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A note on inconsistencies caused by fixpoints in a cartesian closed category

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Theoretical Computer Science 73 (1990) 101-112 North-Holland 101 Hagen HLJWIG Abt. Iqformatik, Universitiit Dortmund, Posrfach 50 05 00, D-4600 Dortmurrd SO, FRG Axe1 POIGNi?* CMD F2G2, Schloss BirKnghoven, Postfach 1240, D-5205 St. Augustin 1, FRG Communicated by A. Meyer Received May 1986 Revised February 1989 We realized the inconsistency of fixpoints with coproducts and with equalizers in a Cartesian closed category several years ago when studying Lawvere’s papers on ‘“An Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets” aDd on “Diagonal Arguments and Cartesian Closed Categories” [ 10,123. We always considel,ed these inconsistencies as “folklore theorems” though, as we realized some time ago, not necessarily in denotational semantics as the area which motivates our observations. The resuits indicate the JiEcrent nature of domain theory’ and set = topos theory or, in other word;, that programming requires other foundations than even a constructive set t,leory. This note intends +o bridge the gap between computer science and category theory, hence we envisage a rather elementary level of exposition (though the reader may want to consult [13] for some basic definitions). It should be evident that all our observations depend on Lawvere’s fundamental insights. Domain theory provides a semantics for recursive programs via (least) fixpoints. Categories of domains are typically Cartesian closed in order to accommodate functions of higher type where the parameter passing mechanism is call-by-name. In fact, Cartesian closure is inherently linked to programming with higher types, as the typed ~-calculus with product types (being an abstraction of programming with higher types) finds an equivalent, algebraic description as Cartesian closure [2,9,151. Hence Cartesian closed categories with fixpoints axiomatize the paradigm of recursive programming with higher types. The inconsistent results explain why such a language cannot be enriched by certain infrastructure such as disjoint sums, a fact ost people in denotational semantics are aware of as a phenomenon though flat necessarily as an inconsistency. * The paper was written while at the Department of Computing, Imperial Cklege. l.ondon. We assume that the reader is familiar with domain theory. As a reference one might consuir [ih, 171. 0304-3975/90/$3.50 @ 1990, Elsevier Science Publishers R.V. (North-Holland)

Theoretical Computer Science 73 (1990) 101-112

North-Holland 101


Abt. Iqformatik, Universitiit Dortmund, Posrfach 50 05 00, D-4600 Dortmurrd SO, FRG

Axe1 POIGNi?*

CMD F2G2, Schloss BirKnghoven, Postfach 1240, D-5205 St. Augustin 1, FRG

Communicated by A. Meyer

Received May 1986

Revised February 1989

We realized the inconsistency of fixpoints with coproducts and with equalizers

in a Cartesian closed category several years ago when studying Lawvere’s papers on

‘“An Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets” aDd on “Diagonal Arguments and

Cartesian Closed Categories” [ 10,123. We always considel,ed these inconsistencies

as “folklore theorems” though, as we realized some time ago, not necessarily in

denotational semantics as the area which motivates our observations. The resuits

indicate the JiEcrent nature of domain theory’ and set = topos theory or, in other

word;, that programming requires other foundations than even a constructive set

t,leory. This note intends +o bridge the gap between computer science and category

theory, hence we envisage a rather elementary level of exposition (though the reader

may want to consult [13] for some basic definitions). It should be evident that all

our observations depend on Lawvere’s fundamental insights.

Domain theory provides a semantics for recursive programs via (least) fixpoints.

Categories of domains are typically Cartesian closed in order to accommodate

functions of higher type where the parameter passing mechanism is call-by-name.

In fact, Cartesian closure is inherently linked to programming with higher types, as

the typed ~-calculus with product types (being an abstraction of programming with

higher types) finds an equivalent, algebraic description as Cartesian closure [2,9,151.

Hence Cartesian closed categories with fixpoints axiomatize the paradigm of recursive

programming with higher types. The inconsistent results explain why such a language

cannot be enriched by certain infrastructure such as disjoint sums, a fact ost

people in denotational semantics are aware of as a phenomenon though flat

necessarily as an inconsistency.

* The paper was written while at the Department of Computing, Imperial Cklege. l.ondon.

’ We assume that the reader is familiar with domain theory. As a reference one might consuir [ih, 171.

0304-3975/90/$3.50 @ 1990, Elsevier Science Publishers R.V. (North-Holland)

102 H. Huwig, A. Poigne’

We say that a property P of categories is inconsistent if C is equivalent to the trivial category 1 (or equivalently, if C has a terminal object 1 and all objects of C are isomorphic) whenever C satisfies Z? By abuse of language such a category is called inconsistent. In other words there is no universe (of domains) which satisfies the requirements except for the trivial one.

In order to fix notation we recapitulate the definition of products, coproducts and cartesian closure. Let A and B be objects of a category C. A (binary) product

of A and B consists of a product object Ax I3 and two projection morphisms pABB:AxB+A and qqs: A x I?+ B. These data satisfy the property that for all objects C and all morphisms f: C --, A, g : C + I3 there exisrs a unique morphism (J; g}: C + A x I3 such that the following diagram coamutes:

An object 1 is called terminal if for all objects A there exists a unique morphism ( )A : A -D 1. C has finite products if it has a terminal object and all binary products. If we reverse the direction of all morphisms we obtain the definition of finite

coproducts. We use the notation A + B for the coproduct object, inlA,B : A + A + B,

inr, B : B + A + B for the embeddings, [f, g] : A + B + C for the induced arrow, dnd 7 OA : O-, A for the unique arrow from the initial object.

A category C is Cartesian closed if it has finite products and if for every pair A, I3

of objects there is an object AaB and a morphism

such that for every morphism f: C x A+ B there exists a unique morphism A(f): C+(A*B) such that the following diagram commutes:


r/ f


C is bicurtesian closed if C is Cartesian closed and has finite coproducts. abbreviate x(g) := evA,B 0 (gxl,) for g:A+(B=+C). (A is the curry- and x uncurry-operation of denotational semantics.)

We the

act 1. In a Cartesian closed category, the functors _x A : C + C preserves coproducts, i.e. 0 x A is initial and (B + C) x A is u coproduct of I3 x C and C x A with embeddings

in] f3.c xlA:BxA+(B+C)xA, inrs,c x~~:CXA+(B+C)XA. 7%~ there exist

natural isomorphisms 0 x A = 0 and (A + B) x C = A x C f B x C (since copr~ducts

are dejned up to isomorphisms).

Fixpoints in a Cartesian closed category 103

roof. As _x A: C-, C is left adjoint to A+_: C + C, and as left adjoint preserve colimits [IS, IV.6, VS], one might want to venture a direct proof, the morphisms

i(inL.B 2 PA.C, ~A,c), (inr A,B o PA,C, p&c)] : A x c -I- B x c + (A + B) x C


~([A(inlAx~,AxC 0 reversea& A(inr,,B,,4xC- 0 reversec,A)]) 0 reverseA,B+c


where reverseA, = (qA,B, PA.&) are mutually inverse. 0

We say that an object A has the Jixpoint property if for every morphism f: A + A

there exists a morphism Y(f) : 1 + A such that fo Y(S) = Y(f). A category C has fixpoints if every object has the fixpoint property. The fixpoint property induces a “global element” J_~ := Y(idJ : I+ A for each object A.

A first observation shows that a category of domains does not have an “empty set”.

Proposition 2. Let C be a Cartesian closed category withfixpoints and an initial object.

Then C is inconsistent.

Proof. 0 has a “global element” I,: 1 + 0. But then the universal property of 0 and 1 induce an isomorphism 0 = 1. We conclude 1~ 0 s 0 x A = 1 x A = A. Cl

Next we show that a category of domains cannot have disjoint sums. The proof is based on the observation that the existence of a fixpoint Y(l) of “not” (1) in a Boolean algebra implies identification of all elements of the Boolean algebra since

(*) tt= Y(1)v(-lY(-l))= Y(l)V Y(1)= Y(1)= Y(l)h Y(1)

= Y(1) A 1( Y(1)) =ff.

We note that 2 = 1 + 1 is a Boolean alge0ra objecr in a Cartesian closed category C with coproducts, i.e. there exists morphisms tt, ff : 1 + 2, A, v : 2 x 2 + 2, 1: 2 + 2 which satisfy the laws of Boolean algebra. The injections tt : 1 + 2, ff : 1 + 2 denote “truth” and “falsehood”. “And” is defined as the unique morphism A : 2 x2+ 2 induced by the following diagrams

, . .

(ff.ff) 1-2x3

\I ,% ff


(Observe that 2 x 2 = 1 + l+ 1 + 1 as products distribute over coproducts and that (tt, tt), . . . , (ff, ff) : II +2X 2 are i~~ect~~~s i

104 H. Huwig, A. Poigne’

Boolean operators may be defined, for instance

n ff I-1+1-l

The Boolean operators satisfy all the commutative diagrams expressing the axioms of Boolean algebras 1123, e.g. x A (TX) = ff by

Commutativity of the diagram follows from the unitersal property of coproducts namely that g 0 inl =J~O inl and g 0 inr =fo inr implies f= g; keeping proper trace of all the isomorphisms involved, one proves that

(**) ff o( )2’=ff=fi==(~~, -+'A"ff,

ff o( )ZOtt=ff=(l~,-l)%wt.

emark. The universal properties are essential here; otherwise the Boolean operators would behave properly on tt and ff but not satisfy the Boolean laws.

i<ence, given a fixpoint of 1, we can apply the c ain of equalities above (*) which proves the following.

sition 3. The coproduct injections tt, ff : 1 --, 2 are identijied in a Cartesian closed

category with Jxpoints whenever 1 -I- 1 exists.

be a Cartesian closed category with$xpoints such that the coproduct

I =+ 1 exists. Then C is inconsistent.

roof. 2xAisacoproductwithembeddingsttxA,ff x A: 1 xA+2xAas_xA:G+ C preserves coproducts, and thus in1 = inr: A + A + A as coproducts are defined up to isomorphism (and as 1 x A = A). We use the following commutative diagram

inl inr


Fixpoints in a cartesiaii closed category 105

and compute ~~ 0 ( )A=[l_A~( )A, l,]oinll=[IAO( )A. lA]Oinr= IA. 1 isaterminal object, thus ( )A 0 IA = 1 1. We conclude that 1 is isomorphic to every object A. 0

Let C be a Cartesian

C is inconsistent.

closed category with _fixpoin ts and coproducts. Then

s, (i) Tie resdt holds in any category where 2 x A is naturally isomorphic to A + A. Cartesian closure guarantees this property.

(ii) Our argument essentially depends on the uniqueness condition for products and coproducts; this is why separated and coalesced sums coexist with Cartesian closure and fixpoints in categories of domains but explains why they cannot be coproducts and why no coproducts exist in a category of domains if you ever looked for them. Similarly, 2 x A = A + A holds in the category of partial function where x is the Cartesian product which is only a tensor product.

We can modify the proof somewhat more relying on the Cartesian closed structure if we use the following.

Proposition 6. Let G be a Cartesian closed category suck that the coproduct 1+ 1 has

the$xpoint property. Then C is an order category and A = 1 ifA has a global element

a : 1 + A. In an order category there is at most one morphism between two objects.

roof. f = g for ali J g : A + B as rf’ = [‘ST, rgl] 0 tt = [rfl, rgl] 0 ff = rgl where

‘f’ T

1 IxA-A 412%

In an order category objects A, B are isomorphic if there exist morphisms f: A + B, g:B+A. C

The coproduct 2 plays a rather prominent role in set theory since it allows one to present subsets X c Y uniquely by their characteristic function px : Y+ 2, the latter being the extension of a formula rp (of type Y), the former being the extension of {YE Ylqp!y)1. The Boolean algebra structure “internalizes” the logic in that it

provides semantics for the logical operations (e.g. pvyti = v 0 (p,, p*) where p,+, is

the characteristic function which interprets formula ~0). Set t

constructive if a Neyting algebra takes the r of the Boolean al

theory axiomatizes the one-one relation of subsets and characteristic functions by the notion of a subobject ciassijier. as an i~trod~~ct~on tti topos t

but here only serve that fixpoints do not even coexist with --n ‘7

(in the sense i

106 H. Huwig, A. Poignk

that ‘“fixpoints are not set theoretic constructively” since subobje& classifiers are

Heyting algebra objects. A Heyting algebra object H is equipped with morphisms tt. 8: .I+

I> : H x N + N whictr satisfjy the axioms of a distributive IV;Z ?nd the following additional equations for implication [3]:

(x=,x)=tt, xA(x=y)=xAy, yA(x=JY)=Y


Let lx be the abbreviation for x 3 ff, Given a fixpoint I of -I we deduce

ropsition 7. Heyting algebra objects are trivial in a Cartesian closed category with


Proof. The following diagrams commute:

(I,ttd )& H-HxH

(l&w )&J H-HxH

n ( )H 1 i


1-H ff

Then lH =ff~()~ as tt=ff. 0

emark. Corollary 5 already implicit!y states that a topos cannot have fixpoints since a topos is aiways bicartesian closed. The point we want to make here and subsequently is that most of the structures familiar from (even a rather liberal view of) set theory, and each for its own properties, are not available in any category of domains as used in semantics of programming languages which explains the founda- tional problems we encounter dealing with programming languages.

So far, equalizers have not been given too much attention in the discussion of semantics. However, equalizers and products generate pullbacks, and pullbacks are quite helpful to model dependent types in the Martin-LSf tradition [ 141 in category theory. Roughly, the underlying intuition is as follows: if we interpret a dependent type [y: B]C(y) as family of sets (C, 1 b E B) where I3 is the set the type depends on, we model substitutions [x: A]C( t(x)) to yield a farilily (Bglllcojla E A) where [t] : C + A is the interpretation of the term t. We might represent families of sets 6s an indexing function f: l_J ing elements a E of the disjoint union to its index a. Then the family (BII,Dcc,l c E C) ( or rather the corresponding indexing

Fixpoints k a Cartesian closed category 107

function) is obtained by pulling back f along (It]. In this way pullbacks may be used to model substitution on dependent types. In fact, one can prove a certain equivalence of locally Cartesian closed categories to Martin-LSf type theory restricted to universal, existential and identity types [lSj where a category is locally Cartesian closed if all comma categories [13] CJA are Cartesian closed.

The following result states that we cannot expect all pullbacks to exist in a category with fixpoints (though some useful pullbacks do exist, cf. [19]).

Let C be a Cartesian closed category with jixpoints and with eyzalizcrs.

Then C is inconsistent.

ROOF?-, 3 =f i jz : r: -+ 1 be the equalizer off, g : t + A. Then the following diagram commutes:

E ( )F f

--+l ===ZA

1 i

g ( )&.

1 ( )E




as ( )E c IE 0 ( )E = ( >, 0 ( )E = ( )E by uniqueness of morphism% into the terminal object. Then _tE * ( )E = 1 E by the universal property uf E and ( )E 0 IE = 1 1 by the

universal property of 1. We conclude that E = 1 and that 1, : 14 1 is an equalizer of X g : 13 A; hence f = g_ Cartesian closure implies that r-1 : C[A, B] s

C[1,A~B].Thusf=gas~f~=~g~forallmorphisms~g:A-,B.ThenI~~( )A= lA and A = 1 (the other part of the isomorphism follows from the now standard argument for terminal objects). Cl

A next observation proves that standard approaches to domain theory are incon- sistent with a set-theoretic concept of infinity as abstracted to the notion of a natural number object.

A natural number object (NNO) consists of a pair of morphisms 0: I + IV, s : N + N

which satisfy the property that for every pair of morphisms Q : 1 + A, f: A. -* A there exists a unique h : N + A such that the followirg diagram commutes:

ins H. Huwig, A. Poigne’

In combination with cartesian closure, a NNO generates GSdel’s primitive recursive functionals. For instance the predecessor pred : N + N is defined by p--zd = T, apred’ where the following diagram commutes:

Kw) \I pred’ 1 pred’


NNOs guarantee primitive recursion in a carteian closed category in that for any pair f: A+ B, g : B + B of morphisms in C there exists a unique h : A x N + B such that the following diagram commutes:




This states the familiar equations h(x, 0) =f(x), h(x, n + I> = g(h(x, n)) (for a proof use the properties of NNOs with respect to the morphisms rf 7: 1 +(A+B), A (g * evA,*) : (A+ B) --, (A+ B)). Subtraction, for instance, is defined by the follow- ing diagram:

1,X0 lNXS


; 1 sub 1 sub

N- N-N lh. pred

Standard equalities between primitive recursive functions can be established by diagram chase. For instance, the equations pred * s = 1 N (“pred(s(x)) = x” and sub 0 (1 N, lN) = 00 ( )N (“sub(x, x) = 0”) hold (consult [4,3] for details). Huwig [7] discusses primitive recursive functions in the more general context of a monoidal closed category with NNO.

We now assume that an NNO (N, 0: 1 -+ N, s : N + N) is given.

. Ifs : N + N has a Jixpoint w : 1 + N (i.e. s * o = w), then N s 1.

The fixpoint of s is also a fix redow=predosow=w.

W”( )N, IN)= w 0 ( jN (“sub(o, x) = w”) follows by universal properties of

Fixpoints in a carresian closed caregor? 109

NNQs from the following diagrams:

(-3 i,l v) (04 ),,*I &)



sub 1 suh

N-N pred


N-AI pred

We use the equation sub(x, x) = 0 to deduce 0 = w - w = o. Then s(0) = s(o) = w = 0 (which easily translate to morphisms). The diagram

0 5


induces N G= 1 by universal property of NNOs and terminal objects. Cl

The following lemma is attributed to Juul-Mikkelsen [S].

a 10. ( N, 0 : 1 + N, s : N --, N) is a coproduct of 1 and N in a Cartesian closed category.

roof. Given a : I+ A and f: N + A we define [a, f ] = rr2 0 cp : N + A where the following commutes:

0 .S

1-N ,N

Nx N ------+Nx

IlU H. Huwig, A. Poigne’

It is an easy exercise to check that [a, f] is unique in the following diagram:

reposition 11. Let C be a Cartesian closed category withfixpoints and with a NNO.

Then C is inconsistent.

roof. 1 is the coproduct of 1 and 1 by the preceding lemmas. Then use the argument for coproducts. 0

Recently, Carl Gunter has suggested profinite domains as “an especially natural and, in a sense, inevitable class of spaces. . . [as for example] the countable based profinites are the largest Cartesian closed category of countably based spaces closed under the function space operation” [ 5,6]. Compared to other categories of domains, the category of profinite domains is bicartesian closed (but not all continuous functions have fixpoints), “a noteworth property not possessed by SEP. . .[which] gives rise to a rich type structure on the profinites which makes them a pleasing category of semantic domains.” Bus Gunter states as well that “obtaining profinite solutions for domain equations involving the coproduct can be problematic, however. For example, the equation D = 1+ [ D=3 D] . . . has no profinite solution”. We can illuminate Gunter’s statciment in that we demonstrate that such a domain equatioln only holds for terminal objects in an order category (where we assume bicartesian closure). Hence the problem is rather deeply rooted.

Category theory provides a very elegant argument. A ncorphism g : A + [BJ C]

is called weakly point-surjective if for every f: B + C there is an a : 13 A such that for every b : 1 + B it holds that ev 0 (g 0 a, b) =f 0 b.

o&ion 12 (Lawvere [ 121). In any Cartesian cfosed category, if there exists an

object A and a weakly point-surjective morphism g : A + [A+ B] then B has thefixpoint


Lawvere’s argument is a categorical version of the well known “diagonal argument”: Let 6(h) : A + B abbreviate the composition

h B-B

where h is an arbitrary endomorphism and /r(g) = ev 0 (g x J. As g is weakly point sujective there exists an a : I--) A such that ev 0 (g 0 a, b) = 6(h) 0 b f~‘or all b : I-+ Y.

Fixpoints in a Cartesian closed category 111

We compute that x(g) 0 (n, a) is a fixpoint of h:


= x(g) O (U, Q). 0

As a consequence we obtain the following.

3. Let C be Q bicartesian closed category with an object D such that

[ 0321 is a retract of D. 7%en C is an order category with D = 1.

roof. Let d : D + [ D+2] be a retraction with inverse c : [ L?~z] + C, i.e. d C) c =

1[0*23. 0

For every f : D + 2 we have ev 0 (d 0 c 0 rf 1, y) = ev 0 (rf 1, y? = f 0 y (for notation compare Proposition 6). Thus d is weakly point-surjective and 2 has fixpoints. We now use Proposition 6 where c 0 rinl,,, 0 ( )ol is the global element.

Let C be a bicartesian closed category with an object D such that

cp: D=l+[D*D]. Then C is an order category and D= 1.

Pmof* ( )I +( ~pm,: 1+ [D+ D] + 1+ 1 is a retraction with inverse ( ), + ‘1 D1: 1 +

1 + 1 + [ D+ D]. Then y := (( ), + ( )IDJ,,I 0 9) : D + 1 + 1 is a retraction as retractions are closed under composition. The diagram

.I(C)XIA .I(d)xl, : d I * proves that A(d) x IA is a retraction if d is one. Hence /I( y) X il, : tD*D) +

(D+l+ 1) is a retraction. Finally the diagram

inl inr

I-l+(DjD)- D=3D

defines a retraction $ : 1 + [ D=+D] + [D+D] with inverse inr. Thus (A(y) X

l,)~~~~:D-+(D*l+l) is a retraction. Cl

e arguments hold for a eyting algebra object, in

112 H. Huwig, A. Poigne’

It seems to be interesting to characterize objects X in a category of profinite domains such that D = * - -+[D*Xl.

We thank Samson Abramsky who conjectured an inconsistency in the last example. Pierre Louis Curien has pointed out an error in an earlier version which was also noted by the referees. The very detailed comments of the referees have been very helpful in revising the paper. Paul Taylor independently proved a similar result in his thesis [I93 at about the same time this paper was written though in a more abstract way.

[ I] H. Barendregt, 7% Lambda Calculus, (North-Holiand, Amsterdam, 2nd ed., 19848. [2] P.L. Curien, Categorical Combinntors, Sequential Algorithms and Functional Programming

[3] P. Freyd, Aspects of Topoi, Bpril. Austxl. Math. Sot. 7 (1972). 141 R. Goldblatt, Topoi-The Categorical Ana/ysis of Logic (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979). [S] CA. Gunter, Profinite solutions for recursive domain equations, Technical Report CMU-CS-85-107,

Carnegie-Mellon University, 1985. [6] C..4. Gunter, A universal domain technique for profinite posets, in: hoc. ICALP’85, Lecture Notes

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IS] P. Johnstone, Topos 7%eoty (Academic Press, New York, 1977). 191 J. Lambeck and P. Scott, introduction to Hig??er Order CctegoricE! Logic (Cambtidge University

Press, Cambridge, 1986). [ 101 F.W. Lawvere, An elementary iheory of the category of sets, Proc. h‘atl. Acud. Sci. 52 ! 1964) (long

version appeared as a technical report). [I I] F.W. Lawvere, The category of categories as a foundations of mathematics, in: Proc. Con5 on

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Berlin, 1971). [ 141 P. Martin-Lijf, Intuitionistic Type Theory (Bibliopolis, Napoli, 1984). [IS] A. Poigne, On specifications, theories and models with higher types, Inform. and Control (1986). 1161 G.D. Plotkin, A power domain construction, SIAM J. Comput. S (1976). [17] D. S. Scott, Domains of denotational semantics, in: Proc. 9th ICALP, Aarhus, Lecture Notes in

Computer Science 140 (Springer, Berlin, 1982).

Cl81 R.A.G. Seely, Locally Cartesian closed categories and type theory, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Sot. 95 (1984).

[19] P. Taylor, Recursive domains indexed categories and polymorphism, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1986.
