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Adam mt DNA inheritance theory

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Mitochondrial “Adam” DNA

data transmissions theory

Alexandru Boris and George Valeriu

In addition to “Eve mtDNA theory”

The science of the substance is the channel to the “life tree”, but the password is the real confidence in God!


Editura MARIA-CRISTINA Str. I.L. Caragiale nr. 24, Câmpulung, Argeş, România Tel / Fax: 0248 510 688 e-mail: [email protected]

Editori: Maria Cristina Pitulan, George Valeriu şi Alexandru Boris Coşciug © Copyright Editura Maria Cristina Decembrie 2009 Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României Alexandru Boris şi George Valeriu

Mitochondrial “Adam” DNA data transmissions theory / Alexandru Boris and George Valeriu

Câmpulung, Argeş, Decembrie 2009, Editura Maria Cristina ISBN 978-606-92107-1-0


Inside the cycle of “God, man and the management of the creation ”

“Adam” mtDNA theory

Sent to: - Science and Theology in Romania , 8-12 September

2007, Sibiu, Romania - First EMBO Conference on Centrosomes and Spindle

Pole Bodies, 12-16 September 2008 Heidelberg, Germany - The 2009 edition of BES meeting hosted by Romanian

Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics (RSPAB ), 10-14 May 2009 Sibiu, Romania.

- 2010 AAAS Annual Meeting, Bridging Science and Society - 18-22 February 2010 San Diego, USA.

NOT ACCEPTED by organisers

Ilustration : Alexandru Boris

Clepsydra production Câmpulung Argeş str.I.L.Caragiale, nr.24 tell/fax 40 248 510 688 mobile 40 744 519 088 [email protected]

All rights and responsibilities reserved to the authors, Alexandru Boris and George Valeriu


Abstract : Brain and soul storming - The necessary and sufficient processes to a well function of the human body are meticulous arranged by specific organizational cells, so called process bio-managers, using inter-conditioned procedures, transmitted through three ways of communication: chemical or “protein channel”, electrical or “ion channel” and mitochondrial or “Electro Magnetic Field wireless channel”. The third type is out of the visible and measurable spectrum and raises a new challenge to the scientist. For this type of bio communication, we bring a new theoretical hypothesis, based on the managerial multidisciplinary analysis of a cybernetic model proposed by us, by simulating the human body function with the virtual computerized system based on the management of its total knowledge and its perfect quality way of function. The main bricks used for this virtual construction are: the brain, as main bio-processor, and Eve mtDNA and Adam mtDNA, as bio-antennas. We call this assembly of the total knowledge, build with brain reasoning, biological feeling, and unlimited spirit feeling, Main Decision Triangle: reason IQ- feeling EQ-conformance of harmony CQ. The main principle of the management of the total knowledge imposes us to not neglect the information produced by man during the time, even if it seems creasy at the beginning (see brainstorming definition). Because in the natural fertilisation the spermatozoids are naturally equipped with the paternal mtDNA (it looks like reflex klystron power amplifier, a veritable main bio-GPS), we consider that the paternal mitochondria DNA have a very important role in the evolution of the human being life quality and we have developed a new hypothesis, "Adam mtDNA theory", in addition to "Eve mtDNA theory".

Keywords: brain, mitochondria, maternal, paternal

When electronic meets medicine


Content 1. Media news …………………..…………..………………… 9 2. The Adam mtDNA theory presentation .………..……….. 13 3. The human body and the intelligent wireless communication.. 17 4. The electro-magnetic waves …………………….……… .. 21 4.1. The resonant oscilator ..………………………………… 24 4.2. The resonant cavity ……………………………………… 24 4.3. The reflex klystron ……………………………………….. 25 4.4. The radio antennas ……………………………………… 27 5. The human body and the electro-magnetic fields ............ 29 5.1. Spermatogenesis ………………………………………… 31 5.2. Oogenesis ………………………………………………… 32 5.3. Fertilisation ……………………………………………….. 32 5.4. The human biological antennas ………………………... 33 6. Conclusions …...……………………………………………. 36 7. Short biography ….…………............................................ 40 8. Bibliography ………………………………..……………..… 41 9. Annexe - Diagrams …………………………….……….… 42


“We honour God for what He conceals; We honour kings for what they explain!”

The Bible, Proverbs 25.2


1. Media news (before september 2008)

- On Thursday, July 24, 2008 – We wish “Happy 30th Birthday to Louise Brown”, the first in vitro baby!

- One child, two mothers – the first case of human germ-line genetic modification resulting in normal health children was done.

- Natural Killer cells control and probably decide the rate of cell division; the NK cells capacity to destroy cancer cells is decreasing over 50 years old.

- A team from Cornell University in New York produced the first GM embryo to study how early cells and diseases develop. Because there is not any regulation to establish the legal procedure for this kind of study, they destroyed it after five days.

- Two researcher’s teams from Kyoto and Wisconsin Universities used teguments cells from a 36 years old women and a new baby, to create ethical STEM cells.

- Members of British Parliament approved 336-176 the creation of hybrid embryos, made by introducing human DNA into animal ova. The measure aims to compensate for a "shortage" of human embryos used for embryonic stem cell research

- The Australian and American researchers extracted genes from the Tasmanian tiger DNA and then inserted them into a mouse. The results reveal that the Col2a1 gene of thylacine has the same functionality as the Col2a1 gene in a mouse, more exactly that of controlling the development of bone and cartilage.

- An American woman received five puppies cloned from her beloved late pitbull, becoming the inaugural customer of a South Korean company that says it is the world's first successful commercial canine cloning service.


- Chinese scientists announced that they have bred a genetically altered cow capable of producing cancer - fighting proteins for humans.

- Scientists from Venter Institute have built the first synthetic genome by stringing together 147 pages of letters representing the building blocks of DNA.

- Scientists have found more than 100 new genes that can cause cancer in the first major study of its kind. The findings suggest that the number of genes linked to cancer is far higher than previously thought.

- Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), along with collaborators at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and the University of California San Diego (UCSD), have published a genome sequence of an individual, Craig Venter that covers both sets of chromosomes that inherited from each parent. This will be an important area for further study and analysis to determine how these altered proteins affect Dr. Venter’s health status.

- Geneticists of Leiden University Medical Centre are the first to determine the DNA sequence of a woman. She is also the first European whose DNA sequence has been determined. Following in-depth analysis, the sequence will be publicised, except incidental privacy-sensitive findings. The results will contribute to insights into human genetic diversity and slows insight into X-chromosome variability.

- An international team of researchers has created the first complete high-resolution map of how millions of neural fibbers in the human cerebral cortex. Their groundbreaking work identified a single network core, or hub, that may be the key to the workings of both hemispheres of the brain. The work by the researchers from Indiana University, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and Harvard Medical School marks a major step in understanding the most


complicated and mysterious organ in the human body. It not only provides a comprehensive map of brain connections (the brain "connectome"), but also describes a novel application of a non-invasive technique that can be used by other scientists to continue mapping the trillions of neural connections in the brain at even greater resolution, which is becoming a new field of science termed "connectomics".

- Cyberkinetics of Foxboro has received Food and Drug Administration approval to begin a clinical trial in which four-square-millimetre chips will be implant beneath the skulls of paralyzed patients. If successful, the chips could allow patients to send computer commands, essentially by thinking about them.

- The Department of US Defence is planning to implant microchips, made by Clemson University in the next 5 years, in soldier’s brains for monitoring their health information.

- ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), the world's leading professional organisation in reproductive medicine, has devised a programme of fertility treatment for developing countries which aims to integrate fertility clinics within broader family health services.

- CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), builds largest computer grid to study origins of the universe.

! ? “Does the man will discover in the proud ninny of the actual time, only by intelligence, the Christianity of the Genesis?”(Horia Roman Patapievici – 2008, Newly man) “What the sciences discover now, was known from the beginning by the religion!” (Mihai Eminescu –

1850- 1889, Fragments of interdisciplinary studies)


Bacterial flagellum



2. The Adam mtDNA theory presentation The interdisciplinary research is the modern scientific

method that surely shall drive the human being to the total knowledge. Beside the classical sciences, like electronic, medicine, biophysics, biochemistry, psychology, mathematics, and more, in our itinerary to the total knowledge we have introduced the modern scientific management theories, as virtual modelling, flowchart diagrams and quality assurance management.

After 2 years of this kind of interdisciplinary research, we have reached the conclusion: it is only one father mtDNA in the human body, which works as central “bio-laser” and can assure the intelligent wireless communication with the environment and the total universe by LMSCC (learning management system control and correction) educational program.

Our research starts from the diagrams similarity between the spermatozoid and the microphone, observed by my son during his studies for the medicine test. In our only theoretically studies, we compared the design, the building and the function of the complex installation with the human body building, organisation and function.

Why is so important the scientific management in the transforming process?

Because the newly manager should oscillate between master and slave and because the man is a becoming individual manager. Everybody should know and respect the normal concerted procedures, and nobody should risk and act against the organisation central purpose, testing “the Shrodinger cat” procedure! If we look in the annexed transforming process flowchart diagram, we can distinguish two main circuits: the RED, or material transforming process, and the BLUE, or informational transforming process. We do not talk now about the third GREEN recycling process (pg. 46).


The main job for the manager is to “play” with BLUE information in a real and virtual world and the main characteristic for a good manager is to use all the information that he has in order to be sure that he gets the correct decision regarding the RED world modelling towards life consonant purpose. The past information, the interfering information, the prevalence of some information and the virtual imagined future information looks like a puzzle game pieces. The information give the manager the capacity to “fly” with incredible speed from the discerned past to the unexpected future, and to dissociate the benign from the malign in the purpose to retouch the perfect future.

The system traceability depends only of the central manager’s decisions, which affects all individual layouts, although the individual managerial decision can limit or redirect one part in other individual direction.

According to our model, during the human transformation processes there are two main distinctly processes: substantial or material and informational or virtual.

The material process, controlled by the brain and its known neuronal system, is a little bit longer process and it looks like a manufacturer process. The informational process, supervised by the cellular mother mitochondria, looks like the quality assurances system. Such in all transformation process, the substantial process and virtual process should cooperate to accomplish the main purpose of the human being, not discovered yet, by the main transfer function control and the own speedy feedback function regulation.

The material transfer function of the physical and the chemical in-body process is designated to produce the necessary energy for the human body functions, and according to the entropy low, a part of this energy is conserved to be used in the future known or unknown activities. The quantity of the energetically entropy shows us the disorder level existent in


the system and it leads sometimes to tensions between some system parts which are in conflict.

The direct transfer function of the informational process is designated to manage all process existing in the system and it looks like a “virtual mirror” process.

There are two types of information transmission technologies: by wire, which follow the material process, and wireless by process sampling, which looks like a quality assurance activity for all the system process. The quality assurance method of the main material process, achieved by following the sample information, works as a high-speed feedback function, prevents the material nonconformity and insures the good function of the system. According to the entropy low, the quantity of the informational entropy shows us the order level existent in the system contributing to conflicts solving, in many easy non-material way.

Those two types of communication exist in the human body: by wire (neurons and blood) and wireless (mitochondrial transmission). All parts of the human body use and produce information. The main central manager of the human being is the brain, and it uses the both technology for data transmission: by feeder or neuronal and wireless or mitochondrial. We think that the brain is the main hard bio-microprocessor that controls by LMSCC program 9 active and adaptive bio-antennas group, Adam mtDNA, located in the xiphoid process of the sternum (breastbone = in front ribs connector), with the purpose to maximize the rapport signal / perturbation, maximize the gain, minimize the output system power and minimize the errors between the desired signal and the received signal.

The brain works controlling by wire undivided human body, including this small wireless data transmission centre, which works perfect over the frequency of material light, and stores (memorize) the material information in its neuronal cells. As examples for this brain capacity affirmation, some military techniques use the “micro electronic communication


chip” implanted in the brain to control the human action and some trained people communicate quite well by telepathy, no matter if they are in the “Faraday cage”.

The new wireless communications technologies give us the permission to accept, as averted knowledge that far exceeds the actual scientific knowledge, the technical possibility for a physic system to be wireless connected with the invisible external databases.

We think that the human central “bio-laser” works as a data centre collector, by sampling the total information as the quality assurance manager do. In the same time it assures the long distance wireless human body communication with the universe, realises the wireless internal communication with cellular mother mitochondria (Eve mtDNA) and sends by wire the information to the in-body human main manager, the brain (“red wire” – the breast bone marrow is one of the producers of the cellular elements of the blood).

It is possible that the spiritual database warehouse (“the body mirror”) of this individual material information, called SOUL, is a personalised EM wave, which exists distinctly in an external EM field (as active file existing in external database), and works in harmony only with the individual and personalised BODY.


3. The human body and the intelligent wireless communication The most known wireless communication between the

intelligent species is talking. The articulation of the words is a human natural characteristic technology that cannot be realised by other life bodies at the same performance and in the same purpose. From the beginning, this type of technology has assured a limited capacity to penetrate the space, and, man, in order to be sure that his words can be listened and comprehended by the others, became interested in the high direct propagation of the words in space.

The new wireless transmission technology of the information with the help of electro-magnetic waves creates a new dimension of the intelligent communication. Now, the man can imagine and expresses almost everything in terms of communication. One of the extravagant and imagined memorisation technologies of the words is “the word picture”, using the water cryogenics technology (see 9.5 diagrams).

This new technology of the words memorisation concept challenges us with new scientific questions.

Is this picture the image of the spoken or of the thought word? Does the water really understands the words and reacts differently at different words? Can the human body model or transform the nature using the words?

Let us go into the human body to see if this modelling technology can actually be realised with biological materials!

The mitochondria are known as a part of the human cells, which can memorise the intelligent information, and, at the same time, as the energetic cells support. The RNA and DNA transmit genetic information and other desired or undesired pattern information to the human body. The seed (germen) is the only known natural product that can memorise and translate without any help the genetic information to the future complete organism. With the help of the new biogenetic


technology man can modify, by his own will, this new organism of plants, animals and, even more, the human body.

Does this represent an immoral intervention of the man in the nature?

Maybe in some directions, but this represents the only way to get the total knowledge of the nature and the universe!

The bacterial flagellum is one of the known vehicles of the genetic information transport. Three main parts compose the human spermatozoid, as a bacterial flagellum: head, middle piece with mitochondrial spiral filament and tail. The middle piece does not contain exactly a continuous spiral filament; it contains 9 circular separated mitochondria.

The bioengineers observed that both parents, mother and father, inherited the genetic nuclear DNA, while only mother inherited the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA - mitochondrial “Eve” DNA genetic transmission theory). During the human body fertilisation process, the head is dissolved inside the ovule, the father’s mtDNA penetrate in the ovule, rotate with 180° (half of period) and goes near the nucleus of the future human embryos, but it supports degradation in the future fertilized egg. Are the scientists sure for this degradation in the human body? The tail is coupled with the sperm body trough the bacterial engine powered by sperm circular mtDNA, assures the locomotion flagellum capacity by any sense tail rotating with 100000 rotation/minute and is eliminated during the contact with the ovule process.

This process, called by us mitochondrial “Adam” DNA data transmission theory, looks like the transport of the space rockets to perform a designed plan.

Why are so important the father mitochondrial spiral filaments if the specialists in medicine say that this part of the spermatozoid has no contribution in the heredity and it supports degradation in time?

In our opinion this part of the bacterial flagellum, which looks like a EM radio antenna group with 9 circular


dipoles, assures another kind of the intelligent wireless communication and probably will become the central communication system in the future human body, working like a “vehicle GPRS” and guiding the human being to reach the main universal purpose!

Using the cybernetic modelling, we compare this part of the fecundation process with data gathering process from the microwaves radiation. If we compare the “resonant cavity” with the female’s ovum and the “reflex klystron” with the male’s spermatozoid, we can imagine that inside the ovum can be captured a very high frequency radiation. This equipment is a large band frequency (Fourier series), and the resonance frequency and Fourier spectrum distribution is personalised for each fertilised egg. We think that the mother mtDNA becomes a mutual personalised log-periodic antenna with wires structure for low frequency (~300 MHz), and assures the planar cellular wireless communication inside the human body and in the neighbouring environment.

At the same time it is necessary and practicable to create another horizontal wireless communication canal between each mother cellular mtDNA with the central data antennas group (father mtDNA), and the direct vertical or spherical communication with the external universe, with the purpose to make the true correlation between all information existing in the individual parts and whole system. From now, with the help of the father “mtDNA transformers” contained in the antenna’s rings or spirals, the demodulation of the memorised information on the very high frequency radiations (~30 THz) is the same as in the electronic equipments and we can imagine that “somebody” can write intelligent words in RNA and DNA, from distance, in the wireless mode.

- Dioda CIP




4. The electro-magnetic waves The electromagnetic radiation is a power, which quits

the zone of the power sources, and the antenna is the only known interface adaptor between a material system and the free space radiation waves which can capture this power at the high quality level. Sometimes there is intelligent information in EM radiation and the man should decrypt and interpret it.

Since of the twentieth century beginning, the man starts to produce the artificial electromagnetic (EM) fields that reach now approximately the same dimension as the natural EM fields. Both types of EM field produce thermal and other known and unknown biological effects.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined seven main health effects of EM fields:

- "Biological effect" caused by a wide range of environmental influence does not mean "health hazard". There is necessary special research to identify and measure health hazards.

- External electric and magnetic invisible fields with a very large frequencies spectrum induce small visible circulating currents within the body.

- The main effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is the heating of body tissues.

- The long-term health effects caused by exposure to EM fields at small or medium levels give acute biological responses and the same short or long-term exposure to very high levels of EM fields can be harmful to health.

- The scientists work on projects providing scientifically objective answers to public concerns about possible hazards of low-level EM fields, but there is no evidence to conclude that exposure to low-level invisible EM fields is harmful to human health.

- The focus of international research is the investigation of possible links between cancer, epidemiology and


electromagnetic fields, at power line and radiofrequencies body intersection.

- The scientists start to research the visible chemical internal body reaction produced by invisible natural and artificial EM fields that give non-predictable body traceability.

We do not want to talk about visible biological effects produced by the invisible EM fields, we talk only about invisible biological wireless communication and we give here one of the EM field definitions with the purpose to better understand the capacity of the communication technology realised trough the invisible EM wave support, and its influence in visible substance: “The macroscopic study of the electrically and magnetically activities is subordinated to the mechanically and thermal body response study, because the electric and magnetic body states identification and the primary measurements level necessaries for their characterization are not directly accessible to the human sensual and become visible indirectly by the help of analyzing their new geometrical, mechanical and thermal properties. The electrically and magnetically body state is apparently extrinsic and temporary. Described electrically and magnetically body states can be voluntary communicated to the body and removed (pulled back) from the body to give him back the old state. The discovery of this news electrically and magnetically body properties was made observing that the body real feed-back characteristic as a result to the specific known action is not fully described, doesn’t respect prescribed traceability, and there is not enough information to assure the future evolution (attraction, orientation, and so on). In this new states the body has new properties not concluded to the known geometrical, mechanical and thermal properties, and it is necessary to introduce new types of primary body characteristics: electrical and magnetically. This is not a very simple question, because to identify the electrically and magnetically body states we reach the conclusion that the body


communicates with an invisible and distinct physic system, outspreaded in the environment and around the body, which mediates the long distance wireless transmission of the voluntary action as power and coupling communication, called electromagnetic field.” – see 8.3.

One of the latest important technologies in EM fields is the mobile phone communication. From the point of view of the area transmission, this communication is effected in two main directions: horizontal or planar, using a hexagon cells net, and vertical or spherical, using external geodesic satellites. When a person is getting off from his main cell area, and it penetrates in to another cell area, the vertical communication starts to verify if this is an available person for this kind of communication system and gives or does not give the permission for the communication support.

There are two types of information in this model of communication system: local personalised information and central sample information, necessary for total knowledge of the system users. The total manager uses in the building of a new organism or equipment this type of data communication technology. In order to create a final material product with one established purpose, the manufacturer uses parts made by others manufacturers. In order to be sure that his final product satisfies the expected quality, the manufacturer makes a market selection of existed necessary parts and sometimes he goes to the selected manufacturers to control the fabrication process.

This flowchart of the horizontal process will imagine virtually before the start of the work with the help of the information and it will correlate with vertical management need and purpose. The manager looks like an eagle which easily flies in the virtual information databases and round up to modelling the desired substantial world.

Let us go virtually in the flowchart process of the very high frequency communication of non-organic equipments manufactures.


Question: Is it possible to compare them with the organic materials and the biological process?

4.1. The resonant oscillator The resonant oscillator or EM oscillator is a boxed area

where exists an oscillate transformation of the energy accumulated in the electric field in magnetic energy, and mutually the same from the magnetic field to electric energy. The EM oscillators can be resonant cavities, waves guide, open resonators or dielectric resonators. The EM oscillators work and respect some laws or theories, as periodicity and small reflections. The periodicity proposition indicates a space field periodicity: for a propagation itinerary, the existing transversal section field is different with a complex constant from the field situated at one periodic distance. The knowledge of this complex constant gives us the possibility to imagine the total wave of virtually traceability by extrapolation. The small reflections rule indicates a progressive and graduated connection between the partial first order reflection waves that form the total reflected wave, and we can calculate with a good approximation the total reflected wave.

4.2. The resonant cavity The resonant cavity is the fundamental type of EM

resonator. It dissociates the environment in two independent areas with different energetic fields, electric and magnetic. The EM oscillation, generates in this cavity, is working in the Fourier spectrum of frequencies, and the phase is only a time depending function. This is the area where the same nature components (electric or magnetic) have the same phase and are 180˚ phase desynchronised with the opposite nature components (electric against magnetic). As a consequence of this rule, there is the period of only electric field existence and after a quarter of period exists only the magnetic field in the cavity. This resonance phenomenon is characterised by the harmonic electric field transformation in magnetic field and mutually the same. The quality factor of the resonance cavity


is proportional with the volume and reverse proportional with the surface. According to the reflexes theory, the total cavity field is the summation result of direct wave and reflected wave. There is not a preferential direction of the waves in the cavity because it is not oriented along one axis.

In normal conditions, the cavity is not working and it is necessary to introduce a probe (loop, slot, or dipole) that creates a discontinuity for EM field resonance.

4.3. The reflex klystron (9.2 diagram) The klystron prototype created in August 1937 by the

brothers Russell and Sigurd Varian of Stanford University was the first klystron produced in the world.

Klystrons amplify radiation signals by extracting energy from an electron beam. A thermo-ionic cathode produces the beam of electrons that passes through a resonant cavity. It is necessary to feed the radiation energy into the resonant cavity at its natural frequency to produce a voltage that acts in harmony with the electron beam. The main advantage of klystron amplifiers is the amplifying coherence with a reference signal with the purpose to obtain a precisely control in amplitude, frequency and phase.

The reflex klystron is an electronic tube with a progressive wave, based on velocity modulation, used to generate and amplify the microwave energy. The reflex klystron contains a reflector plate (repeller) instead of the output cavity used in other types of klystrons. As in the other types of klystrons, the resonant cavity can modulate the bypassing electron beam according to a reference oscillation.

Reversing the beam and sending it back through the cavity, we obtain the required feedback to maintain oscillations within the cavity. The electrons in the beam are velocity-modulated before the beam passes through the cavity the second time and will give up the energy required to maintain oscillations. The negatively charged electrode that repels the beam turns around the electron beam. Because of the reflex


action of the electrons beam, we call this type of klystron oscillator - the reflex klystron.

For the reflex klystron operation, it is necessary a positive beam voltage, used to accelerate the electrons through the grid gap of the resonant cavity, and a negative repeller voltage used to turn the electron beam around. When we energise the tube, the resonator potential also causes the resonant cavity to begin oscillating at its natural frequency. These oscillations cause an electrostatic field across the grid gap of the cavity that changes direction at the frequency of the cavity. The changing electrostatic field affects the electrons in the beam as they pass through the grid gap. Some are accelerated, some are decelerated, and some remain constant depending upon the polarity of the electrostatic field as they pass through the gap. Since the resonant cavity is oscillating, the grid potential is an alternating voltage that causes the electrostatic field between the grids to follow a reference sine-wave curve. As a result, that sine wave reference function affects conformal the velocity of the electrons passing through the gap. The amount of velocity change depends on the intensity and polarity of the grid voltage. The variation in grid voltage causes the electrons to enter the space between the grid and the repeller at various velocities. In the positive alternation the electrons are speeded up as they pass through the grid, when the field is passing through zero the electrons are unaffected and, when the grid field is reversed, the electrons give up energy because their velocity is reduced as they pass through the grids.

The electric field causes the electrons bunching. To reinforce the bunching, the klystron may contain additional bunches cavities. The electron bunches excite a voltage on the output cavity, and the RF energy developed flows out through a wave-guide. Examining the factors that limit the amplitude of oscillations, we can explain the variation in output power for different modes of operation. The debunching process of


the electrons in the repeller field space causes the power and the amplitude limitations. Debunching is simply the spreading out of the electron bunches before they reach electrostatic fields across the cavity grid. The lower concentration of electrons in the returning bunches provides less power for delivery to the oscillating cavity. This reduced power from bunches reduces the amplitude of the cavity oscillations and causes a decrease in output power. The mutual repulsion changes the relative velocity between the electrons in bunches and causes the spread out of the bunch.

A graduation set list is necessary for any klystron work frequency and manufacturers send a “personalised card” with the unique calibration for the klystron's performance characteristics. Not two klystrons are alike so that every card is specific to the individual unit. The loss of the calibration card may be an insoluble problem if the manufacturer does not keep the data, making the klystron unusable or perform marginally un-tuned. Some precautions must be taken when tuning, transporting or operating with a klystron, and include using nonferrous tools and eluding intense magnetic field, to avoid the tool be pulled into the unit by the intense magnetic force, smashing fingers, hurting the technician, or damaging the klystron. When transporting klystron devices in aircraft it is compulsory to take routinely precautions to avoid the interference with magnetic navigation equipment.

4.4. The radio antennas (9.3 diagrams) For reception and emission of EM radiation man uses

the passives devices like inductances and capacitors, called reciprocal or mutual, which separate the area into reception (incidence and reflection) and transmission parts, and active devices like isolators, gyrators and circulators, called non-mutual, which carry out the wave amplification and redirection. The universal property of electronic and ionic polarisation of the substance generates this reciprocal transformation. The reciprocal double function, reception-


emission, is a reciprocal transformation of the magnetic field in the electrical field and mutual, from electric to magnetic (see 9.4). One of the most known active devices is the spiral device that introduces a delay and assures to the EM wave a comparable wave phase speed with electrons beam sped. Using this kind of technologies, we can decode the information modulated in the electrons flow.

The “rolled up the spiral” material produces an axial magnetic field to centre the electrons beam into the spiral axis. In the next quarter of the wave period, the device works as a mega-amplifier and produces an electric field, coded with the internal electron beam information.

In this spiral device, which becomes a wideband wave device, resonant elements are not necessary to condition the harmonic energetic transformations. We can perform this spiral function with a continuous wire spiral antenna or with some dipole antennas series. The antennas series is one assemble of identical antennas, identically oriented and with the similarly current distribution. The radiant elements can be grouped in a multitude of structures (in line, in circle, in cylinder, in cube, in sphere and so on) and can be adapted to reradiate, to repeat, to filter, to amplify, to conjugate, etc. by using the controlled excitation. As a technical rule, the antennas series has one main area of principal lob radiation diagram and multiples small areas of secondary lobs.

The modern data processing technologies give the possibility to made a precisely orientation of the antennas series reception to the desired information trough the micro-processing data analyses. There are many computer programs for the modelling of the antenna reception and emission diagrams: PLL, LMS, LMSC, etc. (see 9.7 – 9.9).

The most adapted program to the biological organisms is “Education Program through Learning Management System Control and Correction” (LMSCCE), because the cells are enlighten and disciplined organisms!


5. The human body and the electro-magnetic fields The life on Earth was adapted to survive in the natural

and artificial existing conditions, as frequency spectrum electromagnetic fields. The natural EM fields come from the sun, from the biological activities and from the total universe.

The human body were well adapted to this kind of radiation, irrespective of wrong utilisation over the known limits. For the EM natural conditions, we can say that everything has a purpose, good or bad, and we can very well make the difference between conformity and nonconformity with the life concept, although the man does not know all the origin of these natural EM fields.

The man produces artificial EM fields and their feedback to the nature is not well known. We assume the risk of life damages when we exceed the thermal and no thermal limits. Non-thermal effects of EM radiations may be of greater concern to most amateurs because they involve lower level energy fields. “The microwave sickness” due to human body inability to live near the known artificial EM fields is known and the scientists start research into biological mechanisms by which EM radiation may affect plants, animals and human beings.

The oldest but still actually used study procedure for the health patterns of large groups of people is the statistical method. These epidemiological studies have been inconclusive, incomplete, and some-times contradictory, as the astrological studies are. By their basic design, these studies do not demonstrate the cause and the effect, nor they postulate mechanisms of disease. Instead, scientists look for associations between an environmental factor and an observed pattern of illness. Biological effects are measurable responses to a stimulus or to a change in the environment and not all of this information are not necessarily harmful to the health.


For example, working, resting, looking at the TV programs, listening to music, reading a book, eating good food, making love, playing sports or travelling will produce a range of biological effects. Nevertheless, in some limits, we do not expect that these activities cause negative health effects. But they cause some invisible and unknown cellular changes and those cellular changes can lead to short or long-term physical ailments such as chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, headaches and memory disturbance, as well as short or long-term weakening of the immune system and the protective blood-brain barrier, eventually leading to body tumours and cancer. We call it “soul stress” produced by attraction law.

The human body has sophisticated informational and material mechanisms to adjust to the many and varied influences which exist in its environment. A living organism reacts face to its environment and survive because it is able to adapt. The permanent changes form a normal part of our lives and of our evolution and it is necessary to be known and foreseen. The adequate compensation mechanisms for all material biological effects should contain a very good own data process centre. Sometimes the changes produced by information constitute a “health hazard”, are irreversible and stress the biological system for long periods. In order to understand the real non-conformances root and to prevent the occurrence and the repeatability of all these damages it is necessary to know what the life is and how it reacts to these invisible things.

Do the invisible things, like EM field, can hurt us? Can it be a logical link between the seen body and unseen soul?

Does the man know what the life is? Let us go virtually in the flowchart process of the

human being building activities. Sexual reproduction is the biological process by which

organisms create descendants that have a combination of genetic material contributed from two different members of the


species. Each of the two parent organisms contributes of the offspring's genetic makeup by creating haploid gametes.

Male, producing sperm or microspores, and female, producing ova or megaspores, are the two sexes involved in sexually reproducing organisms and they give two sets of genes for each trait. The offspring trait has a combination of the parents' genes and some still unknown information that contribute to the bodybuilding.

5.1. Spermatogenesis (9.1 diagrams) Spermatogenesis is the long evolution transforming

process, starting from the puberty age until death, by which male spermatogonia develop into mature male gametes, called spermatozoid. The spermatozoid (50 - 60µ, whereby the middle piece is 5 - 7µ longer and 3µ diameter) is male sexual cell, produced by the male sexual gland under gonadotrophin hormones influences secreted by hypophisa in the purpose of the life reproduction and continuity. The spermatozoid, designed to get it to the egg and to fuse with it, is among the most highly specialized cell types ever described and it contain paternal mitochondrial DNA.

From where it is coming “Adam mtDNA”, if Eve mtDNA theory explains that there is not any Adam mtDNA heritage?

The coordination of most biological development processes requires a system of extra-cellular signals to control cellular survival and proliferation, specification of cell “fate”, patterning and promotion of cell differentiation. Signalling mechanisms require a technical communication system: signal source, signal reception system and intracellular signal response system. To transfer the signals that originate from a distance, the beings use two distribution systems: by wire, via the circulation (hormones), or wireless, via EM radiation. These two types of signals help to insure that the designed development occurs in a flowchart process in order. The


kinetic centre of the sperm is the middle piece, formed by nine mitochondria rings called “paternal or father’s mtDNA”.

Does it was build with wireless communication function?

We consider that the spermatozoid works as an electronic reflex klystron and the data communication process looks like the technical process described in 4.3 items.

The middle piece is one of the biologic broadband wireless equipment that can technical supply, as laser does, the necessaries energy for transport by tail movement and at the same time assures the data process communication with the female gametes.

5.2. Oogenesis Oogenesis is the female process of gametogenesis

designated to the creation of an ovum (female egg cell). Oogenesis starts in the embryos age by forming oogonium, but only after puberty age, in the female sexual gland ovary one primary ovarian follicle (15-18 mm) is monthly transforming in the mature ovum (200 microns). It is interesting to note that, such an important process in animal life cycles works completely without the aid of spindle coordinating centrosomes. It consists of several processes: oocytogenesis, ootidogenesis and the final maturity to form an ovum. Folliculogenesis is a separate process during ootidogenesis for the maturation of the ovarian follicle, a dense packed shell of somatic cells that contains an immature oocyte. Folliculogenesis describes the progression of a number of small primordial follicles into large preovulatory follicles that enter into the menstrual cycle.

Contrary to male spermatogenesis which can last indefinitely, folliculogenesis ends at menopause time when the remaining follicles in the ovaries are incapable to responding to the hormonal cues that previously recruited some follicles to mature, but this “communication illness” can be solved now by vitro fertilisation.


5.3. Fertilisation After finding the egg, the sperm gets through the jelly

coat by a process called acrosomal reaction. The sperm binds to the egg and digests the jelly coat and the vitelline membrane. At the site of the contact, the fusion causes the formation of a fertilisation cone.

The egg activates once it fuses with a single sperm cell, its cell membrane changes to preventing fusion with other sperm. Fusion between the sperm and oocyte plasma membranes follows, allowing the entry of the sperm head and father mitochondria middle piece into the oocyte (the tail penetration is blocked), and appears an oocyte contraction because the superficially potential decrease (maybe caused by the biological auto-oscillation or by resonance with an external very high frequency signal). Now starts the embryos development procedure: dissolution of the sperm head, rotation 180° of the middle piece and it placement near the nucleus, and the management of the meiosis (copy centre) by sperm centriole. The zygote begins to divide and form a blastocyst and when it reaches the uterus, it performs the implantation in the endometrium. At this point, we said the female is pregnant. The mtDNA is only inherited from the maternal parent because it does not fusion with father mtDNA, coming from the sperm spirals, and the father mtDNA supports the degradation in time, like the thymus after puberty. Actually, the thymus can medically produce the natural killer agents through reactivation with alpha radiations.

Does the EM high frequency communication can restore father mtDNA “bio-laser”?

Everything is possible for the science man, but it is more efficient using the true LMSCC educational program!

5.4. The human biological antennas In the nature, there are numerous examples of systems

that far exceed any manufactured machine in terms of complexity, precision and efficiency. In order to be able to


take advantage of the thousands of years of natural engineering, the man will not only exploit the unique size and material dependent properties of micro and nano particles, but he should also understand and engineer their interface to biology, which is a crucial part of their implementation to control all the biological processes.

In the nature, there are some constant mathematical relations between the cell dimensions and the frequency of the EM radiation absorbed by cells and we can consider that some cells’ part works as biological antenna. The scientist examine EM radiation interaction between resonant loop antennas in proximity to biological tissue in terms of field components, wave impedance, return loss, efficiency, and specific absorption rate. They investigate various loop orientations with respect to the tissue, in order to provide the best coupling and power deposition into the body. If we talk in the term of frequency radiation that produces body influence, the lowest EM field exposure levels occur at 30-300 MHz, based on the concept that the body will not be resonant at those frequencies and will therefore absorb less energy.

If we look at the female mitochondria similarity with log-periodic antennas, our opinion is that the nature produces this EM field spectrum (30-300 MHz), it works natural in this frequencies spectrum and it is naturally adapted to this frequencies spectrum!

According to the mobile phone communication similarity, we call this communication technology, horizontal or cellular bio-communication, realised by mitochondrial “Eve” antennas. In the psychological terms, this kind of communication gives to the human being the emotional quality communication coefficient (EQ), which gives one of the natural known characteristic evolution rules: Darwin’s natural selection evolution. According to this rule, the organism that takes an advantage without taking care of the environment can better adapt to the natural feedback and increase the chance to


survive. In addition, this rule works on the lottery principle gives by unknown hazards. The natural managers, which do not look back, do not look in the future and do not take care of the environment, use it. They act only as the intelligent and sensitive animals do, as Darwin said.

However, there are other engineered structures in the human body, which look like the antennas series and can receive and radiate EM fields (middle sperm piece = laser, or centrosome with two pairs of crossing centrioles = resonant cavity with two crossing discontinuities).

The main advantage for the biological antennas series is that the man can model the radiation pole through education. The modern educated managers, which have a good IQ (intelligence quality communication coefficient), adapt the communication with the interlocutor capacity and take care of the general rules established by human being according to the environment protection (HCQ = conformity with the human rules and confidence in the human science and the quality communication). In our opinion, because man is equipped with the best computer existing in the world and he increases permanently the IQ through scientific education, he is a new manager that uses a full planar communication principle (the decision triangle IQ-EQ-HCQ). The start to use the own biological antennas for all the space communication system, with the purpose to understand the life and to reduce the life evolution hazard, is a new scientific critical point in the interdisciplinary flowchart studies.


6. Conclusions The main question for these conference scientists is: Is the man a helpless person who accept the hazard or

lottery principle of the life evolution caused by unknown nanoparticles predicted by the quantum mechanic theory and its famous fundamental incertitude or who accept the fatality of the famous religious apocalypse?

When we see that the intelligent people take care about helpless animals, we simply ask, who is the owner of the true, the MASTER or the SLAVE?

What is the difference between the savage animal ventured life and the human being organised life?

In our opinion, in order to become a complete master, the man should be at the same time a complete slave. Besides the known five human feelings, which drive man only toward master direction, he confronts now with the new invisible and not well-known EM sensitive perception. In order to become a real creating manager, the man cannot wait that “somebody” comes to solve his main life problems.

There are many scientific, philosophic, metaphysics, religious theories and so on and all of them can contain a part of the truth, because all of them detain good and indubitable examples, even some of them cannot be reiterated.

The physical illness that man know are amplified by spiritual illness, and, according to the resonance phenomenon as in the EM field harmonic transformation, it is possible that a nonmaterial illness becomes a physical illness in time and reciprocally. We do not made any laboratory studies; we do not have any statistical research result. We just “play puzzle game” with information and we cannot argument material that our theory is good or bad or that it rules the real function of the world, but we can argument scientifically that this theory is technically functional and all virtually imagined events can be reiterated trough EM fields in organic or non-organic world.


The theoretical resonance central frequency of the “biological human reflex klystron” is very high (in our opinion, the maximum of received energy is at 30 - 33 THz for λ = πD ~ 9 -10 µ), and nobody can say in this moment if this theory is correct or wrong, because we can’t measure and control this very high frequency.

Mathematic and cybernetic modelling can help us understand, manage and forecast the invisible life miracles and from the point of view of the total quality management system, the best way to reach the total knowledge is learning to use this intelligent communication technique between all independent parts and the central data nucleus of the system.

CQ vertical communication, realised using circular dipole group of the father mtDNA antennas series, should complete, by IQ brain decision, the cellular mother mitochondrial DNA communication disposed in horizontal plan, which give us the EQ emotional coefficient.

Attention to the “in vitro” fertilization : do not forget to introduce father mtDNA!

This mistake will lead the human being to use only the cellular horizontal communication availed by animals and plants, and only in the direction to the natural selection evolution! Now the man is on-line informed trough the actual wireless communication technology, but the man uses this technology to produce, voluntary or not, conform and nonconformity action. The decision to reduce the non-conformance under a bearable limit is a management decision. This decision should be scientific demonstrated, because man is free to do what he wants to do in his own advantage and he does not know if there exist invisible and predictable reactions.

Albert Einstein starts to develop the theory of EM fields coupling and this theory looks like the harmonic connection of small power supply electrical systems in a big centralised system. According to this theory, for coupling the individual parts it is necessary the harmony with standard


reference of amplitude, frequency and phase for all the system parts. It looks easy for the horizontal cellular communication in the social processes (countries, human being groups, and so on) to be fulfilled all the references at the same time. However, if we look for the vertical communication, there are too many individuals EM fields with too many references, difficult to harmonize without scientific management (around 8000 science fields and around 10000 religious fields).

The human theories and their area of knowledge and distribution look like the EM fields outspread. The phases of these fields is a time start depending function and them synchronisation is a caressing managerial action, not material imposed by hard power and not with physical or spiritual damages. From the point of view of the radio antennas according technology, to obtain the maximum informational entropy using the minimal energetically entropy we should redirect, by individual management, all human “Eve and Adam” antennas in the same direction: LIFE.

Does this theoretical discovery have religious implication?

Maybe in some directions, but it doesn’t mater if the human body uses the “divine GPRS” to reach the real “knowledge-tree” and the real “life-tree” in the direction to accomplish the main human being purpose, to becomes like GOD, told us from the beginning by “somebody”! As example, the USA administration allocated in 2003 around 4 milliard dollars to find the visible trace on the brain as reaction for the invisible religious revelations. However, the brain has not visible reaction! This planar decision triangle used in material world (IQ–EQ–HCQ) should be well and responsible managed by the scientists. Maybe it is necessary to complete it with the vertical DCQ (divine credence communication coefficient) in order to fulfil the total knowledge by creating “the true scientific fertilisation con (knowledge tree)” and to establish the true life designed purpose (“life tree”).


What is the confidence that we shall put in the balance to compensate the human IQ+EQ?

According to this scientific credence in brain and soul harmony, the man shall be scientific informed about his own capacity to use LMSCCE program and about the substantial mirror of his own soul, the individual high-resolution map of cortex neural fibbers.

Maybe “Somebody” engineering designed a perfect world, with a perfect feedback and with a perfect nucleus (the man with his “Adam and Eve” mtDNA wireless communication equipment). Maybe the perfect man detains the best database in the world, memorised on his own EM field, even if the scientist said that this is “a religious fantasy” and the theologians said that this is “a satanic challenge”!

The perfect man


7. Short biography Alexandru Boris Coşciug – born on 23.07.1950, Stâlpeni, Argeş, România - electronically engineer, Bucharest Polytechnic Institute graduate in 1975 - in 1975 starts working in industries, medicine and electricity - from 1992 is Clepsydra’s manager George Valeriu Coşciug – born on 23.04.1988, Câmpulung, Argeş, România – from 2007 is a student at Bucharest University of Medicine

Attention : – the actually used technology for in vitro fertilisation stops the transmission of the paternal mitochondrial DNA, which is transferred in the spermatozoids during the natural spermatogenesis process, only after the natural fertilisation process!

WHY? Does the artificial spermatozoid solve this genetically

problem using artificial Adam mtDNA (a veritable bio-CIP)?

Observation: We did not found in Romania any academic or religious high-level support for our apparent fantasist research.

Maybe they do not see any true in ours words! However, you have microscopes and you cannot see

any father’s mitochondria DNA in the sperm of newly man produced in vitro!

The newly sperm “rockets” have not energetically device and no “Adam GPS” to reach the target! They do not have motility and they are waiting for “in vitro” fertilisation!

Campulung, Argeş, 11 September 2008


8. Bibliography 8.1. Alexandru Spătaru – The IT theory – signals and perturbation

(Teoria transmisiunii informaţiei – semnale şi perturbaţii, Editura Tehnică 1965)

8.2. Constantin Neniţescu – The organic and anorganic chemistry (Chimie organică si anorganicǎ, EDP 1966)

8.3. Alexandru Timotin, V. Hortopan, A.Ifrim, M. Preda – EMF basic lessons (Lecţii de Bazele electrotehnicii, EDP 1970)

8.4. Gheorghe Cartianu – The analysis and synthesis of electrical systems (Analiza şi sinteza circuitelor electrice, EDP 1971) 8.5. Gheorghe Rulea – The high frequency technique (Tehnica frecvenţelor foarte înalte, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică 1972) 8.6. Mugur Săvescu – Radio equipments and the space radio communications (Radiorelee şi radiocomunicaţii spaţiale, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică 1976) 8.7. Edmond Nicolau – The manual of the electronical engineer (Manualul inginerului electronist, Editura Tehnică 1979-1989) 8.8. Dumitru Stanomir, O. Stănăşilă – Mathematical technique in signal theory (Metode matematice în teoria semnalelor, ET 1980) 8.9. Paul Constantinescu – Unitary modelling of systems development and genesis (Modelarea unitară a genezei şi dezvoltării sistemelor, Editura Tehnică 1983) 8.10. Mircea Herivan – The new mythology of the open universes (Noua mitologie a universurilor deschise, Editura Eminescu 1984) 8.11. Edmond Nicolau – Knowledge engineering (Ingineria cunoaşterii, Ed. Albatros 1985) 8.12. Raoul Robacki – The anatomy (Anatomia funcţională a omului, Ed. Scrisul Românesc 1985) 8.13. Paul Constantinescu – Synergy, information and systems genesis (Sinergia, informaţia şi geneza sistemelor, ET 1990) 8.14. Mihai Drăgănescu– The information of the substance (Informaţia materiei, Ed.Academiei 1999) 8.15. Masaru Emoto – Hidden messages from water (Mesajele ascunse din apă, Editura Adevăr Divin 2006) 8.16. Riadh W. Y. Habash - Electromagnetic fields and radiations, Human bioeffects and safety (Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2007) 8.17. Ancuţa Gherghişan – Anatomy lessons (Bucharest 2007) 8.18. Mixed interdisciplinary internet news 8.19. Alexandru Boris and George Valeriu – A brief history of the man creation, From Adam to The Revelation ( Editura GIG 2008)


9. Anexe - Diagrams

9.1 - Spermatozoid, middle piece and centrosome

9.2 - The electronic reflex klystron amplifier

with progressive wave and the laser

9.3 - The diameter influence in helicoidally antenna radiation


9.4 - EM field distribution in resonant cavity

with 2 discontinuities (it looks like the inside centrosome proces)

Snow – 1900 fractal geometry model made by Helga Von Koch

Dipole antenna ra-diation – E. Nicolau

Thank you – iced-picture made in 2000 by Masaru Emoto

Peano monster - 1900 fractal geometry model made by Peano

Helicoidally antenna radiation – Edmond Nicolau

Tokyo domestic water – iced-picture made in 2000 by Masaru Emoto

9.5 - The diagrams for the man action to modelling the nature


Wire structure for EM Configuration of wave processing radiant systems

9.6 - Log-periodic antennas

9.7. - PLL program for antennas control


9.8 - LMS program for antennas control

9.9. - LMSC program for antennas control


9.10 - Transforming process flow-chart


9.11 - The sperm evolution

Genetically modification on the human sperm is proudly announced: “Scientists in Newcastle have scored a world first by creating what they claim is artificial human sperm.”





