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Adaptation to climate change in restoration practices and management strategies across the Wet Tropics of Far North Queensland Jacqueline Delie April 2010 The School for Field Studies Centre for Rainforest Studies PO Box 141,Yungaburra, Qld 4884, Australia Franklin University of Switzerland Advisor: Rohan Wilson; Research Assistant: Monica Pakstas Research Partners: Jordan Reed, Kevin Stanskey, Alex Melman, Annie Gilmore, Sherry Martin, Julia Jackson, Katherine Cai, Kathleen Kasper

Adaptation to climate change in restoration practices and management strategies across the Wet Tropics of Far North Queensland

Jacqueline DelieApril 2010

The School for Field StudiesCentre for Rainforest Studies

PO Box 141,Yungaburra, Qld 4884, Australia

Franklin University of Switzerland

Advisor: Rohan Wilson; Research Assistant: Monica Pakstas

Research Partners: Jordan Reed, Kevin Stanskey, Alex Melman, Annie Gilmore, Sherry Martin, Julia Jackson, Katherine Cai, Kathleen Kasper


Global warming has become more definitive both in scope and credibility, and the potential changes in climate are likely to have important regional consequences for biota and ecosystems. Ecological restoration, including revegetation and rehabilitation of degraded land, is seen amongst restorationists and practitioners as one of the most important responses to mitigate or adapt to climate change. This study was designed to assess local-scale decision-making tools and current restoration methodologies in the tablelands, and if community restoration groups include planning for change (i.e. climate change). Research was done through semi-structured interviews with local governmental or non-governmental officials, as well as private institutions and/or individuals that plan, finance, and coordinate ecological restoration projects. For quantified data a community survey was conducted in Atherton and Malanda. To best illustrate how small scale restoration practices and theories build the resilience of an ecosystem, the study further analyzes the Peterson Creek Revegetation Project in far North Queensland.

Overall, the results show that there are practitioners and researchers who advocate the potential benefits of incorporating climate change scenarios into planning and implementation. However, small scale restoration groups are not coordinating plans to accommodate the effects of climate change. Several obstacles including a lack of baseline data, funding and the scientific uncertainty in forecasting with precision on the local effects of climate change, are delaying landholders from investing and practitioners from obtaining a proactive approach to address the probable consequences of climate change. Communities want short-term results, such as biodiversity increase and water quality, and are quick to condemn a long-term plan. The study suggest that even in the face of inevitable environmental change and ecological novelty, restoration practices can build the resilience of an ecosystem through alternative restoration techniques (such as a trait based approach). There needs to be consideration and planning for climate change in restoration practices in the Wet Tropics of far North Queensland.

Keywords: Restoration, climate change, landscape management, Tropical Rainforest restoration, changing ecosystems, Atherton Tablelands, Peterson Creek Revegetation Project

April 2010, Delie 2


By the 1980s, growing awareness of the effects of tropical rainforest degradation and

subsequent impacts on biodiversity from fragmented remnants stimulated conservation

efforts of degraded lands in the Wet Tropics of Australia (Emtage 2008). The Wet

Tropics of Queensland came under World Heritage1 status in 1989 with the independent

organization the Wet Tropics Management Authority (WTMA 2009). Managed by the

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS), community boards, commonwealth

government agencies or jointly managed with Aboriginal Traditional Owners, the

WTMA fosters community support for involvement in decision-making and develops

strategic direction in management planning of the World Heritage region (WTWHA


Outside of the reserve system clearing of native vegetation in Australia has been

undertaken for the purpose of expanding agriculture. While broad-scale clearing has been

reduced in the state following the passing of the Queensland Vegetation Management Act

1999, the development of housing and associated infrastructure has the potential to

further degrade remnant vegetation areas (VMA 2010). The response from communities

and government agencies to the degradation of natural vegetation led to an integrated

Natural Resource Management (NRM) body in the wet tropics. Across Australia the

boards of regional NRM bodies are the Australian government and state government’s

primary tool to involve the community in the decision-making process about natural

resources (FNQ NRM Ltd. & rainforest CRC 2008). They are ideally placed to meld top

down strategy with bottom up approach to evaluate the wider social, economic and

environmental impacts on the conditions of natural resources. Use and management of

1 World Heritage is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that seek to encourage the preservation and conservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world that are considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. The Wet tropics WH protect 9,000 sq km of rainforest (WH 2010).

April 2010, Delie 3

the natural resource assets follow the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development

(ESD)2 recognizing all levels of practitioners and restorationists (FNQ NRM Ltd. &

rainforest CRC 2008). With climate as the driver for almost every natural resource

management issue being tackled by regional NRM bodies (vegetation, water quality,

biodiversity, etc.) adaptation strategies to climate variability should be considered. Many

climate change responses are ‘no regrets’3 measures and various programs such as

Managing Climate Variability (MCV), Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) and Center

for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CSIRO) are committed to understanding

key drivers of climate change in Australia and provide reliable climate data for the public.

In 2008, the Australian Government Land and Coasts (AGLC) responded

decisively to climate change and water quality issues through the Caring for our Country

business plan (AGLC 2010). Under a streamlined system the government will fund local

communities, covering the Natural Heritage Trust4 and the National Landcare

Environmental Stewardship5. In the first five years Caring for our Country intends to

provide $2 billion in funding to regional NRM bodies, Landcare groups, land managers,

Indigenous groups and communities (AGLC 2010). The objectives of the plan are to

invest in single and multi-year projects for environmental protection, natural resource

management and sustainable agriculture across Australia.

The Peterson Creek Revegetation Project in far North Queensland is a good

example of a non-government organization that is undergoing restoration of a degraded

2 National Strategy for Ecological Sustainable Development is a guiding principle for the development of a sustainable social system. It is the idea of conserving and enhancing the community’s resources so that ecological processes are maintained for future generations (FNQ NRM Ltd. & rainforest CRC 2008). 3 No regrets options by definition reduce Green House Gas emissions because they generate direct or indirect benefits that are large enough to offset the cost of implementing a good or service (IPCC 2007). 4 National Heritage Trust of Australia is a non-governmental organization that works at the federal level to conserve national and Indigenous heritage sites across Australia and develop policies regarding state territory issues (ANT 2008). 5 National Landcare Environmental Stewardship will purchase environmental services from land owners that will contribute to the long-term rehabilitation or improvement of a natural resource. For example purchasing land to re-plant the edge of a creek and this can assist in water quality (AGLC 2010).

April 2010, Delie 4

farmland. In 1998, the Peterson Creek project became a joint initiative between

landholders, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, TREAT (Trees for the Evelyn and

Atherton Tablelands) members, and Landcare groups to plant native vegetation along

Peterson Creek. TREAT controls the revegetation of upper Peterson Creek connecting

Lake Eacham corridor with the Curtain Fig State Forest and the community landcare

group maintains the lower river catchment. Through active management and local

planning over 61,000 trees of native riparian vegetation have been planted with

approximately 1.5 to 2 hectares of land planted yearly (TREAT 2010). This study

discusses the revegetation site to asses whether restoration guidelines are applicable in

practice and if they include planning for change (i.e. climate change).

The global consensus in the scientific community is that climate change is a real

threat that will be characterized by shifts in global weather patterns and climate regimes

(Department of Climate Change 2008). At large scales, global climate models have

shown some consistency in predicting changes such as:

Increase in frequency of extreme events, such as powerful cyclones

Increase mean temperatures

Increase water demand and irrigation requirements

Sea level rise and increased storm surge levels

Increase extinction rate

Changes to rainforest habitats, tree species and vegetation quality

At a biogeographic scale, the rainforests of North-East Queensland are a complex

mosaic of environments supporting many forest types as described by a structural

environmental typology (Tracey & Webb 1975; Webb 1978). Different classes of

rainforest and landscapes vary in their environmental relationships, with some more

sensitive to temperature variation. A study conducted by Hilbert et. al. (2001) modeled

April 2010, Delie 5

the sensitivity for 15 structural forest types in Queensland in 10 climate scenarios that

include warming up to 1ºC and altered precipitation from -10% to 20%. Estimates of the

stress to present forests with relatively minor climate change indicated that in the short

term, forest ecosystem function is likely to be altered and plant demographic processes

changed. In the long term, climate changes will directly affect the spatial distribution of

the wet tropics environmental mosaic and the suitability of local environments to

particular forest types. This has been linked with the decline in populations of endemic

vertebrate species and altered rainfall patterns. The intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC 2007) attributed most of the warming observed over the last 50 years to

human activities. Both maximum and minimum temperatures have increased across

Queensland since 1957 by 1.5ºC and are expected to increase by a further 0.3 to 5.2ºC by

2070 in the wet tropic region. Regional scale modeling is advancing, yet less certainty

exists for changes in seasonality and knowledge of how, where and when the climate of

the humid tropics will change is general (Hilbert et. al. 2001; Suppiah et. al. 2007). The

direction and extent of change on a regional basis poses significant challenges for

restoration and ecosystem management. Reducing the impacts of climate change relies on

building the resilience6 of an ecosystem through the reduction of greenhouse gas

emissions, increases in carbon sinks and the development of clear adaptation strategies

for each region (FNQ NRM Ltd. 2008).

Ecosystems processes are dynamic with multiple characteristics such as plant

species, biodiversity, ecosystem function, resistance and resilience all of which can be

altered by changing abiotic and biotic conditions (Meinke & Stone 2005; Young 2007).

Direct (for example, land conversion) and indirect (for example, long-range

transportation of pollutants) human activities have played a significant role in alternating

6 Resilience refers to the ability of a system to withstand or recover following a disturbance. Resilience in social systems has the added capacity of humans to anticipate and plan for the future (Commonwealth of Australia 2010).

April 2010, Delie 6

the composition and/or function of ecosystems (Hobbs et. al. 2006; Hobbs et. al 2009).

Communities are now confronted with the almost inevitable consequence of changing

species distributions and environmental conditions through altered disturbance regimes,

the introduction of non-native species and variability of climate patterns. These new

systems have been described as ‘novel’ ecosystems, which are composed of new

combinations and relative abundances of species with the potential for changes in

functional traits under new abiotic conditions (Hobbs et. al. 2006; Seastedt et. al. 2008).

The term novel ecosystems was first used by Chapin & Starfield (1997) to refer to the

response of ecosystems to current and future climatic events, but has recently been

discussed in terms of restoration and management (Seastedt et. al 2008; Hobbs et. al.

2009; Hobbs et. al. 2006). In these terms it questions the range of situations in which

novel ecosystems can develop (for example, extensive pastroalism) and the services

either provided by or lost from particular types of ecosystems.

Ecological restoration of degraded agricultural land is seen as one of the most

important responses to mitigate or adapt to climate change (Campbell 2008; Watson & et.

al. 2001; Harris et. al. 2006). Ecological concepts emphasize ideas such as “ecosystem

health” and “ecosystem integrity” when articulating restoration goals and justifying

objectives, which coincide with theoretical discussion on the “right” practices to

ecological restoration. The most widely accepted definition of ecological restoration is:

The process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been

degraded, damaged, or destroyed (Zweig & Kitchens 2010; Harris et. al.


The definition permits restorationists to define a wide range of restoration targets, such as

restoring high levels of biodiversity and/or productivity, restoring a habitat so that it is

suitable for one or more target species, restoring for recreational opportunities or historic

April 2010, Delie 7

ecosystems. However, what needs to be known is that the ecosystem is defined by

specific assets-spatial, temporal, biotic and abiotic- that most likely have been repeatedly

disturbed by human impact and has become a ‘novel’ landscape that may be difficult or

impossible to return to a prior condition (Harris et. al. 2006). Although historic studies

will remain valuable in assessing the nature and timing of ecosystem responses to

disruptions (Young 2007; Jackson & Hobbs 2009), our restoration practices need to

recognize that the definitions of ‘historic’ or ‘natural’ are rarely cleared and accept this

new paradigm that is often complicated by a static ecosystem concept and social values.

Restoration is an applied science of ecology and as Dr. Edith Allen (2003), editor-

in-chief of Restoration Ecology, emphasizes “the practice of restoration also includes

societal decisions on appropriate end points for restoration, economics of restoration and

the valuation of nature, policy and planning, education and volunteerism, and other social

issues.” The concept is directly linked with human interests and wellbeing, therefore the

objective of restoring an ecosystem is largely determined by the goods and services the

system will provide (Hobbs & Norton 1996; Young 2007). Ecosystem services such as

clean water, nutrient-rich soil or aesthetic beauty are now seen as something of economic

wealth that can be traded in ecosystem service markets. This wealth is typically measured

by “willingness to pay” or “willingness to accept” monetary compensation for gains or

losses in natural systems, usually opting in favor of human economies (Farber & Bradley

2008). The human economic adaptability and community preferences (for example more

money towards a water system over land management) are relative to the goals of

restoring ecosystem processes and functions, and managing sustainable systems.

Assuming the data and predictions about climate change are correct for the wet

tropics region how do ecological science and conservation efforts address the effects of

global climate change on species and ecosystems? What role, if any, should restoration

April 2010, Delie 8

play in adapting to or mitigating such change? This study was designed to assess how

local-scale decision-making tools and current restoration methodologies in the tablelands

treat a range of degraded areas in-light of climate change. A reviewed case study on the

Peterson Creek Revegetation Project further analyzes how applied small-scale restoration

practices and theories build resilience in far north Queensland. Through semi-structured

interviews and a close-ended questionnaire, the case studies efforts link ideologies and

predicted climate variability with realistic restoration objectives, attempting to compose a

framework of what works, how, and the potential benefits and/or downfalls in applying a

trait based approach to revegetation projects.


This study focused on restoration sites and management organizations in the Atherton

Tablelands in Far North Queensland. Data collection for this qualitative research involved

a multi-method approach and a desk-top study of the Peterson Creek restoration site.

Research methods included: semi-structured interviews with local governmental or non-

governmental officials as well as private institutions and/or individuals that plan, finance,

and coordinate ecological restoration projects. Participants or informants with whom to

contact were made through snowballing- also known as chain referral sampling. A total

of five semi-structured interviews were conducted at the interviewee’s workplace,

revegetation site or some other meeting place convenient to the interviewee and lasted

approximately one to two hours to complete. Interview questions (as shown in appendix

A) were themed around current restoration methodologies and if restoration sites mitigate

predicted climate variability in the tableland region. The directions of the interviews were

swayed to focus on the interviewee’s specialty; land management, biodiversity, tree

planting or flora species. Semi-structured interviews allowed me to accumulate

April 2010, Delie 9

preliminary analysis on today’s restoration techniques and evaluate the successes and/or

downfalls of revegetated sites. Interviewees were asked what or if any methodologies

small-scale restoration sites were applying to mitigate predicated climate change in the

wet tropics.

On April 22, 2010 I attended a Building Restoration Knowledge workshop held at

Cairns Regional Council Chambers. Hosted by the Regional Landscape Repair and

Resilience Working Group, the workshop aimed on integrating science and practice to fill

knowledge “gaps” about restoring rainforest and future priorities of restoration practices.

There was representatives from various organizations who attended; CSIRO, Terrain,

School for Field Studies, TREAT, NRM, Cairns Regional Council, Wildlife Parks and

Services, etc.

For direct contact with a larger body of citizens on the Atherton Tablelands, I

conducted a survey with four closed-ended questions (as shown in appendix B). Surveys

were distributed in Atherton and Malanda for three days (14th, 15th, 16th April 2010)

averaging three hours a day. With the collected quantitative data (as shown in appendix

B) four histogram charts were made in Microsoft Excel to compare yes or no response

ratings to restoration importance and the sampled population’s knowledge on climate

change in the wet tropics. A t-test was used in analysis of variance to test relationships

between two means; the responses of those who have participated or worked with local

management or restoration organizations and the people who have not.

Case Study site:

This study further compared review results and broad readings with a case study, the

Peterson Creek Revegetation Project. Peterson Creek habitat (17°17'31.53"S 145°) forms

a linkage with Lake Donaghy and Lakes Corridor. These three projects traverse private

April 2010, Delie 10

lands that surround three rainforest reserves; Lake Eacham and Lake Barrine, collectively

forming the Crater Lakes National Park and the Curtain Fig National Park. Each of these

fragmented sites is between 1 and 10 km(s) from Wooroonooran National Park, one of

the largest intact forests (78,500 ha) within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area

(WTWHA, 2010). The riparian vegetation is a fragment of complex notophyll to

mesophyll vine forest (1b forest type) with nutrient-rich basalts soils (Tracey 1982).

Located at 720 m asl the region receives an average rainfall of 2000 mm annually and

experiences warm summers and cool winters (max warmest month Dec = 16 29°C, min

coolest month July = 10°C; Atherton Shire Council, BOM 2009).

Figure 1: Ariel view of Peterson Creek Corridor (17°17'31.53"S 145°) in far north Queensland (TREAT 2010). Curtain Fig National Park (17° 17′ 9″ S, 145° 34′ 25″ E) to the left and Lake Eacham section of Crater Lake National Park (17° 17′ 7.8″ S, 145° 37′ 30″ E) to the right.

April 2010, Delie 11

Figure 2 (Tucker, 2000): Scaled map of the habitat linkages in the Atherton Tableland region. Location of Peterson Creek Corridor between Curtain Fig State Forest and Lake Eacham National Park.


Interview Results

The five participants (restoration practitioners, management groups, local participants,

community members) who were interviewed responded to several questions in the same

manner. Table 1 illustrates the common themes from questions asked with all

interviewees agreeing, disagreeing or creating a mixed response. Overall, the participants

acknowledged that “the practice is difficult to keep up with the science and what local-

community groups can do is plant more trees and create larger remnants” (anonymous

interviewee three, 2010). Restoration projects are not acclimatizing new techniques to

mitigate predicated climate changes because of the uncertainty associated with where,

how and when local climate predictions will affect the area. Regional groups are aware of

April 2010, Delie 12

Peterson Creek Corridor

climate change, but the current scale of reforestation is insignificant in comparison to a

large-scale project that could increase the resilience of a site to abiotic disturbances (i.e.

climate change) in the wet tropics. This would require a much larger investment and

strategic restoration designs (anonymous interviewee one 2010). There is a high level of

collaboration between community groups and landholders to execute small projects

throughout the tablelands region, but without sufficient funding there can be no

subsequent monitoring or maintenance. The consensus is to apply on-going maintenance

to contain significant growth and canopy closure of mabi forest within 3-4 years of seed

germination. There are mixed responses with some restorationists in disagreement on

restoration aims. Different interests and goals included those interested in active

regeneration, allocating money for research, building viable corridors and securing

fragmented forest.

Interview Question Response to question

What are the general steps to restoring a degraded landscape?

5 agree

1. Landholders agreement and collected funding2. Fencing in the area to be restored 3. Site preparation; clearing of grass or weeds, fertilizing soil 4. Plant seedlings; work with volunteers 5. Maintenance; clearing of invasive species or weeds

What is a restoration project’s anticipated timeline?5 agree

Agree: Within 3-4 years there can be significant growth and canopy closure of mabi forest, but does require a long-term maintenance plan. Without a maintenance plan the revegetated site can “fail” to re-establish its former ecosystem processes and functions.

Sample responses: “A three year commitment to maintenance after last planting site and then our group goes back every five years to the revegetation site.”

April 2010, Delie 13

What are the key restoration goals?

4 agree

1 disagree

Agree: Maintenance is the key to successful restoration. Controlling weed invasion allows native seeds to spread and for canopy closure to accelerate. Research and money would be the second most important goal. Need to have sufficient funds to do maintenance work. Disagree: Connectivity and securing remnants along creek lines is the most important. If you have viable corridors then species can migrate and disperse seeds.

Sample responses:“Viable corridors and keeping an eye on our re-vegetated sites, so maintenance. Also, see how far you can connect remnant patches. If you help a couple landholders you end up with a corridor.”

What groups are most concerned with which element of the restoration process?

5 agree

Agree: Funding from the government and cooperation from the farmer are the two most important groups to confront on restoration. Have to get the landholders to agree to plant on their land and then have to find the volunteers to help plant.

Sample responses: “Landholders are the most difficult to get negotiations with, but once you have their participation the project is in action.”

Is a novel ecosystem a suitable case for restoration or worthwhile target of restoration?

2 agree

3 mix response

Agree: A novel ecosystem provides historic reference and is a long-term goal that can be achieved by planting more trees. To one individual, the term ‘novel’ ecosystem was new, but agrees to restore a land prior to a state with little to no invasive species. Two participants replied that it depends on what the goal is, restoring to a rehabilitation level or restoring ecological functions?

Sample responses: “Get back to the way it was by planting trees and then nature can work itself out.” “We are planting what we think grew there

April 2010, Delie 14

originally and restoration is based on goals so are goal is to connect remnants.”

What specific types of vegetation make a site resilient to an abiotic disturbance?

5 agree

3 side opinion

Agree: Planting a mix of mabi forest to create a diverse composition of trees will restore low level and high level forest. Plant the seeds that are prevalent around the restoration site.

Side opinion: Additionally restoration sites should seed source over various distances and plant a mixture of trees with different functional traits. Nature can sort itself out and evolve to withstand abiotic disturbances in the area. However, an emerging field in restoration is applying a trait-based approach to maximize the genetic species and functional trait diversity of flora species.

Sample responses: “The answer is no always more trees, but the types of trees that suit the already established rainforest. If we seed source over a distance then nature can sort the rest out.” “This is a context dependent question that is dependent on the type of disturbance. But, plant species that have characteristics that are more resilient to abiotic disturbances such as high wood density, low SLA, slow growth rate.”

Are methodologies of restoration adapting to predicted climate change models?

5 agree

Agree: No. Climate change is not clearly defined in the wet tropics and there is little research for its direct effects on revegetated sites. Groups are aware of climate change, but short term options need to be taken into consideration with a limited budget plan such as connecting corridors. In the long-term planting designs should include climate change and allocate funding towards a large-scale reforestation plan.

Sample Responses: “Climate change is not clearly defined and we should be looking to restore a site to a stable state. We have human settlement

April 2010, Delie 15

here now and we have agriculture profits that we can not disregard.” “The community organization has limited resources and what we can do as a local group is plant more trees. Only recently are there research projects to look at re-vegetation techniques, but there is no coordinated approach between practitioners.” “No, research is starting to investigate with the improved technology, but the time and money is an issue.”“No, we are sticking to the book and we are small project that is encouraging other to do the same. We are planting.”

Is climate change the most significant aspect to restoration? YES or NO

4 No

1 Yes/ No

No:Edge effect and fragmentation need to be dealt with now. The practice is difficult to keep up with the science and all we can do for now is plant more trees to connect corridors and create more habitat. Climate change is vague and unpredictable.

Yes/ No: Yes in the big picture scenario we need to adapt techniques to approach climate change now. Short-term we need to work at a landscape scale and connectivity is essential. Planting as many trees as possible

Sample responses: “No, we should be worried about our own locale economy because there are a lot of assumptions in the climate models.”

How can we use the adaptability and behaviors of human economies to assure they meet their own welfare needs as well as the needs for preservation of a healthy ecosystem?

5 agree

Agree:Have to first ask what interests of the community are. Community values, biodiversity and conservation of our wet tropics are essential issues, but again enough funding can be difficult. Without skills, technology or the money we can not restore a degraded landscape.

Sample responses: “We have to ask the landholders; are you interested? However, there is an economic restraint on investing land into a long-term

April 2010, Delie 16

climate mitigation project because a landholder wants to gain profit”

What types of public participation efforts and activities do you think are needed for this planning process and why?

4 agree

1 disagree

Agree: Community involvement is critical for a successful restoration project and the farmers consent to restore an area of his land.

Disagree: Community support is vital for a bottom-up approach, but more importantly restoration groups need money from government. As well, communication between all levels of administration.

Sample responses: “You need a bottom-up approach for local involvement and management, but can only happen on private and public lands. Then restorationists need a top-down approach for the advantage of large scale strategic plans, but takes time and there are multiple processes. Ideally both are needed in restoration.”

Table 1: Interview questions (n = 9) and the themed response generated from the interviews. All 5 participants agreed with each other, disagreed or answered in a mix response to current rainforest restoration methodologies in the tablelands region.

Workshop Results

Funding bodies and revegetation practitioners (such as NRM, CSIRO, Terrain, TREAT,

Cairns Regional Council, Wildlife Parks and Services) identified key restoration

components and/or knowledge that are missing in rainforest restoration projects. Table 2

presents a list of recognized “gaps” in current rainforest restoration projects. There is a

consensus that restoration falls into three cohesive roles; practitioners, managers and

researchers, but there is a need for collaboration in addressing the questions presented

today. It is understood that restoration options can recover to a ‘novel’ state, be designed

for future scenarios or utilized for their specific service (such as a timber plantation or

forestry plot to sequester carbon). However other complexities such as social values and

predicted climate regimes, should be accounted for in practice and implemented in a

April 2010, Delie 17

restoration plan that outlines both short-term and long-term goals. Overall the cost, on-

going maintenance and baseline data are the limiting factors to rainforest restoration.

Progressive monitoring needs to be a priority in restoration projects to show whether

revegetated sites are progressing towards target conditions, in terms of composition,

canopy closure, biodiversity or migration of fauna and flora species.

Main “gap” of knowledge Components within the main “gap”

Cost effectiveness

Need to take on an entrepreneurship approach to restoration and weigh the cost and benefits to restoring a degraded landscape. Funding is an issue, but there is a need to allocate money towards research, long-term maintenance and cheaper yet effective methods in restoration. As well, participating in carbon markets, possibly generating a profit from the revegetated site (for example, forestry plot).


Do not only want natural regrowth there needs to be maintenance funding built into restoration plans. This can accelerate canopy closer and exclude invasive weeds. Natural regrowth is a passive mechanism, which can be assisted with planting trees based on plant functional traits. Planting a mix of tree species can account for various disturbance regimes (fires, droughts, cyclones, etc.).


Monitoring will show whether revegetated sites are progressing towards target conditions in terms of habitat structure or biodiversity. There needs to be an establishment of baseline data to record on-ground work and maintenance activities. Not enough farmers use the monitoring “toolkit” in observing forest structure, but an ongoing monitoring system can document what works and does not work. Also, monitoring begins to execute plant design as a strategic restoration technique.

Need an efficient and effective system to store knowledge and collected data. There

April 2010, Delie 18

Instructural information

are “diaries” of information that are not accessible or organized into a system. Through websites, blogs, updated newsletters or any other communication means that keeps the public informed and information between all participants of the community. This needs to be a system that can be facilitated over an extended period of time.

Low-scale resilience

Low-scale includes planting pioneer species because of their ability to germinate quickly, which then establishes ground vegetation and canopy closer. Secondary species will follow and grow to a stable forest structure that requires little to no maintenance. Need to work on a scale that is adaptive to land use with a long-term aim for resilience against predicted climate variability. Also, important to understand the human capacity of an area for what can be fixed, how and where.

Water Quality

Water quality is one of the many services gained in restoring a degraded riparian forest.

Planting along creek lines creates a natural filtration and can be beneficial to a community.

Need research and quantified data that justifies to a farmer that revegetation is a good thing.

Table 2: List of knowledge “gaps” created by participants in the Building Restoration Knowledge workshop held at the Cairns Regional Council Chambers. The gaps conceptualize key areas in restoration that are important components to effectively and efficiently restore a degraded rainforest to a desired state (closed canopy, forestry plot or a ‘historic’ condition).

Survey Results

A total of 79 surveys were conducted and when asked to select what issue is the most

important to them from a list of environmental properties (question 2 in the survey;

Appendix B) water quality was the most important with 28 respondents. Climate change

(21) followed, then natural resources (16), all the above (9), with soil quality and none of

the above the same (2) (Figure 1).

April 2010, Delie 19













Environmental properties


ber o

f peo


Climate Change

Water Quality

NaturalResourcesSoil Quality

None of theabove

All the above

Figure 1: Importance of environmental properties. People personally found water quality as the most important environmental property.

People’s personal ranking on their knowledge of climate change shows no

significant difference between those who have participated or worked with local

management or restoration organizations (yes) and the people who replied they have not

(no) (Figure 2; p < .1322542). Figure 2 shows the average ranking was 3 on a scale; 1 =

never heard of climate change, 5 = very knowledgeable. Although there is no significant

difference, there is a small difference in mean values (yes = 3.42; no = 3.18) of how

people ranked their knowledge on global climate change.













Yes No

Figure 2: People’s personal ranking on knowledge of global climate change indicates no significant difference between the two averages of those who have participated or worked with local management or restoration organizations (yes) and the people who replied they have not (no) (Figure 2; p < .1322542).

April 2010, Delie 20

When asked if global climate change was the most significant aspect to

restoration, on average there was a significant difference in groups of people who have

worked with local management and restoration organizations and the people who have

not (Figure 3; p < .00666264). Figure 3 shows the people who have worked with a local

management or restoration groups marked climate change as the most important attribute

to restoring a degraded land. People that do no think climate change is the most important

to restoration state their reasoning or list other environmental issues (such as biodiversity)

that should be addressed (as shown in table 3).




Yes No

Figure 3: In response to global climate change as the most significant aspect to restoration, on average there was a significant difference in groups of people who have worked with local management and restoration organizations and the people who have not (Figure 3; p < .00666264).

“To maintain biodiversity, save endangered species, link remnant areas and maintain genetic health” “Don’t believe climate change is happening the way they tell us it is happening” “Have to convince me that climate change is going to affect us now, I can not see it destroying the rainforest anytime soon.” “Currently, institutional decision makers are not sure how, when, and where climate change-related impacts might emerge in the region.”“Put all the trees back and nature will do the rest” “Human-development is short-term, climate change is long-term project” “Humans have to become sustainable”

Table 3: Examples of indicative statements to what people think is the most significant aspect to restoration instead of climate change (see Appendix B; table A for complete list of responses).

April 2010, Delie 21

People’s personal ranking on knowledge of global climate change indicates no

significant difference between the average response of people who said yes to global

climate change as the most significant aspect to restoration and people who said no

(Figure 4; p < .10682359). There is a small difference in the mean values (yes = 2.927;

no = 3.37) on how people rank their knowledge on climate change between the two

respondent groups.















Yes No

Figure 4: People’s personal ranking on knowledge of global climate change indicates no significant difference between the two averages of people who responded global climate change is the most significant aspect to restoration (yes) and those who said no (Figure 4; p < .10682359).

Case Study

As an on-ground volunteer organization, the Peterson Creek Revegetation Project has

received continuing support from the community and funding agencies. The project

received $600,000 in funding from 1998 to 2008 (TREAT 2010). With the funds 15 ha

($40,000 per ha) have been revegetated linking a series of habitats, facilitated by active

planting and adaptive management. Over 162 species of native riparian vegetation have

been planted with no strategic plant design (anonymous interviewee three 2010). The

restoration methodologies applied at the site are not responding or implementing in

practice predicted climate change scenarios. The site has been undertaken for research to

better understand the development and functioning of wildlife corridors. Research is the

April 2010, Delie 22

main component of data collection and subsequent monitoring of the colonization and

movement of fauna species. Results show that a successional trajectory toward increasing

species diversity and a self-sustaining community is progressing at the site (Freeman et.

al. 2009).

Landcare networks foster new ways of communicating across a regional

catchment. Using local icons such as the cassowary and tree kangaroo, the project has

increased community awareness of threatened species and encouragement for habitat

plantings. The Landcare group holds a rainforest revegetation meeting at least once a year

with various stakeholders (as shown in table 4) to discuss regional plans and future aims

within the project (anonymous interviewee three 2010).

Stakeholder Involvement

Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands Inc. (TREAT)

Technical support, plant production, tree planting and monitoring assistance

Queensland Parks and Wildlife - Restoration Services

Technical support, project management, plant supply, site preparation, maintenance and site monitoring

Tablelands Community Revegetation Unit Technical support, plant supply, site supervision and contract labor

North Johnstone and Lake Eacham Landcare Association

Site preparation, tree planting and maintenance

Department of Primary Industries and Forestry

Technical support and labor, plant supply

James Cook UniversityUCLA BerkeleyUniversity of QldGriffith University

Monitoring and technical support

Landholders Provision of planting sites, assistance with planting and maintenance, covenant agreements

Table 4 (TREAT 2010): List of stakeholders and their involvement in the Peterson Creek Revegetation Project.

April 2010, Delie 23


The data show that climate change is not implemented into restoration practices

but, there is a growing contingent of restorationists and community members who

advocate the potential benefits of incorporating climate change scenarios into planning

and implementation. These practitioners and researchers argue that to ignore or discount

the potential for future abiotic disturbances on any given project is going to be costly and

accelerate disruption within an ecosystem. They acknowledge the unlikelihood of

forecasting with precision the local effects of climate change, denoting to land managers

and restoration planners that they can incorporate measures into conservation and

restoration projects that would be independent of the local specifics of temperature or

precipitation changes.

Currently, the scale of most restoration projects in the Atherton Tableland region

is smaller than the landscape scale at which climate change is currently modeled. Larger

areas, like national parks, can sustain high species diversity and have more potential to

serve as buffers against climate change (Meinke et. al. 2005). Where large sites are not

available, a high priority amongst restoration and conservation groups is to increase the

connectivity within the landscape and reduce fragmentation rates, which are critical

climate mitigation strategies. Small patches of habitat provide refugia for secondary

species, and by creating and/or protecting migratory corridors, restoration practices can

assist species migration and adaptation as environmental conditions change (Tucker

2000). Small scale restoration efforts such as the Peterson Creek Revegetation Project

have been made to match flora species to local environmental conditions, particularly soil

type, rainfall and altitude. In the case of restoration plantings, this is to ensure that species

are planted within their former range to enhance the dispersal of fauna and flora species

across a fragmented landscape (Seastedt et. al. 2008). These small scale restoration

April 2010, Delie 24

projects are preserving the integrity of existing natural areas and rehabilitating degraded

land but, in anticipation of altered climatic patterns, are not coordinating plans to

accommodate the effects of a changing climate.

Several obstacles including a lack of baseline data, funding and the scientific

uncertainty related to variations in local climate change, are delaying landholders from

investing and practitioners from obtaining a proactive approach to address the probable

consequences of climate change. People are quick to condemn long-term restoration plans

that do not show short-term results (such as a return yield in profit from established

forestry plots) (anonymous interviewee 2010). As the data show, the community ranks

water quality (as shown in figure 1) as the most important environmental property in

restoration, with some people who think conserving biodiversity or connecting corridors

is the most important to restoration over climate change (responses in Appendix B). With

sufficient funds allocated to on-ground restoration projects, such as Landcare and

TREAT, the budget goes towards achieving a wildlife conservation outcome by planting

a high density of native riparian trees (5,000-10,000/ ha). Provided by project proponents

and within Peterson Creek database report, the costs of tree-planting (estimated $40,000/

ha) are driven by the expenses of seed-collection, germination and seedling maintenance.

Good results for rapidly achieving native riparian vegetation structure, in which canopy

closure occurs in 3-4 years, are obtained by using a range of planting strategies and

modifying practices to enhance the resilience of riparian ecosystems to climate change.

One modification the Peterson Creek Revegetation Project has shown to be successful in

has been accelerating the restoration of private lands by taking an active regeneration

approach over a passive regeneration approach.

Early restoration models are based on a passive regeneration method that relies on

the transitory nature of weeds in the early stage of succession, while active regeneration

April 2010, Delie 25

implies intervention and seeks to bypass the first stages of succession and accelerate the

recruitment of native plants from a range of successional stages (Tucker 2009).

According to Kanowski, guest speaker and participant at the Building Restoration

Knowledge workshop, planting late successional species in combination with a large

diversity of species creates a higher chance of maximizing the availability of wildlife

resources and establishing a stable habitat fragment. In light of altered climatic events, a

secure and balanced habitat in combination with a high diversity of species is more

resilient against abiotic disturbances (such as fires, droughts, cyclones).

Under ‘novel’ conditions, interactions with landholders and restorationists have

revealed that maintenance and monitoring become the main components in rehabilitating

the processes and functions of a former rainforest ecosystem. Carefully targeted

management actions may be able to influence the rate and pathway of succession within

the restoration site, so that rainforest-like biota develops more rapidly and unwanted

dominance by either introduced species or excessively dominant native species is reduced

(Schmidt 1991). While it may be possible for community groups to monitor

comprehensively a couple of projects, such intensive effort may not be sustainable where

these small groups are implementing multiple projects and where cost is an issue for on-

going maintenance. In the case of Peterson Creek Revegetation Project, monitoring has

been completed through research funds and from an anonymous interviewee the Landcare

group only plants what they can maintain. Subsequent data collection can confirm

whether revegetated sites are progressing towards target conditions and maintenance

assist with the process.

A logical approach, one in the emerging field of restoration practices on the

Atherton Tablelands, would be to apply a trait based approach to ensure resilience and

adaptability of an ecosystem to climate change. The concept is to maximize genetic

April 2010, Delie 26

diversity among and within species and functional traits to increase the viability of

communities and ecosystems under certain climatic regimes (workshop 2010). Bruce et.

al. (2008) conducted a study that showed there was a higher incidence oMf severe

damage after cyclone Larry in revegetated and remnant sites due to the higher proportion

of pioneer species. The physical and biological traits of pioneer species (such as low

wood density, fast-growing, low specific leaf area) were more susceptible to wind

damage. As an anonymous interviewee stated, “restoration designs should consider plant

species that have characteristics (such as high wood density, high specific leaf area and

slow growth rate) that are resilient to abiotic disturbances.”

Clearly, even as restorationists build resilience and adaptability into local and

regional ecosystems, there is a growing consensus amongst managers and practitioners to

apply different revegetation practices with repeatable experiments across the landscape,

and if such small areas are established within a sponsored revegetation design. Future

restoration planning should continue to support on-ground restoration projects (i.e.

planting trees) that can continue restoring foundational processes (nutrient cycles, soil

accretion), but need to be a component of a large-scale restoration project, which is

quantitatively monitored for biodiversity, vegetation composition and other outcomes.

Even in the face of inevitable environmental change and ecological novelty,

restoration practices need to set alternative, single goals for restoration with multiple

trajectories for the variability of climate predications in the wet tropics. Preventing

damage is more cost effective than trying to repair damage (anonymous interviewee two

2010). As research is more fully communicated between scientific researchers and land

managers, and as the ecological community grapples with the uncertainty of climate

change in the wet tropics, there are restorationists and ecologists who find ecological

restoration as one of the most important responses to adapting to climate change (Harris

April 2010, Delie 27

et. al. 2006). The wet tropics of far north Queensland need to consider planning for future

climate change scenarios for success in restoring and preserving rainforest processes and


Limitations of this study influenced the validity of this data. Primarily, time was a

limiting factor. Surveys and interviews were conducted within a small time frame, thus

the research had a small sample size. In the survey results, although there was no or little

significant difference, there was a small difference in the means between the two

responding groups and possibly with a larger sample size the values would become

significant. I do not know if other rainforest revegetation or restoration projects outside

the Atherton Tablelands are mitigating for climate change. A larger study would be

valuable in identifying whether or not the gap in planning for future abiotic disturbances

is universal across reforestation projects, and whether the constraints to mitigating

climate change are common amongst community groups. The study did not incorporate

information on how local restoration groups are choosing their restoration sites. Finding

the how, could be beneficial in knowing where restoring degraded land would be vital for

the migration of species in a changing climate.

April 2010, Delie 28


I would like to extend an appreciation to Rohan Wilson for his guidance and important

contributions and to Monica Pakstas for her support and assistance. I thank Kathleen

Kasper, Annie Gilmore, Julia Jackson, Jordan Reed, Kevin Stanskey, Alex Melman,

Sherry Martin and Katherine Cai for support and assistance with field work and data

collection; Julia, Annie and Kathleen assisted with collecting survey data. Special thank

you to Landcare members, TREAT and three anonymous interviewees who provided

insight and valuable information pertaining to the Peterson Creek Revegetation Project

and current restoration practices in the tableland region. I thank Regional Landscape

Repair and Resilience Working Group for hosting the Building Restoration Knowledge

workshop and for allowing me to actively engage. I acknowledge the logistical support of

The School for Field Studies, Centre for Rainforest Studies.

April 2010, Delie 29


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THE SCHOOL FOR FIELD STUDIESEnvironmental Field Studies Abroad


April 2010, Delie 32

Location of interview: Date: Time start: Time end:

When did you first start restoration project(s)?

What are the stages to restoring a landscape?

What are the key restoration goals? And what goals are not important?

What is the current stage in your restoration site?

Who are/or were your participants in the project?

Are there specific groups that should be consulted at particular points in the restoration planning process? If so, what groups are most concerned with which elements of the process?

What is the project’s anticipated timeline?

What specific types of vegetation are being planted?

Are your methodologies of restoration adapting to predicted climate change models? Elaborate, if yes how?

Is climate change the most significant aspect to restoration? YES or NO. If no what is the most important aspect to restoration?

Can ecological science and conservation address the effects of global climate change on species and ecosystems?

How would you rank your personal knowledge of global climate change 1-5 (1 = low, 5= high)?

How can we use the adaptability and behaviors of human economies to assure they meet their own welfare needs as well as the needs for preservation of a healthy ecosystem?

What types of public participation efforts and activities do you think are needed for this planning process and why?

Is a novel ecosystem a suitable case for restoration or worthwhile target of restoration?

When or how do we know we have restored a degraded land to its original state?

How does a ‘group’ assess the vulnerability of a region or sector to climate change?

Do you agree with the current state management policies and legislative policies today in the Atherton tablelands?

April 2010, Delie 33


THE SCHOOL FOR FIELD STUDIESEnvironmental Field Studies Abroad

We are students from the School for Field Studies conducting a sociological survey on residents of the Atherton Tablelands. We are you using this for research purposes and will not reveal any personal information gathered. We greatly appreciate your help.

1. How would you rank your personal knowledge of global climate change on a scale of 1-5 (1 = never heard of climate change, 5 = very knowledgeable)? ______

2. Which is more important to you? a. Climate changeb. Water quality c. Natural resources d. Soil quality e. None of the abovef. All the above

3. Have you participated or worked with a local management or restoration organization group? (i.e. TREAT) If so, please list who.

4. Is climate change the most significant aspect to restoration? YES or NO? If NO, what is the most important aspect to restoration?

Table A: complied survey results

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Response to Q4

Response to Q3


How would you rank your personal knowledge of global climate change? 1 = never heard of climate change, 5 = very knowledgeable

Which issue is more important to you?

Have you participated or worked with local management or restoration organizations? Yes or No. If yes who? (yes = 1; no = 2)

Is climate change the most important aspect to restoration? Yes or No? If no what is the most important aspect to restoration? (yes = 1; no = 2)

79 3 6 2 178 0 2 2 277 3 3 2 0 Don’t believe climate

change is happening the way they tell us it is

April 2010, Delie 34

happening 76 3 1 1

75 3 5 2 2Ravenshoe community Center

74 0 5 2 0

Putting all the trees back and nature will do the rest. Stop raping and polluting the planet

73 5 4 1 2

72 3 3 2 1

It is a natural occurrence and we just need to work with it and not try to change it

71 3 1 1 270 3 2 2 1 Soil quality 69 4 2 2 268 3 2 1 0 Water control 67 3 2 1 2

66 4 2 2 0For the animals so they travel more easily

65 0 6 2 164 3 1 2 163 5 2 1 262 2 2 1 2 Tree planting TREAT61 4 3 1 2 People TREAT

60 4 1 1 2

Increasing resilience of local ecosystems

TREAT, Terrain, Mabi forest recovery Team

59 5 1 1 2Community Support TREAT

58 4 2 1 2 People

57 4 1 1 2

Planting trees and restore habitats, long-term climate change Landcare

56 3 2 1 2 Habitat

TREAT and Landcare

55 3 1 2 2For people to be more environmentally aware

54 3 1 2 1Stop the destruction of natural habitat

53 4 1 1 152 3 6 1 2 TREAT51 0 2 2 1 Humans becoming

April 2010, Delie 35

sustainable 50 4 3 2 2

49 3 3 2 1

Climate change long-term and human development short term

48 3 2 2 147 4 6 2 0

46 5 2 2 1Climate change relevant for some

45 3 2 2 1 More trees44 3 2 2 143 2 3 2 142 3 6 2 141 5 3 2 140 3 2 1 139 3 2 1 1 Landcare38 3 6 1 137 3 1 1 1

36 3 6 1 2Preservation of biodiversity

35 3 3 1 2

34 0 2 1 1

TREAT, Terrain, Tablelands regional council

33 4 1 1 132 3 3 2 131 3 2 1 0 TREAT30 4 1 2 129 3 2 2 0

28 2 1 2 1Climate change not the only aspect

27 3 2 2 2 Community involvement 26 3 1 2 125 3 1 2 124 3 2 2 023 3 2 2 122 3 2 2 121 3 2 2 120 5 3 2 219 3 3 2 218 2 2 2 117 3 1 2 116 4 1 1 1

15 4 1 1 2

Wilderness Society- Brisbane

14 3 4 2 0 To maintain biodiversity, save endangered species,

April 2010, Delie 36

link remnant areas, maintain genetic health in dwindling numbers

13 4 3 2 112 4 6 2 2

11 3 1 2 1

The decisions made by the government, politicians and the "everyday" person

10 3 1 19 3 1 1 18 3 1 1 17 2 3 2 06 3 1 2 15 3 2 2 14 1 3 2 23 3 3 2 12 4 6 2 2

1 2 2 1 2

Have to convince me that climate change is going to affect us now, I can not see it destroying the rainforest

April 2010, Delie 37
