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d' T I BEGD. GOA-Ii I Panaji, 1st September, 198HBhadra 10,.1905) - , '.0';",·· ···f:· ' .... "1:. ·'.· .. ·"1· ····C· .. ,···IA·······L· ......•. . . . - " , :..;- - -. ,-" '., .. SERIES ··IIN9. 22 GAZETTE f' 'GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU . ic', fI, i: 'GOA; OAMAN AND DIU . Department of Personnel and Reforms Orde'r No. 4/41/77-PER(VOL.II)-X The Administrator . of GOO,. Daman & Diu Is pleased to ·order the following transfer in the Forest Department with immediate effect:- Sr. No. 1 Name of ·.the Officer 2 1., Shri S. K. Kalra, IFS. Present posting 3 Asstt. Conser- :vator" of Forests attached to the . Conservator ,of Forests; Panaji. ·Posted on transfer 4 Dy. Conserva- tor of Forests, Research & Working Plan Division. -Panaji, thereby relieving ,8hri Khazan, Slngh,IFS, of the additional charge, Shri Khazan Singh, IFS will continue to hold charge of Wild Life, & Parks Division. Panaji and will look after the CHOGM works. in addition to his own duties with the help -of Shri L. V. Kulkarni, Asst. Conservator of Forests, Mobile Squad. By order and in the name 0.£ the Administrator of GQa. Daman & Diu. " .N. p.. Gaunekar., Secretary (Personnel). 'panaji, 22nd 1983. Order No. 3/41/77-PER. (Vol. ill) On placement of his services at the disposal of this Administration by the Government of India, Ministry of Agrtculture (Department of Agriculture & Co-operation), New Delhi. the Adm1n1st:rator of Goa, Daman and Piu is. pleased to appoint Shri S. K. Sharma, IFS; as Conservator of Forests to Government of 1?amari ·and· Diu, with ·effect from 23-8-1983 (after noon): ' .2. Shri .1. M. Chaudhury. IFS,. Dy. Conservator of Forests, who was officiating as Conservator· of Forests in addition to his own duties in terms'of order No. 4/41/77-PER (Vol. ill), dated 29-6-1983 stands relieved from that pOst with effect from the same date. By order and. in the name of the Administrator of Goo.. Daman and Diu. iy .. P. G(lJUt1.fJka:l', Under secretary (PerSolll1el). Panaji, 29t)1 August; 1983. .., Order No. 4/41/77-PER (VOL.II) The Government order No. 4/41/77-PER (VOL. II) dated 15th July, 1983 Is hereby cancelled. By order and in the name of the Adritinistrator of Goa, .Daman and Diu.· . :N. ;p. Gaunekar, Under Secretary .(Personnel)., l'lmaji; 22ild August, 1983. Corrigendum No .. o/1/80-PER Read: Order No. 3/6/76-PER(VoL II) (b) dt. 19-7-1983. The name of the Officer appealing at .Sr. No.; 37 in the order cited above shall "be read as "Shri J. M. R. de Almeida" ulstead of "8hri M. J. R. Almeida". By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, . Daman and Diu. ' :N. P. Gaunekar, Under Secretary (Personnel). Panaji, 29th August, 1983. ... Planning Department Addendum No. ·10-1-82-PLG Ref: -1) Order of even number dated 20-3-1982:" 2) Addendum of even number dated 28+:1983 .. partial modification to the Government ot, even number dated, 20-:3-1982, following JU3.Y be at NQ. . G.O. ,," 6.C Shri Shambhu 'Bhau Bandekar - Member. K. B. Verekar, Planning, Officer. Panaji, 20th August, 1983. ... Works, Education Tourism Departinent .Order No. 12/35/71/WET ,. . Read: U.P.S.C. letter No. F.1/13(S)83-AU-U dated 31st May, 1983. On recommendations· of' Class I Departmental- Pro:motion 'Committee, Government is to _ ,Sh!i_ ·S. Karmarkar, Asst. it1 Civil EngineeriIig" in Goa

d' T

I BEGD. GOA-Ii I Panaji, 1st September, 198HBhadra 10,.1905)

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'., .. SERIES ··IIN9. 22


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. Department of Personnel and Adininistrati~e Reforms


No. 4/41/77-PER(VOL.II)-X

The Administrator . of GOO,. Daman & Diu Is pleased to ·order the following transfer in the Forest Department with immediate effect:-

Sr. No.


Name of ·.the Officer


1., Shri S. K. Kalra, IFS.

Present posting


Asstt. Conser­:vator" of Forests attached to the

. Conservator ,of Forests; Panaji.

·Posted on transfer


Dy. Conserva­tor of Forests, Research & Working Plan Division. -Panaji, thereby relieving ,8hri Khazan, Slngh,IFS, of the additional charge,

Shri Khazan Singh, IFS will continue to hold charge of Wild Life, & Parks Division. Panaji and will look after the CHOGM works. in addition to his own duties with the help -of Shri L. V. Kulkarni, Asst. Conservator of Forests, Mobile Squad.

By order and in the name 0.£ the Administrator of GQa. Daman & Diu. "

.N. p.. Gaunekar., U~er Secretary (Personnel).

'panaji, 22nd A~ 1983.


No. 3/41/77-PER. (Vol. ill)

On placement of his services at the disposal of this Administration by the Government of India, Ministry of Agrtculture (Department of Agriculture & Co-operation), New Delhi. the Adm1n1st:rator of Goa, Daman and Piu is. pleased to appoint Shri S. K. Sharma, IFS; as Conservator of Forests to Government of G<?~; 1?amari ·and· Diu, with

·effect from 23-8-1983 (after noon): ' .-~

.2. Shri .1. M. Chaudhury. IFS,. Dy. Conservator of Forests, who was officiating as Conservator· of Forests in addition to his own duties in terms'of order No. 4/41/77-PER (Vol. ill), dated 29-6-1983 stands relieved from that pOst with effect from the same date.

By order and. in the name of the Administrator of Goo.. Daman and Diu.

iy .. P. G(lJUt1.fJka:l', Under secretary (PerSolll1el).

Panaji, 29t)1 August; 1983.

.., Order

No. 4/41/77-PER (VOL.II)

The Government order No. 4/41/77-PER (VOL. II) dated 15th July, 1983 Is hereby cancelled.

By order and in the name of the Adritinistrator of Goa, .Daman and Diu.·

. :N. ;p. Gaunekar, Under Secretary .(Personnel).,

l'lmaji; 22ild August, 1983.


No .. o/1/80-PER

Read: Order No. 3/6/76-PER(VoL II) (b) dt. 19-7-1983.

The name of the Officer appealing at .Sr. No.; 37 in the order cited above shall "be read as "Shri J. M. R. de Almeida" ulstead of "8hri J~ M. J. R. Almeida".

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, . Daman and Diu. '

:N. P. Gaunekar, Under Secretary (Personnel).

Panaji, 29th August, 1983. ... Planning Department


No. ·10-1-82-PLG

Ref: -1) Order of even number dated 20-3-1982:"

2) Addendum of even number dated 28+:1983 ..

~' partial modification to the Government Ord~' ot, even number dated, 20-:3-1982, following JU3.Y be add~ at _f;Jr,~ NQ . . G.O. ,,"

6.C Shri Shambhu 'Bhau Bandekar - Member.

K. B. Verekar, Planning, Officer.

Panaji, 20th August, 1983. ... Works, Education ~nd Tourism Departinent


No. 12/35/71/WET ,. .

Read: U.P.S.C. letter No. F.1/13(S)83-AU-U dated 31st May, 1983.

On recommendations· of' Class I Departmental- Pro:motion 'Committee, Government is pl~ to _ promot~ ,Sh!i_ R~ ·S . Karmarkar, Asst. Prof~ it1 Civil EngineeriIig" in Goa ~llege

228 SERIES II No. 22'

Notification-of En.gi.neerin.g to the post of Professor in" Civil Engineering ih'thescrue ofRS.'i500-1800 with effect from 2nd July, 1983:,-<, (F. N~) On dfficiating. basis. "."", ;:,

Consequently Shri S. v. RJimachandran who was Pl:omoted­on ad-Hoc. basi" t6 the 'POst of Professor, in Civil Engineering is. reverted to 'his 6rigin3.l pO$t of .ASst. professor. .

" ' . ,'-. '- \.. : - _.-" This supersedes earlierdoverninent Order No .. 1l!/36/71/

/WET dated, 28th June, 1983. ..

By order and In the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

T.~ 8. !f.ha~k;ltr~ ;Under ,Secreta.:ry tti the Government <>1. Goa. Daman and Diu. "'.

Panaji, 22nd" August, 1983.'


No. 13/4/83/WET P;"'t II No. IV

Read: ~Gov~!"if brd~ 'I'/.,:, 1)', 17/12/78-WET-ll dated. 9-l,2-1980.

Ii) 13/7/78-WE'1'1!1DN Vol.i:tI 'dated 26-12-1979.

. ,Sh.lIi" s..:S.neVOilkar is .hereby tempotai'lly appointed as Lecturer in Fabrication and Erection Etigirieertng'- 'in the Government Polytecluiic, with effect from 2-8-1983 (F. N.) in the scale· bf Rs. 700-40·900-EB4Q..1100-50-1300 plUS '. the usual allowances adIpissible from time. to time as per rt4es. His pay sh~l be ftx;ed as per the rules. . ..

The appointment is sUbjeet to the conditions specified in the Office Memorandum of even number dated 25-7-1983 and the rules and regulations laid d9wn by the Government from time to time.

The appoi!ttment is purely on ad-hoc b~sis and it will not bestow on the appointee any cl~ for regular apPointm.ent, promotion to higher post and seniority and will be liable to be terminated by one month's notice or .with the pay­ment of one month's salary in lieu of notice.

The. apPointment is, liable for termination in case the character and antecedents of the appointee are adverse so as to d1squal~~y him from holding a post under GOvernment.

By _ order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

T. S. Khandeparkar, Under Secretary to the -Government of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Panaji, 10th August, 1983.


No. 12/13/33/WET

Read:..,. ])io . .l6-1-82-WET-ir dated 27-1l~82. S~. ,Edwin ~aria is hereby temporarily appointed as

Lecturer In Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering with effect. from 30/5/33(F.N.) in the scale Of par, .,r Rs .. 700-40-900-EB40-1100.-1;0-1300 plus the usual allo"""',,". admisSlblefrom thne to thhe,' His pay' shal! be fixed as per the rules.

The appointment is subject to the c()D.ditions specified in the Office Memorandum of even number dated 23:--5-83 and the rules and regulations laid doWn 'by- the Govermilent from time to time. '

The appointment is purely on ad-hoc basis and it will not bestow on the appointee any claim fQ-r regular appointment, promotion' to higher post and seniority will be liaf>le to -be' terthinated by 'one month's ~otice or with the pa~ent of one ,month's salary in lieu of notice.

The .appointment is liable for terminatiori in case' the cha.racter and antecedents of the appointee are adverse so as to disqualify hhn from holding a post under Government.

< "By~order a.nd in-the name of -the Administrator of Goa, , ; nam:.in· Snct . Diu.

T. S. Kharteleparkar, Under of G61i.;' tiairtahand Diu.

• p'~j~, 2Mh August, 1983.

$eCretary to the Government


Sub: ..:- COnstitution 'of a. COOrdination Committee to' con.;;: : trol digging in th~' Towns,_

.• The AdriUnistrator ol~h~ trili~n or;;tB.i<if,f of Go;'" Dihum and Diu is: pleased toc6Dstlt$.!l. ~tlOnCb1l>mittee· M'the follOwing members to cimtr()l digging in the TowtlS:

. 1. The Chief 'Englneilr,'p.:W, D.,:A1tmi.o.hna.jl"-­Chairman.

2. Superintending Engineer, Electricity Department, Panaji-Goa - Member.

DiW,ional E~D;''liei&m~\(i;; 't'k.j12QOa"": J.teln­be.r. ,'-' :._._( '.;'~\' :~.:,;_:~,':'j,,)<_;_: '.-,,- /.,<:j.'-,-

4. Municipal Engineer, Panjim MuniCipal Council" Panaji--Goa ~ z.,tember. _, . . 0'.

The Committee shall consider the requests of any Depart~, ment.;~hich'_wishes ,to' '1.ll1dertaJte digging_,works' on'~ern­ment 'roads~ Such Depaitments have -to 'obtain 'prior clearlm.ce fl'9m the Committee to und~rtake any work.

The 'Committee will meet once' ill every week at a p:r3.ce, time and _date _to be fixed by _the Chief Engineer, _Po W. D._ who is Chab:man: of -'the _ Committee. He will' be responSible

, for Calling the meetings and timely submission of the r.espec-' tive papers for the inf~tion of the Chief'Secretary.

By order and in the name of'the Administrator of Goat, Daman and Diu. ' ,

T. 8. KluzndepOR'kar, Under Secretary (W.E.T». . - '. '

Panaji, 24th AuguSt, 1933.

••• forest and Agriculture Department


No. 2-S'S1-AH

Dr. K. R. SIl,a.strl, Deputy Director, Du-.,ctorate Of Animal Husbandry and veterinary Services, Panajl is her<>by posted as Superintendent, Copardem Farm With immediate effect in addition to his oWn duties till further orders.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa,. 'Daman and Diu. •

S. M. N flIik, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Papaj~ 26th August, 1983.


On recommendation of U. P. S. C., the following 17 officers'· in the Directorate of 'Animal Husbandry & Veterinary serviceS. are found suitable to hold the up-graded posts of Veterinary

,Officers (Group 'B' Gazetted In the scale of Rs. 660(900) ,. created under order no. 2:-9-77-AH .4ated 6-1-1979. on regular­basis w.e.f. 2-11-11l77:-

1. Dr. K. R. Shastri. 2. Dr, Suresh K~_ Usgaonkar 3. Dr. N. V. Nair. 4.. Dr., Fernando Furtado ;; Dr. Leo Pinto 6 .. D •. Ashok V. N. Khandeparkar 7, Dr. A,S. Naz..reth 8, Dr. B. R., Cilowgulec 9. Dr. K. R. Pushpakaran

10, Dr. Tuisidas T. Naik 11. Dr. Savio Sequeira Vaz 12. Dr. Suresh B. Shot 13. Dr. P. F. Aher 14, Dr. P. G. Bakhale 15. 16 . 17.

Dr., Hali N. Singh Dr. Heitor -Falelro Dr~ Benjamin -Braganza.


\," '--"


, I :\



1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA..10, 1905)

2. -This issues; in supersession of Order No. 2-9-77-AH dated 25th September, 1979.

By oreter .a.n~ in the ;;ame of -the A~inistratOr o~ Goa, . Daman' and . Diu.

" S.' M. N aik, Under ·Secretary Daman and Diu.

Panaji, 24th August, 1983.


to the Govenunent.. of Goa,

--No. 2-9-77-AH

Read: Govt. order .No. 2-9,77-AHdated 24-&-83.

In contimiailce of the Government Order'dated-24-8':'83- citetl -above and 0)1 , recommendation of U.P.S.C. Dr. Ashok Raikal' is' -found/suitable to hold th~ upgraded- post' of veterinary Officer (Croup 'B' -Gazetted in _the' scale ,of Rs. 550-900) upgraded under Government Order No. 2-9-77 AH dated 6-1-1979, on regular _basis- W.e',f., _2-::11,,:,197,7 _ in the vac~cy C8.USoo. by PT9rilotion on ad-hOc basis' of ,Dr. K. R.' ShaStri, veterinary Officer to the post of Deputy Director' (Ext.).

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

;8. M,., ,Nark .. Under Secreta.r§ to the Govt. of Goa, Daman ~dDiu. '

'Panaji, 26th Augnst" 1983.

~ ... Local Administration and Welfare Deparimenf


_ No. 10-51-82-COOP-LAWD

On the recomme~dations ,of the Departmental Promotion Committee, Shri -S" M. Angadi, Special Auditor :from' the <>mce of the RegiStrar o,f, CooPerative SoCieties,' Panaji is hereby promotetl~ as Assistant Registrar (Audit) Group "B" Gaz~tted in the pay scale of -Rs.,65q.1200/- on officiating basi.., with immediate effect' and is posted 'in the Head Office of the Registrar of Cooperative SOCieties, Pailaji.

: 2. Consequent on" the POSting of Shri S: M. Angad1; Shri ,A. Y., Gore, Asst. Registrar (Audit), Panaji is transferred and posted as Assistant Registrar (North Zone), Mapusa, vice ShIi D. V. Sathe.

/3. Shri ;D. V. Sathe, Assistant Reiistrar- (North, Zone) Map'!lSR, is transferred and posted as Assistant Registrar (~ead, Office) -vice S. V. Bhadri, transferred.

4. The transfers are made in -public interest, Shri S. M. Angadi, may take charg.e first and, relie;ve Mr. A. Y. Gore.

~y ordel' and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu.

" Panaji, 23rd August, 1983.

• Office of ,the Asstt. Registrar of Cooperative "Societies

No. 10-64-81/ARCZ

,Read: -This office interim order No. lQ..64-81jARCS/CZ dated 15-2~83 calling upon the Bhajipala Utpa­dak- Sahakari Kbaredi Vikri Society T .. td., Veling, ~onda-Goa to submit its explanation if any: as to why the society should not be wound up.


In exercise of the powers vested in me under section 102 (i) of- the Maharashtra Coop. Societies Act 1960, as applii3d to the Union Territory of Goa.. Daman' and Diu, read with RUle.84 of the Cooperative Societies RUles '1962, the above mentioned society was called upon to submit its explanation as to why the SOCiety be not taken into liquidation within one month from the date of issue of interim order - Cited aboVe. However no reply' ,has been receiv,ed from the society so _' f!tr and - I am satisfied-- that there is no objection to _ the ~society being taken into liquidation. Hence ,1, V. G. Patn, -Asstt, ,Registrar of Coop. SoCieties, Central Zone, Panaji hereby cOnfirm the aforesaid order in 'terms of sec':' ti()n ~02(2) of th~ aforesaid Act,. as' applied to the Union Ten-itory of Goa, Daman and Diu.


Further under seCtion'103'(1) of the Maharashtra C<1Opera­tive Societie/f' Act 1960, as applied to the Union Territory pi'GOO, DaJn~ .and Diu read- With Rule 86(J,).of the Coopera­tive, Sooieti~_ Rules '.1962, I _ appoint Shri' Vikas Mardolkar • CQOperative_ Officer Central Zone,' Panaji as liquidator of the Bhajipala' utpadak Sahakan Kharedi ViJ<ri Society Ltd., Veling, Ponda-Goa. r

V. G. Pa·til, Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies, Central Zone..

, Panaji, 6th· JUly, 1983.

No. 16-23'83/AR(Daiioy)/Lqd.,

Read:~This office order No. 6-18-82/AR(Dairy)/Lqd.j82 dated 30-10-82 appointing Shri U. P. Gaerikar, Jr. Inspector, Coop. Sqcieties (Dairy) as liqUi­

. datal' of Shrikrishna. Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd" Vante-Satart-Goa.


'-In partial modification of this office order cited' above, Shri-' R. V.' :Sail, SPecial Auditor, Coop. -SoCieties (Dairy), Ponda--Goa is; hereby ·appointed as liquidator of Shrikrishna Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunsfua Ltd., Vante·s.atari~Goa in place of Shri U. P. Gaonkar, Jr. Inspector,' Coop. SOcieties (Dairy.l, 'Ponda with immeqiate effect.


(A. V. Chikkodi), Asstt. Registrar of Coop.- Societies (DaWy).

Ponda,6th JUly, 1983.

No. 16-22-8S/AR(Dairy)/Lqd:

Read:-T'ttis office order No .. 6-17-82/AR(Dltiry)Sz/ /Lqd/82 dated 2-11-82 appointing Shri' U. p. Gaonkar, Jr. Inspector, Coop. SOCieties ,(Dairy), as liquidator of Valpoi Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd., Valpoi-Satari-Goa.


In' partiaJ mOdification of this office order cited above, Shri R. V. Sail, Special Auditor, Coop. Societies (Dairy), is hereby appointed as liqUidator of Valpoi Sah. Dudh Vya. ~unstha Ltd., Valpoi-Satari-Goa in place of Shri U. P. Gaonkar. Jr. Inspector, Coop. SOCieties (Dairy), with imme­diate' effect.


(A. V. C~ikkodi); Asstt. Registrar Of Coop. Societies (Dairy).

Panaji, 6th July, 1983.

-'--No.' 46/40/79/LQD/ ARCS/CZ

Read: - This office order No. 46/40/79/LQD/ARCS/CZ dated 29-5-82 apPOinting Shri J. N. Braganza, Jr. Ins­pector 'Coop. Societies, Central Zone, Panaji" as 'liqui­dator of Batim V. K. S. S. SOCiety Ltd., Batim vice Shri p. F. _ ~ajk, JiT. Inspector Coop. Societies, Panaji.


In parti&l _modification of this order referred to above "Shri R. J. Talkar, Jr. Inspector Coop. Societies, Central Zone, Panaji is :hereby appo1nted as LiqUidator of Batim V; K. S. S. Society Ltd., Batim Tiswadi vice Shri J. N. Braganza, Jr. Inspector of Coop. Societies, _Central Zone, Panaji'" with effect from ,the date of his taking over charge. ' -

Further, iJi virtue of the powers vested in me under seC­tion.l00(I) of the Maharashtra Coop. Societies Act, :(960 as applied to the Union -Territory of Goa, Daman arid Diu'; I, V. G. Pa-til -As~tt. Registrar Oif Coop. SOCieties, Central Z~n~, Panaji hereby, extend ',further period of the liqUidator of Batim V. K. S. S. SOCiety Ltd., Batim, Tiswac:li' upto 12-2-1984. ' ..

V. G:. PaUl;' 4sstt. Registrar of Coop. ~ocieties, centralZo:ne.

Panaji, 14th JUly, 1983 .


No. 24/1/68/FMG/ARCS/CZ "",

Read: - i. 'l.'llfu ClrficeOrder No, )l4/i;~s;tMG14Rbs! fCZ dated'17-12-82 '8Wointing ShIi J. ':~~,13raganZ"

"Jr. Inspect;or Coop .. So:cleties, Central·Zol).~.;,_PanMi ~ liquidator of ·the Mandovi -Sahakati ~am~dayik Sh~ti Saunstha Ltd., Old:'Goa. ' _. . .

Order /_ ~'i.'

In partial modification of this Office Orqer. referred to above, -Shri R. J. Talkar Jr.- Inspector Coop".- Societies;-.CeritraI Zone, Panaji is hereby appointed as liquidator of the Man­dovi Sah. Samudayik Sheti Saunstha Ltd.. Old-Goa with effect .from the. date .of his -taking over th~ ".chacge.

V. G. Patil, Asstt:Registrar of Coop. SOcieties, CeI1trn1Zone.

Panilji, 14th J.t11y, 1983.

No. 46/14/68/LQD/ARCS/CZ

Read: -1. This Office Order No. 46/14/68/LQD/ARCS/ /CZ dated 29-5-82 appointing Shri J. N. Braganza Jr, Inspector, Coop. Societies, Central Zone..; Panaji as liquidator of Curca Talaulim y. K. S.· S. Sooiety Ltd., Curea Tiswadi"vice,Shri P •. "F, Naik, Jr; Auditor Coop. Societies, Panaji.


In partial modification of thiS office order ,refen-ed to above. Shri R. J. Talkar, Jr. Inspector Coop. SOCieties- QentI1tl Zone, Panaji is hereby appointed as' liquidator of the' Ctirca: 'Ta­lauli ,V. K. S. S. Society Ltd., Curca-Tiswadi, vice Shr; J.' N. Braganza, Jr. Inl:!pector Coop. SocietieS",. Central Zori.e~ Panaji with eff~ct from the date of his ta,king over ckarge.

V.,G. Patu .. Asstt. I:tegistrar,of .Coop. SOCieties, COOtralZone.

Panaji. 14th July. 1983.

No. 16/3/76;PHS-COils/ AECS/PZ . Read: - This' office order No.' 16/3/76/PHS-CONSI

ARCS/Cz dated 15-3-83 appointing Shri J.N. Bra-­ganza, J,r. Inspector Coop. SOcieties, Central Zone', Panaji as liquidator of Peoples High Sch(>o! Staff .and Students, Conswners Coop. SOCiety Ltd., Pal).aji.


In partial modification c:Jf'this office order .referred. to 'above, Shri R. J. Talkar, Jr. Inspector Coop. Societies central Zone, Panaji is hereby appointed as Liquidator of Peoples Higb Schoof Staff and Students Cons. Coop. Society Ltd., Panaji with-.effect'from the date of his,taking- over the:cliarge. '

v. G.- PatH .. Asstt., Registrar of Coop. Societies-" ~t~_~one.

Panaji. 14th July.' 1983. .,


No. 7-29-75/ ARCZ -. The office order No. PRD-(cl-!19/Goa/LQD/ /73 dated 11-7-1973 placing the Cirient Mines Workers . ConsUmers Coop. Society Ltd .. under liquidation and appointing' Shri M. S. Pauskar ,as Liquidator of the sooiety.

2) Letter' dated 5-2.,.1977 from the liquidator of the society submitting therev.'itb, the final report. ' '


In Virtue of the powers vested in me under provision:of section 109Cl) and section 21 of the Maharaahtra Coop. Societies_~ct 1960 as applied to the _Union TelTitory'of GOa. Dama~- ,and - Diu, I, V. G. PatH, Asstt. Re-giswar, of' Coop. SOCieties" Central Zone, Panaji hereby terminate' the- liqUl­datipn ,-proCeedings alid' cancel the ,registration .,bearitig No. PRD-(c)-69/Goa/LQD/73 dated 11-7-73 of the:ortent Min~s Workers -Consumers _ Coop;_ Society Ltd., willi effect frOm' the ,'date of issue' o( this- order. . ,',:' ;

,V. Go Pati_~"Asstt.- ~gi.s;tr~r ()f Coop~ ,SocietieS;,GehtrafZone.

Panaji, 22nd June, 1983. .:,;:- ,.


. '. ~otjfica.h'on . ".,

In ~ercise of, th~ :,po''Yel'~,vest~ in _me u~der .sm>-~tion (:1), of Section 9 of the'Maharashtra Coop' .. Societies Act. 1960 as applied to the Union Territory 'of' Goa, 'Daman and Diu; the MahadevSah.Du<lh. Vya .. Sauniltha Ltd.; 13&hodllr ;Ponda-Goa is registered under code symbol No.:·PRD(c)-4/

- /AR(Dalry)/Goa. " _c,,'

Sd/-(A. v. Chikkodi). Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Dai<y). Ponda. 7th July. 1983,' .

Certificate of Registration

The Mahadev Sail. Dudh Vya .. Saun.,;tha· Ltd .• ·llethod'lr -Pond!l-Goahas been registered on 7-7-83 and it bears·re.· gistration code symbol No. PRD(c)-4/AR(Dairy)/Goa and'it is classified as producers ~iety under sub-classification NO'. 7 (c) Agricultural Producers Society.

Sd/-(A. v. qhlkkodi). A:istt. Regist;'"r of Coop. SOCieties (D,rl.,yJ,·

Ponda. 7th .JUly. 1983.


In exercise' ,of .the' powers. vested' in me under Su~n (1) of Section 9 of the Maharashtra Coop. SooietiesAct. 1980 a.s applied to the Union Territory·of Goa, Daman and Diu. the Veroda Sahakari Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd .• Veroda·· -CUncolim, Salcete Goa is registered under code symbol No. PRD(c)-i>/AR(Dairy)/Goa. ' . Sd/-

(A. V, Chikkodi). Asstt. Registrar of Coop. !locieties (Dairy).

Ponda; 8th July. 1983.

CerH,ficata of Re~istration

The Veroda salial<ari Dudh Vya. saunstha Ltd.. veroda·, -Cuncolini, Salcete-Goa _has been' registered on 8-7-1983 -arid it bears registration code symbol No. PRIJ.:{c)-5/AR(Dairy)/ IGoa and it is classified as producers society under sub-­-classification No.7(c) Agricultural Producers Society.

Sd/- '

(A. v. Chikkodi). Asstt. Registrar of Coop. Societies (Dairy). Ponda, 8th July. 1983.


in, exercise of the powers vested in me under Su~ect1on (1) of Section 9 of the Maharashtra Coop. Societies Act, 1960 as applied .to the Union Territory 'of Goa. Daman ana· Diu, the Shanta Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd., Malkame-' -Quepem-Goa is registered under code symboi No. PRD(c)-6/, /AR(Dairy)/Goa. . .


(A. V. Cl1ikkodi), ;Asstt. Re~~ral' of Co:op. Societies {Dairy}. '

Ponda. 18th July. 1983,

Certificate of Regis~ration

The Slj,anta Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd.. MaJkarne­-Quepem-Goa has been registered on 18-7-1983 and it bears registration code symbol No. PRD,(c)-6/AR(Dairy)/Goa and it is clasSified as producers SOCiety under subwclassification No. 7.( c) Agricultural- Producers Society.


(A. V. Ch~kkodi),' Asstt; Registrar of Coop. SOCieties (Da.i,ry).

.Ponda. 18th July. 1983.

No. 42/13/79/Gen/Under-Pub/ ARCS/CZ

Re .. d: - Order No. 7-29-75/ARCZ dated 22-6-1983 from. Asstt. "/Registral~>, of C,oop. Societies, Central Zone~;' 'Panaji.

Corrigendum " •

In the sixth line of the aforesaid order "No. PRD-(C),,,,;; -69/Goa/LQD/73 dated 11-7-1973 of the Orient Mines Wor-" kers Consumers Coop. SOCiety Ltd.,.. as mentioned shall be .. read as IINo. CON-35/Go.a dated 11-3-1965 of -the Orient Ltd;;~ Mines Workers Consumers Co-opel'ativ~ Society Ltd., ". -,

- V.·G. Patil} Asstt.' RegLstral' of Coop. SoCieties, CentralZone~' Panaji. 20th July. 1983,' . ' . "'j

~' .. :~_\

"1ST SEPTEMBER, ;1.983 (BHADRA 10,1905)

~evenue Department


No. 22/68/83-RD

Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government (here· inafter referreq to as "the 'Government") that the land speci­fied in the schedule hereto' (hereinafter referred to as the "said land") Is likely to be needed for public purpose viz. For constru.ction of Left Bank. canal of Tillari Irrigation Project from Ch. 0.0. Km. to 1 Km. at Latambarcem, Bicholim.

And Whereas in, the opinion of the Government the provisions ·of sub-section (1) of Section 17 of. the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (he_ter referred to the said Act) are.appllcable.

Therefore the Government is ,pleased to notify_ under -sub. ~section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the,usaid Act") that the said land is ilkely to be needed for the purpose specified above.

The Government is pleased to direct under sub-section (4) .of Section 17 of the said Act that the provisions of Section ,5A of the said Act shall not apply in respect of the said land.


4 below, after the date of the publication of this Notification, will under' clause (seventh) of Section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing compensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired,

3.. If!- the "" Governm~nt is satisfied that the said land is needed f01;,:the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect under Section 6 of the said Act will be published in the

"Official Gazette, in due course. If the acquisit.ion is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will be. nOtified.

4. The Government is further pleased to appoint under clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Special Land Acquisition "Officer (Anjupem), Duler, Mapusa to perform the functions of a Collector under: the said Act in respect of the said land.

5. The Government is also pleased, to authorise under sub­-section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, the following officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect ,of the said land.

1. The Collector of Goa, ~::maji.

2. The Special Land,- Acquisition Officel' (Anjunem), DuIer-Mapusa.

3. The ~xecutive Engineer, Works Division VIll (ID),

2.' AU persons interested in the said land are ,hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere' with any surveyors or other per­sons employed. upon the said land for the purpose of said acquisition. Any contracts for ilie disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment, exchange or other~ wise, or any outlay commenced or improve:ments made there<?D

without the sanction of the Collector appointed in paragraph

T.r.p., Duler-Ma.pusa. ' ,

4. The Director of Land Survey, I:"a~ji.

6A A'rough plan of the sald land is available for inspection in the office of the Speei.a! Land Acquisition Offi= I Anju­nem), Duler-Mapusa from the date of publication of this No­tification in the Official Gazette.


(Description of the said land)

:Sr. No. Taluka Village/Ward Survey No. Sub~Div. No.

1 2 3 4 5

Bicholim Latam- 170 (part) barcem

171 (part) 169 l(part)



178 1 , 2(pa~t)

168 l(part)

166 18(part) "

19(part) 83 ] (part)

2 (part)







9(part) 10(part)·





Names of the persons believed to be interested


Babaji Ganapat Khandeparkar. ~ Krishna Ganapat Khandeparkar.

Damooar Vishnu Teli. sadashiv Dattatraya OgaJe: Not kn(}WIl. Kusta . Narayan Ghadl. Babli Narayan Ghadl. Kusta Narayan Ghadi. . Babli Narayan Gh.ruli. Tunnuk Shenvi ..

T: Atina Bhajo Gawas. Kusta Narayan Ghadl. Babli Narayan Gh.adi. Comunidade.

T: Atn1a Bhajo G.awas. Anant Narayan Gawas. Atmaram Fobna Gawas. Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar.

T_: Axlant Narayan Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. T: Pandurang Fokru Gawas. H: Shashikant Fottl Karapurkar. T: Pandurang Fokru G.awas. 'H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar.· T: Vishram Fokru Gawas. H: Shashikant- Fotu Karapurkar. T: Yeshwant Narayan Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkal'. T: Shrtpad Fokru Gawas. . H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. T: ,Nakul Narayan" Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. T: ',Vithoba K~li"av Gawas. H: Vithoba Keshav Gawas. H: -Dattaram Laxnmn Gaw.as. T: Kattaram Laxman Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. T: Pandurang Fokru Gawas. H: Shash!kant Fotu Karapurkar. T:' Anant Narayan: Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. T: Vithoba Keshav Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. '1': Atmaram Fokru Gawas.

Approximate area in sq, mts.



9900.00 17800.00






4Q.00 160.00









2j)O.oo 185.00



800.00 •




• Bicholim


. 3 . 4 6




83 15(part)






21(part) ,


23 (part)

24 (part)

194·· 1(P"'"t) .


3(part) .







H: Shashlkant Fotu Karapurkai. T: ,NakuJ. Atmaram Gawas. H: Shashikap.t Fotu Karapurkar. T: Vithoba. Keshav Gawas. H: Shashikallt Fotu Karapurkar; T: Yesh~t Narayan Gawas. H: Shashikant Fotu Karapurkar. T: Atlnara,ril' Fokru Gawas. _c, _

H: ShashiJ!:a.nt_ Fotu' Karapurk~r._ . T: Atanuiram Fokru Gawas. H: ShaShikant F6tu Karaplirliar. T: Visnram.' Fokru Gawas. - . H: Shashil<ant. Fotu .ll:arapurkar: T: Anant Naxayan Gawas. H: Shashikarit Fotu Ka.rO:piIrkar. T: Shripad Fokru Gaw8S. H: Shashika:nt Fotu Kara~ka.r. T: ~akuJ Narayan Gawas. H: ,shashil<ant Fotu Ka.rO:purkar. T: Anant Narayan Gawas. E: Shripad· Fokru Gawas.

S1ta:ram 'Gdvind . GaWasl Jairam _ Gopal Gawas~ Mu~t.ipq Ladu Gawas. i Ambika S.aguli Gawas. Devki Ptmdalik -Gawas. BaMji ·.L~. G.~w~. Dattaram Laxman' Gaw.as. Vithoba Keshav Gawas. Shantaram, Keshav Gawas. Shankar Keshav Gawa.s~

H: Sitaram Govind Gawas. Babaji Laxman Gawas. D.attaram Laxman Gawas.

- Vithoba. Keshav Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawas. Sh<inkar Keshav'OaWas.'

H: Ambika. SagunGawas. . Babaji ,Laxman Gawas. .

D.altarani Laxm.:ii.Il' Gawas. Vithoba Keshav !9-~w~: .. ,. Sh;:;mtaram Keshav Gawas. Shankar Keshav Gawas.

~: Jairam Go.apal GawaS. / ;::" Babaji Laxman Gawas. <

D.attaram· L~ Gawas. Vi.thoba Kesluiv Gawas. Shantaram·Keshav Gav.ras: / Shankar Keshav· Gawas.

H: Mukund Ladu Gawas. :"": .Babaji Laxman," Gawas. - ,._. D.attaranl Laxman Gawas. Vithoba Keshav', Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawa.s;

H::Anant Narayan Gawas. Yeshwant Narayall GawM •. Babaji Laxman Gawas.· D.attaram Laxman Gawa,s . . Vithoba K~hav' Gawas. ·'Sh.antaram Keshav Gawas. · Shankar Keshav Gawas.

H: Shripad Fokru Gawas. .Babaji Laxman G~was. Dattaram . Laxmari Gawas. :Vithoba Ke8hav-. Gawas. · Shantarrun Keshav--Gawas. :&,hankar Keshav Gawas.

H:, Shripad Fokru ,GaWas. :Sitaram ·Govind .Gawas. ; Anant Narayan:Gawas.!

. ,:..Tairam Gopal: Gawas. :Multund 'Sagun'Gawas. ·Ambika sagun Gawas.· · Devki Pundalik. Gawas. · Babaji Laxman Gawas. ~Dattaram Laxman Gaw.as. ; Vithoba Kesh~v Gawas. :Shantaram Keshav Gawas.­Shankar Keshav":Gawas.

H: : Devki Pundalik Gawas. :Babaji Laxman GaWas. :D.attaram 'Laxman Gawss. · Vithoba Keshav Gawas. Shant.aram Keshav Gawas.






600·00 175'.00




\, 100;00







1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10, .1905)

z , 4

'mcholhn Latam.;. 194 10(part) barcem




14 (part)





" 165(part)


H: Shripad Fokru Gawas.·, Sitaram Govind Gawas. Anant Narayan Gawas. Jairarn Gopal Gawss. Mukund Ladu Gaw.as. Ambika Sagun Gawas. Devki Pundalik Gawas. Babaji Laxma.n Gawas. Dattarain Laxman Gaw.as.: Vithoba· Keshav Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawas. Shankar Keshav Gawas.

H: Sitaram' Govind Gawas. Babaji Laxman Gawas. D.attariun Laxman Gawas. Vithoba Keshav Gawas. S1tantaram Keshav Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawas. Shankar Keshav Gawas •

. H: Ambika Sagun Gawas. Babaji Laxman Gawas. Dattaram Laxman Gawas. Vithoba Keshav Gawas.

-Shantaram Keshav Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawas ..

H: Dev~i Pundalik Gawas. Bab&ji Laxman Gawas. D.attaram Laxman Gawas. Vithoba Keshav Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawas. Shailkar' Kesha.v Gawaa;

H: J~iiram Gopal Gawas. Surya Gopal Gawas. Babaji Laxman Gawas . . D.attaram Laxman Gawas. Vithoba Keshav Gawas. Shantaram Keshav Gawas. Sha.n;kar Keshav Gawas.

H: Mukund Ladu Gawas. Babaji Laxman Gawas. Dattaram Laxman Gawas. Vithoba Keshav Gawas.

) Shailtaram Keshav Gawas. Shankar Kesh.av Gawas.

H: Comunidade. T: Atmaram Fokru. Qawas.

H: Comunidade. T: Atmaram Fokru Gawas.

:t;.,.axman Pundalik Gawas.

H: Comunidade. rI': Atma Bhajo/Gaw.a.s.

H: Government.

North: ·Survey No. 85, 83/1, 2, 4 to 12: S. No. 83/14 to 19, S. No. 166/18, 19 S. No. 168/1, S. No. 165, S. No. 169, S. No. 170.

South:- S. No. 194/23, 1, 14; 15, 10, 13, 8, S. No. 168/1, S. No. 191, S. No. 178/2, S. No. 169/3, s. No. 170 & S. No. 171.

East: State bolUldary of Maharashtr:a. West: Nala.







4850 .. 00




Total .............. 1,0>7,275.00

By order and in the name' of the Lt. Governor 01 ("rt:oa •. Daman. and Diu.

A. V. Plmenta, Under secreta.ry·(Revenue~I).

Panaji, :lard August, 1983.

234 ". .8ERIESn NOi2~


No. 22/83/83-RD

~er~s:lt appears to the Appropriate GoverImlent '(here-­inafter referred to as "the Government") -that the.,'Ia:nd specified in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "said land") is likely to be needed for -public purpose viz. For 1st Palvem road at Chinchinlm. Salcete. .

3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is needed for' the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect- under Section 6 of the said Act w.ill be published in the Official Gazette, in' ,due course. If the acquisition is abandoned 'wholly or in' part, the fact will b.e notified.

4. The Government is further '-pleased to appoint under clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Land AcquiSition Officer, P. W. D~ (CELL), A~t1nho-l?anaji, to perform the functions, of a Collector under the said Act in respect of the said land. Therefore the Government is pleased -to notify under sub­

-section (1) -of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the "said Act") th~t the said land is likely to be needed for the .purpose specified above.

'5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub­-section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, the following officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect of the said land. '

1. 'The_ Colle,ctor of Goa, Panaji. 2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby

warned, not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the sald.-acquisition. Any contra~ts for t.be disposal of the land by sale, m9rtgage, assignment, exchange or o~er­wise, or any outlay commenced or improvements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appointed jn paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this Notification, will under clause (seventh) of ,Section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing compen­sation for such parts of the 'said land as may be finally acquir¢.

2. The Lalld Acquisition Officer, P.W.D. (CEf..:.L), Altinho-~anaji.

3. The Executive Engineer, Works DiviSion VI (R&B), Fatorda-Margao.

4. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji.

6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in the office of the Land Acquisition Officer, P.W.D. (CELL). 'Altinho-Panaji for a' period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.

SCHEDULE (Description of the said land)

Sr. No. Taluka Village/Ward Survey No. Sub-Div. No.

2 • :.'.' ~ ~

Salcete Chinchinim




'I 306



.10 part 11 part

9 part 11 part

2 part

1 part

4 part·

;) part 16 part 14 part. 17 part 28 part

. 29 part

24 part 16 part 17 part 20 part 21 part II_part· 15 part

3 part

Names of the persons believed to be interested Approxim~ttl area in sq. mts


. ' ~

Anacleto Bengola Antao Jose Inacio Rebello Didacia Vales' Vincetino Alemao Rudolf Alemao Jose Antonio Alemao Jose O ... Alemao

...-Renato- Mascaremhas 'Olivio Mascarenhas Ramiro Mascarenhas Bebiano Viegas Francisco Viegas Sezar Viegas Josoina Costa: . AD.tonio Costa C. '-Furtado Vincent· Mariano D'Sa Caitan Pereira . S. P. Miranda GonleS" Candido Dias Vida.ldo Dias Yeshwant B. Canolkar , EliZa Gomes' , Matra E. -OzaIina Colaco e Menezes MauriCio L. Pie<lade ,Bar.retto Mar'tinho Menezes Jose Pio Joao Evangelista D'Mello Mercy Alen;taO Com'Q,1lidade of Chinchinim

Boundaries: North: S. No. 304/10, Nala, S. No. 302/2, 9,

S. NO; 306/16, 17, 19, S. No. 306/20, 11, 16.

South: S. No. 304/11, 12,S. No. 302/1, 9, S. No. 302/1, 5, 4, 16, 17, IWad S. No. 306/21.

East: IWad, 302/9, 1, 4, 14, 17, 24, S. No. 302/29.

West: S. No. 302/9, 1, 16,27; 28, S. No. 301/3, 8, Nala & S: No. 305/16.

Total ....


180.CO 375.00 625.()0 275.00




25.00 165.00

25.00 460.00

50.00 160.00

20.00 I 75.00

35.00 105.00 430;00 100.00 325.00 600.00


By order and in the name of the Lt. Govern'or·of Goa"DamaIi ·&\-Dlu.

A. S. Ingle, Under Secretary (Revenue-I).

Panajl, 25th AuguSt, 1983,

.... - •. _-_ ... -.-.--.. ~---

.1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10,1905) 235


No. 22/109/83-RD

disregarded by 'him -while assessiitg compensation for such'. parts of the said land as _may be filmnY' acquired:.

wpereas it appears to. the Appr9prla~e ~v:e.I?ll)l.e~~_,_(h~~,'~'_·7 inafter referred to as "the Government")- '~tha.,t -.. the land specified in the schedule hereto. (her~in~ter' "referred to. " as . the '·said land") -is likely to be needed for public purpose viz. For Tillari Irrigation Project Left Bank. _ CanaJ. from Ch. 1 km. to 4.35 km.

3. If the Government is satiSfied that '-the -said I~d' is needed· for· the afo'resaid purpOse! ;a:.declaratlOif-to·":that>effect

.·under'Seclion 6 of the said Act.".\YliI, be publtSh'ed In' the · Official Gazette, in due course. If' the 'aCquisition is abandoned · wholly or in- part, the fact will be notified.

,And Whereas in the opinion of. the Government the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 17 of the Land Acqui~ sitiOOl'Act, -1894 (hereinafter referred, to as the said _Act) are

4. The Government is further pleased to. appoirit under clause (c) of Section 3 of the oaId Act the Special Land Acquisition Officer; Anjunem IrrigatiOn Project; Bardez to oeriorm the fmictions of: a. Collector under. the said Act- in

-app1icable. . '" .- respect of the sam).and; . Thel;"ef,ore the Government is pleaseq,·-to:'J~9ti~y W\d~r :sub­

-section (1) of Sec_tion 4 of the, Land, Acqu1.Siti9:P .. Act, 1894 (hereinafter refel'red to as the "said' Act") ,that-,the said lanc;l is likely to be needed, for .the purPOse' ·sPeCifiecf:,.~,xwf!:

5. T,he_ Go.vernment is 3.Iso pleased to authorise under:'sub­,'~section (2)"of Section (4) of the said Act, the follo\Yil1g

officers to do the acts, specified therein in" respect of -the , said land. '

1. The Collector of Goa, Panaji. The Government is pleased to direct· 'wiiie~~' stib-:gt;riti~n:' (.4) . of Section 17 of the said Act that -the proviS1o~ '01' Section 5A of the said Act sha:ll_ not apply in respect of the, said land. 2., The Special Land Acqulaltlon Ofticer. AnjunemUrl-

gati<,>n Project, Ba:rdez. -\'i..-2:, 411 :Persons interested in, the said land are her~by warned

not; to ,obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other persollS. ·.ePli:>loy~ upon the said land for the purpose of the said 'acquisip,0ll'" Any" contracts for the disposru of the said land by sa.le,::l~'_mortgage, assignment._ exchange or other­wise, or _ any- outIay-. comnienced or iniprovemeIJ,ts inade"there'on without the sanction of "the Colleetor appOinted 'in p'~ra~ph _ 4 below, after the date of the publicatiori'-Of'tliw'Notification, will under clause (seventh) of Section'24-of the'Said Act, be

3.· The.lCxecutive Engineer. _Works _DlVision Vill, Tillari' Irzig~tion_ 'Project" Duler Mapusa.

,:" ') ~',-. ~:",

4. The bire'~tor of Land surveY",Prul'~ji"'-, '. . • '.' ',"'_f

,6. A rough pl~ of the said land.is av~le:fQ~ inspe~~~on in the office of the Special Land Acquisition.-~lcer,:-,~ju-, nem Irrigation Project; Duler, Mapusa .Goa from the date

· of 'publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


O?~~#l>tion:,.o,f.: the said land)

,...-.-" ,< •

Sr. No. Taluka Village/ward Survey N:o. i::tl!.b-Div,. ~o ... ~~es of the. persons believed to be interested Approximate

area in Sq. mta.

1 2 3


. ,









5Oip..;:t . til/part·

. 52/part






:.)/Part .





.J :

4, ;:

.5 ... .4/part .


.Vamanrao:' Nahasalieb : Rane Sardesai., T:' . ·~do'-Manuel Francis Fernandes. T: Narayan Fotu Lad. Jaislngrao A.basaheb R.ane. T: Raosaheb Abasaheb Rane. Jaiwantrao Kakasaheb Rane. T: --Jaiwantrao Kakasaheb Rane.

Pliatesing Shripadrao Rane. T: 'Phatesmg _ ShriJ?adrao Rane.

:Raiidurang: -, nadaSahel> , ,-Reine. , T :':'Pandurang' D3.da.s,alieb~';Rane.

Phatesing -Sb,ripad:i-aa -Rane~ 'T~ :Phatesing' Shripadrao Rane;

-:.do---.:... ' -do-

"JalSingrao _' ~bas8.heb ,Rane. < T: ·RaQsahebAbas8.!iebRane .

·Jitikigrao Abasrure!i·Ra.rie. T; -Raosaheb ,Abasaheb' Rarie .

Raosaheh Abasaheb RallE~. T:. -do-

Shivajirao Abasaheb Rane. ~do<-~ ~

Jaising.rao AMs3.heb Rane. T:· -do-


T: -.do-... JEiisingmo Aba.sam.b.. Rane.,

, , -dri~··

Ganapat Jagannath Kudalkar. Tarabai Vishnu Kudalkar.

To· -do-Laxman Babl9.' "Gawas.

T:. '-::'40>-Ganapat Jagaru,ath KucbUkar.

<Tarabai ViShnil KU<lalkar; T: :. -do-'

.. Gariapat Jagannath KudiUkar. Taxabal Vishnu KUljaJkah

. -do~. COtrtuilld8.de.. .

. Manar..tiiZ: Ma.rqueS;: T: . ..:.; do:",",· ..

















::--::--:=--= ~--'- ---~.::::=-:=---::"--.-.-- -=-=::::--==--:.-=-~--=--,


:;: 3

Bichollm 'La,tam. bareem






197 Part











l/part "


8/ Pa,rt


, 2/part


Rainakant Narayan Borkar. T: -do-

Dattaram Narayan Borkar. T: -do-

Umakant Narayan Borkar. T: -do-

Ashoke Narayan Borkar. T: -'-rdo-

Bhaglrathl Laxman Maulinkar. T: ~do-

Nakul Narayan Gawas. T: -do-

Pandurang Narayan. Gawas. T: -do-

Anant Narayan Gawas. T: -'::"do":"""

Yeshwant Narayan Gawas. T: -do-

Comunidade. T: Atmaram Fakru Gawaa.

Vithoba -Keshav GawaS. . -do-

Shantaram Keshav Gawas. '1':" -110-

Shankar Keshav GawaS. T: -do- '

Savitri Laxman Gawas. T: -do-

As per Sub-Diy. No.4. -do-

As perSub-Div. No.4. -do-

As per Sub-DiY. No.6. -do-

Bhagirathi Laman Gawas. -do-

Vithoba Keshav Gawas.-, -do­

Shantaram Keshav GaWaB. -do-

Savltri LaxIna.n Gawas. --:do-

Damodar Shripad Kelkar. T: Tukaram- Gawas.

Mohan Shridar Bhole Caculo T: -do- .

Pandurang Shlidar Bhole CaCUlo. T: -do-

Damodar Shndar KeTh:ar. T: Tukaram Keshav Gawas.

Mohan Shridar Bhole Caculo. T: -do-

Pandurang Shridar Bhole Caculo. T: -do-

Harichandra Ganesh Kesarpalkar. '-do-

Sakharam Ganesh Kasarprukar. --do-

r Shrf Fakro Gawas. T: -'do-

NakuI Narayan Gawas.· T: -do-

MukWld Ladu Gawas~ T: -do-

Jairam Gopru Gawas. T: -do-'

Hari Govind GawaS: T: -do-

Babaji Laxman Gawas . T: -do-' , Dattaram Laxman Gawas. T: -do-

Vithoba Keshav Gawas. T: -do-

Shantaram Keshav Gawas. T:' -do-

.Shankar Keshav Gawas. ., T: '-do-.










1150.00 '







~'[\"", ~====;;;;;;-==-~=-, ~~~,~~' ~~~=',~,~~~~,=,====.~ ..• ~~.=­

:. ,

( __ '1

1ST SEPTEMB.ER, 1983 (BHADRA 10,1905)

1 2 a









719/ Part>'; 804 Part 805





. 6/part

10 Part .

U Part

12 Par';

13 Part













.. . ~li Govind Gawas. T: -do- . i

Babaji Laxman,Gawas. T: -==-do~

Dattaram Laxman Gawas. T: -do-

Vithoba Ke.shav Gawas. T: -do-

Shantaram Keshav Gawas. T: -do-

Shankar Keshav Gawas; . T: -do-

Raffia. Krishna tGawas. T: ~do-

Babaji Laxman Gawas. --':;do­

Dattaram Laxman Ga.was. -do-

Vithoba Keshav Gawas. -do-

Naku] Narayan Gawas . T: -do-

Yeshwant Narayan Gawas~ T: -do...,.....

Anant Narayan Gawas. T: -do-

Yesso Narayan Gawaa. T: --";'do-

Babaji Laxman Gawas.' . T: -do-

Dattaram" LaXman -<is:was. ' T:-do-

Vithoba Keshav Gawaa. /' T: -do-

As "per sub-Din. No.6. -do-

As per Sub-Divn. No, 2.

.As -per sub-Divn. No.6.

As pel' sub-Divn. No. 6.

'.' .

Amelia Marquis. '1': Bhagav"-!lt Fat! Gawas.

Gangabai Mahadev Gawas. T: -do- ,-

Malia LUis Marques. . -do­

Amelia --Marques.

~~ria Marq~~~ '1:: -docc.

Ramakant Narayan BOrkar. T: .C • -do-;- .

Praphakar_Na~yan Boi-kar: . . T: -do.~.

battaram Narayan Borkar. T:' ~do-

Umakant Narayan Borkar. T: -do-:-.

Ashok Narayan Borkar. Sakhal'am Ganesh- Kasarpalkar.

T: .c...do~· Hari~handra "Ganesh Kasarpalkar.

'.r:' -do- . Comunidade.

T: Ramakant Narayan Borkar .. _ ... _,"Damodar Narayan MacheIkar.

. T": Guno Shankar Gawas. Comunidade.

T:" Ramakant Narayan Borkar . . :'Damodar Narayan Mashelkar.

T: Guno Shankar Gawas. ,'Rama Krishna Gawas. Jayashri Fati Gawas. Comunidade.

T: Mukund Arjun Gaonkar. Cornunidade~

T: Mukund ArjuIi -Gaoilkai-. . Vam~nrao NanasahebiR.anei. ';"~ ;;".>

T: -do-Prasannlaxmi Shripadrao Ranft.

T: -do-

Jaisingrao Abasalleb Rane. I-do_




• '.' ... 1475.01,1

100,(10' .


. ;'."

. 3200.00


200.00' .







2li21>.00. ",








'. i'oeOo.oo


.SEIUBJ8' JrNo.' 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

'Sicholim Latam- 806 Part

Bapusaheb Abasaheb Rane. 700.00 barcem rI': -do-

Vamanrao' Nanasaheb Rane.

Total"" " 3,7\1,225.00

By order and in the name of, th~. ~t. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.

A. 8. 'Ingle~ Under Secretary (Rev~J;l;~e-.I).

Pa:naji, 22nd August, 1983.



No. 22/112/83-RD

Whereas it ap-pears to the Appropriate. Government (here~ inafter . referred to as "the Government") that- the land specified in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Hsaid land") is likely to be need~d for public purpose viz. :fOr construction of Multipurpose Hall at ,Cbaudi~Camicona-··Goa. '

Therefore the Goverrunent is _ pleased to notify under Sub~ -~ction (1) I of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition- Act, 1$94. (hereinafter referred to as the "said Act") that the said land is likely to be ne€ded for the purpose ,_.specifi~<! ,above.

2. All ,persons interested in the said. l,and are' hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor' or other persons employed upon the said land for the .purpos~ of. the sai.d ?L~q.uisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the said land' by sale, mortgage, assignment, exchange or otherwls<?, or any. outlay commenced or improvements made thereon without the. sanction of the Collector apPointed in paragraph4 belowi aj;ter the date of the publication of this Notification, 'mll 'under clause (seventh) of. Section 24 of the said. Act, 'be disregarded by him while assessing compensation for' such 'parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. '

3. If the Goveinment· is satisfied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect under Section 6 of the said -Act will be published in the Official Gaze,tte, in' due course. If the acquisition is abandop,ed ~holly or ill part, the fact wlll. be notified.

4. The Government is further' pleased ~o appoint under clause -(c) of Section 3 of the .said -Act the Additional Deputy

-, .Collector, South Sub-Division,' Margao to perf~rm the fl.lllctions , of a Collector under the said Act in respect of the said land. ,

. 5. The Govenunent is also pleased to authorise u!?-/der $.~b­-section (2) of Section ('1) of the said Act, the following officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect' of the said . land. ,

1. The Collector of Goa" Panaji. 2: The Director of Sports and Cultural Affairs, Panaji.

3. The 'Additional Deputy Collector, South Sub~Division, . Margao.

"4. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji.

6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspec­tion in the office of t~· Additional Deputy Collector, South

, Sub-Divisibn, Margao, for "a period of 30 days from the date of publicat~on of this Notification in the Offi~ial Gazette.

SCHEDULE .(Description of ,tp.e said land)

Sr. No. TaInka Village/Ward Survey No. Sub-Diy. No.

1 2 3 • 5

Canacona Chaudi 31 2/part

6/part " 7/part


9/part lO/part


Names of the _persons believed to be interested­

'" 6

Francisco- F. Fernandes.

ci-istaIina 'Fernandes.

Francisco Fernandes.

sebastiao FEtrnandes.

Francisco Fernandes.

Paulina Fernandes.

MalJikarjun Devasthan.


North: Su~Division NO.. 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of S; No. 31.

South: Road. c'

East: Sub-Division No.2, 9 and 10, II, of Sur-vey No. 31. . .

. West: Sub-Division 'No.7 of Survey No'. 27.

Total """""" .. """" .. ".

,~ order' and in the name of the_Lt. GOvernor- o~ Goa, Daman & Diu.

A. 8. Inifle, Under Secretary (Rev.-I) . . fanaji, 22nd AUgust, 1983.

ApprOximate area in sq. mts.










HiT '8EPTEM13ER, 1983 (BHADRA 10, 1905) 239


No. 22(97 /83-RD

under Section 6 _of' the said Act will be pubUshed in the Official G~ette, in due, _course. It. .. the acquisition 1s aban~

: 'doned 'Wholly or in part, -the fact will be notified.

'Whereas it appears to the Appropriate GOYernn1ent (herein-' after.::refarroo.- to as 4<the Gover1lInent':') that t,he_land,specified in the schedule hel"eto (Ilereinafter referred to as the' "said, land") Is likely to be J>e4lded for Company for.expansion of G<la Sblpyard Ltd. at Vasro-Da-Gama.

Therefore the GoVernment is pleased to notify under sub­-section (1) 'of S~lon::,4, of,'tl\e:L.;tnd'.AcquisitiOlt:.Act;::,1894: (hereinafter referred to as the ,!:;mid:Act").thatd:h&said laud is likely to.be needed for the purpose specified above.

2. iri-~sons ihterested·ii{the·s~id';l8.nd are hereby· warned not'to obstruct 'or interfere 'willi any surVeyor or other .persons employed upon the said land for - the PurPose of - the srud acqUisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the ,said l::nd by sale, mortgage, !lS.Signment, exchange or. othermse, or any outlay commenced or improvements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appointed in paragraph.:-· 4 below, after the date of th,e public~.1::i0n of ~1s- N<?tif.i.cati9~ wilL tUtder c18.use "{-severttli), bf- ·~titm' 2( Of ,thE! ~id Act, be disregarded by . him . while' asseSSlng' compensation for such parta .of the said land.as may.be fin!'llY acquired.

3. If the '--Gove~~t 'is satisfied that the'" s'ald" land lS needed for the aforesaid purpose,a. declaration to tltat ,effect

4. The. Government is further pleased to appoint under clause (c)· Of Section 3 of'tl\e .aaid Act the Additional Deputy Collect?l'. _ South Division, _ Margao to perf011l1 ~~ ~~­tiona df a ,Collector 'under the said -A.ct, in :respect of the said land. ' . . /

:-::5. The -Government is also pleased'to'-authorise Wide-r--sub­-section '(2)-' of Section (4) of the said Act, the following officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect of the aaid land. . ,

1. The Collector of Goa, Pan"j!,

2. The AdelltioIlal.·Deputy ,ColIectori·SOuthSu~iVisioll, Marga<>.

3. The Managing Director, G<la Sblpyard Ud. Vasco­-<Ia·Grona.

4. The -Dir~tQr. -:,0,.-, L~d. :s~vey, Pana:ji •.

6. 'A rough plan of the said land Is available for inspec­tion in the office of the Adell. Deputy Collector, SOUth SuI>­-Division, Margao for a period of 30 days fron+ th& date of publication of this Notification !nthe Official G8.zette.


(Description of the said land) < ','.

St'. No. T-allika' Village;Ward p. T. ' Sheet_NoA

Chalui'-No. Names ~f .t~e persons believed to be int~rested ',-:' Approxi­

mate area in sq. mts.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

,-Mormuga<> Vasco 66 1 Church Property 940.00

4790Jio 14345.00

43.00' 60.00


City 65' 3 65 65 65

4 1\ /I 22

'Marg8.:rida G. Pereira,.Alvares Margarida G. Pereira Alvares Margarida G. Pereira Alvares

,65 65 '1 65 8

Not knOWll Margarida G. Pereira Alvares Marga~da G. Pereira Alvares

238.00 3825,00

North: Ar.a.bi8.n Sea. South: Chalta No. 26 P. T. S. No. 69 and 2/68

Rivulet and Chalta No. 17/65. ' East: Arabian Sea. W»st: Arabian Sea.

~tal , ... , ... ,"" .............. " ... .

By order an.d in the! name of the Lt. Governor· of Goa, Daman and Diu"

A. 8. Ingle~ Under Secretarj' (R:even:ue - I).

;!'anaji, 21lUl August, 1983.


No. . 22/88/Ss-RD

Whereas by Government Notification No.. 22/88/83-RD dated 23-8-83 published on page217 of S.eries II No, 20 of the Ofiiciaf Gazette . dated 24':'8-83 it Was notified under Section 4 of the Land ACquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter refelTed to 'a's "the said Act") tl:i:at the lana specified in the schedule appended to the sa~d Notification (hereinafter referred to as the "said-land") was likely to _ be needed for public .purpose. viz. for inStallation of stalls to, be Shifted on account of, developnient o( ,environs' to mOJ:luments of national hnportance at Old GQa. .

And' whereas the Government is of the opinion 1:hat its acqui­sition is urgently necessary, the proviSiOns of suJ:>..section (1) and suJ:>..section (4) of Section 17 of the said Act are made, applicable, and that the Collector appointed. upder par.agraph

" ,

2 below, shall at any 'time, on expiry of 15 days from the publication of notice relating to the said land under sub...sec­tion (1) of Section 9 of the said Act. take possession of the

. -said land.

Now, therefore; the Government is pleased to declare under the provisions of Section 6 of the said Act that the sa:id land -is required for the public purpose 'specified above .. -~

2. The Government -is' ~o 'p~ea:'~ed . to _apPoint under -clause (c) of-_aection 3-of the said Act;:·the Deputy Collector North Sub-Division, PanaJi. to perform the fune~ons. oJ' the Collector for all proceedings .hereinafter to -be' taken in respect of the said land and to direct him under Section 7 cxf the said: -Act fo take order of the acquisition of the said land;

< 8. -A plan of the said land can be inspected at the office , of·- the_ Deputy.Collector, North Sub--Division, Panaji till the

award is made under Section, 11.


240 . \ ,"\


(Description,:.¢ ~e sai(t land)

------~----~-------------------~------~~--~~~~------. ';l'aluka " ,Plot !i0 . Survey' No.' Name':?!- the person believed to be jnter~sted

-,:Appl'O%imate -,' area ill sq. plts.

1 5

- . - -

Ella' 153/4 Part:

?Jr. ~n,c/o M/s Narayandas GakUldas, opposite Rajadhyaksha HospltaI,Panajl. .


Total ....................... . .982.:15

By order and in the name of the'Lt': 'Governor of Goa.·_Dam:.a~ and. I?iu •

.• . A. B. ["gle, Under Secretary· (Rev.-I).

Panaji, 29th August, 1983. : ...•

------.-..••.. -.--~~ Indu~tries and Labour Department


No. 28/17/98-ILD

Whereas the' Lieutenant GoveI'Il.6r of Goa, Daman and 'Diu is of the opinion that an industrial dispute eJ?sts between the, employer of M/s. V. M. Salgaonkar and Brother Pvt.. Ltd., Vasco--da.-Gam.a, Goa. and their workmen represented througlJ. the Gener8.l SecretarY. Goa. Mining Labour Welf.a.re -Union, Assonora., Ba!dez-Goa, in respect of the matters specified in. . the Schedule' annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the <s.aid dispute');

And whereas .-the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman, and Diu coIisiders it expedient to,refer the said ~ut~ for adjudi- ' cation;

the term -'of-' iliff Com~ti~ on p~rs~ -id.ws . period of.lx. months with effect from 3-6-1983.

. ' ., : by a further

By order and' in the 'name of the Administrator of Gcia~ Daman and Diu.

B. B. Bubbanna,Under Secretary (DMtlng).

Panaji, 26th August, 1983.

••• Law Department (Establishment)

Notiflea.t10DS by the mgh OlOri of Judicature, AppelJalle Side, Bomba,.

No. A. 3902/(i)(G)/98

The Honourables the ghief Justice and Judges are pleased to grant Shri. P. Sundararaja.n, Ctvi.l, .J.udg.e, Senior Division and Judicial Magistratef;First Class,,'Vasco'da.:-Gama. exten­sion· of earned leave for, 60 days from 5 August, 1983 to 3 October, 19,83 in continuation of the earned .leave granted

NcM( therefore, in exercise of the powers< cOnferred. by'-,' to him'tm4er High Court' Notification No. A. 3902(i)(G)/83. clause (d) of sub-seCtion (1) of section 10 Qf the Industrial dated 7 JUI;f,.1983. .

Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of -1947). the Lieutenant- Governor of On returii' from leave Shri Sundararajan is reposted as Goa. Da.man and Diu hereby refers the said diSpute for adju- Civil Judge,. Senior Division and .Judicial Magistrate, First dication to the Industrial Tribunal of -Goa, Danian .and Diu Class. Vasco da Gama. Panaji, constituted under Section 7A of the said Act;


"Whether the, demands of the workmen at the .Head . Office Establishments at Vasco-da-Gama, Goa of Mis V. M. Salg-aonkar .and Brother Pvt. Ltd., Vasco-da_-Gama Goa; ·:fdr canteen facility and food subsidy are justified?

'):n So, to what relief the'lwor:kmen are entitled tri and' from which date?". '.

By order and in the name' of the i..t. Governor cf Goa. Daman and DiU. .

S. D. SadJmle, -Uuder Secretary (IndlLStries .ana Labour).

Panaji, 11th August, 1998. ... . Law Depar.lment (legal Advice)

. ..' Drafting Section


. No. 12/41/81-LGL.

In partial modification of the. Government Notification of even nUmber da,ted,5-12-1981, 5-6-1932 and 8-12-1982, the Government of, Goa., Danum. and Diu Is' pleased to extend

High Court, Appellate Side,

Bombay, 17 August, 1983.

No. A. 3902(i)(G)/98

Th~ Hono:ur.a,ble the -Chief Justice and Juq.ges are pleased to grant Shri Anthony D'Cruz, Civil Judge (Junior Division) and' .Judicial Magistrate, First Class, :~ao provisionally Commuted leave for 33 days from 30 JUly, .1983 to 3i August, 1983.

O~ return from leave' Shn 'D'Cruz is reposted as Civil .Judge (Junior Division) and Judicial Magistrate, First Class, Margao.

High Court, Appellate Side,

Bombay, 24 August, 1983.


S. D. Karwande

AdditiOnal Registrar

I/C. Registrar .


. In the Notification No. 22/26/83-RD, dsred 14-7-98, pu. bUshed in the OffiCial Gazette, Series II, }'{o .. ~6, da.te~ 21-7-83, the following corrections' are.'"made in~ the SchedUle at page' No.159:- . .

The last line under Column No. 3 should be read as "349" instead of "do" .. and -the .1ast..Jine under Column No.5' should 00 r~.das ~,·2. ~p1t. _.Chafem-·Govind Sawant:,' instead of what has been published. .


GOVT. PRINTING PRESS - GOA (Imprensa. ~ae10naJ - Goa)

PRlOE-Ra. i-45 Po;
