Bucks 3' na**s 44. Suns 24 Spurs 35. takers 30 Bulls 4" jazz 30. •Clicks 46 Pstons 44


Spu-s • • -0 Suns 7-2 Bucks 4-7 Pistons 3-6 Aar"Ors >3-to Resul t s Spurs 7 1 Bucks 40: Suns 74 Pistons 65


T Birds 5-0 Wmgs 3-2 Blues 2-3 A00.10S 2-3 Dcxphirs 2-3 76e rs ' -4 Results. Oolpni-s 26 7&e-s '5 T-Bi'Gs 30 Apoiios 28 Winjjs 21 Blues 20

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RICK SMITH/staf t photographer

C a n t o n s o p h o m o r e M e g a n M c G o w w o n a p a i r o f e v e n t s for t h e C h i e f s a g a i n s t N o r t h v i l l e F r i day . She s c o r e d a n 8 .1 o n b o t h t h e v a u l t a n d u n e v e n b a r s .




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2 2 3

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Cash & Carry Prices Good Thru 2-5-85

Store Hours:

Mon. -Fr i . 8 a .m. -6 p .m. Sat . 8 a .m. -5 p .m. Sun . 10 a.m.- 3 p .m.

TNjrMay. JVOT, 31. 1983 OAE (4C#*F)6C

O b s e r v e r s p o r t s s t a t i s t i c s

gymnastics The following gymnast ic* statist ics are com-

piled •eekiy By ODserver sports editor Chris McCosky Coaches should update their stats w t h McCosKy weefcty, by caJliog 581-2300 on Monday afternoons f rom 12-4 p.m

TEAM SCORES (slate cut 118 01

Katie Macintosh jF) Jackie Huff (PS) Megan McGow (PC Tracy Sotomon (FH) <a>a Karhu (NF) Beth Rafail (PS) Benita Rose iCvfliei Sara Michahk (PS)

North Farmir>gtor Farm HaviSon Plym Saierr Plym Cantor Farmirigior jonn Glenn Oa'encevil>e

VAULT state cut 7 7)

Trace/Solomon (FHi Jackie Huf (PS.I E'leen Morlaug«i iNF) Kara K a m j (NF) Lucrne T>oyar (NFj Bern Rafail IPS Karen DziuDex iJGi Lisa SrjndW INF Jamie Koes'.ef (JGj Katie Maclitosn "

UNEVEN BARS state cut 7 3

Eleen Mu-augn |NF L uCine Tor :>yan \F

128 4 123 8

122 55 120 26 1114

•10 15 '05 3

3 85 6 7 8 7

8 55 8 4

8 35 8 35 8 35 8 25 82

8 55 a 45

BALANCE BEAM (state cut 7 3)

Beth F<a'a<i fPSj Kalie Macintosh (Fi LuCine Toroyan INF Eiieeo Murlaugn (NF "racy Solomon (FHi ..ac** Hjft (PS.i " _isa Brundle (NF .< Julie Jacoos iCviiiei Jamie Lyons |FH| Kara Karhu (NF) Sa-a M<haii* iPSj

FLOOR EXERCISE (state cut 7 8)

Ei ee< Mj'iaugh I NF Beth Ra'a i [PS.i Jac»ieHLM IPS) Tracy Solomon (FHI Lucrne Toroysn <NF Lauri Ruflii | FH I Kar>e Macintosh -Deb' DeWif iF; Kara Karhi, (NF '!• Bi'sa iNF

82 8 ' 5

8 I 80 7 9

7 85 7 5 7 2

8 05 8 3 8 3

8 25 82 7 9

7 85 7 85 7 85

7 8

8 7 3 65

8 e 8 5

8 45 8 40 8 35 B 35 8 35

8 3

the week

l e a w t Q a t o t f w . 7 a o M i i « U v . M f c * 7 - 3 0 f u n .

I •» LV Gtnimja 7:30 p.m. L* ftmkMn at I M o n ) UNO* W » pj*. C I m w . — 1 P i . C n i t > Or,. 7:30 p.m. QardanCRyattoL Tl—>tj , 7 30p.m.

i * H. Femhetoo, M 0 fMit m Wayne UvnoU. 7:30 p.m. ,

MtaMrtonf Our LMdy at «L AgMa. 7tM pj«k. FaonTHHltanalfarmngCon. 7.30 pjB. Ptf. Cantonal Ply. Saisny, 7:30pjn

The following tXJys swtm tlmea are compoea waafcfy by Uvonla ChurcND hssd coach Mans Tl«n Coaches v.oukJ update ( M r tlmea with Tian on a weekly basis by call ing 261-7300, Ext 255 between the hours of 3-4 p m Mondays A e d need ays and Fridays swimming

200 Medley Relay -state cul i 43 471

Catholic Centra: Liv Stevenson North Farmington Piym Salem Liv Franklin

_ L<v Churchill ' Ply Canton Fa;m Harrison

attMTs C M w Hal TM+m.

1>. at DetyoK



• p . / n

OuD. 8 p . * -

maj*. m UMMVa Edgar A i m .

•Saturn, Fat, 2 Uv. Stevenson ml Oat- Courtly Day at Si Cte Shorea Arena. 7 30 p. m

at Hovers Grand OMa Arena. 9 p.m. CatholcCent VS. A. A. Plena* at fedtord lea A m . a pjn.


Schootoan at highland Part. 8 p. m


HlBWarm Pm* at Schooterafc 2 p.nt

200 Freestyte (slate cut 1 48 03)

Brian Goins (NF) John Kovach (CC) KirK Raooelz (Marrisoni Lewrs Ministretii (Stevenson) Greg Wo«l iSaiem; Sean McDermott (CC) Jett Albert iStevenson) Denn<s Waid (Stevenson, Er>c Saird (Churchnllj Jon Cain (Salem)

200 ImJivldual Medley Istate cut 2 05 55)

John Kovach (CC) Mine Tumey INF) Sear McDermo'1 (CC) Steve Taormina (Stevenson: Joe Saunders (Stevenson | Scott Stmson (NF) Eric Bai.'C (Churchill) Roger Cooerre (Stevenson, Eric Hutchison (Churchill i Greg Wolff (Salem)

50 Freestyle (state cut: 22.721

Kevin Eve-han (Stevenson; John Kovacn (CC) Oenms Ward (Stevenson!

rankings ]

1 44 0 1 45 5 146 0 I 4 ' 9 1 49 0 1 49 7 1 54 3 1 57 0

i 47 0 1 49 1 1 5 0 8 1 51 3 1 5 1 9 1 52 5 1 54 4 t 54 6 1 54 9 1 55 2

2:02 4 2 03 4 2 08 6 2 09 6 2 12 7 2 13 1 2 13 i 2 14 6

2 146 2 14 9

22 5 22 6 22 7

MikeBuatt l (NF) Ere Bai'd (ChorchlHl Chris Lesl>e (CC) Chris Moras* y (Stevenson Vic Vaiente (Cnurchnii) Enc Hutchison (Church*!! Chris Helntzman INF)

Ovlng Andy Flower (Canton.I Vic Vaiente (Churcn.ll) BiltGovier (Franklin) Bob Longndge (Salem) Cra>g Arnold (NF) Ken Miliigan (Stevenson Jay Schmidt ISalem] Don Coleman (ChurchiHI MikeVerport (Stevenson i Eilc Bra/KJemill iChurchtll)

100 Butterfly i.state cut. 55 54)

Brian Goins (NF) Mike Tumey (NF) J j h n Kovach (CCl Sean McDermott (CC) Joe Saunoers (Sievenson i Chris Morasky (Sievenson) Eric Fort on (CC) Steve Taormtna (Stevenson) Tony Atwell (Salem) Scon Fa'aDee iHamsoi)

100 Freestyle istate cut: 49.44)

Bnan Goes (NF) John Kovach (CC) Kevin Everhart (Sievenson i Mike Tumey (NF) Dennis Ward (Ste^-ensoo) Mi«eBuat1i |NF) Chris Morasky (Sievenson Chns Leslie (CCi Jon Cam (Satem) Eric Balrd (Churchitii

22 9 2 2 9

22 99 23 2 23 4 23 6 23 7

258 6 254 05

220 9 224 6

213 65 205 8

196 25 191 5 186 5 184 7

52 9 54 4

55 32 56 3 56 7 57 9 58.4 59.0 59 t 59 7

49 1 49 4 50 2 50 4 5 0 4 5 0 6 50 9 51 3 51 4 51 6

500 Freastyte (state cut: 4 53 00)

Kirk Ftadda'j l Harnson ;i Mike Tumey (NF) Sean McDermoti (CC) John Kovach (CC) Lews MifHstreto (Stevenson; Greg Wolff (Salem/ Jeff Aiben (Stevenson! Scott Stlnson (NF) Alex Afsan (CC) Craig Burland (NF)

100 Backst roke (state cut 58 18)

John Kovach (CC) Brian Goins (NF) Joe Saunders (Stevenson; Randy Lotero (Frankun) Don Harwood (Salem i Dean Roberts (Canton) Dave Peftersson (NF) Mike Harwood I Salem) Dan Bancetner (CC; Malt Hepburn |CC)

100 Braastst roke (state cut 1:02.87)

Enc Hutchison (Churchill) Jim Surowiec (CC) BrianN«dbala (Franklml Enc Bai'd (Churchill) Tom Sayles (Harrison) Steve Taormina (Stevenson) Sean O'Connor (CC) Scott Sllnson (NF) DaveGo*alski i Frannttn; Chris Heintzman (NF)

400 Freestyle Relay istate cut 3 22 23)

Liv Stevenson North Farmington Catholic Centra! Plym Salem L v Frankiin Plyrr. Canton Liv Churchill Farm. Harrison

4 53 6 * 55 2 4 59 7 4 59 8 5 02 4 5 02 6 5 10 5 5:15 0 5 16 5 5 ' 6 7

56 5 57 5 59 3

t 006 1 0 t 9 1 02 « 1 02 4 1 02 7 l 03 4 ' 0 4 0

1:03 6 1 05 3 1:06.0 1.065 i:06.5 1 06.5 1 068 l 06 8 i 0 6 9 i 07 0

3 2 1 9 3 25 0 3 29 9 3:32 5 3:36 8 3 38 ' 3 38 6 3 40 3

The following high school ranumgs wilt be prepared each wee* oy the Observer spo i l s staff Schools eligible for con-sideration must be located in L'vonia, Westland Garden City Redford, Farmington, Farming-ton Hills, Plymouth. Canton or Wayne

BASKETBALL 1, W a y n e M e m o r i a l

2 C a t h o l i c C e n t r a l

3 . L i v o n i a S i e v e n s o n

4 G a r d e n C i t y

5 N F a r m i n g t o n

VOLLEYBALL 7. L ' v o n i a S t e v e n s o n

2 B i s h o p B o r g e s s

3 N F a r m i n g t o n 3

4 G a r d e n C i t y 4

5 L i v o n i a F r a n k l i n 5


1 L i v o n i a S t e v e n s o n

1 ( t i e ) N F a r m i n g t o n

3 P l y m o u t h S a l e m

4 C a t h o l i c C e n t r a /

5 c a r m i n g t o n


1 N F a r m i n g t o n

2 F a r m . H a r r i s o n

3 P l y m o u t h S a l e m


P l y m o u t h S a l e m

P l y m o u t h C a n t o n

W a y n e M e m o r i a l

J o h n G l e n r

G a r d e n C i t y

basketball statistics BOYS BASKETBALL LEADERS

The following basketball statistics are com-plied weekly by North Farmington head coach Tom Negoshian. Observerland coaches should update thei ' statistics with Negoshian weekly by calling 363-4284 on Sunday evenings from 4-6 p rn


HS G Ave J0r,r, Mclnlyre CC •o 25 « Joe Oegory s e 10 28 ' Der r.is Busna- BU 11 20 9 Pat McCarthy PCr 9 20'0 Sco:i Htiie I.C 7 19 4 Mike Baydttrian JG 10 19 0 Poli-s Rose-isor vVM 1? "90 Sreve Dunning GC 10 18 8 Rick Anoe'so*i NF 1? 180 Bob Siu*a LS 10 1? A

Howarc Flower- WM 1? 17 2 Ker Geotge FH 10 • '4 3 Jeff VaK-a:sis Ciar •o > 3 . 7 Bot> Chwali* NF • ? 13 3


Po.l,-; Rnr*>riso-BoC S-Lka LS 10 12 1 jiefl vak-atsis ciar 10 fl>Ck Anderson NF 12 11 0 Mickey Kaisctto- LC 10 10 0 Pal McCarthy PCr Bob Cfiwank NF "2 9 e 5coll Mi He LC 7 9 0 V nee Err-gh- FH 10 8 4 M ke HerTBr-sor LC 10 8.3 Steve Dunning GC 10 8 1 Paul avana CC 10 8 0


M.ckey Katscho' LC 10 8 2 David FteyroMs WM 12 7 0 Ric*. Pefinala NF 1 1 Mike Bavdan-a- JG •0 6 i Spersce vv.iiiami A'M •2 6 0 K en Georye CH 10 5 8 Ken Huon Fh 10 5 3 Kevin Snenaai GC 10 4 9 JO'ir Mcirryre CC 10 4 5 John Miner FH 10 4 A

Rod Wmdte PC' 11 4 t

Ron Peine Ciar 10 4 3

. a m m m 30650 Plymouth road livonia

422-1000 " H O M E O F O L D - F A S H I O N E D S E R V I C E "

hockey standings

looking for dry rough sawn

western red cedar?


(Through Tuesday) W

. • Sleverson Liv F-anni.n Wyar. RocseveH Liv Ber;,ey EHAr JC-.8' South a-iruc a H Lanr*' Sou".' e ;

Bnar Cc • Ed Shece-

P 22 22 16 14 13 10

Craig SawicK. (WR: Rcb Speer ; WR) Tm Olschanski (LF, Ma't Wi!|an,en (LC Jay jeweti |SF) BoC Wilson (LFl A Buscem, i.BHA. Dave Ward (Bh^i


Gms Ga Ave LEADING SCORERS (Through Monday) Jet "en-pie a s * 10 3 23 2 7 A P Cacir

Gms G A Pis Brian Tomasik ,;LCi 9 26 2 8 Fraser Kevt-! Sayea fLB> 9b 33 3 4 G p Norr-

'2 31 •3 44 Mike Klavon Wfl'i 6'^ 26 4 t G P Sou-' "2 29 15 44 jef'Vaden iLF 13 5S 4 5 _a*evie»

Attention area coaches! Sports statistics sought

Attention, Obse rve r l and high school wrest l ing and g y m n a s t i c s coaches

The Observer sports staf f is asking your cooperation in put t ing together our statistical page for the winter sports season

To make this f e a t u r e work , coaches must report their s t a t i s t i cs , on a week-ly basis, to the fol lowing people

WRESTLING: G a r d e n City head coach Dean Sh ipman will compi l e the top f ive wres t le rs in e a c h weight c lass Please repor t your w r e s t l e r s ' records

to Sh ipman any weekday between 11 40 a m and 1.15 p m at 421-8220

GYMNASTICS: Obse rve r spor t s edi-tor Chris McCosky will compi le a list-ing of the top t e a m scores and top indi-vidual sco res in each event Coaches should repor t their s t a t s to McCosky by-Monday a f t e r n o o n

The coopera t ion of the coaches has a l w a y s helped m a k e the Observer spor t s pages the a r ea s No 1 source fo r p rep spor ts We thank you for your con-t inued suppor t

< B I C Y C L E 5

F U J I • R A L E I G H • B I A N C H I

Savings on AH Bikes • Free Assembly • Free Spr ing Check-up • Extended War ran t ies

1 0 H o l d s f o r S p r i n g L a y a w a y

o 0 1 CO



L a r g e S e l e c t i o n

o f U s e d B i c y c l e s

T u n t - U p S p e c i a l s

WESTLAND 8 3 8 3 M f O d t e b e i t

Between Ann Arbor Tr t t i A Joy > 5 2 2 - S 4 1 0 M o r - S e t tO-SSui! 12 5

E x e r c i s e E q u i p m e n t •Treadmi l ls -Rol lers • Rowers • Wind Machines • Eiercise Bikes • Pulse Meters

R e n t W i t h P u r c h a s e O p t i o n =


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"Country Oak" M r e a l o a k

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2 d o o r p e c a n s t a n d a r d cu l tu red m a r b l e t o p all c a r t o n e d a n d ready for ea sy p ick-up


31" x 19". 2 dr. @ 37" x 19", 3 dr. § 49" x 19", 4 dr. 2 drawers, reg «450.QO §• 61" x 19", 4 dr. reg ,560.0C

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iger teeth (onps 2 2 « 6. 2 * fl|

3 2 6 3 9

F O » D R O A D

<* SLK C Of V t MOT

4 3 7 - 4 6 2 0 r a i l E S T I M A T E S

E X P E R T ' N f T A ^ ^ T i y w

C a n t o n s w i m m e r s r o u t n o n - l e a g u e f o e

Jotui Ahrens anchored P lymouth Canton ' s 400-yard f r ees ty l e re lay and won two individual mee t s to lead the Chief s w i m m e r s past boat Redford Thurs ton Tuesday. 104-«2

Ahrens took top honors in the 200 f r ees ty l e (2:00,9) and the 500 f rees ty le o 2 1 4 ) H e with t e a m m a t e s F r a n k Wisneiwski. Mike Luft iz and J i m

Reimenschne ider for a f i rs t in t he 400 f r e e s t y l e re lay in 3:59.

Dean Rober t s took two m o r e f i r s t s fo r the Chiefs in the 100 b u t t e r f l y (1 02.5) and the 100 backs t roke (1:02.6).

Andy Flower was a big winner in t he

diving competi t ion with 258.6 points

Canton is 4-5 overal l

sport shorts

Ocelots win 7th straight Behind a stingy de fens ive e f fo r t ,

Schoolcra f t College's women ' s basket-ball t e a m raced to i ts seventh-s t ra igh t victory, 80-54, Sa turday at Delta Col-lege

The win m a d e the Ocelots t r ip nor th a success fu l one. On F r iday . School-c r a f t survived in o v e r t i m e at Alpena.

This t i m e Schoolcra f t was in com-m a n d the whole way. P a c e d by the d e a d e y e shooting of Kim Chandler (25 points) and Missy Aiken (21). the Ocelots sped to a 40-18 half t i m e lead. Delta was forced into commi t t i ng 13 f i rs t -half turnovers , while Schoolcra f t m a d e just 5.

Aiding the Ocelot e f f o r t w e r e Caryn Lamb, Sher ry Evans and Rhonda Lan-cas t e r with 8 points apiece. Laura Col-lison was bes t for Delta with 14 points

T H E SCHOOLCRAFT MEN w e r e not as successful , get t ing into foul trou-ble ea r ly and finishing on the short end of a 95-79 sco re a t Delta

"It was a tough road g a m e , " said Schoolcraf t coach Rocky Watk ins ' W e got in ea r ly foul t rouble and t ha* pretty-much decided the game.

"Stat is t ical ly, we played a good g a m e . We shot over 50 pe r cen t and didn ' t turn the ball ove r very much . We didn ' t have one individual p l a y e r shoot under 50 percent ."

Indeed, the Ocelots, who t r a i l ed 44-30 at the half, hit 34 of 5« f loo r shots (58.6 percent) . 12 of 19 f r e e t h r o w s (63 percen t ) and made just 7 t u rnove r s . However , they also w e r e whist led fo r 25 personal fouls and one technical .

But the only s ta t tha t counts is the f inal score, and Delta was bes t t he re Tony Randal l had 18 points fo r the Ocelots, with Clarence Jones add ing 11 and Dwight Pooler 8 and 8 r ebounds

Tony Ford pumped in 25 poin ts fo r Del ta Steve Williams tossed in 21.

Schoolcraf t , now 10-13 overa l l and 3-4 in the Eas t e rn Conference , p lays a t unbea ten Highland P a r k Sa tu rday .

. MR. M U F F L E R D C F E N D 8 Q R O U N O H O Q T I T L E

Led by the a l l -wea the r hit t ing prowess of M a r k Brieechke, Rick Vig-il and Keith S t a rmick le . Mr Muff le r successfully defended Its t i t le in the Canton P a r k s and Rec rea t ion Depar t -ment ' s 6th annua l Groundhogs Soft-ball T o u r n a m e n t Sa tu raday .

Muff ler , coached by Rick Vigil, knocked off Boczar ' s 7-2 in the cham-pionship game .

To get to the f ina l ' s Mr Muf f l e r whipped Thunderboys 17-0 and the Snowballers 8-1.

Boczar ' s e a r n e d a championsh ip bid with wins over the Canton Jay-cees. 3-2. and Michigan Bell. 17-1. Chuck Janouski and T i m McCurley were the hot h i t t e r s fo r Boczar ' s .

And the 6vh annua l fou l -wea the r

aof tbal l classic a lso m a d e a bit of his-tory. F o r only the second t i m e ever , the Canton Townsh ip unit won a g a m e The coed squad topped the Sluggers 4-1.

Twelve t e a m s pa r t i c ipa t ed in the event .

• T E E N S K I T R I P

The Canton P a r k s and Recrea t ion D e p a r t m e n t is sponsor ing ano ther teen ski t r ip to Alpine Valley on Fr i -day. Feb . 8

The coet is (15 f o r those without equ ipmen t . $8 f o r those with.

The g roup (all superv is ion provided by the rec d e p a r t m e n t ) will l eave the Can ton Townsh ip A d m i n i s t r a U o n Bui lding a t 5 p.m. and r e tu rn a t ap-p rox ima te ly 12:15 a .m.

F o r m o r e in formaUon, call 397-1000.

tW»d«y . January 31. 1986 OAE

Madonna wins at Dome The Madonna College m e n ' s basket-

ball t e a m won its third s t r a igh t g a m e Saturday at the Pon t i ac S i lve rdome with an 84-77 vic tory ove r Naza re th College

The win improves Madonna ' s record to 5-4 overa l l

Madonna t ra i led 43-40 at the half be-fore ral lying for the win

Maur ice Woods of Madonna led all s c o r e r s with 31 points. J i m Sail added 22 points and 12 rebounds , while Tim P r o b e n chipped in with 17 points and 17 assists .

E m i l Holka led N a z a r e t h with 29 points, E r i c Rolack and Dan Duf fy add-ed 13 and 12, respec t ive ly .

A l l - s t a r t r a v e l l e a g u e e y e d i n a r e a While no off ic ia l invi ta t ions have been mai led as

yet, s eve ra l bowling e s t ab l i shmen t s on the west s ide of Observer land a r e being cons idered fo r a new a l l - s ta r t r ave l ing league tha t is being fo rmed .

If p resen t plans a r e comple ted , the l e a g u e will be spl i t into two divisions with an eas t s ide g roup and the wes t side group. It is planned to t r a v e l on T h u r s d a y nights.

The p a t t e r n being followed is the s a m e a s tha t used yea r s ago when the Bonanza All-Star league was f o r m e d . And it will d r a w all the p r e sen t lead-e r s in the var ious classics a round the a r e a s

CHARITY: The annua l bowling p rop r i e to r s cha r -ity t o u r n a m e n t is now under w a y and hopes a r e being held tha t a record sum above S100.000 will be ra i sed This is the la rges t cha r i ty t o u r n a m e n t in the coun t ry and e v e r y e s t ab l i shmen t in the s t a t e is eli-gible to be a p a r t of it. I t will run until June .

W O N D E R L A N D ; The closest finish of the season in the senior house l eague enabled two m e m b e r s to e n t e r the 700 club. E d w a r d Ous t reng had a 258 g a m e in 706 but yielded the lead to Ron Sharp ie s who opened wi th a 245 fo r 707.

M E R R I - B O W L : Bowling in the h a n d i c a p p e r s l eague Rick Deluca had a 707

WOODLAND; Chuck Hrobowskj used a 239 mid-dle g a m e to post an even 700 and joined the c lub John Fa l lows had a 262 for high g a m e of the week -

Chiefs explode; Rocks top Vikes

C o n t i n u e d f r o m P a g e 1

second half. LeSean Haygood and Pau l M a k a r a added 12 and 11 points, respect ive ly .

C u m m i n g s finished with 23 points and Chr i s Owens added 13 Da ran E d m o n d s and John S h a r p e scored 10 apiece .

The win m a r k e d the f i r s t t i m e this season Sa l em has won two g a m e s in a row and the f i r s t it has won a Tuesday contes t The Rocks a r e 5-3 in t he West-e rn Lakes and 6-5 overa l l . Cen t ra l is 4-4 in t he WLAA.

P L Y M O U T H CHRISTIAN 64, L U C K E T T 58: P l y m o u t h Chris t ian rega ined i ts winning w a y s Tuesday night against Det ro i t Lucket t Chr is t ian A c a d a m y desp i te the loss of s t a r sophomore P a t McCar thy .

The E a g l e s lost F r i d a y to Southfield Chr is t ian , but bounced back with a good p e r f o r m a n c e aga ins t Lucket t .

"We didn' t have P a t McCar thy, and tha t ' s about 15 or 20 points for us." P l y m o u t h coach Je f f Cook said. "It was a good vic tory It helps us rebound a f t e r las t week ' s loss."

McCar thy is ill. J i m S tevens pumped in 21 points for P l y m o u t h

and Lane L a m b e r t and Dave Cada re t added 10 and 9 points, respec t ive ly Rob Cannon had 10 r ebounds and 5 ass is ts fo r the winners

Kent S a m m u e l s led Lucket t with 17 points.

WESTLAND; T i m D e t h e r a g e rolled a consis tent series of 256. 223 and 225 to get a 704. in the c lass ic and m e m b e r s h i p in t he 700 club J a y Dishong had a 285 in 693 for second p l ace and Bob Oniewski was next in line with 689. In the men ' s league P e t e Zerger had a 678 ser ies .

GARDEN LANES: M a e Lackey won a c lose r a c e with J ean Sielaff to bea t her by a single pin. She rolled a 608 while J e a n had a 245 in 607

BEL-AIRE: J i m P o u t e r gained a one pin m a r g i n over Mort F r e d m a n in t he senior house league when he posted a 244 g a m e in a 685 ser ies

S U P E R BOWL: Tom Burdziewski r eached his goal when a 278 g a m e g a v e him a 739 ser ies and m e m b e r s h i p in t he 700 club. In the junior house league. Scott Hal l h a d a 257 fo r high game.

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EMU sets baseball day E a w e r a Michigan Universi ty will

present i ts annua l Golden T r i ang l e Basebal l Cl inic on Sunday, Feb. 10 a t Bowen FiekJhouae.

The f e a t u r e d speake r a t the n t n i r will be E M U ' s Ron Oestrike, the 1085 president of t he Amer ican Basebal l Coaches Associat ion.

The cl inic begins a t 10 a j n . con-cludes at 5 p .m. (lunch provided).

Pre - reg ts t ra t ion , due by Thursday . Feb . 7, is W for coaches and 94 fo r stu-dents . Regis t ra t ion a t t he door Is $10 f o r coaches and f l O fo r s tudents .

Checks should be payab le to the Huron Dugout Club and mailed to: Basebal l Off ice , E a s t e r n Michigan Uni-vers i ty , Ypailanti , ML 44197.

F o r m o r e informat ion , cal l 487-0315.

• Your hometown voice • Your hometown voice







Please Take Notice that a special election of the electors of Plymouth-Can too Community Schools, Wayne and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, will be held in the school district, oo Tuesday. February 5,19*5.


The following proposition will be submitted to the vote of the electors at the special election:

MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Shall the limitation oo the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Plymouth-Can too Community Schools, Wayne and Washenaw Counties, Michigan, be increased by 8 mills (M 00 on each $1,000.00) oo state equalized valuation for a period of 6 years. 1985 to 1990. Inclusive, for the purpose of providing additional funds for operating purposes (this a renewal of 8 mills for operating purposes which expired with the 1984 tax levy)?


PRECINCT NO. 1 Voting Place: Central Middle School. The first precinct consists of all of City Precinct No. S and City Precinct No. 5.

PRECINCT NO. 2 Voting Place: Gallimore School. The second precinct consists of all of Canton Town-ship Precinct No. 1 and Canton Township Precinct No. 10.

PRECINCT NO. 3 Voting Place: Isbister Elementary School. The third precinct consists of all of City Precinct No. 4 and all of Plymouth Township Precinct No. 5

PRECINCT NO 4 Voting Place Starkweather Elementary School. The fourth precinct consists of all of City Precinct No. 1 and City Precinct No. 2.

PRECINCT NO. 5 Voting Place: Allen Elementary School. The fifth precinct consists of all of Plymouth Township Precinct No S. Plymouth Township Precinct No. 4 and Plymouth Township Precinct No. 9.

. PRECINCT NO. 6 Voting Place: West Middle School. The sixth precinct consists of all of Plymouth Township Precinct No. 8, Plymouth Township Precinct No. 12, Plymouth Township Precinct No. IS, and all territory of the school district located In Salem Towmhip.

PRECINCT NO. 7 Voting Place: Farrand Elementary School. The seventh precinct covists o4 all of Plymouth Township Precinct No. 1, Plymouth Township Precinct No. 2, Plymouth Township Precinct No. 8 and all territory of the school district located In Northville Township

PRECINCT NO. 8 Voting Place: Flegel Elementary School. The eighth precinct consists of all of Canton Township Precinct No. 3, Canton Township Precinct No. 8. Canton Township Precinct No. 11. Canton Township No 20 and all of Plymouth Township Precinct No 10

PRECINCT NO 9 Voting Place: Miller Elementary School. The ninth precinct consists of all of Canton Township Precinct No, 4 and all of Canton Township Precinct No. 13

PRECINCT NO. 10 Voting Place: Hulatng Elementary School. The tenth precinct consists of all of Canton Township Precinct No, 7 and all of Canton Township Precinct No. 12

PRECINCT NO. 11 Voung Place: Eriksson Elementary School. Tbe eleventh precinct consists of all of Canton Township Precinct No. 9. all of Canton Township Precinct No. 14. and all of Canton Township Precinct No. 21.

PRECINCT NO. 12 Voting Place: Field Elementary School. The twelfth precinct consists of all of Canton Township Precinct No 5 and all of Canton Township Precinct No. 18.

PRECINCT NO 13 Voting Place: Canton High School. The thirteenth precinct consists of all of Canton Township Precinct No. 8. all of Canton Township Precinct No. 16, all of Canton Township Precinct No. 17, all of Canton Township Precinct No 19. and all territory of the school district located in Superior Township

PRECINCT NO 14 Voting Place: Bird Elementary School. The fourteenth precinct consists of all of Plymouth Township Precinct No. 7 and all of Plymouth Township Precinct No. 11.

All school electors who are registered with the city or township clerk of the city or township in which they reside are eligible to vote at this election.

I. RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ, County Treasurer of Wayne County. Michigan do hereby certify that as of December 10,1984 the total of all voted increases in excess of the Constitutional fifteen mill tax rate limitation and the years such increases are effective are as follows affecting the taxable property of Local Unit:


Plymouth, Canton, Northville Townships and Plymouth City Wayne Conaty, Michigan

Local Unit County of Wayne

Wayne County Intermediate School District Canton Township Northville Township

Date of Election 8/8/78 8/7/84

8/6/74 None 8/5/80 5/19/81 11/3/81 8/7/84

Schoolcraft Community College District Plymouth-Canton Community Schools

Yean Increase Effective 1984 1985 to 1989, inclusive

1984 indefinitely None 1984 1984. 1985 1984 to 1986. inclusive 1985 to 1989. inclusive


1984 1984 1984 to 1986. inclusive 1984 to 1988. inclusive 1984 to 1990, inclusive

RAYMOND J WOJTOWICZ, Wayne County Treasurer

Date December 10. 1984

I. MICHAEL A STIMPSON, Treasurer of Washtenaw County. Michigan, hereby certify that as of December 10. 1984. the records of this Office Indicate that the total of all voted increases over and above the tax limitation established by the Constitu-tion of Michigan, in any local units of government affecting the taxable property located in Plymouth-Canton Community Schools. Wayne and Washtenaw Counties. Michigan, is as follows

By Wsshtenaw County


1/18/79 6/11/79 1/22/81 12/7/82 10/2/84

Voted Increase* 1 mill 1 mill

1 mill None

.50 mill 1.50 mills

70 mill 50 mill


6.50 mills 1.50 mills 10.36 mills 8 mills 1 74 mills

By Superior Township By Salem Township By the School District

0 040474 0 25 0 25 2 SO Mills None 10 34 Mills 8 Mills 1 74 Mills

1948-1984 1984 thru 1985 1984 4i Future 1984

1984 to 19M. inclusive 19*4 to 1988. inclusive 1984 to 19*0. inclusive

BRUCE BALLUT, Chief Deputy MICHAEL A STIMPSON, Tre Washtenaw County, Michigan

This Notice is given by order of the Board ot Education of Plymouth-Canton Com-munity Schools, Wayne and Washtenaw Counties. Michigan

ELAINE J, KIRCHGATTER Secretary Board of Education

Business Barry Jensen editor / 591 - 2 3 0 0

O bseruer ruispapers !

O&E Thursday, . jnuary 31. 1985

b u s i n e s s b r i e f s D o y o u h a v e a f i n a n c i a l p l a n ?

• C O M P U T E R SEMINAR Free demonstration of hardware and

"Just In Time" software package for local manufacturers from 9 a m to noon Tuesday, Feb 5. and Thursday, Feb 7, in Southfield Reservations "Mr Watson." 351-2400 Sponsor AT&T Information Systems

• MACHINE VISION An Applied Machine Vision Confer-

ence and Exposition held Tuesday, March 26. in Cobo Hall in Detroit The conference and exposition is sponsored

by the Society of Manufacturing Engi-neers, and the Machine Vision Group of the SME

Send information for business briefs to business editor, Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. 36251 Schoolcraft. Livonia 48150 Deadline is Monday for piibhcation m the up-coming Thursday issue If your item is about something to happen several weeks in the future, it will be run more t han once, space per-mitting.

B y S i d M i t t r a

spec ia l writer

The best New Y e a r ' s resolut ion is one tha t i m p o s e s upon you the d isc ip l ine to d e v e l o p a n d imple-m e n t a r e a s o n a b l y we l l -ba l anced f i n a n c i a l plan. H e r e a r e s o m e t ips on how you can d e v e l o p your own p lan . R e m e m b e r : Y o u r p lan m u s t cove r a t l eas t s e v e n a r e a s , r e p r e -sen ted by seven l e t t e r s of the word. R E T I R E D

Risk M a n a g e m e n t P lann ing

M a n a g e m e n t of risk invo lves m a k i n g s u r e t ha t ,you a r e ade -q u a t e l y c o v e r e d by a t leas t t he fol-lowing t y p e s of insurance : l ife, dis-abi l i ty , h o m e o w n e r s , au tomob i l e , hea l th , a n d l iab i l i ty .

In add i t i on , you m a y need busi-ness o v e r h e a d pol icy if you o w n a business . I t is not a lways e a s y to d e t e r m i n e w h a t cons t i tu tes ade -q u a t e c o v e r a g e . F o r ins tance , how m u c h l i f e or d isabi l i ty i ncome do

f i n a n c e s a n d y o u

S i d

M i t t r a



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Sales Personnel An immediate opening exists in a Large Metro-politan Detroit Lite In-surance and Financial Planning Office for a person to assume major reaponalbillty for the re-cruit ing and selection of S a l e s and F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g P e r s o n n e l Compensat ion package includes salar , plus in-cen t i ve c o m p e n s a t i o n and e x c e l l e n t f r i n g e benefit program Posi-t i o n has o u t s t a n d i n g growth potential

SerxJ resume to P O. Box 2963. Farmington Hills. Ml 48018

you r ea l ly need ' ' If you own your home, does your h o m e o w n e r ' s poli-cy cove r the r e p l a c e m e n t c o s t 0 If your h o m e o w n e r ' s or a u t o m o b i l e policy has a l iabi l i ty c o v e r a g e of $300,000, how would you handle a l iabi l i ty c l a i m of, say, $1,000,000?

T h e s e and o t h e r r e l a t e d ques-t ions m u s t be p ro fe s s iona l ly an-swered . Ask your agen t or f inanc ia l p l a n n e r to ass i s t you in developing an a d e q u a t e r isk m a n a g e m e n t s t r a t e g y

E d u c a t i o n Tu i t ion P l a n n i n g

P r o j e c t i o n s of co l lege cos t s can be a p a i n f u l e x p e r i e n c e , e spec ia l ly if your chi ld p l ans to a t t e n d a big n a m e ins t i tu t ion or go into an ex-

pens ive p r o g r a m (e.g. m e d i c a l or legal) . You m a y cons ide r pu t t ing i n v e s t m e n t s in the n a m e of a m i n o r to h a v e the r e t u r n s t a x e d a t his or h e r m a r g i n a l tax b r a c k e t .

E v e n giving i n t e r e s t - f r e e loans c a n be an a l t e rna t i ve , a l though the n e w t a x law has s eve r ly cu r t a i l ed i t s a d v a n t a g e s An a d v a n c e plan-n ing is mos t essen t ia l f o r develop-ing a sound educa t iona l p lanning s t r a t e g y

Sid Mittra is president of Co-ordinated Financial Planning Inc. of Troy and a professor of economics and management a' Oakland U n i v e r s i t y .



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H o m e O f f i c e o f t h e C o m p a n y T h e r e »re N o S a l e s C h a r g e s . N o P o l i c y

o r I s s u e F e e s . N o P r e m i u m T a x e s D e d u c t e d . » n d N o A d m . n i s t r s

t i » e o r M o n t h l y S e r v i c e C h a r g e s



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Member F D I C f a c t u r e r s Na t iona l Bank of D e t r o i

©Ije ©bseruer Newspapers

Entertainment Ethe l S immons editor / 644-1100

Thursday, January 31. 1965 OAE *7C

Cock ta i l p ian is ts es tab l i sh m o o d

In many lounges, it's the cocktail pianist who creates the right kind of atmosphere.

Take Joe Jelasic, for instance, the friendly, smiling, bushy-mustached p iano p l a y e r a t B i r m i n g h a m ' s Machus Sly Fox

Jelasic has been cocktail pianist at the Sly Fox for eight years. His love for the job is evident — not only by his pleasant manner and smile but also by his note-filled solo excursions on the keyboard.

When he's enjoying a standard, his dark mustache turns up in a grin. Af-ter all the years he's been doing this, he still gets a kick out of playing "Stormy Weather," "What I Did for Love," "I'm in the Mood for Love" or "Moonlight m Vermont."

"The thing ! like about being at the Sly Fox." said Jelasic between sets, "is the freedom I have to be creaUve without the pressure. I can create f rom my heart and soul and try to find the colors to match different moods."

Besides his Sly Fox cocktail-hour sets, Jelasic also plays for the Sun-day-brunch crowd at" Oakland Hills Country Club. Then there's his Black Tie trio, which performs at special events, and his own booking agency called Black Tie Productions.

THE MOOD created by pianist Susie Woodman is definitely upbeat and fun, at the Kingsley Inn lounge in Bloomfield Hills.

Outgoing and blond. Woodman keeps the piano bar lively during her Monday through Friday stints. She's also quick-witted, which helps in her job.

"Hey, you're not Pogo,* said a cus-tomer peering into the lounge on a Friday evening and expecting to see Pogo, the other piano-bar pianist.

"No." quipped Woodman. "I'm stick."

No stick or stick-in-the-mud, Wood-man has been around the pop-music scene in the Detroit area long enough to be able to handle most situations and most requests However, she's Dot old enough to have the music of all the great, old-standards songwriters down pat. Which is why when a cus-tomer asked for a Jerome Kern med-ley, she responded with a smile and a bouncy "Chatanooga Choo Choo."

Her life began in the Saginaw area, but she got her start in music in De-troit when she played piano in the Phil Marcus Esser production of "Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris ."

W o o d m a n h a s p l a y e d wi th Jonathon Round and rock "n' roll sing-er Meatba l l Woodman, who's also blessed with a singing voice that com-plements her pop and modified-coun-try style, has a country band called Freeland Star. In that group is her husband, d rummer Peter Woodman. She also plays solo piano at the Mid-town Cafe in Birmingham and plays with the band Illusion

Sus ie Woodman is at the k e y b o a r d in the lounge of the K inga ley I n n in B loomf ie ld Hil ls. She a l te rna tes s t in ts w i t h Pogo at t he p i -a n o bar.

• 51 o n m u s i c

J a m e s

W i n d e d

WHILE JOHNNY Trudell and his 14-piece band continues every Mon-day night at Jamie ' s on 7. the nightclub is planning to bring some big-name acts to Livonia.

The Count Basie Orchestra (obvi-ously without the Count, who died last year) will play Monday, Feb. 18. Chubby Checker, the man who made the twist a national craze in the 1960s, comes to Jamie 's on Monday. March 11. Checker will be making a r a re Detroit-area appearance.

Jamie's also plans on bringing in the Glenn Miller Orchestra in May. (For more information about the en-tertainment schedule at Jamie ' s on 7 call 477-9077.)

Another musical event coming to Livonia will be a concert by the Bess Bonnier Trio, featuring Bonnier on pi-ano, Dan Jordan on bass and Tom Brown on drums. Bonnier will play at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24. at the Livonia City Hall Auditorium. (For more in-formation, call 421-2000).

Theater presents black voices

Comedy picks up for rol l icking fun

Performances of the P l y m o u t h Theatre Guild production of "See How They Run" continue at 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday at Central Middle School in Plymouth. For ticket in-formation. call 455-2632

By Victoria Diaz specie' writer

The Plymouth Theatre Guild's pro-duction of Philip King's "See How They Run" may disappoint you a t f i r s t But hang on until the riotous, rollicking sec-ond and third acts, and you'll see why this English farce is so often performed by community theater groups, and so often enjoyed by their audiences.

It's just a lot of good, old-fashioned, absolutely crazy fun.

The plot of "See How They Run" has something to do with an English vicar's wife whose ex-boyfriend, an American soldier, comes to town and dresses in the vicar's clothes so that he can take her out on an off-limits "date.*

Meanwhile, her vicar husband is knocked silly by an escaped Russian spy. who also dresses as the vicar to conceal his identity. Meanwhile, a fat lady who has a crush on the vicar gets more than a little tipsy a t the vicarage.

Meanwhile, the bishop comes to visit. Meanwhile, the vicar, clad in his under-wear, and the drunken lady a r e locked into a closet together. Meanwhile, a cockney maid has her eye on the Eng-lish vicar's wife's American soldier ex-boyfriend. M e a n w h i l e . . . .

BUT, IF YOU'RE confused, not to worry, for the plot is decidedly not all-

r e v i e w

impor tan t What is important is the good time you'll have watching the cock-eyed, nonsensical onstage action.

Chuck Miller is endearingly befud-dled as the vicar, the Rev. Lionel Toop. Helen DeJiulio as his effusive wife, Penelope, exhibits a nice sense of com-edy and timing, plus a knowledge of just bow to use a bit of body language here and there to get an extra laugh-

Robert Pici as the Bishop of Lax is convincingly and amusingly conster-nated by all the crazy goings-on around him, as is Don Starr , playing another bewildered member of the clergy, the Rev. Humphrey. (Starr 's basso profun-do speaking voice is delightful and a decided bonus in any comic role.)

Whoever cast cast Maggie Sergus as Ida. the zany cockney maid, should give him or herself a pat on the back. With a kind of wide-eyed, Sally Field-like style, she's near-perfect in the role — and seems to be having the time of her life. Her accent is remarkably good, she's a real t rea t to watch and to listen to, and, besides that, you'll love her hat.

Patr icia LaFramboise as the plumb-ish. Miss Skillon gets most of the big laughs in "See How They Run" — deservedly so. She strikes just the right note of comical helplessness as the sloshed-on-sherry parishioner. She also appears totally comfortable in her role,

Ptease turn to Next Page

In celebration of Black History month, the Afro-American Studio Theatre of Detroit will present an evening of tribute to "Voices from Black America" at 8 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, Feb. 13-15, at Wayne State University's General Lectures Theatre in De-troit.

Individual tickets a re $3 50. Tickets for groups of 10 or more are $2.50. For further information, call 869-0142 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

"Voices f rom Black America" was conceived and directed by Dr. Von H. Washington.

F I N E D I N I N G die S t a n



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J A P A N E S E a n d C H I N E S L R e s t a u r a n t


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I Dinner 3-MO J»pan«»» Dlnnar S-*30 FBI. A SAT. -til 10J0

— CLOSED MONDAY 10325 Middlebeit • Livonia




EVERY WEDNESDAY j On* Ul 24 Houn I Nonce 41 EfifO* A Gourmrt Dinner c4

IHoece F Mar*


Guest Bartenders

K e n C u r r y &

Pau l Pearl

F e b 5

Carolyn Si Don DfComo F e b 13

J -5



^ o n t i

U R E S T A U R A N T 32030 PLYMOUTH ROAD . LIVONIA • 422-0770


ALCOHOL INSIGHT FEB. 1 - At t i tude and Sexuality

M o r r i s Kel ly - Exc . D i r e c t o r o l Hol ly G a r d e n s

FEB. 8 - Our Devilish Alcohol Personalit ies FEB. 15 - Our Addict ive Nature FEB. 22 - Cocaine & Mari juana in the 80's

Sponsored by: NORTHWEST ALANO CLUB 33344 A n n Arbor Trai l at Fa rm ing ton Rd.

LIVONIA • 421-4790


• Orange Roughy • Baked Scrod 1

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CARRY OLTS 522-280^ HOURS DAILY 7 AJM- - 10 P.* SUN. « A.M. - 4 P.M.



M O S T A C C I O L I D I N N E R (With your favorite saace)

Include*: Soap or Salad, Homemade Bread. Batter & Cfceeae

6237 M I D D L E B E L T (Jnit North of Ford Road)

With this ad only MOB., Tnea., Wed.. Than.

From 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 PJH. Expires Feb. 7, 1985




DINNER FOR 2 Choicr- of Tonrtprloin Sfp.ifc Broiled Boston Scrod Chir ki-ii C.»r ci.tforp 5 ® Hom< m.4de l a s a g n e »« «KM mchjd* iojp K»M wad H IreVi omrtic wick* pomo or paMa

WitH , oupon IW-

27770 Plymoutfi r * 8a<a w onnk«i*r oo

^ LIVONIA V * 4 2 7 - 1 0 0 0

10385 Juat Soutti o l G r a n d


5 3 7 - 0 7 4 0

Oaly OA nd W



a c * O-Sit " l u d O i y , J a n u a r y 3 1 , 1 9 8 5

DAN D€AN/9tat t photographer

D a v i d R a g o ( l e f t ) i s Bi f f , T o b i n H i s s o n g i s H a p p y a n d J o e H a y n e s i s U n c l e B e n in t h e S p o t l i g h t P l a y e r s p r o d u c t i o n of t h e A r t h u r M i l l e r c l a s s i c " D e a t h of a S a l e s m a n . "

\ V i c t o r i a

D i a z

Players creates Performances of :he Spotlight

Piayers production of "Death of a Salesman" continue at £ p.m. Fri-day-Saturday at John Glenn Audi-torium 36105 Marquette, west of Wayne Road, Westland Tickets are $4.50 for adults. $3.50 for stu-dents younger than IS and persons 62 and older For further informa-tion, call 729-6435

By Victoria Diaz I s p e c i a l w r i t e r

Due to s o m e thoughtful direction, c red i tab le ac t i ng and e f fec t ive be-nind-the-scenes suppor t , the Wayne-Westland Spotl ight P layers ' p resenta-tion of Ar thur Mil ler 's "Death of a Salesman"' is a rea l success.

"Death of a Sa lesman" is the story of Willy L o m a n . a Brooklyn sa lesman whose life ha s been shaped by a driv-ing des i re to a t t a in a piece of the Amer ican d r e a m . It is genera l ly con-sidered to be Mil ler ' s most impor tan t play - and L o m a n his most m e m o r a -ble c h a r a c t e r

At 63. L o m a n has not only lost his youth but a lso Ins job, his son's re-spec! and his hold on real i ty . His d r e a m has s lowly, but surely, become 3 l a rger - than- l i fe n igh tmare .

Ralph Alan Day is to be commend-ed for the a d m i r a b l e job he does as the m e r c u r i a l Loman . This challeng-ing role ca l l s for mood changes al-most minu te to minu te throughout the

effort winner play Day neve r appea r s to f a l t e r and is a l t o g e t h e r convincing in his por-t r aya l of the well-meaning, but ever -so -des t ruc t ive Loman.

HIS P E R F O R M A N C E is nicely polished. He knows his l ines as if he'd wr i t ten t h e m himself, s eems to know Loman equal ly well, never a p p e a r s to t ake a f a l s e s t ep or to m a k e a wrong move . Although younger than 63, he also m a n a g e s to be physical ly con-vincing

Vicki L. Cravens imbues Willy's naive, but loving wife. Linda, with w a r m t h and na tu ra lness f r o m s t a r t to finish H e r f inal speech, in which she keeps repea t ing . "I don't unders tand I don' t unders tand" at Willy's g rave -side. is probably the most touching m o m e n t in the ent i re play. She han-dles it beau t i fu l ly

David R a g o is appropr ia te ly an-guished and confused as Biff , the son who fee l s be t rayed and cannot c o m e to t e r m s with his f a the r ' s shor tcom-ings Tobin Hissong s e e m s wel l -cas t a s Willy's o ther son, Happy, who ap-p e a r s to be dest ined to r epea t Willy's t r a g i c m i s t a k e s

E a c h m e m b e r of an able suppor t -ing cas t t u rns in a c o m m e n d a b l e per-f o r m a n c e

Light ing, make-up, props, cos-tumes , se t s , sound e f fec t s — all a r e done well a n d re f lec t the overa l l c a r e d i r ec to r John E a s t m a n has taken with this outs tanding product ion of Mil ler 's beau t i fu l ly wrought play.

Characters are zany C o n t i n u e d f r o m P r e v i o u s P a g e

and you'll love "her hat . too

Dawd Ide a s Corpora l Clive Winton, the American soldier, J e r r y L 'Heureux as the Russian spy and Robert Regan as Sergeant Towers , the snappy little English soldier who a lmost succombs to apoplexy as he t r ies to s t ra igh ten out the whoie incredib le mess, round out the cast

u p c o m i n g

t h i n g s t o d o

» P L Y M O U T H S Y M P H O N Y The Wate r Music Suite by Handel.

, ballr- music f r o m Massenet ' s opera ; { "Le ("id and the Brahms Piano Con-

; certi ; in D minor . Op 15. will be pre-• sen ted by the P lymouth Symphony [ Orches t ra at 4 p m Sunday, Feb 3. at I P lymouth -Sa lem High School Audito-I riun- m J o y Road west of Cantoi.

Center Road, in P lymou th . Johan Van ; j Der Merwe will conduct the orches-

tra Pauline Mar t in pianist , will be i soloist with the u r a h m s concer to

Tickets at $6 fo r adul ts , $,'( 50 for sen ior ci t izens and fu l l - t ime college stu dents ,.re ava i l ab l e ^t the door Stu dents :2th g r a d e a.id under a r e ad-

- [ mi l ieu f r e e

• H A W A I I A N B U F F E T The second annua ,

benef i t -n inner dancf p m Saturday . F e b m a n C a m p u s Cen -

C.'Hvti'- m Livom e n t e r t n r . m e n t and er! Tii Ki ts a r e $35 tav d- din t i b l t as a < S< io. c r a f t CoKegi ti. u.< ' mi' r m a t i o n . Z'< I t>4 > Ext 213

Hawai ian buffet • J1 s t a r t at 6 30

in the Water ' Schoolcraf t

Dancing, live a r e mclud-

hich $22 50 is ,f r ibution to th f t

•indation For college at

• C H I L D R E N ' S S H O W Our * . i . i d of Robot . i > and Adven

i u r e s iij C h e m i s t r y a children s show will1 he p r e sen t ed at 3 p m Sun day , Feb 10 at the Livonia City Hall Audi to r ium C ' v i c Cenr° r Dr ive and F i v e Milt Road The p r o g r a m is part of the the 1985 P e r f o r m i n g Arts

Showcase, sponsored by the Livonia Arts Commiss ion Tickets a r e avail-able at the L O V E Office at City Hall, phone 421-2000, Ext. 221. Tick-ets also a r e ava i l ab le at the door

• D A M N Y A N K E E S ' The B i r m i n g h a m Village P l a y e r s

will p resent the musical "Damn Yankees" at 8:30 p.m Fr idays-Satur -days, Feb 8-9, 15-16 and 2 p m Sun-day, F e b 10, at the playhouse in Bir-m i n g h a m Tickets at $6 a r e ava i l ab le a t the door, but reservat ions a r e rec-o m m e n d e d For reservat ions, cal l 644-2075 a n y t i m e A p e r f o r m a n c e at 8 p m Thur sday . Feb 14. will benefi t the B i r m i n g h a m Area Seniors Coordi-nat ing Council and Center Tickets at $7.50 include the show and an a f t e r -glow F o r f u r t h e r informat ion, cal l 642-1040

• R O M A N T I C C O M E D Y "Isn't It Romant ic . " a comedy by

Wendy Wassers te in opens Thursday . Feb 14 at t he Bi rmingham Theatre The product ion s ta r s Ann Flood of ABC-TV's "The Edge of Night " Also in the cas t is Michael Minor who played in ABC-TV's "All My Chil-d r e n " P e r f o r m a n c e s c o n t i n u e through Sunday, March 17 For t icket in fo rmat ion , cal l the box of f ice at 644 3533

• AT N I C K Y ' S The Loving Cup p e r f o r m s for lis-

tening and danc ing Tuesdays-Satur-days through F e b 23 at Nicky's in the Annex of the Top of Troy building

s e c o n d r u n s

•*>+ T o m

v P a n z e n h a g e n

12C* »(Wb,T.Ro-aB,l.P.C-9C,R.w.Q-SC) OAJE Thursday. January 31. 1»fts

Monkey Business ( I f t J U . uOout 3 15 Friday night (following ihe 1 a m movte "A Gathering of Eagles ) on Ch 50 Originally 77 minutes TV time slot: last program on schedule

Monkey Business ," s t a r r i ng the M a r x Brothers ,


is also excep t iona l ly funny but it 's not very well made Tha t doesn ' t m a t t e r , though No one watches Marx Bro the r s movies and expec t s g r e a t c i n e m a This m o v i e is poor ly photographed, loosely direct-ed. s t agey and well worth seeing I t ' s the b ro the rs ' f i rs t mov ie w r i t t e n direct ly for the screen (ear l ie r movies w e r e adap ta t i ons of s tage shows), and the scr ip t is by waggish S.J P e r e i m a n , a sagac ious wit and i n v e t e r a t e puns te r So stay up l a t e and enjoy

Rating: $3.50

WHAT'S IT WORTH? A ratings guide to the movies

Bad $1 Fair $2 Good $3 Excellent $4

If y o u w a n t t o f i nd o u t S

D I R E C T O R BOB Weibel has done a f ine job with pacing, and the lively cas t s e e m s to h a v e been well-coached in the m a t t e r of t im ing — a lways c r i t i ca l to the succes s of a comedy — and espe-cial ly so in a fa rce .

Lighting, make-up, se ts c o m p l e m e n t the res t of t he production nicely, as do cos tumes — the v icar ' s undershor ts , adorned with those cute and ni f ty , red va len t ines a re , alone, a lmos t worth the pr ice of adm-ss ion





d z e e e h h s

F r i d a y & Saturday Seafood 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . - 2 : 0 0 a . m .

2 6 7 2 1 W . S e v e n M i l e ( B e t w e e n I n k s t e r a n d B e e c h )

"When in the area in sit our other locations W I N D J A M M E R L O U N G E - L I V O N I A

F I B B E R M c G E E ' S - W I X O M


Fine Dining • Cocktails E N J O Y D A I L Y L U N C H S P E C I A L S

T U E 8 . - S U N . B u s i n e s s m a n ' s l u n c h e o n FAMILY D I N N E R S


Let u s help you book your pa r ty in o u r e l e g a n t b a n q u e t rooms! A c c o m m o d a t e s 5 0 - 4 0 0 p e r s o n s .

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(Excludes Specials of the Day) Expires 2/6/85

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Y o u r N s w H o s t s : R i c h a n d B o b


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6 : 0 0 P . M . Now Open Sun. 3 P.M.



Hour*: Hon.-Sat KfcX AJL-2 AJL SUN. J-8 P.M.

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Banquet Facilities _ _ _ _ Available 4 2 7 - 9 0 7 5

Y O U ' R E I N V I T E D



C O C K T A I L S "

7 0 3 4 M I D D L E B E L T - G A R D E N CITY (1 BLK SOUTH OF WARREN) [ 0«Dt«S

4 2 1 - 6 3 8 0 O P E N DAILY A T 3 : 0 0 P . M / 0 1 * " ° u t |

N E W Y O R K S T R I P F O R 2

• 1 3 . 9 5 F ' u L L C O U R S E D I N N E R

W / C O U P O N


(of e q u a l v a l u e )

A T 'A P R I C E

W / C O U P O N

D I N N E R F O R 2

s 9 . 9 5 C H O I C E O F

B R O I l E D f i l l e t






.. jrs x o u n q e DAILY S P E C I A L S - 11 a .m. - 10 p?fn.

Mon, - Meat Loaf w mashed potatoes & vegetable Tues - Roast Turkey w mashed po ta toes & vegetable Wed - Spaghett i w salad, bread bu t t e r Thurs - Liver & Onions w vege tab le Fri. - Macaroni & Cheese w sa lad SAT. SPECIALS

2 C o m p l e t e N Y S t r i p Dinne r s w W li ter Wine

•12.95 Includes baked potato & salad |

32826 5 Mile

s 2 9 5


S S s 4 ' 4 . 7 5 t ^ ? am

y s G* e

Livonia • 425-8530

^ T R O / r ? "

I T P i z t £ ,



\ L I V O N I A 2 6 1 - 3 5 5 0 3 3 6 0 5 PLYMOUTH f w . O F F f a r m i n g t o n )

F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S 8 5 5 - 4 6 0 0

3 1 6 4 6 NORTHWESTERN H W Y . f W 0 * M i D O L E B E L T )


IOMETIMES m y f r iends call m e for in format ion about a t r a v e l destination, jus t as I might call them for a d v i c e about o ther

subjec ts .

Somet imes , t hey ' r e lucky. I 've re-cen t ly re turned f r o m an a r ea and have a gold mine of i n fo rma t ion for them to excava t e .

I usually have someth ing to give them: a few guide books, an old co lumn f r o m my file, some th ing tha t c a m e in t he mai l .

What also happens , however , is that both my f r iends and I discover how m u c h other people know about t r ave l Br ing the subjec t up a t a cocktai l par-ty, or check an out -of -da te magaz ine , and litt le nuggets c o m e to the su r f ace like magic .

I went through th is l i t t le i n fo rma-t ion-gather ing p roces s with f r i ends f r o m Fa rming ton Hills recent ly , and it has occurred to m e tha t we might Lake it a s tep fu r ther . You might have the in format ion they need. Why not s w a p i n fo rma t ion?

T H E DESTINATION in this case w a s Los Angeles. We w e r e enjoying a

, Holiday drink with f r i ends , * h e n they ^began to talk about an upcoming t r ip to Ca l i fo rn ia .

Where should they s t a y ? Should they t r y to go north as f a r a s San Franc isco , o r even on into N o r t h e r n Cal i fornia , o r should they stay a round the Los Ange-les a r ea and go south?

We haven ' t t r a v e l e d the L A. a r e a s ince 1978, so our i n fo rma t ion wasn ' t ve ry up-to-date, but we had a few thoughts . Bed-and-b reakfas t a c c o m m o -dat ions we'd read abou t . . . A r e m e m -bered Sunday morn ing a t Venice Beach . . . A f r iend who s t a y e d at an inn south of the city.

We have a few gu ide books on our t r a v e l shelf. I wr i t e the Michigan chap-t e r s for Fodor Guides, so tha t is a l w a y s t h e r e I have a copy of F i she r ' s Anno-t a t e d Travel Guide to Cal i fornia .

BOB FISHER — i m m e d i a t e pas t •; p res iden t of the Society of Amer ican '« T r a v e l Wri ters — launched his new

gu ide book ser ies t w o or t h r ee yea r s J" ago, with a new twis t . His wr i t e r s give

pe r sona l ly -expe r i enced i n fo rma t ion , and he adds his own notes in the guide-

• i book marg ins so the r e a d e r gets m o r e than just the usual f a c t u a l i n fo rma t ion t h a t you would expec t in a guide book. I

1 > * I r i s

J o n e s c o n t r i b u t i n g travel e d i t o r

consider i t the best guidebook ser ies on the m a r k e t .

I a lso have a book ca l led "How To Get Lost And Found in Ca l i fo rn ia and Other Places '" by John M c D e r m o t t of Hawai i (Waikiki Publishing Co.. Inc. 1441 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96814). John and his wife , Bobby, have done books about Austra l ia . N e w Zea-land and o ther places.

Well t ha t was a f i r s t s tep . If my f r iends hadn ' t borrowed these books f r o m m e , they could have h a v e bor-rowed good guidebooks f r o m the li-b ra ry .

Our son and daughter- in- law lived in Los Angeles while they w e r e going to school so they know how to s t r e t ch a dollar ac ross that l a rge some t imes -unwieldy ci ty.

Our son suggested a r e s to red hotel across f r o m what used to be Grau-man ' s and is now Mann's Chinese The-a t e r on Hollywood Boulevard. The Roo-sevel t? Someone else a t the p a r t y sug-gested inns avai lable on the coast , but she couldn ' t r e m e m b e r the n a m e s

IT'S EASY ENOUGH to ge t t ha t in fo rma t ion f r o m the G r e a t e r Los Ange-les Visi tors and Convention Bureau. 505 South F lower St., Los Angeles. CA

00071 Any r e f e r e n c e l ib ra r ian can find addresses l ike t ha t f o r you in a minute, or you can find t h e m in book s tore guidebooks. You c a n w r i t e and allow a reasonable t i m e f o r tou r i s t informat ion to be sent, or you c a n cal l the bureau by dialing ( I IS) 239-0200.

At t ha t m o m e n t , I r e m e m b e r e d an ar t ic le tha t M a r y Augusta Rodgers wrote fo r this p a g e in 1082. It was about a dr ive nor th f r o m Los Angeles through Santa B a r b a r a and Big Sur to San Francisco . Our f r i ends would have to check, because the p laces mentioned might not be st i l l in business, but there were a f ew va luab l e n a m e s in the old clipping I found in m y file.

In Santa B a r b a r a , t he re was The Bath St. Inn, an 1873 Victorian house, and r e s t a u r a n t s c a l l e d Norbe r t ' s , Penelope s, the E l e g a n t F a r m e r , Hobev Baker 's . A lunch s top a t the Cafe R o m a in San Luis Obispo nor th of Big Sur Ventana, about 30 m i l e s f r o m Carmel , in the foothills of t he Santa Lucia mountains , w h e r e they found "redwood buildings c lus te red a round a cen t ra l lodge with a huge s tone f i replace " For ty bedrooms, a nice res tauran t .

A sma l l hotel ca l led the Beresford in

a b o u t a p lace , j u s t a s k Travel writer Iria Jones takes an imaginary trip to California juat to ahow how eaay it ie to find out about the Golden State.

t he Detroit News h a d w r i t t e n a g r e a t l i t t l e s tory recen t ly a b o r t t he Seal Beach Inn in Long Beach , on the c o a s t a l edge of the g r e a t e r Los A n g e l a

San Franc i sco . T h a t led us to another a r t i c l e Mary did about e l egan t bed-and -b reak fa s t a ccommoda t ions in San Franc isco : G r a m m a ' s , Monte Cristo. Always, a lways ' check out-of-date in-f o r m a t i o n because these p laces rise and fa l l l ike t he Roman E m p i r e , but t he re a r e " f r i e n d s " who can help you upda te your in format ion .

The re a r e s eve ra l bed-and-breakfas t guidebooks in your book s tore . One of them, "Bed and Breakfas t in North Amer i ca , " is published r ight h e r e in the Detroi t a r e a by Norma Stephens Bu-zan. Her third edition just c a m e out. Wri te to Betsy Ross Publicat ions, 3057 Betsy Ross Dr., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013. Send $10.95 fo r books, pos tage and handling; add 4 percent f o r sa les tax .

My second edit ion lists m a n y in Cali-fornia . It a lso l is ts bed-and-breakfas t leagues and di rector ies . Many of them




W e l l H e l p .

W l l \ 6 u ?

S a n d e r s T r a v e l A n n o u n c e s


F R E E G r e a t Amer ican Travel S p r e e Book by Met ro ' with p u r c h a s e of air t ravel . S a v e 50% on h o t e l s a n d ren t -a -cars .

S A B R E A D S ' ArrwricanA/r l i rves

2 S 2 3 0 O r c h a r d L a k e R d . • F a r m i n g t o n H i l l s For Reserva t ions

C A L L 8 5 5 - 2 6 2 0 471-6767



work this way; You join the league f o r a m i n i m a l fee , they send you a list of a c c o m m o d a t i o n s listed with them a n d you m a k e your reserva t ion through the league .

THIS ASSURES the t r ave l e r t ha t t he home, f a r m or inn is in good condit ion and the homeowner tha t he will ge t paid .

"Bed and Break fa s t North A m e r i c a " l is ts 350 s m a l l bed-and-breakfas t inn« and 200 r e se rva t ion services.

By now, our f r iends bad compi led a lot of in format ion , including a book tha t somebody loaned them about Los Angeles. I t was t ime to check through m y ac t ive fi les.

I found a brochure on the A m b r o s e P i e r c e House, a bed-and-breakfas t inn a t 1515 Main St., St. Helena, CA 94574. (707) 962-3003. Tha t ' s in the Napa Val-ley a r e a nor th of San Francisco. T h a t r e m i n d e d m e tha t Andrea Wojack of

My m a i l b a g a lso had i n f o r m a t i o n abou t a service ca l led Hol lywood on Locat ion which publishes a l is t ing eve-ry weekday morn ing a t 9 a .m . t h a t t e l l s you exact ly where a n d when t h e m o v i e s t a r s a r e filming tha t d a y a n d night on t h e s t r ee t s of LA. The list is so ld a long wi th "cus tom la rge-sca le m a p s " f o r $19 f r o m of f ices a t 8044 Wilshire Blvd., in B e v e r l y ' Hills. Only you know whe the r its wor th such a he f t y p r i ce to f ind movie s t a r s a t work oo the s t ree t s .

The question is: How m a n y of you h a v e good in format ion about Los Ange-les and environs t ha t would he lp m y f r i e n d s as well a s o t h e r t r a v e l e r s going to Cal i fornia? I a m seriously consider-ing using a r egu la r space oo th is p a g e f o r in format ion swapping .

If you have in format ion you 'd l ike to g ive another t r a v e l e r about Los Ange-les, send i t to m e pronto c / o the Ob-s e r v e r & Eccen t r i c N e w s p a p e r s . 36251 Schoolcraf t . Livonia, MI 48150


1 9 8 5 C R 1 1 J I S E S

Save f r o m *200 • 4 0 0 0 CARNIVAL • S I T M A R • ROYAL

V I K I N G • N C L • S U N L I N E S • P R I N C E S S • ROYAL

C A R I B B E A N • C U N A R D • QE II • H O L L A N D A M E R I C A FREE enrollment in our elite Captains Table Cruise Club on all 1984-85 Cruise bookings


2 8 2 3 0 O r c h a r d L a k e R d • F a r m m g i o n H i l l s For R e s e r v a t i o n s

c a l l 8 5 5 - 2 6 2 0 471-6767


S K I T H E K I S ' i :

Bmmeusn W t , M E y ( v x p a V » * ! K I A I N i v H K y u y s N T r ,

February Special ( ondos Mid-Week at Boyne Mountain

'75.00 per night Sleeps As Many As Six

«>t Come in March Mid-Week

{"ondos At Knvnt' Mountain C Q '50.00 per night m w W m Sleeps As Many As Six

l - 8 U 0 - t t : i 2 - 7 l 7 f l


5 3 7 - 5 6 0 0

27331 FIVE MILE ROAD, LIVONIA corner of Inkatar

! M

S p e c i a l

C h i c a g o P e t e & T h e D e t r o i t e r s DINNER S P E C I A L S

D i n n e r f o r T w o . . . $ 1 4 9 5

MONDAY • Orange Roughy

o r • Vea l O s c a r (Specials served with complimentary glass of champagr>el

TUESDAY • Frog Legs SauteeC In Lemon Garlic Butler • S o u v l o c k i

B r o c h e t t e o v e r R i c e P i l a l

Dinners Include Salad, Bread Basket, c

Choice of Vegetable. Potato or Rice Pllaf

THURSDAY • Filet M i g n o n Wrapped with sl.ce ot bacon Dearnaise sauce on ihe side • Pr ime < i Rib ( S p e c i a l s s e r v e d with c o m p l i m e n t a r y g l a s s o1 c h a m p a g n e )

Friday Only

Fish & Chips

*39S m

f o r J a n . 3 1 t h r o u g h F e b . 16

N.Y. STRIP STEAK ie $ C o m p l e t e Dinner Oz.

L I V E E N T E R T A I N M E N T T u e s d a y t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y

DENNIS R O M E & CO. F e m a l e V o c a l i s t - G e n t r y B l u e

I B a n q u e t F a c i l i t i e s

Up to 120

^ S T O Y A I M ' S I I N N 36071 Plymouth Rd.

! s k —

2 6 1 5 5 0 0

W i n t e r Get A w a y Shop - Ski - Relax

H a r b o r S p r i n g s - P e t o s k e y

s g g o o , Sunday through TOT t W O Thurujay ir>clw<j«j:

Two rughti kxjgtrvg. compl.m«ntory w<n* br»okfa«t ond a S25 00 tor dining at S»oHord'» R«touron» in Harbor Springi


i / i : \ v v -

Overlooking Little Traverse 8«y U.S. 31 f*orth. Petotfce*, Ml «S770 For reservations cell ((11) 347-2771


Run 6 ' 8 S U N D A Y (Formerly Gotsis) L u n c h & Dinner S p e c i a l s • 1 P .M. - 1 A.M.

featuring La r r y N o z e r o with Johnny Trudell beginning at 8 P.M.

1 5 8 0 0 M i d d l e b e i t • L i v o n i a ( B e t w e e n 5 & 6 M i l e ) • 5 2 2 - 5 6 0 0

K^ijBS ^Or-TNjrs 1' A M -Memgftt. f- I IA.M-'AM S* 5 » M - I A V

»lt t .II I V i H l l i n u

q S r O

< all your local

»rl Seoul office

A Touch of Class at a Reasonable Price!

3 3 S 5 0 F o r d R o a d

- 4 2 7 - 1 8 7 2 U A O C h c h j f Cock ta i l s • Fine I m p o r t e d Wines

11 y o u ' r e t i r e d of e a t i n g j u s t a p i z z a , c o m e t o A n g e l o ' s a n d g e t a



Open Daily 4 P.M.

Cut & C o o k e d to O r d e r C h o i c e N e w York Steak D inner Smothered <*tih Mushrooms and Au Jus *6 .95 C h o i c e La rge P r i m e Rib D inner On ly >8.95 Real H o m e m a d e B a k e d L a r g e Combination includes Cannehoni. Lasagna Mamcotti Meat A Cheese Ravioli On ly ' 8 . 9 5

An#»io gtsmrmr,rees you the hesl Quality of foods at a vary raasonahla price You ha*a wv»- had true Italian food till you *a drnad at AMGELO BBOrHEHS*

I BUY ONE OR MORE DINNERS AT I FREE PASTA 0INNER ' I REGULAR PRICE - GET SECOND i ! ! ^ H PURCHASE Of ANOTHER DINNER. I DINNER / « j m f w4i i ie n o i c e o Choice o' Spaghetti Mostactol. Rigetom ' I U N N t H luAME VALUE OR LESS) « Qrvocch. Fertuc.ni Review Cannelloni Man»col I | AT HALF PRICE . " La*agnB. a« w<th meat sauce I SUNDAY n*S WED TWMRS ONIY I AJ C m h and k m , Fnm J .J* 1 SfliNG THIS COL PON

EVERDAr SPECSir I f O P ROOM 0*4LV. NO CARRY OUT L l_ « Oomom* and Iwata Eipn j


Lunch Specials and Pizza

fO. Z

Large G a m e Room 4 Pool Tab les

2 Long Shuf f leboards Video G a m e s




SUNDAY Bel. Joy and Werren Rd S A T E L L I T E

S C R E E N S 10 FT. A 7 FT. PLUS 6 TV'S


EUPHORIA" Hours: 10-2 a.m. Daily Sunday Noon to 1 a.m.


FOOD & SPIRITS F e a r u n o g J a n u a r y L u n c h & D i n n e r S p e c i a l s





Tkij Week R a t Newel] A Rese Piimtr 4 7 7 - 0 0 9 Carn-owi Pnc*

2M'* FAAMWGTON RD LBweuwi FarmafUa

G R / M \ J D

T T W E R S E A G r e a t L a k e s Parad ise T u r n s W h i t e

Sh.% M l I h o a i r « i t h p o w d e r s n r . * mobiles glitJo a c r o s s < j i .slen . f i g ( r a i l s , mullled c r o s s c o u n t r y s h i v o i c e s b r e a k t h e w h i l e s i l r -n . e and t i s h snap c r i s p l y I r o n b lu> ' ic>

holev G r a n d T r a v e r s e b e c o m e s .1 yw.nter p a r a d i s e C a l l 1 800 T R A V E R S lor m o r e in I or mat ion J A N 26 I C JAN 24 27 N ,.:. A " . , » r . • .-1. twmnri . f #-^!iv.t FEB 9 %' iftn Ameru .in VASA FEB IS 17 F ro / . -n crnwry ' • tm.,1


49 'A P R I C E H O T E L S A L E





Local m m

$499 weekly Departures via American Trans Air from Detroit

Hotel Fee 2, 9 March 2, 9, 16 Martn 23, 30 April 6 Posada del sol S549 SS49 $499 S549 Marat isa 6 4 9 6 4 9 599 6 4 9 El Presldente 6 9 9 6 9 9 6 4 9 6 7 9 Holiday inn 699 6 9 9 669 699 Hyatt Continental

Oceanvlew Tower 769 7 6 9 729 7 6 9 Acapuico Plaza 799 7 9 9 779 799 Hyatt Regency 8 4 9 8 4 9 8 1 9 829 AIR ONLY 379 3 7 9 379 3 7 9

0»*N0 r«*»£KS£ COKVEKTIO* AMB VISITORS BUKtAU W3 Eas' f-or- Strsal Crt|r

Mich igan

TAMPA from e a c h way

FT. LAUDERDALE F r o m s64 5 0 pin* '

tax each way A A A a i r - m i s e r f a r e s a r e s u b j e c t t o a v a i l a b i l i t y ,

a n d a r e b a s e d o n a r o u n d t r i p p u r c h a s e . F a r e s

v a r y by d e p a r t u r e d a t e a n d d u r a t i o n .


O p e r a t o r s s t a n d i n g In s e v e n d a y s a u i v k for r r s e r u i t i o n s

In Metro Det ro i t cal l 3 3 6 I O O O

Elsewhere in Michigan call tol l free

1 - 8 0 0 - 4 8 2 - 5 3 0 0

Or t on ta< t y o u r l o c a l AAA b r a n t h o f f k c o r I r a u l a g e n t .


From o n l y ^

U.S. Inc ludes:

• Return air transportation from Miami to Rio With Varig • 12 nights accommodation. Choice of 5 hotels

. • 12 Brazilian Breakfasts • V4 day sightseeing tour of Rio...and morel

pocw a*own . I oar oancr. MM on two oaooM Omof jr* U U imtiid Prio* «nowr. m M M or I ooKmr «iour» convwrtad to U.S. eoatf « c * * m t i n * Actual coat in U.S. 3oMr> may nary on data ol Via. [>«V-nant a> Sonoayi ara meiacl u tarrra w*s oonmtona a* outnnao in r n TO U T . Mia m e n n Rjvm

Simpsons Thivel Q The travel people for people who travel. ft



weekly Departures via American Trans Air from Detroit Hotel Feb 1. 8, 22 March 1, 8, 15 March 22. 29 Bushin Beacn $749 $699 A m da Palm Beacn 849 799 759 Talk of the Town SOLD OUT 729 Mancheoo Beacn SOLD OUT 829 799 Tamarl ln Beach 9 3 9 889 Holldav inn 949 849 Americana AruBa 949 879 Divi Divi Beacn 969 919 Concorde 9 4 9 879 8 2 9 AIR ONLY 429 429 4 2 9

A^pr.ces are oer oerscn oasea on aoutie occuoancv Deoa'tures continue througn

See Your Travel Agent For Full Details 11985 Samson Tours, inc. S 3 " " " "

T o M ' s


1520 N. Woodward Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013

6 4 4 - 8 7 3 0

FUNTASTIC TRAVEL "'The Cruise Expert"

1M45 Middlebeit 2 6 1 - 0 0 7 0

4313 Orchard Lake Rd. 8 5 5 - 4 1 0 0



H U D S O N ' S T R A V E L S E R V I C E

O a k l a n d 585-8020

W e s t l a n d 425-3386

N o r t h l a n d 569-5153

B r i a r w o o d 994-0085



G R E A T : T R A V E L S E R V I C E

3S147 Ann Arbor Rd. 591-3611

Greatways 3 5 5 - 1 4 0 0

H U D S O N ' S T R A V E L S E R V I C E

O a k l a n d 585-8020

W e s t l a n d 425-3386

N o r t h l a n d 569-5153

B r i a r w o o d 994-0085



H U D S O N ' S T R A V E L S E R V I C E

O a k l a n d 585-8020

W e s t l a n d 425-3386

N o r t h l a n d 569-5153

B r i a r w o o d 994-0085




706 S. Mam St. Plymouth. Ml 48170

455 -5744

THE TRAVEL SHOP 1721 Crooks.

Suite 106 N. of Maple. Troy, Ml

6 4 9 - 0 0 2 0

Robert REED TRAVEL & Tours

Drakeshire Plaza 35107 Grand River


WORLD TRAVEL. INC. 42183 Ann Arbor Rd

4 5 9 - 6 7 5 3


32911 Warrea at Veaoy Cafl Jwti or Petty


Far Enough To Get Away-Close Enough To Get There Often

t h i f l C J S F o r examp le , Bay Va l ley 's

come in small super M in i Vaca t ion P a c k -a q e 0 6 , 0 X 6 w e e k e n d for t w o

p a U r \ a y 6 S . inc ludes m a n y extras. We l -c o m e gitt of cheeses, sau-

sages. a n d c h a m p a g n e C o m f o r t a b l e r o o m , two d i n n e r s and b runch . Use o t Bay Va l ley 's rec rea t iona l fac i l i t ies inc lud ing mi les of beau t i f u l c r o s s c o u n t r y sk i ing.

Tennis packages also available

Two Nights for Two, '179.00 For reservat ions or m o r e i n fo rma t ion Call: Toll free in M ich igan 1-800-292-5028 In Detroit call 313-963-3242

® Bay Valley ?470OldBnOqeRoad• Bay C ty MI4«;06»i5t 7 686 3500

Thursday. Janu^y 31, 1966 Q4.E (T.S.F.Ro-gC.L.P.C- lOC.R,W.Q-gA)* • 11C



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Now, famous Marlboro Red and Marlboro Lights are also available

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j g h t s l l m g r a r 0 1 mg n i c o t i n e Kings 1 7 mg t a r 1 1 m g n i c o t i n e av p e r c i g a r e t t e by F T C m e t h o d Not a v a i l a b l e in s o m e a reas C P*».DJ4o"i« Ine 'tkSJ



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16 12 1.7 ».8 L« L6 16 ..0 1.5 L?

O & E Thureday. January 31. 1968

Pick your

Island radi

(or both)


Depart: Friday, April 19, 1985 Return: Saturday, May 4 , 1985

1 5 D a y s - 1 4 N i g h t s ^ 1 9 3 4 9

p e r p e r s o n

•Plus 10% tax and services based on double occupancy and tariff in effect March 1. 19&4

Via United Airlines

Your Hawaiian Tour highlights include:

WAIKIKI-Deluxe Aloha Cocktail Party 0 Flower Lei Aloha Greeting0 City Tour of Old and New Honolulu 0Punch Bowl 0 lolani Palace 0 Manoa Resiential District0 International Market unC% n, Harbor Cruise 0 KA UAI-- Wailua River Boat Cruise 0 Fern Grotto 0 KONA and HiLO-Black Sand Beach 0 Mauna Loa and Kilauea Volcanoes 0 Thurston's Lava Tube 0

,?.rnLree Forest # Famous Volcano House 0 Banyan Tree Drive 0 Rainbow Falls 0 Luau Peso- yster,0us Va,,ey Excursion • Old Whaling Capital of Lahaina 0 Fabulous Kaanapali

I Due to FIRST CLASS SEAT-ING with extra leg room, our full sized motorcoach can ac-commodate only 32 passen-gers. Since space is limited, reservat ions will be con-firmed, with deposits, on a first received basis.

Tours mc uce a transportation Via scheduled airlines or motor coach, hotel accommodations in fine resort h o t e l s , s i g h t s e e i n g and tr ip persona l t ransfers t h r o u g h o u t , n a t i v e - b o m pro fess ional escor ts , t ips for all l u g g a g e h a n d l i n g , transfer a n d hote l services.

Please servtj me-8l no obligation a tour brochure exp la in ing a" the d e t a i l s a n d a p p l i c a t i o n s for t h e f o l l o w i n g t o u r s





Clip and Mall to

BEST of t h e W E S T


TOURS 2 - a a ? 4 M I C H I G A N A V E M U e

D E A R B O R N , M K 8 1 2 4 C m l l 2 7 8 - 4 1 0 2 Attention Obt^rvw A Eccentric Trevei OMk

Depart: Saturday, June 8, 1985 Return: Friday, June 28, 1985

Per person " P l u s 1 0 % tax a n d serv ices b a s e d o n d o u b l e o c c u p a n c y a n d tar i f f In e f f ec t

You will see: March 1984

Universal Studios 0 Hearst Castle 0 Indian Pueblos 0 Cowboy Hall of Fame 0 Meramec Caverns 0 Grand Canyon 0 Hollywood 0 Mississippi river 0 Gateway Arch, Missouri 0 Estes Park 0 Salt Flats, Utah 0 Emigrant Trail 0 Casinos 0 Donner Pass, California 0 High Sierras 0 Redwood Trees 0 San Francisco 0 Pacific Ocean 0 Chinatown 0 Fisherman's Wharf 0 Pacific Coast Highway 0 Big Sur 0 Solvang 0 Santa Barbara 0 Hollywood & Vine 0 Chinese Theatre 0 Beveryly Hills 0 Rodeo Drive 0 Mojave Desert 0 Lake Havesu, Arizona 0 Colorado River

R O U N D T R I P M O T O R C O A C H 7 , F I R S T C L A S S L E G R O O M H O T E L / M O T E L A C C O M M O D A T I O N S . 2 1 D A Y S T O Y O U R - R O O M B A G G A G E H A N D L I N G S I G H T S E E I N G E N R O U T E S P E C I A L E V E N T S & E N T R A N C E F E E S L I S T E D

I Presented by the

(DbsterUcr & E c c e n t r i c NEWSPAPERS

f b . * T T * ECC*7/*- "OM «o M M p.>c— „ m . •v«~l ol cnmr-v irterwn Sub,«e1 lo poem approval by Own A»r>n»ut»c* Board I

/£% B r




644-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 852-3222 Rochester-Avon Twp.


3 0 2 Bk -m ingham - a i o o e r i f i e k ; 3 0 3 Weet Btoomheid 3 0 4 Farmktg ton -Fa rm ing ton HMli 3 0 5 Br ighton-Hert iand 3 0 « Southf leW-Lathrup 307 MIHor0-Ha/"llana 3 0 8 R o c h e s t e r - T r o y 30® Royal O a k - O a k Park

Huntington W o o d * 3 1 0 C o m m e r c e - U n i o n L a k e 3 1 1 O r c h a r d Lake -Wa l i ed Lake 3 1 2 Livonia 3 1 3 Oearbo rn -Dearbo r rs He igh ts 3 1 4 Plyrnoolh-CariTCKi 3 1 6 N o r t h v i l l e - N o v i 3 1 6 W e e t l a n d - Q a r d e n Ci ty 317 Qrosae Po in te 3 1 8 Red-ford 3 1 9 H o m e s foe S a l e - O a k l a n d Coun ty 3 2 0 H o m e e lex S a l e - W a y n e C o u n t y 322 H o m e e l o r S a l e - M a c o m b 3 2 3 H o m e e (or Sale

Waa f i t e r i ew Coun ty 324 O t h e r S u b u r b a n H o m e s 3 2 5 Reel Es ta te Serv ices 326 C o n d o s for Sale 3 2 7 Dup lex for Sale 328 T o w n h o o s e e for Sale 3 3 0 A p a r t m e n t s for S a w 3 3 2 M o b i l e H o m e e for Sa le 3 3 3 N o r t h e r n P rope r t y 334 Out o l T o w n Proper ty 3 3 5 T i m e Sha re 3 3 6 F lor ida P rope r t y fo r Sa le 337 Fa rms for Sale 338 C o u n t r y H o m e s 3 3 9 Lo ts & Ac reage 340 L a k e / R i v e r / R e s o r l

P rope r t y for Sale 342 Lake P r o p e r t y 348 Cemete ry Lo ts 3 5 1 Bus iness & Pro fess ions

Bu i ld ings for Sale 3543 i nves tmen t Proper ty fo r Saie 3 5 8 Mo r tgages . ' Land C o n t r a c t s 360 Bus iness Oppo r tun i t i es 3 6 1 Mooey t o Loan 362 R e a l E s t a t e W a n t e d 364 L i s t i n g s W a n t e d


41)0 A p a r t m e n t s t o Rent 4 0 1 Fu rn i tu re Renta l 402 Furn ished A p a r t m e n t s 403 Renta l Agency 404 Houses to Rent 406 Furn ished Houses 407 M o b i l e H o m e s 408 Dup le«es t o Ren t 410 F lats t o Rent 4 1 2 T o w n h o u s e s . ' C o n d o m i n i u m s 413 T ime Sha re 4 1 4 F l o r i d a R e n t a l s 415 Vaca t i on Renta ls 416 Hal ls fo r Rent 419 M o b i l e H o m e S p a c e

420 R o o m s to Rent 4 2 1 L iv ing Q u a r t e r s t o Share 4 2 2 W a n t e d t o Rent 4 2 3 W a n t e d t o Rent

Reeor t P rope r t y 424 Houae Sitting Service 4 2 5 Conva leecen t Nurs ing H o m e e 4 2 8 Oarages.1 M in i S t o r a g e 4 3 2 C o m m e r c i a l / R e t a i l 4 3 4 I ndua t r l a l /Warehouse # 4 3 6 Of f i ce Buslnees Space

E M P L O Y M E N T , I N S T R U C T I O N n

500 Help W a n t e d 502 Help W a n t e d - D e n t a l M e d i c a l 504 Help W a n t e d - O W c e Cler ica l 505 Food -Beve rage 506 Help W a n t e d Sales 507 He lp W a n t e d Part T ime 508 Help W a n t e d Domest ic 510 Help W a n t e d Coup les 5 1 1 En te r ta inmen t 5 1 2 S i tua t i ons W a n t e d Fema le 5 1 3 S i tua t i ons W a n t e d Male 514 S i tua t i ons W a n t e d Ma le / F e m a l e 515 Ch i ld Ca re 516 S u m m e r C a m p s 518 Educa t i on Ins t ruc t ions 519 C o m p u t e r s - S e l e s Serv ice. S h a r e 520 Sec re ta r ia l Bus iness Serv i ces 522 Pro fess iona l Serv ices 523 A t t o r n e y s / L e g a l Counse l i ng

A N N O U N C E M E N T S 6 0 0 Personals (your d i sc re t ion ) 602 Los t A Found (by the w o r d ) 604 A n n o u n c e m e n t s / N o t i c e s 605 S l e d A d s 606 Legal Not ices 607 Insu rance 608 T ranspo r ta t i on 609 B ingo 6 1 0 C a r d s of Thanks 612 in M e m o r l a m 614 Death Not ices

M E R C H A N D I S E Bus 700 A u c t i o n Sales Bus 701 Co l iec tab les Bus 702 A n t i q u e s 703 Cra f t s 704 R u m m a g e Sa les /F lea M a r k e t s 705 W e a r i n g Appare l 706 G a r a g e Sa le -Oak land 707 G a / a g e Sa le -Wayne 708 H o u s e h o l d G o o d s - O a k l a n d 709 Househo ld G o o d s - W a y n e 7 1 0 Mlsc fo r Sa»e-Oakiand 711 M isc for Sa le -Wayne 712 A p p l i a n c e s 713 B icyc les -Sa le S Repair 714 Bus iness & Of f i ce E q u i p m e n t 715 C o m p u t e r s 716 C o m m e r c i a l indus t r ia l E q u i p m e n t 717 L a w n - G a r d e n - F a r m E q u i p m e n t 718 Bu i ld ing Mater ia ls 720 F a r m P r o d u c e 7 2 1 F lowers 4 Plants

722 Hobb*ae-Co4na. S t a m p s 724 Camera a n d S u p p l i e s 726 Mus ica l I n s t r u m e n t s 727 Video G a m e e - V C f t s - T a p e s 728 TV. S tereo . H i - f t Tape Decks 729 CB Radios 730 Spo r t i ng G o o d s 734 T rade or Sett 735 Wanted To Buy


738 Househo ld Pets 740 Pel Serv ices 744 Horses, L i ves tock . E q u i p m e n t

A U T O M O T I V E / T R A N S P O R T A T I O N

800 Recreat iona l Veh i c l es 802 S n o w m o b i l e s 804 Ai rp lanes 806 B o a t s / M o t o r s 807 Boat Par ts A Se rv i ce 808 Veh ic le /Boa t S t o r a g e 810 insurance, M o t o r 812 Moto rcyc les , G o - K a r t s , M ln lb i kes 813 Moto rcyc les , Pa r t s 4 Serv ice 814 Campers.1 M o t o r h o m e s 816 A u t o / T r u c k s . Pa r t s 4 Serv ice 818 A u l o Renta ls Leas ing 815 Au to F inanc ing 820 A u t o s W a n t e d 821 Junk Cars W a n t e d 822 Trucks to r Sa le 823 Vans 824 Jeeps. '4 Whee l Dr ive 825 Spor ts 4 i m p o r t e d 852 Classic Cars 854 A m e r i c a n M o t o r s 856 Buick 858 Cadi l lac 860 Chevro le t 862 C h r 864 866 ForC 872 L inco ln 874 Mercury 876 O ldsmob l i e 878 P lymou th 8 8 0 P o n t l a c 884 Vo l kswagen



H o m e & S e r v i c e Guide 3 A c c o u n t i n g 4 Adver t i s ing 5 Air C o n d i t i o n i n g 6 A l u m i n u m C lean ing 9 A l u m i n u m S i d i n g

12 App l iance S e r v i c e ' 3 A q u a r i u m S e r v i c e


Enl-}' level pan: Don in academic ad vis-rig, immediately I oca; 4 year coliegc degree in counseling n-auiied Comput-

er experience highly desirable Send letter ol interest resume, and S refer--nces to Box 44t. Observer & Eccentric Newspaper* J8JSI Schoolcraft Rd '.j vcrua Michigan 481M

ACCOVNTANT lor busy CP* in W J - ' field Individual :»iould be academically inclined with J years experience fr per tif lea turn desired Send resume Co SOOO Town Center Ste I>lB Southfield *)0~i

v T O i VTA.VT (or SouthfleM CPA off ice Experience required Growth and excellent opportunity Salary based

re For a

ALIGNMENT MECHANIC Must he certified in wliee, a l ignments froci ends fr brakes Contact Dermis at


i penence • appointment. 3S4-4044

ACCOUNTANT for Farmington Hills PA office Public accounting expen rice required Send resume to Box J74

Observer fr Eccentric Newspaper-. ' - 621 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia Vtirtn gan 48154)

ACCOUNTANT Senior for growing Troy CPA f i rm 5 years experience pre-'erred with concentration in small 'HIS. r>es3 tax fr audit areas, partnership ;x> ' enua l Send resume to Bart.: fr C a n t e e n l«&0 W Big Beaver Suite : M . Troy. Mich 480114


i .-owtli-oriented rirm located in Bloom '•eld Hills has a s .rnmediate opening foe an individual to wor* m a busy ac-ounnng environment The ideal candi-

date will have 1 2 vears experience In accounts payable Data enlrv experi-ence is necessary

Beginning salary HI.JJO Full benefit package, including denial For eoosid-

ration, please submit resume or letter

CMi CORPORATION 2600 Telegraph Road

Bloomfield Hills, Ml., 48013

Equal Opportunity Employer M F

ALL AROI NT) MACHINIST fr f ix ture builder Employed or ret i red Full or part time Farmiai^ton Hills a r ea Set/ starter decision maker , some misc re-sponsibilities Call between 8 10am-10 JOam, MOT tlmi Thurs 471-J018


K i m B e r g e r r n 7 1 1 S t a r k w e a t h e r

P l y m o u t h

J a n e F o l l m e r 2 0 9 9 4 W e s t t a r m L a n e

N o r t h v i l l e

Please call the promo-tion department of the Observer & Eccentric between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Friday. February 1, 198,5, to claim your two FREE RED WING TICKETS

5 9 1 - 2 3 0 0 , e x t . 2 4 4

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

ASSISTANT MANAGER The Giving Tree at Tel Twelve Mall has immediate opening for full t ime Assist an I Manager We a re looking for eoer getic hardworking Individual Reta i l sales experience a p lus Position re-quires ability to work well with o thers fr desire to learn Apply in person or call ! 54-4! 55


Accepting applications for repa Train provided Call Amv 848 !»04

ANTENNA INSTALLERS N E E D E D Must have late model pickup or van fr partner Call between !0am-4p

525 lOSi 4 pm


427-8224 APARTMENT CLEANING •vacant,! Custodial personnel, must have at least one year experience, Southfield, F a r m -ington, Birmingham and Troy a reas Send all resumes lo Kris Abt a t 1051 Mason. Dearborn Mich 48114

14 A r t W o r k 15 Aapne f l 16 Aspha l t See icoa t ing 17 A u t o C l e e n u p 18 A u l o 4 T ruck Repair 2 1 A w n i n g s 24 Basemen t W a t e r p r o o f i n g 25 B a t h t u b Ref ln lshmg 26 B icyc le Ma in tenance 27 Br ick , B lock 4 Cemen t 29 Boat D o c k s 30 B o o k k e e p i n g Serv ice 32 Bu i ld ing inspec t ion 33 Bu i ld ing Remode l i ng 36 Burg lar Fire A la rm 37 Bus iness Mach ine Repair 39 C a r p e n t r y 42 C a r p e t C lean ing 4 Dye ing 44 C a r p e t Lay ing i Repair 52 Ca te r i ng -F lowers 54 Cel l ing W o r k 55 C h i m n e y C lean ing 56 Ch imney Bu i ld ing 4 Repair 57 C h r i s t m a s Trees 56 C lock Repair 59 C o m m e r c i a l S t e a m C l e a n i n g 60 C o n s t r u c t i o n Equ ipmen t 6 1 Dry C lean ing / Laundry 62 Doors 63 D rape r i es 64 Dress ing 4 Ta i lo r ing 65 Drywa i l 66 E lec t r i ca l 67 ElectrcKysls 68 Eng rav ing -G lass 69 Excava t i ng 70 Exter ior Cau l k i ng 72 Fences 75 F i rep laces 78 F i r e w o o d 81 Floor S e r v i c e 87 F lood l igh t 90 Fu rnace Repair 93 Fu rn i t u re F in ish ing 4 Repa i r 95 G lass -S ta i ned -Beve led 96 Ga rages 97 Gol f C l u b Repair 98 Greenhouses 99 Gu t t e r s

102 H a n d y m a n 105 Hau l ing 108 Hea t ing 109 Solar Energy 110 H o u s e C lean ing 111 H o m e Sa fe ty 112 Humid i f i e r s 114 I n c o m e Tax 115 Indus t r ia l Serv ice 116 Insu rance Pho tog raphy 117 Insu la t i on 120 in te r io r Deco ra t i ng 121 in te r io r S p a c e M a n a g e m e n t 123 Jan i to r ia l 126 Jewel ry Repa i rs 4 C locks 129 L a n d s c a p i n g 132 Lawn M o w e r Repair " 35 Lawn M a i n t e n a n c e 138 L a w n Sp r i nk l i ng 142 L i n o l e u m

145 M a n a g e m e n t 146 M a r b l e 147 M e d i c a l / N u r s i n g

149 Mob i le H o m e S e r v i c e 150 Moving-Storage 152 Mirrors 155 Music Instrument 157 Music Instrument Repair 158 New Home Services 159 Nursing Centers 165 Pa in t i ng -Deco ra t i ng 166 Party Planning 170 Patios 175 Pest C o n t r o l 178 Pho tography 180 Piano Tun ing- Repair -Re f ln lah ing 200 Plaster ing 215 P lumb ing 220 Pools 221 Porce la in Re f lmsh lng 222 Pr in t ing 223 Recreat lon la i Veh ic le Se rv i ce 224 Retail H a r d w o o d s 225 ReflnlslUng 229 Ref r igerat ion 233 Roof ing 234 Scissor Saw 4 Kn i f e S h a r p e n i n g 235 Screen Repair 237 Septic Tanks 241 Sewer Cleaning 245 Sewing M a c h i n e Repa i r 249 Slipcovers 250 Solar Energy 251 Snow Blower Repair 255 S tucco 257 S w i m m i n g Poo ls 260 Te lephone Repair 261 TV, Radio 4 C B 263 Tennis C o u r t s 265 Ter ra r lums 269 Tile W o r k 273 Tree Serv ice 274 Truck W a s h i n g 275 Typing 2.76 Typewr i te r Repair 277 Jpho is te ry 279 V a c u u m s 260 Vanda l i sm Repair 2 8 1 Video Tap ing Se rv i ce 282 Vinyl Repair 263 Vent i la t ion 4 A t t i c F a n s 284 Wa l l pape r ing 285 Wal l Wash ing 287 Washe r /D rye r Repair 289 Water S o f t e n i n g 293 We ld ing 294 Well Dr i l l ing 296 W i n d o w T r e a t m e n t s 297 w i n d o w s 298 W o o d w o r k i n g 299 W o o d burners

ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS Free j o t seeking training fr placement assistance Tc be eligible vou most be • RESIDENT OF WAYNE COUNTY • 16-21 YEARS OF AGE • LOW INCOME OR UNEMPLOYED For more Information call Sai»-4 J-Opm Mon-Fri 867-8529 Sponsored by Wayne County P r iva t e Industry Corp

BASSIST LEAD VOCALIST, 18-24, for Art . Rock Power Trio Professional equipment and at t i tude a must Call Brian 471 2360 or Dave, 58S-J760


Suburban GM Dealer expanding Open-ing for an experienced bod* shop mana ger due lo promotion Great ca ree r op-portuoity for the right person to man-age full icale body shop operation, help develop expansion

Great facility, location product lines fr reputation i_all ~ view appouitx

Pa t Moran for inter

APEX DRUGS has par t t ime fr full t ime stock clerk poaiUoos avai lable at our new store in Novi fMeadowbrook 10 Mile i Heavy lifting included 8S 57 per bour Must be at least 18

Call 471-4718 An Equal Opportunity Employer


3277 S Rochester Rd


ARCHITECTURAL GRADUATE with experience in design development and document production wanted for expanding Bloomfield Hills f i r m Ex-

i ceilent benefits and opportunity for ad-j vanceroent Call Charles Schurmaa of [ Smith fr Schurman Associates, SJ2-J140

ARCHITECTURAL Project adminis-t ra tors job captains fr senior drafts-man registered with at least 5 yea r s experience Full benefits, Ufe, medica l fr dental insurance, l iberal vacat ion Call for appointment. Hoyem - Basso Assoc, Inc , Troy 89T-1KM3

Ar.Squal Opportunity Employer

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Genera ! ' f f l c e IBM 34 computer system Need someone who can work in other areas ol the off ice and with <*it direct super-vision Typing very helpful Send re-sume to Personnel Manager P.O' Box iOH Now , Mi 48050

ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT lor nursing home, outgoing personality a must, s tar t immediately call Andrea Logan between M p n i J52-73»«

Administration Veteran > r v e one weekend a month and earn

-er $]00 .f an E-4 * ,t£ over 5 years i p e n e n c e US Army Reserve


ADVERTISING AGENCY "•eeiing aggressive candidate to join '-•ur T r a f f i c D e p a r t m e n t as Assistant to 'Be Supervisor This is an entry level position affording Lhe opportunity to learn over all agency operations A de-cree in Marketing or Advertising is pre-ferred Position offers a liberal benefit

;e and oppcrtuni Send resume to

P O B o i J 2 Troy Ml 480»«

A e r o b i c I n s t r u c t o r s Highly qualified MUST have recent ex penence Southfield area S5»>111

AEROBICS INSTRUCTRESS wanted 'or ladVs health spa Apply w person Mon T lo r s J-»ptn at Total Health Spa arroee from Meiers TTufty Acre* In the Total Health Spa Plaxa. Canton




75 Openings for Packaging work in

Livonia Plymouth, Lincoln P a r t areas DAYS - AFTERNOONS

Never A Fee Own pbone and t ranspor ta t ion

•Call Now For An Appointment




2 9 7 0 1 W . 6 M i l e Livonia

The Bell Creek Plaza Suite 140 A

- ATTENTION ' ; Farmington Hills Residents


Undercover P u i s Consumer t o evalu-ate Delivery Service fr Produc t once every 11 • weeks Must live within the Delivery area of our Domino s Pixxa Store located at 30002 W 12 Mile Rd ,

' Farmington Hills Must enjov a F R E E PIZZA Call Toll-free Jan S l s t

-.-800-222-1000 - DOMINO'S PIZZA INC


Permanent part time. Work 6-»pm Mon thru F n m our Livonia office Top hourly plus commission Interviews by appointment Call between JOaro-4pm, 522-4800 exi 7T7

RCA SERVICE CO 11805 Ma yfield

An Equal Opportunity Employer

ATTENTION Homemakers fr college students F a r m -Ington Hills marketing research f i rm needs part time telephone Interviewers Excellent communication skills neces-sary Evening fr weekend hours iNo sales, will tram Immedia te positions available Call Ellen, weekdays, 1 h a m 5pm '553-4100

ATTENTION LADIES" Ex ciung business opportunity selling UndercoverWear lingerie as seen on T V , High earnings 1500 in lingerie Free 52V 5724

A I'DiTIOH needed for expanding furni-ture company Excellent benefi ts Send resume including salary history to Store Operations Manager $2»75 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150

nternauonal Beauty Salon company is xrfung for the right individual to train

in the field of facials fr cosmetics sales Yoo must be a Ucenaed Cometokwist to apply Great career opportunity Salary plus n m m i s k c e fr benefits Experience helpful Apply m person Sa t . Feh 2 1M5 f rom l&am 5pm. in U»e Beauty Salon, on the second floor in Hudson's Westiand

As Equal Opportunity Employer

500 He lp Wanted

A Few immediate Openings S4 Hr plus guaranteed working in oar Telephone Sales Depar tment Call for ntervresr 5M-7748

AIDE LIVE IN for active disabled woman Yowag woman prefer red Sal s ry Room fr Board EVes Sun fr l i Dey Sat F ree Must have car fr refer ences 542-44*4 U S 5SOt


$ r , 4 0 0 - f G u a r a n t e e P E R MONTH

Just to manage t people la the Derar and Marksung Depar tment at Interna loeal Wholesale Art Company Must he

over I t and en)oy working with rwmg peoeie If yea ' re looking Tor s career With a fWure and »on i mind working for it call 47S-21M Mo experleatc* iser ess t ry wr t r a i n

SIDEWALK SHOVEUNC. Crew * per hr Ll-eoeta area

Female applscanCs accepted r a l ! 444-0S32

TEMPORARY HELP Light Industr ial Packagers


Must Have Reliable Car

Call between 9-11:30 a.m., 1-3:30 p.m.


F o r J o b s in T roy . R o c h e s t e r a r e a s

ceil Madison Heights


For ail o t h e r a r e a s caJI L i v o n i a


ALTO DAMAGE APPRAISER Experienced only need apply,



We are to need of one experienced Ser-vice Advisor, but are willing to train the right individual with a good me-chanical aptitude Rewarding compen-sation plan plus excellent f r inge bene-fi ts Apply in person at Seaway Motors. 236S5 Michigan Ave , Dearborn

ALTO MECHANIC Must be certified in at least 6 catego-ries including A/C, with 12 vears expe-rience Only self motivated, Bones', l e a d e n need apply Independent shop established in 1*71 548-S468

AUTOMOTIVE TRUCK MECHANIC Heavy duty experienced Front-end drive tram and brakes Applications now being u k e n 44170 Grand River Nov:

ALTO PORTER, great opportunity for a hard working, clean cut iDdivldnal Immediate opening Call Ter ry Bixler, 1205 Ann Arbor Road. Plymouth 453-3400

Bakery Sales - Counter Girl for morn-ings Full fr p a r t - t i m e openings.

HAGELSTEINS BAKER V 541-0564 644-1073 588-3235

BEAUTICIAN Experience prefer red Clientele wait-in* Harmonious busy salon West Bloomfield For interview call 851 7464

BEALTICIANS needed wleth some clientele at Lot t ies Touc t ol Class. Plymouth


BEAUTY CONSULTANT Experienced Shiseido Cosmetics Full Time openings at N'ovs fr Northland Hudson's Call 882 S207

BIG COMPANY has entry level Inside sales response positions All shifts, full fr part time t s per hr , 15 50 in »0 days Recent Sales or College Employ-ment Opportunities H 59-4794

BILINGUAL EDUCATION TEACHER or Aide position P a r t t ime Must speak fluent G u j a r a u Apply Starkweather Community Education Center , 550

brook Plymouth, call 451-4555

BOB SAKS MOTOR MALI. 35SOO Grand River . Farmington Hills needs experienced Service Advisors, Assistant Service Manager, Service Por ters Bodyshop est imator , med ian ics excellent benefi ts See George Hawes

BORING MIL!. OPERATOR for De Vile® Mm 5 yrs experience on tool work No others need apply 5 days, 57W hrs Livonia area , 525-9444


Tin W a o m , experience necessary for appt 684-5419

BRANDON ELECTRIC needs person for shop work, deliver.es fr inventory Automotive mechanical experience helpful Apply at 1650 E, Auburn Rd Rochester between 10am-Spro

BRIDGEPORT OPERATOR Minimum 6 years experience Must have own tools 272-6464

BUILDER needs General Laborer ca pable of handywork Livonia Northville — > 624-3263

BUILDING ENGINEER Experienced in beating fr cooling main-tenance Knowledge In swtmmtng pool operation prefer red Par t a n * position. Apply a; YMCA 827 S Wayne feoad, Westland

BUS DRIVERS fr special Education Monitors

Needed at the Plymouth Canton Community Schools Applv at 454 S Harvey, P lymouth "

BITCHER, Male o-r F e m a l e Light

box cS98, Obeerver fr Eccentr ic NeVs-papen , 36251 Schoolcraf t Rd , LivonLa Michigan 48150

CARING WORKERS for group homes foe mentally re tarded adults In Livonia Full and par t - t ime midnight openings Weekend hours reoulred Must be 1 8 -have diploma or G E D and good driv-ing record Start 83 90 up Call M n C a r t 471-5410

CARPENTER Private organisation has need for expe-rienced carpenter Must be thoroughly familiar with tools fr methods of trade, interpretation of h l u e p n n u , related building codes fr s t rength of various mater ials Responsibility for the repair of wooden equipment , f ixtures fr struc-tural parts of buildings Submit resume to Personnel Director, P O Box 801 Bloomfield Hills MI 48013 OnJv resumes received by Feb 4, 1985 wi[l be considered

CARPET CLEANING CREW LEADER Must have exper ience with truck mounted equipment Immedia te open-

Call 581-i827

CARPET INSTALLERS NEEDED Own track fr tools experienced only


CAR WASHERS Full and part- t ime Apply to person

19115 Plymouth Rd., Detroit.

Full 10 Mile

CAR WASH HELP irt t ime. 24905 Telegraph at I. 357-5059


J'iy within Tony 's F a r m M a r k e t l | W Warren, Ga rden City

CASHIER Exper ience prefer red Part time to s t a r t Apply to person, I0aro-12 noon Mobil Quick M a r t corner Cherry Hill fr M e m m a n

BULK ORDER FILLER Modem fastener warehouse located to Farmington Freeway Industrial Park has job opening for bulk order filler Apply Bamal Fas tener Corpora t ion . 23240 Industrial Park Dr Farmington

CARPET MEASURING layout and est imating


Call 348-3271

500 Help W a n t e d

W O R D P R O C E 8 8 O R 8 S E C R E T A R I E S


A D M I N I S T R A T I V E A S S I S T A N T S ( F R E N C H ) MYRIAD - needs qualified individuals for support po-sitions at a major automotive corporation. Southfield and N.W Detroit location. These are long and short term, full and part time assignments. We are looking for both experienced and entry level candidates

Call between 10 A M - 2 P.M

8 2 7 - 4 2 1 5


Southfletd. Ml * t O v o o - t v * * , U-CKr?*.

Cashiers & Gas Attendants 83 50 hr plus bonus Apply to person

12 AT ORCHARD CAR WASH 30775 W 12 M.le, Fa rming ton Hills

CASHIER Wanted- 18 fr over Apply Mornings IJwlk Stop Food Stores, 120 N Middlebeit. Garden City, iCoroer of Cherry Hill).

CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE Teachers Pr ivate school K thru 7

Redford Twp a rea Contact Bo Haliw at 537-8688

CHAL1FFEUR WITH " E x p e r i e n c e fr good references P a r t t ime or ' on call" basis Call between 10am - 12 Noon


CHECKER Automotive body engi neenng draft ing checker Ideal candi-date would be a retired automotive checker Willing to work part time Plymouth Engineering F i r m Concept Analysis Corp 455-2340

CHILD CARE ASSISTANT needed foe small but busy day care , infants includ-ed Non-smoker only Ex penence pre-ferred Troy area 524-4973

CHROME PLATER Must have one

ply r experience 40 b o i m per week Ap-Williams Diversified, 13170 M e m -

H O S ' E «








8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. MONDAY - THURSDAY

AND FROM 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.




Aiiraal M a t e atfvertnwng m this newspaper * suoject lo the Febeeel F a * Housing Act of 1966 which mokes n Aeoal to advertise "any preference, imitation or cfotcrlmnation Da»«J on race, color, religion, sex or an intention to make any such preference, (inflation or dtecnrnhvmon." This newepacxf not Knowingly accept any aOvertaing k * real estale wtach la In violation at the taw. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling* advertised m (hie newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

All advertising published In the Observer & Eccentric is subject to the conditions s ta ted in the applicable rate card , c o p e s ol which are available from the Advertising Department. Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. 36251 Schoolcraft Road. Livonia. Ml 48150. (313) 591-2300 The Observer & Eccentric reserves the right not to accept art advertiser 's order. Observer & Eccentric Ad-Takers have n o authority t o bind this newspaper and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final a c c e p t a n c e s the advertiser 's order.

500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted CNC NT MACHINING CENTER

Opera t ion wanted Night shift Good b o o n fr benefits Contact Carl 54 9- 7042

CONSIDER FOSTER PARENTING Single or 2-parent family homes are needed for mentally retarded children or adults Some need first floor bed-rooms Agency provides training, li-censing and support Family is paid over 1.00 montii Parenting." leaching or nursing skills helpful For more in-formation in Wayne County call Jan Myers 348-4200 Oakland County call

CONTRUCTION WORKERS Former brick layer looking for part-time help Possible career change Call Dan 356-4820

CLEAN LNG COUPLES for offices, northern suburbs, nights Call between Sam-5pm 644-7044

CLEANING LADIES wanted l o clean hallways fr laundry- rooms in apa r tmen l complexes Day Work Wages up to 4 05 fr 84 45 per hour Call Mor. thru F n . 7am-3pm, 427-4343


Minimum 2 years experi-ence Days and nights. Shift premium. Benefits Overtime



Change for the better - Call us Recent drug store experience Good pav 4 conditions Full or part time

EFROS DRUGS 10 Mile S Greenfield


COST ESTIMATOR Warren based automotive plastics s u p plier has a pautlon for a Cost Eatima tor for injection molded and extruded parts and assembly The ideal applicant should have a knowledge of geometrv and should be able to wor t with num hers Experience in blueprint reading or plastic processing would be helpful Send resume, with recent saLarv histo-ry, lo Box 408, Observer fr Eccentric Newspapers 34251 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia. Michigan 48150

COUNTER CLERK P a r t ume. »c experience necessary

Apply in person between S and 3 Janet Davis Cleaners

27601 Southfield Rd . N of 11 Mile

COUNTER PERSON FOR VIDEO MOVTE RENTALS, 40 h o u n per wees Farmington area


C O U N T E R C L E R K Full time no experience necessary Complete benefits Transportat ion nec-essary Apply in person, Jane t Davis C leanen 15 at Lahser Birmingham

COUNTER HELP for dry c l e a n e n , ma-ture person Apply at Birmingham Cleanen 1253 S Wuodward between 14 fr 15 mile

COUNTER PERSON for dry cleaning store in Bloomfield plaxa Birmingham Training available Call for appoint men! 646-7200

CRT OPERATOR Billing fr invoicing experience necessary Farmington Hills Call Between 9 30am - II 30am ask lor Rhonda 473-7816

CUSTOMER SERVICE Clerk Position available with small business forms company located in northwest Detroit Duties include phone work, filing order entry Will t r am Must be willing lo learn and wort hard 84 00 ar, hour lo s tar t Excellent benefits Resume to P 0 Box 5252, Northville, Mich , 48167

500 He lp W a n t e d

COSMETIC SALES We have ar. opening for an experienced j cosmetic sales consultant with art is t ic ; ability Must be self motivated fr will-ing tc approach people Excellent sal-ary commission fr benef i t s Full or part time Apply to person on Sat., Feb 2, 1985 from I Dam 5 pm. to tbe B E A l T Y SALON on the second floor in Hudson 's Westland

An Equal Opportunity Employer

500 Help W a n t e d


People needed for long & short term temporary job assignments. Possible 40 or more hours per week. Jobs located in Novl. Farmington Hills & Livonia


• S T O C K W O R K • P A C K A G I N G



27544 SCHOOLCRAFT, LIVONIA ( C o r n e r o f S c h o o l c r a f t & I n k s t e r )

L o c a t e d in S h o p p i n g M a l l



L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L t e m p o r a r y p o s i -t i o n s a v a i l a b l e in s u b u r b a n l o c a t i o n s M u s t h a v e c a r , F r i d a y p a y . n o f e e .

T R O Y D E T R O I T L I V O N I A S F L D 3 6 2 - 4 6 5 0 9 « 2 4 6 4 - 8 4 9 0

We know how to help t o t M r H

S A L E S P R O M O T I O N E x p a n d i n g Bloomf ie ld Hills aaancy is looking for except iona l talent:

A C C O U N T E X E C U T I V E This is a career posit ion, T h e successful candi -date must d e m o n e t r a t e s p roven track record in execut ive level marke t ing , be highly creat ive s n d mot iva ted . Will call on estab l ished e n d new accounts , admin is ter a n d coord inate specia l programs. Incent ives, direct mail, POP, training publ icat ions a n d much m o r e . Exper ience in deel ing with automobi le menufac ture rs essen-tial. Submi t c o m p l e t e resume, in conf idence, including salary history a n d r e q u i r e m e n t s

C O P Y P R O S Must be able to work fast, have strong wri t ing skills, be a st ickler for detai ls . Highly creat ive and k n o w l e d g e a b l e in the au tomot ive m a r k e t -I n g / m e r e h a n d is ing f i e l d . F r e e l a n c e a s s i g n -ments . S e n d r e s u m e inc lud ing type of projects hand tod.

D E S I G N / L A Y O U T We are looking for e very ta len ted designer who can take a copy wri ter 's rough a n d create cr isp c o n c e p t u a l ! a n d lo l low through with c o m p r e h -ensive layouts. Must know type, paper a n d pr int-ing requi rements- F ree lance ass ignments .

Our e m p l o y e e s k n o w of th is ad B o x 3 3 2

O b s e r v e r A E c c e n t r i c N e w s p a p e r s

3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o l c r a f t R d . , L i v o n i a , M l 4 8 t S 0


K e l l y S e r v i c e s h a s t e m p o r a r y a s s i g n m e n t s o n d a y a ' l e r n o o n a n d m i d n i g h t s n i f f s N o e « o e -l e r c e n e c e s s a r y m . j s t h a v e o w n t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

A p p l y 9 a m t o 3 p m M o n - F r i a t

3 4 1 1 5 W 1 2 M i l e R d S u i t e 1 5 5 F a r m i n g t o n H l l l a 5 5 3 - 7 8 2 0


T h e "KeHy Oir<

fVop i r

Start Off T h e N e w Year Right!

W e n a v e i m m e d i a t e n e e d f o r

• L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L W O R K E R S • W A R E H O U S E W O R K E R S • S H I P P I N G & R E C E I V I N G

W e s t l a n d W d f F - . . e l |

b e t w e e r Wayne r R a o j ,e- c ,. ?29- 1040

L i v o n i a 5 -19 W r M \f


T h r " K e l l y G i r l

f V o p i r


Oakland County

Wayne County

Rochester-Avon Twp.

L .

X l

The numbers

are in your

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644-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 852-3222 Rochester-Avon Twp Us* your VISA ot MASTERCARD

1 4 C * ( R . W . O - 1 2 C ) OAE Thursday. January 31, 1906

500 I M p Wanted

COUNTER PERSON Experienced for SoMhfkeKI i r j c M » «™ U i « ;* ]

C O U N T ! * PERSONS Full urn* !«r dry cleaners i* Binning * — AppJv l« pereon Jerry B a r n t * y

6 l 5 E Maple

COUNTER PERSON for Dry ( V w i C u u r t m y Cleaner*.


500 M p Wanted


Poalinc. Ml 440S7 J ? » « *

* 7 Mile

COURIER REPRESENTATIVES immed ia t e openings C a a d k U m m a

0* Si least 11 be H U B W H W mum ar able to drive • stick shift Yoa must Have ID excellent driving record

1 "


WALED LAKE 1 Mike W uf Haggerty on Maple




few food parens for days <

500 f W p W t o t t d


• n u U H a |w«*i l i»aJc!

COUNTER PERSON Tor o r * printing center Excellent o p portunaty for personable individual for counter u r n Good opportunity for groislh ID excellent worting environ ment suburban location Please call 5 PM : 0PM 554-4464


REPRESENTATIVE Work 1 minimum of 4 hrs per day, we Bare loog term assignments Lo the Fara imgton Hill* a rea W« are looting for individuals who prefer servicing people before miking a sake! Prior •ales experience a p lo t Wort a mini-mum of 4 h n - days or afternoons Yoa wilt be wort ing via the p t n x t with headsets 4 CRT


353-8780 CUSTOMER SERVICE Sale* Order Desk Experienced Apply a t 1759! Schoolcraft, Llvom*. located la the J e f f r i e s Commerce Center

DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Experienced only. over iO.OOO strokes needed for seasonal position on f i r * 4 secood ahlfta Located U> Western Livo-ola Call for an appointment 525-4775

DAY CARE CENTER looting for full or par t - t ime help Farmington Hills

t n i M


Susan Harris 9148 Sioux

Redford Sk ip Philbrook 6850 Moccasin

West land

Please call tha promo-tion department of the Observer 4 Eccentric between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Friday, February 1. 1985. to claim your two FREE RED WING TICKETS.

591-2300, axt. 244


Top leader <at]> 15540 Dale.

DIE MAKER progressive die working

Rondes DM 4 Fag'nearlat 5 Mile Telegraph S33 2M4

DIE REPAIR Medium tint suburban stamping plant requires individual with a minimum 3 XT* experience on prngi laalw 4 lint die repair* Applkcanu nuat be willing lo wort 2nd shift Call between 10-11 DOOS 511-24*6

DIRECT CARE S u i t Beaded for Grow? Home in Canton Par t - t ime Fxnarlaata

' e r r e d Call Che ry l between I t em Mon thru Fr i . 455-2944 52"

DIRECT CARE ST AFT Midnight sh i f t Fall u m e area D M Call bet

M H Training preferred I 10AM JPM 515-7194

DIRECT CARE WORKER Part and foil t ime Midnight* After noon*, and Weekends for CaaUo Group Home with developmenull adults High school diploic

DIRECT CARE WORKERS Pall k Part-time position! available -for wort la Group Romas for Ratardsd B H an hoar Rochester location

1 9am-5pm. 7J1J

DIRECT CARE WORKERS needed for groupJtotpe »«ttag. Wayae 4 Oakland


Prefe r person with pnrta feeding expe-rience Will conalder anyone with '

Box 4M. C t a r n r 4 E c c m n c N m

ESTIMATOR SALESPERSON f o r interior office i-nasri m. L»«i on

Call Mldwaat RsstorstKM.


Qualified pereon to Se arpettaacsd in Pricing. Design 4 B a i k d J Flxtaras 4 Gage* Attract! re Benefit package Sal try baaed am qaallflcaUoaa. Sand re-

t 434, Obaerver 4 Newspaper*, M l Livonia Michigan 1

ESTIMATORS Experience necessary in wekdl^ and asssmbly f lxtarm All Innate Salary w a n Send i i taui l to Mr B Mrtatn Progressive Tool 4 Industries 11171 Telegraph. Southfield. Ml 4*014 All replies c I conf Manual

E X P E R I E N C E D PIZZA MAKERS 4 Delivery Driven wanted

Apply in pereon af te r 4 PM Hungry Howiaa. M l Inkster Rd . Garden O l y

FABRIC CUTTER Redford energetic, careful 4 well organised per-son for fabric layout material han-dling. pattern mating 4 operating an industrial straight knife. At least M hoars per week, day shift, cutting expe-rience deetrad bat not necessary Train-ing p ioehhs l Starting wages rary with experience Call Pat at Daren's B a n between »em-Zpm. 51*1 M l

500 Wanted

GMS la • Need <K Assertive > * • assa • n^aala who want a p o S v e cans

Telephone Sales Wort in thd Tel-Twelve Area Pall 4 Part Ttaae pcattloas avallaMa M M be II 4 have owa TraaMportatkoa



Lfvooia The Bell Creak Plaza

Suite 140A 427-7660

500 M p Wanted

HELP WANTED n i l Beahseae h a u a t a SaalMMd i « a » loekaa fer ^ a a t l M W i » ' " g J , * * I ' M ' I ' M I I M

s Beche4ors Degree sad weald Bke


GRINDER HAND ID some detail Livonia.

GRINDER Tool Ho wick cylindrical maraal 4 (troag aar-face grinding erperMare Win also he required In i ss imhl i aoaall predaloo tool device* Apply la pereon


<W of Haggerty

GRIND HAND Experience desired. ApoUcanta have own tool* Apply kam-1 JOptn at 11M5 G M a Rd . Llvoala

AD EqaaJ Opportunity Employer

HAIR CUTTER Hoarly wage and i uniiiMlmi eaaced in perm* and

L. Exserl-Westland

FARMER'S INSURANCE Group offers opportunities to opsn your own tasar-soce bastneas Start part time Without

•p your present employment grads ptefai isd but not re-roc a confidential Interview

call 55^ 1451

FAST FUN PHONE WORK F*art Time or Fall lime t*m-2ptn or tptD-tpm or both. M. an

DELI CLERKS For c a r r y out 4 Iray catering. 8 days nooti g JOpm Experience prefei—" M

will t r am Plaxa Dell. 19145 N~ -c m Hwy at 12 Mile va t -S i i .

pound in U«M design or haary detail Exceptional working conditions, excel ent benefit program Pay scale coro-nensurate wits experience

SPECTRUM AUTOMATION 34447 Schooicraft, Livonia

522-2160 DRAFTSMAN Details 4 Light DasigE • for growing Conveyor Manufacturer Full time, with benefi t* 9 Mile 4 Coolidge a rea 54(-714*

DRAFTSMAN Fluid power manufac tu r ing company ha* immedia te opening for dataller-d ra f t aman Fluid power and or ma-chined part* experience helpful Send resume to F la i r line Engineering Dept. P 0 Box 4 » , Farmiugtoo . Mich i H »

DRIVER. F U L L T I M E . DAYS Good driving record Apply 9am-4pm. a t 20390 » l Mile. Southfield

Dry Clean ing Plant needs top-notch experienced preaaer for

>een between » and 3 PM Man thru Fr i . P lymouth a rea I55-9J70

EARN EXTRA MONEY Deliver l i t e ra ture door-la-door Ages li-100' Must have osrn t ranspor lauoo Mr Albert 255-5000

DELI 4 KIV - a r . ifORK Experienced with sandwich making 4 m e a t slicing Should be fas! k depend

Catering. i50»9 able Telegrai , (N. of 10 Mike).

DELIVER 4 SELL 1 trachea to fine off ice bulldin** 9 AM 1PM <t0 hours weakly| Muat hare car 4 be depend-able Apply 35099 Telegraph Rd.. north of 10 MUe Vassels Catering

DELIVERY PERSON Par i l ime Must be IS or over Fa rm-ington a rea Worldwide TV, 477-M0C

D E L r t X K Y PERSON Par t time for Bi rmingham Bloomfield and aumwnd-• ng a reas Also some light main tenance Call to apply M»-«:

DELIVERY PERSON needed, full u m e experienced, must have referenc-es »5 5« hr Northville please call Mon thru F r i , 9am-11 am 14J-5200

DELIVERY PERSON Saturdays, alao Special Occasion Days. Birmingham-Bloomfield area Suitable job for ret i red person Contact Parroenter Florist. 544 9540

D E P E N D A B L E PERSON (or General Labor with Automation Co. Car neces-*ary Apply In pereon Aurora Manulac tunng. 1S301 Northend, Oat Px r t .

DESIGNERS 4 DETAILERS Automatic g a g a 4 special machines for a leading manufac turer of NDT 4 gaging products Fringe benefits Per-manent employment Overtime avail-able K J Law Engineers lnc 3JM0 R e » a c h Dr Farmington Hills

47S-31M An Equal Opportunity Employer

Design Leader Product Designers

Engine or cliasau experience preferred Full benefi ts Send resume or apply to

ECS. Inc. 12011 Market

Livonia, Ml 48150 591-4304

r • - - i W P E R HR . . I « 4 I* now hlrto- drivers

4 P a r t t ime Muat have own car 4 Must be in yre or older

Must be able to w o r t nights 4 weet ends Apply Is person between 11am-«pan Domino* Pixx*. 29275 Cherry H11L 1 block E of Middlebei t 595-0500

ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 4 adminis t ra t ion

P E prefer red

protect try osjuoo. EE

_ . lnlmum S r ea r s A E experience in cwiuuea tlx], industrial 4 insti tutional b u i l d u p i n terns Including lighting, power Are se-

Progreaslve |, fuL bene-

including lighting, power curi ty 4 communications firm, computertxed draf t ing. flU, Ule, medica l 4 dental liberal vacation Call for appointment.

Hoyem - Basso Aasoc , lnc , Troy •79-1900

An Equal Opportuni ty Employer


a* Apply 9am-9nc at Mk landlser Adveruslng. 3«740 Just E of Orchard Lak Lake Rd.

FAST GROWING dlvarmfad retail company in Farmington Hilla seeking qmallflad person aitk accoaat-ing degree Experience necessary la au-tomated payrtrfL accounu payable, ae-counu receivable. 4 Inventory Sand re-matte 4 salary history t o Christie Jack-son. P O Box >502, Uvonix. Ml 41150


C L E R K S " Keily Services has Immedi-ate long and short term as-signments for 25 people at top companies In the Ro-chester and Troy area.

Our benefits Include merit Increases and paid vaca-tions.


Rochester 852-1511 Troy 362-1180


The "Kelly Gir l" People Not an agency; never a fee

Equal Opportunity Employer M F H FLORAL COMPANY needs Driver Sales Woman or man. No experience necessary Good psy, chance for ad-vancement Apply at 33M1 W 8 Mile. Livonia

HAIRDRESSER ASSISTANT Livonia area Part-time Call early m o r n i n g 542-4154

HAIRDRESSER experienced (1 rears at laaat) with soote clientele. N b or part t ime Troy area. Call 53S-25U

for Day School Nlrtt Sch lo Datrett Karea Newtirt 1I7M Narthweetan * y » a j . s - 4 e m i SoathfWd. MI

HOUSEMAN tmiaah sapaag. good salary aad triage benefit*, excellent worting coadlUeas Evaaung shift Apply ta pareoa

GEORGIAN BLOOMFIELD 2*75 Adams Rd corner 14 Mike

HAIR DRESSER needed with following for Farmingtoo Beauty Salon. Call 474-k520

HAIRDRESSERS for fall Experienced with some clientele Apply a t Creative Knt 4 Karl, 2J»59 W t Mike. Southfield 3M-3«2«

HAIR DRESSERS —ipanen *~

S ^ r S - U k e ,

Experienced with some following Ap-' Rumors Salon. M94

. W Bloomfield.

HAIR DRESSER with dkaotake or an assistant la progressive taken ta North-ville. Ask for Pam. 149-1552

HAIRDRESSER paid vacation, a thru Fri 10-5 Walton Blvd. Rochester

wtth clientele only

HAIR Models aeaded far top salon seminars Most be willing to accept positive changes For more information call Jeanine at S45-54M5

HAIR STYLIST male or female, with some clientele for S operator shop, hoars flexible, a t t ract ive surroundings. Dearborn Hgts Garden City area . 541-2709 or 427-3440


Livonia aakm 421-1419 o r 4M-1&I7

HAIRSTYLISTS For busy full service Livonia, salon Full time only Commission plus hourly wage 261-573*

HAIRSTYLIST Salon Internat ional Plymouth. I* ex-panding Now accepting applications f rom experienced professionals to w o r t In creat ive atmosphere Medical and dental benefits 451-0(55

HAIRSTYLIST Wanted for progressive Birmingham Sa l cn Experience*!, with clientele ntele pre-

M W S I !

FLOWER DESIGNER WANTED Full or par t time. 5 years experience Call for appointment Flowers by Jo . Union Lake 561-5000

ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLER Full tune Apply at 20950 Boemsg Dr Southfield


l year exper ience Must alao be experienced In » l d e r t n g Apply a l 1180 E Big Beaver . Troy

FOREMAN for afternooo shift t i su-pervise 10 people Experienced Perma-nent Send resume to P O Box 2*0. Royal Oak. Mich . 460«6

ENERGETIC, caring people needed for Kindercare Learning Center la Troy 4 Southfield locations Positions open'for teachers of a f t e r acbool programs Af-ternoon hour* a re ideal for students Full, p a r t u m e 4 subbing positions

FOSTER HOMES WANTED You could be doing something more rewarding with your life1 Caring par-ents a r* needed to provide a supportive home life for troubled children We provide foster parent training, pay-m e n u 4 support

Your Help Makes s Difference



a v a i l a f i e 1

Axt for Te dre, Troy



E N E R G E T I C person Interested earning ext ra money delivering xmali pac tages in own c a r or van 525-


500 Help Wanted

ENGINEERS 4 DESIGNERS mechan-ical. electr ical , energy management Graduate mechanical 4 electrical engi-neers «nth 3 - 5 years of A/E design experience in institutional, industrial 4 commerc ia l b u i l d l n n Full benefi t* life, medical 4 d e n t a l insurance, liberal vacation Call fo r appointment . Hoyem -Basso Assoc Inc. Troy. 179-1900

An Equal Opportunity Employer

F R E E PRESS Carr ier* needed, adults 4 youth Short A M hours, Lix ' M 5

F U L L or PART TIME HELP Articulate pereon for small repairs and maintenance, will train.

AMBUSH CO. 721-5504 FULL TIME, full service gas station at-tendant for day ahif t In West Bloom-field area Must be neat 4 personable 4 enjoy w o r t i n g with people Call be-tween &am-»pm axt for Jennifer



• REPAIRMEN for small prog dies & mul t ls l ides


• SET UP MEN for small prog dies & mul t ls i ldes

CALL LYNNE- 591-2360


FULL TIME Position in W Bloomfield area In Tel ler .'Loan depar tment Expe-rience in loan* reoulred, Birmingham Teachers Credit Union 447-5956

GENERAL LABOR Car Wash At tendanu

»J 50 hour Apply in person 12 AT ORCHARD CAR WASH

30775 W 12 Mile. Farmington Hills.

GENERAL LABOR Hl-lo experience Brighton area Please reply to P 0 Box 24*. Non . Michigan 4605C


BILLS? Our many PACKAGING & LIGHT INDUSTRIAL assign-ments in the Plymouth and Wixom areas can help.

Hand snow shoveling posl-tons are available in Plym-outh & Northville.

• 2 Shif ts available • No experience

necessary • Never a tee • Bonus plan • Call now

525-0330 29865 W. 6 MILE. LIVONIA

(Suite 109)

Supplemental Staffing, Inc.

The T e m p o r a r ^ n i l p People


5pm to 9pm & Sat. We have long term a s s i g n -

ments In Troy for.

• File Clerks • 10-key Operators • Receptionists

Benefits include merit in-creases and vacation pay.




The "Kelly Girl" People Not an agency never a fee

Equal Opportunity Employer M F. H IMMEDIATE part ume position avail-able in Southrleid 4 other kocJ~ Will train mdJvldsal Some parlance helpful Michigan National Bank. Oakland. 552-75*2

INDIVIDUAL to wart In h—i-4*-* tup-Duties Include, amem of material, aotne takes

have aas t appear-ance 4 be willing to assume i-riti f nal hall tie* Sand resume to Mr Rose. PO Box B. New Hudson, Ml 44165

INDUCTION HEATING Loading manufacturer of Induction beating equipment seeks experienced

Hie designers 4 to cover world

long range pro-crams with growth company located Is Canton area Full benefits including Blue Cross, d e n u l paid vacation 4 holi-days Send resumes Ur

Welduction, Attn Personnel 64*4 Ronda Canton. Ml 441 ar

INFANTRY VETS Serve ooe weekend a month and earn over 1100 if an E-4 wtth over 3 years exper ience US Army Reserve


500 H a * Wanted

LINGERIE SALESWOMAN I days lacfcdlng Sal 16 u 4fan Cxpan - c a d la sstiiag w a n e s ' , a ^ a r e l ^

LuLu's Lingerie Maple at Lahaer

844-4578 LINOLEUM 4 TILE IN Beaded. Owe t n r * 4 lesM. i

Experienced In i


pins fringe benefit* " S m t -475-4*0*

MAGAZINE EDITOR for national health Good English, editing 4 proof riadktt "tint s cnaat 21* d a n par wwsk ta] reeome to Qeorfe Watiloa. EAP D4-gesl. 2145 Crooks Rd ate 1*1. Troy.

4*0*4. or call *43-#*M

MAIL PERSON Southfield company aeads an aasru

to Handle a variety al dntMa IB-dtstrlbotlng mail and making a Generous hoarly rats ml

An Equal Opportunity Employer

MAINTENANCE CMI Corporation fcaa an Immediate part-time openina for an intBvldaal to wort approximately M hoars par week, to aaslst in maintaining o r world head-quarters building, located Is Bkoonxfkald Hills

Poattion Involves a variety of duties. In-cluding routine bnlldlng maintenance and occasional erramto Knowledge I* HVAC electrical and plmnNng Is dtalr-ah4e

Starting salary M M per hoar II yoa are interested, please forward letter or

availability u Z i t U r y littery to

CMI Corpora t ion

2600 Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hilla, ML, 48013

An Equal Opportunity Employer


fringe'benefit* Referatice* Please call Mon. thru F r i »an>5p«n

352-2013 An Equal Opportunity Employer

INSTRUMENT SERVICE Self motivated 4 reliable individual to do precision wor t Excellent opportuni-ty fo r women Send resume with expen-

server 4 Eccentric ' Schoolcraft 44150

aa. 3*251 -ugan

INSURANCE AGENCY In Southfield needs experienced Personal lines per-son with dealre to learn commercial . Musi be versed tn rating, homeowners, and persona] automobile Agency back-ground required Salary open, 549-2555


Major Insurance Co. offers excellent opportunity In Western Michigan for experienced commercial underwri ters with strong package and or casual ty skills P r e f e r 5 + years experience Ex-cellent sa lary 4 beoefiu Please send Resume to box =140. Observer 4 Ec centr ic Newspapers. M25I Schoolcraft Rd , Livonia. Michigan 48150

Equal Opportunity Employer M F

MAINTENANCE - FULL TIME 144 unit complex Is Canton Experience required Send resame to box S44 Ob-

er 4 Eccentric Newspaper*. 34251 Schoolcraft Rd Llvoo'i Michigan 4*150

MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Full Ume position for responsible Indi-vidual Working supervisor with the abllll ty to direct other* Mast be knowledgeable in all phases of apart-ment maintenance. Good starting sal-ary excellent fringe benefit* Applies tlonx accepted from 1 to 5 a t 1997 Villa Birmingham

MAINTENANCE - looking for neat, re-sponsible person to assist ta general main tenance is an - N i t care facility, prefer skilled or mechanically Inclined »3.90 per hr Api ' Hi l l Car* Center Fa rming too

Apply tn person a l Oak ter . 34225 Grand River

INSURANCE naging general agency ha* position

Open for Casualty Underwriter. 3 years

INSURANCE Stock In your present P roper ty Casualty position' Let us m a r k e t you tn confidence Numerous

i now available No Feet . Em-it Opportunities 559-4794


LOOKING FOR EXTRA M O N E Y ' Why not try wort ing as a Cashier in a self-serve gas station ? SAFE. CLEAN wort ing conditions Full and part Ume positions available

Call for more information


JEWELRY SALES P a r t u m e sales help with flexible hours Good pay for mature individual with significant fine )ewebv experi-ence Murray's Jewelry, Redford Ask for Frank or Linda, 9am-5pm, 937-0160


Laid off or Wayne

downriver') 813-6100

r rve-c. Aisota 1 AJVL.X. nff or unemployed w o r t e r i of

County (NOT Including Detroit r n n v e r ) catl Project BRIDGE

JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN With State of Michigan Master Electri-cal License Minimum of 5 years expe-rience Royal O a t Schools Contact 435-4400 ext 327

KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Experienced Keypunch Operator to pe r fo rm Key Entries via Key Tape 4 Card Punching equipment. Adaptable, able to wor t with minimal supervision Send resume 4 salarv requirement* to

ADtSTRA CORP 101 Union St.. Plymouth. Mich 46170

Attention Personnel

KEY PUNCH OPERATORS full u m e , days 4 afternoon shift, 3 y r s experience on 019 4 059 Telegraph 12 Mile a rea 6474443

LATHE HAND Exper ience desired Ape IK ants should have own tools. Apply 9am-3 11665 Globe Rd. Ilvoma

An Equal Opportunity Employer

! 50pm at

HONE OPERATOR Needed to hoot small semi production parts lo precision l i m i u Experienced with sunnen bone helpful Call Tiffany Thurs or Fri 47 ] -2100

>00 Help Wanted


ELECTRICAL DESIGNER Min imum ^ yrs. design experience re-qui red for automot ive type electrical & pneumat ic controls. Must have knowledge of Mod icon & Allen Bradley programmable con t ro l systems. CAD System experience prefer red.

Excel lent salary & benefit package Includ-ing medical & dental insurance.

FILTRA SYSTEMS 23900 Haggerty Rd. - Farmington


Earn extra n c o n p or begin a new career • s . jp l o you1 RPM P-.zia trve largest f r a n c h see o l D o m i n o s P<na is h i r i ng new dr ivers

App l . can ts r n j s i be ' 8 years o ' age n g o o d phys i ca l cond-t ion. have d e a n au to w i t h msur ance and be wi l l ing to dr ive in i nc l emen t w e a t h e r Day and even ing sh i f ts are ava i lab le Pipase app ly m person at


3 1 8 0 6 G r a n d R i ve r 3002 T w e l v e M i l e R d .

F a r m i n g t o n H i l l a F e r m i n g t o n H i l l a

3935 T e l e g r a p h

B l o o m f t e l d T o w n s h i p

#1 EOE M F

ATTENTION: NORTHVILLE RESIDENTS Star t ing February 4. 1985 we will be at:


Monday-Friday between 9 ar- and 3 c»m We have mmeiiate openings fo-' our • CLERICAL DIVISION • MARKETING DIVISION • LIGHT NDUSTPiAL DIVISION Work c'oso to home on terrtporafy while work-ng at -Op companies

Come in and see us!


The Kelly Girl" f¥op4e

LATHE OPERATOR For precision lool wort 5 vear mini-m u m experience 261 -3103

LEGAL ASSISTANT Experienced in Ut-igauon for medium-ttied defense f i rm located in Troy Send resume 4 salary requirements to Box 444 Obaerver 4 Eccent r ic Newspapers. 14251 School

Livonia. Michl

MAINTENANCE PERSON for injection molding plant We a re looking for an energetic person to han-dle all p f i t t t a of maintenance for Read. Cincinnati 4 Vandorn presses 2 years exper ience minimum Applv la persoo 24492 Indoplex Circle, Farmingtoo Hills MI 44016

MAINTENANCE PERSON Musi have bsckgrouad lo mechanical 4 elect r ical machinery repair Referenc-es requi red

ool; cal , 24*71 Ti

oly Unlti elegraph Rd . Southfield

Main tenance Person An war person Previous expernmce t a d knowl-edge of conveyor, electrical, and hy-d r a u l i c s y s t e m s m a i n t e n a n c e per t e r r ed If interested, send your wor t history and salary expectations to us immedia te ly

POSITION M P Box 2510, Troy Mich., 44007

MAINTENANCE PERSON 212 unit apa r tmen t complex In Dear-born Height! needs person with all-around bactground In maintenance Wages commensura te with ability, plus insurance Ask for Mr Lopus


900 Help Wanted

aasr a l l ta skill* K*--M • relaxed (Wd

•aad wrtnaa reaaaM a Isssaiat tm Naw Oaliook. lac UTga i b t t Rd.. Satw 3d*. Uvaakk Ml 4 4 l t d Ha p a w


• a s l II mi l ta: Baa 376. n»stri 'a Koeaatrlc N a w a p a p n , 3*361 I t * craft Rd Llrata . Mktdgaa 4*IM



MAN3CURHT ExatrWatoad

ni iimirtahl HUM Salsa 333-7M1



644-1 U S

MAN V A N T D for t a r k y ^ f ^ . maso-

Marketing & Telephone

Representatives If you are:

• Ar t i cu la te and detai l o r ien ted.

• Good o n the te lephone • Good In deal ing wtth

people • Look ing for chal lenging,

t empora ry ass ignments . . .

Let KELLY SERVICES put you t o work . Earn good money the KELLY Way by cal l ing the of f ice nearest you:


Ann Arbor Berkley Bloomfield Hills Brighton Dearborn E Detroit Lathrup village Livonia Ml Clemens Troy Warren Weatland

553-743* 259-1400 973-23*0 3*6-7900 443-0*40 227 2*34 271 5380 779-4100


The •Kelly Girl" People NOT AN AGENCY, NEVER A FEE

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H MECHANIC

Persoo with small company back-ground needed for m a c h l a t repair 4 set up on hydraul ic* e lact r tcal 4 mechani-cal s y s t e m * Can Tiffany Tbar or F r t



REPAIR TECHNICIAN We have an Immediate opening is our Southfield Service Center for s Repair Technician for portable electric power too la 6 month* exnea leuce Is small ap-pliance repair or atmilar pte fened Ex-cellent starting salary and benefits in-clude company paid health ,'d ental plan, tarlngplan. pension plan. 12 boll dav* etc Please apply is person by Feb 6 at: 16*50 W SMlle Rd

Equal Opportunity Employer M / F / V / H

MEDICAL-LAB VETS Serve one weekend a month and earn over 1100 If an E-4 with over S vears experience US Army Reaerve


900 He* Wanted


last 3 years oa NCR Magle poefcad | reef macMns. 5 ds t wark weak with aaprea-ImaCe hoar* W 3 3 * PM. - 7 P M Taaadar tharsda; l * - 7 P M PiL. l l * A k 6:3* n l j + m t r ^ P M el Ainanca a i * 7 Wavwa Oak laad. 4** 1 MaM 1L, Royal Oak. 6S**T

Aa Eqaal Opportaaity Employar

For day 4 u t a i a * sh in* eats la all i s s i - l i ot i i i i iwnsady4 dal-ly kvttg akiOs 4 alao asad paraoa lar

Mast ha mature, have food

to wort with tha . Only the car-

•sea 9 AM-34*-lM*


MZSC 4 workman's comp d a t m I 4 other personnel ac t lvuis* Sahn sums with aalhry rac Box «**2. Ptynsoath. j


Pat tunnel at Law. kocalad at T o n Can-ter is Southfield. a actlvefly uivolved la tht placement of Legal SacracarMs on a temporary basts w * h law f irms throughout the tii-cnanty are* We aaad an alart. high aaaary paraoa with

Legal Secretariat with varied aadgntnanu Base salary p t a

law f i rm

year laoonie thoukd be ta the nml ratta Ask for Kathy-

adulU, West

N over I I to work la group with mentally handicapped Vast Bkoomflald area. Call


PHONE PERSONS - experienced, hour-ly plat highsst commissions plus

ase* CaUbetween 10-12 noon. 421-53*4

PHOKPHATER Afternoon aad mid-night shift Moat have 6 months expert enc*. Apply Williams Dtventfed. 1317*

man Rd Livonia

PHOTOGRAPHERS Candid Weddings Experienced Only' Must have own i l l eqolpmenL. know 3SMM Top Wage*' McFerran Stadia* 425-*M«

PICTURE F R A M E R part t ime - fall time for a r t gallery Ex-perience laquliad. call Mon thru S a t


PLANT ACCOUNTANT Experienced ahlrt-sleeved accountant to perform all accounting functions for mult! corporation tales and manufac-

entitle* Salary (23k aim. de-and ere


111 4*073

upon experience ' by mall only to: Systems

21 LeafUale. Royal Oak.

PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING Foreman and Assistant Foreman need-ed. Responsibilities Include complete shift supervision of mold changes and production ectivttlee Must be able to effectively communicate with thlfl Maintenance and Quality Assurance personnel All benefiu Pay commen-surate wtth abUtty Salary plat over time Please send resume 4 tory t o

ProdaacUon Manager P.O. Box 452

Plymouth. Mich, 44170

: sa lary hi*

900 Help Wanted



M •414. Ohstam 4

SECRETARY - Full Ume poMtaa la

a t - l - c a t S ^ w. Avtatkoa 5 - j ^ t a e . 1125 Airport Rd. P o « ^


21761 W • Mil* i t Lahaar Southfield

T aaallfiad. a 21 yuan ore

SEMI Tractor 4 Trailer Driver, expan-tncad Mast have ctasd D c h a a f f a V t U-

Surtiaa rate 64 M how with t Call ( W k 9-4 M pm 477-MI4

SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Standard statue 1s Birmingham has opaa iap for 2 driveway attendant* part or tall Unas. F t o d U e hoars good pay Apply Tel-Maple Car Care, comer of Telegraph 4 M g e , Birmingham


tar* pareoa for sst-ap aad Insnactkou work. NW Detroit P" flexible hours Repl server 4 Eccentric ' Sdtoolcrafi Rd. 441M

to Box 434, Ob-U25:


Apply T . ' S - T . W

SHIPPING 4 RECEIVING Pull time position available with grow, tag printing firm located la Redford Mast be hardworking and reliable Ex callent benefit* 64.00 an hour to tu rn Wri t* Shjnptsg 4 Racetvtna. P.O. Box 5251 NortavUla, Mich., 4414T

SILK SCREEN PRINTING Light machine opera tor* Will train ad-equate applicants for days 4 afternooo shifts Mast have n r a transportation Starting 63.75 per hoair. Time 4 a hall over 40 hours Apply »;30*m 317 Park St. Troy, E . 15 Mile Rd

I of Llvernot* S of

SOMEONE TO CARE If you have always wanted to help someone and have room is your heart and home then I osier parenting for a child with mental retardation might be for TO Work tn your home, earn, » « 0 1760 per month and help a person who really needs you. Call

333-4410 really aeads you. Ca HOMEF1NDQI at

STOCK PERSONS Are you looking for a good Job flexible hour*, pleaaant working conditions and customer contac t ' We have the aeed for part time Hock persons to wor t day* and or evenings at oar location en

l o a d T W e ei Southfield Road expect mature, hardwor t l sg and dependable people -we offer a fast growing company to be proud of. Must be at least l> years of

an application begin Sat., Feb 2

Stop by and complete now Interviews will be WE need you:

ARBOR DRUGS, LNC 30730 Southfkeld Rd Southfield. MI

PLASTICS Geoeral labor employees needed for expanding plastic extrusion and com-pounding operat ion P e r m a n e n t full time positions Blue Cross aad profit sharing programa Employment spptl cations are available a t

_ Grove Commerce Canter Security 3!776 Enterprise Dr Livonia. MI

MILL HAND Experience desired Appiicaau should have own tool* Apply 9am-3 3 30pm at 11645 Globe Rd

An Equal Opportunity Employer

MOBILE WASHER Hardwor t l sg . reliable, excellent driv-ing record


MAINTENANCE PERSON Must have 2 JT* experience with elec-tr ical residential and. or commercial wiring. General maintenance expert-eoce helpful . For further information call Personnel

Alexander Hamilton Life Insurance Co.

Ol America 553-2000

c r a f t Rd . chlgan 44150

LIBRARY ASSISTANT Needed for our d e n u ! library to aaslst in the acquisition 4 computertxed caU-logir.g of boots k audio visual materi-al* Library technical certification or ! yea r of library experience 4 computer experience preferred Benef iu include F r e e Tuition for employees, depetxletiu 4 spouse Call Ms Clestak. 927 1515


Aff i rmat ive Actloo

LIGHT CLEAVING 4 COOKING Small Manufacturing Plant needs part u m e help. 6am-12nooo for light clean-ing 4 cooking Inquire between I 30am-5pm at 5499 Executive Dr., (off Ford Rd 3 blkx E of Newburgh). Westland.

LIGHT DELIVERY Must tnow Farmingtoo 4 Farmington Hills a r ea Must have tmall car Apply 9am-9pm at Michigan Merchandiser Advertising, 30740 W 12 Mile Rd Just E of Orchard L a t e Phone J24-69J2

LIGHT GARDENING flower*, etc P a r t t ime flexible Hours Pr ivate resi dence Call Dan Evenings at 476-4134


Immed ia t e an experier

w o r t i n g knowledge of electrical bigh voltage, electronic, low voltage, me-chanical automotive lift 4 conveyor equipment , hydraulic* oil pressure, cyl inders 4 valve*, weidlng. a rc 4 acet-ylene Candidate muat have a minimum of 5 yea r s working experience Ln these trades. Experience in carpentry wel-c o m e Good salary 4 fringe tenef l t p a c t a g e Qualified persons apply a t

United Stationers 32432 Capitol Dr

Livonia. Ml 44150

Equal Opportunity Employer M F


L O A N PROCESSOR Experienced in originating FHA/VA 4 Conventional Loans Salary commen-sura te stlth experience Excellent bene-f i u Contac t

NBD Mor tgage Co., 83S-5070


ADMINISTRATIVE BOOKKEEPER Apply In person. Mcn.-Thur* 2pm-4pm. o r tend cover let ter and resume to 24*55 Greenfield. Southfield. MI 4*075 at 11 MUel

MANAGEMENT ABILITY? Looking lor a challenge* Very good op-portunity in groarth aervice industry W'e a r e looking for aomeooe to manage, re locate 4 emarge cne of our branch offices, now located In Redford area If you a re people 4 goal oriented, with re-quisite skills, we wtll train you for the job. Salary 4 fr inge* Good potential Call 372-7700


Birmingham Salon Call t54-40»0

NEW CAR PORTER - full t ime posi-tion Exper ience pre fe r red . Apply tn pereon Bob Seller* Pontlac, 34000 Grand River, Farmington Hills


Automobile ftwne Sales Solicitor Commission - 64 00 i

Also. Renta l Clerk must be 21 y e a n

PORTER New & Used Cars

needed for large Novl Auto Dealership Good working con-dition M a n have D r l w ' i Li-cense 4 good Driving Record Must be 16 or older Ask for - Joe D. or Don

3 4 8 - 7 0 0 0 P R E SCHOOL TEACHERS full , part Ume. substitute min imum wsge. apply in person Jan. 30, 9-4 only Kindarcare. 33*00 Ryan Rd Sterling H u

PRESSMAN Experienced printer needed for high volume specialty shop in Troy Call t -4pm 4*9-49*3

PRESS OPERATOR Experienced wtth A B Dlc t 9*40/1tet camera Full ume, groarth position with quality oriented instant printing center Top salary plus incentive Suburban lo-ca t ion Please call 5PM-10PM 559-4494

PRESS PERSON 4 COUNTER PERSON for quality Pr int S top Troy Apply In person, a f r e r 5pm 3444 Rochester Rd.. Troy

PRINTING - experience, smal l press operator for 1, 2 and 3 color work. Farmingtoo area. 474-023*


Must be experienced Call 557-4546

PURCHASING CLERK - full time, CRT typist, type 50wpm, accuracy with numbers impor tan t No experience nec-<asary B e n e f i u Redfo rd Call Pa t be-tween 9:.30am 4 4pm at 533-4700

old, good driving record, office experience, light

Cali for interview

NOW HIRING 6 years or okler in our newly e re

te lemarket ing d e p a r t m e n t Ha ei{ ence neceaaary An oppor tamty to a up to »7 50 per hour Hours 9 30am-4 4-4pm Call. Charlotte

lam-3pm 353-470

MANAGEMENT OPENINGS Key People required in Energy Management field Will t rain

Good s t a r t i n g Pay. Call 276-7

MANAGEMENT POSITION for tele-phone sales ataff in Farmlagtoe Hilla Exper ience helpful but will t rain Ex-cellent compensation for Mon Thar* 5-9pm. Sat 9-1 pm. Call today- 25*475!

MARKET Research Interviewers Car neceaaary No selling WID train. P e r m a n e n t oart Ume

MATURE PERSON for teleaaartacing 4 outide sales for home service con-t rac t* Wor t out of your own tome Will be working m Livonia area to begin

sth Hourly ra te plus commission If interested. rai l 354-4345

500 Help Wanted

MECHANIC CERTIFIED 5 years experience Apply within

Red s Aato Center 145 So Canton Center Rd Canton


BLUE JEAN JOBS (Come dressed to go to work)

Day and A f te rnoon Sh i f t s Avai lable

K L W I f * - 34240 Ford Rd KrM* Gir ( B e t w e e n V e n o y A W a y n «

In tha Col l laeum Racquet C lub)

NOW HIRING - 25 openings is new Novl location Learn an exciting field Is energy systems Positions include In-stallation. Sale* and Management Trainee* Company willing to train right Individual* Excellent positions plus b e n e f i u Call for Interview 451-0*11

pay is all

NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER tor Wayne/Weatland area College Sta-d e n u currently taking Education Class-es or those with previous experience preferred 1*5-1222

N C HARD INGE 4 N C Bridgeport Set up and o p e r a u for manual or pro-g r a m a ble Exi . . . . KLZ Products Redford

RECEPTIONIST CLERICAL Full u m e Experience p re fe r red Sand r t r o m e and cover let ter t o MIC 15115 Northville R d , Plymouth. M l 4*170

REFRIGERATION PERSON Immedia te openings Domestic 4 com-mercial repair experience. Metro area


R E L I E F PERSONS p a n t ime for housekeeping, kitchen 4 waiting 00 cables for sr citlsen apt. Is Plymouth. Call Mr Herber t Mon thru F r i 9-4 455-0510

STORE SYSTEMS COORDINATOR needed for expanding retail bedroom furniture company Send reaume In-cluding salary history to Store Opera lions Manager 32975 Schoolcraft. Lvo-oia. MI 44150

SUCCESSFUL Greeting card companv b looking for peraoot to service, not sell, our product In the metropolitan area within I hour radius 0i Detroit Must be open to very short flexible hours to start 4 willing to expand u needed Excellent opportunity for homemaker Send resume to Recycled Paper Products 19791 Greenview

Detroit, 44219

SUMMER STAFF WAPfTfD Farmingtoo Hills twlm club Amman: manager lifeguards, twlm team coach, assistant coach Send resume to Sum mer Staff. P O Box 2031 Farmington Hills 44011

SUPERVISOR needed worting with Moderate 4 Mild D.D Cbesu - manag ing • Residential Home la Sampler Twp Submit resume by Feb 1st to Life Center 32*25 Seven Mile Rd Livonia. Mich 44852 471-44*0

SURFACE GRINDER 2 years experience 00 form grinding Well esubliahed company - 34 vears


TAKING APPLICATIONS IOAM-NOOU, for experienced. live prest operator and truck driver 1-94 and Evergreen are*. 19055 W Davison

l if t

TALENTED SINGERS 4 DANCERS Eastern Omen Telegram now hiring Must have ccr Call for audition


TAX PREPARERS P a n ume. Knowledgeable primarily in 1944 Individual tax r r t u r a . 459-3*21 420-0353

TEACHER-AIDE needed for Farming-ton Hills Day Care Center Early chll3-bood experience p re fe r red Call be-tween 9am and S 30pm 474-3110

TEACHER for Nursery school, required. 11 Mile Woodward area appointment 544-9012

TEACHERS Married teaching couples for American Schools Abroad Cafi Wi

Mon. thro Fr . Wayne County

9am-4pm 447-1370

TEACHERS NEEDED for enrichment academic ctxasea Send letter, reaume to Lix. 35552 Grand River Ave. Suite 114. Farmtngton Hill*, Mich 46024

TEACHERS Turn your extra t ime into Dollars

sbowtng Federal Energy P r o g r a m * Earn an extra 11.000 a Mooch

Call for details, 276-7372

RENTAL AGENT Must have ac least 3 years experience

•kills For Southfield a p a r t m e n t coro-Refereoces required Call Mon

Fri 6am-5pm 353 3013 An Equal Opportunity Employer

RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE needs full or part Ume Must have transportat ion 354-6333


IFI^WT'W'FIR INVESTIGATORS Experience necessary F u l ^ p a r t t ime

OFFICE CLEANING Pymouth a rea Par t 4 full time after-noons Flexible hour* pleasant coadt-tkoos Must be neat 146 3420

A p D 4 pmi M o n d a y

7 2 9 - 1 0 4 0 W E S T L A N D

hru Fnday

5 2 2 - 4 0 2 0

Not an agency never a t e e Equal Opportunity Employer M f M

Office Clerks NEEDED NOW!

Step out of the houae and Into an Intereatlng aaaign-mert In the Birmingham/ Bloomfield area

If you have general clerical skills, we will find you work that suits your skills and your schedule

Call For Appt . 642-9650

2000 N Woodward Bloom field Hills 48013


positions Ma)or retailer t n PO Box 3*4 Observer 4 Eccentric

pera 14251 Schoolcraft Rd <tewsp . jvoma Michigan 4415*

ROOM CLERK CIGAR STAND CLERK for private club Excellent job for cottage Rodent Midnight aklft Sand resume to box 424 Observer 4 Eccen-tric Newspaper*. 34251 Schoolcraft R d . Livonia. Michigan 44150


for roll off 4 front end 461-4*03

The l o l l y G4r1" Not IB agency sever a fa*

Eqaal Opportanaty Employer M T H

PARTS D E P T PERSONS. Fail tone expersearad oa car parta Apply la par •on «aa Doag or Deva Roasnaa featda 3*42* Michigan Ava lafcstar

SALES Experienced retail taleapaoole wtth manageria l potential needed for grow Ing company B w f l t a lactoda medical daotai p lan paid vacation, excellent

BOS compensation guaranteed monthly income

a t 32*75 Schoolcraft

SALES Full 4 pari u m e positions

Call between 6-5 Ask (or Lori Nelson 544^30*3

TEACHING position

working n. Substitutes also needed

position available for Farmingtoo Day Care Center After noons wort ing with a f te r achool age


TECHNICAL WRITER Par t lime position available for expen enced Technical Writer Computer soft ware f i rm with flexible hours. Send re-tume to Louis A Wright 4 Associates. 44547 Ptnetree Dr Plymouth, MI 44170


• $5 Hour • Increases • Days • Free training on CRT

If you are an articulate per-son with a pleaaant phone manner, you may qualify for our 75 openings In the Bir-mingham area to handle in-coming calls, some typing necessary, saies experience helpful



Supplemental Staffing, Inc.

The Temporary Help People

SALES HELP WA.VTED Home decorating ratal! chain needs creat ive salespeople to sail wtl l cover ing 4 window treatmanu Flexible hour* Excellent benefiu 4 opportunity for advaacemeat Applications ad at 2245 S Telegraph. D . 33*19 Plymouth. Uvoaia 3164 Mil* Bertkey 31376 Grand River

SANDWICH MAKER aa week. Vwthfteld Area >3*4 Okaarver

3 day* p a r

ge t* ^ 36261 Schoolcraft Rd Uvoaia.

S ALTERATIONS pan I for Bridal ten

i 16 AM 4PM

TELEPHONE OPERATOR Day Evening or Midnight SJdft Will t ra in Sovthflekd area 547 5*54

TELEPHONE SAUES rani a oar F a r m o g t o e Hills oAkra

5-4 Sat M Can 655-1*74


Wayne Oakland Is i tlons for Part Time

i years old

weeks fall 4*4 S Mala Si . Royal

Thie Class i f ica t ion continued on the First Page of Sec t ion D

STtfe © b s e r u e r W e u i s p a p p r s

Creative Living classified real estate and homes

S a n d r a A r m b r u s t e r e d i t o r / 5 9 1 - 2 3 0 0

Thursday, January 31. 1985 Q £ E (P.C.W.Q)IE


Through F r i d a y , Feb . • — A two-m a n exhibi t ion of paint ings by Shel-don Ideo a n d Char l e s McGee i t run-ning. Idea a n d McGee a r e well-known Michigan a r t i s t s whoae work is Included In m a n y p r i v a t e and pub-lic collect ions. A ca t a log will b e published In conjunct ion wi th the ex-hibition. Also on display is a n U p p e r G a l l e r y s h o w of w o r k Lee B a l e of B i r m i n g h a m . A d a m T h o m a s of De-troi t , J a m e s P u j d o w s k i of H a m -t r a m c k a n d Bob Vandervenne t of D e t r o i t T h e De t ro i t Ar t i s t s Marke t i s loca ted a t 1463 Randolph, Har -monic P a r k . H o u r s a r e 11 a j n . to 5 p j n . T u e s d a y through Sa turday . P h o n e M2~0U7.


Through Sunday, March S — Pa in t ings by De t ro i t a r e a a r t i s t Russel l K e e t e r a r e oo display in t he UM-D l i b r a r y lounge. Kee te r , pro-fessor of fine a r t s a t the Center f o r C rea t i ve Studies in Detroi t , is exhib-i t ing 14 of his m o s t r ecen t works, which range f r o m p o r t r a i t s to l andsc spes and a r e noted fo r the i r boldness a n d l a r g e sixe. His l a rges t work is Included. Kee t e r ' s a r t h a s been displayed tn Pennsy lvan ia , t he Carolina*, Ind iana , Ohio and Michi-gan. H e s tudied a t t he Ringllng School of Ar t In F lo r ida and the Pennsy lvan ia A c a d e m y of F i n e Arts , w h e r e he t a u g h t be fo re c o n i n g to D e t r o i t UM-D is on E v e r g r e e n be tween Michigan Avenue and F o r d Road, oppos i te the F a i r l ane Town Center . Hours a r e 8 a m . to 11 p .m. Monday th rough Thursday , 8 a .m. to 6 p.m. F r i d a y , 1-4 p .m Sa tu rday a n d 1-11 p j n . Sunday.

• 8ELO/8KEVEL GALLERY F r i d a y , F e b . 8 — Michigan Ce-

r a m i c s "85, t he annua l s t a tewide ju-r ied exhibi t ion sponsored by the M i c h i g a n P o t t e r ' s Assoc i a t i on opens wi th a r ecep t ion f o r t he a n i s ts 5:30-7:30 p.m. , a t which s w a r d s to ta l ing $1,500 wil l be presented . . T h e works wil l b e on d t lp l ay through M a r c h 2. F i r s t p r i se funds fo r t he show a r e ava i l ab le through a g r a n t f r o m the Michigan Founda-tion fo r t h e Arts . The ga l le ry is a t 329 S. Main , Ann Arbor . Hours a r e 10 a j n . to 6 p .m. Tuesday through Sa turday , e x c e p t F - ' d a y , when It is open until 9 p .m. Phone 741-6263.


Fr iday , Feb . 8 — "Black Women In Michigan, 1785-1985," a new exhi-bition, opens wi th a c h a m p a g n e re-ception a n d p r o g r a m , 4-9 p j n . T h e exhibit wil l focus en the c o m m u n i t y ac t iv i sm of h is tor ica l and COT t e m -pora ry b lack w o m e n f r o m Michi-gan , such as So journer Truth , Rosa Pa rks , Dr . E t h l e n e Crocket t a n d Mother Cha r l eze t t a Waddles. F e a -tured oo the opening p r o g r a m a r e C a r m e n H a r l a n of WDIV-TV, Depu-ty Chief of P o l i c e J i m Ingram, Dr . Bernad ine Denning of Det ro i t Pub-lic Schools and Dot t ie J o n e s of t he UAW. Dona t ions fo r the p r o g r a m a r e 815 p e r person o r $25 per cou-p l e The m u s e u m is oo Woodward a t Kirby in De t ro i t ' s Univers i ty Cultur-a l Center . Hours a r e 9:30 a .m. to 5 p .m. Wednesday through Sunday. Call 833-1805.

• VENTURE GALLERY Saturday , F e b . 2 — "Landscape

Images" by T o m Kruege r cont inue through F e b . 23. Recept ion to m e e t the a r t i s t 8 p . m Saturday. Hours a r e 10 a j n . to 4 p m . Tuesday-Satur-day, unt i l 9 p j n . F r iday , 28235 Southfield, L a t h r u p Vi l l age • HABATAT GALLERIES

Sa tu rday , F e b . 2 — Glass sculp-t u r e by S teven Weinberg and David R . Huchthausen cont inues through F e b . 23. Recep t ion 8 p j n . Sa tu rday . Hours a r e 10 a . m to 4 p j n . Tues-day-Sa tu rday , F r i d a y until 9 p j n . , 28235 Southf ie ld , L a t h r u p Vi l l age

• HOOBERMAN GALLERY Sa tu rday , F e b . 2 — Group at

Michigan p a i n t e r s known a s T h e A r t E x c h a n g e " a r e showing thei r work a t t he ga l l e ry through the month . R e c e p t i o n to m e e t the 13 a r t i s t s 1-3 p .m. Sa tu rday . Hours a r e 10:30 a j n . to 5 p .m. Tuesday-Satur-day , 155 S. Ba tes , B i rmingham.

• KING8WOOD GALLERY iy, F e b . 4 — "Three Dimen-

sional Col lages" by J e a n R. Beach will b e on exhibi t th rough the month . Beach has shown widely throughout the M i d w e s t The ga l le ry i s open • a m . t o 4 p j n . weekdays , 845 Cranbrook Road, Bloomfie ld t n i h

• HILBERRY GALLERY F i g u r a t i v e s c u l p t u r e in a va r i e ty

of m e d i u m s by an equal ly wide list of c o n t e m p o r a r y a r t i s t s cont inues through the month . Hours a r e 11 a m . to f p j n . Tues day-Saturday, 5*5 S Woodward , B i r m i n g h a m

turn to Paget

Inviting Designer makes sorority elegant By Mary Kkemic staff wri ter

More than 60 persons l ive in the s t a t e l y house a t 1322 Hill in Ann Arbor .

It f e a t u r e s various rooms f o r s i t t ing a n d / o r en ter ta in ing , a m o n g them a te levis ion room, a music room and wha t i ts res idents call a clock room.

You migh t think it would be intimi-da t i ng to r edecora te such a l a rge house. But when that task was present -ed to Livonia res ident Carol F e n z a n af-t e r f i r e d a m a g e d it last Sep tember , she took it in s t r ide .

F E N Z A N , AN inter ior des igner who is a consu l tan t for Honeywel l ' s corpo-r a t e o f f i ces in Southfield, o f t en under-t a k e s th is kind of chal lenge. A m e m b e r of Alpha G a m m a Delta, a na t iona l so ror i ty with 132 chapters , she is ca l led upon to t r a v e l around the coun t ry deco-r a t i n g soror i ty houses. The Hill build-ing houses the Alpha Beta c h a p t e r of t he Alpha G a m m a Delta so ror i ty a t t he Un ive r s i t y of Michigan.

"I w a n t e d jus t a w a r m , invit ing, ele-g a n t look," said Fenzan, who works out of L i fes ty le Decors in Livonia, her own business "We usually do tha t with mos t of our bouses.

"Usual ly , I tour the other houses (on a c a m p u s ) jus t to get a feel ing. D i f fe r -ent p a r t s of the country have l i t t le dif-f e r e n t t a s t e s . At the Univers i ty of Georg i a , they had oriental rugs and a c r y s t a l chandel ier . I f inished a sui te las t fa l l a t Miami Univers i ty in Ohio.

7 wanted just a warm, inviting; elegant look. We usually do that with most of our houses.

— Carol Fenzan

„ Lifestyle Decora

T h e r e it 's like Wil l iamsburg, all coloni-al, with Queen Anne fu rn i tu re . "

Fenzan works with a house associa-tion board as well , she adds.

T H E ANN A R B O R soror i ty house is a s tudy in c h a r m and comfor t . Most of its rooms a re decora ted with f lowered wa l lpape r and taupe, blue and o t h e r sof t colors.

"We're very pleased," said F a r m i n g -ton Hills res ident Marion B r e w e r , a m e m b e r of the house associat ion.

The television room — "the f a v o r i t e room in the house," Fenzan says — is furn ished in c o n t e m p o r a r y style. A l a rge modu la r sofa sp rawls unde r t r ack lights. A m a c r a m e piece, c u s t o m -m a d e f r o m Cal i forn ia , hangs on the wall . Shelf uni ts w e r e added.

"It was covered in a velvet be fo re . So imprac t i ca l , " Fenzan said of the fu rn i -tu re .

F E N Z A N TOOK out the t i le f loor and yellow and green in the d in ing r o o m and instal led ca rpe t ing , co lo r fu l f lowered w a l l p a p e r and an a n t i q u e


C a r o l F e n z a n w a l k s f r o m t h e f o y e r of t h e s o r o r i t y h o u s e t o t h e s e c o n d f l o o r . T h e l i g h t i n g , w a l l p a -p e r , c a r p e t i n g a n d w r o u g h t i r o n r a i l i n g a r e a l l

Photos by ART EMANUELE 'S ta f l photographer

p a r t of t h e r e d e c o r a t i n g F e n z a n d i d o n a t h r e e -m o n t h d e a d l i n e .

T h e t e l e v i s i o n r o o m t a k e s a c o n t e m p o r a r y d e s i g n w i t h m o d u l a r s e a t i n g , t r a c k l i g h t i n g , s p e c i a l s h e l v e s a n d d e c o r a t i o n s . It i s o n e of t h e m o s t p o p u l a r r o o m s in t h e s o r o r i t y h o u s e .

light f ix ture f r o m a Ford e s t a t e . "This is much m o r e quie t f o r dining,"

she said. The living room is m o r e f o r m a l than

the television room. It is deco ra t ed in blue and tan, and f e a t u r e s a f i replace . A loveseat and six cha i r s a r e placed in two sepa ra te a r r a n g e m e n t s . Tins room is s imi lar to the sma l l e r "clock room," which contains a g r a n d f a t h e r ' s clock.

A piano identif ies the m u s i c room, which also conta ins a high-low table tha t easily can be changed f r o m a card tab le to a cof fee tab le and back again.

FENZAN IS "real ly p leased" with the foyer a t the f ron t e n t r a n c e , she says. Here, a l a rge c e r a m i c swan poses on a chest, the f lowers in i t s back ar -ranged to r e semble the f l o w e r pa t t e rn on the wal lpaper .

F lowers even a r e found in the coat-room, where the w a l l p a p e r has a pat-tern of irises.

dotted* c ' ^ p e t m g t o a, . ! u b t , e a n . d . e l e 9 a n t , o u c h t o t h e f ° y e r a t t h e m a m "'en-

floor. where bedrooms a r e loca ted . New carpe t ing and l ight ing w e r e in-

s ta l led in the second f loor ha l lway , and new sheer cur ta ins p laced in the bed-rooms. All the rooms and c lose ts were painted.

T H E F I R E s t a r t ed in a thi rd-f loor ba throom, according to Fenzan . Water seeped downward, its we igh t pulling down the ceiling in one r o o m and loos-ening the tile.

"One thing led to ano the r , " Fenzan said.

"It real ly wasn ' t burned down to the ground, but there was s m o k e and wa te r damage ."

T h e f l o w e r s in t h e s w a n v a s e r e p e a t t h e p a t t e r n in t h e w a l l p a p e r ,

t r a n c e of t h e s o r o r i t y h o u s e .

The ha rdes t p a r t of the job was hav-ing the work comple ted be fo re the resi-dents r e tu rned on J a n . 5, according to Fenzan . An open house was scheduled for J a n . 27.

"We w e r e on a three-month schedule to do the en t i r e house," she said. "And it was dur ing the Chr i s tmas season so it was v e r y hect ic ."

T H E ANN A R B O R s t ruc tu re was built in 1923 to house 18 A f i re dam-aged it in 1930, and the following y e a r it was rebui l t and a new f ron t added. In

1945, the house next to it was pur-chased, and 12 y e a r s la ter the two were a rch i t ec tu ra l ly joined to fo rm one la rge house. I t now has the capaci ty for 75 persons.

Work on so ror i ty houses takes up a lot of Fenzan ' s t ime, she says. The week of the open house in Ann Arbor, Fenzan was to head to the Universi ty of Illinois. But she also is decorat ing pr iva te homes, including one in Grosse Pointe.

"Each house is d i f fe rent and a chal-lenge, which is fun ," Fenzan said.

Infrequent shoppers will find exciting items This is another in a se r ies of lessons

on a r t and drawing by special co lum-nist David Mess-i n g H e h a s t augh t fo r eight y e a r s and oper-a t e s a n a r t s tore . Art Store and More, 18774 M i d d l e b e i t ,

L ivonia Mess-ing ecourages f \ _ _ ques t ions and comment s f r o m read-e r s You m a y wri te him a t his s to re or c / o Observer Newspapers , 23352 F a r m i n g t o n Road, F a r m i n g t o n MI 48024


By Dav id M a t t i n g spec ia l writer

I a m a living cont radic t ion I wr i te , but ra re ly read, I own a s to re and yet I never go shopping Fi rs t of al l . I a m not good at c o m p a r i n g pr ices and second of all. I a m a j inx '

F o r example , you would never w a n t to get behind me in a line at a ca sh r eg i s t e r or in any line for t ha t m a t t e r Like at the bank, one line s e e m s to real ly be moving a long so I think, tha t ' s the line for m e " and it con t inues to move fast until the per son ahead of me gets to the window

Then he or she pulls out a money o rde r f r o m Tahiti or t r i e s to cash s o m e check d ra f t ed aga ins t the F i r s t Nat ional Bank of Borneo Of course the whole bank shuts down as all the te l le rs all study the t r ansac -

tion just ahead of m e I s w e a r I bought my house f a s t e r than s o m e people t ake a t the window in a bank. But I must say a shopping mal l is where I rea l ly lose it.

F o r the third t ime ever , I went with Sandy and the boys to the Fa i r -lane Center "Oh wow." I said as w e en te red this mul t i level m a z e of s t o r e s E v e r y o n e , s h o u l d e r t o shoulder, with eyes fixed s t r a igh t ahead , seemed to know just w h e r e they were headed Sandy j u m p e d into the main s t r e a m and shouted,

You guys follow m e . "

WE DID. like a m o t h e r duck with all her ducklings t ra i l ing behind At the first sign of boredom. Sandy said, "You guys go look around the mal l . I ll mee t you in f ront of Lord & Taylor ' s tn two hours " So the boys and I kind of saun te red a round with a Where is Lord L Tay lo r ' s ? " look on our f a c e I saw a cu te l i t t le co f fee shop tha t looked down at it or down looking up at it In f r u s t r a t i o n I said. "Well, boys. I guess you just c a n t get t h e r e f r o m here whereve r h e r e is

To m a k e a long s tory shor t . I was never so glad to see my wife, it s eemed like we were there at least six hours I p romised myself neve r to look bored while shopping aga in

Oh, another thing I d i scovered re-cently is those compu te r r eg i s t e r s in grocery s tores You know the kind that you just pas the i tem over a green light and it r ings the regis te r

I was so fasc ina ted with this operat ion that I guess it showed, be-cause Sandy said. "Honey, don ' t look so surprised, these things h a v e been out for quite a while, people Will think you never get out of the house So I t r ied to hide my curiosi-ty. But, when Sandy and the reg i s te r girl s tar ted packing the bags, I couldn't help but to look down a t the green light

IN FASCINATION, I took a head of le t tuce and passed it o v e r t he light and sure enough the reg i s te r rang it up I did it again and aga in t rying to f igure out how this thing worked Suddenly both Sandy and the girl looked at it and said, " Hev. you know tha t ' s adding into your bill, so with head drooped in em-bar ras smen t , I stood and wa i t ed fo r the manage r to come and change the total So much for my shopping exper ience

If you a r e like me, and su f f e r f r o m "mall-o-phobia or ca sh i e r ' s complaint , then you m a y not be a w a r e of some out-of- the-way i tems in your local a r t s to re Here a r e a

few new or unusual i t ems you m a y not have seen:

This week I received a call inquir-ing about Acrylic b o a r d " by Cres-cent. Since 1 wasn ' t a w a r e of what it was. I asked Chuck, the Crescent r ep resen ta t ive , to fill m e in, When I told him tha t the ca l le r was having a hard t i m e f inding it. he said it was no wonder because it isn't called acryl ic board anymore . Lintex is Crescen t ' s new n a m e for it as the t ex tu re is like a f ine linen

L I N T E X IS like a heavy-duty i l lus t ra t ion board which comes in a 30-by 40 size So it can easily be cut to any size and its t ex tu re is p leasant ly less def in i te than canvas Lintex is a lso good for any media and not only for acryl ics , hence the name change

C r e s c e n t s la tes t i tem is black process board This board is excel-lent fo r pho tog raphe r s who like to only moun t their photos for their portfol io On one side is Raven black which has a slight t ex tu re and on the other side is 921 which is very-smooth black The core of this board is also black so however you cut it you a l w a y s have a black mount ing board

Did you know there is an i l lustra-tion board which is acid free"" This board is double thick and has a wonder fu l t ex tu re for wa t e r color Before I leave the Crescent line, did you know that there ts such a thing as c h a r k o - b o a r d v This board comes in white, tan and moss green

It has a nice, f i ne s h a r p tooth for all media , but it is especia l ly great for charcoa ls and pastels . A 32 inch by 40 inch sells fo r $2 85

Did you eve r have to d raw or cut a g rea t big circle"1 There is a "nea t " lit t le gadget cal led ( take a breath) a " y a r d s t i c k b e a m c o m p a s s and cu t te r 11 It is m e r e l y two meta l hold-e r s that c l a m p into a yard stick or any s imi lar size s t ra ight edge All you do is set it at the radius you de-s i re and insert e i t he r a pencil lead or a razor point It sel ls for $3.50

SOMETIMES a f luorescent light seems too blue or bright and then again incandescen t (light bulb) seems too red or d im There is now a combinat ion light that o f fe r s you one or the o ther or both at the s a m e t ime So if you a r e gett ing eyebags f rom squinting or headaches f r o m dim lighting then consider a "duo-l a m p It sells for $109

If you want pe r fec t ly inked cir-c les a n j ^ f o u a r e t i red of having ink gusM5ut of your rul ing pen compass th^n buy a tech-pen adap te r This lit t le black ring f i t s into your com-pass and suppor t s any size technical pen Cross my hear t , it produces perfect c i rc les for $2 50

Well. I have run out of room so the Artifolks I received this week will be in next week 's column Don't forget to send your helpful hints to the Art Store & More and wri te somewhere on the envelope Arti-folks or s imply cal l m e at 476-2296

2 E * Q*E TfKjrxJay, January 31. 1»ag TNursdey. January 31. 1966


C o n t i n u e d f r o m P a o e i

• C R A N B R O O K A C A D E M Y O F A R T M U S E U M

T u e s d a y . F e b 5 — T h r e e m a j o r e x -h i b i t s a r e o n a t t h e s a m e t i m e " D u a n e H a n s o n S c u l p t u r e s , " a g r o u p of l i f e -s i z e s u l p t u r e s of t h e w o n d e r f u l p e o p l e w h o f i l l o u r e v e r y d a y l i v e s i n h a b i t t h e m a m g a l l e r y t h r o u g h M a r c h 3 " G a r y S G r i f f i n R e c e n t W o r k s In S t e e l " c o n -t a i n s 20 m a j o r , i m a g i n a t i v e w o r k s by t h e n e w a r t i s t - i n - r e s i d e n c e in t h e m e -t a l s m i t h i n g d e p a r t m e n t C o n t i n u e s t h r o u g h A p r i l 7 T h e t h i r d , " A r c h i t e c -t u r e in Silver.™ i s s t e r l i n g s i l v e r s e r -v i c e s b y 11 w e l l - k n o w n a r c h i t e c t s w h o h a v e a lo t of f u n in a d i f f e r e n t m e d i u m t h a n t h e y ' r e u s e d t o M u s e u m h o u r s a r e 1 - 5 p m T u e s d a y - S u n d a y . 5 0 0 L o n e P i n e , B l o o m f i e l d H i l l s

• S A R K I S G A L L E R I E S W e d n e s d a y , F e b 6 - " T h e I n d i g n a n t

A r t i s t " f e a t u r e s w o r k s b y s o m e of t h e w o r l d s m o s t o u t s t a n d i n g " s t a t e m e n t m a k e r s " C o n t i n u e s t h r o u g h F e b r u a r y G a l l e r y h o u r s a r e 9 a . m . t o 4 p . m M o n -d a y - F r i d a y , D e n t e r f o r C r e a t i v e S t u d -i e s . 2 4 5 E K i r b y , D e t r o i t

• B L O O M F I E L D T O W N S H I P LI-B R A R Y

W o r k s of a n d o n h a n d m a d e p a p e r by L i n d a C o h n G o l d e n of W e s t B l o o m f i e l d a r e o n d i s p l a y t h r o u g h t h e m o n t h . I n

. a d d i t i o n t o t h e f r a m e d w o r k s , t h e r e ' s a d i s p l a y of t h e h i s t o r y of p a p e r m a k i n g t h a t g o e s a l o n g w i t h t h e a r t G o l d e n , ' v h o s e s t u d i o is w i t h P h o e n i x I m p r e s -

s i o n s of P o n t i a c , a l s o t e a c h e s p a p e r -m a k i n g O p e n d u r i n g r e g u l a r l i b r a r y h o u r s , T e l e g r a p h a n d L o n e P i n e , B l o o m f i e l d T o w n s h i p

• T O W N C E N T E R G A L L E R Y G r a p h i c s b y s i x c o n t e m p o r a r y B r a z i -

l i a n a r t i s t s a r e o n d i s p l a y H o u r s a r e 10 a m t o 5 30 p . m . M o n d a y - F r i d a y , 11 a m t o 4 p m S a t u r d a y , 3 0 0 0 T o w n C e n t e r , S u i t e 4 5 , S o u t h f i e l d

• G A L L E R Y B I R M I N G H A M W a t e r c o l o r s . g r a p h i c s a n d j e w e l r y

b y E r t e . t h e 9 0 y e a r o ld a r t i s t , w h o s e w o r k c o n t i n u e s t o b e h i g h l y r e g a r d e d T h r o u g h F e b r u a r y H o u r s a r e 10 a . m . t o 5 p . m M o n d a y - S a t u r d a y , u n t i l 8 p . m T h u r s d a y a n d F r i d a y , 2 2 3 S, W o o d -w a r d . B i r m i n g h a m .

• D U K E G A L L E R Y N e w B i r m i n g h a m g a l l e r y s p e c i a l i z e s

in a v a r i e t y of A r t N o u v e a u a n d A r t D e c o a r t g l a s s , p o t t e r y , g r a p h i c s a n d l a m p s , p l u s a f a s c i n a t i n g c o l l e c t i o n of t u r n - o f - t h e - c e n t u r y a n d b e y o n d F r e n c h c h a n d e l i e r s . H o u s e a r e 11 30 a . m t o 6 p m M o n d a y - W e d n e s d a y , u n t i l 8 3 0 T h u r s d a y a n d F r i d a y a n d 5 p . m . S a t u r -d a y , 1 8 5 N . W o o d w a r d , B i r m i n g h a m .

• T H E G A L L E R Y . . . A T M A I N S T R E E T P L A C E

S e l e c t i o n of c e r a m i c s , s c u l p t u r e , f i -b e r a n d j e w e l r y b y g a l l e r y r e g u l a r s a n d g u e s t e x h i b i t o r s , w i l l b e o n d i s p l a y t h r o u g h F e b r u a r y . H o u r s a r e 11 a . m . t o 5 p . m T u e s d a y - S a t u r d a y . 9 0 3 N M a i n , R o y a l O a k .

• D E T R O I T G A L L E R Y O F C O N T E M P O R A R Y C R A F T S

C r a f t s u s i n g a h e a r t m o t i f , j e w e l r y ,

Homes with


1 : 0 0 t o 5 : 0 0

D i r e c t i o n s : 1 1 0 1 9 L e v a n R d . , S o u t h o f f P l y m o u t h R d : B e t w e e n W a y n e R d . & N e w b u r g h in L i v o n i a .

1 3 0 0 s q rt Ranch. O t te r ing 3 b e d r o o m s , g rea t r o o m w t th f i replace, full b a s e m e n ! L a r g e fami ly style k i t ch®r w<th oak cab ine ts . 2 ba ths 2 " i car a t t a c h e d g a r a g e

P r i c e $

P l u s L o t . 5 9 , 9 0 0

-A W i l l b u i l d o n y o u r l o t o r o u r s .

Marketing Service lnc 4 7 6 - 1 5 7 7

"Accent on Quality & Service. " Concepts in Creative Uviog

Vwjrkrtchen bonfire.

VWII h*lp Will

American Red Cro«e^»


p e r f u m e b o t t l e s , p a p e r w e i g h t s a n d c e -r a m i c s a r e o n d i s p l a y t h r o u g h F e b 16 H o u r s a r e 11 a m t o 5 p . m . M o n d a y -S a t u r d a y . 3 0 1 F i s h e r B u i l d i n g , D e t r o i t

• WILLIS G A L L E R Y P a i n t i n g s b y R o b e r t J o h n s o n c o n t i n -

u e t h r o u g h F e b 17 O p e n i n g r e c e p t i o n 6 - 9 p m F r i d a y . H o u r s a r e n o o n t o 6 p . m , W e d n e s d a y - S a t u r d a y a n d n o o n t o 3 p . m . S u n d a y s . 422 W W i l l i s a t C a s s , D e t r o i t .

• HILL G A L L E R Y G r o u p s h o w w h i c h c o n t i n u e s t h r o u g h

M a r c h 2 i n c l u d e s w o r k s b y L o u i s e B o u r g e o i s , M a r k d i S u v e r o . A r s h i l e G o r k y , R a o u l H a g u e , M i c h a e l H e i z e r , W i l l e m d e K o o n i n g . M a r t i n P u r y e a r . T o n y S m i t h . C y T w o m b l y a n d J a y W h o l l e y , 163 T o w n s e n d , B i r m i n g h a m


" C h i n e s e A r t f r o m P r i v a t e C o l l e c -t i o n s in M i c h i g a n " f e a t u r e s a b r o a d r a n g e of a r t w o r k s s e l e c t e d b y a p a n e l of s c h o l a r s a n d a r t c u r a t o r s . I n c l u d e s p o r c e l a i n , p o t t e r y , j a d e s , s c u l p t u r e , b r o n z e s , p a i n t i n g s , c a l l i g r a p h i e s a n d d e c o r a t i v e a r t s D o n e in c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h M i c h i g a n C o u n c i l f o r t h e A r t s , t h e C h i n e s e A m e r i c a n E d u c a t i o n a l a n d C u l t u r a l C e n t e r of M i c h i g a n . M i c h i g a n O r i e n t a l A r t S o c i e t y a n d M e a d o w B r o o k A r t G a l l e r y . C o n t i n u e s t h r o u g h F e b r u a r y . H o u r s a r e 1 - 5 p . m . T u e s d a y -F r i d a y , 2 -6 :30 p . m S a t u r d a y a n d S u n -

T , E L A S T O F A L E G E N D .

d a y , O a k l a n d U n i v e r s i t y c a m p u s . R o -c h e s t e r • Y A W G A L L E R Y

" T h e T e a p o t a n d T h e C u p " i s a n e i -h i b i t of w o r k s o n a t h e m e b y 15 d i f f e r -e n t a r t i s t s A l s o s h o w i n g a r e I n d i a n Q u i l t C o v e r s b y L i n n a r i L a k h i a a n d W e a t h e r v a n e s b y J o n a t h a n G r a h a m B o n n e r C o n t i n u e s t h r o u g h F e b . 13 H o u r s a r e 11 a m t o 5 : 3 0 p . m T u e s d a y -S a t u r d a y . 5 5 0 N . W o o d w a r d . B i r m i n g -h a m .

• D O N A L D M O R R I S G A L L E R Y " M e n W i t h B o w l e r H a t s " by L e s t e r

J o h n s o n w i l l c o n t i n u e t h r o u g h F e b 23. T h i s g r o u p is f r o m h i s w o r k s p a n n i n g t h e y e a r s 1 9 6 9 - 1 9 7 1 a n d i n c l u d e s t w o 1 6 - b y - 1 4 - f o o t d i p t y c h s a n d t h r e e s e l f -p o r t r a i t s . H o u r s a r e 10 :30 a . m t o 5 : 3 0 p . m . T u e s d a y - S a t u r d a y , 105 T o w n s e n d

• U N I V E R S I T Y O F W I N D S O R " N u m b e r s in R e t r o s p e c t , " b y M a r y

C e l e s t i n o c o n t i n u e s in t h e L e b e i G a l -l e r y t h r o u g h F e b . 8 H o u r s a r e 9 30 a . m . t o 4 30 p . m M o n d a y - F r i d a y . H u r o n C h u r c h R o a d a t C o l l e g e . W i n d -s o r

• I. I R V I N G F E L D M A N G A L L E R I E S

A s u i t e of 14 l i t h o g r a p h s on J a p o n p a p e r b y J o a n M i r o , " L a M e l o d i e A c i d e . " i s o n d i s p l a y t h r o u g h F e b r u a r y H o u r s a r e 10 a . m . t o 5 p . m M o n d a y -S a t u r d a y . T h u r s d a y u n t i l 8 p . m . . 6 9 1 7 O r c h a r d L a k e R o a d , W e s t B l o o m f i e l d

• T O W N C E N T E R G A L L E R Y F a n t a s y S t i c k S c u l p t u r e s , w a l l f i g -

u r e s a n d F a n t a s y B u s t s b y C h i c a g o a r e a s c u l p t o r , J a m e s E a t o n c o n t i n u e t h r o u g h J a n u a r y . P r i n t s by g a l l e r y r e g -u l a r s A z o u l a y , S c h u r r , G i b s o n a n d G a r d n e r H o u r s a r e 10 a . m . t o 5 30 p . m M o n d a y - F r i d a y . 11 a . m . t o 4 p . m . S a t -

u r d a y , 3 0 0 0 T o w n C e n t e r . S u i t e 45 S o u t h f i e l d

• U P P E R C L A S H G A L L E R Y R e t r o s p e c t i v e of o i l s , w a t e r c o l o r s

a n d d r a w i n g s b y t h e l a t e H a r o l d Cohen a r e o n d i s p l a y t h r o u g h F e b . 16 Cohn w a s a w e l l - r e s p e c t e d M i c h i g a n p a i n t e r w h o d i d s t i l l l i f e , f i g u r e a n d l a n d s c a p e s H o u r s a r e 112 a . m to 5 p . m . T u e s d a y - S a t u r d a y a t 4 1 5 Walnu t , R o c h e s t e r .

• H A L S T E D G A L L E R Y P h o t o g r a p h s b y B a l t h a z a r K o r a b

w i l l b e o n d i s p l a y t h r o u g h M a r c h 16 K o r a b . k n o w n i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y f o r his a r c h i t e c t u a l p h o t o g r a p h s , h e o c c a s s i o n -a l ^ i n d u l g e s h i m s e l f b y c h o o s i n g sub-j e c t s p u r e l y f o r t h e i r a p p e a l t o h im. H o u r s a r e 10 a m t o 5 :30 p . m . T u e s d a y -S a t u r d a y . 5 6 0 N. W o o d w a r d . B i r m i n g -h a m .


M O D E L O P E N S U N D A Y 2 - 5

b u i l d a s t r o n g

f o u n d a t i o n w i t h

g o o d p r e n a t a l c a r e .

d j > M o r c h ot D i m e s

A d v a n c e R e s e r v a t i o n s

N o w B e i n g A c c e p t e d o n o u r

F I N A L PHASE A U N I Q U E 2 & i B E D R O O M C O N IX >M LN1UM t \ »M M U N t T Y IN W E S T B L O O M F I E L D P R I C E D F R O M

* 8 5 , 9 0 0

r. ^ - X ' • J

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toyJ I »! ft i 1


J U S T R E D U C E D BRICK RANCH, 3 bedrooms, new roof, aluminum trim dou-ble insulated, picture window. Hardwood floors copper plumbing Nice area Brlnfl otters $48,500 261-0700

D U M B A R T O N P I N E S S U B NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 bedroom. 2Vk bath colonial. For-mal dining room and study optional. Family room with ca-thedral celling. Large kitchen. 1st floor laundry. $102 500 261-0700

, , l i WsBm s

•M... ' Mi.iil 1

1 M O D E L C O M P L E T E

2 M O D E L S U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N

O t h e r m o d e l s , e l e v a t i o n s

a n d I t o o r p l a n a a v a i l a b l e

. P r t c « d f r o m . ~ * 1 3 9 , 0 0 0

D e v e l o p e d a n d b u i l t b y ;

14 Mile Rd

selective 6 2 6 - 5 4 1 1 /

13 Mile Rd, a n d t h r o u g h o u t t f r e 3

S U P E R S T A R T E R TWO bedroom bungalow In the city of Plymouth. Walk to schools or town. Extra Insulation for low heat bills. Owners will consider helping with closing costs, will look at all of-fers, $38,700 455-7000.

S T A T E L Y C O L O N I A L 4 bedroom home with formal dining, family room, den. 2H baths, 1st floor laundry, gracious foyer, terrific family home. Many other amenities. $78,500, 455-7000.


H O M E O W N E R S D R E A M THREE bedroom brick ranch, 1% baths, family room, cen-tral air, nicely finished rec room. Screen porch, IV* car ga-rage Patio, barbecue. $57,900. 261-0700

L I V O N I A KIMBERLY OAKS Beautifully maintained 3 bedroom Tri-Level Family room, formal dining room, attached 2 car ga-rage Simple assumption available. All this and quality $72,000 477-1111.

SOLID COMFORT A convenience is ottered by this 1500 sq ft plus 3 bedroom brick ranch 1V* baths, family room, nat-ural fireplace, basement and attached 2 car garaoe Onlv $73 400 261-0700

LAND CONTRACT TERMS Super buy on this bright, spa-cious country ranch on '/» acre lot wtth 2 fireplaces, family room. Florida room and b4g kitchen $53,900 261-0700

CLEAN RANCH, large lot We«l maintained Central air. sep-arate dining, fireplace, 2 bedroom, den. 2 car garage fence Insulation, rec room Aluminum trim. $«7 900 525-0990

ROSEDALE GARDEN 3 bedroom brick ranch Panelled dining area has doorwali to lovely rear fenced yard Base-ment with workshop $52 500 455-7000

G A R D E N C I T Y ECONOMICAL HOME 3 bedroom aluminum ranch, full basement 2 car garage extra insulation for low heat bills, country kitchen Newer carpet Very nioe $40 900 328-2 0 0 0

' W E L C O M E A B O A R D

FREE TRAINING.* C a l l o n e o f o u r o f f i c e s l i s t e d b e l o w t o f i n d o u t

a b o u t t h e n e w p r e - l i c e n s e c l a s s b e g i n n i n g F e b . 1 8 t h

" S m a i i - . a t e ' a l s c i a ' p e

W E S T L A N D SUPER COLONIAL Clean as s pin. Family room wtth natu-ral fireplace, enclosed Florida room, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths and 2 car garage with door opener $54,900 455-7000

POiNT WITH PRIDE This lovefy home won't last 3 bed-rooms brick ranch, large, 1st floor laundry. 214 car garage and everything in newer condition $39,500 326-2000

N O R T H V I L L E EXCELLENT location Move right In this 2 bedroom condo with basement and garage Show and sell Price $69,000 477-1111.

GREAT LOCATION for work and schools Near Ford eng and Oakwood Hospital Very dean, wet plaster hardwood floors $51,000 525-0990

s a s r , - , »


^ m R . M I N G , C 0 U N T R Y H O M E o r 4 P |U» * bad-r 0 0 m ' , o r m s i "atural wood-

I X r t J ! L ^ m a n 1 s a s f u r n a c « wood burning hea,e<3 ^ ^

d i n ° a L r S m F ? N C H « W t t h 3 b e d r o o m s - r * baths, full formal S 1 8 1 n o Q f l a u n d r > a n d attached 2 car oarage wtth eiecirlc opener $60,900 455-7000

P ' * t ° r 8 y < X j ' " 'measure 3 bedroom, could o o c u o i £ S % , 0 S C h o ° ' ° ° * 1 b , o c k Immediate occupancy Terms $64,900 455-7000

- ? 0 - r H E ? . . " i M P " - ° BUY 3 bMroo™, , S p _

~ w j s r a j K s . s m x s

£ s r • " « « » » o " w - " " • i

D E A R B O R N H E I G H T S brick r a n c h wt th f in i shed b a s e m e n t , for -

E a E x r s & s : " r * ° " b M , ° O T '

L A T H R U P V I L L A G E 5 5 9 - 2 3 0 0 W E S T L A N D 3 2 6 - 2 0 0 0 L I V O N I A U f n q o n P i R u i u r T n u 1 7 7 « « « « , N G 7 0 N 4 " - " " « » « ' N Q T O N H , L L S 8 5 , . , 9 0 0 LIVONIA 2 6 1 - 0 7 0 0 PLYMOUTH/CANTON 4 5 5 - 7 0 0 0 NORTHVILLE 34IMi<30

312 L i v o n i a

A + A t t r a c t i v e

Shef f ie ld E s t a t e s

CuMom iMMn, Jbooixl Mctar "lU rugniftcvet 6*cft

C o u n t r y in t h e City >rooro ru>ct W1U'

1UJJ baMBMBi. t»y wioOom form«j din-

C E N T U R Y 2 1 T o d , y 2 6 1 - 2 0 0 0


CLP66IFIED REfiL ESTATE 5 9 1 0 9 0 0

3 1 2 L i v o n i a

AT J1JM MAWILLE. i»i « a 7 j fc j , ^ >



3 twdroora, lnua ^

HO Open (UJJjr l-«. ckM Vnort DIORE BUILDING CO.

559-3230 525-0752 SEAl'l LrCL ) bedroom r»acb 1H room 4«!>l« tfcw ftr»-

fuU bMCTneni KT«eowl a f m - f i 'J. P6"®. iprliikliM iyii«E a muiT OtlXT iMtBTM U1MC Ml-KM I

•"7 ' Swlroam hoc* riocli en M ft. lot mti ficelteot floor ptu J taths, full bMetneoi i'or««r c«n*u ™ ! • trim] «rtr« UMUJUOO MBUI ** Only IS}.MO

CENTURY 21 S e c o n t l n e A s s o c .

6 2 6 - 8 8 0 0

BRICK FUoct J bedrooms family r o o m ^ c i r p e u o a . c en tn J «ir, | i n r

MARnN. KETCHUM k MARTIN 5 2 2 - 0 2 0 0

BURTON HOLLOW < twdroom Boct (Uoct Hum bed-room witi (MLh GrMt Room, built-m «ppli*oc*>. b*»cm«it Larn doorwili U3 uer»d ijedt Newer roof attacked

car garage Laod Contract avail-able Owner anitooa r 4 M4 iSl-«»l)

»*Ur. tka , bedroom LtmF u . . room- room.

"»>—t- brie* pecki. aad J car beated garage IIK M*

* TV. aewly r ^ . 1 badroont r u d StttiiM on A MM

foot lot. tto lovely born* often a large Living nxac. aeww carpet aad a ga raae Aanune asd • » al M).M*

BRKK AND MORTAR aad trim and . wbole lot mar* Till o»t »«>rfi«g 3 bedroom borne oflen large bedroocna. 1* baUu newer furnace aad water beater. Btcwlv flaiabad beae-meot, and JV» c*r garage


riad a boa* u cku and w«JJ maiBUuwd u Uu. cw J bmkumu

nock With f t tbra like a bright r ±~ r l countr7 flrhifcr.1 cneoc, 2 faU batu, utd u

r»g« 1» < prtroe locatKm. Only »S7.»00 MUST BE SOLD tc tbe beoeflt la yo«rv 1 T<x burry Here 1> a cKa «pado« barter borne wlti . full wall natural f ireplace, bage lot, and ma tore tree* Aaaaroe wttt M.OOO and bave a Livoola addrvaa IM MM


WOLFE 4 7 4 - 5 7 0 0

3 1 3 D e a r b o r n

D — r f a o f n H o t g h t * CUSTOM QUALITY >oy in UB lovely 1 bedroom brio.

FeetarUw m betta aad "-rtinl •ot. tku beaut, ate

"tckra appUaacea. i C — " -

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS aad gtvaa roe the ckance lo open tke doer on tkia beeaUIul I bedroom brtck raacb B North Dearborn HaUbta TVla tomdom borne often 1 Vt betfea. lull baa

X aad new cemeot i brand aew 1 car i ' Oatf M

LAND CONTRACT TERMS are avail-abie oo Una ezcepUoaaUv well mala-talaed 1 bedroom brkt ruck Enlov yo«r partlea la the floiabed ail and have time for oetatde hm becane of aluminom trim t W i la even 1% batha, and m car garage Ooly


WOLFE 4 7 4 - 5 7 0 0

R e a c h M i c h i g a n ' s

F i n e s t

S u b u r b a n M a r k e t


JOS a > m « n ^ i n > -

306 S Lyon » • HmdNMM L— .up 30? Mdaord-Hamarw

WrrtiaemTroy SOS Oee-Oea Can.

-^unttngtor WooOt S» Co»nmerc»-(jmon Lake 311 OrcMrd Lake






3 1 4 P t y m o u t h - C a r t o n

PLYMOUTH Nice s ta r te r homa. I b^drooma, u a beat Laad contract . 11335 Eastode. n U of Aaa Ar to r Trail H1.5M H i : I U

3 1 5 N o d t i v W a - N o v f



BY* OWNER- Perfect condition J bed-room br«ct iaach, 2 car a t t ac t ad ga-rage. family room, fireplace, flniaiied rec room witt wet bar Ann Arbor Rd -I-JJS area gM.SOO H4-13S3

BY OWNER. 13ft, 000 1 bedroom, clean, nice decor, fireplace, a t tached I ^ garage, double lot. appliance* W Inkjter, S t Mile P o « b i e L C i l l 3315

BV OWNER- 1 bedroom brie* trl-level, must coodltloo. family room, din.Fig room, central air. SH car ga race I ™>re I M H t

A CAR BUFF* Eieciatjve colonial featuring 1 car ga-rage. m batba, coiy farnnly room pfm coontn1 ki tcbei is ready for your (ami IJL W . » 0 Call JAN SURl feOLDER. CENTirR^ 21 Today 51J-0700

CASTLE GARDENS JUST LISTED • Better burry oo this ooe 4 Bedrooms. 2 Full Baths, Family Room Fireplace 2 Car Attached Ga-rage MS.M0 Open Sun. 1-4. or call

" k a t h y r o c k e f e l l e r " RE MAX TORES MOST 422-4030

C h a r m i n g C o l o n i a l On a tree-lined i f r e r t 4 bedrooms raided hear t i fireplace, forma] dii Florida room, maintenance f ree all nam trim, 2 car i t tacbed garage A»-lumabte mortgage S e t o f f . Sonnyaide E s u t e s Sub »TS,»00 Ask (or BILL LAW. CENTURY 21, Today 553-0700

C I R C L E D R I V E Siiarri 4 bedroom brick colonial, 2100

ft of gracious living space. 2 ^ batus. formal dining, fciuien built-ins. iamily room, natural fireplace. p ro fe» sisooally riatsbed rec room, attached

Brsge. w e r e d paoo and more Asking 9.BOO Call RAY IAVASILE


FIVE MILE Levan - Energy efficleni J oedroom brick ranch, family room with fireplace, m baths, at tached 2 car ga-rage, appliances, immaculate 4M-2&30

IMMACULATE J bedroom ranch, 2 baths, family room, fireplace, i t tacbed 2 car garage, finished basement, cen-tral air May occupancy By Owner 14704 Ronnie, S. of S Mile. E of Levan W7.W0 464-8244

LIVONiA & AREA EXCITING OPPORTUNITY Own a brand new executive ranch in North-w o t Livonia s finest new development S bedrooms, 2H baths. 1st floor laun-dry Iamily room with fireplace baae--nent and 2 car s t tacbed garage Plus I oak cabinets and wood windows 192.400

WHY1 R E N T Wbea you can afford a 2 bedroom aluminum sided borne of your own in North Livonia Large double lot oo a paved s treet t i g . M 0

S.VOW STOPPER Beat tbe winter chill with s natural f ireplace in tbe family room of this Livonia schools 3 be I room brsct ranch, baths 1st floor base-ment, garage, aluminum tr im and new-er furnace 159,900

DANCING FLAMES Will eatertain you in your Western Westland J bedroom brick and aluminum ranch with fire-place Also offers basement. 2W car ga-rage and s country m e kitchen with new cupboards and appliances 342.900

BLUE SKIES Are Beading your way Sunshine bright 1975 Swilt Livonia b n c t and cedar sided ranch 2 bedrooms 1 baths 1st floor finished basement. 23 f t kitchen and 2 H car garage M9.900


WOLFE 4 2 1 - 5 6 6 0

LIVONIA A. AREA JUST LISTED Classic charm tn s North Livonia brick bungalow Move in coodi tloo with 3 bedrooms, finished base-ment, aluminum tr im aad complete se-ao-ltv system. Car lovers aluminum

^ w P r t ~ "

LAND CONTRACT Excellent invest [ rneot or starter terms offered t o s

budget Westland borne Steel sided 3 bedroom ranch with s newer gas fur-nace 139.000

COVENTRY GARDENS Offers a high quality ol Uvtag In the heart of Livonia 1300 Stfuare f t , 4 bedroom Cape Cod fea tures 2*» baths, family room, fire-place aad wood stove, baseroeot aad 2

» 4 MT'** | l * P S * ™ * 1 8 0 l o t

EASY ASSUMPTION «7 000 preaent mortcage at 1 I V * Eaceptloo-ally sharp 2 bedroom brtck ranch with gorgeous cathedral celling family room, fteldstone f lreplaceTlv» baLbs. bhhetneot. 2 car garage, central air. j e w M ^ l u l furnace. Livonia schools

UNQUESTIONABLE VALUE 1 MXJ square ft., 1M" built, J bedroom brick ranch. I * baths 1st floor, finished basement wtth bar and 4 vear old 2Mi car g only I dhf price can't be right at

2 BATHS F i m U j s u e Livonia schools 4 bedroom brkA colonial Natural fire-

See, huge country kitchen with cook-islaad. basement and attached ga-

rage with opener Plus underground sprinklers M7.W0

ENTICING AROMAS Will eminate f rom the dream kitchen of your West-ern Westland brick ranch featuring 1 baths 111 floor, basement and 2 car ga-rage 150,900


WOLFE 4 2 1 - 5 6 6 0

C U S T O M R A N C H 2 bedroom brtc* home, fireplace la Bv-ing room, large famllv room, kitchen with bullt-lns, coveied porch, laundry r o w ^ t f t e M g a r ^ Pnced to ie!i


C E N T U R Y 2 1 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 7 8 - 4 6 6 0 2 6 1 - 4 7 0 0


I bedroom ranch Total payment 3333 Great s ta r te r borne and terrific invest-

X £ g » " & w ^ ^ l o r " " " •

C E N T U R Y 2 1 Your Rea l E s t a t e 5 2 5 - 7 7 0 0

DEARBORW HTS - Beautiful, quality Bl-Level In mint condition Is situated on over an acre, bordering a Golf Course. Oak floor In foyer, vaulted ceilings, 1-wav f i replace accents tbe living room 4

n r ™ z U t c h , » -

H A N N E T T , I N C . REALTORS 6 4 6 - 6 2 0 0

FORD-BEECH DALY • 1 brtck ranch . 1H baths, family rootn. f ireplace, central air, 2H car garage appl icances 1130,000 277-gSM

N I C E R A N C H J bedrooms, large living room, table 1 sixe kitchen, finished basement with wet-bar, 1 »i car garage |35,M0 Call


C E N T U R Y 2 1 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 7 8 - 4 6 6 0 2 6 1 - 4 7 0 0 !

L I V O N I A & A R E A Livonia. Prime Area Large 105 i 205 country treed lo t ouallty built 3 bed-room brick ranch, fireplace In sunken

tr attached i living room. 2 car Motivated Seller 174.400

Westland Land Contract Terms avail-able. (juallty built 2 bedroom brtck ranch oo a cul-de-sac lot. Family room with fireplace and large finished base-ment with 4th bedroom 2 car garage Guardian Home Warranty First Offer ing 349,900

Dearborn Heights, Bnght and airy 3 bedroom custom b n c i ranch F r a h l v decorated in neutral colors. Large re-modeled kitcben. newer windows, roof

R O O M T O R O A M Low. low down L C or assume 1V»% wtth 3333 total monthly Huge 5 bed-room home, nice kilcfcen, formal dining room, spaoous living room, natural f ireplace, basement, immediate o c m W 340,000

Castetli 5 2 5 - 7 9 0 0

32040 DOWN moves you Into this 141.M0 l a i sheltered Dearborn duples. by Ford Woods Park Monthly pay-ments less than rent Evenings 413-0417

t r i e* homes First 8SSU 352.900

LIVONIA - 12001 HALLER $ 2 7 0 0 D O W N

$ 3 6 8 P E R M O N T H Brind new 1 bedroom ranch, all brick, full basement carpeted Earn part of your down payment 4 closing costs by painting & floor tiling


LOVELY" older borne in good condition, upstairs • n i l private entrance has 2nd kitchen great lor teenage or in-law sui te ! also

J0s40 pole barn with electricity 4 heat •ell as

1 Canton. Aasumptioe Available al IVi % Owner must sell this lovely 4 bedroom

I colonial in prime area of Canton Faml-I ly room with fireplace, formal dining room, finished basement, 2 car at-tached garage 173.500

Plymouth Township, Achievement m luxury throughout this quality custom built 5 bedroom brick split-level home

I ui prestigious area ol custom homes Ultramodern kitchen for cooking and conven ience Hospital i ty r ad i a t e s throughout this beautiful living room family room with 2 way fireplace wtth •eat ing area S'-i baths, finished base-ment and 3Vi car attached n d e en-t rance garage So many extras First Offering l l f l . M O


KEIM Suburban, toe

2 6 1 - 1 6 0 0


Large 4 bedroom brick bome, . . baths, country kitchen. 2 car attached garage, treed lot with stream Assum able 10% Owner wants fast sale 355.900

CHARMING RANCH Immacu la t e 2 bedroom Sock bome fea tures 21 s I I ft family room wtth natu ral f ireplace, full basement. 2 car ga rage, flagstone patio, 3U.500

CUSTOM Beautiful 2 bedroom brick ranch tea Sures l ibrary or den. gathering room. 2 natural fireplaces, basement. Florida room. 2 car attached garage Larger treed lot 373.300

TUDOR COLONIAL Stylish 4 bedroom 2H bath bock colo-nial with many fine ouallty features formal dining room, family room with natural fireplace, library or den. 1st

3 B e d r o o m s / $ 3 5 , 9 0 0 l Mi i to ry asbestos bungalow separate laundry room. 1H car garage. Call.


C E N T U R Y 2 1 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 7 8 - 4 6 6 0 2 6 1 - 4 7 0 0

314 P lymou th -Can ton

B E S T B U Y -

F e a t u r e s G a l o r e Beautifully decorated In neutral c o l o n fan tas t ic colonial on double lot Formal dining room. 2 bedrooms, 1st floor Laun-dry, family room with fireplace, cen-tral air . energy efficient furnace with beai puump 2 cW attached garage and MORE Pr ice ( u l t N ^ e d to M O M

C E N T U R Y 2 1 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 2 0 - 2 1 0 0 4 6 4 - 8 8 8 1

BY OWNER Windsor P a r t area i b e d room brick ranch, family room, fire-place. 2 H baths, professionally finished basement, central air, 2 car attached garage with opener, |75,000 4 53-3352

J1S NorWivMa-MoM > » w - s a s n a - a - r a s n c w r 317 O r o a s a P o r t f a 3 1 J Radford 91» H o m e s tar Sat»-

Osfcisnd Couney MO H o m e s for Sat»-

Wayne Couney U 1 Homes lor Safe

LMngMon County 322 Homes tor S a l s

M a c o m a County 323 Homes toe Se ts

KeaMenew County 324 Oiher Suburban Homes 325 Baal Es ta te Services 324 C o n d o s tor Sato 327 O u p t o s t o r S a t o 324 Toamhouaas tor Sato 330 Apar tments tor Sato 332 M o M e Homes tor 3ato 333 HorVmu Property 334 Out Ol Town Property 336 Time S h a r e • 336 Florida Proper ty tor

Sato 337 F a r m a t o r Sato 33« Country Homee 330 Lots 4 Acreage 340 Ls*a Blver Ctesor

Proper ty tor Sa te 342 Lake Property 34« Cemetery Lots 361 B u s m a e . 4 ProtoeaUnal

Btoe tor Sato 362 C o m m e r c i a l . ' R e t * 363 kidustr la l /Warahouea 354 Income Property

lor Sato 3 M mveetment Property

tor Sato 366 Mor tgages /

Land Cont rac t s 3«0 Business Opportunit ies 361 Money to Loan 362 Real Es ta te Wanted 364 Listings Wanted

3 1 4 P l y m o u t h - C a n t o n

CANTON - 5 acres, large 2v» story 2 family or 4 bedroom country home, wood. otl h e a t 40X22 two story at-tached garage. 40XI» outbuilding Van Buren Schools By owner 1100,000 Land contract possible 495-033*



V 7 S 4 '

M P H k k & H

AUTHENTIC wonderful older homa. built by Saar* k Roebuck m 1*23. massive Oak w«od-work. log burning nrsp iace , w o n n o s dining room k wper kltdMu. f U M k carpeted h .semsal 4 r screa t ioa room garage with loft, 300 deep lot. 1 Yr Warranty Included Sailer wtn u w

"* *° V A ' SHOWS T E R R I F I F O


^ 2 1

H O M E C E N T E R 476-7CXK)

3 K W M t t a n d

Q a r t t o n C i t y 318 W M t t e n d

Q a r d « n C i t y

A B E A U T Y Ett rsossJy wall cared for tri-tovel with

i s i V m . AaAlag 347.MT Se l le rs notivatad Call loZay k tk tar

JIM CRAVER 422-6030


CONTEMPORARY BEAUTY Custom 3 spacious bedroom brlch r a n c K ^ c t g u a l t o _decor, l a rge great

- 2H baths, countrv kitchen built-ins, 1st floor laundry gnr-

m a s t e r su i t s , wood deck - - — - )acunl . professionally landscaped- central air, a t tached 2 car

truly • d ream come true

R C A i - E S T A T E F O R R E N T

00 Apar tments t o 01 FwMlura Ranlsl

402 F u m s h e d

407 UoBAe Homee 40* Ojp taaaa to (torn 410 Flats to Kam 412 T o u r t w u a e a /


4 1 3 T h a . s n a r e 414 Ftortda Centals 413 Vaeeoon RantMa 4 W HeaalorFtont 410 MoMa Home S p a c e 420 Rooms to Rani 4 2 1 LMng Oaar tars lo Snare 422 Wanted t o Itant 4 2 3 Wanted to Rant-

' t oeon Property 424 House Bitting Service 425 Convatssoanl Nursmg

H o m e . 426 a s r apea /Mto . S l o r s g s 432 Commercial./«eta» 434 Int t is lr lat /Warenouae 430 OWca Bttonass S p a c e

ON A GOLDEN POND Gorgeous 4 bedroom plus l ibrary brlc* tudor, 2i» baths, country kitchen, beau-tiful garden room, lovely decor, large family room fireplace, professionally

i s s s r 1 w ^ LUXURIOUS PLUS

Surrounds this spacious 4 bedroom b r i c t colonial formal dining room.

en with doorwali m wood , carpeting throughout, 1st

floor laundry, finished b a s e m e n t fire-place In family room, at tached 2 car garage and much more. J122.900

C E N T U R Y 2 1 NADA, INC. 477-9800

BY OWNER 1*73, 3 ranch, large a room, doorwali latod garage. 11... - . . . ^ -new mortgage U i 5«0 Mast s e a Oar-' i q 'C t ty 425-4644

i country ttlchae * dlnlag ran to pstio. oversued ioee-I. 10W* sasnmaMe LC or

GARDEN CITY Sharp tn - l eve i I bed-rooms, unique balcoey otl Master had-room overlooks sunken living room. 1 H hatha, family room. 2 car '2 story ga-rage No L C I M*,500 433-0012

G O R G E O U S Beeutifslly decorated 2 bedroom M l

ftarafe with extra R c r i n a r m . m w t H y 9 Q $

Castelli 5 2 5 - 7 9 0 0

O P E N H O U S E 1 - 5 34111 <i«waaa Move to coodt M M see lo hebevw -


4 7 8 - 3 4 0 0

PAINT YOUR WAY IN AND SAVE H I Nice hay window la 22 f t living room • > • • • • • • • . toB base-J fireplace

- •=" faraae L C toons, m o t t. *% interest 7 w 10 y e a n . I l l m

"LETS MAKE A DEAL" Investors Special. 3 bedroom dantoi each nde. U ~ 0 to 34aa« daws o e L t a l 1 3 * interest reduced to 334 M0

Century 21 Coefe 4 Associates


WESTLAND 3 — • a a a — k . Ll ranU schools Immediate occupancy Poesible sssmnpt toa. pcesi bte rent to own 344.MM M^454S

GREAT STARTER h o m a 2 b e d r o ™ w newer carpet ing A floors. 1 H car p r a f l t . V A mortgage. 34.3M assumes ra.MO balance 341 1444 471 -4303

Place your Classified Real Estate A dvertisement In more than 150,000

affluent Suburban Detroit Homes

IF COMFORT COUNTS" This borne has it ail! 4 bedroom to-level home. Features 2 full baths, family room wtth fireplace, heated workshop In garage Now the best par t Just 149.#00' JAMES C CUTLER REALTY 243-4020


IN THE TOWNSHIP Northville. j bedroom Cape Cod

| an acre basement, garage k b r e e » way Owner asking IM.300 with aasun> able mortgage

N I C H O L S R E A L T Y 346-3044

to m a * a any. mjc* V . " n m o r • • n o f A n c M t ottntfw Our

• • » M M on a n c p p c r r J i ^ S S ^ *


I Leaving state must sell, trl level. 1330 sq. f t 3 bedrooms. 1W bsths. f ireplace

I hall acre treed lot. a luminum i j car garage, aasumabale mortgage.

338,500 Call for photo k details 249-1970

LIVONIA SCHOOLS Is to owning this extremely toarp 3 bed-room brtdk ranch TlnaaS Ins a mas te r bath, there Is alao a large dinette, beau-tiful finished basement nalaral flre-plsce and garaaa 333.300


WOLFE 474-5700

NEW LISTING Oo this sharp and clean 3 ranch located In desirable north end ot Garden City. M f t wide fenced lot. faU basement partially finished. Dee car-peting Home has been well < »3»13o Call KEN W at

Re/Mgw BoardwaJk 522-9700

WESTLAND - ranch style, end unit, on-vaie entrance, 2 bedrooms f u S y ro«*n In basement, f i replace central air. 351.304. Call a f t e r i o n T 3 2 4 ^ 4 3

WESTLAND 3 bedroom ranch, aha rp rec room la basement, patio, hea ted 2 c a r g a r u e AsaumpUoo or laad cootract available Only 342,300 Call now

CENTURY 21 Your Real Esta te 525-7700

.FHA 235 Total Payment including principal, ler^t. t ans k insurance as low M

$337. Pull Basement - 3 Bedrooms

Wall to Wall 04 344.300, FHA

135 mortgage (or 3* y r s at 345,400 at 12.3* Total monthly paymen t 3*3433

max. 1237 52 Total homeowner .payment 3337 31 Annual percen tage ru le 13.3*


Model 20373 Gaylord . Redford <S otff I Mile. W ot Beach Daly)

Open Sun 1-4

SEUGMAN k ASSOCIATES 521-2327 255-2400 777-5311

Equal Housing Opportunity

COUNTRY LIVING Spacious 4 bedroom ranch with 2 car attached garage oo secluded one acre lot. Fsmlly room with fireplace. iHnir., room, 2 patios, and lnground pool H a see to appreciate

OT Y OF PLYMOUTH Charming older home located within walking distance of downtown Plym-outh Featuring 4 beidrooma. dining room, breakfast nook, enclcaed porch. «pd simple assumption post

J O H N C O L E R E A L T Y 455-8430 2 55-5330

DREAM KITCHEN Beautiful remodeled kitchen with solid oak cabinets, never was floors, sharp 4 bedroom quad with 2 full batiks, family room. fireplace all nice room uses basement. 344,300 Don't miss it' Call


Century 21 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0

CANTON BY OWNER Beautiful (4) bedroom. 2H bath Colonial, central air family room fireplace, formal living k dining, eat- in kitchen, rec room 174,500 OPEN House, Sunday 459-3741

CANTON by owner, all brick 2 bedroom ranctL 1 w baths, centra] air, full base-ment, attached garage Simple assump-tion, t J H * VA mortgage 9»l-24f2

FIRST OFFERING Kick off your and feel right at home 4 bedroom brick quad with finished basement, 2 full baths, family room, fireplace, 1st floor laundry central air and 2 car attached garage Beautifully landscaped and ei tra deep lot 373,300


WOLFE 421-5660

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 7789 Alton, S of Joy, W of Hii Well cared for home near Plymouth Owner has added s new furnace* new 2^* car garage. Lovely

full tiled basement. decor J bedrooms. patio with gas grill, pr-.vacv fi warranty 353,300 Slop in!* ERA Mark Really N W



314 Plymouth-Canton

IN-TOWN Plymouth • spotless 2 bedroom brick ranch, walking distance to town and schools, fall basement wtth rimshed rec room and H bath, pleasant home in charming area 347,340 Call


Century 21 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0 JUST LISTED beautlfally c 2 bedrooms. 2 bath, family bome in Canton Many ipectal custom features 345,300 Call for details Harold Flscber Real Estate • " • — 455-5100 KEEP VOI R housing coats down with this beeaufultr remodeled older bome is Plymouth KJtchen, bath k plumbing all new. A great place to live aad as upper flat to help make the payments' 3*7 000 By owner 454-317}

PLYMOUTH TWP 4 acres 2 bed-rooms. fireplace, finished basement, garage Fruit trees, fenced In yard

Asking 1135 .MM 455-3332

PLYMOUTH TWP. Nest, comfortable 3 be<troom brick ranctL full basement, ckae to X-ways,

and easy floor

314 Ptymouth-Canton PLYMOUTH. 4 bedroom, 1S bath colo-nial on quiet tree-lined court Country kitchen, family room wtth fireplace, finished basement, cement pa tic with

K grill and 2 car attached garage y 349,300 Call 5J3-134S

PLYMOUTH. 4 bedroom. 2W> bath Co-lonial, family room fireplace, formal dining, attached garage, finished base-ment, new kitchen 3*5.900 453-4234

Northville Charmer Bay-window, cory fireplace, lots of wood trim, Florids room anil gasebo m tbe lovely private yard makes this charming 2 plus bedroom ranch on a lilll In a nice area something medal $49,300 Call


CENTURY 21 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 7 8 - 4 6 6 0 2 6 1 - 4 7 0 0 NORTHVILLE COLONY ESTATES

Open Sat and Sun, 1 to 5. Very a t t rac-tive 2 bedroom, 2H bath ranch, family room with fireplace, dining room, large kitchen, central air, basement , large pr iva te yard. Newly decorated th ru-ou t Excellent condition' Mast see Imenedl a t e occupancy 199,500 v i sum* 7 H * 41312 Sunnydale 430-9*2.9

Prest igious Colony Farms Large ranch with 2 bedrooms, 2«* baths, formal dining room, spacious family room with fieldstone fireplace beautiful lot, clear span basement with no posts Oolv 1124.300 Call


Century 21 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0

plan 350.500 Call FRANK RILEY

Century 21 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0

PLYMOUTH TWP. Beautiful, charming 4 bedroom quad, traditional decor and plush carpeting throughout Family room with fire-•Lsce. 1W baths, finished basement, 4th •edroom could be library, above ground

poo!, 2 car garage, lot sise M i 200 Owner anxious • asking 3*7,900. Call:

P A T o r M A R L E N E

CENTURY 21 G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 2 0 - 2 1 0 0 4 6 4 - 8 8 8 1

floor laundry, fall finished basement. 2 a t tached garage I199M0

CENTURY 21 H a r t f o r d S o o t h I n c .

2 6 1 - 4 2 0 0 4 6 4 - 6 4 0 0

&s I1* rar detArted g*raf* ' Acre 'icC

C e n t u r y H O M E CEN

21 TER

LIVONIA BY OWNER Brook wood Sub 2 bedroom brick ranch 1 ' i ba ths 2 car sttacbed garage, main tenance f ree 425-525?

4 7 6 - 7 0 0 0

COUVTRY LIVING IN LIVONIA v. acre wooded lot. 1 bedrooms 1 . baths. 2 car garage workshop, newly decorated, many es t ras 4*4-0*4*

• Y O W N E R





WO VAX OA* Soaooua. «a« •namtaanad brtc» bona, >u<l ruaerrsr- racrsation room, gas OS Vsc*aca emc far. 9»--sga. nice a^decaoing iS« AOO W 29*3 5*a-MW

SOUT14FMLO - 9"C» rancH 1 -acre Famllv room r*ed Batr, fx* baaemert cedar aoee< oarage Ma 500

Famay room, fireplace J'A car Saraga. large wooded lot 179.900 MNMMOMAM Br** encft Large woodad >AI Vapiace i' tacfted garage pane >70.500 L-»14 MO aOYAi. OAK 6WJ. ram* 2 oama targe Krfcr*. tiaaa-mant . low mamtenance IAi .500 U - 2 7 M

• Sir** '9T8

SM S Adams 642-1620

Birmingham 48011

SHELDON k JOY RD Beautiful 4 bedroom. J full hath brick Quad Family room with f i replace Sep-ara te dining room newly carpeted k painted »T9,»oo

Integrity 525-4200 SUITABLE

for evo^r oeed from entertaining In the formal dining room and family room with fireplace and wet-bar to huge mas-ter bedroom with pr ivate bath TTiia 4 bedroom colooiai a in popular Sun-flower neighborhood Pleasant colors, oeatneas and ready to occupy M1,»00


Century 21 -G o l d H o u s e R e a l t o r s

4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0


Truly a beauty 4 bedroom b n c k colooi-ai 2 n baths family room, natural fire-place. central air. yoar own night club In basemen!, buge corner lot.

BRUCE ROY REALTY. INC. 3 4 9 - 8 7 0 0

/chweltzer f p t S f f e NORTHVILLE - Thrw Acre* - QuM Mvacy Ov»ta*lnfl traad senate ta*-Hve badroom brtck nncti «cur Baths. Ptetty o< room to roam. Haawj 9*D» ptug worUMp raa. St«J«ri (partmant, swlmra^ pool 24x«0 Horaa* doaad. Ptanty ol storaoe tor your hoMM*. Clcaa to tW" «KJ (xprMnnyt. Good Mrtna. t2 WXnO (POTVAL)

M0V1 - S. of » Ml., E. ot >*—Oowtirook. Custom BuH modal horns a«0i T*t bafh* pta ftrary •Ith btfeony wtsrt coukj b* und « * *» badroom «Wi 1* bath 187,800, (P09CAS)

JUST LISTED Attnctna 3 badroom Canton rate* «*h car gangs Prtc*> to Ml *l onf, $S5,BOO. (L-09CHA) 522-5333

EXECUTIVE HOME MaoMaly on* of LtanM'* Itawt oH*1ng». Largs m riUmma tras P1l*r«d CotanM ti vary praaDgna e MM Law location Warm nau-tral dacor and protaaatonaty •ndscapsd 4 bedrooms, W ba»a.

NOV! - S Mile k Drake 3 bedroom ranch, fall basement. 2 fireplaces. 2 * c a r garage central air . excellent loca-tion INTEGRITY REALTY *41-2870

Spacious 4 bednxnn Quad sited on a Large U* in s qiiiM Country Sub KirepLaced fami-ly room, l i rge. informal din-ing area Kitchen appliances included Land contract t e rms offered Call 2«]-S#*0

T h o m p s o n - B r o w n

316 WMtlartd Garden City

GARDEN CITY Owner transferred from this newly decorated brick ranch with full basement. 2 baths 5 bed-rooms carpet over hardwood floor*, fenced yard wjjatio, large kitchen mi dining area Warns an offer today-I40,*»s Ask for Judy Nix. ERA Mart Realty N W

1 EV CANTON • Spaoous rt ERYTHWGI Tac M bath*. Hr* Itoor laundry room, large country kitchen, famfy room. Formal Mng. dming room. S«<>er Buy at «?,S00. fP«3HAN|i

CAN'ON Upgraded three bed-room Colonial. An absok/te spotless home with 2 4 oaths centra air, lhermai mridows era storms Cus-tom wood appointments throoghout and cuslom window treatments stay $63,000 (P26EMBI

PLYMOUTH - PRIME LOCATXX. Charmmg remodalad older home. Waft to towi. E«ao*ed front porch, ^rga private tenead Back yard aflh •oimanced deck. BeauMU pine doors m IMng room and dMng room. $71,900. (P3*CMU5

453-6800 218 8 . M a i n St .

P l y m o u t h

dHng room. 1« tloor laundry. Ma wtrwiee garage, wood Hack. Load-edl $#2,900 Rrat oAartngf trnaO-*•* oca^ancyl (L-MRBO 522-6333

SUPER SHARP BUNGALOW Nfcaty daooratadl 3 badrooma. 2 U bam*, upatan haa mca touch a*» built-in bunk In antra area room, M l * «** P*» courrtar tops - 3 yean old. root ifngM and Hunv-num - S3, norm windows - '80, gooe gua#ry of carpet. U bath n baaamant, aned in back on oamant $39,900 (L-49PIV) 522-5333

VEflYNCE RANCH Tranalerred owner aaSng 3 bad-room bnck ranch on baautffu treed atreet Shows pnde of ownaraWp A real buy at $48,900 fl-00QA8} 522-5333

COUNTRY SETTING Graai 3 Badroom Cape Cod on o»ar an acre. 2 M bathe. V*t floor laun-dry. master badroom on matn Itoor, famiy room ««h flrapttca. screened porch, oaraoad attached garage $<9,900. (1-aOBAI) 522-5333

522-5333 37744 S M i t e R d .


Weir, Manuel, Snyder & Ranke t i ) 4MX S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t P l y m o u t h • P h o n e 4S«» >4.10


T H E P I O N E E R '79,750 3 b e d r o o m s ta r te r r anch , famlty r o o m with f i replace . V/, b a t h s b a s e m e n t qual i ty built wtth na tura l s t a i ned trim, wood windows, oak cab ine t ry c e r a m i c tlie, birch d o o r s




I ^ r ;

O p e n 1-6 Daily, 12-6 W e e k e n d s C losed Thursday



I m p e c c a b l e f o u r b e d r o o m , m a s t e r

b a t h , f a m i l y r o o m a n d r e c r e a t i o n

r o o m . A d e c o r a t o r ' s d r e a m f r o m t h e

m a s s i v e f o y e r t o t h e c u s t o m l i b r a r y . In

P l y m o u t h ' s R i d g e w o o d Hil ls . S h o w n

b y a p p o i n t m e n t

$ 1 4 1 , 5 0 0 4 5 9 - 2 4 3 0

S u p e r v a l u e f o r a r e a of N o r t h C a n t o n .

F o u r b e d r o o m , t w o a n d o n e - h a l f b a t h

C o l o n i a l . B a c k s t o w o o d s . S i m p l e a s -

s u m p t i o n o r l a n d c o n t r a c t t e r m s . C a l l

f o r d e t a i l s .

$ 6 9 , 9 0 0 4 5 9 - 2 4 3 0

S H A R P S T A R T E R H O M E in e x c e l l e n t

C a n t o n s u b d i v i s i o n . F a m i l y r o o m f i r e -

p l a c e h a s e n e r g y e f f i c i e n t w o o d b u r n -

e r i n s e r t t h e r m a l r e p l a c e m e n t w i n -

d o w s a n d a s s u m p t i o n , t o o

$ 5 6 , 9 0 0 4 5 9 - 2 4 3 0

L o w e s t p r i c e d C o l o n i a l In s u b . L a r g e

f o u r b e d r o o m , t w o a n d o n e - h a l f b a t h

h o m e in C a n t o n h a s b e e n n e w t y p a i n t -

e d . m o v e - I n c o n d i t i o n . S e l l e r wi l l p a y

p a r t of c l o s i n g c o s t o r a s s i s t In m o r t -

g a g e b u y d o w n

$ 7 8 , 9 0 0 4 5 9 - 2 4 3 0

N E W L IST ING 4 8 7 4 6 H a r v e s t D r i v e , P l y m o u t h : S p a c i o u s Q u a d L e v e l $ 1 6 9 , 9 0 0

• £ * O A E T f > w * 0 « y J a n u 4 w y 3 V ! » « &


A n t w t r t o P r a v i o u a P u u l *


1 A l a d i s t a n c e 5 C h o o s e fi T i n y p a r t i c l e

12 N i c k n a m e ' o r E l e a n o r

1 3 P a i r 14 Run e a s i l y 15 B e f o r e 16 C h o r a l

c o m p o s i t i o n 18 M a r r y 19 P r o n o u n 2 0 P l a n e t 2 1 N e a r

2 3 C o n c e r n i n g 2 4 S e r v a n t s 2 6 A r m a d i l l o 2 8 Q u a d r u p e d 2 9 S u d s y b r e w . 3 0 S c h e d a b b r 3 2 D o c t r i n e s 3 3 R e c e d e 3 4 E x p i r e d 3 5 F r e n c h f o r

s u m m e r '

3 6 G o f f m o u n d 3 7 G r a n t s u s e 9 ' 3 8 T r a n s a c t i o n 4 0 O c e a n s 41 Thoroughfare

a b b r 4 3 B e f o r e n o o n 4 4 H e a v e n l y b o d y 4 5 N o t e o f s c a l e 4 7 H a w a i i a n

rOOtStOCK 4 9 C h e m i c a l

c o m p o u n d 5 1 W r i t e 5 2 A m u s e m e n t 5 5 T r i a l 5 6 Y e a r l y a b b ' 5 7 D i n e s


1 A g a i n 2 F i r s t 3 M e t r i c m e a s u r e 4 S u n g o d 5 A r o m a s 6 P l a c e s 7 P e d a l d i g i t




• o E I G N S T R E E

s C A R L E S E T p A T L A D E R M S A P E I S o R S E A


• B A R R E S A L E

A n A R s l j D D E N


L i D T I T O L E I S fc N S E R S E S L A P

302 Birmingham Bloom Ask)

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 19139 i M l a . N ol 1» MU. £ * r t v — m Impreaulve apeooua tot gra '-tarn ptUiared colonial rieatiad am beaa-Ufa! wuoded kit Featuring 4 Large M rooms bathe. library f l ruTnoor uuliiy LONMLCF ITKIO: EHNNIMS*M Scftuola ISU.MQ


Merrill Lynch Realty

626-9100 661-0993

OPEN SUN. 2-5 TWO FRA.NKLI.N VILLAGE EST A TVS E*c® Secluded. Private * Hi 1 Dramat ic " i torn ranch baa i

303 WMt MoomfMd

SPACIOUS RANCH 147-bri ' . t a r m i a g I w u s Some ga «™«<J treed «x v i a fenced yard for Ut-ile m e s or P M 3 hall t u n Br* 9 I n . cent ra l air tot i s rpe i n a u a < pore* I emi U U c M $aruge. <«ailiy achooto I n h d l n n i a n r t and ( w i n cteb clone t j C n r a features u B I U

v M i r ' t V S "

Executive Transfer 851-4100


8 Indian mu lbe rn , 9 Haul

10 Managed 11 Anc ient Persian 16 M a n u f a c t u r e d

© 1 9 8 5 U n i t e d F

17 St r ip of c lo th 20 Unmarr ied

w o m a n 22 Symbo l for

ian ta lum 25 Having weapons 26 Priesl s

vestment 27 Checks 28 Hasten 29 President ia l

n i ckname 31 Paid not ices 33 Lamprey 34 coved one 36 More

domest ica ted 37 Become aware

of 39 Babylonian

deity 40 Beer mug 41 Bar racuda 42 Pitch 44 Man s n ickname 45 Per iod ol fast ing 46 Emmets 48 Possessive

p ronoun 50 Music as

wr i t ten 51 Edible seec 53 Latin

con junc t ion 54 Coroner: abbr

bedrooms. I baths gourmet kitchen, ct thredral ceiling toe t breathtaking view that overlooks a heavily treed

and n . M 200 iw, below Cre-ative f inancing available 111) 9W

1 Stately pillared red brick colonial with recently re f loa ted exienor trim sits majest ical ly high oc the side al a kill surrounded In J acrea al beautiful treea tod terraced gardena 4 b e d r o o m master I l j i j with antique fireplace) 1

full & 2 l u l l batha. formal dining and separa te living room with • m a p l f l -c-enl family room featuring m i cabl-ara. sbelvee 4 floors l i t ) DM

11402 Franklin P a r t » ' » Franklin Park

East of Frankl in Rd North of Thirteen Mile Road

SEE THEM BOTH 6 2 6 - 8 7 0 0

Cranbrook Assoc lnc Realtors

badroom colonial (kal festarua _ _ brary and central foyer n m bat Me-tre! decor t wonderful iocauoa la 4 torn •UKBrMWo. than b « r y or you"fi Kaad in line ta say your W0WS~ $129 WW

Century 21 R O B E C P R O P E R T I E S

8 5 1 - 7 7 1 1 Executive Relocation Services

304 Farmington Farmington HMta

304 Farmington Farmington


BRICK WH1TC EUtPHA.NT Nner Drake * 14 MLla Supa. Land oaa-w n larma wua i»<a % a m far T

Ha«t I h a * unan Wtu l fall n p a r a t a « u a « room, l a m l r

room wttk aalaraJ Arapiaca. car at-taekad ( a r a « a a n * ofiooar Lar«* pa t H % t e n i wnk M l troaa aad mora All aapHapcaa K t j Moura tad aaOor O n l f l i U . O M


M4-V7M 477-1474

PAJUCWOTON MIADOWS N al • MUa. E at P a n m a f l o R4 « ba brick ranck 1«M aq f l Pajnlty Oorlda room, aanaraia m a a u r « l tk balk » « j or Urnaa W W

All Farmington Area WALK DOWNTOWN la s r s i aaua from tkia cooumportry i badi u a u r a a c t Paaturaa doonra i l ott mawar a u u to


traad kx A j k i n (

pauo. oa ta ra l f l raptac* * « k Ma Lola tor - a r t * n o r t d a room. aad Larft



S!7 HUMPHREY' - Woodkd lot- Quality, i Lamia rd tea t u r n ! bedjooma, mctad-: n j l a r j e ma t t e r bedroom. 1W batka. a'.Lacbed 2 car garage ?nr*aiaiiy1 win-

Poll ftaaenxnt FuUr carpatad, c u a t o m a r choice Eoer j j - e f f icieot p a c k a n SkvUxhU New Y e a n »n«a.-

u $77 BOO aoct No reaaocabl*

Sky ' e a n

offer refuaed S C L CONSTRUCTION

! i Y e a n Eiper leoc* 5ST-S7M

QUARTON LAKE ESTATES 3 bedroom. 2 bath bnc* raneH. new kJtcben. family room, private treed lot wttli rwlmmina pool, mock Aakla i tlll.OOO Call

t u r e S y n d i c a t e

RETX/CED* Poppletoe P a r t family borne with apprurimately IMC aq f l 4 be«Jroom», j i batlat. library, p o n A New in last 10 veara furnace, piumb. in<. wirtng. roof water Mater, n o r m a t l l t . M O


Merrill Lynch Realty

647-5100 540-9358


The d iacnmiru l in f peraoo will m j o y Urina in tlui r a n

pen Door ;

316 WMtland Gardsn City

REPOSSESSED >1 710 dowr. M i 170 ft lot. Large alti-rrunom older Mine with encloaed porcfc, dtntng room, baaemeot. garage fenced country »«Un« Only JJ4 !K)i Call for addreaa Certury 1! ABC 4IS-SIM

. STARTER HOME Vol many left al t h u price All alumi-num ranch, completely remodeled, apa CWKH bettrooma country type kitchen dining room, inaulated wiKktwa, car-peting thro out. tkaaement, (14.MC

Castelli 525-7900

318 Radford

Beautiful Assumpt ion M.W0 i$ al) you need to asavme Lfcij beautiful S bedroom bome wltk 1 ^ car garage ftmaked baaement, loada oI new item* aucb as carpet ing, riling and panelling m baaemeot, vanity a n ? mir ror in bathroom, counter Lops and u n l ui kitchen and much more Asking 147,MO and ready to aell1 Call


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

464-8881 420-2100

318 Radford Nicely cared for

three bedroom bnck Ranch with a full baaemeot and two car garage New furnace and extra LnsuUUon Walk to ele-mentary achool $49,M0 Call St MOW

Thompson-Brown N REDFORD TOWNSHIP - S be<troom garage, finished baaemeot, excellent condiUi litloo. by owner $41 , » 0 « » • 1 U S MO-OlttO

RANCH home with 5 bedroom* carpet ing, 1»» baths. $44.M0



BEECH VILLA! VALUE PACKED O F F E R I N G ' On tha custom J bedroom bnck ranch Major upgrades include cen t ra ! air . furnace insulated windows, roof, remodeled kitchen, plush carpet ing, aluminum trim, wooderful a rea ' Wowterful buy at d m $ M X »




WESTLAND Gorgeoua restored 1 bed-room older home, extensive use of natu-ral oak woodwork, charming French SOOTS built-in bookcases, spacious Liv-ing room, lovely sun room, baaemeot, I car garage antique lovers d ream home $JS,SOO

REDFORD Super s tar ter , move-in j condition Charming 2 bedroom

C " T p a r t $34 M0

CENTURY 21 H a r t f o r d S . 5 2 2 - 7 0 1 1

302 Birmingham Bloomfield

Bloomfield Village Handsome a bedroom. 4 hath colonial in p n m e area built tn lSJO'a V'nusual I panel doors, oak tr-m and flooring Screened porch a n ! 3 car garage

a Giant . . . .000 STOVT

Merrill Lynch Realty

647-5100 335-7707

screened porch and 3 car gi Spnnkilng and security systems well landscaped lot See it1 »35»,0<


BLQOMFLD HILLS OPEN SUN ,2-5 45t8 Ranch Lane IN of Lone Pine Ril A E . of Telegraph!' 4 bedrooms, 31** bath bome has a panelled family room with wet bar Liv ing room with beamed cathedral cell-In*. rec room 4 more central air aprtnkier system i c ircular drive $219,500 IH44031I



couple . . rare Birming-

ham find Open floce plan srilh gracious fireplace*) living room, famllr room, fitted l ibrary, 2 bedrooms are some of tbe fea tu res of this small brick home CMrtral air , and attached 2 car garage offer impor tan t convenience for todays busy professional For private showing

S H I R L E Y G O T T H E L F Ralph Manuel Ajaoc S44-SS75 or $47-7100

MEADOW HILLS ESTATES S rear oM 4 bedroom colonial featuring aa : t x l 4 master suite with aatara l fireplace, dressing room and full bath Carpeted throughout, family room with aacaraj f l repUce. fo rma l dining room, a (Lacked 2 car ga rage aad sngraoxt pool M J M

UP NORTH LIVING in City Spodesa 3 bedroom h o c k r anch coun tn kitchen family room, washer t itrrer Mated mgrosad pool, garage aad large treed lot Asking $48,000

WARNER GRAND RIVER Sub A aJww place lot with lagrouad heated pool are noouaes with 3 bedroom t n - k r e l . hase country kitchen, family room with wood burning f i replace and attached 1 car garage Asking $7S.M0

CENTURY 21 T o d a y 5 5 3 - 0 7 0 0

FOR SALE cm RENT » I U OPUOO level. $ bedrouuia. das. paneled family room wtth fireplace, asperate l i n l M nucTowave * dishwasher la Utchan. IK floor lauadry e t t r a ineelalkei. half acre, fenced play a r e a 1144.004 After •P«N $14-7717

306 SouthflekJ-Lathrop HANDYMAN SPECIAL

1 bsdroom OrK* r a a d wuk laamly room aad attached aaraes . caHra i air esceUaau u y a r l A i 1$ MU> aad SowthAeM $34,444


KELP Owner u n a a beyer for this cosy bedroom aluminum reach oa a large 7$xl4$ lot A greet starter home 1 car attached garage plai ahed PHA k VA lerme av U U M

Cranbrook Aaaoc , lnc Realtors

garage aim ahed PHA k VA a l l s l Ja Make aa offer today

IN a t X T H P I E L D Set Unsea t al ta to late $ bedroom brick home with a l tached garage, fall tiaaaiiieui. family room, air ruodiuocing Will cam $42 000 Call T h u n evening batws »pm. Henry $42 2379

FOUR BEDROOM colonial Large tread lot. 2 car attached garage, c W a i cwsntry kitchen, ]*» ceramic baths, oewty decorated, carpet k drapes th ronghoat Buyers only 172.400

477 $443

FRENCH COLONIAL with laadad glass freoch doors, bay Windows and othar touches oI — Home la ta fastaal growing area al Farming too HUla This 4 bedroom. J*» bath beauty has 1st floor Laundry aad can be bong>t for $144.M4) Call Lywi Morgan for details

CENTURY 21 WOODWARD m m P4C <1$ jiro«

HAVE CALIFORNIA k Michigan la this walk-out ranch w i u huge recre-ation room with fireplace MafOiftceat setting, large windows that look oat at treaa aad wUdfloerers. Cathedral e t f -Lng. California stone fireplace Garden-

fall " " - r ^ m o . DOC

IIk» »» l t ln | Out of Better Homee 4 Gardens

ATTRACTIVE 4 bedroom Contempo-ra ry Colonial Rolling Oaks 111M Stone Gate Ct_, Fa rming ton Hill. As* tng$ t t» ,000 After 4pm. call $414445

1#3S CONTEMPORARY by Raasettl, Poppleton P a r t area, walk uptown to Bi rmingham 4 bedroom. J baths, new kitcben $84 Mobegan $144.»0

540 0340

303 Watt BkKwnfiakl 4 bedroom, den. laundry room, attached garage. 20x40 swimming pool 3,100 sq ft lM$-buli t Farrrung^on 4 Walnut Lake Rd $4 i - J1J2 or 144-44 i t


I4»ta> Charming 2400 sq. ft center en-trance co lon ia l Library first floor laundry, acreeoed-ln porch, huge mas-ter bedroom suite, family room with f i replace, formal dining room large sunny kitcben $W,i»0


BEAUTIFUL FARM STYLE Colonial 4 bedrooms, 2^k baths, cent ra l air. modern tJtcben. family room, f i replace . 1st floor laun-dry basement , ga rage

KENDALL WOOD LOVELY Colonial situated on large lot 4 bedrooms, I H Mtha, family room, fireplace, patio, J c a r garage

P R I C E D RIGHT SHARP Bnck Ranch on 1 acre lo t 3 bedrooms, 1H baths , carpet through-out. f ireplace, b a s e m e n t 2 car garage Land Contract t e r m s available

EARL KEIM 538-8300



LATTCRUP VILLAGE ranch. 3 bed-rooms. 3 baths 2 fireplaces, fknlahsd

room, circle drive H U M By er 544 41 $

Nice S In a ol sta , b u l l 3 bedrooms, family room

acious Ranch ol homes tha: speaks

quality tn with

fireplace lad fireplace ui Qrlng room. Birmingham school district carpeting throughout, and an a lovely tread lot Priced at $T4>0«

CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

464-8881 420-2100

O P E N S U N 2 - 5 P M 2034$ Wlllowlc*. Southfield

N of 13 Mile. E of Evergreen Spacious I badroom, 2 H bath Tudor level, neutral tones, roof 3 years oM. family room laads U> tiered patio, all ccodltiontng. 2 car garage Super at lor family and entertaining H i m

Audrie Friedman R E A L E S T A T E O N E

6 4 - 4 - 4 7 0 0

ORLANDO VACATION For J, Including air fare * hotel for the lucky peraoc who buys this 3 bedroom, 3 bath reac t with family room By Owner 5 4 » « 1 !

HILLTOP RANCH on acre lot wtth s t r eam and pond. 4 bedrooms 3 full baths. 1 fireplaces, and walkout lower level • fantas t ic prtvacy. minutes to major f r eeways $135 000


Merrill Lynch Realty

626-9100 553-3558 OPEN SAT-SUN 1 5PM

SIMPLE ASSUMPTION AT 1 J H % tt year*. 4 5 bedroom. 1 * hatha, f irst floor laundry, full baaamanL oak Hoars, 1-7M' sq feet Move-tn condition, »1S.000 down $11$ $00 241 2$ Wesuneath . N of 11 Kile, W. of Middle-l * l t 474-7134

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 N of 1J Lovely 3 », family r

<1M»>. 2«24a Bayberry, f t of 1 ] Mile, W of Farmington Rd Loi

BEST BUY! Don t mias seeing this 3 bedroom colo-nial. 1H baths g rea t floor plan Family room wtth f i replace , formal rtinirig room first floor laundry and more1

Over 23043 sc. f t Only **»,400 ASK FOR A R L E N E BIRSA

Merrill Lynch Realty

626-9100 477-0549 BY OWNER bedrooms lot w, shed drspes $45,000 Af te r SI

Cosnpleteiy remodelled 2 rge firing room ** acre


4 bedroom. 2>* baths, cathedral tn family room with fireplace, beat Flonda room overlooking 5 common land and smal l lake, exceUait for swimming Good look ing from out-side $141.*0C

I celling aautlful

s m master enclosed porches, professional-ly decorated with neutral decor, close to p a r t s YMCS, abopptng 4 transporta-tion $55,000 E v f s o o y 440-73*3

Weighing Values? How does » J bedr&xr. brick ranch with centra: air, newer furnace and water heater, newer roof, underground sprin-klers, beautiful finished basemen: with kitchen- 1 <* baths, sound to you" Make us prove it a t just $4».#00

C a l l B I L L R I C H A R D S

R E / M A X F O R E M O S T , I N C

4 2 2 - 6 0 3 0

C A P E COD, !»$1 bnck . 4 bedroom*. 3 balhi. « o i r i l ireplaoe. 2*n car garter energy bome

.WO IS1-!

Executive Transfer 851-4100

Immacula te $]74,i 943!

BIG LOTS JUST under an a c r e 3 bedroom bun-galow with basement, at tached garage, •mmediate occupancy and more Only $5 000 down in S Redford

$4,000 DOWN Spacious orick ranch with formal dining room, concrete block garage and more Located oc ! lots Call for details

CENTURY 21 T o d a y 5 3 8 - 2 0 0 0

5 & BEECH Great Starter1 2 Bedrooms possible 3rd Living Room, Formal Dining Room Full Basejneni, ! "• Car Garage Nice Fenced Yard Call

"kathy rockefel ler" RE MAX FOREMOST 422-MJ0

D I S C R I M I N A T I N G B U Y E R S I l -me: En Joy p n v a t e entertaining snth tennis facilities for family and friends in your own backyard 6wner trans-ferred from this WOO sq ft.. 9 room. 4 bedroom home with 2 full baths and 2 ball baths Recently painted interior and extenor New carpeting Unbeliev-able opportunity Priced substantially below replacement cost Well worth


Executive Transfer 851-4100

Border ing Dow Ridge | 47-mai Enjoy winter sports in this '.oveiy cus tom built 4 bedroom colonial located across the street from all sports Cass Lake 3 full baths, formal room and finished rec room Extra large family room featuring fireplace. Docking and swimming privileges Gor-geous m a t u r e treed setting Quality schools Reduced to $139,»00


Executive Transfer 851-4100

HEPPARD REALTY 855-6570 Custom designed

302 Birmingham Bloom fioid

CUSTOM BUILT HOME 4 bedrooms fireplace finished basement. Flonda room, s full baths, double lot. 2 * car garage $44,000 By Appt 537-44M


ID-UJWU Birmingham 2 story brick Co-looiai Featuring completely updated kitchen, formal dining room fireplace family room, rec' room, 3 bedrooms, l-» baths, 2 car garage, fenced vard plus decking By Mary Fredal, MS-SMO M2-9447 Jack Cbnttamm. lnc Realtors, ERA

ECHO PARK O w n e r T r a n s f e r r e d

CASS LAKE P r i v i l e g e s - $ 3 9 , 9 0 0

Coxy 3 bedroom ranch built 1971 In-cludes all appliances extra iMalatlon. 2 car ga rage West Bloomfield schools Immedia te possession Must sell

CENTURY 21 Secont ine Assoc,


or jp-acKwa entertaining and iamily comfor t , this three bed-room Ranch has every desired fea ture for t h a discriminating buyer The finished walk-out lower level and the country •lie lot add lo the appeal of this very special $149,900 C a n

Thompson -B rown

room brick ranch. 2 baths, family room, completely remodeled kitchen, fire-place, large treed lot. central air, and more Come vts l t $74j»oo


Executive Transfer 851-4100

REPOSSESSED $52,400 bnck ranch, near 9 i t and Beech 190 i 14$ tot, S bedrooms. 1H baths, den. natural fireplace, at tached 2 car garage, very clean $2,440 down Call for aSdr tas Century 21, ABC 424-32SC

SOUTHFIELD HANDY MAN SPECIAL.1 II Mile and Lahaer 3 bedroom ranch Coxy living room with fLrepiace, library, I t i bathk, excellent location Grea: Investment '

LOVELY AND IMMACULATE" S bed-room bnck colonial ready for happy family bring. Beautiful country style kitchen, sharp, neutral decor family room $59,900

THIS IS I T Charm and quality at affordable price' 4 bedroom bnc* colo-nial. targe t iring room with coxy fire-place, country kitchen wtth built-in dishwasher, beautiful kardwood floors, finished basement $$1,900

OPEN SUN 1-4 32321 Tareyton, S of 14 Mile, W, of Middlebeit. i bedroom bnck ranch . 2 full be lbs Large living room. Informal dining room, 3 way fire-place Fami ly room with f i replace k doorwali to patio Full tiled basement 2 car a t tached garage, door Modern kitchen with eating lot on paved s t r ee t $79,900


kTZ. $M-7$1:

P E R F E C T L Y Charming and so nice to come bome uy 3 bedrooms f i replace formal dining room, full basement d o s e to t o w n Priced at $104,000 JAMES C CUTLER REALTY 349-4030

REDUCED FOR quick sale- 2 bedroom doll bouse near Downtown Farmingtoo Ter r i f ic neighborhood, couples 4 sin-gles Move-in condition Immediate oc-cupancy Only $44,900


Merrill Lynch Realty

626-9100 553-3558

DESIGNER PERFECT Contemporary split-level in prestigiow Woodcreek Hills Magnificent grounds and plantings yelld privacy Walk to el-ementary schools. F e s Luring 4 bed-rooms. $ full baths . car garage, bay Windows, f i replace, recessed and tract lighting, curved brtck wall stairway. JeimAire range it new air conditioning PRICED FOR QUICK SALE l l u iSb Immediate occupancy By Owner Pr incipals C«Iy $44-911$

Approximately 4(00 sq, f t quail r level

, . , • - t - , , • , , CHARMLNG COLONIAL !? " ' J f 4 w , t h walkout tower level Newlj carpeted throughout with new Unbelievable opportunity II rooms t . kitchen, large family room 2 fire-

places lovely yard $103 500

Custom Built Ranch duality shews throughout in this im-maculate brack bome located on a beauitful 120 i 124 f l lot Fea tures a large living room with bsy-wkndow, natural fireplace with gas loci, carpet-ing throughout. F londa room, beautiful r w room, IH oaths, wort abop and 2 car attached garage Asking $44 90S

CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

464-8881 420-2100 "GIANT OAKS'

shelter this bungalow bome on large lot spacious second floor bedroom waik-in cloaet, a mix of bard-floors 4 newer carpeting awai t your f t aa! decGrating touches'

Century 21


In-town Birmingham 2 story bnck colo-nial featuring complete!-* up-daied kitchen, fireplace family" room, rec room, forma.' dining room. 3 bedrooms 1 "> baths. 2 car garage decking fenced vard trees, ceramic tile Only $114,995 For details contact

-MARY FREDAL Jack Cfcnsteoeoo. Inc. Realtors. ERA

$49 4400 482 -9447

bedrooms 3 baths and 2 half hatha Dramat ic 2-story living room fireplace

Kus fireplace in master bedroom and mlly room In tenor recently painted

New carpeting Walking distance to Kirk in the Hills Church and Andcwer High School Area of $300,000 u> $4M.IX>e homes Location, prestiee and value ML S3&85


Executive Transfer 851-4100


COLONIAL BY OWNER 4 bedrooms 2W baths, dec :or 5th bed-room I. formal dialing family room with bnck wall f ireplace, large kitchen al! 'XI wooded tot Maple Orchard Lake area $107,000 LC. available Prospect ive buyers call 8S1-1494

HOME CENTER 4 7 6 - 7 0 0 0

ANTIQUE LOVERS DELIGHT Dtf ferent ' country bome needs you. High ceilings, much oew Including kitchen FRANKLIN kBd greenhouse First floor master '

hardwood I a ' f <* Bloomfield Hills Owner says make offer $234 000


Merrill Lynch Realty


FRANKLIN VILLAGE Architect s own contemporary home near Franklin Hills Country Club Mslu level with vaulted ceilings, S or 4 bed-rooms, huge master suite with 2 walk in ckaets , 2 S baths, many custom built-1B« thruou! impressive (oyer Pantuet floor wet bar, marble in foyer 4 dining room. 2 way fireplace Mutachler kites en sprinkler m m , central air sloped Vi sere lot $; 99 500 424-7774

CONTEMPORARY' split-level with bedrooms 3 baths 4 2W car garage * a c r e with s t r eam Family room with fireplace, s tudio ceilings tn living 4 dtn-SiM rooms. kitcSen with cupboards

lore 4 breakfast area Skylights, at t ic 1, ga rage door opener 4 muck more

$1IS.»00 Call 451-M37

CONTEMPORARY RANCH 3 bedrooms with in-ground pool ac res P n c e d to sell at $149,060


twdrooma, 1 *» baths family room living room with fire-

Elace, private yard, excellent condition 14 90C Call i i , . , * ! .


(-wner is despe ra t e Bnck 4 bedroom ranch Must aee n to believe it1 $37 90« JAMESC CUTLER REALTY 344-4030

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY LOVELY well kept Brtck Ranch 3 bed-rooms, 2 baths, nicely deroratad. 4th bedroom In basement 2 car a t tached garage

$7000 DOWN LAND CONTRACT Lovely 1 bedroom bongatow remodeled kite Wee and bath, rec room with bar srood deck, garage

EARL KEIM 538-8300



BY OWNER Desirable Quartern lora t>o«! J bedrooms, i ^ baths completely redecorated in Early American style Spacious modem kitchen. Den plus ItAgllsh Style rec room, central air Pri-vate atockade fence Many other fea lures Call for a p p o u t m e m $114,000 441 3549

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Spactoua four bedroom quad with (wo fireplaces, plus BBQ in Flonda room, d r e e fuli baths Across from O a t ^ n e Hills Country C u b Bloomfield Hills Schools $) 19,900 Call 442-0703


F A M I L Y H O M E S bedroom ranch, huge family room with f i replace in living 4 dining room Master bedroom with bath uentrat tones Updated kitcben 4 baths Tread 4 matured landscaped tit* $44 MX)


3 6 0 - 0 4 5 0

BIRMINGHAM IN TOWN Pierce New contemporary bome


BLOOMFIELD HILLS $199,900 646-7656

GORGEOUS 4 bedroom cape cod 1 fall ba-Jw 4 Bloomfield Hilla achool system First floor mas te r bedroom, country kitchen, living room with fireplace. ' East Coast c h a r m $134 500 Opw 1 5 P M $5^ 2945

baths Hiving room. hrary first floor Laundry room, full basement attached garage Full p a r t age pneed at $23* 9*e Can for fur ther


BIRMINGHAM Pembroke Manor 3 bedroom Drv* 3 *

g a r a j e ^ full basemen: Mint condi uoa $431917


Super Sharp 3 bedroom brick froes - inch large kitchen and dining a rea - 1 showing will sell Asking $14.9*4 Call

RAY l A V A i l L E RE MA* FOREMOST 433-4034

BIRMINGHAM 1 H Story Home has I hedromns 1 baths family room with

doors tn fenced yard 4 r-.ntahed $19 500 iH-447 341 S e m e n *



OPEN SUNDAY I 5 PM 1400 Echo Lane Bloomfield Hills

IN of Lone Pine W of Telegraph Exceptional 5400 Sq F t bome on over 2 * acres « bedrooms 3 • bath, fami ly room lower level walkout Spectacu •ar View of wooded ravine Ute 4 pool Not a drive buy. it's a sleeper- $315 MC

OPEN StrNDAY 1 30-4 lOPM 17334 Beverly Rd Birmingham rs of 14 Mile E off Sou thJEd >

Beautiful 1 bedroom. I t* bath b r v t ranch Separate dining room living room with fireplace finished rer-reatk* n * m enclosed glaaa porch 2 car rase Land Contract Te r $7$ 900

C h a m b e r l a i n , R E A L T O R S

S 4 0 - 6 7 7 7

Cap , I BLOOOgFTELD (OTYi New large o a tars i M"1 h n r t t r s a c k Opan Sua 12 4 1$

REDFORD immediate | Cad, 4 bedrooms m hatha natural . flrepisca. feeble lot Attached 2 car aa TWsrtan Cathedral ceilings rage ^ sumpt ion or ! 4 * tc sew marl r n o r r Buildsr says "Bring gage $44 90S 113-1393 ' 3 * 4 4 4 4 "bodss Realty

PEMBROKE MANOR One of a kisd Six IIOOBM f rom p a r t Newty decorated 4 bedroom 1 bee], c sa t r s l air rec room 3 car garage $79 9M Principals oalv $44-4*45

MAGNIFICENT 300Q aq ft conlempcv r a r * home original price over $300 too

selling now for recbculousJy low pnee Must sell immediately Simple aasump uon Open Sunday 2-4 $4112*4

NEWLY LISTED Custom West Btoomfteld beauty 1 b a d room ranch on gorgeoua treed lot New bath, kitcben, roof carpet For the per fect ionlst Asking $79 $09 CL Call for details

EARL KEIM W e s t B l o o m f t e J d 8 5 5 - 9 1 0 0

OWNER 119' WAL.NIT LAKEFRONT Spectacular a p p r o i 5 004 Sq F t n a -torn built. 4 large bedrooms lake view ' m m e v e i j room DrastlcsHy reduced. $499 tot Brokers welcome $44 43t3


Eieganl 3 story r e s i d e n t 3 full 4 3 ball hatha, family room li-brary bonus 1st floor ith badroom or p layroom Circular cMve Sprinkler sys-tem plush custom decor Mint -onds tiosi Bloomfield Hills achoola Immedia te orewpsnry $1*9 MM


8 5 1 - 9 7 7 0

F a m u n g t c e Fa rming ton mii«

GINGERBREAD Perfec t bome for the 1st t ime buyer 2 bedroom ranch with r eoode l ed kitchen and extra insulation, 1st floor laundry and newly paved s t ree t - move right in! J u s t g i S . f o i

NO NEED FOR SPRING CLEANING - this 3 bedroom ranch is sharp and clean. Newly deco-rated with plush ca rpe t ing and neutral tones Full basement , f ami ly room with fireplace, 1 baths, and 2 car garage Priced right $«4.»00

CUSTOM BUILT Brick ranch on W a c r e country aetting. Exquisite foyer, hardwood floors, new-er carpeting, count ry kitchen, 2 fail ce-ramic batha. 3 bedrooms and master ba th^Fa l l basement and 2 car garage

CONTEMPORARY COLONIAL - ooe-of-klnd energy effi-cient 4 bedroom custom colonial, pas-sive aoiar heat in fami ly room, c o s m i c tile f looriM, 1st f loor mas te r bedroom, format dining. 1st floor laendry base-ment and 2 c a r ga rage $144,900

CENTURY 21 H a r t f o r d 4 1 4 , I n c . 4 7 8 - 6 0 0 0

Reduced to Sell Fast! •4-kI). Super sharp 4 bedroom Dutch

Colonial Is Farmington Hilla Eice l lent location P remium lot backs to com-mons kres. Numerous extras Include

rtty system, first floor laundry, u«-j round sprinkler system, circular

drive, and huge walk-In cloaet In mas-ter bedroom Home shows besutifully mint condi t ion 'Now only $134,900


Executive Transfer 851-4100



851-6700 T H I E F W A N T E D

P o s s i b l e L a n d C o n t r a c t (l-tn) Unbelievable opportunity Better than new s bedroom home offering country kitchen, full baaemeot, central air , newer wood patio deck and over sixwi 2 car garage Prestigious neigh-borhood Immediate occupancy t jrwi contract possible Greatest value for the dollar tn Southfield $4S,90«


Executive Transfer 851-4100

3 d Roche*ter-Troy


Vsry artsy una iif-a-klsd. 3 bsd-roosn Jasigp"' ksnaa. fll apiara M*. ™3y kileAsn. Japasjss roci gartan with tout twMfa. dsn with real barswood paneling aad aUdlng akytlght, «*• * laad. wesp-^ 1 3 l t o w s , ca i id r s s . pUyhows. mwrS more $»4,$« " T - j T to 3341 W W s a l s a I hUt W of too-LMge Drive b^flrst, than csl l

TROY or and new 4 tisdiuom I H hath, family room with fireplace dsn, 1st floor laumrv basamanl attached ga

Douglas Mgt tovestmaot Co (broker

300 Royal Oak-Oafc Park Huntington Wood*

BY OWt4ER H torn BuUi colonial 2H baths, formal dining many praml

extras Berkley schools M7-4NM

lustiDgua W \ t l 3 large

326 Condo* For Sat*

ANNOUNCING A N e w Condominium

$3,390 DOWN $573 per month CROSSWINDS

o f

Farmington Hills bedroom cofcaAi. m

Hanungum Woods, to owasr, e lMsnt . cosy Colonial on Ooafiie k*. many bulK-

$110.904 For appointment.

310 Union Laka Cofnmerca

UNION LAKE area Newly decorated I bedroom ranck built 19»0 Full baae-

t. spacious lot Lake privileges on Lower S ra l l a Lake $49 900 $$1-3199

311 Orchard Laka Walled Laka

BEACH 4 Boat dock on Cass Lake go with this ipaoous 3 bedroom. 3 bath quad-level. Central air. sprinklers.

1 enclosed porch, much more! •me distance to Our Lady of Re-

fuge Immediate occupancy Open H o w Sat 4 Sun 11AM-SPM. « 4 9 indi andaie Dr . 1 block W of Orchard Lake R d off Commerce 1119.009 $$: 2S44

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 4900 Elmgate. N off Pouuac Trail oo Old Orchard Trail to Elmgate EL citing

ntemporary between Orchard 4 Up-r S t ra in Lakes Near the Country

t l a b Almond gourmet kitchen, bright family room, skylighted library, waik-out lower level, 1 4 ac res Many other appointments Must sell $349,000


Merrill Lynch Realty

851-8100 363-2606

place, cent ra l air, itiMbo c e U i S , ^ vale waUad patio, aheltered p a r E n $ 6 5 , 9 9 0

3 4 8 - 0 6 0 0



WALLED LAKE Model Preview

O M M O D 4 F n l j Noon 5pm Closed T W s

Sat 4 Sun 1] soon to $pm

Please Visit laformatioe ( « n e r Al Pontine Trail 4 West Rd Meadowmanageroent lac '

320 Homaa For Sal* Wayne County

INKSTER - assume low interest m o n age oe ttus 3 bedroom brtck ranch lasesneet. fenced yard Priced well be-

low market valoe" at $20,000 Sew! painted inside. Call

321 Homaa For Sal* Lhringaton County

HOWELL - 3 minutes from tosm. 4 bed-room 2 S bath colonial on 1VI acres wtth extra garage Excellent location $74,000 1 $1" 444-444

TWYCKINGHAM SUB 4 bedroom co-lonial. 1st floor laundry, attached 1 car, finished rec room, sprinklers, extras. $113,900 Brokers welcome 344-0770

Yesterday's Charm '!4$-goi, 3 bedroom colonial I H baths, bested sun porch, first floor den, fire-place in living room, kitchen with eat-ing area, finished basement, Urge lot Lathrup Village charm


Executive Transfer 851-4100

PINCKNEY AREA EXECUTIVE CONTEMPORARY this 4200 sq f t bouse crosms • lull m Arrowhead, an exclusive development, 14 miles N Ann Arbor Spectacular vauied ceilings with massive skylights Floors of slate

quarry tile 4 solid oak provide lux unous living Sweeping decks open f rom many rooms T i e living room soars s story and a half high. Dream kitchen, library, family room. 3 flre-i laces sauna, wet bar. 3H baths 4 3-4 ledrooms provide every comfort. Aa-

sumaMe mortage of 11 * Call today for an appt



322 Homaa For Salt Macomb County

SPECTACULAR BRICK 3 story 3400 sq ft. located on cul-de-sac with exten-sive Landscaping Includes den. great room 40 X I t !rtth 17 X $ sfcylite plus formal living 4 dining room Extensive use of ce ramic 4 wood flooring Much mere plus 40ft. f r ee form pool wtth spa A s s u m a b l e m o r t g a g e P r i ced a t $1$4.000 for quick sale


3 6 0 - 0 4 5 0


JUST LISTED KENDAL WOOD SUB" $ bedroom brick ranch with family room with fireplace, finished basement, at-tached garage, l a rge l o t $7J 900

YOU WOULD E X P E C T TO PAY MORE for all tbe fea tu res in this 4 bad-room brick ranch with family room, country kitchen. 2 baths, 1st floor laun-dry b a s e m e n ! a t t ached garage. cJrea-lar drive, strwam $79,900

COUNTRY LIVING" Almost I acre of privacy surrounds this sprawling 3 bed-room bnck ranch Spacious living room wtth bay wtndow f o r m s ! dining room, library with f i replace, 31 i l T family nJJm, deck. $42 40C

HEAVEN CAN W A I T Enjoy living la this super bome with 3 bedrooms large family room with cosy fireplace, for-ms ! dining room with mirrored wall, basement 2 car a t tached garage Ter-rific area for children1 $*« HO

FARMINGTON CTTY JUST LISTED' 3300 aq ft rolotilal with 24 library and 14 forma! dining room 1 baths, fln-

" baaemeot wtth whirlpool and deck, complete aacurtty and fire alarm, family room $149 MO





Thia b n c k 3 bedroom rancfc with fire-placed living room, Is new on the mar-ket Beautifully finished rec room and 4th bedroom or office add to tbe living space beautifully Located In sub with higher priced homes, walk to school and

Seat shopping Immediate occupanrv fered at $73,400 Par private showing


Ralph Manuel Assoc 444-1475 or $47-7100

3 Bedrooms 2H Car Garage

• Double Lot Built lo '7$ MORE

e Ceramic Bath • Large Kitchen • Patio • Carpeted TSrougbou:

$ 4 2 , 0 0 0

C a l l S Y B I L T A D D I A

CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700

307 Mittord-Highland

T H R E E bedroom brick rmocfc acreeaed in porch, city wewrr, faily carpet-ed, 2 CAT M T « | f W WC C*li Anytime 669-2 L 30

305 Brighton-Hertland South Lyon

BRIGHTON - Maintenance f ree two bedroom home with landscaped yard, area of nice homes Lake pr ivi leges Wort Shop la garage. $49,900


COUNTRY LIVING at Its best: P a r t Uke 2V> acre setting Minutes f rom M-59 Newer 4 bedroom colonial with fin-ished walkout lower level Paved s treet and horses allowed. $1:4.500


Merrill Lynch Realty

626-9100 553-3558

COUNTRY P R I M ; Exceptional 197$ built Salem Township 3 bedroom ranch 00 I 35 acrea (Juallty construction with a sprawling kitchen with Oak cabinets. 1 S baths 1st floor, sunken living room, wslh-out basemen: snd wood insclaied windows $72,900


WOLFE 421-5660


February Delivery $175,900

MANORWOOD March Delivery

$203,900 2 . 6 9 0 s q . t t . o f d r a -m a t i c s t y l i n g w i t h l i-b r a r y a n d m a s t e r b e d r o o m o n t h e f i r s t f l o o r

CaJ I U s f o r A n A p p o i m r n e r I



S o u t h o f f 13 M i l e R d

B e t w e e n L a h s e r 4 T e l e g r a p h

B i r m i n g h a m • Open Every Day 13-4 •


BIRMINGHAM CONtX) BY OWNER Choice in-town 2 bedroom. 2 bath coodo

$4 $-320$

Birmingham iciown townhouaf : bed rooms. I baths, blinds, rec' room panelled 4 carpeted All apnUaons - gas grill. Mortgage aaaumable D a n Mr Morgan, $49-17»0 Eves $44-4132

BIRMINGHAM - Knollwood Pointe La rge 2 bedroom. 2 bath, neuiral decor f i replace, ga rage 4 carport Excellent location-1159.940 Eves, 851-4444

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - builder . c » tom coodo, on all sporta Square Lake pool, 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths 2 car ia rage, appl iances, all custom features

«79,»00 LC terms $55-9300

CANTON, 2 bedroom townbowe con-dominium Simple assumption, 3750 moves you in Immediate occuaancv $34.$40. Af te r 4 30 pm 274-4120

CHANTICLEER Offering tbe lmcompar*ble


Spec tacu la r single family cluster ranches 4 lownbouaea oow available on our oew buyers Incentive program Spa rk l i ng ki tcben with breakfast rooms, great room with natural fire-place. fo rma l dining room, library, 2W c a r a t t ached garage 4 more1 dean* vour own interior 4 enjoy a carefree lifestyle Conveniently located lo ibot-ping, cul tural centers, schools 4 ci

Mwlels Open Dally 12-«pm Closed Tluradayi

North of 12 Mile East of Telegrapfc

345-4330 Another Developement BT

MONETARY INVESTMENT CKOl'P Co-op Brokersge S n t e d

b i x year old Executive ranch in Village of Romeo, quality built J bedroom, great room and manv extras $9$,500


323 Homaa For Sale Waahtanaw County

E N J O Y C O U N T R Y L I V I N G with easy acceaa to US-13 94 and 9« 3 hwlroom brick ranct, on 3,4 acres in Webster Twp Wood deck overlooks pri-va te pcrnd $42,540



1 - 8 0 0 - 4 6 2 - 0 3 0 9

1 - 4 4 9 - 4 4 6 6

325 Raal Eatata Sarvicaa ARE YOU COLLECTING oo s Land Contract or secood mortgage and want lo cash o u t ' HigSwst w l o v m Dis-coun t Perry Realty 47g7«40

306 Rochaatar-Troy CTTY OF ROCHESTER

new bomea. 3 bedrooms 2 ba ths gksement 2 car attached garage Ready to finish Call for informs Hoc R. H Grcaberg, 334-4707

Wort Home 327-1344 NEWLY LISTED, deluxe ranch situat-ed on 10 acrea 4 bedrooms 3 batha. 3 car garage, walkout lower level, kitch-en has loads of cupboards Priced to aell qtHrtly $11$ MM Hartland Schoola

SECLUSION Land contract terms1 14 year Land contract Sharp 3 bedroom bome oo over 1 wooded acre, near US 23, N of M i l P n c e reduced, $44 90« England Raal Es ta te 474-4430

SOUTH LYON AREA - farm bouse with $ bedrooms, 1 * baths country aetUng with 1 sere, convenient to eipreaaway $5? 000 Owner ; -437 -944$

306 SouthfWd-Lathrup A Touch Of Spr ing

(4t-th). Excenticnal ly maintained 4 bedroom Dutch Colonial Private back yard, nicely landscaped, family room with f i replace separate formal dining room, rail ba semen t Bast buy is South-field Call for pr ivate showing $49 9*4


Executive Transfer 851-4100

EXCELLENT BUY Lovely brick T n Level, in popular Raintree tub, former model featuring neutral contemporary decor, split rail fencing, extensive landscaping 4 deck-ing 4 bedrooms, I*» baths, family room, fireplace By Mary Freda:. $49-4400 $43-9447 Jack CSirlstesieoo. Inc Realtors ERA

EXCELLENT VALUE Former model Brick tn-ievel in popu-lar Raintree Troy Sub featuring con-tempcrary neutral decor ipln rail f e n c i n g , e x t e n s i v e d e c k i n g and landscaping. 4 bedrooms, m baths fireplace, ftmily room. 2 car attached


MARY FREDAL Jack Clinstenaon, Inc. Realtors ERA _ , _

$$2-954t 325 Real Eatale Services


A n y t y p e p r o p e r t y a n y w h e r e i n M i c h i g a n . 2 4 h r s . - C a l l F r e e 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 9 2 - 1 5 5 0 . F i r s t N a t i o n a l A c c e p t a n c e C o .


L i s t It w t t h D a v i d B e a t t y

Weir. ManueL Snyder 4 Ranke

6 4 4 - 6 3 0 0 o r 6 4 7 - 6 9 9 9


OF W. BLOOMFIELD Meat refreshing 4 exciting oew designs seen on the marke t place, tbe classic townbouae 4 ranch furnished models fea tures pr ivate entrance, great rooms with na tura l f i replace 4 cathrtdal cell ings, spacious loft lor expaiusoo. bed rooms with pr ivate baths, i n fknr laundry room,, garage 4 more1



$78,400 Models CJien Dally 12-«

CloaodThursdsvs Located oo tbe South side of Maple Rd Just West of Orchard Lake Rd

626-4401 Another Development Bv Tbe


326 Condoa For Sate


Umdominium trust fund Muat dispose of by Feb 15,1945 Market $2*0,000 Discounted $40,000

6 4 1 - 9 0 8 7


A roomy Contemporary si vie Town-houae with 3 family bedrcoms, 3-i baths and a t tached 2 car garage COXY fireplace, superbly finished ree room, ext ra baaement lav Scenic area, fast occupancy and owner financing telp NOTHING MISSING- $$2,»00 « i - $ l M

BRIGHT AND SPACIOUS Farmingtoo Hills condo In s souglt-al ter location. 2 large bedrooms- 3 fall baths, ga rage and garden-view balcocv Loads of extras. YOU CAN MOVfc RIGHT IN'$74,400 «2$-«100

LOFTY VIEW f rom this top floor Coodo in popular Twelf th E s t a t e s BIG 14 f t bedroom mult iple closets and In-unu laundry with waaher and drver included Car-port and recreat ional facilities DON ~ MISS SEEING r r $47,900 $24-9100

CONDO-MART 626-8100

FARMINGTON Brookdaie Coodo. small one bedroom secood floor unit Appliances Air Carpeted Clubhouse Indooer pool Maintenance fee includes beat $14,900 431 $431

OPEN SUN 2-5 Dutch Colonial 'SHALLOW

K" Sub 4399 Rel l l , Dr S of E °< R ^ h e s t s r i SPA

C l o t s 3 430 Sq F t home wtth central entrance foyer Huge, sunny kitchen wtth view Convenient 1st floor laundry plus study with f»u closet Family room with wet bar Continues lo offer 4 bed-rooms. 2H batha Amenities galore

$>•»% ASSUMABLE $144 XX>


FARMINGTON HILLS acre setting wit

i 2 bediutsn brick, family roam with f i replace lor ca r t ing op no aanwy i v a a l i y 4 apaoows 2 car garage Bay sow $ 4 7 too or a ^ aboal am root wnh o p t m plan Available F a t 1st umnadi ate oerupeocy 4*4-4*44


E V E R G R E E N T R A I L S Baaetifully decorated well maintained 4 bedroom colonial Contamporary inte-rior Is neutral color* new carpet 4 window t reaunaota thruont. formal din-ing roam, asoars l fireplace In fsmlly room, central s i r . patio with gas BBC $79 4*4

T h e R e s i d e n t i a l G r o u p

5 6 9 - 6 1 0 1

taated pooi cMrtrmi tlr

OPEN SUN. 1-5 One Owner CUSTOM BUILT 4 bedr COLONIAL among is aMlgiiwa biaitea Superior Coadttjoa P a r t e d for Eater taming P R I C E D BELOW VALUE l>ener willing to aaaisl up to 4 pta lm dos ing coat f l 44 *M


Century 21 R O B E C P R O P E R T I E S

8 5 1 - 7 7 1 1 Execwtlve Relocatlnn Servlcea

ROCHESTER CJaotce location Quad level on secluded wooded acre 4 bed-rooma. 3V« baths, large family room

* d patio $41-4443

wi th wet bar opening to 4 deck area $13*^*M

ROCHESTBt HI1 J .S area, by Owner 3 be<dro<*r Ranch, family roem f ireplace finiahed baaement, central air I H batha 2 car attached garage Approx 1 acre treed lot $79,400 i? l 7414


ROCHESTER Old World Charm in thB distinctively designed custom Tu-dor built is 1971 Over 1 OOC an feet 01 greewwa Uving apace wtth woodwork, cathedral cellmg stone fireplace Is family room Uving room wtth formal fireplace 4 length Georgian windows 4mahed rar room 4 bedrooms 2 S batha Large

bedroom saute with anting conditioning, alarm rysuvra

1 M acre setting partially beautifully landscaped By

Call af ter 4pm or $43-4*34

•fetir Q u e a i o n s a b o u t t h e d e s i r a b l y 0f o w e -

i r S ; f # a r e r i r e m e n ' l o u s e Of conao or a n i - , C o " i e ^ ) f o c « r i y , n c e n t r a l F L O R I D A


5 5 2 ? P W i h M a r ^ ? s e ' v a ' ° " <0 a t t e n d C a n A t t e n o a n c e w 1 b e l i m n e d

0 persons R e f r e s h m e n t s s e r v e d WEDNESDAY F E B R U A R Y 6

' 3 0 to 10 3 0 P M BOTSFORD INN F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S

B-ANN R I V 8 , J U S , N O F 8 M | L E

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 27 7 3 0 t o 10 3 0 P M

HYATT REGENCY H O T E L P a i r . a n e C e n t e - m D e a r b o r n

S w » a k 8 ' H e - m a n N F a r r a n d M a r t w , n g a n a M a n a g e m e n t C o n s u l t a n t

Q $219 0*0

ROCHESTER 1H baU Colonial library, living m o ing rooma family room w t u wond-

er attached 3 car garage deck, private backyard $t 130*4 4414319

3*7 after 4pm. 373-4141

Q e a T E s t a t e B r o k e - ( L ^ r ^

Sponsored By


d ? :

1- Mo-we- - . v-—— ' - f t i v r , o-x»

T h u r a d « y . J « H M r y 3 1 . 1 M 6 O A €

Mome-nunters, y o u ' l l f i n d hundr&ds of

homes-for-ssilo advertisements in your

trio Newspaper's new Observer &

Creative I ivi n g Flea I Estate section

: ^ * ' V a « 3 a ' J




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'**•>« Mfce'jf- *'.'A

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When you're looking for a home, The Observer & Eccentric Creative Living Section is the place to look..

What makes this section the best home market place in Wayne and Oakland Counties? RESULTS. Home buyers, renters and sellers get results when they check the

advertising which is now combined in one exciting easy-to-read section.

Let Creative Living and Classified Real Estate advertising take the confusion out of the house or apartment-hunting game. Let us deliver an Observer or Eccentric Newspaper directly to your doorstep.

Call today for home delivery.

In Wayne County Call 59 1-0500 in Oakland County Call 644- 1 100


€>tispruer & Eccentric NEWSPAPERS


« E * O A . E T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 3 1 ,

321 Coodo* For 326 Condoe For Sato FAKMINGTOW CONDO

" A I _ * W AL*1 » A U r You wtu the p r w M i t J U i « U 1

r s s Mro t f t e _ t v a r d now

H 1 . W


» U t m k a a coodo that i aapar aharji with 1 b a d r a m a ; M with p n • *w M i l ; tornucs U l c t t a with d>-« " UrUM r o a n 3uun» room n w i i air mam Hour r t . i

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 » « T * W W a l l a - l e . SoMhAaU

i * o*f 11 Mils J a W M

.auadrv o w t r a . ascot

WALLED LAKE CONDO L A M VILLAGE CONDO- Just listed J badroom rondo with fuil U m n n l > » pliances in kitctan I M I included m U aociauoo to* Ml.MO

T a a s c r s p t T r u n i n Igrces s a k Baeaului. ans-c m a > bedroom ,.vado JDrsry room i M t n y i r t . MMEMK garage p r i s t s sa t ry pauc, 2*» MUn u d k>u mow Too man? rastarss W mantlrja M l . M *


Merrill Lynch Realty

626-9100 338-9552

J32 Mot t le Hornet For Sort

MUST SKLL- 1 B 1 P M J „ J : U ; I lalaenma I M r u m 2 hatha. 1 - ~i

E 2 ^ i m "*jzr,jxnsi NEW HAVEN, i M l , 14s7» No W D o w Ssnkan living room wits fkr» place. 3 bedroome aens r s l e apglancna. T i l l afced Novl

O P E N S U N D A Y 2 - 5

B L O O M F I E L D T W P H M Golfndge. S. of Long L a w

«vB"p5£?ZE?$2Z - s H a r S - s = 5

with • « bar . ceramic l o w 2 cat tacfted I i r n - Use of clot M i . a pooi' u * >00

C E N T U R Y 2 1 M J L C O R P O R A T E


851-6700 FARMINGTON KILLS ECHO VALLEY Eaat Specious 1 bedroom Condo. cor-a w unit, ca rpor t sppiiances. clubhouse pool facili t ies 626-3606

FARMINGTON HILLS 1 bedroom, i balh Excellent apace 4 storage 2nd floor s s c w l t y 641.600 Move is condition 476-66TJ


Sharp 2 bedroom Coodo a l i en modem kitchen with appliances, formal dining room, In-unlt Isundry 4 patio overlook ing cour tyard « pool A Steal al »M »00 A b o available - For Rent

E A R L K E I M M i d w e s t . I n c . 4 7 7 - 0 8 8 0

ugner 'a d r e a m Atu-ar t i ra l j priced lor a fast U K Laad contract sasumpticc

j no requaliflcaUoo needed ML 11634 VINCENT N LEE

Executive Transfer 851-4100


SAVE A BUNDLE l » your I bedroom coodo tn Valley View Low maintenance aasumable mortgage « i n t e r * . covered

nod more 657,600 Call BILL 553-071X1

parking_sod more »57.»00 LAW, CENTURY Jl Today

H i d d e n

R a v i n e s A c o n d o m i n i u m c o m -m u n i t y o f 1 9 h o m e s o f f e r i n g c o u n t r y p r i v a -c y , u n b e l i e v a b l y c l o s e t o D o w n t o w n B i r -m i n g h a m . C h o o s e b e -t w e e n 2 s p a c i o u s f l o o r p f a n s . E v e r y -w h e r e t h e r e i s e v i -d e n c e o f t h e c a r e f u l a t t e n t i o n l o d e t a i l t h a t h a s b e c o m e a R o b e r t -s o n B r o s , t r a d e m a r k

From $25*2,000

C a l l J A N L E I T A O f o r D e t a i l s



C E N T R A L L O C A T I O N 2 bedroom, upper t r aded appliance* ca rpe t throughout, Laundry room low maintenance l e e 1106 include* bea t vacant Move right In Priced to aell »M.»0C Jay HU«H«

MAYFAIR 522-8000 L I V O N I A

N e w C o n s t r u c t i o n

C o n d o m i n i u m s Now l a t i n * reaervst ioas Ranch and co-lonial styles with garages i. basements F r o m 660,»»0 Call today for details

As* lor Carol M a m . Broker C AROL MASON REALTY 344-l6««

PLYMOUTH Nearing Completion

New Condos Ideally located with carport, central air carpeting. appliances aad pauc balconies, ana low maintenance

From . $38,900 C a l l F o r L i t e r a t u r e

Charnwood Group 855-0101


SHERWOOO PARK 76, 14 i 7*. 1 bed-r o o m s I batha laundry room, And. stove, ref r igera tor can be moved. I l l . M * After 7 pm, l » W ' U

SKYLINE i n l l x M bat*. Uv1a( room. Uicfean New a t i r t s • w r m doors Window air F a r a s c e over bas led Exce l lee t M 7 M t S i ' l t l

SUBURBAN MOBILE HOME SALES SOUTKJTEU>!»7 t KlOcreM c a n U»7#. J bedrooms. > b a t t a Family bome PLYMOUTH l « i 7 0 Dae with fireplace. 1 bedroooia. 1 bath Meet see WIXOM-l l r t d I bedrooms. 1 bath, awnlae, abed, a i r weaker, dryer W I X O M - l l i M wit* 7x14 COR ner lot, oorch. awn in j . abed WIXOM-Vtndale U r t S with n i l _ pando I bedrooms. I*. bethe. a u ihed

M S - l l l l

399 Lota and Acroogo For Soto


" r " H / S L S T - ^ - * • * • Roberta Betldsr

NORTH OT HOLLY M acrea of f a rm land P in t e r s of water pood wn* ! • s e n s of bard wood Call a t t a r T pm. Moo. thru F n M 4 - U * l

P L Y M O t T H 10 a Schools F e b l n Real Es ta te

a t e . Ptymowth


PLYMOUTH J acre a t e rood Feh t i (Rea l K a t a u

ROMEO 1* scree of mils aad treea. ex-ceUaot bulidUf a t e in area of n a a homes Land Coolrect avsilslr ts . a * i t * MJ.OOd 7U-71M

SOITH LYON M1LFORD SITES I H acrea, paved road, perked

• alecovot for ctak * U - t t l »

TROY CUSTOM beildlac sttes 7 i x : j « 4 -arger FsiaMWbsd. newer nsi«M boods AH util i t ies From I 1 U M Real Estate Professionals, lnc 77K44M

VAN DYKE, 2 bedroom, can stay oo lot. carpeted, re f r igera tor , air coedi tlooer Sewer * u>C Wavne-

t i m

furnace, ule. and , Westland a rea Good'coodi


333 Nor the rn For Sort

P r o p o r t j r

ALPENA AREA 1M acres. S bedroom cabin cm basuti


Open Sun 1-1 174 Maoarway. Strs t lord Manor off University, between Adam 4 Old Perch.i 3 bedrooms 14* baths, formal d in ln j room, l a r f e kitchen with built ins eating spec* foil basement, 1 car a t u c b e d garage, central s i r Aassro-sble !"*% mor tgage J75-11M

RC)CHESTER (Co-op) 2 bedrooms . bath, c-cuntry kllcbec with sppliances, baaemeot fenced yard « » S per moot* I750C Membership Fee Income restrbc-Uoai ' l i4.MO-(24.M«l

S51-WW or M4-M24

SOL'THFIELD large custom 2 bed-View, location. security

p a r k i n g F u r n i s h e d • llfl . OOO^est TS7-

room. 2 bath. View I U n d e r g r o u n d

I l l s . 000 or not

1 SOUTHFIELD - Sharp 2 bedroom I bath with entrances f rom kali and I ter bedroom. Cent ra l air. targe closet*, laundry room with storage apace Kitchen appliances, newtrsi decor, vert

| reals 4 bor.aootata Pr lvs le entraoce, l * r » halcooy, carpor t 4 pool Low maintenance fee. MB.504 Must sell!


WATTLES CREEK CONDO - Troy, J bedrooms, 1 H baths, basement washer

I 4 dryer Included Pr ivate pooL tennis coert 4 club boose to enjoy $«7 M0


WEST BLOOMFIELD CONDO Professjonally decorated ranch u Brynmawr Pr iced to sell. Land Con-tract avai lable INTEGRITY REALTY 151 1170

fully wooded acreage Abradant aupply of i t e r 4 . . .

tea Best (65 MM

•mail game Vary close' to Priced (or quie t aaie

LAKEFRONT LOTS Jewel Lake, near Hamsvl l l e Nicely wooded 10 acre la te f root parcels on aprtng fed lake 5 left to ehooee f rom Start ing at I12.2M Agent, Monarch Realty l l l - « 7 M 0 4 2

• • F i l j BOYNE CITY CONDO fTbe 2 bedrooms, 1W batha. sleeps 6 Folly furnished, oo Lake Charlevoix with » Manna Slip included. Year-round rec-reation 10 mm to Boyne M t P rodwea M.000 to M.OOO Rental Income il de-sired No Land Contrac t Buyers Only1

1126.000 474-141:

WESTLAND- LOTS FOR SALE Choice of three Some wooded Gaa

sr 4 water A private place to live ms Call 466-4170

340 Loko-Rhror-Aoaort Proporty For Sort

PENTWATER LAKE and Lake Michi-gan cottages Lakefront propert ies s iso ' s acres WO plus f t Pso tws te r River 11> mike from village Just In t ime for cross-country ai l ing Beauufui home on Lake Michigan, year round access *0 acres wooded. 1 producing oil wells W mineral rights Psn tws ta r Tarp Severs! coouDcrci&l

Call or write Anchor Real Estate

144 Hancock or P 0 Box 116. Pen twa ter Michigan, IM49 8 : » * 4 » 40SS

42 Lokofront Proporty

38C Buwncoa Opportunities


E I -

INVKSTOR WAN I u ) for amsil worn ens apparel abop is Plymouth Give as • call (or further details, ash for P a m


LIVE 4 WORK a heee tu s j Northers Michigan A 4 W Haeslaeraat 4 mod em home la Mk> Excelaant growth 4 net profit Now a the Unas lo buy



Restock Nlmco display racSa time Flail Ume 9ta Big return



Uceossd for M children per t a « In-d e d s s building 4 all squ ipmso t Idoal location Land contract t e rms M l hoc

Call Jean Ledfcrd The Livtncston Group, 477-0

400 Aportmonts For Root

AIRPORT AREA l i t Senk l a c o u o t 1 bedrooms BT6 o m h Appliances due t t s , ce rpeung Call


Bayberry Place Apts H E A T I N C L U D E D

C»>e and 1 Bedroom A*er tmanu f rom M6« Balconies, CarpeUog, Carports, * i i Coodlltoning. Swimming Pool a s f c -bouse No Ps i s

1 Block North of

Mall. Troy


6 4 3 - 9 1 0 9

NW Oakland Super Market wit* liquor Volume 2 million • S e n a s qualified

661-M70 buyers only INTEGRITY REALTY

N DETROIT Party Store 7.000 Sq Ft

s a t B u " ° - - B ™


P E P P E R I D G E FARM Breed 4 Roll Route for Sale Livonia and adjacent t r eas . Call Moo thru F r i , »am to 11


REAL ESTATE INVESTOR wanted for choice property, terms 4 in-terest open Oakland Twp 4 Grosse P f 611-4764

EASY LAKE LIVING All sporti Lake view from most rooma. Treed lot Contemporary open floor plan with walk-out lower l e r s i Asking »11» 900 ED Call tor details

E A R L K E I M W e s t B l o o m f i e l d 8 5 5 - 9 1 0 0

WANTED Manufacturers reps, bandi c r a f t e n 4 an t repreneun ' Are you aearchlng for the be« apo< to ihowcMe your product or a e n n c e ' Soon to be

ed "Trade Center", Northville area , clean, secure, heat 4 *ir coodl-tionlng. plenty of part ing. Nol a flea mar te t ! Write to box 414 Observer 4 Bcceotric Newspepera. 14161 School cruf t R d . Livonia. Michigan 46164

Bedford Square Apts. CANTON

NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR Spacious 1 and 1 bedioum Apts

Small, quiet, safe complex

F o r d R d . N e a r 1 - 2 7 5

STARTING AT $365. 981-0033

400 Aportmonts For Root

S U B U R B I A S "


T h e M t V e r n o n T o w n e o

Mt Venaoo Blvd ;»•* m u . Rood! )uM W of Southlwac. aet Is a —

l u a n o u s 1441 Is Truly 1764 sq, ft. plus

of ths lies sppliaocss laacledl^ i - ' u n i i i g ovens

Side by aide r e f r u e r s t o n Dscors tor irarpetlng Gers^sa . s«c Ouldreoa Mctioo

Beaeufu l Club House aad Pool From M46 Heat lacladed

5 6 9 - 3 5 2 2

LAHSER neer 7 M room. appUaacea. carpeting, heat In-cluded Par t ing , DO pets. U l i Leave


BIRMINGHAM proper large 1 bed-room apar tment , carpeting, ceotral air . 1 year lease, adults, oo pets, M*0 month Call Manager Glen Roagg 441 0760 o r Century 21 Piety Hill 442-6100

BIRMINGHAM P r u n e location ! bedrooms. 1«% baths. 1615 Tenant pays gas and electric


LASHER aeer Grand River one 4 two bedroom, carpeting, drapes, appliances, heat included, fenced p a r t log No pets 614-41M M4-14M

BIRMINGHAM TROY L u x u r t o a 1 bedroom apartments , aupsr specious. 1 b a t h a c a r p e l m i c r o w a v e , dishwasher, stove 1 refr igerator , ceo-t ra l air Separate dining room Carports avai lable MOO tnclsdes beet 4 water Call between lam-bpm 544-0114

BIRMINGHAM 1 and 2 bedroom apar tments a ta rung f rom 6475 Heat 4 water included Car peting. a i r coodiuorung. cable avail-able One year lease Call mana

L I V O N I A P u r l l n g b r o o k A p a r t m e n t s

Applications being takao far 1 bedroom apar tments avai lable now Air stove, ref r igera tor disposal, waabar dryer 1400 a month plus utilities water peid

5 9 1 - 1 4 9 8 4 7 8 - 8 1 1 8



V I L L A G E A P T S . Luxurious 2 bedroom apts Shag c a r p e t G E s e l f - c l e a n i n g oven d e l u x e dishwasher, patio, central air. security Intercom system, club bouse wtth Man

Free carpor t HATE OCCUPANCY

JOY RD AT NEWBURGH RD Managed By Paragoo Properties Co


400 Aportmonts For Rent 400 Aportmonts For Rent


Nature, been . nous newer apar tmsaas Take tbe foot bridge across lbs roilu* breoh is lbs opsn p a r t arse ar past enjoy tbe tran-quillity of tbe sd jeceot wooda EBO


Open Saturday Nooo 6|

8 4 2 - 8 6 8 6

OAK PARK » Mile Specious 1 1 bed-room*. ca rpe i lna beat included P a r t lag. f rom. U 4 6 Call between I am and 6 pm 544-4671

P I E R R E A P T S . 1 A N D 2 B E D R O O M S

Includes B e a t Water Air Conditioning. Carpeting. Laundry Pool

1 9 2 5 5 S H I A W A S S E E •

1 Moct north of 7 I

• 5 3 6 - 0 2 8 1

P l y m o u t h IN P L Y M O l

Hi l ls

CMQUtf at

361 Money To Loon

LAKE MICHIGAN FRONTAGE 100ft oo Christmas Cove. N of North-port 617-431-4661

NORTH MICHIGAN Chalets 4 Condos; Harbor Springs Petoskey Schuss Mt Traverse City, Mkchaywe

Call to buy or sel l INTEGRITY REALTY 661 -1676

335 Time Shsrs For Sort

TIME SHARE CONDO it»oo Owoer ih lp Feb rua ry 161*

March I rd Completely furnlsbed li eluding utensil aad lineo package Atlantic Ocean aad hay overlook Puer to Rico. J17.SOO


LOWER LONG LAKE - 2H hilltop lakefrool acres . In Rioomilekl Hills, 4400 sq f t multi level M4S.600 By ° * v r r 664-6717

SYLVAN LAKE PRIVILEGES 1 bed-room brick Cape Cod Fireplace, bard-wood floors, wet plaster, appliances In-cluded 666.600 641-7617


362 Real Estate Wanted

AN INVESTOR Wanta to buy Income Will look at all. any


LAKE SHANNON 1 bedrooms. 2 J docks, built s e r e of woods

336 Florida Property For Sale


Land contract t e rms available oo t h a specious 2 bedroom. 2 bath eod uni t Neutral decor fireplace, doorwali to pauc, garage Pr ice slasbed to 676,500


BARGAIN Port St. Locke, 1 bedroom. 3 bath, at tached garage Near thoppUig 4 hospital Pool, tennis, clubhouse, etc Pr ice reduced f rom (40.000 to 140,000


328 Townhouses For Sort

BIRMINGHAM mtown pmnx Uxm-UOQ 2 BEDROOM. I BOTH. c « n t n l t i r . cur pet*d. i p p l i A r c w MS.000 S4<M»tO


L a u r e l W o o d s Condominiums From...$77,900



Sales Center Open Dhil v-1 to 6 P M

Weekends-Nooo to 5 P M fClosed Tbursdsyr

North of Six <t) Mile West of Newburgb

591-6660 LOVELY

Redford coodo ideal for senior c lu ien 1st floor, adult complex, appliances slay 666 month payi heat, water, main-tenance and Insurance Swimming pool and club House facility n i M s a f o r c e s aale Asking 124 500 Call


CENTURY 21 Gold House Realtors

478-4660 261-4700 NORTHVILLE CONDO

Bargain priced 2 bedroom 1 s bath co-lonial coodo. totally remodeled v.rtual-'.y tweod new Offers oew windows ' new carpeting, freshly painted full basement, central air pauo Priced un-der m a r t e t a t 648.600

CENTURY 21 H a r t f o r d S o u t h i n c .

2 6 1 - 4 2 0 0 4 6 4 - 6 4 0 0

ST CLAIR Riverf ront Townhouse _ bedrooms, 2*» baths. 2 balconies great room with f i replace 4 mirrored wall. t i tcben with eating space. Laundry, flu-ished garage 4 storeage, central air l>rofe«siooaIly decorated, top of UM line appliance*, upgraded carpeting Bv Ap-pointment Only 542-4571 or 661 l O f l

332 Mobile Homos For Sale


$ 1 1 , 9 0 0 15 year financing featureu large bay window 4 garden tub bath Completely furnished, delivered, set up steps, skirt-ing 4 tie downs

W o n d e r l a n d MOBILE HOME SALES INC

15475 Michigan Ave at Belleville Rd


CONDO AT PGA National Golf CTub, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla 1180 sq f t , 1 bedrooms. 2 full baths, fully furnished for rent or personal use lacludea washer, dryer, dishwasher, r e f n g e r s -tor, range, central a i r unit 4 all furnish-

SP r i v i l e f e . for you 4 tenants at 4 courses 4 tennis courts at Club 4

at nearby rwlmming pool ItOS.OOO 6-5 256-1012

115-6040 Call weekday! b e f w e e i Eves 4 weekend!

CONDO, F t imbed, washer i dryer, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, or the golf course across f rom beoch 674,600 Call a f t e r 6pm 675-6716

JUNO BEACH - oceanfroot coodo 2 bedroom. 2 bath, decorator furnlsbed complete Reasonable

111-154-2756 >

Lakefront hide-a-way baths, f ireplace, deck, into hillside oo over an Aaklag 6105,000

Call for f ree pictorial brochures of bomea 4 lota available oo Llving»«M> County i largest, private all aports

A BARGAIN Cash for h o m e s Will pay Top Value for

Contract* 476-7440

Sylv i L Cole, Real Estate Broker 616-4161

111 FT LAKE FRONTAGE On all sports lake 4 bedrooms. 1 full bath*. 2 fireplaces, walk-out family room, finished basement, deck off mas-ter bedroom Second kitchen for enter

K a A " 1 1 ' , D d ^ n°-

E A R L K E I M W e s t B l o o m f i e l d 8 5 5 - 9 1 0 0

348 Cemetery Lots WHITE CHAPEL CEMETERY sec-tion 11M Bioct C I space 6400


351 Bus. A Professional Bldgs. For Sale

ATTENTION TAX LOSS INVESTORS 17.000 down payment boys thli South-

field office building with 111 100 anoual depreciation plus other deductions

Reken 544-4701

LaUDERHILL, FLA Coodo by Owner 1 bedroom. 2 bath- oo Inverrary Champtooshlp Golf Course Large liv

A T T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S Large ranch oo I W acres ready for off-Ice conversion, located al 6165 Bagger ty Rd . Plymouth, (lust S of Aon Arbor

laicooy 2 car Lndoor garage Large closed storage room. &5.000 with aasumable mortgage For Infor-mauoo 111-147-5174 or 611-446-4 M4

ORLANDO AREA Charming luxury manufactured bome in Zellwood Sta-tion Beautiful communi ty of ;«><•« 4 rolling hills Golf course, large awtm-tnlag pooL 2 clubhouses, beeutifully Isndscsped 24 hour securi ty Low tax-es. low maintenance 2 bedrooms, 1 baths Own your own lo t Many other advantages Bus lo mai l s An excellent

353 Induatriol/Warohouso SALE OR LEASE1

| 121 Buildings M-56 Adams a rea Light Industnal 6,»00 sq.ft. 4 12 600 aq f t Approx 20% office Will divide Call Dave. 655-1


O R G U ARANTEED SALE Alao If In Foreclosure

Or Need Of Repair

C a s t e l l i 525-7900

BIRMINGHAM 1177 E room, carpeting, drapes, i Adults No pets 1 year lease 6140

Maple. 1 bed dishwasher



Regardless of Condition Al! Suburban Areas

No Waiting-No Daisys ASK FOR JACK K



CASH FOR your bome tn 24 bours

ASK FOR DICK Century 21 Coo* 4 Associates

3 2 6 - 2 6 1 1

HAVE INVESTOR For apartments , mobile home park, aelf service gas sta-tion etc Must show positive cashf low Call Amen vest. 655-7040

INVESTMENT GROUP looting for residential properties preferably aa-sumable or [and contract properties or wtll pay cash. Will stop foreclosures P l e a * ask for Bill 14M167

WANTED - Large parcels of Northern •ooded property also lake

t ages Buyers waiting Agent, Monarch Realty

) lake or river cot-

buy 145.000 Call Homer D Siroog 104-664-6462 or 115-4217 404

CHAMPION 12x60, 2 bedroom, stove ref r igera tor carpeting, a i r coodltloo-uig, ihed, skirting, Rochester Estate* M.OOO 627 1145

CHAMPION. 1864 uke new 1 bedroom 2 full baths. Knoilwood siding, afringi^ roof, Whirpooi appliance*, located in el-eg*nt Novi Meadow* f 16.500 344 1213

FAIRMONT BAY VIEW 1940. 1 bed-room, 2 baUa. aasumable mortgage Excellent condition 115 500 Novl loca-


GLOBAL double wide mobile bome, large kitchen, dining area, large great roomwith natural wood burning flre-

Ciace. 1 bedrooms, utility room, 2H a ths. 4 c*r d n v e way. norage abed


HAMPTON 24X50ft, 1 bedroom. 2 full bath, central air Farmingtoo Hills

476-0411 624.000

NORTHVILLE NOV! Country Place 2 bedrooms. 2*v tiathi wood burning fireplace, garage Facilities include pool 4 tennis court M9.500

1-216.444-4441 or 1 <116 >464-4464

NOVI 1 bedroom coodo rec room 2H batha. gas gn l i outside, gas fireplace side fully ca rpe ted can ' polntment

i by ap-41-7415

HO MET l M0 - : 4 x 7 0 f t large kitchen, dishwasher, garbage disposal, wood-buratng atove. 2 bedroom, large garden tub 6x10ft wood shed, Urge cement pa-tio. Great iocatioe. must ssil Ajfcing 612.500 I 5 M 6 7 1

KIT 1970, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room kitcben 4 area, Uuadrv room: atove f n d g e washer 4 dryer 18500 Warren, Lo< 415, Canton Must aee Make offer 151-65*6



Custom built homes f rom the Mid 120's 2 Bedroom. C B Construction with air ccodiuoMjig and many ex t ra s Near beaches North of T s m p a Lo« not included


354 Income Proporty For Sale

BED 4 breakfast potential Feoton area Lovely historic*] farmhouse oo 17 acres with over 1600 f root feet oo main road 2 apa r tmeoU over a 1 car garage, could be antique abop Ea*y LC terma '

I Call Vera Ross 2M-4M0, Barba ra Bockaer. 214-4461, or All State Com-

mercial Propert ie* 212 -44 M

STUART FLORIDA - former res idenu of tbe area selling beautiful townbouse •ear Huchinsoo Island 2 bedroom. I'm bath, quiet location. ImmacuUte . load-ed with e t r a s Priced tow 170'»


339 Lots and Acreage For Sale

INTERESTED Veteran or Investor Can assume mortgage 4 liability oa 2 bedroom. N o r w a y * duplex, in West-land Newly decorated, new roof, 2 car garage M 000 down. Must see Appli-ances negotiable 726-4*16

PLYMOUTH - f r a m e bome sooed mul-tiple Convert Into a 1 family Income Good locauon. 654.000 Fehlig Real Es ta te 451-7600

1 unit in PLYMOUTH, 6101.500 Fehlig Real Estate 451-7600

BUILDING THIS YEAR" L i c e » e d builder will assist in planning, obtaining financing 4 construction All or part . Phone Clayton Miller 456-4141

CANTON Established sub 4 lots avail-able |4500 each Zero down oo Land contract if all 4 are purchased together Broker 4 5 0 4 1 M

A BEAUTIFUL CONDO in Southfield. Lathrup area 2 fireplace*, ceotral air garage door opener, private patio great for enter ta ining All appliance* including microwave, washer 4 dryer Recently redecorated Off white carpet-ing throughout Priced to aell immedi-ately avaiUble Call for appoujtmeot

« Home M7 82S7

MANOR, 1M7. can atay on lot in Red-ford TWTI 12 x 50 2 bedrooms, appli-ances New carpe t ing 64000 Must aeU Call anyt ime 562-1611

Office 644 1144

MONARCH 1672. newly redecorated, ready for you to move in Located In a small quiet park. Livoma-Westaad bor der 64000 Call day or evenings. 525-1505 days M5-6210

360 Business Opportunities


o f t h e

S 1 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

H A I R C U T The NATION spent $15 BILLION on HAIR SERVICES last year Over 480 FANTAS-TIC SAM'S FAMILY HAIR CARE CEN-TERS captured a CHUNK of that market Here's YOUR CHANCE TO HAVE A FU-TURE IN A GROWING FRANCHISE (NO EXPERIENCE PREFERRED) Call Fantastic Sam s of Michigan Corporate offices in Livonia, 1-313-464-4403

Tht original Iamily hairevttors. , Ur*U*nt '° ^ Mk*>K>a/^ Frmnctytam Investment

T f y " < * r n * < , a • p r o a p e e t u a h a s < * « " v r e d one w«•* prior t o entering I n t o a

F r a n c * * a a a o r M m e n t o r p a y i n g c o n a k l e r » r k > n

CITY O F BLOOMFIELD HILLS Residential property 1 1 acre* prime building site 61S5,d00 Bv owner Call between 9am-lpm ask ' for Mr Ed-wards Buyers only 474-OOM

358 Mortgages 8 Land Contracts

A BARGAIN' Cash for Existing Land Contracts

Or Second Mortgage* • Highest 666 Perry Realty 476-7*40

CASH LjlmI CootractJ or eqiuuea

MHD 5 2 5 - m «

400 Apartments For Rent Abandon Your Hum - All Areaa



664 S A d a m s Birmingham, Mice


1 B e d r o o m $ 3 5 0 u p

2 B e d r o o m $ 3 8 0 u p

I n c l u d e s . H e a t & W a t e r , P o o l

C a r p e t i n g , A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g

K i t c h e n a p p l i a n c e s

L a u n d r y f a c i l i t i e s

D i s c o u n t f o r S e n i o r C i t i z e n s

1 9 8 0 0 T e t e g r a p h . n e x t t o

B o n n i e B r o o k G o l f C l u b

O F F I C E H O U R S :

8 - 5 : 3 0 M O N . - S A T


LIVONIA VALLEYWOOD 1st floor •pacious ooe bedroom, watt- la clowet. appliance* air, carport , pool, M M mooth. Includes water 4 g a s 477-1111

LIVONIA - Valieywood Coodo* 1 bwd-room, Ind floor appliances balcony carport , fully carpeted Overlooks pool AraUable Immediately C*U. 125-5507

j ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for 1 bedroom apar tments , Telegraph. 7 Mile area 1375 per month heat Included Call Canoer Management Co. M6-4001


M o d e r n 1 & 2 B e d r o o m •Air Coodltioawd Fully Carpeted

In-unit Laundry 4 more : TV AVAILABLE CABLE 1

From $380 Call Noon to 6 PM

4 5 5 - 4 7 2 1 2 7 6 - 6 3 1 9 Moo Tues Wed Fri Thurs 4 S a t

SOUTHFIELD 11 mile 4 t a Mar Urge living room 4 1 bedroom, very ada ousts ckeets Available Marc* 1 M75 lacludss beet 155-1177

SOUTHFIELD apecaows deluss s n a r t m s n t

Prime Iocatioe Hset Included f rom 6*45 Lancaster Hills Apartments

3 5 2 - 2 5 5 4 Equal H o a m g Opportunity



Includes CAshwasber d r a p e s pauo or balconies wit* alldliM door ca rpe t ing

FROMMlf l Ooeu in Farmingtoa locauoo E off Or chard Lake Kd oo Foisorrj Rd. lexteo-aaoo of 6 m i > Rd I comer of Tuck R d


SUMMIT APARTMENTS Farmingtoo Hills Luxurious adult com-munity 2 bedrooms 2 bsths. carpeted, air. own laundry room 4 storage secur ity system 4 manned guardhouse Club-house tennis courts, pool, whirlpool

FROM |750 614-4164 151 1400

TELEGRAP* 4 GRAND R I V E R Studio sad ooe bedroom s ta r t ing at 6115 aad 6160 Adults, oo pets 6 roooth lease Town 4 Country Apt* Call f r o m

8 to 5 155-1116

TELEGRAPH S MILE AREA ] bedroom, carpeted, appliances 6160 plus security

T o w n & C o u n t r y A p t s Spacious I aad 2 bedrooms apa r tmen t s from 6115 Sr O t i n o Specials 414-1164

PLY-MOUTH. Old Village Small 1 bed-room, fully carpeted w stove 4 refrig-erator Laundry 4 s torage faci l i t ies 640 wk include* all u t i l i t ies 451-5174

PLYMOUTH RD E V E R G R E E N area Duplex 2 bedrooms, carpeted, baae-ment 6140 per month plus utilities.


PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom, carpet , appli-ances tuce aeigkbortood utilities In-cluded. 6115 per month Call a f te r 6pm


FARMBROOK VILLA ROYAL OAK - Deluxe 1 bedroom Now taking appl icsuoos for luxury apar tments Newly remodeled, spa apa r tmen t s Rentals f rom 6444 per c * o u l microwave, stove, re f r igera tor , month. Visit Manager s office. 16751 c a r p e t custom made d r a p e s air coodi-Far tbbroo* VlUa Lane. Soothfleld. 'Joeing - M75 Or call . 147-0101 1 beat 4 water Call between

. j «am-5pm ooly M6-0111 FARMINGTON HILLS ,

Walnut Creek Apts Cable ava i lab le I 'WYAL OAK - Deluxe 1 bedroom Rentals f rom M i l Spacious 1 bedroom apar tments Newly remodeled, ape apts Ba lcooe* or patios 6 10-5 10 | aous . microwave, dishwasher stove,

4 7 1 5 1-4555

B O T S F O R D P L A C E G R A N D R I V E R - 8 M I L E

Behiad Bouford Hoepitai


1 B e d r o o m f o r $ 4 0 9

2 B e d r o o m f o r $ 5 0 9

3 B e d r o o m f o r $ 5 8 9

P E T S P E R M I T T E D Smoke Detectors Installed

Singles Welcome I m m e o u t e Occupancy


Quiet prestige addr**s, rwlmming pool, air conditioning, carpeting, atove 4 re-f r ige ra to r all utili lies except e lec tnc i ty included Warm a p u Laundry factli-Ues In tercom system. Good aecurttv Playground oo premises For more InformaUoo, pbooe

4 7 7 - 8 4 6 4

2 7 8 8 3 I n d e p e n d e n c e

F a r m i n g t o n H i l l s


c a r p e t custom made pe*. air conditioning - 6550

Includes beat 4 water Call between 6am-5 pm only 546-0214

FARMINGTON HILLS Cordoba Aota easy X way acrea* 2 bedroom* car-port, pool. 6460 month Days 116-4600 ,

Evenings 4 7 6 - i l l i PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom Carpet, appli-a n c e s beat furnished Adult Complex.

TROY. SOMERSET G R E A T D E A L • F R O M $ 3 8 9


Peaceful living in a prestigious loca-Uoo 1 bedroom units with 1<* baths balcony fully carpeted, all appliance* tadlvidUl central beat 4 carpor t s



N o o n - 6 P M 3 6 2 - 0 2 9 0


Just E of I 175


from $350 H E A T I N C L U D E D



P O O L 4 S A U N A



FARMINGTON HILLS - 1 bedroom a p t carport , immediate occupancy, M M

mo Call Greg. Ml-6970

F ARM1NGTON Muirwood Apartmaota, sublease 1 bedroom, beginning Feb 1 thru May 11 474-7115

No pets month

AvaiUble now 6115 per 456-6507

PLYMOUTH 1 Bedroom duplex. Stove, refr igerator carpeting. 1165 month plus security Year lease

W a l t o n S q u a r e

A p a r t m e n t s Beautiful, spacioui and well-managed Ideal location tn Poottac near 175 Reasonable ra tes

455-0161 1 0 1 1 1 M c o J" r t- l®*m-*pm

GLEN COVE Desirable 1 4 2 bedrocm apar tments f rom 1115 HEAT INCLUDED Carpet, air . appliance* Adults, no pe t s

SENIOR CITIZEN l U T E S 4 TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE N mile S of Schoolcraft oo Telegraph

538-2497 G R E E N F I E L D - LINCOLN area Lax u n o u j 3 bedroom a p t Heat included, carpeting, c a r p o r t appliances, cable TV, 6515 No pets. 556-7615


UNION LAKE AREA Cooley Lake Rd at Lochavec


1 & 2 B e d r o o m A p t s

2 & 3 B e d r o o m T o w n h o u s e s

F r o m $ 3 7 5

HEAT INCLUDED ®saber 4 dryer space avaiUble in each

unit Large private storage Cable TV ava iUble Covered Carports

3 6 3 - 7 5 4 5 Open Weekdays »am 5pm

* Sun ; l a m - 5pm

of Telegraph Call

ABSLOLTELY THE BEST DEAL "I t ' s New Year a Rental Special"

F r e e HBO, f ree hea t f ree security a U r m ivsterr. Spacious 1 bedroom f r o m 1265 to 1-4M Deluxe 2 bedroom unlU form 1165 to 1550 Credit report 4 ~ * required Mer r tman 4 r e f e r e n c e s Ecorae area

'Open Daily. E v a . Weekend* THE APAR'

134-5111 TMENT GROUP


CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Free prel iminary plsn and es t imate Financing belp. building all or par t , our Und or yours F L Roberta Building Co

360 Business Opportunit ies

EXCEPTIONAL ONE OF A KIND lot with 100' oc Elk Lake bv 600 deep Hardwoods, private l o t road tn Call Propertiea North. lac 614-647-I600

A License To Steal! It could almost be the same thing by owning UUs building with 1 individual

451-4116 businesses completely separate en-tiues Ooe urns is bar-res taruant and other is strictly enter ta inment bar with

FARMINGTON HILLS IM1I12 corner icoed office 101x211 corner planned office Land b e < w e « them also available Terma Also. ! V» acre corner roned office 00 Orchard Lake Rd Terms


1 acre xooed C-l a t m a j o r intersect ion Terms

WESTLAND adjacent parcels

entertainment permit recently renovst rd to pac t customers in1 Ideal for par t aership or corporate type operation Nothing like it m entire area Land and buildn u o o . o r i Ask for

s looe wor t* m o r e than p n e e tag for entire package Rex to make appointment to

Glover Real Es ta te Associates Adrian, MI 517-241-4*44


4 l o c a t i o n s t o s e r v e y o u


Spacious ] 4 2 bedroom 4 studies Management bv owner

Excellent service Carpeting Appliances

Laundry facilites. Cable TV includes null ties, etc

Open !am-6pm Mot thru Sal Sun by appointment ooly

4 2 5 - 0 9 3 0


W i t h a t t a c h e d g a r a g e


Bet Drake 4 Halstead

1 & 2 BEDROOMS from $425

F a b u l o u s C l u b h o u s e

Y e a r A r o u n d

S w i m m i n g P o o l & S a u n a s

S o u n d & F l r e p r o o f e d

C o n s t r u c t i o n & M o r e

O p e n D a l l y 1 2 - 6 p m


Diplomat & Embassy Apartments S O U T H F I E L D

I and 2 bedroom apar tment* f r o m 6115 Penthouse apar tment M15 All appliances, carpeting, and -ndoor pool Close to shopping and X-ways


I n d e p e n d e n c e

G r e e n I M M E D I A T E O C C U P A N C Y




Located in Farmingtoo Hills We of fe r luxurious apa r tmen t living that In-cludes beat and water , washer and dryer built-i


ID South Lyoe oo Pooi iac Trail between 10 A 11 Mile Cable TV s r a i l a M e

Rent f rom 6300 too -HEAT INCLUDED Spacious 1 t 2 bedroom units s raUable with centra! air . carpet ing, all e le r t r lc kitcben clubhouse sod pool

4 3 7 - 3 3 0 3

373-1400 P O N T R A I L A P A R T M E N T S

ID South Lyoe oo Pooi iac Trail between 10 A 11 Mile Cable TV s r a i l a M e

Rent f rom 6300 too -HEAT INCLUDED Spacious 1 t 2 bedroom units s raUable with centra! air . carpet ing, all e le r t r lc kitcben clubhouse sod pool

4 3 7 - 3 3 0 3

"ATEKTOKD on L a t e Geneva near Telegraph. Urge. beaoUtuJ bedroom .New carpet, appliances iwaaher drver. etc : 6335 mo Alter «pm, 663-M»S


ID South Lyoe oo Pooi iac Trail between 10 A 11 Mile Cable TV s r a i l a M e

Rent f rom 6300 too -HEAT INCLUDED Spacious 1 t 2 bedroom units s raUable with centra! air . carpet ing, all e le r t r lc kitcben clubhouse sod pool

4 3 7 - 3 3 0 3

W A Y N E ' S F INEST RENTAL C O M M U N I T Y N o w t a k i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r

w a i t i n g l i s t f o r f u t u r e o c c u -

p a n c y . C a l l D e v o n n a t o d a y l

Wayne Forest Apts, 326-7800

CITY OF ROCHESTER Coxy ! bedroom upper, close to town, adults, no pett , 6JJS per Mo pi ta secur-ity deposit Call 636-6633

W A Y N E ' S F INEST RENTAL C O M M U N I T Y N o w t a k i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r

w a i t i n g l i s t f o r f u t u r e o c c u -

p a n c y . C a l l D e v o n n a t o d a y l

Wayne Forest Apts, 326-7800 ROCRtasi b j t - 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t

Appliances, oew paint, carpet I drapes. MSO per month plus beat Security de-posit required «1 -6764

W A Y N E ' S F INEST RENTAL C O M M U N I T Y N o w t a k i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r

w a i t i n g l i s t f o r f u t u r e o c c u -

p a n c y . C a l l D e v o n n a t o d a y l

Wayne Forest Apts, 326-7800 ROCRtasi b j t - 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t

Appliances, oew paint, carpet I drapes. MSO per month plus beat Security de-posit required «1 -6764

WAYNE - 1 bedroom, i t t r s c t i v e clean, oulet Carpeting, appliances, air , laun-dry facili t ies Hest included 6330 nxmthly No pets AJter 5,30pm or weekends 566-633:

ROCHujs I fcjt - 3 bedrooms Air condi-tioning Carpeted. 64SS per month it>-d o d e s best 4 ws te r Depoalt required Call 663-4340, 751-6636

WAYNE - 1 bedroom, i t t r s c t i v e clean, oulet Carpeting, appliances, air , laun-dry facili t ies Hest included 6330 nxmthly No pets AJter 5,30pm or weekends 566-633:

ROCHujs I fcjt - 3 bedrooms Air condi-tioning Carpeted. 64SS per month it>-d o d e s best 4 ws te r Depoalt required Call 663-4340, 751-6636 WESTLAND AREA

Spacious 1 snd 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t ! f rom 6330 monthly Carpeteo. decorat ed 4 in a lovely s r e s Hesl Included Country Village ApsrtmeoU 336-3360

S o u t h f i e l d


1 i 2 bedrooms GE apjiliances, ceram-ic bsths. central s i r shag carpeting. cs rporU, intercoms, pstios h s i c o n i e i i more oo a besutiful wooded site


5 5 7 - 4 5 2 0

WESTLAND AREA Spacious 1 snd 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t ! f rom 6330 monthly Carpeteo. decorat ed 4 in a lovely s r e s Hesl Included Country Village ApsrtmeoU 336-3360

S o u t h f i e l d


1 i 2 bedrooms GE apjiliances, ceram-ic bsths. central s i r shag carpeting. cs rporU, intercoms, pstios h s i c o n i e i i more oo a besutiful wooded site


5 5 7 - 4 5 2 0

WESTLAND AREA Spacious : bedroom spsr tment , 6330 monthly Attractive 2 bedroom s p a n m e n u , 6370 Carpeted, decorated k In a lovely area Heal included

Country Court Apartments

SOUTHFIELD- S h u wsssee Village Apartments , ] bedrooni, c a rpo r t pool ciubbouae, 6490 per month Call Moo'

WESTLAND AREA Spacious : bedroom spsr tment , 6330 monthly Attractive 2 bedroom s p a n m e n u , 6370 Carpeted, decorated k In a lovely area Heal included

Country Court Apartments

CALL OR STOP BY TODAY 4 0 0 A p a r t m e n t s For R e n t

477-0133 i . 471-6800

Grand River 4 Halstead Rds

Presented by Mid-America Mansgeroem lnc

LUXURY AT LOW PRICE Large beautiful apa r tmen t Heat 4 wa-ter Included - f rom 1175-1160 C Sam-Spm, 5jg_<

METRO AIRPORT ' January Rental Special"

1 bedroom 1145, 2 bedroom 1285 in-cludes f r ee b e a t f ree HBO, free securi-ty * U r m system. Credit report 4 refer-

•s required Call today (Open Dally, Eve* We.


E X T R A O R D I N A R Y SPACIOUS 1 4 2 Bedroom Apts

Carpet , PaUo. Air, Pool. Heat Included 1 BEDROOM -1115 2 BEDROOM • 4175 WESTLAND AREA

BLUE GARDEN APTS. C h e r r y Hil l N e a r M e r r l m a n

F o r D e t a i l s 7 2 9 - 2 2 4 2

. »eekdeuda i I APARTMENT GROUP 114-5111 or 565-4165

MUIRWOOD SUB-LET 2 bedroom. 1 bath pr ivate entrance utility room, childrens unit. Immedia te occupancy After 5 10 PM M l l l S l

NEWLY DECORATED Studio 4 1 bed-room H e a t carpet , drapes, appliance* Secuniy camera F r o m 12l i . School-c r a f t - Outer Dr Area 511-6100

NINE MILE • HOOVER AREA Spacious 2 bedroom townbouae 112C monthly Decorated central air base-ments N

756-7050 pets

MacArthur Manor

400 Apartments For Rent

B E A U T Y S H O P "

w i t h l i v i n g q u a r t e r s a t r e a r ,

(I t I s r e a l l y n i c e ! ) O n l y

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 d o w n , ( b r i n g s i n

[ | C o r w J o c a t i i n zoned $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 a y e a r n o w )

I ? s e r e parcel oo Newburgh rooed Light Industrial Terms

1 9 5 5 0 F i v e P o i n t s

MAYFAIR 522-8000 BE YOUR OWN BOSS with worlds

160x61 c o m m s m a , land oo M e m m a n . I largest Toll F ree Ad Reapoaae Service

165x120 plus additional lot oo •oned Commercial Terma Call Sandra LeUsx


353-4400 F O W L E R V I L L E

5 to 16 seres, beswtiful laad. residen-tial. p e r o d . call evas M6-4444

P R A I N S L A K E F R O N T 1 A C R E HOMESTTES Aas Arbor Ptvmoaith a r e s Greet seesaw to M-14 s a d US-11 Ann Arbor arfcooia and mailing R r a n c t e d 4 private For appt can Mr Roberts at 451-4116 ar 605 16M

First 100 t raiaed-free Call operator 1*67

CHAPTERS 4 ARTISTS Would you like your own business* Lack tbe t ime C a s t afford tbe overhead* Tired o, weekend c ra f t shows* Contact P a m e U after 6pm IX* 15*5

FARMINGTON HILLS Party Exeellani iocatioe great terms Umaor. Lottery INTEGRITY REALTY 65


FERNDALE Shot 4 beer H I 6M per month groaa Hew f u t e r e s 165 000 i n n Xeim B u e a a Brokers M4-4440

FOR SALE Well School Excel lent

Roral Oa* t location

ompls to ty equipped Profi table Only luailfted person, need apply 115 tO* Reply to Bos 411. Oheerver 4 Eccentric Newspepers M i l l Scboolrrsft Rd Livoau. Michigan 46150

METAMORA HUNT AREA 44 acres- Beautiful rollia*. treed prop-arty Rood frontage Can he apiil in [6 Acre Pa r r e l s

Call Pes P ie rce WEIR MANTEL, SNYDER 4 R A N K S

M4-4140 or M4-6467

FOSTER CARE FACILITY lorsted « St Clair River Well-know* aad rw-apected facility rannmg at full eanectty w i u I private pay ad*it cflswta Fami ly home atmoepbere with arwty de re r s t ed taterwr I sn tersned p a r k a - aad 6 * x l l fl c o t t a f e Exeeilerx cash (few KlACHIM REALTY IMC H » M M

( 0 C O M N G T O N C L U R


A P A R T M E N T L I V I N G A T ITS B E S T Ranch and Townhouse Units

Introducing Covington Club, leased residences with all the features of a fine home. Choose from ranch or townhomes with private entrances, whirlpool tubs, two car attached garages, private basements, deluxe

kitchens, patios, park-like surroundings, security. 14 Mile S Middlebeit, Farmington Hills 2 and 3 bedroom units from $1,125

P r e v i e w h o o r s : N o o n - 5 : 0 0 p m

o r c a l l f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t




• D i shwasher • Utili t ies Included • G a r b a g e Disposal • Air Conditioning • Carpeting • Security Sj'stem • Pool & Clubhouse

1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS frOTTi '360 Cherry Hill and Henry Ruff

^Between Middlebeit 4 Marrlmani

729-6636 H O U R S :

M O N t h r u F R I 9 A . M . - 5 P . M .

S A T 9 A . M . - l P . M .


r. I N C L U D E S



I N D I V I D U A L H O T W ' A T K R

R 4 H M C O N I E S O R P A T I O S

» , C A R P O R T S

> A « N A T U R E A R E A S

T V " D ' - S " V ' E N I E N T S H O P P I N G

M O N - F R I


M a n a g e c b y

K a f t a n E n t o r p r i o o o , I n c .

3 5 2 - 3 0 0 0



V* IrvdsoT W ooda 4SII W, CKIV


• T T * F o u r M i d A h l e C r o u p .

T h w r s O o y , J a n u a r y 3 1 . 1 9 6 6 O O E o n


CLA66IFIED REAL E5TPTE 5 9 1 0 9 0 0

440 Apartments For Rent

WESTLAND AREA Speeiows 1 aad 2 bediuoan aasr tmaaiu Iroan 4176 moaabljr Carpeted, decorat ed. pool 4 la a tovaSy area Wat laad Woods Apia 714-1460

I WESTLAND Efficiency 1225 One bed room duplex, 1140 Separate stllltM*

J Nicely decorated Good area R e l e r a c -| sa required 124 TM*


APARTMENTS Ford Rd 1 block E of Wayne


Ridgewood A p a r t m e o u Oosy aad w a r m studio aad 1 b faroiabed single « o r y apts with 11 oergy saving fea tures Open Moo thru f r i 12-4pm Sooth ol Westlaad Sbop-a n . Center Call 71446^6

WESTLAND Upper 1 bedroom aad bath m private home AvaiUhie imme-diately No smoking or drinking Prl-rate eotraace, aU utilities paid 6100 per roooth 1100 security 716-7115

WESTLAND I aad 2 bedroom apar tments

Prom 1241. includes heat and water 114-1770

4 0 2 Furnished Apts. For Rent

APARTMENTS fu l l , (waabed for the Mporats executive, all latilitie*

5 5 . « .

MAYFLOWER HOTEL Moo till y rooms svalUhie Maid w i r e

- r r « . w t e ^au» aad n m 1 S u r u u * at I M r—r mooUi Coauct O»op s S u > 44*- i f io

404 Houaoa For Rent B E V E R L Y HILLS, B l r a i l a g h a m Schools BeeaUful 1 bedroom. 1 bath, sprawling R e a c h Urge lot 1764 to l g - ^aat • • c s n t y No pets' 540-4*17

BIRMINGHAM bnck cetaUaL 4 bed-rooms, 1 H be ths. 1 fireplace, excellent a r * Newly decorated 644-1111

METRO AIRPORT i m n w t i | | f «< - -• -

' 2 e ? ° a i l r E v * s , WssksedT; ^ E A P A H T M E N T GROUP

"0-51J4 ne tft* ,

AREA far

—-—ly Free •acwrtty a l a rms


" • " j o y n . CENTER OF TOWN 1 bedroom, very attractive

1M0 lacludea u t l l i tM After 5 P M call 444-4444


iHrminghairi Troy Area • CompleUy fanushed s n i u

• Short term leases • Maid service


WESTLAND - 1 bedroom, attached ga-rage atove. ref r igera tor heat furnished | 3 S PLU* security, DO pets



Newly decorated 1 Large bedroom* I bate duplex Large living room, kitch-en. dinette, dispoasl Parking Adult cwnplex

1145 month


402 Furn i shed Apts . For Rent

Abandon Yoair Hunt All Areas


' Q U A L I F I E D R E N T A L S " SHARE LISTINGS, M l -1 (10

M4 So Adams. Birmingham, Mich

S O U T H F I E L D Furnished


1 a n d 2 B E D R O O M S


5 5 9 - 2 6 8 0 TROY

BIRMINGHAM Cosy I I (eared y ard, spptoaac* sea MM par moot* plea aacwlty hay* 144-1641 Evsaang BIRMINGHAM Dowmows. tadroom*. dsn. 1H batha. 1 c abort term laaae Immediate cy tlV%.

4 0 4 H o u e e s F o r R a n t



moaaCh security. MIS mcath. Call a f t e r * p m 4741446

4 claaa Ml-51*2

144-1711 BIRMINGHAM , room Ranch E Liacota (MMI 4 I

BIRMINGHAM la Tows. sjxnJm 6 baa-room ranch. 3 car garsas, new carpet appliances close to YMCA. taouaVt •bopptt* 66*6 - security 643-1333 BIRMINGHAM MMvsM. Seahoto schools. 3 bedro. stady 2 bsths. full basement "chad garage opener. 6*64

"""•tot RDS p*as 1 car at in sen

BIRMINGHAM 6 bedroom ri tral air. garage 6676 month quired. sfTSmith rortfkam EqmJttat

aach. caa-Lasss rs-

544-6377 BIRMINGHAM 1 story home 1 bad-M75 per Mo plat security ttort term lease Call Kves 4 WsoSapda 1H-1441 BIRMLNG A U T T H I I room Uving room, porch, j rag*, deck, indadaa ap fixed up 6450 month

TOOY luxury apar tment oo goU flrepUce. 2 bedroom. 2 bath. Serloas ia-

w BLOOMFIELD F u r n + J T Z Z Z apartment, for ooe person UtiliUa* |p-eluded except share heat 4 weeks ae-w i t y deposit 640 per wee*. *gi-»7J7

A B S O L U T E L U X U R Y M o n t h l y L e a s e s


B i r m i n g h a m A r e a

M a i d S e r v i c e A v a i l a b l e

THE MANORS 280-2510

BIRMINGHAM AREA - Urge 2 bed-room executive apar tment , from M25 nxcth Include* dishes, tv, abort or loag n m leases Call i l M p m 556-4124 CROOKS 4 14 MILE - furnished 2 b e ? room coodo AvaiUble moothly lease, tlmigb May Excellent coodltioo aad location No smoker* or pet*

After « PM 545-71M



Ci hsve properties to lease or sell I require profsaBonal prcperty

managemeot service* • We specul ise in: Sli^le Family Homes - Condcmirusma

CoopersUvea - A M - Office Bldgs Tbe single family borne reou l market l» very active now For free c o o o i u -tloo or .ppra lss l - Call

Bruce Uovd SSI-6076-Accredlted - Beaded 4 Licensed

Our Fifteenth Year

404 Houses For Rent

EXECUTIVE U V I N G SUITES Fur rushed 1 4 2 bedroom apts offering all comfort* of borne Sbort term leases Prime Avoo-Troy locstioo 474-6770

Abandon Yoiar Hunt - All Areas


r l ' Q U A L I F I E D R E N T A L S " SHARE LISTINGS 641-1 Mfl

M4 S Adams, Birmingham. Mich.

BLOOMFIELD nni.« . room. I bath Cape Cod. dining room family rr tralair 11,100 per Mo

LIVONIA 4 bsfruauj* 1 bstha. family room, a o v e refngsralor 64M moth Firs t month'* aacartty 4 rmtmnmcm.

644-1646 LIVONIA, 1 Mile 4

room. 1 car garage 1540 pliaa utilities F MuraiaghaD

' wit* laras family «• ooa half acre lot.

M1-M14 ROCHESTER - FARM 4 I— rage, owtbwlldlogs II* baths. M , 16 stalls for horses Rsnl or Sail

Call 741-4414 or 751-M77 ROYAL OAX FM room Ongla car gars a. hsaaniain. a» pliancas. carpeting, hast * water M-

64W Llks yowr ow* boaaef No 4747644

f l T O L I N G HGTS.. UUca — . baahuoem. garage family mom |4H

TROY 4-4 b e d r o c c * l b* ths. faU

s s TWO bedroom, adults oaiy MM rem phas 64M aacartty 411-4X44 or 2 7 6 - i m ;


BLOOMFIELD fWEST) 1 bsthoom eo-lonlsi. family room with flrenlae*. cir-cular drive, attached garage. —•— membeialup included, newly i 11100 plus security 476-67M W OF TELEGRAPH aaar 6 Mil* j b j ^ m . basement. U16 p h . m c t t y

FARM HOCJE 1 seres WMU Lake area aaar M 5S ideal for 1 — or day care center Newly

Ml-4474 FARMINGTON Hills, 6 MIle. Hakstaad, 4 bedroom colonial, 1H bstha. 1 flre-pUce*. basement, fenced, garage, la-poond pool V47S pllus security SqosiL No pets 544-4646

attached garage l-Tbeioaen.

GARDEN CITY-1 attached

PLYMOUTH attached ,

Both are newly cncoratad. Immediate occupany Children welcom* No pets oleaae 1440 par month pim all a t i u W Secsrlty depont rejatred. MM. Can repaired, p,

t., 6am-*pen.

ranc*. 1 bdrooma. 1 baths, family "**»• tyyaca. garage Half acre oo canaL 4474 Laaaa optlo* 1M-14M WALLED LAJLE TlataUu bone. | •tory colonial, rally carpeted. 1 bed-room* Urg* family room, dtaiag rooan.

boaat all appUanca* 64M Referenc-

pM 111-414-6414 WEST BLOOICFIELD l bedroom brick raach. rec room. 1 car garage Avail-

UnmedUMy Mil tflddlabatt.

Call E v a s 4 w i i e a d * 476-6441

FARMINGTON H u n t tMa. 1 ba*ooma. 1M bate. 1 car m-

FARMINGTON HILLS oom boas* oa rucr

MC arp*ad. 6440 per Mo piaa seciatty

FAJUCNOTON HILLS *«M4 Aster 1 bedroom brtck. carpeting, baaaat. (aacad yard. 1 car 6114 month MM ee-cartty - 474-4

404 H o u s n For Rent

INKSTER CWryhlll ! Ove 1 bedroom 1»0 aq ess sssn NORTHVILLE Private 1 coaatry Gantan. half ae MM par month. Lean maaaag* oa re-

M4M10 NORTHVILLE - 6 trnle Noel Hd., 1 bad-room ranch, 1 hatha, carped*, drapes appHamraa. faU tiinmia£. 1 car garage. AvaiUble Man* 1. M*0 montT SE Day*. 540-4116 NOVI Cats 1 bedroom hoaa* Rreplacs. waafcer. drear, dlakwaaber. laks privi-lega* AvailsbJe Mar 1. 6446 per month p h a 645* aecert ty 4 refi


OA* PARK. 6-SooUa. 1 hwhnom*. lmB> Uy room central air, garana. all apnB-

OpOoa to bey VI cted&on 164-1441

R E D F O R D - 1

aUandry room 1M car garafa. Urge lot

. • K l l U j . bcCWMB ltan>-?pm.


(l-hai M4M Haggerty Rd.. aporux a «T 11 rfSTY acre alts Brick

la 1M7. 4 roema. 1 bedluuaus. 1 batha, Uvtag room flrenlace. formal dining room coaatry Litcbao. fall ---•

1 car attached gareg* »0*aa»OB oI I-m to the west Near I relve Oaks Regional Sbopptng Caaitar rr*t jm monih plea aeevrWy <&poett. 1 month . rent lo advance aad good crwd-H informatloa Landlord nana tha ry tooaadnoe maltl-Ust marketing

VINCENT N LEE Executive Transfer

8 5 1 - 4 1 0 0

404 Houses For Rant

"K8TLAND CbsrryMll Ma area. 1 bedroom. Ml hn.Bi.L

m - 1 5

WIJILANIX Gleowood Yanoy 1 bed-

WWTlAND - W of Wayne Rd. S ol Hill Immediate Occapaacy depoatt l


WESTLAND 1 bedroom, sewty deco-rated. well loaaUtad. Urge lot. Palmer 'enoy area. 41M pia* Mcarlty. no pets

»T56» WESTLAND. 4 beihojm, garage car-pet Near schools! Very Clean? 6440 * utilities Deposit 4

WESTLAND -1 bedroom car gar*ge. f Orafaaee. m 6554 Secwrt

2 ^1 •


406 Furntshod Houses For Rant

„ W. BLOOMFIELD C ^ e Cod farmhoaae oa 1 acrea. 1 bed-room* ap. 1 down. Urge I «tatag area, formal dining i

- ^ - . - c J S T R l M d L K

LOWQt STRAITS lakef ront Faily fwr-1 bedroom* i baths, family

i. artvata d r ive Available Feb 16 -I t 61*00 per month 141-4446 May

407 Mobtfa Homes For Rent


646 par weak plea dapasM CaU between II N e o n * i m 477-4411

401 Duplexes For Rant BIRMINGHAM

CANTON bath, family room Uuadry room, c a r pe ted .aU

LIVONIA DUPLEX Older 1 7 Mile F a r m l a g U a Anpllaarea, baee-m a a t Like yo*r own bome. 1444 No peta. Security depoalt Agent 176-7648

NORWAYNE utility r oom . fenced r a r d 6J64 par TO plan I n n . aa-cwl ty Mast be employed 444-4644

410 Flats For Rant CANTON • 1 bodrt pU«a jSW/eata srencea, aacartty I d t t ldOK. 47 1 6446

b a t h s Itre-6 4 4 4 / f a r

1 1 i | a h a t 4*7-4743


aaonth, gioo sscwrltv e t U U M a ' a e r i o ^ Available Mar I After 1pm 641-4447

REDFORD -1 bedr cable. 6446 par I M p m

412 Townhousss Condos For Rant


d e d e d 61M Like yoer ear* home' No pa t* Agent: 476-74W

W E T L A N D (Palmer t ract ive 1 badroom d

M m lineal At

coomuaa. immediate occupancy monthly Call a f lar 4 P M l t »


Ptash exeewtiv. atyled 1 betkooan eoa-4k. wtth walk-oat level L a n r y carnnt * wiadew t r ea tmen t s Detax* sppliances 1 car attached garaaa k mech mere One year Maa* M M to

Call JUNE CONNOR 652-1800 - 652-1874

400 Apartments For Rent

w BLOOMFIELD, Ordaard A 16 Mile -1 acre.1 bedroom reach, fireplace, I M

a w U a n t m , i f e o abort ">"ty 444-0474

W BLOOMFIELD Lakefront reach

5 5 ? ^ « » » « « * * . Bra-plhca. Leave meaaage 614-41M

100 Apar tments For Rant

MS5 Lkptldaaon Realty 6*4-g477

WEST BLOOMFIELn . Hills School* 4 bedroom 1 * hath colo-nial. Fami ly room with fireplace, appll snces. cent ra l air . carpetizv. dreaaa, at-tached 1 H c a r g a r e g e w l t h w AvaiUble now at tUMT CONSULT US ABOUT OUR RENTAL A N D / O R P R O P E R T Y MANAGE-MENT SERVICE. OVER 17 YEARS E X P E R I E N C E IN MANAGEMENT F I E L D COMPETITIVE RATES.

GOODE 647-1898 400 Apar tments For Rent


3 R O O M A P A R T M E N T F O R


GLOBE RENTALS WEST-174S7 Grand River *t H*l*Uad

FARMINGTON, 474 1400 EAST-1100 East M*pM16 Miie Rd I

between Rochester Rd 4 1-75 TROY, 566-1600


Moving - Don't want to Sell


REALTORS WILL r tn t L maj%aj»

YOUR property lor yi*i B i r m i n g h a m 5 4 0 - 7 6 0 0

BEAUTIFUL CEDAR ISLAND lake-froot ranch, 4 bedrooms, fireplace. 2 decks, 2 car garage Rent-wlth-Optlon Dowa payment of ooly 65.000. 666-1471

BERKLEY' - 2 bedrooms, carpeting, all appliances avaiUble Immediately, pels. MOC month. Call between l i _ . pm M2-0910

ely, oo 10 4 4

400 Apartments For Rent

© Townhouse Co-operative


•HEAT INCLUDED • F R O M ' 2 6 7 C a l l 7 2 9 - 3 3 2 8

j E corse tp [ Smith

35661 Smi th O p e n W e e k d a y s 1 - 5 p . m

" | S a t & S u n . 1 2 - 5

£ M a n a g e d by PMC


1 4 2 B e d r o o m A p a r t m e n t s F r o m '385

R e n t i n c l u d e s :


B E A C H W A L K A P A R T M E N T S On 14 M i l e , b e t w e e n H a g g e r t y & Novi R d .

C a l l f o r i n f o r m a t i o n

6 2 4 - 4 4 3 4

ReJd« Y o u ' r e h o m e

al L i n c o l n

T o w e r s

A p a r t m e n t s

15075 L inco ln Rood (Greenf ie ld a 10V> M i u \


F R E E C A B L E T V Adult Community ftMwvarf for R*;d*nt* Ovr SO

Centra l Air, Heat, App l iances, Carpet ing, Commun i ty Room. T.V., a Ca rd Room,

Pool. 968-0011

ai Norihvtile

SPACIOUS: 1 BDRM — S56 Sq Ft 2 B D R M —101S o r lOTb S q Fl 1 B D R M — 12H« Sq Ft

• - V b u n d j n t S t o r a g e a n d C l o s e t Space

• Private Entrance • Clubhouse and Fireside Lounge • Heal Included

js.il Sun i; 5 r

3 4 9 - 8 4 1 0

C * P A R T M t N T X >

1 a n d 2

B e d r o o m s

I n c l u d e s h e a t , w a t e r , a i r

c o n d i t i o n e r , c a r p e t i n g ,

l a u n d r y a n d s t o r a g e

f a c i l i t i e s a n d p o o l

7 M i l e - T e l e g r a p h A r e a

a l l 5 3 8 - 2 1 5 8

H e o l l o c k e d .

coipetMi g e co MWio

a M ' c o n ? o ^ ° w

• Le°

W t


M £ ° € 0 * * * , A

T 6 * e


-6 0 '

0 0 ^ '

Y o u D o n t h a v e t o g o V e r y F a r

t o , G e t A w a y from It a l l .

- tpactowe 1 6 J badrMwn apartiMM* aacK eltt a Brapiaea and Means ar parte

• Private athlaMc club Maturing ywar-

gtunning ekibfwuee wttti fire

• umom cmau dkcoukt* on * * O * T UMTTI

i D o o i c r f S t V i l l a apart man 16 A pttikatlc dub •300 WOOOCREST OMIVE


Con«er»ertt> located of Wayne «o*d Per .ear - A v a r end >oy neer tne *ee i ie r« i ^ < v « o n g Uea " W » O ^ c a and U o M Oew ' A s m 6

" ^

N o r t h i g a t e A p t s .

F R O M '305

RENT INCLUDES •Air Conditioning • Range • Refrigerator • Carpeting • Garbage Disposal • Laundry &

Storage Facilities • Swimming Pool • Tennis Courts • Activity Building

• Heat & Hot Water FREE C A B L E T V

G R E E N F I E L D A T 101A M I L E RD.


- a j

« One of tbe most exclusive addresses in


J £ U T T O \ " p i " «

S p a c i o u s o n e f l o o r

l i v i n g o r t o w n h o u s e s ,

t h e c h o i c e i s y o u r s

Limited access service beautiful setting on ravines.

• HEAT INCLUDED • 1570-2600 aq. f t . A t t a c h e d g a r a g e s or c o v e r e d p a r k i n g • CentraJ Air • Appliances, plus setf-cleanlng oven • Your own elegant private club wtth card rooms and heated pool, kitchen, wet bar, Swedish sauna • Plus much morel

Minutes from Town Center Lodge Expressway & Shopping

F r o m $615 Stop In lo suOmfl name Q C O I Q ' i O p e n a l s o o r

•or warting Ssi 0 3 0 - 1 3 3 9 S u n d a y ® 1 2 - 5 T V m o s t p r r s t i g i o a . a t t r c a s ta Soa tkTle td O P P O S I T E P L U M H O L L O W G O L F C L U B

N I N E M I L E R O A D B E T W E E N L A H S E R * T E L E G R A P H

I n S o u t h f i e l d ,

A d v e n t u r e s I n

F i n e L i v i n g

S t a r t a t $ 3 9 Q

n r l « ' i " ? f D a r , m e r " com,nun,ties are Jocaiea conven.ently to snopp.ng malls, ei-?«nrf , r a n s P ° r , a , l o n a n ^ fecreation. Features include spacious floor plans air INCLUDES h'^AT^ d , S h w a s f , c r s ' DOO,S' a n d Pa, io» With some, your ren! even

Wove into any of tiese apartment nomes ana en/oy the tine life now.'

• 1

PINE RIDGE ' ana 2 oed room j i ana 2 Oatns. Cnoo6e f rom 6 s p a c o u s i oo ' plans North s>ae o f I0-M , i« Road West o 'Te 'egrapn. ad jacen i lo TEL EX Snooping Came' . Res aent Manager 354-3930

F R O M $ 4 5 0 *

OAK RIDOE 1 ana 2 bedrooms. 1 a->o 2 Ba ths 7 spac ious

«loor plans C lupn O U se Berg Road Service Onrs adjacent lo N o r m w a s t e m H » , , Nor th of 1 Ov,

Mile.. Easl of Telegraph Res'0«n> Manage-

M 1 M 5 F R O M S 4 6 0 *

MAPLE TREE 1 and 2 bedrooms i and 2 Ba ihv T spacious floor oians Clubhouse. Ott Frank l in Road S of Norm-western H . y a n<j 12 Mn« Roads Res dam Manager 354 033^ F R O M t 4 « *

PINE AIRE V 2 and 3 bedrooms. 1 and 2 baths. 13 spacious floor plans C lubhouse Heat inc luded (Phase I) No rm.S ide ot 12 M i le Road, East of North-western Mwy Res,dam Manager JS7.i Te i

F R O M $ 4 6 0 *


i and 2 bedrooms t and 2 baths. Meat Included Frankim Road, Nor th of Nor thwester* M w . Sesident Manager 357 0437 F R O M $ 6 1 0

COUNTRY COURT ' a n d 2 bedroom. 1 a n d 2 baths Seven spacious <oo. plans. Meat inc luded West side o l Green-

r>Hd Road between 10 and 10 v . M,'e Roa-ls Resident Manager 557-3832 F R O M $ 3 9 0 *

("a* curie. -•«*e/ "«• a assise I lo caswps Miami .otic.

• e ^ , . Everything you w a n t in your home...

Seclusion included!

Swim Year Round!

Thi* f u n d o e s n ' t e n d wvhi'n s u m r n e i isov«-r ;ii W e s t l a n d Towi-rs. b e c a u s e you c a n » n | o y y e a r - r o u n d r e c r e a t i o n in our indoor h e a t e d poo l There 's tennis.inda game room, too. P l u s all t h e luxury ol h igh r i se living wi thou t t h e h i g h p r i c e t ag 1 R e m e m b e r , h e a t ' s i n c l u d e d 1

1 & 2 B e d r o o m s A v a i l a b l e Rent Includes Heat

Westland Towers L o c a l * - . ] o n W a y n e R d

B e t w e f n F o r d R<1 H W a r r e n

721-2500 v the Kayman company

NOW OPEN in Wixom

tjtcrre A P A F T T M E N T S

NEW 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Designed

for Adult Living

Convenient to 1-96 & Twelve Oaks Mail

385 Beck Rd • Wbcom For advance rental information call 624-1 i88

Leave the hustle 'n' bustle world behind. Enjoy your home in over 40 acres of pond and tree-scaped

tranquility Quiet, peaceful, serene and.. all just a moment from metro

freeways and quaint shopping in downtown Farmington and 9 minutes

from the T™elve-Oaks Mall.

1 a n d 2 - b e d r o o m apar tmen ts & t e r race ren ta ls : e Attached covered parking e Balcony or patio e Eating space in k i tchen e Same-level laundry room e Fully equ ipped modern kitchen with dishwasher • Individually con t ro l led heat, central air cond i t ion ing e Wall-to-wall carpet ing e Extraordinary c lubhouse,

party room, sw imming pool, l ighted tennis courts Urrwtad numCar ol tUrmahad Executive Apartments aaeabls

Fairmont Park in Farmington Hills...behind the woods

on Nine Mi le, between Drake and Farmington Roads Open daily until 5 p.m. 474-2510


In the hills of West Bloomfield

Phase II In a Grand Tradition

N e w l a v i s h l y l a r g e 1, 2 a n d 3 b e d r o o m t e r r a c e r a n c h d w e l l i n g s

t h a t a r e u t t e r l y e x t r a o r d i n a r y : P r i v a t e e n t r y , a t t a c h e d g a r a g e ,

' " r e p l a c e , c a t h e d r a l c e i l i n g s , d e s i g n e r k i t c h e n s w i t h s e p a r a t e

b r e a k f a s t a r e a s , m a s t e r b e d r o o m s u i t e s w i t h d r e s s i n g a r e a ,

d o u b l e v a n i t i e s a n d d o u b l e c l o s e t 3 , p r i v a t e i n - r e s l d e n c e l a u n d r y

a n d s t o r a g e r o o m s , f u l l c a r p e t i n g , c e n t r a l A I C . p a t i o o r b a l c o n y ,

p o o l , c l u b h o u s e , t e n n i s c o u r t s , 2 4 - h o u r m a n n e d

g a t e h o u s e , a l l o n o v e r 1 0 0 i n c o m p a r a b l e a c r e s !

F o r t h e i r s i z e , d e s i g n a n d i n c o m p a r a b l e s e t t i n g ,

t h e s e a r e 1, 2 a n d 3 b e d r o o m t e r r a c e s

t h a t y o u m u s t s e e

Open daily Aldlngbrooka Is located oft Draka Road, bat wean Maple and Walnut Lake Road, In West

• Bloomfield. For laatlng information



8 E * 0 * E T h u r a d e y , J v m w y 3 1 . 1 8 6 6


CLfl66IFIED PEflL E6TPTE 412 Townhousas-Condos

For Rant

BLOOMFIELD HILLS bedioum Coodo la

412 Townhouaa• Coodos For Rant

* U a . l e v to shopping 4 easy ei. i. — lo ex- r u x a 1 back* fireplace formal i

'ay*. CaU. a f t e r 7pm. 941-7J*® room, all k d r y . Agent Abandon Your Hum - Al) Arena


SHARE LISTINGS H M O « m So Adams, Birmingham Ml


I appliancea including eaaher M l l a c t a t e M l no p t U

BIRMINGHAM proper t o w n h o u a e c « o d o C e n t r a l a i r . dLahwaaber pauo K M month Call Glen Hoagg 943-0750 or Century 11. Piety Hill 941-9100

BIRMINGHAM TOWNHOUSE 1 bedrooma I H batha, f i rep lace acreeoed porch. garage. unique location la t fvartoc L a t e Eatalae H M • mo Ait for Owen Hanafee day*. M t OHO

eve*. 947-1117

BIRMINGHAM J bedrooma. carport , clean, 9375 la-cludea boat Available Februrary 1s t Art for Terry McKinon. CENTURY 11 Woodwa/d Hills. M t ^ M O

CANTON Plymouth Landing 1 room Ranch Unit Available F e e

pea 1 Call a f t e r tptr . No


FARMINGTON HILLS, 11 Mile. W of Orcchard La te , l i t floor. I bedroom coodo Newly decorated New window t r e a t m e n t Appliances ISS- I IM

FREE CABLE TV SouthflaM Townhou sea

Large beautiful 1 bedroom, I ^ batha la suburban reaidenual a rea . Hotpoiat ap-pliancea deluxe equipped t l tcbeo. plush ahag ca rpe t ing drapea. cent ra l bea t 4 air rondiuoeiing c a r p o r t Full baae-meot Adult 4 children sections No pets 9575

Near Southfield It 1-4*4 Freeway* Lahaer Rd Corner McClung

Between H O Mile Rds

RESIDENT MGR. 355-3253

SHORT TERM LEASE until Ju ly l i s t . :»«S1 Smashing New Unit has fan tas t i c view of Caaa Lake 1 bedrooms. 1 baths & large storage area ISM . mo

HANNETT, INC. REALTORS 6 4 6 - 6 2 0 0

ROCHESTER. 1 bedroom. 1 •n ba th Pr ime area, end unit, f i replace, garage , new decor air clubhouse (pool) $771 mo includes water 4 gas 111 9044

SOUTHFIELD S t a n f o r d T o w n h o u s e s Designed For Family LMng


Full basement appliances including dlahwaaher and diapceal. car-petu*. central air and individual t e r r ace s Swimming pool, lentils court and car p o r u B i t e pa tha and a t l g n e r l play-ground for children

11 MILE & INKSTER ROAD Weekdays, 9 t o 6 P M

Sat. 4 Sun. Noon to 5 PM

3 5 6 - 8 6 3 3

LAKE ST CLAIR A boalars d r e a m Brand oew luxury waterfront coodo wl t t 40 boat well Minutes f r o m Late I bedroom. 1 bath, whirlpool tab. all t i t cben appliances carpeting, fire-place. a l a rm system | 1 M « monthly River View Club J I M * So River Road. Open dally I -4 I4J-9040

414 Florida Ran tats

LONGBOAT U Y (Saraaoui dlrwrtlj oa Gulf BoauUful 1 badroom coodo. I t eooo courts. I rwlmming pools, m a g alflcant beach I 1 4 M bi-wLy g M M par mo Lower r a t a off season U U U I

MARCO ISLAND Beautiful * newly famished coodo. In a n building. oa gulf with gulf view steeps I PooL tan ma courts. Deeutlful beaches H 1 M T 1

MARCO ISLAND FLORIDA Beachfront coodo rental

Weet or month 1-MO-227-4377

Soa Const Rentals, lac N Coaler Blvfl

Marco laiaad. Florida. 1 * 1 7

LEASE OR LEASE with option to buy Beautiful ranch k garden type condos for Immedia te occupancy la a Latefront ~on.rnun.lv For fW-ther la iormaAoc pleaae call 9*1-4155

LIVONIA - Valley Woodi Es ta tes Middlebeit near I Mile 1 bedroom, carpor t . Lease. M i l per month Call


N CANTON batha. la rge living room, 1st month rent, ISM 45520*4 425-5017

m 4 last

NOVL Sharp 1 bedioueu coodo, appli-ance* garage, air, pool, d a b h o o e . b e a t ; wa te r included, no p e a . 9475 a mcoth Eveeungs ( 5 i »0a«

PLYMOUTH unrnbouae coodo 1 bed-room. appliances, fully carpeted , car-port, no pela H I S m o n t h Call between 9am-4ptn 459-0440

"The Most Beautiful

Thing You've Ever Seen! "





Everything On

One Floor

2 Bedroom 2 Full Baths Firr t Floor Laundry

1 car at tached garage Full basemenl Vaulted celling Air conditioning


.ocated oo In ta ter R d . Sooth of loeihwestero behind Applegate Center

MODEL OPEN DAILY 12-5 3 5 7 - 2 5 6 0

413 Tima Sharing FLORIDA - HUTCHINSON ISLAND, for rent or sale, 1 bedroom, 1 bath coo-do, beaut i ful ly furnished Available Mar l« thru 11 Reasonable 95145*9

414 Florida Rantala

Marco Island

On The Gulf Of Mex ico

Condominiums for rent on or near the beach, by week or month. S.W Florida- Call:


T O L L FREE 8 0 0 - 2 3 7 - 4 1 7 7

414 Florida Rantala 415 Vacation Rantala

JUPITOR-Ocweawalh. luxury angle family 1 bedroom. 1 balh v i ta , teste fully U l i 1 . private pool A yard. >40 •taps lo ocean. 1 mile tram Bart Key mida Theater H UM a mo Available Feb k Mar Call attar 9pm 544-1345

HOMESTEAD • Laxary Lahefroal Con-doa, 1 bedrooma I badroom. or da g—troom. oa Lata Michigan I places great views, cross country k down mil stung Reduced M « - i M l

415 Vacation Rantala

REFERRAL SERVICES FOR T e o a o a k Landlord


MARCO ISLAND Pr iva te hoene. complete ly f amished 1 bedrooms 1 batha. kaatsd pool, p r iva te beach I 7 V M U or i f u m

MARCO ISLAND "Sea Winds gulf-froot beach. 1 bedrooms Children wel come; Call for brochurea Days. U 1 Ml E v e * Ut-iitl MARCO ISLAND. South Seas Waat a oe Gulf 1 bedroom. 1 bath, decorator funiahed. all amenlUee Weetly cnooth-ly Call a f t e r Spm. ts i -1217

MARCO ISLAND Two 1 bedroom coodca. l .h lghrt te on

nlabed C a l l

MARCO ISLAND Luxury beachfranl coodo, 1 bediumua. 1 batha. pool, tennis boat dock. Cable TV. low weekly ' monthly r a l e s IM-IJOJ

MARCO ISLAND South Seaa W«et 1 bedroom. 1 bath Coodo, beautifully fu r msbed. beach, overlooks pool ft gulf, aouth exposure Mid-April on S l i J l M

Ahaodon Your Hunt All Areas R E F E R R A L SERVICES FOR

Tenants k Landlords SHARE LISTINGS, t t l 111C

NAPLES Sanay Flor ida coodo. 1 bad-rooms, 1 batha. screened balcony, com-pletely furnished pool c k a e to beach.

' Monthly M J - 7 H 7

BEAUTIUFL SIESTA KEY Sarasota luxury coodo White sand Crescent Beach 1 bedrooms. 1 bath, avai lable Feb Mar Call Collect A r t for PHS I ] 1-149-1001

BOCA RATON, elegant oceas f roo t 1 bedroom, den. beautifully furnlsbed coodo, t eon l j beachclub, Feb IS to Apr 15 M t M or any longer period M l 11S1

<%,\TX> on G ^ f , 1 Bedrooma. optional I r d . ^ r - S t IVtersborg a rea

. .Jt beach and p a r t l a s . pool Inex-t^os lve luxury Call Joe » I I . M l - g l l l

DELRAY BEACH The Hamlet Coun-try Club Spacious 1 bedroom coodo oe f i rs t floor, completely furnished Avail-able Feb I thru Apr 1. I M 1 Call Mon thru F n 9AM1PM. SM-J1I1

FLORIDA WESTCOAST Coodo vacation renLala f r o m

W1 day 1ISW wee t i I I000 mo Sugarmlll Woods k Burnt Store M a n a a Alao l o a . homes k coodas avai lable for purcbaae Visit this winter k try before you buy

Suncoaat Investment Proper t ies

Plymouth - 455-5S10 1-800-874-6470

NAPLES. 1 b e d i w x i a . 1 bath, furruabed coodo with ca rpo r t k golf course view Convenient tn shopping. Galf beach 1 mooth m i n i m u m I IS00 month 1M-71M

N F O R T MYERS, lovely 1 bedrocsp. 1 bath coodo on execut ive golf course Pool k tennis c o u r u . Excellent loca-tion Af te r 6pm SS1-1171

ORLANDO Disney Epcot New 1 bed-room 1 bath coodo, furnished, pool, Jaccuxl. golf, ava i l ab le Feb S thru 14 and a f t e r Apr 5 474-51W or 47»-»T71

ORLANDO near Dtane-v World Apr •-11 or 11-10 or 10-17 "Besutifully fur niabed coodo. aleepa t PooL tennis courts, etc weekly 641*071

ACULPULCO - Private beach s t a t e Beachfroot cnado botel k vi l las AU wtth pooL maid sarrtca. «xce«ieo< ktca-tioos Also ume ahartag


Special Fab Day*. H l - t » M

. a D e ask said rataa


HOMESTEAD RESORT - Giao Arbor Spacious luxury 1-4 bedroom acco roo datlona Ski k

ElAWAH ISLAND. S Carol ina Select 1-5 bediuuui accnmodaUoos to c t a t ca a land locatloaa P a m Harr la«toa . Exclaalv* 1 I M l U l N t

BOYNE HIGHLANDS Coodo a cot lags. In Harbor Springs Coodo slsaps t. fireplace, I S hatha Cottage aleepa 4 Fully equipped After 5pm U1-11M

BOYNE MT SKI ACCOMMODATIONS 5 bedroom home avai lable Price cording to t ime 4 number la the tn the party

BOYNE MT - 1 Bedrooma,T^a ths cab-In. fireplace, dtahwaaher. aleepe I. great crass country rtllng k ——J-i.~g Immaculate k leaaiaiabla M 4 1 7 B

COPPER M T COLORADO Laxary 1 bedroom Coodo 75 y e n * from Ski Lift. Alao ski four othar arena D u n . M7 i y v M7


private HlddM Valley Otaajjo Ski d a b .

Sylvan Knob. 10 Ml I bedrooms. 1 baths, ahuffle board and all ameni t i e s Gleaner Real ty , call Saady or Bill 1-41J-7M-4404

HARBOR COVE Luxury Coodo, Harbor S p r l a a Sleeps 10 Minutes f r o m High-land k N u b a M 4 4 T 1 1

HARBOR SPRINGS-PET0SEEY-SKJ 1 bedroom. 1 bath coodo Fireplace, ful-ly equipped kitchen, garage Seep* 4-1 Indoor pool, jecuxn. sauna 545-5019

HARBOR SPRINGS. 1 badroom Coodo for Winter Ski R e n t a l s Fully faiiiishml Near Boyne Highlands 4 Nubs Nob Call Tom. 753-KM

HARBOR SPRINGS - Petoakey Lake-side Clah towniiinaii. i buarooma. i batha Indocr pool, s auna J a c c s S Days 0 4 1 - l U v or evenings 540-1712

HARBOR SPRINGS, new 5 bedroom, 4 bath house Downtown, view ot Bay Very close to r e e t a u r a n a Weekend of Feb I only 1440 (47-711*

HARBOR SPRINGS House, fully fu r nlshed < bedrooms, behind b a n t oo wa-ter MIA 1 day* - 1150 per day or »700 per week plus d a m a g e 111 4 1 * 1 3 * '

HARBOR SPRINGS close to town k skiing Beautiful equipped 1 bedroom, 1 bath home with f ireplace Call U4-1141

HARBOR SPRINGS PKoukey Area nyoy a ski w e e t or weekend a t a corn-et*! v furnished luxur ious coodo eeps I Deya. M5-9110

or evenings 95* 71*5


LAKESIDE CLL>B CONDOS Completely furnished, luxury 1 bud-room, 1 bath with loft 4 lownb rentals on Round L a t e Located within minutes of the a reas finest ski reeort O c a s country f r o m yoar door a groomed t r u l l s Relax In oa r LNDOCH TOOL/SPA facility Rent by the wael sod. week, moolh or i n s on

LAKESIDE CLUB 451 E L a t e S t , Petoskey, MI 49770

4)*-547-1571 *1*-147-799

PETOSKEY HARBOR SPRINGS Soring L a t e Q a b Condos Ski Northern Michigan 1 bedrooaia. 1 b a d r o o o a 4 loft umu available. 419-147 15*9

SHANTY' C R E E X Schues Mountain Deluxe Ski Chalet , aleepe 11 Fireplace, panoramic view Call for brochure 4 color photo 977-1*41

S K I A C C O M M O D A T I O N S Michigan's most luxurious reaort Coo-domUuum Townhouses a r e located oo Walloon Lake, between Boyne M t 4 Boyne Highlands Ice s k a u a g 4 ernes country skiing sval lable on property Over 100 acres of lovely roil ing wood-lands References p lease



SKI BOYNE HIGHLAND6 Harbor Springs 4 bedroom. 1 bath co t t age with f ireplace Wee t or w e e t e o d Call

517-111-414* or 517-111-1190

SKI BOYNE HIGHLANDS/ Nubs Nob Beautiful 1 bedroom coodo Fully equipped Linens Included F i rep lace Spectacular view MI-1T799

SKI CHALETS - deluxe 5 bedrooma, 1 baths 4 f i replace, excellent location, between Boyne Highlands 4 Nuba Nob For loformaUoo call 4 a a t for Tom or Shawn 91S-514-1197

SKIERS bedroom co t t age Grand Traverse Bay aleepa I al l veniences Wee t or wee! Plymouth

oo W

SKI VAIL 5 bedrooms 1 baths - 5 yea r old boauu-fklly decorated coodo T a t e shutt le 1

Call I 111-4*1-5241

SNOWMASS COLORADO The ulti-mate ikllng vacation Step » jf your house - Into your s k u Walk t c finest restaurants , s i o r bleeps 10 645-J504

RESORT RENTAL Coodomlnlum a l Planta t ion Golf Country Clab, Venice. Flor ida 1 bedroom, oo the f t n t and near Gulf

rat green. 17^7191

SADDLEBACK Golf and Tenma Reaon near T a m p a Available March. April. May


SIESTA K E Y E x c e t e o r beach to bay luxury coodomln lum 1400 aq f t . 1 bed-r o o m s 1 batha. 1 wee t minimum, avail-able now thru Mar 10th. 1511 w e e t Evenings 455-9791

FT MEYERS BEACH C0ND06 2 bedrooma, 1 batha. all ama i iUee Golf tenma Plcturea available

451-4*14 or 979-191*

G U L F FRONT HOME in Englewood, 1 bedrooms. 1 batha 11500 monthly 9+00 wee t ly Call eves 141-0147


pool, tennis Feb only. IIOOC

SIESTA KEY' SARASOTA 1 bedroom. 1 balh luxury condo directly on Golf Pool, tennis, great beach Available Apri l 444-7554

TAMPA Saddlebrook Golf 4 resort Fully furnished 3 bedroom con-do on f a i rway After April »th Pools spa. dining Special r a les Call 157-4*50

VENICE Plan ta t ion GoU 4 Country Club Rent or sell Lovely 1 bedroom. ! bath coodo oo golf course Available A p n l o n 111-591-1145

HARBOR SPRINGS. Harbor Core Spe-cial (By owner) ra tes for winter ski vs callooa Luxury coodo, ful ly equipped, aleepa 9 days 945-9409 evea and weak ends before 9 pm 191-190!

H1GGENS LAKE log cabin, 100 frootaae. dock 4 beach. 1 bedrooms 4 lof t TV fixwplace. porch. 9 persoo lim-it. 9510 per weak 5I7-944-

HILTON HEAD Available now for 1995 season Luxury villa oo golf c o n e P r ime locaUoo walk to ocean, tenma golf clubhouse Sleeps J U * - * * 4 4

HILTON HEAD Fidd le r ' s Cove Raaor t 1 bedroom. 1 bath villa Ctoae to ocean 4 golf 2 swimming pool* F r e e tennla, racquethal l 522-2749

HILTON HEAD ISLAND, Villa 1 bedroom. lighted tennis c o u r t s pooL bi tes , golf Spring rataa 01 4-1-45 Af te r t 471-0151

HILTON HEAD ISLAND Palmetto Dunea 1 bedroutu. 1 bath vil-la Free tennis - b i tes Available weet-ly Call collect {112)2*1-0211

Vacation Home Rentals AT LAKES of the NORTH

Deluxe accommoda t ions Snowmotnling X-country s t i l n g

7 major s t i resorts neisrty Ice StaUng Fishing .Tobagganing

Club House . Indoor pool Hot tuba sauna 4 f i replace units avail-able Call S b e n Klmherty R C M I n c 414-5*5-4100

Also Northern proper ty 4 bome Bales

VAIL Scenic townbouse oo Gore Creek tn Eaat Vail 2 bedrooma sleeping loft. 3 baths and aauna Free shutt le bus to Village and slopes 952-2424

WILL TRADE use of beautiful 14) bed-room, 2W bath bome In lovely suburb of P a n s . France for comparab l e bouse In Birmingham Bloomfield a r e a - for 1 weeks, JuTy 1995 For details. 441-70*4

WINTER FUN - s tay at Scenic Hlil Mo-tel Beulah. (15 milea N.W of T rave r se Q t y l 4 enjoy ail tbe winter ect ivt t lee In our a rea Downhill s t i lng. c ross couat rv sti lng 4 snowmoblling (11-**2-7754

421 Living Quar tan ToShara

GENTLEMAN same beautiful homa la ftaa Pieaaaat Ridga neighborhood


Featured on "KELLY 4 CO" TV 7

Ail Ages. Occupations 4 Lifestyles

644-6845 1*555 SoeUfleld Rd Soalhflald

my ctarmina Victorian • persoo Minutes walk Birmingham Garage

space 4 private aorlneed pauo 544-70*5

LAKE SUBURBAN d t y Let era find y w S home fitted for yoar aaada Why be looely la as apartment when yoa eaa have a home aDooapkare Donna's Reotala :ao fee l 112-477-7574

MALE 10 mala u> share spacloaa Southfield apartment 9241 50 month plan H acuities After 4 ISpm. 157-1114

NEW WEST LIVONIA house la Mure Large bediuoau available 92*0 per Mo rent Includes utilities and aaa of all fa-cul t ies No smoter*. 444-1*47

NORTHVILLE area lady looting for single lady, noo-amokar. to skara my home Full house pnvilega 924* mooth


P R O F E S S I O N A L F E M A L E waated to

Novi a rea Non-smoker 424-9125

PROFESSIONAL nonsmoking male ee*tx r oommate to ahare lease oo 2 bediviueii Nov: h o m a 9215 plea -> otill-u « 477-4*01

PROFESSIONAL MAN to ahare wtth same furnished house on beautiful lake Dear Pine Knob Noo amokar 9340 month plus OtlUtlea 425-1131

PROFESSIONAL F E M A L E e W a to share 1 bedroom ranch. Trtrv Blrmlag ham A r e a Nice ruaghboriood HOC MO plus H ut i l i t ies Call Susan. Day* 415-4041 Evening*. 444-5*97

REDFORD 1 rooms avai lable m baae-m e n t Share t i tcben 4 bath Carpeted.

Svate en t rance Working persoo pre-red MO week 511-1745

R E N T B E N T ' ME TOO- Westland

fi s ooe half ulill tlea deposit 114-4071

RESPONSIBLE FEMALE seeds same to ahare furntshed 1 bedroom bome Oak Park. CaU a f t e r 4pm M U I S

RESPONSIBLE to share with same 1 bedtlnaii apart meat oo Cass La te , W Bloomfield a n a 9107 50 mo plus S electr ic 491-1*41

ROCHESTER AREA my home 960 w e e t include* utilities. 950 securi ty de-poalt CaU 454-1471

ROCHESTER HILLS • Own room In 1 level townbouse. view of r iver 1 baths, wa l t in cloaet Heal 4 cleaning service included 9175 mooth Days, 9 5 M 9 0 1

ROOMMATE wanted to share. 2 bed room 1 bath a p a r t m e n t la Farmingtoo HUla S r e n t utilities and eeevrtty depoait 474-9950

SOUTHFIELD, 10 Mile, need male or f ema le to share < bed-room bome, 9175 per mooth, plua oew third uulltiea 157-5*41

SOUTHFIELD - 9 Mile, Greenf ie ld Have luxury apa r tmen t to share with employed female with ca r Discount oo rent for Ught help After 1PM 557 M71

4 » Of f i ca / Buainaaa Space

ATTRACTIVE LAY-OUT prime of f ice location. 142* aa f l down-town Birmingham 2*9 N Woodward ava 447-7171

AVAILABLE Prime Offics Space la Lalhrax, Village oa SouthflaM R4 sear 12 Mils IncTedee heat central air

M park ing 4 o e a f i V C e Prtvi li des i red 1.550 sq ft. at a vary ible r a t a Call Mr Sheldon for

details 4 a p p o t n t m s n t

Cranbrook Assoc., Inc. Reallors

557 -3500 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 19 x 12 Istanor of f ice adjacent to taatafuUy decorated lobby of wnall salts, oa 19U floor ot Troy office building At 14 Mile 4 1-79 Receptionist, secretarial. 4

avai lable ,*!-1990


Yoar own private office Without costly Dinhss i l Fully staffed, latest equip-m e n t beautifully appointed 4 la prime buildings


3 5 2 - 2 9 9 2


off ice addreas Choose a single office, deat space or mailing ad-dreas only 4 enjoy the coovenMnce of an ao-the-premise answering 4 secre-tarial services for s well rounded bun-O M UQIM 440 N WOODWARD 920 E LINCOLN


436 Off lca / Buainaaa Space

E x e c u t i v e Of f i ces

rd p r c n s s l i g 4 per socialised phone answering available PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SERVICES

BIRMINGHAM UVON1A Telegraph 11 Mile Middlebeit I MlM

WEST BLOOMFIELD Maple 4 Orchard Late


Available f m 9MO mo ladadsa c o n plete pbooe coverage, apeevnus parking, o a m u secretarial service, word pro-cessing 4 compater time available

Prestigious 4 caorenlanl Locatloo


7001 Orchard Lake Rd

855-0611 Suite M0A

FARMINGTON HILLS. 11-Orchard Late Mfg-a Rep wuhas ta share office apace and secretary lnc hades all utili-ties except phone 91200 mo 551-7177


NORTHWESTERN HWY. 1100 sq. ft. suite with sepa rate en traoe & signing avail-able. Greet location.

Tisdale & Co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

BIRMINGHAM DOWNTOWN 1 room suite Second floor MO sq. f t Excellent Lighting, new CaU 9AM-5PM


ORCHARD - 12 New space - 758 & 1222 sq tt. o( fully finished office space Free basement stor-

540-92** a G ®

Tisdale & Co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

BIRMINGHAM FOR LEASE 500 s q . f t . 1st floor Medical Office Building. A d a m s Rd Excellent location 4 p a r t i n g 444-1909

F A R M I N G T O N HTIJ-1 JJ i g u , B P U C N G H A M LAW OFFICES Fa rming too R j l Immedia t e occupancy

f r o m Prea t lge Bualneas 4 Law Center 1.200 so f t AU or p a r t General or med-Inc Be a pa r t of a shared Uw off ice leal M>5 tno p i t a DtUltWa 444-7M5 envi ronment in an elegant well main-tained downtown Birmingham location. Comple te wtth Conference room. La Library. Receptionist staff phone e q u i p m e n t F r e e storage a reas 4 Kitcben faci l i t ies Affordable rent-easy

Csil for more information

FARMINGTON HILLS 29224 Orchard Late S of 11 Mile MO up to 4500 sq.ft.

r — . i i ^ wUl devide to s u i t Includes Janitorial


700 sq. ft. suite with 3 pri-vate offices 4 reception area Available now.

Tisdale & co. 626 -8220

WORKING FEMALE. (M 40 yru ), wishes to share luxury apa r tmen t In Glens Of Bloomfield with same CaU 540-1*40

416 Halls For Rant

HILTON HEAD, o c e s a f r o n t ooe bed-room coodo Escape Winter, s t a r t golf

HILTON HEAD 1 bedroom. 1 balh BeauufuUy furnished Sleeps * Beach, tennis, pool Jnne 1 thru 9th. 135-5150



Send tna t s o m e o n e s p e c i a i n your l i fe a m e s s a g e of love Shis V a l e n t i n e s Day

The s e n t i m e n t a ' m e m o r i e s it w i l l c r e a t e w i l l l as t m u c h longer t h a n f l o w e r s or c a n d y

C r e a t e y o u r V a l e n t i n e ' s D a y Love L i n e s m e s s a g e o n the l i nes p rov ided

s *

MAPG ARE- Rcan ar* r*3 V*»-k \C b.w* T"fc*rr i bo one or e a r j ;

(Huu ule roM You U a lvayi f t r« tn m» b®an Lovt RoOer.

C o s t is just $ 1 . 0 0 per l ine

LIVONIA Daniel A Lord K of C 1 ha i l s 100 - 275 capaci ty Ample p a r t i n g air conditioning Rental for all occasions Al Zlnger 4*4-0500 or4 27 • 1*4 5

Y'OUNG male professional wantei share 1 bedroom bome In Hunlingloo Woods Newly decorated 1200 per month plus -• ut i l i t ies 951-5941

422 Wantad To Rant


29155 W 7 Mile, Livonia (E. of MiddlebeJt)

Air Conditioned - Lighted P a r t i n g Large Kitcben


420 Rooms For Rant Abandon Your Hunt - All Areas WE G U ARANTEE TO O F F E R


BLOOMFIELD HILLS - furnished, pri-vate room in lovely bome Noo-drtot ing

non-smotlng 9250.. mo » depos i t M7-4923

Ail Areas ApU • Houses - Coodas LANDLORDS 4 TENANTS

Renr By Refe r ra l SHARE LISTINGS 442-1430

LAKEFRONT house wanted. East of Orchard L a t e R o a d responsible Indi-vidual to rent or leaae with opt ion 444-4012

option or 545-5500

PHYSICIAN. Wife 4 child seek newer 1 bedroom ranch with basement . 2 car garage near Garden Q t y Hospital CaU

collect: 1-113- M5-7199

424 House Sitt ing Service HOUSES r r n N G

College student, female . 2* Excellent r e fe rences Reasonable No Oat land County a rea p re fe r r ed 451-4441

FARMING TON area , large room and bath for lady Senior ntlseai New bouse in FarmlngtMi Kitchen pr iv i leges477-


LARGE ROOM in p n v s t e West Bloom-field hociie Lounge chair . Pbooe tie-in, writing table 92*5 monthly Refereaic-es 4 security deposit required 421-0024

NORTHVILLE, lovely sleeping room, share a bath 935 a wee* plua deposit


ONE room, second floor, privileges Wsyoe a rea

ROCHESTER kitchen p i l . l l t g i a . sin-gle mature w o r t i n g persoo 950 per wee t . security required 451-1224. 425-9571. 451-9137

ROOM for rent Twelve O a t s a rea Pr ivate bome Kitchen privi leges Gen-t leman pre fe r red 1 414-9049

SOUTHFIELD. room with fuU bouae pr ivi leges employed male. 9225 mooth. Bhare with L I T s t u d e o u H mile f r o m campua After *pm 444-4711

WEST BLOOkCFIELD Furnished room in the country with pr iva te bath 4 t i t cben privileges 945 per w e e t

9*3 9717

RESPONSIBLE MIDDLE AGED m a r n e d ccnple desires tn house o t or sublet In Wsyoe County 1 or I months s tar t ing a p p r o x i m a t e l y Feb 10 Exce l len t houaeteepwg 4 main tenance «>'»• Proper ty ownera Do not aznote or dr ink References

Call 113-455-0419 or 515-472-7419

428 Garages & Mini Storage


New 2 & 3 room soites available &

Tisdale & Co. 626 -8220


Medical 575 sq. ft. suite with 2 exam rooms 4 lav.

Tisdale & co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

BIRMINGHAM oo N Woodward 920 aq f t Offlcea especially amiable for Dentists. Doctors. Consultants. Sales R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s e t c Over looking Rouge River 9900 per mooth Woodward P r o p e r t i e s 445-2324

BIRMINGHAM -over 2,000 aq feet nea r downtown. 4M N Woodward, avai lable March 1st Kaaaablan Builder* 444-1200

service and u tUi t laa 951-4477 924-41M

FRANKLIN VILLAGE Pr ime m a c e avai lable for smaU store or office, in the tilatorlcal F rank l in House CaU



Per fec t P rn f i a s l i s i s l Location Suite* f r o m 544 s q . f t up to 4000 sq . f t WIU de-sign space to your needs Lease indudas Janitorial , ut i l i t ies 9423 N Wavne Road, West land CaU Elaine Dallev '

M c K I N L E Y P R O P E R T I E S '

7 6 9 - 8 5 2 0 L E G A L / P R O F E S S I O N A L office suite*, downtown B i r m i n g h a m Immediate oc-cupancy CaU Mr Martin or Mr Lu te


fee t CaU MARY B u H h " " Thompson-Brown

LIVONIA lease. 1,100 BO. fl

location on F a r m i n g t o o Rd Call Mr D'Angelo


Pr ime of f ice sui tes now svallable la Livoola l p r emie r fuU aervice high rise office building F r e e space planning Compet i t ive r en ta l ra les Sultea f rom 5»0 aq f t Loca ted oo Middlebeit be-tween 7 4 9 Mile Rd opposite Livoola Mall

THE HAYMAN COMPANY 478-7667 569-5555

436 Off lca/Buainaaa Space

I OFFICE SUITES lor I ham. parting at tha Soar all u u l l t l a l niMs field R 4 4 Woodward Immediate oc-

531 5079

PLYMOUTH DOWNTOWN gtoa* office apace available la beautiful part-l lta Betting 1 MO sq ft Immediate occupancy Perfect for doctor or dasi-tlst For further information, plaeae call 499-5*99 sr 439-1949

PLYMOUTH (Downtown i Office for lease, ranging from 1250 9175 mooth depeodlag on a a e Most militias includ ed Located oo Main St Call 9:9*am 1 Mpm 435-M09

PLYMOUTH - MAIN ST. near Downtown Suite of office* 1.1 Bq f t Also amaller. separata offlcea


95* sq ft newly decorated Plymouth Downtown loop, across from the new St Joas Hospital 9*04 par mooth la>-medlale occupancy Call Creoo Smalt or Scott Lorasa a t 453-L420

PLYMOUTH Office Space 1 private offices, m o d e m 440 sq ft total. 1 y r


PLYMOUTH PROFESSIONAL PARK Medical or dental saltes available Im-mediate ly 453-1330 151*9*1

PLYMOUTH Profaaalonal Office Suite 951 S Main Approximately 900 Sq F t Doctors ' offlcea CaU for deta i l* F y i g Real EaUle

PLYMOUTH 700 aq to suit. FuUy air condlti Fehlig Reel Es ta te


DEARBORN . Oot«r Dr . fVezlMe fkwrpian.

!0*-7,MW aq ft.. irmneduit« occup*nrr


MEDICAL ONLY 790 sq f t . quality fuU service medical building. Orchard L a t e corridor Imme-diate occupancy

TROY Maple Rd.1-75. 1.100-1,100 a q . f t . im-media te occupancy

C o m m e r c i a l / R e t a i l BLOOMFIELD HILLS

Woodward '1-75 corridor , due to tenant expansion opportunity for 1.000 aq ft 40 day occupancy

Properties Offered by



ra ted and wedl laid ou t lo r ret*U and /o r off ice In Greet American downtown Birmingham

Building. 947-7191

ROCHESTER HILLS For lease Tienten medical nerifiasiisul building 1500 to 9000 sq f l available immedi-ately ICR. Inc, 5*3-4011

SALES OR EXECUTIVE OFFICES Ben Michigan Location Beautiful building near I-275 I M and U K Reasonable ALSO available vault 20 x M f t . ideal for tape or record s torage P lymouth 451-9550

SOUTHFIELD Atrium Offlcecenler 1 room executive suite facing at r ium, convenient par t ing , ckae to express way*. 1220 per Month, unfurnished 9245 per Month furnlsbed 557-5*22


1 to 2 room suites sval lable. ra tes s t a r t lag a t 910 75 pe r sq f t Includes heat lag, a i r conditioning, electrici ty f ree p a r t i n g 4 use of c o h e r e n c e room Dal ly Janitorial service Secretar ial i

tng s 1-5*00


2300 sq ft.. 2nd floor loca-tion. Signature rights avail-able. Many deluxe Improve-ments.

Tisdale & Co. 626 -8220

INSIDE STORAGE la barn la Novl a rea Price depends oo nxe needed 143-4170 951 99*0

STORAGE GARAGE 11x51 9110 M o

9 Mile 4 Fa rming too Rd. 474-22*0

STORAGE G A R A G E 1 c a r Clean. with good lighting, al! electric

Included, 12 Mile 4 Coolldge a r e a 1125 per month <44-04*9 a f t e r i 540-1131


Westland a r e a 52V4290

WANTED Storage space for rent, for wood wor t ing shop, s u e of 1 car ga-rage Birmingham. Bloomfield Area p re fe r r ed CaU Lee Day* 5*1-1410

WESTLAND nicely furnished room In

Klvate hoene. tight kitchen pr iv i leges S wee t Security required 5*5-7^*4

421 Living Quarters To Shara

h e ' e a r e f - v e a v e r a g e w o r d s p e r l i n e w i t h a m i n i m u m of ' o u ' l i n e s

oney 3rae- yOa' Love L ies !0 O c s ^ - v e - & E c c e n t ' i c N e w s o a o e ' s

3 6 ^ - Scnoo'cral. ^vo ' .a Mi 48"5C A t r e . i ' i o r C i a s s - t i e c D e o a ' t m e r i

D e a d l i n e is S a t u r d a y . F e b r u a r y 10 for m a i l e d m e s s a g e s


<£X)Scrorr & I r r m t r i r * W K I U U C K - l l t l U l l l

© classified ^ ads

4 4 4 1 0 7 0 O a k l a n d C o u n t y sai-oaoo Wayne County S53 1222 Rochesie< Avon Twp




AVAILABLE Feb 1 or aoooer Loo* no f u r t h e r " Super location, i way* Na-ture lover* d r e e m Share 1 bedrocm apar tment 1225 lachadaa heal 459-3047

BIRMINGHAM AREA male would Ilka to ahare 1 bedroceri towuhouae laundry k dlahwaaher 1251 per mooth p i n etll Itiaa After 7pm 949 4151

BIRMINGHAM waated ta share 1 doeratowa 9300 month plaa half atlU-tlea After 4pm t U 1*23

FEMALE mid M s a> ahare 1 badroom flat u .VjeBU-wi, B l m u a g h a m wtth same 1250 per month includes heal CaU af ter tpen 540-430*

FEMALE WANTED to sha re aacaty

TV 19 Mile 4 Woodward Cable

541 9491

FEMALE WANTED age N i l to share large kooie in Rorhes tar Kills 92** par moawl inrlodea s t l l iuea 4 garage After 4pm 434-1971

FEMALE. 1* recently t r saa l aaeta feanala to ahare 1 hsdi IM«. apa r t

Blown ftlrm.ngham 935* heat 54IM141 or 44*-11*1

Looking FTVE MILE 4 I a k s u r for parson 1® aharv my he aa -eoulred Call af ter tpen w e a k d a n after 1pm weakenda 111 5742

432 Commercial / Retail ANTIQUE DEALER' See r* (gVt i U | and a half (4t* x 11) for Rent Satur day* Open' 9134 a month + DepoBt Old Village. P lymouth

BLOOOMFIELD TWP 1900 sq f l store svaia lable I

B I R M I N G H A M !90« sq f t off! 911 50 pe r square foot Beat

included Can be divided Call 159-4029

X S c ' i


LIVONIA WESTLAND 400 to 10,000 a o f t new cooatructloo o t estabiisbed building Several locations CaU Sandra Letaax. Your Office Sale 4 Leasing Profess iona l


3 5 3 - 4 4 0 0

M A P L E - O R C H A R D 2,3,4 room deluxe suites, completely finished, ail ser-vices Included. Available now.

Tisdale & Co. 6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0

SOUTHFIELD From 2 room to 2.000 sq. ft. In great buildings with Imme-diate occupancy.

Tisdale & Co. 626-8220

MEDICAL, DOVTAL SUITE Southfield 914 Sq Ft., rent Includes heal I m m e d i a t e occupancy available CaU lo aee 559-9720

MEDICAL S U I T E for Lease Available Feb 1st Approx 1,000 s q f t Excellent Bi rmingham locat ion tn modern build-ing. convenient to Royal Oa t W B J i Contac tSue , 441-2792


Perfect for 2nd office. 1.000 sq. ft. of new office e x a m rooms, private office & space in prestige location. , l a v

Basement storage available T i s d a l e & CO.

6 2 6 - 8 2 2 0


Commercial Suites Ample Parking

Full Maintenance Heat Included

From $5 88 Per Sq. Ft. For Information. 559-2111

SOUTHFIELD LAW OFFICE Attract ive, corner, windowed of f ice with secre ta r ia l and axowenng service avai lable CaU Gloria (44-5410

SOUTHFIELD. Lahaer Northwestern 1,049 sq ft. off ice suite sval lable Sub-let or new lease Immedia t e i

SOUTHFIELD LAHSER 4 9 MILE I Offices oo (2) levels now avai lable with p e a t access 4 p a r t i ng Overhead (kxe 4 some warehouse space 157-5077

SOUTHFIELD 2 room suite with oli l l-Ues and janitorial services Included Van R e t en SM-4702

TEN MILE Northwestern area Law office avai lable Library, photostating, receptionist included 9275 per mooth


Tisdale & co. 626 -8220

B I R M I N G H A M 900 sq ft 3 room deluxe suite on N Woodward avail-able immediately

Tisdale & Co. 626 -8220

ly for lease Inkster Rd N of Maple ino beer or wlnej ( f 1-4355

COMMERCIAL building » * 0 sqft oa Rochester Rd in Rochester Hlfla


D a n c e S t u d i o For Rent Rent By H o u r 5 5 9 - 8 3 3 1

DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM 3*00 sq ft lor commerc ia l and or off lea Very reasonable r e n t Available Jan '. will divide 447 7171

STORE FOR RENT 1200 aq feat

Waatiaad 7 2 H

WAYNE Michigan 4 Wayne Rd 24 15 s torage taiMing Bathroom fad l i uea water gas heat 9279 mooth securi ty Available mid Feb

434 Induatriai /W arahouaa LEASING HEATED approximately 79* sq ft

Plymouth area 4 5 3 - 7 4 7 0

PLYMOUTH I 0«« SQ F T Light Maanfa r tu r i ag

REDFORD oa I Mile Space lor laaaa 1400 aq ft » a n * o e * a g only For


436 O f f l c a / S p a c e

ANN ARBOR RD PLYMOUTH TWP Exerwt lw office apace 11*4 (will 41 vide I. 4 17*4 SQ ft offlcea available 9**9 per a* f t 199 1*41

BLOOMFIELD HILLS New deluxe opeo office apace. 41x24 9*0 aq ft. Inhraae cafe ter ia . Naotllua 4 meeting room 1 yr leaae immediate

333-0044 92* 1919

NORTHVILLE - a t t r a c t i ve office space available, your own pr iva te office, otili-ties included, good park ing Available Immediate ly 349-MM

NORTHVILLE Modern ,a nfiaaliaial hiiMi^g medical, d e n t a l business or execut ive space for lease Minute* f r o m 1-275 Call 149-1*40

O F F I C E F O R LEASE 193 aq feet , 9233 pe r month, beautiful location in Bloomfleid Hilk. furmahed. h e a t Ught 4 air coartil ioaiag included a m p l e p a r t i n g 139-4191


2 4 3 room suites In great lo-cation. newly decorated Im-mediate occupancy

Tisdale & Co. 626 -8220

BUCKINGHAM OFFICE PLAZA Schoolcraf t 4 Inkster. Livonia for M a e *04 aq ft 1 offices, reception room bathroom, aultable for attorney m a n u f a c t u r e r ' ! rep. ate

l - l 144

G R A M OFFICE I BUCKINGHAM OFFICE PLAZA Schoolcraf t 4 Inkster Uran ia , for lease MO sq ft 1 offlcea reception room, ba throom, sellable for attorney


C r a n b r o o k Cen t re Soethfteld Road between 11 * 11 M Road

O F F I C E SPACE AVAILABLE 100 Sq F t 2 rooena Pontine Trail 4 Haggerty a rea 9450 per month Includes heat 4 e l e c t r l r t y 94*-24*4

OFFICE SPACE aub let to profMsloo-al or m a n u f a c t u r e r ! representat ive telephone answer ing aervice available Farming too Hill*. Mr* P l t e . 955-1910

O F F I C E SPACE to rent la F rank l in a r e a CaU Rose Doughert y

OFFICE SPACE. 2 room suite. 2nd floor downtown P lymou th Raascaabia Available now 13V2*79

TROY Big Beaver 4 Rochester Rd 1 » 0 square feet of off ice apace avai lable Immedia t e occupancy 524-2211

TWO F U R N I S H E D OFFICES FOR RENT 400 W Maple Suite 110 Blr mingham Offlcea include answering service 54^1*34


1100 sq. ft. of general or medical space. Great rate. Available now.

Tisdale & Co. 626-8220


2 8 3 room office completely finished. Available immedi-ately with 1 month's free rent

Tisdale & Co. 626 -8220

WESTLAND One or two room offices available Util-ities included, furmahed or aa fumiahed Storage space als wna l lh iniii i aa i a

438 O f f i c a A B u s i n e s s S p a c e For R a n t

6 4 2 - 2 5 0 0

DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM 900 aq ft of pr ime office apaee oa Maple Rd Exral leot loratMn Far de-tails con tac t Steven Wohlman

THE HAYT4AN OO 5*^9395


u e s I day Maple I r a

lay JSKtona .

P r i m a Off ica Building S p a c e for Laaaa In Farmington Hilla

• * t h « a « y 9 c c * * 9 t o f r a a a r a y * a i r p o r t * m c A i l o w a n c o a *v«*<9bM tor a m o m i M m t a r t o r l a y o u t A O a q u e t e f r a a p o n c i n g .

For teasing Informat ion call U n d a WkSrtg at 8 6 1 - 9 5 0 0
