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r • i , i""" I b-" " , - , Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 (b)( 1) (b)(3) 'TO,. S[CRET,----I __ B I F-008..B-00624-I-70-D IS- This document contains 139 pages. Copy ?_::> copies Second Printing COMBINED FINA.L REPORT (Pollution Studies) Study of Treatment Methods of Used Processing Solutions* ..,.- Treatment of Combined ProcessiJ;lg Effluent* .,-- Pilot Testing Study*'* 12 May 1970 Prepared by: date: .3 1'170 Contract EK-1904 * Started under Task 34, Contract EG_400 ** Task 3, Item l(b) of tllis contract. - 1 - TO,. SIE€RET I Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 Handl e vi a BYEMAN Control Sys:tem Only C.O --- --- -- -- --- --- (b)( 1) (b)(3)

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'TO,. S[CRET,----I __ B I F-008..B-00624-I-70-D IS-

This document contains 139 pages.

Copy ~of ?_::> copies

Second Printing

COMBINED FINA.L REPORT (Pollution Studies)

Study of Treatment Methods of Used Processing Solutions* ..,.- Treatment of Combined ProcessiJ;lg Effluent* .,-­Pilot Testing Study*'*

12 May 1970

Prepared by:

date: .3 ~+. 1'170

Contract EK-1904

* Started under Task 34, Contract EG_400 ** Task 3, Item l(b) of tllis contract.

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TO' SECAET~I __ ----"I B/ F-OOB-B-oo624-r-7o-


This report is a· compreh~nsive summary of environmental pollution

studies undertaken at a specific: photographic processing laboratory.

The problem of water pollution asso'ciated with the disposal of

photographic processing wastes ha.s beE;!n considered from both the

ecological and the secu:d ty points of view.

Because this rep0rt refers to a specific facility, it contain:>

data and descriptive information which could identify the facility and

its output volume~ Thus, care must be exercised to avoid compromis-

ing security. Release outside the filcilityis being made at customer

req,uest because of the usefulnes·s of the information to other


Also, the measured rates, volumes, sizes, and costs stated within

this report are specific in nature and apply to conditions which pre­

vailed at the time,of the study.

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TASKS (from Study Plan)

1. Section IV Task

2. Section V Task


3. Description of the Pollution Problem

a. Pollution Magnitudes b. Properties of Processing Efflu~nts c. Photographic Wastewater Effluents· d. Acceptable Wastewater Treatment and Requirements

4. Applicability of Selected Treatment Methods

a. General b. Acidification/Aeration of Fixers c. Biochemical Oxidation d. Chemical Precipitation e. Chlorination f. Evaporation g. Pyrodecomposition h. Ozonation i. Reverse Osmosis, Dialysis/Electrodialysis,

and Ion Exchange

5. Separate versus Combined Treatment

6). Acceptable 'Treatment Methods

a. Biochemical Oxidation b. Evaporation/Concentration c. Pyrodecomposition d. Ozonation e. Reverse Osmosis


7. Intro.duction

8 Evaporation/Concentration

a. General b. Preliminary Investigation c. Pilot Tests

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a. Prenco Division of Pickands Mather & Co. b. John Zinc Co. c. Other Incinerators

Solids Waste Disposal

Alkaline Chlorination

a. Test Objective b. Pilot Equipment c. Experimental d. Results


12. Final Treatment Facilities

a. General b. Machine Plumbing Changes c. Effluent Collection Tanks d. The Treatment Unit e. Silver-Recovery System

13. Acceptable Treatment Methods

a. Biochemical Oxidation b. Concentration by Evaporation and

Reverse Osmosis c. Incineration

14. Treatment of Toxic Effluents

a. Ferri/Ferro Cyanide Bleach b. Cleaning Solutions c. Fungicide Solutions




60 64 64



65 65 67 67



71 71 71 72 72


72 73



79 79 79

15. Final-Treatment Propos al for BH (Black-and-White) 79 80 16. Final-Treatment for LP (Color)

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17. Biochemical-Oxidation

18. Incineration

19. Concentration by Evaporation and Reverse Osmosis

20. Alkaline Chlorination for Color Bleach Wastes


21. Final Treatment

22. Facility Requirements

23. Limitations, Restrictions and Future Efforts

24. Future Hardware Efforts

25. Future Study Efforts


.. !'age






84 84 84 84 84

85 86

APPENDIX A - FINAL REPORT on Acceptable Pollution Standards A-I

APPENDIX B - FINAL REPORT on Study of Pollution Contribution from Processing Activities

APPENDIX C - Tabulated Results of Alkaline Chlorination Pilot Studies

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'ri tIe

Schematic Diagram o.f Alkaline Chlorination Test·E<luipment

Alkaline Chlorination of Bleach

Final Treatment Facility (Plumbing Modifications)

Biochemical-Oxidation Treatment Facility

Fluid-Waste Incineration Facility·


'ri tIe

Summary of Department Pollution Magnit1:1de

Properties of Black·-and-Whi te Processing Solutions

Processing Solution Usage and Pollution Magnitude from a Typical Five-Day Black­and-White Processing Mission with Fixer Rejuvenation and Reuse

Properties of the Department Effluent

Make-Up, Composition, and Properties of Synthetic Processing Effluents

Hypochlorination of Type A Processing Effluent

Alkaline Chlorination of Processing Solutions

Chlorine Sources and Chlorination Costs

'Costs of Pollution Abatement Proposals

Pfaudler's Wiped Film Evaporation Pilot Test

Bowen Pilot Test

General Description of Fluid Waste

Incineration Pilot-'rest Results

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61 F-008- B_00E.;24-1-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)


Recommended Treatment

A comparative study of several treatment methcidsshows that bio ..

chemical oxidation is the cheapest, acceptable abatement method for

photographic effluents. All of the effluents from black-and-white af>·

well as color processing, excluding used ferri/ferro cyanide bleache:3,

may be satisfactorily treated, jointly.

For most efficient operation, the biological culture in the activated­

siudge or trickling-filter system should be acclimated to a stabilized,

photographic waste. BOD reductions of 80 to 95% were obtained at inrluent

loadings of 30 to 50 lbs of O2 per day per 20,000 gallons of tank volume.

Alternate Treatment Methods

Fluid-waste incineration (pyrodecomposition) is also an acceptable

abatement for used processing solutions. This treatment method requires

the separation of the concentrated waste (developer, de-silvered fixer,

arrest, etc.) at the processor from the wash or rinse process water. Since

the concentration of polluta.rl.ts in the rinse water is low, process water

usually may be sewered, discarded without further treatment, or purified

by reverse osmosis and re-used for photographic purposes, providing that

water conservation is justified economically.

Natural gas or fuel oil must be used as auxiliary fuel to fire the

fluid incinerator up to 1400-2000"F. At these temperatures., the solid

product of oxidation and decomposition is a small amount of a water-soluble

white ash, which may be removed from the stack effluent by a wet-·scrubber

and sewered. The gaseous products of combustion are nearly odorless and


For installations where water conservation as well as pollution

abatement is a primary objective, evaporat:i,on or concentration of the

concentrated processing effluent is recommended. However, adequate means

must be available for disposal of the residue.

Distillate-to-solid splits of 90% condensate are achievable. with

thin-film evaporator units operating continuously on used photographic

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TO' SIECRETI BI F_008_B-00624-1-70-

solutions. The distillate fraction can be s.ewered without further

treatment or purified by reverse osmosis and re-used.

The residue from the evaporator may be a semi-solid or a slurry ..

Disposal may be by incineration in a large, industrial facility, or by

land-fill in an approved disposal site.

Acceptaole treatment methods for effluents containing ferri/ferro

cyanicle from color bleach processing include alkaline chlorination,

pyrodecomposition, and biochemical-oxidation (in a large treatment

facility). The discharge of toxic complex cyanides should be restricted

to an absolute minimum by the acloption of a bleach regeneration and reuse


Final Treatment at BH (Black-and-White Facility)

Adoption of bio-oxidation waste treatment for the facility at BH

is prohibited currently by the large space/volume requirement; namely,

an activated-sludge unit sized to handle the effluent fr0m this in­

st!".llation would require a treatment tank in excess of 100,000 gallons.

The alternate treatment method, pyrodecomposition, cannot be recommended

for reasons of operational security: i.e., existing air environmental

cocles require prior approval oy local agencies of all new incinerator

units and authorize on-site inspect:ion, sampling, and testing of stack


Because of the above factors, trucking of the used processing solu­

tions (excluding rinse water) to a near-by industrial bio-chemical treat­

ment facility is recommended as the cheapest, most acceptable abatenlent

meth0d for BH. Rinse water is' to be sewered witho~t treatment.

With this abatement method, the in-house treatment facility will

consist of:

1. Separate waste lines (for used developers,stops, dye-removal

baths, etc.) fr0m each process0r to the collection site and separate

lines (for used-hypo) from each proeessor to the electrolytic silver

recovery area.

2. A double-tank collection unit with transfer or pumping equipment.

3. Sufficient tank-truck equipment so that trips can be made routinely

to disguise the cyclic nature 0f production operations.

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TOP S[CRE~ BI F_008_B-00624-I-70-

SUBJECT: Study af Treatment Methads af Used Pracessing Salutian; Treatment af Cambined Pracessing Effluent; and Pilat Testing Study ,


1. Sectian IV Task:*

a. Canventianal (Thin Develapers):

(1) Study treatment af develapers with calcium to' remove

sulfite; this study to' cover:

(a) Calcium additian reactian and mixing requirements.

(b) Filtering requirements far remaval af pree:::ipitate.

(c) Salid waste dispasal af filtered precipate.

(2) Canduct a labaratory-level study far remaval af arganic

materials fram develapers.

b. Viscaus Develaper. Canduct studies to' determine:

(1) Quantity (current and future) af viscaus develaper'usedo

(2) Pallutant effects af viscaus develapers. Appearance,


and faaming must be cansidered"

(3) Passible treatment methads.

20 Sectian V Task:*

a. Study far immediate needs the fallawing:

(1 ) pH cantral

(2) Remaval af unsaluble campaunds

(3 ) Removal af any calared material

b. Carry aut lang-range data gathering necessary to' produce high

quali ty effluent and passibly pravide reusable water. Distillatian and ~

reverse asmasis to' be cansidered as passible methads of treatment.


3. Descriptian af the Palluti<:>n Prablem:

a. Pallutian Magnitudes. Two previaus reparts** have described

and discussed the nature af the pallutian prablem at the BH (Bridgehead)

black-and-white facility. Far purposes af selecting and sizing suitable



To. tharaughly investigate the pollutian prablem at BH and to' determine a feasible salutian to' this prablem, it was necessary to' extend the scape O.f pallutian studies beyand that specified in these twa tasks.

See References 1 and 2. as Appendices A and B.

These twa reports are included in their entirety

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lOP S!CRETI I BIF_008_~-00624-1-70-

treatment methods, the salient features of the waste problem are summarized

in Table 1 which is based on these reports containing usage data for 1968.

The following information about chemical usage, oxygen demand, water usage

and rates, 'and used processing solution volumes was derived from Table l.

(1) Chemical Usage. 'rotal chemical usage at BH for black-and­

white processing during 1968 was 671,500 Ibs. From chemical. usage estimates

for the MPMP Color Processor*, an additional 20,000 Ibs per year will be

used. Thus, the total chemicals to be discharged via sewers in the near

future will amount to about 691,500 Ibs (about 350 tons) per year.

(2) Oxygen Demand:

(a) The oxygen demand of the chemicals discharged was

determined from chemical usage data and chemical-oxygen-demand (COD) factors

published for the pure chemicals l ,2. The COD will amount to some 207,000 Ibs

per year of O2

(for black-and-white processing), plus an additional 10,000 Ibs

per year oxygen load due to effluent from the MPMP Color Processor. Thus,

total COD load is 217,000 Ibs per year.

(b) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) for chemicals found

in photographic effluents is about two thirds (2/3) of the COD load for

these same materials. For black-and-white processing, the annual BOD load

is 136,800 Ibs/year and, for the MPMP Color Processor, the estimate is an

additional 3,200 Ibs; thus total load is 140,000 Ibs per year.

(3) Water Usage and Rates. The total effluent volume of water

consumed for all purposes wi tr:in the department was estimated' from .rater

usage data to be approximately 14.7 million gallons per year. Department

usage rates vary significantly for non-mission and mission rates, for

nightly rates and daily rates, etc. On the average, some 40 to 60,000

gallons of water are used each day at rates varying from 1600 to 4600

gallons per hour.

* A multi-purpose experimental test processor.

1,2 See References.

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TOP secRETI I BI F_008_B-00624-1-70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

. ·Ti3.ble 1

Summary of Department Pollution Magnitude

Chemical Usage

Total Annual Usage (lbs)

OXYSien Demands

Total BOD (lbs/yr)

Total COD (lbs/yr)

Water UsaSie and Rates*

Annual Usage (gal)

Daily Average (gal)

Dept. Usage Rates (gal/hr)

Daily (24 hr avg)

Daily ( 8 hr avg)

Nightly Average

Processing Effluent Volumes

Processing Solutions:

Annual Total (gal)

Annual Average (gal/hr)

Black-and-Whi te Processing·atBH










Maximum Rate Estimated (gal/day)




* Includes all water used in the department.

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Estimated from MPMP Color Processor














Dept. Total










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TOP SECRETI BI F_008_B-00624-1-70-

(4) Used Processing Solution Volumes:

(a) If all of the used processing solutions (excluding

rinse water) are collected, the annual volume is 470,000 gallons. Most of

this volume (about 450,000 gallons) originates from black-and-white· processing.

(b) The hourly rate of processing solution usage is 100

gal/hr for black-and-white, and an additional 25 gal/hr for coloro The daily

volumes therefore will average abo~G 3000 gallons for both black-and-white

and color. A total of 4000 gal/day is maximum output for the department.

b. Properties of Processing Effluents:

(1) Properties:

(a) The major' polluting. effects from the discharge of

photographic processing solutions are: high total-dissolved-solids content,

and high chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD5

). In addition,

effluents containing used photographic wastes re"luire special treatment to

meet waste-water disposal requirements established for:

1. pH

2. Alkalinity and/or acidity

1. Dissolved solids

4. Phosphates

L.. Iron

6. Cyanides (and complex cyanides)

I. Phenols (and phenol~c by-produ'cts)

8. Other miscellaneous organics

(b) Photographic solutions for black-and-white processing

vary greatly in their pollution characteristics and in the relative volUmes

consumed. Both factors must be considered in selection of a suitable abate-

ment method.

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(c) Properties of black-and-white processing solutions are

sUJlIDlarized in Table 2. As can be seen from this table~ fixer soluti.ons are

exceptionally high in solute content, i.e., 30% by wt; while developers, stop

baths, and dye removal baths contain only approximately 10% solutes. Developers

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and dye-removal baths are high in alkalinity; on the other hand, fixers ahd

stop baths are high in acidity. All processing solutions, except tb;e dye­

removal and Photo Flo baths, are high in oxygen demand (COD and BOD5


Furthermore, rinse water from black--and-whi te pr0cessihg contains about

0.1 gil dissolved solids, some halides ('V 100 ppm), and has a low oxygen

demand (COD 'V 75 ppm, BOD 'V 45 ppm) '. The pH generally ranges from 6-8 and

the water is clear and colorless.

(2) Usage Rates:

(a) Used developers comprise the largest volume of effluent

discharged from this installation. If rinse waters are excluded, developers

* make up 70 to 85% of the volumes of processing solutions mixed and sewered.

(b) When usage rates as well as the pollution load are

considered, it is found that about ~51% of the total dissolved solids origi­

nate from developer solutions, 44% from fixers, and only 5% from stop and

dye-removal baths. Similarly, over 90% of the oxygen demand (both COD and

BOD) of processing effluents stems from the developers and fixers. Thus,

segregation and treatment of the used developer and fixer solutions will lower

most pollution parameters by 90% or more. If the relatively small quantities

of step and dye-removal'baths are also treated, excluding only the rinse

water, about 99% of the pollution from photographic processing could be

removed. (See Tables 2 and 30)

c. Photographic Wastewater Effluents:

" (1) 'For abatement pur:bloses, two types of waste water "Till be

considered for treatment: the concentrated processing effluent, ineluding

all of the used processing solutions, but excluding all process water; 6r

the diluted processing effluent, which combines the used processing solu­

tions with all of the water us ed by the department. Both types of effluents

will be considered. in the selection of suitable abatement methods.

* Percentage depends upcm whether or not hypo is rejuvenated and, reused.

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TOP SIECftETI BI F_OOB_B-00El24-I-70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

Table 2

Properties of Black-and--White Processing Solutions

Solid Content EB. (gil) (at 70F)

Developers 40 to 120 10.0 or greater (87 avg)

Fixers 300 4.3 to 5.0

Stop Baths 82 2.7

Dye Removal Baths 110 10.0 or greater

Rinse Water Effluent 0.1 to 0.2 6 to 8

Table 3

Oxygen Demand Chemical Biochemical.

. (. 0-· ·ner 1) .uL.'::--2-;;;''-:'';:';::''-';::;':'"

22 to 42 22 (35 avg)

93 58

39 30

0 to 6 0 to 6

75 ppm 35 ppm

Processing Solution Usage and Pollution Magnitude from a Typical Five-Day Black-and-White Processing Mission with Fixer

Rejuvenation and Reuse

Stop DeveloEer~ Fixers Baths --

Volume (gallons) 27,700 6,850 2,100

% of Total Effluent * 84.2 6.7 7.8

Solutes (%) 51 44 4

Oxygen Demand

1. Chemical (% ) 56 38 5

2. Biochemical (%) 55 37 6

* Exclusive of rinse water.

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Dye Removal Rinse Baths, Etc. Water

400 375,000


1 0

1 0

2 0

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TOP Seclu!TI BI F_008_B-00624-I-70-

(a) The Concentrated Effluent. Dilution of the used,

concentrated processing solutions would have a harmful affect upon .Borne

abatement methods 0 Therefore, segregation of the developer, fix, stop

and dye-removal baths, and exclusion of rinse or other processing water,

must be considered. The properties of this concentrated effluent are

shown in Table 4, Column 1. Treatment methods proposed for the concen­

trated effluent must be able to handle a viscous solution, ranging in

viscosity (Brookfield) from about 1 to 800 cps (i.e., water-like to thin

syrup) • The average annual volume "will be about 470,000 gallons, or about

125 gal/hr. The maximum daily output should not exceed 4000 gallonfl per

24 hours for a 5-day period.

(b) The Diluted Processing Effluent. The spent flolu­

tions are presently being sewered as used, along with all process water

(spray cut-off water, deep-tank rinse water, etc.). This processing

effluent is then combined with all other was"te water from the department.

The properties of this effluent are shown in Column 2 of Table 4. f3pace

reQuirements must be determined for a treatment plant Which has capacity

to handle an average of 60,000 gal/day of the diluted effluent.

(2) The pairs of values for the two types of processing

effluents in Table 4 differ by a factor of about 30. This difference is

due to the dilution factor"; i .e o , the ratio of processing solution usage

to department water usage rate. The dilution ratio can vary from about

13 to 55; therefore, the property values for the department effluent

(in Column 2, Table 4) may also vary from about 1/2 to twice these average


(3) Other Processing Effluents:

(a) Other proc.ess water is used in deep-tank or i3pray

cut-off rinses. To determine whether this process water should be treated

before "sewering, a sample of spray cut-off water from a Dundee Processor

was analyzed. The operating conditions of this test were as followi3:

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Table 4

Properties of the Department Effluent


Viscosi ty (Brookfield) at 70F (cps)



pH at 70F



Total dissolved solutes



Average COD (ppm)

Average BOD5


Halides (as KBr) (ppm)

Nitrogen (as NH4+) (anticipated)

Phosphates (as P04 )

Borates (as B02

) (ppm)

Sulfates (as 804)

Miscellaneous organics (ppm)

Column 1

Concentrated Processing Effluent*

1 to 800


4 to 10













Diluted Processing Effluent**

1 to 5

4 to 10

0 .. 05



1, 1~~0







* Includes used developers, stop baths, fixers, dye-removal baths, Photo Flo, etc.; excludes all process water.

** Includes all used processing solutions, process water, and all water for other use in this department.

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TO' SECRETI BI F_OOB_B-00624-I-10-

1. Equipment: Dundee Processor eQuipped with sQueegee wiper blades before a water ,eut-off spray

2. Product: #3404 film (5-inch wide) at 20 ft/min

1. Developer Replenisher: XK-3, 0.020-inch thick coating'

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

4. Devel0p'=r Viscos,ity:

2. Water Consumption:

1000 cps at 10F (Brookfield)

a. From sump to spray cut-off: 5 gal/min

b. From sump to overflow: 3 €ial/min

8 gal/min TOTAL

(b) Analysis of the spray cut-off sample from the sump

gave the following data:

1. Color: Clear, colorless

£. pH at 10F: 7.72

3. Halides: 0.05 gil as KBr 0.06 gil as NaCl

~. COD: 75 ppm

(c) , An estimate of the concentration of developer and.

developer constituents in the proc'=ssing effluent was made from the above

data. Each gallon of effluent was estimated to contain about 9 I!ll of

developer; i. e., a dilution ratio of about 440 to 1. 0 ~ . At this dilution,

* the concentration of photographic "flags" from a typical developer solution

is as follows:

1. Sodium sulfite: Less than 0.10 gil

2. Phenidon: Less than 0.01 gil

1· HQ: Less than 0.01 gil

4. Thickening agent: Less than 0.03 gil

2· Bromi,des (e.g. , KBr) : Less than 0.05 gil

* Constituents or characteristics indicative of processing. '

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(d) These concentrations of photographic "flags" in

the processing effluent are not detectable by the usual analytical.methods

applied to wastewater 3 • Thus, process wastewat~r from deep-tank or spray

Gut-off rinses can be sewered without jeopardizing the operational security

of this department .•

d. Acceptable Wastewater Treatment and Resuirements:

(1) City Sewer Code Limitations:

(a) To continue the discharge of effluents into :3 ewer ,

the City Sewer Code restrictions 4 must be met. Since the department effluent

changes drastically in volume and properties, slugging roestrictions of the

City Sewer Code apply to the effluent. Thus a suitable pollution ruJatement

method must eliminate "slugging" as defined by the City Sewer Code .

(b) The City Commissioner 0f Public Works might also rule

that certain properties of the effluent 'are "unusual" or might "have an

adverse effect" upon the sewer system or treatment process. Effluents with

a high BOD, COD, solids content, or high organic level might be the cause

for further investigation.

(c) It should be noted that at present there is no actual,

defined violation of the City Sewer Use Code at this facility, with the

possible exception of pH. Thus, the effluent of this department is essenti­

ally acceptable under existing sewer code limitations. With a sui table

collection and storage system equipped with automatic pH' adjustment equipment,

the department effluent could be se'wered if it was not required also to

maintain operation security.

3,4 See References.

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(2) Acceptable Security Standards:

(a) To maintain operational security, pollution centrol

must effectively accomplish the following objectives:

1. Maintain a strictly acceptable waste effluent

which will reduce or eliminate the need for a detailed examination of the

efflu~nt by an outside agency •

2. Restrict or eliminate photographic flags; i.e.,

constituents or characteristics indicative ef processing.

1. Disproportionalize acceptable constituents of

.. our effluent so that the true magnitude of processing operations cannot be

ascertained from the materials and quantities discharged.

4. Disguise the cyclic characteristics of the

industrial effluent.

(b) Specific implications for an acceptable pollution

control system are given by Table 13 in Appendix A. By adopting these

standards for acceptable pollution control, the effluent of this department

will have properties similar to those of city sewage; thus, its properties

would not be "unusual" nor harmful to the City Sewer System or treatment


(3) Other Limitations. The physical size requirement~3 of any

proposed treatment methed also must be considered in the feasi bilh;y study.

Locating a suitable treatment center at this facility could involve serious

restrictions in physical dimensions; e.g., in weight, height, area, volume,

etc. Also, since costs for pollution control will be shared. with the

customer, equipment costs and operational costs including labor required, /

must be considered in selecting an applicable abatement system.

4. Ap;plicability of Selected 'rreatment Methods:

a. General. A literature search was made of established abatement

methods that might be applicable to some of the used processing solutions.

Both chemical and physical methods 'were studied. The applicability of each

treatment was determined from published evaluations of the method when

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treating industrial wastes which have properties similar to those o:f used­

processing effluents. The following sections describe several methqds

which have been proposed for specific types of photographic effluents.

b. Acidification/Aeration of Fixers:

(1) Description. The addition of an acid to a thiosulfate

solution decomposes the thiosulfate to sulfur and sulfur dioxide. f3ulfi tes,

as well as thiosulfates, are subject to decomposition with strong acids.

This method of separately treating fixer solutions has been studied

by other investigators who arrived at the following conclusions:

(a) Acidification, alone, is not sufficient to completely

decompose all the thiosulfate and sulfite ions.

(b) Acidification with either hydrochloric or sulfuric

.acid, followed by aeration, will decompose about 90% of the sulfite and

thiosulfate in a typical fixer bath.

(c) The method substi t-qtes a degree o.f air pollution

for water pollution becaus.e sulfur dioxide is liberated.

(d) Chemical costs (for sulfuric acid) are estimated

at $0.017/1b for destruction of sodium sulfite and $0.022/1b for sodium

hypo; or, about $0.04 per gallon of fixer, not including capital, air, and

operational costs.

(2) Costs:

(a) The cost of sulfuric acid to adequately treat 62,500

liters (1700 gallons) of dye-removal bath would be $250 per year.

(b) The cost of comme~cial-grade sulfuric acid to treat

and partially remove BOD/COD caused by sulfites and thiosulfates in the

combined effluent (excluding rinse water) would be $8,000 to $10,000 per I


(c) Capital items required for the acidification!

aeration treatment would cost about $10,000 as shown below:

l. Two 300O-gallon collection tanks with mixer $ 6,000

2. pH control

}. Acid storage and dispenser

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3 2°00

Total $10,000

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(3) Conclusions:

(a) Acidification/aeration best applies in the treatment

of the sulfite dye-removal bath.

(b) This method ,fill only partialJj treat fixer, developer,

or a combined processing effluent. A reduction of 45 to 50% in BOD/COD will

be gained at the expense of air pol-lution (sulfur dioxide). - A follow-up

treatment, such as alkaline chlorination, will then be required to further

reduce oxygen demand to an acceptable level.

co Biochemical Oxidation:

(1) General:

(a) The secondary treatment of photographic effluents by

biological degradation has been evaluated for both co10r and black-and-white

process wastes. Using re"';'cycled sludges containing micro-organisms accli­

mated to photographic wastes, the following results have been observed: 5

1. BOD values are reduced by about 90% and COD

by 65%.

2. Photographic effluents are usually toxic to the

micro-organisms, unless first acclimated.

1. Ammonium ion is not affected or reduced by this 10


4. Some organics, especially aromatic compOlmds, are

not degraded by this treatment; notably, phenol derivatives 7.

L. Photographic waste treated by this method will

give an effluent suitable for discharge into a City Sewer without further


(b) In biological oxidation systems, the design determines -

the efficiency and size requirements. If enough land is available, la.goons

or oxidation-ponds can be used to treat wastes at BOD loadings ranging from

50-100 Ibs per acre of surface per day. Lagoons are able to absorb 400-500%

overloads for short times without a.dverse affects.

5 , 7 See References.

* A second anaerobic treatment tank is required if ammonia/ammonium ion content is to be lowered.

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(c) When land is not available, other approaches are

used to improve the efficiency of biolQgical oxidation systems. Trickling

filter beds achieve 1 to 5 Ibs/day per cubic yard of stone; efficiency of

this method ranges from 35 to 85%. Plastic filter media are also available

at about double the surface area/volume ratio. A two-stage trickling

filter system is generally 80 to 95% efficient in reducing BOn6• '

(d) Other methods of reducing the volume/space require­

ments are to recirculate a portion of the sludge containing the micro­

organisms and to increase the oxygen content by aeration of the waste.

Thus, in typical activated-sludge units, BOD loads of 15 to 150 Ibs per

1000 cu ft of tank volume are handled in r,etention times of 4 to 24 hours.

If oxygen is used instead of air, the tank volume may generally be reduced

30-50%; however, operating costs will actually double.

(2) Size of Unit:

(a) Since land or space for a biological treatment

facility will be at a premium, only the trickling-filter and activated

sludge methods can be considered. Using a plastic trickling-filter media,

the tank volume required would be.in the range of 50 to 70 cu yds. The

most ideal trickling-filter system would be comprised of two tanks con­

nected in series, each about 10-ft high and 10-ft in diameter. The

largest reduction in BOD would take place in the first tank; the second

tank would not be required, if the wastewater was to be sewered. If the

effluent was to be discarded in a stream, river, or lake, the' second tank

would 'eventually be required to .meet the Water Quality Classification for

the body of water •

(b) The effect of. "slugging" on the biochemical system

can best be minimized by using two storage-tank systems for the effluents.

The concentrated processing solutions should be collected and stored in a

5000-gallon mix tank and fed at a constant rate to the system. A regulated

amount of the other, more dilute process water would also be metered. to the

aeration tank.

6 See References.

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(3) Photographic Flags:

(a) Some organics are only partly oxidized or destroyed

by a biological system. Hydroquinone, for example, is oxidized to cluinone,

which' resists further biodegradation 7• Ferri/ferro cyanide wastes ,> from

color bleaches are not adequately removed by biochemical means, although

they can be mixed without any damaging effects upon an acclimated bio-·

logical system. The effluent from biological treatment will therefore

contain some organics which could be flags or indicators of photographic


(b) Ammonium ion generally is not removed by conventional

acti vated-sludge (AS) systems 9. To remove ammonium, a second treatment tank

is used to provide an anaerobic treatment. Since the effluent will be

sewered, the small concentration of ammonium ion originating from the treated

processing effluent will not be discernible or distinguishable from that

already present in tne sewer from domestic sources.

(c) The unusually high sulfate content previously present

in the effluent will be lowered substantially when hypo rejuvenation and re-. ,

use is fully operational. A lime post-treatment to remove sulfate ions

(from the oxidation of sulfite and thiosulfate) should not be required if

the effluent is sewered. For discharge to a stream, however, a lime treat­

ment is recommended, followed by chlorination. The removal of sulfate by

lime precipitation would prevent po~;sible disclosure of the magnitude of

processing operations by monitoring the sulfate content and volume of waste-


7 ,,9 See References.

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(d) The proper operation of a biochemical treatment

plant would require:

1. Control of temperature; i. e., steam heating

coils' for p'roper operation in the w'inter months.

2. Laboratory support to monitor pH, BOD, COD,

sludge build-up, etc.

3. Chlorination of effluent to kill bacteria

or remove traces of photographic flags.

4. Annual sludge disposal in which the removal

of sludge from the system would require a weekend shut-down. The solids

removed could be trucked to a land fill site or incinerated.

(4) Costs:

(a) To reduce the BOD in this effluent by 140,000 Ibs

02 per year (385 Ibs/day), an AS system having a capacity of 75,000 to

100,000 gallons would be required. The dimensions of the AS unit would

be approximately 24-·ft wide, 50-ft long, and 10-ft high; the initial cost

* would be $75,000 to $100,000 •

(b) Annual operating costs would be $15,000 for utilities,

power, heat, etc.; plus, labor (one,-half man) estimated at $10,000. The

estimated cost of treating all processing wastes from this department would

therefore be about $25,000 per year or about $0.015 per liter ($0.0:)5 per

gallon) of used processing solution.


NOTE: All of the processing wastewater would

be treated, including rinse water; this

estimate is based on the combined volwnes'

of used developer, fixer, arrest and dye­

removal bath.

This estimate is based upon the performance of a pilot unit (12 ft x 10 ft x 25 ft) treating 20,000 gallons of photographic wastes per day. The BOD is reduced from about 200 ppm to 20 ppm which is equivalent to 36 Ibs BOD per day.

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(5) Conclusions:

(a) A single aeration tank AS unit or a trickling­

filter tank would adequately pretreat the department wastewater for dis­

charge to t'he sewer.'

(b) Size requirements would probably prohibit adoption

of this treatment method.

d. Chemical Precipitation:

(1) General:

(a) The chemical treatment of photographic wastes has

been considered by several authors. Mohanrao et a19 cited the effects

of alum, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate" lime and their combinations

on composite photographic wastes. Lime and alum were found to have some

abatement effects; i.e., reduction in color, COD, and dissolved solids


(b) . EustancelO

described methods and equipment for

chemical abatement by precipitation.. Facilities for flocculation, sludge

removal, and vacuum drying of solids are required.

(c) A study was made of the solubility data of compounds

which could be removed from photographic wastes by chemical means; from

this study, it was concluded that:

1. The addition of lime followed by floccula'tion

should significantly reduce total dissolved solids. Ions precipitated

would include phosphates, carbonates, borates, and ferri/ferro cyanide


2. Some "toxic" constituents are reduced; i.e.,

some organics are adsorbed, or absorbed by the precipitate, and ammonium

content is reduced.

1. The color of the effluent is appreciably :ceduced.

4. Chemical treatment with lime and/or alum is not

adequate for removing those constituents of photographic wastes which have

a high oxygen demand.

9,10 See References.

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(2) Heavy Me.tal Precipitation:

(a.) The sulfi tes and thiosulfates of most commercial

coagulants ,or flocculents are too soluble to remov:e appreciable am01'illts

of these ions. Only the lead and barium salts of these cations are in­

soluble. However, since both lead and barium are highly toxic, meticulous . control would be required to prevent these cations from being used in

excess amounts.

(b) To reduce the BOD/COD load caused by sulfite (803


and thiosulfate (82°3=) by chemical precipitation, two methods may l)e


1. Precipi tation with lead or barium ions, or

2. Oxidation of 8°3- and 82°

3- to sulfate (S04 =) ,

followed by precipitation with lime,.

(c) Precipitation of sulfites and thiosulfates with

lead or barium would remove 45 to 50% of the BOD/COD load. The use of the

cheaper chemical (barium chloride) 'il'Ould require 2 Ibs of BaC12 • 2H20 for

every pound of hypo or sodium sulfii;e. Two pounds of solids (Ba804

) would

be produced for each pound 0f hypo or sodium sulfite treated. The barium

sulfate could be used for other purposes; e.g., sizing, baryta, etc.

(3) Lime Precipi tatior~:

(a) For security reasons, it might be desirable to remove

from the oxidized effluent as much of the sulfate and chloride as possible

after hypochlorination, ozonation ,'biochemical treatment, or alkaline chl0ri­

nation. Precipitati0n with lime (CaO) removes most, of the sulfate as calcium

sulfate (Ca804 .2H20).

(b) The following equations give the approximate amount

of lime required and the weight ratios of solids precipitated per unit

weight of hypo or sodium sulfate treated:

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°2 Na2S203.5H20------,J .... 2S04 (Hypo)

= +

(1) --------. (0.77) + (8.45) ----+-(1.38)

= Na2S03


(1)-----;..,.-( 0 0 76) + (0.445 )----to-( 1036)


(2 )

For each pound of hypo (Na2S203.5H20) or sodium sulfite, about 0.45 Ib of

lime will be required to adequately precipitate the sulfate ion. Since

there will be some moisture in the precipitated solids, there will -be about

1. 5 Ibs of solids per pound o-f hypo or sulfite treated.

(4) Costs:

(a) The chemical costs for precipitation with ba~ium

chloride have been estimated as follows:

1. For treating Na2S03

: $0.20 per

2. For treating Na2S203·5H20 ("Hypo") : $0.20 per

1· For treating a typical fixer: $0.08 to



0.10 per gallon

Annual cost for barium chloride to remove 45 to 50% of the BOD/COD load

by chemical precipitation would be about $31,000. (Cost of BaC12 .2H20 = $200/ton) •

(b) The cpemical costs for precipitating sulfates with

lime are as follows:

1. Lime:

2. Each pound of sodium sulfite or hypo oxidized to sulfite:

(c) Capital costs would be:


$0.005 per Ib

1. Two 3000-gallon tanks $ 6,000

2. pH controller 1,000

3. Lime storage, mix tank and dispenser 3,000

4. Vacuum or drum filter 0_5 ,000

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Total $15,000

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(d) Cost to operate the system:

1. One ~an half-time:

2. Utilities:



Total $12,000 per year

(e) The chemical costs for hypo chlorination and chemical

precipitation with calcium hypochlorite (HTH) are discussed in paragraph

4.e.(5)(c) on page 36.

(5) Conclusions:

(a) No known single method or combination of chemical

treatment methods is adequate for treating processing wastes and maintaining

operational security.

(b) Chemical costs for barium or lead salts are high in

proportion to the limited reduction in BOD/COD obtained by precipitation

with a heavy metal.

(c) With no preliminary oxidation, treating wastewater

of this department with lime will give only a 10 to 15% reduction in BOD/COD

and a 30 to 40% decrease in total salt content. The effluent from this

abatement step will still contain numerous "flags" of photographic :~rocessing;

thus post-treatment will be necessary.

(d) The oxidation and precipitation could be carried out

simultaneously with a bleaching agent such as calcium hypochlorite (HTH).

Estimates indicate that 30 to 60% of the BOD/COD could be removed by treat­

ment with HTH.

(e) About 1 Ib of bleaching powder (HTH, Maxoclor, or

70% available, C12 as calcium hypochlorite) would be required to treat each

liter of effluent from a typical processor.

(f) If the sulfite and thiosulfate are first oxidized

to the sulfate, then precipitation 'with lime will be adequate to remove

dissolved solids. Oxidation of the effluent may be by chlorination or by

biochemical means (activated sludge tank, trickle filter, lagoons, etc).

Subsequent treatment with lime would produce an effluent having a solids

content of about 2000 ppm and having practica+ly no oxygen demand'.

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(g) Treatment of the combined effluent with lime would

require 0.45 Ib of slaked lime for every pound of hypo or sodium sulfite

oxidized by treatment methods. In both instances, 1. 5 Ibs of solids could

be separated for lan'd diE?posa1.

(h) A disposal area for solids would be required.. About

two pounds of solids would have to be dumped for each pound ·of solute removed

from the processing effluent.

e. Chlorination:

(1) General:

(a) Literature l l.-14 on chlorination of industrial wastes

indicates that alkaline chlorinati,on should be a complete treatment for all

used photographic solutions; this method of treatment:

1. Reduces BOD/COD load by oxidation of sul:fi te,

thiosulfate, and organics; examples are:·

H3 C COOH + 02

(Acetic acid)

20 Destroys toxic materials; an exampl.e is:

1. Chemically changes/removes processing flags;

(2 )

(4 )

two examples are:

(' -3 (0)

Fe GN) 6 -Cl-2-:"':+:":-N-a--=-0 H----:JJPIJP Fe ( OH ) 3 ~ + 6 CO 2 t

+ .3N2 t + H20 + NaCl

11-14 See References.

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(5 )

(6 )

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4. Oxidizes organics; an example is:

(b) There are tvto methods 0f applying chlorine. Chlorine

gas may be injected into an effluent stream from a liquified chlorine source,

or by hypochlorination. Hypochlorinati0n can be achieved by treating the

wastewater with a solution of sodi~~ hypochlorite (15% by wt NaOC1) or with

a solid chlorine-bleach, such ascalctum hypochlorite (HTH) which generally

contains about 70% by wt available chlorine.

(c) Modern equipment for applying chlorine gas is rela­

tively simple, inexpensive, and s-afe. The chlorine source and storage may

be distant from the chlorination site. The transfer of the chlorine from the

supply to the injection eQuipment may be made entirely in the gaseous phase

via supply lines under a partial vacuum.

(d) Theoretically, for each pound of chemical 0X:f.gen

demand removed from the effluent, at least 4.43 Ibs of gaseous or "available"

chlorine are reQuired. However, the oxidation of some processing pollutants

requires only small amounts of chlorine and caustic. For example, to oxidize

1 Ib of sodium sulfite to sulfate reQuires 0.53 Ib of chlorine plus an equal

weight of caustic*. To oxidize 1 Ib of s0dium thiosulfate, 1.10 Ibs of

chlorine and 1. 6 Ibs of caustic are reQuired. The complete oxidation of

many compounds necessitates that the chlorination take place in an alkaline

solution (pH = 10 to 12). For many organics, the weight ratio of caustic to

chlorine is greater than 2 or 3 to one.

(e) Alkaline chlorination will thus introduce at least

9 Ihs of dissolved solids (sodium chloride, etc.) for each pound of COD

removed. Post-treatment of the chlorinated effl~ent with lime and/or sulfuric

acid could be used to lower the pH and to remove some of the total dissolved


* See eQuation (1)" on previous page

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(2) Hypochlorination of Fixers:

(a) Experimenta*. In the laboratory, 50cc of used de­

silvered (sodium thiosulfate) fixer were treated with 5-gram additions of

calcium hy:pochlorite (HTH - 70% available chlorine). The tan, voluminous,

fine precipitate was filtered and the filtrate again treated with a 5-gram

portion of HTH. After four such treatments, the solids were white in color

and no further chlorination occurred. The filtrate was slightly green in

color and highly acidic (pH 'V 1. 0). The filtrate was then titrated with a

lime slurry until alkaline. Additional white solids were formed and these

were allowed to settle. The supernatent liquid was then clear and color­


(b) Results:

1. At the end of the fourth treatment with HTH

(20 grams), a test for thiosulfate was negative.

2. The COD of the filtrate was found to be

10,000 ppm.

1. After treatment with lime, the total solids

content of the filtrate measured about 17 g/1.

(c) Conclusions:

1. The reduction of BOD/COD in a typical (sodium)

fixer solution was 85% complete. Treatment with calcium hypochlorite

oxidized only the sulfite and thiosulfate.

2. Acetic acid and other organic sources of BOD

or COD were not removed by chlorine under these acidic conditions by


3. The use of calcium hypochlorite caused preci­

pitation of some of the sulfates (formed by chlorination of sulfite and

thiosulfate) as'CaS04' reducing the dissolved solids content of the


4. Considerable heat is liberated in th!'O process.

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TOft SECRETI BI F_008_B-00624-1-70-

(3) HyPochlorination of Bleach:

(a) E.xperimentaJ~. Exactly 10cc of a used bleach solu­

tion was diluted to about 50cc with water and then treated with 10 grams

of HTH. No reaction was apparent; i.e., no color changes, heating, gasing,

etc. A second sample of diluted bleach was made alkaline (pH~ 10) with

NaOH and then similarly treated with 10 grams of HTH. Some lessening in

color and heating occurred. After 1 hour, the pH was again adjusted to 10

or greater and an additional 10 grams of HTH was added. I (b) Results and Conclusion. The fil tr.ates from ·bleach

samples treated with HTH consistently gave a positive tesk for ferricyanide.

The de·struction of ferri/ferro bleach by hypochlorination is not feasible.

(4) Hypochlorination of Photographic Syntheltic Effluents:

'(a) Preparation of, Two Synthetic Efflu'ents. To study

treatment methods for the combination of processing SOlut!ions; developers,

arrests, dye-removal baths, and fixer processing SOlutionis were com'bined in

the proper proportions to obtain two types of concentrateld photogra:phic -- I synthetic effluents. These two concentrated effluents .are similar, except

that Type A Effluent contained a used, desilvered sodium ~hiosulfate (F-6)

fixer, whereas, an ammonium thiosulfate fixer (KRF-type) was added :in

Type B Effluent. Selection of the types and the·relative volumes of each

processing solution was based upon usage data during a typical mission.

Table 5 summarizes the make-up, composition, and gives some of the Ilhysical

and chemical properties of these effluents.

(b) Experimental.. One hundred mls of a concentrated

synthetic effluent consisting of the proper ratio of fresh develope:r, used,

desil vered fixer, arrest, and dye-removal baths (see Table 5) were diluted

to about 1 liter and treated with HTH. Variables in these experiments

included the' adjustment of pH with caustic solution, repeated addit:Lons

of HTH, heating, and allowing the treated samples to stand overnight.

COD measurements were made on the clear filtrates. Table 5a summarizes

the variables and the results.

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TOP SECR!Ti BI F_OOB_B-00624-I-70-

Table 5

Make-Up, Composition, and Properties of Synthetic Processing Ef~luents


Processirt~ Solution

Developer Developer Arrest Dye-Removal Bath Dye-Removal Bath Fixer Type


Dissolved Inorganic Salts Dissolved Organic Salts Dissolved Organic Liquids



#699 !i'MPG-I06

SB-5 (Sulfi te) (Caustic) A or Type B*



g/l or

73.0 12.2 17 .8


Composition (ml/l)


412 71

370 23.5 23.5



% b;Z wt

6.85 1.15 1.67



82.0 12.1 19.3




or 0.86 Ib/gal or 0.94.


% b;Z wt

7.77 1.15 1.83



C. Pro;perties


Specific Gravity (at 70F)' pH (at 70F) Viscosity (Brookfield at 70F) Freezing Point Ash (Incinerated) Color Oxygeri Demand (g O2 per liter):

COD (Theoretical) COD (Observed) BOD (Observed)

Chlorine Demand (g C12 per liter):


Type A

1.062 6.91 500 cps 26F 6.75% Amber

48.8 47.0 36.3


Type A Effluent: F -6 (Sodi urn hypo); Type B Effluent:

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.'!TIle B

1.054 6.87 700 cps 261" 6.75% Amber

79 .. 2 53 .. 0 42 .. 0


KRF (Ammoni urn hypo)

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(b)(1) I


(b)(1 ) (b)(3)

[ Approvecrfor Release: 2018/06-/25C05039582 [(--1 U - 1 r

Table 5A

Hypochlorination of Type A Processing Effluent* . Sodium Hydroxide

Temp pH Added Chlorine Source COD Test No ./Sample i.!:.L (at 70F) (grams) and . Amount ~ Notes --

ll. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 6-8 0.0 Og HTH** 4,400 Before dilution COD is approximately 44,000 ppm

a. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 7.90 0 25g HTH 3,096 b. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 8.22 0 50g HTH 2,836

12. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 6-8 0 Og HTH 4,400 a. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 12-13 10 25g HTH 2,568 b. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 12-13 20 75g HTH 2,530

13~ Type A - 100 mls 150-160 6-8 0 Og HTH 4,400 a. Type A - 100 mls 150-160 61-8 0 50g HTH 2.700

w b. Type A - 100 mls 150-160 12.0 10 50g HTH 2,700 .j::"""

Type A - 100 mls 150-160 11.8 20 SOg HTH 2,400 c. d. Type A - 100 mls 150-160 12.3 30 50g HTH 2.400 e. Type A 100 mls 150-160 12.1 20 75g HTH 2,350 f. Type A - 100 mls 150-160 11.8 20 100g HTH 2,368

14. Type A - 100 mls 120-160 6-8 0 Og HTH 4,400 a. Type A - 100 mls 120-160 12-13 10 25g HTH 2,648 Let stand for 5 hours b. Type A - 100 mls 120-160 12.45 20 50g HTH 1,890

15. Type A - 100 mls 80-90 6-8 0 Occ Bleach*** 4,400 tD

a. Type A ':'" 100 mls 80-90 13.4 35 150cc Bleach 2,896 Let stand for 30 minutes "T1 I

b. Type A - 100 mls 150-160 13.5 35 150cc Bleach 2,900 Let stand for 30 minutes 0 0

g~ 00 I

:> :> tel .-+0. I d CD fl nn ml",)

0 * Before hypochlorination, the sa.>nple -r.·ras diluted t8 1000 mls. (b)( 1 )

,--, ., \-'- ........ J.~ .. -'- oJ I 0\ en -. I\) '< I»

** (70% available C12

) '" Commercial grade of calcium hypochlorite (b)(3) +:-'-+tD I ~ -<

(15% by wt NaOC1) H

o~ *** Commercial solution of sodium hypochlorite I ----1 =.,. 0

'< :z: I

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TOf' SECRETI BI F_008_B-00624-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

(c) Results:

1. The simple bleaching of a combined photographic

effluent with calcium hypochlorite at room ambient temperature and without

caustic additions reduced COD by about 64%. The addition of caust:Lc to

adjust the pH between 12 and 13 increased the chlorination slightly, but

half (58%) of the COD still remained (2530 ppm).

2. When the hypochlorination was carried out at

150 to 16oF, the chlorination was more complete (53%), leaving an effluent

with a COD of 2350 ppm. After standing for 5 hours at 120 to 16oF, about

60% of the COD was removed, leaving an effluent having a COD of ab~mt

1890 ppm.

1. Hypochlorination with a 15% solution of sodium

hypochlorite did not achieve more than a 35% reducion in COD, leav:i..ng an

effluent with an oxygen demand of about 2900 ppm.

(5) Alkaline Chlorination of Processing Solutions:

(a) EX1Perimenta1. A small chlorinator was assembled

from a 250-ml glass measuring cylinder and a sintered-glass bubbler tube.

A I-lb lecture-bottle cylinder of chlorine was used as the gas SOill~ce. A

known volume of the used processing solution was diluted (as required) and

added to the measuring cylinder. 'rhe pH was raised to 10 - 12 by adding

caustic solution (50% by wtNaOH). Chlorine gas was introduced ai., a con­

stant rate (0.5 l/min = 1.0 g/min) for periods up to an hour. The temper­

ature was monitored to determine rate of oxidation. The pH was checked

periodically and caustic added to maintain a high degree of alkalinity

(pH 'V 10 to 13). Table 6 lists some of the test details for processing

solutions discussed below.

1. Fixer:

a. A typical sodium thiosulfate fixer, ,having

a theoretical COD of 105 grams of 02 per liter of fixer, has a (theoretical)

chlorine demand of 465 grams of available chlorine (Chlorine Demand =

4.43 x Oxygen Demand, theoretically). Thus, to completely reduce the COD

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Table 6

Alkaline Chlorination of Processing Solutions

Chlorine Time Caustic Solution Temperature Rate Weight COD*

Test No. Solution: Sample (min) (mls) (NaOH(g) ) (oC) (l/min) . (g) (ppm)

9. Color Bleach: 100 mls 0 100 76 22 0.5 0 [2-57 ,50eD (Regenerated ferricyanide)

a. 30 +50 114 44 0.5 30 4,800 b. 60 +50 152 55 0.5 ·60 4,600 c. 75 60 0.5 75 6,800

10. Viscous Developer: 100 mls 0 100 76 23 0.5 tl (25,00rD

a. 15 65 0.5 15 <3,500 b. 20 +50 114 100 0.5 20 <3,500 c. 30 67 0.5 30 <3,500

~ll. Arrest Bath: 100 mls 0 100 76 23 0·5 0 1}9,000)

a. 15 45 0.5 15 8,600 b. 30 +50 114 65 0.5 30 5,400 c. 45 '\,60 0.5 45 3,500

12. Developer: 100 mls 0 100 76 25 0.5 0 [16,000)

a. 15 55 0.5 15 9,000 b. 30 +25 95 60 0.5 30 <3,500 c. 45 65 0.5 45 3,200 a:J

[ro,oooJ ."

5 . Sodium Fixer: 100 mls 0 50 38 22 0.5 0 I 0

g; 0

a. 5 56 0.5 5 ex> :> :> I r+Q.

b. 76 td ., - 10 +50 50 0.5 10 o CD I '< c. 30 +50 114 30 0·5 30 . 4,500 0

~ \.i.i-' 0 '<. II> (cooled) 0\ II> f\) r+a:J

d. 45 +50 152 28 0.5 45 5,000 -I=""' ~ -< I o~ H

~. I --..:J

'< :z 0 I

* COD values in brackets [ ] are theoretical values of the diluted sample ;. (b)( 1 ) all others are observed values on the chlorinated samples. (b)(3)


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TOP5ECRETI"--__ ---' BIF_008-B-00~24-I-70-

of a 100-ml sample of fixer, about 46.5 grams of chlorine are required.

In addition, about 50 grams of sodium hydroxide would be theoretica~ly

needed to maintain the alkalinity level during complete chlorination.

b. In the laboratory experiment (Test Nb. 5;

see Table 6), the temperature began to drop significantly after chlorina­

tion had proceeded for 20 minutes, indicating that the rate of oxidation

was decreasing. After 30 minutes of chlorination (30 grams of C12 )" the

effluent had the lowest COD; i. e., 4500 ppm * . c. Taking into account the dilution factor,

about 90% of the COD was removed in less than 30 minutes by 60 grams

(or less) of chlorine and. 75 grams of NaOH.

2. Viscous Developer:

a. In Tests No. 10 and 12 (see Table 6)"

100 mls of a typical viscous developer were chlorinated. After only

15 minutes, the COD of the effluent reached a minimum. Continued

chlorination did not reduce the COD below 3200 ppm.

b. The theoretical COD of this developer'

solution was 50.4 grams of O2

per liter. The chlorine demand of 100 mls

was therefore 22.5 grams of C12 • After 15 minutes of chlorination, the

COD therefore was reduced by about 85%.

1. Stop Batl~:

a. A 100-ml ·sample of arrest bath was diluted

with an equal volume of caustic solution and the mixture chlorinated for

one hour. The COD values were g600 ppm after 15 minutes (and 15 grams of


); 5400 ppm after 30 minutes (and 30 grams of C12 ); and 3500 ppm after

45 minutes (and 60 grams of C12 ). The theoretical COD is 38.4 grams of


or 170 grams of C12 per liter.

* These COD values were determined by the standard dichromate method. They are not corrected for chloride content; thus, these values may be 1 to 5% high. For this reason, continued ch10rination of samples usually gave slightly higher values of COD.

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOrI SECRET\ \ BI F_008_B-00624-I-70-

b. After twice the amoUY).t of chlorine had been

added, the COD was reduced by only 55%; after four times the requil;ed

chlorine, 28.5% of the COD remained; EjIld after 5.3 times the theoretical

chlorine consumption, about 18% of the initial COD stlll remained.

(b) Summary:

1. The sto:ichiometric ratios of the "following

equations best. describe the alkaline chlorination of the major constituents

of these solutions:


.5H20 + 4C12 + 10NaOH--+-2Na2S04 + 8NaCl + 10H2



(1) + (1.15) + (1. 6) = (1.15) + (1. 88) + (0.72)


+ C12 + 2NaOH --..Na2S04 + 2NaCl + H20

(1) + (0.563) + (0.635) = (1.14) + (0.93) + (0.156)


CCOOfI + 2C12

+ 8NaOH ~ 2Na2


+ 4NaCl + 4H2


(Acetic acid)

(1) + (2.37) + (~.35) = (3.55) + (3.90) + (1.2)

(1 )

(2 )

2. For example, for every pound of hypo chlorinated,

1.15 Ibs of chlorine and 1.6 Ibs of sodium hydroxide ar.e. required and about

1015 Ibs of sodium sulfate and loSe Ibs of salt (NaCl) are produced.

(c) Costs:

1. The chemical costs for alkaline chlorination are

dependent upon: the volume and COD of the effluent; the source of the

chlorine; and the degree of oxid?-tion desired or required for acceptable


2. Tables 1 and 3 indicate that the theoretical

COD of all chemicals sewered for black-and-white processing at this install­

ation is 217,000 Ibs 0') per year. The average COD of the effluent is about L

1750 ppm *. Acceptable pollution control would require sufficient oxidation

* Also, see Table 5

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TOP' SI:CRET"---I __ B I F -008- B-00624-I-70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

of the effluent so that the -BOD5

would be about 300 ppm. This would call

for an effluent·with a COD not. greater than 500 ppm; or, the removal of

70 to 75% of the total COD. Annually, about 150,000 Ibs of COD should be

removed by chlorination.

1. Adequate chlorination of the effluent to

guarantee operational security will require a thorough oxidation of the

effluent, including destruction of organics. If organics are destroyed,

about 200,00.0 Ibs of COD must be removed by alkaline chlorination. The

weight ratio of caustic to chlorine required in. this case would be high;

probably, about two to one.

i. The quantity cost for chlorine varies from about

$0.04 to 0.23 per Ib, depending upon source and container size (see

Table 7). Sodium hydroxide is commercially available at $0.07 per Ib as

a 50% (by wt) caustic solution.

2,0 If' chlorine is purchased in I-ton cylinders,

the chlorine cost wil;L be $0.27 per Ib of COD removed. The caustic

requirement is estimated at 1. 5' Ibs of sodium hydroxide for each 11) of

chlorine; cost is $0.47 per Ib of COD. The estimated chemical cost for

aJ,.kaline chlorination therefore is about $0.74 per Ib of COD removed.

The adequate treatment of the department 'effluent thus will cost al)out

$150,000 per year for caustic and chlorine.

6. The cost of treating selected effluents would

be proportioned to their COD content. Developers and fixers carry about

100 gil of COD. Therefore, the' cos·t of completely reducing the oxygen

demand of these processing effluents is about $0.15 per liter. For arrest

baths, containing about 40 gil COD, the alkaline chlorination cost is

$0.06 per liter, and for a dye-removal bath (12 gil COD), about $0 .. 02

per liter. If the above used processing solutions are combined, the

estimated cost would be about $0.1:2 per J,.i ter.

I. Assuming that some ppst-treatment is required

to re-adjust pH, to remove dissolved solids, and to dispose of solids,

the annual cost for chlorination could be as high as $200,000.

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TOP SECR!TI I BI F_008_B-00624-I-70-

Table 7

Chlorine Sources and Chlor:ination Costs

Chlorine Source


Tank Car

I-Ton Cylinder

150-lb Cylinder

Sodium Hypochlorite (15% solution)

Calcium Hypochlorite (70% available C1


(per Chlorine Cost

Ib C]:21 (per Ib of GOD)

0.04 0.18

0.06 0.27

0.13 0.58

0.20' 0.89

0.23 1.02

Chlorination Cost* (per Ib of COD)






* Includes the cost of sodium hydroxide required (rati0 of NaOH to chlorine is 1. 5 by wt); based on NaOH costing $0.07 per lb. as a 50% by wt .caustic solution.

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TO' 5!CRETI I BI F_008_B-00624-I-70-

8. Treatment of the chlorinated effluent with lilrie

and sulfuric acid to lower pH and to remove some dissolved solids would cost

an additional $25,000.

2. Labor, estimated at one man full time, would cost

an additional $25,000.

as follows:

10. Facilities required for a chlorination .system are

a. Two chlorinators, including controls, safety switches, alarms, etc.

b. Chlorine storage, hoist, etc.

c. Two storage tanks, 3000 gal. size

d. Lime treatment and solids removal equipment

(d) Conclusions:







1. Hypochlorination will not adequately treat

processing wastes of this department.

2. Alkaline chlorination will satisfactorily reduce

the COD/BOD and destroy the processing flags of photographic wastes ..

1. The chlorinated effluent shoula be post-treated

to adjust acidity and to remove sulfates.

4. Capital costs for chlorination are· relatively

inexpensive; about $25,000.

.L. Chemical cost for chlorine ana caustic to

adequately treat department waste would be about $200,000 per year; about

$0.45 per gallon of (concentrated) processing solution.

6. These chemical .costs probably are too high to

consider this method of treatment.

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f. Evaporation:

(1) General:


(a) The evaporation or concentration of fluid wastes is 16-18 commonly used as an abatement step in the treatment of numerous wastes •

In photographic processing, the developers, fixers, and stop baths account

for most of the pollution while pollution from the dye-removal bath and

rinse water is small. By changing the plumbing of the machine, all of the

processing effluents could be combined and separated from the rinse water.

Thus, only 3 to 5% of the total department effluent need be treated by

evaporation; i. e., about 470,000 gallons per year (see Table 2).

(b) fi3everal types of equipment are commercially available

for the concentration of aqueous solutions:· single and multi-effect evapo­

ration will provide concentration of wastes batch-wise; thin-film e,vaporators

operate continuously to concentrate a fluid; and spray-dryers provide another

means of removing solids from an effluent. Labor requirements for ·batch

evaporators are generally higher than for continuous, thin-film evaporators.

Initial costs for continuous equipment are, however, higher.

(c) A disposal area for solids and trucking faci.H ties

to handle about 350 tons per year (7 tons per week) would be required.

(2) Experimental. A known volume of the processing solution

waS 'placed ina measuring beaker and allowed to evapGrate gently at its

boiling point on a hotplate. As the sample volume was reduced, it 1;.ras

periodically cooled to room ambient temperature and seeded to initiate

crystal formation.

(3) Results:

(a) Sodium Fixer::

1. Two liters of a (fresh) sodium fixer were placed

in a stainless steel dish and heated to the boiling point (216F) on a hot­

plate. After a 60% reduction in volume, the contents were allowed to cool

to room ambient temperature (80F). No solid phase formed.

16-18 See References.

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~. Evaporatton was continued giving an 80% reduction

in volume; then upon'cooling, a white solid cake of dry crystals formed,

which weighed 590 to 600 grams.

3. Sulphur dioxide was not detected (by odor).

(b) Combined Processing Solution:

1. One liter of a concentrated combined processing

solution (see paragraph 4.e.(4)(a) on page 31) was reduced in volume to

200 cc and allowed to cool. Some solids formed, but a liquid phase also


2. After reduction to only 100 cc, the residue

consisted primarily of light tan, granular solids; some liquid still


}. Upon reo_ucing the sample to 65 cc, no liquid

remained. The moist, light tan residue consisted of granular material as

well as strands of fibrous SDlids.



$0.05 per gallon.

4. Sulfur dioxiCLe was not detected during the


(a) Energy costs for evapDration would be about $0.04 to

If all of the processing effluents (excluding rlnse

water) were treated, the cost for steam 0r gas heat would be $20,000 to

$25,000 per year.

(b) In addition to the heat costs, additional expense

for packaging, trucking, and disposal of the solids is estimated at

$25,000 per year.

(c) Capital costs for large volume equipment (installed)

will be about $1.00 p~r gallon per day. However, thin-film evaporators or

small evaporative units are much more expensive: e.g., c0ntinuous C1)ncen­

trating system for 300 to 5000 gallons per CLay would cost about $50 ,000

to $75,000 (estimated).

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(5) Conclusion. Assuming a disposal site for solids is

available, the concentration of this department's processing effluent

by evaporatiGn or spray drying should be considered.

g. Pyrodecomposition:

(1) General.

(a) The Zempro Process (the high temperature wet oxidation

of fluid wastes) is a patented system for the smokeless incineration19- 21 of

biological wastes. The method has commonly been u~;,ed for the disposal of

the sludges from primary and secondary sewage treatment. The heat pro­

duced in large uni.ts is generally adequate fGrgenerating the electricity

required for operation of the sewage plant. The ash produced is almost

completely inorganic, innocuous, and biologically sterile.

(b) Recently, fluid waste b1.1rners have been designed

to vaporize and oxidize both aqueous and non-aqueous chemical wastes. If

the heat of e0mbusion of the solvent plus solute is above 75,000 BTU/gallon,

generally no supporting fuel is required. With aqueous wastes having

little or no calorific heat value, vaporization, thermal decomposition,

and oxidation are achieved by either an oil or gas-fired burner.

(c) Several manufacturers claim efficient and economical

application of wet incineration to aqueous wastes. Several eommercial

units are equipped with scrubber equipment to remove gas or particulate

air contaminants. The stack gases are generally colorless and odorless

due.to the high combustion temperatures (1000 to 2200F) and long dwell


(2) Experimental. Two synthetic processing wastes were

prepared from the proper proportions of developer, fixer, arrest, and

dye-removal solutions. (See Table 5). Samples of these effluents w"ere

sent to an outside laboratory for combusti0n tests.

(3) Results.

(a) The waste was found to have a very meager heat

value; i.e., 150 BTU/lb.

19-21 See References.

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(b) After ignition, the residue measured 6.75% by wt

of a highly-basic, water-soluble ash.

(4) Costs.

(a) Since there is very little ,fuel value to th!? solutes,

the energy costs will be about the same as for evafl0ration; 7,500 BTU per

Ib, qr $0.04 to 0.05 }'ler gallon.


(b) Costs for g~s and labor will be $55,000 per year.

(c) Equipment sized to handle 125 .gph will cost about

(5) Conclusions.

(a) Pyrodecompo~;ition of the more concentrated pro­

cessing effluents (i.e., developers and fixers) should be considered.

(b) Arrest and dye-removal baths could also be treated

by pyrodecomposition; but, there are more economical, adequate methods.

h. Ozonation:

(1) Description.

(a) An alternate chemical method of lowering the

BOD/COD, destroying toxic materials, and removing processing flags is

by ozonation. As in chlorination, sulfites and thiosulfates are oxidized

to sulfates, and other organics are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water.

Ozonation, however, does not add to the dissolved solids total as does


(b) Ozonation has been used in tertiary'treatment

plants on effluents cont~ining organics 22 • The destruction of cyanides

and ferri/ferro cyanides is reported to be more efficient by oz(mation ,

than by chlorination.

(c) Theoretically, 1. 5 Ibs of ozone are required for

each pound of COD or BOD removed.

(2) Costs.

(a) The electrical pGwer costs for the production of

ozone by an electrical generator is reported to be $0.15 per Ib of 03.

22 See References.

-,' 45

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The energy cost of reducing the COD by ozonation is therefore about $0.22

per Ib of oxygen demand, or about· one-third that of chlorination. Annually,

the power costs for producing the ozone required would cost $45,000; or,

about $0.10 per gallon of effluent treated.

(b) To produce the 300',000 Ibs /yr of ozone required by

the treatment center for this department, capital costs would be about


(3) Conclusions:

(a) Reduction of the COD/BOD and destruction of organics

by ozonation would be cheaper than by alkaline chlorination.

(b) Ozonation would not ~dd dissolved solids to the


(c) The major disadvantage to ozonation is the initial

cost of the ozone producing equipment.

i. Reverse Osmosis, Dialysis/Electrodialysis, and Ion E:xchange

(1) General:

(a) Applications for these physical methods are generally

limited to the pl.:l.rification of "brackish" waters or feed solutions having a

low solids content; i.e., 0.1 to 5%. Their main value is in water conserva­

tion and not as final-treatment methods for pollution control.

(b) Of these four physical methods, reverse o;:;mosis (RO)

has been most thoroughly investigated and tested for water conservation

with photographic processing solutions 23,.

(c) RO units employing cellulose acetate membranes have

been used to treat wash waters from the Versamat and other proces:30rs ~

Some specific findings from these studies are as follows:

1. The pH of the product water changes very little

with treatment.

2. The average retention ratios of most ions found

in processing effluents are high:

a. Thiosulfates (e.g., Na2S203)'- 97 to 1

b. Sulfites (e.g., Na2S03

) - 63 to l

c. Acetate (e.g., acetic acid) - 98/99 to 1

d. Ferri/ferro cyanides [:.g., Na4Fe(CN)6] - 98 to 1

23 See References.

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e. Bromides (e.g., NaBr) - 100 to 1

f. Dichromates (e.g., K2



) - 94 to 1

~. Hydroquinone - 88 to 1

3. Some compounds, however, have a very low

retenti on ratio:

Ei. Benzyl al'cohol - 8 to 1

b. Formalin - 4 to 1

c. Elan - 2 to 1

4. At an operating pressure of about 600 psi, RO

units tested with the Versamat (Model lIA) Processor satisfactorily puri­

fied wash water for re-use; these units cut consumption of water by 25%

without affecting the residual hypo level in the film processed.

5. For very dilute feeds, as with some rinse waters,

98% recovery of the water has been achieved. For more concentrated feeds,

the purified product may contain 10% of the initial impurity levels and

recover 90% of the water.

6. Flux rates obtainable will vary with fe'ed type

plus concentration, output rate aDd purity, pressure,' and membranes; but

a range is 0.05 to 0.30 gal/day/sq ft of membrane.

7. Commercially available units are offered by

several companies; the units vary in size from small laboratory experimental

models (2 gpm) to large industrial units (1 mgd).

(2) Costs:

(a) Operating costs (for utilities) are about $0.60

per 1000 gallons of reclaimed product.

(b) Capital costs for: typical large units are about

$1.00 per gallon per day. Thus, a unit to treat wash-water effluents of

this department would cost about ~S35 ,000.

(c) Small laboratory or experimental units can be

purchased for about $2000 and will deliver 2 or 5 gallons per minute.

(3) Conclusions:

(a) Reverse osmosis could be used to treat wash water;

this method will reduce wash-water consu~ption by 75%.

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TOP SeCReT! I BI F-OOB-B-00624-I-70-

(b) Dye-removal and arrest baths could be treated by

reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis 1ITould give a more concentrated (lOX)

effluent for disposal by other pollution methods and would give a purified

product that could be reused for wash water.

(c) The concentr(;l,ted effluent from a RO unit would

require treatment by other pollution methods, such as incineration, evapo­

ration, chlorination, etc.

5. Separate versus Combined Treatment:

a. As indicated by Paragraph 3.c. (3)(d) on page 17, the 'Nash

water effluents require no treatment and may be sewered directly. All

other processing effluents will require some treatment, either to reduce

pollution or to maintain operational security.

b. The separate treatment of arrest and dye-removal baths by

reverse osmosis (RO) is the cheapest method studied. The concentrated

stream could then be treated by evaporation or pyrodecomposition and the

purified produc·t water reused. (If water conservation were a prime

objective, the RO equipment should be sized to treat the wash water,

jointly. )

c. Developers and fixer baths are adequately treated by bio­

chemical oxidation, alkaline chlorination, evaporation/concentration,

pyrodecomposi tion, or ozonation. Thes'e effluents could be treated

separately or in combination by these abatement methods., A study of

the costs (see Table 8), however, indicates that there are no savings

in operating costs by considering separate treatment of developer or

fixer by these methods. Developers and fixers should be combined.

d. If RO equipment is used for concentrating the dye-removal

and arrest baths or wash water, these concentrates also should be com­

bined with the used developer and fixer solutions.

6. Acceptable Treatment Methods:

a. Biochemical Oxidation:

(1) A biological treatment tank sized to handle about 500 lbs

of BOD in 40 to 60,000 gallons /da;.'f would be the cheapest treat)Uent studied.

An activated-sludge system would require an estimated tank volume of

12,000 cu ft. The effluent then could be sewered without further treatment.

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f -~ r.- ~. lL --~ I , I

Table 8

Estimated Costs of ~ollution Abatement Proposals

Capacity Required

Annual volume (liters)

Daily' average (liters/day)

Treatment ~etpods


Initial Cost (Equip. + Install.)

Operating Cost (Labor, Chemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 liters

Biochemical oxidation ~ . (Note 2)

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

Initial cost (equip. + Install.)

Operating Cost (Labor, Chemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 liters.

Annual Operating Cost**

Alkaline Chlorination (Note 2)

Initial cost (equip. + install.)

Operating Cost (Labor, Chemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 lite~s

Annual Oper~ting Cost

Concentrated Processing Effluent* Developers




$ 5.00





$ 120





$ 2.00



Arrest Fixers Baths





Partial Note 4

$ 13.00



$ 60


Dye Removal






$ 4.00

$ 20


Wash Water

lLf, 000,000


Note 3

Note 1

Note 1

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

* This effluent contains all of the used processing solutions (i.e., developer, fixer, arrest bath, and dye­removal bath); ~ash (rinse) water is excluded from this effluent.

** Determined by multiplying Annual Volume (liters) by Operating Cost per 1000 liters.

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582


." I o o 00 I tJ:j I o o U\ [\) .j::"


-.l o I

Vl o

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

g;; :::> :::> .... a. , -o ClI

< (I) -. ,<D> en .... CD ~ -< o~ =-:1> '< :z:

Table 8 (cont'd)

Estimated Costs of Pollution Abatement Proposals

Treatment Methods (continued)


Initial cost (equip. + install.)

Operating cost (labor, Chemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 liters

Annual Operating Cost


Initial Cost (equip. + Install.)

Operating Cost (Labor, Chemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 liters

AmlUal Operating Cost


Initial Cost (equip. + install.)

Operating Cost (Labor, Chemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 liters

Annual Operating Cost

Reverse Osmosis

Initial Cost (equip. + Install.)

Operating Cost (Labor,Cbemicals, Power, etc.) per 1000 liters

Annual Operating Cost

Concentrated Processing Effluent Developers Fixers








$ 40


Note 4

$32.00 $35. 00


$ 50 $ 50

Note 4 Note 4

NOTES: (1) Included in treatment of concentrated processing solution. (2) Applies to all effluents, including wash water. (3) No treatment required. (4) Method does not apply.

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Arrest Baths



$ 20


.Dye Removal




$ 10

$~O. 20

Wash Water

Note 3

Note 3

Note 3

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)





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(2) The annual operating cost is estimated at $25,000 per year

.(or $15.00 per 1000 liters). The initial cost of the facility, about

:~lOO ,000.

b. Evaporation/Concentration:

(1) This second choice of treatment is predicated upon the

location of a sui table means of solids disposal, either by land-fill or

by incineration. Maintaining operational security would reQuire special

procedures in the disposal of the solids.

(2) The energy costs of concentrating photographic processing

solutions are comparable to those for biochemical treatment. Solids

disposal will double the operating expense estimated at $55,000 per year.

c. Pyrodecomposition~

(1) The incineration of the concentrated fluid w'aste has

the advantage of destroying all of the processing chemicals. The remain­

ing solids (mostly sodium sulfate) therefore are innocuous and may be

sewered without jeopardizing security. Solids or residue disposal are not

a problem, since their removal is l)y the stack-gas scrubber:, this effluent

may be sewered.

(2) The eQuipment and full costs for pyrodecomposition are

higher than for evaporation.

d. Ozonation:

(1) Treatment of all processing effluents, im:luding rinse

water, with ozone is also an acceptable method.

(2) The electrical costs for ozonation are cheaper than the

chemical costs for alkaline chlorination. However, eQuipment for producing

the ozone reQuired for this installation is expensive; ab0ut $500,000.

e. Reverse Osmosis (RO):

(1) RO eQuipment would adeQuately treat arrest and dye­

removal baths. If evaporation, pyrodecomposi tion, or trucking of the con­

centrated developer and fixer are adopted, the arrest and dye-removal

effluents should be pretreated by RO. The concentrated product can then

be treated along with the developer and fixer.

(2) Initial cost for RO eQuipment to treat arrest and dye­

removal baths would be $35,000. The annual operating cost for labor,

chemicals, power, etc. will be about $7,500 per year.

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 TOP SECRETI I BI F_008_B-00624-I-10-


1. Introduction

a. Treatment studies indicated that either one of two approaches

should be made towards acceptable pollution control· for· the department:·

(1) All effluents from the department, including rinse

water, should either be treated by alkaline chlorination or by a biolo­

gical oxidation system; i. e., activated-sludge Gr trickling filter; or

(2) The used processing solutions should be combined (rinse

water excluded), and this concentratea waste treated either by incineration

or by evaporation/concentration.

b. To determine performance aata on actual processing waste

samples, two synthetic waste concentrates were prepared from used pro­

cessing solutions. Both effluents are representative of wastes anti­

cipated in 1970 ana 1971. They are similar in composition, except that

Type A effluent contains used, desilvered, sodium fixer solution; whereas

the desilvered ammonium (KRF-type) fixer was used in Type B effluent

(See Table 5). 8. Evaporation/Concentration

a. General: A dozen or more manufacturers of evapor.ation

equipment were contacted and given general information on the volume and

properties of the waste to be concentrated. The problem was described

to each equipment manufacturer as follows: Evaporate 2000 to 3000 gallons/

day of an aqueous waste containing about 1 Ib/gallon of aissolved s01ids.

Depending upon the response received., follow-up included requests for rough

sketches and. price estimates, pilot-tests, or interviews with techn:lcal


b. Preliminary Investigation. Numerous types of equipment were

proposed by the following companies which responded to inquiries from

this department:

(1) Acme Process Equipment Co. Acme proposed a rotary

concentrator having approximately 1400 ft2 of surface area. Their c:on­

centrator·units measure 110 ft2

/modu1e, necessitating some 13 units at

a cost of $150,000. Drives and other equipment were estimated at an

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 B I F-008- B-00624-I-70-TOP SECRE'f1 I

additional $25,000 for an estimated equipment cost in excess of $1"(5,000.

Ne further action was taken after examination of their initial quotatien.

(2) Zoremba Company. Representatives of the Zoremba Co.,

which designs and makes many different tYFes of evaporator/concentration

equipment, indicated their unit would require 75-100 ft2 of evaporation

surface area. The unit would be 4 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft high and, with all

accessery equipment, would cost about $28,000. Delivery would be in

4 to 5 months from final design and. placement of order.

(3) Thermal Research and Engineering Corp. A submerged

combustion unit to concentrate the effluent was Froposed. by Thermal

Research and Engineering Corp. Estimated size of the evaporator unit

would be 3-1/2 ft in diameter x 4 ft high, not including a 1. 25 million

BTU/hI' burner unit (fuel oil or gaB-fired) and a blower to supply 12:50

cu ft/hr of hot air. The estimated cost quoted was $10,000. The sub­

merged combust.ion unit would also require solids removal equipment, such

as a rotary vacuum filter. Heat recovery from the unit was not deemed


(4) Artisan Industries. An Artisan "Rothotherm" evaporator

was demonstrated. This unit is best described as a non-mechanical thin­

film evaporator. Estimated size to handle 125 gallons/hour was 4 ft x

6 ft x 27 ft high with equipment costs of $10.,000 to $12,000 without

accessory instrumentation.

(5) Stern-Rogers. As a result of their studies on an

effluent sample supplied them, Stern-Rogers proposed a Rotary Dehydrator

(Drawing #13209/2). The direct-fired concurrent-flow unit would be about

3 ft in diameter x 12 ft long, including the refractory-lined air heater,

burner, and connections. Including a fan, damper, dust collector, and

all controls, the system was estimated to cost $24,800.

(6) Swenson. The Swenson Division of Whiting Corp. proposed

a standard single-effect long tube vertical evaForator unit. Estimated

cost for the evaporator, condenser, mounts, and controls would be $18,000 •

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A rotary vacuum filter syqtem for solids removal would be reCluired at an

additional unspecified cost.

(7) Batch Evaporators.. Single-effect evaporator uni t:3 can

be purchased Gr fabricated to evaporate 750 gallons per 8-hour trick.

Estimated costs of ope'ration are $150/day for 1500 gallons/day, bas'2d on

two-trick operation. This includes clean out, re-filling, and nece3sary


c. Pilot-Tests

(1) Pfaudler (Div. of Sybron) Thin-Film Evaporation

(a) Testing., A feasibility study using a 2-inch Wiped

Film Eyaporator Unit (WFE) indicated that waste from this department could

be concentrated and .so to 90% of the water removed by single or multiple

passes through their pilot unit. Consequently, arrangements were made

for shipping 100 gallons of Type A Effluent (See Table 5) to Pfaudler's

and for copducting a pilot-test on their 12-incll WFE unit.

(b) Results. Table 9 summarizes the results of these

pilot runs. The COD measurements on the distillate fractions were deter­

mined by a standard analytical method 24 The pilot test indicated that

the Pfaudler unit was not capable of more than a 65% distillate-to-residue

spli t,~ , The apparent reason for this low efficiency was due to the (~logging

of the unit by the 'formation 'of a ,gelatinous residue, which attached itself

to the ~iper blaQes. Further examination of the unit revealed that the

many entrainment separators, wiper blade flanges, and other component

ledges offered numerous points for the solidified residue to become

trapped. The best performance in terms of distillate properties was

obtained wllen the unit was operating under a vacuum. At a reduced pressure

of 120 nun (abs), the COD of the distillate was well under 1000 ppm, as

compared with 2000 to 3000 ppm for operation at atmospheric pressure.

24 See References.

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~ 14

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19 26

Jacket Temp (F)













Table 9

Pfaudler's Wiped Film Evaporat0r Pilot-Test

(Selected Runs)

Rotor Pressure Feed Speed Rate (rpm) (mm 0f Hg) (lbsLhr)

280 760 195 280 760 137 280 760 117 280 760 117 280 760 123

280 760 93 100 76iJ 87

150 760 97 280 120 145

280 120

280 760 . 108

280 7tD 103

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Distillate Split

(%) 38


73 86

85 ()~





65 62

COD of Distillate


















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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

l TOI~ SECRET! _ BI F-OOB-B-o0624-1-70-

(c) Conclusions: The Pfaudler thin-film evaporator will

not adequately concentrate effluent of this department without major rede­

sign to avoid clogging problems 25.

(2 )Votator "Turba-Film" Evaporator:"

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

"( a) Testing. During two days of testing, thirteen pilot

runs were made using a 1 sq-ft thin-film evaporator unit at the Lousville, Ky,

plant of the Votator Division, Chemetron Corp. Two types of rotor blades

were used: a fixed-clearance (0.030 inch) and a hinged "Hydra-Film" rotor

wi th "Duron" blades, which actually wiped the inner wall. The operating

parameters were as follows:

l. Steam pressure - Atm. to 100 psig

2. Wall temperature - 212 to 350F

3. Feed rates - 55 to 70 Ib/hr

4. Rotor speed - 300 to 2100 rpm

5. Pressure - Atm. to 25 in. of Hg (vacuum)

(b) Results:

1. During the first runs with the fixed--clearance

rotor, there was a build-up of dried solids on the inner wall of the evap­

orator. 'rhe residue fraction was comprised of polymerized hunks of white

solids, suspended in considerable amounts of water. The maximwn distillate­

to-residue split obtained was 66 to 34%. The pH of the distillate was

gl to 10.5.

2. Tests with the "Hydra-Film" rotor were conducted

under similar operating conditions. Build-up on the inner wall did not

occur and the solids were discharged as a white, creamy fluid. As the

solids separation improved, the viscosity of this paste increased, but no

granulari ty was noted. Upon drying the residue (at 103C) , the solids

content was 71.5% by wt.

3. A distillate-to-residue split of 92 to 8% was

achieved on one test and, over a continuous 2-hour run, a 88 to 12% snlit

was achieved. The distillate fractions were clear and had a COD of less

than 100 ppm.

(c) Conclusions:

1. Pilot-tests showed that the I'Hydra-Film" evap­

orator was acceptable in separating dissolved solids from effluent of this

25 See References.

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department. The separation gave a viscous, creamy-looking residue with

Ii ttle free liQuid and sui table for solids disposal in a reduced volume.

The distillate would be sui table for dumping into the sewer and a 10 t.o

1 reduction in volume could be achieved by this evaporator eQuipment.

2. This method would require disposing five

55-gallon drums of a highly viscous slurry each day.

(3) Conical Bottom Laboratory Spray Dryer.

(a) Testing. Feasibility tests on the spray-dyying

of effluent from this department were conducte'd on Bowen t s Conical Bottom

Laboratory Spray Dryer. This gas-fired unit was operated over the

range of conditions listed below:

l. Feed rate 230 to 360 mIs/min

2. Feed temp 65 to l25'F

3. Gas inlet tem:rv 400 to 700F

4. Gas outlet temp 230 to 4l5F

Two types of atomization were tested: a two-fluid orifice (air plus the

feed) and a centrifugal atomizer. By the proper adjustment of the abcwe

parameters, a thoroughly dry, powdery residue was obtained from the

effluent. The stack gases were nearly colorless, odorless, and a;:; much

as 75% of the solids were recovered in the cyclone dust collector.

Table 10 summarizes the feed conditions, operating conditions, and material

balance of the Bowen pilot test.

(b) Pilot-Test. Eight pilot runs then were made with

Types A and B effluent * in a 7-foot diameter spray-dryer. The o:perating

parameters were similar to those of the feasibility test, except that

atomization was accomplished by a high-speed centrifugal atomizer. During

the runs, the stack gases were checked and sampled for odor and particulates.

(c) Results

1. For either type of feed (Type A or B), the

drying chamber could be operated almost clean when the air inlet tem­

perature was 500 to 600F and the air outlet temperature was 320F.

Slightly better atomization was achieved when the feea was heated to

* These effluents are similar in composition except that Type A contains used, desilvered sodium fixer solution, and the Type B contains desilvered ammonium (KFR-type) fixer.

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.< en -. '< II> en t+a:I ~ -< o~ =-> '< :z:

Vl CD.

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

r- '1



Identification Feed Make-Up

Type wt. % Solids Spec. Gravi.ty Temperature F

Feed Rate, lbs/min Total Feed, lbs


Inlet Temp. F Outlet Temp. F Type Heat Atomizer Type Atomizer Description Atomizing Force, Speed RPM Cold Air Utilization Chamber Conditions


Cyclone Collector (lbs) Chamber Wall, (lbs) Total Collected (lbs) Total Solids Fed (lbs) % Recovery, Wet Basis


pH Color

COD (ppm)

S03= as Na2S03


+ N ,as NH4 (gil)


Table 10

Bowen Pilot Test

2 3 4 APRIL 7 , 1969


- - - Effluent Residue Solution - - -- Type 'A' - As Received - -

- - - - - - Solution - - - - - -- - - 8.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 1.05 -

Room Temperature 120 125 120

10.4 478

700 330

13.3 481

1000 425

10.9 328

700 330

10.5 335

700 3'30

- Direct Gas - - Centrifugal

4.4 280

500 320

6 7 APRIL 8, 1969

Type 'B' As Received

8.5 1.06 120

i+.4 892

500 320

8.5 1.06

120 to Room Temp.

7. 2 4055

600 330

8 APRIL 9, 1969

Type 'A' As Received

8.6 1.05 66

5.2 2491

550 330

- 7" CSE - - - - - _ _ _ 8" CSE - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 21,000 -

Moderate Charred - - - - None -

Moderate Accumulation Mostly in Spray


Slight Accumulation Moderate Slight Accum. Accum.

23 7

30 41 73.2

Smoldering on side walls

18 6

24 41.3 58.0

12 9

21 28.2 74.5

15 20 9 1

24 21 28.8 24.1 83.3 87.0

4.2 Dark


Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Spray Accum. Ring

50 230 184 1 25 6

51 255 190 75.8 345 214 67.2 74.0 89.0

6.6 6.6 4.7 Light Light Dark Yellow Yellow 22,000 22,000 10,000

to 24,000

0.0 1.7-1.8 0.0

4.5 0.4


(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)


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, Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRETI I BI F_OOB_B-00624-1-70- (b)(1) '------- (b)(3)

120°F. At the ideal operating conditions, 80 to 90% of the solid:, were

recovered. Feed rates of about 5 Ibs/min or about 35 gallons/hou:, were

feasible for the 7-foot unit.

2. The stack effluent was monitored and sampled

during the runs 0n each type 0f effluent. Gas samples were collected

and analyzed: carbon dioxide and water were the major c0nst.ituent's.

Sulfur <ilioxide and ammonia were estimated to be less than 3 ppm and 50 ppm,

respectively. Neither of these constituents could be detected by odor

in the stack effluent. The smoke from the stack was nearly colorless;

efforts to collect stack particulate matter on a filter were not :frui tfu1.

3. Condensates from the' stacks were collected

during several of the runs. These samples were analyzed for COD, ammonia,

and sulfites as shown in Table 10. The condensates c011ected during the

IDilot runs on the Type B effluent (containing the ammonium fixer) sh0wed

significantly higher concentrations of both sulfites and ammonia than

samples collected during runs on the Type A effluent (containing sodium

thiosulfate)~ This is not too surprising, since ammonium thiosulfate

is les,s thermally stable than sodium thiosulfate.

, 4. The powdery product from the' spray-dryer of

the simulated processing effluent (either Type A or B) had a bulk density

of 0.20 g/cm3 (12.5 IbS/ft3). Thus, after concentration by spray-drying

the solids' product occupied one-half the volume 0f the aqueous waste.

5. The powdery product was compressed to a

density of 2.0 gil (125-lbS/ft3) giving a 10-fold reduction in volume.

6. To concentrate 125 gal/br (average) of

effluent from the department, a 10-foot diameter spray-drying cham"ber

would be necessary. The preliminary price quoted by Bowen for the

system was $75,000.

(d) Conclusions. Spray-drying could be considered

as one method of removing dissolved soli<ils from the department effluent.

The water is thoroughly removed, leaving a powdery residue requiring

further 'treatment by incineration or by a disposal area for solidi3.

- 59 -

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRETI ~---~ B I F-008- B-00624-1-70-(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

9. Pyrodecomposi tion. Several manufacturers of wast.e incinerators

were contacted arid asked t'o submit sketches arl.a rougb cost estimates for

disposal of 75 gal/hr (avg) of an aqueous waste, having the general

description given in Table 11. Favorable responses and/or proposals were

received from the Prenco Division 0f Pickands Mather & Co., Jobn Zinc Co.,

Peabody Engineering C0rp., and Hydro Combustion Corp.

a. Prenco Division of I'ickands Ma:ther & Co.

(1) Pilot Tests

(a) A study conducted by Prenco indicated tbat inc in-

eration of the waste effluent was feasible. A wbite, basic, water-

soluble asb remained after incineration. Tbe beat value of tbe feed was

found to be low (150 BTU/lb). Prenco recommended furtber investigation

and a pilot test witb tbeir Super E3 Pyrodecomposition Unit.

(b) Pilot tests were conducted ana stack gases were

sampled and analyzed wbile tbe unit was operating on botb types of simu­

lated processing effluents. At a burning rate of 15 gal/br, botb wastes

gave a moderate white plume wben incinerated at a combustion cbaniber

temperature of 2200F. There was no odor from the combustion of tbe waste

witb tbis unit.

(c) Tbe incinerator system used in pilot tests consists

of a vertical retort witb an ignition cbamber, blower faps, atomizing

feea nozzle,and an auxiliary fuel (natural gas or Gil) burner. When tbe

operating temperature is reacbed (after a 4-bour warm-up), tbe effluent is

pumped tbrougb tbe atomizing nozzle at a pressure of about 70 psi. The

blower forced air and fuel mixture enters and mixes witb tbe atomized

effluent, pusbing it into the ignition cbamber (tbe bottom of tbe staCk).

In tbe ignition cbamber, tbe temperature rises to as bigb as 2200F where

tbermal decomposition and further oxidation occurs. As tbe combustion

products approacb tbe top of tbe sta:ck, an air cone (injection of cooler

air) cools tbe stack gases, and reduces the exbaust temperature to about


- 60 -


_ Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 ..

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)



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otber properties:

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOfl' SECRETL-I __ ----"

. ·Ta1He 11

General Description_of Fluid WaBte


Dissolved inorganic solids Dissolved organic solids Dissolved organic liquids

BIF-008-B-00624-1-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

7.75% by 1ft.

1.0 " " 2.0 " "



From water-like to 800 centipoises (max.)

About 7.0

Maximum rate: Average rate:

- Non-toxic - Non-corrosive

125 gal/bI' 75 gal/br

- Heat of Combustion: None - Non-flammable, explosive, etc .. - Halides: None

Heat of Combustion of Solute: 150 BTU/lb of waste

.- 61 -

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(b)(1) -(b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOIP SECRET~I __ _ B I F-008- B-00624-1-70- (b)( 1 ) , (b)(3)

(2.) Sampling and Analysis

(a) A lacal independent testing agency was contracted

to' manitar same af the aperating parameters, callect stack gas samples,

amI analyze far particulate ar chemical pallutants during the pilot runs

an the waste. The results are shawn in Table 12. The unit was operated

an bath types af effluent at 20 gal/hr.

(b) The emerging stack gases were faund to' range in

temperature fram 1000F to' as high as 2100F. Stack gas valumes at these

temperatures ranged fram 4050 to' 3300 efm.

(c) The carban diaxide cantent af the stack emission

was 2.8% (by valume) far bath feeds. Ammania cantent was negligi'ble.

The carban manaxide, axygen, axides af nitragen, and axides af sulfur

were significantly different far each feed type. The highest carbon

manoxide cantent (2.6%) and sulfuT diaxide (2.46 ppm) came fram the

Type A (sadium fixer) feed. The highest cancentratian af nitragen axides

(167 ppm as l'J02

) in the stack gases was observed with the Type B (ammanium

fixer) Feed.

(d) The smake ar plume density was well under 20%

ar less than Ringelmann Chart #1. The particulate matter callected

was campletely water saluble and slightly acidic. The mean particle

size was 10 micrans, with an abserved range af from 1 to' aver 150 micrans.

Attempts to' callect an adequate sample of particulate matter for further

evaluation were not successful.

(3) Canclusian. Thes tests demanstrated that pyradecampa­

sitian ar incineratian would render suitable treatment far a combined

aqueaus phatographic waste. Further testing wauld be required to' determine

whether ar n0t the stack gases contain excess settleable particulate

matter and to' select suitable equipment that cauld be used with an adequate

stack gas scrubber.

(L~) Equipment Size and Cast. A unit sized to' handle about

75 gal/hr (average) wauld require a concrete pad abaut 10xlO'ft and wauld

be approximately 28-ft high. The equipment cost w0uld be about $40,000,

including remate contral panels and safety interlocks.

- 62 -


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TO .. SECRETI BI F_008_B-00624-1-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

Test Unit:

Test Condi tie:)Ds:

Table 12

Incineration Pilot Test Results 26

Prencots Super E..., Pyrodecomposition Unit :) ,

Date: 25-26 September 1969 Feeds: Type A Effluent

Type B Effluent Feed Temperature: 70 ± 5F Feed Rate: 20 gallons per hour Fuel: Natural gas

Sampltng and Analyttcal Procedures:

Reference: Holmes Source Testing Manual, Atr Pollution Control Dtstrict, Los Angeles Co., Caltfornia (1963)





stack gas measurements

Gas volume: Gas temperature: Motsture content:

3300 to 4050 cfm 1000 to 2100F 8.7 to 11.0% by volume

Stack Gas Analysis (by volume)

Type "A" Feed Type "B" Feed

Carbon dioxide Carhon Monoxide Oxygen Nitrogen

Oxtdes of BHrogen (as N02)

Oxides of sulfur (as SO~)


Parttculate (for botb feeds)


2.8% 2.6%

12.2% 73·7%

80.6 ppm

24.6 "

Less tban 0.16 ppm

1. range: 2. mean:

Less tban 1.0 to over 150 mtcrons 10 mtcrons

Amount: Negligible

2.8% 0.6%

16.0% 79·6%

167. 6


Less t,hs,n

Denstty: "Smoke" or plume denst ty less tban, 2:0% or Rtngelmann Cbart 1

Water Solubiltty: Very soluble and sUgbtly a:ctdic (pH = 6.4)


26 See References. - 63 -

TOP SECRETL-I __ -----' Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Handl!! via BYEMAN Con tm 1 System On 1 y

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

,b. John Zinc Co.

(1) Equipment

TOP SECRETi ~------"

BI F-OOB-B-o0624-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

(a) An incinerator system proposed by the John Zinc Co.

will.thermally decompose and oxidize aqueous effluent of this department

and adequately remove pollutants from the stack gases*. The system

woula cons ist of four components; namely, burner, a thermal oxid:izer,

a quencher, and a Venturi-type scrubber. The scrubber would. remov'e

. and sewer any gaseous and particulate contaminants from the stack gases.

(b) To treat 125 gal/hr of aqueous waste, the burner

would consume about 4 million BTU/hour. Either gas or oil can be used

to heat the thermal oxidati0n unit from 1400 to 1600F. The hot gases

then are cooied to about 200F ~n a direct-spray control chamber, 'before

entering the high-energy Venturi scrubber. The system would require a

20- x 40-ft area and a 50-ft stack. Total es-timated weight is 50,000 lb.

(2) Cost. The quoted price, including all controls, start­

up engineering service, etc., is $75,000.

c. Other Incinerators:

(1) Units s.imilar to the Preneo aesign were proposed by

Peabody Engineering Corp (Stamford, Conn.) and the Hyaro Combustion Corp.

(Santa Fe Spring's, California).

(2) The Peabody Liquid Waste Combustor properly sized to

handle 125 gal/hr, would cost about $25,000. This system could also

be either gas or oil fired, and should include a Venturi-slot ga:s

scrubber. '

(3) The units designed by Hydro Combustion C0rp are supplied

in five standard sizes ranging from 20/hr to 500 gal/hr. The cost of a

unit to handle 20gal/hr is about $16,500 (for complete package).


10. Solids Waste Disposal

a. Several proposed methods of pollution a1:Jatement are predicated

Eastman Kodak Co. (Longview, Texas) is presently involved with the John Zinc Co. in the development of a suitable waste disposal system for treating/incinerating aqueous acetonitrile waste.

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRET I BI F_008_B-00624-I-70-

upon an acceptable means of disposing solid waste; for example:

(1) A thin-film continuous evaporation unit would yield

about 4000 Ibs/day (maximum) of a thick slurry (75% by wt) of photographic


(2) The flash-evaporaticm (or spray-drying) of the concen­

trated effluent would yield up to 3000 lbs/day of .dry, powdery chemical


(3) Chlorination, followed by a lime treatment to remCNE

dissolved solids, or a chemical precipit1;l.tion approach, would produc:e

ab8ut 2 to 3 tons of calcium. sulfate :per ".day.

b. The waste from methods (1) and "(2) would be mostly water

soluble; the produce from method (3) would be essentially water insoluble.

c. Disposal of a water-soluble waste by land-filJ generally

":presents problems since runoff from" t"he site may be polluted."

d. The disposal of a "\vater insoluble waste, such as one which

consists mainly of calcium sulfate, appears to be feasible. A formal

request was therefore made to management "to investigate the possibil.i ty

of trucking 2 to 3 tons per day 'of ,-Taste to an industrial disposal site.

11. Alkaline Chlorination

a. Test Objective. These pilot studies were c;onducted to

prove' the feasibilj.ty of reducing, tlle oxygen demand of a processing

effluent by alkaline chlorination and to determine the chemical costs

of chlorination.

b. Pilot Equipment

(1) The alkaline chlorination :pilot unit shown in Figu.re 1

consisted of a closed loop system with two 10 gallon polyethylene tanks;

a circulation pump; connecting lines, rotometers, and valves; and a small

chlorine-gas injector unit, capable of delivering 4 Ibs/hr of chlorine

gas from a 100 Ib supply cylinder. The system was assembled under a

well ventilated hood.

- 65 -

TOP SECRI!!TI '---------

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Hand) e vi a BYEMAN Control System Only

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRETI BI F-OOB-B-00624-1-70-


R1 cs

V4 V5

1 "' .... .,.,

-r' .

1 c R .-1-R2

.. " -r'l '-~

c / \ 5

T ~ l y~ ..

() E



Rl ,

V -1

S Supply Tank: 10 gallon polypropylene tank

C - Collection Tank: 10 gallon polypropylene tank

CS - Caustic Supply (50% NaOH solution): 5 gallon polypropylene tank

R2 - Rotometers

V5 - Valves

P - Pump

T - Chlorine Supply (100 Ib eylinder)

CR - Chlorine Regulator: Advance Gas Chlorinator (Direct cylinder mounted), Model 201 with o - 100 Ib/day metering tube

E - Diffuser: Ejector unit

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Alkaline Chlorination Test Equipment

- 66 -

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRET I I BI F-008-B-00624-1-70-

(2) The ch18rinator unit (Advance Model 201) was mounted

directly on top of the supply cylinder. When w~stewater is circulated

through the injector unit (at :[.0 gal/min), a vacuwn is created whicb

opens a spring-loaded diaphragm check value and chlorine is released

from the supply cylinder. The chlorine gas regulator unit is activated

by a vacuum created by the gas injector. All supply lines carry only

gaseous chlorine at pressures less than 14.7 psia.

c. Experimental

(1) Initially, the supply tank was charged with 2.0 liters

of the cc:mcentrated processing effluent (See Table 5) andsuffici ent

caustic tG raise the pH to 12 or 13. The system (total capacity: lJo

liters) was then filled with cold water to establish I-to-20 dilution

of the synthetic proces:sing effluent. The synthetic wastewater thus

had pollutiGn characteristics similar in magnitude to the wastewater

frem the department.

(2) The circulatiGn pump was started, and after thorough

mixing, the chlorine was injected into the system. Caustic solution

(50% by wt NaOH) was added either intermittently or continuously. The

temperature and JilH were monitored and samples of the effluent taken


(3) Eight chlorinati8n runs were made: Runs 1 through 5

were made with Type A Effluent; run 6 with Type B Effluent; and runs 7

and 8 \vith a f'erricyanide bleach. (See Appendix C)

d. Results

(1) Type A and B Effluent s

(a) Reduction in Oxygen Demand

1. In runs 3 through 6, the BOD of the processing

waste sample was rr;duced by mGre than 92%. In each of these runs with

Type A or B effluent, the BOD of the wastewater was reduced to less than

40 ppm. This Gxygen demand is well below the BOD level of the departmept's

effluent during nGn-mission non-testing periods.

2.. Because of the high chloride content of the

treated waste samples, the usual chemical oxygen demand (COD) det.ermi­

nations were not performed.

- 67 -

TOP SEC REf 1"------_------' Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)



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(li) Chemical Usage and Costs

B I F-008- B-00624-1-70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

1. The amount of caustic required to maintain

the pH during the chlorination ranged from 1.1 to 1.2 Ibs of NaOH per

pound of chlorine. This ratio is close to the anticipated value of 1.1,

based on the stoichiometry (see Paragraph 4.e. on page 28). The chemical

usage during the chlorination of Type A effluent was the same as that for

Type B.

2. To reduce 63.6g of oxygen demand (OD) in

2.0 liters of effluent, 283g (0.625 Ibs) of chlorine were required.

The chlorine demand for these concentrated effluents was therefore

found to be about 4.5 times the oxygen demand; i:e.,· about 625 Ibs of

chlorine per 1000 liters of effluent. The sodium hydroxide requirement

(to treat 1000 liters of effluent) would be 750 LtJs of NaOH (or 120

gallons of a 50% by wt caustic solution).

1. Based upon the preceding chemical reQuire­

ments, a chlorine cost of $8.00/100 Ibs (in I-ton cylinders), and

caustic solution at $6.20 (per 100 Ibs of NaOH) , the chemical costs

for alkaline chlorination will be as follows:

$50.00 per 1000 liters

46.50 per 1000 liters

$96.50 per 1000 liters

or $0.36/ gal TO'TAL COS'T

Lf. Annual chemical costs for treating an estimated

a. Chlorine

b. Caustic solution

450,000 gallons of combined processing effluent by alkaline chlorination

therefore would be $162,000 (without dissolved solids removal).

(c) Processing Flags. The chlorinated effluent gave

negative tests for sulfites, thiosulfates, bromides, and iodides.

(2~ Ferri/Ferro Cyanide Bleach.

(a) Experimental. A typical ferri/ferro cyanide color

bleach sample containing approximately 250 gil of potassium ferri cyanide

was chlorinated in a slmilar manner as that prescribed for the black-arid­

. white effluent. (See runs 7 and g, Appendix C.) The chlorinated samples

were analyzed for iron cyanide content [Fe(CN)6] and BOD5

- 68 -

TOP 5iiCRET"-1 __ ----" Handle via BYEMAN (b)(1) Con tro I System On I y (b )(3)

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECREll B I F -008- B-00624-I-70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

1. Reduction in BOD. The reduction in BOD in

color bleach by alkaline chlorination occurs at a much slower rate than

with other effluents. The more easily oxidized constituents are f:i.rst

chlorinated, giving an immediate reduction of about 8CP/o in BOD. Further

reducticm in BOD occurs slowly and at a rate controlled by the breakdown

of the ferri-cyanide to cyanate anfl cyanide. It is obvious from comparing

the concentration of Fe(CN)6 with the observed BOD value, that the BOD

value does not significantly reflect the concentration of ferri-cyanide

in the effluent.

2.. Oxi<ilation of Ferri-cyanide. The breakdown

of ferri-cyanide by alkaline chlorination occurred very slowly in these

experiments (see runs 7 and 8, Appendix C). During a L~-hour chlorination

period, 85 to 95% of the ferri-cyanide was gradually destroyed. IT

alkaline chlorinati'on of color bleach is to be economically practical,

the chlorine must be injected at a very slow rate or else the breakdown

of complex iron cyanides to the simple cyanide (or cyanate) must be

speeded up (perhaps via a suitable catalyst).

(b) Chemical Usage and Costs

1. Twelve Ihs of ehlorine and ILl Ibs of sodium

hydroxide are re~uired to reduce the BOD and the iron cyanide content

of 2 liters of bleach from 250 gil to 0.5 - 0.8 gil. Furthermore, 13.5

Ibs * of chlorine and 16 111s* of caustic would be re~uired to thoroughly

destroy 500 g of ferri-cyanifle ion. The ratio of caustic-to-chlorine

re~uired is 1.2 to 1.0.

2. If chlorine costs are $8.00 per 100 Ibs and

if caustic sGlution is $6.20 per 100 Ibs as NaOH, the chemical costs of

destroying the toxic cyanide in color bleach would be about $1.06 uer


* Extrapolated values from curves in Figure 2.

- 69 -

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4 ! , \ i

\ !

200 a Pol


rl ........ b.O


~ u (l)


o o

14 -

12 " 10









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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582


BI F_008_B-00624-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)


BOD versus Chlorination Time

~\ \.

2 3 4 ,5

Chlorination (Hours)

~ '"

Iron Cyanide Concentration versus Chlorination Time

~~ ~


"" ~ ~ t,~

1 2 3 4 5

Chlorination' (Hours)

Figure 2., Alkaline Chlorination of'Bleach

- 70 -

,TOP SECRETI ] (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582



12. Final Treatmertt Facilities

BIF-008-B-OO~24-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

a. . General. Sui table pollution control facilities for the treat­

ment of photographic wastes should include the following items:

(1) A method for separating the concentrated processing solu­

tions from rinse water; i. e., separate lines for used hypo, for rinse water,

for dev~loper, etc.

(2) Facilities for the adeCluate desilvering of used hypo.

(3) Storage facilities for the concentrated processing waste

and holding tanks for all (or part) of the rinse water reCluired by the

treatment facility; and

(4) The treatment unit.

b. Machine ?lumbing Chan~

(1) A separate drain must ~lways be provided for col.lecting

used hypo. After the de-silvering step, hypo may then be combined with

other processing wastes or rejuvenated and re-used.

(2) If water conservation is being considered, the arrest,

Photo-Flo,' dye-removal bath, and rinse water may be combined at the processor

and treated jointly by Reverse Osmosis.

(3) If water-conservation is not reCluired, all black-and-white

processing effluents may be combined at the ]Jrocessor. However, certain

abatement methods (e.g., evaporation, incineration) will reCluire a separate

waste line for excluding rinse water from this concentration combined effluent.

c. Effluent Collection 'I'anks

(1) Two collection tanks should be provided for effluent

collection and storage. The dual tanks will make it possible to collect

in one tank and to feed from the other; i. e., to treat the effluent via

a bat.ch system a& required. The collection tanks would have to be eCluipped

with a thermo-regulated heat-exchanger system, since the freezing point of

the concentrated effluent is about 26F. The holding tanks should be con­

structed of ~orrosion-resistant stainless-steel; they should be glass-lined,

or their interior made from suitable acid-and-base resistant fiber glass


- 71 -


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TO' SECRET! BI F-OOB-B-oo624-I-70- (b)(1)

(2) Collection tanks for some (or all) of the process water

may be required for use by the treatment unit. If water re-use is being

considered, additional holding tanks will be required for the purified


d. The Treatment Unit. Since a biochemical t'reatment unit to

adequately reduce BOD would be prohibitive in size, no unit will be in­

stalled at BH. The effluent of this department will be trucked to a

nearby biochemical-oxidation facility for treatment (see paragraph 2l.d.


e. Silver-Recovery System

(1) All used-hypo should be treated to reclaim silver before

disposal. If the hypo solution is also to be rejuvenated and re-used, an

electrolytic de-silvering treatment must be used. The iron replacement

method (by treatment with steel-wool) is adequate for salvaging silver, only

if the hypo is not to be re-used.

(2) A large processing facility also should have facilities

for the electrolytic de-silvering, rejuvena~ion, and re-use of hypo. In

addition, suitable laboratory facilities will be required for monitoring

and controlling the pollution abatement activities.

13. Acceptable Treatment Methods

a. Biochemical Oxidation

(1) The most economical method of treating photograpbic

wastewater is by biochemical oxidation. If adequate secondary sevTage­

treatment facilities are available in the community at favorable sewer

tax rates, these treatment-centers shGJUld be uS.ed. However, dichromate

and ferri/ferro cyanide wastes must be excluded. All of the biological

systems (e.g. septic tank, trickling filter, or activated sludge units)

are adequate as :J.-ong as oxygen (or air) is supplied by some mechanical

means. Domestic sewage and photographic effluents can be combined and

treated jointly by biological means.

(2) If municipal facilities are not used, a biological

treatment center for the treatment of photographic wastes should include

the following items:

(a) The means (plumbing) for separating the conf~entrated

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processing solutions from the rinse water,

(b) Storage tanks for the concentrated processing waste.

(c) Storage tanks sized to hold all the rinse water,

if water conservation is being considered; or tanks sized to hold any water

needs of the treatment facility. , (d) The treatment tank sized to handle the (daily)

average BOD load of the waste, and

(e) A small hypochlorination unit to sterilize the

effluent before discharge to a sewer or natural body of water.

(3) These facilities are shown schematically by Figures 3

and 4. In addition, laboratory facilities will be required for monitoring

and controlling the influent and effluent characteristics.

(4) Pilot stUdies indicate that the effluent from a biochemical­

oxidation treatment facility will have a BOD as low as 20 ppm, with operating

efficiencies of 90-95%. This effluent is suitable for discharge to a natural

body of water, if the effluent is first hypo-chlorinated to render it sterile.

(5) To adequately treat the photographic effluent from this

department, the treatment facility "TOuld have to be sized to handle a BOD5

load of approximately 500 Ibs/day. This would require locating a 100,000

to 200,000 gallon activated-sludge treatment unit. Since space at this

department is limited, it is concluded that a biochemical-oxidation Final

Treatment Center would not be recommended as a feasisle abatement method * . b. Concentration by Evaporation and Reverse Osmosis

(1) When water conservation as well as pollution abatement is

of prime consideration, concentration by evaporation is the preferred,

acceptable treatment method. Estimat.ed energy costs are about $32.00

per 1000 liters of effluent.

(2) The most economical method for treating the dye-removal

bath, arrest, anq rinse water is b:{ reverse osmosis. About 90-95% of this

wastewater can be reclaimed at a power cost of $0.60 per 1000 gallons.

(3) The concentrated effluent from the RO unit should be

combined with the spent developer, and the used desilvered fixer, then

treated in the eva:florator/condenser system. A thin-film evaporator unit

* S ee paragraph l7. h. under CONCI~US IONS.

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WATER ... ,




I ,

I I 1 I I I


I ~ ~ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

--.-------1 ,





-f~ __ ~D~e~si~lv~e~r~ed~~~H~yDlo~----------~ for Rejuvenation



t I



... ..

Concentrate for- - -Final Treat ment

, Processing Effluent Li ne Wash Water Li ne






(to treatment center) (to treatment center or sewer)

Figure 3. Final-Treatment Facility (Plumbing Modifications)

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, to sewer

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t t f


sludge recirJ:ulation



(pressu r i zed)



t f




Y' ,


(land fi II or sewer)




IT overflow



~ t

15% J NaOcl S6LUTlO~1

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

to sewer or natural outlet

.Figure 4. Biochemical-Oxidation Treatment Facility

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(available in many sizes) offers minimum space requirements and. produces

a semi-solid product which is easiest to handle and package for disposal.

(4) Final disl'losal of the residue from concentrating photo­

graphic effluents can be by land-fill or incineration. The land-fill

site should be above the ground-water table and disposal should be in

moisture-proof, water-tight containers. If the solids are incinerated,

the incinerator should be equil'll'led with a stacl<.:-gas scrubber for removal

of sulfur dioxide.

(5) Treatment by concentration/evaporation is recommended

only in those cases where water conservation is of prime importance.

c. Incineration"

(1) Incineration of the concentrated processing solutions

in a fluid-waste burner is an acceptable method of pollution control wh~n

water conservation is not required. Power consumption for incineration

is higher than for evaporation, but the savings in labor for solids

handling are expected to make the cost for treatment by incineration

equal to that for evaporation (approximately $32.00 per 1000 liters).

(2) Incineration at temperatures of 1400 ~o 2200F produce

a stack effluent consisting mostly of nitrogen, oxygen water vapor,

carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. There are also small amounts of

oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter. The con­

centration of carbon monoxide can be decreased by increasing the air

intake rate.

(3) Particulate matter and sulfur dioxide (:f),n be removecl

from the stack gases by conventional wet-scrubber equipment, if required

by local air environmental codes. The effluent from the scrubber will

consist mainly of sodium sulfate and may be sewered without violating

most sewer codes.

(4) A fluid-waste incineration system (see Figure 5) for

this facility should include:

(a) The,separate collection lines and storage tankB

for the concentrated effluent and the rinse water,

(b) The fluid-waste burner sized to operate continuously

at 75 gallons per hour,

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RINSE WATER ).·i!}i·'

BU~ _ .

I 1):=--:'--­~~'--::- - -- --

FUEL (gasoroil)





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> o


: ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~<~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~: , ............ . .............. . ............. . .............. ............... .............. .: .. ::::: ............ : ............... ............... ............... ... :: ...... :: .... ::: .. : ................ ............... . : ...... ::: .. ,' ........... . ................ ............... , ................ ............. ' ... ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ .•••• ! ••••••••••• ................. ................ ................. ................. ................. .................

I-J..----. . .:::::::: SCRUBBER . \\::::::.


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. STACK

Figure 5. Fluid-Waste Incineration Facility

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B I F-008- B-00624-I-70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(c) The stack-gas quencher and scrubber unit, and

(d) The stack.

(5) Rinse water can be used in the quencher/scrubber unit

and then sewered. The temperature of this wastewater should be ma:tntained

below 100F. This wastewater will contain an increased amount of dissolved

solids, mostly sodium sulfate.

(6) An Incineration System

(a) Based upon Michigan Testing's sampling and analysis

while Prenco's Super E3 Pyro-decomposition unit was operating at 25 gal/hr

on effluent from this department, the stack emissions will meet all existing

applicable air pollution codes with the possible exception of particulate

matter. Theoretically, this department should have as much as 75 lbs/heur

of ash or residue from an incinerator operating at 100 gal/hr. H01treVer,

Section 8 of the Menroe Co. Air Pollution Code establishes a limit of 2.5

lbs/hr as rate of feed for this department. Thus, a scrubber may 'be necessary

to remove about 97% of the ash (theoretically) expected from this department's

waste. It should be noted that actual measurements of the s·tack emission

for p§.rticulates with Prenco's incinerator did not exceed. the particulate

limitation set by Section 8 of the existing code.

(b) If it is found necessary (after installation) to

collect and remove ash and/or fly ash from an incinerator unit via a

scrubber unit, two following approaches are pos.sitJle.

1. A dust collector (centrifugal, electrostatic,

.or bag house type) would remove an ,estimated 150 tons/year of solids,

consisting mostly of sodium sulfate (Na2

S04) and oxides of sodium, potass.ium,

aluminum, boron, etc. This by-product could not .be readily associated with

photographic processing and, therefore, its. disposal could be mad.e in most

any solids waste area.

2. A wet scrubber (spray, impingement, or baffle­

type) can be used and the scrubbing selution sewered. In this case, the

residue from the scrubber would increase the total dissolved solids of

this department's sewage to about 3400 ppm (average annually) or about

0.50% bywt under the ~ conditions. This minor contribution to "water

pollution" would be acceptable under the City Sewer Code.

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14. Treatment of Toxic Effluents. Photographic effluents may be

considered to be non-toxic industrial wastes, provided color bleach,

dichromate cleaners, and fungicide solutions are excluded. Color bleach,

cleaning, and fungicide solutions are discussed below.

a. Ferri/Ferro Cyanide Bleach

(1) The preferred pollution abatement step for ferri/ferro

cyanide bleach is regeneration and re-use.

(2) When color bleach must be disposed of, alkaline chlori­

nation will effectively destroy ferri/ferro cyanide and render color

bleach waste non-toxic and low in BOD.

(3) The chemical costs for complete treatment of a typical

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

color bleach (containing 250 gil of potassium iron cyanide) is $1.00 per liter.

(4) Alternate methods of bleach treatment (such as elec­

trolysis, ozcmation, and incineration) should be explored and pilot


b. Cleaning Solutions

(1) Cleaning agents containing dichromates * should be

,avoided, since most city codes prohibit the discharge of wastew:ater con­

taining chromium or "heavy metals".

(2) A suitable, non--toxic cleaning agent for the fix and

wash equipment is chlorinated trisodium pbosphate, used at a concentration

0f 1 oz/gal.

(3) A suitable non-toxic cleaner for develo.per equipment is

a mixture comprised of 75% (by wt) hypo plus 25% EDTA (mono-sodium ferri

salt), used at a concentration of '4 oz/gal.

c. Fungicide Solutions. The use of organic phosphorous r;om­

pounds as fungici0.e solutions should be avoided. No anti-fungicide

treatment is required if chlorinated cleaning solutions are used.

15., Final-'J;reatment Proposal for Bli (Black-and-White)

a. All of the acceptable treatment methods investigated were

considered, but finally rejected for the BH facility. The specific

reasons for their rejection are as follows:

(1) Bio-oxidation system. Too. much area and volume re­

quired for location at this facility.

* An example of a commercially available cleaner containing potassium dichromate, is Kodak :Developer Systems Cleaner.

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(2) Concentration by evaporation: This method requires

a solids disposal site, and no adequate land-fill is available. Further­

more, the disposal of photographic residue from this department would be

a potential security pro1)lem.

(3) Incineration: ]~ocal air env'iromnental regulations re­

quire that applications for the installation of all new incinerators be

approved, investigated, and tested by lO'cal health authorj.ties. 'l'hese

regulations present potential hazards to maintaining operational E:ecuri ty.

b. The alternative solution to an in-house treatment center was

therefore considered; name Zy, using an outside treatment faci li ty. The

costs for trucking to a near-by i,~dustY'iaZ uJaste treatment faciUty were

found to compare favorcibZy to the most economical in-house treatment


16. Final-Treatment for LP (~:·olor)

a. Pollution abatement and control steps at LP


(1) Reduction in fixer replenisher rates.

(2) Electrolytic desilvering, rejuvenation, and re-use

of fixer, and

(3) Regeneration and re-use of color bleach.

b. No final-treatment system was planned for this facility,

althcmgh the bio-oxidation method would be the preferred abatement.

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17. Biochemical-Oxidation

a. The most economical, acceptable treatment method for photo­

graphic effluents is biochemical oxidation.

b. All photographic effluents including rinse water may be

treated by this method jointly with the exception of color (ferri/ferro)

bleach, which should be excluded.

e. It will generally be advisable to use municipal treatment

facili ties whenever they are available.

d. An activated-sludge treatment tank is the most compact

system. The BOD load for photographic effluents is about 1. 5 to C~. 0

Ib of O2

per day per 1000 gallons of tank volume. The effectiveness of

the AS treatment in removing BOD is 90% or better.

e. By acclimation of the system, using oxygen instead of air

and by adding domestic sewage (or other nutrients), the BOD load of an

AS system can probably be raised to about 3.0 Ib/day/lOOO gallons.

f. The estimated treatment costs for a biochemical oxidation

system is $15.00 per 1000 liters of eoncentrated photographic effluent.

g. Equipment costs for the BH facility are estimated at $75,000.

The total annual operating expense (power, labor, and chemicals) vTould be

about $25,000.

h. A biochemical treatment facility for the BH facility sized

to adequately reduce the BOD would be prohibitive in size.

18. Incineration

a. Incineration of the concentrated, combined processing solu­

tions is an acceptable alternative treatment method. The adoption of this

method necessitates equipment changes for the separation and eXClusion of

rinse water. Air environment codes may require corrective pollution abate­

ment equipment for the stack emissions.

b. Rinse water from photographic processing generally constitutes

90 to 98% of the volume of the total effluent. It usually requires no

treatment and may be sewered without treatment.

c. The segregation and separate treatment by pyrodecomposition

of tfie concentrated prccessing solutions (i.e., used developer, fixer,

arrest, dye removal baths, etc.) reduces BOD/COD and pollutants by more

than 99%.

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d. The cost for incineration of used, processing effluents is

$32.00 per 1000 liters (about double that for AS treatment).

e. Equipment costs for the BH facility are estimated at $100,000.

Annual operating expenses (including labor, power, and fuel) would be

about $55,000.

f. The thermal decomposition and oxidation of the constituents

of photographic solutions give water vapor, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,

some oxiaes of sulfur and nitrogen, and a water-soluble arrest ash.

g. The use of a wet-scrubber may be required to remove particulate

matter; mostly, sodium oxides and sulfate. The effluent from the scrubber

has no BOD/COD, is non-toxic, ana may be sewerea.

h. The incineration of i;he effluent from the BH facility was

not recommended for security reasons: 'the nature and volume of processing

operations might be ascertained if local officials for the environment are

authorized to approve, inspect, and test aU new incinerator equipment.

19. Concentration by Evaporation and Reverse Osmosis

a. When maximum water re-use and conservation is a primary ob­

jecti ve, the concentrated processing effluents (fixer,. aevelopers, etc.)

shoula be separated ana further concentrated by evaporation and the dilute

processing solutions (arrests, dye-removal baths, wash water) treated by

reverse osmosis. Land-fill and incineration are suitable methods for the

final disposal of the residue or concentrate.

b. -Evaporation of the concentrated processing effluents yields

a white solid or slurry and a condensate that can be re-1J-sed in photographic

processing. R~sidue-to-distillate splits in excess of one-to~ten have

been achieved by both batch and continuous evaporation equipment.

c. No suitable use for the residue has been established. The

suggested methods for aiposal are incineration or suitable land-fill.

d. Thin-film evaporators are suitable for concentrating photo­

graphic effluents to a semi-solid slurry which can be easily handled.

e. The stop, -dye-removal bath and other processing effluents

having a low solias content may be combined and treated by reverse osmosis

(RO). The concentrate from the RO unit may be further concentrated by the


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BI F-008-B-00624-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

f. Energy costs for evaporation are only $0.04 per gallon

($10.00 per 1000 liters), but the costs for labor and solids disposal

are expected to raise this value to about $32.00/1000 liter. Equipment

costs for a thin film evaporator unit which will handle 125 gallons per

hour will be approximately $75,000. Annually labor and power would

cost $55,000.

g. Power costs for RO are $0.60 per 1000 gallons of treated


20. Alkaline Chlorination for Color Bleach Wastes:

a. Color bleach wastes, containing toxic ferri/ferro cyanide

ions, require the following abatement steps:

(1) ,Reduction of carry-over volumes used by installation

of squeegee rollers.

(2) Regeneration and maximum re-use of all color bleach

solutions; and

(3) Adequate treatment of alkaline chlorination.·

b. Alkaline chlorination is the best established method of

destroying cyanide wastes.

c. The chemical costs are high; about $1.00 per liter for

a typical color bleach, or $2.00 per pound of potassium ferricyanide



d. This treatment is applicable by batch or continuous

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. 21. Final Treatment

a. Separate the rinse vlater and Photo-Flo bath from all other

processing effluents; sewer without treatment.

b. Collect, desilver, rejuvenate, and re-use fixer solutions.

c. Combine used developers, stops, dye-removal baths, and any

used fixers; collect and store in storage facility (described in paragraph

12. c. )

d. Truck and treat in nearby biochemical-oxidation facility.

22. Facility Requirements:

a. Provide a waste line for collecting used developers,

arrests, and dye-removal baths from each processor.

NOTE: Photo-Flo and all other process water may be sewered using existing waste lines.

b. Install two 5,000 gallon tanks for effluent storage. If

uni ts are installed out-of-doors; each should be equipped with thermally

regulated heating elements (set for 26F minimum).

·c. Provide chemical dump lines from the collection tank

facility to the mix room, to the chemical laboratory, and to each processing


23. Limitations, Restrictions and Future Efforts:

a. Establish a normal routine for trucking the effluent. from

the collection facility to the treatment facility to eliminate clues to

the cyclic nature of operations.

b. Restrict the use of chromic acid cleaners (e.g. KodE~

Developer System Cleaner).

c. Use bio-degradeable substitute cleaners whenever possible.

d. Periodically collect samples of effluent and analyse for

photographic flags, BOD, GOD, and other waste water characteristics.

24. Future Hardware Efforts:

a. Investigate commercially available biochemical-oxidation

treatment units. Conduct pilot-tests using black-and-white and color

processing effluents.

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BI F_008_B-00624-1-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

b. Investigate small fluid waste incinerator units.

(1) Conduct pilot tests on processing wastes.

(2) Sample and analyze stack emissions for possible

air pollutants; and, if necessary

(3) Investigate and test stack-scrubbing equipment.

c. Test a thin-film evaporator and condenser system jOintly

with a Reverse Osmosis unit for water conservation.

25. Future Study Efforts:

a. Ozonation:

(1) Purchase a small (electric) ozone generator and test

the effectiveness of ozonaticln as a means of reducing the BOD/COD of

photographic effluents.

(2) Explore aerati~n of photographic effluents using

oxygen-ozone mixtures.

b. Bleach Treatment:

(1) Conduct la8oratory studies on the following approaches

to cyanide bleach treatment:

(a) Electrolysis

(b) Ozonation

(c) Alkaline cplorination, using catalysts.'

(2) Conduct pilot tests on the pyrodecomposition (:ncinera"':

tion) of bleach wastes.

(3) Pilot test alkaline chlorination of bleach, using


c. Computerized Pollution Program:

(1) Compile a card-file listing of the salt composition

and polluting properties of processing solutions.

(2) Establish a computer program for determining the

pollution magnitude of effluents from the various processing equipment

using the established processing chemistry and machine specifications.

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TOP 5 ECftET,-----1 _-------" B I F-OOB- B-00624-1-7((b)( 1 ) (b)(3)


1. FINAL REPORT, "Acceptable Pollution Standards", Contract EG_l±.Q.Q, Task 34. Section I, 16 June 1969.

2. FINAL REPORT, "Study of Pollution Contribution from Processing Activities", Contract EG-400 ft Task 34. Section VIII, 3'March 1969.

3. "Standard Methods for the Exa.mination of Water and Wastewater", American Public Health Assn. , Inc., N.Y., 12th Edition, 1965,.

4. Sewer Use Code, Code of the City of Rochester, Chapter 97, 1968.

5. Technical Memo, W. Wesley Eck.enfelder, Jr., "Economics of Wa~)tewater Treatment", Chemical Engineering, pp 109-118, 25 August 1969.

6. Chemical Engineering News, "Organics Tested in Waste Treatment", pp 42-43, 8 December 1969.

7. Chemical Week, "Equipment for a Dirty Job", 17 February 1968.

8. LawrenceK. Cecil, "Water Reuse and Disposal", Chemical Engineering, pp 92-104, 5 May 1969.

9. Mohanrao, G.J., et al, "Photo-Film Industry Wastes: Pollution Effects and Abatement", Central Publi.c Health Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India,' 1965. '

10. Eustance, H., "Treating Photo-Industry Process Waste", Indus-::,rial Water and Hastes, Vol. 5, 1969.

11. J.S. Sconce, Ed.-in-Chief, Am. Chem. Society, "Chlorine: It:, Manufacture" Properties and Uses", Reinhold Publishing Corp., N. Y ., 1962.

12. Data Sheet 207, National Safety Council, "Chlorine", Chicago, 1966.

13. Plating, "A Report on the Control of Cyanides in Plating Shop Effluents", pp 1107-1112, October 1969.

14. Weiner, Robert, "Effluent Treatment in the Metal Finishing Industry", Am. Electroplaters' Soc. Inc., N.Y., pplll-116.

15. U.S. Paterits #2,981,682 and l,i3.l0l,320issued to Leslie E. Lancy, Assignor to Lancy Laboratories.

16. Walter F. Swanton, "Inexpensive Answer to a Pollution Problem," Chemical Engineering, pp 128--130, 13 February 1967.

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BI F-OOB- B-00624-1-7C(b)(1) (b)(3)

17. Donald F. Othmer, "Desalting of Seawater", Chemical Engineerj:E£., pp 205-209, 10 June 1963.

18. J.M. Culotta and W.F. Swanton, "Case Histories of Plating Waste Recovery Systems", Plating, pp 251-255, March 1970.

19. L. W. Coleman and L. F. Cheek, "Liquid Waste Incineration", Chemical Engineering Progress, Vol. 64., No.9, pp 83-87, September 1968.

20. Chemical Week, "Burning for Good Riddance", pp 59-60,8 May 1968.

21. E. S. Monroe, Jr., "Burning Waste Waters", Chemical Engineeri~, pp 215-221, 23 September 196a.

22. "02 and 03 - Rx for Pollution", Chemical Engineering, pp 46-48,

23 February 1970.

23. Chemical Week; "It's Full Speed Ahead for Reverse Osmosis", 3 August 1968.

24. "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater", American ·Public Health Association Inc., N.Y., 12th Ed., 1965.

25. Report, "Pfaudler Wiped Film Evaporator Test No. 277", 2 January 1969.

26. Michigan Testin~ Er.ce;ineerin~ Report No. PL-1Q.Q2, "Re]lort on the Quantity and Composition of Effluent from a Fluid Waste· Incinerator", by Carl L. Carlman.


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOI .. SECRET I J 8/ F-008- B-00624-I-70-(b)(1) (b)(3)


This appendix contains a reproduction of FINAL REPORT on

"Acceptable Pollution Standards," Contract EG-400, Task 3·4,

Section I, 16 June 1969. This report was published

28 July 1969.


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TASK (from Study Plan)


1. - 3.


4. Pollution Magnitude


a. Annual Chemical Usage b. Water Effluents c. Processing Solution Usage d. Sewer Samples

50 Established Pollution Standards

a. City Sewer Code b. Rules, Classifications, and Standards

for the State c. Federal Attitude and Standards d. Summary

6). Acceptable Security Control

a. Control Measures

Section I, Task 34









6 9

10 13


18 20

20 21

b. Acceptable Department Waste Characteristics


21 21 22 22 24 25 25 26

c. Toxic Standards d. Non-toxic Standards e. Ammonium Compounds f. Photographic Flags g. Disproportioning Constituents h. Cyclic Variations


7. - 13.


14. - 16.


APPENDIX i. - Industrial Waste Characteristics



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Section I, Ta.sk 34



Sampling Diagram of Plumbing Areas

Sampling Diagram of Plumbing Areas





Chemical Usage and Pollution at BH (B&W)

Chemical Usage and Pollution at LP (Color)

Chemicals Causing Pollution at BH

Chemicals Causing Pollution at LP

1968 Processing Solution Use at BH

1968 Processing Solution Use at LP

Comparison of Pollution at BH vs. LP

1968 Summary of BH and LP Pollution Magnitudes

Industrial Waste Characteristics and Q,uantities

Non-Toxic Limitations for Wastes Accepted by City

Suggested Effluent Limitations

Aw~onium Ion Concentrations at Various pH Levels

Acceptable Department Waste Characteristics



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15 16




9 11




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TOP SECRETi, ___ ~i BI F_008_B-00624-I-70- (b)(1) - (b)(3)

Section I, Ta,sk 34


Safe levels of toxic and non-toxic pollutants are recommended for this

processing facility. When adhered to, the recommended standards satisfy

the requirements of both pollution abatement and security against disclosing

the nature of our operations.

Only the local city Sewer Use Code is directly applicable as a guide

for pollution standards. Even here, the local code does not cover the

majority of constituents characteristic to photographic processing facility

effluents. Because the code is subject to change or more strict enforcement

at any time, and also because of the contractor's concern for security and

the general nature of the pollution problem, standards are recommended to

cover a considerably wider scope of pollutants than given in the code at ,

present. In total, the standards encompass all conceivable sources of

pollution or of effluent clues to the nature of operations.

The results :indicate that either a single treatment or a series of

treatments is feasible to effect compliance with the recommended standards.

Further, the comprehensiveness of the standards will dictate the suitable

choices of treatment without requiring separate consideration of the two

aspects of the problem: pollution abatement and security.



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( -" I


BI F_008-B-00624-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

Section I, Ta.sk 34

SUBJECT: Acceptabie Pollution Standards


A. Study-and define safe security standards as applicable to this project

for discarded chemicals via min:linum identifiable levels of processing chemicals

in this contractor's effluent.

B. Study and define a safe pollutant level or a scale of levels to which

each pollutant can be referred. This study would produce two major c:ategories:

. (1) Toxic standards, and (2) non-toxic standards. The standards that will be

adapted will conform with those for the building complex, that in turn will be

guided by local, state, and federal requirements.


1. All photographic processing effluents from the contractor's 1'acili ties

at both LP and BH are discharged into the city sanitary sewers. The security

of these proc;essing operations is therefore in jeopardy, should the sewer

effluent be sampled and analyzed by the city during a mission period. An un­

usually high BOD, a toxic constituent, high pH, or other sewer code violation

might easily lead to the discovery of the exact chemical effluent, since pol­

lution literature already describes characteristics of the various wastes

discharged from other processing laboratories l ,2. By use of a 24-hour composite

sample (or a series of samples), the periodic or cycle nature of operations

could also be determined; and, with ~~ter-usage data (or flow measurements), it

would further be possible to est:linate magnitude and frequency of processing


2. Because it is generally known that operations at the contractor's

facilities are related to the manufacture and checkout of photographic equipment,

it should not be unreasonable to asst:crne that normal testing of photographic

equipment might include some limited use of processing solutions. Consequently,

a "secure" department effluent could contain photographic effluents, l)roviq.ed

the concentrations of certain key processing chemicals are lowered (or signif­

icantly disproportionalized).

1, 2See References.


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582l TO!' SECRETI~ __ _ B I F-OOB- B-00624-1-70- (b)( 1 )


Section I, Task 34

Presently, the contractor's effluents at both LP and BH fail to meet such

security requirement for continued discharge into city sewers.

3. Also, the discharge of all industrial et'fluents into the public

sewage system is now subject to regu.lation by the city Sewe"r Use Code3•

Maximum allowable standards and concentrations have been established for

both toxic and non-toxic industrial wastes which can be accepted by -the

City Sewage System. The eventual enforcement of this code will prohibit


into city



discharge of some types of photographic effluents now being released


Pollution Ma~itude

a. Annual Chemical Usage _. 4 (1) An earlier report listed in tabular form the major

processing chemicals and their usage during 1968 at the contractor's BH

,facility (Table 1). More recently, a survey has been made of chemical usage

at LP for color processing (Table 2). Using literature values for chemical " * oxygen demand factors, f , for each chemical, the amount of dissolved oxygen

required by the waste constituents ioTas calculated as one estimate of pollution


(2) At BH, some 671:,500 Ibs. of chemicals were used and sewered

during 1968 in black-and-white processing. These chemicals had a total chemical

oxygen demand (COD) of approximately 207,000 Ibs.; or, if oxidized by bio­

chemical means, a total BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) of 137,000 Ibs. The

annual average oxygen demand factor., f, was found to be 0.20 for biochemical

oxidation and 0.31 for chemical (dichromate) oxidation.

(3) For color processing at LP about 140,000 Ibs. of' chemicals

were used, or about one-fifth the amount at BH. The average COD factor is

significantly higher· (0.51) for color processing chemicals than for black-and­

white, because of the greater predominance of organic chemicals used.. The

total COD amounted to over 71,000 Ibs. and a BOD total of nearly 22,000 Ibs.

3,4 See Refe~ences * Oxygen demand factor, f: "Ratio of the mass of oxygen required pel' unit

mass of the chemical.


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f ,-Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C0503958Z r-- r -,

Table 1

Chemical Usage and Pollution at BH (B&W)

Chemical USageJgbS.) i2§§O 1

COD LoadJgbB. ill 1

Of~ 'BOD Load @B. ill 1


Sodium thiosulfate (Hypo) 480,000 216,000 0.32 154,000 69,000 0.20 96,000 43,200 Sodium, sulfite 270,000 202,000 0.12 32,-400 24,200 0.12 32,500 24,200 Sodium meta-borate 145,000 13,200 ° ° ° ° Soda ash 69,000 100,000 ° ° ° ° ACetic acid 68,000 36,000 1.06 72,000 38,100 0.77 52,400 27,700 Sodium s..ufate 51,OW 31+ ,000 ° ° ° ° futassium alum 32,000 6,000 ° ° ° ° Potassium bromide 8,120 7,540 ° 0 0 ° Ammonium thiosulfate 4,500 1.62 7,300 0.36 1,620

:t> Sodi~~ iso-ascorbate 13,000 6,400 0.81 10,500 5,200 0.29 3,770 1,850 I Sodium hydroxide 3,000 13,400 ° ° ° ° ---J

Elon 16,000 7,200 1.86 29,800 13,400 0·90 14,400 6,500 Hydro qui none 13,000 5,200 1.89 24,400 9,800 1.1 14,300 5,720 Hexaethylcellulose (2,000) 3,000 1.33 (2,660 ) 4,000 (1. 33) (2,660) (4,000) Fllenidone 3,570 5,520 2.67 9,500 14,700 0.165 590 910 DiethyDL~noethanol 10,000 7,400 (2.87) (28,700) (21,200) (2.87) (28,700) (21,200) SodilL~ bisulfate 2,500 ° ° ° ° Sulfuric acid 720 ° ° ° ° Sodium carbonate 500 ° ° ° °

TOTALS: (lbs) 1,183,690 671,480 .31 363,960 206,900 .20 225,320 1]6,900 (b)( 1 ) CD

(b)( 1 ) (tons) 592 336 182 103 113 68 (b)(3) ." .1

(b)(3) (f.l 0 ro 0 () 00

g; Note: Values in parentheses ) arc estimates. ct- 1 1-'. tJ:j

::> ::> Dashes mean data not available. 0 I ,.0. ::s 0 d -

'" 0 H 0\ < f\) en

'< '" l-3 -r:-

'" I ,. CD Pl H CD -< Cf.l I 3

~ :>;' ---J

0 0 ::> • W I '< :::Iii: +"

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r- Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582] BI F_008_B-Cl0624-1-70- (b)(1) TOP SeCRETI (b)(3) L section I, Task 34

L Table 2 --r - 1968 Chemical Usage and Pollution at LP (Color) I


·r Inorganics (usagj COD Load BOn Load . (1') (lbs.) % (f) (lbs. ) % '=- lbs.

( . Ammonium thiosulfate 13,500 1.62 22,000 30.8 0.36 1.f,850 22.2 I Sodium sulfite 15,300 0.12 1,830 2.5 0.12 1,830 8 1., b

. ; Sodium sulfate 20,000 0 0 Trisodium phosphate 8,500 0 0

( . Sodium carbonate 8,500 0 0

L Sodium biosulfite 2,000 0.16 320 .4 0.16 320 1.5 Sodium bromide 7,100 0 0

L Sodium thiosulfate 2,600 0.32 835 1.2 0.20 520 2.4 Sodium ferrocyanide 2,650 0.16 425 0.6 0.003 8 0.0 Potassium ferricyanide 4,750 0.26 1,240 1.7 0.003 15 0.1 Potassium persulfate 1,060 0 0 Sodium thiocyanate 415 0.78 325 0.5 0.03 12 0.0

6- Potassium iodide 13 0 0 Misc. _ "Calgon", "Borax", 6,226 0 0

, H2S04' NaOH, etc. L.. -- --

Inorganic Totals: 92,614 (0.29) 26,875 37.7 (0.08) 7,555 34.6

~ 1 6 Organics

f - CD-3 26,000 0.90 23,400 32.7 0.1 2,600 11.9 L Acetic acid 7,450 1.06 7,900 11.0 0.77 ),700 26.2

NA-l 3,800 0.47 1,800 2.5 0.04 160 0.7 Hydroquinone 1,830 1.89 3,450 4.8 1.1 2,000 9.2


Formalin .2,900 0.57 1,660 2.3 0.38 1,100 5.0 L Sodium acetate 2,150 0.67 1,440 2.0 0.49 1,050 4.7 . Benzyl alcohol 870 2.5 2,170 3.0 1.8 1,560 7.2 Ethylene diamine 780 1.20 940 1.3 0.03 10 0.0

l.- Phenidone 108 2.67 290 .4 0.165 18 0.0 Citrazinic acid 530 0.67 350 .5 0

Ll Carbowax 190 1.80 345 .5 0.03 10 0.0 SA-l 56 1.45 80 .1 0.03 2 0.0 DMIF (HA-l) 390 1.90 740 1.0 0.075 30 0.1 Misc. organics 63 £.:2.2. {12 5L .• 2 {1.°l -J§Ql 0.3

L Organic Totals: 47,107 (0'-95) 44,690 62.3 (0.30) 14;.300 64.4

r . 71,565 100.00.156 21,.855 I TOTALS: 139,721 0.51 100.0 I


c • NOTE: Values in parentheses ( ) are estimates.



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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582] TOP SECRETI BI F_008_B-00624-1-70- (b)(1)


Section I, Task 34

(4) For black-and-white processing at BH 75'/0 to 85% of the

pollution load sewered came from four chemicals:

Table 3

Chemicals Causing Pollution at BH - 1968


Sodium thiosulfate (hypo) Sodium sulfite Acetic acid Diethylaminoethanol


Percent of Total Oxygen Demand


32 18 20 15



33 12 18 10

75'/0 In color processing at LP, the 1968 annual survey of chemicals used showed

that the magnitude of pollution at that facility is caused by several

compounds, mostly organics:

Table 4

Chemicals Causing Pollution at LP - 1968


Acetic Acid Ammonium Thiosulfate CD-3 Kodak Developer Sodium Sulfite Hydroquinone Formalin Sodium Acetate Benzyl Alcohol

Thiosulfates, sulfites, and acetates


are the

both Black-and-white and color processing.

b. Water Effluents

Percent of Total Oxygen Demand

Biochemical Chemical

26.2 11.0 22.2 30.8 11.9 32.7 8.4 2.5 9.3 4.8 5.0 2.3 4.7 2.0 7.2 3.0

94. CJ'/o 89.1%

common, major pollutants in

(1) Water usage rates for BH and LP were determined armually,

daily, and for both mission and non-mission Ile~iods5.

5See References.


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Section I, Tank 34

Calculations were then made on the characteristics of the waste effluent.

At BH, the water usage rate is 14.7 million gallons annually (or approximately

40,000 gallons per day). At these volumes effluent from the BH facility will

contain about 0.5% by weight solutes (or dissolved chemicals). The oxygen

demand averages are a BOD of 1000 ppm, or a COD of 1600 ppm.

(2) At LP the water usage rate is considerably higher, giving

a department effluent of about 25.5 million gallons/year (70,000 gallons/day).

The average solute content is therefore considerably' lower (about 0.o6ojo by

weight) and the average BOD and COD values are about the same as domestic

sanitary sewage (95 and 310 ppm, respectively).

c. Processing Solution Usage

(1) A third approach to estimating pollution from photograph.ic

processing is by considering the volumes, chemical content, and oxygen demand

of the processing solutions. Tables 5 and 6 show the annual usage" E:olute

compOSition, total solute content, and BOD/COD values for most of the processing

solutions which were prepared at each facility during 1968. It will be noted

that the magnitude of pollution as determined by processing solution usage is

somewhat ~ than the values obtained by calculation from chemical-usage data.

Part of this difference arises from the use of some chemicals for testing or

other support activities, such as cleaning. Table 7 illustrates on a. yearly

basis, the magnitude of pollution as calculated from the two approaches, i.e.,

from chemicals used and from processing solutions prepared.

Solutes (lbs/yr)

BOD (lbs 02/yr)

CO~ lbs 02/yr)

Comparison of Pollution at BH vs. LP


From Total From Processing From Total From Processing Chemical Mix Room Chemical

Usa5e Solutions Usage

671,500 456.,000 139,700

136,900 87;,000 21,855

206,900 122:,500 71,565


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Mix Room





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Processing Solution



Arrest Bath

Dye removal and stop baths


r- ,r-Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582f-

Approx. Solute

CO~sition gil) 87

300 82


Table 5

1968 Processing Solution Usage at BH

Annual Total Solute Observed COD Load

ffifu Content (liters (lbs)

1,217,000 232,000

283,000 187,000 187,000 33,700

14,000 3,300

1,701,000 456,000 liters Ibs

449,200 gal

gOO Total ('f,)# per liter (Kg DO)

51 21.7 26,500 41 76.3 21,800

7·3 38.5 7,200

0·7 6 84

55,584 Kg

122,500 Ibs

# - Percent of Total

00 - Oxygen Demand

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Total (i)# 47.8

39·2 12·9 0.1

If '1 ..

Observed BOD Load gOO Total Total

per liter (Kg DO) (i)# 13.8 16,800 42.5 60.3 17,400 44.1

28.2 5,250 13·2 6 ' 84 .2

39,534 Kg

87,000 Ibs

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3) r.n txJ


" () I c+ 0 ~. 0 0 txJ ::s I

H. tJ:j I ... 0

1-:3 0 0\ PJ f\)

rJl + :>;' I LV

H I +:- ----.l 0 I

< en -­'< D>

'" '+00 ~ -< o~ ~:.. '< ::z

r .. - ~-'\ Q .

Processi~ Solution



1st Developer

1st & 2nd Stops

Color Developers






(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

u Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582[--'

Table 6

1968 Processing Solution Usage at LP

Approx. Solute Annual Total Solute Observed COD load

com~sition Us~e Content gOO Total Total gil} (liters) (Kg) (1))# per liter (Kg 00) (;,)#

213 49,400 10,500 21.4 41.6 2,050 8.1

45 61,000 2,750 5.6 23·9 1,460 5.8

85 138,000 11,750 24.0 18.2 2,760 10.8

35 87,200 3,030 6.2 33·5 2,920 11.5

81 105,200 8,500 17·3 24.2 2,540 10.2

221 20,700 4,550 9·3 55·1 1,220 4.8

186 41,900 7,800 16.0 293·2 12,300 48.8

4 20,800 93 0.2 0.2 5 0.0


526,966 48,973 25,255 liters Kg Kg

139,225 110,000 55,500 gal 1bs 1bs

# - Percent of Total

DO - Oxygen Demand

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

r-----l I I


Observed OOD load gOO Total Total

per liter (Kg 00) (;,)#

20·5 . 1,010 11.6

9·2 560 6·3

11.9 1,630 18·5

24.5 2,130 24.4

7·9 830 9·4

0.6 13 0.0

62.4 2,620 29·8

0.1 3 0.0

8,796 -Kg

19,400 _ 1bs

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

[ -,

Ul 00

CD "T1 n ct-

, 0

1-'" 0 0 00 :::I , H td

'" I 0

t-'3 0

Pl (3',

UI f\)

~ +:-I

w H

+" I -..:] 0 I


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 "6 4 I 70 (b)(1 ) TO' SECRET] ] BI F-008- B- 00 2 - - -". (b)(3)

Section I, Task 34

Thus, a significant percentage of each facility1s pollution comes front the

use of chemicals in the laboratory, from pre-packaged processing chemi.cals,

and miscellaneous tests which involve chemicals that do not pass through the

chemical mix rooms.

(2) In black-and-white processing during 1968, over ha.lf.

(51%) of the total chemicals used and '71% of all processing solutions prepared

were developers (Table 5). They also accounted for nearly half of the COD and

BODloads sewered (47.8 and 42.5% respectively). Fixers constituted only

16.7% of the total volume of the combined processing effluent; however, they

were responsible for most of the remaining COD. and BOD; i.e., 39.2% and 44.1%, respectively. The arrest and dye-removal baths for black-and-white processing

accounted for about 1% of the e·ffluent volume, 8% of the total salts sewered,

and about 13% of the total BOD and COD loads.

(3) Effluents from color processing are considerably d:ifferent

(Table 6). Fixers in color processing are the highest contributors of COD

and BOD (48.8 and 29.81'/0), but they constitute only 8% of the combined processing

solution volume. Stop baths also exhibit high oxygen demand. In cont:t:'ast to

black-and-white processing, each of the several color solutions contributes its

proportionate share of the total pollution. ~able 8 summarizes the magnitude

of pollution from each facility.

d. Sewer Samples

(1) Twenty-one samples of sewer effluents were collectl~d and

analyzed during selected times of missi.on and non-mission·operation. Seven

samples were taken from the LP facili t;y' and fourteen from BH. At. LP the

effluent was sampled through a clean-out valve in the basement floor, east

of Column #17 (Figure 1). At BH samples were collected from two different

locations: Manhole #1 into which only the contractor1s waste flows, and from

Manhole 1/2, which receives effluent from other ·departments in the contl'actor1s

organization.as well as the waste from Manhole #1 (See Figure 2).

(2) Preliminary analyses were made in house for pH, alk.alinity,

temperature, color, clarity, etc. Other analytical work was done elsew'here

in the contractor1s parent company according to ASTM1s "Standard Proced.ures 6l for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" •

6See References.


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 . TOF' SECRETI J BI F_008_B-00624-1-70- (b)(1)

(b)(3) Section I, Task 34

Table 8

i968 Summary of BH and LP Pollution Magnitudes

Black-and·-Whi te Processing (at BH) . Chemical Usa~e:

Total Annual Usage (lbs)

Total BOD (lbs/yr) Total COD (lbs/yr)

Average BOD Factor, f (#) Average COD Factor, f (#)

Department Effluent:

Total volume (water usage) (gal/yr) Average volume (Water Usage)


Average solute content (% by wt.)

Average BOD (ppm) Average COD (ppm)

Combined Processing Effluent (##)

Total annual volume (gal) Average volume (gal/day ###)

Average solute content (lbs/gal)

Average BOD (ppm) Average COD (ppm)


136,900 206,900

0.20 0.31




1,000 1,600

449,200 1,800


21,500 30,200

Color Processing (at LP)


21,855 71,565

0.16 0.51




95 310

139,225 560


15,500 44,500

(#) Pounds of oxygen required per pound of chemical

(##) Exclusive of rinse and wash water

(###) Two-hundred fifty (250) days/year


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b'i;' :::I :::I r+o.. -, -o CD

< en -. '< I» fA r+QJ

~ -< o~ :!.>­'< z:

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

r-~ r -~pprs>ved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582-'~ [" ~- :

Closed Area

Figure 1

Sampling Diagram of Plumbing Areas -- Color

Closed Area

Open Area

Floor Drain

Back water clean-out valve

All Sanitary


Column 75* - Ragdoll and Mix Area Open Area

73* Grafton - Labs - Versamats

85 Versamat -:Enters 73 in Basement

19* - 3rd Floor Darkroom

Column 45* - Air-conditioning - 2nd Floor Darkroom

29* - All Building -- Sanitary

17 3rd Floor Darkroom

* Basement Clean-outs on Columns

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f.; <lJ

~ w :>, +' • .-1 0

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(f) co

(1) "T1 (") I c+ 0 1-" 0 0 CD 1:1 I

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"~~-' ~ "

f -- \ r -Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 ~ .. ~ Ii .-

Figure 2

Sampling Diagram of Plumbing Areas -- Black-and-White

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

to grate (storm sewer)

Manhole #1


All Area 10 processing (Production and Q.C.)

All Area 11 Sanitary Drains

All Area 6 Sa.'1itary Drains

All Area 6 Processing (1 Versamat and 3 Darkrooms)

6 r-l " ~ II

g; " 0" II II

#1 11





Manhole #2

All From Manhole #2

:::: =:::.



All Area 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, llA



I.... ... _ •. ,

All Area 12 ,1VJ.OS"C.LY :::;anl -cary)

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582


Manhole #3

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

All from Manholes #1 and 2

Outside Line from Area 12

m C1> ()

c+ 1-'-g H '"


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

1 .

TO,. SECRET I . BI F-OOB-B-Oo624-1-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

Section I, Task 34

Complete analytical data are given in the tables of Appendix A.

(3) Sampling was scheduled to be representative of "a.verage",

"best", and "worst" conditions of pollution. The average condition "'/las defined

as during the regular weekly work-day for non-mission testing, and between the

hours of 9 - 11 a.m., when the whole facility is under conditions of normal

operation. The worst condition, or greatest degree of pollution, occurs when

a mission is in house, the processing of duplicates is underway, and when

water usage from all other operations is at a minimum, i.e., nights, mornings,

or weekends. The best, or least, condition of water pollution was s-elected

as-being early in the morning during a non-mission period.

(4) At LP during a simulated mission condition, BOD, COD,

solids (total and volatile), phosphates, and alkalinity were observed to in­

crease dramaticaly. However, no ~cifically defined limitation of the ex­

isting sewer code is violated, other than the "slugging" or "not amenable to

treatment" clauses. Each of the above mentioned properties of the LP effluent

is certainly "unusual", and each therefore provides a potential basis for

further analysis and investigation of the effluent by agencies outside the city.

(5) The heavy metals do not vary much from maximum to minimum

conditions; nor ;Ls there.the expected increase in phenols from developer use.

Cyanides are. low in concentration, since color bleaches are no longer being

sewered, except on rare occassions. (This is because rejuvenation is in

operation at LP.) There are no toxic properties indicated by the obBerved

characteristics of these samples.

(6) The outstanding non-toxic properties of the LP effluent

at its worst condition are high BOD, COD, and phospl;1ates. A hundred··fold in­

crease in phosphate concentration and in COD is clearly indicative of mission

operations or photographic testing at LP. It is also very likely that the

true BOD is much higher than the 820 ppm reported: BOD measurements on

effluents containing sanitary wastes are generally low, unless they are made

almost immediately after sampling.

(7) Samples taken from the two locations at BH show similar

properties to the processing effluents at LP: High pH, high BOD, high COD,

high solids (total and volatile), high phosphates, and high alkalinity.


TOP SEeIU~T"--1 __ ---"

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 B I F-OOB- B-00624-I-70- ((bb))((31)) TOfl 5fClitfTI I

Section I, Ta.sk 34

In addition, the e~~luent at BH contains signi~icant amounts o~ phenols, ~rom

developer by-products.

(8) The efffluent ~rom Manhole #1 is solely ~rom this ~acility,

and drains into Manhole 1/!2. Analysis indicates that some dilution of our

effluent occurs in Manhole 1/!2. During week days or nights this dilution ~actor

is about 1:2 or 1:3. However, when contributing areas outside the ~acility are

"down", such as on a Sunday night, our e~~luent passes through Manhole #1 and

1/!2 with little or no dilution.

5. Established Pollution Stan~

a. City Sewer Code

(1) The City Sewer Use Code3 has set speci~ic limitations on

only a ~ew o~ the common polluta.nts or deleterious properties o~ industrial

waste. Moreover, to date this code has not been strictly policed or enforced;

it has there~ore been possible to utilize the City's sewers and treai~ent

center ~or photographic processing e~~luents. A strict interpretation o~ the

code,'however, might prohibit the continued sewering o~ e~fluent by present

disposal practices.

(2) Under the terms o~ the City Sewer Use Code, the clischarge

of any water, sewage, or industrial ,vaste "which in concentration o~ any given

constituent or in volume of flow, exceeds for any period o~ duration longer

than five (5) minutes more than ~ive (5) times the average twenty-foux (24)

hour concentration or ~lows during normal operation," is termed a "Slug".

Slugs are prohibi ted i~, "in the opinion of the Commissioner o~" Public Works,"

they are "likely to harm" or rrhave a.n adverse e~fect" upon the sewer system

or treatment process.

(3) Since photographic effluents change drastically in volume

and in properties (more than a ~actor of ~ive from the average values*) the

term "slugging" is applicable to our ef~luent. At BH, samples taken from

Manhole 1/!2 indicate:

3See Re~erences. * Appendix P: Tables.,




COD values of 150 ppm (average) and 17,200 PIJm (maximum) •

Total solids, from 380 ppm '(average) and 4,000 ppm (maximum) •

Total suspended solidS, 10 ppm (average) and 100 ppm (maximum). ,


TOP 5ECRETiL.. __ ----" Handl e vi a BY EMAH Control System Only

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)




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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C050395821

. (b)( 1 ) TOP SECRETi . BI F_008_B-00624-1-70-

(b)(3) Section I, Task 34

Iron, alkalinity, and phosphates also vary considerably (more than five times

the average concentration), but these properties are not presently detrimental

to sewage treatment at crurrent volumes and concentrations.

(4) At LP, "slugging" conditions exist, again attributable

to COD, BOD total and volatile solids, phosphate concentration, and alkalinity.

Each o:f these effluent characteristics (except alkalinity), are serious

changes in properties and should reeeive corrective abatement measUJ:'es. If

security were not also involved, storage facilities for the LP insta.llation

would probably be adequate to prevent "slugging" and provide an "acceptable"


(5) The pH of the effluent is a likely sewer use code violation

at both installations, as the alkalinity is above 10.0 when developer use is

at a maximum*.

(6) Another possible sewer code violation could involve

sewering "toxic" materials or wastes not "amenable" to waste treatment. Under

this ·category heavy metals such as chromium, zinc, copper, lead, tin, and

nickel are often restricted, as well as toxic materials, such as cyanides.

Our effluent contains chromium ion from potassium dichromate - sulfruoic acid

cleaning solution (Kodak. System Cleaner) and organic phosphorous com])ounds,

i.e, the bactericide solution, Dowicide G. An established limit has been set

for cyanides (2 mg/l as CN). However, most sewer codes·7 have specif:i.c limi t­

ations on some or all of the toxic heavy metals.

(7) It '.shouJ.d be noted, however, that at present there are

no actual, defined violations of the C:Lty Sewer Use Code at either fa.cility,

with the possible exception of pH. Adjustment in pH, if found to be necessary

to comply with the ~ode, can easily be made by storage and treatment with an

inexpensive aCid, such as sulfuric aeid. Storage tanks would also reduce

any potential problems due to slugging.

* The alkaline effluent is generally diluted with a more acidic waste.


However, during mission periods over weekends, when other contributing· areas outside the facility are "down", the combined effluent to the sewer exceeds the pH limit of 10.0.

See References.


TO". SECRET\L.. __ ----'

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Handle via BYEMAN Control System Only

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)



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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C050395821 TOfl 5ECItETIL--__ ~_ BIF-008-B-00624-1-70- (b)(1)

(b)(3) Section I, Task 34

(8) As more is learned by the city about the effect of

specific industrial wastes on the performance of its treatment center, no

doubt additional restrictions will be added and enforced. Current research

literature indicates that some photographie effluents are not amenable to

city primary and secondary treatment plants 8•

b. Rules, Classificationz and Standards for the State

(1) It is the declared "public policy of the state to maintain

reasonable standards of purity of the waters of the state consistent with

public health, and enjoyment thereof, II including the "propagation and pro­

tection of fish and wild life •••• 9 II

(2) In accordance with the above policy, and under the

authority of the state public health law, rules and regulations on the dis­

charge of any waste effluent have been adopted by the State I s water l)ollution

Control Board. The established rules and standards are based upon the

principle that an effluent being discharged into any natural body of water

must not so pollute the receiving body that its classified best usage will

be impaired.

(3) Water resources vrithin the state are therefore classified

according to their "best usage," and quality standards have been established

for twelve water classes9 , Untreated photographic wastes, such as from our

facilities, could be disposed only in receiving bodies having the lowest

ratings, i.e, rated as Class E or.F (for sewage, industrial wastes, or trans­

portation only).

c. Federal Attitude and Standards

(1) Five Federal laws containing provisions related to water

pollution have been enacted by the Congress. Two of these are primar:i.ly

concerned with preventing damage to shipping. The Public Health Service

Act of 1912 gave specific authority for the PHS (Public Health Service) to

conduct investigations and research on the pollution of streams and lE~es

by sewage and other causes. The Water Pollution Control Act of 1948

(P.L. 845, 80th Congress) authorized expanded activities and responsibi1i ty

of the federal government; added the principles of state-federal cooperative

program development, limited Federal enforcement, but gave financial aid.

8 9 , See References.


TO P 5 E e IU! T!L--_-----" Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582] TOP SI!CRI!TI BI F_OOB_B-00624-1-70-

Section I, Ta.sk 34

In 1961 the water-pollution-control program became administered directly by

the Secretary. of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and a

previous restriction limiting federal enforcement to interstate waters was

amended to include interstate or navigable waters.

(2) The federal position in regard to quality is clearly

one of concern, but Congress recognizes that primary responsibility in the

field of water pollution rests with the states. The federal role is to

provide technical services and financial aid to states, agenCies, and

municipalities. NO national standards or regulations have been developed

for control of wastes into surface waterslO

d. Sunnnary. The pollution control standards which most directly

apply to the discharge of photographic effluents by this contractor are those

established by the city in its Sewer Use Code. Standards accepted to meet

the security requirement (See next Section) will more than adequately comply

with the established city sewer usage code.

6. Acce~table Security Controb

a. Control Measures. The maintenance of operational sectITity

and prevention of a breach of security via waste discharge necessitates

several pollution-control steps for our department: (1) Strict maintenance

of an acceptable waste effluent, which will reduce or eliminate the need

for a detailed analysis of our effluent by an outside agency. (2) Keeping

photographic flags at a minimum: constituents or characteristics indicative

of processing, (3) Disproportionalizing so that the true magnitude of' such

operations will not be revealed, (4) Disguising the cycle character~stics

of our industrial waste.

b. Acceptable Department Waste Characteristi9s

(1) Continued use of the sewer means that the city will

eventually collect and analyze samples of waste water containing effluents

from this facility. It is therefore of prime" importance that our discharge

be an "acceptable" industrial waste in every way to the city.

10 See Reference.



Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)



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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582] 6 4 I 70 TOP SeCReT\ BI F-OOB-B-OO 2 - - -

Section I, Task 34

(2) Industrial waste-water characteristics that are of

present interest to the city are listed in Table 9. Botll toxic and non­

toxic limitations are specified.

c. Toxic Standards. The specific toxic limitations imposed by

the city code that are relevant to our effluent are for cyanide and heavy

metals. Only 2 mg/l (or ppm) of both simple and complex cyanides (as CN)

are allowed. Also limited are the heavy metals, such as chromium, zinc,

copper, lead, tin, and nickel. Their content should not exceed 10 PJJ.m in

solution or more than 30 ppm in total. These toxiS standards mean that

color bleaches and acid-dichromate solutions must be eliminated from our


d. Non-Toxic Standards

(1) Non-toxic characteristics acceptable as waste for the

city sewer include the following specific limitations:

Table 10

Non-toxic Limitations for Wastes Accepted by City

Flammables: None

Temperature of effluent:

pH (at 70°F.)

Oils and grease

Not over l50°F.

Between 5.5 and 10.0

Not over 100 ppm

(2) In addition, under the restrictions, "no unusual" or , ,

"excessive" conditions, our effluent should not violate the following

suggested limitations:

Table 11

Suggested Effluent Limitations




Solids (Total):

Solids (Suspended):

Total Nitrogen:

Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3



Not over 300 ppm

Not over 750 ppm

Pale colors only

Not over

Not over

Not over

Not over

1000 ppm

400 ppm

50 ppm } 25 ppm

TOP SP.CIU!TIL.. __ --------'

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

See also pEI,ra­graph e., below

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(b)(1 ) (b)(3)


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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

f u -Appr~ved for ~elease: 2018/06/25 C0503958Z -,

Table 9

Industrial Waste Characteristics and Quantities

At BH, Manhcle #1 1-At BH, Manbole #2 ---I At LP

Average ~ ~ Average ~ ~ Average ~ 40,000 38,400 111,000 70,000 6i,000

70 56 68 71 58 68 - 74 100 106 7.5 8.0 10.4 7·9 8.0 10.1 9.5 8.2

Volume (gal/day) TemperatUl"e (OF) pH (at 70°F) Color (as noted) BOD (ppn)

Pale Yellow Colorless Yellow Cloudy Colorless Yellow Pale Yellow Colorless

COD (ppn) Solids - Total (ppn)

- Volatile (ppn) - Total suspended (ppm) - Volatile suspended (ppn)

Oils and grease (ppn) Phosphate (P04) (ppn) Fl/IImIB.bles Acids Alkalini ty # (as caC0

3) (ppn)

Copper (Cu) (ppn) -Nickel (Nc) (ppn) Iron - (Fe) (ppn) Lead (Pb) (ppn) Chromium (Cr) (ppn) Cyanide (CN) (ppn) Phenols (as C6H50H) (ppm; Cadmium (Cd) (ppn) Zinc (Zn) (ppn) Tin (Sn) (ppn)

280 68 1:P## 96 19 ~O## 410 105 16,200 150 45 17,200

1000 360 4,340 380 230 3,860 480 90 1,530 150 80 770 100 10 r,n

~v 10 10 90 80 10 10 10 10 10

420 40 23 90 20 84 21 1.0 23.7 2.9 1.1 17.7

None Neine None None None None None None None None None None 22 12 194 12 10 150 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 5.0 0.7 5.0 2.5 0.4 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.88 0.01 0.01 1.24 0.01 0.01 0·09 0.05 0.11 ND 0.05 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

- Dashes mean data not available.

~ID means not detected, or less than 0.01 ppn.

# Alkalinity to pH = 4.5.

## Probably too low (See text).

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

19 10 265 19 460 170 170 1~0

10 10 10 10 35 22

0.9 1.9 None None None None

16 8 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.8 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.03 0.24

ND 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.0 1.0

~ 120,000

100 8.7

Pale green f!f20##

33,000 6,790 1960 20 10 10

187 None None 200 1.0 0.6 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.07 0.1 0.3 (b)( 1 ) aJ

1.0 (b)(3) "T1 en I (!) 0 (') 0 c+ ex> 1-" I 0 b:I ::s I I-I 0 .. 0


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP' SECfU!T I I BIF-OOB-B-D0624-I-7D- (b)(1) (b)(3)

Section I, Ta.sk 34

Adoption of the above restrictions .. rould give our photographic effluent

properties similar to the non-toxic characteristics of city sewage.

e. Ammonium Compounds

(1) Most decomposing organic matter, if nitrogenous, will

liberate ammonia. Being highly soluble in water (100,000 ppm at 20°C),

ammonia gas reacts quickly with water, forming ammonium' hydroxide and much

heat. The hydroxide readily dissociates, producing ammonium and hyd.roxyl ions,

and raises the pH (alkalinity) of the solutiqn: ,+ -

NH3 + ~o ~ NH40H ~ NH4 + OH

In as much as the dissociation constant for NH40H is 1.8 x 10-5 at 25 C,

the relative concentrations of ammonia, ammonium hydroxide, and ammonium

ions are a function of pH:

Ta;ble 12

Ammonium Ion Concentrations at Various pH Levels

+ E!

Ratio of NH4 to NH40H

6 1800

7 180

8 18

9 1.8

10 0.18

In neutral or acid solutions nearly all of the "ammonia nitrogen" will be

found as ammonium ions - less than 0.5% will be as NH40H or available as


• In alkaline media (high pH) the equilibrium will be shifted to the

left, producing NH40H, which will undergo decomposition to produce ammonia"

(2) At a pH of 7.4 solutions of ammonium salts will liberate

ammonia if boiled. At higher alkalinities, they may have a distinct odor of

ammonia, even at room.ambient temperatures.

(3) Sewage normally will carry from 15 to 35 ppm or lnore

of total nitrogenll . About 1/3 to 1/2 of this amount will eventually de­

compose to form ammonia and/or ammonium salts.

IlSee References.


TOP 5 E ERE T"---I __ ------'

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Handle via BYEMAN Control System Onl y

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP S!CRI!!TI I BI F-OOB-B-oo624-1-70-

Section I, Task 34

(4) The Sewer Use Code obviously does not apply a limitation

for ~onium compounds. Nor is it easily possible to discern whether ammonium

ions in an effluent originated from. the usual biochemical sources or from

effluents initially containing ammonium salts. However, a total nitrogen

content of over 50 ppm would probably be unusual, and therefore subject to


(5) For adequate security, effluent should not have a total

nitrogen content of over 50 ppm, nor contain ammonia or ~onium salts in

excess of about 25 ppm (measured as NH3).

f. Photographic FlagS

(1) Two of the items listed earlier in Table 9, cyanides

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

and phenols, are specific flags for photographic processing. A high cyanide

content content (greater than 2.0 mg/l as CN) is an obvious sewer code violation

that might easily lead to the further analyses and identification of ferri/ferro

cyanide complex ions present in color bleaches.

(2) A high phenol content could similarly lead to the isolation

of any of several developing agents that have the fundamental aromatic benzene

structure (C6H5-): Phenidone, CD-3, CD-2, Elan, Hydroquinone, etc. Both

spent as well as unused developers formulated from these developing agents

could show a high phenol value when analyzed by the ASTM analytical procedure

for Water and Wastewater12 • These organics -- and perhaps others, too -- are

mainly responsible for the gross difference between observed values for COD

and BOD with effluent samples.

(3) Sulfites, thiosulfates, and halides (iodides, bromides)

may also be considered as photographic flags. They are found in numerous

other industrial wastes, but usually in smaller concentrations than other

common ions. They do not need to be completely eliminated from our effluent,

but their concentration should be significantly reduced from that found in

the photographic processing solution.

g. Disproportioning Constituents

(1) In order for processing chemicals to be sewered without

jeopardizing security, they must be changed chemically, or in concentration,

or by both means. For example, a photographic effluent containing thiosulfate

and/or sulfite ions may be oxidized (by chlorination) to sulfate. The sulfate

12 . See References.


'TOP 5 ECRET,---I __ -----" Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Handl e vi a BY EM AN (b)( 1 ) Control System Onl y (b)(3)

,­I I ~



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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582] TOI;t SECRETI BI F_OOB_B-D0624-I-70- (b)(1)

(b)(3) Section I, Task 34

ions would then be precipitated from solution with lime and removed by

settling as calcium sulfate.

(2) The resulting effluent will still be saturated with

calcium sulfate (2000 ppm as caS04)' but this concentration is much less

than the solute content of the original untreated effluent and it does not

reflect the initial concentration of either thiosulfate or sulfite ion.

(3) Similar approaches may be used for other constituents.

h. Cyclic Variations

(1) A cyclic variation in the concentration or V01ume of

our effluent could be used to ascertain information on the nature of in­

house operations. V:ariations in the concentration of photographic flags

such as bromides, iodides, sulfites, thiosulfites, cyanides, or phenols,

would be most revealing. The concentrations would n0t even need to be

so high as to indicate an appreciable degree of pollution. Storage tanks

of adequate size to hold the effluent collected during a typical mission,

would·eliminate an indirect security break through thi's potential means.

(2) Table 13 summarizes the restrictions imposed by the

city sewer code along with the "average" and "maximum" waste characteristics

found by analysis of samples of our effluents at both installations. Also,

the table shows recommended limits for each applicable characteristic. By

maintaining these limits, the effluent should be "acceptable", for the city

sewer, and, therefore, more secure.


TOP SECRETI '----------~

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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

l TOP 5eCRE~L-__ ----'_ B I F-OOB- B-00624-I -70- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

section I, Task 34

Volume. (gal/day) Temperature (OF) pH (at 70°F)

Table 13

Acceptable Department Waste Characteristics

Established City Code Restriction

(1) 150

5.5 - 10.0

O'bserved Waste Characteristics at BH* at LP

~~ Maximum Average Maximum

40,000 111,000 1l0,000 120,QOO 71 74 83 106

7.9 10.1 9·0 9.5

Prescribed or Recommended -11;:;lIll.;:.;' t;....-_

N/A 150

5.5 - 10.0 Color (1) Lt. Yellow Yellow Lt. Yellow Pale Green Pale colors only BOD (5-Day Test) (1) 100 320 20 820 300 COD ~l) 150 17,200 265 33,000 750 Solids total) 1) 380 3,860 450 6,790 2,000 (3) Solids Volatile) ?) 150 770 170 1960 250 Solids Total suspended) 1) 10 90 10 20 400 (3) Solids (Volatile suspended) (1) 10 io 10 10 :50 Oils and greases 100 80 90 35 35 100 Phosphate (P04) NLE 2.9 17.7 1.9 187 15 Flammables None None None None None None Acidity (as CaCO ) (1) None None None None Minimal Alkalinity (as C~C03)

NLE 12 150 14 200 75 Copper ~cu~ 0.3 0.9 0.5 1.0 1.0 (~; ) Nickel Ni (5) 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.6 (:; ) Iron (Fe) NLE 2.5 15.0 1.0 5.0 75 Lead (Pb) (5) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (5) Chromium (Cr) (5) l.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (;i) Cyanide (CN) 2.6 0.01 1.24 0.03 0.24 2.0 Cadmium (Cd) (5) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 (5) Zinc (Zn) ~5) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 ~5) Tin (Sn) 5) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ) Phenols (as C6H

50H) \ (2) 0.5 1.0 0.01 0.07 (2 )

Total Nitrogen (N) NLE Not Measured Not Measured Not Measured 50 Ammonia (NH ) NLE Not Measl.lxed Not Measured Not Measured 25 Misc. solid~ or viscous (1) None None None None None

materials Radioisotopes (4) Nonl~ None None None None Silver (as Ag) NLE Nonl! None None None (5)

No specific limit given; but no "unusual" condition allowed.


(1) (2) No specific limit set by provisions of the city. Sewer Use Code; however, may be

~.~~ (5)

(6) (7) (8 ) (9)

considered toxic and therefore, not "amenable" to treatment and restricted. Suggested limits set by other Sewerage Codes (Ref. 7,11). Any radioactive waste must meet applicable State or Federal regulations. Total of chxomium, zinc, cadmium, copper, lead, tin, nickel, silver -- not to

exceed 10 ppm in solution and 30 ppm in total (Ref. 7). All values given in ppm, unless stated otherwise. * Based on analYSis of samples from manhole #2. NLE - No limit established by City Sewer Code. None - Means none allowed.



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Section I, Task 34


7. Safe levels of the more significant characteristics requiring

control for pollution abatement and. security are:



Non-toxic Characteristics

(1) COD of 750 ppm

(2) BOD of 300 ppm

(3) Phosphate of 15 ppm

(4) Total solid content of 2000 ppm

Toxic Characteristics*

(1) Chromium ion (mainly from cleaning solutions) - complete

removal or prohibitiop of discharge in the effluent.

(2) Cyanide (or ferrous and ferric salts) - complete removal

or prohibition of discharge in the effluent.

8. In addition to the above, cyclic clues to the nature of our operations

should be removed by minimizing or reducing "slugging", or periodic discharge

of high and low concentration chemical effluent. Among the clues of chief

concern are the concentrations of phenols, halides, acetates, thiosulfates

and sufites.

9. Adherence to the needs specified by paragraphs 7 and 8 above

will specify the choices of treatment to satisfy both pollution abatement

and security. Also, it appears that a single treatment or series of treat­

m,ents is feasible to achieve these objectives.

10. Of local, state and federal regulations, only the local city

Sewer Use Code is strictly applicable as a guide for establishing pollution

standards. At present, this guide is broadly worded, not strictly enforced,

and otherwise unsuitable to define our total needs for pollution control.

11. While the major concern is the abatement of pollution from mission

processing operations, the total problep1 must embrace photographic support

activities, such as laboratory testing and other use of chemicals not used

directly for mission processing. These additional sources make up 25 to 3Cf/o

* A contractor's study was completed under Phase I, Section II ~f this task 14 to find a connnon bleach and a method to regenerate and reuse color bleaches. As a consequence of this study, lore have discontinued zinc precipitation of cyanides in spent bleaches and sE~ering of the toxic solids. Also, we have taken steps to eliminate or minimize the acid dichromate cleaning solution previously used to clean equipment at the end of each mission.

14 See References.


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Section I, Task 34

of the pollution contribution from this facility.

12. To maintain a more accurate concept of the type and magnitude of

pollutants, !!l processing, testing and other chemicals should be recorded.

13. We need an automatic sampling device to further improve sampling

accuracy and better assure that samples are representative of critical

periods in the operation cycle. Such devices are commercially available,

and once installed would have the aClditional advantage of more economical

sampling activity.



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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 lOP 5IECRET-f I BI F-OOB-B-Oo624-1-70-

Section I, Task 34


14. Adopt and maintain standards of the type summarized in paragraphs

7 and 8, and as given more completel:f in Table 13 of the text, to adequately

achieve pollution abatement and sec~~ity.

15. Record all chemicals, chemical mixes and other preparations used

by the contractor to facilitate adequate monitoring.

16. Purchase a connnercially available twenty-four hour sampling device

for use in future effluent sampling and analysis. . '.


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Section I, Task 34


1. Mohahrao, G. J. et aI, "Photo-Film Industry Wastes: Pollution Effects and Abatement," Central Public 'Health Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India, 1965.

2. Eustance, n., "Treating Photo-Industry Process Waste," Industrial Water and Wastes, Vol. 5, p 5, 1969.

3. Sewer Use Code, Code of the City of Rochester, Chapter 97, 196.:3.

4. FINAL REPORT, "Study of Pollution Contribution From Processing Activities," Contract EG-400, Task 34, Section VII, 3 March 1969.

5. From unpublished data of a contractor's six-month survey during 1968 of water usage rates at both installations.

6. "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," American Public Health Assn. , Inc., N.Y. 12;th Edition, 1965.

7. James, G. V., Water Treatmen!, Darien Press, Ltd. Edinburgh, p 193, 1966.

8. Mohanrao, op. cit., pp 190-198.

9. "Rules and Classifications and Standards of Quality and Purity for Waters of New York State," N. 1. Public Health Law, Chapter 490, Article 12. (Adopted by the N.Y. Water Pollution Control Board)

10. McKee, Jack Edward, and Wolf, Harold w., Water Quality Criteri<~, State Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento, California, No. 3A., pp 31-32, 1963:

11. Kemp, Lowell E., et aI, Biology of Water Pollution, U. S. Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, pp 150-152, 1967.

12. Nimerow, Nelson Leonard, Theories and Practices of Industrial Haste Treatment, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., pp Ih3-149, 1963.

13. Standard Methods, op. cit. pp 515.

14. Pollution Studies, Phase I, Seetion II, "Elimination of Presently Defined Toxic Chemicals," Common Bleach Studies, 31 March 1969.


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 BI F 008 B 00624 1-70-101" ::» t L I( t I I I - . - - -

Section I, Ta,sk 34


Industrial Waste Characteristics

Tables i-I and A-2 list separately the characteristics of the effluents from each of the contractor's two facilities, BH and LP.


TO P IS E eRE T"---I __ ------"

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Table i-I

Industrial Waste Characteristics of Samples from BH

SBmEle No.- .! ~ 1 t, 6 ']A llA ~ 4A L ~ l2A ~ ~

Manhole 1/2 Manhole #1 Manhole 12 Sampling - Source I Pipe Bottan Pipe Botta. Trou~h Botta.

- Date Jan. 29 Feb. 4 Mar. l? May II Feb. 26 Mar. 5 Feb. 4 Mar. l? May II Feb. 26 liar. 5 - Time 4: 30 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 1'1:00 a.m. 4 :20 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:20 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 4:20 a.lII. 4:30 a.lII. 8:00 p.m. 9:25 a.a. 4:30 a ....

Temperature (OF) 61 73 71 71 68 68 75 70 56 70 68 74 71 58 pH (e 70°F) 7.54 7.95 7.&2 8.16 10.32 9.31 10.35 7.49 7.98 10.03 9.51 10.06 7.91 7.95 Alkalinity

lI(to pH = 8.3 54 55 16 45 Alkalinity

(to r = 4.5) 12 l2 32 25 -168 250 194 22 12 54 94 150 12 10 ACidity

(to pH = 8.3 0.28 0.08 0.20 0.04 None None Color Colorless Pale Colorless Pale Yellow' Dark YellOW' Pa.le Colorless Yell"" YellOW' YellOW" Slightly Colorless

Yellow YellOloT Yellow YellOW" Wbite Clarity Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Slightly Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear

Cloudy BOD 830 130 280 68 320 80 <j:, 19 COD 2,820 16,200 410 105 985 17,200 150 45

;t> Solids - Total 10,770 4,340 1,000 360 3,860 3,670 380 230 I - Volatile 1,420 1,530 480 90 650 770 150 80

w - Total SUBpended 230 20 100 10 90 20 10 10 W Volatile Suspended 60 10 80 10 10 10 10 10

Oi Is and Grease 80 23 420 40 80 4 90 20 Phosphate (PC

4) 29.0 23.7 20.7 1.0 11.0 17.7 2.9 1.1

Flash PoL'1t None None None None None None None None Copper 1Cu

) 0.4 9.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.2 Ni ekel Ni) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.3 Iron ~Fe) 6.0 1.5 1.5 2.5 5.0 40.0 5.6 5.0 0.7 0.6 15.0 3.0 2.5 0.4 Lead Pb) 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Chromium (&) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (b)( 1 ) Cyanide 1CN

) 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.24 0.01 Phenols C6H<OH) 0.68 O.ll 0.09 0.05 1.00 0.09 None 0.05 (b)(3) Ca.dni.ium (Cd) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 o .? 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0,1 Z,inc (Zn) 0.4 0.4 0.3 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 CD 'rin (Sn) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Ul

:!ot0;, : Best condition--j_ Average Condition -1---- Worst Conditions -I Average Best 1---- Worst Conditions ---I CD ..., (b)( 1 )

Average Best () I Condition Comiition Condition Condition c+ 0

S ::z:: I»

(b)(3) (Non-!>!lssion, (Han-Mission. Testing) (Mission, (Mission) (Mission, (Non-Mission, (NO:l_ (Mission, (Mission) (MiSSion, (Non- (Non.- 1-" 0

" " T:n testing) 1 'Dalton) 0 CD ri- o. 2 Daltons) Test.ing) ) Missioll, 1 Dalton) 2 Daltons) M.ission, Mission, ::s I --, 1;0 Testing) Testing) No Testing) 0 I'D t:Jj

Other i!ctes: AU '" . ~es are in ppn (parts per million) W11ess stated otherwise. H I < Alkn. ~iJ:i ty and values expressed in PJlIl CaCO • '" 0 en

'< ... D~s!:e: ::.c:!..."). c:;!,:'.:..:l ::c".:. o::llilab12. 3 0

'" :1. D. stands for riot detec~ed ; or less than 0.01 f--3 0'. ri- CD

p!'ll. Pl I\) I'D 3 -< en +:-

0 ~ '" I

" H

> l.V I "< :z +:-- ----.l

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Table ";-2

Industrial Waste Characteristics of Samples from LP

Sample No. .2 ~ .!1 §! ~ 2 lOA.

Sampling Date Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Feb. 4 Mar. 5 May 11 Feb. 4 May U Sampling Time 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:45 a.m. 5:15 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

Tempe;-atUre (OF) 100 83 99.5 76 106 96 100 pH (at 70°F) 8.51 9.45 8.20 8.11 8.26 8.69 8.67 Alkalinity (to pH = 8. 3#) 0 3 10

(to pH = 4.5#) 12 16 8 8 8 76 200 ACidity (to pH = 8.3#) None None Color Pale Yellow Pale Yellaw Colorless Colorress Colorless Colorless Pale Green Clarity Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear BOD 19 10 2 820 COD 265 10 19 33,000 Solids - Total 460 160 170 6,790

- Volatile 170 50 150 1960 - Total suspended 10 10, la 20 - Volatile suspended 10 10 10 10

Oi 1 s and greas e 35 20 22 10 Phosphate (P0

4) 0.9 1.9 1.2 187

F-lash point Non~ None None None Copper (eu) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.5 1.5 1.0 Nickel (Ni) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.,3 0.8 0.3 0.6 Iron (Fe) 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.8 3.0 3.0 5.0 Lead 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Chromi tml (Cr) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cyanide ~ CN) 0.03 0.01 0.24 0.01 Phenols ~H5HO) None 0.05 N.D. 0.07 Cadmium ( ) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

(b)( 1 ) Zinc ~znl 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 Tin Sn 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

S ::J: (b)(3) ".

::l ::l

Notes: Average Best Worst Condition Condition Condition

(Misc. testing) (Downtime) (Grafton) .. a.. .., ell 0

< en

". '< II> - to ell -< 3

Other Note s: All samples taken fran clean-out valve near Column 17 (Figure 2). All values are in ppn (parts per million), unless stated otherwise. #: ;Alkalinity/acidity as PJII! CaC0


Dashes mean data not available. means less than.

N.D. - Not dete-ctea., or less tnan 0.01 ppn

0 2 ::l ~

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This appendix contains a reproduction of FINAL REPORT on

"Study of Pollution Contribution from Processing Activities,"

Contract EK-1904, Task 34, Section VII, 3 March 1969. This

report was published 21 April 1969.


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l (b)( 1 )

TOF' SECRET! _ 61 F-008-B-00624-1-70- (b)(3)




TASK (from Study Plan)


l. Chemical Usage

2. BOD/COD Load

3. Processing Solution Volumes

4. Water Usage and Dilution Ratio

5. Systems

6. Ammonium

7. Dowicide









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Section VII, Task 34
















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I l (b)(1) ~TO~f""· ...c;5rFE-F!C~R":';ET~ BI F-OOB-B-00624-1-70- (b)(3)

Section VII, Task 34



Chemical Usage and Pollution at Bridgehead 7

Processing Solution Volumes - 1968

Water Usage and Dilution Ratios


TOI? 51iCRET L.I __ _

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Section VII, Task 34


A survey was made of the types and amounts of photographic chemicals

used as well as department water-usage rates and volume::> for black-and-white

mission and testing activity at Bridgehead during 1968. From these data,

the pollution problem has been characterized.

Developers constituted 71. CP/o of the volume of processing effluent at

Bridgehead -- exclusive of rinse waters. Fixers and arrest baths accounted

for 16.5% and 11. 5%, respectively*. Under typical mission conditions,

about 2300 gallons of processing solutions are prepared, used, and sewered

each 24-hour day. The worst condition observed in 1968 was for a 13-·day

period when an average of 2500 gallons were used each day.

Department water-usage rates vary from 1600 to 4600 gallons per hour;

the peak rate is observed on the "A" shift during testing activities be­

tween missions. Water usage rates constitute a reliable indication of

mission activities, however, only when observed hour-by-hour. About 14.7

million gallons of water was used by the departmeBt in- 1968. The dilution

factor (ratio of water volume to processing effluent) averaged about 33

and ranged from 13 to 55.

Recommendations are:

a. Reduce and/or control the discharge of "tQxic" chromic:

acid cleaner solution.

b. Study arrest replenisher rates or water cut-off (without

use of arrest bath) to further reduce pollution.

* The other 1. CP/o "as made up of miscellaneous chemical solutions.


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Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECAiT] J BI F-OOB-B-oo624-1-70-

SUBJECT: Study of Pollution Contribution From Processing Activities


A. Determine Processing Solution Usage For:

1. Non-mission processing.

2. Machine checkout.

3. Pre-mission checkout.

Section VII, Task Ji.!

B. Determine Cleaning Solution Usage for Cleaning Processors. Consideration

will be given to the concentration and possible effects of the chromium ion

contained in waste cleaning solutions.


1. Pre-mission.

2. Post-mission.

3. other cleaning.

Study Pollution Contribution From Versamats and Other Small Processors In House


1. Chemical Usage

a. Earlier pollution reportsl

,2 list the processing chemicals

used and machine replenisher rates for 1956 at Bridgehe8.d. More recent data

for black-and-white processing were obtained in a survey of make-up E:heets

from the chemical mix room. These data, shown in Table 1, represent actual

chemicals used and s'ewered for testing and pruduct-ien during 1968. b. Over 335 tons of 19 different ch~nicals were used at Bridge­

head during 1968. This tonnage is a significaIlt reduction from the quantity

used two years earlier (1966 usage was nearly 600 tons), when pollution

abatement began with a study and subsequent read,j ustmeBt C)f replenisher rates.

As the annual water. usage for 1968 was 14.7 million gallons, the solids content

in the department's effluent for that year avera.ge 0.L,·6 lb. per gallon

(55,000 ppm or 5.5% by weight).

2. BOD/COD Load

a. Currently, the degree of water pollution is generally de-

termined by the quantity of oxygen required to ()xic1L:,i, r:onsti tuents of the

effluent. In a treatment center this oxygen demaucl (,:0) may be satisfied

either chemically as in chlorination, or biochemically, as by the bacteria in

an activated sludge system.· The degree of oxidation iE: not usually the same.

1 2 , See References.


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1 TOP SECRETI " 61 F-008-B-00624-r--7o-

Section VII, Task 34

The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of a pollutant is generally greater than the

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Because most large treatment centers use an

activated-sludge process, the BOD load of an effluent is generally involve~.

Unfortunately, the analytical procedure for determining BOD usually requires

a minimum of five days so that, whenever possible, pollution is evaluated by

means of COD tests. Analytical procedure for COD testing requires only one

to two hours.

b. In Table 1, the BOD and COD factors (f) are given for each of

the chemicals used. Multiplying the annual usage by this fa.ctor gives the

COD load or amount of pollution. During 1966 and 1968, the oxygen demand for

processing was 0.31 lb. of chemical oxygen (or 0.20 lb. of biochemical 0xygen)

for every pound of chemicals used. The amount of pollution in 1968 w'as about

35% lower than for 1966. c. Seventy-three to eighty-five percent of the pollution load in

1968 came from four chemicals:

Sodium thiosulfate (hypo) Sodium sulfite Acetic acid Diethylaminolthanol


~ Total DO


32 33 18 12 20 18 15 10

Ts 73

The balance of the pollution load comes from several other chemicals, most of

which are organic solids.

3. Processing Solution Volumes

a. Most of the chemicals sewered in 1968 ,,,ere dumped as used

developers, fixers, arrests, or dye removal baths. Half (about 51%) of the

total chemicals used were formulated in developers, about 41% in fixers, and

only about 8% in arrest and dye removal baths. Some 1.7 million liters

(450,000 gallons) of processing solutions were used for testing or mission

work, as shown in Table 2, Part A. About 71% of this total were developers,

and only 16.5% were fixers. These figures do not reflect potential re­

ductions in fixer, as hypo rejuvenation and re-use was employed only in­



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r r -Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582:----1

Table 1

Chemical Usage and Pollution at Bridgehead

Chemical Usage ~lbS'L COD Load pbS. of 02~ BOD Load&§:S. af O~ 12§§0 19 8 ill 19 6 19 8 ill 19 8

Sodium thiosulfat~ (HY}X)) h80,000 216,000 0·32 15h,OQO 69,000 0.20 96,000 43,200 Sad ium sulfi te 2/0,000 202,000 0.12 32,400 24,200 0.12 32,500 24,200 Sad,iwn meta-barate 145,000 13,200 ° 0 ° ° Sada ash 69,000 100,000 ° 0 ° ° ACetic acid 68,000 36,000 1.06 72,000 38,100 0·77 52, hOO 27,700 S::>diwn sulfate 51,000 3!f,000 0 0 0 ° P:ltassiwn alum 32,080 6,000 ° 0 ° ° Potassium l:>:rClmide 8,120 7,540 ° ° ° ° Arnmanium thiosulfate If,500 1.'62 7,300 0.36 1,620

td SadiQ~ isa-ascorbate '13,O00 6,400 0.81 10,500 5,200 0·29 3,TIO 1,850

I Sadiwn hydraxide 3,000 13,400 ° ° 0 ° --..;J Elan 16,000 7,200 1.86 29,800 13,400 0·90 14,400 6,500 Hydraquinane 13,000 5,200 1.89 24,400 9,800 1.1 14,300 5,720 Hexaethylcellu10se (2,000 ) 3,000 1.33 (2,660) 4,000 (1.33) (2,660) (4,000) Fhenidane 3,570 5,520 2.67 9,500 14,700 0.165 590 910 Diethylaminoethanol 10,.00" 7,hOO (2.37) (28, 70O) (21,200.) (2.87) (28,700) (21,200) SodiUJl bisulfate 2,500 0 0 0 0 Sulfuri c acid 720 0 0 0 0

. Sodilli'11 carbonate 50C: ° 0 0 0 (b)( 1 )

, 'l'OTALS: (lbs) 1,l83,690 071,)i80 .31 363,960 206,,900 ,20 225,320 136,900 (b)(3) OJ

(b)( 1 ) (tons) 592 336 182 103 113 68 (f} ."

(j) I 0

g %

(b)(3) ()

0 II> ci-~ :J f-'. CD .... 0..

( 0 I (3 - NotE: Values in parentheses ar2 estimates. td !II ::s

I < Dashes mean data not available. -< 0 en -. 0 '< :>; H

<II H G\ .... OJ I\)

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~ J-3 I 0 P' H ~ • CJ) I '< :z: :>;' --..;J

0 LD I ~

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BIF-OOB-B-oo624-1-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

Section VII, Task 34

b. The processing solutions required for a typical black-and-white

mission in 1968 are given in Table 2, Part B. Developers account for over 7CP!o

and fixers 19% of the combined processing effluents, which average 2300 gallon:::

per day for a 15-day period .

c. In 1969, when the rejuvenation and re-use of hypo is :in full

operation, developers should constitute 84% of. the processing solutions

prepared for each mission. HYPo and arrest combined, in about equal quan­

ti ties, will account for only 15%. The average daily volume of processint~

solutions (exclusive of rinse water) should drop slightly to about 2000

gallons per day (85 gallons per hour) during mission work.

d. The vwrst condition observed in 1968 was for a 13-day mission

during which some 120,750 liters of processing solutions were prepared, used,

and sewered, giving an average of 2500 gallons/day. The worst condition in

.1969 should. not exceed 3000 gallons of combined processing effluents.

4. Water Usage and Dilution Ratio

a. Water meter readings 1-rere taken twice daily throughout 1968.

Total department usage was 14.7 million gallons for processing, testing,

mix room, etc. An analysis was made of the data to determine how much usaf:,e

rates varied during the day, night, or over the weekend for both mission and

non-mission intervals. Significant differences in usage rates were observed.

as noted in Table 3.

b. The maximum rate occurs on non-mission days when there is

cqnsiderable in-house testing. From 4 PM to 8 AM daily and over weekends,

water usage is 1600 gph for non-mission periods and 2250 gph for mission

periods, an increase of 650 gph which is clearly discernable. If only daily

(24 hour interval) records are taken" the rates would be 2730 and 3120 gpb , respectively for non-mission and mission days. Thus, water usage rates a:r-::

v.alid indicators of mission activities if hourly checks are made on nightc;,

holidays, or weekends .. If only daily, weekly, or monthly data are obtainEd,

reliable correlation with missi0n activities would probably not be possible.

5. Systems Cleaner

a. During 1968, 3000 Ibs. of Kodak Developer ,systems Cleaner

was used within the department.

acid (NH2


H) and 35% potassium

romate contains 35.35% chromium,

This product is approximately 65% sulfamic

dichromate (K{r2


). As potassium dich­

some 370 Ibs. of chromium was sewered in


TOP !;ECRET[ Handle via BYEMAH Con t ro I System On I y

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s;; :::J :::J .... a. ., -o tlI

< en '< w <II .... tIJ ~ -< o~ :::J •

'< :z

b:I I


(b)(1)' (b)(3)

r-Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582L --,

Table 2

Processing Solution Volumes - 1968

I Part A: Annual Usage I Approx.

~ajor Cone. Constituents sh. 11 tersZYI..'

l. Deve lopers: Misc. organic & 4.0-120 inorg. chemicals (87 av) 1,21/,000

2. Fixes: Na2SZ03'5HZO 240 Na2S0) 15 300 283,000 HCZ H30Z 14

3· Arrest Bath: Na2S04 45 82 187,000 HCzH30Z 36

4. Dye-remo'rel Na2S04 l'~O 110 14,000

baths NaO:! 10

Annual Total: 1,701,000

IPart B: Miss1on* Conditions I 1968

Proce~sing Solutions Used



Fixer: Fresh: 22,500 Rejuv. 3,500



Dye-removal bath Total Used Total 1'\1xed

Combined Pr6cessin[, Effluent:

Total for ~1is~ion Daily AveraGe

100,500 liters



1 ')00 136:000 132,500

34,500 gallons 2,300 gallons/day

• Missison: 5 days (Oct. 12-17, 19b5) Ne;~ative footafce C'J") -4li,000 ft. !';',·:a~i·ip. !\'otar:e ("r;") -11,000 f't.





Volume Ballons ZY!:.'






9,400 16,600

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

So11d Content

~ fulii ~

71 232,000 51

16.5 187,000 41

11.5 33,700 7·3

1 3,30 0


1969 (Anticipated)

100,500 11 ters



1,500 136,000 119,400


30, 300 gallons 2,000 gallons/day


84. ';j,

Ul (j) ()

c+ 1-" 0 ::>

< H H

r-3 p:> U> :>;'

W +:-

r~ /


." I

0 0 00 I b:I I

0 0 0\ I\) +:-I H I ~ 0 I

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

i '-


I L..

r' L

r I I b.

r I


,. -

I 6.

I L.

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRET! ! BI F-OOB-B-oo624-r-7o- (b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

Section VII, Task 34

Table 3

Water Usage and Dilution Ratios

Department Usage:

1968 Total

Department Usage Rates:*

Daily (24-hour) average: Daily ( 8-hour), Nightly average:

Dilution Ratios

Best Conditions: (Mission; "An Shift)

Worst Conditions: (Mission; Weekends J Ntghts)

Yearly Average Condition:

14,710,000 gallons

Mission Non-Mission

3120 3800 2250




2730 4630 1600

Processi~ Effluent Usage Rate

85 to 125 gph 46)0) gph (2000 to 3000 gpd)

85 to 125 gph 1600 gph (2000 to 3000 gpd)

450,000 gallons 14 J 700,000 gal.

.. Based on a 6-month survey in 1.968.


Dilution Ratios -

37 to 55

1.3 to 19


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~ , I


i I

, I



\ I 6,.


I ...,.,

r -i 6..

r • I I




r -

r \ 6




Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TO' 5ECRET I 81 F-OOB-B-oo624-I-70-

Section VII, Task 34

1968 in the form of soluble salts. About half the value of this chromium 3 could be realized in a recovery system .

b. In a typical cleaning operation, 51 lbs. of Kodak Systems

Cleaner are used to prepare 400 gallons of cleaning solution. After cir­

culation throughout the equipment, during which time only part of the di.c­

romate is reduced to the trivalent state (Cr+++), the used solution is

sewered over a period of about five minutes. Occasionally, two 400-gallon

cleaner solutions may be dumped simultaneously, generally when the water

usage rate is at a minimum (at the end of a mission). At these times the

chromium salt concentration in the department effluent often approaches

5 g/l.

c. Chromium salts are cited as toxic in numerous water quality 4

standards . Their discharge into any natural outlet WGuld generally be '5 6 prohibited in concentrations exceeding 0.1 to 5.0 mg/l' . They are

generally considered to be "toxic" and "not amenable to treatment or re­

duction" by a city sewage treatment plant. Our usual technique of dumping

used systems cleaner solution to the sewer is also prohibited by the city's

Sewer Use Code under their definition of "slugging",7 .

6. Ammonium Salts. Ammonia and ammonIum salts presently constitute

a small part of the processing effluent. During 1968, about 4500 lbs. of

ammonium thiosulfate were sewered, cheifly as Type A Fixer from Versamats

or other small processors (see Table 1). The ammonia (~) or ammonium ion

(NH4+) in this effluent amounted to only 1100 lbs. annually at an average

concentration of about nine parts per million. The contribution to

pollution from Versamats and other small processors is therefore quite

small, compared to the total pollution load.

7. Dowicide G

a. Another "tGxic" constituent of our effluent is the organic

phosphorous bactericide solution "Dowicide G," also used at the end of each

mission. Some 25 grams of this product are used in a recirculating solutiun

for each Trenton and 6.7 ,grams per machine for the Dalton system. The

solutions are then drained to the sewer in 5-10 minutes.

3-7 See References.


TOP SECRE~ I Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

~ . I \










I I I \.-.,




Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TO,. seCRETI I BI F-OOB-B-oo624-1-70-

Section VII, Task 34

b. Organic phosphates vary greatly in toxicity and they affect

various aquatic life forms quite differently 8. The discharge of this

bactericide solution might also be subject to regulation, should the city

declare it "toxic" or "not amenable" to its treatment plant.

8' See References.


TOP SECft'E~ Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Handl e vi iI BYEMAH Con tro 1 System On 1 y

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)


, b

, I


: , ,




" , , I




L r ~

( ,


Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TO" SECRETI I BI F-OOB-B-oo624-1-70-(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

Section VII, Task 3L


8. We have an adequate description of the pollution problem for pro-

ceeding to further study under Sections I, IV and If to complete the Task.

9. Treatment capability recluirements for all department effluents

can be set at an average 42,000 gallons per day 'ifi th peak load capability

at 100,000 gallons per day.

10. Treatment 0f chemical solutions only (excluding rinse waters)

requires capacity f0r an average of only 2,500 gallons J'ler day -- peak load

5,000 galjper/day.

11. Storage systems for effluents appear to be the logical choice in

a treatment facility for the department. It would best protect the security

'of our operations by subtending the cyclic "clue" of mission opera.tions.

12. Toxicity is better defined by this study than it is in municipal

ordinances or codes. This may become a problem, but we can design a system

to eliminate the dangerous chemicals, or reduce their concentrations to an

innocuous level.

l~. It should be feasible to avoid some treatment problems by elim­

inating or reducing uildesireable chemicals. As cases in point:

a. A sUbst'itute fGlrmula for the Kodak (dichromate) Systems



re-use methods.

Reduced use of the arrest bath, by either water cut-off or



TOP SiCRiTI '------~

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582~

Handl e vi it BYEMAN Control System Onl y

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

· , ,

, -


. ~

I L.

r I



I 6,

( -


Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582 TOP SECRETI I BI F-OOB-B-oo624-I-70-

Section VII, Task 3L!


14. Reduce pollution treatment requirements by minimizing the number

and amount of objectionable (especially'highly toxic) chemicals. Of most

immediate concern is the concentration of chromium ion, and a substitute

cleaning solution such as ch10rinated trisodium phosphate may solve this

problem. If an acceptable substitute cannot be found, the used Kodak

Systems Cleaner should at least be stored, and re-used, until its eleaning

powers are virtually spent.

15. Employ storage systems in general, for all chemical effluent,

to avoid cyclic "clues" as to the nature of our oper8.tions.

16. Defer decisions as to total treatment of all effluent ve:('sus

treatment of chemical solutions excluding rinse waters. When the studies

under this task are complete, a more valid choice will be p0ssible .


TOP SECRET "---I ~~_

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Hand1 e vi a BYEMAN Control System Only

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(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)

, ~ \


,- .



r .




:' .

, -






Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

TOP SECRiT1,---1 __ BIF-OOB- B-00624-I-70- (b)(1) (b)(3)

Section VII, Task 34


1. Task 34 STUDY PLAN, "Water Pollution and Operational Security," Contract EG-400, 5 June 1967.

2. Task 34 FIRST QUARTER FY-68 HEPORT, Contract EG-400, 20 September 1967.

3. Watson, Channon, Greer and Armstrong, Sewage and Industrial Wastes Vol. 25. No.8, pp 921-937, August 1953.

4. McKee and W91f, Water Quality Criteria, State Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento, California, No. 3A, p 163, 1963.

5. Ibid, pp 417-421.

6. "Hules and Classifications and Standards of Quality and Purity for Water's' 'o'f NYS," NY Water Resources Commission, Chapter 4·90 of Laws of 1961.

7. Sewer Use Code, Code of the City of Hochester, Chapter 97.

8. McKee and Wolf, op. cit., P 381.


Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(b)(1 )" (b)(3)



. "


L (


Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582l B I F 008 B 00624 I 70 lUI" :JttKtll - - - - - -



Tables C-l through c-8 list the conditions and results of

the eight test runs conducted during the alkaline chlorination

pilot studies. See paragraph 11 under DISCUSSION (page 6:i).


TOP SECRETi "--------~

Hand) e vi ,3 BYEMAN Control System" Only

_______________ -----'Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

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(") I I\)

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)








90 120

150 180









. Time

IiiiIiiI o







90 105



150 180









. Rate






~ Run No. 1 Using Type A Effluent as Feed

70 13.6


120 13.5

125 13.6


127 13.4

120 13.5




80-120 13.5


Reading Total


10 17

< 10 <17

~ Run Bo. 2 Ueing.Type A Effluent as Feed










80 7.20


100 7·9


Reading Total

=m= I!§





Table C-3





Run 80. 3 Using Type A Effluent &s Feed






















Reading Total

=m= I!§ ~ 1.0 1.7 530


2.0 3.4

3.0 5.1

4.0 6.8



Foaming; "Foamex" added to retard foaming

Dark floating solids

Shut dO\m ,overnight


ciear, amber color.

Foamex a4ded

Yellow-green solvent

Cle~r, amber saIn.

Dark, clear

Red-brown soln.

Yellpv, clear



Time Rate

\miriT (lbs/hr)

o 1.0




90 120










390 420



Time Rate

(min) (lbs/hr)

o 3






90 105










IffiI o



Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

Table c-4 Run No. 4 Using Type A Etflue.nt as Feed

J:IT:: 70 13.1

88· 12.8

92 12.8


102 12.8

108 12.5

110 12.3



114 12.5













Reading Total

=m= I!§ 3.4


3.0 5.1


4.0 6.8 C40

Table C-5

Run Ro. 5 Using 'I)'pe A E:rnuent as Feed

::::n::r::: 84

94 100























Reading Total.

::m:::: IffiI ~ 1.0 1.7 530


2.0 3.4

3.0 5.1 C40

4.0 6.8

<40 5.0 8.5

6.0 10.2


8.0 13.6

Amber, clear

Red, clear.

Amber, clear


. Amber, some ppt.




Clear J amber color

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)



...., I o o aJ I b:J I o o 0'\ I\)

-I="" I H I

-.J o I

g; ::J ::J ,.0.. d t'D


o I



~ o


30 45 60 75 90

105 120 135 165 180 '195 210 225 240 255 270 285 360 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420



(b)(1) 45 60

(b)(3) 75

90 105












Chlorination Rate

~ 3.0






Chlorination Rate Clz ~~



f -- __ --., ~- -, ,--- -...".-- r-- D rr---(j Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582

r r

~ Run No. 6 Using Type B Effluent ,85 Feed

Caustic Notes Table c-8

Reading Total Run No. 8 Using Ferri/Ferro Cyanide Bleach as Feed



115 120

132 135

12.8 13.2 12.9 12.5 12.3 8.6 7·8

H.2 12.3 12.4 12.'3 12.3 12.3 12.1 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.5

=rrc ~ 1.0 1. 7

2.0 3.4

3.0 5.1

5.0 6.0 10.3

7.0 11.9

7.75 13.2

12.5 21.3·

13 22.2

14 23.8

Table C-7

~ 600

< 40


Caustic rate: 23 cc/min.

Caustic rate: 24 cc/min.

Caustic rate: 27 cc/m~n.

<40 Caustic rate: 27 cc/min.









90 105


















80 13+

90 100





116 12.3












Run No.7 Using Ferri/Ferro Cyanide . Bleach as Feed





u8 126
















12.8 12.7










Caustic Reading Total

=rrc \IbsT

















12.4 Caustic rate: 27 cc/mm

145 11.0 Caustic rat"e: 27.cc/rrrrn

50 10.0 Caustic rate: 27 cc/mm

5·7 Caustic rate: 27 cc/rmn

3.0 Caustic rate: 27 cc/mm

0.8 Caustic rat.e: 27 cc/mrn

Approved for Release: 2018/06/25 C05039582


Reading Total

---m-:- \IbsT 1.0














242 13.0

175 12.6






Light blue

Red ppt.

Extrapolated values to complete desh~uction of c·yanide .

(b)( 1 ) (b)(3)


" I a a ex> I b:J I o o G, f\) .(::"""


--.J o I
