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Akwesasne Census 1881, district Huntington 72, Township of Dundee

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Akwesasne Census 1881, district Huntington 72, Township of Dundee Eric Pouliot-Thisdale, 2016

Akwesasne Census 1881, district Huntington 72, Township of Dundee

Eric Pouliot-Thisdale, 2016


Written by- Eric Pouliot-Thisdale Research conducted by Eric Pouliot Thisdale, graduate in social sciences and member of the Faculty of Human Science from University of Quebec in Montreal, (UQAM), and researcher since 12 years in the field of public archives of several sources, including military archives and parish registers. He also manages a history chronicle for The Eastern Door, weekly Kahnawake paper. Photo coverage- Front picture: Township of Dundee census, Huntington County Microfilm. National Archives of Quebec in Montreal. Copyright: 2015 ISBN: 978-0-9948158-6-6 All rights reserved©


Index Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Age and gender statistics.............................................................................................................. 6

Below 12 years old ................................................................................................................... 6

Between 12 and 40 years old ................................................................................................. 10

Between 41 and 59 years old ................................................................................................. 16

60 years old and older ............................................................................................................ 18

Full census .................................................................................................................................. 19

Name index ................................................................................................................................. 39

From the Eastern Door ............................................................................................................... 50

Article: Akwesasne Census from 1871 ties directly into issue today ........................................ 50

Article: Akwesasne Census 1881: Huntington district, Dundee ................................................ 56

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 58

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 59


Introduction The population of Dundee was then still consisting mainly of Europeans following this order in priorities: Irish and Scottish, English and French, such as in the 1871 census mostly merchants, farmer, and labourers. They are recorded from page 1 to page 42 containing 1037. Many pages were unfortunately basically unreadable. Some individuals are mentioned as being from Yellow Island, which meant Cornwall Island, also known back then as Yellow Island or Kawehnoke. Then from page 42 to 60, the native population was consisting of 467 natives. The Mohawk population starts with Francois Jock and his wife Nancy. The main themes observed in the census tabulations were presented as this example:

Dwelled house

families Name Sex Age Birth country / area

Religion Origins Occupation

175 175 Marcoux, Francois

M 75 Quebec Cath French Priest

The context of the European population associated with the clerical living among the native village consisted of 3 residences and/or families. The first residence recorded was from Priest Francois Marcoux, 75, French Priest living with his brother Abraham, 57, gardener and Francois Longueuil, 75, Laborer, from NWT and Victoire Maurice, 52, a housekeeper. It is interesting to notice that the so-called laborer of Priest Francois Marcoux, Francois Longueuil from N.W.T (North-West territory) is presently qualified as a French man, but the last 1871 census he was censed as Longueil, Francois, 66, half breed, from MANITOBA servant of Francois Marcoux, Priest. In this census, he is qualified as a French man. It is very interesting to notice that contrary to Kahnawake, there are no mixed unions mentioned with Europeans in Akwesasne according to the census results. Only 3 individuals were from the only 2 presented mixed unions, but since the wives family names are not mentioned, it remains speculative.

The second residence consisted of Jock, Henry, 55, Farmer, French Jock, Joseph, 20, son, French Jock, Marie, 23, daughter, French


The only lone European living among the Mohawk population was Charles Hopkins, 21, an Irish farmer from Yellow Island who was living between Peter Foot, 35, laborer and Kariotata or Karistata, Paul, 94, farmer. Demographic-wise, the population of 467 Mohawks was depicted as so: Below 12 years old: 164 individuals 75 women and 89 men Between 12 and 40 years old: 215 individuals 108 women and 107 men Between 41 and 59 years old: 48 individuals 24 women and 24 men 60 years old and older: 40 individuals 14 women and 26 men The present Chiefs were: Angus, John, (9), 55, CHIEF Arakonisk, Sawatis, 65, farmer CHIEF George, Thomas, (Big George) 74, laborer CHIEF Karistatie, John Isaac, 84, “CHIEF...” Thompson, Alex, (Alexander) 60, farmer, CHIEF Also, some past Chiefs still living during the census were: 1 Friday, Mitchell, 38, farmer, (was appointed CHIEF November 4, 1880) Skin, Peter, 72, Farmer, (was previously CHIEF) Soloman, Loran, 78, farmer, (was recorded as CHIEF in 1871 census) Mitchell, Salomon, 43, Farmer, (On July 20, 1877, replaced CHIEF Loran Solomon) Some people and families were from the USA: Paul or Paul Joe, Joe (Paul or Paul Joe, Francis) Francis, 31, farmer Paul or Paul Joe, Christy, 21, USA Paul or Paul Joe, Addy, 4, USA Paul or Paul Joe Annie, 2 Francis or Paul Joe, Jacob, 12 Smoke, Annis, 67, USA Wood, Joseph, 38, USA, farmer Some were from Cornwall Island, also known back then as Yellow Island: Kawehnoke: Arasansies, (speculative), John, 38, farmer, from Yellow Island Hopkins, Charles, 21, Irish farmer from Yellow Island John, Louis or Lott, 46, farmer, of Yellow Island Mitchell, Jacob, 40, laborer, from Yellow Island

1 The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne website: A historical listing of Chiefs.



Employment-wise, they were mostly farmers and laborers. Otherwise they were: 3 Basket Makers: Oake, 60, Whyte, Hannah, 28, Ignace, Louise, 40

2 Carpenters: Sak..., 60, McDonald, Alex, 28

3 Fancy cooks: Sonan or Loran, Terrese, 39, Raft, Mary Ann, 50, Curley, Theressa, 40

4 Fishers: Arakonisk, Peter, 24. Arakonisk, Ignace, 20, Arakonisk, Mitchell, 17, Arakonisk, Thomas, 14

1 Grocer: Isaac, John, 36

1 Jacket maker: Jacob, Cecil, 70

2 Mechanics: Sharpe, Joseph, 44, Sharpe, Mary, 44

1 was a shoemaker, John Adams, 36, and 1 was considered as an Oneida woodman, Thomas, Laborer, Oneida, Methodist. There is a note from the census responsible for house and family number 212-212 that he was reluctant to the censor. It was written as: Kariota... Paul, 94, Indian, “Refuses to give informations. Consents on page 60.” He could be Paul Karistatie or Kariostatie, 94 years old, borned in 1797.

The European population censed from page 1 to page 42 containing 1037 individuals who were mainly Irish, Scottish and French. Some important people potentially leading relations with the Mohawks were: Baker, David, English merchant, 58 Baker, William, English store clerk, 27 Bourdon, Joseph, a French merchant, 41 Davidson, John, Scotch, 49 Farlinger, Nelson, German, trader, 63 Gallarneau, Joseph, a French fisherman and hunter, 50 Leduc, Peter, Quebec, Catholic Priest, 41 McMillan, Allen, Scotch, medical, 31 O’rily (O’riley), John, Irish merchant, 50 Rowley, Thomas, USA, merchant, 34 Smith, Merritt Munson, English, collector of customs, 46 Tyo, John, Agent of implements of farmers, 37 Tyre, Margret, Scotch, clerk, preventive officer, collector of customs, 58 Tyre, Robert, Scotch, clerk, preventive officer, collector of customs, 68


Age and gender statistics Below 12 years old: 164 individuals 75 women and 89 men Women: 75 Adams, Maggie, 5, Indian Alick, Elizabeth, 1, Indian Allick or Alliok, Cecil, 1, Indian Allick or Alliok, Hannah, 9, Indian Allick or Alliok, Mary Ann, 7, Indian Arakonisk, Mary Joseph, 4, Indian Arnawaya, Anna, 9, Indian Arnawaya, Celia, 9, Indian Arnawaya, Margret, 6, Indian Arnawaya, Mary Ann, 4, Indian Arrewassawa, Marie-Joseph, 3/12 months, Indian Back (or Baok), Christy, 2, Indian Back (or Baok), Louise, 4, Indian Broken Leg, Cate, 5, Indian Buckshot, Mary, 11, daughter, Indian Buckshott, Mary, Indian, 8 Buckshott, Sarah, Indian, 2 Charron, Sarah, 7 Indian Curley, Hannah, 6, Indian Curley, Mary Ann, 11, Indian Daye, Margret, 10, Indian Friday, Celia, 8, Indian Friday, Hanna, 2, Indian Friday, Theressa, 10, Indian Garrow, Hannah, 9/12 months, Indian Jacobs, Margret, 9, Wife, Indian Jacobs, Mary, 7, Indian Jock, Margret, 5, Indian John, Catherine, 7, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Agnes, 3, Indian Karistatie, Nancy, 3, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Hannah, 6, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Hannah, 3, Indian Louis, Mary, 7 months, Indian, died may 3rd McDonald, Louisa, 5, Indian Mitchell, Agnes, 4, Indian Mitchell, Annas, 8, Indian Mitchell, Margaret, 10, Indian Mitchell, Margret, 10, Indian Mitchell, Marie Ann, 9, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 3, Indian


Mitchell, Nancy, 2, Indian Mitchell, Sarah, 11, Indian Musketas, Jocsista, 5, Indian Oake, Mart Ann, 3, Indian Papineau, Hannah, 3, Indian Papineau, Nancy, 8, Indian Paul or Paul Joe Annie, 2, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Addy, 4, USA, Indian Peter, Tressa, (Theresa) 7, Indian Phillips, Christy, 4/12 months, Indian Pike, Luoutia, 7, Indian Pike, Mary Ann, 11, Indian Sabator, Helen, 4, Indian Sabator, Mary, 1, Indian Sawatas, Helene, 5, Indian Sawatas, Mary, 1, Indian Sharrow, Cecil, 2, Indian Sharrow, Mary, 3, Indian Skin, Helen, 7/12 months, Indian Skin, Mary Ann, 10, Indian Skin, Mary, 8, Indian Skusketoes, Louisa, 3, Indian Skusketoes, Margaret, 5, Indian Skusketoes, Nancy, 9, Indian Solomon, Rinotria or Kiotria, 2, Indian Sugar Bush, Mary, 8, Indian Terrance, Mary, 4/12 months, Indian Terrance, Onique, 3, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Margret, 1, Indian Whyte, Karisseta, 4, Indian Wood, Hannah, 6, Indian Wood, Marie Josee, 8, Indian Woodman, Nancy, 1, Indian Woodman, Sarah, 2, Indian


Men: 89 …, Terran Garreau, 6/12 months, Indian Adams, Paul, 2, Indian Adams, Peter, 7, Indian Alick, Alex, 4, Indian Alick, John, 9, Indian Alick, Louis, 7, Indian Anawarya, Louis, 3, Indian Anawarya, no name, 6/12 months, Indian Anawarya, Peter, 8, Indian Anawarya, Thomas, 6, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Sakay Jacob, 7, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Sakay Jacob, 7, Indian Arakonisk, Antrin (André), 8, Indian Arakonisk, Sacke, 11, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Jacob, 4, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Thomas, 7, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Tier, 9, Indian Arnawaya, David, 11, Indian Back (or Baok), Abraham, 6, Indian Broken Leg, Ignace, 7, Indian Buckshott, Louis, Indian, 5 Charron, Angus, 4, Indian, died April 6th Cook, Dominique, 8, Indian Fox, Angus, 3, Indian Fox, Paul, 2, Indian Francis, Angus, 5, Indian Friday, Joseph, 10, Indian Friday, Louis, 4, Indian Friday, Thomas, 6, Indian Jacobs, Louis, 5, Indian Jock, Henry, 4, Indian Jock, Loren, 11, Indian Jock, Lukdjik, 1 Indian Jock, Thomas, 8, Indian John, Paul, 10, Indian John, Regis, 11, Indian John, Teroma, 1, Indian John, Thomas, 5, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Sawatas, 8, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Socke, 7, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Ignace, 10, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Isac, 6/12 months, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Sawatas, 5, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Tieres, 9, Indian Loran, Loran, 8, Indian Loran, Tiere, 5, Indian


Louis, Joseph, 5, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 2, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 7, Indian Mitchell, John, 3, Indian Mitchell, Loran, 4, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 11, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 6, Indian Mitchell, Peter, 8, Indian Mitchell, Thomas, 7/12 months, Indian Musketas, David, 3/12 months, Indian Musketas, Joseph, 8, Indian Musketas, Sawatas, 11, Indian Oake, Mitchell, 1, Indian Papineau, Sawatas, 1/12 months, Indian Papineau, Tierre, 5, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Addy, 4, USA, Indian Phillips, Antre, 5, Indian Pike, Louis, 4, Indian Pike, Luoutia, 7, Indian Sawatas, Ignace, 1, Indian Sawatas, Regis, 3, Indian Sharpe, Mitchell, 8, Indian Sharpe, Paul, 5, Indian Sharrow, Frank, 7, Indian Sharrow, Joseph, 5, Indian Skin, Louis, 8, Indian Skin, Peter, 10, Indian Skusketoes, Mitchell, 9/12 Months, Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 7, Indian Solomon, John, 7, Indian Solomon, Loran, 5 Indian Solomon, Rinotria or Kiotria, 2, Indian Squires, Ignace, 8, Indian Squires, Peter, 10, Indian Sugar Bush, Joseph, 10, Indian Thompson, Alexander, 10, Indian Thompson, Caratihon or Caratshon, 7, Indian Thompson, Sataka Herison, 4, Indian Whyte, Antre (Andre), 9, Indian Whyte, Mitchell, 11, Indian Wood, Maurice ..., 10, Indian Wood, Tiers, 4, Indian Wood... 7 months, Indian


Between 12 and 40 years old: 215 individuals 108 women and 107 men Women: 108 Charron, Mary, 12, Indian Wood, Margaret, 12, Indian Cook, Marie Josephte, 12, Indian Skin, Nancy, 12, Indian Francis, Mary Ann, 12, Indian Sharrow, Sarah, 12, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Cecil, 12, Indian Alick, Nancy, 13, Indian Wood, Agnes, 13, Indian Mitchell, Onike, (Oneike), 13, Indian Papineau, Agnes, 13, Indian Karistatie, Kariseta, 14, Indian Daye, Mary Ann, 14, Indian Thompson, Agnes, 14, Indian Pike, Agate or Agnes, 14, Indian Sugar Bush, Susan, 14, Indian Phillips, Margret, 14, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, daughter, 14, Indian Anawarya, Margaret, 15, Indian Friday, Mary, 15, Indian Wood, Cecilia, 15, Indian Arnawaya, Mary, 16, Wife, Indian Ignace, Louise, 16, Indian Raft, Mary, 16, Indian Allick or Alliok, Nancy, 16, Indian Curley, Nancy, 16, Indian Moore, Mary, 16, Indian Oake, Catherine, 17, Indian Wood, Karissata, 17, Indian Pike, Nancy, 17, Indian John, Nancy, 17, Indian Skin, Nancy, 17, Indian Sugar Bush, Nancy, 17, Indian Mitchell, Sarah, 18, Indian Anawarya, Harriette, 18, Indian Gorrean, Christy, 18, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Cecil, 18, Indian Squires, Mary Ann, 19, Indian Loran, Sarah, 19 Wood, Mary, 19, Indian Papineau, Louise, 19, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 20, Indian Pique, Nancy, 20, Indian


Oake, Cecile, 20, Indian Jacob, Anna, 20, Indian Thompson, Mary, 20 daughter, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Christy, 21, USA, Indian Lazaire, Nancy, 21, Indian Kayansiotera, Theressa, 21, Indian Peter, Mary, 21, Indian Fox, Margret, 22, wife, Indian Sawatas, Hannah, 22, Indian Skin, Mary, 22, Indian Back (or Baok), Catherine, 23, Indian Sabator, Cate, 23, wife, Indian Sawatas, Catherine, 23, Indian Lafrance, Karatenta, 23, Indian Squires, Nancy, 23, Indian Garrow, Catharine, 23, Indian Alick, Allice, 23, Indian Sharrow, Margaret, 23, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Suzanne, 24, Indian Raft or Ka..., Elizabeth, 24, Indian Terrance, Celia, 24, Indian Jock, Nancy, 25, wife, Indian Papineau, Mary, 25, Indian Musketas, Mary Ann, 25, Indian Terrance, Sarahi or Sarate, 25, laborer, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Terrissa, 25, Indian Mitchell, Cecilia, 25, Indian Charron, Agnes, 26, Indian …, Louisa, 26, Indian Pike, Mary, 26, Indian Solomon, Charlotte, 26, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 27, Indian Oake, Mart Ann, 27, Indian Arrewassawa, Cecilia, 28, Indian Whyte, Hannah, 28, basket maker, Indian Street, Sarah, 29, wife, Indian Ignace, Catherine, 29, Indian Whyte, Charlotte, 29, Indian Adams, Sarah, 30, wife, USA, Indian Friday, Hannah, 30, Indian Daye, Nancy, 30, Indian Skusketoes, Mary, 30, Indian Phillips, Mary, 30, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Marie Joseph, 31, Indian Wood, Mary, 32, Indian Foot, Mary Ann, 32, Indian Woodman, Louise, 33, wife, Indian Thompson, Nancy, 34, Indian


Allick or Alliok, Cecil, 35, Indian Jacobs, Cecelia, 37, Indian Louis, Catherine, 37, Indian Mitchell, Cecil, 37, Indian Arnawaya, Elizabeth, 38, wife, Indian Skin, Onique or Monique, 38, Indian Mitchell, Charlotte, 38, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Sarah, 38, Indian Mitchell, Nancy, 39, wife, Indian Isaac, Celia, 40, Indian Karistatie, Louise, 40, Indian Ignace, Louise, 40, Basket maker, Indian St-Dennis, Mary, 40, Indian Mitchell, Cecil, 40, farmer, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Catharine, 40, Indian Curley, Theressa, 40, Fancy work, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Susan, 40, Indian


Men: 107 Francis or Paul Joe, Jacob, 12, Indian Raft, Dominique, 12, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Joseph, 12, Indian Allick or Alliok, Tierre, 12, Indian Sugar Bush, Tierre, 12, Indian Anawarya, Cimon, 13, Indian Arrewassawa, Sawatas, 13, Indian St-Dennis, John, 13, Indian Wood, Willie, 14, Indian Arakonisk, Thomas, 14, fishing, Indian Broken Leg, Sakotona, 14, Indian Broken Leg, Atiendesa, 15, Indian John, Sako..., 15, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Sawatos, 15, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 16, Indian Gorrean, Mitchell, 16 Indian Arrewassawa, Loren, 16, laborer, Indian Thompson, Sawatas, 16, son, Indian Mitchell, Tucsakis or Tukatis, 16, Indian Stoka, Noah, 17, Laborer, Indian Karistatie, … 17, Indian Cook, Sawatas, 17, Indian Arakonisk, Mitchell, 17, fishing, Indian Papineau, Sawatas, 17, farmer, Indian Mitchell, Charlie, 18, Indian Peter, Sawatas, 18, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Mitchell, 18, Laborer, Indian Sak..., Louis, 19, Indian Mitchell, Sawatas, 19, son, Indian Oake, Thomas, 20, Laborer, Indian Karistatie, … 20, Indian Cook, Ontra, 20, Indian Arakonisk, Ignace, 20, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Watis, 20, Indian Whyte, Louis, 20, Laborer, Indian Sawatas, David, 20, laborer, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, Indian, 20, farmer, Indian Curley, Sake, 20, laborer, Indian Mitchell, George, 21, Laborer, Indian Charron, Rolland, 21, laborer, Indian Lafrance, Loren, 21, Indian Anawarya, John, 22, farmer, Indian Wood, Thomas, 22, laborer, Indian Sharrow, David, 22, Indian Buckshot, Alexander, 23, farmer, Indian Kayansiotera, Loren, 23, Indian


Raft or Ka..., Laurent, 23, laborer, Indian Peter, Oneike, 23, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Mitchell, 23, farmer, Indian Thompson, Louis, 23, son, Indian Arnawaya, Loran, 24, Farmer, Indian Arakonisk, Peter, 24, fishing, Indian Skin, Jacob, 24, farmer, Indian Back (or Baok), Louis 25, Laborer, Indian Gorrean, John, 25, laborer, Indian Terrance, Sarahi or Sarate, 25, laborer, Indian Foot, Guessey, 25, Indian Sharrow, Alexandre, 26, Indian Oake, Sawatas, 27, Indian McDonald, Alex, 28, Farmer & Carpenter, Indian Papineau, John, 28, laborer, Indian Sawatas, Louis, 28, laborer, Indian Lazaire, Peter, 29, Laborer, Indian Jacobs, Alexander, 29, Laborer, Indian Jock, Francois, 30, Farmer, Indian Mitchell, Isaac, 30, Grocer, Indian Charron, Martin, 30, Laborer, Indian Fox, John, 30, farmer, Indian Jacob, Jacques, 30, laborer, Indian Wood, George, 30, laborer, Indian Suckoenens, Pierre, 30, laborer, Indian Solomon, Francis, 30, laborer, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Joe (Paul or Paul Joe, Francis) Francis, 31, farmer, Indian Arrewassawa, Mitchell, 31, farmer, Indian Musketas, Thomas, 32, laborer, Indian Alick,…, 32, laborer, Indian Friday, John, 33, Laborer, Indian Wood, Philip, 34, farmer, Indian Sabator, Thomas, 35, Laborer, Indian Thompson, Antre, (Andre), 35, farmer, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Mitchell, 35, farmer, Indian Foot, Peter, 35, laborer, Indian Adams, John, 36, Shoemaker, Indian Isaac, John, 36, Grocer, Indian Sawatas, Thomas, 36, laborer, Indian Ignace, Charlie, 36, Indian John, Louis, 36, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, laborer, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, laborer, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, Indian Friday, Mitchell, 38, farmer, Indian Wood, Joseph, 38, USA, farmer, Indian Skin, Paul, 38, laborer, Indian Thompson, Joseph, 38, laborer, Indian


Arasansies, (speculative), John, 38, farmer, from Yellow Island, Indian Street, Louis, 39, Laborer, Indian Louis, Wood, 39, Laborer, Indian Suckoenens, Wanonki, 39, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Louis, 39, laborer, Indian Arnawaya, Thomas, 40, Farmer, Indian Daye, Thomas, 40, laborer, Indian Skusketoes, John, 40, farmer, Indian Phillips, Joe, 40, laborer, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 40, laborer, from Yellow Island, Indian


Between 41 and 59 years old: 48 individuals 24 women and 24 men Women: 24 Pike, Louise, 41, Indian Squires, Nancy, 42, farmer, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Mary, 42, Indian Anawarya, Susan, 43, Indian Buckshot, Margret, 43, farmer, Indian Cook, Therese, 44, Indian Oake, Terresse, 44, Indian Sharpe, Mary, 44, mechanic, Indian Sharrow, Mary, 45, Indian Skin, Watera, 45, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Mary, 45, Indian Sugar Bush, Teressa, 47, Indian Jacob, Margaret, 50, Indian Raft, Mary Ann, 50, Fancy cook, Indian Arakonisk, Margret, 50, Indian Peter, Margaret, 50, Indian Kanora or Ranora, Terressa, 50, Indian Bootse, Theressa, 50, Indian Foot, Hannah, 50, Indian Lafrance, Mary, 55, Indian Wood, Catharine, 56, Indian Angus, Margret, 57, Indian Sak..., Nancy, 57, Indian Friday Betsy, 59, Indian


Men: 24 Mitchell, Francois or Francis, 41, farmer, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Mary, 42, Indian Oake, Louis, 42, laborer, Indian Mitchell, Salomon, 43, Farmer, Indian Papineau, Peter, 43, farmer, Indian Lafrance, Jacob, 44, laborer, Indian Arrewassawa, 44, farmer, Indian Sharpe, Joseph, 44, mechanic, Indian Pike, Loren, 45, farmer, Indian Skin, Watera, 45, Indian Angus, John, (9), 55, CHIEF, Indian John, Louis or Lott, 46, farmer, of Yellow Island, Indian Skin, John, 46, farmer, Indian Anawarya, Moyse, 47, farmer, Indian Sugar Bush, Peter, 47, Indian …, Alexander, 50, Laborer, Indian Peter, John, 50, laborer, Indian Foot, Joseph, 50, laborer, Indian Cook, Thomas, 52, laborer, Indian Broken Leg, Louis, 56, farmer, Indian (Written Gohenry ... beside) Woodman, Thomas,57, Laborer, Oneida, Methodist, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ? or Lafrance), Louis, 58 laborer, Indian Thompson, Arcout, 58, Indian Jacob, Peter, 59, laborer, Indian


60 years old and older: 40 individuals 14 women and 26 men Women: 14 Salomon, Anna, 60, Indian Oake, ..., 60, basket maker, Indian Ignace, Mary Ann, 60, Indian Francis, Caty, 60, Indian Broken Leg, Lucrede, 60, Indian Smoke, Annis, 67, USA, Indian Pique, Annis, 70, Wife, Indian Skin, Olive, 66, wife, Indian, died April 4th Jacob, Cecil, 70, Jacket maker, Indian Soloman, Catherine, 76, Indian Arrewassawa, Catherine, Indian, 80 Kariotata or Karistata, Mary, 81, Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 84, Indian Raft or Ka..., Terressa, 64 or 68, Indian Men: 26 Oake, ..., 60, basket maker, Indian Friday Joseph, 60, laborer, Indian Sak..., 60, carpenter, Indian Thompson, Alex, 60, farmer, CHIEF, Indian Kanora or Ranora, Francis, 60, laborer, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Mitchell, 60, Laborer, Indian Sharrow, George, 60, farmer, Indian Sharrow, Charlie, 60, laborer, Indian Mitchell, Thomas, 60, farmer, Indian Salomon, Mitchell, 61, farmer, Indian Wood, Peter, 62, farmer, Indian Lafrance, Thomas, 62, laborer, Indian Stoka, Louis, 65, Laborer, Indian Arakonisk, Sawatis, 65, farmer Chief, Indian Bootse, Charles, 65, laborer, Indian Pique, Louis, 70, Farmer, Indian Skin, Peter, 72, Farmer, Indian, was previously Chief George, Thomas, 74, laborer Chief, Indian Longueuil, Francois, 75, Laborer, NWT (Métis from North West Territory in 1871 census) Joseph, ..., 75, laborer, Indian Francis, John, 80, Indian Karistatie, John Isaac, 84, “Chief...” Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 84, Indian 212-212 Kariota Paul, 94, Indian (reluctant to the census responsible) Kariotata or Karistata, Paul, 94, farmer, Indian Soloman, Loran, 78, farmer, Indian (was recorded as Chief in 1871 census)


Full census

Mohawks listed are starting on page 42, after the Priest: 175-175 Marcoux, Francois, 75, Priest, French Marcoux, Abraham, 57, Gardener, French Longueuil, Francois, 75, Laborer, NWT Maurice, Victoire, 52, Housekeeper, French 176-176 Jock, Henry, 55, Farmer, French Jock, Joseph, 20, son, French Jock, Marie, 23, daughter, French 177-177 Jock, Francois, 30, Farmer, Indian Jock, Nancy, 25, wife, Indian Jock, Loren, 11, Indian Jock, Thomas, 8, Indian Jock, Henry, 4, Indian Jock, Margret, 5, Indian Jock, Lukdjik, 1 Indian 178-178 Mitchell, Isaac, 30, Grocer, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 20, Indian Mitchell, Peter, 8, Indian 179-179 Charron, Martin, 30, Laborer, Indian Charron, Agnes, 26, Indian Charron, Mary, 12, Indian Page 43 179-179 Charron, Sarah, 7 Indian Charron, Angus, 4, Indian, died April 6th 180-180 Mitchell, George, 21, Laborer, Indian Mitchell, Sarah, 18, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 2, Indian


181-181 Adams, John, 36, Shoemaker, Indian Adams, Sarah, 30, wife, USA, Indian Adams, Peter, 7, Indian Adams, Maggie, 5, Indian Adams, Paul, 2, Indian 182-182

Angus, John, (9), 55, CHIEF, Indian Angus, Margret, 57, Indian 183-183 Arnawaya, Thomas, 40, Farmer, Indian Arnawaya, Elizabeth, 38, wife, Indian Arnawaya, David, 11, Indian Arnawaya, Anna, 9, Indian Arnawaya, Celia, 9, Indian Arnawaya, Margret, 6, Indian Arnawaya, Mary Ann, 4, Indian 184-184 Fox, John, 30, farmer, Indian Fox, Margret, 22, wife, Indian Fox, Angus, 3, Indian Fox, Paul, 2, Indian 185-185 Arnawaya, Loran, 24, Farmer, Indian Arnawaya, Mary, 16, Wife, Indian Page 44 186-186 Paul or Paul Joe, Joe (Paul or Paul Joe, Francis) Francis, 31, farmer, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Christy, 21, USA, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Addy, 4, USA, Indian Paul or Paul Joe Annie, 2, Indian Francis or Paul Joe, Jacob, 12, Indian


187-187 Anawarya, Moyse, 47, farmer, Indian Anawarya, Susan, 43, Indian Anawarya, Margaret, 15, Indian Anawarya, Cimon, 13, Indian Anawarya, Peter, 8, Indian Anawarya, Thomas, 6, Indian Anawarya, Louis, 3, Indian 188-188 Anawarya, John, 22, farmer, Indian Anawarya, Harriette, 18, Indian Anawarya, no name, 6/12 months, Indian 189-189 Friday, Mitchell, 38, farmer, Indian Friday, Hannah, 30, Indian Friday, Theressa, 10, Indian Friday, Celia, 8, Indian Friday, Louis, 4, Indian Friday, Hanna, 2, Indian 190-190 Buckshot, Margret, 43, farmer, Indian Buckshot, Alexander, 23, farmer, Indian Buckshot, Mitchell, 14, son, Indian Buckshot, Mary, 11, daughter, Indian Page 45 190-190 Buckshott, Mary, Indian, 8 Buckshott, Louis, Indian, 5 Buckshott, Sarah, Indian, 2 191-191 McDonald, Alex, 28, Farmer & Carpenter, Indian McDonald, Louisa, 5, Indian 192-192 Pique, Louis, 70, Farmer, Indian Pique, Annis, 70, Wife, Indian Pique, Nancy, 20, Indian 193-193 Street, Louis, 39, Laborer, Indian Street, Sarah, 29, wife, Indian


194-194 Lazaire, Peter, 29, Laborer, Indian Lazaire, Nancy, 21, Indian 195-195 Jacobs, Alexander, 29, Laborer, Indian Jacobs, Cecelia, 37, Indian Jacobs, Margret, 9, Wife, Indian Jacobs, Mary, 7, Indian Jacobs, Louis, 5, Indian 196-196 Friday, John, 33, Laborer, Indian Friday, Mary, 15, Indian 197-197 Smoke, Annis, 67, USA, Indian Louis, Wood, 39, Laborer, Indian Louis, Catherine, 37, Indian Louis, Joseph, 5, Indian Louis, Mary, 7 months, Indian, died may 3rd 198-198 Stoka, Louis, 65, Laborer, Indian Page 46 198-198 Stoka, Noah, 17, Laborer, Indian Back (or Baok), Louis 25, Laborer, Indian

Back (or Baok), Catherine, 23, Indian Back (or Baok), Abraham, 6, Indian Back (or Baok), Louise, 4, Indian Back (or Baok), Christy, 2, Indian 199-199 Isaac, John, 36, Grocer, Indian Isaac, Celia, 40, Indian


200-200 Mitchell, Salomon, 43, Farmer, Indian Mitchell, Nancy, 39, wife, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 27, Indian Mitchell, Charlie, 18, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 16, Indian Mitchell, Sarah, 11, Indian Mitchell, John, 3, Indian 201-201 Sabator, Thomas, 35, Laborer, Indian Sabator, Cate, 23, wife, Indian Sabator, Helen, 4, Indian Sabator, Mary, 1, Indian 202-202 Woodman, Thomas, Laborer, Oneida, Methodist, Indian

Woodman, Louise, 33, wife, Indian Woodman, Sarah, 2, Indian Woodman, Nancy, 1, Indian 203-203 Skin, Peter, 72, Farmer, Indian, was previously Chief Skin, Olive, 66, wife, Indian, died April 4th Page 47 204-204 Salomon, Mitchell, 61, farmer, Indian Salomon, Anna, 60, Indian Oake, Thomas, 20, Laborer, Indian Oake, Mart Ann, 27, Indian 205-205 Wood, Joseph, 38, USA, farmer, Indian Wood, Mary, 32, Indian Wood, Margaret, 12, Indian Wood, Maurice ..., 10, Indian Wood, Marie Josee, 8, Indian Wood, Hannah, 6, Indian Wood, Tiers, 4, Indian Wood... 7 months, Indian


206-206 Karistatie, John Isaac, 84, “Chief...” Indian

Karistatie, Louise, 40, Indian Karistatie, … 20, Indian Karistatie, … 17, Indian Karistatie, Nancy, 3, Indian Karistatie, Kariseta, 14, Indian 207-207 Sawatas, Thomas, 36, laborer, Indian Sawatas, Catherine, 23, Indian Sawatas, Helene, 5, Indian Sawatas, Mary, 1, Indian 208-208 Lafrance, Jacob, 44, laborer, Indian Lafrance, Karatenta, 23, Indian 209-209 Gorrean, John, 25, laborer, Indian Page 48 209-209 Gorrean, Christy, 18, Indian Gorrean, Mitchell, 16 Indian 210-210 Arrewassawa, 44, farmer, Indian Arrewassawa, Cecilia, 28, Indian Arrewassawa, Mitchell, 31, farmer, Indian Arrewassawa, Catherine, Indian, 80 Arrewassawa, Loren, 16, laborer, Indian Arrewassawa, Sawatas, 13, Indian Arrewassawa, Marie-Joseph, 3/12 months, Indian 211-211 Papineau, John, 28, laborer, Indian Papineau, Mary, 25, Indian Papineau, Tierre, 5, Indian Papineau, Hannah, 3, Indian Papineau, Sawatas, 1/12 months, Indian


211-211 212-212 Kariota Paul, 94, Indian (reluctant to the census responsible)

Note : Refuses to give informations Consents on page 60 (…)

212-212 Cook, Thomas, 52, laborer, Indian Cook, Therese, 44, Indian Cook, Ontra, 20, Indian Cook, Sawatas, 17, Indian Cook, Marie Josephte, 12, Indian Cook, Karisata, 10, Indian Cook, Dominique, 8, Indian 213-213 Musketas, Thomas, 32, laborer, Indian Musketas, Mary Ann, 25, Indian Musketas, Sawatas, 11, Indian Page 49 213-213 Musketas, Joseph, 8, Indian Musketas, Jocsista, 5, Indian Musketas, David, 3/12 months, Indian


214-214 Squires, Nancy, 42, farmer, Indian Squires, Nancy, 23, Indian Squires, Mary Ann, 19, Indian Squires, Peter, 10, Indian Squires, Ignace, 8, Indian 215-215 Lachienne, (Lichinne ? or Lafrance), Louis, 58 laborer, Indian

Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Mary, 42, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Suzanne, 24, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Ignace, 10, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Hannah, 6, Indian 216-216 Kayansiotera, Loren, 23, Indian Kayansiotera, Theressa, 21, Indian 217-217 …, Alexander, 50, Laborer, Indian

…, Louisa, 26, Indian …, Terran Garreau, 6/12 months, Indian


218-218 Oake, Louis, 42, laborer, Indian Oake, Terresse, 44, Indian Oake, Cecile, 20, Indian Oake, Sawatas, 27, Indian Oake, Catherine, 17, Indian Oake, Mart Ann, 3, Indian Oake, Mitchell, 1, Indian Page 50 219-219 Jacob, Cecil, 70, Jacket maker, Indian 220-220 Garrow, Ignace, 37, laborer, Indian Garrow, Catharine, 23, Indian Garrow, Hannah, 9/12 months, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, laborer, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, Indian 221-221 Sonan or Loran, Terrese, 39, Fancy cook, Indian

Loran, Sarah, 19 Loran, Loran, 8, Indian Loran, Tiere, 5, Indian 222-222 Jacob, Peter, 59, laborer, Indian Jacob, Margaret, 50, Indian Jacob, Matilde, 21, laborer, Indian 223-223 Soloman, Loran, 78, farmer, Indian (was recorded as Chief in 1871 census) Soloman, Catherine, 76, Indian Raft or Ka..., Terressa, 64 or 68, Indian Raft or Ka..., Laurent, 23, laborer, Indian Raft or Ka..., Elizabeth, 24, Indian


224-224 Oake, ..., 60, basket maker, Indian Whyte, Hannah, 28, basket maker, Indian Whyte, Mitchell, 11, Indian Whyte, Antre (Andre), 9, Indian Whyte, Karisseta, 4, Indian 225-225 Joseph, ..., 75, laborer, Indian Jacob, Jacques, 30, laborer, Indian Jacob, Anna, 20, Indian 226-226 Alick,…, 32, laborer, Indian Page 51 226-226 Alick, Allice, 23, Indian Alick, Nancy, 13, Indian Alick, John, 9, Indian Alick, Louis, 7, Indian Alick, Alex, 4, Indian Alick, Elizabeth, 1, Indian 227-227 Sawatas, Louis, 28, laborer, Indian Sawatas, Hannah, 22, Indian Sawatas, Regis, 3, Indian Sawatas, Ignace, 1, Indian 228-228 Skin, Paul, 38, laborer, Indian Skin, Onique or Monique, 38, Indian Skin, Peter, 10, Indian Skin, Nancy, 12, Indian Skin, Mary, 8, Indian Skin, Louis, 8, Indian 229-229 Ignace, Louise, 40, Basket maker, Indian Ignace, Mary Ann, 60, Indian Ignace, Catherine, 29, Indian Ignace, Charlie, 36, Indian Ignace, Louise, 16, Indian Charron, Rolland, 21, laborer, Indian


230-230 Raft, Mary Ann, 50, Fancy cook, Indian Raft, Mary, 16, Indian Raft, Dominique, 12, Indian Page 52 230-230 Raft, Rota, 80, Indian 231-231 Wood, Peter, 62, farmer, Indian Wood, Catharine, 56, Indian Wood, Philip, 34, farmer, Indian Wood, George, 30, laborer, Indian Wood, Thomas, 22, laborer, Indian Wood, Willie, 14, Indian Wood, Mary, 19, Indian Wood, Karissata, 17, Indian Wood, Cecilia, 15, Indian Wood, Agnes, 13, Indian St-Dennis, Mary, 40, Indian St-Dennis, John, 13, Indian 232-232 Lafrance, Thomas, 62, laborer, Indian Lafrance, Mary, 55, Indian Terrance, Sarahi or Sarate, 25, laborer, Indian Terrance, Celia, 24, Indian Terrance, Onique, 3, Indian Terrance, Mary, 4/12 months, Indian 233-233 Suckoenens, Pierre, 30, laborer, Indian Suckoenens, Wanonki, 39, Indian

234-234 Friday Joseph, 60, laborer, Indian Friday Betsy, 59, Indian Friday, Joseph, 10, Indian Friday, Thomas, 6, Indian


Page 53 235-235 Daye, Thomas, 40, laborer, Indian Daye, Nancy, 30, Indian Daye, Mary Ann, 14, Indian

Lafrance, Loren, 21, Indian Daye, Margret, 10, Indian 236-236 Arakonisk, Sawatis, 65, farmer Chief, Indian

Arakonisk, Margret, 50, Indian Arakonisk, Peter, 24, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Ignace, 20, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Mitchell, 17, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Thomas, 14, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Sacke, 11, Indian Arakonisk, Antrin (André), 8, Indian Arakonisk, Mary Joseph, 4, Indian Arakonisk, Watis, 20, Indian 237-237 George, Thomas, 74, laborer Chief, Indian

Whyte, Louis, 20, Laborer, Indian Whyte, Charlotte, 29, Indian


238-238 Sak..., 60, carpenter, Indian Sak..., Nancy, 57, Indian Sak..., Louis, 19, Indian 239-239

Sharpe, Joseph, 44, mechanic, Indian Sharpe, Mary, 44, mechanic, Indian Sharpe, Mitchell, 8, Indian Sharpe, Paul, 5, Indian Page 54 240-240 Skusketoes, John, 40, farmer, Indian

Skusketoes, Mary, 30, Indian Skusketoes, Nancy, 9, Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 7, Indian Skusketoes, Margaret, 5, Indian Skusketoes, Louisa, 3, Indian Skusketoes, Mitchell, 9/12 Months, Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 84, Indian 241-241 Peter, John, 50, laborer, Indian Peter, Margaret, 50, Indian Peter, Oneike, 23, Indian Peter, Mary, 21, Indian Peter, Sawatas, 18, Indian

Peter, Tressa, (Theresa) 7, Indian


242-242 Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Mitchell, 23, farmer, Indian

Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Cecil, 18, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Margret, 1, Indian 243-243 Thompson, Alex, 60, farmer, CHIEF, Indian Thompson, Arcout, 58, Indian Thompson, Antre, (Andre), 35, farmer, Indian Thompson, Sawatas, 16, son, Indian Thompson, Louis, 23, son, Indian Thompson, Mary, 20 daughter, Indian 244-244 Sawatas, David, 20, laborer, Indian 245-245 Thompson, Joseph, 38, laborer, Indian Page 55 245-245

Thompson, Nancy, 34, Indian Thompson, Agnes, 14, Indian Thompson, Alexander, 10, Indian Thompson, Caratihon or Caratshon, 7, Indian Thompson, Sataka Herison, 4, Indian


246-246 Mitchell, Francois or Francis, 41, farmer, Indian

Mitchell, Cecil, 37, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, Indian, 20, farmer, Indian Mitchell, Tucsakis or Tukatis, 16, Indian Mitchell, Loran, 4, Indian Mitchell, Thomas, 7/12 months, Indian Mitchell, Onike, (Oneike), 13, Indian Mitchell, Margaret, 10, Indian 247-247 Mitchell, Cecil, 40, farmer, Indian Mitchell, Sawatas, 19, son, Indian 248-248 Papineau, Peter, 43, farmer, Indian Papineau, Louise, 19, Indian Papineau, Sawatas, 17, farmer, Indian Papineau, Agnes, 13, Indian Papineau, Nancy, 8, Indian 249-249 Lazare / Lazoire, Mitchell, 35, farmer, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Terrissa, 25, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Tieres, 9, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Sawatas, 5, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Isac, 6/12 months, Indian


Page 56 249-249 Lazare / Lazoire, Hannah, 3, Indian 250-250 Kanora or Ranora, Francis, 60, laborer, Indian Kanora or Ranora, Terressa, 50, Indian 251-251 Pike, Loren, 45, farmer, Indian Pike, Louise, 41, Indian Pike, Mary, 26, Indian Pike, Nancy, 17, Indian Pike, Agate or Agnes, 14, Indian Pike, Mary Ann, 11, Indian Pike, Luoutia, 7, Indian

Pike, Louis, 4, Indian 252-252 Solomon, Francis, 30, laborer, Indian Solomon, Charlotte, 26, Indian Solomon, John, 7, Indian Solomon, Loran, 5 Indian Solomon, Rinotria or Kiotria, 2, Indian

253-253 Francis, John, 80, Indian Francis, Caty, 60, Indian Francis, Mary Ann, 12, Indian Francis, Angus, 5, Indian



Anonhata or Anonata, Mitchell, 60, Laborer, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Catharine, 40, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Mitchell, 18, Laborer, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Joseph, 12, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Sakay Jacob, 7, Indian Page 57 254-254

Anonhata or Anonata, Sakay Jacob, 7, Indian 255-255 Allick or Alliok, Cecil, 35, Indian

Allick or Alliok, Nancy, 16, Indian Allick or Alliok, Tierre, 12, Indian Allick or Alliok, Hannah, 9, Indian Allick or Alliok, Mary Ann, 7, Indian Allick or Alliok, Cecil, 1, Indian 256-256 Sharrow, George, 60, farmer, Indian Sharrow, Mary, 45, Indian Sharrow, Alexandre, 26, Indian Sharrow, David, 22, Indian Sharrow, John, 13, Indian Sharrow, Sarah, 12, Indian Sharrow, Frank, 7, Indian Sharrow, Joseph, 5, Indian 257-257 Bootse, Charles, 65, laborer, Indian Bootse, Theressa, 50, Indian


258-258 Curley, Theressa, 40, Fancy cook, Indian Curley, Sake, 20, laborer, Indian Curley, Nancy, 16, Indian Curley, Mary Ann, 11, Indian Curley, Hannah, 6, Indian 259-259 Sharrow, Charlie, 60, laborer, Indian Sharrow, Margaret, 23, Indian Sharrow, Mary, 3, Indian Page 58 259-259 Sharrow, Cecil, 2, Indian 260-260

Broken Leg, Louis, 56, farmer, Indian (Written Gohenry ... beside) Broken Leg, Lucrede, 60, Indian Broken Leg, Atiendesa, 15, Indian Broken Leg, Sakotona, 14, Indian Broken Leg, Cate, 5, Indian Broken Leg, Ignace, 7, Indian 261-261 John, Louis or Lott, 46, farmer, of Yellow Island, Indian John, Marie Joseph, 47, Indian John, Louis, 36, Indian John, Nancy, 17, Indian John, Catherine, 7, Indian John, Teroma, 1, Indian John, Sako..., 15, Indian John, Paul, 10, Indian John, Regis, 11, Indian John, Thomas, 5, Indian



Arasansies, (speculative), John, 38, farmer, from Yellow Island, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Marie Joseph, 31, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Sawatos, 15, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Cecil, 12, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Tier, 9, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Thomas, 7, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Jacob, 4, Indian 263-263 Mitchell, Thomas, 60, farmer, Indian Page 59 263-263 Mitchell, Cecilia, 25, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 11, Indian Mitchell, Marie Ann, 9, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 7, Indian Mitchell, Roswa, 5, Indian Mitchell, Nancy, 2, Indian 264-264 Skin, John, 46, farmer, Indian Skin, Watera, 45, Indian Skin, Jacob, 24, farmer, Indian Skin, Mary, 22, Indian Skin, Mary Ann, 10, Indian Skin, Nancy, 17, Indian Skin, Helen, 7/12 months, Indian 265-265

Sugar Bush, Peter, 47, Indian Sugar Bush, Teressa, 47, Indian Sugar Bush, Nancy, 17, Indian Sugar Bush, Susan, 14, Indian Sugar Bush, Tierre, 12, Indian Sugar Bush, Joseph, 10, Indian Sugar Bush, Mary, 8, Indian


266-266 Phillips, Joe, 40, laborer, Indian Phillips, Mary, 30, Indian Phillips, Margret, 14, Indian Phillips, Christy, 4/12 months, Indian Phillips, Antre, 5, Indian Page 60 267-267 Mitchell, Jacob, 40, laborer, from Yellow Island, Indian Mitchell, Charlotte, 38, Indian Mitchell, Margret, 10, Indian Mitchell, Annas, 8, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 6, Indian Mitchell, Agnes, 4, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 3, Indian 268-268 Karatota or Saratota, Louis, 39, laborer, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Sarah, 38, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Sawatas, 8, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Socke, 7, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Agnes, 3, Indian 269-269 Foot, Joseph, 50, laborer, Indian Foot, Hannah, 50, Indian Foot, Guessey, 25, Indian 270-270 Foot, Peter, 35, laborer, Indian Foot, Mary Ann, 32, Indian Foot, Karissat..., 5, Indian 271-271 Hopkins, Charles, 21, Irish farmer from Yellow Island 272-272 Kariotata or Karistata, Paul, 94, farmer, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Mary, 81, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Mary, 45, Indian Moore, Mary, 16, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Susan, 40, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, daughter, 14, Indian


Name Index …, Alexander, 50, Laborer, Indian …, Louisa, 26, Indian …, Terran Garreau, 6/12 months, Indian A-69 Adams, John, 36, Shoemaker, Indian Adams, Maggie, 5, Indian Adams, Paul, 2, Indian Adams, Peter, 7, Indian Adams, Sarah, 30, wife, USA, Indian Alick, Alex, 4, Indian Alick, Allice, 23, Indian Alick, Elizabeth, 1, Indian Alick, John, 9, Indian Alick, Louis, 7, Indian Alick, Nancy, 13, Indian Alick,…, 32, laborer, Indian Allick or Alliok, Cecil, 1, Indian Allick or Alliok, Cecil, 35, Indian Allick or Alliok, Hannah, 9, Indian Allick or Alliok, Mary Ann, 7, Indian Allick or Alliok, Nancy, 16, Indian Allick or Alliok, Tierre, 12, Indian Anawarya, Cimon, 13, Indian Anawarya, Harriette, 18, Indian Anawarya, John, 22, farmer, Indian Anawarya, Louis, 3, Indian Anawarya, Margaret, 15, Indian Anawarya, Moyse, 47, farmer, Indian Anawarya, no name, 6/12 months, Indian Anawarya, Peter, 8, Indian Anawarya, Susan, 43, Indian Anawarya, Thomas, 6, Indian Angus, John, (9), 55, CHIEF, Indian Angus, Margret, 57, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Catharine, 40, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Joseph, 12, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Mitchell, 18, Laborer, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Mitchell, 60, Laborer, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Sakay Jacob, 7, Indian Anonhata or Anonata, Sakay Jacob, 7, Indian Arakonisk, Antrin (André), 8, Indian Arakonisk, Ignace, 20, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Margret, 50, Indian Arakonisk, Mary Joseph, 4, Indian


Arakonisk, Mitchell, 17, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Peter, 24, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Sacke, 11, Indian Arakonisk, Sawatis, 65, farmer Chief, Indian Arakonisk, Thomas, 14, fishing, Indian Arakonisk, Watis, 20, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Cecil, 12, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Jacob, 4, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), John, 38, farmer, from Yellow Island, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Marie Joseph, 31, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Sawatos, 15, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Thomas, 7, Indian Arasansies, (speculative), Tier, 9, Indian Arnawaya, Anna, 9, Indian Arnawaya, Celia, 9, Indian Arnawaya, David, 11, Indian Arnawaya, Elizabeth, 38, wife, Indian Arnawaya, Loran, 24, Farmer, Indian Arnawaya, Margret, 6, Indian Arnawaya, Mary Ann, 4, Indian Arnawaya, Mary, 16, Wife, Indian Arnawaya, Thomas, 40, Farmer, Indian Arrewassawa, 44, farmer, Indian Arrewassawa, Catherine, Indian, 80 Arrewassawa, Cecilia, 28, Indian Arrewassawa, Loren, 16, laborer, Indian Arrewassawa, Marie-Joseph, 3/12 months, Indian Arrewassawa, Mitchell, 31, farmer, Indian Arrewassawa, Sawatas, 13, Indian B-20 Back (or Baok), Abraham, 6, Indian Back (or Baok), Catherine, 23, Indian Back (or Baok), Christy, 2, Indian Back (or Baok), Louis 25, Laborer, Indian Back (or Baok), Louise, 4, Indian Bootse, Charles, 65, laborer, Indian Bootse, Theressa, 50, Indian Broken Leg, Atiendesa, 15, Indian Broken Leg, Cate, 5, Indian Broken Leg, Ignace, 7, Indian Broken Leg, Louis, 56, farmer, Indian (Written Gohenry ... beside) Broken Leg, Lucrede, 60, Indian Broken Leg, Sakotona, 14, Indian Buckshot, Alexander, 23, farmer, Indian Buckshot, Margret, 43, farmer, Indian Buckshot, Mary, 11, daughter, Indian Buckshot, Mitchell, 14, son, Indian


Buckshott, Louis, Indian, 5 Buckshott, Mary, Indian, 8 Buckshott, Sarah, Indian, 2 C-18 Charron, Agnes, 26, Indian Charron, Angus, 4, Indian, died April 6th Charron, Martin, 30, Laborer, Indian Charron, Mary, 12, Indian Charron, Rolland, 21, laborer, Indian Charron, Sarah, 7 Indian Cook, Dominique, 8, Indian Cook, Marie Josephte, 12, Indian Cook, Ontra, 20, Indian Cook, Sawatas, 17, Indian Cook, Therese, 44, Indian Cook, Thomas, 52, laborer, Indian Curley, Hannah, 6, Indian Curley, Mary Ann, 11, Indian Curley, Nancy, 16, Indian Curley, Sake, 20, laborer, Indian Curley, Theressa, 40, Fancy work, Indian D-4 Daye, Margret, 10, Indian Daye, Mary Ann, 14, Indian Daye, Nancy, 30, Indian Daye, Thomas, 40, laborer, Indian F-26 Foot, Guessey, 25, Indian Foot, Hannah, 50, Indian Foot, Joseph, 50, laborer, Indian Foot, Mary Ann, 32, Indian Foot, Peter, 35, laborer, Indian Fox, Angus, 3, Indian Fox, John, 30, farmer, Indian Fox, Margret, 22, wife, Indian Fox, Paul, 2, Indian Francis or Paul Joe, Jacob, 12, Indian Francis, Angus, 5, Indian Francis, Caty, 60, Indian Francis, John, 80, Indian Francis, Mary Ann, 12, Indian Friday Betsy, 59, Indian Friday Joseph, 60, laborer, Indian Friday, Celia, 8, Indian Friday, Hanna, 2, Indian


Friday, Hannah, 30, Indian Friday, John, 33, Laborer, Indian Friday, Joseph, 10, Indian Friday, Louis, 4, Indian Friday, Mary, 15, Indian Friday, Mitchell, 38, farmer, Indian Friday, Theressa, 10, Indian Friday, Thomas, 6, Indian G-9 Garrow, Catharine, 23, Indian Garrow, Hannah, 9/12 months, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, laborer, Indian Garrow, Ignace, 37, laborer, Indian George, Thomas, 74, laborer Chief, Indian Gorrean, Christy, 18, Indian Gorrean, John, 25, laborer, Indian Gorrean, Mitchell, 16 Indian I-7 Ignace, Catherine, 29, Indian Ignace, Charlie, 36, Indian Ignace, Louise, 16, Indian Ignace, Louise, 40, Basket maker, Indian Ignace, Mary Ann, 60, Indian Isaac, Celia, 40, Indian Isaac, John, 36, Grocer, Indian J-29 Jacob, Anna, 20, Indian Jacob, Cecil, 70, Jacket maker, Indian Jacob, Jacques, 30, laborer, Indian Jacob, Margaret, 50, Indian Jacob, Matilde, 21, laborer, Indian Jacob, Peter, 59, laborer, Indian Jacobs, Alexander, 29, Laborer, Indian Jacobs, Cecelia, 37, Indian Jacobs, Louis, 5, Indian Jacobs, Margret, 9, Wife, Indian Jacobs, Mary, 7, Indian Jock, Francois, 30, Farmer, Indian Jock, Henry, 4, Indian Jock, Loren, 11, Indian Jock, Lukdjik, 1 Indian Jock, Margret, 5, Indian Jock, Nancy, 25, wife, Indian Jock, Thomas, 8, Indian


John, Catherine, 7, Indian John, Louis or Lott, 46, farmer, of Yellow Island, Indian John, Louis, 36, Indian John, Marie Joseph, 47, Indian John, Nancy, 17, Indian John, Paul, 10, Indian John, Regis, 11, Indian John, Sako..., 15, Indian John, Teroma, 1, Indian John, Thomas, 5, Indian Joseph, ..., 75, laborer, Indian K-21 Kanora or Ranora, Francis, 60, laborer, Indian Kanora or Ranora, Terressa, 50, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Agnes, 3, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Louis, 39, laborer, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Sarah, 38, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Sawatas, 8, Indian Karatota or Saratota, Socke, 7, Indian Kariota Paul, 94, Indian (Karistatie or Kariostatie reluctant to the census responsible) Kariotata or Karistata, Karistatie or Kariostatie, daughter, 14, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Karistatie or Kariostatie, Mary, 45, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Karistatie or Kariostatie, Mary, 81, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Karistatie or Kariostatie, Paul, 94, farmer, Indian Kariotata or Karistata, Karistatie or Kariostatie, Susan, 40, Indian Karistatie, …, Karistatie or Kariostatie, 17, Indian Karistatie, …, Karistatie or Kariostatie, 20, Indian Karistatie, John Isaac, 84, “Chief...” Indian Karistatie, Kariseta, 14, Indian Karistatie, Louise, 40, Indian Karistatie, Nancy, 3, Indian Kayansiotera, Loren, 23, Indian Kayansiotera, Theressa, 21, Indian L-25 Lachienne, (Lichinne ? or Lafrance), Louis, 58 laborer, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Hannah, 6, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Ignace, 10, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Mary, 42, Indian Lachienne, (Lichinne ?), Suzanne, 24, Indian Lafrance, Jacob, 44, laborer, Indian Lafrance, Karatenta, 23, Indian Lafrance, Loren, 21, Indian Lafrance, Mary, 55, Indian Lafrance, Thomas, 62, laborer, Indian Lazaire, Nancy, 21, Indian Lazaire, Peter, 29, Laborer, Indian


Lazare / Lazoire, Hannah, 3, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Isac, 6/12 months, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Mitchell, 35, farmer, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Sawatas, 5, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Terrissa, 25, Indian Lazare / Lazoire, Tieres, 9, Indian Loran, Loran, 8, Indian Loran, Sarah, 19 Loran, Tiere, 5, Indian Louis, Catherine, 37, Indian Louis, Joseph, 5, Indian Louis, Mary, 7 months, Indian, died may 3rd Louis, Wood, 39, Laborer, Indian M-45 McDonald, Alex, 28, Farmer & Carpenter, Indian McDonald, Louisa, 5, Indian Mitchell, Agnes, 4, Indian Mitchell, Annas, 8, Indian Mitchell, Cecil, 37, Indian Mitchell, Cecil, 40, farmer, Indian Mitchell, Cecilia, 25, Indian Mitchell, Charlie, 18, Indian Mitchell, Charlotte, 38, Indian Mitchell, Francois or Francis, 41, farmer, Indian Mitchell, George, 21, Laborer, Indian Mitchell, Isaac, 30, Grocer, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 2, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 40, laborer, from Yellow Island, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, 7, Indian Mitchell, Jacob, Indian, 20, farmer, Indian Mitchell, John, 3, Indian Mitchell, Loran, 4, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 11, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 16, Indian Mitchell, Louis, 6, Indian Mitchell, Margaret, 10, Indian Mitchell, Margret, 10, Indian Mitchell, Marie Ann, 9, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 20, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 27, Indian Mitchell, Mary, 3, Indian Mitchell, Nancy, 2, Indian Mitchell, Nancy, 39, wife, Indian Mitchell, Onike, (Oneike), 13, Indian Mitchell, Peter, 8, Indian Mitchell, Salomon, 43, Farmer, Indian Mitchell, Sarah, 11, Indian


Mitchell, Sarah, 18, Indian Mitchell, Sawatas, 19, son, Indian Mitchell, Thomas, 60, farmer, Indian Mitchell, Thomas, 7/12 months, Indian Mitchell, Tucsakis or Tukatis, 16, Indian Moore, Mary, 16, Indian Musketas, David, 3/12 months, Indian Musketas, Jocsista, 5, Indian Musketas, Joseph, 8, Indian Musketas, Mary Ann, 25, Indian Musketas, Sawatas, 11, Indian Musketas, Thomas, 32, laborer, Indian O-10 Oake, ..., 60, basket maker, Indian Oake, Catherine, 17, Indian Oake, Cecile, 20, Indian Oake, Louis, 42, laborer, Indian Oake, Mart Ann, 27, Indian Oake, Mart Ann, 3, Indian Oake, Mitchell, 1, Indian Oake, Sawatas, 27, Indian Oake, Terresse, 44, Indian Oake, Thomas, 20, Laborer, Indian P-38 Papineau, Agnes, 13, Indian Papineau, Hannah, 3, Indian Papineau, John, 28, laborer, Indian Papineau, Louise, 19, Indian Papineau, Mary, 25, Indian Papineau, Nancy, 8, Indian Papineau, Peter, 43, farmer, Indian Papineau, Sawatas, 1/12 months, Indian Papineau, Sawatas, 17, farmer, Indian Papineau, Tierre, 5, Indian Paul or Paul Joe Annie, 2, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Addy, 4, USA, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Addy, 4, USA, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Christy, 21, USA, Indian Paul or Paul Joe, Joe (Paul or Paul Joe, Francis) Francis, 31, farmer, Indian Peter, John, 50, laborer, Indian Peter, Margaret, 50, Indian Peter, Mary, 21, Indian Peter, Oneike, 23, Indian Peter, Sawatas, 18, Indian Peter, Tressa, (Theresa) 7, Indian Phillips, Antre, 5, Indian


Phillips, Christy, 4/12 months, Indian Phillips, Joe, 40, laborer, Indian Phillips, Margret, 14, Indian Phillips, Mary, 30, Indian Pike, Agate or Agnes, 14, Indian Pike, Loren, 45, farmer, Indian Pike, Louis, 4, Indian Pike, Louise, 41, Indian Pike, Luoutia, 7, Indian Pike, Luoutia, 7, Indian Pike, Mary Ann, 11, Indian Pike, Mary, 26, Indian Pike, Nancy, 17, Indian Pique, Annis, 70, Wife, Indian Pique, Louis, 70, Farmer, Indian Pique, Nancy, 20, Indian R-7 Raft or Ka..., Elizabeth, 24, Indian Raft or Ka..., Laurent, 23, laborer, Indian Raft or Ka..., Terressa, 64 or 68, Indian Raft, Dominique, 12, Indian Raft, Mary Ann, 50, Fancy cook, Indian Raft, Mary, 16, Indian Raft, Rota, 80, Indian S-87 Sabator, Cate, 23, wife, Indian Sabator, Helen, 4, Indian Sabator, Mary, 1, Indian Sabator, Thomas, 35, Laborer, Indian Sak..., 60, carpenter, Indian Sak..., Louis, 19, Indian Sak..., Nancy, 57, Indian Salomon, Anna, 60, Indian Salomon, Mitchell, 61, farmer, Indian Sawatas, Catherine, 23, Indian Sawatas, David, 20, laborer, Indian Sawatas, Hannah, 22, Indian Sawatas, Helene, 5, Indian Sawatas, Ignace, 1, Indian Sawatas, Louis, 28, laborer, Indian Sawatas, Mary, 1, Indian Sawatas, Regis, 3, Indian Sawatas, Thomas, 36, laborer, Indian Sharpe, Joseph, 44, mechanic, Indian Sharpe, Mary, 44, mechanic, Indian Sharpe, Mitchell, 8, Indian


Sharpe, Paul, 5, Indian Sharrow, Alexandre, 26, Indian Sharrow, Cecil, 2, Indian Sharrow, Charlie, 60, laborer, Indian Sharrow, David, 22, Indian Sharrow, Frank, 7, Indian Sharrow, George, 60, farmer, Indian Sharrow, John, 13, Indian Sharrow, Joseph, 5, Indian Sharrow, Margaret, 23, Indian Sharrow, Mary, 3, Indian Sharrow, Mary, 45, Indian Sharrow, Sarah, 12, Indian Skin, Helen, 7/12 months, Indian Skin, Jacob, 24, farmer, Indian Skin, John, 46, farmer, Indian Skin, Louis, 8, Indian Skin, Mary Ann, 10, Indian Skin, Mary, 22, Indian Skin, Mary, 8, Indian Skin, Nancy, 12, Indian Skin, Nancy, 17, Indian Skin, Olive, 66, wife, Indian, died April 4th Skin, Onique or Monique, 38, Indian Skin, Paul, 38, laborer, Indian Skin, Peter, 10, Indian Skin, Peter, 72, Farmer, Indian, was previously Chief Skin, Watera, 45, Indian Skusketoes, John, 40, farmer, Indian Skusketoes, Louisa, 3, Indian Skusketoes, Margaret, 5, Indian Skusketoes, Mary, 30, Indian Skusketoes, Mitchell, 9/12 Months, Indian Skusketoes, Nancy, 9, Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 7, Indian Skusketoes, Oneike, 84, Indian Smoke, Annis, 67, USA, Indian Soloman, Catherine, 76, Indian Soloman, Loran, 78, farmer, Indian (was recorded as Chief in 1871 census) Solomon, Charlotte, 26, Indian Solomon, Francis, 30, laborer, Indian Solomon, John, 7, Indian Solomon, Loran, 5 Indian Solomon, Rinotria or Kiotria, 2, Indian Solomon, Rinotria or Kiotria, 2, Indian Sonan or Loran, Terrese, 39, Fancy cook, Indian Squires, Ignace, 8, Indian Squires, Mary Ann, 19, Indian


Squires, Nancy, 23, Indian Squires, Nancy, 42, farmer, Indian Squires, Peter, 10, Indian St-Dennis, John, 13, Indian St-Dennis, Mary, 40, Indian Stoka, Louis, 65, Laborer, Indian Stoka, Noah, 17, Laborer, Indian Street, Louis, 39, Laborer, Indian Street, Sarah, 29, wife, Indian Suckoenens, Pierre, 30, laborer, Indian Suckoenens, Wanonki, 39, Indian Sugar Bush, Joseph, 10, Indian Sugar Bush, Mary, 8, Indian Sugar Bush, Nancy, 17, Indian Sugar Bush, Peter, 47, Indian Sugar Bush, Susan, 14, Indian Sugar Bush, Teressa, 47, Indian Sugar Bush, Tierre, 12, Indian T-19 Terrance, Celia, 24, Indian Terrance, Mary, 4/12 months, Indian Terrance, Onique, 3, Indian Terrance, Sarahi or Sarate, 25, laborer, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Cecil, 18, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Margret, 1, Indian Tewasitin or Sewasitin, Mitchell, 23, farmer, Indian Thompson, Agnes, 14, Indian Thompson, Alex, 60, farmer, CHIEF, Indian Thompson, Alexander, 10, Indian Thompson, Antre, (Andre), 35, farmer, Indian Thompson, Arcout, 58, Indian Thompson, Caratihon or Caratshon, 7, Indian Thompson, Joseph, 38, laborer, Indian Thompson, Louis, 23, son, Indian Thompson, Mary, 20 daughter, Indian Thompson, Nancy, 34, Indian Thompson, Sataka Herison, 4, Indian Thompson, Sawatas, 16, son, Indian W-28 Whyte, Antre (Andre), 9, Indian Whyte, Charlotte, 29, Indian Whyte, Hannah, 28, basket maker, Indian Whyte, Karisseta, 4, Indian Whyte, Louis, 20, Laborer, Indian Whyte, Mitchell, 11, Indian Wood, Agnes, 13, Indian


Wood, Catharine, 56, Indian Wood, Cecilia, 15, Indian Wood, George, 30, laborer, Indian Wood, Hannah, 6, Indian Wood, Joseph, 38, USA, farmer, Indian Wood, Karissata, 17, Indian Wood, Margaret, 12, Indian Wood, Marie Josee, 8, Indian Wood, Mary, 19, Indian Wood, Mary, 32, Indian Wood, Maurice ..., 10, Indian Wood, Peter, 62, farmer, Indian Wood, Philip, 34, farmer, Indian Wood, Thomas, 22, laborer, Indian Wood, Tiers, 4, Indian Wood, Willie, 14, Indian Wood... 7/12 months, Indian Woodman, Louise, 33, wife, Indian Woodman, Nancy, 1, Indian Woodman, Sarah, 2, Indian Woodman, Thomas,57, Laborer, Oneida, Methodist, Indian


From the Eastern Door2

From THE EASTERN DOOR of July 3, 2015 the 1871 census analysed was summed-up in an article

entitled Akwesasne Census from 1871 ties directly into issue today:

Population of Huntington West, Sub-district of Dundee, Indian Village.

Source: The Eastern Door

The territory on the Quebec side is known as the Tsikaristisere or “Dundee lands” is on the south

shore of the St. Lawrence River roughly opposite Cornwall. It consists of approximately 20,000

acres in the most Westerly portion of the Province of Quebec, in the area now known as the

Township of Dundee. Historically, it was part of the land recognized as set apart for the

Mohawks of Akwesasne.

The Municipality includes the small village of Sainte-Agnès-de-Dundee and the hamlet of

Dundee. Dundee's name is derived from the industrial and harbour town of Dundee in eastern

Scotland, on the north bank of the River Tay, and means Hill of the Divinity (Dun De) or Fort Tay

(Dun Taw). Mr. John Davidson, the first postmaster of Dundee, and native of Dundee, Scotland,

is generally regarded as the founder of the municipality and was instrumental in the naming of

the Township (Toponymy Commission of Quebec).3

The Dundee municipality was constituted under the laws of Lower Canada on July 1st, 1855. The

area was colonized in the early 1800s by United Empire Loyalists who came from the United

States, and by Irish and Scottish settlers. It is located in the extreme southwest corner of

Quebec, bounded by the Canada-US border and Akwesasne, south of Lake Saint-

François. United Empire Loyalists (or 'Loyalists') is an honorific given in 1789 by Lord Dorchester,

2 The Eastern Door, Kahnawake weekly paper: May 11, 2016.

http://easterndoor.com/ 3 Population and Surface: Statistics Canada, 2006 Census of Population


the governor of Quebec and Governor General of British North America, to American

Loyalists who resettled in British North America during or after the American Revolution. They

settled in what was initially Quebec (including the Eastern Townships) and modern-day Ontario,

where they received land grants of 200 acres (81 ha) per person.

From the early 1800s, the Dundee lands had been leased out to non-Mohawk settlers. Some of

the leases were made directly by Akwesasne Chiefs, while others were made with the

involvement of the Crown. None of the leases were proceeded by a surrender for lease of the

lands by the Mohawks.

In 1888, the superintendent general of Indian Affairs offered $50,000 if the Mohawks agreed to

surrender their interest in the lands. On February 16, 1888, a document was signed that was

interpreted as a surrender. The interpretation was however disputed by the Mohawks and

maintained their aim was to gradually reclaim the leased lands.

The federal government offered $239.8 million to Akwesasne to settle the claim that dates back

to the 1800s, according to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. The specific claim centers on

8,100 hectares of land along the south shore of the St. Lawrence River which the Akwesasne

Mohawks say was never surrendered. The area, found in Quebec, is known as the territory of

Tsikaristisere or the Dundee lands.4

The census made by John Davidson, a 39 year old Scotch, Secretary Treasurer municipal

council, starts with the White population, mainly from page 1 to 55, then, the Mohawks start on

page 56 until 81. Even though many widows appeared; 30 men and women were widows, the

Mohawk population constituted of farmer and laborers was presenting a very young average


The demographic statistics of the 462 Mohawk population registered goes as follow:

12 years old and below: 165 individuals 76 women and 89 men

Between 13 and 40 years old: 215 individuals 107 women and 108 men Between 41 and 59 years old: 53 individuals 29 women and 24 men 60 years old and older: 29 individuals 14 women and 15 men There are several families apparently linked with those from several Two-Mountains,

Kanesatake censuses and registers of the same period, such as the Beauvais, Cook, Garrault,

Jacobs, Lafrance, Latour, Lizot, Ori8akete, Papineau, Paul, Peter, and Sawennondane.

4 Aptn, Ottawa offers $239 million to settle historical Akwesasne claim, May 25, 2015



On the last page, 81, a list of the deceased, including the Mohawks who died, during the year: Nine, Annie, 39, consumption Criser, George, 48, consumption Square, Magdeleine, 20, consumption Papineau, Thomas, 2, consumption Bowen, James, 15, inflammation Ori8kete, Sarah, 2, inflammation Sunday, Peter, 6, consumption The Mohawk Chiefs then were: Alexander Thompson, 49, qualified as farmer and Chief Loren Solomon, 58 Thomas George, 67 Matois Kristatee, 38 Peter Skin, 38 Tom Square, 39 The Mohawks names of most family chiefs and wives and others carrying surnames started appearing from page 56 / 80: They were: Big Shoes, Charley, 60 Bigapple, Joseph, 42 Boray or Bovay, Joseph, 68, farmer Bozelle, 16 Buck Shot, Alick, 30 laborer Buck Shot, Peter, 38, laborer Carly, Louis, 37 Chareau (perhaps Charon), Martin, 22, laborer Cook, Angus, 18 Cook, Catherine, 12 Cook, Charles, 16 Cook, John, 28 Cook, Joseph, 36, laborer Cook, Louis, 40, labor Cook, Margaret, 45, widow Cook, Peter, 19, laborer Cook, Teresa, 35, widow Cook, Thomas, 40 Dawakon, Jacob, 78, farmer Day, Thomas, 28, laborer Foot, Annie 17 Foot, Thomas, 47, laborer Francis, Little, 60, laborer Friday, Joseph, 54, laborer Friday, Louis, 60 Friday, Michel, 40 Frides (Friday), Michel, 28

Garrault, Louis 2nd, 32, farmer Garrault, Peter, 50 laborer, widow Genon or Genor, Mary, 62, widow Geone, Moncke, 87, widow George, Mary, 26 George, Thomas, 67, Chief Grey, Louis, 42, farmer Gunyan, Loren, 23 Gunyan, Peter, 47 Gunyan, Sarah, 59, widow Haye, Charles, 28 Hops, John, 13 Hops, Magdalane, 37 Jacko, George, 22, laborer Jacko, Margaret, 55, widow Jackson, Loren, 21 Jackson, Louis, 22, labor Jacobs, Louis, 10 Joe, John, 30 Joe, Paul, 57, farmer Jok, Francis, 21 Joseph, Magdalane, 58, widow Joseph, Regis, 59, laborer, widow Josey, Angus, 28 Josey, Old, 55, widow Kristatee, Matois, Chief, 38 Kristatu, Paul, 75 Lafrance, Jacob, 60


Lafrance, Jacob, 63 Lafrance, Louis, 40, Labor Lafrance, Paul 35, labor LaFrance, Peter, 18 LaFrance, Suzanne, 54, widow Lafrance, Thomas Jr, 31, laborer Lafrance, Thomas, Sr, 50 laborer Latour, Louis, 29 Laugh, John, 31 Lizor or Lizot, Adams, 19 Longtom, Jacob, 44, laborer Longtom, Joseph, 30 Longtom, Mary, 75, widow Longueil, Francois, 66, half breed, from MANITOBA servant of Marcoux, Francis, Priest Marta, Charlotte, 40, widow Marta, Joseph, 37 Neil, Joseph, 17 Nine, John, 40, widow Oak, Louis, 30, laborer Ori8akete, Louis, 30, laborer Orrotta, 70, widow Papineau, Peter, 40, farmer Papineau, Thomas, 92, widow Parada, John, 28 Paul, Francis, 40, farmer Paul, Louisa, 65, widow Paul, Michel, 54, farmer Peter, Magdalane, 43, widow Philip, John, 29 Pike Loren, 37, farmer Pike, Louis, 58, farmer Racoon, Joseph, 30, laborer Racoon, Margaret, 29 Ransom, John, 45 Razor, Annie, Sarah, 10 Razor, Louis, 35, widow

Razor, Moise, 39, farmer Razor, Peter, 62, farmer Razor, Siwatis, 50, farmer Razor, Thomas, 29 Roast, Nancy, 74, widow Rose, Peter, 22 Sawennoudane or Sawennondane, Mattias, 31, laborer Seraquska, Francois, 50, carpenter, widow Siwatis, 20 Skenondon, Joseph, 55 Skin, Jacob, 28 Skin, John, 36 Skin, Peter, 60, Chief Skitisk, John, 29 Skitisk, Thomas, 20 Sloss, 16 Smith, Loren, 24 Smoke, Lewis, 36, labor Smoke, Nancy, 47, widow Solomon, Loren, 58, Chief Solomon, Mathieu, 59, laborer Square, Annie, 38 Square, Paul, 48, widow Square, Tom, 39, Chief or Chief Sunday, John, 40, laborer Tabar, Loren, 92, widow Taubul, Louis, 35 Te Ote Natake, 25 Tericette or Fericette, 27, Indian, wife of Margour, John, FRENCH Thompson, Alexander, 49, farmer Chief Thompson, Monike, 68, widow Thompson, Sloss, 47, carpenter White, Joseph, 23, laborer White, Loren, 23 White, Louis, 56, widow You Sante or Yousante, 13


The crop season was potentially not very productive this year since 41 families have not got

back home from their winter quarters in Ontario, as cited on page 70 where this notice appears:

Akwesasne people: ethnical & origins The demographic statistics concerning the 1129 White people registered goes as follow, also presenting a population in full growth: -12 years old and below: 408 individuals

-Between 13 and 40 years old: 471 individuals

-Between 41 and 59 years old: 139 individuals

-60 years old and older: 108 individuals

They were 20 English, 197 Irish, 507 Scottish, 328 French. 40 Dutch, 3 Swedish, 4 Germans & 2 Americans and only 13 were from 4 Métis unions. The names of French people were absolutely massacred so a full revision needs to be made when looking for details concerning them. All those named Roy became King, Desroches became Deruchia, Lacombe became Lashombe, and Moreau became Norrault, to mention only these.


Dutch, Germans and Swedish people were all farmers, as most from the other ethnical populations met. Some important people who most potentially had relations with the Mohawks were merchants and the clerical responsibles. The clerical responsibles were: Fortin, Rev. Peter, clergyman, 33, catholic, French Marcoux, Francis, 65, Priest, French Ross, Rev. Donald, 37, clergyman Presbyterian, Scotch Note that Priest Marcoux had a servant, qualified as so, named: Longueil, Francois, 66, half breed, servant, from Manitoba Longueil, Francois, 66, half breed, servant, from MANITOBA Morris, Victoria, 47, housekeeper, FRENCH La Clair (Leclair), Chalest (Charlotte), 45, FRENCH La Clair (Leclair), Abraham, 8, FRENCH The administrators of the land were: Manson, William, 25, Custom House Office, Scotch Davidson, John, 39, Secretary Treasurer municipal council, Scotch McGibbon, John, 43, preventive officer, Scotch Tyre, Robert, 57, Custom house Office, Scotch The business people: Chattand, Joseph, 22, Grocer, French husband of Theresa Jane, 22, Irish McRae, Donald J. 39, Grocer, Scotch Baker, David, 51 Merchant, Scotch Dufresne, Eli, 30, cigar maker, French Lamay, Joseph, 35, jeweller, French Marcaux (Marceau), Abraham, 47, Merchant, French O’Reilly, John, 34, merchant, Irish Plamondon, Edward, 40, merchant, French Powell, William, 33, merchant, English Very few Métis unions and relations with the White population were exposed here. They were: 1-Jok, James, White, widow with 5 kids considered as Métis: Thomas, 22, Mary, 19, Moniki, 16, Jok, Joseph, 11 and Mary Ann, 6 2-Dean, Alexander, 26, Irish & Mary, 29, Indian, wife 3-Francis (1st name missing), 62, FRENCH (kids are Métis, but here considered as French) Catherine, 55, Indian 4-Margour (potentially Marcoux), John, 25, French & Tericette or Fericette, 27, Indian


Following the 1871 Akwesasne, Dundee census also published last year and was also featured in

an article in the weekly Kahnawake paper, THE EASTERN DOOR in the historical chronicle

entitled “Our History” managed by Eric Pouliot-Thisdale (the author) from September 4, 2015

here is the article entitled Akwesasne Census 1881: Huntington district, Dundee,

Source: The Eastern Door

The population of Dundee in 1881, which consisted of 1,037 Europeans and 467 Mohawks.

The main themes observed in the census tabulations were presented by this example:

The European population: From page 1 to page 42, 1,037 individuals followed in this order ethnologically: Irish and Scottish, English and French; and, as in the 1871 census, they were mostly merchants, farmers, and labourers. Some important people potentially leading relations with the Mohawks were listed as: Baker, David, English merchant, 58 Baker, William, English store clerk, 27 Bourdon, Joseph, a French merchant, 41 Davidson, John, Scotch, 49 Farlinger, Nelson, German, trader, 63 Gallarneau, Joseph, a French fisherman and hunter, 50 Leduc, Peter, Quebec, Catholic Priest, 41


McMillan, Allen, Scotch, medical, 31 O’rily (O’riley), John, Irish merchant, 50 Rowley, Thomas, USA, merchant, 34 Smith, Merritt Munson, English, collector of customs, 46 Tyo, John, Agent of implements of Farmers, 37 Tyre, Margret, Scotch, clerk, preventive officer, collector of customs, 58 Tyre, Robert, Scotch, clerk, preventive officer, collector of customs, 68 The context of the small part of the European population associated with the clerical living among the Mohawks in the village consisted of three residences and/or families. The first residence (recorded 175-175, which meant same house and family, corresponding by numbers), was from priest Francois Marcoux, 75, French priest living with his brother Abraham, 57, gardener and Francois Longueuil, 75, Laborer, from NWT and Victoire Maurice, 52, a housekeeper. The so-called assistant of priest Francois Marcoux, Francois Longueuil, is qualified as a French man and Laborer from N.W.T (North-West territory) but in the last 1871 census he was previously described as Francois Longueil, 66, half breed, from MANITOBA, servant of Francois Marcoux, priest. It is very interesting to notice that contrary to Kahnawake, there are no mixed unions mentioned with Europeans in Akwesasne, according to the census results.

Only three individuals were born from the only two presented mixed unions, but since the

wives’ family names are not mentioned, it remains speculative, even though they usually write

the origins, if different, in the appropriate column identifying Europeans.

The second residence 176-176 consisted of Jock, Henry, 55, Farmer, French, Jock, Joseph, 20,

son, French, Jock, Marie, 23, daughter, French.



Needless to say; the Akwesasne censuses are usually mainly fiascos considering that the names

mentioned in most of them are not the traditional names, but names given to them by the

governmental authorities.

In the parish registers managed by the priests, the names are written with traditional Mohawk

orthographic formulas. The census responsibles seemed to have also improvised the first names

of several individuals, so it cannot be taken as a main tool to look for your ancestors.

Several collaborators from Akwesasne brought their contributions by clarifying certain

problematic linked with names, and we mainly came to the same conclusions: without a doubt it

obviously didn’t seem to be important for the authorities then in charge to focus on the

Mohawk population. They seemed obviously relying on the massive exodus of the Scottish, Irish

and English population coming mainly from the USA to colonize this part of land which is


The next census to analyze will be from 1891, where the same pattern of names and surnames

is still being repeated unfortunately, but since certain details are observed when duely analyzed,

it will be put only shortly as well.


Bibliography All registers from parish registers and censuses are from microfilm from the National Archives of Quebec and from Library and Archives Canada. 3-Population and Surface: Statistics Canada, 2006 Census of Population From websites 1-The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne website: A historical listing of Chiefs. http://www.akwesasne.ca/node/311

2-The Eastern Door, Kahnawake weekly paper: May 11, 2016. http://easterndoor.com/

4-Aptn, Ottawa offers $239 million to settle historical Akwesasne claim, May 25, 2015 http://aptn.ca/news/2015/05/25/ottawa-offers-239-million-settle-historical-akwesasne-claim/
